#she doesn't seem like the type of person to be hypocritical about something like that
zukkaoru · 1 year
i support women's wrongs but i have to say i'm also a rather big fan of consistent characterization,,
#this is about#jjk 211#jjk leaks#like okay i get wanting tsumiki to be a little evil that's fine!!#but given that her big motif in s1 was 'even if i could curse someone i'd rather spend my time loving them'#it just seems like uhhhhh it wouldn't be the best writing#like it could be done well but it would be difficult and i'm. not sure i trust gege that much lol#also i get that what we've seen of her has only been through megumi's biased perspective but like#there's not many ways to misinterpret the meaning of#'if i had the time to curse someone i'd rather spend it thinking about those precious to me'#so to go back on that just because she can used cursed energy / does have a ct now seems..... really inconsistent#she doesn't seem like the type of person to be hypocritical about something like that#she's been portrayed as someone with a very strong inclination towards Goodness#and obviously that isn't black and white#but it just. rubs me the wrong way to completely undermine everything we know about her#megumi certainly isn't the most reliable narrator - especially when it comes to those he cares about#but he isn't a liar#and he isn't stupid#i'm just afraid that this is going to be a huge disservice to both tsumiki AND megumi and i. don't want that#i just. i hate when authors forget the characterization of their own characters for the sake of a plot twist#maybe it'll be fine!! but i'm sick and tired of 'idk let's just make this character do something entirely ooc bc no one will see it coming'#if it actually works great! but i'm not jumping on the 'let tsumiki kill' train yet bc with what we know of her so far it just#it doesn't make sense#and there's a difference between 'unreliable narrator / biased narrator' and just. straight up lying with no hints towards the truth#anyway sorry i just have. feelings#maybe i'm still a little traumatized from the 0uat writers entirely forgetting everyone's canon characterization past s3 but i am. wary#i've seen too many shows/series entirely disregard the established characterizations for the sake of surprising viewers with a poorly#written plot twist#hello grace here#there was supposed to be more tags here but tumblr cut me off rip </3 oh well my point stands
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bibibbon · 2 months
MHA chapter 420 rant
New chapter new rant it's become somewhat of a thing at this point 😭
So hori's out here deflating any stakes or tension as always. I personally hated what happend last chapter with Izuku losing both his arms but I did wish for hori to continue on the path he chose instead of completely reversing it with some bs in this chapter. Heck I don't understand how Eri even had enough energy to heal his arms considering it was stated chapters before that she couldn't and shouldn't help Izuku it wasn't her fight and neither should she be forced to watch what's going on but here we are.
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Heroes are hypocrites when it comes to Eri and she deserves better. Oh Eri the ever so lasting plot device. As someone that likes Eri's character and wished for her trauma and what she went through to be explored this is just bs and shows that the heroes are incompetent hypocrites at their jobs for allowing Eri to mutilate herself (the same thing overhaul did to himself) so she can be useful to these people who she views as her saviours?!?!?! Let's not even tall about the fact that ECTOPLASM stated that he helped her with that and allowed her to do that like?!?!? You're an adult who is supposed to be supervising the child and you almost failed to stop her from running away into the battlefield but allowed her to do that to herself. Let's also talk about how aizawa horribly failed as a guardian like its clearly stated in the chapter that she did want she did because she was inspired by aizawa and how he cut his leg off so she mimicked him so she can be helpful?!?! Aizawa isn't angry, worried or disappointed but shocked and that's it nothing else he doesn't even reprimand her like seriously 😑.
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Present mic and kurogiri deserves better. We still don't know where present mic is but he deserves better than this I still hate how his feelings aren't acknowledged in this bs and he is just there pushed to the side as support. Kurogiri is a mix at this point they seem to realise that oh oboro is dead he ain't coming back but kurogiri is acting on memories that haven't died and to be honest Iam sick of hori drawing the same memory panel over and over we should just get new content show us them play fighting or doing something that friends do idk 🤷‍♀️
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Wasted potential aizawa at this point. I lasted made a post about aizawas wasted potential but dam does it really show and basically at this point hori reduced all the characters involved in the kurogiri situation to just that and it's sad like we could of had more and we should of. Aizawa was doomed from the start as he was hori's mouthpiece which sucks
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Iam not a fan of everyone coming in to fight AFO. I already hate the fact that AFO is back but having everyone who hasn't had a big moment or can still fight yet come into the fight is horrible. Iam ok with having a few characters come in but having some endgame avengers type of thing is horrible especially because class 1A and izuku aren't shown to have a strong bond a lot of the time it's one of the reasons why the vigilante arc fails and why a lot of other moments concerning class 1A and izuku fail.
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Iam a fan of the civilians trying to help however they can but no inko?!?!!?!!. I loved that we got the page of civilians genuinely wanting to help Izuku and offering their shirts to stop the bleeding also even though we don't get much from the all might guy I genuinely loved the development he has gone through. Sadly, I was expecting to see inko in this chapter and considering we had a whole page dedicated to the civilians it's sad that we didn't get any update on inko as she was probably there watching what happend to her son
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Eri's dream. I loved that Eri's dream is something way outside of heroics and it's something that doesn't involve her quirk at all. It makes me remember of izuku holding her hand and telling her that he supports her dream. I wonder if Eri and jirou hang out often or anything considering that jirou is Eri's inspiration or if present mic also inspired Eri. it's sad that Eri's character is never truly explored considering what happend to her this chapter and the double standards that are with both heroes and villains.
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Your Hermione (through Draco's loving, rose-tinted glasses) has been one of my favorites to read. He doesn't shy away from her faults but sees her qualities (intelligence! an appreciation for the rules but creativity around them! confidence! a touch - a gallon - of bossiness!) as strengths instead of the annoyances they sometimes appear to be through Harry's eyes in the original books.
You once wrote on your favorite and least favorite tropes for Draco. I'm curious, what are they for Hermione? Was she the character you saw yourself in in the books, or was that someone else?
And a million times over - thanks for creating such a rich, beautiful text. I've been reading fanfiction for 10 years, and this is one of my favorites.
Thank you so much! Hermione was my favorite character, and as a bookish, socially challenged kid, most definitely the one I saw myself in the most. She made it seem cool to work hard and try, which was not the vibe of my school at the time, and she was the character that I imprinted on. Honestly, it's cheesy, but she probably changed my life.
My favorite version of Hermione is probably "loving hierophant." I like her bossy, righteous, imperious, book-smart but stupid about people, and most of all, a wonderful, wonderful hypocrite. Hermione holds everyone to incredibly high standards, including herself. That means she believes in people intensely and gets cross at them easily when they disappoint her. She's sensitive about certain topics, especially the "not having friends" thing, but she hates the vulnerability it brings up, so she responds by getting defensive and redirecting attention to things she's good at, i.e. books and rules. This is also her reaction to vulnerability in general; Hermione needs to be In Control, and intimacy is the one area where that's literally impossible.
She's capable of observing her own faults in others much more easily than she is of observing them in herself; she'll criticize Harry and Ron for being tactless and then turn around and say something incredibly rude without blinking. This also applies to Harry's inability to pick his battles; Hermione's a little better than he is, but they both have different triggers, and she's not necessarily less bellicose than he is. (This doesn't stop her from lecturing him about a need to "be the hero" in OOTP, one of my all-time favorite Hermione Hypocrisy moments, because. Babygirl. Doctor, heal thyself.) She's scrappy and once she's engaged someone as an enemy, she fights with no holds barred; rules are for people who choose to play by them, and once someone breaks them, she's willing to open the umbrella of what she can do to deal with them. She doesn't have the most consistent moral code in the world! She's often inconsistent, and that's what's wonderful about her. She's a realistic depiction of a fifteen-year-old girl who cares just so fucking much, about everything, all the time, and is furious and desperate and passionate and brilliant, and wants to solve every problem, even when it means contradicting herself. She's still figuring herself out, and I love that about her. I love that she's wrong sometimes. I love that she's rude and messy, and she isn't good at expressing her needs.
In my view, the core tension of her character is her desire to be righteous and her absolute determination in pursuit of her goals. She is an ends not means type of person, and that's a decent philosophy when your enemies are dragons and dementors, but the minute you start dealing with people, your moral bets are off. This is the place where I think canon leaves her, and it's the place where the best fanfic takes her up.
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radiosummons · 1 year
This obviously would never happen in SW canon, but like ... I can't help but love the idea of Count Dooku just continously attempting to convince Obi-Wan to "join the Darkside."
Not for like, potential Sith!Obi-Wan purposes, but for just the sheer comedy of Dooku finding increasingly ridiculous ways to spend time with his grandpadawan grandson on the battlefield, all under the very thin veneer of trying to convert Obi-Wan to the Sith's cause.
Idk just the mental image of Sith Lord Palpatine and Dooku sharing a holocall, and Mr. Sheev is all like:
**Sidious: My apprentice, Kenobi has already turned down your generous offer to join us in our crusade against the Jedi. Why do you continue to toil after him while he clings to the corrupt ideals of his wretched Order?
Dooku: My Lord, Master Kenobi is among the few noble opponents to our righetous cause as well as a potential assest I feel we would be remiss to ignore. While he is indeed intrenched in the mires of the childish idealism of his fellow Jedi, I have sensed great turmoil within him. A turmoil which, if exploited properly, could potentially stoke the flame of awakening that you, my Lord, instilled within me.
Dooku: The longer this war continues, the more Master Kenobi will see through the hypocrisy of the Code he has sworn himself to. I sense that with time, he will cease his meaningless repudiations of the truths of which I have envailed to him, and will thus join us as yet another avatar of the Dark Side's will.
