#should I rewatch it bc now I wanna know how it ends
What’s a reason you stopped watching a really really good show?? Because sometimes I think about Blindspot and man that was good. But then they killed Roman and returned her memories (her having them without him was my issue) and I just couldn’t continue
Slightly related, I need more Luke Mitchell content
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biggiedraws · 8 months
okay i just went back and rewatched all the scenes from this season involving dazai and/or chuuya, now that i know that chuuya was pretending to be a vampire the whole time, because. i was possessed by the soukoku brainrot. anyway 10/10 recommend, knowing what theyre actually up to adds so much flavour
first off. dazais whole "chuuya, wake up. our fate will not end here" monologue is SO funny now. his dramatic ass deliberately planted himself in front of a camera and put on a show for fyodor. no wonder chuuya cut him off partway through lmfao he is SO sick of him. i would also bet that chuuya shooting him in the shoulder wasnt part of the plan (bc lets face it, he fucking would), and thats why dazai yelled and cursed him out- because he genuinely wasnt expecting it. of course it could all be part of the show, but its VERY funny to imagine that chuuya was like "hey i bet i could shoot this bastard right now and play it off like it was part of the act" and then just did it. i hate them so much
theres also the chuuya drowning monologue. now, i think its safe to say that dazai knew how that was gonna shake down, given that he clearly knows chuuyas powers better than fyodor, and he couldve reasonably predicted that fyodor would catch on in time to make an escape plan. which means this one was also completely for the drama of it. however, if you wanna get a little angsty about it, dazai is basically trusting that fyodor will save chuuya here. hes deliberately trying to kill both of them and if fyodor isnt clever enough to escape, he just killed chuuya while chuuya was IN DISGUISE TO HELP HIM and COMPLETELY AWARE OF WHATS HAPPENING. do you think there was any part of dazai that considered that these could be his last words to chuuya? he does seem to be genuinely reflecting on their history, given the flashbacks that play in the background (although that could just be for the viewer, of course, and not a reflection of his actual thoughts) so...... it might not be ENTIRELY for show. but maybe im just saying that bc i want to believe that dazai was being at least a little bit genuine when he straight up admitted- OUT LOUD- that they do actually understand each other and have a genuine connection even though they dont get along. because holy shit
one last thing. when dazai reveals that chuuya stopped the bullet and goes "we used to do this all the time, remember?" ????? hello?????? like i know chuuya has stopped bullets plenty of times. but stopping them RIGHT at someones skull, especially DAZAIS where the gravity manipulation would vanish as soon as it touches him..... how many times have you needed to do that?? and why????? like its just casually so fucking chaotic, i love references to their past like that because it can be easy to forget the kind of shit they got up to. i should rewatch the arc where they first met.......
anyway this has more than made up for the lack of chuuya content. knowing that chuuya was aware the whole time and pretending to be a vampire...... and that dazai knew that and was just putting on a show...... i will be going insane about this forever. theyre literally soulmates theyre desperate to kill each other theyre so fucking dramatic i want to hit them with my car. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
sam and colby hell week review
finally sat down to write out all of my thoughts on hell week. i'm gonna break down each video, how i feel about them, rate them, and whether or not i would watch them again.
i also did one for last year so if you wanna see that, here it is.
i'm gonna also do some rankings and maybe a bit of comparison to last years, and what i would love for them to do in the future.
idk if this is gonna be super long or what, but feel free to skip around or just read the ending lol
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yorktown hospital: major positives of this video - the group that snc went with. i love nate and seth, and i think all of them together works so well. i think the backstory of this place is horrendous and breaks my heart to hear about all of the terrible things that happened. what i did find funny was that this was the way snc found out that the organized religion can be sinful lol like… did they not know that the church can be corrupt, or did they know and were just surprised? either way, i thought it was kinda funny. the jump-scares throughout this video (at least in the intro/history portion) were not my favorite but it's fine. they definitely put their all into this first video, that's for sure. i think this video was the beginning of showing that snc, for some reason or another, were gonna really be hamming up their comedy bits in these videos. i'm not sure why they felt the need to really go all in on the jokes. i think for this one it was… okay? but as you'll see later in my reviews, i don't think it flies most times. and i think this is the first instance of them (sort of) being told to leave. the stuff that they caught in the chapel, both the first time and the estes method time, was very interesting and creepy. ngl, chapels/churches creep me out… idk why.
so before i started writing my review i watched two witches react to this video, and they talked about trickster spirits playing around with snc a lot in this video. and honestly, i kinda feel like that's the case in some way or another. they also pointed out that sam always go for the darker questions like "are you here to harm us", "are you evil", shit like that. and i never noticed it before until now. and this will also be the umpteenth time i say this but sam, please, for the love of god… STOP TRYING TO CONNECT EVERYTHING IN THE MOMENT.
the hallway investigation was cute, if not a bit dramatic. and the solo investigations were interesting as well. especially with nate and seth and the fogging of the camera??? that was kinda creepy. overall, while they didn't get a shit ton of evidence, i think the general vibe of the video fit well for hell week, especially the start of it.
rating: 4/5
would i rewatch: sure :)
mcraven mansion: going into this video, i wasn't exactly excited. mostly bc i wasn't happy about the collab. like, i get that they were on todd and brett's podcast, but what do they have to do with ghost hunting? this kinda feels like a last minute type of deal, like they were supposed to film with someone else but things fell thru. maybe i'm wrong about that tho lol but, surprisingly, this video was pretty okay. i didn't getting annoyed as much as i thought i was going to. this was the shortest video of hell week, and it honestly felt like it too. but at the same time, it kinda dragged a bit as well. also, i'm trying to be more open about ppl randomly being psychic around them, bc i myself also get weird feelings from time to time and i know what it's like to be seen as crazy for experiencing what i have. however, it's really hard to take ppl seriously when they say things all of sudden. especially when it comes out of no where OR they're someone that's never had a paranormal experience before. evidence wise, i don't remember them getting a whole bunch. the door opening, that was kinda spooky. the rempod going off like crazy was also pretty cool. OH THE HOURGLASS. that was very interesting. they should do that more often, especially if they feel like a place or a room is trapped in a time period. and the connection between that opened spirit box section and the tour guide... now THAT is something i would love for snc to do (when they get an editor that can just do their whole video lol) bc if they could back thru their evidence later and either connected it to some history they didn't know or what, i think that would add a whole new level to their videos. honestly, going back thru this video, i didn't realize how much i liked it. but something about it felt really rushed or weird to me. it has potential, but not enough follow-thru. also gotta add it: the phone falling out of brett's pocket was not paranormal lmao
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: maybe.
myrtles plantation: this video, highkey, was such a let down. i think the previous two were so good, especially for beginning hell week videos, and i expected this one to be a bit more solid. i had never heard of this place, so idk how haunted or not haunted it is. but i just feel like… nothing happened. i went into the video one way and came out the other side the same. i just feel very meh about this video overall.
the tour guide was very much… a tour guide lol idk how else to describe it, but she felt like someone trying to sell you on the place being spooky. and a side tangent, how come a lot of these videos don't have outros? or like, them talking about their night stay? very strange to leave out key details like that idk. the group that they were with, nate and amanda… yeah. i guess it worked. i'm always happy to see nate. and amanda is okay occasionally. this time around she wasn't up to her usual antics so i can appreciate that.
the reenactment…. why in god's green earth did snc do that, let alone leave it in? bc fun fact, they literally had a talk with their team before the video was posted about not including it. and i would love to know why no one thought to tell them that maybe it wasn't the most respectful thing to do. not only that, but it wasn't funny. so like… 0-2 there boys. the crystal that amanda gave colby was sweet, but knowing him he's not gonna use it to actually hone in his abilities. and the evil eye bracelets don't technically protect from evil spirits, just made mojo sent to you by humans, but it can't hurt you to have it so whatever. so the investigation itself was… fine, i guess. nothing too crazy. when they split off alone, that was where it got a bit interesting. sam was terrified, which always raises a red flag in me. bc while he can be jumpy or repeating "ooooh mmmyyy goooodddd" a lot, that doesn't mean he's scared. so when he actually is, it's a bit startling to me. the estes method with nate and amanda was actually pretty cool, i think that's where a lot of the evidence they got was the most compelling. and this is also the start of colby's audio being cut off. this happens like two or three more times and it makes no sense to me. idk if it's their camera (which is very possible) or if it's the ghosts, but either way, something doesn't want their conversation with colby to be known.
and the estes method with them all tied up around amanda was weird… but not in a paranormal way lol
rating: 2/5
would i rewatch: no :)
trans-allegheny: i liked this video a lot, both when i first watched it and rewatching to do this review. michelle was a great addition to the video. and while she was a bit jumpy, it honestly didn't bother me. i did find it funny that michelle is a badass compared to all the boys, yet she was freaked out the whole time. as for the investigation, again, this was one that fell a little flat, but i don't think it was snc's fault completely. for whatever reason, the ghosts were just not fucking around with them or their vibe. i know the hide and seek game wasn't exactly the best thing for them to do, or the hopscotch trigger event they pulled later, but i don't think they were super disrespectful to the spirits. but the voice they caught saying lily on camera and not in the evp recorder was very compelling. honestly that part was creepy as hell to me. the estes method with michelle... eh. i get she was scared, but this was the only time her jumping got a bit too much for me. also, it's interesting how whoever they were talking to didn't want them there at all. it kinda felt as if some bigger spirit wasn't allowing them to talk to who was actually there. it could be that or the spirits for whatever reason felt disrespected by them.
