#she cant fly but she can leap high and stand on air.
nonbinaryphantom · 11 months
ive been putting way too much lore into reaper au especially stuff like reaper biology/abilities and psuedo reaper abilities
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
hey pspsps i found this thing n twitter and i cant get it out of my head,, so dreams escape right? and sapnap said that he'd be the one who'd take dreams last life rgiht? so imagine if he gets ant, bad and george and tells them "its the final manhunt" (:
im ngl the name of this on my document was “the final manhunt *offkey kazoo*” 
with that, have some good ol’ post-prison c!dream angst! probably not exactly what you asked for, but i hope you like it anyway :D 
tw: implied torture, abuse, dark portrayals of c!sam and c!quackity, suicide/suicide implications, panic attacks, emotional distress, emotional instability, death threats, violence, flashbacks, pandora’s vault/prison arc
When Dream escapes the prison, he is a frothing thing of spite and rage, one part human and ninety-nine parts determination simmered and condensed over high heat; there is anger and then there’s this, the fire that leaps to his eyes and the shaking shreds of a battered heart he holds close to his chest and refuses to let anyone close enough to see. He moves and the server moves with him, tugged along by his iron will and sweat-slick desperation, joining in the brilliant blue whirl of a diamond axe swung recklessly and slammed into the dirt, an aimless fury following each formless drive of the blade into grass and gravel. The air sings danger and the air sings wrong and every step closer brings a ringing scream of away away go away that dances like static electricity against their skin.
Puffy follows, cutlass strapped to her hip and hair tucked messily beneath the rim of her cornet as the group advances - someone had alerted over comms about seeing the escaped prisoner in this direction, and they’d all jumped forward in the hopes that the weeks-long manhunt could finally be ended. Sapnap leads the way, headband whipping behind him as he strides forward, jaw clenched in fierce determination; George brings up the rear, bow in hand, a full quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Puffy’s running alongside Sam, who has been strangely tight-lipped the entire time Dream has been gone, firm in his insistence that the prisoner be detained but saying little else - it’s something that she would pry at, usually, but her head is filled with half-formed regrets and fears and a bubbling undercurrent of anger she’s afraid will come loose if she opens her mouth, so she stays silent as they run ever forward.
Sapnap yells, and her head snaps up - there, in the tall grass of a plains biome lies a flash of orange that must be Dream. The hunters around her speed up and she strains to follow; the other three are clearly experienced, easily falling into step with each other as she scrambles to keep up. Dream’s head snaps over towards them and he begins to sprint, cutting a line through the yellow field as they race to follow. She’s not seen him since the prison break, has only heard the whispers- an orange clothed monster, all bones and skin and uncaged fury, a diamond axe heaved in his arms slamming against anything that comes too close. It’s hard to rationalize this untamed, unrefined dash to the unwavering calm that she had always associated with his style of fighting, his movements much more like the life-or-death escape of a hunted rabbit than any hunter’s dog. It’s hard to rationalize this Dream with the one she knows- but well, she’s gotten used to that.
It took her far too long to admit, but she’s come to realize that she doesn’t quite know Dream at all.
He leads them forward to the shorter grass and harsher dips and planes of a savannah, the sun beating down in slanting heat against the backs of their necks. The ground they’re standing on begins to shatter into steep cliffs and jagged mountains, rough edges of stone climbing into the sky all around them. Sapnap curses, shading his eyes against the sun.
“He’s going up there,” he says, and George sends arrows flying towards the orange dot blurring across the steep face of a nearby mountain. Sam grumbles as Puffy strains to catch sight of him, watching his scrambling movements up the cliff face to the top.
“Then we follow,” he says, pulling a stack of ender pearls from his inventory. “Each person take a few. We’re too close to lose him now.”
The climb is anything but pleasant, the sun right overhead and making sweat gather at her hairline and drip down her face. Even as a sheep hybrid, she struggles to keep pace with the other hunters as they race over thin paths of granite and clamber up near-vertical faces of stone with little problem, clearly practiced as they follow Dream without breaking their sprint. The rock gives way to dirt and tufts of short-shorn grass and Sapnap’s eyes flash.
“Be careful,” he says, looking straight at her. “He’s cornered - that’s when he does risky shit without thinking about the consequences. He knows you’re the least experienced here and there’s a good chance that he’s going to charge you. If that happens, hold your shield and just block. We’ll handle him from there.”
She swallows back the spark of indignation that rises at his words, a bitter scream that they only see her as a liability dying out as she reminds herself that these three had hunted Dream professionally before, had struggled even with two more at their sides. The caution is far from unwarranted.
“I understand.”
Sapnap nods tersely and looks to the other two with a hand movement that she doesn’t understand. The other two immediately start moving, Sam moving to the front, George nocking an arrow as he takes his place at the rear - they’re still shielding her, she realizes with a small spike of annoyance again, shaking her head and drawing her own cutlass as Sapnap leads the way for them to swing up onto the top of the mountain.
It takes her a moment to adjust; the wind, unhindered by the cliffs that had been shielding them seconds before, whips at her face and draws tears to her eyes, makes her hair fly wildly into her face. Through narrowed eyes, she watches as the figure on the other side of the mountaintop scrambles backwards, diamond axe braced in front of him as he backs to the opposite edge.
“Dream,” Sapnap calls, voice deadly calm. “You’re cornered. Stand down.”
Dream shakes his head, lips curling in a wordless snarl. The sound is desperate, almost inhuman, making Puffy’s hair stand on end. As her vision clears, she stops dead in her tracks despite herself - Dream looks awful. She’d expected him to look disheveled after his escape, hadn’t expected much comfort in his stay in the Vault, but the way he looks, now, hollow eyes and gaunt cheeks and skinny, shaking limbs that only barely seem to be able to hold up his weight, bandages covering every visible inch of skin, wrapped messily around his right arm as if done by one hand - she reaches forward unconsciously and Dream flinches back.
“Don’t-” his voice rasps, cracks, falls in on itself as he wets his lips to try and speak again. “Don’t come closer.”
“Prisoner,” Sam growls, stepping forward, and he turns those wild, fever-bright eyes towards the creeper hybrid, flailing backwards and knuckles white from the grip on his axe. His breathing visibly hitches, head whipping back and forth.
“Don’t come closer,” he hisses again, stepping back, and Puffy stills.
“Sam-” she grabs his sleeve. “Sam- don’t. He’s at the edge.”
Dream’s gaze swings to her, and her heart stutters at the uncaged, obvious fear raging in his eyes. He’s backed to the very back edge of the mountain they’re standing on, left foot halfway off, sending dirt skidding over and off of the cliff down down down to the ground hundreds of feet below. The three hunters stop, muscles tensed, and Dream bares his teeth at them but doesn’t back away further.
His shoulders sag as they stand, stagnant, each huddled on their own side of the mountaintop. His gaze is venomous, green eyes burning even in the glaring light of the sun, flicking warily between their faces as he holds the axe between them.
“So you came,” his voice is tight, a slight tremble pulling at the end despite his seeming bravado. “Here to finish the job, huh?”
Sapnap pulls back his shoulders. “I made a promise, Dream.”
Dream laughs, bitter. His left hand releases on the axe handle to come to his chest, grabbing at his right, looking almost like he’s trying to hold himself. His laughter tapers off into something weak and wrecked, and the sound makes Puffy’s heart clench uncomfortably in her chest.
“Figures you’d keep that one,” his head tips up, looking Sapnap in the eye. “What- did your fiance give up? The revive book not worth the effort anymore?”
Sapnap hisses. “Don’t bring Karl into this-”
“Karl?” Dream’s eyes flash, grip tightening on his upper arm. “No- what? Why-”
“Dream.” Sam’s voice is low, something dark buzzing behind his tone, “Don’t-”
Puffy interrupts him with a hand to his shoulder, stepping forward and freezing mid-step when Dream’s head whips to her, eyes widening and foot scraping against the edge of the cliff again.
“Sapnap, Sam, let him talk,” she levels her gaze at Dream, trying to pick out the emotions warring behind those brilliant green eyes. “Not Karl- you’re talking about Quackity then, right?”
Sam hisses, “Puffy, I don’t think this is a good idea-”
Dream laughs.
The sound is grating, awful, making her hands come to her ears. It rips through skin, wraps around bone, seeps into marrow - he’s laughing, axe disappearing into his inventory so he can clutch his face with both hands, the loose sleeves of his prison uniform falling to his elbows to reveal the bandages wrapping all the way up his forearms and disappearing further under the fabric. In front of her, Sapnap falters, grip on his sword loosening; George steps back, eyebrows wrinkled, bow lowering. Dream laughs like the world is ending, and some cold, hardened thing in her chest shatters at the sound.
“You know,” his hands claw at his hair, wrapping around the strands and pulling, “You know you know you know- you have to know. How-” He shakes his head, tugging at his hair harshly and making Puffy wince at the sight, “Don’t- don’t play stupid here.”
“Know what?” George reaches forward, hands empty, palms up like he’s approaching an injured dog. From the way Dream snaps at the sound, hackles raised and teeth bared, he might as well be one. “Dream, what are you talking about?”
Sapnap looks stricken, still, face clouded in a way that Puffy can’t decipher. “Q- don’t play your mind games here, Dream,” despite his words, he sounds uncertain. Puffy hasn’t seen Quackity around for a while, had thought that he was staying at Sapnap and Karl’s new place. From the way Sapnap’s eyes have darkened, it looks like she assumed wrong. “Quackity hasn’t even been around, what does he have to do with any of this?”
Dream shakes his head again, seemingly stuck in his own head, barely even responding to their words. “You know- you know you know you know- Sam knows- you-” His breath hitches, chest heaving, and Puffy blinks. He’s having a panic attack, a clinical, much more calm part of her says as Dream seems to collapse in on himself. “You know. You have to know he wouldn’t- nobody came if you didn’t know then why didn’t you come if you didn’t know then why did Sam let him in you know you know you know-”
“Sam?” George turns to Sam, hands curling into fists and then uncurling again and again, “Do you know what he’s talking about?”