Sidious (not buying it one second but completely resigned to the fact that Dooku will continue purusing this anyway): ... very well.**
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is getting increasingly confused as to the direction Count Dooku's "tactics" have been going. Dooku never stops, of course, being his hypocritical ass self, and continues to give his extremely opinionated takes on the "failings of the Jedi Order."
But overtime, they'll be locked in a deadly duel and Dooku will just randomly inquire what type of tea is Obi-Wan's favorite and if he'd ever be interested in sitting down together sometime to debate over the philosophical differences amongst various Force wielding cultures and the like.
Obi-Wan, naturally, does not allow himself to fall for this farce of an inquiry into his personal interests. Clearly, the Count is simply trying a new (and completely unorthodox) approach in attempt to throw off Obi-Wan's guard. Surely, this new more "sentimental" Dooku is going for is merely a ploy and nothing more?
Although, he did seem quite genuine in his interest. For what reason, Obi-Wan has absoutely no idea.
Cue several months worth of "coincidental" clashes between Obi-Wan and Dooku, the former seemingly aware of where Obi-Wan will be regardless of how well the Jedi Master goes to hide his whereabouts. The GAR and Jedi Council, obviously, find these "coincidences" to be highly suspicious and concerning. Obi-Wan does as well, but he can't help but try to think of potential ways they could use Count Dooku's painfully obvious interest in him to their advantage.
Nobody (besides Yoda-because of course he would) quite understands Obi-Wan's growing humor with the whole situation, but they can't deny that he has a point.
Anakin can't stop being annoyed that Dooku won't stop dismissing him, but conceeds that he'd prefer the contempt the Sith Lord has for him over whatever the weird quasi-familial relationship that his Master seems to be forming with the traitorous Sith.
Ahsoka doesn't understand much of what's going on either, but she sort of gets where Obi-Wan is coming from. If there's a way that they can keep Count Dooku's focus on one target and away from the rest of their campaign, then surely that's something they should at least try? But, yeah, it is really really weird how amused/excited Obi-Wan seems about the prospect of being Sith bait yet again.
Cody would just like one campaign where he doesn't have to witness his General engaged in a violent physical and verbal spar over where Obi-Wan's loyalties should lie. It would also be amazing if his General would stop making jokes about the Count kidnapping him one day and serving him vintage Serreno wine in his prison cell.
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yourlocalderp · 8 months
A very long and angry essay that will put my head on a guillotine but who cares.
Now before I start, to anyone I may offend or anger in this, I just want to say that I don't care. Call me evil, say I'm bad, announce me the Tumblr fun police, whatever just keep it to yourselves. (Don't actually, I'm bored. Write paragraphs about me on TikTok and slander my name please.)
Also, I'm going to be brutally honest in this, with my genuine feelings out there for the world to hear. If you don't want to read a bunch of words written by a mentally ill teenager who just hates something in the world, then feel free to move on with your life. For all those who don't want to leave/ are actually interested/ readying their pitchforks, then do I have a treat for you.
Now, onto my actual topic. The Marjorine Scotch headcannon fucking sucks and makes no sense.
Let me tell you why.
First of all, it came out of nowhere. She appeared in one episode, and everyone decided "Hey, let's get rid of Butter's and put Marjorine instead mhm mhm definitely a good idea!" Y'all flocked to Marjorine quick as fuck, and I bet a rat ass some of you don't even like her and just want to jump on that bandwagon of the random ass uprise of a character which is a COSTUME of a literal existing character.
Second of all, you all act as if she's been here the whole time. She hasn't, it's BUTTERS who was here, not Marjorine. I keep seeing replies on comments asking why Butters is always replaced with Marjorine going "Well Butters and Marjorine are the same people blah blah blah" as if those same repliers wouldn't go "Marjorine>>>>Butters" like what happened to the "same person" mindset you had before hm? Anyways Butters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marjorine like there is no doubt about it if you argue you're wrong and a hypocrite. Third of all, why Butters? Isn't he the most misogynistic, hater of all women, had an episode where he stuck his wee wee out to prove a point, kind of boy? Why suddenly all that is thrown out of the window for some girly girl MaRjOrInE with an unhealthy obsession with hello kitty? He didn't even enjoy being a girl for fucks sake he threw off his wig the moment he stepped his ass out of the girl's slumber party. (Btw feel free to correct me with this part because I refuse to watch the Marjorine episode out of spite.) Why not Wendy with Wendyl? She seemed pretty chill with being a guy. What about Princess fucking Kenny.
Topic 4. Princess Kenny and why she'd make more sense for a fandom to headcannon as mtf.
Maybe it's just because I'm bias to her, or magical girls in general, but why DO I never see anyone headcannon Kenny as anything other than genderfluid? Why does Butters, who dressed as a girl for ONE EPISODE, get the mtf hammer, but Kenny, whom basically EVERYONE called a girl for A LITERAL ARC FOR SOUTH PARK and A FUCKING GAME. Is it because you find Butters more, I don't know, feminine?
Disclaimer, this is where I start going into conspiracy type of shit. Don't take it too seriously because it really ISN'T that serious, but just an FYI, I mean it all.
This brings me to this point; I have a strong belief that some Marjorine people only do the Marjorine headcannon because they see Butters as more girly. Y'all know the ship Bunny? Y'all know how people usually see Kenny as "the man" of the ship? (Yes, I've seen people say that in Youtube comments. Get help.) Well, this makes Butters "the woman" of the ship now doesn't it. Yes, that's right. I'm accusing.
Take that word in.
People who ship fucking Kenjorine as to make them your average "UwU boy" and "Mf alpha demon thing who smokes like 30 cigars an hour" but it's straight and Marjorine is your petit anime girl and Kenny looks like he came out of one of those yaoi mangas from back in the day. Like, why is Marj always this cutesy kawaii girl like at least make her crazy?? (And sapphic. Don't be shy, why not make sapphic bunny with Princess Kenny and Marjorine? Then I can at least stomach SOME Marj content.)
I also think Kenjorine is just an excuse to make a gay ship straight. The number of comments I see that go "Omg!!11!!1 I love Kenjorine because it fits soOoOOOoO well with Kenny's character cause he's SO StRaIgHt>.<<<<<<" is annoying. Imagine that with Creek. I know it's a bad comparison with Creek since both boys are gay, but Kenny and Butters don't have confirmed sexualities, maybe Kenny does like dudes, we'll never know. All I'm saying is that why is it that y'all get so pressed when someone turns the "uke" of the ship (Like tweek or butters, lord have mercy i'm going to cry a river.) into a woman, you're only mad about one? (Aka Tweek ones, which is understandable.) At least the Creek people have gotten past that phase of feminizing Tweek to the point he's not even proportionally accurate, the Bunny fandom though.....
Speaking of Kenjorine once again, can you kenjorine motherfuckers get out of the Bunny tag on tiktok? I can't scroll 5 tiktoks without seeing Marj's face and it's gotten to the point that I just had to mention this in here. Y'all have a tag with over 40 million views go use that, after all isn't Kenjorine the "superior" ship to you guys? (After people see this, I bet multiple kenjorine tiktoks are going to appear in the bunny tag and I'll go into a deep depression because I just can't enjoy Butters x Kenny anymore.)
Anyways, last point I'm about to make before I wrap things up, you know those crappy edits of South Park oc's in South Park? That's what Marjorine feels like. She doesn't fit in, she's too "perfect" or whatever, she basically has no flaws to me. Every time I see a Marj headcannon thing, it's always along the lines of: "Marjorine. (insert age). Gets bullied by Eric but stands up to him or whatever like a girlboss yada yada. Epic bf (and it's just Kenny on steroids). Hello kitty enthusiast. (insert a bunch of facts I do not give a shit about)" Like damn girl what about your PARENTS??? Would your parents APPROVE of this? I don't fucking think so, I doubt they'd not ground Butters for even thinking about being trans.
That wraps up everything I have to say so far, maybe I'll come by to update this, maybe not. Either way, here's some final thoughts, as well as my contradictions to every reason I know of why people use the Marjorine headcanon because I'm petty and angry that I keep seeing her.
"She looked happy as a girl!" Did you watch the episode, or did you just see what you wanted to see? He was happy because he was being ACCEPTED. That doesn't mean he liked being a GIRL.
"He wore a skirt that one time!" What happened to "Clothes have no gender?" There's a difference between dressing in "the opposite gender's" clothing, and actually being the opposite gender. If I wore a tuxedo, does that make me a man? No. I'd like to dress up as the genderbent version of myself, but I'm still not a guy. Therefore, this argument is fucking stupid and goes against a lot of shit that people are saying.
"He likes hello kitty!" Again, liking hello kitty doesn't mean you're a girl or something, you're not suddenly a boy if you play Valorant or whatnot, and you are most certainly not a girl just because you play something inherently "girly."
"She's just a girl!!!" He's Butters, get over it. Just plain old simple Butters, leave him be. You people are like the mfs in the exact episode Marjorine was in. You aren't happy with how he was before; you want him to change just to make yourselves happy. Remind you of something in the episode? Where Marjorine cried in the bathroom because no one liked her, and the only reason the people did was they gave her a makeover and made her more girly? You're all just reenacting that episode but pretending that Butters would be happy with it.
Final words
Princess Kenny is better. Also if y'all are gonna type angry paragraphs about me, please send them to me so I can argue with a wall cause it's pretty damn entertaining. I'll even do the courtesy of ranking your insults/comebacks out of 10. I'm so fucking tired of seeing this bitch everywhere it's driving me to the brink of insanity. I know I'm weird and crazy but the Marjorine Stotch headcannon is like a leech in my brain and I can't get that mf out I want her gone she's a genuine thorn to my spine. Out of the courtesy of my own heart, I must say. This fandom truly made me lose all respect I had for a character, and this character wasn't even relevant to anything. She's useless, brings nothing to the plot, and should've stayed a one-time joke. Everyone who says otherwise like "Marjorine is SooOOoOooOO much better" needs a reality check. This isn't fucking "girl power" to you this is the removal of a character for a fandom oc.
