pawseds · 2 months
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"Where I see myself in the future? Sol, this degree better get me a job... HA! Just kiddin'! Why would I worry about that now? Now that school's out, I hope I get to hang out proper with my friends now." "I didn't learn how to get my demon out, but I did learn from other people's weird magic hijinks! They took the time to understand their thing, so maybe I should stop fighting mine and try to understand it instead. Maybe, I'll understand more about myself. And maybe, it's not a demon after all..."
The SKSD 5e magic school westmarches ended! It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to participate much because of time zone differences and school, but I'm glad I was able to participate in what I was able to join. Thanks again @katastrofish for lending Dani as a PC! They were fun to play!
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curiouscrux · 10 months
Loft's Tunic
The finished product! Loft is a Link from @bonus-links by @ezdotjpg. The weaving process is detailed here for the alpaca overtunic. The undertunic was hand sewed in linen, and the amber necklace is hemp. Pleated pants were from a past project. Sadly, I do not own a Goddess Harp, so a Turkish lyre will have to do.
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[IDs in Alt Text]
Much gratitude to one of my partners for driving me out to Huckleberry Reserve Faron Woods and taking pictures.
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whistlingstarlight · 4 months
Blessed with having a brother who not only knows how to play chess but enjoys it, cursed with having a brother as competitive as me so as soon as one of us loses no further matches will happen
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The Loki season 2 trailer is out but I can't watch it yet because im so behind on mcu films 😭
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semanti · 1 year
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ig. oltaikata
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honeybabymp3 · 2 years
Well ig she was too busy being zoe kravitz' pod . to do a livestream.
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silentgrim · 1 year
Genuinely curious, whats your sim ID because im struggling to put the sims together :')
wait. what’s a sims id?..???
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dulcetines · 1 year
Teh gimana caranya betah main tumblr? Tumblr punya banyak kelebihan dibanding twitter tapi aku gak punya mutual jadi bosen juga...
i’ve been here since 2013 and my friends and stuffs are all here so i just never left. find a popular blog to follow (either in general or from your fandom) and let it guide you from there. i’m at @chairhandle if you want to talk to me since this is just a side blog and i cannot follow anyone from here
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blushingbubbles · 6 days
How do you feel about being allowed to touch and play with yourself as much as you want for say 30 minutes, but you have to record an audio file of the entire time to share on here?
sksd ahebsh right now i would say no thank you
30 mins of pleasure knowing m just going to deny myself in the end only to broadcast my voice all over the internet where i might get recognized by people i know
yeah no noooo thank yku
but ask me again next week becasue i might be much more grateful for that offer depending on just how much denial i get in my poll
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pawseds · 4 months
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I've roleplayed Dani, @katastrofish's Delta Green bond NPC, a couple of times. Recently, we impulsively joined a 5e magic school Westmarches because of an MLM: Fish plays their Delta Green PC AJ/Simon, and I stole Dani lol
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flowercitti · 1 year
hello!! i loved ur miguel/peter fic! heres a few things that might help since h said u havent seen the movie :3 (spoilers inbound)
-his fangs are paralyzing if youre bitten by them, but a lot ppl hc that it doesnt affect other spiderppl that way or at least as much
-miguel has a brother in the comics named gabriel (my favorite o'hara) who calls him miggy (which might be a fun "peter u dont get to call me that" moment or smthn idk)
-this is more of my fix idea than info but lot of ppl hc miguel as an Actual vampire or having those tendencies which can be fun for mig/peter. theres tons of art of miguel drinking from peter that i think uve seen which definitely lends itself to be ..intimate.. its always fun to have a spicy scene that either starts with or includes drinking from someone.
