#should do it more often its a great exercise for shapes
tumbly-s · 10 months
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Tried my hand at some line art! My favorite CR ships kissing <3
Bonus with no specific ship in mind under cut
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owlets-outlet · 12 days
habits you should have, regardless of beauty standards:
we all know that sex sells, and if youre like me, you refuse to be a part of it. the issue is, many of the habits that are advertized to be for the improvement of your looks, are actually really important for your health as well, often times even life saving. if youre like me, you might be unaware of this and deliberately NOT participating in them as a protest against beauty standarts, which might actually be hurting you. let me tell you which! (long post)
1. wearing sunscreen:
unless you have a lot of melanin, you should wear sunscreen every time the uv index is 3 or higher, to protect yourself from skin cancer.
why does society tell us to wear it?
i always hear 'sun exposure gives you wrinkles, freckles, sunspots, etcetc' and went 'well i dont CARE, fuck you' and never wore it.
everybody tries to sell sunscreen as 'antiaging'. its crazy how thats the biggest selling point, and not the fact that sunscreen protects you from getting CANCER.
heres the thing, you SHOULDNT care about getting wrinkles! theres nothing wrong with them, no matter how 'premature' they are!
why you should actually wear it:
you should care about skin cancer though. asides from melanoma, which has very low survival rates, other skin cancers, while not as deadly, can then spread to different organs and *cause* other deadly cancers.
okay, im new to sunscreens, what should i do?
well first, let me say that mineral vs chemical doesnt really matter, as long as the spf is high enough. the general rule is the higher the spf, the better.
if i were to reccomend a sunscreen, it would be beauty of joseon. it has gone viral, and while i do think its overhyped, i think its a great basic. its pretty cost efficient, not sticky or smelly and doesnt burn my eyes.
you should apply spf if the uv index is 3 or higher, which you can check the levels in your area on any weather website. if youre staying outside for longer than 2 hours, you should reapply.
you dont have to wear suncreen indoors! your windos block most uv rays.
your face needs at least a quarter of a teaspoon to be fully protected. of course the amount varies depending on the size of your face, but usually two fingers are enough to protect your face:
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to save as much sunscreen as possible, try to stay in the shade and and cover your body when going outdoors!
before you go to sleep, you should remove your spf by double cleansing!
2. working out:
why does society tell us to work out?
the most common answer is: to lose weight. the get a 'desirable' body shape. to get a 'healthy' body shape.
there are many scientific papers that talk in depth about how your weight isnt indicative of your health, so i am going to spare you, and i certainly dont need to go in depth about how nobody should conform to societys beauty standards.
another thing worth pointing out is that often times, exercise cannot actually give you the shape you want. there are many factors to this, such as genetics or hormones, but the fact is, exercise often just wont help you archieve the ideal body shape anyway.
why should you actually work out, then?
many reasons!
-being in shape (metaphorically, not literally) will make moving around easier and you'll get less tired perfoming your daily tasks.
-working out improves mood and helps with brain fog
-increases energy levels (ironically)
-good for cardiovascular health, digestive health, good for bone heath: that means that as you age, you are more likely to retain more of your mobility than if you didnt work out, and your body will in general be happier
-sometimes it helps you socialize, participate in community etc.
how to get into working out?
now, this is the fun part: there is no wrong way to go about this!
you dont need to do a specific type of working out! in fact, just pick whatever suits you!
you can run or go for walks. dance in your living room or attend dance class. shadow box. go to the gym to box.
lift weights or do at home calisthenics, do chloe ting workout videos, climb trees, go for a bike ride, whatever!
just keep moving! you should workout a few times a week :) you dont need any fancy equipment or clothes.
3. eat healthy
now, this one may be different definition of a healthy diet than youve heard of: you shouldnt eat less, but more. the biggest adjustment to your diet shouldnt be removing things but adding things.
you should eat a lot of vegetables, as well as proteins, sugar and fats.
you can keep your fries and a burgers, but you should add a salad as well!
maybe you grew up believing that you dont like healthy things, like fish or collard greens, but you might be living in a lie :D
i reccommend trying new recipes, you might be surprised!
a good diet will have similiar effects to working out- its very important to nourish your body so that it can work properly.
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sourcerry · 1 year
My body issues are acting up again, so naturally I project them on to a fictional character - because I can't, for the love of god, find a therapist. This is mainly a sad Hob/caring Dream self indulgence.
I'm thinking about Hob falling into a rabbit hole on the internet and not being his happy confident self. Maybe it's because things move on so fast this century. Maybe it's because you're connected with everything all the time.
The thing is Hob used to think very little about his body. First because he just had to keep it running, later he focused on achieving different things from money to education.
Bodies and their shapes however, seem to be the main focus of people these days. So it's for the first time that he actually looks at himself and worries. He is quite on the hairy side of men and since he quit the soldering he got quite soft around the middle. After his experience with starvation, he enjoyed food more than ever and perhaps, indulged more than it was appropriate.
Since Dream visited more often and things were evolving from friendship to relationship, Hob feels more and more insecure. Dream used to persue great leaders and goddesses. Hob is neither and it bothers him. He fears that he won't be able to keep Dreams attention for long. So maybe being nice to look at would help him. Just to keep him a little longer.
The plan of action is quite simple. Lose the fat and gain more muscle mass. The internet offers a lot of solutions. From healthy to harmful - he can't die, so what does it matter? He cuts back on food, fits regular exercise in his already busy schedule and soon sees results. His body changes but his insecurities don't. He still finds things to dislike or right on hate about himself. It affects his whole life, his mood and his dreams.
Right after Dream told him about his true nature, Hob asked him to not interfere with his dreams. He liked them - dreams and nightmares alike. Just like he loved life with its ups and downs.
Now he suffers through nightmares of not fitting into his clothes, people calling him nasty things, Dream leaving him for someone better looking.
Dream of course notices the changes but doesn't know how to bring them up. While he honours his promise, he can't help to steal a glance at Hobs visits in the Dreaming. He just needs to understand what's happening. When he does it breaks is heart. It really does. He still doesn't know how to confront his friend, who became way more than a friend, during his past visits.
Falling in love with Hob had been so easy and felt so natural, it had never occurred to Dream, that it needed clarification.
His next visit is, like all visits, unannounced but carefully planed. He enters into Hobs living room and finds him standing in front of a huge mirror. Just staring at his reflection without really seeing anything. Dreams stands behind Hob and startles him. When Hob tries to turn around Dream just shakes his head and holds on to Hobs hips. They are way sharper than they should be. Pointy bones easily felt trough the fabric of his trousers. Slowly Dream moves closer and presses himself into Hobs back, finding his gaze in the mirror.
They've rarely been this close and Dream cherishes the warmth that's oozing from Hob.
"Dream..wh- what are you doing?" Hob stutters. Heat filling up his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He feels caught and ashamed and so happy to have Dream touch him.
"I worry." Dream answers, his voice a deep hum. "You seem to be unaware of how much you mean to me. Meant to me through all the centuries. It seems that I have neglected to show you." He sounds remorseful.
"Dream.." Hob starts but Dreams look shuts him up.
"Please, Hob, let me finish. I want you to know. I need you to know, that you are acknowledged and seen. That you are loved and cherished. I need you to know that my feelings for you run deep and will not fade. I need you to know that you are in my thoughts permanently and that I wouldn't change that, even if I could. It hurts me to see you hurt so deeply, Hob Gadling, as your wounds feel like my own." During his speech a wet sheen covers his eyes and tears cling on long lashes. Hob tries to take a deep breath but it gets caught in his throat and turns into a wet sob. Big tears run down his face and his emotions are all over the place and drowning him.
Carefully Dream steps around himself and blocks his view into the mirror. Hob feels Dreams arms hold him close in a loving embrace and between one blink and the next, they are in his bedroom, no mirrors in sight. He is guided onto his bed and held through all his sobs, tears and sniffles. Fingers carding through is hair and rubbing circles on his back. "I'm sorry" he whispers again and again. "You have nothing to apologize for, my love".