Sam’s expression is unreadable, ignoring George as he looks back at Dream. “Prisoner,” and has he called him by his name, yet? “Come with us calmly and your punishment will be lightened. There’s nowhere to run. Give up.”
Dream keens, a high-pitched whine exiting his lungs, “I won’t- I won’t tell,” his voice cracks, tears clearly running down his cheeks, “I won’t tell you Quackity I won’t-”
“Sam,” Puffy turns to the hybrid. “I think you should go.”
“He’s having a panic attack, Sam. He’s hardly going to do anything.” She levels a glare at him, sheathing her cutlass at her side. “I’m perfectly capable of defending myself, and I’ve promised to help anyone having a mental health crisis on the server.” Something dark and traitorous whispers how she’d given up on Dream before, and she pushes it down.
“He’s a danger to everyone on the server.”
“Sam- he’s not fucking breathing right now on the edge of a cliff. He’s not a danger to anyone but himself.”
“She’s right, Sam,” Puffy’s head snaps to George. He’s looking at her, expression hidden behind his glasses, lips pressed together in a small frown. “Puffy, we’ll be waiting. You or Sapnap call if you need back-up.”
She nods tersely, watches as Sam gives in and follows George down the mountain, the hybrid’s red eyes still staring at Dream as he leaves. Sapnap seems distracted, hardly acknowledging their exchange with his eyes fixed on Dream’s crumpled form, emotions clearly warring over his face, and Puffy brushes past him to get to her patient- Dream.
“Dream,” she speaks, not moving forward when his shoulders seize. “Dream, I won’t move closer unless you want me to,” she enunciates the words clearly, watching his face for any flash of recognition or understanding. He shakes his head minutely at her words, arms trembling, but he doesn’t move closer to the edge. “Can you hear me?”
He nods jerkily, and she smooths the palms of her hands on her pants, trying to calm the race of her heart in her chest.
“Good, very good,” years of training, habit, flood her head, pushing away the buzzing unease and fear and tangled knot of dark feelings that linger every time she sees Dream’s face, “I need you to breathe for me, okay? We’re going to inhale for four- there you go,” she counts, watching the shuddering movement of his chest as he struggles to replicate her movements, “Very good, hold for four, there you go- you’ve got this-”
Slowly, painfully, the rattle of his lungs in his chest becomes something quieter, more manageable, no longer rising and falling in desperate arrhythmic wheezes that make her chest hurt in sympathy. She’s still kneeling there, hands palms-up when he looks up at her, eyes wide, a degree of lucidity having returned to them, and for a moment a flash of fear stabs through her heart.
She swallows it down, pulling forward every ounce of professionalism she can muster. “Dream,” she keeps her voice low and soft, biting her lip at the way he freezes, again, at the call of his name. “Dream, can you step away from the edge?”
His hands clutch at the line of grass and dirt that make up the sod overhang, knuckles white. His eyes keep staring in hers, wide and wet and green, and she shushes him softly under her breath.
“It’s ok, take your time,” she breathes, watching as his hand inches forward bit by bit, gaze still fixed on her face, “It’s okay, Duckling.”
She blinks, and there’s a whirl of orange flying towards her chest; Sapnap shouts behind her, and panic blooms in her head too quickly for her to pick out anything but a desperate little oh god I’m going to die-
The blow never comes.
Instead, she looks down, heart in her throat, at a sobbing, shaking lump pressed against her chest, head buried in the crook over her neck as dirty, tangled hair falls in waves over her shoulder. She freezes, watching as his shoulders shake, hands tangled in her shirt sleeve, barely able to hear the words he’s saying over his wails and her heart thudding in her ears.
“Please don’t bring me back,” he pleads, voice cracking, “Please- please I don’t wanna go back please tell Sapnap to make it quick please I can’t go through another Quackity visit please Puffy don’t let them send me back-”
“I’ll- I won’t fight, I pr’mise, Sapnap can keep his promise it’s okay I won’t fight anymore I’m-” he keens, high-pitched and mangled, into her shoulder, “I’m so tired Puffy.”
“Don’ make me go back, please.”
Puffy pulls him back, presses her hand on his cheek, murmuring softly. And- maybe she shouldn’t be doing this, maybe Dream’s a danger just like Sam said, maybe she’ll come to regret helping him the same way she had before - but right now he’s in pain and he’s crying and he’s closer than he’s been in so, so long and all she can see is her duckling, hurting, her duckling, home.
“Dream,” she brushes her thumb against his cheek, smooths a lock of hair behind his ear. “What happened in there?”
And he begins to speak.
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getbacktoworknovice · 4 years
💀Over the Edge
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[A one shot about Edward wanting to cliff dive and coaxing you into joining him~ Reposting some of my older Ao3 stuff~]
Edward Kenway was a fascinating creature.
He could climb to the top of a mast, jump from building to rooftop, raid ships and dig up treasure chests all while wearing these incredibly uncomfortable (and heavy) looking robes. You honestly had no idea how he did it.
Or how he was able to keep as silent as he did, prowling through underbrush and treetops as if he were some animal stalking prey. It was impressive as it was terrifying. You had seen all this first hand when Edward had saved you from a sinking man o’ war the year before. You’d been on board as a navigator when the pirates had raided it and Edward had graciously given you a choice between staying on the sinking ship or taking up with him and his men.
Your choice had been obvious.
His crew wasnt too thrilled with the idea. After all, it was bad luck to have a woman aboard but Edward said that was all “superstitious nonsense”. Since you were a navigator he used you in that sense helping him get to certain places on maps he had in his quarters. He was a fine navigator himself but he said he wanted to “give you a purpose aside from being a distraction to his crew”.
You had gotten used to his cockiness and his relentless flirting as well. He was no “ladies man” by any means though he proclaimed to be one. He got himself slapped fairly often for someone so “smooth” but you didnt make it a point to learn much about that side of him.
He had saved your life and you owed him. You were returning the favor by helping him find all the treasure on the maps he had “found” and so far you had been doing a far better job than even you knew you were capable. It had been quite an experience and while the crew was a bit rowdy when drunk they were a good hearted group.
You grew very fond of them and they began to treat you as one of their own. Swapping stories over ale and singing shanties together off key and horrible to annoy the one sailor who took his shanties seriously. They respected you too, though you suspected part of that was because Edward threatened to de-man anyone who tried anything with you.
You’d heard them often call you Kenways property.
You werent sure how you felt about that…
“Oi, Y/N!” You heard Edward call and you snapped out of your daze. The two of you were on some unnamed and uninhabited island his newest map had led you to. It took a bit of hiking as the treasure was located pretty high up next to a cliff but you two had made it and Edward had began digging.
You occupied yourself with your journal, writing down coordinates and recording what treasure was found as well as what the flora and fauna was like. Sometimes it took hours for Edward to find anything other times he would find it pretty quick.
Looking up you could see his half naked form coming out of the hole he’d dug. It was particularly hot today and you couldn’t blame him for shedding the heavy looking robes he wore. He drug his arm across his face to wipe away the sweat on his brow and gave a grin.
“I found it!” He said, beckoning you over as he leaned down to haul it up. It was a pretty good sized chest, big enough to hold a person it seemed. It certainly was heavy enough as you had to help him yank it out of the hole he’d dug.
Cracking it open he gave an excited exclamation as it was full to the brim with gold and jewels. “Geez, whoever hid this mustve robbed a nobleman or something.” You said in amazement as Edward happily inspected the gold pieces to make sure all was legit.
“There’s an entire fortune in here, and I’m sure glad we found it before the miserable soul I got that map from did.” He grinned closing the lid and standing up there beside you. Reaching over he ruffled your hair with a broad smile. “Good with your directions as always, thanks for the assist Y/N.” He said putting his hands on his hips as he looked out to the open sea, towards the Jackdaw he could still make out over the cliff.
“Well, I know you and I wont be able to haul this all that distance.” He said, giving the side of the chest a kick as you went to retrieve your journal. You groaned inwardly. That meant the two of you had to make the long hike all the way back to the ship and then back AGAIN to retrieve the treasure and back AGAIN to get it back to the ship.
Seeing you pull that face Edward gave a smirk. “Whats the matter love?” he asked crossing his arms and giving you a playful look. “Dont you like all the bugs and roots and rocks?” He teased and you swatted his arm.
“Quiet you, I just dont like the idea of doing all that hiking in this heat.” You admitted, slinging your bag over your shoulder with a sigh. “It IS hot today isnt it…” Edward remarked rubbing his neck as he turned with you to start the trek back but stopped you by grabbing your arm.
“Hey now wait a minute.” He said as you turned to face him quizzically. “I know a way we can get back to the Jackdaw faster AND get cooled off.” He said and you gave him a doubtful look. “Your not as good with shortcuts as you think you are captain.” You started but he pulled you with him as he began walking back to where he’d dug up the box.
“I guarantee this one will work.” He said as he brought you over by the cliffs edge, pointing down to where you could just make out the Jackdaw around the bend. “See? She’s right there.” He said and you cocked your brow at him.
“And? What are you going to do fly over to it?” You teased unsure where he was going with this. Shaking his head he gave you a mischievous smile. “Nope, WE are going to swim to it.” He said, putting his hands on his hips as he peered over the edge.
You blinked.
He looked over at you, he had that look in those piercing blue eyes of his. A look that said “lets do something crazy and pray to God it actually works or we are so done for ” and you took a step back. “Oh you are NOT serious.” You said and he nodded as he saw the reality of his idea sink in. “I am love, think your brave enough to try it?” He teased and you backed up even more.
“I am NOT jumping!”
“Its the only way down–”
“I’ll hike this island a THOUSAND times before I do ANYTHING close to what your suggesting!”
