#sirius black x marigold evans
lixzey · 6 months
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in which sirius black's heart is held captive by certain ocean-eyed redhead.
sirius black x oc
sirius black x marigold evans
coming soon!
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @lilmaymayy @ashlynnmalfoy @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @imnotoverlyobsessive
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Lost Part 6
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 5 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T 
The next morning Regulus sat across from his mother as she stirred her tea for the thirteenth time. It didn’t matter that Regulus had arrived home at 4:30 am. His parents expected him down for Christmas breakfast at 8:00 am. As usual, no one was saying a word to each other. It made Regulus wonder why they had to “keep up appearances” and dine together. Clearly, no one liked it.
Regulus glanced at his father. Orion was bored as he read over the Daily Prophet. If Orion had his way, all the members of the household could eat at their own schedules in their own way. No one would be locked at the formal dining room table scowling at each other. Orion, like Regulus, only did it to appease Walburga. Neither man really wanted to listen to her nagging. This was a silent agreement that both Orion and Regulus had agreed to years beforehand. If Walburga wanted something then they would just go along with whatever it was. It was best to be reserved and compliant unless they wanted to deal with her hair-trigger temper.
Christmas morning had been a silent affair since Sirius left home years before. There were no longer loud screaming matches on whether or not Sirius was going to eat the Christmas pudding or wear a certain suit to the Christmas dinner with the “cult.” Regulus and Orion simply did as Walburga wished and no one had a thing to bitch about.
“You look tired, Regulus.”
Walburga commented as she studied her youngest and favorite son’s face. His eyes rolled up to meet her face.
“It was a late night last night.”
“You’re doing things for the right reasons. The family should be here around seven. Bella is bringing a nice girl that I think you should get to know better.”
Walburga commented, smiling proudly. Regulus fought the urge to scowl as his father looked up from the newspaper. Orion had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want Regulus to feel rushed to settle down with some girl.
Walburga shook her head.
“I would like for you to get to know her, Regulus.”
Regulus put his fork down. This was not the way that he wanted to spend the morning. He had a woman...you. The last thing Regulus wanted was some ugly pureblood girl that he was probably related to in some way. He wanted to put an end to the madness!
“Who is she?”
Walburga put down her teacup.
“Marigold Parkinson.”
Regulus, forgetting himself, groaned.
“Mother, please...no.”
“What’s wrong with her?”
Walburga asked, getting angry. Regulus put his palms on the table.
“For one, she looks like a walrus. Second, I dated Ambrosia...her sister. That family is crazy. I mean look at how they named their children.”
Orion was silently chuckling at Regulus’ comment.
“A walrus?”
He questioned, fighting back a laugh. Regulus nodded. He was relieved that his father appeared to be on his side.
“Yes, father. Just get her some tusks and boom...National Geographic magazine cover shot.”
Orion was laughing hard at that. He didn’t care if Walburga was scowling at him. Regulus’ out of character humor was enough to send the older man into hysterical giggles. Orion couldn’t say it but that was the one thing that he missed about Sirius being home. There was always something funny happening.
“Orion, Regulus...that isn’t nice. Telling a girl that she looks like a walrus is a horrible way to get a second date.
Walburga grumbled. Regulus shrugged.
“But I don’t want the first one so...put her in a ballgown and she’ll just be a fancy walrus.”
Walburga's dark eyes were glaring at her son with disapproval.
“Well, who would you rather see then, smart mouth?”
Regulus shrugged.
“No one really. I don’t have the time at the moment.”
It was a big ass lie and Regulus knew it. He wanted nothing more than to be with you and he would go to whatever length to make sure that happened. Glancing down at his left arm, he decided to put his master plan into high gear. Regulus had no intention of spending more time than he had to with mummy and daddy. He wanted to spend his day with you and that was just where he was going.
Regulus snapped his right hand over the dark mark with a groan before standing up.
“I have to go.”
Walburga looked a bit annoyed but understood.
“Try not to be late for Christmas dinner.”
You stood helping Sirius dry dishes from breakfast. He had been unusually quiet since arriving with James.
“So are you going to tell me about the ring?”
He finally asked. You looked up, trying to fake innocence.
“I’m sorry?”
Sirius motioned down to the ring on your finger.
“I know that particular ring from anywhere. I also happened to know that my grandmother gave it to Regulus. Did you two run off and get married?”
You didn’t reply at first which made Sirius even antsier. How were you supposed to tell Sirius that he had just figured out the little plan that Regulus had suggested? Regulus was all for the two of you sneaking onto a train to a nearby village (where no one knew either of you) lying about your ages and getting married. You thought that the plan was crazy at first. The two of you were children. Neither of you was emotionally ready for a step that BIG. Besides, your relationship was still rocky getting married would make it worse. Regulus’ comment on the idea made more sense…
“If you marry me, my parents won’t have anything to stand on to pull us apart. Once we are married we are each other. My mother may be a lot of things but she won’t be able to change what’s already legal. If they annul it, then when we are 17 we’ll run off and do it but they won’t hear from us anymore. At least, with allowing things to happen this way...they can still have contact. I know that you don’t believe me but my mum and dad are still extremely sore about losing Sirius. They won’t want to lose their other son too.”