The endearment rips another sob from Hob. He feels utterly pathetic. But Dream is patient and holds him. When the sobs stop, he tells him stories and when he falls asleep, he is welcomed in the Dreaming with warm hands and gentle kisses.
Nothing changes over night. Hob is still painfully insecure and worries whenever Dreams been kept away for a longer period of time. Dream is patient and kind and doesn't tire of showing his love for Hob in all the ways he knows.
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dear-wormwoods · 1 year
For the past few years I’ve been making posts on New Year’s Eve about my life, so… gotta keep the tradition alive I guess!
Some things I accomplished this year:
Another year of maintaining my Duolingo streak. I’m still not confident in speaking Spanish but I feel like I’m making progress understanding it.
Paid off all of my credit card debt. I’m very proud of this one because I’ve been in debt since I turned 18 and got my first credit card, and I thought it was just a fact of life, but it didn’t have to be!
Saved up $10k for… idk, part of a down payment, day care costs for whenever I finally decide to have a kid, whatever! The world is my oyster.
Developed a healthier relationship with food. My weight loss goals ultimately didn’t pan out, I only lost 20lbs and gained some of that back over the holiday months, but I feel good about my mental progress.
Started exercising more. I joined the local Y and attended a variety of classes that I really enjoy going to, and I walked outside a lot when the weather was nice. I even hiked a couple of times! Which was a big deal for me considering how out of shape I was and how little confidence I had in myself.
Highlights of the year:
Going to Colorado!!! Absolutely my favorite thing about 2022 was the South Park 25th Anniversary Concert and the whole trip surrounding that, from visiting Fairplay, to eating fancy food at Wolf’s Tailor in Denver, to hiking up to Hanging Lake. Even standing in the merch line in the blazing hot sun for hours at Red Rocks had its moments. I definitely want to go back after Casa Bonita reopens in May.
Reconnecting with a friend who ended up becoming one of the people I spent the most time with in the back half of 2022. Going walking together and doing Y classes, having House of the Dragon watch parties, dinners and drinks… it’s just been really great having her around this year!
Hiking a full mountain to see the foliage. It was a small mountain in the grand scheme of things, but I still felt accomplished!
Just generally going out and doing things more, socializing and being active and not worrying so much about money. It put a dent into how much I’ve been able to save but you know what?? Worth it.
In general this year was a good one. I’m still miserable working at my waitressing job, but it’s necessary to be able to save money. Work in my career is going well, though - I feel like I connect with the kids even though I’m constantly worrying I’m not doing enough there. My mental health has been pretty stable, some hiccups here and there but nothing drastic. And my cats are doing great, thankfully! I even went on a date to end the year and I’m seeing her again tomorrow!
Goals for 2023:
Another year of Duolingo.
Save another $10k.
Get in better shape before summer so I can do more difficult hikes.
Lose weight… I should stop putting this as a goal but it’s tradition at this point.
Read more books!!
Practice drawing more often.
And on that note…
Happy New Year!
I truly hope that 2023 is good to all of you!
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lifehack2324 · 2 years
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Quick Weight Loss Tips and Tricks
There are many outlets these days to learn the ins and outs of how to lose weight. The problem is that not everybody guarantees you are going to get what you are paying for. Often times people get robbed of their money by paying massive amounts of it and not losing nearly the amount of weight they thought they would lose. I am here to talk to you about a couple a great tricks that you can use to lose weight. The two main things that you need to keep focus on when you are in this process are exercise and diet. These two things will build your foundation for having a good weight loss. To start off with you need a great diet plan and Calorie Shifting Diet is the best diet for anyone out right now, and it completely provided at the end of this article. more
People tend to get scared when they hear they are going to have to get a major diet plan. Though is not nearly as scary as it sounds. All you have to do is keep your daily intake of calories to a certain limit. Along with that you need to focus on eating less junk food and food that's a bit healthier. The fact that you are not eating healthy right now is not just bad for gaining weight it's bad for you in the long run as well. Eating healthy is about living a healthy lifestyle and staying away from foods than can cause harm to your body.more
Now we're going to focus on the physical training part. Not only do you have to stay on the right diet course but without the help of a physical exercise it won't do you any favors. Some great exercises to consider when trying to lose weight are cardio training and aerobics training. Both types of physical exercises are great to help you because they are intense and keep the heart rate up. When you working out one thing you should always remember is the intensity level of your workouts will determine how much fat your burn, so push yourself to the limit!
The bottom line is with these great tips that you have provided before you, you can get yourself in shape within no time at all. You must not give up and you must not forget what your ultimate goal is. Follow the best diet plan that is available and get in your physical training. Ring the new year in with great shape!
If you are like me, who doesn't have time and patience to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is through 100% natural weight loss remedies.
Same foods and natural remedies that tribal Indians and our ancestors used to live obesity free and healthy life. These natural weight loss remedies are scientifically proven and are the only way to lose weight fast. You can get these natural remedies absolutely free until Monday by clicking HERE [http://www.thefreeweightlossebook.com/]! Get your free copy of ultimate weight loss secrets now.
I lost 6 pounds within a week using 5th diet/remedy mentioned in Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets [http://www.thefreeweightlossebook.com/]. In total I lost 38 pounds in less than 3 months using some of the secrets mentioned in that report. Get your copy free, before its too late and achieve your weight loss goal within matter of days. Good luck!
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desaiwelch14 · 1 month
Acid Reflux: Use These Tips To Get Relief
Living with acid reflux disease can literally be a pain. Constantly experiencing heartburn, and chest or throat pain after every meal is enough to drive anyone mad. Luckily, the article below has some easy tips that can help prevent the onset of these symptoms. Read through them and learn how you can combat your acid reflux. Don't just assume your acid reflux is a fact of life or consequence of your active lifestyle. If you find yourself suffering through frequent bouts of discomfort related to acid reflux, see your doctor. It may be something you ate or an indication that you need to slow down in life, but it could also be something else you need to take care of. It is important to avoid vigorous exercise if you deal with GERD. When you are compressing the stomach violently, you'll find that acid makes its way up into your esophagus. Instead, engage in moderate activity which helps you lose weight, stay in shape and yet ensures that acid stays where it belongs. While vinegar tastes great on salads or french fries, anyone with acid reflux should avoid eating it. Vinegar, along with citrus fruit and tomatoes, is high in acid, and the more acid you eat, the more acid will return up your esophagus and cause you pain and discomfort after meals. Keep track of the foods that might be causing your acid reflux. Reflux sufferers often have a trigger food that can really aggravate symptoms. If you can identify the problematic ingredient, you can avoid that food throughout the day, especially around dinnertime. Sometimes, there is فروشگاه نوزاد that can be done to prevent acid reflux disease. This is why you need to learn of what you can do when an attack occurs. Try drinking cold milk or eating some cracker or bread. These remedies help by reducing the amount of acid that comes up through the esophagus. Certain foods cause acid reflex more than other foods. Keeping a diary of your eating habits can help you understand when acid reflux is at its worst. After you've eaten, if you begin to feel acid reflux symptoms, write down what you ate, what the symptoms are, and how they are affecting you. Reflux may be so painful that it may seem like a heart attack. Never ignore serious chest pains. You could be experiencing a heart attack. Talk to your doctor about your options. Misdiagnosis would be horrible, and you don't want any serious health issues. Try raising your bed's frame. Raise your bed up for your top half using items like heavy books or bed risers. Aim to have the head of the bed six inches higher when compared to the foot. Raising your head is a good way of keeping the acid in your stomach. The food you consume each day will make a difference in your reflux. Avoiding acidic foods, peppers, greasy foods and alcoholic beverages could help. These foods and drinks could be causing the problem. Also, avoid eating مقالات پزشکی than three hours before you bed time. Going to bed with a full stomach could make for a rough night and morning. Consume small meals, and do so frequently. If you often find yourself eating just one or two large meals per day, this can actually increase your risk of acid reflux. When you eat to much it puts pressure on your sphincter; this in turn causes it to open. This, in turn, could cause acid to leak up into the esophagus, which is what causes heartburn. Try eating smaller meals frequently during the day instead. If you suffer from acid reflux should try to limit the amount of beverages that you consume with your meals. The liquid will increase stomach distension and will add volume to your food. This puts more pressure on your esophagus. When there is more pressure on your esophagus, it is harder to keep your food down. You are not alone in your fight against acid reflux. In fact, about a third of Americans have acid reflux. Unfortunately, most do not know how to fight off this condition. Don't suffer in silence, instead be sure to use the tips mentioned in the article above. You won't regret it.
