#shout out to Lumax and Jopper
kiirotoao · 27 days
“I didn’t say it.” “You didn’t have to.” breathes more than just communication. “It’s not your fault. I disappeared.” “No, you didn’t. I just didn’t look hard enough, okay? But I see you now, I see you.” breathes more than just communication. “Should I be dreaming about something else?” “You tell me.” breathes more than just communication.
That’s connection. One begins, the other completes. That’s chemistry. One experiments, the other reacts.
Byler is endgame.
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rating stranger things ships because why not :)
(these are my own personal opinions, it’s cool if you think something else but pls don’t be rude or anything thank you)
(also this is rating not ranking tho i might make one wear i rank from favorite to least favorite)
byler: 10/10 no further questions your honor.
lumax: 10/10 i love them sm <33
elmax: 9/10 god i love them (btw i only docked a point bc by itself it’s not like my favorite ship, i’d go with lumax over it but yea i still adore them)
elumax: 10/10 top. fucking. tier. it doesn’t get better than this.
stancy: 2/10 they were a little cute in s1 but they would literally never work
jancy: 10/10 jancy my beloved <3
ronance: 9/10 what can i say they’re perfect for each other
jargyle: 8/10 stoner boyfriends, they’re cute
steddie: 6.5/10 it’s good, but not great. there was potential, but the shippers ruined it for me. and if they weren’t white y’all wouldn’t even bat an eye be serious.
m*leven: … moving on. jk they’re like a 1/10 no chemistry there at all, mike wheeler i know what you are.
madwheeler (platonic): 10/10 they’re best friends. i will always push the madwheeler bff agenda. they act like they hate each other but they’d literally die for one another I LOVE THEM! romantically tho NO that feels like you are asking me to ship willel romantically like they’re siblings they’re family madhweeler brother and sister wlw mlm hostility.
duzie: 10/10 who doesn’t love them? give us more duzie in s5 or else i’m gonna riot
jopper: 10/10 need i say more?
job/boyce (what’s their official ship name anyways?): 7/10 they were adorable you can’t lie. i mean jopper was always endgame for me but bob and joyce were so cute together they would’ve been great and as incredibly sad as bobs death was, i’m glad that we never had to see joyce break up with him bc that would’ve been painful
harringrove: 0/10 wtf.
stonathan: 5/10 i can see why people ship this, it’s not a bad ship tbh i’m just personally not a fan ig. you’re cool if you’re a stonathan truther tho, you keep doing you bro, keep being unproblematic thank you
stoncy: 5.5/10 i actually don’t hate this tbh, it’s cool ig, and the stoncys out there are so chill shout out to y’all for being unproblematic cuz you deserve that recognition
platonic with a capital P steve and robin: 10/10 i fucking love them sm there friendship is so important to me
murray x dmitri: 8/10 idk why but i find this ship both great and funny, let the russian and the conspiracy theorist uncles be together
murray x alexei: 8/10 as well they were definitely together tbh
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strangertheories · 2 years
I'm going to rank my favourite characters, ships and seasons of Stranger Things for you (:
Robin Buckley - she's a disaster lesbian and I relate to her so much
Will Byers - very close second. The character helped me through a lot a few years ago, but he's fallen just behind Robin after S4
Max Mayfield - she's funny, cool but I care about her a lot and cried so much in Dear Billy
Steve Harrington - what is there to say about Steve that hasn't already been said
Lucas Sinclair - criminally underrated, super funny, protective, great boyfriend, great character
Shout out to Nancy and Hopper as well, didn't make it into the top five somehow which shows how great the characters are but I really love them (I love them all obviously, but these are my faves)
Ronance - this is pretty much tied with second. Their dynamic is iconic, they'd be such a great duo and I love sapphic ships. I really hope they become canon (not sure) because they're so cute together and bisexual Nancy is a must.
Byler - again, pretty much tied. I love Will so much and I want him to be happy with Mike. They'd be great for each other. Duffers, please make them canon.
Lumax - I said before S4 that I preferred Elmax to Lumax, but after seeing it, I've changed my mind. They're so cute together. Their relationship is a lot more mature than others on the show. They're not constantly making out or gushing about each other; you can just tell that they deeply love and care about the other person. Lucas is the best boyfriend and he's the support that Max needs.
