#since the year in review didn't wanna post the whole thing
negrowhat · 1 year
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1. 2,459 notes - Nov 22 2022
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2. 700 notes - May 14 2022
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3. 692 notes - May 21 2022
Local Son of Mafia-Turned-Singer Continues to Prove He is A Terrible Detective by Breaking into The Wrong Bedroom and Never Actually Finding The Right Bedroom Before Abandoning The Mission for A Cute Boy and Bowl of Hot Noodles! More Details on Page 4.
4. 682 notes - Sep 6 2022
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5. 679 notes - Jun 19 2022
Happy Juneteenth to all my black folks! ESPECIALLY to my black women and black queers.
6. 599 notes - Jul 26 2022
7. 567 notes - May 14 2022
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8. 457 notes - Sep 11 2022
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9. 441 notes - Jul 4 2022
Is it really a Japanese BL if one of the guys isn't doing a full on trackstar run to the other?
10. 438 notes - Sep 25 2022
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Created by TumblrTop10
22 notes · View notes
youremyonlyhope · 1 year
In Defense of Tolya/Inej
(A long rambling essay exploring asexuality, "shipping wars," and the effect that constant cancellations has had on fandom. 4600 words. I'm not even sorry that it's long. There's a tldr at the end.)
Let's start this off by saying I am asexual. Or demisexual... greysexual... aceflux... the point is I am on the asexual spectrum. I don't know where precisely. I don't personally think it really matters for me to specifically define it. I am somewhere over there. I also consider myself to be somewhere on the aromantic spectrum (for that one I'm 90% sure I lean toward greyromantic).
All of this is to say: asexuality and aromanticism are both spectrums. They are umbrella terms. There are subgroups within them to help describe the range of the spectrum, but if people want to just use asexual or aromantic to describe themselves then they can. Where I fall is different from where someone else falls, and that's different from where another person falls, and that's probably different from the person reading this if you are ace and/or aro too. And it's different for Tolya. There isn't one aroace experience and there isn't one type of aroace representation.
A little more about me. I am also mixed race. More specifically Black and white like Jesper, but mixed people of all races know the shared experiences of feeling like we're between two worlds. It's not as obvious in the show (I can't remember if it's even mentioned but I can see that some fans don't seem to know), but in in the books Tamar and Tolya are half-Shu and half-Ravkan. Also, I am a twin. I am a girl with a boy twin. My twin brother is a foot taller than me. So, Tamar and Tolya's existence in the Grishaverse speak to MY SOUL. Tamar, Tolya, and Jesper make me feel like so many parts of myself are represented on these pages.
Moving on from my background. Just another reminder that ace is a spectrum. Aro is a spectrum. Life. Is. A. Spectrum.
Onto the actual topic: Tolya. In the books, Tolya doesn't have any love interests. He also notably says "I have my faith, my books. I've never wanted more," in Rule of Wolves. This leads many fans to headcanon him as ace, aro, or aroace. I headcanon him as aroace too. I loved that one almost throwaway line and it made me feel even more connected to Tolya. I recently reread the Shadow and Bone trilogy and it renewed my love for Tolya. The perfect casting of Lewis Tan also reignited my excitement for seeing this character that I adore appear onscreen.
It seems, from the scene of Tolya helping Inej onto the boat, that the show will explore the possibility of Tolya and Inej being together. THIS IS OK. This is ok specifically because THE STORY IS NOT OVER.
I find that when I am worried about something, going over worst case scenarios and best case scenarios can help me calm down. Let's list a few possibilities of where this will lead:
Tolya and Inej fall in love. Inej forgets Kaz exists. Tolya's possible aroace-ness is never acknowledged. They spend all their time kissing and having sex, never again hunting slavers or reciting poetry ever. If Inej and Kaz meet again, she'll break his heart because they'll never get together. Kaz dies alone. Tolya and Inej then have 20 kids.
Tolya develops (or has already developed) a crush on Inej. It's understandable, she helped save his life and they fought well together against Ohval. Tolya is a very outwardly affectionate person: he's open about his feelings (hence the constant poetry recitation), he loves to care for the people around him (sharing food with multiple characters, helping Jesper with Wylan), he values his blade (his hallucination nightmare is Tamar dying on his blade, he doesn't notice people ducking out of the way of his handle), and he is incredibly spiritual (praying in Shu-Han, but many more examples in the books, the show has barely touched the surface of his spirituality). He is nearly the polar opposite of Kaz, and Inej has said that Kaz cannot give her what she wants, so that probably draws Inej towards Tolya. They get closer after spending time at sea, and they start a relationship. They stay together through the end of the show. Kaz either stays alone or finds someone else. Tolya's aroace-ness is never acknowledged.
Everything from #2, except they don't stay together through the end of the show. Inej realizes that despite Tolya being able to give her what she thinks Kaz can't, she still wants Kaz. And Kaz, now having been away from Inej for a period of time and possibly working through some of his touch aversion and other anxieties, wants to try to meet Inej somewhere in the middle after knowing with it's like to almost lose her to someone else. She accepts Kaz, leaves Tolya, and Tolya is fine with it (because I can't imagine Tolya ever holding a grudge for that). Tolya's aroace-ness isn't never acknowledged, but is probably somewhat implied (something along the lines of telling Inej the "faith and books" line to reassure her).
Everything from #2, but this time Tolya is the one who realizes that this might not be what he wants. Maybe he realizes that he has romantic feelings for Inej but not sexual. Maybe he realizes that he has sexual feelings for Inej but not romantic. Maybe he realizes his feelings for Inej are purely platonic and the intensity comes from his gratitude for saving him. Or maybe the intensity comes from them connecting through their spirituality. This could either lead to Inej feeling sad and rejected and turning to Kaz for some comfort, OR she just agrees that the feelings aren't the same as what she had for Kaz. Kaz has now worked through some of his trauma. So they end the relationship, Toya is happy with his faith and books, and Inej reconnects with Kaz romantically.
The look that Tolya gave Inej wasn't from some sort of romantic interest, but instead intrigue at the chance of getting to know her better. They become best friends with their bond starting from their mutual love for blades and their spirituality. They become the blade fighting duo we never knew we needed. The show never mentions his sexuality, he just stays single.
Same as #5, but they also Tolya say the "faith and books" line and confirm he's aroace.
The show sees the negative response from some fans and does a complete 180, never addressing the possibility Tolya and Inej again. I do not want this to happen. Not because I like Tolnej, but because I hate that fan response and pandering has become a thing in the current age of social media and letting fans influence media. It completely ruined the Rise of Skywalker. I fully believe it's influenced RTD's Doctor Who (I can go more in depth on that another time). Looking at these examples, I would rather the Shadow and Bone writers continue with whatever storyline they already have planned rather than shift to appease some of the fans, even if that planned storyline isn't something I will like. People need to remember that the fans who care enough to speak on social media, both positively and negatively, only make up a small percentage compared to the entire viewership. So I definitely do not want them to take fan response into account when planning the show. Leigh is an executive producer, so I trust she wouldn't let them explore something with her characters and her world that she wouldn't mind seeing herself.
Kaz, in my headcanon, also falls somewhere on the asexual spectrum. Whether it's because of his touch aversion or if that's just a part of it, I do think he's somewhat asexual. While most of us are ace just because we're ace, there are some people who are ace due to past trauma and I've imagined Kaz falls in that category. To me, subtly in the books but definitely in the show, Inej desires a sexual relationship and she's well aware that Kaz doesn't want that. Her hallucination, which I see so many Kanej fans gif'ing and fangiring over, would never happen at this point in Kaz's life. Inej realizes it in the moment, and that's how she knows it isn't real. Tolya is literally using his Heartrender abilities to try to slow down the effects of the poison before succumbing to the horror of his hallucination, but it's Inej who snaps out of her hallucination first BECAUSE she knows what she's seeing is not possible. It's different from Jesper, who knows his hallucination isn't real since his mom is gone and yet still wants to stay in it, because Inej knows this could theoretically happen, but also knows that Kaz would never let it happen. She doesn't even let herself enjoy the hallucination the way Jesper did because it's something she doesn't think she can ever have with Kaz. There is a very real possibility that the show could ultimately decide (after some combination of the earlier scenarios in my list) that Tolnej doesn't work/doesn't happen AND then that Inej and Kaz will never have any sort of relationship either. They could all end up single or with other characters. Even at the end of Crooked Kingdom, the Kanej relationship is still somewhat ambiguous. They hold hands, she says she's not ready to give up on him, and he helped find her family, but they aren't explicitly in love. I wouldn't be surprised if the show goes the book route and leaves Kanej ambiguous yet hopeful at the end.
BONUS! Just because I think it'd be fun. Make Tolya canonically aromantic and just care deeply and platonically for Inej, but maybe he can still fulfill Inej's desire for a sexual relationship since he can be demi or greysexual or even asexual with a libido. Kaz may never fully stop being touch averse, which is perfectly fine, and he and Inej connect romantically with a fulfilling life of love. And then Kaz and Tolya get to bond deeply platonically over their mutual love for life's beauty (poetry and Inej). Make them some sort of triad that mixes and fulfills everyone's romantic, sexual, and platonic needs. It's a win-win-win for all three. It doesn't have to be a love triangle, Inej has two hands. Do I expect the show to go in this direction? No. Would I love to see it? Yes.
Obviously I'm exaggerating scenerio #1 on purpose. Because that exaggeration is what I imagine people to seem to think the show is leading to based on how intense their responses have been so far. I also tried to address some other things I've seen people freaking out about when making the scenarios, like how Kaz will react to Tolya or worrying if Tolya being aroace will ever be acknowledged in the show.
What do I think is most likely to happen? Honestly, scenario #3 or #4. Maybe #6. That's why I'm not freaking out. Yes I ship Kanej, yes I think Tolya is aroace, but I also like the idea of them exploring Tolnej and I think either #3 or #4 would be fun to see. While the show strays from the books in a lot of ways, I don't think they'll stray from the final relationships by the end of it.
At the end of Ruin and Rising, Mal and Alina get to leave, get married, and live an ordinary life full of ordinary things. I LOVE the ending (apparently that's another controversial opinion I have about the Grishaverse) but that didn't happen in the show. Yet. The show has separated Mal and Alina so that Mal can figure out who he is without his tracking and so they can find out if they love each other for each other, or if it was just destiny that pulls them together. This is not in the book at all. And yet I love it. It can lead to strengthening their relationship since I trust the show will still end eventually with them together, hopefully with their ordinary ending. I think the show is doing the same thing with Kanej. The "I'll have you without your armor or not at all" conversation actually came towards the end of the duology, but the show moved it much earlier. I like that they did because this gives them something to build up from. Another reason I like scenarios #3 and #4 is because they still give Kaz the opportunity take what Inej said to heart and try to live without his armor. At the end of Crooked Kingdom, he takes off his glove and holds Inej's hand, but he is not at that point in the show yet. He will be eventually. And knowing that Inej might move on with Tolya can give him more reason to work to get to that point. I don't think the show is telling us Kanej will never happen, I think the possibility of Tolnej is the same as them separating Malina. I believe they will all come back together.
And if any of my listed scenarios do happen: THAT DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEAN TOLYA'S SEXUALITY IS ERASED.
Sexuality in the Grishaverse is never defined. The fans can make inferences based on the relationships that Leigh gives her characters, but they don't define the characters' sexualities with labels in the books. This is because in the Grishaverse, labels as we know them don't seem to exist. You can kind of think of it in the way that we should treat LGBT+ people in history: we can give them labels of what we would consider them to be in our current era, but we'll never truly know what they would have labeled themselves because either they were closeted or there were just no labels for their sexualities at the time. And when they did have labels, they often called themselves things that many LGBT+ people would never use today. I look at the Grishaverse characters' sexualities in a similar way; they don't label themselves, and we can make assumptions based on the labels we would use, but they will never be explicitly canon unless Leigh puts it in the books.
For example, Hanne in Rule of Wolves (MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THIS PARAGRAPH) Leigh uses "she/her" pronouns for them up until the last part of the book, and then Leigh is careful to NEVER use any pronouns for Hanne again. The fandom assumes Hanne identifies as a transman from that point on or maybe nonbinary, but we really don't know for sure yet because it happened so late in the book. The Grishaverse wiki uses "they/them" pronouns for Hanne precisely because we don't know what they prefer. All we know is that they always felt uncomfortable when they presented as a girl, and they enjoyed Tailoring themself to be more masculine. Maybe in future books we will get a definite answer as to whether they are a transman or nonbinary, but for now we technically don't know. But out of respect, the fandom has agreed to use they/them for Hanne. (RULE OF WOLVES SPOILERS ARE DONE)
So, if Tolya does have a relationship with Inej at some point in the show, whether or not it lasts, it doesn't erase the possibility of Tolya being on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrums. The show and books are never going to give him a definitive label. He could be demisexual/romantic and figure out after forming a bond with Inej that he has sexual or romantic feelings for her. Or he could be greysexual/romantic, which has a purposefully wide definition (rare specific circumstance that he desires having a relationship, weak attraction or difficulty telling it apart from platonic feelings, etc), and his experiences with Inej could fall into one of those categories. In these cases, we'd probably get a scene where he'd say something like "I've always thought I only needed my books and faith, but after getting to know you, Inej, I have never felt this way before and I don't think I'll ever feel this way again." This would still be representation for people who fall along the middle of the aroace spectrum, but not those at the furthest edge. If the relationship doesn't last and through it he realizes that he's sure that these are things he's not interested in, then that represents every aroace person who had to go through that before coming to terms with their sexuality. It's not erasure. Maybe it doesn't specifically represent YOU if you consider yourself aroace, but it definitely represents SOMEONE who does (I'd find it very relatable).