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stuartmunk00 · 1 month
The Truth About Paid Online Surveys - Something And Answer Session
So could possibly want incorporate some research in what colors mean to your target provide. To do otherwise would be deliberately unkind. Blades with a platinum chrome finish maintain their sharpness.
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You should find a store where you can purchase an item that has the benefit of limited engraving capabilities. Type of store usually relies on pre-programmed systems to perform their engraving rather than skill or expertise. A great option in case the results meets your expectations. View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Tip: Look for narrowly defined niche markets where your product or service solves a distinctive need of your customers. Focus your marketing on them instead attempting to reach a broadly defined general market. You'll generate more sales and savor a better return that are on your advertising cost. One of my daily habits that's the first step toward my life is spending 1-2 hours every single day every morning feeding myself physically by taking exercise and feeding my mental spirit by reading or listening several motivational belief. This habit warms me up for time ahead.
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View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Website owners and webmasters who are trying to improve their search engine ranking by trading links with websites should beware of being had infidelities. Beware of link cheating. Just how link deceitful? When something interesting happens in your life, tell us about it in your profile custom. This is the best way permit your online friends in on that might end up like to actually spend time with you can. Top Quảng Nam AZ 24h That's the main goal of online dating isn't it, to find people you'd finally prefer to meet and spend time with face-to-face? Anyways, it is usually more fun to hear about a crazy experience you've just had than read through the same descriptions individuals and your cat possess been on your profile for months however. As well, each province and territory has its own rules. Ontario charges eight percent retail florida sales tax on many typical Internet transactions whereas Alberta does not provincial florida sales tax. Running the fingertips over the shaved area is a great method of ensuring a close thorough shave. The sense of touch will alert you to stubble and missed patches it the difficult to view in the mirror. Affiliate marketing is a great venue for ordinary people to start making money on the Internet based. After finding an affiliate program that offers products you're interested in promoting, you can begin an online business with just seconds away . website. So that total investment up to now may just be registering regarding your domain name and paying over a web site hosting account. Eyebrow hair differs within this Quang Nam Viet Nam the majority of them at any given time are inside resting or telogen action. Tin Top Quang Nam AZ News This means their regrowth rate is slower than other hair style. It is wise therefore to avoid over plucking eyebrow mind. Often, just behind the hairline, they notice a roundish shaped area that gets very thin. This rings alarm bells and the wonderful women then search out the best the treatment plan. Don't think these 4 marketing fictions. They're not true. Marketing based with them will cause you to lose sales. Instead, apply the related marketing tips I included after each myth to boost your sellings.
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xuralston95 · 3 months
When you watch a recreation of football, you develop into flooded with feelings. The very same occurs when you essentially get to play, no matter whether you are a defensive tackle or a quarterback. If you want people emotions to keep optimistic, greater your match by looking at all of the tips you uncover down below.Comprehension the principles of soccer is just as important as practicing drills or setting up your energy and stamina. Be positive that you know all of the policies of the sport within and out, and quiz you the moment in a though to enable cement the expertise in your intellect as you enjoy.<br/><br/>A excellent practice suggestion if you might be an offensive or defensive lineman is to apply hitting the sled as often as you can. The sled is generally a slab of metallic with padding on the stop to depict the opposing line. You hurry it and thrust it as you would when in a actual video game.<br/><br/>When hoping for a team, make certain your actual physical conditioning is fantastic, thanks to the bodily demands for everybody. Constantly stretch your muscle tissue and partake in anaerobic and aerobic exercises. Follow these routines with pounds-lifting, and a good cool-down routine.<br/><br/>A great tip you can use if you are a football participant is to start training olympic lifts in your work out regimen. Olympic lifts give you a ton of useful toughness which will assistance you a ton in any placement you perform. Particularly beneficial lifts are the ability cleanse and deadlift.<br/><br/>If your aim is to come to be a quarterback, make certain you follow with a whole lot of interruptions. Although Tom Brady makes maneuvering in the pocket seem quick, it is really essentially fairly intensive, and which is the time most gamers make problems. Follow when you're below heaps of pressure and learn to make sensible choices with lightning speed.<br/><br/>To engage in football, you need to have to know what a down is. Downs are the four attempts that the crew with the ball will get. They use these downs to advance the ball 10 yards. When the offense is prosperous with gaining ten yards, they will get a different set of downs. If they fall short to get 10 yards following the 4 performs, the opposing team gets the ball.<br/><br/>Rating touchdowns anytime you can. The range just one target of the offense is to get the ball across the aim stay for a landing. To make a score, the ball should be carried throughout the intention line of the opposing group. If the soccer goes across the target line when it is in the player's grasp, it is called a touchdown. Every touchdown earns 6 details.<br/><br/>Shoulder pads are probably the most recognizable aspect of protecting soccer equipment. Make sure that your shoulder pads in shape adequately. The problem of your pads really should be fantastic and they need to not change when worn. If not, they could crack and injure you all through perform.<br/><br/>Switch your soccer life-style in a long-lasting fixture. You should really take in right, work on your cardio and strength, and even get the job done on velocity and agility all calendar year round. It shouldn't halt when you end taking part in soccer competitively as a wholesome entire body will carry you through a lengthy, satisfied everyday living.<br/><br/> <a href="https://medium.com/@aabubarypu1977/how-to-stake-wrapped-bitcoin-a-comprehensive-guide-13377d496a5c">How to stake $wbtc</a> that you be expecting to perform. Really don't shake off follow as a important evil that doesn't are worthy of your entire exertion. Prospects are that is the similar energy you can expect to give at activity time. In its place, exercise like you mean it. That work will rub off on your teammates, and you can expect to all be a lot more very likely to be successful.<br/><br/>Work with weights to acquire the muscular tissues in your legs. Solid legs are significant for soccer gamers because they make it possible for for explosive movements off the line of scrimmage. Do capabilities that specially operate on strengthening your agility. The skill to alter way quickly while protecting control above your overall body is an important skill on the soccer area.<br/><br/>Will not test to transform every down into a big enjoy or a scoring opportunity. Think of football as a recreation that moves 10 yards at a time. When you test to make a significant shift each individual time you have the ball in your palms, you will leave your workforce open to turnovers.<br/><br/>If you hate to drop, winning is the only option. In purchase to get a position in the wins column, you must get the job done difficult to improved your match. In simple fact, this posting has only been a stepping stone on the way to success, so retain practising and mastering from the best.
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rainbowreactt · 5 months
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In the realm of health and fitness, finding reliable sources for quality supplements is crucial. In a world where staying fit is a priority, navigating the plethora of workout options and wellness tips can be overwhelming. beginning your wellness journey.
A1Supplements.com boasts an extensive selection of supplements catering to different needs. Whether you’re into bodybuilding, weight loss, or overall well-being, they have you covered. From protein powders and vitamins to pre-workouts and amino acids, the variety ensures there’s something for everyone.
Protein powder, pre-workout supplements, and amino acids collectively play crucial roles in supporting fitness goals.
Protein powder remains a cornerstone for muscle repair and growth, catering to the needs of athletes and those engaging in regular physical activity. Its convenience as a swift, portable source of protein makes it an ideal choice for individuals on the go.
In addition to protein, pre-workout supplements are designed to enhance exercise performance. These formulations often include ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine, providing an energy boost, improving endurance, and supporting focus during workouts. The strategic use of pre-workout supplements can contribute to more effective training sessions.
Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are equally vital. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and essential amino acids (EAAs) are often included in supplements to support muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown. Consuming amino acids, especially around the time of exercise, contributes to overall muscle health and recovery.
When considering the trio of protein powder, pre-workout supplements, and amino acids, a comprehensive approach to fitness support emerges. Protein addresses the fundamental need for muscle maintenance and growth, pre-workout supplements optimize performance, and amino acids contribute to the intricate process of muscle protein synthesis. Together, they form a well-rounded strategy to enhance physical performance, support recovery, and achieve fitness objectives. As with any supplementation, individual needs and goals should guide their incorporation into a balanced and personalized fitness routine.
Eating a balanced diet is important when taking supplements for a few reasons. First, it ensures your body gets all the essential nutrients it needs. Supplements are meant to add to, not replace, a healthy diet.
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Certain supplements work better when you have a good mix of nutrients from food. For example, some vitamins and minerals are absorbed better when you eat them with a meal. So, a proper diet helps your body make the most of these supplements.
Also, while protein powder and other supplements can be helpful, they shouldn’t be the only source of nutrients. Real food has a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other good stuff that supplements might not have.
Lastly, a good diet gives you energy, which is important for the effectiveness of supplements like pre-workout ones. These supplements work better when your body has the right fuel from food.
In a nutshell, a healthy diet sets the stage for supplements to do their job properly. Think of them as teammates – your diet and supplements working together for your overall health and fitness.
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner on the fitness journey, A1Supplements.com offers a gateway to a world of supplements designed to support your unique needs.
Staying focused and in shape often involves choosing the right workout equipment. Here are some options to consider:
1. Dumbbells: Versatile and effective for various exercises, dumbbells are great for strength training. They allow you to target specific muscle groups and can be used for both upper and lower body workouts.
2. Resistance Bands: Perfect for adding resistance to exercises without the need for heavy equipment. They are portable, making them convenient for home workouts or travel. Resistance bands are effective for strength training and flexibility exercises.
3. Jump Rope: An excellent cardio option that also improves coordination and endurance. Jump ropes are compact and suitable for quick, effective workouts, making them an ideal choice for busy schedules.
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4. Kettlebells: Combining strength and cardio benefits, kettlebells are versatile tools for full-body workouts. They engage multiple muscle groups and enhance functional strength.
5. Exercise Mat: Essential for floor exercises, yoga, or Pilates. An exercise mat provides comfort and support while protecting your joints during workouts.
6. Stability Ball: Ideal for core workouts and improving balance. Using a stability ball engages various muscle groups, making exercises more challenging and effective.
7. Treadmill or Stationary Bike: Cardiovascular equipment like a treadmill or stationary bike is great for improving endurance. These machines offer convenience for indoor workouts, especially during unfavorable weather conditions.
8. Pull-Up Bar: A simple yet effective tool for upper body strength. A pull-up bar can be installed at home and provides a range of exercises to target the back, arms, and shoulders.
9. Rowing Machine: Offers a full-body workout, targeting muscles in the arms, legs, and core. Rowing machines are low-impact and provide cardiovascular benefits.
10. Box or Step Platform: Useful for various exercises, including step-ups and box jumps. It adds variety to your workout routine while targeting different muscle groups.
Selecting the right equipment depends on personal preferences, fitness goals, and available space. Combining a mix of these tools can create a well-rounded home gym, keeping workouts interesting and effective in maintaining focus and fitness.
Here are some recommendations for different types of fitness courses available:
1. Online Courses:
• Fitness Blender: Offers a variety of online workout programs suitable for different fitness levels. Their courses cover everything from HIIT to strength training.
• Yoga with Adriene: Perfect for those interested in yoga, Adriene Mishler provides accessible and enjoyable online yoga courses for all levels.
2. DVD Workouts:
• P90X by Tony Horton: A comprehensive DVD workout program incorporating strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises.
• Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred: A popular and intense 30-day workout program designed by renowned fitness trainer Jillian Michaels.
3. Fitness Apps:
• MyFitnessPal: While primarily a tracking app, MyFitnessPal also offers guided workout programs suitable for various fitness levels.
• Nike Training Club: A versatile app with a variety of workout programs led by professional trainers, catering to different fitness goals.
4. In-Person Classes (local gyms or community centers):
• Check out classes like spin, Zumba, or boot camp sessions offered by your local fitness centers. In-person classes provide real-time guidance and a sense of community.
Before choosing a fitness course, consider your fitness goals, preferences, and current fitness level. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can also help ensure the course aligns with your expectations. Always consult with healthcare professionals before starting a new fitness program, especially if you have any health concerns or conditions.
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markermcintosh66 · 6 months
All That You Should Understand About Baseball
So you want to become a greater fan of soccer however you aren't certain how to begin? Despite the fact that there is lots to discover the overall game, with easy tips about knowing tactics everyone can be well-versed on soccer. In the event you seek out understanding of the video game and don't know how to begin, appear under for your responses! Situation on your own much more for practice, then for your bet on baseball on its own. When you have to be prepared for game working day, exercise is going to take the most from you personally. As a result, it's essential that your particular conditioning help you stay around par in practice and creating a very good impression there, to prevent much counter time. Whenever you consider for virtually any group, it's important to be as in shape that you can. You should get involved in the two cardio exercise and weight training exercise routines. Then move on to some energy conditioning then air conditioning straight down. Ladder drills permit you to improve your co-ordination. These are generally vital to football physical fitness regimens. The theory is always to envision a ladder and you are moving into each square, then out again, eventually getting to the top rung. You should build this system properly, check out some videos on the internet, and discover exactly how the benefits workout through this method. Fiddle with an individual design. You shouldn't devote the game upstaging your teammates or considering just you, but there are minute in a baseball game where by your character can stand out, especially following an amazing handle or touchdown. Have you got a special fist push or mix up dance you would like to pull out. Go for it! Get your teammates engaged way too. You need to grow to be acclimated to great temperature ranges during a period of time. Usually do not try and do a total work out inside the first warm working day of springtime. Normally it takes approximately 2 weeks for you to adjust towards the alteration of temperature. Take it slow and stay secure. Get accustomed to enjoying off from your weaker foot. If you're like many sports athletes, you'll love 1 ft . over an additional. It'll are generally the foot that you pivot on and make use of for running fakes. In order to confound the rival covering up you, shock all of them with some moves making use of your less strong side. It'll provide you with some real advantages. Increase the versatility of the hips by using 5 various cones, positioned about five yards aside and also in a collection. Start with commencing at 1 cone, then while operating speedy, cross involving each one of the cones. Slim into the path you wish to go while keeping your mind up along with your eye straight down field. Make your knees bent as you practice and perform. When you straighten the knees, you might injuries your hips and get rid of your maneuverability. Use squats to build your lower body muscle groups and try to arrive at the point you can raise twice as much as you may consider as you do ten reps. Baseball goes to a conclusion at some point about the competing levels. Often it stops when you find yourself harmed, this is why it is important that you enter in each and every engage in as if it is your previous. That forces you to definitely do your greatest and guarantees your previous play is rarely a regret.
