#sims 2 fo
jacky93sims · 8 months
Can you please do conversions for the cheetos only ? Thanks ilenia 🥰
Cheetos Snack Bags for The Sims 2
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DOWNLOAD HERE, low poly. Found in the fridge as snacks.
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savorycharlatan · 2 years
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commanderogerss · 10 months
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Layla does not give one shit about Aiden and Jake's fight, all she cares about is trying to get in bed with Jake.
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djwaglmuffin · 9 months
Y'all should just join me already. I am not terrible or too problematic. I also want to keep creating SOMETHING and I think a small audience could help encourage. If you want to.
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louddydisturb · 3 months
Back to me (pt. 2)
A familia continua crescendo e para a infelicidade de Tomlinson toda a mudança hormonal o fez ficar levemente esquecido
Louis, 33
Tw: h!mulhercis, breeding kink
Demorou mas chegou, eu imaginei as outras cenas antes do smut estilo modern family por isso são curtinhas
Talvez essa seja a ultima oneshot por um tempo então deixem seus feedbacks e boa leitura
Harry voltava praticamente pulando de uma consulta de rotina, ela empurrava o carrinho de theo, esse que dormia impertubavel, e tentava chegar o mais rapido possivel em seu carro
Ela dirigia pelas ruas cobertas de neve de londres depois de parar em algumas lojas para terminar de preparar o presente de aniversario de louis
“Theo você acha que o papai vai gostar de uma caixa azul? Ou verde é melhor? Afinal ele sempre fala que gosta dos meus olhos”
“Papa anibesario” o garotinho balbuciava enquanto balançava as perninhas no carrinho
“Sim nenem, aniversario do papai” harry decide por fim pegar uma caixa bege e finalizando a compra
“PAPA!” Theo corre para o colo de louis assim que os dois entram na casa
Louis usava um avental e estava coberto de farinha de trigo, alicia sentada no balcão e igual um fantasma de tanto trigo
“Louis william tomlinson-styles! Que droga vocês fizeram na minha cozinha” harry coloca as sacolas na mesa antes de ir averiguar a situação no comodo
“Cookies!” Os dois falam em conjunto com sorrisos orgulhosos no rosto
Harry sorri tentando manter a postura
“Vamos lili vou te dar banho” harry tira a garota de cima do balcão “você vai tomar banho e dar banho em theo já que acabou de sujar ele inteiro de farinha” ela fala ainda autoritaria e louis olha para a criança em seu colo que tinha o cabelo e as bochechas tambem sujas
“Sim senhora capitã” louis sai correndo com theo que ria em seu colo
Harry ri indo com alicia até o banheiro do quarto das crianças
“Desculpa o papai, mamãe. Ele queria fazer cookies para a senhora não ficar tão brava”
“Ficar brava? Porque eu ficaria brava” harry olha a garota confusa
“Por causa da super surpresa” alicia fala baixo como se falasse um segredo
“Louis para de fazer cosquinha em theo ele acabou de comer!” Harry tentava fazer todo mundo ficar quieto na sala, oque era dificil já que o pai era mais criança do que os propios filhos
“Mamãe é chata não é theo?”
“Posso ter um minuto de silencio?”
“Sim mamãe, fale”
“Eu tenho uma surpresa” louis senta direito no sofá prestando atenção em cada movimento de harry “abre isso” ela entrega a caixinha e louis segura o objeto como se fosse explodir em sua mão a qualquer segundo
“Harry… se isso for uma brincadeira” ele tira o sapatinho minusculo de dentro da caixa
“Dois meses”
“Harry Tomlinson! Meu deus se isso for uma brincadeira juro que nunca mais caio nesse papinho de saudades e que ninguem te fo-“ Harry se apressa em tapar a boca de Louis
“Enfim, a familia vai crescer!” Harry continua ignorando a fala de Louis
“MAMÃE VAI TER NENEM!” Alicia grita correndo até harry
Louis continuava estatico no lugar e theo olhava tudo em confusão
“Nenem?” A voz infantil sooa na sala
“Sim amorzinho, daqui a um tempo você vai ter outro irmão ou irmã”
“Uma criança?” Harry podia jurar que viu lagrimas nos olhos de louis “é serio mesmo?”
“Sim, lou” e finalmente louis levanta do sofá puxando harry para um beijo
“Eca” a voz de alicia sooa de fundo e os dois não podem deixar de rir
“Meu deus” louis se agacha encarando a barriga que tinha uma pequena protuberancia, quase imperceptivel “oi nenem, saiba que o papai é mais legal viu. Eu deixo vocês comerem doces antes do jantar”
“Falando em surpresas…” louis se afasta seguido de alicia
“Louis william não me venha com esse papo” harry senta no sofa observando os dois irem ate o quintal
Ela só não esperava que alicia iria voltar com um filhote de golden nos braços
Um filhote de golden.
“AUAU!!” Theo correu animado até o cachorro praticamente atacando o animal
“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON-STYLES! Porque tem um cachorro no colo da minha filha?”
“Esse é o luke, mamãe” louis se “escondia” atras da garota e apenas concordava em silencio
“Luke? Louis você ao menos pensou em perguntar oque eu achava?”
“Mas você falou que ia pensar… e cachorros são otimos com nenens… e ele é só um filhotinho”
“É mamãe ele não pode ficar sem casa”
“Agh oque eu não faço por vocês”
“Amor eu achei os cookies de red velvet com pistache que você pediu!” Louis entra na casa puxando luke pela coleira e tentando equilibrar 3 caixas de doces
Harry estava deitando no sofá da sala com theo deitado com a cabeça em sua barriga e alicia pintando suas unhas com algum esmalte infantil
“Você demorou” Louis percebe como os olhos verdes tinham uma aparencia inchada e o nariz de harry estava vermelho
“Amor eu tive que ir de carro no meio de uma quase tempestade de neve, estava engarrafamento” ele entrega a caixa com 4 cookies para harry e as outra duas caixas com alguns doces diversos para cada criança
“Papai deixou a mamãe triste” alicia diz com um bico antes de começar a devorar o muffin de oreo “ela achou que você foi se encontrar com a mulher loira do escritolio”
“Mulher loira?” O Tomlinson segura a risada observando harry com cara de brava enquanto comia o cookie
“Nunca se sabe quando o seu marido vai te engravidar e te deixar toda feia e gorda e depois ir se encontrar com alguma mulherzinha por ai”
“Hazza, você sabe que isso nunca vai acontecer né?” Ele senta no apoio de pés em frente a Harry “e você não ta toda feia e gorda, amor. Essa é a casa do nosso bebezinho”
“Não é bebezinho! é menina eu ja falei”
“Simsim menina” Louis resmunga contrariado mas não querendo começar outra discursão boba “vou levar Theo para o quarto” ele levanta pegando o garoto que dormia enquanto segurava um pedaço de donut “Alicia já são 7:40, amanhã você tem escola”
“Sabe que dia é hoje, amor?” Louis caminha até harry que passava algum creme tranquilamente na barriga redondinha
“Algo entre 1 e 10 de janeiro” Harry responde observando o mais velho pegar o pote de creme de suas mãos
“8 de janeiro” ele massageia a barriga cheinha enquanto fala calmamente “sabe oque acontece hoje?”
“Não Louis, aniversario da queda do muro de berlim?”
“Nosso aniversario de pedido de namoro”
“Parabens pelo dia que eu quase morri atropelada” ela tira o pote da mão de louis e arruma a blusa do pijama “já vou dormir, prometi ajudar Alicia com o penteado maluco amanhã” a cacheada deita se afundando nos lençóis fofinhos, não prestando atenção na feição frustada de louis
“Foi um otimo pedido, não acha?” Louis continua deitando na costa de Harry e acariciando a barriga por cima do pijama de seda
“Sim Louis, foi um otimo dia”
“Quem diria que 7 anos estariamos juntos com dois filhos maravilhosos, um cachorro adoravel e um pacotinho na barriga, né?” Louis se afundava no perfume do cachos de harry ouvindo apenas um suspiro
“Tecnicamente só eu tenho um pacotinho na barriga” Harry se aconchega em Louis “boa noite, amor” e em menos de 5 minutos Harry dormia tranquilamente deixando um Louis frustado em sua costa
“Sim Luke a mamãe não ama o papai mais” Louis sentava no sofá com o cachorro deitado em sua coxa, esse que aproveitava do carinho em seu pelo “acredita que ela não da mais amor pro papai” o filhote lambe a mão de louis como se estivesse consolando ele “você é o unico que me entende, lulu”
“É né dois cachorros se entendem” Harry aparece no corredor ainda de pijamas e com Theo andando atrás de si “Luke e louis ate combina” Harry ri da própria piada
“Bom dia para a senhora tambem, senhora Tomlinson-styles” Louis levanta caminhando até a cozinha onde ja tinha preparado as paquecas, o café de Harry e o achocolatado de Theo e Alicia
“Panquecas de colação!!!” Theo bate as mãozinhas animados
“Sim nenem panquecas de coração para o theo e pra lili” Louis enfatiza o final da frase
“E porque eu não ganho panquecas de coração? Ta me chamando de gorda louis william?!” Harry cruza os braços em cima da barriga cheinha
“Não é isso, só quem ama o papai ganha panquecas de coraçao” Harry bufa baixinho começando a comer suas panquecas normais, achando o cumulo quando viu que Luke tambem comia petiscos de coração
“Harry? Ta acordada?” Louis brincava com os cachos de harry enquanto terminavam de assistir mais um capitulo de modern family
“To” ela se aconchega contra o peito de Louis aproveitando o carinho nos cachos
“Já parou para pensar que os meus meninões são fortes” Harry o olha confusa
“Teus meninões são fortes?”