And all of this goes back to something I mentioned at the start: the show is not DONE. If it gets renewed, which it likely will, then there is more to see. To me, the people I see freaking out about the possibility of Tolnej, whether it's because they ship Kanej and don't want a triangle or because they don't want Tolya's sexuality to be "erased," are reacting the way you'd usually see people react if the show ended at this point. But it probably will not. And then when I see posts from the people who are thinking ahead, they seem to only be considering scenario #1 and not realizing there are a multitude of directions for the show to go in. It's not worth freaking out over. Plus, there's always the saying "don't like don't read," so if you find you really are disliking even the possibility that any scenario I listed could come true, you can just not watch the show and pretend it doesn't exist. The books are never changing. Even if the show changes everything, even if they have Alina end up with Jesper or Wylan end up with Nadia or Zoya marry a volcra or any other ridiculous outcome that utterly changes the show's canon, the book's canon will never change. You can always turn to the books if things don't ultimately turn out in a way you want them to.
Also, why am I seeing people complain that fans are writing fanfiction already about Tolnej? Why are you complaining about what other fans are doing that has zero affect on you? Fanfiction is not just for the canon ships. It's not even just for shipping in general, but it's definitely not reserved to the ships that are canon. You can write fanfiction for any ship you want to. Shipping wars have never truly made sense to me, but maybe that's because my first big online fandom was Glee and the ships were constantly changing and switching around so there was no point in putting too much effort into arguing because it may all change in the next episode anyway. Yes, we had lots of ship wars, but when people shipped the most random "crackships" possible then the appropriate response for most people was "wow, they really ship that, weird" and then to move on. Let people write fanfics. That's why AO3 exists. You can just write whatever you like. And yes of course a new crop of fans hate AO3, which is a whole other issue I cannot wrap my head around, but the point is to just let people write the fanfic they want to write and make the fanart they want to. Someone has already made a Tolnej fanvid on YouTube? Wow that's incredible since they did it so quickly! Malina on the moon AU? Cool throw in some sun and moon jokes! Do you think that Wylan and Hershaw would be best friends? Go for it, they'll probably blow everything up! The Darkling and Mal and Alina incest AU fic? Not my cup of tea but you do you and I just won't read it. People will write what they want to, and they aren't hurting anyone in the process, so if you don't want to see it then don't read it.
I see people complaining that shipping wars will begin to start after this fandom had been so peaceful for years. Honestly, the only reason there weren't shipping wars before this was because Six of Crows didn't have enough characters and possible ships to have a war over. Mixing with Shadow and Bone earlier in the timeline has opened up the possibilities. You know how to prevent shipping wars? Just don't fight with people who ship the things that you don't ship. Don't engage. If you see a Tolnej fanfiction, don't tell the author "Ew I hate Tolnej. You shouldn't have written this." just don't read it. Or if you do read it and still don't like it, then move on. If someone who ships Tolnej comes on a Kanej post and starts saying Tolnej is better, or vice versa, you can press the block button. Or you can just not respond to them. A shipping war doesn't start if you don't fight in it. There can just be people who ship Tolnej, people who ship Kanej, people who ship all 3 of them together, and everyone can just choose what they want to interact with and scroll past what they don't.
When it comes to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am a gigantic Zutara shipper, and the Zutara vs Kataang ship war was infamously a bad one, but I just try not to engage in it. I know my ship isn't canon. Sure, I'll complain that it's not canon, maybe say "Oh in this scene they were so in love" and think about what could have been, but then I just go read Zutara fanfics. If you don't want to see shipping wars, don't participate. Ignore it. Move on.
But you know what? I think I know what the ultimate source of this is, or at least one of the sources. I've been seeing similar uproars in the Stranger Things and Umbrella Academy fandoms this year. Both are fandoms that also tend to skew younger than myself. I think fans, especially younger fans, are now reacting in these intense ways as a defense mechanism because so many shows get cancelled early. They're preparing in advance for this to be the last of whatever media they love, they're preparing for this to be canon forever, and they aren't happy.
Using Stranger Things as my example, I saw it happen when people were mad that Will didn't come out as gay at the end of Season 4 and that Mike didn't fall in love with him. I get that you guys ship them, and I love Will and want him to be happy, but just because it didn't happen in Season 4 doesn't mean it's not going to happen. First of all, Will is a 14 year old kid in the 1986 from a small town in Indiana that can barely handle Dungeons and Dragons and he's already been bullied at school for possibly being gay, coming out is not as easy as it is today. Reagan only just acknowledged AIDS one year earlier. Even Robyn hasn't come out to anyone but Steve. If they had thrown in Will coming out amongst the chaos of Elle fighting Vecna and trying to save Max, I know people would complain that it got shoehorned in as an afterthought. And because it didn't happen at all, people are complaining about that too. I know people will always complain about something, but I'm sure that fewer fans would complain if they didn't have the fear of cancellation instilled in them. Sure, Stranger Things would never get cancelled before finishing the planned story, but these fans are just used to feeling that the end of each season of every show could possibly be The End, and then complain about the loose ends accordingly.
That's what I think I'm seeing from the people who are upset about the possibility of Tolya and Inej being together. The show will probably be renewed, but it's not guaranteed. If it were to end right now, then yeah, fans who only watch the show would assume Inej and Kaz will never be together, that Tolya is interested Inej, and they'd have no idea that he's implied to be aroace in the books. But here's the thing: if you read the books, you know none of this is true. In the books, Tolya is aroace representation. In the books, Kaz and Inej are implied to have a romantic future. Why does it matter to you and your life if some people who watch the show don't know about the parts of the books that haven't happened yet? The fans who are mad about this change are all book fans because we're the ones who know it's a change. If we don't like the change, we can always choose to only acknowledge the books. The books can't be cancelled. The books are not going to change. Even if the show goes in directions you don't like, you can always take solace in the books.
Also, I see way too many people complaining about Tolya and Inej who have only read SoC/CK but not any of the books that Tolya actually appears in.
I'm nearly done. I wanted to address the aroace fans who are sad because they saw themselves in Tolya and now feel he doesn't represent them. I'm sorry that a character you connected to doesn't touch you the same way in the show as they did in the book. But you can't say Tolya isn't aroace representation in the show, at least not yet. At this point, he doesn't represent YOU and you definitely deserve representation, but he does represent SOMEONE. And hopefully he will continue to represent someone. So many aroace people had relationships with people they cared about and thought they felt romantic or sexual love for, before they eventually realized they were aroace. If this ends up as Tolya's story, then that rings true to SO MANY people. As I keep repeating, the show is not over, this could be leading to one of the scenarios where Tolya figures out that he is aroace through pursuing a relationship with Inej. He could already be demi or grey and it just hasn't come up in the show yet, but meeting Inej is one of the few times in his life that he does feel romantic and/or sexual attraction. Or, the look he gave her was just platonic and he's excited to have her aboard the Volkvolny.
We don't know for sure. It's better to just let the show's story unfold and remember that you will always have the books you love, rather than waste energy worrying about where the show is heading.
So yeah. I love Tolya. I love the idea of Tolnej. I love any plot point that can put more Tolya on my screen. I am greyromantic and demi/grey/flux/asexual/whatever and I personally like where they're taking his character and I want to see what it leads to. I hope it ultimately leads to him staying on the asexual and aromantic spectrums, but we don't know for sure right now. We just need to wait and see.
Also, don't tag any hate posts for the ship in the Tolya Yul-Bataar, Tolnej, Tolya x Inej, and Inej x Tolya tags. That's just fandom etiquette 101.
1) The show isn't done yet and we don't know where it's heading. 2) The show can be heading in a bunch of different directions, including keeping Tolya as aroace and having Kanej be canon. 3) Asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums and umbrella terms, so Tolya could be with Inej and still be considered aroace. 4) This isn't erasing aroace representation because there will still be aroace people who will feel represented by him. 5) The books are not going away so if worst comes to worst, he'll still always be aroace representation in the books.
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theboytatu · 9 months
se me olvida q nos podemos hablar en español... IGUAL, COMO ESTUVO EL CONCIERTO !!! Detalles... fotos .. videos POR FAVOR 😭😭😭 review
AHHH SI ES CIERTO! wowww que hermoso poder hablar en español también amo <3 but i'll just post this in english so everyone can understand it. honestly? it was hands down the best kpop concert i've been to hfksjdkkf (others i've seen were blackpink, nct 127 and loona) so it might not be a lot but holy shit. the crowd went APESHIT it was by far the best crowd for me and i think the best they have seen cause they said it too hfkdjfkg 😭 they sold out the venue and you could tell it was packed cause the energy was OFF THE WALLS....
so first the good things
in terms of their performance: man aespa have surely worked hard to beat the no stage presence allegations. i think you could really tell they've been on tour since the beginning of this year cause they have improved SOOO MUCH. they have developed a lot of crowd control skills and they truly interacted with us in there. giselle specially is a MASTER at interaction and i think the group benefits a lot from her
the vocals were great cause the backing track wasn't too loud and they did handheld mics for most of the setlist. ningning was working OVERTIME with the adlibs. winter did extended high notes for everything. they were so confident in their vocals it was amazing to see. there were no in-ear or sound issues as far as i could tell and the venue while not being the best acoustic wise it didn't mess with the experience. i do wanna say i'm sad there was no live band :( everything was just a recorded track
lastly PRODUCTION. oh man. OHHH MAN. this tour has a BUDGET cause the visuals were fucking lit 🔥 the whole stage setup was so good and the props were there, winter with the electric guitar is a HIGH point in this. in my experience there arent a lot of kpop groups that put so much thought into their design like this and aespa were milking tf out of the cybercore and kwangya concept cause the vcrs and screens were giving blade runner. i was mesmerized by the visuals in the screens
for the not so great things... I think their costume design was lacking so much 😭 there weren't a lot of costume changes and the outfits were pretty basic. they lacked cohesiveness and even for their solos it did feel like they just threw on whatever. SM insists on putting them in ugly ass school uniforms for like the entire last part of the set. and they use the shortest fucking skirt for ningning it makes me nauseous.
another weak point was the dancing. it simply didn't stand out as much as the rest of the stuff i mentioned but tbh the girls still put on a good show. they did full choreo for their biggest songs and the backup dancers helped elevate it a lot but a lot of the bsides didn't have or needed choreo you know? like im content with seeing them sing a great song rather than have them jump around the stage trying to do a bunch of choreo we don't even know. the moves were kinda meh and i get it cause they're bsides but yeah just stick to the full choreo for the title tracks.
but speaking of dancing, karina was SOOO good her solo was insane and she has truly improved so much as a main dancer! ningning blew us all out with her stuff too ngl that girl is the best dancer in the group after karina. bonus points for giselle as well cause she has definitely put in the work to become a better dancer and i appreciate how much she has improved her stage presence.
ok this got too long already hkdjdkkfg so i'll just leave some pics i took here! and ill go through my camera roll to see what's good enough to post later <3
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siriuslytproblem28 · 3 months
upon finishing past lives
okay, so, as the final credits of past lives showed upon my laptop at around 4AM last night, i felt a giant urge to simply sit and write. i didn't do it right then, deciding to let the feelings and thoughts simmer for a while longer. then, i decided to read the reviews on letterboxd and came across a beautiful story. i went to bed promising myself to go back to what i wanted to write, so as not to lose momentum which is a very big motivator for me. otherwise, i'd simply let the moment slip and this is most definetely not something i wanted to happen with this beautiful piece of media.
i was opening my notes app rn and then decided to write here, for some reason. i've often been feeling the need to share some of my experiences with narrative fiction here, since i started with posting only about jegulus fics, but ended up talking about a movie or whatever. since no one reads here, it's basically my journal and my archive. i have terrible memory so i love to have all kinds of records and archives for things that moved me.
after this enormous introduction, let's talk about past lives.
i had such huge expectations after seeing one of the people in whose opinion i trust the most having loved it, and the general vibe i felt seeing the promo pics and the poster (i just don't like watching trailers for movies), that as i pressed play i was afraid it might turn to disappointment. what i wasn't expecting was the extent it actually surppassed the meeting of them, becoming most definetely my favorite movie i watched for the award season (very late in the game, i know).
something about it felt so familiar and yet so intriguing, i loved the pacing and the dialog. but especially the subtext. i've seen some reviews talking about how much they felt a lack of connection on a deeper, personal level, and my experience watching it could not have been more different.
not all parts of it clicked immediatey with me, i've later read reviews from people who immigrated to the US and realized i totally missed some details about this particular aspect, being a brazillian who never left Brazil. Though i think that, as a latina, there are some cultural aspects that i could absolutely relate to, probabbly from the perspective of a non north american and that was really interesting.
i don't wanna dwell much on the technicalities of the movie, though i believe it so beautifully shot and placed, i loved how much the scenarios add to every frame that appears on screen, the meaningfullness of the backgrounds that add to the subtext. Which is exactly the point i want to dwell on: the subtext. For me, it's one of the strongest aspects of the movie. Unfortunately, i haven't had the best experience on watching to analyze the writing properly, since i watched it via the jack sparrow way (it's not available in brazil ok) and the portuguese subs were kind of botched. Still, the content of every single conversation and it's weight was not lost on me. Though sometimes simple, it was always majestically written (and obviously i can detail better my opinions the english parts, the language i do, in fact understand without needing translation) and powerful.
i've had multiple experiences in my life with people that seem to come and go, but when i take a closer look i come to realize they have never really left. so i connected to the story sooo much, i even dreamt about of of my biggest crushes in middle school, and my first love, who i spent my whole adolescence loving and still is one of my best friends.
timing and the passing thereof, has always been a complicated thing for me to deal with. i remember writing about changes and my loathing of them from a very young age. now, in my early adult life, i find myself seeking those narratives more than i did as a kid. still kinda fearing the absence they'll leave inside me, but also yearning for the reflections they might bring.
i was around 12 years old when i watched boyhood. it was probabbly one of the first movies to ever cause me a hint of an existencial crisis. not in a way you'd expect, though. not in a "omg i need to get a career and wtf am i doing", but in a sense of how it portrayed relationships, the passing of time, etc etc.
as i grew older, focusing on the past 3 years, then came normal people and just this last january, before sunrise.