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Make certain your entire items is in good condition, it suits well and is secure. Do not engage in a game of basketball with a broken helmet or exhausted sneakers. You put your self vulnerable to damage whenever you wear unacceptable products. Maintain your personal inside the online game by putting on the proper gear in any way time. In case you are jogging using the football, cradle it in close proximity to your body. Participants on the other group will attempt to strip the basketball far from you to definitely force a fumble. In the event the soccer ball is from your body, it is less difficult for that opposite team to generate a engage in on your ball. Stretch appropriately just before practices and well before each and every video game and rehearse. This will be sure that your physique is able to go when online game time comes. Warming up decreases your danger for accidents in the course of drills and online games. Additionally, it maintain your muscle tissues in good condition and is a wonderful way to slowly and gradually increase your heartrate. Assist weights to formulate the muscle tissues in your hip and legs. Strong thighs and legs are very important for basketball players because they permit explosive actions away from the collection of scrimmage. Do expertise that exclusively focus on increasing your speed. The opportunity to alter path quickly while keeping power over your system is really a expertise about the baseball discipline. There might be occasions when it is more efficient to run the soccer ball although there are actually receivers open up. Understanding how to know when 江南体育 should change a engage in is essential for just about any quarterback. In case you are having a transferring perform and area an opening, potential work within the opening up to get the utmost yardage. You ought to visit the fitness center consistently. Weight training is important for many basketball players. Your ability to succeed and enjoying time about the actual industry are usually likely to be dependant on the degree of your overall durability conditioning. Work out all of your system. It can be risky to target only around the upper body. You want solid thighs to force off of successfully in the scrimmage collection. Practice your balance. It is an vitally important talent for soccer. You'll will need remarkable harmony abilities to tug from the most remarkable plays about the discipline. A great way to get these capabilities is thru rehearsing yoga exercise. It might not seem like something intended for a football gamer, but yoga can quickly provide you with earlier mentioned typical balancing expertise. Now that you look at this wonderful article about basketball, you see how it can be broken down and simple so a lot of people can understand it better. All it requires is a persistence for accumulate in just as much information about basketball since you can absorb. By studying these guidelines they have presented that you simply fantastic basis to figuring out this occasionally complex online game.
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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specialneedspets · 6 months
Most Calm Dog Breeds: 10 Pups with Chill Vibes
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The energy level of the dog is definitely one of the most important things to consider if you’re thinking about adopting one. Dogs are often known for being lively and energetic creatures, but some would much rather kick back and watch TV with you than play fetch for hours on end. Calm temperaments are the result of many breeds being developed to do low-energy tasks, such guarding, entertaining, stealthily catching game, or simply being amiable.
tranquil dogs are tranquil dogs, but they still need frequent exercise to keep their bodies and minds in good working order. Even though they might not be prone to hyperactivity, they nevertheless require the chance to walk around, use up some energy, and breathe clean air.
Space is important, and not all dogs are good for apartment living, even though these easygoing canines will be happy to join you for a marathon viewing session. The same is true of size. Do you want to adopt a large dog, a medium-sized dog, or a little dog? Every size has less energetic dogs, especially if you think about adopting an older rescue dog who would just be content to live in a loving household. Your neighborhood shelter or rescue group is a great resource; their volunteers can serve as matchmakers to assist you select the ideal dog for your home. The following ten breeds are good options if you’re searching for a peaceful companion.
10 Super Chill Dogs
Senior Rescue Dog
Many senior rescue dogs are found in shelters; they are often seven years of age or older. Rescue dogs come in many shapes, sizes, and temperaments; some were once part of families but were given up. But compared to their younger counterparts, senior dogs tend to be calmer and slower-moving and simply want a secure place to call home throughout their golden years. They are usually already housebroken and need less training than younger canines. Senior dogs have a higher likelihood of some health concerns, such as arthritis or dental disorders, but they make up for it by being appreciative of their second shot at a good life.
Clumber Spaniel
Despite being bred primarily for bird hunting, Clumber Spaniels are often regarded as being more relaxed and tranquil than other spaniels. They are strangely cute because they have huge lumpy heads on shockingly short legs. They enjoy spending time together indoors and are quite affectionate. The Clumber requires frequent brushing due to its thick cream coat, which is often speckled with orange. They can also be more vulnerable to health conditions including hip dysplasia and vision impairments. To prevent weight gain, they should follow a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise. A respectable breeder should provide them, and you should keep up with their veterinary treatment.
Irish Wolfhound
Despite being transported to battlegrounds and taught to kill wolves, Irish Wolfhounds are more commonly referred to as “gentle giants” due to their extreme friendliness with children, adults, and other animals. Male Irish Wolfhounds can reach a height of 32 inches at the shoulder and weigh up to 120 pounds, making them one of the tallest breeds. Despite their massive stature, Irish Wolfhounds are incredibly calm and relaxed; they need regular exercise but are not very active. Walk them, make an impression on everyone you meet, and then bring them home for a lengthy snooze.
The Pekingese breed originated in the Chinese Imperial Court, where they were developed as companion dogs because they enjoyed company. This tiny breed is characterized by its long, opulent coat, flat face, and unusually floppy ears. Because of their love of people, these puppies make excellent pets for anybody looking for a low-energy canine that can live well in a small environment, while separation anxiety may become a problem if they are left alone for an extended period of time. Their lengthy coats wash the floor for free, but they also have some inherited health conditions that can make them expensive pets to maintain.
Although they are recognized for their propensity for racing and hunting, greyhounds are actually among the most laid-back dog breeds; even if they are capable of energetic outbursts, they prefer to spend as much time as possible relaxing and sleeping. After their racing careers are done, many Greyhounds end up in rescues where they make wonderful family pets but poor security dogs since they are more likely to go back to sleep than to confront an intruder. For their health, they should take occasional walks and runs, but nothing compares to spending time with you on the couch. Additionally, these large dogs dislike stairs, so if you live in a house with stairs or a building without an elevator, take caution.
German breeds like the strong Leonberger are frequently used as herding and draft dogs. However, their calm disposition and high degree of trainability make them excellent family pets and frequently result in their usage as therapy dogs. Because they are courageous, they are frequently trained as search and rescue dogs. Make sure you have space inside and time outside for your leonberger because they have a thick coat that develops around their body in a huge ruff and they need frequent exercise and training to prevent destructive behavior.
The Keeshond is a peaceful medium-sized breed from the Netherlands that resembles a huge raccoon that you can securely keep in your house. They have a silver-gray coat and characteristic black markings around their eyes. They enjoy barking and being close to you since they were originally designed to be watchdogs and companions. Keeshonds are easy trainable, having gentle temperament by nature, and moderate energy levels. Exercise and social interaction on a daily basis will keep children happy.
Japanese Chin
Despite their name, the Japanese Chin is a little toy breed that originated in China and arrived in Japan during the 16th century. This breed features a big head, huge, widely spaced eyes, a short, flat snout, and a gorgeous tail that ends in a smooth, silky coat. They are sweet, loving, and enjoy being caressed. These calm puppies are excellent lap dogs and, due to their tendency toward self-grooming and climbing, are sometimes compared to cats. Although they are not as intelligent as other cats, they are nevertheless quite trainable.
Known for being a calm and peaceful friend, the Xoloitzcuintli is a little, hairless dog with a small tuft of hair on top (but occasionally they even skip that modest ornamentation). The Xolo often bonds with a single family member, but they can be sociable with anyone they feel at ease around. Though generally calm, Xolos enjoy frequent long walks and time spent outside. These dogs require fewer showers than most because they are hairless, and frequent bathing can strip canines of their natural skin oils, leading to a variety of problems. A monthly bath with an occasional rubdown with a warm cloth are recommended.
Tibetan Spaniel
Tiny Tibetan Spaniels are developed to be small protectors in Tibet. These puppies don’t need a lot of exercise and might have calm, loving attitudes. Although they are devoted to their family and will rapidly bond with them, they are typically rather receptive to new acquaintances. Their floppy ears tip forward to frame their adorable features, and they have large almond-shaped eyes set in silky coats in a variety of colors of brown. Although they have a reputation for being a little stubborn, which young dogs frequently do, they are trainable.
Learn More: specialpets.org
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dontbestingybaby · 7 months
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from Modern Screen, November 1941
Transcription Below!
Eyes are far and away the most important single feature in a girl's face. Their size, shape and color are pretty well settled by heredity, though their expression is decided largely by what you make of your own personality. On the other hand, their depth, clarity and strength depend a great deal upon the care you give your eyes. 
Skillful use of eye make-up is extremely important; so much so that the following four pages are devoted entirely to the art of its application. But if you don't first protect that one and only pair of peepers—all the make-up in kingdom come will not make your eyes the things of beauty that they should be. 