Bunny supremacy, stop putting Kenjorine into it's tag, get the fuck out my ship you have your own tag, bye.
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phoenixwitch13 · 4 months
Michael Guerin Deserves Better Than This Shit
I love both Michael and Alex, and I especially love Malex. I have my crack ships pairing them with other people, but there's no other ship I want more in canon than Malex. That being said, I get really annoyed with Alex stans (I use the word stans instead of fans because they are usually crazy fans who only love Alex and low key seem to hate Michael) who act like Michael is some monster for having dated Maria and like Alex should have been furious with him. Now, I hate Miluca as a ship and Maria DeLuca as a character, so it's not about liking the ship as one of my crack pairings. No, it's all about the fact that for ten years, Alex walked away from Michael. For ten years, Alex broke Michael's heart (I know he had his reasons for his actions and I understand them, but this is still what happened). And for a matter of weeks, Michael dates someone else (because he was not actually with Maria in canon for more than a few weeks and it was, as she said, on a non-exclusive trial basis), and suddenly he's some big bad monster who hurt Alex beyond repair? Sorry, but no. He doesn't deserve to be hated for that. Not when you don't dislike Alex for leaving him over and over again for a decade. You know who Alex should be angry at, though? Maria. He has no right to be angry with Michael for not believing he would stay this time and for trying to move on with someone else (not saying he can't feel hurt, but he doesn't have a right to be angry with Michael the way some stans wanted him to be). But he can be angry with Maria for getting together with Michael after finding out about him being in love with him when she claims to be Alex's best friend. Alex can be angry with Maria all he wants because she was a crappy friend, but being angry with Michael for dating someone else, no matter who that person was, would only make him look like an ass, which is probably why he had no anger toward Michael on the show. The people who think he should be angry with Michael look like hypocrites, especially since many of them happily also ship Alex with Forrest or Kyle or sometimes even Max, Michael's brother. So, what? Only Alex is allowed to be happy with someone else when the love of his life leaves him? Michael just has to suffer? This post is not supposed to be anti Alex. I love him and don't actually think he did anything wrong in canon. What I'm calling out is the behavior of his stans, which is really not cool. Michael doesn't deserve that bullshit, and I think if Alex was a real person, he'd be pissed at anyone who thought Michael deserved for him to be angry with him and to suffer the way some fic writers try to make him.
Also, if you disagree, know you won't change my mind on this, so don't waste your time typing something out to rant at me, okay? I'll probably just delete your reply without finishing reading it. Maria DeLuca stans DNI. Miluca stans DNI. Crazy Alex stans who hate Michael even though that means Alex would hate you, DNI.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I'm saying this on anon because last time I shared my opinion, other people (not you) attacked me. I am a huge fan of this blog, but I've been noticing something I'd like to share.
I agree that he isn't the worst in terms of meanness or abuse, but that still doesn't change the fact he is abusive to Yui. You do say this too, but it also comes off as disingenuous at times? It's briefly mentioned he does bad things (not really ever discussed what horrible things he's done), and then it's followed up by "well, at least he's not as bad as "X" person" or is followed up with a list of his "good" traits.
I understand you just want to promote your favorite DL boy, but the way its done feels very biased to the point where it's not consistent or sometimes hypocritical. For example, I found it a bit concerning with the criticisms of Laito as a child, as he was literally being sexually abused. Is it really fair to label Ayato's abuse as one to be more sympathetic towards, when they both were horrible? I guess that's the impression I was getting.
Once again, it's 100% okay to like Ayato as a character, and I do too, but the way your "facts" about Ayato and how the other characters are worse than him in terms of abuse, support, etc don't really seem all that consistent or fairly presented. You aren't obligated to write about the abusiveness of Ayato, but you do have a very large audience, and I know a few others feel the same but have been scared to comment.
// While I understand your point of view, I'd like to point out that you misunderstood me and almost everything I said in this post.
I literally always mention that Ayato is an abusive character, which must not be excused, and the reason I usually compare him to others is because he's seen as such a horrible person in this fandom while he's more on the nice side; he was even confirmed in a book as the friendliest and most approachable character. Abuse is still abuse, but there are different types of abuse. Ayato is a misunderstood and mischaracterized character who is always portrayed as the worst, despite being the poor excuse of a bad guy. I can't believe some people in HDB found his actions unforgivable while justifying and thirsting over characters who abused Yui in far worse ways.
His form of abuse is basically… pranks. He’s a DO-S but not in the way of harming people, but scaring them. Darts scene? He intended to scare her by piercing her heart with the darts, but instead kissed her. School scene? He drank her blood and pretended leaving Yui there but 5 seconds later he picked her up. Underground scene? He put handcuffs on her then pretended to leave but Yui kept screaming for him so he came out of hiding and let her go. Mysterious package scene? He gave her a mini skirt so as to make fun of her. The only time when he was violent (not counting bad endings since those are the “wrong” ones) was during the blood moon (when all vampires, as predators, get this desire to hunt and are more lustful), when he strangled her in one of the Maniac chapters. Normal HDB Ayato would never let Yui harm herself; he doesn’t get any satisfaction out of that, nor would he ever harm her in his routes (unless you count bites, lol, but he’s a vampire…). Even in Laito’s route, he helped Yui removing the handcuffs Laito had placed on her when she told him she wanted her hands to be cut off. Of course, nobody should ever allow such things in real life; it is bullying and toxic, and this should not be romanticized, but in a game about extremely sadistic monsters, he's definitely on the "not that bad" side. He never forced Yui to do anything scary, nor did he project his insecurities onto her or fill her with his own problems. And I know he called Yui "prey" in MB, which made her cry a lot, yet humans really are prey in their eyes. Still, Yui admits in the last ecstasy chapter that she was selfish for being too obsessed with Ayato's love rather than trying to understand him, and this was one of Yui's best developments because it demonstrated her learning from her mistakes. Ayato was also in the wrong; he should have tried to express his feelings rather than bottle them up, but I'm glad they both got together.
Side note: He is the Sakamaki who has insulted Yui the least (ik bare minimum). He called her flat (which everyone did) dumb and said her clothes lacked sex appeal, but he never made her feel insecure about her face. However, for some reason, he's always the one in headcanons who says things like "I don't like ugly women!" or stuff like that. One of the reasons I love Ayato is that he is the only one who genuinely used KIREI on her, and not only one time, which is something I will never stop talking about. This is so significant because in the majority of otome games, the love interests call the heroine “kawaii” and “kirei” is actually rarely used since it has a much bigger impact in Japan.
I may appear biased, but the thing is… Ayato is already a biased character by the company, and I'm not just saying that because he's always in the center of everything. He appears to be the favorite character of Rejet's most important employees, including Rejet's CEO (who also wrote some character songs and YB), Yamada-san (one of the route and CD drama writers + Young blood writer), and others. It's fine to express your displeasure with their bias toward him, but at the end of the day, we're just the players, and they're the creators, so there's nothing we can do. Also, Rejet confirmed all of the "horrible" things you mentioned:
1. When Ayato is accused of doing something bad, it isn't as sinister as you might think. It simply means causing mischief, or playing pranks on others, and this was demonstrated even on routes that were not his own. Still mean, but not horrifying.
2. It’s canon that all he did with the sacrificial brides was feed off them. Yes, they were innocent souls, but this official short story (translated by Koiiro on WP) explains the entire situation better. Basically, Yui explained that she has to eat meat even though she feels a bit bad for the animals killed in the process, but Ayato compares it to the sacrificial brides to cheer her up and explains that it's the circle of life. Vampires, after all, require blood to survive:
Ayato— “I don't feel sorry for those who are sacrificed."
Ayato— "Because they're eaten by the great me. The weak can live within the strong, right? They should be grateful."
Yui— "Ayato-kun…"
Ayato— Titless looks surprised somehow. I look away from her, thinking that what just I said is an obvious thing.
Yui— "…thank you. You really are kind, Ayato-kun."
Ayato— For some reason, I hear Titless thanking me from behind.
Ayato— "Huh!? What do you mean?"
Yui— "…eh? I mean… at the very least, my blood isn't simply going to waste inside of you. When the thought crossed my mind, I just felt that way somehow…"
Ayato— Titless shyly smiles as she answers.
After hearing Yui's confession, Ayato goes into Tsundere mode, exclaiming, "It was about Takoyaki!" even though Yui knew very well he meant sacrificial brides.
No, @ DL fandom, he did not torture previous sacrificial brides as you might think. I know I'm probably one of the few DL fans who have access to a bunch of information about the franchise, but I'd really appreciate it if people would stop judging a character without knowing the facts.
Now, let's talk about Laito. I'm sorry, but I believe you completely missed the point of what I was trying to say. I never said Ayato's past was more worthy of sympathy than Laito's; I just said that both of them had it rough and that Laito shouldn't envy him for it, because Ayato's life wasn't perfect either.
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As a person who got a pure 100% on my psychology exam, NEWSFLASH: Psychological, Neglect, Sexual and Physical abuse are the main types of abuse and they’re EQUALLY bad. Just because Laito was sexually abused doesn't mean Kanato, who was neglected, or Ayato, who was tortured and had many near-death experiences, had it better than him, and thinking that way is extremely insensitive. Worst past ≠ Saddest past. What makes Laito's past sadder than Ayato's is that Laito was severely impacted by it, whereas Ayato not so much. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love Laito, and I'm a Laito stan, but dismissing his brother’s trauma is still wrong. That is equivalent to saying:
Person A: I was beaten up everyday to the point that I almost died over and over.