“Sim, só foi preciso uma vez e olha só” ele faz como se estivesse mostrando um premio
“Louis por favor” Harry se afasta tentando manter a face seria
“Qual foi? Olha ai o resultado de 6 meses bem lindinho ai”
“Sabia que com 6 meses o bebe ja consegue ouvir?? Não fica dizendo essas atrocidades perto da minha criança”
“A criança tambem é minha, ela saiu de mim lembra”
“Louis william tomlinson-styles!” Harry afunda o rosto no traveseiro tentando terminar aquela conversa ali
“Amor? Harry?” Louis deita na cama se aconchegando na costa de harry
“Vai trocar de roupa Tomlinson! Eu já falei que não gosto de deitem na cama com roupa da rua” harry empurra o braço de Louis que rodeava sua cintura
“Ai quanto estresse” Louis levanta bufando baixinho antes de tirar a calça e a camisa social, jogando ambas peças na poltrona no canto do quarto “como foi seu dia?” Ele volta para a cama, afundando o rosto nos cachos com cheiro de chocolate
“Theo perguntou como que Elijah foi parar na minha barriga” Louis ri baixinho fazendo harry revirar os olhos “não aguento mais Lou… parece que a minha barriga fica 10 kilos mais pesada cada dia que passa”
“Isso significa que o nosso garotinho tá crescendo bem e saudável” ele beija a barriga cheinha, percebendo que harry usava apenas sua camisa como pijama. Oque não ajudou com a sua sanidade mental
“Nada mais cabe em mim” harry levanta ficando em pé no espelho na frente da cama. O Tomlinson observa a cacheada, praguejando baixinho ao que sentiu uma fisgada em seu membro
“Eu acho que vou ter que começar a sair assim…” para a surpresa de Louis, harry retira a camisa larguinha do corpo deixando a lingerie preta a mostra
“Acha é?” Ele se aproxima devagar, os olhos grudados nos seios cheios mal sendo cobertos pelo sutiã rendado
“Acho… se bem que já nem cobre meus peitos Lou, olha como eles estão cheios” harry busca as mãos fortes e a colocando em seus peitos, Louis aperta sentindo a carne macia preencher sua mão
“Acho que você vai ter que ficar sem eles também” ele puxa as alcinhas finalmente liberando os peitos doloridos “assim eles me parecem muito melhores” harry geme baixinho ao que Louis aperta os biquinhos durinhos
“Chupa eles, Lou” harry tenta puxar a cabeça de Louis contra si mas ele se afasta
“Que apressada” ele senta harry na cama antes de passar a lingua devagar por uma das aureolas amarronzadas “não acho que eu deveria fazer oque você quer” louis belisca os biquinhos sensiveis antes de se afastar caminhando até o banheiro
“Lou…“ harry o segue, o preto tomando o verde de seus olhos no exato momento que ve seu marido embaixo do chuveiro, a agua escorrendo pelo torso bronzeado e o pau duro em seu estomago “louis… deixa eu te ajudar” ela entra no box se ajoelhando na frente do mais velho, ele ri baixinho com quão desesperada ela parecia
“Tenho me dado muito bem sozinho, harry” o dedão de louis contorna os labios inchadinhos antes de invadir a boquinha vermelho “não preciso de você” ele esfrega o dedo babado no rosto corado
“Desculpa, amor” ela se aproxima afoita, esfregando o rosto na coxa de louis, a centrimetros do pau que brilhava a pré gozo
“Que desculpas vazias, hazza” ele masturba o membro devagar observando harry choramingar embaixo de si
Harry deixa alguns chupões e mordidas pela pelves do outro, os olhos azuis gelidos focados em cada movimento seu
“Deixa eu te chupar” ela fala devagar substituindo a mão de louis pela sua
Louis guia a cabeça de harry, deixando-a chupar apenas a cabecinha
A cacheada geme em deleite sentindo o gosto da pré porra invadir seu paladar
Louis se afasta prensando a mulher contra a parede, começando a estocar contra os labios vermelhos
“Porra, Harry” os fios castanhos serviam como o unico apoio “você sabe que me tem na porra da ponta dos seus dedos, né amor?” Harry lagrimejava mal conseguindo respirar entre as estocadas “veio se rastejando porque não consegue ficar um tempo sem pica” louis força a cabeça de Harry contra a sua pelves, gemendo baixinho cada vez que Harry se engasgava tentando se afastar “você veio se rastejando porque sabe que eu vou ceder” ele solta harry que ja esta a praticamente sem ar, a cacheada se afasta tossindo e com a respiração desregulada
“Eu sempre fui boazinha pra você, amor” ela levanta e começa a beijar o torso molhando de Tomlinson, o olhar verde intenso o encarava como um animal encarava sua presa
“Foi boazinha, amor?” ele puxa os cachos, a forçando contra o vidro do box “na primeira oportunidade você saiu dando pra qualquer mocho que passasse na rua, Harry” a mão forte estapeia a bunda lisinha
“Lou… você sabe que não foi bem assim”
“Ah não? Sabia que eu não me admiraria se esse bebê fosse de algum macho qualquer que você se encontrou” os apertos firmes de Louis faziam harry vacilar, sua mente processando cada vez menos ao que lentamente os dedos com a tatuagem “28” começavam a brincar com seu clitoris
“Você sabe que eu sou sua, Lou” harry apoia a cabeça no ombro de seu marido
“Pena que só lembra disso quando quer pica” ele penetra o indicador e o anelar na grutinha molhada fazendo harry gemer manhosa em seu aperto “mas agora vou me certificar de que você não vai mais esquecer” ele retira os dedos e deixa um tapinha no grelinho inchado
Harry rebola devagar contra o pau de louis, encaixando perfeitamente entre as bandas gordinhas de sua bunda
“Eu poderia foder seu cuzinho, amor” o moreno finge estocadas contra as reboladas de harry, ouvindo ela gemer revirando os olhos “mas a gente tem que treinar sua bucetinha, como que outro bebe vai passar por ela? Ela é tão apertadinha” ele encaixa o pau entre as coxas grossas de harry, estocando ali. O melzinho de harry se misturando com a agua que escorria constantemente em seu corpo
“Me fode, amor. Bem gostosinho” nessa altura harry ja havia se tornado uma bagunça, a bagunça mais erotica que Louis pode apreciar
A bochecha corada apoiada no vidro, os lábios vermelhos formando um biquinho adorável e os cílios longos descansavam em sua bochecha
“Só quando aprender que realmente é minha, harry” harry o olha por cima do ombro, um olhar quase inocente mas no fundo Louis sabia que sua mulher não passava de uma puta “não posso foder a coisa dos outros, certo amor?”
“Mas você… sabe que eu sou sua, Lou” os olhos lagrimejavam e ela mal conseguia terminar a frase de um jeito coerente
“Não tenho tanta certeza”
“Mas eu sou” o tom da garota começava a ficar visivelmente mais desesperado “eu sou sua, todinha sua” ela tenta se virar mas Louis volta a forçar seu rosto contra o espelho “eu sou sua papai! Minha buceta é só sua” ele aumenta as estocadas sentindo harry apertar as coxas e gemer desesperadinha
“É minha?” Um tapa é desferido na bunda gordinha
“Sim! Só do Lou” ele puxa Harry contra o seu peito pelo pescoço leitoso, observando a carinha chorosa da cacheada “só o Lou pode me foder, só você pode botar quantos bebês você quiser na minha barriga” ela esfrega o rosto na barba rala do outro, o cheiro dele invadindo todos seus sentidos “e eu nunca vou nem reclamar” isso foi o estopim para a perda de qualquer resto de autocontrole que Louis inda tinha.
Ele desligou o chuveiro e puxou harry para seu colo, caminhando até a cama larga e pouco se importando se estavam molhando o chão ou os lençóis
Louis se encaixou entre as coxas de harry e não demorou muito para estocar contra a bucetinha molhada
Harry gemia e arranhava as costas largas em busca de apoio
“Lou… isso… me da mais nenens” Harry sentia a sensação no seu baixo ventre que ela tanto sentiu falta começar a se formar
As pupilas já tinham tomado conta dos olhos azuis e louis sequer raciocinava, era como se harry fosse a sua droga
“Porra, porra, porra” ele goza sentindo as coxas de harry tremerem ao redor de sua cintura e as costas arquearem em um orgasmo
“É bom que não se esqueça de quem você é” louis deita puxando harry para o seu peito
A cacheada tinha os olhos fechados ainda aproveitando a sensação pos-orgasmo e o carinho calmo em sua barriga
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bastila-s · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Screenshot Tutorial
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Hi, I decided to make a more in-depth guide for my twitter followers, as I'm super limited in characters and formatting options over there.