the hopscotch thing was.......... a thing. why do i have a sneaking suspicion that sam came up with this trigger event lol the hide and seek game was an interesting concept, i guess. props to michelle for hiding bc i would have said absolutely fuck no baby to snc. that voice box that they used towards the end was somehow way creepier than anything else in the video. i think cutting out the radio static makes whatever voices that do come thru all the more scarier. overall, while this video did feel like a filler, i wasn't upset about it. i think it was right on the line of fully fun investigation and filler.
rating: 3.5/5
would i rewatch: yeah
old washoe club: so by this point in hell week, i want the scariest, the creepiest, the overall terrifying-est videos snc can give us. halloween is approaching and i want to be spooked. and this video was… not that. i said earlier it was a bit of grower on me, and i can see myself liking it later down the line. and i do think that's the case to some degree. like i said earlier, i watched two witches react to their videos, and this was one of them. so now watching it for a third time just to do this review is not exactly sitting well with me since i still have the same reactions as i did before.
the place itself, honestly, doesn't seem haunted to me. maybe residual energy, sure, but nothing actually demonic or scary. or so i thought for the most part. when kris got scratched, that was really freaky. part of me is bit skeptical, bc i feel like it could have been her (bc snc saying "oh she can't even reach that part" is not believable to me lol all she had to do was stand up straight and i'm sure she could have) but i'll take their word for it that it wasn't her and it was something there that did that. i'm surprised at how well composed she was for this entire video. honestly, when she's not around celina, she does better with paranormal in my opinion. that's not a rag on celina, just an observation i have lol
i will say the only two places that gave me bad vibes was the crypt and the red room. the crypt was pretty weird, and the flashlight literally moving, plus turning on and off like four times while doing so, was very intriguing. and of course it would pick colby. but what i thought was interesting was that, yet again, the audio for him cut out. part of me, again, thinks it might be the camera. i know they have two nightvision cameras, so i wonder if one of them is busted. but then another part of me is like "they've used both before in other videos (literally even the previous one) and it didn't glitch on them that time so… what gives?" but i think my favorite part of the whole video was colby saying "i felt an innocent presence with me". now THAT'S the shit i'm talking about !!! seriously, colby does stuff like that, and it just makes me more excited to see his path going forward with the paranormal.
as for the rest of the video, it was fine. the trigger event this time around didn't feel insulting, so that's nice i guess. and personally, i'm starting to think that little kid spirits just don't exist. nothing they were getting on the spirit box/ovilus was child related. the sls stuff they got was kinda interesting, but also just felt like a glitch to me. but they should pull out that device more often. i think the crystal ball part was a bit… obtuse? like, i get it. they want to do something to open up their psychic abilities, but… maybe read up on it more and not just go out and buy a crystal ball lol and kris standing in that room by herself - props to her. you can just tell she was freaking out and was scared out of her mind. but she remanded decently calm.
rating: a very soft 3/5
would i rewatch: not for a while lol but yeah at some point
bell witch cave: i'm gonna say what everyone else is thinking - this should have been the finale. at least, it feels like a finale type of video to me. nonetheless, i think this was their best investigation by far. i think it was on par with the conjuring which is why it also felt like it should have been the finale. the team they were with - fantastic. love the four of them. i think collectively snc always get the craziest stuff with seth and josh (minus the pine barrens which i think is snc's worst video to date, tied with crescent hotel, but feel free to disagree). also, just noticed this now rewatching it, but when they're in the cabin and snc tell josh and seth that they plan to not use equipment first, josh and seth tell them they call that "quiet-game shit" which... is highkey hilarious for some reason lol so the knocking, while it is pretty scary (and probably scarier in the moment), i always wonder if it's just the old ass houses they are in doing that. it's hard for me to wrap my head around a spirit being so strong enough to kill a man, but not strong enough to appear and speak, but instead resorts to knocks? idk. but regardless, i think them being freaked out is what freaked me out the most. bc you can tell when they're all genuinely scared versus hamming it up for the cameras.
but i have to note, that colby saying "in 2021, when we did queen mary, it almost feels like time didn't even go by at all and we're in like the ship for some reason." ....can someone check on him? please? bc that's a bit concerning. but also i need him to elaborate on that thought. do you mean that time feels a bit frozen to you? or was it just in the queen mary itself? or is it even now? bc all of those questions don't exactly lead to the same conclusions.
them using an actual witch to cleanse themselves.... round of applause for finally doing what we've been telling you for FUCKING YEARS TO DO. the onvoy glitching a bunch was pretty interesting, but i still have some issues with that device. but either way, it was confusing as to why that was happening. the cave itself was very spooky. something about this was way more creepier than even the catacombs they went to last year. something about the energy of that place is off. all of them going in and taking polaroids was actually a pretty interesting idea. and i think the execution was awesome and kinda terrifying. the fact that the camera just wasn't taking pics of colby..... immediate chills for me. also sam being that scared, again, spooks me more just bc of how serious he gets. both of their polaroids were weird as hell. it honestly looks like to me that there's a figure behind colby, but it's hard to tell bc of how warped the pic became. seth and josh hearings voices was freaky too. and you could tell they were legitimately scared by them. but i find it interesting that seth and josh's photos weren't all that weird looking. the final part was a bit all over the place, again - probably bc sam likes to connect everything together in the moment instead of just... letting it happen naturally, but i think the conclusion was overall pretty well.
rating: 5/5
would i rewatch: yes
winchester mystery house: i think a lot of us were kinda going into this video not excited, bc we know the dynamic kris and celina have. i know i wasn't excited about this video, and especially bc it got uploaded so late that it basically was on halloween, so i wanted something scary. conjuring level.
that's not what we got, but i was pleasantly surprised by this video.
but i do gotta talk about the negatives: the medium, the one present with them, was… idk. something about her felt fake. sorry. especially when she honed in on celina and said "oh you see dead ppl" which like…. what a convo starter. also telling her she needs to love herself and see herself the way others do or whatever. that was sweet, i'll give you that. but like, maybe don't include in the video, boys. it's not connected to the investigation so move it along.
the guides this time weren't as annoying as the last time, if i remember correctly. they didn't seem to be trying to get you to believe the place is haunted, just that there have been some strange stuff going on. i will say tho, this house to me has not a single spirit in it. idk what it is, but nothing about this house feels haunted at all. it feels peaceful in a way, but not haunted. also when they talk about the doors that lead to no where or the stairs that do that, all i can think is there was an earthquake there. shit that once existed does not anymore. maybe that's why shit doesn't make sense layout wise. especially the one door that leads to the outside. clearly there used to be a deck there that isn't there now.
i think this time around the empathy that they have for sarah is a really nice change of pace. i don't think last time they were disrespectful, more so that they just believed that hype of the legend of her being a crazy woman.
the numerology, while i know some of you don't believe it, is what (to me) saved this video from being ass. i think regardless of how you feel about it, it's very intriguing to see how the numbers relate to snc. kris and celina's, gonna be honest, i don't know them well enough to really say one way or another. but snc's numbers are the most interesting to me. so sam's being the guide makes perfect sense, i think. would i say he's colby's guide? maybe yes maybe no. i think sam definitely helps colby a lot figure out what he truly wants to do and has directed him down a really good path in life. i think they mesh well together in a lot of ways. and i think sam's more logical/cynical side gets balanced out by colby's more positive/dream-like side. sam said it once before, that his favorite attribute about colby is his smile bc he always just makes everyone else happy and that is 1000% RIGHT. as for colby's number, i mean… is it suprising to anyone? seriously, i recommend you read up on number 11s and see how much really connects with colby bc highkey some are just spot on.
if anyone wants to know mine, i'm a 2 :)
but back to the investigation portion - while i don't know how much i believe in celina's abilities, i do think she definitely feels things regardless. and that in itself kinda proves she has some ability. i think evidence wise, they didn't catch all that much. the voice they heard, them seeing things possibly, celina following who she thought was sarah… it was sort of compelling, sort of meh. again, the thing that stood out to me was the numerology stuff.
and as for them going thru the house on their own, the audio cutting off on colby AGAIN is insane to me. how is that possible??? and sam being fucking terrified for some reason was really strange to me. his spirits were high all night, but the moment he thought he saw something, he was about ready to shit himself. i'm concerned for him and the way he jumps from borderline cold towards the paranormal to scared shitless. he should really work on finding a middle ground and centering himself when he does get scared.