I re-read np in late 2023 as i felt the need to, when i realized i was falling really in love for the first time ever since my first love, which had a hold on me for almost 7 years (and i'm 20, that's a lot haha). i found that, somehow, it had meant even more to me the second time around.
january, this year, i caved in and watched before sunrise. i also had super high expectations but nothing could ever prepare me for what i received. it became one of my favourite movies ever, and it spoke to parts of me that i had either left uncared for.
to me, past lives came and fed that specific part. all of these pieces of media i spoke a lot on, they talk to and help me understand a feeling i've had in my heart ever since i can remember.
i always had a fascination with something i've come up with, to explain basically the foundation of everything i love, in art, in myself, in life, "the unsaid".
my definition of it, is that the unsaid lies within the dialog, the text, the spoken word, the writing itself. in media and in life. it's like subtext, but maybe even deeper. it's the look you give to your best friend across the room. it's the goodbye that gets trapped inside your throat the last time you talk to someone. it's the touch that never reaches itself out. it's the i love you you don't dare to let slip. it's the look you give someone when you stopped kissing them to just look at them. it's how your eyes light up whenever you see one of your favorite persons in the world. it's when you stop in your tracks in the middle of a party and gaze at your friends, and realize that life can be, in deed, beautiful, and how lucky you are. it also kinda relates to frances ha definition of what she looks for in a relationship, that really stuck with me.
i live for the unsaid. either be it in the art i consumme, or how i experience it in my life. it's what makes existing worth anything, personally. as past lives dialogs sm with this notion. all the scenes where hae sung and nora don't say a word to each other, their look speak millions. that reminded me of one of my favourite scenes from before sunrise, the famous booth scene. in all of the above, i sat unsable to shake a small laughter, or maybe a sly tear, in response to the volume of what was being communicated there.
i consider myself really lucky with the people i have in my life and this movie spoke to this, too. i have a childhood best friend who remains close to me, a sister, really, for over 10 years. i have another childhood friend, who was my first big crush and baby love i ever had, who i used to think i was gonna marry and have children with, to the extent i have drawings of it, still be my best friend to this day. i have friend since middle school, who i fell deeply in love with at the tender age of 13 and who remained my muse very well util my 19th year of being alive, and she was my first girlfriend, the first girl i kissed, and remains my best friend. i've also been lucky to experience such a short but beautifully loving experience with a close friend i made in college, in the latter part of 2023. i haven't really gotten over him, but it's fine, cause ever since watching before sunrise, i realized i had multiple - and i can't believe i'm refferencing tfios in the year of the lord, 2024 - infinities with. though i had grieved what seems to be the ending of our never named, never labelled, situationship, and i still feel a lot of things for him, i've become gratefull for having experience such interesting and soul touching things with him. for opening myself up for it. for admiting my feelings to him. for the leap of faith i took, even if i ended up stranded or hit by rocks at the bottom of the cliff. i'm grateful it happened, even if i still cry about it and have written many songs for him. no matter how long it'll take me to get "over" him, i'll live. and i'm happy it happened. he's become one of my favorite people in this life and this is something i don't say lightly and don't take for granted.
i think to me, the "meaning of life", is to collect this feelings and experiences that turn you into the person you are at the moment. i have no idea of who i'd be without all my influences. i've written mysel, but i was only able to, with the refferences and quotes of every friend i had, every person i loved, everyone who became my family or stopped being it. maybe it's my cancer moon and venus. but i'm really nothing more than a mosaic, a reflection of every single person present in my life (real or parassocial), a collection of words, spoken or not.
and yeah, i barelly spoke directly on past lives, but it's what i always tend to do anyways. i'm not here to make a detailed runthrough, analysis over the cinematography and the script, i might be an acting major but i lack the knowledge (or maybe just doubt i do). but this is, still, my journal, to track my experiences and thoughts. so that's what i did. and i don't think, at least right now, that this movie can really fit into aything i could try to say.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
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I posted 5,631 times in 2022
That's 2,174 more posts than 2021!
4,989 posts created (89%)
642 posts reblogged (11%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,302 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#kathony - 2,862 posts
#anthony x kate - 2,847 posts
#molly’s asks and answers - 2,840 posts
#kate sharma - 2,795 posts
#kate sheffield - 2,736 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 2,694 posts
#molly irl - 613 posts
#bridgerton season 2 - 412 posts
#you might have some bruises - 405 posts
#kathony fic - 367 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#anthony: no! not him! he had something between his teeth that whole time! if he’s careless about that what else would he be careless about
My Top Posts in 2022:
Is it any wonder the only thing Gregory Bridgerton wants is true love when these were his role models growing up?
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771 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
There's been a lot of discussion about why Kate might think Anthony is still marrying her out of Obligation even after well...
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And let's take a look shall we, Let's take a look at what's really happening to Kate during this scene because Simone Ashley's performance is so nuanced and beautiful, apparently I write essays on it now.
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So this Kate, we know has been repressing what she wants since her father died, and if you wanna think about why she's done that and why she feels this responsibility I have a small (large) treatise on her relationship with Mary that sheds a bit of light on it.
Anthony, less than 24 hours before this, held her so close, and as good as admitted that he felt something, asked her to admit that she felt something too, asked her to deny what was between tham, and yes she didn't say what she felt, because Daphne walked in and she was I think still very confused about it, but look at it. Look at the way she leans her head against his and responds to his touch.
See the full post
798 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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Emily in Paris is trash yes,
But also this was the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
943 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
I wanna talk a little about Why this scene has me in such a chokehold. Why it's so important that it does come at the very end.
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We're going under the cut because this is probably going to get long
Now if any of you have read any of my AUs you know that most every one of them has a scene like this. Offside most of all. I love Mary and kate's relationship and it's my absolute favourite Parent-child relationship in the Bridgerton series. Because they are mother and daughter by choice.
But with that choice comes the assumption or the feeling that one day, one day, one of them could choose not to have this relationship. Especially for Kate who, even in the book, craves belonging to something. Even though she keeps her emotions so tightly guarded, she wants to desperately to be loved.
And Mary loves her. Kate knows there's no difference in the way Mary treats her and Edwina, but there's a tiny voice in the back of her head that says If she chose to love you she could choose not to so easily. It's why we see this look on her face when Mary starts defending them all
See the full post
1,251 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Things I have seen no one talking about:
Anthony never wears Bright colours.
His waiscoats are Black (even if they're patterned) or White
And the minute he's married to Kate:
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Look at these stupid happy sluts.
5,470 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eff-plays · 1 year
when it comes to ek's writing...well its telling that since we've gotten in to the content they've supposedly been working on for two years, people genuinely can't tell if their games/scripts are bugged and are going to forums/twitter for help. it's truly hard to imagine that a dev team would consider what they released up to part considering:
-how short the new updates have been - the most recent 'two chapter' update was about as long as each chapter of the split release because they missed another deadline (lol) and has no clear indicator of when the first chapter ends and the second begins or even a scene that would make sense as a chapter beginning/ending
-large swaths of recent chapters being entirely identical across multiple LIs including scenes that only make sense with specific routes (ex. for erik and maja's nomad route, the tavern scene plays out as if you romanced maja first and then choose the poly, even if you romanced erik first and haven't seen her in two chapters lol)
-basically no romantic content after officially starting a route (a few characters get crumbs in certain routes in the recent update but even that's like half of an already short scene) and no illustrations in the last two chapter update
-the lack of any clear path of where the plot's been going and where it'll end in the *checks notes* two chapters left to be released. at least in WTNC there was a very clear plotline being followed, tropey and problematic as it was. there's two chapters left in ek and i don't know who the primary antagonist is vs the secondary (or if there's a third), what their motivations are, there's no plan whatsoever on how to tackle them, no clarity on what's actually going wrong in the kingdom beyond bad vibes, the list goes on. its more like a collection of vaguely related scenes than an actual story.
i know they couldn't just quit on the game despite their clear lack of care for it, but barring a miracle in the final update there's a good chance they end up worse off from everything that's come out of them finishing it than they would have just abandoning it entirely. they've had to remove comments from itchio for both EK and WTNC to cover up all the complaints, and EK's steam page is getting tanked with bad reviews since its the only place to do it. i'm morbidly curious what their next kickstarter is going to look like post-EK, compared to call me under's which was done before people realized what it would mean for ek's quality.
*runs over to the Steam page to check the bad reviews*
You're 100% correct on everything AND I wanna say that the whole "yo wtf is the plot actually though" has been an issue even before they took the whole thing down to change engines or w/e. Like, I'm pretty sure it was up to chapter 5 -- or was it 3? -- when I last played it when it was still on Unity. And I remember thinking "Hey um ... So what exactly is ... wrong, in this errant kingdom? What's the plot? What's the actual conflict here?" and I thought how unlikely it was that they'd be able to scramble together not only a climax and resolution in the remaining chapters, but also wondered how they'd actually introduce an antagonist and actual conflict first.
And the fact that they had the perfect chance to fix the writing and plot when they took everything down and essentially started over, and DIDN'T do it? C'mon. They're scrambling to finish something they don't feel like doing at this point. I'm glad I never paid for any of their games (I got WTNC on Steam via a friend who had an extra key/a different friend who had it on itch.io and was willing to share the files, and EK through a charity bundle) but those who did probably feel hella ripped off by now.
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tarnussy · 5 months
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Bit of a DIY year in review from your resident Stormveil dweller here. Soon-to-be Elden Lord for the first time.
No Steam review from me with that questionable toxic relationship line everyone is getting, but here is my year in review regardless. I am only posting this for myself mainly.
I have also shown these at some point this year (with less hours), so no changes in characters, just my self-insert Tarnished and Godrick. I nearly opened this game every day with a few exceptions since I first played it in February (honorable mention to being utterly smitten with it since release, even though I couldn't play it at the time for a whole year).
My main and first gameplay is the one with over 500 hours, and yes, I still have not finished my first playthrough. I am on Elden Beast though, and I know I want to gif parts of it because I'm doing a DIY Age of Grafting with everyone essentially being dead except Godrick (plus Rannald sitting underground forever, good for her).
I also don't know what outfit to wear for the final cutscene that would make sense for the ending I'm doing, I have a lot of contenders. Plus I am in no rush, I play this game to be immersed in it, to collect my little plants and to loot the same areas over and over while taking my little grafted silly guy with me - and Godrick's summon made this game 500x better, even though it was already my favourite before that.
I have multiple playthroughs because I like to be able to access every single area and boss in case I decide to make a gifset or post, without having to spend hours to fight my way across the map to a boss I wanna gif but already fought. Therefore, Rivers of Blood my beloved, it is a gifmaker's / virtual photographer's best friend if you want to clear out an area fast for footage. Makes me sad how I feel anxious even to include it in posts bc I know how hard people tend to go off on players who use it, even if you play offline.
Other favourites are: Meteoric Ore blade, Crystal sword, Lordsworn Straight sword, St. Trina's sword, Eleonora's poleblade. None of these were tainted by gamerbros (unlike RoB and Moonveil), I went in absolutely blind when it came to weapons and I used what I genuinely liked and like to this day. My fav kind of magic is gravity magic.
One thing I am sad about is the gameplay timer, and the fact that it stops at 999 hours played. That will probably be the only thing that will stop me from continuing my very first playthrough on my main character. I must track the playtime at all times. We'll see.
Oh I guess it won't hurt if I mention that ER is my first Souls game, and it was nowhere near as hard and scary as people tend to tell that to new players. It was fine, save for late game areas. But I guess it also helped that I came to open world fantasy games from survival horror games, so getting my ass kicked was just normal. Now of course I'm so used to the keyboard settings on this game that I can't even go back to other games like TW3 at the moment because my brain just can't comprehend it. I constantly want to double jump with the horse in other games.
Yeah I could go on for hours just talking about what comes to mind, but that is enough I believe. Favourite game. Thank you Godrick for terrorizing my Souls-virgin ass with your cutscene when I had no context or idea about anything at all. Seeing your cutscene and fight made me say it out loud that I'll never play this game and that I didn't see the appeal. Biggest clown shit I've ever said in my life, look at me now 🤡 I'm running out of face paint.
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My reviews/rankings of all of Ninja Sex Party's albums after I binged their discography in January
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I've been a fan of NSP since 2017, but between 2020 and 2021 I had kinda fallen off of keeping up with them. Back at the start of this year I decided to fix that, and within the span of a few days I listened to all of their albums from NSFW through to The Very, Very, Very, Very Classy Acoustic Album. And during this journey I'd give a review of each album to my Discord friend server as I went.
It was honestly really fun doing this! I like binging things so just sitting down for like an hour or so listening to an album from start to finish was great -- and I know that sounds like the most zoomer-ass thing imaginable, saying "YOOOOO LISTENING TO AN ALBUM IN ONE GO ROCKS!" but I hadn't done that much myself for most of my life honestly!
So now that I'm using Tumblr again I wanna post my reviews from that binge here, partially cause I think it's fun and partially cause I had originally started dumping these Discord ramblings to a site called Listnd but that place seems to have straight up died 🙃
NSFW (2011) — reviewed on 1/3/22
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They actually started off decently well. Obviously the tracks here are not as funny or well produced as later ones would be, but there's little about it I don't at least enjoy.
There aren't many tracks here I'd revisit regularly honestly, but even some of the weaker tracks like Manticore and You Can Do Us! sound good and are pretty catchy. I also keep thinking that No Reason Boner isn't that great but every time I revisit it I realize it's actually good.
Favorite Song: Objects of Desire Least Favorite Song: Accept My Shaft Favorite Skit: Introduction
Strawberries and Cream (2013) — reviewed on 1/4/22
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When I woke up, my brain was ping-ponging between BNA and NSP so here we are.
It's a major step up from NSFW. The sound is better, the lyrics are better, and overall the tracks are much more enjoyable. I can't think of a song on here that I flat out don't like unlike the first album.
Some of these songs like Unicorn Wizard and FYI I Wanna F Your A are some of my favorites from NSP as a whole, even if they aren't as super well-produced or full as later albums would be. I could comfortably listen to most of these songs more regularly.