For this tutorial, I'll explain how you can enhance your screenshots. I'll divide it into five parts: ReShade, making your screenshots high resolution, camera mods, photography basics, and post-processing. By the end of following all of these steps, you should have something way better than the start!
I recommend going through this tutorial downloading things step-by-step for the first three parts, as it'll help you to quickly identify where you've gone wrong if you have any issues.
1. ReShade ReShade is a post-processing tool that allows you to change the look of a game with an array of different effects and adjustments to use. It can be a lot to wrap your head around at first, so I recommend starting off by finding a ReShade preset that speaks to you from this page if you're not already familiar with using it. The mod authors should explain how to download it. I find 22:20 of this YouTube video to be helpful to introduce ReShade if you're completely new to it. This video is for the Sims 4, but ReShade typically works the same across different games. Now that ReShade is downloaded, we can get depth of field working within the ReShade. This step is optional. Depth of field refers to what will be in focus in your screenshot, and what will be blurred. It's essentially simulating shooting with a camera, like so:
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To get this effect working, you need to follow this tutorial within the ReShade menu.
2. Making Your Screenshots High Resolution Typically, Baldur's Gate 3 is ran in 1920x1080 resolution, or standard HD (unless you have a higher resolution monitor and are running the game in 4k, in which case, you can ignore this step if you'd like). This is definitely an acceptable quality, but if you'd like to capture any detail, you're not going to get much out of this. To get a better quality image, there are two ways to achieve this. The first method is through hotsampling. Hotsampling is briefly running a game in a much higher resolution than your monitor supports, allowing you to capture screenshots with incredible detail, then bringing it back down to a native playable resolution. To hotsample, you'll either need to use the BG3 camera tool, or SRWE. For either of these hotsampling tools, it's important that you've downloaded ReShade, or they will not work.
Once you have either of these downloaded, make sure your game is running in windowed mode. If you have more than one monitor, you need to change your display to show only on one screen. Or again, this will not work.
Next, you're going to want to make sure you have a key set for taking screenshots in ReShade, as well as making sure you like the folder where your screenshots are set to be saved. You can find this in the settings tab. Once you have those set, you're ready to take really HD screenshots!
To do that, you want to set your game's resolution to 2x, or even 3x what it's currently displayed as. Once it's set, your game screen is going to look giant and probably run way off your monitor. This is a sign it's working! Once it looks like this, press the screenshot key you set earlier within ReShade, and there you go, a nice big screenshot should be in the folder you set!
If you don't want to do hotsampling, and if you have a Nvidia graphics card, you can download their their app, which can take resampled screenshots. It won't be as high quality as hotsampling, but still better than standard HD.
3. Camera Mods
There are two camera mods that I know of for BG3. One is paid, the other is not.
The first one is the Native Camera Tweaks mod. This mod allows you to move the camera around more freely as you're traversing the world, but in cutscenes you'll still be stuck.
The second one is the paid one, but it allows for total freedom within the game, even during cutscenes. This tool is also very helpful for hotsampling. Within this tool, it's very useful to configure your own controls for moving the camera around in game, as well as setting a key you'll remember for pausing the game so you can set up a screenshot. I changed the movement keys to be wasd and the keys to change the angle of my camera side to side/up and down to the arrow keys.
4. Photography Basics
Taking screenshots in a game is a lot like doing photography irl tbh lol, same rules mostly apply. You of course want to do the basics like making sure your subject is in focus, it's not too dark or too light. But some other tips for people not very familiar with taking photos to take note of are:
Make sure if you're taking a photo of a person, the top of their head is within frame
Try and either make sure someone is front and center, or in the rule of thirds
Pay attention to the lighting, sometimes it's too bright or too dull. Sometimes it's unflattering in certain angles. Lighting will always make a huge difference
5. Post-Processing
You can now leave your screenshot as is, or edit it further with a photo editing software! I recommend using Photopea, as it offers basically everything Photoshop does without the insane price tag. From here you can do whatever you feel is best to enhance your image.
And that's all! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and if you get stuck anywhere in this tutorial, don't feel bad. A lot of this stuff is just trial and error, but if you're very persistent with it, I promise you'll get these working. Also I would just like to mention that a lot of this stuff applies to taking screenshots in a lot of games! So you can take this knowledge with you elsewhere <3
If you happened to follow all this, please send in an image of your Tav you took!
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sofs16 · 26 days
just give me a reason
from this request :)
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charles x reader
sorry this is late and really bad😭
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charles pining over a woman for 4 months was quite unusual to his friends, aside from the fact it was yn.
the one who was there through it all, and maybe even sometimes dropped everything for her friend charles.
on the 4th of july charles admitted his feelings to her, which she reciprocated. those months were their ‘honeymoon phase’ where everything was well and they were too in love to spend a day without each other.
after 2 years, their months have been rocky, for her at least. the days, even weeks, lack of meet ups to seeing each other, the lack of conversation, and the lack of time together others was catching up to her.
charles was too busy to work to notice. yn was fine with sleeping with her back faced to his back, wondering when the breaking point was, until tonight. charles knew her like the back of his hand, he knew overthinking was her weakness. yet tonight, he chose sour words against her.
“it’s all in your mind! you and your overthinking can never give me a break!”
it started with charles on the sim in their living room. he was on stream with the guys, unbeknown to yn, when she slipped her heels off, entering the living room where she saw charles on the sim.
“HAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN AMERICA! Oh, hey che-” “do you know what day it is?” yn asked, slipping off the french clip that held her curled hair together, soft curls now cascading.
”it’s july fo-oh… cherie, i’m so sorry-“ he was up on his feet now, headphones and mic down, stream still on.
“charles, i’m really getting tired here. this is like the seventh date you’ve missed this year, you barely talk to me, you’re always at work-”
“so this is what this is about? You want me to quit the job i’ve been working so hard on?”
Normally, yn would soften down at this, but not today. “Don’t you turn your words on me now. I knew what I signed up for while dating you but it’s like you aren’t even trying anymore!”
“it’s all in your mind! you and your overthinking can never give me a break!” the room fell silent after that. the ringing in the ears of yn could not have gotten louder, tears started to helplessly fall.
just then lorenzo called him “mate, your stream is on, we can’t hear much but we can see yn crying.” charles rushed to turn it off before this got worse.
“i didn’t mean tha-“ ”just give me a reason to keep going because it’s starting to hurt” you whispered
“our love’s enough, please” “i think- i’m going to go. we need to go on a break” charles’ chest was pounding now “no, please don’t leave me please don’t leave” he got to his knees, holding her
“can you just give me time?” she whispered
at some point he let go of her, fully believing he had the ability to change, and that they could love each other fully again, someday.
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donararanha · 4 months
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Kim Yoo Jung? Não! É apenas Ara Kim, ela é filha de Atena do chalé 6 e tem 24 anos. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há 10 anos, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, Ara é bastante divertida mas também dizem que ela é introvertida. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
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Resumo: Ara veio para o acampamento a 10 anos atrás, aos 14 anos. Ela não lembra nada da vida dela, chegou totalmente desacordada e machucada, e nem tem ideia quem a deixou ali. Ela ficou um bom tempinho no chalé de Hermes, até ser assumida por Atena, e foi surpreendente para todo mundo, porque Ara não é exatamente inteligente. PORÉM, A MENINA É BOA NUM ARTS AND CRAFTS! Ela consegue fazer qualquer tipo de trabalho manual, digo que toda a inteligência dela foi para a habilidade artística que ela tem. Ela ficou no acampamento até os 18 anos, e foi fazer faculdade ( Ara é formada em artes plásticas, e até uma artista conhecida ). Ela ficou 2 anos sem aparecer no acampamento e agora voltou, por causa do chamado. Coitada quase foi pro tártaro nessa volta dela, mas ainda tá viva! O poder dela é mimetismo corpórea, ela consegue criar partes do seu corpo em qualquer lugar, mas ela tem muita vergonha dos próprios poderes.
Para responder:
Yasemin Para abrir: @linguadetrapo
Kim Ara é o nome que Ara adotou para si, depois de vários meses no acampamento sem saber quem realmente era. A garota chegou ao acampamento aos seus 14 anos, extremamente machucada e sem nenhuma lembrança de quem era, quem eram seus pais e muito menos que era um semideus. Ara passou vários meses no chalé de Hermes até ser realmente declarada uma filha de Atena, o que foi uma surpresa tanto para ela quanto para todos os outros. Ara não era exatamente a pessoa mais inteligente…
Talvez por não ter lembranças, foi mais fácil para a garota se acostumar com esse novo mundo. Era quase como um mundo inteiro de aventuras, no qual ela treinava, brincava, comia e dormia. Era bastante divertido, na sua visão, mas aquele tipo de atitude não era exatamente o que seus irmãos esperavam dela. Era uma filha de Atena, afinal, onde estava o interesse dela por conhecimento? O desejo de saber? O pensamento rápido e a excelente capacidade de estratégia? Ara apenas era boa com as mãos. Na realidade, ela era a melhor de todas. Qualquer tipo de trabalho manual artístico, era a especialidade da garota, que fosse esculturas, costura, pintura, desenho. Toda a inteligência da garota, que deveria ser voltada a estratégia e conhecimento, foi direcionada a um intelecto artístico sem igual.
