#single toothed geta
ghost-cwunch-artz · 1 month
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So.... I made a mantis lady. All I gotta say is I'd let her eat my head (both of them) i mean what Deetz:
I gave her single toothed geta because of how many times ive seen them portrayed in asian media on fighters, also because they require great balance to be able to run/stand in and I imagine her as being a very agile character. I tried to keep her face away from ''classic pretty cartoon female even tho shes supposed to be half animal'' but still tried to give it a feminine flair, hence changing her jaw structure and making it more bug like but giving her a bit of an eyelash. I also kept her face covered in skin, not exoskeleton, because I wanted her to be able to express emotions (i like making my characters very expressive) :3 I didn't give her a top because she doesn't have human genitals/breasts because I wanted to make her look a bit more alien like. My hc for her is that she just liked the flowyness of the beautiful fabric she saw other people wear as a loincloth and decided to try it out too. She ended up liking it. Anyway thats it! Ask me anything love you pookies bai!
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ozzgin · 2 months
Imma need Sakaki’s hand in marriage pls🤲🏽💍🥹
I swear I could treat him right♥️
I can already tell you he’s the type to go for odd choices, like those rings that cause a lot of pain if ever removed. Or something like a Victorian poison ring, so he can quickly put his misery to an end if ever faced with the possibility of losing you. He’s just dramatic like that.
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Betrayed by my own creation. What in the Mary Shelley hell…is this the karma I get for writing so much cuck lore?
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It’s Japanese single-tooth geta. Surprisingly common, you can buy them online and there’s many people walking in them. No idea how it works either, especially on soil and not solid pavement 😂 It does require a lot of balance. Sakaki doesn’t really do much outside of his artsy hobbies and the occasional walk, so I guess he’s not too challenged wearing them. He can always fly away from anything too troublesome.
Happy to hear you like the design! I’m kind of trying to make all of them unique in their own way, so no one ends up as a background character. :’)
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ghost-cwunch · 17 days
Hi! bug lady post :3
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Mantis lady seems pleased to see you.
this is a repost from my other acct! enjoy :p
I gave her single toothed geta because of how many times ive seen them portrayed in asian media on fighters, also because they require great balance to be able to run/stand in and I imagine her as being a very agile character.
I tried to keep her face away from ''classic pretty cartoon female even tho shes supposed to be half animal'' but still tried to give it a feminine flair, hence changing her jaw structure and making it more bug like but giving her a bit of an eyelash. I also kept her face covered in skin, not exoskeleton, because I wanted her to be able to express emotions (i like making my characters very expressive) :3
I didn't give her a top because she doesn't have human genitals/breasts because I wanted to make her look a bit more alien like. My hc for her is that she just liked the flowyness of the beautiful fabric she saw other people wear as a loincloth and decided to try it out too. She ended up liking it.
Anyway thats it! Ask me anything love you pookies bai!
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damien-wolfram-art · 8 months
Preparing a Vessel
Boruto slept soundly most nights, but the night of his resurrection was fitful. He fidgeted restlessly in his bed as visions of his desperate father, Naruto, his merciless brother, Kawaki, Code of The Kara, and Otsutsuki filled his mind. If the Otsutsuki he played host to, Momoshiki, was to be believed, then he was now the genuine article– one hundred percent Otsutsuki. Code would definitely be after him.
He broke a sweat thinking it over and inside his mind something stirred. “You truly are pathetic, aren’t you?” Asked a deep yet soft spoken voice in received pronunciation. It pushed away all other thoughts, leaving Boruto with only one– Momoshiki.
He was a small man with white skin, white eyes, and hip length straight white hair. He was dressed in all white kariginu robes and single toothed tengu-geta sandals. His head sported two backwards curving broken horns with the right one being broken further down than the other. He hovered over gently in Boruto’s mind palace where the much more colorful teen clutched his knees close to his chest. Around them, thousands of stars flickered in the dim blue sky. “Get up child,” Momoshiki ordered.
Boruto looked up at him; his blue eyes looked tired. “What do you want?” He asked.
“If you were merely Human, I could stand by and watch you suffer all day but you…you are no longer Human, Boruto. Get. Up.” The blond rose to meet his parasite’s gaze. He held his arms close to himself as he was inspected. “You aren’t hurt. Why do you hold yourself in such a manner?” Asked Momoshiki.
“Don’t you think this is a little weird?”
“Of course, I do. To think you would steal away any chance of my resurrection and become full Otsustsuki yourself…How extremely vexing! Nevertheless, you are of my kind now, boy. Show some pride,” Momoshiki said, raising his hand such that a blast of energy peeled Boruto’s oversized pink night shirt right off of him. This revealed his karma patterned chest, making his face burn with embarrassment.
“H-hey! What gives y’know?” Boruto yelped. “I don’t wanna show it off and besides, I don’t want you looking!”
“Oh, please boy, quit being so modest,” Momoshiki commanded and moved his arm downward, completely disrobing Boruto’s bottom half. Now, he could see just how his black karma snaked down his entire right half. “Just look at yourself. You're a beautiful fully fledged Otsutsuki now. You should really give yourself a bit more credit.”
“B-Bastard,” Boruto grumbled; his face was still on fire.
Momoshiki let out a wicked laugh and approached his vessel’s mind palace form. “I’ll tell you what,” he began before taking Boruto’s chin between his delicate fingers and licking his lips. “Why don’t I show you just how special you are.”
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wolfvirago · 3 months
Robin cannot walk in heels. She has never needed to, beyond maybe trying her mother’s old ones as a little girl when playing dress up. She would probably fall over if you made her wear heels to a fancy event.
Geta, however? She can run and battle in them fine.
(Yes, even the single tooth geta like what an oiran wears. How is that different from heels? Idk ask me later.)
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Koviga, Toa of Air
Koviga is a strange one. Oddly for a Toa of Air, she is focussed, serious and humourless. Where most Toa of Air are flighty, carefree and playful as the breeze, Koviga is the sort of battering gale against which all one can do is take shelter and wait for it to blow over. Her playful side can be rather dry and high-and-mighty, and she likes making a fool of others. But when it comes to the business of being a Toa, her resolve is unrelenting. With her Gale Blade she is capable of whipping foes from the air and closing in for a decisive stroke. Meanwhile, her Kanohi Taoke, the Mask of Toxicology, is capable of analysing poisons and toxic substances, allowing her to know how to neutralise them effortlessly - useful, in the ruined wasteland of Pazu Nui.
Koviga’s another subversion - a serious samurai in the Air element, who tend to be light-hearted jokers. She’s actually pretty powerful, with a keen mind and physical speed and strength, and powers to help her navigate her surroundings. However, she’s one of the weakest team players of the batch, and her aloof nature means she keeps trying to do everything herself. I decided to base her on a tengu, especially once I found this mask inspired by plague doctors. I like the bird-like design motifs she has, from the obvious (feathers, digitigrade legs) to the more subtle (her wrists naturally fall backwards, mimicking the bones of a bird’s wrist). Tengu are classically associated with a type of geta sandal with only a single tooth, so I built those into the foot. I don’t know how well she’d balance as a physical model, but stuff it, this is the virtual world and there is no gravity.
Kanohi Taoke designed by Rothanak
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talesofedo · 2 years
Would you mind a little request if it's not a problem? 👀 I've always wondered if there were various types of footwear in Edo. So far I've only seen sandals but that's the end of my knowledge so... I see you're quite a nerd for clothing in Edo so could you describe these or draw them? I'll really appreciate it, thx in advance ❤
With few exceptions, different variations of sandals are your go-to (and only) footwear option during the Edo period, at least until Japanese ports are forced open for trade with the West as the country nears the Meiji restoration.
Below are some commonly worn styles of footwear.
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Geta下駄, wooden sandals, were worn by samurai and commoners and by both men and women. You can see some examples of geta at the end of the Edo period in these photos.