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: possibly, but most likely only for the numerology stuff
overall rating of hell week: 3.5/5
wouldn't you believe it: i'm basically giving the same rating to hell week as i did last year. bc i realized this half-way thru hell week - both seasons of hell week are like any other season of snc. they just give it a better title. bc think about it, take last year's hell week. everyone i've come across has said that last years was so much better. if that's the case, take out the conjuring finale….. is it really better than what we got this year? bc i don't think so. i think both are on par with one another. hell technically, i did the average score for both hell weeks and this one ranked higher, but by like .01 percent. so that's what i mean. both hell weeks are fine. but they aren't spectacular. snc have a better chance of filming a one off scary-ass video than they do planning to film a scary video.
to quote myself from an ask not too long ago: i honestly feel like both hell weeks were average at best. the only reason the first one felt crazy was bc it was first. also, snc hadn’t been doing all paranormal last year. they started 2021 out with 25x25, then stopped bc it wasn’t gaining views, did paranormal for a hot minute, went to chernobyl, and then did hell week. there had been a long enough pause between content, and i think them going back to the conjuring, alone, added to hell week feeling special. but in reality… it was basically the precursor to what they ended up doing this year. it just felt cooler back then.
here are some things that i would love for snc to do in the future, for both hell week and any other seasons they plan to do:
please, for the love of god, stop freaking out so much. take it down even one notch, and i swear the content will be better.
sam, stop talking over every estes method. stop trying to connect everything WHILE it's happening. do that later, or when the estes method is over.
colby, go to a psychic or witch or something and start reading up on your abilities. i NEED you to be more empathic lol
do at least one investigation per season solo. if you want someone with you in the beginning, sure. but go alone, with just the two of you. bc that content is fire regardless of what you get.
use the sls camera more.
if you can find a way to let us hear what the spirit box is saying during an estes method, that would be awesome.
find a way to go back thru videos after you've filmed them and see if things are connected that you didn't realize before.
maybe tone down the hyping up of every video bc then it ends up being a let down when it isn't the best
if you do hell week again, you gotta post the videos from creepiest to scariest bc otherwise it just ends up feeling a bit mish-mashed
there's probably other stuff i could add, but i'll just let them focus on this lol (as if they'll ever see it)
i genuinely enjoyed hell week, and i'm excited to see what the future holds for snc. i don't see them getting worse, so everything can only go up from here.
ranking of the videos
bell witch cave
yorktown hospital
winchester mystery house
washoe club
mcraven mansion
myrtles plantation
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jakowskis · 9 days
Day 23 - Discuss Tosh. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
tosh my babygirl my princess light of my life angel darling… shes so good. shes so good 🥺 i love her dearly. she’s so damn underutilized i hate how the show regulates her to a supporting role + only uses her for romantic plots. WACK shes so much more than that. i want a plotline about her cyberterrorism like hello??? i want a plotline about her warped little mind.. i want a plotline about her finally learning spanish ;-; that show did not do her justice and it did not deserve her. i often say torchwood’s characters are too good for the show; tosh is probs the best example of that. no other character gets screwed over as badly as she does by the narrative (not even ianto!) she’s so tragic and lonely i just wanna give her the biggest hug ever. 
fav moment… every time she smiles. (or smirks. hrgh. tosh call me.) also every time she geeks out about smth. im tryna think of a specific moment but idk if i have one?? i just love her overall i smile every time she’s on screen she’s my girlie. when i rewatch i might rmr one though
least favorite moment, the absolute only thing i can think of (hell, my only complaint with her as a character other than i wish she’d get over owen cuz bad taste queen pls u deserve sm better) - it’s always bothered me how she goes over to owen’s flat in aditd and just starts babbling about her own problems. she even says something like “you think everything’s about you”, and in that ep it’s like ??? why are they all acting like he’s unjustified being miserable and angry when he's fucking dead?? like they're all so unsympathetic and mean, even tosh, and out of her it's especially weird?? tbh it just strikes me as ooc (+ kind of misogynistic highkey) writing. i mean, by all means, let tosh bitch, she deserves to blow off some steam + esp deserves to be rude to owen tbh fhsdkjfsd, but the way it’s done in that particular moment feels ooc and, like, how men write women as talking too much and never listening lmao u kno what i mean (owen’s tuned out in the actual episode but you can see her full ramble in the original script, on page 23). tosh has never troubled anyone with her issues before, why would she choose now to, and when she knows owen’s struggling? yeah, on second thought, i don’t hold that against her actually, that’s ooc to me fhdkf. thts just the writer being a wiener.
my only unpopular opinions (slash hot takes) are that 1) towen fucking SUCKS get her away from him, and 2) most people like tosh but she’s highkey underappreciated, esp in fanfic, because of fandom racism + misogyny. she’s not bashed like gwen is but she’s ignored completely which is nearly as bad, and a lot of it’s cuz she happens to be in a show with two white men in a gay relationship who are overwhelmingly prioritized 💀 i will never not be petty about the way that ship dwarfs everything else in comparison. also throwing towen into the background of janto is so gross n cheap. if ppl cared abt her they'd do smth more interesting. and it's never well-done either. ugh.
i have a few hcs that are gonna end up in my owento verse (gwen and tosh are prominent characters in it bc i love them, and their relationships w owen and ianto and each other also have value lawl). tbh a lot of em are just things i think they should introduce into their lives to be happier. i want them happy ;-;
she starts coding video games recreationally!! nothing fancy but she rlly enjoys it + also gets into the swing of making little storylines n getting to express herself that way which is good for her. owen playtests shit for her
her and gwen go on spa dates sometimes. they put it on the torchwood credit card
she gets into fish tanks and fish tank care!!! esp like aquarium plants. shrimp and moss balls, that sort of thing. maybe plecos or loaches. she loves it + it’s grounding, which is good for her bc shes otherwise always got her head in her computers yanno. she’ll sit by her tank while she codes her games and the water sounds are calming. 
she also sits by it while she studies her spanish books which she does finally do. she doesn’t get around to the piano, though; doesn’t prioritize buying a keyboard. maybe one day (this is a nobody dies au btw so she will in fact eventually get around to it ;-;)
oh she’s autistic have i said that. the fish tanks absolutely become a spin. she has a few we know of from canon - math and computers, obviously, but also history (gbg) and the uk’s rivers (from gooseberry; i think it was just the uk maybe it was europe’s rivers. or the world’s! i don’t remember). she also loves trivia like she knows a fair amount about quite a lot of things + loves accumulating random info
lowkey also. giving her a kitty. i think tosh should have a lil fuzzy kitty to keep her company 
well this is smth from my owandy verse but i think it should happen anyway. so it kind of kicks off bc gwen mixes up a blind date (it was gonna be tosh & andy and then owen & a friend of hers, but shes an adhd icon n bungles the invites <3)... tosh ends up with gwen’s friend, who’s straight, but they hit it off and she invites tosh to have drinks or maybe come to a bookclub meet or something with some friends of hers?? point is, tosh makes some casual friends. maybe meets a pretty girl there or smth 👁️ but mainly i want tosh to have girl friends like i think she grew up very lonely i want her to have some normalcy
also sometimes i like tosh x andy maybe they have a little meet cute at a torchwood crime scene or smth fshdkfd. i think they’d be cute and he’d treat her well. she'd babble abt tech stuff and he wouldnt understand a damn word but he'd listen very intently
i also like tosh x ianto for similar reasons. i think it’d be a kind of friends to lovers sitch... they should just be close in general tbh, platonically or not yanno, and in my owandy verse i like the idea of smth kicking off between them i just think theyd be so sweet
she’s a very sleepy drunk and also a lightweight. if the team goes out to drink she’ll get two glasses of smth moderately fruity and then fall asleep against someone’s shoulder it’s very cute (this is just cuz i like the idea of a sleepy tosh 🥺 my baby my baby shes so precious to meee)
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jemmo · 6 months
For the ask game: 14?
thank you sm for the ask ☺
14. bl you think is underrated
ooh this is a tricky one, bc i can definitely tell you what i think is overrated (but thats not the question...), plus im always gonna think my favourites are underrated bc everyone should love them but i digress. i wanna highlight 3 shows/things bc the first one is a short series and then a movie and thats his. idk if it's bc its a few years old now but when i watched this show and then the film i just adored it. first of all, the show is the perfect kind of chill watch where not really much happens and yet a lot happens?? thats how me and my sister affectionately describe our favourite kind of shows bc they deal in the normal and everyday and manage to make it seem huge and beautiful and this series does that with one of my favourite tropes that i love to see crop up in j-bls which is an escape to the beach (and later the countryside), plus the show has the most awesome and well done early 2000s aesthetic that just fills me with nostalgia. but the film is a whole other thing. it pulls an old fashioned cupcake/cherry magic and gives us adults but unlike them shows us a story that is very grounded and real and serious, like they really said lets take this bl and actually make it a story about parenting and what a family can be and show just how complicated it all is and sometimes there is no winning and thats life. god its just beautiful, and theres still a deep and meaningful love story at the heart of it. just go watch it now if you haven't, or rewatch it if you haven't for a while.
second im picking eien no kinou and im prefacing this by saying i get why less people talk about this bc its not fun and some people dont wanna watch a story they know will be sad, but its also so important that it exists and i think it touches on some really tough topics and manages to tell them beautifully. and bc i havent seen much of what ppl say about this, idk what any consensus takes are but i felt very emotional watching this through the lens of erasure of queer relationships when it comes to loss, how sometimes when people aren't out or cant share their relationship, they become lost, or invisible, when someone is lost. and i mean... the queer experience is all-encompassing and such grief is something that should also be talked about when queerness can affect that process in a specific way, and while i dont think its easy to watch or revisit, its nevertheless important and beautiful
ive talked about some more heavy shows so i'm ending with if its with you, which is recent but even i pushed it to the side a little bc i liked i cannot reach you so much, but this show is kinda like the opposite to the ones above. i feel like people like a middle ground in their shows between drama and comfort, so while people dont talk as much about serious or sad shows, they also dont talk about the shows that are just nice. and this show is just that, bc its all about teaching someone thats had a bad experience that there is simple kindness in the world and its so heart-warming. i'll never forget the way ryuuji responded in that last ep when amane got nervous around the other kids, how he thought it would be this big think that he'd be mad about bc that's what happens in every show, but ryuuji was just like yeah its ok i understand and im not mad. just the pure kindness this show has to people feeling the way they feel is so refreshing and beautiful and it captures the high school simplicity of it all in a way that makes you step back as someone older and think huh yeah it really is just that easy, its just about happiness.
anyway, between this and the last response, i think by j-bl bias is jumping out a bit too much but thats the end of my rant, thank you for coming to my ted talk
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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suns-pott · 2 years
Losing my mind over the Jazz on the clock music video
So Luxiem's Jazz on the clock music video dropped almost a week ago, and I've noticed they've hidden some things in there. I haven't seen anyone solve it yet and I'm stuck so I'm looking to the internet for help and to compile what I've figured out so far. There's gonna be a million screenshots.