Strained, neglected eyes just can't possibly look like fathomless pools—or even like normally intelligent, efficient organs of sight. For eyes reflect the status quo of mind and body as well as spirit—and once they're worn out, they can't readily be replaced—so treat yours with proper respect all of the time. 
An eye is a delicate, complex, intricate organ, operated by six muscles and divided into two chambers: the front containing a chrystalline lens, the second holding the iris or pupil. Rays of light enter your eyes and produce a chemical change on the retina in exactly the same way that light affects a sensitized camera plate or film. In fact, your eyes actually are marvelous cameras which are constantly taking pictures and relaying them to your brain via the optic nerve. 
Under-nourishment, wrong food, a sluggish system, loss of sleep, strain, or any kind of worry show immediately in dull, expressionless, unglamorous eyes. And headaches that appear to come from other causes often are the result of tired, neglected eyes. The wrong kind of light, for example, will seriously affect the efficiency and beauty of your eyes. Glaring sun or electric lights, reflections from large, flat, glossy surfaces—all can cause severe eye strain. Dim or flickering lights are even more injurious. When you work, read or play games, be sure that the light comes from above and behind you. Hold books or the work you are doing fourteen to sixteen inches away and, whenever possible, hold them up in front of you—not down where you have to double up like a jackknife to see them. 
Rest your eyes frequently. Look off to the most distant possible horizon or at any far off object. This not only rests but strengthens eye muscles. Blink your eyes often and shift them frequently, too. This rests and at the same time gives needed exercise. Avoid staring in a fixed gaze. This is not only rude and unlovely to look at, but actually injurious to eyes. Beautiful eyes are relaxed and full of motion. They are never stiff or stationary. 
Consciously relax your eyes every night before going to sleep. Imagine you are looking into soft, lusterless black velvet or into deep black pools of water. During the day, close your eyes frequently if for only a second or two at a time. Relax them now and then by cupping your hands over each one to shut out all the light. After a hard day's work or before getting dressed for an extra-special date, wring out a square of cotton in ice cold skin freshener or a special eye lotion. Place one over each closed eye and relax for ten or fifteen minutes. Or use some of those handy little specially-prepared eye pads that come in jars ready for use. You'll feel rested and refreshed all over after using them. A rich emollient cream massaged with a rotary motion into all the delicate skin surrounding the eyes is another beauty trick which smoothes out wrinkles and relaxes tired nerves. 
Of course, outdoor exercise, especially games which require your eyes to follow some small object like a golf, tennis or ping-pong ball is excellent for eyes. 
Don't forget to eat for eye beauty also. Butter, cream, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits are full of the essential Vitamin A. 
Wear good, dark ground-lensed glasses when you must spend much time out in the glare of sun or snow or water. There are such good-looking dark glasses everywhere these days that they are as ornamental as they are beneficial.
EYES should be washed out night and morning with salt water, boric acid solution or one of the excellent specially prepared eye washes. These relax, stimulate and strengthen as well as cleanse out dirt and accumulated secretions. 
Remember that the smaller the area on which you fix your gaze, the easier a time your eyes will have. Don't try to see everything at once. Focus your eyes on one object at a time, then move and shift them often. Roll your eyes to right and left, then all around slowly every time you have a few spare moments by yourself. Look up as far as you can, then down. Open your eyes wide, then close them tightly. Alternate these little exercises and repeat them frequently. 
And if you ever find yourself with a foreign body—a speck of dirt, cinder, etc. —in one of your eyes, here are a few helpful tips to follow. First, do not rub it in. Hold both eyes wide open as far as possible, without blinking, until the tears begin to flow. If this won't work, take the small corner of a clean, dry kerchief or tissue and try to dislodge the offending object. Hold the lid away from your eyeball by grasping the lashes gently but firmly. Don't wrap your kerchief around any hard object such as a pencil, match or toothpick. You're likely to damage your eye permanently by just such a trick. If all these resources fail, hie yourself to the nearest drug store or doctor for more expert ministrations. 
There—we've outlined the basic care to strengthen and protect those orbs of yours. Now you can safely concentrate on make-up. Follow the tips in "Eyes Right" and in the chart following. You'll go out and slay the stag line. 
No eyes are truly lovely unless they are clear, bright and healthy-looking, so whenever yours feel tired and strained or are inflamed, soothe them with Eye-Gene lotion. You need just a drop in each eye and they appear clear and refreshed in seconds. Use it as frequently as you like, although twice a day is the usual routine. Eye-Gene is stainless so you don't need to worry about soiling hankies or clothes. 
Photo captions:
Universal’s Peggy Moran smooths delicate eye skin with rich cream.
Peggy cleanses her eyes night and morning with a mild, special lotion.
Moistened pads over closed eyes rest not only eyes but also nerves.
Your eyes may be merry and friendly, soulful and large or fringed with the longest of lashes, but you can always make them even lovelier with the right amount of make-up, expertly applied. It takes only a touch of mascara or an accent of shadow or brow pencil to make them appear larger, brighter, deeper—and very much more exciting and interesting. 
In making up your eyes—and every girl really should bring out their beauty—you should strive for an absolutely natural effect. Keep in mind their structural relationship to the rest of your features and to their natural frames—your brows. For instance, if you have a round youthful face with correspondingly round eyes, you can lengthen them slightly with skillful make-up, but don't try to make them look long, narrow and exotic, for that would be out of keeping with the rest of your face, your expression and your personality. The chart on pages 50 and 51 will guide you in using make-up to give your eyes better proportion and will also suggest colors to emphasize their natural hue. 
Brows need regular attention if they're to be flattering frames for your eyes—tweezing, brushing and some additional color. Natural brows are the most becoming, so keep yours fairly thick, but do pluck out those unattractive stragglers that clutter the space between brows and those which spoil natural arches. This is just a matter of good grooming. You can also pluck your brows to give your face better proportion with good results, but don't thin them down to a harsh, ugly hairline or make them into an unnatural shape that has no relation to your other features and only gives you a strained or constantly surprised expression which looks anything but intriguing. 
Before you start tweezing, apply cream or a cloth wrung out in hot water to your brows to open up the pores so the hairs will come out quickly and painlessly. Then, with sterilized tweezers, pull out the strays with a deft, quick movement in the direction in which the hair grows. After plucking, touch your brows with alcohol, astringent or toilet water to close the pores and prevent irritation. 
Almost all brows—except very black ones—need subtle darkening. You can use either a well-sharpened brow pencil or mascara and brush but do use light, short strokes to color each little hair naturally. Never make a continuous rigid line or bear down so hard with your pencil or brush that the brows look gummy or artificial. Keep them silken and neat by brushing them free of powder after every make-up job. You can buy a special brush for this purpose. And whether you need brow make-up or not, always smooth a little lash conditioner cream over brows before going out. This gives them a natural, attractive sheen. 
Now, apply your eye shadow. For a long time, this was worn only by theatrical people, but today shadow is obtainable in so many subtle, natural-looking shades that it can be worn with good taste any time of the day. And no one can deny its effectiveness in bringing out the color of eyes and making them look larger and more expressive. You can apply eye shadow with either your finger or a very soft brush, but mix it first in the palm of your hand so that it will go on smoothly and delicately. It's a generally good rule to start shadow at the roots of the lashes and blend it upward until it fades into the natural tone of the skin, but if you want to change the apparent shape of your eyes, you can vary this method somewhat—according to the directions given in the chart. But, remember, shadow is always used on the lid above the eye—never below, or it will create a harsh, unattractive circle. If you do have natural circles beneath your eyes, you can do a lot to cover them up by using a foundation base and powder that matches your complexion, then blending your rouge lightly up over the circles. 
Modern eye shadows are available in many intriguing colors—blue, gray-blue, blue-green, green, gray, mauve, violet, purple, brown—and their variations, so experiment until you find the ones that are most flattering to you. For daytime, the shades that most nearly match your eyes are most natural and becoming, but for evening, you can make your eyes alluring and interesting by using some of the more dramatic contrasting tones—purple, mauve, green, gold or silver. And if you are the sophisticated or exotic type, you may wear these shades in daytime if you apply them very, very delicately. 