Shapes and designs varied: tall geta, sometimes with removable toe covers, were worn in rain or snow; very tall lacquered geta were worn by oiran; hollow okobo おこぼ with a small bell inside were worn by maiko; and so on. There's even a style with a single tooth, nicknamed "tengu geta". (They scare me and I think my ankles will thank me not to get a pair!)
Common materials for geta are paulownia and nezuko.
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Some different styles of geta. (Photo from Wikipedia.)
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Zori 草履 and setta 雪駄 are the same style of sandal. The difference is that setta have leather soles and zori do not.
In the Edo period, zori and setta were generally made from rice straw or bamboo, and high quality ones made from finer, carefully crafted materials usually had an attached sole made of woven hemp or wisteria stems, or (in the case of setta) leather. Modern setta come in all kinds of variations; fabric-covered or synthetic material setta are popular and affordable.
In the Edo period, rice straw zori without an added outsole were the cheapest and simplest type and commonly made at home. Knowing how to make zori was important because they wore out quickly and therefore had to be replaced regularly. And... weaving zori wasn't just a skill of the lower classes: poor ronin often made a modest income selling zori and waraji, and even the Hagakure says that a proper samurai should know how to make them since he might not otherwise be able to replace a worn out pair while on campaign.
One type of zori that bears special mention are ashinaka 足半, which cover only the balls of the feet. Basically, ashinaka are half zori. These were worn by both samurai and commoners and are woefully underrepresented in period films.
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Saigo Takamori's statue also wears ashinaka. (Photo source.)
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Waraji 草鞋 are another style of rice straw sandals worn by all strata of Edo period society: samurai traveling long distances, pilgrims visiting temples around the country, porters and couriers, and right down to the poorest laborers and farmers.
Unlike the other types of footwear covered above, waraji have tie strings that hold them securely to the foot. This made them the footwear of choice for any situation in which one didn't need to take their shoes off frequently or where losing a shoe might be problematic, such as traveling at speed, over great distances, or across difficult terrain.
Waraji could be tied in many different ways based on personal preference and comfort and could be worn with or without tabi. Warajigake tabi わらじ掛け足袋 are a special kind of tabi meant to be worn only with waraji. They have extra reinforcements to make them more sturdy and durable. There are also tabi with armor pieces or chain mail to complete a samurai’s full armor!
One thing to note about waraji is that they were designed so the toes stick out past the front of the sole, covering the foot only from the ball to the heel. This supposedly provides better traction when running (or fighting).
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One question all these sandals bring to mind is: What about winter?
Many parts of Japan only get little if any snow, and people in those areas made due with wearing their regular footwear. Perhaps they opted for a warmer pair of tabi. Maybe an enterprising young samurai with cold feet could figure out how to layer two pairs of regular tabi, just like people layered kimono, especially if they didn't own any padded winter garments. Period photos and illustrations often show people wearing no tabi at all, even in the snow, as is the case with the fellow losing his geta in the illustration above.
In areas of Japan that receive a lot of snow, people wore winter boots made from woven rice straw (yukigutsu 雪靴, snow boots, or waragutsu 藁靴, straw boots) to keep their feet both warm and dry. I don't have any Edo period photos showing winter boots being worn, but one place they are illustrated is the Hokuetsu Seppu (Snow stories of North Etsu Province), which was first published in 1837. Hokuetsu Seppu is the source for the illustration above.
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flyingfudgenuggets · 3 years
Is true the rumor that long ago when HoT was released, her model was leaked, but the leaker said it was fanmade? I don't remember the details but i like to know about these stuff xD
I had to dig up ancient discord history but yes I remember that era (lol xD)
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This was the first image I saw that was leaked in early 2020 like april,, I think it was on twitter or sth but ppl were convinced it was true bc mihoyo took it down quickly.
And then some time later a tumblr post came out saying that based on an instagram post that translated a bilibili post (that's a lotta passes xD) that it's fake and just a fan made mmd thing
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(behold the old tumblr color xD)
I was totally devastated then I was so hyped for herrscher mei xD
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This was the next image I saw leaked in May 2020. Due to the pic being so low quality people were thinking it was a fake again (and also 'what is up with those shoes?!')
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(Lol that's me I was all "what are those?!" to her single tooth geta-like shoes xD)
,,,And then!! When the chapter thunders over nagazora I think it was called was teased in cn, suddenly it wasn't a fanmade thing xD
And that was the rollercoaster ride of herrscher mei leaks xD Wow it's been a year already huh?
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holyhidan · 2 years
kujou sara beating the shit out of arataki itto for getting into yet another skirmish, causing a ruckus and damaging a poor farmer’s radish field in the process.
“you are unbelievable!” kujou sara yells at itto, dirty and bruised on the ground, babbling on about how she ‘probably definitely broke his nose.’
“by the archons and her majesty the shogunate, quit your whining!” she huffs in annoyance, striding towards him. “you are going to clean up the mess you made, and apologize to that farmer while you’re at it!” she says, reaching a hand down to haul him up by a horn. a deep, guttural sound leaves his throat, making her stop dead in her tracks.
neither of them moved for what felt like an eternity, horn still grasped in her palm. she was the first to speak.
“did you just…moan?”
the great arataki itto was almost as red as the horns on his head. his eyes were fixated on the ground ahead of him in silence, an unsettling rarity considering his typical loud mouth and quick retorts.
as if she was electrocuted by the realization, she suddenly drew back her hand. before he could drop to the ground in a heap though, she sent a swift kick hurtling to his face, the single tooth of her geta making contact with his already bloody nose. he yelped like a kicked puppy, falling flat on his back, hands flying to his face. if his nose wasn’t broken before, it certainly was now.
she cringed at the sight, feeling a bit sorry for him. the kick was out of instinct, like if she caught a perv trying to look up her skirt. she turned away from him, adjusting the mask on the side of her head awkwardly.
“on second thought, i’ll—uh—take care of it.”
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olyollyoxenfree · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me, @averysiriuschromie !
Nickname: Oly
Zodiac:  Taurus
Height:  5'5"
Last movie I saw:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I tend to watch series more than I do movies
Last thing I Googled:  "how to walk in single tooth geta"
Favorite musicians:  N/A  (I don't think I have any solid "favorites".  I just listen to whatever sounds good to me at the time)
Song stuck in my head:  「Dreamin' On」 Da-iCE and 「Like Flames」 MindaRyn (One day I WILL conquer both karaoke versions of the former!! The darn lowered voices throw me off)
Other blogs:  This is my only blog,  but I have Instagram and Twitter accounts,  both by the same handle
Blogs following:  87,  mostly fandom artist blogs
Amount of sleep:  On paper,  between 6-8 hours.  In practice,  who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucky number:  5
What I’m wearing:  Baggy tri-colored shirt and black cargo shorts  (I'm at home,  so barefoot time)
Dream job:  Resident library witch
Dream trip:  Road trip with friends
Languages:  English is my main language,  but I can speak conversational Spanish.  I'm also learning Japanese [very slowly]
Favorite food:  Strawberry shortcake
Play an instrument:  I can sing a bit (not sure what's my range).  I don't play any instruments,  but I want to learn
Favorite song:  N/A  (see "Favorite Musician")
Random fact:  I once confused my peers and a teacher by throwing my voice and making baby noises.  The people in the room kept looking all over the place for the source of the crying.  I'm still surprised that the people to each of my sides didn't catch on  (Can't do baby noises anymore,  but I can do kitten noises!  I call that an upgrade lol)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:  Slice of apple pie topped with whipped cream;  star themed bookmark tucked halfway into a book;  faux fur throw strewn across the couch
Tag! You're it!: @razzle-dazzle-d0rito @ma-lemons @cureemotion @sibit360 @local-dramatic-bastard @lordsireno
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Under the Moonlight and Fireworks // Tamaki Amajiki
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Authors Notes ♡: hi hi, I’m Bunny and welcome to my first collab and first official fic I post to this blog! I promise I’m gonna be active even more now, I’ve written a few things I plan on posting in the next week or so! I’m so glad to be a part of this lovely collab and hopefully you guys will see me in many more! I hope I did my baby Tamaki well in this, I just love him so much~ I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : none! (Maybe a lil angst if you squint really hard) I tried my best to make a tooth rotting cotton candy fluffy fluff story for Tama!
