#she's going to be haunted by guilt for this
Hey! First off, I absolutely ADORE your theo nott & slytherin boys writing, its just like WOW. Second, i was wondering if you could take my *very* complicated request for theodore :). What if, after the wizarding war the ministry comes after all the death eaters, and theo is scared that they'll do something to the reader, so he fakes his own death. A year later, the reader is still in a dark place and she comes over to Mattheo's place (he somehow escaped going to azkaban) without notice and sees theo. Sorry if this was too long or complicated I just needed to get that out of my head :D.
Lost And Found
pairing -theodore nott x gn!reader
warnings - angsty with a happy ending, faked death, mention of y/n
a/n - omg thank you that's so sweet I love you 💕 and I love this request so much, sorry I'm responding to this so late 💕
wordcount - 1.4k
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The smell of rain clung to the night air as you stood on the doorstep of Mattheo’s small, dimly-lit flat. The cold, grey drizzle of London had become a familiar companion over the past year, a fitting backdrop to the constant ache in your chest. You hadn't planned on coming here, but tonight, the weight of your grief was unbearable. With a deep breath, you knocked, hoping for solace.
The door creaked open, revealing Mattheo’s tired face. His dark eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly masked it with a smirk. “Y/n, what a surprise,” he drawled, stepping aside to let you in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You forced a small smile, the first in days, and stepped inside. The warmth of the flat contrasted sharply with the chill outside, but it did little to thaw the ice around your heart. “I just…needed to see a familiar face,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Mattheo nodded, closing the door behind you. “I get it,” he said softly. “It’s been a rough year.”
Rough didn’t begin to cover it. After the war, the Ministry had been relentless, hunting down every last Death Eater and their associates. You’d been lucky, your connections and actions during the war protecting you from suspicion. But Theodore Nott hadn’t been so fortunate.
You’d mourned him deeply, the memory of his warm smile and steady presence haunting your every step. Theo had been your anchor, the one bright spot in the chaos of your world. And then he was gone, ripped away in a cruel twist of fate that left you reeling.
Mattheo led you to the living room, where a fire crackled softly in the hearth. The room was cozy, filled with mismatched furniture and remnants of the life he had built away from his dark past. You sank into the worn sofa, exhaustion seeping into your bones.
“Can I get you something? Tea? Firewhisky?” Mattheo offered.
“Tea would be nice,” you replied, your eyes drifting to the flickering flames. The silence that settled over the room was heavy, filled with unspoken words and shared pain.
As Mattheo moved to the kitchen, you glanced around, taking in the scattered books and papers, the signs of a life still moving forward. It was then that you heard it—a soft rustling, like the whisper of a ghost. You turned, your heart pounding in your chest.
There, standing in the doorway, was a figure you thought you’d never see again. Theodore Nott, alive and very much real, his eyes wide with shock and something else—fear, perhaps—mirroring your own.
For a moment, the world stopped. The crackle of the fire, the distant hum of the city, even the sound of your own heartbeat faded into the background. All you could do was stare, disbelief warring with the desperate hope that this wasn’t some cruel illusion.
“Theo?” you breathed, your voice trembling with a mix of emotions you couldn’t begin to untangle.
He took a step forward, his expression torn between relief and guilt. “Y/n,” he whispered, his voice breaking on your name.
In that instant, a thousand questions flooded your mind, but only one made it past your lips. “Why?” The single word carried the weight of your pain, your loss, and the aching emptiness of the past year.
Theo’s eyes softened, and he took another step closer. “I had to,” he said, his voice raw. “For you. They were coming for all of us, and I couldn’t risk them using you to get to me. I had to make sure you were safe.”
The room seemed to close in around you, the walls pressing in with the weight of his words. You wanted to scream, to cry, to throw yourself into his arms and never let go. Instead, you stood frozen, your mind racing to catch up with your heart.
Before you could speak, Mattheo returned with a tray of tea, his eyes flicking between you and Theo. “I see you two have found each other,” he said quietly, setting the tray down and stepping back, giving you the space you needed.
Theo took another step forward, closing the distance between you. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I never wanted to hurt you. But I couldn’t bear the thought of you being dragged into this because of me.”
Tears welled in your eyes, and you took a shaky breath. “I thought I lost you,” you said, your voice barely audible.
Theo reached out, his hand trembling as it touched your cheek. “You didn’t,” he murmured. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
Your knees buckled as the floodgates of your emotions burst open, and you collapsed into Theo’s arms. He held you tightly, his warmth enveloping you as sobs wracked your body. Every tear that fell was a release, a letting go of the pain and loneliness that had consumed you.
Theo’s voice was a soothing murmur in your ear, his words blending into a litany of apologies and reassurances. “I never wanted to leave you,” he whispered. “I thought about you every day. I dreamt of this moment, praying you’d find it in your heart to forgive me.”
You pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. The pain and regret etched into his features mirrored your own, and you knew that, despite everything, you couldn’t hate him. “I missed you so much,” you choked out, your voice breaking.
Theo’s thumb brushed away your tears, his touch gentle and tender. “I missed you too, more than words can say,” he said, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’m here now, and I promise, I’ll never leave you again.”
The sincerity in his voice, the raw emotion in his eyes, broke down the last of your defenses. You leaned into him, burying your face in his chest as you clung to him, desperate to believe in this second chance. The warmth of his embrace and the familiar scent of him enveloped you, bringing back memories of happier times.
The minutes ticked by as Theo held you, his arms a sanctuary from the storm of emotions swirling within you. Gradually, the sobs subsided, leaving a heavy silence filled only by the crackling of the fire and the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Mattheo reappeared silently, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he watched the two of you. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said quietly, retreating to his room and closing the door behind him.
The absence of Mattheo’s presence made the room feel even more intimate, the fire casting a soft glow on your tear-streaked face as you pulled back slightly to look up at Theo. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked, your voice breaking the silence. “I spent a whole year thinking you were dead, mourning you.”
Theo’s face contorted with pain and regret. “I didn’t want to put you in danger,” he whispered. “I thought if they believed I was gone, they’d leave you alone. It was the only way I could protect you.”
“But I needed you,” you said, the raw truth of your words cutting through the air. “You were my everything, Theo. Losing you… it broke me.”
“I know,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “And I’m so, so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I see now how much I hurt you. I never wanted that.”
The tears welled up again, but this time they were mixed with relief. “You’re here now,” you said, your voice soft but resolute. “That’s what matters.”