Seus poderes começaram a surgir pouco tempo depois que se acomodou no chalé de Atena, e, com toda certeza, foi um baque para ela, quando durante a noite um segundo braço direito começou a surgir em si. Ter consciência do seu próprio corpo para um adolescente já é extremamente difícil, agora imagina quando você pode criar novas partes de seu corpo aonde quiser e como quiser. Ara sentia-se estranha, mas principalmente, envergonhada. Demorou alguns anos para ela se acostumar realmente com aquilo, e é muito difícil ela os expor na frente de outras pessoas, mas com o tempo, ela parou de ver seus poderes como algo ruim, e sim, como algo incrível. Ara conseguia pintar, costurar e fazer esculturas ao mesmo tempo, por causa disso, o que fazia valer a pena ser um ser horrendo, como se considerava.
Ara saiu do acampamento quando fez 18 anos, para fazer faculdade de artes plásticas — no qual se formou com louvores — e tentar descobrir sobre seu passado, mesmo que fosse a menor informação — no qual falhou. Acabou deixando o segundo tópico de lado para focar apenas em sua arte e ensiná-la para os outros, então quando recebeu o chamado de Dionísio para retornar ao acampamento, a garota foi pega de surpresa, o que a fez relutar um pouco sobre voltar, principalmente porque achou que era exagero de Dionísio sobre morrer, mas quando foi atacada por um monstro no fim de uma de suas aulas e quase partiu dessa para melhor, Ara decidiu que seria melhor voltar.
PODERES: Manipulação corpórea. Ela tem a habilidade de manipular qualquer aspecto de seu corpo em diferentes lugares, sendo em objetos ou indivíduos. 
HABILIDADES: sentidos aguçados e reflexo sobre-humano.
ARMA: Ara tem duas adagas super afiadas, imbuídas com veneno, que imitam presas de aranhas. Como não é exatamente forte, mas extremamente ágil, foi a maneira que a mulher pensou para balancear com suas habilidades.
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crispsandkerosene · 1 year
The Custom CubeMaps for TS2 Post
You may know that the Sims 2 uses cubemaps to add a reflective effect to certain objects/materials. The details of this are explained in Part 2 of Pixelhate’s ‘Exploring the TXMT’ series.
This document also explains how to make a custom one... but the result is not functional, at least in my all-EPs, all-SPs game. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix:
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‘EnvCubes’ are not regular texture images. They contain six different “blocks”/subtextures, one for each side of the cubemap. Thus creating a custom EnvCube involves extracting and renaming one of Maxis’, and replacing the various subtextures. (Unlike SpecularMasks, these don’t mind the DXT1/3/5 formats. Error messages may appear if you import a texture bigger than the existing ones, though. In that case, commit and close the ressource, save the package, and open the ressource again.)
So TL;DR, I made a bunch!
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I also made a test object for ease of visualization. Here, it demonstrates Maxis’ “reflectioncubetemplate-envcube” texture with the material’s “stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera” parameter set to zero and one respectively. More on that later.
The materials in the following pictures generally have an“stdMatEnvCubeCoef“ parameter of 0.5, 0.5, 0.5; its base texture is flat black.
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My first creations: extra recolours of the texture used by most of the game’s metallic cubemaps. The top ball shows Maxis’ “reflectiongold” envcube as a point of comparison.
The middle row contains “MetallicRed”, “MetallicPurple”, “MetallicBlue” and “MetallicGreen”.
The bottom row contains “RoseGold”, “MetallicBrown” and “Gunmetal”.
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I’ve also made variations of Maxis’ “reflectionsparking” cubemap (visible left), often used for glass and plastic. The middle texture is “HighContrastSparkling”; the one on the right is “SparseHighlights”.
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The same custom envcube, previewed on the urn sculpture. Probably not their best look, tbh.
Now for something quite cool:
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With specific textures and the “stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera” parameter set to 1, we can achieve a rimlit and/or holographic effect! Here are “RainbowFresnel”, “HoloFresnel” and “Fresnel”.
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The spheres don’t really do this effect justice. So here is a demonstration of their “cool holo fabric” potential, gif included. Hopefully no one beats me to making a holo skirt haha. (+ my two reflectionsparking edits on the sides. )
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I’ve also fixed up Pixelhate’s own custom envcube, though their texture turned out not to be ideal.
My test object and all the pictured recolours can be downloaded here on SimFileShare.
The tester is found under Deco/Misc for 1$. The actual envcube textures are found in its various recolour files, but are only referenced by the recolours of other objects. This means that if you delete “EnvcubeTester_recHoloFresnel”, “HnMManequinLongDress_RecHoloEnvCubeLocked“ won’t be able to find the texture it’s supposed to use.
And here is a zip containing these envcubes as individual TXTR ressources ready to be imported into SimPe, as well as a package file containing all of them.
Again, Pixelhate’s documentation explains how to actually use these custom envcubes for your own CC. My last package file can be used as a “pseudo texture repository” as described in their guide.
And a few last minute tips for creators:
The projected envcube is additively added to the object’s main texture and shading. Its brightness is also dependant on the ambiant lighting, being much duller inside. This means that a dark envcube texture likely won’t have much effect.
Maxis’ cubemap projection is weird. Some of the textures don’t have the orientation you’d expect. I’d recommend extracting the subtextures from “reflectioncubetemplate” and testing out your envcube on my test object if you’re strugging with that.
Making a ‘rimlit’ cubemap only involves creating three textures: ‘back’, ‘front’, and a gradient between those that will be reused by all sides. See my ‘fresnel’ envcubes as a reference.
When using such a ‘rimlit’ envcube, don’t forget to set the “stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera” parameter in the material to 1. It won’t look too good otherwise :p
Custom EnvCubes can also be used for clothing and other CaS items with the “SimStandardMaterial”. However, they are a bit pricklier: “##0x1C050000!” has to be added before the texture name in the “stdMatEnvCubeTextureName” parameter. It won’t work if this extra string is not present.
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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US launches dozens of retaliatory attacks in Iraq and Syria for deadly attack
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/03/2024 - 00:13in Military, War Zones
The U.S. launched dozens of airstrikes against the Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-aligned groups in Iraq and Syria on February 2, in retaliation after a drone attack killed three U.S. military personnel in Jordan earlier this week.
The January 28 attack on Tower 22, a small outpost in northeastern Jordan, also injured dozens of U.S. military personnel and marked a major escalation amid growing unrest in the Middle East.
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Three U.S. soldiers were killed and more than 40 wounded in a drone attack on Tower 22 in Jordan.
Immediately after the attack, President Joe Biden said the U.S. would respond, but offered no details. Days later, the counterattacks began hours after Biden participated in a dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Base, Delaware, when the remains of the three dead soldiers were returned to the United States.
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President Joe Biden receives the Presidential Daily Briefing, January 29, 2024, in the Situation Room of the White House. (Photo: White House / Adam Schultz)
In a statement, the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, said the attacks reached 85 targets in seven facilities. In a subsequent briefing with reporters, the spokesman of the National Security Council, John F. Kirby said that four of the facilities were in Syria and three in Iraq.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says in new statement that strikes tonight are “the start of our response” to the killing of three US soldiers on Sunday.
“The President has directed additional actions to hold the IRGC and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks.”pic.twitter.com/mv0fg8jmR7
— Haley Britzky (@halbritz) February 2, 2024
Breaking: The US has begun conducting strikes on targets in Iraq and Syria, the start of what will likely be a series of larger scale US strikes on Iranian-backed militias who have carried out attacks on US troops in the Middle East, according to two US officials.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) February 2, 2024
B1 bombers involved in the strike, per DOD officialhttps://t.co/ntichxFIco
— Lara Seligman (@laraseligman) February 2, 2024
Lieutenant General Douglas A. Sims II, director of operations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that U.S. Central Command combat planes and B-1 bombers flying from the U.S. continental territory conducted the attacks, mobilizing more than 125 accurately guided ammunition.
Multiple strikes have reportedly hit the Rahbah Fortress in Al-Mayadeen city. pic.twitter.com/BH97UUpo6o
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) February 2, 2024
“The facilities that were hit included command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rockets and missiles, and storage of unmanned aerial vehicles, and logistics and ammunition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors that facilitated attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces,” added a statement from CENTCOM.
NEW — @skynewsarabia is quoting a @DeptofDefense official stating that multiple U.S. B-1 heavy bombers are in the air for a “mission” in the #MiddleEast.https://t.co/5hMk7Bk3P5
— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) February 2, 2024
Sims said that the attacks seemed to have been successful and that all U.S. aircraft were safe.
