#especially since if they want to fight her theyre forced to get close while she can zone the shit out of them
nonbinaryphantom · 11 months
ive been putting way too much lore into reaper au especially stuff like reaper biology/abilities and psuedo reaper abilities
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breezybangtanbebe · 4 months
3D: JJK💋 Part One
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A/N: Jungkook is in a closed triad with Janelle, the bubbly brown skinned bookworm with alluring eyes and luscious hips, and Katya , the semi alt bartending vixen with copper toned curls and a silver tongue.
Tags: jungkookxOC’s in closed traid/polyamorous relationship. Sex (raw and protected), oral (female and male recieving), threesome. Some fluff and mild plot because theyre loveds afater all 😌✨
4k words
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The smell of cherry bomb body oil, weed and sex coated the air. Notably Jungkook's favorite combo, and he was a coni'sour of scents.
OG Kush.
Shea Butter.
Every woman was different based on various factors of diet and hygiene of course but there was a distinct musk that Jungkook found intoxicating. So much so, that his tongue licked at the air before curling over his top lip, his eyes rolling back as he savored everything.
Katya's pussy bloomed like the flower it smelled like, sucking his length in loudly as he drove himself deeper.
"Ah..ah..ah..shit..." she huffed against the bed, her gold ringed fingers fisting the crumpled sheets. From behind her, a tatted hand comes over her tawny waistline to squeeze her flesh, pulling her back to bounce against his dick.
"Oh fuck —- like that. Just like that.." she cried, Jungkook chuckling sharply through his nose.
"Hmm? like this Kitty?" He rasps, his eyes dropping to the silver piercings denting her dimples of Venus. He snaps his hips a bit harder, forcing gusts of air to jut from Kat's lungs.
"Look at you gripping my dick like you love it..My pussy? hmm? This is mine?" He taunts her with a heckling grin in his voice.
Normally, Katya would resist his need to dominate and make him really work for it. She'd deny his claims and make him prove it, ultimately ending in a mess of both of them. But today she didnt have the fight in her. She just wanted to cum again and again so she'd have an excuse to binge eat whatever was in the snack cabinet.
Sex burns hella calories after all.
"Shut up and just fuck me.." she muttered into the sheets. Jungkook grunts at her brash response, only happy to oblige as he lifted one leg up and planted his foot for balance, commencing to plow into her even harder and faster.
"Yes..yes...yesss.." she mewls, tearful eyes rolling back. Jungkook grunts as he kicked up his rhythm , his jaw slack and his brow crinkled as Katya tried to lift her head from the bed.
"Oh fuck yes..dont stop!"
"Uh uhn..down.." Jungkook shakes his head and he further enforces the demand by getting hold of her by her hair, a wavy knot of copper tangled in his fingers, pinning her head down to the mattress.
The pounding continues for another minute straight, Kat's inevitable undoing on loud and messy loop as Jungkook sought out to prove his point repeatedly.
The loud and messy sex is muffled effectively behind the door, far off at the end of the hall on the east side of the apartment.
Janelle is blissfully unaware as her key turns the front door's lock and she enters on tired feet, grimacing as she crossed the threshold.
Today was shit.
Everyone was rude.
Minor inconveniences felt monumental.
And her uterus felt like it had been doused in gasoline and tossed in a dumpster fire.
And her air pods just fucking died on her!
The telltale downward beeps further dampening her mood and muting the lofi she'd been on the whole walk home.
Today was shit, as previously stated, and it seemed to only get shittier.
Jungkook's voice is heard from the end of the hallway and based on his tone, Janelle assumed he was gaming or something. Her tummu fluttered at the sound since it confirmed he was home.
She just wanted to curl up under her man, sniff his neck while he rolled her a blunt and forget about the day she'd endured.
That was exactly what she needed.
Setting her keys and bag on the kitchen counter, Janelle shook her week old silk press out from its messy bun on her way towards the growing sound of her partner's voice ready to dump her troubles on him.
When she opened the door however, she's pinned by two sets of wide and surprised eyes at her sudden appearance in the doorway..
Her boyfriend of a few years, Jungkook. The tall and pretty idiot with dream boat hair, fuck boy tatts, abs for days and a toothy smile.
Although he wasn't smiling now..
"Nell.." he stammers, frozen where he was looming over the freckle faced ginger whose head was hanging off the side of his bed.
"Youre home early." He states the obvious , furrowing his brow as he's still nestled deep inside of Kat, both of them regarding Janelle with equal concern while not separating.
"Hey Jelly Belly.." Kat , her girlfriend of less than a year , greets her with a smile as sweet at the nickname spoken and Janelle mustered a weak smile in return.
"Hey Kat. Hey babe...I didnt mean to interrupt.." she begins, already about to close the door and leave them to it.
"Its fine/You didnt.." both canoodlers chime in tandem, shooting eachother a scorned look before putting the spotlight on the woman simpering in the doorway.
"Did you have good day at least? You look sad.." Jungkook goes on to ask and from the way Janelle's bottom lip trembles and her hesitance to answer, it was clear.
"Aww Belly.." Kat sits up on her elbows, pushing Jungkook back so that he has no choice but to pull out. His dick sheathed in cream-covered latex drooped under its weight, and he immediately begins pulling the condom off.
"Did you wanna talk about it?" he lifts his brows earnestly.
Watching the two of them scrambling to get away from eachother as if they weren't just engaged in what she knew was very intense sex, Janelle's blank expression gave little away as she shook her head.
"Naw. Im just gonna go lay down. Yall carry on..." she says.
There wasn't any room for a response since she hurried from the room, closing the door behind her to leave a half dressed Jungkook with a semi poking at his boxers and a topless and messy-headed Kat exchanging dubious and guilty looks.
Nearly a year ago...
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"So who's in charge here? You or her.." Katya pointed her half eaten french fry between the couple sitting across from her in the booth.
The post rush buzz in the old-school-themed burger joint was supposed gave the three of them the space and comfort to have conversations such as this. Katya was fresh off from work with aching ankles from bartending all night. A gig she found to be her niche after her meager attempts at typical 9 to 5's flopping. It wasnt odd for her to get offers out for a late dinner and night cap post shift, with these two specifically, but tonight's meeting was different than the others for many reasons.
Janelle takes a sip from her soda through a straw, her pretty eyes lifting through her ebony bangs at the copper-headed redbone across from her. Beside her, Jungkook chewed lazily with his arm stretched over the back of the red tufted booth behind his girl's head. He glances at Janelle expectedly as he rached for one of her fries, the two of them smirking knowingly. She gives him a little nod and he returns it before speaking.
"No one's in charge of anyone." Jungkook muffles over his food, adding the stolen fry to the pile in his mouth. Janelle nods in agreement, swallowing her sip of soda and pushing her cup aside.
"Yeah, come on Kat. You know us. Theres no heirarchy here. He's with me and Im with him." she insists. Katya narrows here eyes at them both, still using her fry as a stylus drawing an accusatory figure eight between the two of them.
And she did know them. Mostly in passing at first. Jungkook frequented the outside of her bar with his gorgeously loud group of friends on their bikes with their tattoos and growling engines like mating calls on a Saturday night. She rarely paid them much mind.
At least until he brought those tattoos inside, flashing her with that stupid pierced smile before asking for a drink. Through small talk they became mildly aquainted, nothing unusal or overly flirtatious. Something Katya found intriguing until it became clear to her that Jungkook was taken.
Janelle was nothing like who Katya imagined Jungkook would date. With the sweet and innocent face of a baby doll but the body that most women show to the doctor as an example of what they want, Jungkook's girlfriend was opposite of him in almost every way. Flawless brown skin and shoulder length yaki textured tresses that swayed as she moved. Minimal make up apart from her NYX lip liner and Fenty Gloss Bomb'd lips that caught Kat's eye immediately.
No tatts. No piercings other than in her ears. Dressing in shades Kat never observed her man donning. Bright and bubbly and way out of his league if you asked her.
She stuck out among the grunge when she entered the bar behind Jungkook the first night she saw her, intriguing her even more...
"Mmhmm...So now yall want to add me to the mix, right? Not just on some 'one night' basis.." Kat finishes what she assumed Janelle was going to say, popping the pointer fry in her mouth.
Kat normally wasnt this straightforward on her dates, despite being a naturally shrewd individual, but this date felt like more like an interview from the way Jungkook and Janelle sat across from her with open eyes and ears for any questions she may have.
Proposing for someone to be a part of a nontraditional polyamorous relationship wasnt as uncommon as people liked to think. And it surely wasn't Kat's first offer.
She just didnt expect it from them.
"This was your idea wasnt it?" Kat adverts her glare to Jungkook now, making him choke on his drink mid sip.
"What? Why would you assume that?" he coughs humorously and Kat shrugs with ber elbow on the table.
"Iont know. Because its always the mans idea. You know how many bitches fake being gay just to appease their dude or keep them from cheating? How should I know this isnt that?"
"Because it isn't." Jungkook grunts, not showing anything other than amusement at Kat's demeanor. Janelle seems taken aback by the the statement however, her soft eyes widening.
"No one is faking anything, first of all.." she shakes her head, her pout pulling Kat's attention back to her. She lifts her brows at the implication, looking Janelle up and down with even more interest and a smirk.
"Oh?" she mirths.
"And I'd never cheat on Nell. This is something she suggested..." Jungkook cuts in, Kat's eyes jumping back to him.
"Hmmph..I have a hard time believing that but ok.." the ginger shrugs, leaning back on her side of the booth. Finding the skepticism a little vexing, Janelle scoots closer to the table to assume the position Kat had just been in with her elbows and forearms resting on the table.
"Its true. And the part about it being my idea is too. Look, Jungkook and I have been together a while. We get eachother. Likes and dislikes. Bad habits and pet peeves. Fantasies and ambitions. He's legit my best friend."
Janelle pauses to look over at her boyfriend, who just gives her a smile that told Kat the feeling was mutual.
"I know it's probably hard to explain but...I brought up the idea of opening our relationship up a little and Jungkook was hesitant because he never considered being with anyone else. And neither did I but, I dont want one of our needs for something different to seperate us when we could experience it together. Or at least with some level of understanding between eachother."
"So is this about sex or..." Kat cuts in, still wanting to get to the root of the situation. Janelle grimaces lightly in thought, her eyes lifting towards the ceiling breifly.
"Eh..yes and no. The companionship aspect is relevent here too. We're not just looking for someone else to have sex with. Sexually, we have zero complaints when it comes to eachother, but that's not to say theres things we're not open to try..."
Kat sits with both of her arms resting on the back of the booth, her short legs tucked underneath her comfortably. Her hard expression softens the longer she listened to Janelle.
She had a nice voice. Soft and slightly raspy. Easily the most placating tone Kat had ever heard. She'd listen to her read a grocery list and be this invested.
"...Point is..We know you and you know us. We both find you attractive and Im comfortable with coming to you with this. But Kat, if youre not interested, that's fine. And Im sorry if this makes you uncomf..." Janelle pauses when Kat shushes her, one black coffin nail lifted.
"Hush babe. Im interested for sure. In you more than him..." the nail tilts in Jungkook's direction.
And that was saying something because he was most definitely her type. From the charcoal tinted tattoos, broad shoulders and chest, height, and urban style of dress. But something about his girl made her tongue water in ways she didnt want to say out loud just yet.
"Youre cute though , so No offense." she adds.
"None taken." Jungkook smirks and she continues.
"I just wanna make sure this is a legit arrangement where all parties are on board and participating on their own free will. I dont want you feeling weird or imposed upon by my presence. Because Im not sure if you knew but Im alot to handle."
"Im not worried. Are you babe?" Janelle smiles over at her partner with expectant eyes, and its too damn sweet and enthusiastic for the context of their conversation.
Even Jungkook's eyebrows go up in surprise at his girlfriend's bold response.
He picks up his drink again, smirking around his straw as he shakes his head in amazement and disbelief. He takes a quick draining sip that gurgles the ice cubes,setting it back down.
"Yeah..Im not worried at all either, Kitty Kat."
The unsolicited nickname makes Kat's eye twitch, and something else deep between her legs. She hated it and could already see that Jungkook was going to be an issue. Unlike Janelle, who seemed to be the more accommodating of the two despite her calling the shots.
She regards him with a lifted brow and Jungkook mereley smirks back at her with a challenge in his eyes that made her want to come across the table.
Kat mirrors his expression, licking her top teeth sexily before lifting her chin.
"Ok. Im in."
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A few knocks at the bathroom door were followed by its creaking hinges and Janelle opens her eyes just as two guility faces peaked through the steam.
Feeling rather sticky from being outside all day, Janelle decided to soak her stress away in a steaming bath of essential oils and relaxing fragrance. Her face had been scrubbed of her make up and outside exposure, her straightened hair pulled up into a knot on top of her head. She knew the sweat from her scalp would have her roots reverting but she didnt care.
The sharp pains in her pelvis had just began to subside,  but she knew this was just the beginning considering her cycles in the past.
She says nothing as her partners approached, her expression tired and stoic as she turned her head to face them.