“Come on love, your SUPPOSED to be a pirate!” He teased going towards you as you backed away. You huffed and placed your hands on your hips defensively. “I’m a navigator FOR a pirate, I never claimed to be one!” you insisted and Edward only laughed.
“Your guilty by association I’m afraid,” he said tilting his head at you as he saw your face getting pale at the idea of jumping off a cliff. “Come now, I’ve done this thousands of times, I promise you’ll be all right.” He tried to reassure you gently.
Gentle wasnt a side you saw of his too often.
Taking a deep breath you shook your head again. “No way, something will go wrong and I’ll die.” You said and he gave one of those smiles of his that made you wonder how he really felt about you at times. “It cant go wrong if you do exactly what I do,” He said and offered his hand. “I’ll hold your hand if you want me to?” He said.
Normally you would slap it away and just stalk off. You couldnt do this, there was no way…but there was something…almost exciting about the idea. You’d seen him leap off of building before, landing in haystacks or piles of underbrush even into the ocean and always emerging unscathed.
You could trust him…couldnt you?
Hesitating at first you finally took his hand. “F-fine! But if I die, I’m going to KILL you.” You insisted and Edward laughed aloud. “Now love, dont be that way, I promise you we’ll be all right.” He assured you and moved his hands to the strap of your bag to pull it off of you. “Im sure you dont want your precious journals ruined though, might wanna leave those behind.”
Taking your bag over by where he’d discarded his robes he beckoned you once more towards the cliff. Which might as well have been the edge of the world for you. You peeked over the edge skittishly, your heart beating a thousand miles a minute in your chest.
Edward was looking over as well but he had a sile on his face and a challenged look to his features as if this were some kind of test he was determined to pass. Seeing your nervousness he reached out and grabbed your hand. “Ready?” He asked and you almost jerked your hand away.
“As I ever will be I think…” You said quietly and he gave your hand a squeeze. “The most important thing to remember,” He said as you looked up at him. “Is to not hesitate. Jump first, think later.” you snorted.
“Oh yes, wonderful advice.” “I give only the best.” he smiled and took a few steps back, getting some distance between the cliffs edge for a running start, still firmly holding your hand. You hadn’t realized you were squeezing his so hard your knuckles had turned white but he didnt seem to mind. Or notice even.
He had strong hands.
“We’ll go on three aye?”
You nodded.
“Three!” He yelled and took off with you having to keep up. If you lived through this you would call him out for being a cheat. You hadnt even realized your feet had left the ground until you were both air born. It was the most terrifying and exciting feeling in your life. You had your eyes closed the entire time, the world rushing around you making you sick to your already upset stomach.
Soon enough though you felt Edwards arms wrap around you and opened your eyes right as the two of you hit the water. It took you a moment to get oriented and at first you freaked out because you were heavier with your clothes and all but you felt Edwards arm around your waist as he hauled the two of you to the surface.
You broke through the water with a gasp Edward taking in breath beside you as he surfaced. He was laughing like an idiot, his fist in the air in victory as he floated there beside you. The first thing you did after catching your breath was punch him in the arm.
“You cheated!” You insisted and Edward feinted pain at your punch giving you a wink. “Ah cmon now love, it was all in the name of building your confidence!” He teased, raising his arms in defense as you started swatting at him with your hands.
“Your insane!” You said but you had a big smile on your face and you were laughing. That had been quite a rush admittedly and…you even felt you could do it again. He only grinned at you, grabbing at your hands to stop your onslaught.
“Yes I am, but that is one thing you love about me right?” He teased and you blushed yanking your hands away. “Seriously Captain, your a mess.” You said, turning away to begin the short swim to the Jackdaw.
You heard him behind you chuckling to himself.
“Say what you will but you followed me over the edge of a cliff.” He called out to you as you made it to the ship, grabbing onto the wooden slats that ran down its side. You scooted over to make room for him as he climbed up beside you, gently running his hand through your hair.
“Your something else yourself Y/N,” He said, looking at you with those blue eyes of his making your heart thump a bit. “Something I havent quite figured out…but I am going to.” He assured you before giving a wink and climbing up onto his ship.
Leaving you with your face pressed against the wet boards trying to hide the big smile and blush on your face.
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vodkabite · 5 years
Our Little Secret - Act 1, Preview
To liven the mood inside the dimly lit basement, while cursing at the horribly cheap lightbulbs she bought from the Circle K off Elmwood, Nicole shares a random fact she knows: Superman didn’t always fly; in the beginning he could only leap over buildings, but the animators for the animated series they were doing in the 40s thought it would be too difficult to constantly draw his knees bending, it was easier to draw him in one pose and have him fly.
And how Major League Baseball once had female players; the first was Lizzy Arlington, who pitched during the ninth inning for the Reading Coal Heavers in 1898 and won her team the game, and a little over 30 years later, an African-American woman, Jackie Mitchell, pitched against the Yankees during an exhibition game, striking out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Nicole’s always been one for sharing random facts about things, especially to the break an awkward silence or change someone’s mood. And while Waverly is probably sure that the alpha spends her downtime at the station searching the internet for new things to talk about, she finds it cute. Adorable even, the way it eases the tediousness of doing laundry.
And as she crosses her legs, letting her feet dangle freely in the air against the side of the filing cabinet she sits upon, Waverly stares at Nicole from the corner of her eyes. Through the loose strands of hair that have fallen to form a curtain against the side of her face.
A thought crosses Waverly’s mind: I want to know you, see you, feel you.
Nicole grabs a heap of clothes from the dryer, mostly blacks and grays, and puts them on the folding table for separation. Her hands and fingers glide over the different fabrics, gripping the end of a sleeve or hooking under a collar and swiftly folding them to make a pile. The veins swimming through her wrists and up her arms quietly peeking out from beneath her skin—Waverly licks her lips. It feels nice, getting to be alone with Nicole without constant distractions and interruptions.
She has a great smile, a disarmingly perfect smile, and Waverly wants to see more of it.
The past few years had chipped away the once frequent sight of it, leaving a tightly lipped, exhausted, and irritable grin in its wake. Nicole grits her teeth more often now, due to frustration and impatience. The tension in her muscles defining the sharp curve of her jawline; a feature that hadn’t gotten lost with the weight gain.
Waverly folds another shirt, one of Nicole’s many black undershirts, and leaves it closer to her side than the others.
It’s comforting.
Though, the omega notices the pinched nerve expression on the alpha’s face. Frustration rippling through the air as she organizes the clothes into neat piles, sometimes refolding the same pile several times until all the shirts are in uniform.
Being a police officer, even in a dull town like Purgatory, must be hard; clocking in early and signing stacks of paperwork every day, patrolling the monotonously boring streets just hoping for some excitement. Waverly can’t imagine that coming home is any easier: having to make sure Wynonna and Willa don’t kill each other, driving Waverly to school in the morning and from cheerleading practice in the afternoons.
With Mama being gone so often, Nicole is the only adult who can keep the house in order. Doesn’t help that the washing machine turns off again. The on button keeps coming unstuck during the middle of cycles, needing to be pressed to resume working.
And each time, Nicole presses it with more and more force.
The tension is palpable and she wonders if the alpha had ever… done anything to ease her frustrations.
Waverly is reminded of the times she laid at night with her bedroom door closed after a long and stressful day, searching the internet for a video to masturbate to. The front pages of the sites she usually visits are oversaturated with amateur videos that are less than five minutes long with abysmal film and sound quality, or the more professionally done videos that are always filled with cheesy, half-baked storylines barely stitched together by basic comprehension of plot structure and graphic closeups. Not to mention the overly exaggerated moans by the actors and the director’s near obsessive need to always include at least one POV shot.
But what interests her, is that they all shared the same kind of theme: relieving tension. Whether it’d be an injured frustrated patient getting a blowjob from their extremely busty nurse, or the pool boy being seduced by a woman twice his age who’s frustrated by the lack of attention from her husband, as though sex and all aspects of it is simply a means to an end.
Waverly looks to Nicole again, shoving another batch of clothes into the dryer.
“Nicole?” The alpha turns to her, giving a final dirty look at the washing machine before settling down, more to hide what she feels so the omega wouldn’t see; pretending that nothing is wrong.
But Waverly knows better.
Dropping down from the filing cabinet, Waverly pulls Nicole by her wrists, bringing the alpha to stand in front of her.
“Nicole, I… you…” The words die on her tongue.
Instead, her hands speak for her. Running up Nicole’s forearms, pressing lightly against the veins to feel the alpha’s pulse thrum vibrantly beneath the pad of her thumb. Nicole is frozen still, confused. But her skin responds brilliantly. A shiver runs through, goosebumps rising in its wake as Waverly’s hands find their way over her biceps.
Waverly’s hands continue their exploration: the hardness of her shoulders, the softness of her sides, the muscles of her back, fingertips lightly drifting down the curve of her spine; committing each and every detail to memory. Finally, she reaches the hem of Nicole’s old basketball shorts. Her excitement grows, much like a fever as she slips a finger past the waistband. Breath hitching at the thin hairs that bristle against her index finger. Immediately, the omega’s hands are pulled away. The alpha’s grip is strong, her honey-golden eyes searching Waverly’s own.
For a moment, no one moves.
Part of Waverly fears that she has crossed a line she won’t be able to take back, but the other part, the eager and hungry side of her, takes hold and she takes the deadly plunge. Pulling Nicole forward and kissing her.
Nicole is tense at first, though, she soon quickly melts against Waverly. The acceptance brings forth another surge of confidence; the omega presses their bodies together, adamant in keeping less than a sliver of space between them. Backing into the washing machine that had now sputtered and died, for the third time that afternoon, Nicole is the one who breaks the kiss first. Taking the lead and picking Waverly up and placing the omega on top of the washer.
Even though the red blush that colors her face burns like hell itself, Waverly pulls the basketball shorts low enough to reach through the alpha’s boxers for her cock.