Person B: But you will never understand the pain of being rap€d.
Abuse is not a competition; everyone reacts differently; some people heal faster than others; and one thing is certain: Ayato's, Laito's, or anyone else's trauma will never be an excuse for abusive behavior.
Oh and actually, everything I mentioned are 100% canon facts??? They aren’t sugarcoated in Ayato’s favor, he really is portrayed by Rejet as a hero. He even came in first place among all Rejet boys, from all of their games, when it came to protecting you/MC in a fight against a powerful enemy.
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Ayato and Azusa are both the most helpful Diaboys in the franchise, so claiming that Ayato is less supportive than his brothers is a huge lie. Sure, he's not always supportive, but he's more than the other Sakamakis and unquestionably more heroic. I focus on his positive traits rather than his negative ones because he has more positive traits than negative ones, lol. Ayato has done far more good than bad, so he deserves to be reminded of those rather than his flaws.
I'm sorry you got hate for sharing your opinion; nobody deserves to be hated for something like that, but maybe think outside the box next time? Or perhaps try to better analyze the situation? I don't mean to come across as mean; I have nothing against this ask, and I appreciate that you enjoy my blog; it's just that some fans are extremely defensive of their favorite Diaboy to the point of being very irascible. ^^”
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maddmuses · 3 days
Yamaneko Uchiha (団扇山猫)
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Aliases: Uchiha Tigress, The Tigress, Yamaneko of the Sharingan (In Japanese usually Yamatora, Uchiha no Tora, Toraneko, Tora-chan, Sharingan no Yamaneko) Birthdate: December 12 Sex: F Gender: Woman (She/They) Age: 12-13 (Part 1) 15-17 (Part 2) Height: 147.3cm (Part 1) 150cm (Part 2) [4'10" (Part 1) 4'11" (Part 2)] Weight: 45 kg/99.2 lb. (Part 1) 59kg/130 lb. (Part 2) Blood Type: A- Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan (In Part 2: Mangekyou Sharingan) Nature Type(s):Wind (Affinity), Fire, Water [Part 1] Wind (Affinity), Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth Classification: Sensor-Type, Taijutsu Specialist Current Rank(s): Genin (Part 1) Chuunin, Jounin (Part 2) Age as-of Promotion: 13 (Chuunin) 15 (Jounin) Affiliations: Konohagakure, Squad 3, Uchiha Clan (formerly), Reformed Uchiha Clan Clan: Reformed Uchiha Clan Family: Shiba Uchiha (Father), Hiyori Sarutobi (Mother), Fugaku Uchiha (Uncle), Mikoto Uchiha (Aunt), Itachi Uchiha (Cousin), Sasuke Uchiha (Cousin)
Appearance Possessed of conventional Uchiha traits, Yamaneko is a short woman with dark hair and eyes, though her skin tone trends duskier than most of her relatives. Her hair is usually worn in a wild or messy sidepart, never longer than shoulder-length with intent for both ease of management and convenience in the heat of battle. Considered to look remarkably soft for an Uchiha, in that sense Yamaneko takes after her mother, often looking puzzled or bemused. While always athletic in-build, with larger-than normal muscles for a genin of her size at her debut, but also developing a remarkably muscular physique with time, Yamaneko is often described to be like her namesake, wiry and compact, with an insane amount of killing potential locked into a small frame.
Generally speaking, Yamaneko dresses in a variety of clothing, favoring flowing articles with dark colors, especially black, grey, and purple, but she can't help but inexplicably always keep something a bit cute on her person. She is also known to wear clothing that bears her arms and parts of her torso openly for the sake of comfort, or taking in sun in casualwear, as "a way to keep ready in case of a last-minute fight." Her shinobi mission uniform tends to be an all-black bodysuit with some lightly armored components, and shoulder plates. Yamaneko rarely wears a standard flack jacket, except in cases of mass combat and other war-like scenarios.
On her left arm in part 2 she carries a pair of seals inlaid into her skin that appear to be tattoos, though the specific function of the seals tend to be varied as she rarely seems to use them for the same purpose, and in fact gets them commissioned directly prior to understanding the specs of a mission.
Personality Willful and prideful, with an egotistical streak in her, growing up people might casually have referred to Yamaneko as something of a bully. This outward disposition masked a casual insecurity regarding her lack of talent in a number of tactics that kunoichi are expected to learn. Yamaneko's typical response to struggle in education and training is something along this vibe, particularly when placed next to individuals who showcase a greater aptitude than her at the start. Conversely, she doesn't have a habit of looking down upon or condescending toward those who aren't as good as her at things, often adopting a caring or mentorlike attitude toward people who express a desire to improve. Thus making her a bit of a hypocrite.
As is the case with many of the children who survived the Uchiha Massacre, she has sustained a distinct trauma from being orphaned by Itachi and Hiruzen's assault on the Uchiha sub-village, but with time came communication of the conditions that lead to the death of her kinsmen and parents. This caused any clan-related ties to be replaced by an overcompensative sense of patriotism and Will of Fire. An end result has come about that she, like a number of Uchiha children from the time, will actually put themselves into situations where they would rather die in the line of duty, than potentially be accused of lacking in patriotism.
In most instances where Yamaneko finds herself in a confrontation her go-to resolution is usually the most direct one, often punching. More subtle and roundabout tactics might only occur to her after failing with a direct approach four or five times. Not to imply that she is stupid by any margin, but rather she has a simple method of problem solving.
Prone to being a bit greedy, she struggles with the notion of sharing, and is prone to fits of jealousy where there's nothing to be founded. This feeling contributed heavily to the heartache that caused her to sharingan to activate for the first time.
Biography Born and growing up in a difficult time for her clan, Yamaneko's parents were married with the intent on the part of her uncle to forge alliances with clans outside of the Uchiha, and those that had been subordinate or associated with them in the past. Due to the functionally dead nature of the Senju clan for decades by that point, the next best thing was one of its longstanding allies, and another founding clan of the village, the Sarutobi. In part a result of this was the fact that Yamaneko didn't have much time around her own mother growing up, instead being raised primarily by her father and the main branch of the Uchiha Clan, so that she would remain within the clan's influence, while still serving as a goodwill gesture to her mother's clan, and to serve as a peer and playmate to her cousin Sasuke.
Yamaneko mostly only saw her mother on special occasions, or when she or Shiba could get permission from Fugaku to enter the compound. As a result she has often been described as "boyish" preemptively by those who are aware of her arrangements growing up, despite having plenty of feminine influence through her aunt Mikoto while growing up. This proximity, despite the fact that she was somewhat domineering towards the boy, also caused Yamaneko to be close to her cousin, on the level of good friends. Due to an age difference she was not as close to Itachi, and mirrored her cousin's opinion that Fugaku was an aloof man.
At the age of 5 Yamaneko enrolled into the Konoha Shinobi Academy, attending with her cousin, and showing mediocre growth in her first few years. While particularly physical and taking to fundamental notions of ninjutsu, Yamaneko was not especially studious and resented the idea of being told to study by others. She was often caught goofing off with the likes of Naruto, Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru.
When mumblings of the coup came about, she was largely ignorant, though suspicious of her uncle's mounting paranoia and shortness toward Sasuke and herself. During this period she was being discussed behind closed doors regarding whether she, as a child of a Sarutobi clan member, was worthy of the clan's trust, or if she could also somehow be used by the clan as a means to legitimize a continued alliance following the death of Hiruzen. In the days leading to the planned coup, and eventual massacre, it was steadily mounting toward the decision that she would be more of a liability than an asset; she was unaware that she would be killed the same night that the coup would be launched by Fugaku himself, and her brother would be killed too if necesarry.
(For further read about Itachi's Hokage AU on my blog)
As was the case with other children and genin young adults in the clan at the time, Itachi spared his cousin, and she grew up among other members of what would become a Reformed Uchiha Clan. This clan emphasized the importance of aligning with the overall village's interests, over the short-term ones of the clan. It was also around this time that Yamaneko would be told by Itachi about his father's intentions, followed by her starting to distance herself from Sasuke and Itachi out of distrust for the information.
By the age of 10 Yamaneko's sharingan manifested over the night, as between the fact that her father had been killed, her mother had died on a mission, the betrayal of her family's intent to kill her, and the feeling of abandonment from her peers becoming enamored by her cousin, Yamaneko experienced a great many points of loss and betrayal from peers and family. The burning sensation in her eyes would eventually form into a set of sharingan that were particularly reflective, and with this awakening of her power she would begin to spend additional face time with the clan's new head, Itachi, in order to develop a grasp on her new powers. This would feature additional training in general in terms of shurikenjutsu and ninjutsu that resembles what Sasuke once had with Itachi, that had lingered with time, prompting something of a minor and mutual animosity between the cousins, though one that was rarely spoken about openly.
At 12 she graduated from the academy and was promoted to genin, joining Squad 3 under the training of Inoichi Yamanaka with Hayashi and Azuki as her fellow genin. Beyond this point she would train and take low-rank missions as expected of rookies, with her own training with Itachi ramping up in anticipation that she may potentially manifest a Mangekyou, developing further while Sasuke's own development lingered by comparison.
Leading into the Chuunin Exams she was a favorite alongside Sasuke, Neji, and Gaara for promotion...