The plot is made clear to us through the various newspapers shown throughout the video.
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Some of it is hard to read but I can make out the messages in order from top to bottom of the middle newspaper:
Lords are on alert.
Luxiem sent a notice to the lords.
Luxiem, a group of thieves causing havoc in the city, is the next target a lord?
A letter of warning sent to the lord.
And to the right I can make out the message:
A succession of security incidents
The number of riots continues to increase
Their news again. Luxiem. a group of thieves who target the mansions of aristocrats and steal their money and goods to give back to the common people.
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And another newspaper that reads:
Luxiem, stealing the crown.
Last night Luxiem stole the crown at the clock tower.
Luxiem appears at the clock tower.
With all this we can say Luxiem are like a robin hood kind of group, stealing from rich and giving to the poor. And they decide to steal a crown at a clock tower which seems to be their biggest heist yet.
Hidden messages
There's some numbered sentences sprinkled throughout the video, I have no idea how many there are but the video ends with the number 10 so I think there's 10 of them?? The first newspaper that was shown above has a number one with the message: I wanna live free all the time. Keepin' it reals what we do. As for number 2...
The video starts with this morse code message.
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I looked to the comments for people who know morse code and I found a comment by moon?!
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So during Ike's first appearance in the video there's this text shown sideways.
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2. But I can't do that in this city that has taken over.
Which member would win an arm wrestling competition? What did Mysta say? Go to that person.
The first Luxiem game show was hosted by Mysta some months ago, and I went back and checked who Mysta wrote would win an arm wrestling match, that being Luca. (This screenshot is cropped so none of the members are shown but Ike is on the left and Luca is on the right just believe me ok-)
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There's a number 3 on the left with the text: But I can't do that in this city that has taken over. And on the right there's the message: Let's go to the top of the 636c6fb20746f776572.
Now I have no idea what the numbers are, I'm sure it's some kind of code out of the many different ones that exist. So I didn't solve it, I just found it bc of the number.
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4. I don't want to see you cry anymore.
Again I have no idea what the jumble of letters and numbers mean but i found number 5 anyway and now that I type this out I am not smart enough to actually solve this-
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5. So I take the crown. I'll cast a spell on you give you a taste.
So I'm not sure if there are more numbers, there probably is, but I've rewatched this goddamn video several times and I just don't know where to go from here. And now I'm screaming this into the void for help.
Also I have these and idk what to do with them, I'm sure they will be relevant later but it is 1 am and I am running on 4 hours of sleep already and I should probably sleep.
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Anyways I'm gonna get some sleep now, thank you for reading this whole ass rant I have going on. I will get back to the regularly scheduled requests in a bit, summer school is kind of kicking my ass at the moment, and writer's block at the same time. I just need to get my ass moving.
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Hi!! Coming to your asks like I threatened to talk about the one frog king movie I enjoyed!
It is the German 2008 Version with Sidonie von Krosigk. You can find it here for reference & in case you want to watch it. (you might need a vpn if you're not in Germany but then it should be free I think? Also, I am just assuming now that I remember correctly and you speak German?)
Bear in mind, the last time I saw it is like 10-15 years ago so my memory is definitely faulty. But I remember I liked a number of things a lot:
There were Sidonie von Krosigk and Marie Luise Stahl and I found that very exciting because I am a child of the 90s and love witches and was accordingly into the Bibi Blocksberg movies that they appeared in (mostly the second one that involved maths tbh)
It's less about the princess and more about a whole friend group of nobles living at the castle and I remember them being precious together
They have that amazing thing (like really WHAT happened there?) that one of the princes only speaks in acronyms. Even when he proposes, I think. 'PS' f.ex. is how he adresses 'Princess Sophie', the main character. Flawless decision making in the writers department - this is the kind of stuff I will still remember in 20 more years. Also, I mean, it was definitely because he was the super rich and powerful prince, but everyone in the friend group accommodated for him, translating for him and making his speech pattern work. So A+ for solidarity there
The princess is - as far as I remember - very aro coded and her relationship to the prince is rather platonic, more like "two people with the same interest (=travelling) have found each other". Maybe I am making this up in my mind to make the movie appeal more to myself but that's how I remember it. Didn't feel much like a marriage in the end and more like, so, we're besties now, goodbye friends, we're off to see Spain! Like, still risky from his perspective to choose HER as a travelling buddy but at least it's not like she can throw him against the wall anymore, human as he is. And she gets to have more personality than 'spoiled' in this tale. So it makes a little more sense for them to go away together.
And I mostly wanted to ask whether you know the movie because of that shared interest being travelling. That is kinda similar to what happens in your story. Not the same motives but the result stays the same, the couple goes off to travel with their servant(s). So I was just wondering.
Anyway the number of frog king related things I enjoy went up to 2 yesterday and I'm very happy for it :)
(That said, I have never watched the Disney version and I feel like I might like it? But I also feel like it has little to do with the original.
...aaand I just remembered there are actually 3 frog king things I enjoy bc there is also a children's book about an unhappy prince and a frog is like 'I'm an enchanted princess, kiss me and you'll be happy and a king and we will have a thousand riches.' So he does and turns into a frog and they are happy together and rule the kingdom of the pond and have a thousand little frog kids together who are their greatest treasures. I liked that one, too. The art was gorgeous.)
Also I feel like I might just get my sister to rewatch the movie with me now. Very risky to do that with things you remember fondly from childhood (also I already remember the animation of the frog to have been terrible so there's that) but it might be fun? And I kinda wanna know how faulty my memory actually is.
Sorry, this is a lot of rambling now but maybe you enjoyed it? It all came up bc of your fic at least :)
I hope you'll have a good day today <3
First of all, hiii :D
I do actually know that one, I think I've watched it when I was younger! (I'm Austrian, so yes, I know German XD) I might have to rewatch it then!
The Disney one is quite nice! I haven't watched it in ages but I think it was one of the Disney films I enjoyed most.
Glad to have provided something happy for you to read!! (shameless self promo but if you enjoy Fairytale retellings - vague and closer to the original - I have one that's vaguely Beauty & the Beast inspired, and one that has a curse and mermaids XD Technically I have a plot for a Sleeping Beauty one but due to hhhhh work I haven't been able to finish any other fics to have time to write that yet. Herm, lots of fic ideas, there's also one with a Minotaur and the labyrinth :P) Tush, enough self promo! I'm glad you enjoyed my fic!
I realised btw that you're the Mels Zucker/Doctor Jones fic that popped up on my Tumblr a few times, and I'm so intrigued by it. I hope to be able to pick up reading it soon👀
Wonderful day to you too!
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toadstool32 · 1 year
Finished season two of osomatsu, wasn't as good as the first but i did like it, while there were bits that did have me gasping for air it wasn't as frequent as with S1, i loved the bits that where like mini stories! I love when u put guys into situations like taxi driver Kara, little spirit girl oso and president dekapan i think those may go on for a bit too long but i appreciate the kind of humor where run a joke into the ground, i still laughed! The vulgar humor felt somehow even more vulgar and yes i still laughed, i don't care that much for iyami but his episodes keep being either really funny or really sad and i appreciate it also also!! Oso n Kara !!!! I love the shitty eldest and how they got more bits i liked that also totty being the joke in S2 was good i think he can take it better his straight man act also gets called out it's fun this post somehow turned into a review whoops
The openings!!! The endings!!! I swear all the funds for this anime go into them and not enough into making the jokes funnier but I'm ok with that actually osomatsu San can be a little trashy,as a treat
Two last episodes where good, idk how else to say it the way the characters behave + how they have to return to status quo bc the nature of a gag anime is both heartbreaking and hilarious
I also watched the movie bc as i said earlier i feel kind of a completionist vibe here bc i actually just wanted to watch the movie bc i saw a karamatsu clip on yt n my love reawakened it was actually all sorts of embarrassing tbh, soil had to watch S2 but before that i had to get refamiliarized with the characters so i had to rewatch S1 but then i had to go watch clips on yt an Nico and it was whole thing u know, I've had a busy week.amyway the movie was good! Cried at the end i love nozomi lots and I'm upset she's movie exclusive the music was not bad but also not the best but also i was too busy laughing to NOTICE the score in this y'know, ALSO THE REUNION WAS PAINFUL TO WATCH AAA A y'know how when Kara says something cringe or painful like those hurt a certain way but I'm too endeared for it to actually matter THIS was next level cringe and maybe it's just bc I'm a twenty xxxxxxx year old or whatever but i actually felt physical pain during that which is estrange! We don't have school reunions here??! I may not have a job but I'm still studying and also doin internships so while the pain of being a useless fuck in society or whatever should hit to deep It did!! The power of anime it's strong dog i wanna get a job now? Wack! It was a good movie 10/10 would force my friends to watch it with me, karamatsu was real cute!!<3
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
Mahou wrap up 2022 survey results
Here are the results of the recent questionnaire for your Mahou 2022!
Best character:
irma w.i.t.c.h.
