#ship dymamics
criime · 8 months
OC Ship Dynamics I Think People Would Enjoy PT. 2
Daughter of an ex-dictator trying to make amends for her father's actions, and the cyborg anti-villain murder bot sent to kill her father.
Same as above, but now there's Jacob!
Girl who cannot STAND being outside in the sun for more than 5 minutes, and girl who continues to drag her to beaches for hours regardless.
Two mentor characters trying to teach the same protagonist the same lessons, but are unaware of the other also being the mentor character.
Guy trying to figure out how to fit in better with humans, and his sister's best friend who throws goat blood on him every time.
Just a superhero team, nothing's going on here! What do you mean they've been a polycule this whole time?
Rogue who's secretly a lord, and is really honestly not that bad, and his Redemption Paladin parole officer/bodyguard/roommate who is shit at being a Paladin and is also an idiot.
Guide to the afterlife, and literally the first person ever to acknowledge that he's lonely and ask to be friends.
Girl who purposefully dresses up like neapolitan ice cream and her girlfriend who is lactose intolerant.
Guy with overly complicated first name & Guy who gave him a nickname that 1) does not relate to his name at all 2) has no connection to anything he does 3) is just another normal name 4) everyone immediately started using to the point that nobody knows his first name, and everyone thinks it's this stupid nickname.
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headworld · 2 years
no wait im thinking about edelgard and hubert again
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honeydewdelight · 4 months
Hello I need to talk about my ship headcannons SO LETS GO
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In the show:
twilight X Pinkie: this was not what I used to ship. I used to ship Pinkie and Rainbow and while I still think that's a cute pairing, I don't think anyone in a 5 mile radius would survive if those 2 were together. TwiPie was something I didn't expect to ship but the art honestly convinced me, and I think their dynamic could be super cute. Maybe twilight could calm pinkie down a bit while pinkie gets twily out of her shell more.
Applejack X Rarity: I ship it more in EG than in the show but i like both versions. I could never really see applejack and rainbow dash together tbh. I kinda headcannon that they did try but ultimately figured that they werent great for each other, and thus AJ got with Rarity instead.
Fluttershy X Discord: I can't not ship it. They married. You can't argue with it. They married and fluttershy goes to live with discord in his dimension. Discord made it so that fluttershy can always move freely though the 2 dimensions, making her the only pony capable of doing so, ever.
Starlight Glimmer X a sack of dirt: don't like her she can eat dirt
Starlight Glimmer X Trixie: okay fine she can have Trixie but ONLY IF SHE PLAYS NICE.
Pear Butter X Chiffon Swirl: they at least dated at some point. Chiffon loved her a lot but knew they wanted to lead different lives. She broke it off but they always stayed very close friends.
Mostly in EG:
Fluttershy X Rainbow Dash: again a ship I wasn't sold on immediately, but I'll always be a sucker for childhood besties to lovers, and I notice that Rainbow is often the reason for Fluttershy to push herself out of her comfort zone and often improves as a direct result of it. Rainbow is Uber protective of Flutters but also learns a great deal about patience.
Sunset Shimmer x Pinkie Pie: these 2 are in a QPR. they live together and are very physically close with each other. Worlds tightest dymamic duo. They love gaming together, but Sunset often likes to play more brutal shooters while pinkie likes old games or slice of life games. So when Pinkie notices Sunny needs to blow off some steam she puts on a shooter for her while pinkie watches and lays on her lap.
Sunset Shimmer x Sci Twi: sunset is always a confident flirt but when it comes to twi she's an honest mess. Twi finds it super adorable tho, and slowly figures out Sunny's feelings (with tanks to the wingman skills of Pinkie) Twi is okay with the dynamic between Sunny and Pinkie, and also becomes pretty close with Pinkie. While she often sleeps over at their appartment, she really prefers to have her own space so doesn't move in with them. Sunny is very understanding.
AJ x Rarity: I mean duh, even the staff ships it. I like EG RariJack more than show/pony RariJack. I think they can admire and bond over each others love for their little sister, and often go out with the 4 of them. Its brought sweetie and Rarity closer as well.