Theo nodded, his fingers gentle on your skin. “I’m here,” he repeated, a promise in his eyes. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
The weight of the past year began to lift, replaced by a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be okay again. “We have so much to talk about,” you said, a small, tentative smile breaking through the clouds of your grief.
“We do,” Theo agreed, his own smile mirroring yours. “But we have time. All the time in the world.”
As you sat together in the warm glow of the fire, the night’s chill seemed to melt away, replaced by the warmth of love and the promise of a new beginning. And for the first time in a long time, you felt a glimmer of hope that the future could hold happiness once more. With Theo’s hand in yours and the soft murmur of his voice grounding you, the darkness of the past year began to fade, replaced by the light of your rekindled love.
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animeyanderelover · 2 days
How would tobirama,madara,shisui,kakashi,tsunade,and obito react to accidentally hurting the darling?Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, overprotective behavior
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan
Accidentally hurting their s/o
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​Madara is going to appear rather indifferent at first but his cold exterior is not a representation of what is currently happening in his mind. He's ashamed of himself and his lack of self-control which makes this mistake all the more aggravating for him. If he would have been still a child, this might have been excused but he is a grown man who is the head of his clan. As intimidating and occasionally tormenting as the Uchiha can be, he would never harm his beloved unless they have displeased or angered him so the lack of control over whatever has ultimately led to your pain is going to leave a sour taste on his tongue. His pride is a mountain hard to overcome though so initially he just tells you rather coldly that your injury isn't that bad, leaving you only moments later since he needs time for himself. He has medics catering to your pain though even if your wound is nothing serious, contracting his previous words as he still cares. Words have never been his strong point and partially he believes them to serve nothing anyways but he expresses his apology rather through physical gifts and gestures.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊​Tobirama normally manages to keep up a harsh facade even under difficult circumstances yet few things are heavier than realising that he let his own emotions besting him and hurting you physically. Frustration and hot shame curl themselves around his body and for the first time he has no snarky comback or ruthless comment, only speechless with how low this obsession has brought him. He insists on catering to your pain himself even if there is no real need for it, a sliver of desperation visible in his eyes as he asks of you to let him take a look. After he has ensured your well-being, he silently storms out of the house to clear his own mind and to reflect on himself. His pride is rather big yet he is humble enough that this is his own fault and he has lost grasp of his own emotions. He returns back to you after a few hours and actually apologises to you, a sight so rare that it almost spooks you out initially. The guilt lingers for the next few days, the shame that he actually hurt his own spouse because he couldn't control himself a shame too big to simply shake off and forget about. It shall serve as a reminder to him to learn how to tame his obsession better.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌​A woman who possesses the strength to shatter mountains has a heart that is perhaps even more fragile than porcelain. Tsunade has already lost the two people who meant the world to her and that trauma feeds her overprotective paranoia when it comes to you. She will take it pretty badly, that is after the initial shock wears down that has numbed her for a good few moments after it has happened. There are tears in her eyes as she looks at you and sees the pain on your face. Pain that she has inflicted on you. Tsunade feels sick to her very core even if there is no blood involved. She is a medic. She is supposed to heal people and help them with the pain yet she is the one who has caused yours. To alleviate the heavy anguish she feels after she has managed to pull through enough to heal your own pain with her abilities, she resorts to sake. She just drinks and drinks and drinks until she falls asleep but even in her drunken state that moment haunts her and with her emotions more vulnerable than ever, she starts crying even in her sleep. Her guilt only adds to her overbearing obsession though as it will never let her forget that she is the one who harmed you.
Kakashi Hatake
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📖​If you have ever wondered what the raw obsession hidden beneath that lackluster attitude of his looks like, you get a peak of it when Kakashi hurts you. The moment he fully processes what has just happened, it is already too late and as he looks at your shocked face and the blood that escapes the mild injury, memories flash before his eyes and trigger something visceral out of him. He breaks out in cold sweat and feels the dreadful vice-grip of fear tackling his heart as his chest is heaving with an unknown weight. He feels frozen as if any slight movement from his body would shatter him as his eyes are glued to the injury and it is only because of your interference that he finally snaps out of his paralysed anxiety. For a few moments he just stares at you with wet eyes before he finally gains the ability to move and do something again. There is a slight tremor in his hands as he cleans and bandages your injury, watching the spot for a while as if fearing that blood will stain the material at any moment before he finally lets a burdened sigh out that lifts the weight on his chest at least partially. For the rest of the day he is dedicated to hugging you all of the time, although his touches are light.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥​Obito handles it without a doubt the worst. The whole reason why he has taken it so far with his obsession was precisely because he wanted to protect you from any mental and physical pain this world would undoubtedly inflict upon you. Yet now the very world he has grown to despise so much has decided to torment him by letting him be the one who is the cause of your pain, as fleeting as it may be. Obito panicks most likely more than you do as even you reassure him that the injury isn't as bad as he may think. The only thing spinning around in his mind is the fact that he is the one who hurt you as he feels like the world he has been trying to change for years has now even stained him. His anger sparks a swirling inferno inside of him yet he has no one to vent out against as the culprit is he himself this time. He might turn for a good while deranged enough to offer that he will injure himself much worse as a warped way of repenting for what he has done for you unless you stop him. Otherwise he finds himself clinging to you much more as your presence seems to be the only thing containing his obsession from exploding which would lead him to do something really horrendous.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂​Whether you treat it as anything big or not, Shisui will see it as a severe slipup from his side. The Uchiha has always considered his obsession as something he would have to control strictly as he had always possessed the awareness of just how quickly his feelings could spiral into bottomless darkness. For those black feelings to not only make him lose his prized control for a moment but also to accidentally harm you is a deep-rooted disappointment solely pointed against himself that he will never forgive himself for. He keeps his facial expression neutral as he does what he can do to soothe your pain before he leaves, barely able to hold eye contact with you. That doesn't mean that he neglects keeping an eye on you as he just stalks you for the rest of the day, his gaze sharper as he tries to detect how much this incident has affected you. Shisui will apologise to you the next day though and take all the blame himself, silently bemoaning that he allowed his feelings to escalate that much. There is some distance he purposefully creates as he deems it to be necessary for him to work more on himself to never let something like this happen again, although he never stops keeping tabs on you.
