#smol bean andrew
lizzardson · 2 months
trying to reread aftg is excruciating because kindle saved all the old notes I made the first time I read the series in 2015 when I was like 13 years old. i called andrew minyard a smol bean
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antebellumite · 11 months
president of the united states abraham lincoln is a blorbo. henry clay is a babygirl that's occasionally woobie. jcc is poor little meow meow. daniel webster is a comfort character. stephen douglas is scrunkle scrimble spoingle skrungle scruble or something. so is william seward and anyone else under five-feet six inches. benjamin brown french is glup shitto. i'm sure that somewhere out there is a cinnamon roll smol bean in the antebellumn period but they definately aren't involved in politics. jefferson davis, james buchanan, martin van buren, and the weed man are all plinko. and andrew jackson is wife stinky bastard man kin beloved husbando waifu eeby deeby mipy and what did i just type out.
i hope this clears things up!
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OMG YES THENK YOU (from this ask game)
What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Look, I know why you asked this one & I’ll give you the answer you’re expecting, because it’s the truth.
Garak. I used to be much, much more interested in him & now I barely care. It is incredible how different fanon Garak is from canon Garak - he’s almost unrecognisable, in fact - & I’m not sure exactly why people aren’t interested in canon Garak. Do we really need yet another sad old man who did nothing wrong & has bad self-esteem? Why not engage with what the show gave us, which is a torturer who is nostalgic of the days when he had power over people he still thinks of as inferior to him (see the Bajoran conference he goes to, which I am tired of seeing used a funny joke: it isn’t funny), and who has to contend with what he did while living in new circumstances? Isn’t his journey from season 1 Garak to season 7 Garak much more interesting then?
It’s okay to not want to write about some things, for all sorts of reasons. It’s okay. What I find grating is when a general refusal to engage with certain themes ends up twisting a compelling character into a bland cardboard cutout. And it becomes downright offensive when people start joking around about torture or about Garak’s attitude towards Bajorans & the occupation of Bajor. I cannot stress this enough: Garak isn’t a poor smol bean who’s never done anything wrong! He is a dangerous man who is also a bigot & who has done & still does terrible things!
I follow a few people who have takes about Garak that I find genuinely compelling but otherwise I’ve been really put off by the general attitude about him. He is not what fandom makes him out to be. He just isn’t.
I happily rewatch The Wire though. If I pretend I never read any of those posts, I enjoy it immensely.
Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
“Ben Sisko is a difficult character to write”. This is not true. Ben Sisko is as difficult to write as any other character you’ve never written before, & once you sit down & actually do it you’ll find that he’s as easy to write as any other character you’ve learned to write.
Worst part of fanon
The way in which Garashir scenes have been so overinflated that they take up all the space in fanon - which they do not in canon.
I’ll explain. Looking at the fandom (which, because of the sheer size of Garashir, is barely distinguishable from it) you’d think that Garashir interact a lot more than they do. The way people talk about the show warps the actual space Garak & Bashir take up in it, to the point where the inner main cast (which I consider to be Ben Sisko, Kira Nerys & Jadzia Dax) take up an almost secondary role. I’ll point out here that while Alexander Siddig is part of the main cast (Julian Bashir being, to me, part of the outer main cast), Andrew Robinson is a guest star on DS9 & that Garak has less interactions with Bashir than Sisko does. Which - of course he does!
I don’t like the way DS9 has become “the gay lizard show” because it literally isn’t, & I wish that the entire main arcs of the show (Bajor, the Dominion War, the Emissary arc) weren’t completely sidelined by fanon.
I’m thinking of those geography maps where each country’s size is determined by population & where some countries look bloated while others are all tiny and pinched together - that’s what I mean. Some parts of canon (the Garashir parts) are huge in fanon while the rest is all tiny & all but disappears.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Amsha Bashir. She is unpopular because people don’t understand her.
AMSHA: You don't know. You've never had a child. You don't know what it's like to watch your son. To watch him fall a little further behind every day. You know he's trying, but something's holding him back. You don't know what it's like to stay up every night worrying that maybe it's your fault. Maybe you did something wrong during the pregnancy, maybe you weren't careful enough, or maybe there's something wrong with you. Maybe you passed on a genetic defect without even knowing it. 