-to jump off of that, miguel has to take an addictive drug called "rapture" bc he was dosed with it by his dad when he tried to leave the lab and now he needs it for the rest of his life. maybe blood is an alternative when he cant get that? maybe he and peter found out by trial and error? theres lot of hurt comfort in a "i bit you in a fit of blood rage" after that person comes out of it
sry for the long post i just had so many thoughts to share
Ahh ty ty 🫶🌸 I still haven’t seen the movie askddd but I’ve seen clips and read things abt him to help with writing him lmao.
- Personally, my headcanon is that he can control the venom he administers, like real species of snakes/spiders. So he can he put more/less/or no venom into a bite. (I’m unsure if this is disproven in the comics, but is my personal hc sksds) Along with this, my miguel is still like comic miguel where his fangs are not retractable, bc I like that abt him Sksds.
- Ahh I’ve heard of his brother! I believe he’s the venom in some runs and is the reason that Miguel’s wife dies? I could imagine a scene of Peter trying to come up with silly nicknames and Peter saying “Miggy?” And Miguel going “no…no, not that one.” (I’ve already thought abt this, head in my hands.)
- ahh I could totally be down to do a vampire au for Miguel those are good ideas ueueueue.
- I’ve heard different things abt rapture and that he’s only reliant on it in some runs more than others? but aghg I’d have to read more up on it on my own.
Anyway,, Ah ty ty thank u for the info and ideas! I’m really glad u enjoyed my fics. I’ll hopefully be posting more spiderdads sometime soon 🫶🌸 (along with some that include MJ ahh 💐🌸🫶)
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mnafif · 5 months
Ceuk saha urang Sunda teu bisa nyebut F? Pitnah!
Mungkin candaan tersebut ga asing buat yg sering beririsan dengan orang Sunda ya, juga candaan sejenis yang intinya bikin huruf F jadi P atau sebaliknya.
Setelah sekian lama melanglang buana di negeri Pasundan, stereotipe orang Sunda ketuker antara F dan P itu ya memang berdasar. Punya atasan dan juga kawan yang suka ketuker antara keduanya cukup jadi bukti bahwa streotipe itu memang berdasar.
Sebagai peranakan Sunda yang besar di Kota Hujan, sungguh saya ga menyangka jadi sebab salah satu stereotipe tersebut di tanah rantau. Kayak "Ah yekali bisa ketuker F dan P"
Ternyata saya salah besar, suatu kejutan besar dan menggelikan bagi saya yang merasa tidak mudah terkejut. Abis kenalan ama abang-abang dan kukira namanya Pudra, eh ternyata namanya Putra. Mana udh kepalang nge-wa dengan sksd palapa lagi.. "Bang Pudra, ini nomer Afif bang"
Gusti Nu Agung... ampunilah hambaMu yg penuh dosa ini :(
Tapi ya itulah hidup ges... selalu ada cerita yang bisa diambil hikmahnya. Salah satunya pastikan baik-baik nama lawan bicara kita dan-pls-atuhlah-artikulasi-tolong-diperjelas-juga-biar-ga-ada-yg-salah-dengar
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babblingpipit · 2 years
Settled in
Sebagai orang yang ga punya homebase selain rumah masa kecil, kemampuan adaptasi dan menyamankan diri di tempat asing tuh sangat penting untuk survive. Berikut adalah catatan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk settled in (buat diri sendiri kalo nanti pindah lagi)
1. Biologis
Kalo pindah ke negara baru yang zona waktunya beda, harus overcome jetlag dulu. Jadi kebutuhan biologis adalah yang utama. Balikin jadwal tidur, makan, buang air tuh gabisa sehari dua hari. Begitu juga balikin selera makan. Makanya kemaren beli multicooker biar bisa masak nasi di hotel dan masak yang lain-lain hehe. Terus beli bidet portable juga di amazon biar ke kamar kecilnya nyaman. 
2. Paperwork
Buka akun bank, beli/langganan simcard plus paket telepon dan internet, commuter card, kelarin paperwork dari HR (urus pajak, asuransi, payroll), apply work permit kalo perlu, transfer driver license. 