(More Details To Be Determined In Writing and Dependent on Interactions)
Powers and Abilities Yamaneko is a member of the Uchiha Clan, and accordingly her overall aptitude as a shinobi is considered to be highly impressive. But, by her own admission, she is a poor contender for the title of "Kunoichi". Her abilities in the realm of lying and infiltration, unless it's by conventional stealthy means, are not particularly strong. As a rookie gennin leading into the chuunin exams, she was among the favorites considered to be on a par with her cousin Sasuke, with a preknown reputation for having the sharingan, and being able to showcase its abilities on several missions. A generalist with a powerful kekkei genkai, Yamaneko operates in a way that is seen as particualrly common in higher-ranking shinobi, but fails to carve out a chine for herself in her early career with a specailty, as a sharingan at early stages doesn't really contribute much to giving numerous options, but rather a particularly strong overall performance. As a result of her growth throughout the chuunin exams that lead to Konoha Crush, Yamaneko began to showcase a keen aptitude for taijutsu and kenjutsu.
-Chakra and Physical Prowess: As an Uchiha, Yamaneko has a particularly strong and versatile chakra; she also has a great degree of control over it. As a genin she was able to use Sharingan with little concern to her energy as a resource because of this fine control, and as a utilizer of taijutsu it is expected that she be able to manipulate it subconsciously to enhance her physical parameters. Due to the chakra-draining nature of such doujutsu, Yamaneko must have a precise and enduring ability to control her chakra and portion its use as-appropriate for the moment. By the time of her various promotions, she becomes capable enough in manipulating and controlling her chakra to hold sharingan at its baseline activation indefinitely. When using her Taijutsu, Yamaneko relies heavily on a physical aptitude from years of training and conditioning, honing a particularly strong musculature with pronounced and large muscles, though also emphasizing in her form a great amount of flexibility and litheness so as to not weaken her speed. She utilizes the Konoha-ken (Leaf Fist) style of fighting, similar to the Strong Fist style in a number of its forms and techniques, but primarily emphasized for brief instances of combat with an emphasis on high-speed, parrying, and redirective maneuvering. Leaf Fist is a style meant to emphasize the practitioner's status as a shinobi, not meeting and overpowering strictly, but rather biding time and manipulating the situation until an optimal opportunity can be found or forced, with movements that are taught that allow for subtle obscurement of weapons and movement, at the loss of something like Strong Fist's overwhelming power and speed. Yamaneko is especially tight and precise in her movements, not always strictly hitting deep, but almost always with the hardest parts of her body. In many cases, before one knows it, a drawn kunai is thrust into their neck when they were not aware that she had even drawn it.
-Ninjutsu: Yamaneko is competent in ninjutsu, as a genin she was able to effectively graduate from the academy, but had already showcased an ability to use Fire Release, and a familiarity with a number of Uchiha-specialist jutsu within it, before the chuunin exams. Her specialty tends to lie in using a broad variety of elemental nature releases to showcase versatility, with a number of comparable and odd D-then-C rank jutsu to outmaneuver others. By the time of Part 2 she is able to use the Summoning Technique to summon various cats, though the specific tribe she tends to favor are those from the Tora (Tiger) tribe.
–Nature Transformation: Yamaneko has a Wind Affinity. In Part 1 she showcases three elemental natures over the course of the chuunin examination, and utilizes them to extreme force and effect throughout, particularly Fire Release, often accompanied with enhancement from Wind Release to enhance the performance of the latter, usually in rapid performance. As well her utilization of Water Release allowed for her to play well in-tandem with her teammates who could use Lightning and Earth Releases to use various combination jutsu. By the time of Part 2 this range has increased to include all 5 of the basic elemental natures, further allowing her to develop a robust array of techniques through training, as well as through mimicry via the sharingan.
–Bukijutsu: Versed in the use of a variety of shinobi tools, particularly the sword and shuriken, Yamaneko relies on hiding a number of weapons and tools across her body in order to end fights abruptly. Like other Uchiha, she is skilled at a number of more intricate and difficult shurikenjutsu that allows her to hit targets through extreme curves, around corners, and even multiple targets at the same time. A particularly nasty skill that she has access to is the ability to charge her weaponry with chakra, including elemental chakra, to better manipulate and enhance its lethality.
–Summoning: With an ongoing contract to the Neko, Yamaneko can summon the cats from various tribes in the Land of Felines, though she has a particularly strong connection and rapport with the Tora clan. She has a number of ongoing arrangements through them which includes certain summons which she uses for passing along messages, collecting goods, performing recon, attacking enemies, acting as a steed, and engaging in duels. As is the case, the more chakra used in the pursuit of a summon, the higher-ranking cat she can summon, but even through summoning specific ones with additional chakra being emphasized into the summon, Yamaneko can enhance those that she does. At this time she has not invested in, or been provided the opportunity to, any learning in senjutsu. The various cats that she can summon are able to be integrated into her ninjutsu, including those that operate using her sharingan.
–Fuinjutsu: Particularly versed in sealing, the techniques for preparation are well-understood by most shinobi, but the true effort is in unsealing them. Yamaneko is able to perform most fuinjutsu that she encounters, but most importantly her skill truly resides in being able to seal onto her skin without any risk of adverse reactions or situations in both sealing and release, causing them to appear as tattoos on her arms, or otherwise as apparent graphics printed onto her clothing. Her bodysuit, due to its black nature, often disguises a great many seals in which she's hidden ninja tools, which can both be an asset and a risk if an opponent can identify how to undo a seal mid-battle, and knows the location.
–Sharingan: Yamaneko manifested her sharingan at the age of 10, as a result of a great number of social factors, compounded with the trauma of losing her parents, a feeling of abandonment by her peers in favor of a cousin, and then continued association largely having to do with intent to exploit that relation. It had partially matured to 2 and 3 tomoe by the time of the chuunin exams, and had fully matured prior to the beginning of the time skip. Its reflective and mimicry powers are particularly well-honed compared to other clan members, posited to be due to her near-relation to the clan leader's family (being a first cousin to the future head of the clan), with perceptive abilities on-par with members of that branch. With a fully-mature sharingan she is able to perform the techniques which would normally sacrifice her vision, and thanks to her familiarity with space-time ninjutsu she is able to use a particularly potent teleportative technique that is similar to, but less potent than, Kamui, called Shinatsuhiko. Her enhanced mimicry is believed to be a result of an more glistening and reflective surface of its iris when active.
–Mangekyou Sharingan: After the time skip, it is discovered that Yamaneko's sharingan had achieved this stage of evolution. Its initial manifestation occurred when she was taken prisoner during a mission and was tortured for several days by foreign enemies, the end of this experience ultimately resulting in her rescue by a team of suna shinobi. With either eyes she can use Omoikane, A technique which creates highly-advanced genjutsu and manipulations of the mind. At its baseline, Omoikane can manipulate all five senses at the same time to the point of inserting someone into a new reality. At higher levels and chakra costs, this illusion can even abridge details and information that you understand to be factual, about the past and present, without knowledge of the change even occurring, unless you come upon reason to become suspicious. This will not overwrite your understanding of it as a fact, but some individuals can challenge these facts. Similarly, with either eye she can employ Ishikore, a technique that allows the user to reflect chakra-based attacks, both by way of absorption then redirection. Indirect attacks and taijutsu do not work, though chakra-enhanced taijutsu may be siphoned somewhat incoming. Akin to Gaara's sand shield and sand armor, using Ishikore is a passive ability that can be manifest at almost any time for essentially no chakra cost, but the degree of absorption and/or reflection/redirection will inter a greater cost of the user's chakra. Ishikore, uniquely, can be used even when the Mangekyou form of her eyes are inactive for the initial moment, though as it is employed it will evolve into its heightened state. Prior to her promotion to jounin, Yamaneko could only manifest a partial susano'o. As of the time that she is promoted she is able to manifest a susano'o in its full form, its weapons of choice being either an odachi, or a pair of shortswords. Its appearance is more sleek and muscled than most susano'o.
-Genjutsu: Though Genjutsu is hardly what one might consider the height of Yamaneko's ability, she is considered to he capable at the time of being a genin, in part through the use of her sharingan, and is capable of disrupting and dispel them. By the time of her promotions, and through the use of Omoikane, genjutsu of any kind, not solely that from her sharingan, but through an enhanced ability to create more believable and complex illusions, with greater chakra stores better allowing her to make them harder to shake off, even with the knowledge.
-Kenjutsu: Trained in the use of katana by ronin Akataiyou Musashi, Yamaneko is versed in the style of 身勝手の一人流 (Migate no Hitori-ryu) or "The Style of The Selfish One" or "The Way of The Egoist". This style was developed as a counterpoint to her own teacher's "Two Heavens One Realm" style that relied on two swords, by specifically using one odachi. A swordplay style that is characterized by large sweeping attacks to assert control of space, and downward strikes meant to break any guard, and upward swings that can sabotage all footwork. It is a remarkably lonely way to fight, but it allowed her to defeat other students of Akataiyou. Her training is still that which permits her to use the Two Heavens style, though it's largely by way of ego that she doesn't, even in situations where two shorter swords might be better. Accordingly, Yamaneko usually wears an odachi on her belt, despite being a shinobi.
-Intelligence: Yamaneko is often remarked to be someone who has to learn lessons "the hard way". Analyzing and observant, Yamaneko is able to adapt to the actions and details of others, but usually preferring to take the most direct and simple route to conclusions, the Uchiha does not often default to complex strategy, but will eventually arrive there, or lead with it when persuaded by others to do so. Changing plans on the fly as more complexity becomes demanded, most opponents will think the young woman dull or simple at the start of a fight, ending it with the notion that she's actually quite intelligent.