Although it does lose points from me due to the fact that the album only has the first part of Sacred Chalice, which was a 4 part song (part 1 literally ends with "part 2 coming soon"). It's not even one of my favorite songs from the album but only having the first part on there is a buzzkill, especially since there's no full official release of the other 3 parts outside of the music videos which have noticeably lower quality audio. We're going on 9 years since S&C's release so I don't think we're ever gonna get those other 3 released officially, so fan-made compilations will have to suffice.
Favorite Song: Unicorn Wizard Least Favorite Song: Next To You (not a bad song, but I would only listen to it every once in a while), The Sacred Chalice, Pt. 1 (due to the fact that it's only one part of the full song) Favorite Skit: Shredded Metal
Attitude City (2015) — reviewed on 1/5/22
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I didn't intend on this being a daily thing, but as it turns out this was a great goal to set while getting back into Terraria.
Anyway, this is the final album in what I consider "Classic NSP." Back when they didn't have a backing band, their music videos used deliberate stylistic suck to amplify the comedy, and it's the album that I think truly put them on the map for a lot of people.
So... is it weird to say that I found it a bit underwhelming?
None of it is bad, and I'd say that the best songs (Peppermint Creams, Dragon Slayer, and of course 6969) are higher highs than a lot of the best parts of NSFW and Strawberries and Cream, but honestly the majority of the tracks were just alright.
I guess what I'm saying is I could revisit this album occasionally and enjoy it, but I'd probably just stick to the 3 songs I like the most and ignore the rest.
Favorite Song: 6969 Least Favorite Song: Cookies! (it's still funny, though) Favorite Skit: Buttsex Goldilocks
Under the Covers (2016) — reviewed on 1/5/22
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Firstly, brilliant name.
Secondly, while few doubted that Danny and Brian were talented, I think this was the album that made a lot of people (myself included) go "Oh wait they're not just funny sex band, they're fully rounded musicians." Yeah they didn't write any of the songs here, but the musical performances and especially Danny's vocal performance just rock.
There isn't a track here that isn't at the very least pretty good, helped in large part due to them now having Tupperware Remix Party as a backing band so now things feel really full.
My only issue with it isn't even really with the quality of anything, it's just that a lot of these songs don't fully appeal to my personal tastes. Maybe it's cause I'm not nostalgic for them, but again that's not a major issue, it just bumps it down a few points for me personally.
Basically it's tied with Strawberries and Cream for me which is hard to really show on a tierlist.
Favorite Song: The Last Unicorn Least Favorite Song: Subdivisions Favorite Skit: N/A
Under the Covers Volume II (2017) — reviewed on 1/6/22
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Going with two cover albums in a row was an interesting decision that I'm not sure I fully agree with, but hey it's a great album so who cares?
This one is a big improvement from Volume I for me personally cause there's a lot more music here I actively vibe with. The only track here I honestly don't care for is I Wish, but I could easily and happily listen to any of the other tracks leisurely.
Yeah that's pretty much all I gotta say on the quality, it's a great album and I am listening to Your Wildest Dreams as I type this. Only other comment I got is that it's fuckin' surreal that this album is coming on 5 years old cause I explicitly remember watching the music video to Pour Some Sugar On Me when it released during school, specifically during a computer lab trip where I had to hide the screen.
It feels kind of weird giving this the highest ranking so far since it's music they didn't write, but oh well.
Favorite Song: Your Wildest Dreams Least Favorite Song: I Wish Favorite Skit: N/A
Cool Patrol (2018) — reviewed on 1/6/22
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This is one of two NSP albums I own physically, and it's the signed version as well!
Which is sweet cause this is definitely the pinnacle of their discography so far. Literally nothing about this album is underwhelming, letalone bad.
The skits are fun, and EVERY song is a jam. Even GFY which is way more of a skit than a song you're meant to listen to a lot slaps pretty hard. My only real gripes* (*read: nitpicks) are I don't know why the last line of Heart Boner is "Screw you for judging me", and I think the "Madre los mios!" at the end of Eating Food in the Shower is a little out of place (but hey the rest of the song being significantly better mixed than the music video version makes up for that).
Plus, it has arguably the best song NSP has written, Danny Don't You Know, and that gives it a lot of points.
Favorite Song: Three-way tie between Orgy For One, First Date, and Danny Don't You Know Least Favorite Song: GFY (only cause it's more of a skit song than the rest of the album, it's still pretty good) Favorite Skit: Romance Novel
Under the Covers Volume III (2019) — reviewed on 1/7/22
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This is the second and latest NSP album I own physically, also signed.
And it's pretty solid, though I don't think it's as good as Volume II. Again, I'm just not big on some of the song choices. Nothing here is outright bad at all, but some of these tracks don't appeal to my personal tastes. Not much more I can say here that I didn't say for the past two volumes
Favorite Song: Safety Dance Least Favorite Song: Photograph Favorite Skit: N/A
The Prophecy (2020) — reviewed on 1/7/22
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This was my first time listening all the way through this album, as around this time was when I had kinda fallen off the NSP wagon.
And that's a shame cause it is a very strong album.
I don't think it quite reaches the same bar as Cool Patrol as a whole package, but it definitely has some jams here that are on-par. Welcome to My Parents' House and I Don't Know What We're Talking About are still great, The Mystic Crystal is a great musical epic/comedy that may not be as easily re-listenable as 6969 but is still equally awesome, and The Decision Part 2 is a sequel I never knew I needed and it slaps hard.
Even Thunder & Lightning, while still not one of my favorites by any means, is a lot better than I remember it being when it first dropped.
The album is brought down slightly for me by the mixing in a few tracks (notably The Decision Part 2 and Do Math with U) being not the greatest as the vocals can be drowned out by the instrumentals, and Wondering Tonight's mere existence. It's not terrible, it's just....completely disposable. It feels like a throwaway track created to fill out the album a little. It got a couple chuckles out of me, but overall it did nothing for me.
So yeah I can't say it's S tier because Cool Patrol hit homeruns throughout the whole album, whereas this one had a few more issues pop up for me and had one straight up miss, but even so it's still a damn good album.
Favorite Song: Welcome to My Parents' House Least Favorite Song: Wondering Tonight Favorite Skit: The Wishing Bear
Level Up (2021) — reviewed on 1/8/22
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Well well well, if it isn't the Star Wars Special Editions of music.
The idea for this album is great: The first three NSP albums didn't have TWRP as a backing back, so they take a handful of songs from them and re-record them to be more up to their modern standards of quality.
Should've been a slam dunk.
Instead it was a complete miss followed by a faceplant into the court flooring.
I will say this immediately: Just speaking purely off production, this is not a bad album. The songs do sound fuller in a lot of ways. But in terms of quality, especially comparing it to their previous works, this ain't it chief,
The problem is they changed so much for seemingly no reason, and I'm not asking for the songs to be the exact same but with TWRP in the back, but these changes are so asinine and completely remove a lot of the fun from the tracks.
For one, Danny's inflection on a lot of the lines are just so much more lifeless and dull. For example...
"6969" - Attitude City (2015) -- Timestamp 5:52
"6969" -- Level Up (2021) -- Timestamp 5:57
The scene is supposed to be high-energy and intense because NSP is running away from an army trying to kill them, but in the Level Up version Danny just sounds mildly annoyed.
And this permeates throughout pretty much the entire album, especially cause they cut out a lot of the skit dialogue in the songs so Unicorn Wizard just sounds so much more hollow despite having more to it. But they don't cut out all of them??? Unicorn Wizard, Attitude City, and NSP Theme Song have their skits cut, but Party of Three and 6969 don't. I guess cause they're more built into the foundation of the songs, but I guarantee you you could cut out a lot of the 6969 dialogue and have it be on the same level as Unicorn Wizard, which is to say it'd technically work but it would sound way more hollow, so it's weird where they drew the lines.
The worst example though I have to say comes from Road Trip. At the end, Danny dies mid-lyric because he exits his spaceship without a spacesuit:
"Road Trip" - Attitude City (2015) -- Timestamp 2:58
But, in Level Up, they just cut that out entirely so Danny just finishes the song normally:
"Road Trip" - Level Up (2021) -- Timestamp 2:51
Why? That completely kills the joke.
Even the introduction doesn't escape this, cause every original NSP album opens with a comedy piece where Danny introduces you to the album. Here? It's literally just a minute of music with no dialogue, and it's not even that interesting of music.
On top of that Danny's voice drips with autotune a lot in these tracks which really kills a lot of the enjoyment. Unicorn Wizard here genuinely just sucks, straight up. No skits, duller delivery, too much autotune, the instrumentals are mixed to be louder than Danny's voice so mixed with the autotune it just makes it a headache, ugh.
(NOTE: Upon reflection in the months since, I'm not entirely sure that "dripping with autotone" was the best way of describing it. There was something to Danny's vocals that sounded more artificially tweaked than any other album so that felt like the best description to me at the time, but now I'm not so sure cause I don't actually know if autotune was used.)
Dinosaur Laser Fight sounds pretty, but I don't like the ballad direction they took for it cause it's a completely different style than the original and I don't think they lean into it hard enough for it to be a funny juxtaposition. On top of that, it's the ONLY song on the album that is completely different from it's original version, which would be fine if the whole thing was a reimagining of their songs (and if you want to use the term VERY broadly, it is). But it isn't. It's only songs from the pre-TWRP era and every song that isn't Dinosaur Laser Fight tries to stick fairly close to the originals (which just makes the changes more glaring), plus with the name "Level Up" it implies they're the original songs but better.
But they're not.
Oh yeah also they actually added a skit to I Just Want To (Dance)????? Despite cutting out a bunch of others????????????
There's only 1 song here that is genuinely better (or at least on par with the original), and that's NSP Theme Song. Yeah, it does cut out the skit at the end and Danny's comedic interjections, but it actually does sound good, doesn't have worse delivery, isn't drowning in autotune, and the skit at the end was always one of NSP's weaker ones anyway so it's not as missed (though it does make the song end a little more awkwardly).
I have no idea if this was a rush job to put out an album in 2021, but it certainly feels like it. Like, they wanted a different album out last year but it wasn't gonna happen, so they just took this idea and threw it together. It's not lazy, it has effort put into it, but man it clearly did not have enough time put into it to make it great. I appreciate this album and TVVVVCAA for getting me back into NSP but man this was just a dud otherwise.
Favorite Song: NSP Theme Song (only song here I'd actually revisit) Least Favorite Song: I Just Want To (Dance) (weak song not made any better), Unicorn Wizard (for butchering one of my favorites) Favorite Skit: N/A
The Very, Very, Very, Very Classy Acoustic Album (2021) — reviewed on 1/8/22
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The last stop on my NSP journey until their next album inevitably drops, and it's quite a turnaround from Level Up.
I've grown a love for acoustic albums. Partially because my dad has played acoustic guitar for all my life so it's a very comforting sound, but also because just hearing basically the bare elements of songs that were meant to be high energy is just really awesome. So, this was a treat.
Danny's voice shines here stronger than anywhere before, as there's no mixing to try and drown out his voice, no autotune, barely any harmonizing, it's just him and he has a really good singing voice.
This does lose a few points for me cause it's definitely still pretty scripted (the point of acoustic albums is meant to be pretty raw), which isn't terrible but I would've liked it to be a lot more off the cuff and for Brian to actually talk a bit since he still goes silent in this album. At the very least, the framing device of it being a tour no one showed up to is funny.
(NOTE: I later found out that this actually was a live show that they did that they released as an EP, which better explains the scripted nature. I still personally would've preferred a more genuine, off-the-cuff approach, but I recognize that they were putting on a skit for a stage production.)
Dinosaur Laser Fight is better here than Level Up although I'm still not big on it, but somehow I actually liked Wondering Tonight here. Something about it being lofi really helps it out.
My only other comment is that they have a couple songs from Under the Covers here (Everybody Wants To Rule The World and Rocketman) and they have this kinda odd joke where Danny says David Bowie wrote them. It comes out of nowhere and has no real pay-off, and since those are the only cover songs it can be jarring to stumble into.
Beyond that, great album. I don't think I'd revisit it a ton, but even so it's really good, has a very nice sound, and is overall just cool to hear NSP like this.
Oh yeah and Unicorn Wizard here is good that’s a big plus.
(And some skits are still omitted but it’s a lot more reasonable since even with its scripted nature it’s still predominantly done in one take)
Favorite Song: Danny Don't You Know Least Favorite Song: Dinosaur Laser Fight Favorite Skit: Introduction
And throughout this journey I had kept track of the albums on a tierlist because I enjoy tierlists, although after my NSP binge I switched from an S/A/B/C/D/F ranking system to Amazing!!/Pretty good!/Solid/Average/Below Average/Ugh... because they better reflected my thoughts:
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WOWIE WOW WOW THIS IS A LONGER POST THAN I EXPECTED. If you made it all the way through my fucking college thesis of a post you win a cookie 🍪
I had other album reviews I did in this style over the course of the year that I want to post here, but now I'm not so sure about that since this ended up being so long 😅 But also it's my blog so I can do what I want right? Whatever, time will tell. I'm probably gonna look into a site called Musicboard for this kinda stuff since it looks like exactly the same site Listnd was but with actually care put into upkeep.
Anyway, moral of the story is that NSP is pretty cool. Thank you and goodnight.
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I posted 11,718 times in 2022
That's 1,530 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (1%)
11,639 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,296 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#bang chan - 1,271 posts
#ranboo - 936 posts
#han jisung - 914 posts
#lee know - 755 posts
#minho - 722 posts
#seo changbin - 696 posts
#stray kids - 667 posts
#min yoongi - 627 posts
#suga - 579 posts
#tubbo - 545 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or ''best case'' scenario for them was probably that the chat sees it but he didn’t so it consumes the chat and confuses him on how we know
My Top Posts in 2022:
He was talking about the difference of AR and Live AR and I heard him reference Zone so I immediately clipped it while he was live and I think he demonstrated the meanings very well for people to understand!