Seems like odd timing for a bomber to cross the pond with everything in target range in the daylight now.https://t.co/fGTqeHQ7j3
— TheIntelFrog (@TheIntelFrog) February 2, 2024
Sims and Kirby said that the decision to attack on February 2 was motivated by the weather and the desire to avoid unnecessary victims. Sims said, however, that the authorities expected there to be victims of militants on the premises.
CLOSE11 or COAST11 ? ( B-1B Bombers ) refueled with DEED11 flt (KC-135) over Nova Scotia 1008 Zulupic.twitter.com/SVF1vtPGqf
— Thenewarea51 (@thenewarea51) February 2, 2024
In a statement from the U.S. Air Forces Central, Lieutenant General Commander Alexus Grynkewich said he was “extremely proud of the discipline and professionalism with which our aviators carried out tonight's mission. These defensive attacks highlight America's commitment to defending our troops anytime and anywhere."
CENTCOM Statement on U.S. Strikes in Iraq and Syria
At 4:00 p.m. (EST) Feb. 02, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups. U.S. military forces... pic.twitter.com/HeLMFDx9zY
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) February 2, 2024
More attacks will come, Austin said, following up on previous comments suggesting that the United States would not be a passive witness to Iran-sponsored violence.
“This is the beginning of our response,” Austin said. "The President directed additional actions to hold the IRGC and the affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on the U.S. and the Coalition Forces. These will happen at times and places of our choice. We do not look for conflicts in the Middle East or anywhere else, but the President and I will not tolerate attacks on American forces."
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Kirby repeatedly refused to say when and where more attacks would be launched.
“I'm extremely proud of the discipline and professionalism with which our Airmen executed tonight's mission. These defensive strikes highlight America's commitment to defending our troops anytime, anywhere” – Gen Alex Grynkewich, AFCENT Commanderhttps://t.co/fzqmwujluZ
— US AFCENT (@USAFCENT) February 2, 2024
Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, leading Israel to declare war on the group in Gaza, Iranian-backed militia groups throughout the region have used ballistic missiles and drones to attack U.S. forces countless times. This includes groups in Iraq and Syria, as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who launched dozens of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.
Video showing the U.S strikes taking place on militia locations in Al-Qaem , Iraq pic.twitter.com/UDAUHB14X6
— Steven Nabil (@thestevennabil) February 2, 2024
Another footage of secondary explosions following U.S. airstrikes targeting IRGC-linked PMF rocket warehouse in Al-Qaim, Iraq.pic.twitter.com/Dwb6uI03Mk
— Clash Report (@clashreport) February 2, 2024
However, it was only on January 28 that some of the attacks killed the American military. The only previous death in the U.S. during the current wave of violence was that of a contractor who died of cardiac arrest while protecting himself from an attack.
Multiple secondary explosions after US airstrikes hit an ammunition depot in the area of Al-Bukamal in eastern Syria.
The fire caused munitions cook-off as projectiles can be seen launching uncontrollably into the air. pic.twitter.com/Uv6jDf8QGC
— Status-6 (Military & Conflict News) (@Archer83Able) February 2, 2024
The U.S. responded to these attacks with waves of targeted attacks, most recently hitting sites on January 11 “associated with the Houthis' unmanned aerial vehicle, ballistic and cruise missiles, and coastal radar and air surveillance capabilities,” the Pentagon said at the time.
The U.S. attacked and killed an important figure in the Iraqi militia who was involved in the planning and execution of attacks against the U.S. military on January 4. American forces also launched attacks in response to direct threats to personnel.
A senior administration official confirm to CNN that the US will not strike inside #Iran - only focusing on targets outside of Iran.
Striking inside Iran would have been a huge escalation, and officials have telegraphed that that was unlikely to happen. #Syria#Iraq
— Hamdi (@HamdiAlkhshali) February 2, 2024
The February 2 attacks did not even attack Iran itself, a measure that some Republican lawmakers have called for as a way to hold Iran responsible for the actions of its representatives and partner forces. Pentagon officials said they hold Iran responsible for the attack on Tower 22, because Iran provided weapons and training to the groups.
Source: Air & Space Forces Magazine
Tags: Military AviationUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceWar Zones - Middle East
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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glorianasims · 4 months
peoples keep asking me to make sims 2 cc instead
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A lot fo simmer have been asking me to keep makign sims 2 cc instead of sims 4cc.
I don't like sims 4 but so far but,
I'm saving money to buy a gaming pc with both my work money and patreon's and so far, I made more money with sims 4 (that also why I went tback to sims 4 cc ,in order to buy a new computer),so i can come back to sims 2 and making cc for fun without making peoples pay for it.
so if you really want to have me make sims 2 cc for free here is a way for you to make your voice known ..by VOTING!!
this way ,I'll keep focusing on the the cc base on your votes because I have to make a decison <_<".
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starthetripledevil · 10 months
The Sims 4: Mario Legacy Challenge
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A ten-generation (eleventh generation coming soon) legacy challenge based on various Mario games.
General rules:
The heir choosing methods, genders of heirs, romance etc. are up to you unless specified otherwise. The next heir should generally be a child of the previous one, but can be biological, adopted or science. (If you want to adjust the rules, you can also have them be a niece/nephew etc.)
There are certain pack specific requirements. If you don't have the required packs for them, you may replace them with something similar or skip them.
If the traits for a certain generation are not yet available as a child/teen, you may use full edit mode on CAS or the Re-Traiting Potion to replace the traits once the Sim ages up into a young adult.
For some generations, only two traits are specified, in which case, you can pick the third one. These generations have a list of forbidden traits which should not be used.
Aging must be turned on, but can be set to anything you want, including custom life spans with mods. (You may play with aging turned off if you manually age up all Sims who are relevant to the Legacy Challenge and use a different method to have them die of "old age".)
You can use mods/cheats for storytelling purposes. Don't use money cheats to add money to your household except in Generation 4.
You can make some adjustments to the rules in order to fit your storytelling better or if you don't like certain rules.
Use the tag #mariolegacychallenge for any posts about this legacy challenge.
Generation 1: Arcade Games
You never got along with your family, so as soon as you became a young adult, you moved far away from anyone you knew. In your new home, you work in several different unstable jobs and don't find much success in life. That is, until you get married to a younger and richer Sim and start a family together. While your spouse makes more money, you still continue working in dangerous environments.
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Multiple (see below)
Traits: Hot-headed, Overachiever
Forbidden traits: Animal enthusiast, Cat lover, Child of the islands, Child of the ocean, Dog lover, Family-oriented, Goofball, Horse lover, Lazy, Noncommittal, Squeamish
Start as a young adult. Only have max. starter funds but you may use cheats or move out of a pre-existing household to have even lower funds.
Live in a cheap apartment/lot in an urban/industrial world.
Having pre-existing family members is not necessary, but if you do, you must have a friendship level of acquaintances or worse and they must not live in the same world.
Start by working in the Manual Laborer part-time job. Eventually quit and start working in other jobs, but never reach level 4 in any career. (If you accidentally get promoted to level 4, quit the job immediately.)
Marry a Sim who is younger and has a stable job. After getting married, you may move in a better house/apartment, but stay in an urban area.
Never own any build mode objects that were not yet invented in the 1980s (such as modern day computers or tablets).
Have at least 3 children, including a set of twins. You may use cheats or age up Sims early to make this happen.
Have a negative relationship with at least two animals (Cats & Dogs/Cottage Living/Horse Ranch).
Die when your youngest child is a child (you can choose the method). Have the spouse continue raising the children until they are old enough to move out. Never move the spouse out of the family home.
Optional: Have one of the children (not the heir or their twin) start a side household which you keep around all the way up to Generation 10. This side household stays in the city and a descendant of this lineage eventually joins the Politician career.
Optional: Name children after people such as the founder, spouse, spouse's family or friends.
Generation 2: Super Mario Bros. / Super Mario Land
You grew up in the city, but you never felt like this was the right place for you. You are very close to your twin sibling, and so you decide to move to the countryside together when you become young adults. While you are more confident and outgoing, your twin is more timid, and as such, you are often the one to interact with outsiders. You are never one to turn down an adventure, so when you find out that a local has been kidnapped by an evil Sim, you set out on a journey to save them. And looks like this is only the beginning of your adventuring days.
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Self-employed (no career goal)
Traits: Loves outdoors, Outgoing, Self-assured
Twin's traits: Clumsy, Paranoid, Socially awkward
Move out as a young adult.
Live in a relatively small house/cottage in a natural area with your twin.
Make money by selling collectibles and (for Cottage Living) running errands. You may have a full-time or part-time job before moving out, but quit before moving.
Become enemies with an evil Sim.
Have another Sim be "kidnapped" by the evil Sim. Look for the kidnapped Sim in multiple locations before ultimately finding them.
Have romance with the kidnapped Sim you saved, but do not get into a relationship immediately. You may have romance with other Sims too until you officially get into a relationship.
Reach level 10 in the handiness skill.
Whenever a toilet, sink, shower or bathtub in your house breaks, have either you or your twin repair it. Never use any of the options that cost money.
Use your handiness to upgrade a toilet in your house with all the possible upgrades.