Word count : 5k give or take!
Paring(s) : Tamaki Amajiki x F! Reader
Mirio and Nejire are dating in this world too ♡
Summer, the warmest time of the year, from spring flings to summer love, studying to vacations, the time of the year students look forward to, being able to make some of your fondest memories. Even in its short duration, Summer is arguably one of the people’s favorite times of the year.
For Tamaki however, he dreads this summer more than the ones he had before.
You see, He doesn’t hate the heat, or the social interactions (shudder), or getting ready for his exams, his work studies that go through the summer break, or having to get stronger, as he is one of UA’s big three. Oh no, no of these bother him at all. Not even talking about the work studies to 1-A (which is terrifying in itself) can compare to this. This summer has him dreadful for one very big problem, a big issue, specifically one person he can confirm his dread comes from.
[First Name] [Last Name].
One of his childhood friends (alongside Mirio), one of the first people to talk to him, to get to know him, someone who knows him sometimes more than he knows himself. Yes, [First name] [Last Name], the person who makes his heart beat a million miles per second when he hears her laugh or see her blinding smile. The girl with a golden heart...
Is causing him so much dread.
It started with a smile, a gentle sign of acknowledgment, warmth, and care without saying a single thing
“Hi, I’m [Name]! What’s your name!? Have you gotten your quirk!? I have mine it’s-“ The small girl rambled on and on, and all Tamaki could do was blink. Between meeting Mirio and this mystery girl [Name], he didn’t know how much more interaction he could take. He looked at the strange duo in front of him, Both coming to talk and befriend the timid boy. With a smile and a grab of a hand by the girl, Tamaki, Mirio and her ran around the playground, they talked and played the rest of his first day, starting the beginning of their friendship.
“Hey, I know! How about we become a group! We can become heroes together and take out the villains!” Mirio said one day during lunch, the small children eating from their bento boxes. “Hey, we should! Then when we get older we can be like All Might!” [Name] said happily, jumping up and down with Mirio while Tamaki watched them, slowly picking in his bento for the octopus-shaped sausages.
“ Whatcha got Tama?” The girl asked, causing young Tamaki to turn crimson “N-nothing something my m-momma made me...” He answered timidly, trying to close the lid before she could see the cut-out creatures in his lunch. To his dismay, she did. “Hey don’t be shy! I like octopuses, your mom really must love you to do something like that!” [Name] said, smiling at her stuttering friend.
“ Hey, do you like octopuses Tama?” She said, widened and bright eyes looking into his slanted darker ones. With a sigh he looked up to her, seeing how close she was, young Tama couldn’t help but to fall backward, shocked at the close proximity of his counterpart. “ Wahhh are you okay Tama??” “Hey, Amajiki are you alright?!” The two asked, looking over the small hill he had rolled down. Without hesitation, they came to his aid, Mirio reaching out to help him up
Whilst [Name], helped brush grass from him. “Butterflies..” He let off, the pair confusingly looked at him. “My favorite animal has to be butterflies..” He said, looking up at [Name] with a small smile that she too, had forming onto her face...
Then there was the exchange of gifts, unspoken words, and heavy hearts
“Hey, Tama! Mirio!” [Name] yelled down the hall towards her two best friends, seeing them head to the gym for the ending ceremony of the fifth grade. “[NickName]” Mirio yelled back, running towards her as she met him halfway, the two turning to their shy friend. “We were headed to the gym, let's go before they start!” Mirio said energetically, running off to the double doors. “Hey wait up! Come on Tama!” She said, grabbing him by the hand and catching up to their hyper partner.
The ceremony went smoothly, Tamaki and her holding hands until the very end.
“[N-Name]...” Tamaki said softly, grabbing the girls’ hand a bit tighter as they started home, book bags filled with the last day's stuff they either left in their lockers or got from teachers. “Tama?” She questioned, turning to face him. With skin as hot as coal and a shaky breath , Tamaki reached in his bag and gave her a white bunny, a blue dress on it with a vibrant blue butterfly clip on the ear. “T-this is...this is f-for you...” he said so quietly he was shocked when he heard a response “oh Tama..she’s beautiful” With gentle hands she took the bunny from him, playing with the hem of the blue dress. With a gasp and a smile she dug in her bag, giving him a squishy and soft red octopus, an identical blue butterfly pinned to a tentacle. “I guess we had the same idea huh?” She said with darkened cheeks, looking away as he took the octopus from her.
“Y-you..wanted to get me something too..?” He said in disbelief, looking at her with doe like eyes. “Of course! I gave Mirio a Ox because he’s just , well, big and cuddly like one!” She said, giving Tama what he called “the sun in a smile” face, a soft giggle falling from her lips. The two of them stood there for what felt like eternity, then finally, finally [Name] moved, giving tamaki a hug. A stuttering and blushing mess , he froze, not knowing how to handle the display of affection when he heard what she whispered to him “I’ll always be connected to you now Tama “ she said and with a kiss to his ear she ran off before he could say anything, his heart aflame as he watched his best friend dart around the corner.
“Hey Tamaki!” Mirio said, seeing his friend frozen on the concrete. With a snap back to reality, tamaki looked at Mirio, his heart feeling heavenly and heavy all in the same breath. “Y-yeah?” He said looking back at the blonde boy. ‘So bright’ he thought to himself and they walked home.”I heard [Name] was going back to the states” Mirio started, judging by his friends' shocked and sad face , he knew she didn’t tell him. “She didn’t say that when she left huh? Well don’t worry tamaki! We’ll see her again. I just know it! “ Mirio said joyfully with a thumbs up, seeing his sad and shy friend get worse. ‘Maybe that’s what she means by we’ll always be connected..’ Tamaki thought to himself, the octopus she gave him wrapped safely in his arms....
Left with a broken promise, fragile in time , stuck in the suspense of hope in the future
It didn’t matter as the school year started for middle school, nothing felt the same. Mirio was here but she wasn’t..
He felt like he was missing something, somewhere something was missing.
He couldn’t stop thinking of the girl who constantly pushed him out of his normal, to push him into bigger and better things, no matter his rebuttal. He missed laughing, eating bento in the grass. No looking out for butterflies together, no long walks home. No warmth.
He had Mirio and he was enough for the two of them
He never noticed it until now..and he wishes he did sooner.
He needed her too, more than he knew , a bigger piece into his life was missing that was more than he thought.
Then the fireworks came, setting off a fuse to a blaze that couldn’t be bothered to try and be contained
Tamaki didn’t like festivals, too many people and things everywhere. But he promised Mirio he’d go, with their new friend, Nejire Hado. He saw her the beginning of their first year, and she was just like her in a very odd and....aloof way. She had the same spark he could say, louder and more outgoing, but she felt right in their friendship. ‘I wanna go home’ tamaki thought to himself, looking for the tuft of blonde hair or periwinkle wandering about. He was hot, tired, and drained. He wanted to see the fireworks, he really did, he just..couldn’t. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone from his yukata when-
A laugh
A pair of laughs
The sound of angels to his ears
In turning around he saw Nejire, bubbly and happy as can be rambling to a girl, who had on one of the most unique yukatas he saw all night. Dragons and waves, tigers and flames, wolves and mountain tops. Dark with golden trim, Artistry and design at it’s finest. From her in geta to the black, red and gold yukata, to the beautiful pieces placed in her hair. Soft makeup that he’d never seen before.