Lemon Kokoa
sunday spade wild cardz
Luchia Nanami
Mew Lettuce
Cure Whip! (i rewatched KiraKira! So not really 2022? If from 2022 only, I loved Kuroe)
Cure Precious/Yui Nagomi
nanami kiryuu
Fuwa Kokone
Sayaka miki (I watched side story this year so it technically counts even though she’s my favorite magical girl ever)
Yui Nagomi/Cure Precious, Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Ichigo
Best character design:
Cure YumYum
Cure Yum Yum
Cure coral
cure flora
Cure Finale
The Hirogaru Sky silhouettes. I just know the full designs are gonna be ballin'
This is a hard one, all of the Primagi designs are tied.
kumi kumi from mgrp white is minecraft
Infinite Iroha (Magia Record)
I just love seeing designs in general
the way utena uses the transformations for symbolism and what not is super cool design by itself goes to cure summer shes great
Mew Lettuce's and Mew Zakuro's 2022 designs
Best work:
Tokyo Mew Mew New
Tokyo Mew Mew New!
care bear stars
Healer Girl
....does witch hat atelier count as a mg since it's witches or it it too fantasy world to be one? either way it slaps
Ultra Maniac
Delicious Party PreCure has its moments but it's not my fav season or anything. I wish I had time for more anime this year, but unfortunately I've been working overtime.
Can I say Glitter and Guilt? Because there's published webcomic pages now
utena is the best show ive watched in a long time i love picking it apart and even tough its super dark and hard to watch the visuals and everything is amazing i love the movie the most its so surreal and dreamy this is all entirely expected bc i love twin peaks and theyre a very similar niche
I really really liked Madoka side story, but I watched yuki yuna and was really pleasantly surprised by it!
Free comment field for gushing about something that didn’t fit the other topics:
uhh watch lego monkie kid its like a magical girl show but about a boy
Keeping it to series i more or less saw this 2022 but i really wanna praise waccha primagi tho its more of an idol series than magical girl the magic is every present in the show and i love the great myamu sama the ending moved me to tears.
saint tail remaster bless discotek
Obsessed with the Shugo Chara Wonderland merch that released earlier this year.
Was fascinated how some of the dress up collection dresses made a comeback in the DeliPre series. For example when Kokone was shown wearing Rikka's blue gown.
Watching Vampire in the Garden (a non mahou show) has given me ideas for making a magical girl OC with clothes based on Imperial Russia. You can never have too many OCs!
all the merch and new content for the early-mid 2000's shows and manga has got me really excited! like, of course we got the Tokyo Mew Mew reboot, but there's been new merch and art for Shugo Chara, Mermaid Melody has that sequal series being released, and even Saint Tail has gotten some stuff. It makes me hopeful that other manga besides Mew Mew will also get the same love and attention!
power of friendship is the shit and somehow mg shows make it not cheesy but good good
The Mascots and Recipepes in Delicious Party Precure are so cute!! I also liked the addition of Rosemary and BlackPepper/Takumi.
Hmmm I really liked some magical girl webcomics I was reading, like Cloudy Wondrous and Captian Jellyfish
I love Takumi from DeliPaPre, he's such a dork and its very endearing how he tries to be a cool Tuxedo Mask type but sometimes forgets his Cool Guy persona bc "omg its yui" lol
Complaint time!
Gushing Over Magical Girls should be good. i like the designs but too horny for the age of everyone
Mew Mint's henshin was a major downgrade from the original
The adaptation of Magia Record was such a disappointment! It undid the happy ending of the game and killed of several characters for shock value!
I finally got around to watching all of Day Break Illusion and GOD it started out really cool and interesting, but than it decided to just get BAD bad a bit after the half way mark. Lots of missed potential.
i watched a lot of older and darker mg shows this year and i really dont like the saturation of designs that exist now also there arent newer medium dark shows that ive heard its either for kids or everyone dies i like both but not as the only option
How easily I fall out of a Precure season. Delicious Party I think is the furthest I've ever gotten
yuis lack of a personality in delipre
The 4th cures design and general costume of delipre didnt really live up to the food theme.
Honestly I really hate how delicious party precure is pushing stress eating as a good thing.
Delicious Party Precure seemed to have TOO many themes at the same time and didn't feel as cohesive as other teams to me.
Hmm I tried watching some of the later entries in precure (tropical rouge and delipre) and I simply couldn’t get into any of them :/ I also tried watching flip flappers again and simply couldn’t get through it again -_- it was uncomfortable to watch
Mahou plans and hopes for 2023:
That the new precure series will be aesthetic af
I'm always excited for the next Precure!
im hoping this years precure has an angel theme and there will be more cyber inspired designs in general i find them fun and good for diversity also ive started the sailor moon anime i read the manga when i was a little kid but ive never watched it
To like the new season of precure and for Magilumere to keep going
Super excited for Hirogaru Sky!! And Mew New season 2
I hope the new precure season uses the duo formula again, and a more pastel color palette. Also looking forward to the new Sailor Moon movie!
I hope the next precure season is better than DeliParty, and I also hope for a Primagi season 2! Just more new original stories would be nice.
new original series.
I'm really looking forward to Mahou Shoujo Magical Foghters and In/Spectre season 2!! Gonna watch those weekly!
Learn to take things off the backburner
God I wish I could design magical girls
Hopefully I’ll be able to get my current project going (webcomic)
More magical girl stuff in general, and less fighting among fans over ships and the grimdark vs. standard genres
Thanks to everyone who took part!
Raffle winners have been contacted. I’ll wait... let’s say a week in case people are busy doing something else over the holidays than browsing tumblr, and if there’s no response I’ll pick a different winner.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Bad Buddy Rewatch Blogging
Gonna do a rewatch of my favourite BL hoho It won’t be like the regular live blogging cuz I don’t wanna record every thought (I have so many + I remember generally what happens in what ep cuz I’d watched it so many times) but just general ep thoughts, fave scenes etc.
Trickster Pran With Plans and Lies
1-4: Come up with way to get Wai to apologize and get Engineering to back off
1-4: tricks Pat into adding him on LINE first
2-1: The bus station is a truce~~ story
4-1: bus stop building but make it a competition
Ep 6: makes up a sob story about his first love and gets his friends drunk to stop them from beating up Pat
12-3: “A guy with dimples told me to pretend” - it was Pran’s idea to trick everyone bout the high school reunion
Because of this, I think Pran was also the one who came up with the scheme of hiding their relationship from everybody except InkPa, Korn, and Wai
General Thoughts
Ep 1 (Dec 4)
a generally meh first ep where it has intriguing characters and connections but just tooo much fighting
still don’t like how they treat Pa
Fave Scene: 1-4 where we get a P’Aof cameo + they’re sitting on the stairs and have a teasing chat
Ep 2
I’ve watched so many more Thai shows since I originally watched it and also started paying attention to Thai linguistics, so it’s fun to get things I didn’t before. When Pa tells Pat “What a prince!” she uses the word Khun Chai and now I understand Pat using -khab in kopunkhab and that indicating male instinctively rather than only knowing it bc of a reddit post explanation + the ‘jeeb’/flirt/dumpling pun
Pat’s friends heckling in front of Pran’s door, especially thinking it’s a girl, continues to be horrific
Dunk is Pat’s high school friend
Fave Scene: Pran realizing Pat is the guy next door on the rooftop, their little restaurant convo
Ep 3
the first episode where we really, really get to see just how much Pat’s willing to do for Pran (helping him present his idea, the bus design roleplay, keeping the guitar for him)
Fave Scene: last scene where Pat says “I like your face... when you lose!” and Pran has the most love-stricken expression full of longing on his face
Ep 4 (Dec 5)
The tragectory of this show is interesting cuz the first ep is intriguind but average, ep 2 and 3 are better and then ep 4 comes in and is just so fucking incredible 
I could write 3 essays on everything I love about the sleepover scene, from the characterization, the way it’s shot, the conversations, the acting choices, gosh, such a beautiful incredible scene
Fave Scene: of course the ending sleepover scene is unbeatable. though pat’s “hiya. i know you wanna let me innnn” through the doorhole after pran kicks him out in pt 1 is cute as hell. Part 3 when Pran joins Pat and Pran at the restaurant and he has glassy eyes the entire time. Part 3 when Pran cleans Pat’s face. Part 4 Pran and Ink’s convo on the bench and also I think it’s hilarious that Ink doesn’t know which should Pran hurt
Ep 4 (Dec 5/6)
Part 4 is just so incredible both downstairs and on the roof. The character motivations and actions, the acting, the narrative progression, the conversations, the music, the filming, everything is just so fucking good
Fave: is there anything more iconic than Ep 5 - 4? Fight on the ground and rooftop scene. But also love Pat’s “boo!” in part 1
Ep 6 (Dec 6)
During my first rewatch, this was just a meh episode (esp after coming from ep 5) but I wonder how I’ll feel about it now - esp after seeing so many Thai BLs with the beach episode
I think I liked it more rewatching it this time because I already have knowledge about what happens with Pat and Pran in my head whereas when I first watched it I was like aghh give me more happy PatPran not distant T.T
The random partners thing is so middle/high school lol like when they become partners for the games at the beginning and then when they get assigned rooms, they keep looking at each other hoping to be partners and then are like :< when they’re not
Fave Scene: Don’t have any, though the after credit finger licking scene is iconic. Pat just tryna bother the Architecture people is funny too
Ep 7 (Dec 6)
My fave episode !!! Let’s see if it holds up
I wish I could find what exactly Pat said in Thai when he was sending that pic of his car to Pran. Pran called him Hia when texting back though lol
the start of Ink/Pa as well
Fave Scene: the entirety of it fr but maybe especially the last scene when they’re just kissing each other and trying to get the other to open the door
Ep 8 (Dec 7)
Did Pa say kha or khab during 8-1 when speaking with Pat and Pran in the hall and 8-2 when speaking with Ink at the restaurant
Fave Scene: just the ways they compromise and are there for each other ig
Ep 9 (Dec 7/8)
here we go with ep 9 rip, prlly gonna be the ep where i skip a bunch
i remember reading about Korn calling Pat Nong when teasing about making Pran jealous all “nong pat~~” and I didn’t get it back then bc I didn’t really understand why that was cute or funny but now I get it even though I can’t explain why Korn using Nong when Pat’s not his Nong funny
this ep really is like awww cute cute cute PatPran and some InkPa and then here comes fuckass Wai and the dumbass gun plot and useless bastard cops
this is the ep where i skipped the most 
Fave Scene: them eating lunch together on the bench so cute. PatPran and Ink, Pa hotpot dinner fun cute. Pa jumping down and saying “anybody taller than me is fine”
Ep 10 (Dec 8)
oof, the beginning was so hopeful with the dad saying thanks to Pran for helping Pat before it all went to shit
the bar is on the floor but I do continue to enjoy how Pat didn’t “forbid” Wai from tryna pursue his sister because he feels some sort of ownership over her or due to his protectiveness (esp would’ve been weird when he’s going through disapproving parents) and also Wai also letting it go when he realized Pa likes someone else and they might become a thing and he doesn’t have much of a chance. shows will often have male characters (attempt to) control a female character’s love life as if they understand what’s good or bad for them better than the FMC herself does.