Jopper - solid ship, really sweet, great parenting duo
Season 1 - a perfect season of television in my opinion. Brilliantly crafted (especially with a lower budget), great pacing, great plot, great characters, a tear-jerking finale, what's not to love? There's a reason the show was so successful and I think that can all be seen in S1
Season 4 - I love how they went back to more mystery and horror content. I cried so many times watching it and it's such a fun and exciting season of television. Well worth the wait. My only complaint is that the California plot line was a lot less interesting than the other ones, but it was still a good, natural continuation of the series.
Season 2 - another great season of Stranger Things. It was a little slow at the start of the season, but the mystery was great and well written. The Lost Sister episode wasn't bad, but it completely killed a lot of the pace that the season had been working up. The season started Dustin and Steve's bromance too. (also, rip Bob)
Season 3 - you know a show has to be epic for this to be the bottom ranked season. It was funny, entertaining and engaging. However, I felt like the plot felt like less of a logical continuation than the other seasons did. As well as that, I like the mystery of the show and season 3 didn't really surprise me ever. They showed us everything that was going on (Billy being flayed, Russians building gate) and didn't let the audience put together the clues like in previous seasons. I also didn't just find it that scary. The last episode was one of the best of the show though, I still sob every time I watch it.
Hopefully this answer was alright! Thanks for the ask, anon (:
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
Stranger Things 👀
Favourite character: robin (i apparently have a thing for buckleys <3) Funniest character: dustin Best-looking character: robin (see point one) 3 favourite ships: byler, lumax, steddie (also shout out to mom and dad: jopper) Least favourite character: anyone who has ever hurt el <3 Least favourite ship: steve x billy Reason why I watch it: i am now invested and i wanna know how it ends aksdjlhf Why I started watching it: i think i was bored one summer and the hype got me
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thewaywardkees · 11 months
Tag Game — Stranger Things Edition!
Tagged by: @destroya2005
Note: this was based purely on my opinion.
Ride or Die ship (OTP): Harringrove (Steve Harrington + Billy Hargrove). There is something about their dynamics that draws me in. Plus fanfic writers and video editors make the pairing believable enough! (:
Most annoying ship: personally, I don't really enjoy Steddie but it is mostly because of the toxic part of their fandom. I have seen a lot of people in that fandom bullying other m|m couples… makes me wonder why people love wasting their time making others feel miserable. Just chill and reblog some stuff! | Huge shout out to Steddie fans who don't witch hunt others! And to the ones who make amazing fanart!
Second favorite ship: Lumax (canon), Jopper (canon) and Argilly (non canon). Lumax and Jopper are definitely the best couples on the show! And Argilly??? How did people come up with that ship!? It is amazing!
Favorite platonic relationship: Stobin. I must admit I was a huge fan of the couple in S3 until Robin came out to Steve. The duo is one of a kind!
Underrated ship: Munver... tiger-freak... whatever you guys wanna call it. I mean... that ship has a lot of potential! Chrissy-Heather-Robin. Love them too! The fanart people are creating for the trio is chef kiss.
Overrated ship: — .
One thing I would change in canon: the whole introducing new characters in the show only to kill them in the last episode of the season... It is a never ending cycle. Like… don't be shy, kill some of the originals. The Duffers REALLY need to learn from George RR Martin… like, have you guys read/watch Game of Thrones (A song of Ice and Fire)?. The man doesn't give a crap about what fans think! He/She/They are your favorite chars? BAM! DEAD! 💀
Something canon did right: the 80's setting (music, clothes, cars, etc. Etc.).
A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I haven't posted my share yet, I am planning to… maybe someday… someday, yeah….
A character who is perfect to me: Hopper. He reminds me of my dad, they have the same personality.
Character I relate to the most and why: Steve Harrington, we are pretty similar in lots of aspects. We learn through experience (rights and wrongs) and both have deconstructed ourselves and created critical thinking of our own. — also, we both have great hair ;D
Character(s) I hate the most: Neil Hargrove, Henry Creel and Dr. Brenner… The three of them are monsters. (🚩🚩🚩)
Something I've learned from the fandom: I haven't interacted with the fandom as much so nothing yet. However, I admire how passionate people can be over their favorite characters.