AMSHA: No, this is important. You can condemn us for what we did. You can say it's illegal or immoral or whatever you want to say, but you have to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed, but because you were our son and we loved you. 
I’ve seen a lot of people explain why this is her trying to manipulate Julian or attempting to shift the blame away from herself, but I don’t see why we’re trying so hard to explain why this can’t be what she honestly believes - doesn’t it make sense that she, as a mother, would think this way? React this way? Why can’t this be the truth? Things are complicated. They often are.
By trying to simplify Julian’s feelings about her (because I do think that he genuinely loves his mother!) we’re denying Amsha the space to have conflicted feelings about what she & her husband did & what led them to such drastic action.  Presumably they didn’t just wake up one day & decided to have their son augmented, so how did that happen? How did they hear of it, who helped them organise it, who helped them with the forged school files?
I am not saying that what they did was good. I am saying that Amsha is a more complex character than people give her credit for, & I think it's a shame that a lot of people don't see that.
you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Weyoun jokes. Specifically the ones referencing the fact that they’re clones & that imply that they’re basically all interchangeable, & that violence basically has no impact on any of them. I don’t know why people like those posts - they’re gross, they’re always weird, & they’re not even funny! Think about what you’re saying when you reblog/post these!
there should be more of this type of fic/art
There should be more Ben Sisko/Kasidy Yates fic & there should be more Ben Sisko/Kasidy Yates art. These two are a canon couple. There are 98 fics in their AO3 tag. Ben Sisko is the only Trek captain to have gotten married onscreen & yet - but then I suppose, given that out of 12,590 works in the DS9 tag, there are less than 700 works that center a romantic/sexual relationship involving Ben Sisko, the literal main character of the show, it makes sense. *sigh emoji*
it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
… Bajor. An almost unlimited sandbox in itself because we know next to nothing about it - about its history, its culture(s), its geography, its politics, its language - & yet Bajoran worldbuilding is much harder to come by than Cardassian worldbuilding. Even Bajoran faith(s?) is only sketched out in the show - there is so much to be said here! & so many different ways to go about it. Bajor is one of the show’s main characters!
“Post-Canon Cardassia” is a canonical tag on AO3, but “Post-Canon Bajor” isn’t - typing “post-canon bajor” on AO3 conjures up a grand total of 59 works, against 506 in the “post-canon Cardassia” tag. The prevalence of Garashir fics is probably part of it, but ever since the show aired there seems to have been a bias towards Cardassia among fans (see the producers asking the writers to stop writing episodes about Bajor because they weren’t doing well with the fans). Now, we know that this is a thing & there is an easy way to fix it: get interested in Bajor! Think about it, write about it. You can literally make shit up. It’s fun! I promise!
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angelthemanspanker · 3 months
7 for the ask game
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I feel like it has to be Jonathan, who I've dissed before in this ask game sorry guy. I never cared about him much outside of enjoying his role as the generic Sunnydale High student who shit happened to in the background. Then Superstar had him bug me, and then Season 6 had him aggravate me, and Season 7 had me just exhausted at him and Andrew coming back. I didn't hate him though solely bc I didn't care enough about him (and Andrew drew a lot more of my ire on first watch bc I'm mlm-ish and he was our only queer guy and he was insufferable to me which hurt personally), but hate bloomed later after the nth post I saw about how the Scoobies should've adopted him into the gang after Superstar/Season 6 and the more I saw and disagreed with that idea the more he started to piss me off on sight lmao. I just resent the idea that bc he's a Smol Bean Who Make A Sad Face that the gang should have to treat him with kiddy gloves after shit like magically stealing Buffy's life from her basically and having sex with women who, not to be a dick, probably were not going for him in normal reality, or the infamous Wait Mind Controlling A Woman Into Sex Is Rape? followed by him looking just so horrified by that shocking revelation. poor baby. He's an adult ftr and he needed the woman he helped kidnap explain this to him. Katrina's dead btw. Look how sad Jonathan is about it :(
Thanks for the ask 🙌
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willowmcplier · 1 year
Jacksepticegos Zombocalypse AU thoughts
Been working on this draft on and off for a few years, finally posting it to rid it from my brain
Sean McLoughlin- 32 years old
Personality: Diplomatic, fair, kind
Story: Sean created the group together with Chase and Jackie when the virus first spread. Immune to the infection. Mysteriously went missing 6 months before Anti’s recruitment
Time Spent with Group: 6 years
Specialty: Diplomacy
Weapon of Choice: None/Machete
Chase Brody - Oldest of the group at 32 years
Personality: Calm and collected. Tough but fair. Cold and calculating. Does what needs to be done.