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 days
Chapter Eighteen: "Safe"
Gates Of Hell
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Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: angst central, mentions of death, guilt, needles, mentions of a hospital
[A/N: Part Three is going to be the biggest part of the story yet, just you wait (as told by the exhausted writer who just handed in her final degree project ahhhhhsbsjsksbsklak and must now sleep for 3 years to catch up) but I am so excited to be able to write whenever I want without the looming threat of a degree! let's goooo]
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Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget-
Steve runs his hands down his face, straightening back up from where he had been hunched over the table, eyes bleeding onto the map from the intensity of his stare. He takes a glance to his right, the young boy he called a friend stood anxiously in the doorway.
“We’re, uh…” Dustin shifts on his feet, sneakers barely crossing the barrier of the door frame. “We’re all worried about you. You’ve been up here for hours.”
Steve blinks, turning to the window to be met with his reflection against the pitch black sky. The darkness outside was no match for the circles under his eyes. When was the last time he slept?
“And you look like shit.” Dustin comments, a hint of a smirk twitching his lips when Steve looks back at him, attempting a smile. He hadn’t managed one of those for a while now.
“Thanks, buddy.” He drawled off sarcastically with enough conviction to earn himself a toothy grin. “I just got distracted, I’ll be down in a minute.”
Dustin seemed wary but satisfied with that answer, giving him a nod before he disappears down the staircase. When he heard the last echo of descending footsteps fade, Steve returned to the map and placed his head in his hands, frowning.
Not one gate had opened since he left the Upside Down.
He and Hopper had been waiting for one to appear for weeks now. Five weeks. And three days. 38 days of sitting in what little patience remained, hoping and praying for once in their lives that a gate to a supernatural dimension would open in Hawkins just long enough for them to find you and bring you home. Just like you wanted.
“Don’t come back from me.”
Your voice had been haunting him for weeks, reminding him of the bitter lies that spewed from his mouth every day since.
He told Hopper and the others that you wanted them to find you, that you were very much alive. Maybe they’d be thankful he had spared them the tormenting truth, though Steve very much doubted it.
The worst part was that they believed him. They had hope. Every single one of those people currently sat downstairs positioning their next mission into the apocalyptic ruins of Hawkins will, and do, believe anything he says. Because they trust him.
All but one, however.
El had doubts. Steve saw it on her face any time she pulled the fabric away from her eyes and shook her head at the others, wiping her bloody nose with a suspicious look sent his way. She had been searching for you in ‘the void’ Dustin so ominously named.
At first, she agreed with Steve; “Maybe because the gates are closed, you can’t find a connection.”
But each day her wary eyes grew sharper, almost seeing right through him the longer it took to find you. And if anyone was going to call out his lies, it would be the girl with a superpowered mind.
What happens then? El tells their friends of his deception and he would have to watch each one of their faces drop into utter disbelief, disappointment.
Even if he does find you- no, when he finds you- would he be able to live knowing he had betrayed the people he loved?
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Another 20 minutes passed him by before he begrudgingly left the solace of his own torture, entering a brand new means for internal torment. Steve wasn’t sure if he could handle normality in this head-space he’s cornered himself into. Although, with this particular group of people, nothing would ever be normal.
“Woah, hey, you can’t cast fireball!” Mike crosses his arms in objection, brows furrowed.
“Why not? You want them gone? I give you a ball of fire.” Lucas counters, leaning across the table with a pointed stare.
“We are in an enclosed space.” Dustin offers, surrendering under the glare he was shot.
“I. Cast. Fireball.” Lucas throws his hand down on the table and Mike groans.
“Fine. Fine. You cast fireball and…” He gives a dramatic pause, clicking his teeth. “Oh, wow, look at that. You all burned up because of how small the room is. You failed.”
“What?!” Lucas stresses and Dustin shakes his head.
“You burnt to a crisp.” Mike enunciates. “You died.”
“Fire and small spaces, dude.” Dustin sighs, burying his face in his hands.
“Great, so we lost the campaign?” Lucas pouts at his friends. “Now what do we do?”
“How about you join the real world and pretend like you aren’t losers?” Max’s voice calls from across the room and they all turn around to face her. She smirks. “Just a suggestion.”
The boys were sat around the large wooden table in the corner of the room, the surface covered in dice and figurines. They start packing up, ignoring Max’s giggles from the other side of the room. She was sat in an armchair braiding El’s hair, who sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her, staring down at an old picture book found from the forgotten bookcases scattered across the house.
Steve still wasn’t used to the sight, entering a room in his own home and it not being completely devoid of life.
Since Hopper found Steve practically in a pool of his own blood and tears in the motel 6 basement, their town had only gotten worse. Beasts from hell were terrorising what little population remained, vines were growing with no source and crushing the buildings that made Hawkins so historic in nature. The military had quarantined the area, at least that’s what Steve heard. Anyone who hadn’t managed to escape were trapped, it seemed, and Steve was just thankful he wasn’t a lost soul out on his own.
He still remembers the ride to the ‘safe house’. Steve beside Hopper in his nostalgic jeep, sat bruised and bloody with a forlorn attitude. He watched the father’s grip tighten on the wheel every so often, resisting his urge for tears. When it was finally revealed where the others had been living over the three weeks you were stuck in the Upside Down, Steve had his doubts.
The Harrington household was the best option for them to set up base of operations in Hawkins. It was big, it was empty, and it was just far enough out from the centre of town to be safer from the monsters still crawling around on the surface. Someone had fixed the garage door, the windows had been covered completely in either wood or fabric. But no matter how much they changed, Steve would never be able to forget it was his childhood home. One he assumed he would reside in until the day he died, even against all his efforts.
That possibility was looking more and more likely.
The usual parlour of the house was now ‘communications’. Dustin and Mike had set up a radio system, not unlike their equipment from the AV Club, and had a running list of all the stations still playing something other than nauseating static. Every now and then a brief interruption of a person’s call for help would come blaring through and Hopper would take a team to go rescue them. Unfortunately, no new residents ever found safety in the Harrington home.
The lounge Steve would spend most his evenings sinking into the couch was now filled with D&D boards, comic books, and many blankets. It was a space for the kids to hang out, and it was probably the only room Steve found himself smiling in. If he could find the energy to smile, that is. Even if they couldn’t remove the kids from the dangers of the forbidden world, they could at least try to let them be kids. Play fights, campaigns, board games. Steve sometimes would peer into the room and wish he was 13 again. Part of him knew his younger self would have no chance dealing with the apocalypse, much unlike the younger friends who had more tenacity than he ever could.