"You alright?" Jungkook is first to speak, stepping ahead of Kat to sit on the toilet lid. He was fully dressed now, the only evidence of his activies being the way his messy hair.
Kat stands near the sink, leaning her hop against the counter in her crumpled gym shorts and bralette.
The bubbled water ripples gently at Janelle's slow nod, a weak smile gracing nude lips.
"Yeah..just tired. And sore."
"Period?" Kat scrunches her nose in disdain, folding her arms over her chest. Janelle nods again.
"I think so. Im not bleeding but the cramps are just over the top today. I popped two pain pills an hour ago and its barely taking off the edge."
"So thats why you left work early? Damn...Why didn't you call me? I could have came to get you." Jungkook scolds her, knowing the distance bewteen her job and their apartment wasnt small. He was generally the one taking her on the back of his bike when he was available.
Janelle gives him a weak smirk.
"Well I called but..." her eyes go to Kat breifly before continuing.
"I think you were busy." she cringes, sinking lower into the water as realization slaps them both in the face.
Yeah, they were busy.
Busy fucking.
All while their sweet little succulent was in need, calling both of their phones before ultimately deciding to hoof it 5 blocks before her manager changed his mind about letting her leave early.
Jungkook's head dropped, smacking his face into his palm.
"Shit..Im sorry babe...really." he mutters, guilt-eating him from the inside out. Kat steps towards the tub, dropping to her knees to come closer to Janelle's level.
"Yeah sorry Belly. Our phones must have been on vibrate or something.." she pouts guiltily. Jungkook shakes his head in disagreement.
"Even then, we should have been more aware. What if it was an emergency?" he directs his fussing at Kat, who turns to him sharply.
"No shit Sherlock. You were the one who could have been the most aware considering the fact that it's your responsibility to pick her up. So dont blame me.."
"Im not blaming you." Jungkook rolls his eyes.
"Sounds like you are.." Kat seethes and Jungkook is ready to continue arguing when Janelle slaps the water in frustration.
"Stop fighting! Damn..Its fine. Im not dead. It not the first time Ive had to walk somewhere in my life and it wont be the last. Plus it was early...You could have just as well been asleep and missed my calls so..its no big deal. Shut it.."
In the way she always did, Janelle effectively ends the bickering between her overprotective boyfriend and her vigilant girlfriend with the simplest reasoning.
They still glowered at eachother resentfully, as it they werent just doing loud and raunchy sex with eachother 30 minutes ago.
Jungkook sticks his tongue out st Kat childishly before dismissing her presence, returning his full attention to Janelle.
"Ok but Im still sorry. It wont happen again, I promise." he assures her. The stress melts from her face at his unnecessary apology.
"I know babe. It's ok, foreal. Im just glad I'm not at work anymore. Everybody was unusually more rude and aggravating today than normal. I think im just gonna stay in this weekend. I know yall wanted to go out tonight but I dont think im gonna make it. It hurts to walk. Hurts to stand..." she trails off.
Kat reaches over and dips her arm into the water to rub Janelle's thigh in empathetically, resting her chin on the edge of the tub.
"Awww Belly. I hate seeing you like this. Makes me sad.." she pouts.
"Same. Yeah we're definitely not going anywhere tonight. I'll just tell Tae to sell those tickets he copped for us. There was a show I wanted to take yall to but fuck it." he shrugs casually. Kat looks at him over her shoulder, her normal frown nonexistent at the knowledge of his plans.
"You got tickets to see Bad Omen's?" her voice is small, most likely her attempt at not seeming too excited. Knowing her favorite band was in town for one night with no available tickets had her in her feelings all week, and learning that Jungkook got the hook up on tickets anyway made her wish she'd been a little nicer to him.
Just a little.
Janelle looks to Kat's hopefull face and wilts with guilt.
"Awww no. Kat was so sad she couldnt get those tickets. You guys should just go. I'll be ok.." she insists, resting her hand on Kat's under the water. Both Jungkook's and Kat's snap towards Janelle.
"What? No..." Kat begins.
"Yeah, that wouldnt be right. You wanted to see them too." Jungkook adds.
Janelle shrugs her shoulder.
"Only because of you and Kat. I know like..one song. That was yalls thing. I wouldn't be upset if you went." she locks eyes with both of them.
Theres a moment a silence in the bathroom as Kat and Jungkook considered her words, neither of them feeling comfortable with her suggestion to leave her behind.
"Nell.." Jungkook frowns, his eyes forlorn and in avid disagreement. Janelle just shakes her head.
"Just go. Both of you. I'll be fine, I promise. Tell me all about it. Kat, record if they do my song, record some for me?" she squeezes Kat's hand with the gentle ask and Kat's pouted lips twisted in conflict.
"Please?" she lifts her brows, giving the world's most irresistible set of puppy eyes anyone had ever seen.
With s reluctant smile of her own, Kat nods slowly.
"Of course Belly. I'll record the whole thing." she ensures her.
Feeling satisfied with the agreement, Janelle smiles tiredly at Kat before releasing her hand.
"Good. Its settled then. Now if y'all don't mind, talking is starting to make my head hurt and I want to soak a little bit longer.."
"Say less.." Jungkook is first to stand, gesturing for Kat to follow him with a irrefutable look in his eye. For once, Kat doesnt protest and she nods before leaning to kiss Janelle's wet temple.
"Let us know if you need anything, Ok?"
Janelle nods, beaming weakly at Kat's show of affection before speaking.
"I will. Now get out." she smiles and the two do just that, Jungkook following behind Kat. He gives Janelle one last look with fondness as well as melancholy in his gaze before shutting her back in her steamy candle lit oasis.
In the hallway, Kat taps Jungkook on his chest with the back of her hand to get his attention.
"Hey..Are we seriously gonna go to that show and leave her here in pain?" she whispers roughly so Janelle had no chance of hearing them.
Jungkook kisses his teeth, glancing at the door breifly before shaking his head.
"Fuck no...I just wasnt about to argue with her. I might go to the store though. Get her some shit to help her feel better.."
"Ok good because I was gonna say..."
"Hell naw." he chuckles.
Jungkook's about to walk away when Kat stops him again. He lifts his brow curiously at her soft grip on his forearm.
"Why didnt you tell me you got those tickets? You knew I was trying to get them.." Kat says lowly, not quite in a whisper.
Jungkook smirks at the question.
"I know. I was planning to surprise you with em. You know Tae works security at that venue sometimes so he pulled some syrungs for me." he shrugs nonchalantly.
Kat's peircing eyes thaw instantly, the corners of her mouth perking up in a smile.
"You asshole..I could kiss you. I didnt know you liked me that much." she perts her lips, nudging Jungkook's pec with her fist. His nose crinkles with his smile, feeling a tiny bit of satisfaction at effectimg Kat this way. He reaches up to pinch her chin between his thumb and index finger affectionately.
"Aww. Come on now. You know me better than that Kitty Kat.." he teases.
At the sound of the dreaded pet name, Kat's smile vanishes and she snatches her chin from his hold.
"aand you just had to ruin it.." she grimaces but Jungkook merely grins as he leaned in for a chaste kiss, pecking Kat's pout loudly.
"You'll be ok." He slides in cheekily, giving her ass a smack and squeeze before they go their separate ways towards their respective quarters.
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collisiondiscourse · 2 years
Got any future love interests for the kids?? ^^
YES ohakgnsj I LOVE THEM SO BAD THANK U FOR ASKING!!! ausgsjs theyre all also kid ocs and i have designs for them in mind BUT IM A LIL TOO TIRED TO DRAW RN SO I HOPE YALL UNDERSTAND 😭
has two childhood friends which are iidachako's kid (Mizuki "Tsuki" Iida) and kirimina's kid (Yōko Ashido)!
theyre... close. and hang out a lot and all that stuff but REALLY — at some point it was hard for them to tell if it was because it was just expected of them to be friends or if they really actually clicked.
especially since yōko and tsuki knew each other and only got introduced to nana when she was around 5. yōko is the eldest followed by tsuki and then leaving nana as the youngest. theyre all gapped in age by one year, but that didnt change much since nana was very... mature.
in late middleschool to highschool, they all kinda grew apart and made friends in their respective year groups instead.
after all graduating from UA, tsuki and yōko reconnected with each other but nana stayed apart for a bit, being too busy training and learning to take on the mantle of OfA
she briefly dated someone from the general studies of UA in 2nd year all the way until maybe a few months after graduation — but it didnt work out bc her partner turned out to disapprove of her want to be a hero and the next wielder of ofa, misguidingly believing her fathers forced it on her (even though thats FAR from the truth)
after reconnecting and settling into her new life, she ends up in a very loving relationship with yōko!
bakugou regularly calls up his best friend to ask for updates on his kid and her relationship like a nosey old man
theyre about the same age, and i'd describe their dynamic as the classic introvert x extrovert that adopted them
shiki and toshi been close since forever!! toshi always willing to jump in and do dumb shit while shiki stands off to the side like "you know what maybe we shouldnt use my mom's bo staff to poke that hornets nest to check for honey..."
and like. theyre INSEPARABLE right? so even as the two of them grow up its so hard for toshi to see them as anything other than this person he grew up with even as shiki grew into a combo of their parents deadly gorgeous looks
because to HIM shiki is just... shiki. the same ole shikj he saw eat their own boogers and get sick from trying to lick back a stray cat that took a liking to them.
and the amount of jokes shiki and toshi make about each others parents? unBEARABLE. absolutely devastating.
the phrase "your dad"' is literally banned in both the midoriya-bakugou and the todoroki-yaoyorozu households
when they enter ua u can rest assured knowing every single teacher of theirs started greying at the hair trying to contain the both of them. it doesnt help that theyre both very obviously powerful and dominate the sports festival every damn year
they get seperate for nearly two years because shiki decides to go travel the world and train elsewhere for a bit and they FIGHT and its bad and ugly and for a good year and a half they dont talk even tho theyve both been stewing on that damn argument
and as the date of shiki's arrival goes closer and closer both of them cant wait to reunite and finally apologize and make amends, shiki expecting toshi to meet them at the airport and getting excited to finally confess their feelings, thinking that as long as toshi shows up, they have a shot—
— and then toshi gets shot back into the past (15 years ago) for 6 damn months.
and all that time shiki spends lamenting wasting their time and the loss of their best friend who went missing after a villain attack and its all sad and shit until toshi shows up out of the blue after going through his Own self discovery journey and tackles shiki's tall ass to the ground
and thats toshi's own "oh" moment especially after meeting and growing close w todoroki from the past
and they get together! the end. katsuki has another conniption.
in a committed relationship with causing problems
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Lost self confidence
Anon: Can I request a lil one-shot where y/n has been on the team for a while and she put on some weight/starts feeling insecure about it and Gibbs helps her feel better? :> If not it's okay (Preferably a lot of fluff, angst & smut up to you)
Anon: Can I ask for a plus sized reader and gibbs please? I never see them :( Maybe someone says something about her weight when theyre working a case or something and he does the gibbs-legendary-elevator-conversation??? OuO
I thought those two requests work well together. Enjoy, lovely anons! ❤️
Warnings: punch, mention of blood, hurtful comments about weight
Tags: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @madamsnape921 @specialagentastra
Your body changed. A lot. More than you like to admit.
You have been avoiding mirrors for a while now, but as you stand in front of it right now, only dressed in underwear, you have to face it. Your body changed and you don’t like it. Actually, you hate it.
As you look at your stomach that used to be flat, your hips that are larger, the celulitis… you can’t help but to think it’s no wonder you’re alone. Who could you attract, looking like this? Not many people and definitely not the man you wish you had. He has probably noticed how your body is different. Maybe before, you stood a chance with the man but not anymore. It’s a lost cause.
You put some clothes on and left for work.
You and your team are working on a tricky case, you are not impatient to get into the office today. But as always, you put on your best smile and pretend that everything is okay. Even though it’s most definitely not.
You skipped breakfast this morning - on purpose - but when you sit at your desk, you can see a brown bag sitting there. You look inside; donuts. Not just regular donuts, but your two favorites.
“Gibbs’s treat.” Tony lets you know.
“What’s the occasion?” you casually answer, putting the bag aside. It’s definitely a bad idea to eat them.
“No occasion. You’re just his favorite,”
You can’t help but smile at this. Not that it’s true, but it feels nice anyway. Before, you would have been happy about your boss’s attention, but not today. “Aren’t you going to eat them?”
“I’m not hungry. Do you want them?”
Tony grabs the bag before you know it. At least, you won’t have to throw them away.
You put yourself into work quickly after. You need to take your mind off your insecurities and how bad you feel about yourself. Tony tries to make casual conversation, just being his old self but as you barely answer, he realizes that something’s wrong with you. He just doesn’t know what.
“You’re staring.” You say to him, without looking up from your computer screen.
“You’re in a bad mood.” He states.
“Am not.”
“Y/N, please.” He stands up from his desk and walks up to yours. “I’m a trained investigator. Talk to me.”
“Not a chance.” You keep working, avoiding eye contact. You’re scared that he may read into you, or worse; that you may cry if he starts to ask too many questions.
