hydesjackiespuddinpop · 7 months
Maya ships ranked
1. Lucaya (duh)
2. Rilaya (Sisters? *scoffs* Yeah right.)
3. Zaya (Zay is so shippable man)
4. Smaya (not my first choice but they could be cute! Plus they could end up being my gwikki *perks up*)
5. Mayarkle (Better as friends imo. The writers did the right thing having Farkle get over Rilaya)
6. Joshaya (Why would a sophomore in COLLEGE want to date a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL????)
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
Maya: I don't even wanna talk to her until I know she's gay.
Riley: Hmm...
Maya: Wait what are you d-
Riley: Hey Smackle, what lipstick are you wearing?
Smackle: Oh I don't wear lipstick. Just chapstick.
Riley: Oh, nice!
Riley, walking past Maya: Gay.
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choccos-aaart · 2 months
Sprite art practice
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Milky_Smiley :D
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Kamilla walking (front view)
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Nim and Carmen walking EarthBound-style xd
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A chair
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And a table
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choccos-database · 7 months
Fun facts about Kamilla
Ongoing and spoiler-less
Characters of inspiration:
Lloyd (MOTHER): Kamilla is a socially-inept nerd who's picked on by her coworkers and other groups she's associated with. Also a weakling and quite a sissy. Somehow optimistic.
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Beht (Spectrobes: Origins): A shady character that does illigal stuff to make a living. May be book-smart, but stupid nearly everywhere else.
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Queequeg (Moby-Dick): Sort of the "heir" to her mother's position in the workplace. Which she doesn't want for her life, so she takes any opportunity to get away. She's not the type to really care if she's "weird" compared to everyone else.
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Mike (GROUP 5): Of the few groups that she's part of, she is always near the bottom of the hierarchy. The world around her doesn’t seem to want anything good for her at all. Even so, she tries to keep going, even though not many people will miss her if she ever disappears.
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Jeena (Spectrobes series): Techician/Mechanic girl. Kinda a know-it-all. What can I say?
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Robin (Iconoclasts): (Also) A mechanic girl xD
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Shashi, her nephew: - To Shashi, she's basically like how Teddy is to Ninten in MOTHER - A bad influence, but also a good friend (and helper-of-homework)
Ruwei - Instant buddies - Their bond inspired by: Nana & Popo (Ice Climber), Quote & Curly (Cave Story), Rallen & Jeena (Spectrobes), Butobasu (Spectrobes), Simon & Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
Gemmen, Kiksi & Dee - [Later]
Mensa, Trippa & Colby, her nephew's best friends - [Later]
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from Tolkienesque forenames and the Ayleidoon language dictionary
Ababageave Abaggeamed Ableg Ables Abola Achaur Aculd Adacalmor Adool Aelebad Afext Afredisesta Agaia Againgold Agods Alasecale Alated Alatu Alent Alialwë Allencanor Alortion Amery Ammathos Amrititeron Analleist Ancommely Andir Andocil Anith Anthrontack Aphron Arand Arappos Aravioutwel Arazôn Arderear Ardlic Arfin Argensigin Arinar Arknond Arlallach Armorl Arosser Aruteleed Asilaran Astuarelr Atereador Aushor Avends Azagammal...
Baalf Bagalls Baging Balar Balega Basousire Begnuinga Begor Beles Belesses Belethor Belfher Berch Betatare Blassë Bleng Boath Bofexil Bolasio Bomen Boodrane Borielmo Bottlebinst Brect Brelly Brine Bucanith Buleill Burotn Cably Calgrield Caliveded Cancang Candir Canduglan Casel Cavar Caver Ceenduil Celcalion Cendóminows Centenard Ceyse Chmariling Chmorous Chomel Chousir Comely Cothro Cothronel Curung Cuvwxyz Cyroneng Dadaphedrel Danuing Danyarfas Davarial Deanya Defin Delka Denstë Denwë Derans Dercivided Derulë Diron Discril Disul Disver Domiande Dormod Dorms Dortheldorn Duingaited Dwiki Déaganwë Déawn Díriptimari Edguagen Ehlnatanus Ehlnentes Ehtath Eisummal Elcho