Upstairs had four bedrooms, but none of them were designated to any particular person or group. The kids generally preferred sleeping in the lounge unless instructed otherwise. And with everything happening on the other side of the boarded windows, there was never any time to sleep longer than 4 hours at most. Everyone had different sleeping times and shifts, meaning if a bed was free, it was yours.
Steve, however, had been using one of the bedrooms to study the maps Hopper had brought. It was just another guest room before he had dragged in a desk and shifted the bed over to the corner. His own room was too big for one person, he realised. And with how selfish he had been lately, he didn’t want to feel guilty for anything else. The adults usually slept in there, and Steve made no attempt to question their sleeping arrangements. It wasn’t any of his business.
And lastly, there was his father’s study. Hopper had been using it for the exact same reasons Steve had redecorated the guest room; to find you. He spent most of his time cooped up in there, only ever leaving to announce a new plan or to walk out on a new mission. It makes Steve’s stomach lurch anytime he thinks about how miserable the father must be.
A father who was doing everything in his power to get you back, taking the operation seriously. All the while Steve was simply barrelling head first into gut feelings, almost ruining everything.
The first week Steve was back was the busiest. He and Hopper had made detailed plans, taking care and consideration into their next actions. The beginning was fine, Steve almost felt at ease knowing he was doing something. But he grew tired of the wait.
After that week, he started to lose his mind. He found himself running all over town looking for another way back to the place he had so longed to escape, praying for another gate, and trying every signal point in Hawkins for even just a glimmer of communication to reach you. Hopper almost had to physically restrain him when things got messy, telling him to pull himself back into reality before something bad happened. He should have listened.
“See? I told you he’d be here.” Dustin grins as he spots Steve stood in the doorway, an array of eyes shifting to him.
“You missed a wild campaign.” Lucas states and Mike throws a look, shaking his head in silent disappointment.
“Oh, yeah. I was on the edge of my seat.” Max mocks, “Thought I was gonna have to come rescue Lucas from invisible fireballs.”
“Why do you hate me?” Lucas asks bluntly, and Steve clears his throat before anything can escalate further.
“Where’s Will?” He suddenly realises the loss of a head count, frowning at the spare chair pulled up to the table.
“He… he hasn’t come out of that room.” Mike’s face falls, shifting on his feet. “He hasn’t really spoken much. Not since...”
A moment of silence plagued the room. Nobody really spoke about what happened a few days ago, a mission gone horribly wrong. The task was simple: get to Weathertop and use the ‘Cerebro’ Dustin built to break through the static of the Upside Down. Yet, it was far from simple in the end. It left a thick lump in Steve’s throat to even think about it. They had all become somewhat experts on ignoring the reality, Steve especially.
He couldn’t imagine how Will must be feeling.
“I, uh… I’ll go speak to him.” Steve says, surprising himself. “Just in case he needs anything.”
Dustin squinted his eyes ever-so-slightly, gazing right through Steve’s attempt at misdirection, knowing his older friend was nervous about socialising after the week they had. Yet, he didn’t comment on the matter. He just shrugged and mumbled something about bringing Will food later, fiddling with the small wizard statue on the table.
Satisfied with the silence, Steve takes his leave.
Not before clocking El’s eyes as he headed back out the room. It sent a chill down his spine to see her face like that, a red stain on the cuff of her jumper explaining all he needed to know. She was watching him. Studying him. He wondered if she was sharing her disbelief to the others, or if she was waiting for the right moment.
No, Steve thinks, leaving the room and turning to face the stairs, stop being so paranoid.
He was fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper when he made it to the top of the staircase, staring down the corridor to where Will was currently residing, holding his breath. He wasn’t sure what he should say, if he could say anything at all. The lump in his throat was building into a boulder, a telling sign that he wasn’t ready to talk about it.
A quiet speech of his name being called from behind him made him retreat from the original plan. He would be grateful for the interruption if door number two wasn’t another fear he needed to face.
As he approaches the study, he can just make out the figure through the three inch gap of an open door, pushing it further ajar.
“Did you want to speak to me?” Steve peers his head through, praying he had misheard.
“Yeah, come in.”
The man was leant back in his chair with a weary expression, running a hand down his face. If anyone was looking worse than Steve, it was Hopper. The father had barely eaten or slept for weeks, his every hour dedicated to locating his daughter and bringing her home. It made Steve’s stomach twist whenever he thinks about how his words were torturing him. Hopper only knew what Steve had told him; you were healthy and alive, waiting for a saviour. Two of those were lies, and the other unknown, but Steve had said them anyway in a moment of agony and recklessness, and now… now it had gone too far to take it back. The longer it took them to find what Steve had promised, the more damage it had procured to Hopper’s health, mentally and physically.
Staring at the thinning chief of police, Steve waits in bated breath for some kind of lecture. He had been expecting this for days now.
“Have you spoken to Will?” He questions and Steve is surprised, blinking through his answers.
“Uh… no. No, I- I haven’t yet. I was just on my way to-”
“It’s not your fault, Steve.”
A hitch in his throat was louder than anticipated in this quiet room, causing him to cough it away like it had simply been a mis-breathe of air. Hopper sent him a knowing look, leaning forward as Steve finally takes a seat.
“None of us could have seen the shapeshifters coming.” Hopper sighs, running a hand down his face. “It looks like more and more are appearing.”
Steve scrunches his face, trying to remove the bloody image from his mind. “Have you spoken to the military? Are they actually doing anything?”
“Well,” Hopper leans back again, clicking his jaw, “I’ve got word that they’re slowly minimising the quarantine. Which, unfortunately, could mean two very different things. They’re either killing these monsters, or they’re driving them directly into the town centre.”
“So, just as useless as ever, then.” Steve grumbles, met with a tired nod.
“I know how you feel, kid.” He says, glancing back down at the map with a mournful expression. “I… I want to find her just as bad as you do. She-”
His voice catches and Steve looks up to see him quickly wipe a tear away, sniffing with the intent of driving it away.
“She needs me. Us. And… and it’s killing me to know she’s waiting in that god awful place while I try and hunt down gates that don’t exist.”
Another jolt of guilt to his gut, and Steve grips the arms of the chair. “I’m sorry. For not… for not bringing her back. She- she was right there. I-I could have-”
“You did everything you could, Steve. Don’t ever think that you didn’t.” Hopper’s gaze is unwavering, ensuring Steve heard him loud and clear.
Steve knew better than to argue. Instead, he meekly nods and pulls in his lips, looking anywhere but at the familial reminder of what he lost.