Unique, like her.
He knew what he saw but he didn’t want to believe it
She couldn’t be back
Could she?
And with Nejire?
Then it happens, the fireworks began to blast, colors in the sky as people stop to watch and it’s almost silent, almost, except for the pounding in Tamaki’s heart as he watches his best friend, no , love of his life , smile up to the sky , that same glow as the day he met her.
And that’s when he realizes ‘I’m in love with her’
And everything froze for that moment
He saw her.
Her eyes suddenly went from the sky to his , and they widened , full of questions, happiness and warmth , and also...fear? Sadness? A hint of nervousness? He couldn’t pinpoint it but once their eyes saw each other, nothing mattered, no one mattered, except them in that moment. She looked different...her body was shapely and taller than she was in the fifth grade of course. She was stunning, no , she was beautiful, a goddess amongst the morals as he saw it. He couldn’t help but want to hide , feeling like he couldn’t look , fearing to get burned.....
But he wanted to touch the sun, to have it to himself regardless of the pain, regardless of burn.
He wanted the warmth of her to scorch him, to free him
She saw him.
The way he looked at her made her heart flip, Nejire’s words far gone as she saw her best friend in the distance. Way taller than she last saw him, a stronger physical shape and still his boyish charm had morphed into his handsome qualities. Eyes unsure of where to look, him slowly clamming up at the sight of her. She knew better than to get offended, if anything she was flattered, her childhood friend must feel something like she did. But within that she still saw the same shy third grade Tamaki Amajki in front of her, scared to speak his mind, making her heart smile at the thought. ‘He hasn’t changed a bit’ she said to herself as she smiled sweetly at him, throwing a gentle wave to him as her hyper female friend Nejire pulled her to a stand , then disappearing into the sea of people.....
But the only sea she wanted to drown in was the darkness of his eyes wrapped in the cool of his arms.
She wanted the sea of him to take her into his heart
“Tamaki?” Mirio said, touching his friends shoulders as he watched him jump at the feeling, wide eyes and stuttering out incomplete sentences, he shook him and with the loudest and most confident voice Mirio’s ever seen or hear his best friend say “She’s here, she back Mirio, my bunny’s back”
Which brings us to the current time of why Tamaki hates the summer. His long standing, hidden feeling crush is back in town, and going to one of the biggest hero course based schools in Japan ,UA Academy, with no other than the shy boy himself
“Why didn’t you tell me she was back, Mirio?” Tamaki said , a large sigh tumbling from his lips As he watched the two girls walk arm and arm together to class , Mirio and himself headed to their own designated room. “I didn’t know myself Tamaki, honest! Nejire just said she was showing a new student around , how was I supposed to know it was [Name]! I’m glad she's back though, I missed her but obviously not as much as you do ~” Mirio stated, elbowing his red friend as they sat down for their lessons. ‘Didn’t know..huh’ he looked out the window as everyone poured in. This was gonna be a long day..
Nejire walked arm and arm with [Name], the two of them blabbering to each other as they headed to their class together. “Aw come on and have fun, I need your help y'know don’t laugh at me! ” She whined, shaking the now laughing girl. “I know! Why don’t you talk to him for me?” She said with her iconic excitement, turning to face [Name] as she owlishly blinked back at the girl, hands up in defense. “Uh uh don’t get me in your way of what your crush. I’m not even that helpful in these things!” She said with a giggle as they started to walk once again, passing an open classroom. Stealing a glance through the open door, she swore she saw a certain blonde and Indigo duo she hadn’t talked to in years, not counting the fact she saw them at the recent festival she went to with Nejire. With the sudden stop Nejire turned around, looking back at her with a confused look.
“[Name]? Hello did you hear me?” She asked , waving her hand in front of the girl as she snapped out of it, smiling nervously back at her friend calling her. “Huh? Oh yeah! I-I’m fine just got a little distracted” She said, waving off Nejire's side glance as she headed to their classroom. The periwinkle haired girl watched her friend with a pout, looking into the classroom as she saw her other two best friends. “Miri! Tama! Hey!!” She said , running into the classroom as she hugged them, Tamaki hating her loud appearance while Mirio blushed at the girls’ affection. “ Hey Neji, what’s up?” Mirio asked, color flushing his face, a thing his quiet friend noticed. With a nervous smile Nejire let go of the boys, giving them room as she laughed. “Nothing much, heading to class with [Name], what’re you guys doing? Are you guys ready for the class collab this afternoon?!” She started excitedly
Tamaki immediately looked up, eyes wide as he heard her name. ‘She is here, but why? Is she in the hero’s course too? Sigh...I wanna go home..I can’t face her..not yet’ He thought to himself. “Yep we sure are! I can’t wait to see her, is she really here? Where?!” Mirio jumped up , grabbing the shorter girl’s shoulders. “W-well we’re in class together! Class 2-A!” She said , a wild spread of color onto her cheeks settling in as she looked at the energetic blonde. “Tamaki let's go say hi! It’s been awhile since we saw her, I bet she’s happy to see us as much as we are to see her! Oh yeah, I can’t wait to ask her about the states, I wonder what she’s been up to!” Mirio said as he ran out of the room , headed to the neighboring one.
“Let’s go chicken heart!” Nejire turned to Tamaki, seeing the boy even gloomier than usual. “ Oh come on you knew her before I did! It’ll be fun, we can even be the big four!” She giggled as she tried to drag the elf ear boy along, a sigh falling from his lips. ‘Definitely a long day..’ he thought. “I’ll wait here Hado..I’ll talk to her later..” He said, pulling from the confused girl. “Aw come on, shell be happy to see you! Let’s go yeah?” Nejire begged to no avail, Tamaki already facing the wall in defeat. With a heavy sigh and pout she went after Mirio, leaving him to stew in his thoughts.
“So...you want to ask Hado out?” Tamaki started, looking to his usually ecstatic friend, a nervous look washing over his face. “Y-yeah..I dunno Tamaki, she’s something special. I can’t help the way my heart feels whenever she appears, her smile makes me warm, she's like a female me! Ah what can I say, I just feel..whole y'know? In a relationship way not saying that you don’t make me feel happy and whole too! Hey Tamaki! Stop looking like that!” Mirio said, finally turning to the boy after his confession, seeing his friend now looking intimidatingly at his lunch, chopsticks pulling apart the fried octopus in his meal.
“I dunno Mirio...are you sure you want to do this..? What if she..rejects you…?” The pessimistic boy said, looking over to his friend in concern. “Well...we’d just have to go back to being friends! No harm in that right?” Mirio said, happy as can be with a smile to Tamakis’ dismay. ‘How can someone be so happy all the time..’ he thought, hearing his friend explain how he’d confess to Nejire, but all he could think about is how to do the same for [Name]. ‘Oh bunny..I hope I could one day too..tell you how much you mean to me..’ Tamaki thought, looking up as the sun shined brightly.
“Okay so I wanna confess to Miri” Nejire blurted out, halting a stretching [Name]. “You want to do WHAT?” [Name] said , a little louder than she hoped, seeing angry stares at her as she apologized, looking back at her friend. “ You really want to go to the next step huh?” She said soon sighing ”Do you...think you’re ready Neji? There's good AND bad that could come from this, I don’t want you getting your heart hurt if it doesn’t work out…” She said, looking back to the periwinkle haired girl , determination plastered onto her face. “ I have to [Name] , if I don’t I won’t be able to know if I really like him , so I can finally deal with this silly crush once and for all!” Nejire said, turning to look back at her lost friend. “Trust me , I’ll be okay..I need to do this. Next year is our last year together, and if we have a blossoming love into the ages I refuse to miss the opportunity!” She said, enthusiasm laced throughout her speech.