Go outside every day. (You can start this at any point you want, as long as it's by the time your Sim moves out.)
Gain the Outdoorsy lifestyle.
After moving out, visit different worlds/lots/neighborhoods on several occasions. (You can do whatever you want during these visits.)
During one of these visits, meet a Sim who lives in another world (other than where your Sim currently lives). Eventually introduce them to your twin and have the two form a romantic relationship.
Eventually get married to the kidnapped Sim you saved, but only after you have completed your aspiration and completed the other requirements.
After you are engaged or married, you may move into a bigger house with your new spouse and your twin will move elsewhere with their love interest. (Twin and their love interest may move out at an earlier point as well.)
Only have children after everything else here is done. Have 2 children, preferably twins.
Optional: Give children nature based names.
Generation 3: Super Mario World / Yoshi's Island
You and your sibling were taken away from your family while you were still babies. You were lucky enough to end up being found by a group of friendly aliens, while your sibling was kidnapped by evil monsters. Luckily, the aliens managed to find your sibling and later reunite you with your parents. Or did they? Or were you raised by the wrong parents? Oh well, no matter what happened, you feel a strong connection to the aliens.
Aspiration: Country Caretaker / Nerd Brain (your choice)
Career: Scientist
Traits: Fussy as a toddler; Animal enthusiast, Geek, Loves outdoors (optionally replace one of these traits with Horse lover)
Have you and your sibling be moved to different households as infants/toddlers. Your heir should be in a household with aliens (or another type of occult or just regular Sims with an unusual skin color) and your sibling should be with an evil Sim.
Reach at least level 3 in all toddler skills.
After this is done, defeat the evil Sim in a fight as one of the aliens and add the heir's sibling to the household.
Find a couple who are not the actual parents and live with them for some time.
After a while, it turns out these were the wrong parents. Have the aliens take the two children back into their household until they manage to find the real parents. Or wrong parents yet again? Your choice.
Eventually have you and your sibling permanently move in with a family.
With Seasons, create a holiday with the Egg Hunt tradition and have the holiday occur while your main Sim is a toddler or child and successfully complete the tradition.
Like with all generations, eventually move out as a young adult. Live in a natural world.
Continue staying in contact with aliens.
As a young adult, become best friends with an alien.
Visit Forgotten Grotto.
Have at least one non-occult child.
Optional (Cottage Living): Raise chickens and enter an Egg Competition at a Chicken Fair.
Optional (Horse Ranch): Own a horse and reach level 10 in the Riding skill.
Optional: Give children science based names.
Generation 4: Super Mario 64 / Luigi's Mansion
Your goal in life is to live in a big fancy mansion full of paintings. You think it's your lucky day when you win a mansion in the lottery. However, as it turns out, the mansion you won is haunted and you have to deal with ghosts. Over time, you manage to improve your living conditions and become famous for your paintings. One day, you are invited to a fancy event with the promise of cake. However, when you get there, it turns out the host has gone missing and you must find them. After you do, the two of you fall in love and move in together. Living together in a big mansion, you continue decorating the walls with your paintings while they continue to impress you with the best cakes you've ever tasted.
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Freelancer - Paranormal Investigator (or Self-employed)
Traits: Art lover, Creative, Dog lover
Move into a haunted house residential lot (or a regular residential lot with ghosts as the other residents) as a young adult. You may also add the spooky lot challenge from City Living. You may use money cheats for this but don't give yourself more money than what the mansion is worth at the time of moving in.
Start out by having negative relationships with the other ghosts but improve over time.
Make money by completing gigs in the Paranormal Investigator career and selling paintings.
Own an easel and paint frequently. Sell some but not all of your paintings.
Reach level 10 in the painting skill.
Become famous by selling paintings. (Get Famous)
Paint portraits of the ghosts you meet and put them on the walls of your mansion.
Adopt a ghost dog.
After some time, visit another lot only to find out that the (supposed) resident is missing. Look for them in various places until you finally find them.
After this, form a romantic relationship and move in together. You may get married at this point.
Either have them move in with you and rework your home so that it is no longer haunted or move into their home and have it be a fancy mansion.
Continue painting until the next generation heir moves out and decorate the walls of your home with various paintings you have painted over time.
Have your spouse/partner master the baking skill (cooking skill if you don't have Get to Work).
Have your spouse/partner host a gold social event where they serve cake.
Optional: Name children after famous artists or otherwise art themed names.
Generation 5: Super Mario Sunshine
Everything in your life seems to be perfect at first. You never had any major troubles growing up, are now getting married to the love of your life and are planning to have a nice honeymoon on the beach. But when you arrive, things don't go as smoothly, as you are arrested by the local authorities. As it turns out, someone had vandalized the beaches with paint on the night of your arrival, and as the child of a famous painter, you are the prime suspect. They give you the option to avoid any jail time as long as you clean up the islands. While still angry that you have been falsely accused, you are not one to turn down helping the environment. So you decide to clean up the islands and hope to find the real culprit in the process. As you do, your connection to the islands grows stronger, and you start to consider moving there permanently.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist - Environmental Manager branch
Traits: Child of the islands, Green fiend, Romantic
Do not move out of your childhood home before getting married.
Get married as a young adult.
Have a formal wedding with all available parents and grandparents attending.
After the wedding, have a vacation or move to Sulani with your spouse. (The former requires making a rental lot there. However, it may be easier for gameplay purposes to just move there.) If you have My Wedding Stories, you may also use Tartosa for this generation (though Sulani is still recommended for the Beach Life aspiration).
Start by having a negative relationship with at least one of the locals.
Join the Conservationist career when you have already started your vacation.
While still on your honeymoon, find the Sim who actually caused the disaster. Find out that said Sim is only a toddler/child living with a single parent. The child thinks your spouse is the other parent, but eventually discovers that this is not the case. (Whether or not your spouse actually is the single parent's ex is up to you.)
After your vacation ends (if you picked the vacation option), permanently move to a different lot in Sulani. Or if you already moved there, move to a different lot.
After permanently moving to Sulani, improve your relationship with other residents.
Optional (Eco Lifestyle): Improve the eco footprint of your neighborhood to green.
Optional: Give children Italian or ocean based names.
Generation 6: Mario Party / Mario Kart / sports
You have always been the life of the party and enjoy hanging out with people. Whether it's just hanging out or having a friendly competition, you're always looking forward to having a good time. You have a large group of friends (and even enemies?) you always invite to hang out with you. You are also athletic and enjoy participating at many sports.
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Athlete - Professional Athlete branch
Traits: Active, Cheerful, Party animal
Live in a big house with fitness equipment and games (this doesn't have to apply as soon as you move out but if your house isn't big initially, you must either add more to it or later move to a bigger lot).
Have a wheel of events that you spin on several occasions and whatever it lands on, you have to do. You can choose what is on the wheel and how often you spin it. The events can range from something simple (e.g. eat a specific food for breakfast) to something drastic (e.g. [specific character] dies - but remember that the heir isn't allowed to die).
Have many friends/acquaintances that you invite over frequently. You may use the club mechanic from Get Together for this. You may even invite disliked Sims and enemies if you want to.
Host a club gathering or social event at least once a week.
Reach level 10 in the fitness and charisma skills.
Gain the People Person and/or Energetic lifestyle.
Win a video game tournament at least once.
If cars ever get added to the game or you have a mod that allows it, own a car.
Other than the heir, any children you have should have randomized traits (but having more than one child is optional).
Alternatively, once your oldest child ages up into a child or teen, pick a random child to be the heir, and change traits with cheats or a re-traiting potion if necessary.
Optional: Use in-game randomizer (or another random name generator) to determine children's names.
Generation 7: Super Mario Galaxy
You have always wanted to go into space and visit different planets. And now you finally have the opportunity. When you're not doing preparations for space travel or actually in space, you're attending festivals or learning about the stars. However, as a result of always exploring the galaxy, you have not had the opportunity to make many friends. The ones you do have, you hope to keep close.
Aspiration: N/A (you can use a mod to get a space aspiration)
Career: Astronaut - any branch
Traits: Ambitious, Genius, Loner/Loyal
Have space themed posters in your room even as a child/teen.
Visit at least one festival (City Living/Snowy Escape) before joining the astronaut career.
Reach at least level 7 in the Astronaut career.
Build your own rocket.
Own a backyard observatory or telescope.
Reach level 10 in the rocket science skill.
Visit Sixam.
Visit a festival after visiting Sixam (you may also visit festivals between the first visit and this, and they don't all have to be in the same location).
Have 1-3 close friends, possibly including your partner/spouse.
Gain the Close-Knit lifestyle.
Complete the alien or space rock collection.
Optional: After completing your goals, have a sibling or close friend move in with you and complete their aspiration.
Optional: Give children space themed names.
Generation 8: New Super Mario Bros. / Super Mario 3D Land/World
You have decided to move to the countryside, a place where a distant ancestor of yours once lived. The world may have advanced since then, but living here in the middle of nowhere makes you feel like you've gone back in time a few centuries. And you like it that way. You also love cats and make sure to have cats in your life.