“Did Gibbs get the order wrong?” He jokes. He doesn’t mean wrong at all, but it sets you off.
“Just-- leave me alone, DiNozzo.”
You practically jump for your chair, grab your laptop and walk away from the bullpen, leaving your coworker in awe. He’s not sure what just happened, but he’s more convinced that something’s really not okay with you.
You spend the next two hours hiding in the conference room. You didn’t work much, you mostly cried and felt sorry for yourself. You really hate yourself and your body right now. It’s not about gaining some weight, it’s also about how lonely you feel. You love your team more than anything, they really are like your family but when you get home at night, it’s just you. You and your thoughts. You and your loneliness.
You just want someone to get home to. Someone to cuddle, someone to love and who loves you back, someone to fall asleep with. Just someone.
You had your face buried in your arms when you heard the door opening. You look up, ashamed. Gibbs is standing here.
He closes the door behind him and walks to you. “You okay, Y/N?” he softly asks.
“Y-yeah. Just a bit tired.”
“You know, if DiNozzo pissed you off, you can tell me.”
You chuckle. “Nah, it’s nothing he did. I guess I got up on the wrong foot this morning, that’s it.”
Gibbs did let it go - for now - but you knew he didn’t buy any of it.
That is later's concern though, there is some news on the case and you need to get going. The afternoon went better; your mind was focused on the case, you didn’t have time to think of the rest. It’s only when you get back home that it hits again. Before taking a shower, you put a sheet on the big mirror in your bedroom. You don’t want to face your reflection for now.
The next morning, you are in a better mood. Not entirely, you still skipped breakfast and avoided all the mirrors but you made a decision: you won’t let the team know. You won’t let them see you’re going through a tough time. It would only make things worse.
Everything’s going okay until that stupid lawyer shows up. You never wanted to see him again after hooking up with him over a year ago. He seemed nice and good looking, he flirted with you the whole time he was in the office, so when he invited you for a drink, you said yes.
Your agreement had something to do with Gibbs’s flirting with that shrink but to this day, you keep telling yourself that it hadn’t.
After a few drinks, you let the lawyer kiss you and before you knew it, you took him home and you had a one night stand.
The sex wasn’t the problem, you actually had a lot of fun. The problem was the next day.
He was gone before you woke up - still not a problem. But when Gibbs yelled at you for giving him some private information, you understood your mistake. The man had used you. While you were sleeping, he looked into your files and found the information he needed to save his client’s butt.
After that, Gibbs gave you the silent treatment for weeks. And he stopped being mad at you after you came to see him in his basement and did your mea culpa. No one ever talked about it since.
But now, the same man is standing in the middle of the bullpen. You growled to yourself before going in.
You don’t greet him at all, just sit at your desk. “Y/N? That’s you?” he says, apparently shocked.
You look at him briefly and don’t answer.
“My god, what happened to you?” he adds.
“Excuse you?” you snap.
“God, if you had been looking like this last year, I wouldn’t have been able to use you.”
His sentence feels like a punch in your stomach, it hurts. But it shouldn’t and you know it. But it still does. You stay there a moment, not knowing if you want to cry and beat the crap out of him. Probably both at the same, but you don’t move or don’t say a thing, you’re like frozen. You barely don’t notice when Gibbs pushes the man towards the elevator.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Ziva asks.
In the elevator
“Overprotective much, Gibbs?” the lawyer tries to appear confident and unafraid. He has his back against the wall, and in a second, he can hear Gibbs’s fist hitting a few inches away from his head. If the fist had touched his nose, he probably would have needed plastic surgery.
“Ever in your life, you disrespect a woman like that again, and especially--especially not Y/N.”
The lawyer made many people angry over the years, but never had he seen a man as angry as Gibbs looks right now.
“The only reason my hand is in this wall and not your face right now, is because she wouldn’t want me to get in trouble, but trust me when I say that all I want to do right now is to shoot you right in your precious parts.”
Gibbs is panting from anger. He can’t remember the last time he said that many words at once. But there’s no way that he or anyone else can disrespect you like this. Never, under his watch.
“So I’m gonna be very clear, you give that case to someone else. I don’t give a shit who, you just do it. And I don’t ever want to see your face again. Cause if I do, you’ll be so disfigured, you won’t be able to get another woman. Ever.”
“I could sue you for those threats, Special Agent Gibbs.”
“Are you planning to?”
“Maybe I am.”
“Well, in that case--”
This time, Gibbs’s fist hit the nose.
Meanwhile, in the bullpen
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Ziva asks.
“Yeah-yeah,” you clearly lie as your eyes are watering.
Your coworker isn’t buying it. She takes a step forward and hugs you softly. “Please, don’t let him get to you.” she whispers in your ear. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Those words make you cry. You are not really buying them, but it does something to hear them. And you know deep inside that Ziva wouldn’t say something she doesn’t think.
As she keeps hugging, you can feel someone else’s arms wrapping around both of you. It’s Tony and shortly after, Tim is joining. “I think we should call Ducky. We’re going to have a crime scene.” Tony jokes to light the mood.
“I don’t want Gibbs to put himself in trouble for me.” you sadly say.
“Y/N, if Gibbs hadn’t taken him in the elevator, we would all have jumped on him.” Tim tells you. Which surprises you because Tim is the one to avoid a fight as much as he can.
“Also, the only reason I’m not asking you out is because of Rule 12.”
You are about to answer to Tony when you can hear the elevator’s doors opening. You let go of one another and watch Gibbs as he comes back to you and takes you by the hand. “Someone may have to call 911.” he tells the rest of the team.
Gibbs takes you to the other elevator, the one that leads to the lower floors, where Abby’s lab and Autopsy are. But of course, he switches the button as soon as the doors close. He doesn’t say a thing, he just hugs you tight. “Your hand is blue, Gibbs.” you cry in his neck.
“Yeah and his nose is red, who cares.” he kisses your hair. “I don’t want you to cry because of him, Y/N. And especially not because of what he said.”
“But Gibbs--”
“Not ‘but’, Y/N. Look at me.” he softly grabs your chin with his non-injured hand and forces you to look into his eyes. “You may not believe me right now, but you’re beautiful, Y/N. Sexy. Hot.” you uncontrollably shake your head, not buying a word he says. “I know I’m not the best with words, so I’ll let my actions speak.”
Gibbs ducks his head just a bit and closes the gap between his lips and yours. He softly kisses. You probably have never been kissed this softly before. Gibbs is so gentle and tender, his lips move slowly but expertedly. You’re literally melting under him.
The kiss may have lasted for minutes, hours, you don’t really know. You lost track of time, as if the world had stopped spinning.
“I’m sorry I waited for something like this to happen to do it. I’ve wanted this for a very long time, Y/N.”
“Me, too, Gibbs. But I’m not sure that’s the best time. I’ve lost all self confidence and--”
He kisses you again, undoubtedly to make you shut up. “I’ll help you find it again. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”
You rest your forehead against his, some tears are still rolling down your cheeks. “You’re not bad with words.”
“I’m still better with touch.”
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Dressed in Crimson
Spencer Reid x Female Reader (Royalty AU)
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Summary: Spencer is a stable boy with a passion for learning and Reader is the princess of the palace that he serves in. They’ve been in a secret relationship, the two grow restless about not being able to be out in the open.
A/N: Guys I’m so excited for this one I really really loved writing it- it’s my fourth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April and it’s also written for @omgbigfluffwriting !!! I kinda immersed myself into this quite a bit- and it’s my longest oneshot I’ve ever written 🤭The specific historical period theyre in is not specified and the world that they’re in is entirely fictional and not based on any specific point in history- if you’ve ever watched Merlin that’s kinda the vibe I was thinking of just without the magic lol (please still ignore that the gif does not have an accurate clothing choice from Spencer I just wanted a good shot of his hair that I thought of while writing this) i feel like it’s becoming so obvious how much I love historical fiction lol 😂 I’d like to hear from you guys also so if you want to drop me an ask here! It can be about anything 🥰 hope y’all enjoy!!!
Warnings: 18+, Reader has a horrible Father, subtle hints about sexism, Classism, Period typical clothing, Reader and Spencer fight for a little bit, Smut, Dom Spencer, Fingering, Handjob, Unprotected Sex, Day dreaming about fucking in public, Spencer’s possessive as hell, Ignoring the potential consequences of a creampie
Main Masterlist Word count: 4.7k
My day started out like any other with my corset made of whalebone being cinched tightly around my figure with my chemise underneath of course. Every time the ends of the laces were pulled taught on my body I thought of the days where I could get away with not having this wretched piece of clothing cutting off my breath. Those days had been so long ago, when I was just a small child, almost so long ago that I had to strain my memory to recall it. It wasn’t even until I was done clutching my mother’s skirts before I started to be forced into the confines of the worst invention in history. I would have rather muck in the mud in pants like the men, unless there was a reason for me to actually want to wear a dress.
Today, I had chosen a crimson colored gown, one of my only favorites. The front of the bodice was adorned with embroidery, one embroidered with a glistening gold thread. The sleeves were long and ever so slightly off my shoulders, ending just at my wrist. It had been perfectly handcrafted just for me, a seamstress being hired to slave away at each detail with precision. If it had been up to my father the seamstress would have been paid little to nothing for this masterpiece, but you had your own coins stashed away from your allowance to give extra to anyone that gave you goods and services.
The dress was my favorite almost solely because of someone else’s appreciation for the lush fabric, no one needed to know about that though. I did like to look nice on certain occasions, but only special ones. There was no special occasion scheduled for me to have a reason for wearing it, well none that the greater majority of the court would know about.
Only my maid Emily knew what my excursion would be today, why I dressed up so nicely. There was no feasible way for me to hide my dalliances from her, especially the one I was about to go to as it required some higher levels of stealth to be able to evade my father’s guards.
His name was Spencer, one of my father’s stable boys. I loved him more than anything, definitely more than any potential match that was arranged for me.
I gifted him whatever I could without raising suspicion, though I often hid my purchases if someone asked by excusing them as more frivolous in nature, such as a new dress. Spencer had no real need for pretty things as he’d said before, except from myself- those were his past words not mine. And, he did express to me how much he loved the dress I was wearing right now, which was tied to how we had first met.
When I first met him I had been looking for a fabric in the market stalls. I hadn’t really wanted to, I was content with all the dresses that I owned right now, they had no ornament on them, just how I preferred. However, my father demanded I get something fancier for some sort of frivolous ball that was coming up that undoubtedly had no reason to take place besides bleeding everyone else dry.
I brushed hands with him for the first time as I was looking for the material I wanted, something just fancy enough to appease my father. The stall filled with fabrics bordered one that had stacks of books, I would have much preferred to be looking at that one. My hand had gotten close to the edge while I was inspecting a fabric and it had bumped into a man who was looking at one of the books.
When I had looked up to see who had brushed my hand I was met with frantic eyes filled with apology. His stuttered apology had covered my attempt to assure him that it was fine, it had taken me grabbing both of his hands to steady him for him to listen to my reassurance.
When he had introduced himself to me after I asked it flowed into a long conversation. I could have talked to him forever, I would be content to never talk to anyone else. For a stable boy he was exceptionally smart, which I learned was from his mother who had made sure he was educated even in poverty, specifically through having him read anything she could get her hands on. From then on our blossoming friendship had flourished, and had eventually developed into more.
I slung a shawl over my shoulders made out of a fabric of similar color to my gown and also grabbed a purse filled with coins with a smile due to my reminiscing . It wasn’t cold enough for one of my velvet cloaks just yet and most of the walk down to where Spencer was housed was indoors.
The walk from my rooms in the main part of the castle to the stables on the lower floor towards the East end was longer than I would have wanted. Truthfully, I wished I would not have to live in a castle at all, I’d rather live in the small house that Spencer lived. It was just past the castle grounds at the edge of the surrounding village adjacent to the stables so he did not have to walk far for work in the mornings.
My feet tiptoed down the corridors carefully, I was lucky that I had figured out to be somewhat light on my feet otherwise I’d be caught swiftly for sure. I passed by the rooms of most of the lords and ladies staying at court, I always wondered why some chose to stay here, it was positively suffocating here. The door I used to go outside was through the kitchen, that had a myriad of breakable things strewn about that I had to stealthily avoid. Luckily, I knocked nothing over that would have woken up the cooks who slept just a room over. Turning the handle of the door had to be a slow process so no one would hear the creak of the knob while it was turned, but I did successfully make it out with no disturbance.
Beginning the stretch of my journey that was outdoors was perhaps the most risky. Guards were stationed around the perimeter of the castle in greater numbers compared to the ones indoors which were only stationed by important rooms. I weaved my way through, in some aspects it was even more confusing than the inside of the castle. Hiding behind each of the pillars was the most effective way to avoid them, the construction of them making a series of small blind spots. I had just snuck behind one of the last ones when one of the guards nearest to me moved forward a little. I stopped breathing immediately, holding it tight in my chest while I plastered myself as close as I could to the back of the pillar. My nails dug into the stone of the pillar in fear, if I was ever to be found sneaking out at night or worse in the presence of Spencer, I would either never leave my rooms again or be whisked away into marriage even earlier than planned.