Ninja Tools Bomb Tags Fuinjutsu Combat Suit Katana (Usually sealed in suit) Kunai Mesh Underarmor Military Ration Pills Odachi Shuriken Various Hidden Weapons (Usually sealed in suit) Wakazashi (Usually sealed in suit, a pair)
Jutsu Earth Release: Double Suicide Decaptation Technique (Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu) Earth Release: Earth Dragon (Doton: Dosekiryū) Earth Release: Mud Wall (Doton: Doryūheki) Earth Release: Shadow Clone (Doton: Kagebunshin) -Earth Release: Clone Trap (Doton: Bunshin Torappu) Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning (Katon: Haisekishō) Fire Release: Burning Shuriken Technique (Katon: Shurikenka no Jutsu) -Fire Release: Burning Shuriken Storm Technique (Katon: Shurikenka Baza no Jutsu) Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation (Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) Fire Release: Great Flame Flower (Katon: Gōenka) Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet (Katon: Karyūdan) -Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet (Katon: Karyū Endan) Fire Release: Flint Yagura Technique (Katon: Hiuchi Yagura no Jutsu) Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu) Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique (Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu) -Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson (Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni) Genjutsu: Sharingan Ishikore Lightning Dragon Tornado (Rairyū no Tatsumaki) Lightning Release: Current Reversal (Raiton: Toumengyaku) Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Bullet Technique (Raiton: Rairyūdan no Jutsu) -Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Storm (Raiton: Rairyū Bōfū) Manipulated Shuriken Technique (Sōshuriken no Jutsu) -Shuriken Technique: Final Rite/Shuriken Technique: Curtain Call (Sōshuriken: Chōmon no Jutsu) -Shuriken Technique: Burning Funeral (Katon: Sōshuriken Chōji no Jutsu) -Shuriken Technique: Free Flow (Raiton: Sōshuriken Nagareru no Jutsu) Mist Servant Technique (Kasumi Jūsha no Jutsu) Omoikane Sealing Technique: Armory (Fuinjutsu: Zōheishō) Shadow Clone Technique (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) -Shadow Clone Explosion (Kage Bunshin Daibakuha) -Shadow Shuriken Technique (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) Summoning Jutsu (Kuchiyose no Jutsu)(Felines) -Summoning Jutsu: Black Cat Kuro (Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kuro-kun) -Summoning Jutsu: Glaring (Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Keimu) -Summoning Jutsu: Great Tiger Torami (Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Torami) Susano'o Uchiha Flame Formation (Uchiha Kaenjin) Water Release: Gunshot (Suiton: Teppōdama) Water Release: Hot Summer Rain (Suiton: Amanatsuyu) Water Release: Water Bullet Technique (Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu) -Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique (Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu) --Water Release: Water Dragon Triple Step Technique (Suiton: Suiryū Sanrendan no Jutsu) Wind Release: Air Bullets (Fūton: Fūjūdan) -Wind Release: Wind Dragon Bullet Technique (Fūton: Fūryūdan no Jutsu) Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique (Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu) -Fire Release: Dust Explosion (Katon: Fūtodoroki)
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Girls on Top ♀️
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I finally watched Girls on Top (starring Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ruby Wax, Tracey Ullman, and featuring Joan Greenwood). My immediate thoughts were: wow, the title graphics and theme tune are extremely '80s. They feel so old! They're kind of almost cute in how old and nostalgic they are. Also, the board saying "COMEDY DEGRADES WOMEN" that appears briefly in the first series' opening credits before Dawn's glaring face is revealed amused me.
I can see why for marketing reasons this was dubbed the female version of The Young Ones. That must have been an almost guaranteed way to attract viewers in 1985. In fairness, Girls on Top is about four young women sharing a flat (well, three once Tracey left after the first series due to pregnancy). As well as this, Dawn's character (Amanda Ripley) and Jen's character (Jennifer Marsh) can definitely be directly compared to Rick and Neil, respectively. The two groups share similar struggles of paying the rent, the four of them are very different and don't get on, and the last episode ends with a bang. The central set in both shows too is, of course, the shared living space.
That said, Girls on Top isn't a cut and paste female Young Ones, for a number of reasons. It isn't as surreal, has a more developed outside world for its characters to exist in, isn't about students, and I believe the fourth wall is only broken occasionally - at the end of episodes, which is arguably just the actors half breaking character to address the audience. Girls on Top was also made for ITV, not the BBC, which I'm sure will have had an impact too. I think the differences to TYO are a good thing, to be honest.
Anyway, though Girls on Top takes a few episodes to warm up, I liked it. The contrast of personalities between the characters works - the way Ruby plays Shelley DuPont compared to the way Jen plays Jennifer feel at opposite ends of the comic spectrum at points, but both work perfectly for the characters. I always appreciate sitcoms where women are allowed to be flawed and awful people, rather than stock types for the funny male characters to play off. Girls on Top is very much about women; if it wasn't obvious through all the regulars being women, you can tell by the jokes and references to periods, feminism, diets, etc. Amanda in particular is a self-righteous, man-hating, second-wave feminist (and a massive middle class hypocrite - you can see the obvious comparison with Rick 😂). I guess you could say, while The Young Ones is about young people, Girls on Top is about women. Obviously, it's not that the characters in Girls on Top aren't young (although, they're not meant to be as young as the lads from TYO... apart from Mike), but the fact that they're women is more integral to the premise.
In the same sense, The Young Ones' characters all being men doesn't seem to be something the show chose hyper specifically. Man was and still is the default over woman, so the specific choice TYO made was to have a sitcom about young people; the fact they all happen to be men is secondary to that, though not at all surprising. Of course they're men. The experiences of young men are the default young person experiences, right? The experiences of young women have to be defined by their Womanness before their Youngness, right? That's a very stripped down way of putting it, not even addressing other important social factors like race and class, but you get what I mean. Interestingly, Lise Mayer has talked recently about how she thinks, retrospectively, they could have had one of the main characters in TYO be a woman but that at the time the characters were all written for the specific comics who played them, who were all men (again, apart from Mike 😂). Obviously, the dynamic between men VS the dynamic between men and women (especially if the split is notably uneven) would make for different comedies, particularly back then, but it's still an interesting thought.
To get back to Girls on Top, I think I'd have to say my favourite character is Jennifer. She is very dim and absolutely the group punching bag, like Neil, but I think the fact she doesn't go out of her way to look for sympathy makes her more sympathetic than Neil (and Neil isn't NOT sympathetic, as much as any of the lads are meant to be sympathetic, it's just he's also a passive aggressive bastard too 😂). In the final episode, when she finally gets the opportunity to get one over on Shelley and Amanda, we're on her side. Her obliviousness in the face of other characters' - particularly Shelley's and Amanda's - overinflated egos and neuroses means she gets a fair few punchlines, as well. I mean, how does one respond to their bossy, melodramatic diva of a housemate threatening to off herself?
SHELLEY: Now, leave! I've decided to commit suicide!
JENNIFER: Alright then, if you're sure you're okay.
Amazing. 😂
I'd say this show is worth watching if you're into the "alternative comedy" cohort. Aside from the main quartet, almost every episode features a familiar face as a guest star. Some of the guest stars even appear in multiple episodes (Helen Lederer, Pauline Melville). Here's a YouTube playlist featuring the first series, from the same account that ended Hardwicke House's 30 years of obscurity:
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
why Rebbeca look like she almost has Gordon's attitude 😂 but anyway she look so good on your drawing style
ohhh thank you 🤗💕
making her look a bit more snooty/uptight was my intention, I dont like her bland happy-go-lucky personality
if we can show love to ONE snooty express engine, why not two ? and also because *ahem* girl characters who act arrogant rarely get redeemed or appreciated in spite of their attitude. and I feel girl characters in thomas kind of get stuck with this :) im nice personality, and I would like to give them more distinct attitudes because... girls have just as much variation and depth as boys why is this something that needs to be said
ANYWAY here is my take on rebecca in writing (+some of her development and relationships with other characters, especially Nia)
In my headcanon, Rebecca is more of a "little miss perfect" type, she has a clean record, excellent performance. shes a modern light pacific and she knows it . Her attitude actually drives Gordon a little insane because Rebecca seems to be stealing sir topham's good graces from him XD
(Thomas tells him not to be such a hypocrite.)
Rebecca has a few glaring problems that she masks with anger or indifference. she has mechanical trouble (wheelslip mostly) that can get especially bad sometimes, and if anyone points it out she tries to pretend she heard nothing.
[I like to think around this point (I should mention I dont have a clear timeline for anything I make I just have vague estimates of decades/time periods because ill make my head explode if I try) which is about the late 70s, is some years after Emily arrives. I really like the idea of Emily being a replica of a stirling single, rather than an original because its fitting of her attitude and ive seen a lot of REALLY detailed headcanons of it by various people.]
Emily and Rebecca butt heads at first. Rebeccas shiny and modern, while Emily's a thing of the past- and not even one deserving of high regard because she's a replica! The two start off HATING each other and Emily doesn't have anything nice to say about her to the rest of the fleet. And it's not like Rebecca has had any compliments to give either! She calls Rosie a latrine-mouthed three-humped camel.
Nia at this time is being switched around between jobs, and while Rosie is out of service, she gets to be station pilot at Tidmouth for a while.
(I HC that Nias paintwork and general upkeep wasnt too good before she was rehomed on Sodor, and at this time she's been NWR blue since her arrival)
Rebecca initially thinks the engine who will take over Rosie's shunting duties is Thomas, since she's told a "little blue engine" will be arriving to help. Since the last impression Rebecca had of Thomas was him telling Gordon not to be such a hypocrite, she expects he'll be waiting on her wheel and axle.
She realizes there's more than one little blue engine, and is surprised to see a long engine with 8 wheels, a cowcatcher and extra cylinders. Blue with red stripes, but not Thomas.