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy / Friend of the Animals (your choice)
Career: Self-employed (no career goal)
Traits: Cat lover, Loves outdoors
Forbidden traits: Dance machine, Evil, Geek, Genius, High maintenance, Lazy, Mean, Snob
Live in the same neighborhood where your Generation 2 or 3 Sim lived, but have a different house (can be on the same lot as the old house, as long as it is replaced).
Make money by selling collectibles/plants and running errands.
Own at least 4 pet cats (they don't all have to be at the same time).
Reach level 10 in the gardening skill.
Use aspiration rewards to buy the money tree.
Be the leader of a club with 4-6 members with outdoor activities.
Be friends with your fellow club members.
Befriend a wild fox or rabbit.
Be enemies with an evil Sim and fight them at least once.
Have multiple children, all of whom have a different color theme (you may edit them in CAS to make this possible).
Optional: Other similarities between this and the Gen 2 Sim, such as appearance, clothing style, activities they like to do etc.
Optional: Live with the Off-the-Grid lot challenge.
Optional: Give children names which have to do with their color.
Generation 9: Super Mario Maker
You don't want your life to be determined by others. Everything you do, you do in your own way. Even your own house was built by you and you want to make sure that most of the furniture was made or improved by you, too. Now this doesn't necessarily mean that you want to live alone, just that you don't want anyone else to tell you what to do or do things for you.
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits / Master Maker / Nerd Brain (your choice) (you may also use a mod to get an aspiration based on handiness/crafting or other creation, as long as it does not involve having a non-freelance career)
Career: Self-employed (no career goal)
Traits: Maker, Perfectionist, Creative/Freegan
Build the house where you live after moving out (don't use pre-existing homes). Don't build more than one room in a day. Live with your parent(s) until you are ready to live in the house. Continue building the house when you live there.
Make money by selling various items you make. You may run a retail store or yard sale to do it but this is optional. You may also complete gigs as a freelancer (required for the Master Maker aspiration).
Use the woodworking table to craft furniture for your house.
Any type of furniture that can be crafted should be crafted by you and not bought in build mode. (The only exception to this is the toilet. You may own a cheap toilet until you unlock the ability to craft a toilet at level 10 handiness.)
Use your handiness to upgrade other types of appliances that can't be crafted.
Reach level 10 in the handiness skill as well as at least one of the following: cross-stitching, fabrication, knitting, painting.
Play an instrument casually (you may use ones in public/generic lots) but don't make any money from music.
Optional: Live with the Simple Living lot challenge.
Optional: Give children unique or uncommon names.
Generation 10: Super Mario Odyssey
You want to travel the world and see as many places as possible. On your journey, you meet and form a friendship with a lonely ghost. They join you in your travels in hopes of finding their long-lost sibling, also a ghost. In terms of your own relationships, you meet a Sim you date for a while, but when it comes time to propose, they reject you. Realizing your goals in a relationship are different, you break up. Do you try to find love again or stay single for the rest of you life?
Aspiration: City Native / Mt. Komorebi Sightseer / Angling Ace / Outdoor Enthusiast / Jungle Explorer / Friend of the World (your choice) (you may also use a mod for a travel aspiration bit these often require many specific packs)
Career: Style Influencer
Traits: Adventurous, Dance machine/Music lover (may also have both)
Forbidden traits: Evil, Mean, Noncommittal, Paranoid, Socially awkward, Squeamish
Move out as a young adult.
Frequently visit other worlds/lots. You may take vacations, move frequently or just visit lots in different worlds. Gain the Frequent Traveller lifestyle.
Visit at least 10 different worlds or as many as you have available.
Have 5 different everyday outfits at any time (you may also give your Sim makeovers). Preferably also have multiple outfits in other categories.
Wear a hat in at least some of your outfits.
Date a Sim but don't have very high romance.
Meet and become friends with a ghost. You can have them temporarily move in with you.
Have your ghost friend join you when you travel to other worlds.
After visiting some places together with the ghost, meet the ghost's sibling (also a ghost). Have the ghost move in with their sibling.
Propose to the Sim you're dating, but have them reject the proposal. You might be able to increase the probability of rejection by having the other Sim have the noncommittal trait or not have very high romance. (In case it doesn't work, save the game before proposing and keep restarting until the proposal is rejected.) Break up after this.
Take a photo in every world you visit and place photos of different worlds on your wall.
Reach level 10 in an instrument or dancing skill.
At some point, go to a city and meet some of the locals.
City Living: Have one of the residents you meet be in the Politician career and have them sing at some point.
Optional: Said person is a descendant of your Gen 1 Sim. Their family has been living in the city all this time.
Optional v2: Form a romantic relationship with the Sim, have them move in, have them reach level 10 in the singing skill and level 10 in the Politician career - Politician branch. (If you do the other optional, the two Sims would be 8th cousins, which I think is distant enough for the game to not consider them related, so it could be possible to do both options.)
Optional: Give children location based names.
Generation 11: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardener (or another one of your choice)
Traits: Use any traits that you have not used very often and feel like you want to use more
As a young adult, move to a world that you have not used in this legacy before (or if you have lived in every non-vacation world available in the packs you have, move to a new neighborhood/lot).
Live with at least 3 roommates as soon as you move out (can include siblings, friends, romantic partner and others of your choice).
Have a garden where you grow many plants, including both flowers and fruits/berries/vegetables.
Use the "talk to plant" interaction at least once (requires gardening level 4).
Seasons: Grow seasonal plants of every season.
Growing Together: Aim to complete as many milestones as possible (you don't have to get every milestone, and you may choose not to do certain milestones if they don't fit your story or your Sim's personality).
For Rent: Live in a residential rental with at least 12 total residents (or 8 Sims and 4 horses) - preferably 2-3 households. You can choose who the landlord is.
Snowy Escape: Climb Mt. Komorebi.
Optional: Become an occult and make your occult form resemble an elephant as closely as possible (could be hard if not impossible to do, at least without CC).
Optional: Give children uncommon or flower names (since this is the last generation, having children at all is optional).
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sadmailman-02 · 10 months
People you’d like to get to know better
tagged by: @everlasting-evocation
Thank you!!!
Last Song Played: West 144th St by Elijah Fox
Currently Watching: I actually don’t watch much television. But I will say I have been watching a lot of videos about deep sea exploration, my favorite channel is DeepseaOddities! I will link them below! It’s YouTube so I’m not sure if it applies. Besides that I watch a lot of Jeopardy when I can since I don’t have cable.
Currently Reading: Oh god where do I even begin. I have a lot of books on the to do list but my two main ones right now are The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and The Trial by Franz Kafka. I know babies first novels but I have been trying to read for leisure more often and outside of fanfiction. I do read quite a lot of fanfiction and always love recommendations. I will try to finish both of these books though before the semester starts!
Current Obsession: Pathologic, Fear and Hunger, and Dark Souls. I am currently playing through Pathologic 2 and I beat Fear and Hunger once already but need to go back for the other endings. I’m actually playing through Dark Souls for the first time! My mom was kind enough to buy me the game so I have been playing after work for the past week. Although I die a lot I still have fun… I’m happy to be in these fanbases because everyone is quite welcoming and very creative! They are kind and fun to converse with and seem pretty mature so I will stay awhile. I’m looking forward to finishing the games and continue creating more work/writings. I love seeing these fanbases grow!!! I have been playing Fear and Hunger since January and it feels like it’s blown up since then! I’m hoping this encourages Orange to make another dating sim hehe…kidding…
People I’d like to get to know better:
@aphroditethrone @brothanaturrre @rooksongbird @petbacteria
(I don’t know more people to tag ^^;)
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heather-ouo · 2 years
Elysia x HoF! sim! gender neutral! Reader
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Things to remind
(H/c) - your hair color
( Don’t ask me why i put it in every story post except the old ones )
Part 2 (end? maybe)
A type of animal who likes light.
And you are the one who is likes towards the other lights,
I was a dim light who could never get your attention.
I was the lower and your were the highest, 
You like to group with your moth team.
The singing moth, painting moth, fire moth, icy moth,
Moth who like coins, doctor moth and so on.
Other lights gets your attention too except me,
You fly pass me as always and i carefully collect 
the pink sparkle you left behind.
I decorated it on my lights.
They are indeed beautiful but it took a lot of time,
Still it’s worth it.
I came up with a plan
It was a dangerous one.
The higher from the clouds give a me an opportunity
It was very tempting and I refused it.
The longer the days pass by i was clouded by the others,
Oh… just how much I want to push them away.
Today i finally accepted the offer from the sky
I don’t know what consequences I will be paying.
But I feel like I can finally get your attention.
“ Elysia, do you know this piece of paper ? ”
The purple haired girl hands out a paper towards Elysia, the paper is old and its corner is burned.
“ Oh? well Mei~ where did you find that? ”
“ It was near a lamp with a pink crystal necklace. ”
Elysia takes the paper with care before folded it and puts it into her pocket.
“ That was from an old friend.. they aren’t apart of the chasers. ”
“ Ah… sorry. ”
“ It’s right~ say how you gonna repay for making this beautiful girl upset?~ ”
The pink haired girl smirks a little.