When the guard did not move to investigate further I let go of the breath I was holding, still making sure to let go of it slowly so he could not hear me. Moving swiftly forward after I had taken a breath was a bit of a challenge, my knees had gone weak with fear. I pushed myself to take each step even with the weakness in my knees, there was no way I could linger any longer.
Finally I was no longer walking on stone, I was walking on the muddy earth now. It was nice to feel the ground under my feet instead of the harsh stone, it told me that I was now only a handful of strides away from Spencer’s home.
The leaves littering the ground mixing with mud crunched under my feet even as I tip toed carefully. The guards may be in the distance now, but I didn’t feel keen on testing how good their hearing may potentially be.
Passing the stables was the last marker for my journey, then I would be able to see his home too. As I passed the sleeping horses by anticipation began to replace the fear inside me. It had been a while since I had been able to come see him, making me yearn for his touch even more.
His home came into view, even in the dead of night I could make it out if I squinted my eyes hard. My pace picked up exponentially when I landed my eyes on his humble abode. It was a quaint home, fallen into disrepair as he could not afford to fix it on the meager salary that my father paid him. The purse of gold that I had brought with me was exactly for that, the repairs. He would most likely protest the gift just like any other thing I had tried to gift him. From my experience the most effective way to get him to accept anything was to leave it there with no conversation about it. I think it made him feel less guilty even though in my opinion he was owed the money in the first place, no one should have to live in squalor when they did their job every day without question or complaint.
When I finally was at the entrance of his home I entered through the door swiftly, too impatient to wait or knock. Stress melted from my shoulders when I caught sight of him, hunched over one of the books I had given him, candles strewn around to give him enough light to read.
The candles he had lit to be able to read in the night illuminated us both with a glow. He would always compliment me whenever we found ourselves in similar lighting such as this, but in my opinion there was no rivalry. Each time the candle flickered it brightened up every highlight of him, letting me see his wild curls, brown eyes deeper than any others I had ever seen, and a body that I had no doubt was crafted to perfection illuminated in a beautiful glow.
I went to compliment him just as he always did with me, but I became mesmerized when he stood up, then moving his way closer to me.
“It is nice to see you, it feels like it’s been an eternity.” It may seem dramatic for him to say that it felt that long, but I echoed his sentiment willingly.
“It is nice to see you too, Spencer. I agree it’s been far too long.” I was sure it had been at least a full moon cycle since we had the pleasure of being alone with one another, our duties to my father keeping us separated.
It had been painful whenever I would go out for a ride on my horse, to see him hand me the reins of my mare and be unable to reach out to touch him. There had been one day, about a week ago, that I had let my hand brush against his own for a moment while he handed the reins to me. It was an innocent brush of a touch, that also had a barrier in the form of my leather gloves. To anyone else it had meant nothing, but to me and him, it meant everything.
His eyes were blown wide with desire, as I suspected mine were as well. We let ourselves take in the sight of each other for a minute longer before Spencer broke the silence with a request,
“Drop your shawl, so I may see you better.” A stable hand commanding someone of such a stature such as I would’ve seen him whipped if it was any other person before him. His boldness was not unexpected, it had taken a while for him to grow so comfortable with my company. In truth, he had been quite scared when I had first met him. It was perfectly understandable considering his employer was my father, who was not known for his kindness. And, even then after his fear had faded he still had a shy exterior for a while, it only had been lifted when we began to become extremely comfortable around each other. We were each other's only form of solace in this world, we could only escape our reality when we were together.
Instead of having malice in my voice like other nobles would I simply pulled the shawl more taught around my shoulders and teased, “Why should I?”
The expression on his face was one of the ones I loved seeing on his face the most, a sly smirk. He came closer to me, with careful steps as if he was waiting for the right moment to pounce. We were so close together when he stopped moving, but still not touching. He was playing a game with me, not touching until I obliged him. As he leaned in to speak into the shell of my ear he was careful with the way he tilted his body forward so I could only feel his breath on the small portion of my skin, “Because you like it when I look at you.”
My arms fell to my sides releasing my shawl to fall from my shoulders onto the floor at his words, as they rang true. I did want him to look at me and also, of course touch me.
“You wore your favorite dress.” He observed, still not quite touching. I didn't need to answer the statement he made with the thought in my mind ‘I wore it for you’ because I knew he had already figured that out. His observational skills were keenly honed in by his constant reading whenever he had the chance, often reading books that I had gifted to him. He even sometimes read well into the night, straining his eyes in the darkness when the candle was almost merely a wick. I had found that out the first- and sadly, only time I had the opportunity to stay overnight. Since then I had pushed him to get more rest as I knew how hard he was worked to the bone during the day, courtesy of my father.
His eyes were staring at my dress, pupils blown wide, his mind seemingly off in another world maybe thinking about all the things he wanted to do to me.
“Please, touch me.” I didn’t need to speak loud, only a soft whisper for him to hear me because of how close he already was to me. So close, yet so far.
He raised his large hands, calloused from working so hard day in and day out. My own hands were soft from the expensive creams I had been pampered with since I was just a small child. I liked his hands better, they showed the hard work he used everyday to cultivate his beautiful mind and body.
I subtly licked my lips in anticipation of his touch, wanting to feel every inch of his hand roaming my body, from the tips of his fingers to where his palm met his wrist.
His fingers then started to trace over the top of my corset, just a hair away from touching the swell of my breasts. My chest was rising and falling with each breath, each inhale pushing it slightly closer to his fingers. With each fall of my chest I felt the need to quickly let go of my breath, so I could once again inhale and be brought closer to his touch.
“Please touch me.” I repeated, breathless from forcing myself to breathe into his touch.
“I am touching you.” His fingers still did not move to touch my skin, only the crimson accented in gold. It was his turn to tease me now, I was at his mercy, ready and waiting for it.
I could beg again, though quite obviously I could not convince him with it. As he was running his fingers over the cloth for what felt like the millionth time, still not touching me, I teased him back instead of begging, “No you are touching my dress.”
A mere ghost of a touch from his fingers then floated across my skin. What should have calmed my heaving chest from my gasping breaths only served to make my breathing even heavier. The slight touch was still not enough, only making my desire for his hands to roam every inch of my body even more severe.
“Perhaps I should take your corset off, to help you breathe better.” He said, as if he read my exact thoughts.
“I like your thinking.”
I was then spun around so my back was pressed into his chest. It soothes my desire for his touch some, but we both had barriers of cloth preventing me from fully feeling him. I could feel some of the warmth that was hidden underneath his shirt, which was made up of a much billowing white linen that compared to his trousers.
If my skirts were not so large I wondered if I were to push back if my behind would come in contact with his cock and whether or not his desire would be as prominent as the slickness dampening the bottom layer I was wearing. I’d have to find a way to find a pair of trousers then, sometime soon, so I could try to grind into him at a later date. There was no doubt that we’d surely find ourselves in a similar position again.
As his hands started to undo the laces of my corset with care, despite both of our desperation, a thought slipped out from his lips that I’m sure he intended to keep to himself, “I wish I could call you mine in public.”
“My father would kill you!” The taste of my voice would have been bitter in anyone’s mouth, quickly spat out in the same way I said those words. Perhaps my quick anger to his innocent thought would be insane to some, most would probably consider it a sweet thought. However, he knew from previous conversations that when those sweet thoughts were expressed that all I could feel was a heavy sadness sitting inside me, instead of desire.
Tears clouded my vision, so much so that I did not see Spencer’s arms come around me to envelop me in an embrace. I flinched a bit at first, but then melted when I realized it was him. We held each other for a while as I sobbed softly into his billowy white shirt.
He stroked my shoulder with his large hands that I loved, but the corset he had not taken off fully yet was blocking me from feeling his touch the way I wanted.
“Take it off please.” I begged softly, I wanted to feel his skin on mine, and not just his lips or his hands. I wanted to feel every inch of him.
The laces of my corset were already half undone because of his previous attempt at getting it off of me. He finished the job, pulling the corset off of my body, tossing it down to the floor. He may have loved the dress, but he was showing me through his actions that he loved what was underneath more.
Turning me around was his next step, so he could properly kiss me. The pressure was soft at first, as if he was testing the waters to see how I would feel. Feeling his soft lips on my own just made me want to pull him in further, and I did so. My fingers tangled into his curls as the kiss devolved into pure passion, we were both throwing ourselves fully into it, trying to express our feelings nonverbally.
His own hands moved to cup my breasts as he backed me into the cot he slept on every night. I did not let him push me down on the bed so he was on top of me like normal, this time I wanted to be on top for a while. When I straddled his hips the first thing I felt was his cock straining in his pants. I unbuckled them so I could wrap my hands around his cock, I wanted to feel his thick and heavy length in my hands. Precum was already dripping down his hard cock as I pumped his length with my hands. My own arousal was dampening the underneath of the skirt I still had on. Spencer confirmed it himself when he snuck his fingers underneath the fabric to play with my pleasure spots. We both groaned as his fingers entered inside me while he rubbed circles into my swollen pearl.
My skirt was bunched up in his hands, pulling up all the way to the tops of my thighs. He soon got fed up with the skirt being in the way though and maneuvered me to shuck it off of me as fast as possible. Being bare before him did not make me wither in self consciousness, it made me lean into his touch even more.
He leaned up to kiss me again while I grabbed his length and restraddled him. I was definitely wet enough to have him enter me, my separation from him making me desperate, it had been so long since we had the chance to be together like this.
I then sunk down on his length slowly, it was for me to adjust to his size and to relish in the feeling of him sliding inside me. I stilled on top of him as the back of my thighs hit the top of his, he filled me with perfection. Spencer only let me be still for a little while before his hands gripped my hips and started to guide me to roll my hips. The pace I set- well Spencer was the one who set it, was slow and deep, I was languidly rolling my hips while he thrusted up into me at a similar pace.
My face twisted in pleasure as his thrusts became more powerful, still at the same pace but with more force behind them.
“Fuck- I want everyone to know that you’re mine!” It was the exact same thing he had spoken to me earlier that had sparked anger and melancholy inside me. This time it caused a spark of pleasure instead, making me think about him fucking me in front of everyone claiming me as his.
“My father would kill you.” This time when I said it it was gasped into his mouth with little to all anger disappeared from it.
My words made Spencer growl which was swallowed by a possessive kiss. He then flipped me over roughly, my back now pressed into the cot. A high pitched squeak had escaped my lips unintentionally in surprise, it was quickly changed into a moan when he entered me again. This time the pace did not start off slow as I did not need to adjust to him inside of me.
“I don’t care.” His speech was agitated as he pounded into me, holding my legs open with both hands spreading me out for him to see everything, “No matter what anyone says or does, you’re mine.”
Pleasure sparked through me at his possessive words, I grabbed desperately at the cotton sheets trying to hold onto something as my finish was fast approaching. When the cotton sheets were not enough of a stabilizer for me I lifted my hands up to wrap around the back of his neck and pull him close.
“Come on I know you’re close, I’m close too baby.” My nails dug into his neck and back during the latter half of his sentence causing him to slightly wince. I knew he enjoyed it though because of the question that he groaned out next, “Can I cum inside you?”
Biting my lip hard was painful as I nodded my head in response to his question that had me falling over the edge. The consequences of him finishing inside me danced in the back of my head, I chose to ignore them as he did. I did not care as he filled me and I rode out my release, even if I was to somehow get pregnant because of our recklessness it did not matter. I’d gladly have his child, even if it meant I’d have to go on the run.
Instead of falling on top of me directly after finishing like I’ve heard most men do with their wives he gently removed himself from my entrance and laid down beside me on the cot. Bliss was mingling in the air between us, both unburdened by any of our problems that would become a reality as soon as I left for the night. For now we would just hold onto the bliss until it was cruelly snatched away from reality.
Spencer had a solution as always to our problems, and seemed to be thinking about the same thing I was with his next suggestion,
“Run away with me.” We were both covered in sweat that had cropped up from our activities, a contrast to the chilly air outside and in the castle. It was nice to feel warm every time I was in his arms, It was hard to resist being greedy and deciding to stay in his arms forever. It had crossed my mind more than once, but there was always something stopping me from going through with it fully. I opened my mouth to point out all the reasons why that would not be possible when he added, “And, before you say no I want to ask- what’s stopping you?”
His reasoning was sound, as it often was. My mouth opened and closed, struggling to find a reasoning before I accepted that he was right. The only potential downfall was my father’s forces searching everywhere to find me, but it would be worth it. We could also easily cross the border into nearby lands ruled by someone else that was not in alliance with him. I already felt lighter thinking about being free from the confines of the castle- and hopefully my corset. Though I would have to keep the crimson dress I wore today, even if I only wore it around him, It was his favorite and it symbolized the day that we met. He glanced over at me just as I did the same, looking right into his eyes as I spoke,“Alright.”
The light that sparked in his eyes made my heart soar, I could feel just from his gaze how ecstatic he was to spend his life with me. I didn’t need any words to know how much he loved me.