Pa getting teary eyed and so sad when talking with Ink and how Ink only sees her as a mentee T.T so cute
girl when I first watched the show I was like damn why’s Pat obsessed with being Pran’s older brother but Hia/Phi aren’t necessarily like that and he was also having fun calling Pran as Nong Pran
Ep 11 (Dec 8)
this ep is important narratively and does a lot for the characterization and relationship growth but is still boring to me
Ep 12 (Dec 8)
Parts 3 and 4 so good omg (even though Parts 1 and 2 don’t have much rewatch value for me tbh) honestly the whole time i was losing my mind and going ewwww they’re so annoyinggg as if i haven’t watched it already several times
One of the best things about the rewatch is truly just coming at it with the knowledge of Thai particle endings, titles and honorifics, and more of a cultural knowledge. 
Also can’t believe I rewatched so much of the show, usually I rewatch only parts I love. I only skipped ep 9 gunshot storyline, ep 11 some parts that were boring, ep 12 first half; watched nearly all other scenes.
I think my fave series of eps is Ep 4 - 8, just so good. 
Continues to be my favourite BL of the year, hope something comes along next year that takes over my brain just as much to be honest.
Rating: 9/10 (unchanged)
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byebyler · 2 years
OHMYGOD I'm happy I found another person as happy with this season as I am!! The tags are full of just negativity right now and it's like y'all. This is a fucking good season. It's not perfect, but it's actually reminiscent of s1+2 with the tone aged up (WHICH THE fucking tone change to compliment the school change was just perfect) (anyways imma stop rambling now oops)
Like listennn I know I had absolute rock bottom expectations after season 3 and this surpassed them but even then. I think it's good all on its own! Like I literally can't even find anything to complain about at the moment. Nothing stuck out to me as being particularly horrendous. I mean like. Sorry to be controversial but I really do think it's almost as perfect as s1. And tbh the problems I have with season one aren't really present in this season so liiike... What does that tell us?? Idk I'll need to rewatch of course but I really do think it's up there with s1. Not the exact same vibe but still a good vibe!
Like idk I really just felt like everything and everyone mattered this season. The story was great, the writing was improved, the pacing was almost perfect, no one exhausted me lol. I hate that people aren't vibing with it tho bc that means they'll change direction for the last season and that would suck lol
Fr tho I told my sister that they're holding off on the last two eps bc they really filmed multiple endings and wanna test the waters and see what the majority of people will respond to 😭 Everyone cast your votes now! Should Eddie live or die? Kill Steve or kill Nancy? Mileven or Byler endgame?? I mean probably not but that's really how it feels with this show lmao
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misqnon · 1 month
hi, i just read all of ur posts tagged as misqnon's one piece liveblogging and it was so much fun T-T. im here to rant about one piece and im sorry.
i really love seeing people react to content i am caught up with and hold close to my heart.
i got into the 800s in the anime and stopped watching, took a break and then read the manga up to around 1060. but last month i decided to read the whole thing from the beginning and it is genuinely SO WORTH IT.
after u have caught up completely its super rewarding to go back and look at previous chapters bc its constant "oh my god look what was foreshadowed here??" and "now i understand the context behind this!!!" and "this interaction is so much more meaningful now that i know their relationship!!". yes it did take me a whole month of nearly nonstop reading to catch back up but i have 0 regrets.
wano and the arc after it are both super fun and interesting and i think ur gonna love it. the lore is crazy. i hope u dont see any spoilers bc going into it completely blind will probably be way more exciting, especially with the most recent arc since its kinda suspenseful and mysterious,,.
anyways thats all i have to say how do you end these things.. take care!!
I ended up talking a lot so I'll put this under a cut lol
I used to be the person who said I would never watch one piece 😭😭 I've been into anime since I was like 12 and I'm almost 24 now (fuck . That's like half my life) and obviously it's always been on my radar but I always thought it was 1. Too popular 2. Too Long 3. Hated how oda draws women lmao so I was fine ignoring it and only knowing the basics from just Being On The Internet
I think sometime early on I caved and attempted to watch it- I got to alabasta and stopped bc the anime pacing wasn't doing it for me (though I liked it up until then, but didn't LOVE it)
cut to high-school where a couple of my good friends liked it but we never really talked about it, it was a lifelong interest for one of them bc he'd started reading it on like 4th grade
Well I'm still friends with them (shoutout to sam and seb) and they convinced me to watch one piece film red with them in like July or August of last year bc they were showing me the songs and I, ado fan bc I'm a retired weaboo and a vocaloid Stan, was like "haha that sounds like ado" and they went "IT IS!!!!??" so I had to watch it for her.
again, I was like oh this is fun I like this :^) but no IMMEDIATE interest, more of a passive thing... until the live action came out a month or so later and I watched it just because and DAMN I FELL IN LOVE FAST
I went back to the anime and rewatched the beginning, then skipped back to alabasta where I had left off years and years ago and now I'm Here 🧍
I watched up through part of dressrosa before I started reading the manga, and now I'm doing that while watching certain episodes of just the parts I really wanna see animated
It's been. So Fun
I am now that person who's like Hey You Should Watch One Piece. I get it now. I so get it lmao. And you know the weirdest part is that with it being divided up into arcs like it is I find myself thinking it really doesn't feel that long!?!? Am I insane,
anyways. It's been a while since I was in an active fandom or even in a fandom at all - ESPECIALLY such a big one!?! (I was in college for 4 years and Busy).
but it's. Crazy. I'm writing fanfics and joining discord servers and I've never done that before. it's been very fun and rewarding tbh...I don't like a lot of things about oda and aspects he included and ofc one piece isn't perfect or unproblematic but it IS a really awesome epic of a story about friendship and found family and anti authority and its just.
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I'm also a person who's always loved reaction videos or just even seeing otherppl react to things I like so I RELATE AND IM SO GLAD I CAN BE THAT FOR U...
I'm ngl as I've been reading I've been wanting to look up some old one piece forums dated the time certain reveals happened bc I want to see how people felt as this shit came out holy Shit....
it's additionally funny bc this blog is about 10 years old and has amassed a decent amount of followers over the years who were just into some of the other random stuff I've been into but I know a fair amount of them were thinking we were on the same page of not being into one piece and now here I am. Ruining that. And with the pervert character as my favorite no less. lmao SORRYYYY YALL <3
I'll leave u with this message I sent into the discord I share with some friends the other day, none of which really watch op, when asked to explain something about the show. In fact, I think the reasoning for this message was BECAUSE I was explaining to a friend just how much oda foreshadows things!! jinbei, kaido, haki, sanjis backstory, ALL being mentioned by name or referenced DECADES/YEARS BEFORE APPEARING ON SCREEN...HUNDREDS OF CHAPTERS APART....I could rant on more but I'll stop for now.
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thank u for the message and feel free to dm me to talk about this silly show anytime bc its sunken its claws into me 😭
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karatekid1 · 3 months
hi guys it been a while. Well, everything right now feels like its going up and down all the time, like on monday, three days ago, my life felt so good, i was so happy, then everything went downhill again on tuesday. today is thursday and idek how im feeling, i dont got any apeitie, and my life just feel so depressing. i realized yesterday that heartstopper is like a core memory to me, like i havent watched it since season 2 came out bc people started calling it cringe and i actually started to think it were. i was just a kid back then it feels like, because every day i get older and i feel embarressed for my younger self, in like a few months i think that this me whos writing this is gonna be so cringe, why are we like that? or maybe thats just me. but what i mean is that yesterday i listened to some of the soundtrack songs, i just felt warm and happy inside, and it kept doing everytime i listeend to the songs, i stayed up til 3 am last night just rewatching the first season and it made me cry actually idk why but it just brings me so much comfort. anyway, uni going fine ig, some subjects are really terrible, but im surviving. me and benjamin (the nick to my charlie) are still together and idk tbh how hes feeling ab me atp, like im so fucking stupid and annoying i think hes getting tired of it. i feels like im slowly loosing my mind again bc of everything. i hate myself for the way i act towards people. most people i know would call me nice, they do, but then i literally argue with everyone over stupid shit just bc i am sensetive. and i dont know how to deal with myself, i just get so easily mad and jealous of everyone and its starting to spread out more over the people i love which is not meant to happen but i cant control it. how much i try to be nick, will continue to always be charlie. what was i made for? i dont even know myself anymore. people say they're proud of me but i will literally treat them like shit without even realizing it myself. all i really want is to be seen and heard, but i end up embarresing myself, overshare or just make people upset. im just a failure, im not supposed to be here, i dont fit in. i dont know whats right or wrong anymore i just want to live my life, but im literally just miserable. i try so hard everyday, to get people to like me, to make me like myself a little bit more and not hating myself, but when ive done something wrong i cant even realise my mistake until so long after ive done it, and i feel so stupid. i dont deserve to live the life that i do. i dont deserve any of this. i try to be like everyone else, i try to be interesting but if you try too hard no one is gonna like you. and if youre not interesting people wont wanna hang out with you bc youre boring. you should be funny but not mean, you should be perfect but not fake, you shoulld be thin but not starve, you should be smart not a tryhard, you should be yourself but not different, you should be happy but not annoying, you should be kind but not too kind because then people will use you for their own good. i hate humans, i hate what we've made this world into. sorry this became a whole vent post but im just so tired of living without having anything to live FOR.