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dwreader · 9 days
if you're telling me you're more interested in what ship is endgame than the incredibly compelling phantom thread situation going on w. loumand and how that dymamic changes back and forth over the course of 8 decades, i'm just going to call you a tasteless bitch.
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devourensarc · 4 months
// sitting down to answer those valentine's asks now. it's been,, a Day, but they're so cute, and I'm excited to sit down and focus on some fluff.
also an update re: shipping stuff. I am officially opening up romantic exclusives for friends/people I talk to ooc and have plotted and developed a dynamic quite a lot with. I really love developing dynamics and putting a lot of thought and development into them, and so it's something I'd love to focus on moving forward ( and that includes platonic, familiar, etc dymamics as well ).
I am too lazy to log into my carrds rn, but I will be updating them in the next few days, as both my childe and arle will be ship exclusives with icerberus's wrio - as in, that is the only wrio I will ship them with.
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prpfs · 7 months
🎸🍪 Hi there! So, Even since Scott Pilgrim Takes Off came out, I've been dying to RP it! I'm looking for some m/m because my "desperate need to turn Scott gay" AU-loving brainworms are once again in full effect. I have a few different ideas, a few different AUs, mostly involving an OC I made that I wanted to ship against Scott for a while for something gay! Wanna do some dark kinks, so cw for: 🍪 content and age gap, kidnapping, dubcon, abuse dymamics, etc. If you'd be interested, leave a like!
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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traumapyre-moved · 11 months
Dymamic wishlist: love triangle
Idfc how cliche. I love them. Bc in a way, its a more angsty and turbulent form of polyship. Just one or more of the muses aren't dating.
Especially this polyesque triangle ship, and yes, I made a chart.
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Muse a likes both muses b and c, and both muses b and c reciprocate. Muses b and c do NOT like one another, even better if there's some hate sprinked in.
I just think they're neat. UWU
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averyjamesqn · 2 years
the final gambit spoilers
jlb has been developing and building up averyjameson since book one.so how are you gonna say their dymamic or development was trivial especially compared to another ship that didn’t have half the development? jlb explained perfectly how averyjameson are perfect for each other and why they fit,through the book and through her interviews(i will be making a post about this!). from a character’s perspective it was obvious jameson is the one for avery.they are so good for each other and the final gambit proved it again and again.we saw how well they work as partners,as a couple,how healthy their relationship is and how in love they are too.anyway that’s my opinion and i keep seeing people who didn’t ship them realising it and it makes me very happy
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cheerstotheelites-if · 11 months
If it isn't much of a spoiler but what would Ophelia/Eliseo ship entail? Because it honestly does sound interesting, like what sort of dynamic would they have? Are we the wingman for Ophelia or Eliseo?
Not a spoiler, don't worry, since I'm giving you the general gist of it. Let me pull up my corkboard and string thesis paper for a moment. Trust me, I. Am. Cooking.
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I don't know if this dynamic is/was done before differently, but we got The Hurt and The Hurter dymamic. Not the abusive kind, god no, the "I've been hurt too many times and I don't know if I can receive love again" and the "I've hurt others for too long that I don't know if I can give love again".
That's the kind of dynamic that I find interesting.
Ophelia and Eliseo are doubtful people; one towards others and the latter towards himself, mostly anyway. Ophelia doesn't trust that there is someone out there who can love her genuinely just for being who she is. Eliseo doesn't trust that he can't hurt all the people he lets into his life or form genuine connections because of who he is.
In a way, both are outcasts in the community they are in. People are weirded out by Ophelia, so they don't get too close and often only approach because of some dare or to just mess with her. People are terrified of Eliseo, so while people do approach him, they do it from a distance in fear of getting themselves hurt if he were to ever "get mad".
So, why not put the two outcasts together? Makes two less lonely people in the world, right?