We basked for a moment in the presence of our love, Spencer broke the silence again when he started planning,“You need to go pack!”
I moved myself to sit up even though my limbs protested, wanting to sleep after our post coital bliss. A soft smile was exchanged between the two of us, “I’ll pack light, only the stuff I need.”
The purse of gold I had brought for him would no longer be used to fund his repairs, but to fund our life together. I climbed on top of him again leaning forward to capture him in a kiss that was much more chaste than the ones earlier in the night.
“I. love. you.” He whispered in between kisses making my eyes wet with tears. They weren’t born out of sadness, but of happiness that I had someone to love me as much as Spencer did.
“I love you too, I will see you soon.” I pulled myself away from his lips even though I did not want to, I then got up to leave reluctantly. Though it was easier than previous departures as I knew that it would be the last one that I would have to complete. My whole being was lighter and happier than I had ever felt before as I snuck back with a spring in my step. The only hint of what I was about to do, where I was about to go, was the mud stained at the hemline of my crimson dress.
Ask me anything
Tag lists (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith (why wont tumblr let me tag you😭
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
Dom Spencer: @rainsong01 @evlfknb @jakobsdump
362 notes · View notes
wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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inosukeslefttoe · 3 years
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lmao i just... think that they r soulmates.... not even in a romantic way (but YES in a romantic way bc im gay and love lesbians) but just seriously dude i feel like their connection is so unique and it makes me start having feelings when i think of how attached some of the characters are to each other in this game but like,, they maybe never wouldve rlly met or become close under any other circumstances rather than this one yknow ?? so in a way the beautiful relationships that came from this situation were such a blessing BUT ALSO FUCKIN HEARTBREAKING BC THEYRE ALL GONNA DIE YOU FEEL
so ,,, first im gonna talk about why its so epic that sakura was able to find this friendship right... shes this big scary buff woman and i remember her saying that its been hard for her to find friends in the past bc everyone fears her and her main goal has been fighting and getting stronger her whole life which has been especially hard since shes a woman and feels like she has to prove herself to men (this is also similar to how taka bent over backwards with his studies but in doing so sacrificed friends and social life). im assuming most of her close relationships have been born from rivalries and fights n shit or any relationship she has at home, even with her family and bf, revolves around her wanting to become better than these people by defeating them,,, i think thats also how she shows affection to ppl now sometimes by fighting them. bUT,, then she meets hina who is super bubbly and friendly and ditzy who immediately trusts her right away and asks her to stay with her during the night or smthn like that and sakura is like “homie... shes not scared of me at all... and she gets what its like to be competitive... and to yknow keep working hard every day of ur life to keep getting stronger...” and i think that was a super important moment here bc they seem so different but hina was so open and willing to start a bond with sakura that she prolly hadnt experienced before and so therefore sakura is like HOLY SHIT I GOTTA PROTECT THIS WOMAN WITH MY LIFE but like,, not in a way that she thinks hina is weak,,, but in a way that shows she respects the hell out of her and will always stand by her side to fight with her. 
OKAY AND NOW FOR HINA OKAY. it pisses me off that everyone always picks on hina for being so driven to work out and all that bc like,, while yeah i could NEVER live like her bc sports arent my cup of tea (lmao clearly since i spend all my time watching anime and playing this game) and the thought of waking up before 10:00 on my free days makes me wanna cry,,, HINA IS SO FUCKING DEDICATED TO WHAT SHE DOES AND SHE SPENDS ALL HER ENERGY ON WHAT SHE LOVES AND WHAT MAKES HER FEEL GOOD AND SHES DAMN GOOD AT IT !! AND SHE NEVER SACRIFICES HER HEALTH OR HAPPINESS FOR IT EITHER !! SHE MAKES SURE SHE GETS GOOD RELAX TIME AND STILL GETS TIME FOR HER FAVORITE FOOD EVEN THO ITS “UNHEALTHY” AND SHE DOESNT FORCE HERSELF TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME SHE BALANCES HER EMOTIONS AND LETS THEM OUT IN HEALTHY WAYS !! SHE IS A QUEEN !! okay but n e ways,, ppl pick on her (by ppl i mean in game characters along with like,, actual ppl) for being shallow or whatever for being so into sports/fitness and nothing else but homie thats her p a s s i o n and shes so driven and someone i admire so much,,, and i think when she meets sakura,,, she sees that sakura rlly gets that about her yknow ?? theyre both into fitness and all that and hinas like “oh cool a person i can totally bond with over this !!” which is why she starts a friendship with her so early on. she doesnt care how anyone looks or what theyre into shes always been so fucking sweet and warm and open to every character in this game and i think thats the absolute best thing ever esp considering how toxic some of these characters can be lmao. but YEAH her relationship with sakura is so special bc they have that shared bond and passion and sakura is the first person here not to poke fun at her or call her dumb bc sakura fully understands how into her passion she is and it creates so much mutual respect and the strongest bond. 
in conclusion: sakura and hina are fucking soulmates and i rlly like to think they wouldve met in a non-despair world bc i think having each other as partners/being by each others sides is such an amazing thing for both of them since they see each other for who they really are and they can both fully understand what it means to be so passionate and driven for the things they love. 
a-also... big buff lebsian a-and... her cute tiny gf.... hggnnnhhh THEYRESOCUTEIMIGHTCRYAGAIN LMAOOOO (also i just started chapter four and i just KNOW smthn bad is gonna happen with them teehee i will not make it out alive after this)
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shhhhyoursister · 3 years
childhood friends to lovers!au
yes i am uploading these all at the same time what about it???? yeah so this the one where david is a rich kid who is “forced” to play with matteo (who is autistic in this au) but of course they become best friends because theyre soulmates so ahh i hope you like it!!!
He knows that he shouldn’t be climbing the tree.
His mom has told him at least a hundred times that he shouldn’t. She always tells him that he’s going to fall, bump his head or break his arm, and he needs to come down right this second or he’s going to bed without any dessert which is almost always enough to convince him.
He wraps his legs tight around the branch he’s on and let’s himself fall backwards, hanging with his head poking out just enough under the lowest leaves so he can see if anyone is there. He knows that Laura is doing schoolwork and his mom had been cooking something last he saw her, and he thinks it’s still too early for his dad to be home from work. His eyes scan the huge backyard, and, seeing nobody, he grins and grabs onto the branch to swing himself back up.
He stands, looking down at the dark blue velcro sneakers that he had begged for last time his mom had taken him shoe shopping, and starts walking across the branch like a tightrope. He holds his arms out, careful not to knock into any leaves  or twigs jutting out at him. He gets to an upward curve in the branch and puts a foot on it.
It’s higher than he’s climbed before. Usually by this point someone has noticed that he’s gone, his mom or Laura bursting through the glass double doors that led to their backyard, yelling for him. Always calling out a name that makes him glare and wrinkle his nose. He almost loses his footing thinking about it and refocuses.
He knows what his goal is, and he’s only a couple feet away from reaching it. There’s a birds nest in the tree, high high up, that he’s been watching every morning with the binoculars his dad bought him. His mom would watch him pointing them out the window at the pretty blue bird, and one day got down on her knees next to him, pointed to it, and said, “There are going to be new baby birds in the nest soon, I saw two eggs. That mama bird is going to have two little baby birds, just like me.”
And he’s been trying to get a closer look ever since. He loves watching the birds, the whole reason his dad had bought him the binoculars in the first place, and he will spend hours just lying on his back in the grass, sunglasses (that his dad also bought him) snug over his eyes, watching the birds fly overhead.
With his mission reset in his mind, he looks up, seeing the nest close by, and only a little bit higher than he is. If he puts his foot right between those two forking branches, and shifts his weight just the right way and grabs onto that one branch at the right time, he’ll be able to look into the nest. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus. He plants his foot and shoots up next to the nest, grabs the branch, and shakes a leaf out of his face. When he opens his eyes he grins, and starts laughing.
He can see two little birds in the nest, and they’re ugly. Gray and fuzzy, pink bald heads, huge eyes barely open as wiggle around. He watches for a moment, wishing that he could reach out and pet one but listens to his mother’s warnings against doing such. He rebalances himself, shifting his weight onto a different foot, and almost stumbles. He gasps and catches himself quickly. He grins at how fast he was able to grab onto the branch but quickly realizes his mistake when he hears an angry squawk.
He had grabbed onto the branch with the nest, the branch strong enough not to move but his hand close enough to the nest to alert the mama bird, who had been somewhere close by the whole time. He gasps again, quickly letting go as the bird jumps closer to his hand, and starts yelling as he loses his balance enough with the surprise to start falling backwards. He hits the ground, hears a crack and the worst pain he’s ever felt shoot up his arm, and he screams until he hears his mom running out the back door.
He throws the biggest tantrum when the doctor, along with his parents, tell him that he isn’t allowed to play rough or run around or climb or do any of his favorite things for weeks. He doesn’t even know how long a week really is but it sounds like it might last forever, and he cries and kicks his legs the whole time they’re in the doctor’s office. It’s summer so all of his friends are going to be playing outside and riding their bikes and going swimming, and now he’s being told he can’t do any of that? It’s the most heartbreaking news a six year old could’ve gotten.
On the way home from the doctor, his parents drag him, still crying, and Laura, who’s just excited about all the fanfare, into an ice cream shop. They tell them to get whatever they want, and he orders at least four different flavors through his angry tears because he always orders for himself. He only stops crying when his dad sets down the huge paper cup of ice cream in front of him, a spoon shoved in it, and says, “Go crazy.”
After he eats until his stomach hurts his parents take him to the store, lead him to the video game section, and tell him to choose three new games. He picks fast, his Wii still so new that he only cares about getting games for that, and his eyes are completely dry by the time they get home that night.
It’s later that night that his parents tell him the news. They both come into his room to tuck him in for the night which is unusual, but he’s thrilled that he’s going to get double the attention, not even complaining like usual about Laura having a later bedtime than him. His dad sits in the big chair across from his bed, his mom settling down on the edge of his bed, both smiling at him.
“You did quite a number on yourself today, kid,” his dad starts, grinning while trying to maintain some kind of authority. His mom looks at his dad and smiles, holding back a laugh. He glares between the two, much less happy about their presence in his room if they’re just there to make fun of him.
“I just wanted to see the baby birds.” he mutters under his breath.
“Well, you have your binoculars for that,” his mom said quietly, placatingly, patting his leg, “and we have some news that might make you a bit more happy.”
He looks up at that, wondering what else his parents were going to give him. He’s no stranger to gifts and treats, but he thought that the new video games and the ice cream were going to be it. He smiles, excited for whatever else it is they have planned.
“Do you remember Mrs. Florenzi? From the restaurant?” his dad says, smiling at his mom again.
The restaurant. He frowns again, not wanting to get into the topic of his dad’s job. He doesn’t even understand what his dad does. All his other friends’ dads are lawyers, or doctors, or other big words that he doesn’t understand. His dad seems to just...own a lot of things. One of those things being his favorite restaurant, that he had purchased a few years earlier. His family went there a few times a month, and he could remember Mrs. Florenzi if he really focused. Long brown hair, kind eyes, always smiling when she sees him at a table. She’s a chef there but sometimes would sneak out of the kitchen to pinch his cheeks. He nods.
“Well, I don’t think we told you, but she has a son around your age, and she needs someone to look after him some days when she’s at work. Since I’m home, and already have two crazy kids running around,” his mom says, poking at him until he giggles, “why not take in a third?”
He tilts his head, thinking about that. He has friends, lots of them., but if he’s going to be stuck inside because of his arm, it might be fun to have a new kid around. Especially so he doesn’t have to go to Laura if he wants to play with someone else, because they fight as much as they get along. After a minute he smiles, says, “Okay!” and drops his head to his pillow as his parents laugh.
Having another boy around sounds like fun.
The next day, after breakfast when he’s wandering around his playroom trying to find something to do that was fun but wouldn’t cause his mom to tell him to settle down because of his arm, the doorbell rings. His head pops up, and he runs out of the room just in time to see his mom open the door.
Mrs. Florenzi is waiting on the other side, and he frowns, not seeing a kid with her. She’s smiling and greeting his mom, talking in that way that moms always do when they drop off or pick up their kids. He’s not shy, not in the slightest, but he hangs back a bit. He wants to know where this other boy is.
Mrs. Florenzi seems to notice him, and ducks down to wave, and he waves back, and then walks over and past his mom, and pushes his face out the door to look around. When the moms laugh he pulls back, kind of annoyed at that, and demands, “Where is he?”
The moms laugh again and he considers pulling the face that his mom always chides him for, pouting his lips out big and glaring so hard it makes his head hurt. He hates being laughed at by adults.
“Sorry honey, he’s a bit shy. Matteo, do you want to meet your new friend?”
That’s when he notices the small hand clutching desperately onto Mrs. Florenzi’s skirt. His mouth twists up a little; he doesn’t usually get along with shy kids. He finally sees a blond head poke out from around her, the face on it looking nervous but also a little excited. They stare at each other until Mrs. Florenzi shoves the kid in front of her.