3. Tempat tinggal
Cari tempat tinggal untuk jangka panjang, pertimbangan lokasi, luas tempat, harga dan fasilitas. Kirim aplikasi untuk sewa, cicil furnitur. 
4. Tempat kerja
Setelah paperwork selesai, urus ID card, minta email account terus daftarin di mailing list, abis itu minta reimbursement untuk relokasi, install laptop dan perintilannya, termasuk kabel internet. Cari tau lokasi microwave (karena di CfA ternyata gaada dapur!), kulkas dan dispenser air wkwk. Bawa alat solat, bidet portable dan sandal jepit biar gampang wudu. Untuk kerjaan, cari tau terus konek sama grup yang risetnya mirip. Untuk sosial, cari temen makan siang. 
5. Hobi
Cari tau gym yang instruktur zumbanya oke, website untuk beli benang jarum untuk crochet, cari tau rekomendasi tempat untuk dikunjungi di akhir minggu, cari tau tempat belanja.
Sejauh ini di Boston, 1 udah kelar, 2 dikit lagi soalnya adit work permitnya belom kelar dan kita gatau akan punya mobil atau ngga jadi driver license ntar dulu deh. Yang nomor 3 udah kirim aplikasi sewa apartemen dan dapet approval tapi availabilitynya masih Desember, jadi belum bisa cicil furnitur buat isi apartnya. Nomor 4, sebagian besar udah heheh. Cuma masih belom beli sendal jepit nih penting deh. Hari ini banget baru masuk grup whatsapp makan siang setelah kemaren-kemaren prinsipnya masih “ke hall aja tar SKSD sama siapa aja yang kebetulan lagi makan”. Terus 2 minggu kemaren udah dateng ke grup-grup meeting yang relevan terus sampe sekarang masih ngebacain paper dari grup-grup tersebut. Yang nomer 5, udah sempet trial zumba di gym khusus perempuan tapi mahal bgt huhu mau coba gym kampus deh, udah ke mall sama taman-taman, mau nunggu gajian dulu sebelum belanja benanggg. 
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shofiafsa · 1 year
Jangan Takut.
Lagi belajar untuk gak takut nanya duluan, berani tanya, berani mulai, berani untuk menerabas semua ketakutan kemarin kemarin. Meski kayaknya masih dinilai terlalu polos karena katanya terlalu jujur banget. Padahal yg dikejar memang keberkahan dari setiap prosesnya. Apa yang kita harapkan dari sesuatu yg dimulai dengan cara yg tidak jujur (re: tidak baik) ?
Back to topic, jangan takut. Mulai aja dulu selama kita gak berhenti jalannya pasti akan selalu ada.
Cerita hari ini saya diketusin sama laboran gara gara tanya kenapa mejanya gak digabung dengan yg satu bimbingan dan apa boleh pindah.
Terus beliaunya jawab "yang ngatur siapa?" (((lha gue tanyaa baik baik woy)))
Terus saya jawab khas becaandaan kalo lagi sama temen temen, meskipun dalem hati ya tetep agak ngedumel. Sabar shofiaaa ujian kesabaran banget yg satu ini emangg.
Cerita lainnya, untuk pertama kali saya berani reply story salah satu guru saya di tempat bertumbuh 2 tahun kemarin (meskipun 2 tahun gak selesaai ya😌)
Saya tanya, "kalo takut tidak diterima oleh lingkungan yg dulu begitu kita percaya gimana mas?" itu murni pertanyaan dan kekhawatiran saya akan pandangan lingkungan tempat saya belajar kemarin. Dulu saya gak aktif aktif banget. Tinggal di Jogja-Bandung tapi gak pernah ikut meet upnya. Masih kayak berat aja kalo nyoba SKSD lagi.
Beliau responnya sangat baik sekali, jauh dari bayang bayang memyeramkan guru yg tiba tiba didatengin murid tidak teladan wkwk. Ya meski belum tau kapan akan kembali membuka diri lagi untuk lingkungan tersebut.