She thumbs at the top of her cock gently, rubbing the sticky drop of precome around with the pad of her thumb, making a mess of the wet spot that grows against the fabric, but the way Nicole inhales deeply above her shakes Waverly to her core. Dear God, fuck, is it everything she’s ever imagined. Waverly presses the flat of her palm along the thick shaft, firmly squeezing and effectively choking off another moan before it can even form. Sliding her other hand down to pull her boxers off, Nicole takes the initiative to help, springing herself free. Uncharacteristically, Waverly stares at the hardened member resting against the cold metal edge of the washing machine between her legs. Awkwardness quickly gives way to awe and hungry praise when she wraps her hand around the shaft and feels a pulse.
Waverly finally begins to stroke Nicole, she does it slowly, still mesmerized by the sounds the alpha makes because of her. It’s a bit too dry without some sort of slick to ease the fiction, so, much like what she’s seen countless of times online, she licks her palm. The wetness makes it slippery, easier, gaining Waverly a high-pitched groan that makes her toes curl; warmth spreading through her chest.
Nicole starts to buck into Waverly’s hand and the omega can only watch, spellbound by her rutting hips desperately trying to reach climax. Letting go, she pulls the Nicole into another kiss, roping her arms around the alpha’s shoulders to keep her in place.
Yet, they break away for a quick second. Waverly wants to whine for the momentary lack of contact, but is shocked still as Nicole mounts the otherwise small surface of the washing machine. It creaks and groans helplessly under their combined weight, and while she wonders if the poor thing can actually support them both, she gasps at how roughly Nicole moves into her, hand accidentally slamming onto the on button.
The omega doesn’t know what hits her first: the vibrations shaking her entire body to the core, or Nicole’s cock slipping beneath the leg of her shorts and rubbing against the front of her sex.
Her cheeks burn hot with another wave of heat flooding between her thighs. Nicole never looks at her, just keeps her eyes screwed shut as though she knows that as much as eye contact turns Waverly on, the omega won’t be able to last with it. Nicole moves faster, rolling into the feeling like her life depended on it; the friction of the alpha’s solid weight moving against her clit is enough to drive Waverly wild. And as such, a sharp cant of Nicole hips leaves her shattered.
Nicole isn’t far behind, her thrusts start to falter; her speed and intensity wane considerably under the consistent vibrations bringing her towards that inevitable—
“Waves?” She blinks and Nicole stands before her, concerned. “Are you alright? I asked if you wanted to order pizza and you just spaced out on me.”
A hand is placed to Waverly’s forehead. “Hm, you don’t have a fever.”
“No, no, I-I was just… daydreaming,” She says saving face, sounding breathier than she wants to. Nicole shrugs her shoulders and finishes up the rest of the laundry, kicking at the washing machine, cursing it and murmuring that she’ll need to buy another one.
All Waverly can do is breath a sigh of relief when no one is looking.
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storytimewithtibby · 5 years
    The bark is rough on your skin, more so against your cheek as you watch two children laughing as they walk towards where you’d been relaxing. The female is louder than her sibling, she makes you smile as she explains her latest creation, why it had to be made. Her brother is affectionately exasperated, and you slowly stand to climb down and follow them. It’s not that you feel any responsibility towards them, though they are innocent as far as you can tell. More that you’ve discovered that either one or the other would get into trouble and it was always interesting to watch.
    But you’re disappointed, not even the gnomes can be bothered to torment them. Slipping from shadow to shadow beneath the old trees, you follow them as they take a circular path back to the clearing where they live, or at least for now they do. When they speak of this place there’s an echo of finite time, and you know that they’ll leave. Arms wrapping as far as they can around a tree, you watch them race towards the door, laughing and shouting. You hope that when they leave they plan on coming back again.
    Later, the sky a warm, rich display of colours, you watch one of the older men walk out of the house, ushering people out. So many, your nose wrinkling at the sight of so many humans, most of whom always seem to leave trash in the clearing that the younger ones have to pick up. As the last car leaves, he lets out a breath, slouching slightly as he pulls off his hat and tugging off the eyepatch he puts on over his glasses.
    He looks like the man who built the house, but he’s not, watching him arch backwards with a groan before slinking back inside. You know if you wait, the other man will come out, the one who found this quiet patch of land and built his home. Not just on the earth but in it, your fingers drum against the bark as you debate whether or not you want to wait. Just to complete the set, gaze resting briefly on a young man that clambers down the steps and to the truck you know waits on the other side of the abode.
    Unable to resist, you wait until the truck is gone to move closer to the house, briefly stroking the head of the goat left outside. Dropping down to the ground, you crawl under the wooden planks, squirming when needed until you find the hole in the roof to the room below that hadn’t been fixed. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end, there’s something down below that’s bad. Not in a way you can describe, but you bare your teeth in warning reflexively despite being unable to see any danger. It’s there though… Like a bad storm hidden just off the horizon.
    Edging closer, you only have a moment to realize your mistake, feeling the earth beneath you shift before spilling you and it into the hole. Breath knocked from your lungs, adrenaline races through your body hot and sharp as glass. Demanding you move even though your body isn’t listening. By the time you are able to move, each motion of your limbs is jerky and almost too fast, scrambling to your hands and knees to skitter backwards until you feel something against your back.
    No one is there, just that sense of wrongness, that sense of danger that has your stomach in knots. Licking your lips, tasting the acrid taste of your own blood, you slowly stand and stare up at the hole far above you. You can make it out, muscles still tense as you strain your ears trying to hear anything. Still nothing, carefully moving in the direction you can feel the bad thing, unable to resist its pull. You want to know, need to know. Peering around the corner, you freeze seeing the other man, the first one, asleep in his chair, head resting atop his crossed arms.
    It’s the closest you’ve been to any of them, nails scraping softly against metal as you cling to the corner forcing yourself to breathe. He doesn’t seem to have been woken by your less than graceful entrance, and it calms you a little bit. Dropping low to the floor, your muscles move smoothly as you drag yourself along the floor, moving towards the other side of the room. It’s there, the bad thing, behind a transparent barrier. Your fingers lightly press against it, looking at the swirl of light and ink, head canting to the side as you try to figure out what it actually is.
    Bad. That’s all your brain supplies, you hand moving along the surface trying to find a crack you can slide your nails into to try and pull it away. But a noise behind you makes your throat clench, head twisting on your neck to look over your shoulder. He’s moving, sluggishly to be sure, but definitely waking, your gaze flicking towards the entryway you need to use to escape before… Well, you don’t think he’s going to attack you, he’d be a fool to do so. But you’ve noticed that most humans can be very foolish.
    Moving very slowly, you edge along the wall, making sure to feel ahead of you to avoid knocking something over as your gaze stays locked on him. As you’re almost to the door, his eyes lock on you, and he doesn’t look very tired at all. There’s an alertness to his attention on you that makes you feel foolish.
    Startled, you freeze as if a lack of movement would make you invisible, seeing his hand moving off the desk and out of sight. When you don’t answer, he repeats himself, eyes narrowing slightly. The muscles in his arm are tense under the fabric of his clothing, and you take another side step to your freedom. His body unfolds from the chair to stand, one hand behind his back. But you’re moving, turning to run, taking a quick look about you before moving to the wall and using your nails to dig deeply into it to pull yourself up it.
    You’re at the corner where wall meets ceiling when he bursts into the room, holding something in his hand that smells like the air after a lightning strike. Growling low in your throat, you scramble for the hole along the ceiling and claw your way out. You don’t stop until you’re deep in the woods, not wanting to wait around for him to find you. He didn’t look amused, or happy. Curled tightly, as small as possible, high in a tree, you try to calm yourself. He can’t find you, humans are all but blind in the dark, and even the light they carry wouldn’t be able to pierce the foliage far enough.
    Still, it takes a long time to fall asleep, listening as hard as you can to the night noises around you. Just in case. Weirder things had happened than a human finding a foolish creature that let their curiosity get the better of them.
    He does find you, days later, in the woods while you’re watching plaidipus pups play in the stream. They don’t like you, but they’re cute, so you were very careful as you’d crept out on a branch over their sport. So entranced by their clumsy movements, the day had passed from morning to afternoon before the sound of something snapping underfoot had put you on red alert.
    Your gaze met his, finding him staring up at you, from behind the tree you’d taken for a roost. He didn’t have the sharp cornered thing in his hand this time, instead he had a tube, that was scratching against the inside of the book in his hand. When he didn’t call out to you, or seem to be interested in anything else than staring, you slowly pushed yourself up onto your hands, and the tips of your toes, crouching on the branch. It’s worth the expression on his face to reveal your best defensive reaction, standing and sinking into the tree out of sight.
    The tree is old, as are most that are in the forest. The weight of its age is a heavy thing, pressing against you on every side. It’s not unpleasant, especially with the low thrum of life that vibrates through it. Sap, insects, birds, squirrels, you can feel the minute tremors they cause in the bark all the way to the center of the tree. Lulled, against your better judgment, you can feel yourself falling asleep, the tree’s voice a low groan that you can feel all the way to the core of you.
    When you wake, it’s with a peaceful feeling, reluctant to pull yourself free. But as understand as the tree was, it would only be a matter of time until the apathy shifted. You didn’t belong, not really, and it was best to leave before you became an unwanted guest. Your eyes open as your face escapes the bark, seeing the world has gone dark, slowly slipping the rest of the way out to crouch on the branch. He’s not below you, or anywhere that you can see as you scan the area around the creek. More than a little smug, you stand and stretch, hands reaching upwards as your body adjusts to freedom.
    Brow furrowing, your fingers skim past something soft, wiggling them and feeling it again before tilting your head back. On the limb above you, the man is staring down at you, and the only word you can think to apply to his expression is delighted.
“How did you do that? What did it feel like? Are you going to do it again?’