He gets a good look. Matteo is small, scrawny even, and his shoulders are hunched in a bit, making him seem even smaller. His shoes are dirty which he hopes means that Matteo at least like playing outside, and the scratches on Matteo’s knees that match his own makes him even more hopeful. Matteo looks at him, tilting his head, not saying anything, and then he looks off to the side, his hand clenching in the hem of his shirt.
“Hi, Matteo,” his mom says, bending down so she can smile at Matteo, and then shoves him forward and introduces him.
She doesn’t do it right though. She never does. Nobody ever does. He scowls.
Mrs. Florenzi pushes Matteo forward again, into the house, and thanks his mom before leaving for the restaurant with a kiss to Matteo’s head, and something whispered in his ear. He watches the door after she leaves.
He hopes the kid doesn’t start crying.
His mom sends them off so she can do something in the kitchen, and he and Matteo look at each other. Matteo looks nervous almost, probably because of the fierce glare on his face, so he decides to clear that up before the other kid tries to say something.
“That’s not my name you know,” he says, and turns, making his way to the playroom because that’s always a good place to start with new friends, “I don’t have one.”
“You don’t have a name?” Matteo asks, his voice quiet, his face confused, “Then why did your mama call you that?”
He shrugs. Matteo looks uncomfortable with that answer.
“But- everyone has a name,” Matteo says as they reach the door of the playroom, his hand twitching at his side, looking up at the big door in front of them, “you have to. How am I gonna talk to you if you don’t have a name?”
He rolls his eyes, something his parents started scolding him for the second he learned how and when to do it,  pushing into the playroom. Nobody really gets it. He shrugs again, and says, “I don’t know but if you call me that I’ll beat you up.”
Matteo’s eyes pop open and he looks nervous. He nods, pushing his arms out at his sides, twisting them in the air and then snapping them back down at his sides.
He nods back, glad that they got that conversation out of the way. He looks around the playroom when Matteo doesn’t say anything, trying to find something to do with this quiet boy who seems like the opposite kind of kid than he usually plays with.
“You have a Wii?” Matteo asks suddenly, pointing at the white console attached to the big TV in the room, his other hand twisting at his side. He’s smiling for the first time since he had come in, bouncing on his feet.
“Yeah!” he exclaims, hoping that Matteo would want to play video games with him because that’s always easy and Laura never wants to, “I got Smash Brothers when I broke my arm, do you wanna play?”
Matteo grins and nods, rocking up onto his toes and his hands flapping at his sides as the game is set up. They both settle in front of the screen in the special chairs his dad had bought for him and Laura, his a light blue (that again, he had to beg for), Laura’s a darker purple. Matteo starts rocking in the chair when he realizes that he can get the momentum to.
“I know!” Matteo calls out a little while later, after they had played enough of the game that they were joking around and laughing with each other, Matteo losing every round but having fun regardless, “We should have nicknames! I want to be Luigi!”
He snorts and asks, “Why Luigi? He’s not as cool as Mario!”
“He’s green, though, that’s my favorite color. I don’t like red.” Matteo says, shrugging and shaking his head, focused completely on the screen in front of them. He’s tapping his fingers on the controller in his hand, pressing buttons, selecting and deselecting his character.
He nods, looking at the character selection screen, thinking that if Matteo picked a Nintendo nickname, he needs to do the same. He considers a bunch of different characters before landing on one and smiling, and he turns to Matteo, proud even though Matteo doesn’t look at him.
“I’ll be Link!” he says, and Matteo turns to him, smiling just as wide.
“I like Link, he’s green too!” Matteo says, and turns back to the screen, starting the next round.
They play for hours. They switch between playing different video games and looking at Pokemon cards and playing dress up with the chest in the back corner and bothering his mom until she feeds them, and when the doorbell rings and his mom calls them both down, he thinks fast.
“Come on,” he whispers to Matteo as he grabs his arm and yanks him out of the playroom, “and don’t talk about my room.”
He opens the door and shoves Matteo in first, glancing down the stairs to see his mom standing at the door, talking to Mrs. Florenzi. Neither of them seemed to notice so he follows and closes the door quietly behind him. He tries to ignore the fact that Matteo is staring around at everything.
It’s not that his room is small, or boring, or that his bed is uncomfortable or that there are monsters hiding in his closet waiting to eat him (he’s too old to be scared of monsters). It’s just ugly. The wallpaper was put up before he was even born, when his parents first found out they were having another baby, and the pink and white flowers made his head hurt. There were lots of marks on the walls from balls he had thrown and toy rocket ships he had “launched into space”. The canopy draped over his bed was cool when he closed it, pretending that he was in a tent in the middle of a jungle, but any other time he despised it.
Matteo stands in the middle of the room, his head tilted back, staring at the ceiling above them. It’s covered in those little glow-in-the-dark stars and planets, something he had begged for after seeing it on TV once. Matteo seems to get lost in his own head, still staring up but spinning in slow circles around the floor. He turns to the door when they both hear a mom voice calling them down, and Matteo’s head whips back to him and he holds a finger over his mouth.
They hide as long as they can, quietly giggling, until his mom decides to check his room even though he almost never chooses to go in there, especially not with friends. Matteo looks like he’s going to cry when he’s escorted out with Mrs. Florenzi’s hand gently pulling his, and he waves bye as the moms reassure the two that they’ll see each other the next day. His mom closes the front door and turns to him with a smile.
“So, did you two have fun?” she asks, and instead of answering he runs into her legs and hugs them.
The next morning can’t come soon enough, and when the bell rings, he jumps up from the table to answer it, ignoring his mom yelling behind him that he needs to come pick his chair back up. He unlocks the front door (he doesn’t know if his parents know he can do that) and smiles at Mrs. Florenzi, who smiles back and pinches his cheek. She greets him and he frowns at the name.
Matteo runs past her into the house, his face bright, and they run up the stairs and into the playroom before they even say hi to each other. He can hear the moms laughing fondly behind them, and he closes the door to shut them back into the little world they had created around them the day before.
“Hi Link.” Matteo giggles, a hand over his mouth like he’s sharing in a secret, and he kind of is.
“Hi Luigi,” he says back, unable to stop his own giggles from  escaping, and then points to the TV and asks, “wanna play more?”
Matteo nods enthusiastically, spinning in a circle before flopping into the same chair he had sat in the day before. He starts setting the game up like usual, but frowns when he turns the TV on and doesn’t see the usual black screen with words on it that he could read if he cared enough to.
“What’s wrong? Why isn’t it working?” Matteo asks, and he looks over, and Matteo is staring at the screen, his eyebrows drawn down. He gets up, walking closer to the screen, examining it like he could figure out how to fix it. His hands come up and start rubbing at his arms as he squints.
“My stupid sister did something and then didn’t fix it,” he muttered, and Matteo’s head whipped to him, a surprised smile on his face.
“That’s a bad word, you can’t say that!” he scolds, but he looks secretly pleased.
“I know all the bad words,” says, smirking, proud of that, “even the really bad grown-up ones.”
Matteo looks at him, awe on his face, and he starts bouncing and says, “Wow, I think you’re the coolest friend I have!”
He grins, puffs up his chest a bit. He knows he’s cool, but hasn’t ever been called the coolest before. He’s going to have to make Matteo say it again in front of Laura.
Remembering his sister, he frowns again. He thinks that Laura may have watched a DVD and then not fixed the TV after, and he doesn’t know how to make it the Wii again. He has to either go ask her to change it, or find his mom.
“I have to go get my sister,” he says to Matteo, and then points off to the cabinet containing the Pokemon cards they had looked through the day before, “you can look at those but be careful, they’re fragile.” He doesn’t really know if they are but he had heard his dad call important things that before.
Matteo nods and he walks out of the room, running down the hall to Laura’s room. He isn’t in the mood to talk to his sister when he already has a friend over, especially a friend who thinks he’s cool, but he kicks her door a couple times, bangs on it with his fist, and yells, “Laura!”
He keeps up the noise until the door is wrenched open. Laura is already glaring, her curly hair frizzed around her face making her look even angrier, and he just grins when she crosses her arms over her chest, scowling at him.
“What do you want?” She asks, sneering, and he puts a frown on his face to match hers.
“You messed up the TV, and I have my new friend over, and we can’t play video games!” he sneers, crossing his own arms over his chest, “You need to fix it!”
“Ugh, fine,” she says, and stalks out of her room, shoving past him to get to the playroom. He clenches his fists and follows after her. She closes the playroom door in his face just as he gets to it, and he smacks it with his fist before yanking it open with a growl.
He sees Matteo pressed against the wall on the other side of the room. It seems like Laura hasn’t even noticed him, as she’s focused on the TV, but Matteo’s eyes are wide. He looks towards the door and places a hand flat against the wall.
“Laura, this is my super cool new friend Matteo,” he says, pointing to the boy cowering against the wall, who only presses himself more into it, “Matteo, this is my stupid ugly sister Laura.”
He smiles when Laura shrieks and throws down the chord she was holding, and runs out of the room, yelling behind her, “I’m telling mom!”
He turns to Matteo, who’s still against the wall, but with Laura gone he looks a little less tense. He puts a finger on his lips and waves Matteo over, and once he’s close enough he grabs his hand and whispers, “Come on, we have to go hide now.”
He tugs on Matteo’s hand and quickly, quiety leads him down the stairs. He doesn’t know where his mom is but he can hear Laura stomping around upstairs so he figures they’re safe for a bit. He can see his mom washing dishes at the sink, her back to the hallway that led to the basement, and he tugs again.
They get to the door and he slowly opens it, trying to avoid the loud creak. Once he gets it open as silently as he can, he turns to Matteo and is about to tell him to follow, but as he takes a step down onto the first stair, Matteo’s hand twists out of his.
“No,” he says, stepping back, shaking his head, rubbing at his arms again, “I- I don’t like the dark. I can’t go in basements.”
He grabs for Matteo’s wrist to try and drag him down anyway, but Matteo rips his arm away and wraps it behind his back fast. He glares, and is about to complain and whine and whisper that they need to hurry up because Laura is coming down the stairs, but Matteo glares back at him. He’s wants to argue but instead he rolls his eyes and pushes Matteo back, and then walks past him to the back door.
He pulls it open and runs outside, not even waiting to see if Matteo is following, because Matteo isn’t going to get in trouble if they’re caught. He runs until he finds what he’s looking for, the large shed in their backyard that housed various tools of his father’s and larger toys and bikes and such of his and Laura’s. He puts a hand on the doorknob, and then finally turns, and sees Matteo a little ways behind him. He decides to be nice and take extra long to get the door open.
He can suddenly hear his mom calling for him. His eyes widen and he tugs Matteo inside, who doesn’t seem happy at David’s hand on him so he lets go as soon as he can close the door. He puts a finger over his lips again, and even though Matteo looks mad at him he does the same.
He leads him to the back of the shed where there’s an old playhouse that his dad had built for him and Laura. The only reason it’s in the shed is because he, not loving the colors his parents had chosen for it, decided to splash a can of old black paint he found in his basement all over the exterior walls. He had gotten in trouble for that, but a new playhouse was in it’s spot the next week, a light blue one instead of the pink and purple that the original had been. He opens the door, quickly checks around for bugs or mice, and, seeing a clean enough space, steps inside.
Matteo looks around before hesitantly walking in behind him. He isn’t used to having friends as sensitive as Matteo seems to be, and he reminds himself of the words his mom would sometimes say to him when he’s getting frustrated at someone else, when he’s being too stubborn to think about how someone else might be feeling. His own brain is still a little too interesting to himself, all the thoughts and feelings that come so quickly and leave just as fast, and he sometimes needs to be reminded that other people have their own different, interesting brains.
“We can hide here for a little bit,” he whispers, and then noticing Matteo staring down at the ground, shoulders hunched like the first time he saw him, “are you okay Luigi?”
Matteo looks up, twisting the ends of his shirtsleeves around his fingers.
David’s high school graduation present is top surgery. Nothing about it is a surprise due to all of the meetings and consultations and doctor’s visits he needs to complete before they can do the surgery, but it goes by fast enough, probably due to his father’s presence. Or more his father’s money’s presence. He knows that he’s lucky, and can barely even remember the annoying process by the time he’s out of surgery, and on his way to healing again.
They had scheduled everything so he’d be able to go back to school on time, still finishing up the last of his recovery, but healed enough to do the rest of it on his own. As someone who already had a lot of confidence, getting top surgery makes David feel like he’s on top of the world.
His parents take him on a huge shopping trip before he goes, order him everything he adds to his college wishlist on Amazon, and help him pack up his car when it’s time for him to leave. They hug him goodbye, reminding him to be safe, and smart, and to focus on his work but also to have fun, and to call them if he needs money or food or anything. He waves them on and hugs them both quick, too excited to start this next phase of his life to stay and chat long. He gets in his car, starts the engine, and laughs hysterically as he pulls out of the long driveway.
And of course, he thrives there. Being raised in the family he was, he knows how to network, how to get himself out there in the exact ways he wants. The first person he meets is his roommate Jonas, a nice guy around his height with curly brown hair. They bond quickly over the fact that they both brought tons of music posters to hang around the room, and Jonas doesn’t even blink at the trans flag he places in a cup of pens on his desk. He’s perfect.