“I’ll text him now! Tell him there’s something I have to tell him” Nejire started, opening her phone as she typed vigorously, sending the text with a ’ping’ “Well alright..but I’m telling you now I’m no wingman!” [Name] said , following behind Nejire, who soon was squealing through the halls, starting to run towards the stairs. “He said yes [Name] , he said yes! He told me to come up to the rooftop! C'mon we have to hurry before class starts!” Nejire said, taking up the stairs. “Wait! Ugh love birds..” [Name] grumbled, speeding up to catch up to her.
Twilight, when the sun and the moon meet in the middle to change, from night to day , day to night. I’m this cause however, love is blossoming in the mist of its glory
Year 3, the final stretch until UAs’ finest become heroes in the world, men and women joining the social aspect of the world. But Tamaki knew it was a mock to that part in highschool, truly it being a ticking time bomb for him to confess his own feelings for his childhood best friend. The duo were currently headed for the workshop to get the updated gear they put in from the support class, both them excited to see the updates and new gear they ordered in. “Hey Tama, what did you think your hero gear looks like now? Ah I can’t wait! I hope now I don’t have to worry about tears and damaging me and my whole outfit!” [Name] said happily, rambling about her gear. Tamaki looked fondly at his energetic friend, his eyes sparkling as he took in her appearance.
The UA uniform hugging her in all the right places, her smile bringing a warmth to his heart. Her skin looked soft to the touch and her hair pinned and out of the way of her face, displaying her happy disposition. She soon looked up and met eyes with the shy boy as he soon turned red, stuttering out apologizes as he hid his face from the now giggling girl, her own face warming at noticing him staring at her. “Aw don’t be shy Tama! What’s up? Something wrong?” [Name] said, tilting her head to him as she leaned closer, which caused Tamaki to lean back from her and stutter even more which amused the girl even more. “ N-nothing s-stop teasing me bunny..” he whispered to the girl, turning even darker as he faced the wall , feeling his heart starting to speed, fluttering against his ribcage as the butterflies in his stomach rose up to meet his throat, the two mingling until they made a knot in the middle.
He tensed when [Name] wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her face under his arm to look at him, a soft smile splayed on her face. “Tamaki. Talk to me, what's got you so flustered hm?” Her voice calmed him but also made him nervous as he finally turned around to her , with darkened cheeks and a shaking body , he grabbed her hands, holding them in his own as they both looked in eachothers eyes, each slowly moving towards the other when..
“Hey you two! Are you guys getting your gear too!?” They heard a loud happy voice yelling from down the hall, knowing it was a certain happy go lucky couple. Tamaki quickly released [Name] , both of them flustered as they didn’t look up to their friends, an awkward silence falling between them as they walked into the workshop.
“Tamaki you really should tell her! I bet she’ll say yes, and if it's anything like what we saw last week it seems she’s really into you too!” Mirio said to his timid friend, the indigo haired boy in thought as he watched the girl he was practically in love with laughing and joking with his other best friend and Mirios’ girlfriend Nejire.”You remember how scared I was to tell Neji I liked her and it turned out she was coming to tell me the same thing! The way you and [Name] stared at each other until we were done confessing had meaning in it y'know?” Mirio looked over at Tamaki, the shy boy now glancing towards him.
With a deep breath he continued “I know when she left you were heartbroken Tamaki….” With that statement , Tamaki perked up to look at his blonde friend seeing him look at him with soft eyes “You’ve always been in love with her Tama, everyone could see it…” With a sigh , Tamaki started, opening and shutting his mouth but with no avail , nothing came out. Mirio smiled and continued his thoughts “ We all hoped you’d tell her soon, to at least see where it could go….All of us really, you two maka a great duo as heroes, and we all see the chemistry, inside and out of the ring. And you know Neji, once she gets her mind set on something she doesn’t give up until it happens.” He said , glancing to his periwinkle haired lover talking to [Name] , the other girls face flushing with color as Nejire continued to talk on and on , obviously giving their other friend the same talk he was doing up here.
“I’ll...talk to her” Tamaki finally spoke up, shocking his optimistic friend. “What? Really??” Mirio said , grabbing Tamaki's arm and shaking the now dejected boy. “That’s great Tama, I’ll let Nejire know! Y'know we were planning to go out and get some pre summer fun done before we get out of school and start our pro hero lives! Why don’t you tell her there?” Mirio said , giving Tamaki a thumbs up. “Sure..what’s worse than confessing to a crush but doing it in public…” Tamaki responded, walking towards the door of the roof with his excited friend beside him,texting his girlfriend the plans as they headed down to meet them. ‘ I hope this works...Bunny I hope you’ll feel the same too..’ He thought to himself, trying to be the most confident he could muster inside of him.
Tamaki waited outside with Mirio outside of the girls dorm, the energetic blonde constantly trying to giving the pessimistic indigo advice of what to say and how to confess, but all he could think about was all the ‘what ifs’ and how this could go wrong. Just before he started to try and get out of something he thought could bring him more regret the main door opened, showing a happy Nejire and a shy [Name] hidden behind her.
“Sorry boys it took so long! [Name] and me had to get ready , wanted to look our best for you two!” Nejire said with a wink, walking over to kiss Mirio on the cheek.” Well you two look beautiful! Don’t they Tamaki?” He asked , seeing as his friend was disgraced by the girl in front him, mouth slightly agape. “H-huh! Oh y-yeah you both look n-nice..” He rambled out, turning from his crush in front of him, looking everywhere except to make eye contact with the girl in front of him “Aw Tama stop being like that! [Name] got all dressed up and pretty for you and you won’t even look at her!” Nejire said, smacking the timid boy in the back with her purse.
With a pout from Mirio telling her to give their shy friend time, the couple started walking, the two shy friends behind them following close behind.”Nejire“I-it’s okay! He’s just nervous is all!” She defended him as well, walking beside Tamaki and throwing him a small smile. “We better keep up, or Nejire will have your head at this rate!” She laughed as he let off a deep sigh, all of them heading to what Nejire called their “romantic getaway”. As they went up the hill, [Name] gasped happily, looking down at an early festival going on. “Guys come look! It looks like they’re having some type of festival going on!” She exclaimed and Nejire sat beside her, they both giggled with joy as they watched the people beneath them run and dance around happily as the festival continued. Soon Tamaki and Mirio joined them , sitting beside each girl as they watched on, the joy from the day settling into them all.
As the sun started to set, Nejire gently laid her head on Mirios shoulder, the blonde smiling down at his girlfriend as they started snuggling up to each other in the sunset, drifting asleep on one another.
“Ah looks like the two of them are starting to sleep” [Name] said softly, seeing as their lovebird friends were drifting off as the sun hung low in the horizon, everyone in the festival gathering as they collected fireworks to set off.
“Y-yeah..” Tamaki agreed softly, looking at the girl beside him, his heart skipping a beat as she was already glancing over to him, a smile grazing her lips.
“I’m glad we’re here, back together Tama...I..missed you a lot when I went back home..it wasn’t the same” [Name] said with a whisper. “I..didn’t want to leave you..it’s why I gave you that octopus, I guess that was sorta silly..trying to convey how I felt with a stuffed animal “ She let out a light sigh, shaking her head as she watched the sun slip away. Tamaki reached out for her hand causing the girl to snap her head towards him, seeing his cheeks flush.
“[N-name]...Bunny..I’ve always c-cared for you and y-you moving c-changed nothing..if anything I-it made me realize how m-much you mean to me..I think…no..I know I’m in love with you, and I-I’m hoping...t-that you..c-could maybe..” And before he had the chance to finish they heard the iconic pop of fireworks, the two of them turning to watch the array of lights, their hands intertwined. As the moon slipped up from being hidden under the horizon, Tamaki watched [Name] , a smile settling on his lips as the moon and fireworks making the girl seem lambent to him, inside and out.