    He’s talking almost too fast for you to understand, practically vibrating, still rambling as the tube in his hand scratches rapidly into the book. In sharp contrast, you can’t seem to move. Sinking into the tree takes time, too much considering all he’d need to do is drop down and catch you. Pulse racing in your ears, your arms slowly lower, still staring at him as you try to recall how high you are. High enough that you’d have to be careful not harming yourself leaping down.
    His lips stop moving apart, pressing together and twisting into a slight scowl. Gaze flicking back and forth between his eyes, your foot shifts, trying to prepare yourself to leap and run the moment you find yourself on the ground. The book closes with a soft thud, making you jump slightly, your breath coming and going quickly. When his body leans slightly, you jump, flying through the air and landing on the ground in a roll that you stop with your nails digging deeply into the earth. Leaving furrows, you race through the woods to put as much distance as possible between you and the man you assume is still in the tree.
“It’s not that serious, Stanley! It doesn’t seem to be a predator.’
“Seems! That’s not exactly a hard fact. I thought you were a scientist, Sixer!’
    Despite not being able to see them, you can hear them, hand resting against the side of the house. Lightly gnawing on your lip, you slowly lever yourself up to peer in the window. All four of them are in the room, the children staring at Sixer in fascination as he turned his attention to answering their questions. It takes you a moment to realize they’re discussing you, Stanley pacing the floor and grumbling under his breath. You can only just make out Sixer’s description of you when the young boy pipes out excitedly that he can’t wait to see you for himself.
“Not a chance in Helsinki!’ Stanley shouts, startling you and causing you to drop back down.
    It’s hard to hear anyone but Stanley as he shouts loud enough his voice is a roar that frowns out everyone else. You’re not dangerous. To them. Unless they attack you, but you’re beginning to realize that Sixer is just curious, and you can understand that. Carefully standing, you peer in the window and find a pair of eyes peering into yours. A flash of silver, and the sound of an ear splitting shriek freezes you until the young girl moves away from the window. Crouching down, your legs tense before launching yourself upwards, scrambling the last few inches up onto the roof. Almost immediately, you find yourself off balance as the roof opens and he climbs out, his hands open and held out.
“Easy… easy….’ you recognize the tone, soothing and low. It’s the same you use on animals you find in the woods that are trapped or hurt. “Can you speak?’
    Nodding, your mind is racing as you try to think of a way off the roof. There’s something about heights and this man that you will laugh about later, much later, trying to calm your racing pulse.
“And understand me, that’s good.’
    When his hands lower, your attention is immediately shifted to his left hand, lips curling back to snarl a warning. They stop, though they don’t lift again, and you slowly force your face muscles to relax. As they shift, you snarl again, baring your teeth until he stops. Then it’s only his left and you crouch low as another snarl trickles past your lips.
“Oh… you think I’m going for the gun!’ His laughter, while nice sounding, is not appreciated, your eyes narrowing. “Sorry! Sorry, no I don’t- Well, you- I’m not going to try and shoot you.’
“You can’t shoot it, Great Uncle Ford!’
    Eyes flying towards the opening in the roof, you see the familiar white and blue hat before an eager face with wide eyes appears. Right on his heels is the other youngling, and you can’t help the growl that rumbles in your chest. None of them move closer, Ford reaching down to cover the girl’s mouth with his hand to stop the sharp piercing noise she’d been making.
“I’m not going to shoot an intelligent creature, Dipper...’ But he’s tense now, shifting so the younger humans are partially behind him.
“Look at the eyes, it must be like broad daylight out here for it.’ Shoving at the man’s arm, Dipper tries to lean closer. “Are those antlers or twigs, I can’t tell.’
“They seem to be natural, and dangerous! Stop trying to get around me, boy!’
    Slowly, very slowly, you stand upright again, eyeing the three of them and feeling exposed not knowing what the fourth is up to. He seems the more dangerous, volatile, your fingers twitching as you try to project an aura of serenity your not feeling.
    The words spoken next are muffled, before the girl reaches up and pulls the man’s hand away with a jerk of her head. “Oh my gosh it’s so pretty!’
“And what do I always tell you?’
“Pretty doesn’t mean not dangerous.’ She responded, though it didn’t sound as if she believed him. “I’m Mabel!’
    A brief nod, acknowledging her even as you decide your nerves can’t take much more of this, gaze flicking towards the opening in the roof.
“Ohhhh do you wanna come inside? You can absolutely come inside if you want to!’
    The sharp tone unsettled you, but not nearly as much as the young girl dipping out of the man’s reach and running towards you with a hand held out. She comes to a stop with her hand only a short distance away, beaming up at you.
“No, thank you.’ Behind her you can see that the man has pulled out his gun, your eyes holding on it before lowering to hers. “Your offer is very kind.’
“Oh. Okay, maybe next time you’re creeping outside the window-‘
    Her words are abruptly cut off as the man snatches her back, blinking at him and the tightness around his eyes.
“I wouldn’t have hurt her, Sixer.’ This appears to be less than assuring, his hand holding the girl against him as he stares back at you surprised. “The other man, he called you Sixer.’
“Ah, Stanley. Right.’
“Great Uncle Ford? How’s it doing that thing with its voice?’
“What thing?’ You ask, delighting the boy apparently as he all but bounces.
“You sound like… like uh…’
“Woodchimes!’ Mabel blurts out.
“Yeah kind of like that!’
    Unsure of how to take that, you fall silent. Behind you, you can hear the sound of something down below and turn to look. Stanley is standing below, with something in hand that you think might be a gun but it doesn’t look the same. It causes a very similar reaction, your body tensing, before suddenly lunging away from him and the three in front of you. Over the other side of the roof, you skid down before launching yourself in the direction of the tree line, landing hard enough your entire body feels jarred before dashing into the foliage to put distance between yourself and the clearing.
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hedgewolf-hunters · 5 years
Diamond hunt
Bane: This is one of my recent ventures only about a year old. Here we go.
Deep in the ancient Castle Blackstone on the fourth floor in the old library a small figure flies around quickly. A baby chao with dragon like wings, horns and two small fangs is holding a scroll in its nub like hands as it searches the aisles of each book case. Lined with more knowledge of this world and others, magic of both light and dark, and countless tellings of history, plays, stories, legends and more. The Chao spots its target and flies full force at them. He raises the scroll in a sword stroke type manner and swings downward. The target in question is a five foot tall crimson furred wolf with two abnormally long hedgehog spines on his back, two quills curled like rams horns, two like dragon horns, and the two center quills being normal. They have a white stripe down their top center quill and a black stripe down each of their ram quills. They are wearing open legged jeans and steel hiking boots with fingerless steel plated leather gloves. A large double helix claymore sword stands next to them leaning on the table the Hedgewolf is resting their legs on. He is holding a book in one hand and blocks the incoming scroll with one of his own.
"Heh sorry little Toth but you need to be quicker than that if you want to land a hit on me." The Hedgewolf says. He closes the book and turns to the baby chao, grinning as he looks at the chao with his sky blue eyes, a dark blue stripe under each eye. Toth the baby chao says two quick chao's and than pulls the scroll away to swing again. The Hedgewolf chuckles blocking the swings at the last possible second playing with Toth. They both are smiling as they play fight through the library aisles.
A ringing from the Hedgewolf pocket gets his attention long enough for Toth to land a hit.
"Ow! Heh ok ok you win little one." The Hedgewolf chuckles putting up a hand to strop the swatting. Toth chao's happily and successfully before tucking the scroll into a cubby hole in the book case next to them and flying to sit on top of the Hedgewolf head. The headgewolf smiles as he reaches up and pets Toth as he fishes a crystal from out of his pocket. He taps it with his thumb twice and it hovers over his palm prodcing a hologram as it spins.
"Hey you reached Bane Darkos, what can i do for you?" Bane asks as the hologram reveals a mole with glasses on.
"Ah yes, hello my name is Oswald i have contacted you through your bounty hunter contacts here in Gradius." The mole Oswald says.
"Whats the job then?" Bane asks picking up the yawning Torh from his head and walking out of the aisle into the main floor of the library. He carries Toth out of the library and down to the kitchen.
"Their has been a recent string of robberies in many of my jewlery shops. I have contacted the police but they have yet to even fully begin an investigation. I heard you do odd jobs as a bounty hunter and was wondering if you would be so kind as to come and capture the theif." Oswald explains as Bane walks down eight flights of stairs.
Setting Toth down on a cushion bed that Bane placed all over the castle for him, he goes and begins rummaging through the fridge for a drink.
"Well considering Gradius is known to have to odd robbery every now and then thanks to your cities main professions. No offense of course." Bane says grabbing a non alcoholic malt liquor and pops the top off with his thumb.
"Well that is the issue, this past two weeks it has only been my shop and my diamond mine that have been targeted." Oswald says as Bane takes a drink.
"Well, that is rather interesting. But why not hire a local hunter than, you do know my prices for being hired personally is steeper than any local you could find." Bane says taking another drink.
"You come more recommended. Not to mention no one will take the job because the theif has a tendency to avoid almost all security measures they put into place. Almost as if they were a ghost. Please Mr Bane, im losing buisness, ive been robbed six times and cant afford to many more." Oswald says. Bane thinks for a second than sighs putting down the empty bottle.
"Wire the pre determined amount of money to my account on the hunters list. Ill be there in a few hours." Bane says tapping the stone to cut the connection. He pockets the stone and picks up Toth. Walking out the door of the castle he whistles and the doors shut and a lock appears over the door. He leans forward and his spines extend and grow out. Wings begin to sprout as the spine unfold from the bottom out.
"Time for a little flight Toth. Hold on tight." He whsipers to the dozing chao. Toth snuggles into the warm chest fur and Banes hand. He smiles and lifts off before turning east to the town and his family grill.
Two hours later after Bane has dropped Toth off with his family he finally sees the mountains of Gradius. He sighs in relief rolling his shoulders.