8 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Okay so in my catching up on the Dream SMP, I've been mostly sticking to the cardd list that was linked to me when I asked about how to catch up (with some supplementary Vods/videos from Ranboo, Tubbo, and Techno when I can figure out the timing of them)
And I just got to Tommy speaking to Dreams sister the second time and the whole video is funny enough that I'm smiling through the while thing but then Techno gets involved and is trying to help.
And then I got to the part where they listen to Pigstep.
And I got absolutely taken out by:
"I basically just realized this is basically the most powerful thing on the server, since it means you get copyrighted. I'm gonna steal it now."
*Tommy hits the disc out of the player and it flies into Technoblade*
See the full post
9 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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See the full post
16 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
I was gonna wait a little bit longer to say what I've been doing but the new comeback trailer released and I'm just so excited for it I couldn't help myself
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I've been drawing the SKZoo characters in their different music video outfits! (It's transparent btw)
As long as it's not against any copyright I kinda wanna make them into stickers (if that's something anyone else would be interested in?)
44 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay so I just got to the part where Dream builds a wall around L'Manburg cause George's house got griefed
And I know its all written and acted out but I really love that Tommy's character never once sold out Ranboo. I mean he mentions that he was with him but when it comes down to it he confesses that it was just him that did it. And even when Tubbo asks 1 on 1 if Ranboo helped at All, Tommy said no.
The only other person we have really seen that level of care for from him was for Tubbo who he's known basically his entire life.
So your telling me this kid got so attached to the kid who couldn't remember (without really knowing the extent of his short term memory issues) that he didn't want to see him hurt since he just went along with it.
For someone who I've typically seen described as careless it seems that he does care quite a bit about the people around him.
71 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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plut00nline · 3 years
Fuck it im doing it
My 2020 top 20 movie list
(Disclaimer that most of these weren't made in 2020 but I just watched them this year. These aren't also really in a very particular order but they are lowkey ranked) (i also had to be choosey with the images i out cause of the limit, but yeah dont mind that)
20. The perfection
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The plot twist in this movie is *chefs kiss* there was no way for me to predict the ending, bug as far as thrillers goes, it is brilliant. And also, lesbians. It can be a pretty triggering movie for ab*se and general gore, but really I love the pacing and the thrill of it.
19. The shining
Ah yes, a classic horror, and though I may feel iffy about Stanley Kubrick, this movie was pretty good. But I am saying this as a person that didn't read the book. The blood rushing down the hallway was really my favourite visual on the movie. It was a movie that made me felt genuinely scared while watching it, like hiding behind my blanket but also sweating scared, the suspense was pretty thrilling though
18. Doctor Sleep
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Man do I love Danny Torrance, and Abra, fuck I love them both. Again, I never read the book, but my ignorance keeps me in bliss. The visuals of this movie are also great, and the emotions this movie puts through? I'm just glad headcanons exist, but really I did enjoy this movie even if it wasn't what I was expecting.
17. Birds of prey
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Harley deserved a movie, and the fact that it was directed by a woman makes me love it so much more because we just got to see harley doing the things that she fucking wanted. This movie is wlw solidarity, from Margot robbie to Mary Elizabeth Winstead, women with crossbows? Sign me the fuck up. And from all the DC films I've seen, it's so much brighter, in the visual sense, there's colour! There's character! And not everyone is just brooding in darkness, its the type of movie that would make me actually watch and enjoy DC films.
16. Charlie's angels
Firstly, lesbians. Thank you. But really, its a good action comedy and really I'll jump at the chance to see women kick ass.
15. My octopus teacher
I've never cried over an octopus before, so that was an experience. And even though this is technically not a movie, I still wanted to put it on here cause it was really just a great documentary, especially since it happened in my home country and im very oddly proud of that fact.
14. Knives out
Murder mystery and chris evans go so well together. I have made a longer post, but to sum it up, like most of the movies on this list. The colours and the pacing and just the atmosphere of the movie was spectacular, and even though I couldve guessed the ending, I was still on the edge of my seat for most of it
13. Ready or not
I love this new wave of eat the rich media. Samara weaving is a great actor and I am in love with her and this whole movie. It really was something that I hadn't actually seen before and the fact that the whole curse thing at the end was true was really just wow. Along with eat the rich, I love the feral female energy lately, and the whole white clothing slowly but surely being covered in blood.
12. Geralds game
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The line "youre only made of moonlight" lives in my head rent free. This movie, was really an experience and for a movie with only two people in it for the majority, it is really well done. I'll always feel iffy about a man writing a woman's experience (specifically) but I do love the way this movie went, yeah I hated the "Hand" scene, but I still enjoyed the after math of it.
11. The old gaurd
Again, more lesbians, what more could I ask for? The concept for this movie is brilliant, immortal mercenaries is the only trope I want from now on, and found family.
10. Parasite
Again with the eat the rich. This movie was mindblowing, and just, the imagery!! And im glad they didn't dub it in English cause fuck that, I enjoyed it perfectly with subtitles.
9. song of the sea
This movie, this movie! Is so precious and I had that song stuck in my head for days.the name Saoirse is also so oddly pleasing to hear. This story is so beautiful, the music is amazing and it makes me want to be a fae.
8. Scott pilgrim vs the world
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This movie really did pass what my expectations for what I thought it was gonna be, the music was amazing, the transitions and editing style was *chefs kiss* and even though I felt like I was in a fever dream the whole time, it'd be a fever dream I'd gladly rewatch.
7. The imitation game
Thank you Alan Turing. This movie recked me, like emotionally, I was a mess when I was done with it, but damn was it good, like I really just felt something while watching it, I mean most.of the movies on this list did, but this one just really hit me in some way.
6. Klaus
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At least there are still good Christmas movies being made. Actually, I was a mess for this one too, the second that child got that sleigh thing it was over for my emotions. The whole sirge of turning Santa into this big macho dude really is working out and that's how Santa should always be depicted. I could gush about the animation style of this movie all fucking day, I love it so much (and the shadows!!! Ahh the shadows!) It really is just incredible.
5. I'm thinking of ending things
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Hey man, I knew this was gonna fuck me up just by looking at the trailer, but there was absolitley no way to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Even after watching it, I have no idea what happened. But I still found it great, I love movies that give me an existential crisis.
4. Spirited away
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All I wanted to do, was eat everything in that movie, even if it would turn me into a pig, holy hells this movie is good. There was just this satisfying appeal to it that I can't quite put into words. Its beautiful like everything studio ghibli movie ever.
3. The Willoughbys
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I never knew I needed a found family movie with a bunch of kids that were already family. I've made a longer post about this movie, and I dont think I could really say more, this movie is so fucking touching and I love the direction it went in plot wise.
2. Howl's moving castle
Again, I may not have understood wtf was going on, but I'll be damned if I didn't love every second of it. There is no doubt that this movie is stunning, and I really am a suckered for early 2000's 2d animation, because!!! Look at it!!! Studio Ghibli films always just floor me with how good they look. I really wanna read the book, because I would absolutley love to see a feral Sophie giving howl shit for crying over hair.
1. Us
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This movie will always be my no. 1 it is amazing and I love everything jordan peele has done with his movies. Especially for it to have a full black cast, and those black people have darker skin than what is normally shown in media. The feral but also calculated nature of each character is beautiful and nothing can ever make me hate this movie
I hope you enjoyed this incoherent "review" of my favourite movies I watched in 2020, its been a shit show and movies really have been a place of comfort for me. But stay safe and happy new year!
199 notes · View notes
retphienix · 3 years
It's been 6 years :)
On March 30th, 2015 I decided I wanted a gaming side blog. (so we're early, but shush, it's the month for me)
I didn't know what I'd use it for exactly, but I had ideas- something I always have even if most of them only get as far as daydreamin' or writing out before closing them :P
For proof on the lack of direction the blog initially had- the March 30th date is the anniversary of my first post, an in-depth and lengthy review of Dragon Warrior Monsters for the GBC.
If you know the blog then you know "Extremely long and in-depth reviews" aren't the norm around here. As a matter of fact, that first post is the ONLY one I've done!
The closest I've come to ever repeating that would be the (word of the day) Directionless video I put out on Hades to get a grip on the concept of making videos, but that wasn't nearly as much of a 'review' as that first post is.
Tangent, definitely planning on trying my hand at videos some more for the foreseeable future. Probably not gonna use the tagline Full Impressions that I tossed as a whim for the Hades video but yeah- I'm excited to try my hand at a few videos :) tangent over.
It didn't take me long to come up with what I'd like to do for the blog though :)
A few months later I liveblogged a challenge run of FFT where I used only Ramza- a solo run. - Which maybe only happened because I tried a nuzlocke run a year prior on my main account-
(Nuzlocke | FFT challenge run)
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Thanks to that haphazard liveblog experiment I started to realize a couple things which became the primary motivators behind this blog.
1) I LOVE sharing experiences. No brainer, I'm sure, but being able to share my experiences, and compare them with others' experiences, and just that mutual sharing is uplifting and feels good to do.
2) Liveblogging is an EXCEPTIONAL motivator to buckle down and play all those games I said I'd play (cue everyone laughing because I'm still way behind and have an immeasurable backlog).
But I mean that, on both respects. I have plenty of motivators toward the blog today, but if I were to be concise it's pretty much "It's easier to beat games if I liveblog them- otherwise I get distracted and play other games" and "I love sharing experiences and thoughts with people about my favorite thing- games."
Since 2015 I've tackled around 70 games as full playthroughs, and an untold ton as one offs or just to ramble about for a bit.
I've had a lot of highlights over the years, and I don't talk much about it as an overall experience so I thought for the anniversary I'd try to do just that. Not everything- I can't say I have photographic memory that would bring all of it up without prompting after all :P But whatever comes to mind as I browse some of my old stuff- as well as some thoughts on what I'd like to see in the future.
It's gonna be a bit self-centric I assume as I type this preamble to it, so let me say outright that this blog wouldn't be half of what it is without all the people who've given it the time of day over the years.
From recommending games they love or appreciate, to comparing thoughts, to offering kind words for analysis I've done over the years, to pointing out when I'm dumb and misread a situation :P- to, yes, even the people who decided "Fuck this guy's ramble" and deleted my captions before reblogging my gifs way back during Hamtaro (Of COURSE I remember that! It's amusing lol).
This is better because of others, because of the interactions and the people I've gotten the chance to chat with or befriend. It's just a liveblog more or less, my own little bit of fun I toss out for myself if for anyone- so seeing others enjoy this or that from the work I put into sharing my experiences or thoughts is always a joy in itself :)
Anyway, onto selfishly rambling about some tidbits of the past :)
Also sorry but no, opted to not shove a ton of photos in, it does have a handful of links to old posts though :P
This'll be disorganized as heck as I'll add to it over time before I feel it's worth posting (or the tumblr post editor becomes a hassle and more or less forces me to).
FFT Solo Ramza Challenge: Considering it was roughly the first thing this blog has done, it's also something that's stuck in my head a lot more clearly than most of the other stuff I've done to be honest lol.
In truth, this is partially because FFT is my favorite game, bar none. But it's also because the whole experience was pretty new to me. Prior to it I had really only done one self-imposed-challenge that wasn't requested by the game in some manner and that was a nuzlocke run of Blue version.
So adding a challenge to my favorite game was a fantastic experience!
Notes I just wanted to say today about that run: If anyone enjoys FFT I honestly recommend giving it a shot for the unique story it lends itself to. I do recommend skipping the rules until after the second battle but that's up to YOU to decide.
My first post on the subject is me complaining about spending 4 hours grinding out the second fight and, despite hyperbole being my natural state, that was NOT hyperbole.
It DID take 60~ restarts to beat. It DID take 4 hours. The reason is that that 2nd battle is RNG as HECK, you HAVE to have Delita do some meaningful actions, you HAVE to have the enemies miss and make poor plays, you damn near HAVE to crit a few instances to save yourself from taking too much damage.
It's a numbers game to the extreme, so I wouldn't fault anyone for 'cheating' and skipping the 2nd fight for the ruleset lol.
The memory that stands out the most for that run is actually isolated in a post in which Ramza (Purrick in this run) talks like a total badass as just ONE DUDE running into a room full of enemies. I just think on that as a great encapsulated view of what it was like. The run started off face grindingly difficult, but because FFT is a game that offers so much freedom to the player it was extremely easy to 'break' the game into making Purrick overpowered as hell.
That's something I love about some tactical RPGs, I love having the ability to play smart so that I can play stupid later on, and breaking the game into making him one shot god is certainly a good payoff for playing smart early on :P
RetQuick: I miss RetQuick, it was primarily a short experiment I did in 2015 where I'd play a game for a short span of time (REALLY short, like 10-20 minutes) and record that for the purpose of making gifs and saying a short piece on what I thought.
It's one of those formats where the purpose was pretty shallow- but had a reason. I wanted to try making some gifs with some tools that existed online, so I made an excuse to do just that.
I also wanted to play a TON of games, usually through emulation on my sister's PSP, and this let me do that.
These two minor goals came together and so I spent a while making RetQuicks which were honestly more fun to make than they had any right to be. I mean the gifs were tedious but the playing? The thought sharing? The end product ocassionally having more appeal than just a photoset? It was fun.
I'm thinking whenever I have trouble picking a game for the blog I'll revisit the format... sorta.
I already reused it for a short stint to show clips I had no plan on expanding into a playthrough, but that died as well as it was too similar to Tidbits posts (another tag I no longer really use).
My thought is to rebrand retquick as something of a tryout for what game comes next. Play a handful of my backlog games for an hour or so each and say some thoughts before saying which one I'll continue as the main game for that period of time.
Old Tag Stuff: One of those things that only sticks to me since I made the decisions but it's always funny for me to look back on my old posts because I was apprehensive as hell toward making my posts visible. The reason my early playthroughs on the My-Tags page are variants of Ret instead of just "The name of the game so people can find this post" is because I felt like a liveblog would just spam the tag to hell-
Something I don't remotely feel bad for doing anymore.
So I avoided getting any sort of spotlight for quite a while on the blog for little reason.