Elemintin Elfhijklmo Elmory Emeren Emilandill Engas Essirieth Eting Exame Exilrola Extris Eyedir Eärecon Eärwelim Falebor Falwatur Farazond Ferdild Ferethelin Findarar Fisecaur Foara Foatta Folair Foria Formormo Frenialdo Frestë Frobar Fréage Gants Ganumbia Garing Garon Gastar Gastern Genses Ghtakin Ghtand Gicknor Gifin Gilower Gimeaviond Gimragas Giryon Gloggend Goldamro Goldave Golya Grang Greeda Grossit Gríancir Grímacil Guarpel Gummuns Gwateredicy Hadorie Haldawele Hamelds Hamies Hathen Hatted Heldildacur Herspagu Hesui Hirefand Hisup Homer Horder Horik Howena Hunaia Hypendo Húrilve Húring Ilron Impellorn Imron Imulwë Imuzzle Inamm Instion Irion Isnobis Iterrection Jarin Jarstorime Joiondon Kniel Kílin Labcdefan Lageceys Laleidrag Lancey Larlalas Larma Larmaláf Laryaty Lasea Lasinda Lasion Latacancts Latheor Lengual Letherod Limalin Limered Linend Lingulagatu Lizess Loadae Loammar Lognus Lored Lorolarrya Lorwea Loterd Luchow Lyeisveach Mably Magailip Maganden Maghtar Mahancrip Malimphavoy Malmord Manalas Mandamel Mandis Mansel Marel Maria Marinifuil Marthôr Matatater Mendoods Menena Merion Mersparë Mindorda Mined Miner Modefaling Morli Moronar Mírihaely Naddefoath Nander Natuold Niaratirout Nines Nontaraphel Nontarla Nophereawne Norianane Norotasta Nothrods Nothôn Nowilphil Numbi Nyandis Nyanown Objecrect Oblown Offinfol Offix Ordabulared Oringa Orions Osepen Ostine Ostion Ournagor Pagraselend Panuirry Pastrunabom Pealorin Pearn Peauglin Pelural Penimlite Perfind Phriellog Piukan Plais Plavoy Plumal Pokil Posed Posight Possivead Poweemnald Pregelmal Rationterel Raved Refghânbutu Relatana Relegel Reluirya Retteriën Ridor Rithend Rodenscrest Rumbis Ríman Saegondis Saurundrod Sclur Scome Scrind Secuvor Selessivey Selia Seluent Septs Shabarun Shielemed Sibladject Siderwent Sigaing Silimonling Siluma Singor Sitelfher Smaya Smentin Souglarman Sound Southly Sparcts Spattlemes Stret Suagoldo Sundo Suposmald Symply Tagalicest Talegar Tamatu Tants Taratin Tarinianna Tarmes Tarth Tated Telipt Tenytted Teriharmar Thectir Theron Thisis Thoster Throl Tiori Tontedly Trandia Trazogge Treded Trinks Tummagorsae Tuvoy Tworinduron Uglughtya Ultheon Umataramen Unbost Uncir Undorn Uneet Uneri Ungal Unúmer Uorannal Useneenne Vachan Valbervaian Valiarya Varaseen Varcil Vardam Vards Varfinas Varfinzimë Varibur Varinguen Vartholds Varthor Vartz Varve Veround Verstelber Vowlegols Watattless Wathavinyil Wathout Wayll Weadjecells Wendic Wendii Werfindori Worlyed Worod Yávinqueng Yávis Zilge Éommalavead Éoricient
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eurekadiario · 7 months
Islas Malvinas: Israel extraerá petróleo ilegalmente mediante su compañía Navitas Petroleum
La compañía israelí Navitas Petroleum anunció su megaproyecto para dar inicio a perforaciones en las Islas Malvinas, en la cuenca del norte, específicamente en el yacimiento León Marino. Con el objetivo de perforar 18 pozos para extraer 80.000 barriles de petróleo diarios a partir de 2024. La empresa no es un mero emprendimiento económico, sus directivos tienen estrechas relaciones con el Estado de Israel. El presidente de la compañía, Gideon Tadmor, tiene además el rango de mayor en las FFAA de Israel. El vicepresidente, Koby Katz, es el ex director general del Ministerio de Infraestructura del Estado sionista.
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Por medio de una publicación en el diario inglés “Penguin News”, Navitas Petroleum solicitó la colaboración de otras empresas de la región para brindar ideas y asesoramiento en la temática de perforación y extracción del crudo. Agrega también detalles sobre los términos y condiciones de las políticas internas de la propia empresa en cumplimiento con la legislación inglesa, es decir, del gobierno ilegítimo de las Islas Malvinas.
El año pasado, la empresa se quedó con el 65% del total del paquete accionario que poseía Rockhopper Exploration PLC en la cuenca norte, que había obtenido en 2010 a través de una compra al gobierno británico.
Por su parte, la Cancillería argentina reiteró a través de un comunicado oficial su repudio a las actividades ilegales en las islas Malvinas realizadas por la empresa israelí que opera de manera ilegítima sobre el territorio nacional argentino y no cuenta con permisos de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos de la autoridad competente.