Mascara is the answer to the prayers of every girl whose lashes are sparse, short or too light for beauty, for it not only darkens but it also makes them look longer and more luxuriant. And, of course, it does much to enhance the beauty of already lovely eyes and lashes. Whether you use the cake, cream or liquid type, apply mascara with a clean brush, using just a little at a time, and stroke the lashes along their entire length, brushing the top ones upward to give them a slight curl and the lower ones downward. If you use the cake-type, your brush should first be moistened with water. Many beauties like to apply their mascara, as they do their nail polish—applying a light coat first and allowing it to "set," then covering it over with a deeper shade. 
You have several shades to choose from to accent your hair, complexion and eye coloring—brown (both light and dark), black, also the more exotic blues and greens. The latter two are most suitable for evening make-up, but if applied with skill and if you are going to a festive function, you can get away with them at high noon. We wouldn't advise your wearing blue or green mascara with business or sport costumes, but they do look charming when a hat, veil, flowers and dressy clothes are worn. For formal occasions, some girls use two shades of mascara—tinting the lashes one color and the tips another. This takes a bit of extra skill but is strikingly effective. 
Whatever shade of mascara you choose, be sure to keep your lashes looking always silken and natural. Brush them after applying mascara so that each is separate from the other, and brush them free of powder after every make-up job, too. Touching them with a little lash cream will not only keep them soft and healthy but will add a nice sparkle to your eyes. 
If your lashes aren't the kind that curl of their own accord, use a curler to give them a flattering upturn that makes them look longer and your eyes bigger. The curl will stay in longer if you touch them with lash cream or apply mascara before using your curlers. 
Make-up will make your eyes more beautiful, but if you want to keep them healthy, bright and youthful, be sure to follow common sense rules for care of your eyes. Crow's-feet and dry, shrivelled lids will detract from their beauty, so keep your eyes young and lineless by lubricating and massaging them regularly with a special cream. Every night before you retire, tap the cream gently around your eyes, using the pads of your fingers, working from the inner corners outward, above and below the eyes. Be careful never to pull or stretch the delicate tissue around the eyes in your massage routine. 
Remember there are no eyes so lovely that they can't be enhanced by the subtle use of make-up, whether it's just a touch of mascara or an accent of shadow. Experiment with all the shades and kinds recommended for your type until you find the ones that suit you best. Then take plenty of time to apply them so as to look both natural and flattering. Your reward will be well worth the effort. 
If you've always longed for lovely fringes of lashes, why not let Maybelline Cream Mascara make yours look longer, darker and more luxuriant. You'll find it the ideal consistency for easy applica-tion—neither too runny nor too thick—and it comes in three lovely shades—brown, black or blue—to accent your eyes and harmonize with your coloring. Maybelline Cream Mascara doesn't require water for application and comes in a handy purse-size tube, as it's easy to carry about for emergency make-up jobs. 
You fastidious girls will be delighted with Djer-Kiss Lipstick. It comes in a new-type case which has a patent lock to keep the inner cylinder spic-and-span clean. Your fingers won't get smudged when you use it, and your purse will stay neat as you like. Djer-Kiss Lipstick is available in five radiant shades, from a warm natural to a daring brilliant red. It goes on smoothly and evenly, making your lips brighter and lovelier, and it lasts for hours. 
Photo captions:
Keep your brows neat, like Diana Lewis of M-G-M does. Pluck the strays between the eyes and beneath the arches.
Darken your brows subtly with pencil or mascara, using a short, delicate stroke to color each little hair evenly.
After making up, brush your brows with a special lash conditioner cream to give them a healthy, lovely sheen. 
Begin your shadow at the lashline and blend it softly upward until it fades into your natural complexion tone.
Mascara should always be applied in a deft upward or downward movement following the growth of the eyelashes
You can postpone aging lines by keeping the area around the eye well lubricated and massaged with a skin cream.
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thuzyblog · 7 months
Interesting Facts About Fox Terrier Dogs
The Fox Terrier is a breed of dog that has its roots in the British Isles. It is known for being stubborn and having a lot of energy. This breed has a long history. It was first bred to hunt foxes, which is how it got its name. The Smooth Fox Terrier and the Wire Fox Terrier are the two types. Each has its own personality and charm. In this detailed guide, we'll talk about where the Fox Terrier came from, what it looks like in general, and how it rates on things like adaptability, friendliness, grooming needs, trainability, and exercise needs.
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Where it came from and other details Fox Terrier Types of Dogs
The Fox Terrier comes from England in the 18th century, where it was created to help hunters drive foxes out of their dens during fox hunts. Hunters have loved this breed for a long time because it is so good at digging and hunting. Today, they are loved as both active pets and show dogs.
More on the Fox Terrier
They look like small, well-muscled dogs with dark eyes, erect ears, and a wedge-shaped head. Wire Fox Terriers have thick, wiry coats, while Smooth Fox Terriers have smooth, short coats.
They are known for being smart, brave, and curious, and they are always up for an adventure. They have a strong need to hunt and will never stop going after prey.
For many years, this dog was popular as both a family pet and a show dog. They stand out because of how they look and how lively they are.
Temperament: they are playful and spirited, which makes them great pets for active people or families. They love their families and can be very protective of them.
Average life span is 12 to 15 years, but this can vary from person to person depending on genetics and care.
Coat Color: They have different coat colors, such as white with black or tan spots.
Is the Fox Terrier a mixed breed or a unique dog breed? Original dog breeds with pedigrees that can be proven. They are not a mix of breeds.
How to Keep a Fox Terrier Healthy
Good dog food is important because it gives them the nutrients they need to live an active life.
If you want to help them build muscle, give them a diet full of lean proteins.
Because these dogs can get fat easily, make sure that the portions are kept in check.
The environment:
Do best in places where there is lots of room to run and play.
Keep your yard safe so your pet doesn't get lost, and give your pet toys and puzzles to keep their mind active.
They are great at digging and climbing, so make sure they can't get out of the area.
How to Take Care:
Need to be with you and get attention, so spend quality time with them every day. Keep them happy and mentally stimulated by giving them puzzles and games that they can interact with.
Cleaning up:
Wire Fox Terriers need to have their wiry coats brushed often to keep them in good shape.
Smooth Fox Terriers don't need as much care, but they should still be brushed every so often.
As needed, give your Fox Terrier a bath, and make sure to keep their nails trimmed so they don't grow too long.
How to Get Ready
Three short pieces of advice:
Get ready for a companion who is active and full of energy.
Start socializing them early on to make sure they get along with other dogs.
To get the most out of their intelligence, be patient and consistent with your training.
Taking care:
Give them a healthy diet that is based on how active they are.
Make a place that is safe and interesting.
Getting regular exercise is very important, so be ready to play and go for walks every day.
Put money into puzzles and other mental games to keep their minds active.
To stop them from being so territorial, get them used to other dogs and people.
Important Tools for Caring:
For walks and trips, a strong leash and harness.
Keep their minds active with toys that they can play with.
Grooming tools that are right for their coat type.
Everyday Illnesses:
When the kneecap slips out of place, this is called patellar luxation. Regular visits to the vet can help find and treat this problem.
Hip Dysplasia: To lower your risk of hip dysplasia, eat well and exercise regularly.
Eye Conditions: They may be more likely to get some eye problems, so keep an eye on them and take them to the vet if you need to.
Vaccines that are needed:
Core vaccines: Your friend needs to get rabies, distemper, and parvovirus shots to stay healthy.
Non-core vaccines: Based on your dog's lifestyle and risk factors, talk to your vet to find out if he or she needs any extra vaccines.
Everyday Names
Choosing a Name:
When choosing a name for you, think about one that shows how lively and fun they are. "Max," "Bella," and "Charlie" are all popular names.
Known Names:
Max Bella
Hi, Charlie
Daisy and Rocky
To Lucy Milo
Sophie and Teddy
How to Get or Adopt
Popular places to visit:
In the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, among other places, it is very popular.