“I just hope she’s okay.”
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The repetitive imitation of a heartbeat was the moment that drove you to consciousness, irritated by the relentless noise against your growing migraine.
Beep… beep…
Two more tick by by the time you feel a twitch in your fingers, your whole body feeling sore and numb all at the same time. You’re trying to drag your eyes open, blinded by a piercing blur of light to your pupils.
Everything was white. The walls, the beam of a lightbulb, the sheets covering your body. It took 5 more heartbeats to realise you were laying in a bed.
You suck in a struggled gasp of air, becoming all too aware of the needle sat below the skin of your wrist.
Why were you here? How did you get in this bed? What happened?
You don’t remember anything at all.
“Help.” You say. Or, rather, you try. Your voice was so hoarse, the word didn’t even sound from your lips.
You try and move your body, but it starts to become clear that it wasn’t ready to be moved. How long had you been asleep?
Some memory starts to form back into your mind, one of a boy. Standing in front of a boy. And he was behind a wall. Why were you stood there? How was he behind a wall? The gap was closing, and some shadows were behind you. What were they? What happened-
“Steve.” You gasp, blinking back to reality. This time, the word echoed perfectly into the dull white room.
You didn’t recall learning the name, nor could you make sense of the blurry face that came with it, wisps of brunette hair. But you can remember standing in front of him, you can remember the feeling of guilt and heartache overcoming you. The rest was a mere mirage.
A tear rolls down your cheek, unbeknownst to you. Whatever the memory was, your body reacted to it like it was better to be forgotten.
The monitor beside you starts to beep quicker, a noticeable thump in your chest matching its rhythm. Was this… were you in a hospital?
As you try and shift your body one more time, you spot the object in the corner of the ceiling abruptly move to face your direction. With your eyesight returned to normal against the bright lights, you can just see a security camera pointed at you, a red light blinking ever so small.
A sudden click of a door merely a few feet from your bed catches your attention, a wave of panic flooding your body. This didn’t feel like a hospital.
This wasn’t a hospital.
And yet, the person who walked into the room was wearing a white coat, looking clean and kind as they came to your side, smiling.
“Where… where am I?” You struggle to speak, swallowing nothing. “Who are… you?”
“Y/n, you don’t need to be afraid.” A male voice soothed, pulling up a chair and reaching to a bedside table you hadn’t even noticed, picking up a plastic cup. “You’re safe here.”
He brings the cup to your lips and you can only take a sip of the water before its taken away from you and set back at your side. Your throat started to soothe, and you took care to practice the detail of this man’s face. You didn’t recognise him. He was an older man with white hair and a few cosy wrinkles, looking sympathetically at you with a stare that instantly pacified.
As your lips move to form a question, he beats you to the punch, introducing a name you’re sure you’ll never forget.
“My name is Dr Martin Brenner.” He smiles, tilting his head. “We have so much to talk about.”
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@toomanyfandomsimfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose .
@palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 .
@iliveonteaandbooks . @innercreationflower . @newyorkangelbaby . @totally-bogus-timelady . @pansexualhoor .
@kitdjarin1 . @chiliwhore .
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scaly-freaks · 1 day
“Milk Carton” — Self-explanatory, it was the only song I could think of that has the perspective of someone who survived a kidnapping. I also believe that establishing what is going to happen in the beginning helps build up a sense of dread. We know that a kidnapping is going to happen, we just don't know when.
“In the Pines” — A truly haunting song. The song was originally written by Lead Belly, but the first time I heard it was this Kurt Cobain documentary called Montage of Heck, where the final scene is Kurt performing the song at MTV Unplugged. There’s this moment in the song where Kurt makes this face that is absolutely chilling, almost like he’s Colonel Kurtz staring into the heart of darkness. The lines, “you caused me to weep, you caused me to moan, you caused me to leave my home / I wish to my Lord that I’d never seen your face / I’m sorry you were ever born,” also felt pertinent. All in all, I felt it sets the Southern setting, especially the North Carolina region, where you say Aegon takes Amara.
“Rampage” — I felt that this accurately captured Aegon’s demeanour. I don’t know whether they might have known each other prior to her abduction, but most kidnappings occur with someone who knows you. There will be a lot of songs where you just feel looming dread, and this is the first of them. “Milk Carton” is disturbing, but there’s no dread, because there’s no anticipation. Whereas “Rampage,” I’m going to assume, seems to be spoken from the perspective of a lover of a boy whom, it’s heavily implied from the references to the Columbine Shooters and Tate Langdon in American Horror Story, is ultimately going to shoot up a school. When I was a kid, my parents would play this song called, “Six O’Clock News,” about a woman whose lover goes on a shooting rampage, who has just learned she’s pregnant with his child. I always was very shaken by that song, and I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have loved someone who committed such atrocities; just the sheer guilt, the discomfort regarding how to mourn them, the thoughts of I should have known, I should have seen the signs…was unthinkable for me as a child, and is unthinkable now. In “Creek Blues,” another song from the same album as “Rampage,” you sort of get this mosaic of such “signs.” He shows the speaker his daddy’s guns, he kills dogs and leaves them to die by the nearby creek. I think, for me, I wanted to build up a sense of dread over the songs, until it reaches its pinnacle, sort of this mounting pile of evidence that something terrible is going to happen. I discuss the notion of warning signs in relation to violence and abuse in the explanation for “Sometime After Midnight.”
“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” — Chosen mostly because it inspired this creepy, creepy short story that we read in high school, about the immediate moments preceding the abduction of a teenage girl from her home. Incredibly unsettling story, and absolutely heartbreaking. The story, called “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” was adapted into a movie in the 80’s. Honestly considering removing it, given that I’m trying to build up dread, and it’s not really a dreadful song. Let me know if you think it should stay.
“Sometime After Midnight”— I wanted to convey a sense of looming doom; there’s this moment in W.G. Sebald’s The Emigrants, where there’s this extensive idyllic depiction of Bavaria, and then this war plane crosses the sky. This section starts out with the understanding that it’s the account of a character’s mother, and that she wrote it while awaiting deportation to a Nazi death camp. And this endows the image of the war plane cutting across this clear blue sky above this bucolic Bavarian landscape with a feeling of absolute dread; they have no idea what is going to happen. It’s the equivalent to the tomb in Arcadia, or the ending of Irréversible: it’s a portent of doom. “Sometime After Midnight” is one such prelude; the speaker remarks to herself that she knows that she spent all day getting ready for the date, but that she has this feeling in her stomach that makes her feel uneasy. She remarks that she’s been told that bad things happen after dark, and then looks at the setting sun. It’s the equivalent to a puzzle piece falling into place. I do truly believe that there is an intuition that people have that something’s off, and that many, especially women, choose to ignore this feeling, tell themselves that they’re being silly or paranoid, only to realize that their gut was right. It’s meant to convey dread, and banality. While the speaker may have considered her day preparing for the date innocuous, just a bit of fun, in retrospect, the day will become far more significant.