Why Retphienix?: This is just a dumb thought I wanted to share and I'm sure I've said before.
It stands for retro!
Ain't that dumb and also not a real shorthand? lol
I think I have some sort of deer in headlights anxiety towards naming things, I mean do you think I think Full Impressions is a good summation for a video? I don't. But perhaps that's overshadowed by the other inexperiences and anxiety driven decisions that had- doesn't matter.
Retphienix is Retphienix because I sat there in 2015 and thought "Well... what do I name an alt account?"
My main is Redphienix, which yes, is ALSO a terrible name AND is misspelled. But it's that because of sentimental reasons. As a kid I misspelled Redphoenix when making my gamertag (I knew how to spell Phoenix back then as well, I was too excited about xbox live and misspelled it) and it's become something of a sentimental misspelling.
So I wanted to make a mix on that for my game blog, but I had no idea what. In the end I thought "RetroPhienix? I don't know. Retphienix is closer to Redphienix. I'll do that" and so it was done.
And just like how Redphienix is both bad and misspelled but exists because of sentimental reasons- Retphienix has acquired the same 'flavor' in my eye lol.
Aspirations for the blog: I have no immediate ramp up plans or road map or whatever, and in truth I'll be happy if the blog stays just as it is forever- up until tumblr ends- I cry over lost posts- and I reopen it on another platform.
But I do have blurry half-considered daydreams that I'd like to see happen for the blog through some hard work or shifts on my part.
One is something I'm already doing kinda, hence my embarrassing means of bringing it up a lot lately. Videos- I want those. I wanna make some looks back on series people don't talk about that I enjoy, I want to make videos sharing my thoughts on games I beat for the blog (like what full impressions kinda was, but I don't think they'll have a unified name from here on out). Maybe retrospectives, but mostly when I think of making a video tied to retphienix or me in general it's me looking at a game that said something to me, and saying it louder with my own interpretations on it.
You know the kind, videos where they talk about a video game but not the whole thing- just a singular message they really heard loud and clear from it intentionally or not. I dig those and I know I end a lot of games having plenty to say that could be directed into such a format.
We'll see.
And I'm along for the ride on that one as well- currently I'm keeping my eyes on whatever is directly next, which happens to be "I plan on playing Omori, if it clicks as something to talk about I would like to take a shot at that in a video too!"
The other is that I'd like to build a small community. Wouldn't know the first thing on doing that in a modern sense, but just a little online friend group to chat with and play games together. Something that could open up multiplayer and coop experiences being better shared on the blog and would just in general expand my gaming to what it used to be back on the 360 when I had a large group to play with.
Since the 360 era ended I've pretty much closed off- stopped playing competitive games due to lack of interest- and slowed down to playing all games either solo, with randoms (and no mic usually), or with my cousin. It's a rare instance when I play with some good people like @gamesception or another friend of mine, John.
When I diverted from playing competitive games nonstop toward other genres I didn't intend to also cut out all my online gaming buds, it just kinda happened, and I never really put any effort into rectifying that.
So more or less I'd like to one day sit down and work on a discord server, and then buck up and put the leg work in to make some gamin' buds again, but that's such a vague concept anymore.
Sounds all sad and what not but it's more ambivalent, I made decisions that
changed how gaming worked for me after the 360 and this is just where it landed for better and worse- I'd just like to see if I can make it a little better :P
General things I think when I think retphienix: Honestly? I think of how much fun I've had over the years and how thankful I am to have had an outlet that encouraged me to explore more of the medium.
I REALLY love games. I went to college for games, I've written LEAGUES about games, I've played countless games, my childhood was games, my adult life is games- games games games yada yada yada.
So when I think of retphienix I think of how without it I probably wouldn't have explored a lot of the corners of gaming that I have.
I genuinely, and I mean this, might not have sat down and beaten FF7 for myself and would have considered the amount I played as a kid to be enough.
I might not have played Chrono Trigger yet, and I KNOW I wouldn't have played Chrono Cross, and I'm happy as hell to have played both of those. CT was a mind blowing moment for me that showed me just how good an RPG can be, and CC gave me miles to think of in terms of innovating an RPG and how beholden to the narrative a sequel should be (I don't feel CC should have been chrono at all lol).
I DEFINITELY wouldn't have given New Vegas another chance. And I know I'm a sourpuss on NV, I've been that way since I maxed my achievements on the 360 for it, but replaying it really did reveal to me how exceedingly negative I was being.
My memories had become "It's brown and a boring location >:(" and "The factions all suck and it doesn't do anything with the idea of bad factions >:(" and became "It's... a little brown guys, not a big fan of the area" and "They didn't do enough with exploring the gray factions" while adding "Wait. This is pretty damn fun. And 90% of the additions are stellar. And I forgot about Dead Money, my favorite dlc in any game ever with a story that tears at my heart every time I think of it, NV good actually?"
Faxanadu would have remained a cool game I saw on SSFF and not a game I played to the end and fell in love with the aesthetic feel it has!
Also that's a game I cheated like crazy on lol, I would do it again! Save state scumming games meant to be rudely difficult is only fair :P
I probably would have never sat down to play through Windwaker which was such a positive and uplifting experience that I now get the most relaxed and warm feeling in my heart when I see those blue waves.
There's so many experiences I would have left on the table in favor of like... putting more hours into a live service title or something.
Maybe, and no offense to my cousin or anyone else playing it, but maybe I'd be no-lifing World of Warcraft nonstop just stagnating my interest toward the skinner box mechanics of an MMO?
Some offense, actually but lightheartedly lol.
But beyond the entire games I've played for the blog, when I think retphienix I picture all the time making gifs, all those games I played on the PSP for short stints, buying a retron 5 to add to what I could explore and being stoked when they shipped a freebie box of old controllers to go with it, getting angry at the retron for being a Piece Of Shit lol, crying at the end of damn near every game with an emotional story because I'm a big emotional mess of a person who finds investing and crying at a story way too easy thanks to empathy pulls, oh!-
Getting excited whenever I found that I had a "*controversial*" opinion that no one would care about lol. Like the one that comes to mind is that I thoroughly believe that Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!! for the NES is WAY better than the fandom recognized and appreciated sequel/remake Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan!
How many people do you hear talking about either game, let alone saying the NES game that is roughly half of the SNES remake is the better one :P But I stand by that! The SNES one is a remake of DBZ1 and 2 for the NES but it loses all the charm and some of the fun of the NES ones by being a lackluster SNES game!
I admitted wholeheartedly that this post would be a lit-
little directionless (gotta love the new tumblr poster making me break sentences like that), but to sum things up.
It's been 6 years. It's been an untold amount of work to be honest- liveblogging a game, at least for me, hasn't been the easiest thing. It's a lot of thinking out my thoughts (heh), it's a lot of learning tools to make the capturing process possible, it's a lot of experimenting, it's a lot of writing and editing, and, well, sometimes it's just tough.
I mean I went to school for coding, not video editing, not writing, not image processing, not this or that- but this hobby has introduced a lot of things even if only at a VERY base level (I admit fully to using online alternatives to make gifs for instance).
I learned a lot about, well, a lot of things in order to use this blog to learn more about games- and all that work has become part of why I've loved all 6 years of this blog.
6 years of gaming, work, and you all- and it's been worth the investment :) Here's to many more and all of you whether you stumble upon this post or not- literally anyone who's interacted in these 6 years, thank you, and anyone who hasn't I offer you well wishes as well.
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A pretty long spoiler-filled reveiw of ACOMAF
-posted this reveiw on my goodreads around June and decided to share it now on Tumblr.
Reread this gem and love it even more than the first time. Of course, reading a good book for the first time is always special and you don't know any of the plot twists and turns. Not knowing what is gonna happen in a story is my favorite thing about reading. Sarah blew me away with her captivating writing style and amazing world building that left wanting more .The is the first book that made me cry and I don't easily cry in books which just proves my love for this book. Rhysand stole my heart. I just love him so much. I know most of you probably didn't like him in the first book but once you read this one you will change your mind. You can thank me later.
Moving on, let's dive straight into spoilers, if you adored this book as much as me. Most just me gushing over our precious bat boi.
Sarah did a great job at fooling me. Just like Feyre, I was blind to the red flags that displayed the unhealthy and toxic relationship between Feylin. Upon my second read, I could clearly see all the signs and read between the lines and kept thinking "why didn't I realize this sooner?''
I really liked the lesson that the author taught us about unhealthy and healthy relationships. You usually don't see the latter in most NA or even YA. And I despise Tamlin. He is everything that I hate in a man,controlling,abusive and anti feminist. I was so pissed at him for lying to Feyre that Rhys killed his family. The tool himself, had murdered Rhys family and I will never forgive him for that
Me to Tamlin “ I hope that burn..”
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I could write a whole essay on professing my love for Rhysand but even that wouldn't be enough for me.
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He is no 1 on my fictional boyfriends list. No other male character can compare to him.
Just like Feyre, I wasn't expecting him to be the good guy. And, just as she was unaware of falling for him,I was too. I didn't even realize how attached I grew to Rhys until I got a spoiler that he was going to die. I legit got an ache in my heart and felt like crying. That's the beauty of books when a character feels real even they sadly aren't. Thankfully, he survived and if he didn't then I wouldn't have been able to forgive Sarah/
Why do I adore the Highlord of the Night Court?
He is so precious and a major feminist. He is humble and strong ( even when he has been through so much). My heart breaks for him. His story is too emotional for me to read without crying (on my second time reading). Not only did he lose his parents but his sister too. We never got to know how old she was but she was young. We never got to see his mother and baby sister. That makes my heart shatter in a million pieces but as if that wasn't enough, He didn't see his friends for 50 years. He was trapped under the mountain for so long and raped by that bitch and he endured it just to protect his city and family (the inner circle). As if he didn't have enough on his plate, he watched Feyre be taken away from him twice. He watched the girl he loved be in love with another man (his enemy who had killed his parents and sister) and yet he let her be happy (even if she was mate). After all of this torture and pain, he is still so kind and sweet and caring. He still think he isn't enough even though he sacrificed so much. He would rather put himself in torture than let something happen to Feyre or the Inner Circle.
And what I love most about him, is the freedom he gave Feyre. He isn't controlling like most men. He trusts Feyre and believes she can fight for herself but he will be there to protect if she needed him. Of course he cares for but isn't overprotective. Their relationship is so pure and healthy and I love it. I love how humble he is. Being the most Powerful HighLord of all the seven courts, you would expect him to be a rich snob but he is far from that.
I loved how much Feyre grew from that naive girl to a strong and badass woman. I could barely recognize her while rereading Acotar. It felt as there were two seperate girls in the two books. This is one of the best character development I have ever seen. My heart broke for what she went through. I could relate to her about some stuff minus the under the mountain scene (ofc). And I was so happy when she survived her depression and ptsd all because of Rhysand.
And I got so attached to whole inner circle, as if they were my family too. And I love Mor more than Amren because I could relate to her too besides the fact how sweet and strong she was
The whole book was a pure joy to read but my favorite parts were Starfall, The Summer Court and Court of Nightmares.
Starfall: It was such a beautiful celebration. Unlike, the ones in the spring court despite its pretty name. I loved the idea of stars falling down from the sky. Everyone was at their happiest. It was also sad to read knowing this was the first Starfall Rhys had after Amrantha. The fact that she knew how much it meant to him and yet she made him service her without his consent and on purpose. My hatred is like a burning sun. Moving on, I squealed at the moment when Mor and Feyre were talking and then Rhys came up behind them. My heart burst of joy when Feyre heard his voice and turned around. He took her to the balcony for her to experience Starfall at its prettiest. They had their cute moments and it was the moment when they were falling in love but didn't admit it yet to each other. Rhys hadn't laughed like that in ages, pure and a real laugh like Feyre hadn't smiled filled with pure joy ever since she was turned into a fae.
Summer Court: I loved Tarquin too. And I enjoyed the feysand moments at the court. Their constant back and forth banter and flirting. That's where the famous quote " To all the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered came from.
Court of Nightmares: This scene was so sexy and made my cheeks turn a deep shade of red. I loved how Rhys gave Feyre a choice whether she wanted to join him and the play the part or stay at home. It was her own choice that made her say " I wanna do it" and yet Rhys still felt guilty. Even when it wasn't like he forced or anything. He would never do that. I enjoyed them teasing each other. I was captivated by Rhys beauty. I love the real Rhys but I lust for the "evil" Rhys, the mask that he wears to protect his loved ones.
And that ending, I wasn't expecting that. I feel bad for those who had to wait a year or more for the next book esp after that gripping yet lovely cliffhanger. I didn't had to since the whole serious was already out. It was emotional even when Feyre was pretending to be in Rhys control. They work well so together. Rhys understood her plan through that bond and he acted so well. ( he actually deserves an oscar for his great acting of a bad guy). Tears rolled down my cheeks when the bond snapped and Feyre fell down to her knees, screaming in pain. Even Rhys. Sara tricked us but I was so grateful for that. That chapter in Rhys pov (the only chapter) was so precious. I was shook when he declared that Feyre is his Highlady and equal and the bond was never broken. It was just the bargain. And I loved how cunning Feyre. She is so smart and badass. Pretending to be in love with Tamlin (her ex), only to take him down along with his court.
This book brings me pure joy and reading it for the second time gave me a different perspective. I noticed things I didn't before. This time, I knew about Rhy's backstory so it was more emotional than the first time. And I didn't think of this sooner but I have a theory that Jurain knew all along that Rhys wasn't Amrantha's whore but was raped by her (sobs and gets angry). Esp, when he mentioned that he was forced to watch everything that bitch did due to the ring she made out of his eye. And he was the only one who was shocked when Feyre was pretending to hate Rhys. He knew since he screamed "What?'' when she told the king to break the bond.
Damn, this is the longest review I have ever written. No regrets though.
If you have read this far, be sure to follow my goodreads for more reviews. Link in my bio.