Three tags I seek out on AO3: AU - Canon Divergence and/or Modern Setting, Happy Endings, Enemies to Lovers (👀).
Songs I associate with my OTP and/or Favorite Character: Harringrove — More than Words (Extreme), Words (F.R. David), Him and I (Halsey, G-Eazy), Bloom (The Paper Kites), There is a light that never goes out (The Smiths), Shameless (Camila Cabello). || Steve Harrington — Good old fashioned lover boy (Queen), The Archer (Taylor Swift), You are on your own kid (Taylor Swift).
No pressure tags: @theladycarpathia , @bigdumbbambieyes , @hephaestn , @harrgrove , @lemonhitsu , @ihni , @thediktatortot . And everyone who wants to participate, really! 🩷
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11byers · 4 years
DUFFERS GUIDE TO LOVE [1/?] — "Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart" (pro byeler, jancy, jopper, familial elmike)
disclaimer: this is all my opinion. you're free to disagree.
so ik this is like 2-3 months overdue, and really it's not even the full thing, but i've gathered some of my thoughts into a cohesive-ish meta, and i'm finally ready to share them!! (i’m actually glad i didn’t rush myself to finish this. i actually process info very slowly, and a lot of these points i only discovered recently.)
for this lil bit, imma talk about ‘only love makes you that crazy’ - specifically the word 'crazy' and how it's used in the show. there's so much to unpack with just this one word.
for starters, although this was linked to jancy, in truth, what made jonathan go 'crazy' was when steve started dissing his family.
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so while this quote and the use of the word ‘crazy’ does lend itself to a romantic context, it also lends itself to familial love. arguably more so than romantic.
the term 'crazy' is often used to describe a character as just that: crazy. it's a word that's heavily linked to joyce in st1, bc nobody really believes her when she says that will is alive. but that’s a little more self-explanatory and straight forward bc she’s not crazy, and she knows she’s not crazy. so let’s talk about... mike. and hopper. and nancy.
what makes mike seeing el different from joyce believing will is alive is that mike isn’t actively trying to find el. he doesn’t believe el is alive. joyce isn’t experiencing grief, and she says so explicitly when will’s fake body is found.
joyce fully believes will is alive. mike believes el is dead. mike is the one experiencing grief. just like how hopper experienced grief for his late daughter. just like how nancy experienced grief for barb.
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what hopper, mike, and nancy are all experiencing is grief. having lost someone close to them, and helplessly clinging onto that person in their mind bc of guilt.
when mike is shouting about blaming hopper for hiding el - bc we can draw so many parallels to how mike also hid el, and wasn't able to save her like how hopper couldn't save his daughter - it's not hard to believe that mike blames himself in that situation.
hopper losing his daughter bleeds into how he treats el. in st2, he placed down ground rules so she couldn’t leave the cabin - and it was to keep her safe. (we’re not going to get into how that stunted el’s growth as an individual, but it’s important to draw the parallels to how these characters treat el, and we’ll come back to this later on.) hopper ultimately apologizes to this, recognizing that he didn’t want to lose el like he lost sarah.
this is all platonic/familial love and guilt that’s making them go ‘crazy’. they’re all grieving over their loved ones and if we go back to romantic love, there's a trend in who these characters open up to in these situations. so now let’s flip the coin and dive into more romantic implications.
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so, you saw ‘pro byeler’ in the title. yes, i'm talking about romantic byeler. you know i'm talking about the use of the word 'crazy'. this is the part i really gotta prove to y'all that the duffers are 100% planning for romantic byeler (imo).
it’s interesting, bc this does point to the familial love that mike has for el. he thinks he’s going crazy bc he keeps seeing el. and will relates to that bc he keeps seeing the upside down.
mike and will aren’t going crazy tho. what they’re seeing is real - will is really seeing into the upside down and mike is really seeing el. but the word crazy isn’t used to doubt the other person, as opposed to other instances where the word crazy is used throughout the show. characters are seen as ‘crazy’ in the show when their experiences aren’t believed by the other characters. and yes, mike does question if what will’s experiencing is real or in his head, and ofc will isn't sure himself...
however, the keyword, in this case, is together. just like how jonathan and nancy go monster hunting after nancy opens up to jonathan - they don’t exactly have the answers they need, but they decide to work through things together. the characters don’t know what's real or what's fake, but they don't discount the other's experiences. there's inherent trust and honesty and vulnerability in these scenes where characters are opening up to one another and aren’t being judged.
it’s super important to note that hopper only opens up to joyce about his daughter in st1 (as seen above). it’s super important to note that joyce wants hopper to believe her despite also not caring if anyone else believes her.