Nia greets Rebecca with her usual "how are your wheels? how are your axles and boiler?" And even agrees that her "three-humped-camel" joke was funny. Rebecca starts off thinking Nia's going to kiss up to her.
She is wrong 💕
Nia knows a thing or two about dealing with grumpy sticks in the mud.
Rebecca, several times, tries to push Nia's buttons. She implores "aren't you tired of pushing coaches around all day? Don't you want to see the world?" And expects Nia to get all puffed up. Nia says she's been all over the world, and likes to stay in one place for a change.
Throughout Nia's time as a station pilot, she learns that Rebecca is actually very insecure, and she can see how her wheels spin painfully if she starts too fast. She points this out once and Rebecca, who's been trying to hide this, and is at her wits end that day, just blurts out that it's nothing, nothings wrong with her.
Rebecca ends up damaging her drive wheels and axles after she fails on Gordon's hill and is shamefully sent for repairs at Crovan's gate. and Henry pushes her to the works.
While Rebecca's being loaded in, Henry tries to be kind and tells Rebecca that it isn't her fault she was built the way she was. Rebecca thinks:
what would you, a big strong Black 5 know about that? Aren't you lot Stanier's swan song?
She's achingly tired of engines noticing her faults, especially ones who perform mechanically sound and clearly wouldnt know a thing about what fronts she has to put up to stay respectable. She's pleasantly surprised (though she doesn't show it) that Henry does, in fact, know exactly how she feels.
Rebecca's damage is more severe than originally thought, and a more extensive overhaul is planned. She's hoisted in the air and much of her chassis is detached.
Meanwhile, Nia arrives at the works for maintenance and a new coat of paint. Rebecca watches from above as Nia's repainted in KUR colors.
Rebecca: That's a... distinct color. It's quite becoming. Nia: was that a compliment I heard? From you?
*Rebecca has to keep from spluttering.*
Rebecca: ...I know a nice livery when I see one.
Nia: (grinning) maybe you should get repainted to something nice and bright too. Like a bright yellow and red.
(She looks across the works at Molly and Rosie, who are trying not to giggle)
Rebecca: *gasps and scoffs* I like my paint the way it is, thank you very much.
Rebecca comes back from the works a different engine, still prone to bouts of arrogance and uptightness, but a much more understanding engine who doesn't have to put up such huge facades to be respected.
Over the next few years she ends up properly becoming friends with Nia, Gordon, Rosie, Molly, and Emily. I think the idea of she and Emily having a race and making funny banter would be amazing.
See, Mattel ???you can do cool and interesting things with your girl characters and Im only at the TIP of the iceberg with my Rebecca story ideas XD
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halforcdad · 2 years
Totally agree with you about Lucy! Tbh it’s been here since s1 but this fandom (especially on Twitter) have a Kate bias and treat Lucy awfully when they get the chance. And they were simply waiting for the shoe to drop so they could finally say oh she’s SO wrong for this since none of them seem to treat her like her own person with her own feelings. ESP with that scene from s1 that you said they’re comparing this too. So many people hated her for that and thought kacy was dead in a ditch afterward. I really don’t get it. But it’s also obvious with the way they advocate for more things about Kate (like back story, relationship/scenes with Jane, etc) but hardly ever say oh I wanna know about Lucy (when arguably lucy is more of a main since she’s the one on NCIS) . We all know why this is too even if people don’t wanna say it. Kate is the white one and Lucy is brown they will always villainize her actions first even when Kate was the one in the wrong (in s1). Anyways this ep is definitely ending with better communication for them so I am not sweating it. Twitter overanalyzes in the worst way like they always do
I do get the sense that some people were waiting with bated breath for the chance to point at Lucy and call her a hypocrite like some sort of gotcha! moment the minute she slipped up and didn't tell Kate something. Which is weird because you're a fan of this ship shouldn't you be rooting for both of the characters? 💀
The Kate bias is a very real thing. I feel like when 1x11 happened I mostly saw people blaming bad writing and giving Kate a pass for being a dumbass and saying it was out of character for her (when we'd only seen her...briefly for 7 ep at most so what's ooc and what's not at that point). But when Lucy isn't perfect, she doesn't get the same excuses or defense, the mistakes are all on Lucy and not on 'bad writing'. There doesn't seem to be a lot of 'putting yourself in her shoes' type sympathy for a lot of what Lucy was dealing with in S1 (like if I had to see my ex who hurt me badly everyday at work I would be in a state lol).
And God I felt like I was in the trenches after 1x20, both on twitter and on here because the reactions were wild Gonna try to be brief because I feel like I've spent a lifetime talking about it (because it's the best episode of s1 lolol), but that entire episode was about Lucy and her trying to move on, but being unable to because Kate still had such a huge effect on her (bc she loved her!) and still all the fandom focus was on Kate and how sympathetic she was! I think even if Kate showed up with a clean bill of health, she still would've been babied immensely because Lucy made her cry (even though they were both crying). The treatment Lucy got after that was truly disheartening. Like there was no room for nuance. As a poc, seeing everyone baby the white woman (and getting to ready to fight for her because she cried) even though she's the one who fucked up is very, hm, realistic lol. Lucy deserves way better.
You bring up a good point. The fandom goes crazy over Kate and Noah, but Lucy's family doesn't get the same level of speculation and fanfare. And we only got like 2 mentions of Noah in S1 vs. all the tidbits Lucy's dropped about her family. And of course I want to see Kate interact more with Pearl Team and develop friendships, but like we don't even know anything substantial about Lucy and Jesse's relationship or with her and Tennant for that matter. Those should probably take priority. The shows called NCIS: Hawai`i not FBI: Hawai`i lol.
If there really was a season to sweat over Kacy's relationship, it wouldn't be the season where they've been actively showing them working on themselves and being better with each other. It's like we didn't get an entire Whistler/Kacy love fest episode in 2x03 or something. Some people are quick to think the worst and go, 'ugh miscommunication is such a kacy thing'. We probably haven't been watching the same show this season then because they're clearly taking steps to fix that in just the first 5 episodes.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 7 months
My ask wasn't even about being recognized by her, I'm not that type of fan who thinks celebrities are my friends just because I admire them or have something in common with them, like the other anon said about being disappointed in them and not to waste time on them, that's what I do, like I used to spend a lot of time on Tumblr and on kaylors blogs, mostly just reading everything because it used to be fun, I don't spend that much time here anymore but I lurk occasionally and I often see people only discussing the same thing over and over again, and almost nobody talking about her disappointing behavior, and I think it's a bit hypocritical to criticize the beard exhaustively but never Taylor, I remember that people used to criticize toe over the stupidest little things and there's always thousand of those types os asks that we're answered, their relationship was basically through likes on Instagram he was a ghost compared to this current, he wasn't problematic at all, so my ask came out of this parallel. You're right that anyone should only share what they're comfortable with in their space but when you analyse everything that's discussed it doesn't make sense that being the reason, no offense to anyone, and I just wanted to clarify because it seems some got the impression that I want Taylor to recognize us and I'm mad because she isn't.
I wasn’t referring to you personally —I was saying something that I learned over the years is that I can not think I’m one of Taylor’s special secret tumblr snowflakes that she’s always secretly winking at in the dark because 1)that’s very unlikely and 2) because she may never actually reward us for our unending loyalty to her truth and love story. I had to come to that conclusion for myself to allow myself to openly discuss when her behavior makes me say Girl what the fuck
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 2 years
am hhere seeking your wise and wonderful opinions on Derrick x og! Penelope again.
A pairing that should have been starred in a psychological horror imo.
But would Derrick have loved cha siyeon of he knew she wasn't the real Penelope. Suppose cha siyeon transmigrated into the body of a random maid and og Penelope was still alive. Who would he obsess over.
And if derrick knew that og Penelope was dead would he let her go or would he try to tell everyone.
Suppose there was a way to bring back the real Penelope at the expense of cha siyeon would he do that? even if it meant potential death at the hands of Callisto.
And why is Callisto so in love with cha siyeon. She, no offense, really doesn't have that much of a personality other than being cold and heartless or whatever. Honestly, og Penelope seemed much more of a riot. she would have been an interesting character of handled well.
If only I knew what attracted Derrick to og Penelope *sights* it confuses the heck out of me. If she didn't exist I'd say yeah sure, why not, he'd be attracted to Cha Siyeon. But his supposed love for og Penelope makes me question everything. He's probably a sicko™. I prefer not to think about it. I do think he fell for Cha Siyeon simply because she is the heroine of vadd. If she weren't the protagonist he wouldn't have cared much for her. At most I can see them have a fling or a short lived relationship, have a clean breakup and then move on from it without many afterthoughts. og! Penelope > Cha Siyeon all the way. Though I must say I don't find it likely that he'd start a relationship with his employee as he would consider it unprofessional + he looks down on commoners and thinks of them as beneath him, which would kinda rule out the possibility of Cha Siyeon ever catching feelings for him.
I don't know if he would do something like trying to bring back og Penelope at the expense of Cha Siyeon. He was too comfortable to let her die in her previous lives (at least nothing in the story indicates that he tried to save her). And during the hunting arc he tried to save some random noble lady rather than Penelope. That's why I can't be sure if he would sacrifice a random woman for Penelope when we've already seen him choose a random noble lady over someone who he believes to be Penelope.
I guess it depends how his and Penelope's relationship has developed in this AU. Losing Penelope, especially through someone else and not by his choice could make him become very desperate to retrieve her. He is a hypocrite. Derrick is the type of person who'd tell Penelope to get lost and then start anxiously looking for her when she really disappears.