“Bunny..” He called out to her and with a soft hum she turned to him , eyebrow raised. ‘It’s now or never..’ Tamaki thought to himself, standing up as he held out his hand to her. [Name] smiled and stood with him, holding his hand back as she tilted her head, eyes wandering between his.”B-be mine..?” He asked, almost so quiet he didn’t expect her to let out a held breath and with a gentle smile answered “I’ve always been yours”. With a shaky exhale of a breath he pulled her closer, closing the distance between them with a passionate kiss, savoring the first of many kisses together, under the moon and fireworks.
Bonus ♡ !! :
Later that night , the gang of Tamaki and [Name] headed back with Mirio and Nejire, all four of them sitting on the floor of Mirios’ dorm as they ate snacks until their dinner arrived. “ Okay so! What should we watch tonight?” Nejire asked, stuffing her face soon after with marshmallows. “Please Hado..don’t chew with your mouth open..” Tamaki whispered, laying his head on [Name]’s Lap as she played with his hair, a held snort coming out. “We have games too! Don’t forget!” She said in response , laughing at her periwinkle haired friend as she started to finish her bowl of gummy white marshmallows, smiling when she was done. “Okay okay, now! Games or a movie?” “Games.” Mirio interrupted , a smirk growing on his face. “Let’s make a bet , whoever loses has to help and serve the winners” With a huff, Nejire stood to her taller male counterpart, cheeks puffed “That’s why we’ll win! You’re on!” Tamaki let out a sigh of disappointment and [Name] couldn’t help but smile, kissing the cheeks of her new boyfriend. “ It'll be okay Tama, I’m here remember?” She said softly as he sat up from her lap , giving her a proper kiss “You are and I wouldn’t change this for anything. I love you bunny” Tamaki said , kissing her once more on the lips, their friend arguing background noise as she kissed him back with a sweet “I love you too Tama”
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kcburaya · 3 years
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     it is ever the rumble of heavens above that demands of her before the imperial courier even gets close -- barely a foot off the compound that he comes upon her, and then is eclipsed entirely when she begins her own ascent . and she does not stop, even when firm falls of single - tooth geta are muted beneath the tatami of the tenshukaku’s interior . “ your excellency . “ but it is only when her knee falls in respect, joining the opposing geta and her fist presses shakily to the floor that she deigns to speak . “ you have summoned for me, and i humbly answer . speak, and i will listen . “ || @raiomei​ -- s.c. !!
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello :3 So. Would you like to write a hc with MC that was brought up in your culture and her native language isn't Japanese (maybe she can't even speak it)?? :33 Pretty please and huge thanks in advance 💗😂😘
Thanx for the ask friend! Hehe, this hc took a whole different direction than I first intended whoops. It started off with mc not understanding Japanese but it honestly got a bit too repetitive lol 😞 Also, I only did it for Masamune, Nobunaga, and MItsuhide; otherwise, it would get waaaay too long! ^o^ 
Okay, so just a bit of backstory- there are many different cultures and ethnic groups in South Africa. I grew up with Engish as my home language although I had all my schooling in Afrikaans. So I'm writing from that perspective. If ya guys want to know the exact translations of some of the phrases used in this HC let me know!
Foreign MC headcanon
Immediately after her arrival, he is intrigued. HOLY HELL, where did this woman come from. She is so freakishly tall, and what’s with that big bone structure. Gosh, her shoulders are almost as broad as his.
Low key intimidated by her height and build.
Hits on MC and ties to “drink from her lips.” MC looking unimpressed, backing away slowly saying, “Nee dankie oom nie vanaand nie, ek het a pa,” why is she laughing? Ooooh, its some kind of inside joke. Demands she tells him the joke! MC tells him it’s something she and her friends would say to the men they were uninterested in at the clubs.
The first time he heard her speak, he is instantly curious. He has never heard anything like it, it’s definitely not Portuguese.  MC explains that she is from South Africa. She also tells him that she can speak 2 of the official 11 languages.
Smirks is super amused, he demands that she tell him everything about her country, its people, and the different customs. He is amazed that one place can be filled with so many different types of people, languages, cultures.
Wonders why MC never goes into the sun without a parasol. Shows him her burn scar from getting burned the one day in the “harsh African sun.” He never knew the sun could be so dangerous before. Is now low key scared of the power of the sun
Is super impressed by the sweets she makes, especially loves the sickly sweet koeksisters that she made for him. South Africans sure do love their sugar. He has to down a liter of water after just eating one, he legit has never thought something would be too sweet for him before. Mc laughs while devouring her tenth one. “I thought you said you had a sweet tooth, come on have another”
Hello lady! He has never seen such a tall drink of water before. Like seriously, he has literally never been looked down at before, and by a woman no less. Man, he feels short!
Hears MC talks for the first time and is convinced she’s a Portuguese spy. Que sword at the throat.
“listen here dumb ass, I am a lot of things, but Portuguese spy ain’t one of them.”
She can see the wheels in his head is turning, “then tell me kitten who are you and where are you from, or I’ll end your life right here.”
She strips her moer (Afrikaans way of saying she is pissed) “Is jy befok, I’m from South Africa and if you don’t remove this sword from my throat I am going to bliksem you”
Masa is sister shook, “what did you just say to me?” He backs off a little cause of the threatening tone in her voice. 
Explains to him that she is bilingual and can understand at least 4 different languages.
He thinks for a moment before lowering the sword and saying, “Let’s be friends.” Is instantly forgiven like nothing ever even happened.
MC teaches Masa, all the Afrikaans, swear words, and the pair start teaming up to tease Mitsuhide. Also, MC has an inappropriate sense of humor, so the two of them are always giggling about some or other joke that was made.
Mc teaches Masa some new preservation techniques for him to use when making non-perishable foods for wartime. Introduces him to biltong and droewors. Masamune is pleasantly surprised, he never imagined dried red meat would taste this good. Also, he will definitely need to watch his blood pressure, cause darn this stuff is salty. Mc misses being able to eat red meat all day every day. Would kill just to be able to eat some kudu fillet again *sighs*.
Masamune is shocked at how much she eats. During banquets, she piles on the food until her plate is barely visible. Her meals basically only consist of meat, starch, and a very minimal amount of veg. Can probably out-eat him in a contest. She just shrugs and says this is her normal amount of food she eats for dinner.
Masamune has to teach her to use chopsticks, Mc gets so frustrated cause she can't seem to get it right! 
The both of them get caught in a storm one day on a walk back from the market. Masa grabs her hand and starts speed walking to the nearest teahouse, “let’s take cover in the teahouse and wait for the storm to pass lass.” MC looking at him unphased, “what don’t tell me your afraid of a little thunder and lightning” laughs while continuing to walk through the storm.
MC’s turn to cook for all the warlords, she tells them she is going to make something she would have every single weekend back at home. She calls it a braai. Explains it is basically a fancy way of saying, to grill meat over an open fire. She stands tall and proud with her hands on her hips and says, “Ons gaan nou braai.” Masa actually half-understood this phrase because mc has been teaching him a bit of Afrikaans. Tries to mimic it but fails. The two of them breakdown laughing
His Eyes widen the second MC is introduced to him, “you, my dear, are most definitely not a little mouse.” Also, is that curly hair! Must resist the urge to run fingers through it.
Is instantly wary and suspicious of her. This woman certainly is loud and outspoken. Also, what a curious accent she has there. He wonders if you are one of those Portuguese traders that Nobunaga is always talking about.
Mitsuhide waits for her outside her room, leaning against the wall. Mc is super happy to see him, cause she heard Mitsuhide is the master of information. “May I come inside and ask you a few questions, my dear?” “okay, as long as you spill the tea after I answer all your questions, I do love a good skinner sesh.” He just smiles at her, not understanding a word, who on earth would want someone to come into their room and deliberately spill tea all over the place. Such a silly girl. He is so intrigued by her different way of speaking, that all past suspicions of her have now been dropped.