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going back to the jancy/byeler parallel: instead of talking to steve about the issue, nancy just sneaks back to his house to look for barb. the show makes a point that endgame couples talk to each other. in the same episode, nancy goes to talk to jonathan instead about what she saw in the woods. just like how will opens up to mike about when he saw the mind flayer/the upside down. 
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(these scenes parallel each other a lot, so i suggest rewatching them to get the full picture.)
mike only opens up to will (despite trying to get in contact with el for almost a year, and almost getting caught by dustin and lucas). will only opens up to mike about seeing the into the upside down despite everyone else being worried about him. and yet, will believes mike is the only one who understands him.
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instead of nancy telling her experience to steve - her boyfriend at the time - she tells jonathan. and it’s not like jonathan was more linked to the situation than steve. barb disappeared at steve’s house. nancy went back to steve’s house without even telling him. instead, she tells jonathan - someone she kind of has a history with because of mike and will, but otherwise it's implied that they don’t really have that much of a relationship. until nancy opens up to him.
so going back to the use of the word ‘crazy’ - what makes ‘crazy together’ so special is the lack of doubt and judgment from both parties after opening up about why they think they’re going crazy. these scenes highlight vulnerability - something that couples that aren’t endgame lack because one or both parties refuse to have full communication with one another.
alright. enough of that. let's look at another case where the word ‘crazy’ is used.
the blank makes you crazy scene.
so i just went on a huge rant talking about byeler being romantic, but what about this scene? yet another popular scene among shippers, and is very obviously a callback to 'only love makes you crazy'. but what makes this scene... not romantic? bc this is a pro byeler meta.
firstly, let's just take a step back to look at the bigger picture, and the use of the word crazy within of the context of this season. st3. the season of love. there’s one other person that’s described as crazy way more this season.
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there is an endless amount of parallels you can draw between mike and hopper and how they treat we el. right off the bat, in the first episode, mike and hopper are literally butting heads bc mike just wants to make out with el all day and hopper’s just. not really a fan of that.
if we take another step back, mike and hopper are both going through the same thing in relation to el: they're both struggling to be vulnerable with her. they’re both struggling with their feelings.
hopper gets advice from joyce on how to talk to both mike and el, similar to how mike goes to lucas for advice on how to deal with el knowing he lied. the easiest solution for both of them is to be honest with her, and that's exactly what both of them struggle to do.
there are a lot of key words that parallel mike and hopper's feelings towards el. crazy. feelings. heart.
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so what does it mean when mike says ‘they do say it makes you crazy?’. maybe it means the same thing as hopper's overprotective behaviour being described as ‘crazy’. maybe it means same thing as jonathan beating up steve after he insulted his family. both hopper and mike have strong familial love for el. the word crazy isn’t used a lot in st3, so i think it's safe to say these instances are meant to parallel each other. it brings a whole meaning to el asking ‘girlfriends? boyfriends’ and mike saying no. bc that’s not how they feel towards each other.
to end this off, i will admit the whole ‘only love makes you crazy’ quote is pretty much based upon flo's misunderstanding of the situation that happened with jonathan, steve, and nancy, bc familial love is what made jonathan snap. but that could easily tie into the misunderstanding between mike and el, bc what they feel for each other isn't romantic/isn't meant to be romantic. what makes joyce seem crazy in st1 is her love for her son will. what makes hopper seem crazy in st3 is his love for his daughter el.
but these feelings are hard to say out loud. and yet, hopper can open up to joyce. joyce can open up to hopper. jonathan to nancy. nancy to jonathan. mike to will. will to mike.