His classes are easy for him, and more fun than he expected, even the ones not relating to his major. He speaks well, has always been a good student, and gets on all his professor’s radars within the first few weeks with how articulate and insightful he is. He jokingly thinks to himself after getting praised one class for his eloquence, thank god for private school.
He joins as many clubs as he can, too. One for photography, making a note to look for the nice camera he had gotten one Hannukah, some kind of club that he ends up dropping because all of the other guys in it are the type of film bro that David always swears to never become. He also joins LGBT clubs, one for trans people specifically and one more general, and blushes when he’s asked to join the Burlesque club, turning the invitation down with a pleased smile. He makes friends fast through all the clubs, quickly finding people in each of the little niches he was forcing himself into. He tells all of this to Amira with a proud grin that falls the second she decides to start calling him Mr. Popular.
There are other things he does well in, up at school. He’s a little put off at first, how quickly people are to come up to him with small, private smiles already on their faces, touching his shoulder and laughing even when he doesn’t say something funny. The people who would squish themselves up against him at meetings, or put a hand on his arm to ask him a question about something in class. He can’t say he minds the attention at all, feel a little bit in his own cocky way like some prince with suitors parading around his castle doors. It only goes to his head a bit.
That stops a couple months in, when he starts actually noticing the girl in one of his only non-film classes that had been making eyes at him since the first week. Their professor always has the class sit in a circle to “better facilitate discussion” or whatever, after David notices her looking at him, a small smile on her face with her eyebrows raising when she sees him noticing her,, and they spend the rest of that class, raising their eyebrows at each other and smiling, daring the other not to laugh.
David catches her on the way out of class a week later, and finds out that her name is Amelia, finds out that she has one dimple on her left cheek that gets bigger when she laughs, and finally finds out that yes, she’d love to get lunch with him. She has hair that she tells him she dyed the mixture of greens and blues one night when she was drunk off of a bottle of wine and found her roommate’s leftover dye in their bathroom. She
When David gets back after his first year is over, he feels accomplished. He had done fantastic in all his classes, had clubs and friends to return to once the next year started, and as he drives home, music blasting in his car, he realizes he’s excited to have some time off.
When he gets back both of his parents are waiting by the door to greet him, proud smiles on their faces as he tells them about finals, and how much he misses his friends and Jonas and his girlfriend, that he’s definitely going to be inviting some of them to the house over the summer, and that he needs a new pair of headphones because he lost his good ones in the chaos of moving out. He feels like he’s rambling, but he’s excited to see his parents and actually talk to them again.
They tell him that they want to take him out to dinner to celebrate him finishing his first year and doing so well, and he runs up to his room to get changed at their insistence. He would’ve been happy just staying at home, ordering something from the local Mexican place that he’s been missing, but he know if they have an idea for something more celebratory he won’t be able to stop them. That’s confirmed when his dad calls up the stairs that they have a reservation at the most expensive restaurant in his town.
He gets into the backseat of his dad’s truck, buckling himself in and quickly taking his phone out. He wants to see his friends as soon as he can, and had promised to text Amira when he got home. He opened his conversation with her and started typing.
David: Hey, sorry I didn’t text sooner, my parents wanted to take me out and they’ve barely given me time to breathe
As he waits for a response, he realizes that he should probably text his girlfriend, too. He snorts at himself for not thinking about it and opens his messages with Amelia.
David: I’m back!! You’re probably still driving so keep your eyes on the road and text me when you’re home <3
He gets a text from Amira just as it sends, and he switches back to that conversation.
Amira: Ah yes, your best friend is much less important than a fancy dinner David: 🙄
He was going to send more but before he can, his mom sighs, and he hears, “Oh look, we haven’t gone there in so long!”
He picks his head up and looks out the window in the direction she’s staring, and they’re at a red light so David has time to realize that it’s the restaurant his dad owns. He tilts his head, biting the inside of his cheek, and goes back to texting Amira, and checks to see if Amelia responded.
“Maybe we can go another night,” his dad says, turning his head just enough to catch David’s eye over the back of his seat, “we need somewhere fancier, our son just finished his first year of university with straight A’s!”
David smiles before casting one more look out at the restaurant as his dad starts driving again, and once it disappears from sight he turns back to his phone. He doesn’t like to think much about the restaurant, though he knows the reason they haven’t gone in a while. He doesn’t like to think much about that reason, either.
After Matteo was sent to live in Italy, David had a rough time dealing with it. He had lost his best friend, the one person he could talk to about all of the new and terrifying thoughts that were just beginning to drift through his head, he lost him before he even had a real name for him to know. He was angry, at the world for taking him Matteo away, and then at his parents for refusing to let him talk to Mrs. Florenzi about it.
“You don’t understand,” they said to him one night, after he had gotten so frustrated he had kicked a hole through his door and thrown everything off the desk in his room, “yes, you lost your best friend, but she doesn’t have her son with her anymore. If you ask her about him it’ll just make it worse. We know you miss him, but this is for the best.”
He didn’t talk to them for weeks. After about a week of complete silence in the house Laura stormed into his room with the intent to yell at him over something, and it all boiled over. He started crying the second her glare focused on him, and then he started talking. He told her about how Matteo was the only person who understood him, didn’t question what he did or said or called himself, just offered support and companionship no matter what. Through his tears, in a shaky voice, he explained to her that he was a boy, that it was okay if she didn’t want to talk to him anymore but he couldn’t deal with only one person knowing, especially if he didn’t have that person anymore.
She had sat on the edge of his bed and listened, nodding along until David could breathe again. She thanked him, told him that it was okay that he was angry, and asked if he had a name he wanted her to call him. He had hung his head, ashamed that his answer was no. She had nodded at that too, and said, “Well, we’ll find one then.”
David sighs at the memories that had come flooding back at the sight of the old, slightly dilapidated restaurant, and texts another friend. His dad orders a bottle of wine at dinner and pours David glass after glass, until his mom cuts him off with a tipsy laugh of her own, and he’s smiling with red cheeks when they leave later that night, stumbling to the car on steady legs as his parents laugh fondly at his state.
He collapses into bed that night with an urge he hadn’t felt in a couple of years. He takes his phone out and unlocks it after a couple of tries, ignoring the messages from Amira from earlier and opening Instagram. He gets distracted commenting on a friend’s post, but then goes to the search page and hesitates before typing in Matteo Florenzi.
He’s done it before, of course, tried to find him on every new social media site that popped up over the years, and he’s never found anything. That’s why he sits back up in his bed, his jaw dropping open as he sees an account called matteohno, and sees the profile picture, sees that he can almost recognize the face in the tiny circle, and he clicks it.
There are more pictures than he expects. He scrolls to the bottom, trying not to get ahead of himself, and clicks on the first picture he sees. It’s tagged with the name of some restaurant, as far as he can tell, and Matteo is in frame, David can tell it’s him. He has the same button nose, same floppy, dirty blond hair, same half smile on his face like he’s waiting for the right time to let a full one out. David lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
He scrolls through all of the pictures, his heart tightening each time Matteo is in them. The memories that have always been hard to think about, of a little boy, sensitive, quiet, happily following David’ lead, were especially hard to reconcile with these new pictures. Matteo looks like he’s grown into himself, more confident in himself or his abilities, David doesn’t know, but it makes him smile and send a pang of something through his chest.
There are pictures of food, and Matteo alone, and Matteo with random other people, all the captions in Italian so David can only guess what they say. He stops when he sees one, Matteo and some other young looking guy, their arms draped over each other’s shoulder as they laugh and each hold up a rainbow flag.
He locks his phone on the image, feeling something strange and nostalgic twist up in his gut, and drops his head onto his pillow. He closes his eyes, thinking back to days full of running through his backyard, hiding from angry parents and talking more deeply about life than kids should be able to.
He wakes up the next day, mid afternoon, with his head pounding and his phone buzzing with a FaceTime call from Jonas.
“Hey, man, is this your shirt?” Jonas asks, and David squints at his screen to see button down shirt he’s holding up, “I think it got lost in all my shit.”
“Uh, maybe?” David says rubbing a hand over his eyes. He blinks them open again and sees Jonas on his screen, smiling knowingly.
“Too much fun celebrating with the parents, huh?”
David flips him off.
“Okay, okay, love you too bro,” Jonas says, chuckling, and then continues, “I have to go though, I just found out that one of my old friends is coming back from Italy this week, I need to call him and yell at him for not telling me.”
David feels his face drop, but puts a smile back on and says goodbye before Jonas hangs up. 
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
I got a lot for you, you don't have to answer all of these 💀. 2, 4, 8, 21, 35, and 50 for Jilly. 3, 7, 10, 41, and 64 for Valkya. And 6, 7, 14, 25, and 52 for Mike. And a large fry 😁
I FINALLY DID ITTTTTT IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! all under the cut bcs ofc its LONG
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
-She has 2 stuffed ferrets shes had since she was little :) she calls them stinker and slinker and she loves them so much. Also a collection of friendship bracelets she pretty much makes matching ones for everyone she likes and wears them in rotation.
4. Are they a good gift-giver? What do they tend to give as gifts? -Jilly LOVES gift giving bcs she naturally hoards and steals shit and then ends up with too much shit, so what better to do with it than give to friends?? You're likely to get anything she can swipe that reminds her of u. Tries to vary it to suit whoever shes giving a gift to but her go to is something like stuffed animals and jewelry bcs thats what she likes best
8. What does their dream house look like?
-She would like an at home gym with giant climbable pillars and hoops and obstacles, or just a house with a lot of land and forest she can run around in. She's also way a fan of hidden passages and secret hiding places, anything she can snoop and weasel around in. No scary basement tho
21. What’s their ideal date like?
-Carnival or theme park! Anything with lots of action and noise and prizes. Shed want to play all the games for hours straight and go on all the biggest rides.
36. Do they trust easily? What would you have to do to earn their trust?
-Yes she trusts easily :/ mayhaps too easily. Her way of thinking is innocent until proven guilty and even then, it takes a looooot to make her start to doubt someone because she wants to believe everyone has good intentions. To earn her trust, being nice to her and other ppl is the easiest way, but she's also prone to trust you if you seem secure somehow or just in charge like a position of authority.
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
-Snacks. On demand. She packs every snack and drink you could ever hope for and stashes up on blankets and pillows too. The type to wanna play my spy and car games and to sing along really loudly to music. WILL stick her head out the window sometimes. Will want to stop at every roadside attraction. Just for fun the reason she might be a bad roadtrip partner is that she talks a lot. And will be loudly singing and sticking her head out the window. And after a while the car will start to smell vaguely of ferret and she might shed.
3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
-Shes really not a jealous person at all, especially not romantically. Shes pretty chill in general. Even so, some times she gets jealous of all the time other people get to spend with Naryu. If Valkya feels like someone else is being prioritized over her shes more likely to act out like a baby ggdghdf
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Women who could kill her and men who are pathetic, but shes open to anything. Has a thing for nerds, goths, vampires, werewolves, short people, assassins, and most importantly people who are easy to fluster. She will bone anything that moves
10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?
-Finishing a good book, especially a series. When shes not in life threatening danger or fucked up out of her mind shes a pretty avid reader. She likes having the free time to sit around a fireplace and snuggle up with a book, though she'll deny it if caught and say she doesnt know how to read hgfdgsd.
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
-Demetria 💀 shed just steal her clothes and stretch TF out of em gsdgdfhsd. Or dress up as herself bcs who needs originality when your famous?
64. Describe what their social media would be like.
- Random memes from the last century all mixed up, millions of selfies and nudes out of nowhere. Drunk posting at 4 am and getting into fights w Dem over dumb shit, subtweeting everyone to start drama. Has thousands of followers and does giveaways of shit she finds lying around her house for no reason but shes bored
6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?
-Shed prefer to have a few close friends as long as they ride or die. Most likely die tho. Shes desperate for frienship shell stalk someone to get to know them really well and then delude herself into thinking theyr besties. Sometimes it doesnt go well but she still gets a meal out of it even if shes sad
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Someone who looks like they're up for fun! Really into alt fashion and people who seem like they dont give a shit. Confidence, fighters, rebels, anyone she can party hard with. Likes people who are interesting and is especially interested in befriending other killers, they have so much to bond about!
14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person?
-Probably Zeke tbh. Since she turned him hes like the only other vamp besides prim she knows and hes always pretty level headed. Probably goes to him for advice on how to make friends and hes like “maybe dont break into ppls houses and drain their victims out of nowhere :/” and shes like “that was ONE TIME and it worked!!”
25. What are their dreams like?
-All chaotic! Theres seldom ever a storyline or anything, just bright colors and random things happening and an overlying sense of panic or dread. Like those images you look at to understand what having a stroke is like, everything is off color and melting and shes usually running away from something. Typically nightmares but about nothing in particular, just disconnected sounds shapes and figures.