"You know if you cant fly for this long without aches you won't make it past your prime." A feminine voice says to Bane. He grunts as he passes over the highest peak.
"If you'd just ask for lessons I would gladly show you how to keep loose while flying." She says. He grumbles as he angles down towards the city coming into view.
"Are you still mad about me hitting on that minx back in Primous?" The voice asks.
"Well no shit Drain. You know that anything you do while in control i count as me doing as well. Jeez i know your hornier than a horned toad but keep your robe on when we switch." Bane growls out before landing with a loud crash.
"Fine lover boy. I'll keep your pants on next time. Alright keep me posted if you need any powerups." Drain says before the noise in Bane's head goes silent. He stands up and dusts himself off from the impact debris. While the cloud still covers him he extends his hand downward and grips at the air. Slowly a light grows from his palm and the helix blade he had left at the library appeared in his hand along with a holster across his back. His wings fold in as he climbs from the crater with the blade in its holster.
"Ah Mr. Bane! So glad you could join us on such short notice." Oswald says from the back of a crowd of echidnas, porcupines, moles, groundhogs and insectoids. The short greying mole slowly forces his way through the crowd to stand in front of bane. He moves his glasses to dissolve any glare from the sun as he looks up at the three foot taller hedgewolf.
"Point me to the scene and I'll set up." Bane says rotating his shoulders and neck. Oswald nods and walks back through the crowd that quickly seperates for Bane.
Three hours later the sun has set the moon was full and Bane sits atop a building over looking the jewelry shop. The shop has been robbed everyday after the mine. The mine was robbed the day before so Bane decided to watch the shop.
"Hyleia you sensing anything?" He asks. The blade shimmers slightly and a pulsating rainbow orb appears.
"Not yet my young king. But the night has only just begun." A new feminie voice says from the orb.
"Ugh stop with the King stuff. I told you when i became your wielder i had no intention of ever taking the throne. Not as a monarch or figure head." Bane says through gritted teeth.
"Can you blame me Bane? You remind me so much of King Sickle. He had no machinations of becoming a ruler with his mate. But look how that turned out eh." She says with a slight giggle to her voice. A second giggle breaks in to the conversation.
"Oh thats one story you will have to tell me in detail Hyleia." Drain says
"Hey have your girl talk some other time please. We got company." Bane says looking down at the shop. Four cloaked figures walk up to the shop window. Bane watches as they look around and pull out a gemstone each. He grins and sits up placing his feet on the ledge and holding it with one hand to balance himself. He watches as the four of them walk through the wall.
"Ahh so high grade spells like that is how the manged to get through the others traps." Bane says taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.
"Drain we need to change my sight. Chaos energy tracking would be prefered." Bane says. He feels the inside of his skull burn some as his sight is changed.
"Ok kiddo give it a try now." Drain says as she stops the burning sensation in his head. Opening his eyes Bane looks back down at the shop. He sees the four trails of the figures entering the shop and that they are still rummaging around inside. Grinning Bane jumps up and lands on a closer building. Waiting for twenty minutes Bane watches as they finally leave the shop with what seems to be quite a haul.
"Finally i was getting impatient." Bane grumbles to himself cocking his head to size the four of them up. The four of them tuck the stones away in their cloaks as they keep the bags out in the open. They quickly start running off to the outskirts of the city where abandoned buildings line every other street. Bane keeps at least three buildings between them so they dont spot him as he follows their trail.
They stop at the farthest edge of town and head into what looks like a condemned house. Signs of demolition and to stand clear litter the lawn and fence surrounding it. The four theives check to make sure they werent followed and head inside the same why they broke into the shop.
"Drain reset vision. I got our targets inside an abandoned building with walls of spells leaking energy." Bane says closing his eyes once more. He feels a quick burning sensation and when he opens his eyes the world is back to as it should be. Bane leaps from the roof he was mounted on and lands on the street across from the supposedly abandoned house leaving a sizable crack in the concrete. He walks towards the house gripping Hyleia's pommel, he sniffs and smells the gunpowder of the bombs lining the inside of the fence. He chuckles as he hops over the fence to avoid triggering the bombs.
"These guys where smat enough to set of early warning systems in case they were ever followed. Hyleia could you be a dear and scout the inside? I doubt that its only four in their now." Bane whispers before pulling the sword from his back and pressing it gently flat against the door. A quick shimmer from the sword and the outside of the house pulses. Bane closes his eyes one more time to see what Hyleia sees.
Inside the house the house the second story is barren and in no way livable. The first floor on the other hand is in fairly well condition. A functional living room and dining room along with chairs a brand new eighty five inch screen and a small trail from a hole in one of the fours bags. Following it to the basement Bane finds where they are hiding most of the time. Eight creatures in total three wolves, a fox, two cats and two hawks.
"Well this is quite a haul tonight Trigger. You guys spot anyone at the scene this time?" The female Hawk asks. A grey timberwolf shakes his head.
"Its odd really. The old fart has been hiring bounty hunters for security for the last six days. But tonight, not a soul. The security measures were in place as usual but no one to try and fight or capture us inside this time." The grey wolf says.
"That is odd but not unwelcome." The male hawk says. The female nods and points to an empty corner.
"Stack todays loot there and ill start counting it once i get some food in me." The female hawk says. Bane smirks as he opens his eyes and takes Hyleia off the door. He knocks as hard as possible to make sure they can hear him down in the basment.
"Well their goes the element of surprise." Drain says.
"Oh dont act like you wanted to do this like an assassin. You'd have burst through every trap they set here to make your presence known." Bane whispers.
"You...have a fair point actually. Glad to see you do like listening to my stories when you nap." Drain says. Bane snorts as he holds Hyleia's gemstone as he waits for an answer.
"You know they're probably chewing each other out and gathering guns right?" Drain says
"Probably. But then again what good would they do if i have control of the gun powder." Bane says. Both girls in his head chuckle as he listens and hears them trying to tiptoe up the stairs and silently load their weapons. Bane whistles and the blue marks under his eyes glow quickly.
"You guys are making me wait way to long for this. Ive got a baby to get back to by day break. So you have two options here guys. Turn yourselves into me and you'll be asleep peacefully for the next ten hours. Or fight and have me put you all into a week long coma. Your choice." Bane says out loud once he hears all eight of them arguing on the other side.
"You forgot the third choice." The grey wolf says. Bane sighs and lifts Hyleia forehand position and slices through the door. As oon as the door falls Bane steps through as all eight take aim and pull the triggers. Bane gives them a minute as they all try to fire on him.
"You kids done playing with your toys?" Bane asks. The wolves growl and jump at Bane in frustration. He looks un impressed as he side steps them at the last second sending one out into the yard to roll in the grss and stop centimeters from the bomb trap. The other two crash into the door frame and whine holding their bleeding muzzles. Bane moves Hyleia in single motion around his body blocking a stab with a knife to his back. Two more try to get him with the butts of their unusable guns. He uses his arm to block the butts and pushes the attackers back. With his reflexes he reaches for the fox that tried getting him in the back again aiming for a sweet spot. And a green aura quickly flows from the fox into Bane. He slams the foxes head into a wall before tossing the unconscious fox into the living room. Bane jumps back some as a cross bow bolt flies past his stomach. He glances at the male hawk holding the cross bow.
"Smart little birdie." Bane whsipers as he blocks another with Hyleia and pushes off towards the hawk. He catches a thrid bolt an inch from his eye as he goes over and behind the hawk and uses the flat of the blade to knock the wind from him and into a wall. Bane rushes again at the downed hawk and holds his head in his palm. Again the green energy flows from the hawk to Bane before he tosses him onto the fox in the living room. The two wolves with bleeding noses rush Bane and onslaught him with punches and kicks. He sheaths Hyleia with one hand and blocks some of their blows with his other. Once sheathed he closes his fists and pushes the wolves off of him. He growls as he pushes towards them both. Getting down on all fours Bane shifts his forward momentum to his legs and does an improvised axe kick. The wolves seperate as Bane leaves two large holes where the wolves were. They both manage to block a fist from Bane but are unable to stop him from pushing them into each other. Their skulls meet and Bane palms both of their heads quickly draining them of energy. He tosses them onto the pile.
"Four down and four to go!" Bane exclaims into the house. A throwing star flies past Banes eye just missing it. He glances in the direction to finally see one of the cats getting in on the fight. Bane growls and sidesteps as the third wolf tries again to sneak attack Bane. This time though Bane doesnt let him just fly off again. Bane knees the wolf in the gut to halt the forward momentum and than in almost the same motion round house kicks the wolf at the cat who cant jump away in time and gets knocked to the floor. Before they can react Bane pounces on them and slams their heads into the floor as he drains their energy. He adds them to the pile as well.
"Alright ladies this is your last chance. Give up peacefully and youll only be out for a couple of hours." Bane says down into the basement. He hears them talk it over for a couple of minutes. Than nothing as they start coming up the stairs.
Bane waits patiently as he keeps his eyes to the basement opening. Slowly but surely the two females come out of the basment. Ones wearing an over coat as well as the other. They have their hands up in surrender as they approach Bane. Then the cat begins to run for the door. Bane flings Hyleia at the door completly blocking the exit as the hawk tries to grab Bane around the throat and activate something under her coat.
"You know I was raised to give ladies the right to choose and to be chivalrous. But i was also taught that if they do not accept these traits than I should just not try to push it or in this case." Bane says reaching over his shoulder and grabbing the hawks head.
"Do what needs to be done. Being honest here, i really, REALLY, hate to harm women, even if they are trying to kill me so someone can escape." Bane says as the hawk passes out in his hand and he adds her to the pile. He cracks his neck and walks towards the cat who is on the floor cowering. Bane touches her head with a finger and soon she is passed out on the floor. Reaching in his pocket Bane sighs and leans against the wall. He pulls out a crystal amd double taps it to start it up. A dog in a police officer uniform appears on the hologram.