            I was too young to remember 9/11, but when I’ve asked my parents and my friends’ parents their stories of that day (I grew up very close to New York), they all reacted differently—my boyfriend's dad saw the second tower get hit from the train window, and stayed on the train, my friend's dad was in the South Tower and ran to the Hudson to get on one of the many boats that were trying to take people off Manhattan—but one thing detail was the same in all of their stories: there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky that day. The reason why this detail has crystallized in their head is because they should have known. It was only in retrospect that the day that began like any other became that day. We trace the final day of murder victims, what they wore, their last words to their parents and loved ones, because we want to prepare ourselves for the possibility that our banal, commonplace lives could be torn apart at a moment’s notice, that one day we might walk out of a door and never be seen again. I believe that we have an intuition about people, but not about events. The speaker of “Sometime After Midnight” does not know that this is the last day; she may not have spoken to any of her parents or friends or loved ones but instead spent all of it getting ready for a date that will end in either her abduction or her demise. She may have a gut feeling, but by the time she feels it, it's already too late. This is her last day, and all that she can do is watch "the sky turn black by the window-side."
“Bad Things”— Another song that I felt exuded dread, although in this case, the fear actually becomes realized. The opening riff almost hits like a stuttering heart, with this insistent clapping noise; it immediately evokes both despair and anxiety. The song's chorus reads like a nursery rhyme you tell children: bad things happen, and you are powerless to stop them. The chorus is also apt for a kidnapping: you leave home, and you never come back. I had never been able to decipher the spoken part, but in looking at the lyrics, they’re really chilling, given that they’re spoken by Jim fucking Jones. The lyrics read as such: "You’d have wanted to run, you’d have had to run with them, because anybody could’ve run today, they would have wanted to. I know you’re not a runner and your life is precious to me.” It’s essentially Jim Jones gaslighting his followers in the leadup to their mass suicide, telling them that they actually have agency over their fates. They chose to stay and kill themselves alongside him, he argues, because they didn’t run when they could have. They freely chose to stay with him and die with him. But this isn’t true; the inner circle would punish those who attempted to escape, and the event that precipitated the Jonestown massacre was a group of Jones loyalists gunning down the Congressman Leo Ryan and defecting members of the People’s Temple on an air strip as they tried to leave. Jones manipulated his followers into believing they had a choice, that, if they wanted to leave, they could have, when they never did. I think I recall Aegon using this rationalization in Chapter 10 of YSMMC: it was Amara's choice to go to the cabin, so he bears no responsibility for any of the acts he felt licensed to subject her to as a result of this choice. And, as in Jonestown, Amara’s “choice” in YSMMC wasn’t much of a choice, because it was either that or a confrontation with Jace, and Aegon knew this, and exploited it to his advantage. He helped create the conditions that would cause her to choose. It all reminds me of when I was reading Chapter 17 of YSMMC, and I was reminded of this passage from Lolita:
“Get in,” I said. “You can’t call that number.”
“Get in and slam the door.”
She got in and slammed the door. The old garage man beamed at her. I swung on to the highway.
“Why can’t I call my mother if I want to?”
“Because,” I answered, “your mother is dead.”
In the gay town of Lepingville I bought her four books of comics, a box of candy, a box of sanitary pads… at the hotel we had separate rooms, but in the middle of the night she came sobbing into mine, and we made it up very gently. You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go. (140)
That is to say, Jim Jones, Humbert in Lolita, and Aegon in YSMMC all act as if the decision by their victims to have sex with them was their victims’ choice, when they were the ones who set up the conditions that forced their victims to do what the men say. And, even if Amara freely chose to go to the cabin, she didn't choose any of the acts Aegon subjected her to there. I figured that this would be the approach of Aegon in this AU; tell Amara that it was actually her choice. This song sort of represents the pinnacle of the lead-up: the kidnapping that we've been expecting has finally occurred.
Anyways, as always, thank you for the opportunity for me to sharpen my character analysis approach to get ready for school; the methodology that guides my interpretation of characters is essentially the New Critical close reading method, and requires that I reconcile all aspects of their character and actions with each other, to explain their motivations, etc. It's a great challenge to have to analyze characters when their writer is right there to correct you; you're a lot less likely to cast generalizing statements about characters; it's harder to pontificate falsehoods when God is right there, if that makes sense lol. It forces me to be much more discerning, and therefore hones my analytical process, so I thank you again for that!!! X Caroline
Absolutely insane descriptor behind each song in this playlist, and the thought put into them? Girl, you are going to ace your impending studies. I consider myself lucky that this silly little hobby I picked up attracted people who treat it as something real and genuine which then pushes me to improve.
I only really fix someone's analysis if I think it's interpreting a sensitive topic in a way that I don't think is conducive to open-minded discussion; that responsibility kind of feels like it falls on me to fix since it's my work they're reading.
But your analysis, as well as others who have had their interpretations, I love to ingest, because as a writer, it's so easy to feel like these characters are just mine. But in reality, I read an amazing book and I hold those characters in me in a way that the writer might not recognise or identify with. Someone might extract the gentleness of Aegon and Amara and want to hold that close, whereas I might have written that particular chapter/passage from a place of extreme violence and trauma. Both are correct because both are tangled up with human beings. And when someone gives me their approach, I get to experience this familiarity of my characters from a whole other vantage which is so, so fun.
I'm a fan of every song you've chosen, and even though I know I can't write this AU right now, the lyrics to each are painting scenes into existence. For instance, as I was reading (and listening), a scene came to me where Amara tries to escape from the moving truck, and when Aegon gets her back, he choke-slams her into the horizontal part of the seat, her neck bent at a crooked angle as her head hits the car door. He's kneeling on the gears and the brake, one arm angled up against the roof of the truck, crouched over her like a malignant beast in a painting. The physicality of him filling up the space while she curls up and tries to push at his chest with her feet...yeah.