De esta manera, el organismo argentino remarcó que “el 18 de abril de 2022, mediante la resolución de la Secretaría de Energía n° 240/2022, se declararon ilegales las actividades desarrolladas en la plataforma continental argentina por la empresa Navitas Petroleum LP”.
“Consecuencia de ello, se declaró clandestina a dicha empresa por desa­rrollar actividades hidrocarburíferas en territorio de la República Argentina sin estar habilitada para ello por las autoridades competentes argentinas, y se la inhabilitó por el término de veinte (20) años para desarrollar actividades en territorio argentino”, expresó Cancillería argentina.
“La inhabilitación fue la culminación de un proceso administrativo en enero de 2020 que incluyó la remisión de notas de desaliento a la empresa, que en julio de 2022 fue debidamente notificada de la mencionada resolución a través de nuestra embajada en Israel”, explicó.
Y agregó que “la ley 26.659 establece las condiciones para la exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en la plataforma continental argentina, entre las cuales se encuentra la obligatoriedad de obtener permisos previos a la realización de dichas actividades”.
En la misma norma mencionada anteriormente, se remarca además que el 11 de junio de 2021 la Secretaría de Malvinas, Antártida y Atlántico Sur (SMAYAS) advirtió a la Secretaría de Energía toda la “información relacionada con empresas que estarían operando ilegítimamente” en la Plataforma Continental argentina. Y en particular solicitó “que se determine si la empresa Navitas Petroleum LP y su vinculada se hallan inscriptas” en los registros correspondientes.
Lo que “surge de los Registros existentes” en la repartición encabezada por Darío Martínez es que Navitas Petroleum LP “no se encuentra inscripta”.
Cabe recordar, que según un informe interno en 2022 de la Secretaría de Malvinas que depende de la Cancillería argentina, desde 2013 las siguientes diez empresas tuvieron sanciones administrativas por parte del Gobierno nacional, como inhabilitación a participar en la licitaciones de exploración en territorio continental u offshore de la Argentina, como consecuencia de sus “actividades ilegales de exploración hidrocarburífera” en las inmediaciones de las Islas Malvinas:
*Falkland Oil And Gas Limited. *Rockhopper Exploration PLC. *Boders and Southern Petroleum PLC. *Argos Resources LTD. *Desire Petroleum PLC. *Premier Oil PLC. *Noble Energy Falklands Limited. *Noble Energy INC. *Edison International SPA. *Navitas Petroleum LP.
La ley 26.659 prohíbe “tener participación directa o indirecta en personas jurídicas, nacionales o extranjeras, que desarrollen actividades hidrocarburíferas en la Plataforma Continental Argentina sin haber obtenido la habilitación pertinente emitida por autoridad competente argentina, o que presten servicios para dichos desarrollos”.
A nivel de grupos regionales, El MERCOSUR, el Grupo de los 77 y China y la Zona de Paz y Cooperación del Atlántico Sur han reconocido el derecho de la República Argentina a tomar medidas judiciales, respetando plenamente el derecho internacional y las resoluciones pertinentes, contra las actividades no autorizadas de prospección y explotación de hidrocarburos en la zona en disputa.
Asimismo, las actividades unilaterales de exploración y explotación de recursos naturales desarrolladas por el Reino Unido en la zona disputada resultan contrarias a lo dispuesto en la resolución 31/49 de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas, que solicita a las partes que se abstengan de tomar decisiones que entrañaran la introducción de modificaciones unilaterales en la situación mientras las Islas estuvieran atravesando el proceso de negociación que plantea esa organización.
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pegarose · 1 year
"SMA’ya Karşı Yeni Bir Dönemdeyiz"
"SMA’ya Karşı Yeni Bir Dönemdeyiz"
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Sağlık Bakanı Fahrettin Koca, Spinal Müsküler Atrofi (SMA) konusunda açıklamalarda bulundu. Twitter üzerinden SMA Tarama Testlerine dikkat çeken Bakan Fahrettin Koca, evlilik öncesi çiftlerle yenidoğan bebekler için SMA taraması programını 2022 Mayısında başlattıklarını söyledi.  Sağlık Bakan Koca, “Bugüne dek 760 bin 789 bebekle 601 bin 507 erişkinde tarama yaptık. SMA tespit edilen bebeklerin uygun olanları […]
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inspirabuilders · 1 year
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Everyone deserves the opportunity of home
Book your plot in Smaya jade nester
make the decision to bring your dream house to life!