Story: Wife Stacy was bitten, had to watch her turn. Has been a shell of himself ever since. He only really feels able to open up to Sean and Jackie, the group they’ve formed his only respite in these difficult times. Has taken a leadership position whilst Sean is missing
Time Spent with Group: 6 years
Specialty: Sharpshooter
Weapon of Choice: Pistol
Jackieboy Man (Jackie/Jack Manning) - 30 years old
Personality: Ubbeat but gruff. Always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on. Fiercely loyal. Heroic
Story: One of the founding members of the group. Second in command and best friend to Chase. Unofficial group dad
Time Spent with Group: 6 years
Specialty: Melee Combat
Weapon of Choice: Spiked Metal bat
Henrik Von Schneeplestein (Henrik/Henry) - 31 years old
Personality: Eccentric. Wary of Chase’s ruthlessness
Story: Joined the group soon after its creation. Frequently patches up his groupmates, grumbling all the way
Time Spent with Group: 5 years
Specialty: Medic
Weapon of Choice: Syringe
Jameson Jackson (Jamie) - 22 years old
Personality: Quiet, affectionate, trusting, naïve
Story: Can speak, but usually chooses not to. Found in a secret base room of a house when Andrew got separated from the group one night.
Time Spent with Group: 2 months
Specialty: smol bean man
Weapon of Choice: Crowbar
‘Anti’ (Andy/Andrew Robberts) - 21 years old
Personality: Distant and cold. Takes a long time to warm up to new people. Prankster. Fiercely loyal.
Story: Found after parents were killed. Later infected whilst protecting Marvin during an unexpected zombie encounter
Time Spent with Group: 3 years
Specialty: Melee Combat
Weapon of Choice: Knife
Marvin Magna - 25 years old
Personality: Flamboyant, stubborn, protagonist energy
Story: Miraculously managed to reverse some of Andy’s infection and bring back his consciousness after he had fully turned.
Time Spent with Group: 1 year
Specialty: Jack of all trades
Weapon of Choice: b̵̢̉̏̔̍͆̿̆̈́͋͘l̶̨̝̦̜͇͍̯͎̳̬̍͋̇̆͐̒͘͠ǒ̵͚̯̪͓́̆̔̆͗̏̌̊͘̚͝o̴̤̹̠͎̞̰͈̼̜̯̯͍̜͇͖̊̀̀͒͒̒̃͒́̌ḑ̵̛̹̱̖̟̟̘̠̯̦̻̺͎̹̈́̇̏̎͆̏̈́̆̐͌̆̃̊̃͗̕ͅ ̴̛̰͋̀͗͌͊m̶̨̨̢̛̬͚̗̻̟͉͔͉̮̳̞̦̔͌́͛̄ͅa̶̛͔͎̜̙̱̯͚͖̗̖͍̙̫̞̦̾͊̅̓̃̀͗͑̒̍̈́͘̕͝ͅg̷̢̹͍̦͔̳̠͖̭̝̋̄̋͒̽̈́̅̆̏ï̵̯̹̰̦̞̝͍̺̲̤̗̳̫̽̍͋̀̇̄̽̍́̀̍͛̚̕͝͠ͅͅͅĉ̵̨̺̬̑͌̋̓̈͝ Improvised melee
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trustglobe · 2 years
Allison reynolds foxhole court
DOWNLOAD NOW Allison reynolds foxhole court
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All For The Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic Natalie Renee Walker, Kevin Day, Allison Jamaica Reynolds, Neil Abram Josten, Danielle Leigh Wilds, Nicholas Estaban Hemmick.