The Lolita comparison and the instances in YSMMC where Aegon created an inescapable situation and then handed her the illusion of choice...YES. Exactly it. If we're speaking in terms Helaena would use, Amara is an insect missing several legs, and Aegon is the spider slowly spinning the web in circles around her. Or a ladybird around which he's drawing a shape and she keeps trying to avoid the new lines he's putting on the page, without realising she can just step over them. She regularly suffers from what I like to call a fuck fog but there's so much more happening when Aegon decides to actively manipulate her. The Targaryen trauma train is so real, and it's just inconceivable every single one of the siblings hasn't developed their own methods of "playing God" when things don't go their way.
Anyway, urgh, fucking juicy ask. Delicious. Nibbling on it like a chicken leg.
P.S. Before I forget, I didn't envision Aegon knowing her before he kidnapped her at first, but I sort of like that now. There's a scene in Room where she screams at her mother for telling her to "be nice to everyone" and that's why she helped her eventual kidnapper look for his dog that didn't even exist. Maybe Amara gave Aegon a smile in passing a few times at the place she worked, and it was never anything more complicated than that. A scrap of kindness he decided to poison and taint.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art of the inevitable betrayal and death of Philippe de Nevers by my Prince Gonzague featuring a quote from the tragedy that is titled after Médée's name sake.
"Tell me, how does it feel with my teeth in your heart?" - Euripidies, Medea
Along with some flower symbolism, fitting considering I used the betrayal scene from Revolutionary Girl Utena as a pose reference.
Yellow carnations for rejection and disappointment. Daffodils can symbolize rebirth, chivalry, and unrequited love. Purple hyacinths for sorrow. Dark crimson roses for grief and mourning.
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im so normal about thalia and jasons relationship (no im not)
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outism-had-a-purpose · 8 months
If Ishmael gets to kill the 'bastard' in her canto and finally gets the catharsis she needs, wouldn't it be kinda symbolic if she cuts off her hair to symbolize her letting go of the weight of avenging/looking for her crew.
Honestly I'm just writing this because I want to see Ryoshu pulling out her odachi and going "BBG, IGY" when Ishmael throws the idea of cutting her hair around after canto v
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corfisers · 6 months
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i really need to finish this one day
#one of my fave ideas but i keep getting stuck or starting over. third time's the charm hopefully#anyways. posting it as an excuse to rant because i'm losing my mind over this rn for no reason#incoherent but i just need to Talk or my brain won't shut up#you ever think about how fucked up it is that aoi feels guilty over what happened. i do. i think about her a lot#he can't even look at me. we aren't even blood related but he still had to go to jail because of me. i still love him#in reality none of it is her fault. it shouldn't be about doumeki in the first place. baby girl you were 15 when it happened.#you can say that yashiro is cruel in his dismissiveness (on the surface) of doumeki's trauma but you can see where he's coming from#you got a glimpse of what your sister was going through? of what i went through? and now you're sooo guilty over it? and who does it help?#doumeki's so focused on his own feelings that he ignored aoi when they were living together. “saves” her by pure chance#proceeds to focus on his guilt and ignore her again. if yashiro didn't get involved she'd be sitting in the rain for god knows how long#yet she still loves and to some degree idolizes him#yashiro and aoi both saying that doumeki isn't the type of person to be a yakuza too. doumeki's good doumeki's better than that#and then ch 24 happens. where yashiro says that he's going to throw up and doumeki's response is “i probably won't stop even if you do”#“guess i am like my father after all” and yashiro still goes “you're not. you're pure and im the problem”#(touches doumeki's face. rare gentle gesture. he's gentle afterwards too before leaving. man.)#he's not cruel enough to repeat what he said in the earlier conversation and he doesn't actually believe it anyway#but i wish yashiro was cruel there. it shouldn't have been about doumeki and his feelings. again.#something about yashiro throwing a knife at another person and it flying back at him huh#for all the talk about how doumeki supposedly romanticizes yashiro it really is the other way around. always has been#which is a whole other conversation but yeah. everything about aoi and yashiro in relation to doumeki makes me so fucking sad#but this is also what i mean when i say that aoi doesn't haunt the narrative per se but still has this weird presence?#she's in the parallels. she's in the brief but important mentions. she's in the “your sister was lucky she had you”.#wips tag
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probablyhuntersmom · 2 years
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Having some brainrot about this so here goes.
Namaari plays a larger role than one might think: her love for Sisu and the dragons was the silent hero of the movie, dare I argue. It wasn't just Raya's father who expressed an optimistic dream to make the world better; young Namaari's speech in the first column above is what spurred Raya to embark on her tiring 6-year search to revive Sisu. I only noticed upon rewatching this movie a year and 8 months later, and got chills, that Namaari's initial hope died out due to fear: until Sisu's untainted optimism revives said hope 6 years later (in the second column).
But my god, this movie is bittersweet: young Namaari describes the legend depicted in the precious scroll she owned, that the dragon was swept down a river after saving the world 500 years prior. Guess what? As a young adult, Namaari is the one to make essentially the same thing happen because out of fear, she shoots Sisu in the heart and the latter is swept downstream (Raya was also responsible, but this will be an analysis for another day since there is wonderfully layered interplay between the main three characters).
Sisu didn't exactly save the world this time, not on a large scale, but she did save Namaari's old dream of a better world and set things into motion for the world to heal once more after the 500-year stone sleep that befell almost everyone. Namaari was hardened but still had hope and love deep down, and Sisu's trusting nature - the hallmark of the dragons in the lore of Kumandra - reached that place.
It's crazy: the screencap of young Namaari imagining a dragon coming back into their world, is next to the one where Sisu is mortally wounded. On a more meta level, perhaps the rivers young Namaari speaks of are to metaphorically be the choices she has to consider as an adult.