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bootlegfrank · 7 months
Hiiiii you’re so precious making a post directed towards me<33333333 early in the morning too aweeeeee I’m on your mind that early huh? that made me so happy hehe it worked too bc here I am^.^ IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE EDIT it made me have to lay down too and since it’s been awhile since I’ve linked you any TikToks (a damn shame) here’s a funny one that I thought you would like when I saw it<3
I wish I was there to watch the show with you. My reactions would get you through it I’m thoroughly insane for this show also how funny is that I’m also on the third season now…on my second watch ALWKQUWHSHDHDFH the way I finished it, had a break period, and then went into rewatching it and ended up at the same place you’re at that’s so cute and funny
YAY IM GLAD YOUR EMO NIGHT PLAYED MCR!!!! Ohhhh I bet the slutty Hollywood undead shirt looks so good on you fuck haha makes me want to wrap my arm around your waist and pull you close to me and whisper how good you look in your ear. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling much better:) ALAJSJSJSJS THE SHOPPING CART and fighting your friends omg I’m glad no one was seriously hurt!! I’m sure your friends understand that you were just drunk❤️drunk people are the ceos of making terrible decisions hahaha I’m glad your hangover wasn’t too bad!!
THATS HOW I FELT TOO a lot of my class didn’t take it seriously but I took it so serious oh man I wish we were in the same class together:’)))))))) oh that’s so cute I’m gonna imagine that a lot now hehe god being in the same class as you in general<3333 I’d always try to sit near you or somewhere I could look at you. I’d ask you what you thought of the specific paintings we saw in class and if there were any partner projects I’d be all shy n flustered and be like stuttering through asking you if you wanted to work with me qiwiwiqowisudududud AH I’d love to ramble to you omg omg omg that makes me all giddy hehe I always feel rushed too!!! You’re right you wouldn’t be rushed with me:] we could stay as long as you want and look at whatever you want for as long as you want<3 is painting with oil paints actually dangerous??? I had no idea:’( I want to try blending with them acrylic is such a pain in the ass with blending you gotta hurry tf up before it dries fast as fuck
THE HOODIE PIC<3333 I’m seeing so many different parts of you by the end I’ll have like a whole person XD you did the embroidery so well!!!! It looks really good you look so cute in it:) you should embroider more organ type things that would sense to pair with a spine (I’m definitely not the expert on this so I’ll let you be the judge of that) hehehehe OOOO THE HEART PICS those are so fucking coolllll it’s so interesting looking at organs like part of me is repulsed but part of me finds it beautiful it’s such a weird thing when you feel two conflicting emotions like that I suppose that’s how grotesque stuff is
STOP the next part of your response to me was about conflicting emotions THATS SO FUNNY I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE AKQJQUWJSJDJDHDHD look at me being on topic NO I DEFINITELY WOULDNT KNOW YOURE TOO ATTACHED AKWKWJWJDJDJD for once my negative self esteem is coming in handy HAHAHA if you told me to carve something in my skin I’d be so nervous. My eyes all wide, wondering if I really heard you properly. You’d repeat yourself and my eyes would be just as wide. I’d slowly bring the blade to my skin, wincing at the point pressed into my skin. Maybe even making a little noise. But you’d make sure I didn’t go further since you’re too attached to me hehehehe now if you asked me to do it to you ooooooooooo I’d have a harder time refusing that if I knew it’s what you wanted. But I would still be apprehensive. I’d probably insist that I didn’t wanna hurt you and look all worried, my poor hands shaking so much. My breathing all erratic and uncontrollable. Swallowing hard and biting my lip. It would be so hard to resist anything if I knew it’s what you wanted. However if you pissed me off…well…I might just carve something in you myself unprompted ahahaha;) it’s wild how much anger changes is isn’t it? God thinking about how normally I’m sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly but something making me so angry I just can’t control myself. You not used to me being like that and it taking you by surprise haha like imagine if randomly I just held a blade to your throat while I had you up against a wall mhm you’d be caught soooo off guard I would love to see the look in your eyes. Haha being like “if you want to kiss me you’ll have to get to me” and seeing you strain yourself against my blade<3333 I’d love to see how bad you want me. How far you’re willing to go to touch your lips to mine<3333333 You telling me I’m so good for you omg atowowowowiwksjsjsjsj makes me squirm so much makes me so fluttery and shaky jqiqiqiqjwusuddu
A whole rainbow of bruises huh? I know they look so good on you<3333 I have another random little one near my knee hehe YES ILL CURE ALL YOURS WITH MY KISSES:] MWAH MWAH MWAH 💋 Awe you dont have a favorite holiday nooooooooo what are some that you like (besides Halloween ofc) AH you would love celebrating Halloween here it’s so big over here:(( that’s so sad that no one really decorates for it I just went to the store the other day and saw the Halloween decorations I wanted them all so baddddd oh to wander the Halloween aisle with you….that would be everything you would’ve loved it there was this one section of like ceramic stuff that you paint on your own and they had a brain and a heart (you already know I was geeked over that) skulls and ribs and omgggg you could paint them I know how much you like painting omg we could paint them togetherrrrr you could paint the ribs bc your fave<333 and I could paint the heart:] 🫀🩻STOP THESE ARE OUR EMOJIS OH IM CRYINGKWKWJWIDUDFJ
FUN FACT ABOUT ME I’m actually scared of (most) dolls ALWKWKSKSJDJ I think you’d be one of the first ones I wouldn’t get freaked out by hahaha I bet your costume looked so good!!!! Eff them for thinking it’s weird you’re 1000000x cooler than they will ever be^.^ OMG YOUVE NEVER CARVED A PUMPKINNNN OHHHH we must omg I wonder what design you’d carve into yours you’d probably have sm fun thinking about what to carve 🎃I could definitely teach you I’ll be you halloween guide^.^ CANDY CORN IS NASTYYYY oh I’m such a candy corn hater it’s fucking gross to me but maybe you would like it, I’d like to get some for you and watch your reaction as you try it hehe I MEAN YOU LIKE LIQUORICE SO ALL BETS ARE OFF I also am a hater of that sadly IM SORRY it’s just icky to meeeeee OOOO favorite candy that’s hardddddd hmmmmmmm I’m not sure of my ultimate favorite, but sour patch kids are up there! NOOO I don’t have any plans:’( my loner self will be spending Halloween alone which sucks I hope you can find a fun party!!
Hi cutie, I'm terribly sorry for how incredibly long it has taken me to answer your ask :( I've been sick and busy and dealing with my sprained ankle and I just couldn't get my brain to work, I hope you're not too upset with me. Can I make it up to you?
Sshfjsdf oh nooo that TikTok is calling me out!! I haven't changed my sheets in way too long cuz I still have to wash the other set ahahaha. Hehe it would be so much more bearable if you were watching with me <3 I'd love to watch your reactions and hear you talk over the episodes because I really am having a hard time getting through it hahaha.
I'd get so flustered by you wrapping your arm around me, but I'd lean into you all the same, drinking in your words <3 I'd wrap my arm around your waist, sliding my fingers just under the hem of your shirt, feeling your warm skin.
Hehe yeah drunk people really are the CEO's of bad decisions. I went to a party last week and snorted some unknown drug off some stranger's hand -_- I really should not be trusted with anything when drunk haha. Yesterday I went to a bar too but I didn't drink all that much, I managed to make it through the night on only free drinks too :P
I'd love to have been in the class with you, I'd show you art pieces I liked in the books and ask you what you thought of them, I'd love to hear all your thoughts on all the pieces <3 Ugh yeah blending with acrylics really is a pain, it helps to dilute them a little with water but then you have to use even more layers and that's annoying too. What kind of things do you paint? I've currently got a Frank painting in the works, I only have to do his hair and then it's done :]
Hehe you'll be able to collage a picture of me together xD Ohh I think maybe embroidering a radius or ulna on one of the sleeves might be fun. Yeah yeah grotesque stuff always makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but that's why I love it. I remember dissecting that heart and shaking so much I could barely handle the scalpel haha I was so excited.
God, your wide eyes would be so pretty. You'd look at me all disbelieving, hoping faintly somewhere in the back of your mind that I'm just kidding, that I couldn't possibly ask that of you. But you know better, don't you, you know that I love pushing you <3 Your hands shaking around the handle of the knife when I ask you to cut me... You'd tell me over and over how you don't want to hurt me but I just keep pushing. I bet you'd love it once that first line of blood starts up, I bet you'd realise how much you've been wanting to do this all along. Oh... you carving something into me when you're angry. I hadn't meant to piss you off, but that doesn't matter, you hold me down and push the blade into my skin and within a second you've got me all pliant under your hands. I'd choke on a gasp, chest heaving as I watch you get to work, as I watch my blood spill out and stain your fingertips. I'd want to make sure it becomes the prettiest scar I have, the most prominent one, a permanent reminder of you. I'd be caught of guard, when you press me against the wall with a knife to my throat. You'd see in my eyes, that flash of fear before it morphs into arousal, until you've got me like putty once again. I'm very fast too disregard pain, usually don't notice it if I'm concentrating on someone else, so I'd strain against the blade as much as I could, pushing it into my own skin because I'd just want to get to you so bad, just to feel your lips. I think you might have to let up first, because there's a chance I'd push myself too far, all for you.