Sirius said your name a little more urgently before you reached up and tugged him into your father’s office.
“Sirius! I need you to keep your trap shut especially to James and my sister.”
“What did you two do? Y/n this is crazy. Regulus is a death eater...he’s doing bad things with bad people....and...you’ll get caught in the crossfire eventually…”
Sirius questioned. He felt his face beginning to burn. How the hell was Sirius supposed to keep something this huge from James. Sirius was not a good person to tell secrets to. James would probably say hey to Sirius and Sirius would start blabbing.
You quickly shushed Sirius.
“We aren’t married. That hasn’t happened...not yet. Sirius, I am going to need some time before he and I do that. I have to fully trust him again. Regulus did give me the ring last night. Sirius, I understand your concern but Regulus...he has something up his sleeve that he won’t even tell me. There’s something going on with Voldemort that Regulus is working on. Regulus won’t let anything happen to me. Evan, Barty, Severus...all of those lot know that I am off-limits.”
Sirius ran a hand through his hair.
“But there are other death eaters….Evan’s father, Dolohov, Mulciber...those guys won’t be so thrilled with a fellow death eater dating a muggle-born. Love, they’ll kill you. Y/n, I know what you’re thinking. You think that you are going to be getting some happiness ever after where you won’t have to want for anything in life but you aren’t going to get it, sweetheart. You’re signing up for a lifetime of sadness and heartbreak. I am not trying to sound like a dick but I’m worried. In case you haven’t forgotten that day back in the forest at school...you weren’t handling the news of Regulus’ secret life too well.”
Sirius was right. You remembered that afternoon all too well.
“Sirius, I just need you to trust me on this...please.”
Sirius didn’t look too convinced. He was more than ready to go find James and Remus to talk some sense into you.
“Okay but I don’t like this.”
You quickly stood on your tiptoes and hugged him.
“It’s going to be okay.”
The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon was peaceful. Sirius’ mood had quickly repaired itself and he was back to making Remus want to choke him. You were sitting beside Remus playing chess when the doorbell rang. Glancing down at your watch, you couldn’t help but smile. Regulus had kept his promise. He did find a way to get to you.
You quickly stood and walked to the door, ignoring James asking Lily who it was. In all of the Christmas chaos you “forgot” to tell your other friends that Regulus would be coming too. They would figure it out soon enough.
Sirius quickly started improvising some weird Christmas carol to keep the rest of his friend’s minds away from what you were doing. Why he decided that he was going to be the one that came to your and Regulus’ rescue was beyond him but here he was doing it...
Opening the door, you smiled seeing Regulus on the other side. He didn’t smile at first but gave you that raised eyebrow that said, “come here, little girl.” You quickly stepped outside and shut the door. Your parents were so busy in the kitchen that they wouldn’t notice you were gone.
As soon as the door was closed you threw your arms around Regulus’ shoulders.
“You haven’t kissed me.”
He stated calmly. Regulus was trying so hard to keep up his dom-like behavior but seeing your face was exactly what he wanted. The two of you shared a smile before he pulled you into a kiss.
“I missed you.”
You happily said against his lips.
“It's only been a few hours.”
Regulus pointed out. Yes, it had only been a few hours and they felt like an eternity for both of you. You knew that Regulus wouldn’t admit it but you could tell that he missed you as much as you missed him.
“Are you coming to me again tonight?”
You asked with a sly smile.
“Yes, I have a surprise for you but you’ll have to keep it down.”
The door opening stopped any further comment. You turned to see Lily and James standing with their mouths wide open. Sheepishly smiling, you intertwined your hand with Regulus’.
“So... we are a couple again.”
James crossed his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t know that you were a couple, to begin with. I didn’t think boyfriends typically made their girlfriends cry and question their sanity but maybe I am missing something.”
You gently stood in front of Regulus. The last thing that you wanted was for him and James to start fighting.
“James, please.”
You said trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. James ran a hand through his hair before turning and meeting Sirius’ gaze as if asking his best friend for advice. When Sirius shrugged, James turned.
“Fine...Regulus, as god as my witness, if you hurt here again...I am going to break your face.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“You’ll have to catch me first.”
You hissed his name making Regulus’ tense frame ease. He wrapped an arm around your waist as James turned and walked back into the house.
Lily, meanwhile, wondered if any of her little speech on respect had sunk in at all with Regulus. She had a bad feeling that the answer was no but time would have to tell on that one. Lily wanted nothing more than to protect you and at the moment, she felt like she was failing miserably.
As a big sister, Lily wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. Your happiness was always important but so was your safety. Lily felt even more inclined to try to protect you as Petunia didn’t want a thing to do with either of you now.
You felt a little better when Lily gave you a small smile. That small smile simply said, “I’m trying.” Turning your attention back to Regulus, you gently tugged on his hand.
“Come on love.”
Both James and Lily exchanged matching scowls when you called Regulus “love.” James wanted to make a comment about there not being anything “lovely” about Regulus. He would have been happier if you decided to form some weird love triangle with Sirius and Remus. At least, you would be treated properly.