Setidaknya kini sudah mulai berani, berani melangkah lagi, dan mencoba untuk gak takut ketika memulai sesuatu.
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
Ohhh pls Nico would go on a murder rampage when he learns what happened to Max
But agshs Dan barging through the crowd, eyes so dark because he's beyond pissed and Max just falls onto his arms
Pllss Lewis rushing to get Daniel and from the look in Lewis's eyes, Dan can already see that its about Max... Daniel storming over to where Lewis said Max was and his eyes are so dark and he is honestly ready to kill whoever did this to his Maxy, but then Max is already clinging to him and crying and Daniel leaves the killing to Toto and Lewis while he works on helping Max settle down again.
He doesnt give Max any orders cos Max is so frail, and just hugs him and murmurs sweet nothings while massaging his neck and shoulders to try and get the tension out. He even carries Max to the closest hospitality, which is Merc's, and they get a little room there where its just the two of them and Daniel can help Max settle slowly again.
Nico hearing commotion and asking Lewis what happened, and when Lewis quietly tells him, Nico just is LIVID and goes on a rampage to try and make sure those people will regret ever coming to the paddock sksd. And ofc he goes to snuggle Max a bit after MAx has calmed down more
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gracemyheart · 2 years
Lemme rank all Sera Myus from 1993 to 2022
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Okay so after I rediscovered these Myu-sorters by @sailorzakuro (thank you for that!) I wanted to make my own because my amazing brain still can’t decide a proper ranking for the musicals - So I searched and found this sorter, in which you can put your own things to sort. I put in all Sera Myus from 1993-2022 (and with Myus I mean actual musicals, no shows like Super Live or that Cafe thing) and now I can finally present you my ranking!
The first 5 places as well as the last 3 don’t surprise me but I swear idk what I have ongoing with Ai no Sanctuary, I just love it, okay? xD I was also surpsised by how high SKSDK is! Also, yes, Mugen Kaiteiban is before Mugen, I am #Team-Aiko-Asako-Tomoko even though I also love Team #Megumi-Nao-Yuhka! Place 10 to 15 are super close, sometimes it was hard to decide, lol. Can you believe, that we have over 30 musicals by now which we actually know and from which we can name all actors? Impressive.
1             Last Dracul Jokyoku (2000)
2             Kessen (2000)
3             Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan no Fuuin (2001 )
4             Kessen (Kaiteiban) (2001)
5             Kaguya Shima Densetsu (Kaiteiban) (1999)
6             Ai no Sanctuary (2002)
7             Starlights Ryuusei Densetsu (2003)
8             SKSD K (2005)
9             Kakyuu Ouhi Kourin (2004)
10           Mugen (Kaiteiban) 2003
11           Mugen (2002)
12           Kaguya Shima Densetsu (1999 )
13           Black Lady (2001)
14           SKSD (2004)
15           Black Lady (Kaiteiban) 2002
16           Sailor Stars (1996)
17           SuperS - (Kaiteiban) Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... Saturn Fukkatsu Hen (1996)
18           Eien Densetsu (1997)
19           Sailor Stars Kaiteiban (1997)
20           SuperS - Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... (1995)
21           Eien Densetsu (Kaiteiban) (1998)
22           Shin Densetsu Kourin (1998)
23           Musical Festival Chronicle (2022)
24           NogiMyu Team Star (2018)
25           Petite Étrangère (2014)
26           S - Usagi Ai no Senshi e no Michi (1994)
27           NogiMyu Team Moon (2018)
28           Gaiden (1993)
29           La Reconquista (2013)
30           Un Nouveau Voyage (2015)
31           NogiMyu Team 2019
32           Amour Eternal (2016-2017)
33           Kaguya Hime no Koibito (2021)
34           Le Mouvement Final (2017)
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