The Foxhole Court (book 1 of the All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic) The Foxhole Court ( Palmetto State University 's Exy stadium) Categories. The Foxhole Court - A not so serious analysis j Virgo and Sagittarius are my favourite quotes here aftg tfc the signs as the foxhole court all for the game series andrew minyard neil josten renee walker nicky hemmick kevin day david wymack allison reynolds dan wilds aaron minyard seth gordon matt boyd nora sakavic the kings men the raven king aries taurus gemini. See more ideas about emma carstairs, allison, the dark artifices. today i offer you: aftg but they’re playing among us. Explore romweasley's board 'Foxhole Court Allison', followed by 1,540 people on Pinterest. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.Īftg the foxhole court andrew minyard neil josten all for the game tfc allison reynolds kevin day matt boyd jean moreau incorrect aftg.Īndrew has his own board w Andreil/Kandrew/Kandreil and other dynams because I love him the most. all for the game aaron minyardandrew minyardjean moreaureene walker the foxhole court david wymack>etcneil jostennicky hemmickallison reynolds.
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Lieyes Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic the foxhole court - Freeform smol beans no smut yet but who knows Summary. Neil finds out that andrew is leaving palmetto after he graduates. All for the Game is a series of novels by author Nora Sakavic.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warningsĭo I have time for this? No.The series contains three novels, the last of which, The King’s Men, was self-published March 31, 2016. The novels follow the protagonist Neil Josten on the run from his father and his father’s people, as well as Neil’s, and his team’s (The Palmetto State Foxes) journey to make it to the exy championships. His roommate Matt Boyd, the team captain (and Matt’s girlfriend) Dan Wilds, Renee Walker, who Neil doesn’t know what to make of and avoids, and Allison and Seth, an on again and off again couple who Neil doesn’t really care for, or acknowledge. Sooo, there we go - a page by page analysis of "The Foxhole Court". #THE FOXHOLE COURT RENEE WALKER SERIES#īecause it would be disrespectful to the author and literally illegal, I'm not going to quote that much, but you can grab your own copy and if you dont have one - GET ONE! Also I would love this to be a group project, because there is a looooot content about AFTG out there and I have a very shitty memory.He's short, he's fast, he's got a ton of potentialand he's the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher. #THE FOXHOLE COURT RENEE WALKER ARCHIVE# Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team.
DOWNLOAD NOW Allison reynolds foxhole court
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no context, only andrew (smol bean) carnegie
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4ngleofsmalldeath · 13 days
reading son nefes and andrew's wearing a skull beanie. i know his emo ass would've loved tumblr and twenty one pilots and calling his favs smol beans
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frisslimbim · 3 years
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Drew something for @fortheloveofexy​ ‘s amazing fic California Blaze aka the Cass Roast of my dreams😭
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darlingbudsofrae · 3 years
Neil: Why would anyone think that Andrew is evil? He's the most precious soft little soul- he's so smol and adorable.
Andrew, in the background: **already threatening someone with a knife, a smile on his face**
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I can't believe Neil Josten is supposed to be 5'3" (if I did my math right). Like sure that might make him aerodynamic and fast still. That means Andrew and Aaron have to be even shorter because he isn't even the shortest on the team. How has he survived so long being that short???
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Just Imagine This Okay
So Tom was the world’s cutest kid right, and most kids tend to look like their family. With that being said am I the only one waiting for Tom to be dad one day, knowing that his kids will be the absolute cutest? Like just more adorable, hopefully caring smol beans just like their dad :)
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Be Kind - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader (Animal Kingdom)
@mandy23b​ @wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​ #mendotagsquad
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Andrew Cody + 65 -  “I don’t want you to stop” Requested by @mandy23b​
Author’s Note: Was Andrew also the last S/V I finished? Not that he’s the last I posted of either this or those! It’s cuz I really need to focus. Thank you for letting me talk through ideas for your own request Amanda. I know you saw the scenarios as separate, but I think I found a good way to meld them! 😁🙏💙 I hope you enjoy!!
I also hope that the GIF choice is satisfactory! 😉😉 This is the “Gratitude” of this request challenge - there is 12 lines of dialogue. That’s it!
Disclaimer: Animal Kingdom characters not mine / lyrics not mine / gifs not mine
Premise: Andrew’s never really been the affectionate one, this you know. But it’s starting to get worse, and you’re starting to second guess yourself...
Words: 2494
Warnings: N/A no I really mean it!