"Hey, i got eight unconscious here that need a pick up. Bring cuffs and contact Mr Oswald, tell him i found his stolen goods." Bane says to the officer who salutes before hanging up. Bane pulls Hyleia from the doorway and puts her back in the sheath.
Bane: Suffice it to say that job was actually pretty easy. Than again I am not so well known to be outside the forest so its understandable why that bunch had no idea who i was. But i got paid a little bonus. Something i plain to hold on to till the moments right. For anyone curious what it is ask in DM. Im not such an idiot to reveal what it is to the public in the open. But i hope you enjoyed the adventure. Now im off to help build a book fort.
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kazytka · 5 years
Affection in Affliction . Selapiel/No name
No name pointed a finger at the house upon a hill. Two stories tall not counting the attic. Brittle aged brick covered by  nearly tree thick branches of ivy . Like snakes they  warped around wooden ornaments, swallowed windows. And throttled the chimney . And jet there was a biter sweet to it all, as you came from the mist you cud hear the  green wall sing whit the sound of thousand of  bird voices. Crickets hummed and an occasional  orange butterfly  flirted thru the air. -This place seams...nice- Selapiel remarked looking a round, he walked hand in hand whit  no names  rigid un amused figure.  And just as he was a bout to take a step forward  and on to the house steps, a streak of  ivory white  flew past his face and splatted on to the ground whit a fleshy thud and a crack of bone. Warped in linens there lied a warp body of a new borne. -Indeed it is. Remarked no name politely. -what in fathers name is this?! Poor thing! -He bend down ans swiped the  limp human conglomeration into their arms , read tears  brimming, lips quivering reedy to give last rights. - It was to young to deserve this .- He remarked, and whit that as if on command the flesh warped and twisted in his hands like a particularity big maggot, joints and bones snapping together, until a healthy infant  gazed up at there hairy faces whit a gleeful  miaul, outstretching its hands. -its a millrace! - Selapiel moaned hugging the child that hugged back in an instant,  seemingly unfazed  by it’s  previous demise. No name coked his dear like head to the side observing it keenly.-its a lovely package but I wouldn't  call the content a miracle. -that's just the dipper smell. Children are the most innocent of all creatures. -the baby giggled at the compliment and subsequent  poking of its  fat belly. Then a voice wafted thru the air ‘my baby, my baby, oh where are you my baby!’ in a melodious voice. It came from the second floor,  from within the  only visible window in this whole house, open and gaping whit darkness. -is..is that the mom? - the baby  reached its hands to the window, and after a moment it gave clear singes it wishes to be put down. -Seams to be. Put the  beast down, perhaps it will  decide where to go.-  Reluctantly they did and the child that should all but flop on its chubby belly to young to even comprehend crawling on all fours. Took to a hardy crawl  bypassing  rocks, climbing up the initial steeps to the house and  waddling inside, the white  shroud  stained whit blood trailing behind him. -This is not safe. I’m going to follow him. 
-I was bout to suggest you do -no name nodded his head politely taking out  a pipe and some wed  from his coat pocket. -ill wait here. 
 -how so? 
- well unless you can convince the lady of the house to let me in, rules be rules. - doesn't sound that hard. They steeped on to the .threshold  
-Im positive shes a responsible individual trapped in a tragic  loop of events, ill talk her down  and  send them both in to  fathers waiting arms...so don’t get  to comfortable whit that  smelly thing - they pointed out as  no name took a comfy seat at an overgrown  bench  near the wall. -ill take it in to consideration, love - the deer mouthed whit a glint of Irish accent. Selapiels tail swished  the air as they rolled there ayes. The house must haw been quite well of in the day. As  faded rotten paintings in peeling gold frames  decorated the walls.Silver candelabra bloomed like tees whit  crowns of  silky cobwebs. And faded  flowers  whit heads hung low in shame  filled every precious porcelain vase in sight.  The  ground floor held no singes of life. Even do Selapiel took their time to asses the surrounding the baby made it merely half way up the stairs, fallowing a well worn patch on the  dirty  rug.  The song sounded again’ oh where is my baby, where is my baby, baby my dearest little angel  where are you?’  whit a soft smile Selapiel stepped forward, scoped the child in its arms and  proceeded  up the stairs and to where the  song led him. Tearing his way thru cobwebs and dust  they found themselves  next to a room whit a door cracked open. Inside sat a woman in a Victorian dress, fluffy and white like a weeding gown, cheeks unnaturally pink, contrasting whit her thin  long face and brownish blond hair.  this was the only place not doted by dust nor wear and tear in the house. Every inch or  secession art was glimmering and dripping whit lace, silk and  gold. Soft pinks and cream whites  decorated the room. One would think this is as close as  mortals would get to simulating  clouds and heaven . The woman danced round the room looking under covers, and behind stacks of toys piled up in the corners singing for her baby to come out. Oblivious to her new guest. Selapiel sighed and  banded down to allow the infant to just crawl out of its grasp and towards the woman.The moment it got a few steeps away  his mother seamed to spot it. There was a glimmer of something in her ayes , like a smile in a predators gaze  when they spot a bunny  leaving  the brush for an open field. Snatching the infant up  they laughed and coooed  dancing whit it  across the room, making sweeping gestures and  high leaps. The baby wobbled in her grasp depressingly  throwing its small head back. A few times even the woman knocked it  in to a decorative  poster of her bead. Selapiels fur bristle at the sight, but she was happy so perhaps...she was just inept? Needed to calm down , that's all. - my child..pleas ...-they started ‘oh my baby, oh my baby, your here, my baby boy, my angel ‘ The woman proceeded to dance. ‘my we little cherub, are you prepared to fly?’ she sung to the baby  dancing merrily and whit out a care, and as she sung the last tune  she flung the child whit full speed and clear intent  out the  open window. ‘Fly!’ she chanted as the body initially rose up it quickly fell . And so did the woman's face witch turned to horror. And whit a cry of despair and a hand to her brow, she fell on to the  soft plush  carpet and began to wail. - Fairies stole my baby boy!  My poor baby boy, somebody bring me back my baby boy!’ There were dark shadows looming over her as she vailled. Selapiel  ran to the window and looked outside. No name was smoking his pipe and a bloody  pulp on the pavement beloved close to him was already  twisting and forming a new and  right before his ayes he watch the infant form and start to crawl back up following its mothers voice.
-Why would you do that?! 
-Fairies stole my child, it wasn't me...oh where is my baby?! 
 -Why would you  say that!? -The woman gazed at the shadows. -I know my baby, my little angel. I birth and angel… -She looked at Selapiel for a brief second and that predatory gleam was back- So shouldn't it fly? 
 -How many angel did you haw? -They asked  horrified. 
-Enough to fill a choir. -she answered spreading her arms whit pride , before standing up and  singing ‘where is my baby, where is my baby, baby my dearies little angel  where are you?’ Selapiel tough  this is madness, and perhaps he wasn't that far off. They turned back and ran down the stairs garbing the crawling infant  on the way, wails and cries by dame it was not going back. As they sat on a bend outside whit the fussing red  yelling infant  in there lap they snatched the pipe from the  black paws of no name and took a hardy intake. -father up above you better haw a good reason to show me this... No name leaned forward and twisted his head to look at the  former angel 
 - whether a reason is good  or not is a point of debate. 
- I honestly think your trying to torture me at this point, gallivanting me  far and  near across this awful world just so I can talk whit ghosts and  mourning  spirits all day long. You surround me in misery I cant do thinning a bout.- They his teetering on a line of a sob you haw me smile and  lay to rests there worries so they can move on but  it never changes the tragedy...there tragedy, my tragedy. No mater what I do this child in my arms is and will be as cold as a lump of  soil on a rainy day. Why !?
 - Yes you made that complaint to me before. - No name  nodes his head 
 -...says a bunch a bout you and even more a bout me.
 -True, but this isn't a simple task like dealing whit somebody that had to maul over there grieves mistakes for a few  centuries. She is not a ghost. -Then what?  A manifestation of madness?
 -Nothing quite so crude, if she was an elemental showing her to you would haw no merit beyond watching a baboon throw his own excrement's , personally I can think of more pleasant things to do  than that. No, where you are now is the Mind of a currently living  woman, going mad.
 -...Wait what?
 -You heard me, this small stint you see here..this is a manifestation of an ailing mind fixated on infanticide. Fascinating no? -Selapiel just stared at them. No name grumbled and caught, expecting a more appreciative stance to what he considered a quiet thoughtful gift.-Point being, you wanted agency and a chance to change  bad faith. Consider this a token of my affections, in lieu  of a  rose a mind of madness you can do as you pleas whit. Perhaps  what you do whit this gift will tell you all you need to know bout  what you were and are. At this point its all I cant think to give...that isn't redundant that is. -He answers taking his pipe back from Selapiel and placing it in its mouth whit reverence. Sele just stared at him, then on the baby and the  green facade of the house. -What of this house? Are other  spirits attached to it?-I would think so...other spirits other minds, just like elements affect  a home , people and  events  effect us  botch on the outside levels and inside. If you chose to help, you will need to contend whit tows forces. And while nature is mostly uninterested in the state of a home...mortals more often than not are, especially when there is profit to be made.
 -So somebody wants her that way. Anything else you can tell me? 
-And spoil my gift? I think not. Talk to the woman. Jog that derelict brain of hers out of that place she decided to sequester herself in. Take pleasure  in unraveling the human mind and roads of free will in this , the most intimed of ways. Feel it, crack it open like an egg and indulge in it.
 -You make it sound unseemly. 