You were relieved when the tension between Lily, James, and Regulus seemed to ease off. James and Lily were busy looking at “future dream homes” while you sat snuggled against Regulus’ side. The two of you were off in your own little world.
“What’s with Petunia? She hasn’t stopped glaring at me from the moment that I walked in?”
Regulus questioned. You turned your attention to Petunia who was whispering to her new boyfriend Vernon. The two looked as if they were disgusted to even be in a room with the lot of you. Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to Regulus.
“She’s a muggle and very jealous of what Lily and I are. Petunia has barely talked to either Lily or me since the day that we received our Hogwarts letters.”
Regulus looked at Petunia a moment longer.
“Her boyfriend looks like a male walrus.”
He internally giggled at the thought of Vernon and Marigold Parkinson making a lovely “walrus couple.” It would be a great joke to make but he didn’t want you to know about his mother wanting him to be with the Parkinson girl.
Regulus instead leaned closer to you, letting his lips tease your ear.
“She’s no beauty that’s for sure. You are a million times more lovely...everything about you, darling.”
You shivered as the desperate attraction began to build again. Since that morning, you had been craving any kind of physical affection that Regulus would be able to give you. Of course, it wasn’t possible to just lift your skirt to climb on his lap for a good fucking but a little caress wouldn’t be bad. Regulus whispering erotically in your ear was equally welcomed.
You whispered his name. Regulus smiled and nuzzled his face closer to your ear. He kept his voice even and reserved which made his teasing all the more exciting.
“No one is as beautiful as you, Y/n. I love it when you blush like you are now. Tell me, darling, what kind of knickers do you have on under this skirt?”
You swallowed, mentally begging Regulus to raise his hand up your thigh but he wasn’t budging. Regulus’ hand stayed stagnant on your knee.
“Black lace.”
You finally whispered back. Regulus smiled, feeling the beginning of an erection coming on. He fought the urge to lift a finger to trace over your nipples. From where he was sitting, Regulus could see them through your dress. Touching you, like that, would be a horrible idea at the moment. All that Regulus could do was sit and think about you dressed in only lace knickers.
“Only be wearing those when I come back to you later.”
“What’s my surprise?”
You asked. Regulus laughed lightly.
“You’ll find out...if you’re a good girl.”
For the rest of the night, Regulus was a perfect gentleman. You were convinced that he had your parents in the palm of his hand within five minutes. James really had to work to get your father to like him how here was smooth-talking Regulus Black winning him over in one evening.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Regulus said in a low voice as he leaned down and kissed you. You knew that he was going to “leave” to hide out in your bedroom until you were able to be free but you wanted him now.
“Yes, I’ll see you at school.”
You waited for another fifteen minutes before politely bidding your parents a good evening. James had just left with Sirius and Remus. Lily was clearly as exhausted as you were.
“Aren’t you two going to stay up and watch the Christmas specials with us?”
Your mother questioned. Lily shook her head before heading toward the stairs.
“We are both exhausted, mum. Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, Lily.”
You replied before walking down the hallway to your bedroom. Stepping in front of the door, you knew what was waiting for you on the other side and you couldn’t wait any longer.
“Time to be a good girl…”
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lixzey · 4 months
A snippet from Golden
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“Nice day isn't it, Goldie?” Sirius smirked as he caught up to Marigold—who had just stepped out of Potions class—much to the redhead's annoyance.
“Can you stop calling me that?” Marigold snapped, glaring daggers at him “I'm not even blonde!”
Sirius chuckled and matched her pace, undeterred by her irritation. “But you're just as precious as gold, Goldie,” he teased, earning himself a disdainful glare.
“Just because we're in the same house doesn't mean you have to bother me all the time, Black,” Marigold hissed, walking ahead of Sirius
“Come on, don't be so grouchy,” Sirius said, flashing her a playful grin as he trailed behind her. “Hogsmeade, you and me?”
“For the millionth time, no!” Marigold retorted, rolling her eyes. “I have better things to do than spend time with you, Black.”
Sirius just laughed, not in the least affected by Marigold's rejection. “You know you can't avoid me forever, Goldie,”
Marigold rolled her eyes, flicking long waves of fiery red hair over her shoulder. “Watch me.”
As Marigold stormed off, Sirius couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed seeing her annoyed, the way her nose scrunched and the way she'd bite the inside of her lower lip was adorable.
Sirius sighed as Marigold's form slowly faded from view as she stomped her way towards the Gryffindor tower. “I'm going to marry that girl.”
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lixzey · 6 months
so the line up for posting are:
must be love - james potter x reader
professor, professor - poa!remus lupin x reader
head over heels - remus lupin x reader
golden - sirius black x oc [marigold evans]
24 hours - timothée chalamet x reader
my girll - father!timothée chalamet
the girl with hair longer than rapunzel - timothée chalamet x reader
paradise - timothée chalamet x reader
foolish ones - theodore laurence x reader
after i get out every first part for all of these, i'll post an update schedule for ALL of my fics.
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