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [okay so wrong number text which isn't actually we know, which is just the location of some illegal rave moment that she'll wanna go to] Edie: treasure? ❌🗺 Liam: wooden leg would be useful to hide all the treasure we're bringing in Edie: Gutted I don't know anyone who's ever had an abscess go full necrotic ☠ Edie: and who wants to cart around a treasure chest Liam: don't wanna do your share of the heavy lifting, big surprise Edie: is it? Liam: outgrow this pussy behaviour before tonight as a favour to me Liam: I don't wanna cart that much dead weight about Edie: As I remember it, you owe me though Liam: your memory's in the 🚽 Liam: I owe nobody nothing Edie: yours is selective Edie: can't even get 11 digits down Liam: a barcode's got 12 & I told you it's your business if you wanna walk round inked like you've only lived that many years that's your lookout Liam: not holding your hand Edie: even more gutted, no doubt Edie: 💔 Liam: if you won't be talked out of it, put it on your balls where no-one'll see it Edie: Will you think I'm tough then? Liam: what kind of gay shit is this? Edie: 😂 Edie: go easy on your mate Edie: you got the wrong number Liam: fucked the 11 digits Liam: that's what you were trying to say Edie: mhmm Edie: that's what I said Edie: but a barcode tattoo is a shit idea Edie: agreed Liam: sick of being the voice of reason around here Edie: I find it's more entertaining to let people make the bad decisions, personally Liam: would be jokes until I look a sad twat by association Liam: wants it on his head Edie: 🙄 what's it gonna say, product of the system? Edie: pretty sure a serial killer has already done that Edie: or some shit rapper Liam: he is a shit rapper Liam: [link] Edie: oh Edie: I know him Liam: serious? Edie: by association Edie: I'm a less shit musician in general, not that that's any brag Liam: can I get a listen or you're just here to promo to set me off on a ❌🗺 as payback? Edie: depends Edie: who's heading the rave you linked? Liam: [deets] Edie: alright Edie: you're not 12 like your pal Edie: [links him her music] Edie: [definitely pictures and videos along with, as if you don't know who she is but pretending you don't lol] Liam: come tonight instead of him Edie: talking to strangers is one thing, boy Liam: you leave the bad decisions to everyone else Liam: don't sound as entertaining as it could be Edie: I meant for your safety Edie: could be anyone Liam: be full of nobodys and anyones when we get there Liam: I'm still gonna go Edie: what makes you stand out? Edie: as you ❌ the barcode Liam: when I track you down, I'll listen to your opinion about me Liam: I'm bragging before then Edie: 🤞 we can't hear much of anything over the bass Edie: not that you're intriguing enough to show up for Edie: but the invite is sound Liam: you'll still know what I think, never had an issue with body language over bass Edie: I think I can guess already Liam: 👌 guess Edie: don't take a mind reader Edie: body language and 💭 are one in the same Liam: it don't take a mind reader when you know you're beautiful and talented Edie: ha leave it out Liam: 🧯 Edie: less of that as well Edie: not a wet blanket Liam: 🧨 Edie: that I like Liam: buying 🎇🎆 if you have any requests Edie: [all the party drugs not in code 'cos we're not bothered] Liam: 👾 Edie: NOW I look forward to 👀 you Liam: guessed it Edie: what gave it away? Liam: the vids you linked me to Edie: that's your review? Edie: at least give me some ⭐s Liam: 3.5 Edie: 👌 Liam: I'll give you another 1/2 when the anti barcode tat song drops Edie: what about the other whole? Liam: get him on the track Edie: 😂 Edie: you're on Liam: 👌 Edie: thank god for the edit Liam: & that only you're allowed to freestyle it rule we just invented Edie: good thing I'm more talented than even you are demanding Liam: I'd agree but you've heard it once & you weren't a fan Edie: you can agree when you see it in person Edie: I don't do this online fake shit Liam: I'll have my turn at looking forward to 👀 you Liam: more than down to Edie: good luck Edie: I can't find any cars with spare seats, so it's gonna be a crowd clearly Liam: yours is in if you want his Edie: how will I get my freestyle if he can't catch a ride? 🤔 Liam: shit like that is what earns you the rest of the ⭐s Liam: talent's not just Liam: 🎤🎧 Edie: yeah, I'm well kind and considerate Edie: known for it Liam: good thing I am Liam: [pic of all the drugs he has picked up] Edie: 🤪 Liam: got a 🐷 mask to fit in post raid, can stick it on early if 🥴 isn't doing anything for you Edie: 💡⭐ Edie: if you can't hang with your gurn we can't hang, like Liam: [a gorgeous gurning pic from a previous rave moment] Edie: fit Liam: ha ha ha Edie: don't act like you don't know Liam: I do 👌 out of my mugshots Edie: convince him to get that tatted instead Liam: too gay Edie: alright I'll do it Liam: before or after you take his seat Edie: if you tell me your name I'll save you a spot to earn mine Liam: Liam Edie: alright, Liam, thanks for not having a long and hard to spell name Edie: give me 🖐 Liam: you can have 3.5 again Edie: [purposely leaving it a full five before coming back with his name stick n poked and then a shoddy box for the mugshot portrait to go in] Edie: tada Liam: 👏 Liam: I didn't think you would Edie: if I say I'll do something, I will Edie: why not Edie: loads of Liam's in this town Liam: don't act like it's a standard trick to pull Liam: he's been oohing & ahhing for months over identifying as frozen peas when his face gets scanned Edie: it's a win-win for me, no need to think on it Edie: either you end up being sound, then it's a memory attached, or I get a cool story about getting a tattoo of a mugshot to get a lift to a rave to tell my grandkids Liam: I wanted you to sit next to me 5 mins ago, I can be impressed, can't I? Edie: I accept impressed Edie: and 👏 of course Liam: what did it feel like? Edie: it's somewhere between a scratch and a burning sensation Edie: but deeper Liam: you'll have to do me Liam: I like the sales pitch Edie: what do you want? Liam: what can you do? Edie: on you, a lot better than I can myself Edie: anything you want, I'll make it happen Liam: thanks for accepting impressive Edie: I intend to be so I can Edie: not here to disappoint Liam: I only was willing to be when I thought I was talking to that little bitch boy Edie: no gay shit Liam: unless you like one of the girls in the car Edie: ha Edie: we'll 👀 obviously Edie: where you starting out, anyway, and when Liam: [a time and place, I like to imagine it's a longish drive to give them time to #bond UGH] Edie: [and usually is to go to a middle of nowhere moment so agreed[ Edie: I'll be there Liam: would make me laugh if you don't show now Liam: longest chat I've had for ages Edie: even if I missed you 🚗 I've hitched before Edie: and it's been ages since I've been to a decent party so Liam: my pic could've fooled you but that last one was shit Liam: got a better feeling this time Edie: I feel you Edie: 💊🥤 just makes it tolerable Edie: down to 👀 yeah? Liam: Yeah Edie: better go find my glitter and gemstones out ✌ Liam: I feel you, will take me a while to paint my 💪 UV Liam: not got as steady a hand as you Edie: damn, that was almost impressive Liam: I'll work on it Edie: your steady hand or your bragging about your 💪? Liam: which one's letting me down the most? Edie: 🤔 Edie: you don't need to tattoo me yourself Edie: you are good looking enough you could get away with being cockier, go with that Liam: 👌 but now you've made me wanna tattoo you myself Edie: maybe Edie: if you think of a good idea, we'll overlook the shaky lines Liam: I'll try & think of an idea where wavy lines are part of it Edie: smart Edie: I like it Liam: 🌊 or something Liam: but less shit Liam: 📻 ones maybe Edie: you have any? Edie: professional ones, like Edie: you asked what stick n poke felt like so obviously not Liam: spend my money as fast as I have it Liam: what are you gonna charge me? Edie: what else are you gonna do with it though Edie: see how nice or poor I'm feeling Liam: I won't let the 💊🥤 run out, you'll feel a lot better than nice Edie: deal 🤩 Liam: be me blinded by your glitter & gems Edie: not actually my first rave Edie: but I can raid my little sister's shit if that's part of the deal Liam: see you in a 👑 will I? Edie: that's just standard day to day tbh 🤷 Liam: how many raves have you done? Edie: I've tried not to be in at the weekend since I was like 12 myself so Edie: enough that I know there's nothing fun or attractive about freezing your tits off in a neon bikini in a field Edie: what about you, you're [the year he'd be in which is either 2nd to last or last, either way], right? Liam: hasty to go with unattractive Liam: but yep, you're not wrong Edie: 😏 Edie: I get it, you wanna match 💪 Liam: no gay shit, your own words Liam: I didn't go to my first one until I was like 15, still not impressing anyone here Edie: me either Edie: middle child syndrome or whatever Liam: trade you oldest and only son if you want it Edie: Attention is grand and all but too much parental attention isn't what I'm aiming for Liam: can't offer you it Liam: my parents attention is elsewhere Edie: yours still together? Liam: nah Edie: oh good Edie: wouldn't know what to do with a dad Liam: not lots you can do with mine Edie: might be stuck being ourselves for the foreseeable anyway Edie: not a convincing freaky friday/parent trap situation you and me Liam: shame I won't get to 🎸 & lay down a track with your talent Edie: just buzzin' off all the things I could lift obviously 💪 Liam: this where I get cocky like you said? Liam: go on about how much I can Edie: you could Edie: but I'm clearly impressed before you need to use that tactic Liam: it's too desperate Liam: we both know I can pick you up if you get stuck in the mud later on Edie: we both know it's every man for himself when the 🐷 show Liam: I got you a mask Liam: yours has lipstick and more eyelashes, so we know Edie: thank god Edie: fragile femininity anyone? Liam: prefer toxic masculinity Edie: same Liam: 👍 Edie: if the daddy issues weren't glaring the 👑 will make 'em blinding Liam: we can pretend that since you're with me no-one'll be looking at you if you want Edie: the freedom Liam: I'll give you 🛢🧨 to play with Liam: 🔥 will take the attention Edie: really? Liam: 🎇🎆 wasn't only a code Liam: I do have some Edie: 🤩 no joke Edie: I wanna blow shit up Liam: that's all I ever wanna do Edie: yeah Edie: feel that too Liam: if you can capture 🔥 in a tat that'd be something worth considering Liam: not in a gay way like 🎲💀♠ Edie: that's overplayed, and doesn't mean anything Edie: I'll do some designs, providing I make it home alive Liam: supposed to see my dad tomorrow for the first time in months, don't think I'll rush back Edie: 🛢🧨🎇🎆 why would you Liam: don't feel you have to either, unless you're catfishing me Edie: I'd pick someone else if I was Edie: and you accidentally texted me Liam: I'm into the someone I accidentally texted, full fucking offense to whoever you wanna pick Edie: then I'll stick around too Edie: nothing I'm rushing back for Liam: it's in writing I'm not kidnapping you Liam: have to do a mugshot monday instead or something Edie: feel free Edie: I can't see that I'd mind Liam: being kidnapped or sharing a cell? Edie: hmm Edie: both Edie: though the involvement of bars to keep me about is unnecessary really Liam: does hitchiking only work if you're a girl with killer eyes? asking for myself before we torch the car Edie: as you're toxically masculine, most people'd be afraid to stop for you alone but as we're together, you should be safe and not an axe murderer Edie: unless I'm pulling a Hindley Liam: when we go for that we'll think it through more Liam: 🐶 or 👶 on board Edie: I can borrow one Edie: 👶 more likely Edie: people don't like cats enough Liam: I'll get over a fence to grab us a dog Edie: in one step, like Liam: depending on the fence Edie: sure, don't wanna oversell it Liam: you don't want no online fake shit Edie: just telling you so you know Edie: not the same Liam: thanks for telling me Edie: yeah alright Edie: didn't lecture you did I Liam: nah you didn't Edie: there we go then Liam: [quotes some of her own lyrics at her that he likes because genuinely listening to these tracks] Liam: you could sell that harder Edie: I'll work it out in my freestyle Liam: 🛢🧨 Edie: 🔥 Liam: 🎇🎆 Edie: 🤩 Liam: let's see your glitter Edie: checking it's not a catfish? Liam: can't show you mine first, too cocky behaviour Edie: [a rave lewk when we've clearly done the most to do the least you know the vibe] Liam: [I like to think he's written her name in body paint wherever she put her stick n poke so have a pic of that gal] Edie: 👍 Edie: approved Liam: what do you want your i dotted with? Liam: about as artistic as you'll get me to be Edie: ⭐ Edie: has to be Liam: [an adorable little star has been added so have another pic] Edie: perfect Liam: thanks for having a name that's short and easy to spell yourself Edie: oh yeah, snap Liam: except I haven't met another one of yours Edie: maybe an 👵 Liam: prefer a silent snatch & grab Edie: 😂 Edie: alright, then I can be the one and only Liam: do you wanna guess what I think about it? Edie: I have Edie: be too cocky to say Liam: I'll do it then, you said I can get away with more of it Liam: I think it'd be good if you were Edie: let's see if you're right Liam: feels like I am but yeah we'll 👀 Edie: it is weird Edie: how you randomly found my number instead Edie: how many # were you out by? Liam: you'll have his if you didn't before Liam: last number Edie: crazy Edie: another good story Liam: should've been a 6 but I did a 9 Edie: 🤪 love that Liam: I'll lose my phone again if you're what I find Edie: I'll save your number then Edie: or add it to the tat Liam: since you love how it feels Edie: and I'm no less liable to lose my phone, so Edie: the pain is just a bonus Liam: I can add it as fuel to the 🔥 any time you'd like an excuse to cross my number out & go again Edie: I won't run out of ideas either way Liam: what about space? Edie: not anytime soon Edie: I'll have to go back to biro and keep it less permanent after that Liam: leave it on the bodies of our victims like the shittiest calling card for the 🐷 Liam: call me Edie: ooh Edie: we could get really zodiac with that though Edie: only murder people on days ending in 9 Liam: I like it Edie: I'll go solo if you piss me off and do it on 6 days Liam: I'll start staging them like they've starred in your vids to get your forgiveness Liam: attention to detail for attention from you Edie: we can communicate through corpses Edie: that's new, no one's done that before Liam: when I keep the 👀 as a 🏆 you'll know I wanna see you Edie: romantic, aren't you Liam: toxic like my masculinity Edie: good Liam: ☢️ better than a barcode but not by a lot Edie: I could do you a Chernobyl victim tat Edie: get the toxic and the 🔥 in a really untasteful onner Liam: 👌 you're beautiful, talented & smart Liam: don't give me any flaws to pick at then Edie: I did say untasteful instead of distasteful, if you wanna be pedantic and take away smart so you can save some toxic masculinity points Edie: one-ner, also, doesn't translate to typing Liam: when it took you pointing it out, I don't think I can take anything away from you Edie: you can try Edie: again, like kidnapping, might not mind Liam: I can't help thinking it'd be better to give you things Edie: 🎇🎆🛢🧨? Liam: all that Liam: ⭐🐶👶 Liam: & anything else I've not remembered Edie: we can keep the puppy right Liam: what else would we do with it? Edie: just letting you know I draw the line at puppy killing Edie: get that out of the way now Liam: me too Liam: never microwaved any 🐹 or thrown them at the wall Edie: imagine how big you look to 🐹 Liam: 🏙🦖 Edie: definitely made that 📹 as a kid Liam: I'll be in the remake next time you're stuck for a vid idea Liam: if you still have it, we'll kick it frame for frame Edie: you'd be perfect for my next project Liam: sign me up Edie: [tat pic again like I already did] Liam: what else have you got? Edie: [just a comprehensive pic rundown of your tats that are all just silly ones you've done on the whole hope you've not got them anywhere too scandalous but realistically gonna need to be able to hide them when school so it's probably mostly legs at and like, upper arm and ribs/hip vibes] Liam: 😍 Edie: I'll tell you all the stories later when we're smashed Liam: no awkward silences in the car Liam: great idea Edie: not if the other girls are hot Liam: there's one I think you'd like Liam: you'll have to tell me if I'm wrong Edie: I'll flash a 6 or a 9 and you'll know Liam: she can be our first victim either way Edie: 😈 Liam: 🚗🔥 Liam: 🔐 Edie: 😍 Edie: you win Liam: how do you feel about playing games? Liam: 6 or 9 Edie: 9 Liam: same Edie: I know Liam: yeah, you're smart, I gave you that Edie: how smart is it that I wanna play with you? Liam: I'd call it a good decision, which maybe isn't smart if you only like bad ones Edie: I just like doing what I want Edie: good or bad is mostly irrelevant Liam: so do what you want Edie: you to be here now Liam: direct me 🗺❌ Edie: [at least you've had the good sense to be in town not at yours] Liam: [lord imagine] Edie: [like sure Rio ain't about but still don't need to be inviting you in quite yet lol] Liam: [her room is still there and no thank you hun] Edie: [not today huns, we can either skip to post rave now or post this as is?]