Wanna believe, wanna believe That you don't have a bad bone in your body But the bruises on your ego make you go wild, wild, wild, yeah Wanna believe, wanna believe That even when you're stone cold, you're sorry Tell me why you gotta be so out of your mind, yeah
I know you're chokin' on your fears Already told you I'm right here I will stay by your side every night
I know you need, I know you need The upper hand even when we aren't fighting 'Cause in the past, you had to prepare every time, yeah Don't wanna leave, don't wanna leave But if you're gonna fight then do it for me I know you're built to love, but broken now, so just try, yeah
I know it's hard for you, but it's not fair Going sick in the head tryna get you there And I know it's hard for you, but it's not fair It's not fair
I don't know why you hide from the one And close your eyes to the one Mess up and lie to the one that you love When you know you can cry to the one Always confide in the one You can be kind to the one that you love
The ride was quiet. These days that wasn’t unusual – especially as you and Andrew were the only ones in the car. He could pretend that he was concentrating on driving, and you could pretend you were analysing the job in your mind. Andrew had never really been one to celebrate your success quite like his brothers did, maybe they’d raise a small smile out of him; there’d be an element of ‘joy’ there somewhere and you could revel with them. If they weren’t in the other car heading home then at least they would deflect from the silence a little, even if your own cheer would have been half hearted. He pulled his car into your drive and waited a few moments before shutting the engine off. “Well. We’re home.” “Mhm.” You opened the car door pulling your keys from your pocket, the other boys would meet up with you later and then you’d figure out the split – but they left you and Andrew alone for anything they might assume you’d be doing. Just thinking on that as you unlocked your house made you scoff, as if this man would show you any kind of affection. You didn’t even look back at him as you opened the door and threw your keys onto the counter before taking off up the corridor dejectedly. Andrew closed the door behind him and watched you wander up to the bedroom without looking back. He tipped his head quizzically as you slipped through the door and quickly closed it without a sound. Seconds ticked by and became minutes and Andrew stayed by the door, still staring at the spot you’d disappeared from – listening to nothing but the ticking of the clock, he found himself frowning, maybe you’d be getting changed? Maybe you’d come back and join him – maybe you needed space. But he couldn’t imagine why. You never wanted space after a job, usually you wanted nothing more than to be as close to Andrew as possible. He blinked a few times, frown really setting in as he furrowed his eyebrows; not quite understanding, but knowing he probably didn’t grasp the complexity of emotions enough to ever fully comprehend the way you felt. Andrew took a breath and turned the opposite direction to you – you’d be back, he was sure about that. *** The problem was never the way Andrew was, you knew how he was. Andrew was unresponsive to most forms of affection you showed him. It was easier to wait for him to come to you – truthfully, just a brush against you was enough to know he cared. After all, Andrew was so meticulous you didn’t think he even knew how to do anything ‘accidently’. Usually when a job was over and you were still running an adrenaline high – happy that you’d been successful, and of course that both of you were safe, you liked you celebrate with him. Of course his version of celebration wasn’t to throw a party, but he would accept your happiness. You gave your love to him unconditionally – you didn’t expect much in return from him. After jobs was always a good time to sit with Andrew and cuddle him to you; maybe it was about making sure he really was okay; that you could feel his heartbeat, that if you squeezed him tight and he wasn’t wincing then he wasn’t hurt. That when you brushed your lips over his skin and ran your hands over him you could check for cuts and bruises – perhaps scars that weren’t healing. And whilst you were checking on him, you could also love on him. Andrew usually sat there and let you do whatever you wished; he didn’t stop you, he would hold you, sometimes he’d nuzzle gently against your warm skin, and if you were extremely lucky you might draw something akin to a delicate moan from his lips. But these things were only occasional – and only happened at the best of times. The past few jobs you’d been back from, Andrew hadn’t even wanted to put his arms around you, and more than once he’d simply slipped you from his lap and moved on elsewhere. You were trying not to let it get to you, but it was hard. You knew that his relationship experience was scarce, you knew that Andrew wasn’t wired like everyone else and you accepted that as part and parcel. You loved him anyway. If you were honest you weren’t sure you’d ever loved anyone the way you loved him. But it still hurt when he walked away. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t feel like he was slipping away from you – it was the thing you were most anxious of. You couldn’t lose him – and you didn’t know who he would be without you. It was getting to you now. You felt stupid for even thinking it, yet at the same time, he knew what he could be around you. When you were alone, and it was quiet in the middle of the night Andrew Cody could love you. He could say I love you and yet never need utter a word. His body fit so perfectly with yours that there was no way this could be wrong. He wasn’t who they said he was – but you were afraid that he was acting like it. Maybe you were too much for him. You would understand that, you supposed, if Andrew just said something about it. But he didn’t. If he told you to stop, you would – and you knew Andrew enough to know he was capable of doing so. Maybe as his partner you were supposed to read the signs, maybe he was too polite to tell you because of who you were. It didn’t make sense that he would let you keep doing it after that. Maybe Andrew was undecided – he didn’t know what he wanted. That would make sense, for someone who had never been in this situation enough to really understand himself in a relationship. Still, that communication would allow you to discover together – maybe a little bit of cuddling was okay, but over and over again was too much for his liking? And instead of wanting to tell you to stop he simply left you on the couch. Confusing you wasn’t going to help any situation. Confused and hurt, and maybe even upset – you didn’t want to call yourself angry… or jealous? Your concern was perhaps Andrew felt you were smothering him. His mother certainly did enough of that – and it left you uneasy that you recognised some of your behaviours in her. Andrew never seemed at ease when she was all over him – and you were second guessing if he was really comfortable with you, or if you only thought he was because you wanted him to be. What if he wasn’t? What if this was all your fault?  Still he never moved her, never ever, he just let Smurf carry on like it wasn’t an issue, even when it was blatantly obvious to you that it was. And she ignored his body language completely – the unease in his face, the tension cutting across his shoulders and keep his back near dead straight – usually you would have pointed it out, you used to point it out. Yet he was leaving you now and still letting her sit on him, arms around him for hours at a time. What happened Andrew…? Why can’t we be like that? What went wrong? What did I do wrong? All going to their house did now was leave you disheartened; seeing Smurf with him did nothing but pain you more. None of the questions you were asking yourself were good anymore – and you just couldn’t shut them out. Why bother giving Andrew any affection if he didn’t want it? Or was the real question why wouldn’t he let you love him? *** Andrew didn’t knock when he finally decided to wander back up to you. He’d given up sitting and waiting – staring at a blank television screen with nothing but his thoughts was no fun. Something was off, he knew that, and his concern for you compelled him to check in. He paused as soon as the door opened, tilting his head. You were sitting curled up on the bed, knees up, head tucked in, arms around yourself. For half a second Andrew was worried that you were crying; but he’d never seen you cry before. He didn’t think you’d start now – maybe you would, maybe you had been crying; as he listened it was clear that you weren’t anymore. He nudged the door closed with his foot and walked slowly towards you, eyes searching you for every sign you could give him about what was wrong.  Andrew sat beside you, but you didn’t move – not even when you could feel his eyes on you; possibly not quite as an intense stare as you were used to. You weren’t ready to raise your eyes to him yet. You heard him take a deep breath, and the way he shuffled to get more comfortable on the bed; his arm brushed yours – which was just about as significant as he could get. You’d only just reminded yourself; Andrew didn’t do accidental.   He drew his eyes around the room, as if the answers he sought might be here. Andrew knew better than that; he would only get solutions from you – so he settled them back on your form. “Y/N.” You lifted your head to him; looking more perplexed that he would even be here, than willing to talk to him. Andrew was relieved that you didn’t look upset – even more so that you didn’t seem to have been crying. All you gave him was silence, and he swallowed. “Talk to me.” Your eyes left his and you hugged your knees closer, resting your chin on them – you weren’t sure what you could say. Right now a million emotions were chasing themselves around your head, you didn’t want to talk at the moment that the wrong one was surfacing and get angry at him. You also didn’t want to show him that he could get to you; although you supposed it was fairly obvious by now. Faced with yet more silence Andrew tipped his head; talking wasn’t exactly his forte – but it seemed like he’d have to take the lead here. “You didn’t come and sit with me… you haven’t for the last couple of jobs we’ve worked. Why?” You noticed that ‘sit’ was the word he used, as if you’d just be sitting together like this. The bluntness of his words was fairly usual, yet they hit you differently today. Part of you wished he’d never asked. Did he not realise? You slid your knees down but still didn’t look at him. You couldn’t hold that stare for long; “You want me to stop. You can’t want me to do this, or you’d be more responsive.” Andrew