-Nobody goes mad from  innocents my dear. But enough talk...as is, its my  gift to give, and your choice what to do whit it. -Before he cud finish a screaming infant was placed tenderly in his care.- If I can prevent tragedy from happening than by god grace I will try. But I wont stand for  this conversation to be interrupted by the constant  throwing of an infant . I am nipping this decision of hers in the bud.- They announced, voice soft, silent but firm. Odd and unsuitable of a gift as this was it made them feel light inside. No name had offer them a wavered prayer and for a brief moment it was easy to forget the claws, the slithering tail and horns. They had a calling to attend to, and  it came whit a bit of selfish glee they accepted to be  an angel for a mad woman.  Berger’s cannot be choosers, even when there gifted whit mockery. And not even for a moment did it cross there mind they might be crossing   the grand plan in any way. 
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
We Are One VIII
So I made myself cry while writing this because as a triplet I relate to the twin dynamic at play here.
— — —
Chloe positioned herself on the roof between both of the bleeding boys. Nathaniel clamped a hand to his side hunching over in pain while attempting to appear strong. Across the way, Killian held his shoulder gingerly where an arrow jutted from the flesh.
“Stop.” Chloe ordered. “Both of you. You’re going to kill each other!”
“He’s going to kill innocent people with this self righteous escapade,” Nathaniel grimaced. “I’m tired of quarreling! I want this over with! You threaten my family and I can’t let it stand that way. It’s been weeks!”
“Nathaniel...” Chloe warned.
“We have our own agendas brother,” Killian smiled through bloodied lips.
“I’m not your brother.”
“So be it,” Killian laughed. “But you know very well what happens to people like us. You’ve seen it with your father. An old man run into the ground and what use has it done?”
“You know nothing about my father!” Nathaniel attempted to fire a shot. Lightning struck his arm before he could release the arrow sending him skittering across the ground.
“Stop!” Chloe, with shaking hands, erected a barrier between both boys. “Please. Just talk. Don’t fight. There’s too much of it already don’t you see? How many of our friends get hurt because of this stupid war?!”
“You poor girl,” Killian shook his head, “don’t you understand it’s in his nature to keep fighting? He has to.”
“That’s not true.” Chloe shook her head. She didn’t dare look over the edge to see how her friends were fairing but she prayed it was going well.
“Isn’t it? Even now he stands back up.” Killian’s eyes smarted as Nathaniel staggered to his feet. “One must learn when to lay down.”
“I won’t lay down to you.” Nathaniel shook his head. “Not now or ever. The world needs us to help them. Not turn against them or turn against each other. We have gifts for a reason!”
“We are used until we are nothing!” Killian spat. “My mother-“
Chloe watched as sparks rolled from the enemy but despite the threatening aura his voice shattered.
“My mother has been ground into nothing. For what? The society that will never learn. I won’t become like her. I won’t let it happen to anyone else ever again. If it means killing you to restart this none sense so be it. But if you wish to live all you have to do is walk away.”
“Why? So you can watch the world fall apart? What purpose does that do? You’ll leave a chaotic husk for people to clean up. Would you want to raise children in such a world?” Nathaniel demanded, though his knees looked wobbly.
“At least they wouldn’t have false hope of heroes saving the day.” Killian’s eyes welled with tears and he struck at the barrier. He knew of false heroes. He’d had them once and like every hero-they let him down when it counted most.
Chloe’s shoulders tightened with effort but the assault was far more aggressive than she’d been expecting. Orange shattered and nothing stood between Nathaniel or Killian.
Panic clutched at Chloe’s chest as Killian approached Nathaniel. She couldn’t witness another murder. With a flick of the wrist a disc spun through the air knocking Killian unconscious.
“Leave him,” Chloe looked intently at Nathaniel. He didn’t stand a chance. Killian would kill him with another hit.
“Chloe, we can’t let him go.”
“Leave him.” Nathaniel looked in surprise at his friend whose face was stained with tears. “Please.”
“He’s dangerous.”
“We’re all dangerous, but he’s hurt. You told me I couldn’t kill the man-the man that killed Ethan. Even if I wanted to. How is this any different?” Chloe demanded, trying desperately to keep her voice even.
“People are going to die because of his recklessness,” Nathaniel insisted, glancing back at Killian’s unmoving form.
“How is this different?” Chloe asked again. “How?”
“Chloe...” Nathaniel shook his head but she took a step away from him like an injured animal.
“You’re a hypocrite.”
“Listen to me-“
“You’re a liar! This-this is the same and you want...” Chloe could barely bring herself to finish, “you want to kill him. You can’t-you...you told me it would-I could’ve killed him and you lied to me. I could’ve made things right!”
“It wouldn’t be right,” Nathaniel insisted, “because he was helpless.”
“Helpless? He wasn’t helpless in a car.”
“You have powers Chloe.”
“And you don’t- so that makes it okay?”
Nathaniel wanted to say something but he couldn’t. She wasn’t going to believe him anyways. He’d suspected this war would be hard on her. The anxiety of it all, the sheer violence, the fear of losing Arthur, etc. It was wearing her down to the bone. “We can talk more when you’re calm. Okay?”
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Chloe stammered between sobs. “You’re no different than him. You’re no better than anyone, and I-I thought you understood me but you don’t. You’re nothing but some boy playing dress up and acting like god.”
Chloe left no room for Nathaniel to respond before vanishing into a portal. The archer was left to clamber down the building alone.
“Where’s Chloe?” Arthur asked, spotting Nathaniel heading their way having finished his descent.
“I don’t know,” Nathaniel replied.
“What do you mean you don’t know? She’s okay, right?” Arthur asked in a rush.
“I just told you I don’t know.” Nathaniel mumbled.
“You can’t not know. She was with you!” Arthur cried, feeling a burst of anger in his chest. His thoughts turned to the worst in an instant. “I trusted you to look after her!”
“Arthur,” Penny warned, hobbling in front of him. Her foot had been wounded by the mouth of a lion.
“Don’t Arthur me,” He stepped swiftly around her and moved closer to Nathaniel.
“Calm down!” Alex glared, catching Arthur by the arm. “I get it. Tensions are high, but we can’t go beating each other up. There’s injuries to attend to.”
Tugging his arm free, Arthur turned back to the attack squad. Alex was right, people needed medical attention. Penny was battered and bruised along with Orion whose shoulder looked dislocated.
“Sorry,” Arthur sighed, bowing his head and following Alex’s lead.
— — —
“You’re worried,” James noted, sitting beside his sister at the window. She’d been home from the mission no longer than an hour and had yet to change, shower, or even acknowledge anyone.
“The fighting’s worse, James,” Alex shook her head. “Someone’s going to die. There’s no control. It’s too personal for everyone. Lines have been crossed that can’t be uncrossed and every time we fight I worry-“
“It’s okay,” James pulled his baby sister into a hug, “I know.”
He recalled his last time in the field not long after the incident with Orion’s parents.
“We gotta do something!” Piper cried. “People are in danger.”
“If we act we encourage them to retaliate,” James yelled.
“They’re letting people die,” Piper’s fists clenched.
“That’s the point. They’re forcing attention onto the shitty law enforcement.”
“That’s it-“ Piper fired a blast from her palm sending Kubu flying backwards.
“Damn it Piper!” Fox shouted over the ear piece. James peeked over his hiding place to see the enemy engaging his friends.
“Guns up-let’s roll,” James sighed, leaping the barricade and rushing into the fray.
He’d nearly lost an ear that evening and if it hadn’t been for Piper he’d have most likely lost his throat too.
“If we don’t do anything-“ Alex started.
“People die.”
“But then I put everyone at risk including them,” Alex sniffled, “and I cant be mad at them James. I know I should be but-they have reasons for this. Even if the actions are wrong the reasons may be valid for Killian and the others.”
“That’s what makes you so special,” James laughed bitterly, “you never take things at face value. But Alex, as much as you want it to be true, not everyone can be saved.”
“You can try, but sometimes you have to draw a line,” the red head wiped a tear from his sister’s cheek. “There’s only so many chances we can give people.”
“I know.”
— — —
“You need to come home,” Arthur paced about his room with a phone pressed intently to his ear. “I’m worried about you. I don’t care what he said I need to know you’re okay. This has been hard on you, I know, and I don’t want you being stupid-“
Penny winced as Arthur held the phone away from his ear as if he were being yelled at.
“You’re my sister, Chloe, and I love you. Please, just talk it out with me. I know I don’t understand you okay? I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t and I wish I did. I wish I could be a better brother for you but-you have to let me in. You always keep me out.” Arthur swallowed the lump in his throat. “I know you’ve spent your whole life worrying over me, worrying for me, wanting to take care of me and protect me and it wasn’t fair to you. You’ve never said anything about it but I’ve known for years Chloe. Let me help you like you helped me. Let me worry about you, please.”
“Arthur,” Penny whispered, but the boy held up a hand to keep her quiet.
“I’m scared. I’m scared for you. You only ever opened up to Nathaniel because you thought you could trust him and now that you don’t-you can’t bottle it up again. It’s not healthy. Don’t do that to yourself again. Please.” Arthur waited anxiously for a response but the reply never came.
“Arthur,” Penny started again knowing Chloe would have refused his help no matter what, “she’s stubborn. Don’t blame yourself.”
“I should be taking care of her,” Arthur’s face scrunched up as he tried to fight off the tears, “I shouldn’t have given up on her. I could’ve tried harder to understand. Now she’s-I promised Dad I’d take care of her here.”
“She’s hurt, Arthur, and she needs time to process it,” Penny frowned, standing and hugging him tightly. “She’ll be okay. Trust her.”
“I wish I could,” Arthur cried, “but you don’t know her like I do. When she’s lonely-when she feels like she’s the only person in the world it’s like everything loses meaning. She won’t think. She won’t even feel.”
“Then pray for her.”
“I don’t believe in God,” Arthur whimpered.
“No, but Alex does.” Penny assured him, “and if he’ll answer to anyone-“
“It’ll be her,” Arthur chuckled.
“Yeah.” Penny smiled. “Come on.”
Taking her hand, Arthur let himself be dragged down the hallway in search of their friend. He didn’t realize he was holding onto her like a little kid clutching the one thing that comforted them.
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