I wish these two had a one-to-one scene, and am very mildly hoping for a sequel, but Namaari and Sisu no doubt influenced one another in the story:
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I'll be writing another analysis or two about this movie while my brainrot lasts lol
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lo-fi-charming · 2 years
not jon and daisy both suffering similar traumas bc they blame themselves for someone else falling to an entity when they were helpless children
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amatres · 11 months
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the is the last of the end of act three i will make yall look at, but i just found these parts of the talk with minagho so interesting
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sexysilverstrider · 8 months
please please please your thoughts on teratai and kieran’s relationship so far in the story and where you think it’s heading 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
ok ive hold on to this ask for quite a while im ready to put it together
lemme summarize teratai: shes the school champion who has the promise of being the official paldean champion once geeta steps down. shes practically the most famous and sought out person. men and women want her. men even want to BE her judging by the amount of popularity she has. teratai has charisma. she gets confessed at least once a month (once a WEEK after her final major battle w nemona) but she politely turns them down. she is kind and helpful, assisting juniors with their work and inspiring seniors and helping teachers too. teratai just has this role that her actions help people.
teratai shines the most during battles coz her serious and charming nature just blows everyone away. everytime she sends out her meowscarada or shiny volcarona ppl are just swooned at the fierce smirk on teratais face.
of course her best friends arven nemona and penny are close with her. whatever problems she has, they know. teratai is friendly but these 3 know her better as time flies by.
speaking of nemona. teratai often has battles w her the most. of course, so far teratai has won all the battles and not once did nemona feel sad or crestfallen. if anything, the losses made her more motivated in battling. teratai is just as pumped. no one can beat her. and battling her once makes someone stronger and a better person.
she also has a legendary. to hv a strong pokemon choose her is somethng she never thought much about. koraidon chose her and arvens just yes please take him i dnt want him and teratais just okay. its normal for her.
at least, thats what she thought of before she met kieran.
now i hcanon tht the kitakami trip is a month long. enough to form a nice normal friendship w someone. teratai is used to ppl wooing over her esp juniors so to see kieran in awe of her is nthing new.
hwever, as they grow closer as field trip partners teratai starts to get kieran to open up more. note: teratai is used to ppl like kieran but shes never close to someone like him. to not hv her 3 bffs close by obvsly teratai becomes friendlier to kieran (and it extension carmine). so teratai convinces kieran to walk by her side, talk to each other, share lil life adventures together, battle one another.
teratai is a person who likes to tease so sometimes she teases kieran cutely. about how hes really good at battling and hw passionate he is when commanding his pokemon. teratai thinks its cute.
she also cutely teases that the lil mole on his neck is adorable. and gets surprisingly flustered when kieran teases back about the lil mole under her left eye. it made her heart skip a beat but she thinks its just the moment.
teratai then surprises herself when SHE casually said tht they can go together to the festival. kieran was surprised too but happily accepts.
now i hv a fic in my mind about their festival date but long story short it was a magical moment to them.
now remember what i said abt hw teratai always wins n esp w nemona every nemoma loses she just laughs happily? teratai never thought much about it. she always assumes battling her brings out the best in people.
that is until she battled kieran during the whole ogerpon ordeal.
she saw how broken he is. she saw how HATEFUL he is towards her. the moment she chose to not tell the truth (in vain hope to protect kieran). the moment ogerpon chose her. these were the last straws of their beautiful friendship.
its broken and for the first time, teratai sees clearly how her actions brought out dire consequences.
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leofrith · 1 year
once again thinking about the version of the skye arc in which eivor does get overtaken by the apple and kassandra has to go find randvi back in ravensthorpe and bring her back to skye to free eivor from its grip through the power of love
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lobpoints · 2 years
Clawing at people making them understand that Angela didnt wear the exact hairband as Carmen since it is literally the point of the symbolism surrounding said hairband
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hey what if eyrie’s fray was just a young version of their daughter that died like hey eyrie here is the worst part of your guilt and helplessness pleading with you to love and forgive yourself
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readymades2002 · 2 months
it is very frustrating because my mom does not know What The Deal Is but she certainly Suspects (for good reason. to be fair to her.) and she has Insinuated and she has Implied but she has not asked anything specifically. and its...not unreasonable for her to do this i guess because the last relationship i was in i didn't tell her for a year and a half. because the relationship BEFORE that was my first and it was with a girl and i asked her EXPLICITLY AND URGENTLY to not tell my dad about it because he was a massive homophobe and i knew this and saw this where she did not and she told him anyway and i have not trusted her since though, having few other options, i have continued to confide in her things that i should not confide in her that have then mysteriously made their way through all our shared coworkers back to me. and its.....its so. i don't know what to do about it. she..."stalked" is the wrong word but she followed my blog against my wishes and knowledge as a child and the more i lost trust in her and stopped talking to her the more she pried into my private life. i know my sister had similar experiences with her. and it has created this cycle where i keep trying to keep her out for my own privacy and dignity and safety and she just gets even more desperate and pathetic trying to get in after breaking my trust over and over and OVER again but i live with her and depend on her for far too many things and so it just. is this. awesomesauce
#have talked about it a bit with a few people and its...difficult?#i have always felt like i was the person standing between my parents when my dad was at his worst#and as kind of like. someone who failed to protect my family from him#and the last few months ive started recognizing patterns where 1) when my parents were united#was when there was a common threat and that common threat was ALWAYS me and my insanity. which feels. bad#and 2) my mother had no one to talk to about the horrific shit he said and so often ended up relaying#some of the worst things youve ever heard to me and my sister very conversationally#every thing he said about me that haunts me i heard when she told me and then went 'ha! isnt that so stupid he would say that?'#like. i guess its. she was a...i hate using it here but a Victim in thatsituation but im also starting to learn#that she was also a collaborator. and that she failed to protect us or take care of us often because she was scared of him#or sometimes because she agreed with him or hated/resented us or whatever. its. um#it is difficult. and every time i try to change and talk openly around her instead of being passive aggressive as i learned from her#she responds in the same guilt trippy icy way and says i am pissy or i think too black and white or do i think shes a bad person#and so i cannot...i cannot grow with her because it HURTS. every time. and ive just kind of...found it harder and harder to talk to her#at all. and her pain fills the apartment because she sees it happening. and it makes coming back here every day#even more unbearable even more crushing and i don't know what to do about it#it has been so weird. ive been trying to...change and grow. to be Real. to be truthful and to communicate well#for my friends and coworkers and family and i feel i've come so far sometimes#and then when it comes to her i just don't know how to do it because i don't trust her.#and when i try it only hurts both of us and i can't explain that to her because she WILL take it personally and she#she...everyone is capable of change. i believe that. to be alive is constant changing. but she refuses.#when she asked me if i thought she was a bad person she answered her own question going 'i dont think so.#i think you see things so much more black and white than i do and you're so easily offended and sensitive. i think im a good person'#not in a...not in a combative way but in a sincere way. and its like. i dont think i even responded i was fucking flabbergasted#where do you even GO from a statement like that lmao!!! god. its so frustrating. it is so so so fucking frustrating
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