“ Maybe let me touch you horns again?~ ”
“ Anything but that. ”
Mei quickly walks away before the pink haired do something weird, Elysia gives her last look at the special lamp before follows Mei and continues teasing the horned girl.
“ I never get to tell you how you look beautiful with my crystals on.. ”
The figure hugging the herrscher who is covered in frostbites, flames and ice can be seen around the battlefield.
“ ◼️◼️.. ”
“ Shhh… I'm sorry for my ignorance towards you.. I.. couldn’t figure my feelings out towards you. ”
The herrscher uses one hand to unclips the necklace and puts it in the figure’s lap.
“ K..e..ep it fo..r m….e ”
“ I will but… let’s go back to the base to deal with the frostbites! ” 
 The figure let go the herrscher and sit up but the herrscher put her back to the position she was before.
“ l.. d..eal wi….h K..ev..n. ”
“ M… ..Pr….em… i.. en….it ”
The figure gives a broken chuckle, pleads towards them are useless for their current state is quite useless for this era is to be killed or kill, nevertheless their used-to-be-teammates will kill them and take the core.
Fire sparks around turns into massive flame surrounding the Herrrscher, from the old soldier’s outfit to the Herrscher of fire outfit.
Before all this started the herrrscher took Gem of Haste from the Dr.Mei’s lab given by the instructions from their God.
The figure immediately knows what they are doing.
The herrscher is gonna fight Kevin one on one. Even though they know they can’t win.
In your last minute you are a bright ball of fire
The flames near me are cold. I know you don’t want to do this.
A moth before the light
The light before the moth
You were the light and I was the moth.
But you became the fire and I was the one chasing your shadow till the end.
I became one just like you and killed by the same person 
who took you away from my grips.
This one must be the response for the first one..
Mei thought to herself as she held the paper.
A simple story about a person loving one of the Flamechasers, but there’s more than meets the eye, something about an offer from the sky is off.
The mention of a bright ball of fire.. it referred to a human being, it could be Kalpas but he’s a part of the Chasers and Elysia said it’s from an old friend.
Could it be… Elysia used to have a lover or someone who likes her?
“ That’s right!~ ”
An unknown person speaks behind the purple haired girl, right after “it” finished Mei turns around and draws her katana out.
“ Woah- careful with the katana..! ”
“ Who are you? How did you get here? ”
“ ….? ”
Seeing the person isn’t answering she moves the blade near their neck and they quickly hold up their hands giving a defeat sign.
“ Okay okay! ”
“ I'm just a mere simulator, the elf put me here! ”
“ The elf? ”
“ You know! The pink haired with pointy ears! ”
Mei gives a quick scan at the person’s outfit, (h/c) with faded red at the end, also red for the upper dress and a seemingly forever burning fire at the bottom of the dress, knowing the simulator in front of her is a Herrscher, The Herrscher of Fire/flame to be exact.
“ You.. don’t have to be so wary of me, Herrscher of Thunder.. aren’t we the same? ” 
“ Both become the enemy of humanity for their lover… you on the other side are different, they still see you as their friend, not an enemy. ”
“ Where did you know that?! ”
The sim quickly backs up a little to avoid a katana that’s aiming for their throat even as a sim you still can die.
“ Answer me! ”
“ Kevin told me! ”
Then nothingness.
“ I heard some small fighting going on over…”
The pink elf stops mid way of her talk seeing the scene before her.
“ Here..”
“ You… the one who put me here.. ”
I can feel my romance story idea are going 📉
This is more like a shitpost story than the ones i post ;w;
Part 2 ( end? maybe )
Masterlist , explanation for some parts of the story
Tagging people ( permission asked :D)
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alyss-erulisse · 2 years
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Rishid’s Tombkeeper Face Carvings from YuGiOh
Sims 3 Version
I made the first version of these face carvings years ago under the creator name SallyCompaq122. This was long before I ever knew what Blender was or how helpful it could be for placing tattoos over curved body parts.
After the conversion of Rishid's face carvings for the Sims 4 resulted in some much-improved content, I decided to overhaul the Sims 3 version to bring it up to par.
If you like the Sims 3 and want to play with this content, you can download it here.
These face carvings are base-game compatible and work for male and female sims ages child and up.
I have included two versions for download: one for the face only (FO) and a second for the face and scalp (FS). The portion of the carvings on the face appear as costume makeup in CAS while the portion on the scalp appears as hair.
There are 2 recolorable channels and 6 color presets; some resemble ink while others look like subtle scarring.
I will be posting more of my content here, especially since I am actively creating again, so if you’re interested, give me a follow.
See more of my work: Check out my archive.
Join me on my journey: Follow me on tumblr.
Keep me creating: Buy me a coffee on KoFi.
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amor-barato · 4 months
NOTAS SOBRE O LUTO (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
1. Era meu irmão quem organizava da Inglaterra as chamadas dominicais de Zoom, nosso turbulento ritual de lockdown: dois de nós entravam de Lagos, outros três dos Estados Unidos, e meus pais, às vezes com muitos ecos e chiados, de Abba, a cidade de nossos antepassados no Sudoeste da Nigéria. No dia 7 de junho lá estava meu pai, como de costume só com a testa aparecendo na tela, porque ele nunca sabia muito bem como segurar o telefone durante as chamadas de vídeo. “Mude um pouco a posição do telefone, pai”, dizia um de nós. Meu pai estava provocando meu irmão Okey por causa de um novo apelido, depois disse que não jantou porque tinha almoçado tarde, depois falou sobre o bilionário da cidade vizinha que queria confiscar as terras ancestrais da nossa aldeia. Não estava se sentindo muito bem e andava dormindo mal, mas não precisávamos nos preocupar. No dia 8 de junho, Okey foi visitá-lo em Abba e disse que ele parecia cansado. No dia 9, não me alonguei muito em nossa conversa para ele poder descansar. Ele riu baixinho quando fiz minha imitação brincalhona de um parente. “Ka chi fo”, disse. Boa-noite. Suas últimas palavras para mim. No dia 10 de junho, ele se foi. Meu irmão Chuks me ligou para avisar, e eu desmoronei. 2. Minha filha de quatro anos diz que eu a assustei. Ela se ajoelha no chão para demonstrar e sobe e desce no ar o punho cerrado, e por sua imitação posso ver como eu estava: inteiramente fora de mim, aos gritos, dando murros no chão. A notícia é como um desenraizamento cruel. Ela me arranca do mundo que conheço desde a infância. E eu resisto: meu pai leu o jornal naquela tarde, brincou com Okey sobre fazer a barba antes da sua consulta com o nefrologista em Onitsha no dia seguinte, debateu o resultado dos exames feitos no hospital com minha irmã Ijeoma, que é médica… então como isso pode estar acontecendo? Mas lá está ele. Okey segura o celular acima do rosto de meu pai, e ele parece estar dormindo, o semblante em repouso belo e relaxado. Nossa chamada de Zoom é surreal, e nós só conseguimos chorar, chorar e chorar em diferentes partes do mundo, olhando incrédulos para um pai adorado que agora deita imóvel numa cama de hospital. Aconteceu poucos minutos antes da meia-noite, horário da Nigéria, com Okey ao seu lado e Chuks no viva-voz. Não paro de encarar meu pai. Não consigo respirar direito. Será isso o choque, quando o ar se transforma em cola? Minha irmã Uche diz que acaba de avisar por mensagem um amigo da família, e eu quase grito: “Não! Não conte para ninguém, porque se a gente contar vira verdade”. Meu marido diz: “Respire devagar, tome, beba um pouco d’água”. O casaco que sempre uso em casa, meu uniforme de lockdown, está jogado no chão todo embolado. Mais tarde meu irmão Kene dirá, de brincadeira: “Tomara que você nunca receba nenhuma notícia devastadora em público, já que a sua reação ao choque é arrancar as próprias roupas”. 3. O luto é uma forma cruel de aprendizado. Você aprende como ele pode ser pouco suave, raivoso. Aprende como os pêsames podem soar rasos. Aprende quanto do luto tem a ver com palavras, com a derrota das palavras e com a busca das palavras. Por que sinto tanta dor e tanto desconforto nas laterais do corpo? É de tanto chorar, dizem. Não sabia que a gente chorava com os músculos. A dor não me causa espanto, mas seu aspecto físico sim: minha língua insuportavelmente amarga, como se eu tivesse comido algo nojento e esquecido de escovar os dentes; no peito um peso enorme, horroroso; e dentro do corpo uma sensação de eterna dissolução. Meu coração me escapa — meu coração de verdade, físico, nada de figurativo aqui — e vira algo separado de mim, batendo depressa demais num ritmo incompatível com o meu. É um tormento não apenas do espírito, mas também do corpo, feito de dores e perda de força. Carne, músculos, órgãos, tudo fica comprometido. Nenhuma posição é confortável. Passo semanas com o estômago embrulhado, tenso e contraído de apreensão, com a certeza sempre presente de que alguém mais irá morrer, de que mais coisas irão se perder.
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