“so tell more about this tea spilling you speak of”, Mitsu attentively listens to her as she explains all about the country she is from and the different types of people and cultures.
Loves MC’s blunt and sarcastic way of speaking. Also, how is she kind and suspicious of people at the same time. 
She certainly is a feisty mouse, she is literally ready to fight someone at any moment. He is every entertained. Loves to get her riled up. This earns him a punch on the shoulder. 
Is amused that she calls the geta sandals “plakkies with a heel.”
Is amazed when he sees her playing in the snow with such childlike wonder. She spends the whole day playing and building snowmen. He doesn’t understand how anyone can be so enthusiastic about snow until she explains that she has never seen so much snow before. Que Mitsu playing in the snow with her. Starts a snowball fight.  Hideyoshi scolds the two of them for catching a chill
Laughs and teases her for pulling her face when taking a big bite of mochi filled with bean paste. “I thought you said this was a sweet dish,” MC says while downing her tea.
Is entertained by all the different phrases you use. They are pretty confusing, and often have a double meaning to them. Like how when she says, “ja no,” it means she agrees with him. Or even when she says “just now,” it means she will do it later.
Mitsuhide insists on learning Afrikaans from her, just so that the two of them can gossips about the other warlords right in front of them.
Hope this one wasn't too boring or too shitty ^_^ I think I need to practice my HC writing skills a bit more lol😂
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kujoutengu · 4 years
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If you were traversing the streets of Archimedes Ward, you would eventually come across a rather...unusual sight, to put it mildly.
A man with golden blond hair, pink and purple clothing complete with matching red, single tooth geta was moving through the streets, flute in hand and playing a pleasant melody.
While riding a wheeled hover board.
Yes, you read that right.
No, this isn’t some sort of joke, though the man in question just might be.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
What the Foot: Kuya the Debut and Finale
Author’s note: Read this in Sir David Attenborough's voice, please. Actually, I would be still impressed you managed to read this mess. Also, I still don’t know how to use colour fonts, help.
                                      The Mystery of Kuya’s Shoes
It is at this mansion where evolution’s most impressive feat is documented: Kuya’s legs. 
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So defined and long. Both can be contorted into any position should the user choose to execute any sort of movement. Little do people realize that the tengu does not even know what they are called because he has never learnt how to use these fine, magnificent specimens in his feeble life. In fact, the only reason why they move is because of sheer desperation in those mad, mad golden eyes to avoid doing work.
Right now, it seems that he has achieved his greatest wish at this warm verandah. There, he slumbers with wings tucked securely against him, curled up for comfort… the only things that stand out are… the shoes... 
Ipponba-geta (one-tooth-geta) or tengu-geta due to Japanese folklore depicting tengu goblins as the most popular wearer. The tengu-geta are mostly used as ceremonial footwear because they give the impression that they are hard to walk with and dangerous. Recently though, studies have shown that such footwear has promoted strength in muscular training...
Yet, none of these solid reasons offered seem to apply to the gentleman Kuya, for he... is rather subdued by nature.These very shoes are more alive than user as even though it is subtle, one can hear the slightest slapping sound as he occasionally shifts sleeping positions...
Gaku, are you getting this on the camera?
How can I not? He is just lying there like a couch.
Point taken, maybe we should wait for him to wake up.
Why am I doing this again?
Because Yura wants to see a homemade movie.
Yes, but why this topic?
Because aren’t you curious?
At the fact that you’re dropping the British accent while speaking in Japanese?
No, I mean Kuya’s attire. Like, if he really wanted to be comfortable, why that footwear of all things. 
Besides, according to Koga who got it from the maid who got it from Nachi who got it from the fish vendor who got it from Oji, Kuya should be forced to wake up...
In exactly 29 seconds, this particular male tengu shall be roused by the burning urge for sustenance at the chicest restaurant.
Ok, you’re right but I’m not going to correct myself because I am getting tired of this position. How did you even get the camera here?
What? Isn’t it obvious?
No, it... wait, darn, we missed his flight. He’s on the move, after him!
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Tensions are high as the tengu confronts another member of the Dawn Faction. 
Aoi from the quaint Milk Hall, Raccord. As a Satori Seer, he wields the ability to peer into people’s hearts... and their afternoon schedules or lack thereof. He stands as the tengu’s lone but powerful opponent against the ever-so-coveted... Oji-san’s omurice.
Oh wow, you really made the camera capture it. 
Erm... actually, it really is glistening and there are sparkles around it.
... On that topic...
It should be noted that within the ayakashi community, there is a clear divide between the ones who do 95% of the work with sensible but fashionably questionable shoes and those who do 5% with weird and fashionably questionable shoes. 
It does not help that Kuya flew all the way over here without being spotted somehow except by Aoi.  
Now, it is no secret that Aoi is a sharp-tongued young man with a caring disposition. It is only his inability to be honest with himself and those around him that plagues him. Thus, he relishes the rare opportunity to be completely vulnerable and engage in a secret hobby that is to be captured on the camera for the first time.
Fighting with Kuya. 
“Hey, deadbeat, we have actual customers so don’t sleep here!”
How is that a secret?
The secret is that he likes it. Now, hush and aim.
Kuya... seems not to care, nodding absent-mindedly to the tongue-lashing he is receiving. Will he finally rise to the occasion? Will he take flight? Will he fight with all of his might?!
Hey, quiet! 
Oh, sorry.
“Shh... I’m sleeping while waiting.”
Kuya alas remains aloof and detached as he lays into a fuming seer, never letting his opponent get a word in. Maybe this is the power of the shoes? 
After all, legend has it that once the tengu bestows his footwear upon a human, the receiver will be able to fall easily and get rich with each fall he takes until he becomes too short to even lift his profit. 
Who knows if Kuya is utilizing the knowledge left by his descendants with something of equal value but with a bitter price — an “I do not care about anything you said to me” attitude obtained only by reluctantly gaining an “I do not care about anything.” attitude as well. 
Then, there is a sound much like a bell’s ring, signalling all present members of the species to return to their dens for more customers and the proprietor of the place.
Seems that the Domeki has abated the crackling animosity over laziness with... more laziness. And asking about tengu-branded cigarettes? Either way, Aoi is distracted by the long-awaited cooking oil.
... This is proving valuable content for my brother, I guess. 
... I kind of want...
No food yet, we are recording it until the end now. Hush.
Ugh, you’re right, ok, zoom in on Kuya’s feet.
Notice that the tengu has propped his feet on the furniture. But wait, that’s not all. Nay, one must observe the new angle taken to accommodate those shoes. So why does he bear such a burden? Is this to justify his lethargy? The sheer struggle against some geta?
Wait, how did he finish his omurice so fast?
My god, he literally inhaled it. 
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His stretch causes big, onyx wings to expand widely outside. Jet-black feathers fluttering about the room for Aoi to clean, as if taunting.
... Oh wow, that is actually a legitimate theory.
You are the one coming up with the script, why are you so surprised?
Wait, look at that. He just took off! How?
... Oh, I think I know why now. 
Finally, the mystery has been unravelled by the marvellous...
“We don’t have to narrate anymore.” “But this is marvellous...”
“Ugh... fine. But I’m doing it.”
Now, observe this exclusive footage of a tengu gracefully taking flight. The takeoff is the most energy-demanding part. So does the naturally tired creature summon the required force? See how he braces himself.
Due to his large wingspan, he must take a small run up to generate sufficient airflow. Thereafter, comes a significant jump upwards and propped by those shoes. Notice how the single tooth provides the exact position needed that would have required him using another muscle.
Now, he soars, his shoes somehow securely still on him... 
Why is he coming closer?
... Run...
It was too late though once MC had collided into his chest. With an arched eyebrow, the tengu mumbled, 
“What are both of you doing?”