✅Plots starting from Rs.4800 per sq.ft
✅Enjoy easy accessibility to the Schools, Colleges, Hospitals & Shopping malls
✅BDA approved, ready for registration & construction plots
✅Location: HSR Extension, Bangalore
 Only Few plots left
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 👉🏻For more information Visit site : https://www.inspirabuilders.com/smaya/
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prestige-1 · 1 year
Benefits of Best Prestige Park Grove Apartments
Prestige Park Grove is a modern land improvement project destined to be sent off by the Notoriety Gathering in Bangalore. This futuristic loft area is situated in the cosmopolitan, in-vogue, and flourishing settings of Whitefield in East Bangalore. This advancement task will comprise extravagant one, two, and three-room tastefully and mindfully planned condo units.
The undertaking has been intended to zero in on bringing out a feeling of bliss and harmony among its occupants. This super sumptuous municipality is a fine illustration of the Distinction Gathering's upsides of development and greatness. Planned by probably the best personalities in the business, the undertaking is to be built utilizing state-of-the-art strategies.
This open 2-room staggered townhouse is available to be purchased situated in Unblemished Homes Forest, one of Narayanapura's most esteemed gated networks on Hennur Fundamental Street. It has a developed area of 1240 square feet and costs Rs. 65.10 lakh. It is an empty property. This property is under development and is supposed to be finished by 12/01/2022. Empowering an agreeable life is planned. The site is near a few city public administrations.
A plot of land is available to be purchased at Smaya Manufacturers And Engineers Jade Nester, Avalahalli Off Sarjapur Street, Bangalore. It has an area of 957 square feet and costs Rs. 50.00 lakh. Conveniences incorporate a running track, sewage treatment plant, finishing, finishing, and tree planting, water preservation, water collecting, 24 x 7 security, and a jungle gym. The time you spend here will turn into the most lovely snapshot of your life, which will assist you with unwinding, loosening up, and conjuring extraordinary bliss. It is near all the fundamental offices.
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The territory will likewise oblige a great many conveniences, which will meet each craving and necessity of the occupants. Imaginatively finished stops and gardens will add to the tranquility of the environmental factors and be a blowout for the faculties. This undertaking is nicely intended to give top-of-the-line, first-class, and refined living at its best.
Prestige Park Grove Properties in the control record has declared that the land is accessible at a little private market on Whitefield Street in South Bengaluru. This street is one of the laid-out settlements in Bangalore and has great associations with Bannerghatta Principal Street and the IT/ITES belt in Electronic City. What's more, the site of Renown Park Forest is near another significant region of the city and gives an advanced social and social framework with many retail outlets, private, schools, emergency clinics, and business offices close by.
The will include a wide cluster of top-notch, very good quality conveniences inside itself, intended to upgrade the inhabitants' lives. These amenities choose from a wealthy club to comforts for sports  including an exercise room and different courts. A desert garden of harmony, this improvement project is situated in perfect environmental factors that highlight a few finished parks.
The new venture close to Bannerghatta Street will have an expected improvement of roughly 1 million square meters of private land worth critical speculation. Prestige Park Grove is a significant private market inside Bengaluru and the gathering is happy to add this elite undertaking to their portfolio.
This will likewise build the organization's presence in South Bengaluru and remain closely connected with a methodology to develop its presence in little key business sectors in India's driving urban communities. Distinction Properties underscored that Esteem Park Forest is one of the laid-out settlements in South Bengaluru and has brilliant associations with the IT/ITES belt in Electronic City and Bannerghatta Primary Street.
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contentone3 · 2 years
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Best Dental Hospital Whitefield-Dental Hospital Whitefield
Smaya’s Dento Care is one of the best dental hospital in Whitefield with experienced dentists providing comprehensive dental treatment with advanced facilities.
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In the mood for some femslash
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
Maya: You know those girls that are, like, confident?
Riley: Yeah, I hate them.
Smackle: Me too.
Maya: I just pretended to be one of them. Okay, I walked right up to him and decided to be that bitch.