drew back slightly, slow blinking. Is that what you thought? You knew him better than that, you must have known him better than that. “I just…” you opted to continue, with a shrug, “I wanted to give you space.” Andrew shook his head firmly, and his hand reached for yours. It might not have been PDA, but it was a deliberate display of affection and your eyes shot back to meet his. The blue was still intense, but the confused panic behind that beautiful colour was foreign; “I don’t want you to stop.” His voice remained firm, more like a command. You bit your lip, and despite the fact that you were fighting how upset you were, you laced your fingers with his – craving the intimacy Andrew was giving you. You held his hand tight – never wanting to let him go; “But it hurts, and I know it’s hard for you, but it just hurts…” He was never going to be the kind of man who treated you the same way you’d seen your friend’s boyfriends treat them. You knew that; but there was a difference between his stoic affections and not responding at all. And currently even Andrew must see that he’s the latter. “Do you not understand?” He leant forward, touching his forehead to yours, “You think I mind this? From you? I know you’ll respect my space when I need it…” His free hand cupped your face and he gently moved you to look into his eyes again, “What I get from you is exactly what I need. When I need it.” Andrew’s head dipped again, and his voice softened; “You know me. You know you know me.” “I know.” You agreed, “I just can’t lose you, Andrew. And sometimes I worry that I will.” His eyes searched yours in the elongated silence. You won’t stopped before it managed to leave his lips, because Andrew was once more trying to figure out the way your brain was processing his actions. Instead he said nothing, but you weren’t sure he really needed to. Andrew’s nonverbal’s were his better form of communication; and his thumb continued to brush over your cheek. “I’m-” He shook his head before you could say another word, hand moving from your face to your shoulder, pulling your body into his. You gasped, feeling your eyes begin to smart. Squeezing them firmly shut to stop tears from falling, you wound your arms around him and held him close, and so tight. Burying your face in Andrew’s neck you inhaled his scent and your fingers dug into his shirt, attempting to pull him into you as if it was possible for him to be closer. Andrew placed a hand to the back of your head, resting his head against yours you could feel his breaths cross your skin. You brought your legs up, sitting halfway on the bed and half on him as you snuggled further into his body, placing a single kiss to his collarbone. You wouldn’t put yourself all over him today – not until he asked it of you. Andrew let out a soft sound; akin to a laugh but as far as you could get from the real thing. His arms held you a little stronger than they had before, proving to you that he was here, that Andrew was just as invested in this embrace as you were. His breathing was relaxed, and there was no tension running through his body as you held him – Andrew had let his guard down with you, if only for a little. With you was the one place he could; the one place he allowed himself to. Here in your arms he could be comfortable and warm – and make sure that you were too. You shouldn’t have to worry. He’d never leave, Andrew couldn’t leave. Because he loved you… he loves you. More than anything. Even if he couldn’t say it; Andrew Cody was glad that sometimes, at least, he could show you. ---
9/16 - A’right! It’s countdown time!!
Thank you for reading! 💙
This man has served me pretty well since March, I have to say... And according to my draft forecast, you haven’t seen the last of him 😉
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honoraryfox · 5 years
Head canon that’s more canon than head:
At night Andrew spoons Neil even though that means he’ll get almost no sleep since he wakes up everytime Neil moves, but he does it anyway because Neil likes it and secretly he likes it.
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j-e-f-3-0 · 4 years
Important post every Police fan should see
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“The band was conscious about the political situation, so they did an amazing and energetic setlist for the public. The stage reached it’s zenith when the “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” first chords came out like any other since the 1976 dictatorship in Buenos Aires.”
“After 40 intense minutes, meanwhile Andy Summers was diving into the “Shadows in The Rain” chords, a girl in the middle of the euphoria, just for a minute, forgot everything about their rules and got up from her seat to reach the stage. Instantly, a police officer caught her and started to beat her, below the spot where Andy Summers was playing.”
“The guitarist noticed the situation, and without even stopping the performance, thrown his leg at the officer’s head with the rage of whose are fighting for their freedom”.
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h1seok · 5 years
Babies: *being funny and cute*
Me: Babies are ugly and useless.
Puppies and kittens: *being really really cute*
Me: Small animals don't affect me.
Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland and Andrew Scott: *smile*
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