Price on average:
The prices vary a lot depending on things like the location, lineage, and reputation of the breeder. You can expect to pay around $1,000 to $2,500 for a well-bred puppy.
Neighborhood for Adoption:
Check out social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find rescue groups and communities that are all about adoption.
What to Look for Before Buying or Adopting:
General health: Make sure the dog is healthy and doesn't have any problems that you can see.
Status of vaccinations: Make sure the dog has had all the necessary shots for its age.
History of illnesses: Ask the breeder or rescue group for a full history of illnesses.
Groups that help:
Fox Terrier Help in the United States
A group in the UK that helps stray dogs.
Help Save the Canadian Fox Terrier
Finally, these dogs are brave and active, and they have a long history of being hunting partners. They make great pets for active people or families because they can give them the exercise and mental stimulation they need. They need to be socialized and trained properly from a very young age in order to develop friendly and well-balanced personalities.
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chillicouture99 · 7 months
Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days: Effective Solutions for Common Hair Problems
Having luscious, healthy locks is a dream for many, but unfortunately, various hair problems can get in the way. From hair fall to dryness and damage, these issues can affect our confidence and overall well-being. Fortunately, there are effective treatments and solutions available to address these common hair concerns.
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1. Hair Fall Treatment:
Hair fall is a prevalent issue that can be caused by a range of factors, including genetics, stress, and poor nutrition. One effective solution is to use a hair fall treatment such as minoxidil or finasteride, which can promote hair growth and reduce shedding. It's essential to consult with a dermatologist before starting any treatment to determine the best approach for your specific condition.
2. Luxury Hair Treatment:
Pampering your hair with luxury treatments can help restore its vitality and shine. Luxury hair treatments often include high-quality ingredients and advanced techniques to nourish and rejuvenate your locks. These treatments can be found at top hair salons in Perth, like Chilli Couture, known for their premium services.
3. Natural Hair Treatment:
For those who prefer natural solutions, there are plenty of homemade hair treatments using ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, and honey. These natural remedies can help moisturize and strengthen your hair, leaving it healthier and more vibrant.
4. Keratin Hair Treatment Perth:
Keratin hair treatments are an excellent choice for those dealing with frizz, unruly curls, or damaged hair. These treatments infuse your hair with keratin protein, making it smoother, shinier, and more manageable. Many salons in Perth offer Keratin treatments to transform your hair.
5. Organic Hair Care Salon in Perth:
If you're looking for a holistic approach to hair care, consider visiting an organic hair care salon in Perth. These salons use natural and organic products free from harsh chemicals to ensure the health and well-being of your hair and scalp.
6. Healthy Hair Treatments:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also essential for promoting strong and beautiful hair. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, regular exercise, and proper hydration can significantly impact the health of your hair.
In conclusion, common hair problems like hair fall, dryness, and damage can be effectively addressed through various treatments and solutions. Whether you opt for luxury treatment, natural remedies, or organic care, it's essential to choose what works best for your hair type and lifestyle. Visiting top hair salons in Perth, like Chilli Couture, can be a great way to explore these options and find the perfect solution to your hair concerns. Remember that consulting with a professional is crucial for determining the most suitable approach for your specific needs, ensuring that you can enjoy the benefits of healthy and beautiful hair.
Also Read:
1.         How to choose the Right Colour for your Skin Tone?
2.         How to Choose the Right Curly Haircut for Your Face Shape?
3.         Curious About Hair Extensions? Do You Know These 10 Essential Facts?
4.         Looking to Enhance Your Hair's Elasticity? Check Out These Top 7 Hair Care Tips!
5.         Considering Hair Tinting? Wondering What You Should Know? Dive into This Complete Guide!
•           Address: - 3/117 Brisbane Street, Perth Western Australia 6000
•           Phone No.:- +61452445545
•           Location: - https://goo.gl/maps/t4QDUDHjgvn1Q7qx6
•           Website: - https://www.chillicouture.com.au/
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kellieblog · 8 months
Mini Australian Shepherd Dog Breeds: Characteristics, Training & 6 Great Care Instructions You Must Know
 The Mini Australian Shepherd looks like an Australian Shepherd, but it is smaller. The Mini American Shepherd is another name for this dog.
These very adaptable dogs can do almost everything an Australian Shepherd can do, but because they are small, they can fit into many different kinds of lives.This loyal and loving friend is perfect for people who aren't ready for a bigger dog yet. They will be loyal to any family that can keep up with their high levels of energy for many years.
Getting started
The Miniature Australian Shepherd, also called a "Mini Aussie" in a friendly way, is a cute breed that has won the hearts of dog lovers all over the world. This essay talks about the history, traits, training, care, and place in culture of the Mini Australian Shepherd. It shows how popular it is as a small pet that can go almost anywhere.
The past
The Mini Australian Shepherd is a type of dog that came from the United States. It was made by putting together two smaller Australian Shepherds. At first, these dogs were used to herd animals. They were smart and quick, so they were good at it.
Differences from other Mini Australian Shepherd breeds: Each Mini Australian Shepherd has a different coat color, markings, and eye color. Most of these differences don't come from different breed categories but from differences in genes.
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Things that make up
The Mini Australian Shepherd has the same patterns and colors on its coat as the full-sized version. The way they look and the way their eyes are shaped make them look even better.
Characteristics: Mini Aussies are known for being smart and hardworking. They learn quickly and do best when they have to think hard about something.
People often say that Mini Australian Shepherds are friendly, loyal, and loving. They are usually good with kids and other animals and are close to their families.
Size: Mini Aussies are smaller than regular Australian Shepherds, as the name suggests. Most of the time, they are between 33 and 46 cm (13 to 18 inches) tall.
Weight: Most of the time, they are between 9 and 18 kg (20 to 40 pounds).
If they are well taken care of, Mini Australian Shepherds usually live between 12 and 15 years.
Training and getting to know people
The breed needs to be trained and socialized as soon as possible so that its intelligence and energy can be put to good use and it doesn't pick up any bad habits.
Mini Aussies learn well when they get treats, are praised, and have regular training sessions.
Common behavior problems and how to handle them:
The breed is smart and has a lot of energy, so when it's bored, it can sometimes act out. Getting them to do things that use their minds and bodies can help with these issues.
Taking care of things
Common Diseases and Symptoms: Mini Australian Shepherds are usually healthy, but if hip dysplasia or eye problems run in the family, they may be more likely to get them. Going to the vet often is very important.
Dietary needs: For their overall health, they need a diet that is well-balanced and meets all of their nutritional needs.
Mini Aussies are active dogs who need regular exercise to keep their bodies and minds in good shape. Outside, you should play games and do things that get you moving.
Grooming and Hygiene: Their double coat needs to be brushed often to keep it from getting tangled and to keep their skin and coat healthy. As part of grooming, you should also cut your nails, clean your ears, and take care of your teeth.
Reproduction and breeding: Responsible breeding practices focus on the health and well-being of both the parent dogs and the puppies. Breeders who are ethical try to improve the genes of the breed and keep the integrity of the breed.
Where to buy and adopt: It's best to go to reputable breeders who put the welfare of the breed first and follow ethical breeding practices. Another kind thing to do is to get a pet from a shelter or rescue group.
There are small Australian Shepherds in the news.
The Mini Australian Shepherd breed is getting more and more popular, and Mini Aussies have made the news before.
How the Mini Australian Shepherd has been used in movies and on TV:
They are good choices for roles that need dog actors because they look cute and are easy to train.
Mini Australian Shepherds are often shown in the media as smart and devoted pets, which is how they really are.
In the end,
In the end, the Mini Australian Shepherd is a powerful little dog that is smart, loyal, and cute. It used to be a dog for herding, but now it's a much-loved family pet and a versatile partner in different dog sports. The Mini Aussie has a strong work ethic and a sweet personality, which makes it a favorite among dog lovers all over the world.
Mini Australian Shepherds can do well as loved members of families and communities if their unique traits are known, they get the right training, and they get the care they need. This shows how close people and their animals can be.
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