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geek-gem · 5 years
King Kong 1933
After many years I've finally watched the original 1933 classic that is well King Kong. After seeing the 1976 and 2005 remakes. Along with Kong Skull Island, it's great I've finally watched this now.
I was thinking of making this on DeviantArt at first but I decided not to. Especially I don't wanna spam journals and don't wanna do status posts.
I'll just get to the point of my post because I thought of how this might be written.
I liked the film. It is a classic from what I've seen fully since I've seen clips at first. But glad I've watched the whole movie. I have it on DVD now.
Yet I think I've been spoiled by later films. I'm sorry if I sound ignorant in this reaction, I don't think I should exactly call this a review. So please understand of why I'm not raving about the film. I'm a guy who loves experiencing older films. Yet I want to I guess be critical of stuff.
First of yes for there time the special effects are amazing, I love the stop motion. Especially I think the production looks nice. My favorite part is basically Kong himself yeah.
But the point here is and this is where I'm worried I'm gonna sound ignorant. Because this film came out 86 years ago. It was made in a different era. Things have changed. The film is basically a classic. It's weird the back of my DVD cover calls it a horror film like some critic said that.
Because it's more of a monster movie in a way compared to the later ones.
I think I'm more amazed how radically different each King Kong remake has been made. Also yeah I know the 2005 takes place in 1933 but looking at all three the 1933 one, the 1976 one, and the 2005 one. They are seriously different. With the 1976 being the most different because it takes place in modern day of some what being in that time era.
Especially that's also because of characters but I'm gonna mainly speak of the 2005 one....let me be clear. Even if the first King Kong movie I saw was the 1976 one. I adore the 2005 film and saw that twice in theaters. Basically I grew up with that version of Kong.
It amazes how much Peter Jackson seriously expanded on the movie. Yeah the original is shorter. But crap the original kind of goes quick. You got changes like the characterization of Jack Driscoll who's character is seriously different compared to the 2005 one. I mean more than him being a sailor it's his personality as well.
Especially I don't wanna sound like an SJW, I've heard people call this film racist. Let me tell you what I saw....yeah it basically is. Mostly in stereotypes I think that's what people meant. It was made in a different time I'll say that. Besides I don't wanna make that the main topic.
I feel this is more of a adventure film with a monster movie in the mix as well. Especially this was before films like Godzilla, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, and others were released.
What I noticed and I guessed this. It seems like each remake they really tried to develop the whole relationship between Kong and whoever girl he has. The 1933 and 2005 ones being Ann, and the 1976 being Dwan. Basically in this film there is less sympathy for Kong by the woman he has. Yet over time they seemed to developed that more. With my favorite being well the 2005 one. Especially I weirdly appreciate that as more Kong films came out.
I feel like not wanting to throw this word around. But I kind of see the story of King Kong as some sort of tragedy. The whole beauty and beast angle where Kong just doesn't want to be alone. Especially the idea of a character whether it be Carl Denham or some one else literally takes him away from the island to make money off of him. It's this metaphor of we take shit from these natives and try to make money off of it. But it comes back to hit us in the face.
In fact while the movie went on. Kong in this movie is literally a ferocious and more animalistic than some of the other Kong's I've seen. Especially when you watch the movie fully and take that into account.
But I'll be honest. I seriously felt sad for the big guy at the ending. While I felt like crying, I wasn't sobbing or anything. It was most like aww or something. It wasn't like how Peter Jackson described when he cried when he saw Kong fall. It's just the way the scene is portrayed you can see Kong is dying.
I may sound ridiculous I literally said aww or something seeing that stegosaurus getting killed. Listen I know back in the day dinosaurs were still being figured out. That was just my instinct.
In fact I said oh no twice when they got back to New York because you know what's coming.
You know thinking back at it. I thought the characters were alright. I'm worried I felt unfair towards this movie. Again I liked it. A lot of other things about the film I thought were nice. Even the sets but I still have my criticisms....I think I'll say it, the film compared to the original Godzilla didn't age well. But those two are completely different films. (Edit I remember attackoflegion's review of the 1933 Kong movie I remember his Kong reviews)
I'll put it in my three favorite Kong films and I had it planned to be out there.
It's King Kong 1933, Kong 2005, and Kong Skull Island.
Those are my three favorites of the Kong films. Honestly when I look back at it, I don't bags the 1976 film. I'm just annoyed by the lack of other creatures in the island besides a giant snake. Especially I learned the reason the purpose was to focus more on the love story between Dwan and Kong I got these from YouTube I think from that giant snake clip.
I still find that stupid because I always loved seeing other creatures on Skull Island. Even if they were just dinosaurs or new creatures.
Again I think I've been spoiled by the other movies. I'm just glad I have the movie as part of my movie collection and I've seen it fully.
The moral of the story is for the 1933 and the 2005 don't be Carl Denham....seriously don't be like Carl Denham.
Anyway still excited for Godzilla Vs Kong. Just to finish this post off. Here's a fan made trailer for the 1933 movie using one of the Skull Island trailers, it's really awesome and makes the film look epic.
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eb-the-gamer · 2 years
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#only found out when i saw its steam page from someone not even involved!
My Top Posts in 2021
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Plus the Boyfriend vs. Discordants
18 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 05:37:24 GMT
So. I know nothing about Encanto other than the base trailer info. I gotta say, the more I know about the family aside from the main character and her being best friends with the house, the more I'm rooting for them to all lose their gifts. Especially regarding Bruno, the uncle who they don't wanna talk about and shunned.
Also predicting it now, main characters gift is gonna be something sappy (determination, kindness), a last minute save for the big finale, or irrelevant (you didn't need a gift to do all that, why are you so down?).
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 06:08:58 GMT
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going to get the demo for fair review of Balan as it stands for Switch. if what ive heard is to be true, i beg you to hold the project a little longer so it can be the best it can be, as a huge fan of your work #BalanWonderworld
19 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 06:59:08 GMT
Based upon Mirror Man from OPAL, a childhood surreal horror and musical short by Jack Strauber
-Mirr-israble Dream Eater -
A Dream Eater that surrounds its face with a screen of mirrors and fusses with its unseen features. It attacks passerby because it does not want to be seen "before its ready" but who knows when thatll be since its been reported to have facial parts falling off that it needs to re-attach with its extending arms. Its possession causes high amounts of vanity, and its Bad Ideas take the form of its tools it uses to fix its face, enabling and secretly wanting it to damage its own features further.
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 03:36:08 GMT
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Sometimes, thoughts keep me up at night, like what if the awesome @lynxgriffin comic "Paper Trails" (CHECK IT OUT) started after chapter 2 how would things change with the updated info, how does the story continue after that awesome cliffhanger, or what would happen with the whole Spamton G. Spamton bit now that every chapters gonna have those dark crystal holders?
This is their version of Berdly in the Chapter 2 armor that has been lodged in my head since I finished the comic recently. Enjoy!
171 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 05:45:11 GMT
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archeriexriverdale · 6 years
American Horror Story: Apocalypse - S08E01 REVIEW ♥️💀
Seeing as I'm so hyped for AHS and I have been Evan peters trash ever since Asylum, I've decided to start doing week by week reviews on the show lmao. (Basically what I liked/disliked about the whole thing ep and etc so....enjoy 😉)
.I didn't know what to think about this new season when I saw the trailer...so I didn't have that much high expectations ( cause I knew the last two episodes were most likely going to cover coven/haunted house characters anyway...so there was no reason for me to be hyped for the first episode lmao 🙄) so I didn't know what the rest of the show would entail...but boy was it good! ✊🏾✊🏾.
The end of the world storyline makes me so proud of Ryan because it had all the elements of making a great post apocalyptic movie 👏🏾 and I enjoyed it!
. Evan peters playing a gay hairdresser? 😂✌🏾 Ok. I Stan 🤣♥️👏🏾
.It annoyed me to the fucking core when it was the 'end of the world' and people in their office clothes were standing there or walking around like it was no big deal 💀. I know they are in shock but...come on dude 😩😭
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Also you know DAMN WELL that driver could of gotten in that plane 🤣🤣🤣 like? Its not like the airport workers metal bars could penetrate the plane so what was the hold up? 💀 I just thought that part didn't make any sense 😂
. Btw who tf was driving the plane in the first place? Like who took off? ... Nah seriously I wanna know 🤣🤣🤣🤣 cause u can't expect me to believe the plane went into the sky by itself lmao. So unless this is Infinity War did the pilot vanish into thin air?
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. Evan peters is a bae and I fcking love him! 🤣♥️ Totally the comedic relief in this shit storm. But it was sad af when him and that next guy was rubbed down of ' diseases' when it turns out it was BULLSHIT anyway 🙄🙄 like...my poor babe 😭💔
. These people who have been 'chosen' are kinda ungreatful highkey lmao. I know it's frustrating and the hospitality could have been better (cause it's shit tbh) but why don't they act like the teenagers and sit tf down and be quiet 🤣🤣🤣🤣. They have been there long enough to see how unhinged the staff r in there...i.mean..thats what I would do. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
. Now I don't know what's wrong with this physcopatyh but she needs to relax yo 🤣
I mean...yes I can see she is gonna be this seasons Villan but come on? Human meat? No sex or intercourse rule (how are they gonna repopulate 💀), tricking a person into thinking they were unpure so she could what? Wear a purple dress 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this girl.
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But I am interested in her past though..like..how did she get there? Why does she have a cane? What is her background. All of these unanswered questions got me intrigued.
. They said they have been making this 'post apocalyptic' sanctuary (laughs) for years...and people (apparently) have paid money over time to be there in case the world ever got to shit...so tell me please... why is the only food available is just these small white cubes for 24 hours of the day 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like..what? They don't have any other edible food left over? I find that hard to believe lmao.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people in charge are fcking hiding it somewhere🙄.
. What is Cordelia Goode goal? Really? To kill everyone off and make their lives miserable? Cause she/her minions seem mad and high mighty for some reason 🤣🤣 like? What is going on?
. Now...before y'all roll your eyes. I couldn't care less. I ship these two already ♥️♥️♥️♥️ don't @ me 🤣🤣
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(unless they do something stupid that could get them BOTH killed) I think they are cute lmao. The first romance of the show, some chocolate and vanilla swirl going on 😂😂, and a post apocalyptic romance? Relying on eachother when the world has gone to shit? I Stan 🤣🤣✌🏾 I just hope for my sake they make it!
Cause like...Tate and violet are a loss cause like ...literally and forever lmao . so...might as well? 👀🤣
. Now.. who tf is dis? 💀🤣
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When he walked in he looked like a 'vampire pretty BOI' NGL 🤣. But how unnerved it got Cordelia Goode was reason enough for me to take interest in him 👏🏾👏🏾. He seems like the TOP DOG in all of this and had this very unnerving and a sinister evil presence about him (which ofc ain't good for the residents cause shit could get even worse 💀)but let's see what happens. Who knows? Maybe he won't end up a total asshole....but I ain't holding my breath.
Annyywaaaayy, I give this a 10/10 because the episode was actually good! I was entertained and I was at the edge of my seat and NEVER bored with what was going on. I'm so hyped for next week u don't understand! 🤣✌🏾.
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