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choccos-aaart · 1 year
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Kamilla drawings over the past month(s)
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rainswhenyouregone · 5 years
girl meets world was gay and SO AM I
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444names · 1 year
middle telerin dictionary + berber forenames
Aamut Abba Abha Abhabala Abhanissa Adalweler Adda Addle Adefoamel Adlasmu Adun Aghat Aghmuda Aghmuk Ahax Ahissa Aken Akfaks Akfalit Aklilled Akor Alpani Amalana Amasa Amassaaza Amat Amazegdud Amazziga Amdele Amezwar Ammed Amraisan Amriza Amrulust Anculla Angamuh Aqqassal Aqutu Aqutuc Arine Assilas Awla Awna Awnas Axamdel Ayando Ayant Ayghmu Azam Azigmi Azousan Azza Bakli Bakor Bakord Bakorrum Beada Bear Beat Beken Bekkawla Bekku Belkanda Bellan Belli Bellidda Bervernel Bezwandja Bibiza Bizart Boysinna Brari Braspal Bred Brel Burboysa Burboysi Bure Buren Buxtu Buxtucal Búroth Búrothe Búrothed Cavernima Clara Clofty Clouield Clouiele Crecit Crel Crem Crendo Cucave Dada Dang Dangth Dania Deja Dejat Dejda Dejdir Dele Deouield Dhax Dihe Dihysa Dimaturbo Dimmi Direcit Diri Drinasi Elda Eler Ellal Elpa Ennamirat Exces Fage Fagessa Faghady Fakku Fakor Felt Fendch Feng Feran Ferge Feri Feribiza Ferriza Finanyar Finesces Finin Firaghmuh Firiwel Fitellid Fixferri Flya Foloftel Folone Fora Form Forrine Frakku Fran Fronel Frood Gazu Geldund Ghadled Ghir Ghnnatur Glumbel Glun Gluna Glunim Gnoble Gnomeja Godo Graja Grandja Grat Guagh Gulga Gunimya Guturaks Gwejdas Gwen Haba Habayagha Heades Heat Heatu Hedeja Hera Heri Hidas Hilla Hing Hinna Homele Homen Homer Hoth Hádalit Hádan Ibbaysin Ibya Iccaamall Ickur Ifalpalda Ifar Ifaraged Ifnia Ifninas Iheddun Ihen Ihennat Ihya Imya Irard Ixfenna Ixfer Ixzigaya Ixzilla Izam Izayaa Jdihyagha Jemmen Kaha Kand Kani Kawra Keng Kenna Kennasi Kerve Kina Kinisend Kulaya Kurboys Laghidel Lalla Lart Laud Laudala Laudja Lickingth Lilerit Linasmas Lodo Louenzar Lound Lutter Lwayassa Lwejda Lwejdiri Lwel Lwirel Lyar Mades Malilla Mando Mania Masgan Maspania Massiphat Maturt Maytaks Maza Mazzi Medduda Mega Megazzi Mejat Mejda Mejdihys Mejdired Meld Mele Melt Mend Meyda Meydali Mezwa Mezwiza Mileddan Mone Monel Mostre Mouda Mouen Mouieler Moun Mounda Muttem Myan Nadanan Nasteat Nomer Nounel Onel Ongaya Peta Petrussal Pila Pilant Pild Pilga Pilya Poweribya Pánellat Raspania Rassa Ratigmi Rent Rumbeecit Rusa Ruzmi Sekkur Sendo Senzuzmi Sernisa Shana Silda Sildjat Sipha Siphya Sive Smaya Smuda Solk Solod Solone Solonga Spala Spalasaas Staken Stal Star Stelt Stem Streat Strel Stremmuh Strooch Suffinna Suffir Sugda Sussaasi Sutto Swariyaa Tadja Taduda Tadunia Tafa Tafro Tafsuf Tafsutuc Takfa Taklin Takor Takoraga Takormega Taks Talauda Talgum Talicku Talickur Talilana Tallan Tallaya Talpa Talwishir Talwiza Tama Tamasp Tamdejda Tamgh Tamid Tamiddlal Tammi Tamra Tanasga Tang Tantaduda Tanya Tari Tase Tasilat Taspa Tawni Tazi Teart Tegdud Telgulga Temmida Tenia Terancuc Terin Tfir Tfira Tfixferga Tigmily Tikine Tikines Tikingum Tilassa Tinna Titeraja Tone Toneld Tredda Treech Trel Trem Trenna Trine Trone Trooch Ugda Ugduna Ugga Uggulla Umbe Umsi Umsile Umsireat Urajatuc Ureech Urtitel Uzmi Vassa Vile Vily Want Wejda Wend Wirmele Wnines Wora Woragayaa Xama Xammes Yagesces Yandch Yang Yellit Yelpanna Yund Zega Zegan Zera Zibler Zibya Zigam Zilviriza Zily Zirassa Zunasifa Zuza Zwirella Zwiza
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waterstribe · 5 years
Riley, to Maya and Smackle: Hey, I got a question. If you had to pick one of us to date, who would it be?
Maya: I don’t know.
Riley: Me neither.
Smackle: Maya.
Riley: What?!
Smackle: I don’t know. Me neither. *leaves*
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