It depends on how you define bringing back the real Penelope at the expense of Cha Siyeon. Would he personally murder Cha Siyeon? No, I don't think so. Unless he's really far gone. But would he pay a wizard to perform a ritual that would exchange their souls again and prefer not to think where Cha Siyeon's soul went/whether it returned safely after he had Penelpe back? Yeah, probably. If there was a risk involved that Cha Siyeon wouldn't return in one piece he would choose to ommitt to tell her about this detail when they strike the deal. He would probably treat her well in the duchy to rid himself of feelings of any potential guilt and convince himself that she'd have to accept any consequences that might befall her because she intruded in his life/family and doesn't even belong in his world. Because of her Penelope is gone. He'd try to rationalize his actions.
Risking his own life for og Penelope...that's hard to answer I think I'm gonna pass this question. I heard he risked his life for Cha Siyeon in the novels though...
I don't think he'd tell everyone. It would 1. make him sound crazy 2. his pride wouldn't allow him to admit that he made a mistake and lost another sister 3. he'd prefer to avoid "retraumatizing" his father if he really cares about him. Derrick might hope he could return things to how they were originally before anyone starts catching on that Penelope has been replaced by someone else.
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holiday-7 · 1 year
Something I made up
Star: Hello, you're my third great-grandma. I also know that you have a really weird obsession with riddles. Rhina: Everyone knows that I'm obsessed with riddles. Star: Anyways, hi! My name is Star. I was queen for 4 days and I got the title Star The Underestimated. What about you? Rhina: Well, hello Star. My name is Rhina. My official title is Rhina The Riddled and pretty much every spell I made somehow ended up hurting people. Whether it be figuratively or literally. Star: Yeah, we all know about that thing with you accidentally killing your husband. Anyways, quick question: Does your daughter, Celena, have three eyes? Rhina: Uh...that is none of your business. Thank you very much. Star: Okay well, who is your mother? My mother is Moon Butterfly. Her official title is Moon The Undaunted and she's no longer queen of Mewni. How about your mother? Rhina: Well, my mother is Crescenta Butterfly. Her official title is Crescenta The Eager and she made over 5,000 spells. Most of which I think were garbage, but I'm being kind of a hypocrite. We have a pretty good relationship, but she doesn't let me see my aunt. They don't like each other. Which I'm just like, "What does that gotta do with me?" You know? Star: For real! Like, it's not my fault that you have unresolved issues. Anyways, what's your personality type? Mine is ESFP. What about you? Rhina: Oh, mine is INTP. My enneagram is 6w5. What's your enneagram? Star: Mine is 7w6. Rhina: Cool! Star: Okay so, you know your grandma, Festivia? Yeah? Okay so, did you know that she, along with the rest of the family down, including you, are Pie Folk? Rhina: Really? Eh, I don't really care. But that does explain Festivia's love for pie. Star: Yeah, me either. But it seems like everyone else in the family makes it such a big deal. And I'm just like, "Bro, it's not really that big of a deal." Rhina: I know right!? Like, just be grateful that now you know where you're really from. Star: Yes! Anyways, there's this place on Earth called Target. It's like a store, but it has some restruants in it. Do you wanna go with me? Rhina: Sure, I guess.
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adulting-sucks · 1 year
Dont know if this will be posted, but I'm going to say it anyways. I'm not going to touch on the topic of what is going on in tumblr between the blogs but the actual nature of the discussion of racism. I think for the most part POC have their own beliefs of what they deem racist based on their own experiences with it. There is obvious things that every POC and decent nonPOC can agree fall under racism and there's the other things that may differ based on what people have experienced or seen for them to label someone or something racist. As a POC myself, I do believe CEs recent actions and affiliations fall under racist. Yes, he isn't in the category of a white supremacist or a nazi but he is still not antiracist. If he was truly antiracist and actually cared for what POC go through he would be nowhere near these people and would make sure they stayed far away from him and his homes. He has continually spent time with these people even after everything was discovered about them. You can say it is because of the PR contract and he has no choice but that doesnt cut it. My family owns businesses, we amend or null contracts all the time. He has a choice, contracts can be amended, theres ways to get around having to actually spend physical time with that group, and theres definitely ways to make sure those people dont ever come into his home(s). Even the most lucrative contracts have termination clauses in them and also have options for future amendments. He can always buy himself out of a contract, a contract with a unknown actress from a foreign country would never be that expensive. This isn't a contract between 2 A-listers.
Being okay with spending any quality time with racists is counterproductive to being an ally. He was okay with calling out Trump and other politicians when he needed to but has totally been silent when it comes to the girl he has claimed as his gf, that isn't antiracist. If he wanted he or his team could have talked her into addressing her participation in culture appropriation and being friends with nazi sympathizers and apologizing but instead she ignores it while he continues to associate with them. I see no difference in her being friends with racists and him 'dating' her and hanging out with her bff, its the same thing the exception is her culture appropriation. Theyre both associating with racists, that alone doesnt exclude them from racism. Racism has levels, there are those have subconscious racism, there are those that are aggressive and physical with their racism, and theres systemic racism. Just because he hasn't said or done anything obvious racist doesn't mean he doesnt fall under a category of racism. Ignorance can make a person racist. He knows exactly what racism is considering he has called out people on it before but still he continues to be with these people. This includes his family and friends that are participating in this whole charade. His brother was literally posting about nazis, but has been spending time with people who are friends with a nazi sympathizer, like does he not see his hypocrisy. It would be better for all involved to not speak out on racism, body shaming, culture appropriation or anything related to what the Portugal group has been accused of because it makes them look like hypocrites when they spend time with the very same type of people they are calling out.
And thats why it is frustrating for me and i'm sure some other POC to see all this drooling over him that has been happening since the con all over tumblr. It seems like some of the people that had an issue with him and him associating with that group have totally forgotten about that because he looked good to them. And this is probably what it is going to look like once or when the girl and her friends are no longer in the picture. Many are going to go back to thirsting on him and supporting him even though they were calling him out. They're going to pretend that he never let a group of racists into his homes, that he never spent quality time with those racists, and that he never claimed a girl from that group as his girlfriend. Even if this is PR, he still made a choice to get involved with her for whatever benefit he is going to get. His team failed to research and that is on him and the people he pays. This being PR shouldnt excuse the fact that he is okay being associated with racism and for me it doesn't excuse his association with racism either.
I’ll always post a different point of view. Always. And you are perfectly right to feel the way you do per your experiences.
I only speak to my experiences and why I think and feel the way I do. I won’t ever presume to speak on yours or anyone else’s behalf.
I absolutely understand where you stand. And I can absolutely understand the frustration. I just don’t believe a person changes into a racist overnight. And that’s my opinion.
And you’re not the only person who feels the way you do, just like I’m not the only one who feels the way that I do. That’s the biggest hurdle, being able to see that this is different from this, but it’s okay to discuss it
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
(about that abortion post) I hate the whole debate about when "life" begins 'cause, let's say I drop a ball at time t=0. At this exact moment, is the ball moving ? No, it hasn't started had time to accelerate so its speed is 0. One second later, at the moment t=1, is it moving ? Yes, because it has been accelerating so its speed is not 0. So then when does the ball start moving ?? You might say t=0, but we've just said it's not moving at this moment. There's no right answer, because the question is nonsense in the first place. Movement is something inherently based on time, and we're asking about movement happening in a single moment.
It's the same thing for life. Every single criterion for living beings is based on some change or movement of some kind : Ability to reproduce, to grow, to use energy, to adapt and respond to its environment. All of that takes time to happen, it can't exist in a single moment. Life itself can't exist in a single moment, it only exists in durations. So why are we making such a debate about when "life" begins, when the initial question is nonsense to begin with ! Life happens incrementally, over time, and there's no single moment where the universe goes "Ah that's it, it's a living being now"
I'm not sure which post you're referencing, I usually do my best to stay out of that particular debate publicly at least.
Gotten into it with some friends in private on here, much better way to do it imho because a person that knows you is far less likely to put words in your mouth.
You're also going philosophical instead of scientific for some of what we've got up here, no biggie to me I can do either if you want.
Just because i don't talk about it doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.
I will be doing my best to state nothing coloured by my own opinion here and keep it short too.
From a philosophical standpoint, you make a fair case, there's stages and all that good stage where it runs into problems still from a philosophical standpoint is if you believe the "potential" for life is good enough or not to call it a life.
Scientifically speaking
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even if you want to claim that the zygote is a complete human, you've still got 4 to 6 days for post exposure prophylaxis, after that there's no more wiggle room for people that firmly believe life begins at conception.
Which then all goes back to philosophy and what is life, how is it defined, is the soul real ect.
There's never really going to be a agreed upon consensus with this either sadly, not one that I can see at least. __________________
Gonna ramble, main thought is over now will likely put a last thought in but we'll see
I will say one of the funniest things I've seen is couple people screaming at a girl who opposes abortion, and they were doing the standard thing where they start spouting off lines and laws from the Torah/first 5 books of the Christian Bible and asking about that whole clothes made of 2 types of cloth, no shrimp or bacon, no cheeseburgers, sit outside in a menstrual hut and be ritually cleaned after so you can be around people again (for some reason they never seem to get to the point about what happens if you assault a woman and trigger a miscarriage, weird that)
I hate all those arguments to begin with because as Christians we have a different set of far less stringent rules, but in this case it was double funny.
After they did their whole song and dance about how she was a hypocrite for selectively shilling for some laws and not others she hit them with a wonderful whammy.
"I'm an atheist"
Funny stuff they no clue how to respond to that one. I think that whole thing with the "produced by" whoever and the funny music started, been a long time. ________________________________
Continuing thought to close up.
This is going to be a subject fraught with anger and emotions and everything else under the sun for a long time, wish there was a easy solution where both sides could feel like they managed 80% or more of a victory.
But we'll see eventually I think.
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