Hmm a holiday I like... I hate Christmas, that's for sure haha. I like Easter though, I always make sure to pop over to my dad's and we'll have a big breakfast with eggs and bake-off rolls, and of course matzahs with butter and sugar, my favourite Easter food *chef's kiss* Ohhh I'd love to paint those Halloween things with you, I bet we'd make the prettiest creations together. All those Halloween decorations sound so fun, I wish we had more here :( Omg you should totally be my Halloween guide, teach me all of the fun things you do! I think I'd stare at my pumpkin way too long trying to figure out what to carve haha. Hehehe yeah I've only ever heard bad things about candy corn xD Is there anyone out there that actually likes it? Don't insult my liquorice! It's Dutch heritage, you can't be Dutch and not like liquorice skdjfh it's in my blood! Ohhh sour patch kids! My dad brought me a whole bunch of em when he went to America, some of the flavours are kinda weird but I like them, they're a nice amount of sour. Awww you should go on a horror film binge! Do you have a favourite horror film??
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
ALSO I just started watching SPN (I KNOW, 17 years after it came out,,, skdjdjfj) and I am OBSESSED. I am looking so disrespectfully at both Winchester brothers. But I wanna know, do you have any AUs with Chrysi and Jacks where they just drive around hunting down ghouls and demons and creatures… what is the worst one they faced. What is a time where one had to save the other (or better yet: one DIED or got possessed or turned ….). What hijinks do they get up to (supernatural and otherwise) - Kai
so generally, in my spn-specific au, it’s more of chrysi going on a hunt and jacks is in the same town, seeing her at a café (bc chrysi frequents cafés more often than bars… she does NOT like alcohol) like “………………hi. again.” and chrysi’s like “why the FUCK is it always YOU” 
they have a weird relationship where jacks is always dragged into helping her on hunts, until one day he wakes up and realizes that he’s literally been on a road trip with chrysi for over a month. he didn’t stop to consider leaving to do his own thing. now he’s permanently along for the ride. alTHOUGH, he sure wants to leave sometimes, with the way chrysi will always use him as bait 
((of course, i like imagining chrysi and azure going on hunts together as a couple, until azure realizes his bad luck is beginning to affect chrysi and he doesn’t want to cause her doom, so. off he fucks to go figure out a way to stop his bad luck, but he doesn’t fucking tell her. he gets back and chrysi and jacks are dating and he’s like “are you SERIOUS” ….tho, to be fair, he IS also going through other shit to warrant not telling chrysi any information. still. it hurts her.))
worst one they faced…. oohhh, that’s definitely gotta be sephera? like, how do you fight the being that’s inside your girlfriend’s blood? and you know it’s bad when previous villains are trying to help you stop sephera awakening (literally am in love with eris cursing the ever loving shit out of jacks, then turning around and being like “soooo, you like chrysi? interesting! she’s going to die if you don’t accept my help :>” great….. also, can i jst say that i adore when villains end up teaming up with the heroes bc of aligning interests? OUGH.)
generally, curses are annoying for both chrysi and jacks to deal with as well, but i think the hardest one for them to deal with then was jacks being hit with a love curse and being all over chrysi. she’s like “so normally he’s obsessed w me, but this is… a lot more annoying than usual.” also an eris curse. eris is defs the recurring villain :3 listen, it’s jst convenient for her to try and get her hands on chrysi since chrysi can bring desdemona back. (chrysi and jacks thought that desdemona would b the big bad villain, but NO. ANCIENT BEING IN THE BLOOD INSTEAD. WHOOPS.)
((also, side note: i have no clue how clear i’m being rn sldkjflskdjfsdlkjf. i jst get rlly excited talking abt this sort of thing bc i have sooooo many fic ideas i could be working on w this monster of the week format. i should rewatch some eps of supernatural, bc tbh… that show is rlly rlly fun))
chrysi has to save jacks every week. he has no clue why he’s always the damsel in distress, since he normally creates damsels in distress. chrysi says it’s because the monsters must seem to think it’s hilarious—but i would love it if there were, like, a mid-season finale that reveals that being chrysi’s partner genuinely has a sort of curse where you constantly become the damsel in distress as a result. actually… there is a canonical reason, and it has to do w sephera 🤐 bc sephera is trying to take over chrysi, but the faetelle gets triggered badly whenever chrysi’s cursed, which then puts sephera deeper to sleep—so she essentially transfers all curses over to whoever is closest (emotionally) to chrysi (within a certain range of influence, of course). this doesn’t always work, which is why chrysi is sometimes in danger, but YES, HER MEN ALL ARE DAMSELS IN DISTRESS FOR ACTUAL PLOT REASONS. 
anyway, a specific time that chrysi saved jacks that makes me go fucking FERAL is when he was cursed into an unnatural sleep and kidnapped by someone. so not only did she have to chase him down, but she also had to kiss him to bring him back…. true love’s kiss and everything. this is before they realized they loved each other, so chrysi’s going through the five stages of grief when jacks wakes up (like, yes, some part of her is happy he loves her back, but a larger part of herself is horrified that she loves him in the first place). then she has to drag a still-delirious jacks out of a monster’s den—bc jacks takes foreverrrrrrr to wake up. and he still passes out as soon as they’re out of danger. chrysi’s like “are you serious???? you were just sleeping from a curse—aren’t you ready to be awake now?????????????” no. he is not. let him get his beauty sleep, chrysi. he has to compete with azure—this is the only way he can get an edge on him.
i’m also fond of jacks being trapped in a card again, but that’s jst a general thing i like :) that one’s eris’s fault. she thought he’d be a nice addition to her art collection, and she’d be objectively right. unfortunately, she has to deal w chrysi’s outrage at the same time, so. perhaps not a great decision in that situation. 
OKAY, JACKS HAS TO SAVE CHRYSI FROM HERSELF. like, she’s not… possessed, per se, but she’s defs not normal??? like, she’s cursed and she no longer has any emotions (like s6 sam, i believe??? i might b getting my seasons wrong, since i stopped watching after 7), so jacks is desperately trying to get her to love him again. OKAY, so, actually—it’s not that she doesn’t have emotions, but they’re severely dulled, save for frivolity and cruelty. she doesn’t exactly remember jacks (nor azure, who is also there, bc once he found out jacks was chrysi’s new partner, he made jacks swear that he’d keep chrysi safe—complete w a magic oath—and, uhh, azure could tell the moment the oath was broken + he showed up to fix things. it did not work.), so there’s fun emotional scenes of him begging at her feet to remember him (and kiss him 👁👁 after all, true love’s kiss can break the spell), but chrysi’s too preoccupied thinking about how lovely he’d look broken and bleeding on the floor <33 clearly, elias bloom cursed her to be like this—bc he wanted to have her be his. it didn’t exactly work, as jacks and azure later find him chained up in his room and bleeding. they both decide to leave him there to sweat it out. it’s very funny.
((although it’s not very funny when the curse is broken and chrysi sees azure and gets emotional. jacks doesn’t like the reminder that they’re soulmates, despite the fact that azure chose to leave chrysi))
also saving chrysi from being possessed by sephera, but that’s some fucking WORK. it stresses jacks out so much. he’s so scared chrysi’s been burned right out of her own body and he’s looking for any scrap of her in those pale gold eyes. he doesn’t think he can see her—but she can see him, and she’s too weak to try and claw her way out :(((
GOD, as for hijinks… chrysi’s likely to drive away from the motel before jacks wakes up, so he has to despondently call simeon to drive over and pick him up ( “of course. where are you?” “wyoming.” “WHY ARE YOU IN WYOMING, THAT’S A DAY AND A HALF DRIVE” ). then his gf comes back w a new bag of apples like “???? you thought i’d actually left you??” “YOU DIDN’T LEAVE A NOTE” “it’s literally on your nightstand?” “oh.”
to be fair, chrysi did leave him behind a lot when they first started out together. in her defense, though, i think she forgot she was traveling with another person. sometimes. sorta. jacks is traumatized.
also, whenever they have to go into a high-end establishment, jacks is like “yes. it’s my time.” and puts chrysi in the prettiest dress known to mankind….. except she can’t fucking fight in it, idiot. he’s like “that’s alright, i can fight 🥰” “i MEANT monsters” “oh.” my dude’s thinking about other matters entirely. 
i want to include a little karaoke scene as well, primarily bc i think it would b funny if chrysi and jacks agreed to sing only if they got to choose what the other would sing. jacks chooses “touch-a, touch-a, touch me” from rocky horror picture show (when chrysi sees the lyrics, she turns to him with murder in her eyes) and chrysi chooses “barbie girl” by aqua. he is displeased. 
i can’t think of anything else, but i guarantee you, i’ll be thinking of the typical fun magical episodes that are mostly there as a breath of fresh air (like azure being on a hunt w them and it’s real awkward… and it gets even more awkward when azure and jacks are hit w a spell that swaps their bodies) BUT I’M THINKING ABT THIS VERY INTENSELY RN. VERY, VERY INTENSELY. 
(if you’re ever interested in another “monster of the week” sort of au, but more based in a sleepy beach town in the north where jacks and chrysi have a relationship that culminates in him being stuck in a card, then getting out and pretending he no longer can love + he doesn’t remember chrysi… hmu. it’s based on the show “haven” and that show also did permanent damage to me in my middle school years) 
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