It's a slow, but subtle love, having to get used to feeling and being with someone so genuine again. It starts with little conversation, but a lot of action will be done. Both Ophelia and Eliseo are self-destructive people in their own way (one more hidden than the other), and habits of keeping each other in check will form because they're worried about each other in the quietest way possible. Eliseo will be the protector at times, but the role can be switched to Ophelia in a flip of a hat. They both found someone so real and bright to them, and they don't want to lose that.
Do you see where I'm going with this.
Do you see why I want the Ophelia/Eliseo ship to win. Do you see the vision.
And yes you will be the wingman for both of them! In what way, that's a bit of a spoiler, but I will do say that both of them will need encouragement and a bit of a push.
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chisaikoring · 1 year
Anon is half-right, but not quite. Basically, they're right that comship refers to "complicated ships," which includes any dymamic that would be toxic, abusive, or otherwise harmful in real life (so incest, teacher/student, large age-gaps, and so on). Proship, on the other hand, doesn't mean a person likes OR supports/defends complicated ships. It simply means "a person who believes that it's wrong to bully, harass, or doxx people based solely on their ships." It doesn't really say anything about a person's stance on ANY ship, only on how they believe real people should be treated. You don't have to defend a ship, in order to understand that the real human being behind the screen does not deserve to be abused over it
ohhh thank you!! a lot of definitions are muddled online ^_^
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dykesummers · 4 years
slow burn? GREAT. angst with/without a happy ending? FANTASTIC. enemies to friends to lovers? *CHEFS KISS*. unrequited sexual tension? SEXY. found family? HELL TO THE FUCKING YEAAAAHHHH.
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agathabridgerton · 4 years
I like adversaries to lovers and that’s on Newtina and Reylo.
Newtina has a very small amount of adversaries to lovers in FBaWtFT, and the same in CoG.
Reylo is adversaries to lovers (not enemies to lovers—that’s an insult to all the amazing enemies to lovers ships out there???) since they aren’t fighting each other because they each 100% chose to go down the paths they did, they each were forced into it. And because of that, their fights are because they feel they have to, not because they want to.
I’ve finally figured out why I ship these two drastically different ships lmao
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raionmimi · 4 years
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Got another Medb doujin, and I’m just weeping at all the cute AlterMedb content🥺 my heart,,, is soft,,,
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lesbiandice · 4 years
why are a good chunk of u hxh fans just literal freaks
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katastrophe-s · 5 years
Roach w men: im already figuring out a hundred ways to kill you and make it look like an accident if you even fucking so much as percieve me i will skin you alive
Roach w women + nb ppl: what if we kissed?? 😙❤ haha JUST KIDDING;; 😳🙃💕........ unless...?? 😳😳😳😳😳
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autisticburnham · 5 years
I can't stop thinking about the Mission Log episode for "Conundrum," the tng ep where the crew loses their memories and Riker and Ro hook up, because Ken and John had a real problem with the scene where Ro and Troi make fun of Riker at the end, since it seems like Troi is genuinely upset by the hookup. And like, I get that yes, Will and Deanna are broken up/in an open relationship/friends with benefits/however you interpret "not dating but still make out sometimes," so under normal circumstances it wouldn't be fair for Deanna to be mad at Will for sleeping with someone, but I think they're ignoring the actual context of the episode.
Everyone has had their memories wiped, so this is just supposed to be them as they truly are, no pretenses, except Deanna knows Will. She doesn't remember him, but the only thing she knows about herself right now is that he is part of her. And she let's him know that. She flirts with him, and he flirts back, but he also flirts with Ro. Which like yeah, alright, casual relationships and/or polamory are valid, but she's made it clear that she wants something deeper and he doesn't tell her about Ro, so it's neither of those things. And depending on how you interpret Riker's actions in that episode, he either tries to have both of them (without telling the one who wants things to be serious about the other one) or he straight up choses Ro. Troi has just realized that he's part of who she is, and in the same episode, learns that all else being equal, he doesn't choose her.
Yeah, under normal circumstances, Troi doesn't really have a right to be mad at Riker for sleeping with someone else, but after what happened that episode? I'd be pretty upset too.
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