(i'm so sorry i didn't mention lumax at all, but they’re ALSO capable of being open and honest with each other, as seen in the conversation they had on top of the school bus in st2.)
anyways........... all hope that made sense lol
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New year, new possibilities pt. 1
Hey guys! Before you start reading please read this short info:
This fanfiction is my imagination of season 3 of Stranger Things.
It will include mostly JOPPER, Mileven, Lumax and Jancy, but I'll probably add more ships later on.
English is not my mothertongue so there is a huge possibility that I made a couple of mistakes so please understand me and feel free to correct any errors.
I am also opened for your suggestion. Write your ideas in the comments or on private chat to let me know about them.
November 9th 1985
Voices crossed each other, every single one getting louder and louder. It wasn't a fight. It wasn't anger - those were laughts coming out of Will's room. Once again he was spending time with El, who seemed to enjoy his company. After the events last year, they finally had the opportunity to get closer. Jane, or as her friends still call her El, just had the best time of her life.
She finally fell like she had a family, at least a "dad" who loved and protected her. Her friends showed her the real life as a teenager - which was acually more complicated than El thought. But the most important part was her education, since there is a chance she could join High School in the 2nd school semester. Mike and Hopper spent hours just to teach her basic vocabulary, but she was way smarted than they expected.
Will had become more like a brother to her. Their connection was different than with Mike. Their "parents" spent more time together than ever since they always had fridays dinner together. But whenever Joyce tried to cook something good, everyone had to fake a smile so she wouldn't notice her cake was overbacked.
"Hey kids, turn down the music!"
Joyce already shouted 3 times but no one seemed to listen to her. But she decided to give up - after all this time she realised her son was finally beeing happy. He acted like a normal boy, at least for now. She didn't want to interrupt this beautiful moment.
"You know you look even prettier when you smile?"
"Yeah, but first I need a reason for it..."
Jim saw her blush and imidiately had to smile. They were sitting in the kitchen, smoking as always.
"I am not reason enough?"
The arcade was full of kids. Nerdy kids who smelled like asthma spray everytime you pass them on your way in. Saturdays were the worst - it was the only day they finally left their rooms so their mom's could change the bedsheets.
Lucas, Dustin and Max just entered to check on thier highscore on Pac-man. It was hard to squeeze trough all these people. Last Thurstday Max hit the unbelievable score of 56 253 - even more then Dustin himself. He tried to hide his jealousy on their way there but couldn't hold back and complained all the time until Lucas told him to shut up.
"So, where's the ranking?"
"Over here!"
Max took her boyfriends hand and pulled him behind her. She was so pround of herself - expecially because she fell like she won a D&D game against Dustin (which would totaly freak him out).
Nothing much changed between them the last 375 days. She was still with Lucas - and she loved him for this brave heart and hidden emotional side. Her connection with Dustin is... well...:
Max later found out he had a crush on her. They discussted it and he accepted her choice. It felt just like he gave her up, which was probably better for her and Lucas, because she knew how much their friendship ment for them.
When it comes to Mike and El, it definetely got better here. They became something like "bff's". She showed her all the things girls do, even though she wasn't good at it either. Mike also accepted her as a party member, but it still feels like she's the 6th weel. At least she had someone who didn't treat her like her family does...
The past 6 months were a hard time for the teenagers of Hawkins. Steve didn't know where he should go - finally deciding to stay where his heart belongs. "I can't just leave those dickheads all by theirselfs", he thought.
Nancy and Jonathan had been thinging about moving out together and living in New York, where they'd both went to collegue. Later they too realised they families needed them more than ever before. Will beeing happy for the first time since the past 2 years and Mike and his gang going to High School needed someone to teach them everything.
When it comes to their relationship, they had a couple of up's and down's, but they knew they loved eachother.
"Hey Nanc"
"Hey, I was just gettin' ready"
"Good, gonna pick you up at 7, love you"
"Love you too"
Saturdays where their date days. Everytime Jonathan took her to the cinema or to a nice café near by. He always surprised her with a small gift. Nancy placed each of them in a treausure box under her bed, so she felt his presense every night.
Tonight she wore a red, long dress and her favourite heels. She looked stunning and she knew it.
Part 2 coming soon
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