Even Gaku flinched. The times they exchanged furtive, accusing glances, offensive fingers and switching whoever was nearest Kuya was enough for the tengu to roll his eyes, take off his shoes and dangle them in front of the pair.
“So, do you have a better close-up?”
Defeated, MC was the first to squeak out a mortified, “... Yes...”.
“Good, say hi to Twin Number one when you show this to him. Now, do the closing thing or whatever. I’m going back to sleep.”
As they stared at Kuya’s retreating form in the sky, MC-chan chose to do the most important thing...
Tune in for the next episode of WTF, What The Foot!
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Italics: MC still pretending to narrate but interrupted
Bold: Gaku having to narrate for his beloved brother but interrupted
Normal Text: Either one of them narrating unless accompanied with quotation marks
Yura found this hilarious and decided to use the only camera in the house to film animals. One day, the camera broke thanks to a deer. The damage was beyond even Gaku’s control. 
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rotworld · 5 years
22: Winged Things
you have heard the story of the warlords, but have you heard the one of three small gods?
->contains gore.
I was a paper lantern.
I had a frame of chestnut wood and four painted sides. On each, a story quietly unfolded like linked verse; the sun rising over winter-veiled mountains. A lone and weeping plum tree. A crane, wings folded, waiting for something. 
These paintings were done by a talented ukiyo-e artist but you won’t find her signature anywhere on my body, and that’s because I’m an early work and practice piece. She never meant to show me to anyone. But art escapes; that’s simply what it does. And so I traded hands many times and ended up a wedding gift. My earliest memory is the smell of rosewood, parchment and drying ink.
Birth is complicated for lanterns. Someone carves our frame, someone makes our paper, someone else paints us. If we are lucky, we live long enough to travel. If we are luckier still, we live long enough to become beloved by someone. I was lucky this way. 
My mother was an innkeeper who whispered to me each night. She told me about everything, but mostly about the sad and haunted things in the world. She’d had a miscarriage. The changing seasons made her lonely. Her late husband was eaten by demons, but no one believed her. They didn’t believe it when they came for her, either.
In those days, people had begun to forget about gods and demons. It isn’t that they’d gone away, but that the smoke of war had clogged the sky and filled the valleys and all the places where gods and demons were, and it’s easy to forget most everything in so much blood. 
I came to run my mother’s inn, and not once did anybody suspect a thing. People were not telling stories about lanterns that came to life after being told so many stories and being kept so close and dear. They were fleeing from soldiers who had made battlefields of their homelands and trying to make enough money to eat. Guests were infrequent and often eccentric, most often traveling monks and hermits, the occasional poet on a journey, and I remember well the face of each.
But unquestionably, the most unusual of all were the crow, the kite, and the pheasant.
You must understand, I was younger then. For all my talk of gods and demons, I had hardly met any. I was frightened when they arrived, one after the other. I felt instinctively that something was strange but I was not eager to approach them with questions. I now regret my meekness, knowing who they were, and who they would become.
There was a storm that evening, something frightful that howled and battered the roof so viciously I feared for my mother’s inn. I sat in the entryway watching the water churn in the river, fearing it would spill over into the garden. They came one after another, but not together. It was as though fate had crossed their roads with mine just this night, and I could see the confusion, the amusement, the weariness on their faces. 
Their wings were translucent, hidden as all small gods had begun to do then, but I saw them still. I had been waiting to see such things all my life. First came the crow, tall and thin. His hair was as black as night and he had disguised himself in the somber black robes and straw hat of a traveling monk, the shakujo he carried ringing eerily with each step. He smiled beatifically but he had claws and they were still red, still dripping.
After him came the black kite in the traditional garb, a yamabushi’s yellow robes and tall, single-toothed geta on his feet. He was the largest of the three, the most unkempt and the most wounded, a bandage draped across one eye and a cloth band keeping his hair out of his face. He knew the crow and the crow knew him, and their wings fluttered restlessly at their reunion though their faces betrayed no emotion. 
And last came the pheasant in a warrior’s black scales of armor, a helmet under one arm. He was the most beautiful and the most stern, eyes sharp and gaze unsettling. At his waist he had tied the severed heads of many men that sagged morbidly, tongues hanging out of their slack mouths, rotting at the fleshy wounds at their severed necks. The crow and the kite did not him but the pheasant looked at them as though they were old friends, offered a cold smile, and said to me, “Your best room, please.” He set a heavy, jangling bundle in my hands.
I would like to say that we spoke often, that I asked many questions and learned many things. But if I am to be honest, the truth is that I was afraid. All three were frightening and shrouded in a presence both divine and tainted. From the garden, I saw their silhouettes as they reclined in their lantern-lit room, their great wings unfolded in privacy. 
They made quite a commotion, sharing stories of where they’d been, what they’d seen. There was so much laughter. I intruded only once to bring tea and a light meal, and they must have known that I knew, because they did nothing to hide themselves. I saw their wings, their sharpened teeth, felt the wild wind of these small gods caress my skin. I wanted to know more about them, but I did not want to overstay my welcome. 
“Pardon me,” I said, bowing where I sat, “but would my honored guests permit me to ask a question?” 
They were startled, their conversation coming to an abrupt silence. “That depends,” the crow said, smiling in his sly way. “What sort of question is it?” 
“One of simple curiosity,” I admitted. “I wondered; if a bird were to land upon a branch before you, honored guests, and it refused to sing...what would you do?”
The crow chuckled. He had shed his traveling clothes and lounged in the soft puddle of fabric, nearly nude before me. He licked his bloodied claw and mused, “What would I do? I suppose I’d take it in my hand and whisper some sweet words. If that fails, then a threat. I would make it sing.”
The kite looked troubled by that answer, frowning. He sat cross-legged, his arms folded over his chest. He’d untied his hair and his bandages, and I saw now a deep gash in his face that cut across one eye. It looked painful, but it would heal. It would take more than that to scar a small god. “Ain’t that a cruel thing to do?” he muttered. “If he’s not singin’, he probably don’t feel like it. Leave ‘em be. He’ll sing when he wants.”
When I looked to the pheasant, who had shed his armor and sat now in his hakama as he unwound the thick cloth bandages from his abdomen, his eyes were closed. In contemplation or in exhaustion, I wondered, but it was neither. When he spoke, his words were decisive. “If a bird does not sing,” he says, “then kill it.”
“Now, now, you’d really go that far?” the crow prods, grinning. “That seems like an overreaction, doesn’t it?”
“You’re both overreacting,” the kite says tiredly. 
“Nonsense,” the pheasant says. “You’re both too lenient. What sort of tengu lets an insult go unpunished?”
“He’s mindin’ his own business and that’s an insult to you?” 
The three of them are lively again, conversing with a light-hearted sort of rivalry. I was pleased to have met such interesting gods and bowed once again, slipping away and shutting the door behind me. I knew everything I needed to know about all of them. I had very little mochi, but I gathered all of it and left it in a bundle just outside of their door, as a thank you for indulging my curiosity. 
Like most things, a lantern has one explicit purpose, but many more implicit ones. My purpose was to give light, but also to give warmth and comfort, peace of mind. I was meant for dark, late nights and for listening, and I have always been very good at these things. 
Once, when my mother set a sweet-smelling candle inside me, I wrapped myself around the light and softened it, let it shine through my paper sides so it became colorful and beautiful. When she told me stories, I listened intently and never forgot a single word. I did not share her secrets, nor berate her for her faults and mistakes. I merely listened, as a good lantern does. 
But hear enough stories and you start to learn how to predict the ending. That was all I thought of when I listened to the small gods give their answers, short stories wrapped in a handful of words. Maybe it’s only hindsight that gives me that sort of confidence, but I think even then, I knew. I wish I had asked them to stay another night or two. I wish we had talked more.
Small gods never have to be kind, and there are so many birds in the world.
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