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
-ANYTHING to do with twilight. She knows everything about it. Has seen and read is 12 times over and can quote it directly at any time, do not attempt to argue twilight with her. Diehard team Edward forever. If your tied up and somehow the topic of it comes up just pray she kills you soon bcs she will go on for hours and bring out her annotated copies and force you to go through them with her.
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jonbernthalslut · 3 years
ok no ones gonna read this but i don’t care bc my brain is full as shit rn
in age of ultron steve can’t lift mjolnir but in endgame he can so one can ask what exactly changed
civil war
steve knew that the winter solider murdered howard and maria stark bc obviously when he was trying to find bucky he found out everything he possibly could and in age of ultron he’s keeping that secret
how could one be worthy of the power of thor while keeping a secret like that from someone so close to him? obviously he wasn’t but the hammer moved a little. because he was still steve rogers and he was close
and then tony finds out and steve spends the next few years fighting his ass off to save the world and save all of the people he cares about and he doesn’t have this secret anymore and he’s just whole and good. so he’s worthy.
1. darcy lewis was a fucking POLISCI MAJOR and met the god of thunder and now she’s a fucking astrophysicist. and ITS DR DARCY LEWIS WHAT AJ ICON and also she’s so cute i’m in love with her
2. agatha fucking harkness. agnes absolutely knows what’s going on and is possibly behind it. she’s completely off her rocker in the comic books. agnes is the one constantly showing up to “help” wanda. she’s the only one who kind of breaks character and doesn’t freak about it like she literally asks wanda to restart the scene. maybe she created the entire reality and she’s the one doing this
3. whoever did create the reality because i’m 80% sure it wasn’t wanda has an ulterior motive. they obviously didn’t create this sitcom shit to give wanda her happiness. i’d bet money theyre after the kids who in the comics come from shards of mephisto’s soul and are incredibly powerful. the only reason they’d give wanda the family she wants. ie vision and the kids would be to get these children whether to use them as weapons or kill them to gain more power
4. MEPHISTO. okay in the comics this asshole gives her the kids and i cant remember if he wanted to weaponize or kill them. either way i’d bet the kids aren’t identified because they weren’t real before west view. aka they were created within the anomaly. in the comics everything he does drives wanda so mad she breaks the multiverse
5. multiverse. in the comics wanda breaks the multiverse. it has been confirmed she is connected to dr stranges multiverse of madness which begins after wandavision season one. i personally think that wanda will break the multiverse (possibly having something to with evan peters pietro (peter) maximoffs appearance in wandavision (the x men could join the mcu seeing as disney bought out the franchise)
6. vision. so i don’t think vision is a corpse anymore. i also don’t think he’s connected to the mindstone at least like he was. vision has shown sympathy before but the emotions he shows in wandavision (especially episode 5) is something more. he’s never gotten angry at wanda like he did. he’s never been confused like he is. vision has never been unaware. i think someone else brought vision back, either agatha or mephisto or some other villian marvel will bring in. before episode 5 vision has never really questioned this reality before but something changed and i can’t really pinpoint what. honestly if anyone figures out what’s going on i think it’ll be vision
6. wanda has also never shown she has the power to bring someone back from the dead AND if she can, i don’t think she would. when sparky dies and billy and tommy beg her to bring him back she says ‘we cannot reverse death no matter how sad it makes us’ and wanda has seen so much death in her life. her parents, pietro and vision. not to mention all the people she killed in lagos and everyone who died in sokovia in age of ultron. not once in her grief of pietro is it shown she tried to bring him back.
7. wanda didn’t start this. she literally says in episode five ‘i don’t even know how any of this staryed’ so maybe mephisto or agatha promised her vision and a family to sort of trick or sate her to get what the want. wanda has been thru a lot yes but nothing so far has pointed to her losing it like this. if it is wanda then it would have to be a complete character change because the wanda we know so far would never enslave and warp people’s minds like this, so permantly (so far) and so widespread. she would be essentially holding an entire hound hostage which just seems out of character for the girl that killed the love of her life, who begged her to, just to save the world. also when she re-enters west view after giving the drone back to sword the force field goes from the blue we’ve been seeing to red indicating someone else’s power is present.
8. pietro!!! so obviously it isn’t the pietro we know. it’s evan peters pietro which is leading to me questioning if whoever created this anomaly mahbe has the power to pull people from another universe. it would be really cool if our first introduction of the x men j to the mcu is peter maximoff. either way pietro’s return is further evidence it’s not wanda creating and controlling the anomaly. when there’s a knock at the door she says i didn’t do that. and she is completely thrown off when she sees pietro. she doesn’t even recognize him at first because obviously it isn’t the same pietro. but id bet that like dottie and agnes sword cant identify pietro either since he probably wasn’t somebody that existed in this universe. i don’t think peter maximoff would willingly work with someone like mephisto or agatha unless he was tricked but i’d bet he literally just doesn’t know what’s going on
9. monica woo and darcy!! i don’t really have many theories about them but i am very very glad that these characters who were previously just side characters in marvel movies that aren’t as widely appreciated as say iron man or the avengers are being given bigger roles!!! i would definitely like to know why monica is uncomfortable talking about carol though? it’s a very big change from the monica we met in captain marvel.
10. hayward. man this guy SUCKS. the only other person we’ve reallt seen talk about wanda like he did was thaddeus ross when he was trying to get the avengers to sign the sokovia accords after lagos. he calls her a terrorist and brings up her history with hydra, talks about the people she killed in lagos and basically insinuates that she’s a villain (which darcy and woo visibly disagree with as id imagine a lot of people do seeing as wanda was key in defeating thanos and bringing people back from the blip, helped save the world after ultron tried to blow it to hell and earned the trust and respect of earths mightiest heroes) i wouldn’t be surprised if he works for hydra or even aim if that makes its presence in the mcu
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reineyday · 3 years
some feelings abt touya and bnha 302 in general! (long post)
jesus this whooooole chapter makes me so so so sad for touya, like he's canonically a crier and i just have all these images now of him crying off to the side while enji looks at his other kids and gives them the time of day. knowing that he was/is a frustrated crier makes the fact that dabi cant cry cuz of his burned tear ducts that much sadder ohhman
one of the things i cant get over is how touya was SO shunned by his dad that when he went to go tell enji about his fire turning from red to blue, he says "i might be as awesome as shouto sooner or later!" like?? this boy is 13 and shouto is 5 yet he's talking like the brother that's eight years younger than him is better than him and thar it's just a fact. the sky is blue, enji wants to beat all might one day, and shouto is better than the rest of his siblings. nevermind that he's only five and just wants to play with his siblings (and dont even mention to me how shouto says he wants to play with "touya and them" cuz im gonna fucking cry abt it. like even though touya's accepted he's bottom of the ladder in this family, shouto clearly wants some sort of acknowledgement from his older siblings and especially his older brother. IM FVCKN SOBBN). enji has made it clear in this family that shouto was what he was looking for and everyone else is not as important, and i knew this from shouto's pov but it's kinda wild to see it implied so casually in touya's words.
"you'll be glad you created me! i just know it!" HOLY SHIT. god my heart. oh my fuck. literally all enji had to do was show up to the fucking mountain, and he couldnt even do that? what the hell?? your son asks you to go to the mountain, you tell your wife not to let him go traim but she said she couldnt stop him, and instead of going yourself to make sure he's okay and BECAUSE HE ASKED YOU TO COME (and with an actually valid reason, no less! fire changing colour is kind of a big fucking deal!!!) you just?? let him go and let him stay there??? my god the amount of times touya must have burned himself and the trees with tears in his eyes. ahhhHHH!!!
what kills me (and touya too soon?) was that we thought before the back story started that enji forced touya to train till he burned up. then when 290 came out--and definitely after 301--we thought maybe touya overtrained himself and burned up. and sure, he was definitely overtraining, but to find out that the burns that "killed" him started just bc he was crying so much he lost control and didnt know how to ease up on his flames? he was upset and literally trying to get himself to stop crying, and then he just set himself aflame and burned up cuz of all his emotions??? that HURTS. holy fuck.
i cant believe natsuo's feeling lowkey guilty for not socking enji in the face like he wasnt EIGHT???? and let's be real, enji woukdnt have fucking listened to natsuo telling him to talk to touya--he already wasnt listening when touya would straight up say "look at me" and when even rei said touya just wanted enji to look at him and notice him. listen, i know sometimes miscommunications happen in families and children are embarrassed to admit they want attention and so their parents remain unaware that theyre not giving their kid something they want, but touya was as clear as can be on MANY occasions, and even rei agreed touya needed the attention and enji just wasnt listening.
also i know there was discourse abt touya being sexist by telling natsu that "the women in this house are good for nothing" and mb it was partly diff translations cuz i feel like saying "this house" makes it specific to rei and yumi instead of all women everywhere, but even disregarding that--i think it's a valid thought for him to have when rei wasnt standing up for him (where he could see, at least) and yumi admitted herself that she was too scared to interfere and so just tried to fix things and keep appearances. i feel like based on what touya's seen from them, it makes sense that he has that opinion. (also gonna mention that i think rei's and yumi's choices also make sense and i think they were valid, seeing as how they were afraid as well.)
and poor natsu being woken up in the middle of the night (what was implied to be often enough, esp cuz it seemed they share a room and their futons are close) bc of touya's pain. that's a lot of emotional responsibility for an eight year old, and it is also so sad that at 13, touya didnt have anyone else to turn to but his kid brother. at 13, i remember being fully aware of the distinction in maturity between an 8 year old and myself, and it sucks that touya couldnt go to anyone but a younger child with all his pain. i bet yumi being too scared to interfere translated to touya as "she wouldnt help me" and thats another reason he didnt go to the 2nd oldest when he needed to vent. (also not related to this but how the FUCK was natsuo so tall at 8 years old? wh a t)
this chapter. this fucking chapter. my heart aches for touya, and it's just such a huge fucking shame he didnt get the attention and validation and support he needed. there must have been workarounds so that touya could safely use his quirk. there weere DEFINITELY better ways to support your son through a self-destructive quirk, ways that involved actually being there and seeing him. i feel like if someone showed him the attention he needed and talked him through how to better control his emotions (and by extension, his flames) and a positive and healthy way, he could have been someone so great. and if he ever learned how to set aside the way he felt infefior to shouto and saw that shouto just wanted to play with his cool older siblings, it might have been really beneficial to see that there was someone there who thinks he's cool and gave him attention just bc he was an older brother, who needed him when everyone else in the househild didnt seem to need him.
and lastly, the fact that the chapter ends with rei saying that shouto is the family hero and that shouto will have to face dabi?? and it makes me angry that shouto has to take on that responsibility. that he was five and suffering for things he wasnt even a part of, couldnt be properly aware of, bc he was so young. he just saw that he was separated from his siblings and that his dad bullied his mom, then grew up shouldering enji's heavy goals and high expectations and abusive training alongside the barely-there memories of his older brother who died (i say barely there bc if natsu didnt even know shouto liked cold soba, shouto was definitely not around enough to have solid memories of touya before he "died"), and now he has to do the emotional labour of fighting his villain brother (who i bet shouto lowkey empathizes with when he thinks abt it late at night) as well as suffer the physical consequences of that agni kai. and it makes me angry that he has to do that, bc he's a Good Guy and he probably feels he has some sort of filial and familial responsibility. he's only 16. he just wanted to play with touya and them, and now he has to deal with this horse shit dabi's causing cuz his dad's an emotionally neglecting asshat who couldnt see past his dumb fucking ego until he saw shouto play with a bunch of kids during shou's remedial exam a decade after his eldest son burned himself to death. what the fuckety fuck.
lastly, since we saw touya burn uo the way he did... did he really just like... burn so much his jaw fell off, and that's how they found the jawbone? cuz holy hot (BURNING too soon???) damn that must have been painful as all hell. i wonder if next chapter we get to see if someone found touya at the park and helped him out and sorted out the jaw bone thing, or if we finally get to see if deku wakes up lol.
anyways this chapter hurt my heart big time, and i kinda wanna draw kid touya crying while being overlooked by his family to let out some of those feelings but we'll see.
and i still stand by my idealistic and naively optimistic hope that dabi gets redeemed and they soend some actually time together as a family (without enji. or at least, with an enji that has apologized to touya in seiza. like, forehead-to-floor apologize.)
does this hope sort out how dabi redeems himself, seeing as how he's murdered people in cold blood and shouldnt be excused for that bc those actions are also inarguably terrible? no. not sure how he could redeem himself for that kinda stuff honestly, but it doesnt mean i dont still somehow want the todoroki sibs to get along, cuz im weak for mending families.
also id like to send a huge kudos out into the world to rei todoroki for being firm for once and for also not running away from her mistakes like her asshole husband has been. i really admire and respect that. she was afraid and being abused, but now that she's been away from enji and has had time to heal, now that her and shouto are in the mend and she's seen that her eldest son is alive and a villain, she's a place where she can acknowledge that even though she was a victim too, she played a part in touya's emotional neglect and she's taking responsibility and that speaks to some incredible fucking strength. damn.
i hope one day that dabi realizes the same in regards to his mother and natsuo, who shouldered a lot of his emotional pain and suffered the consequences of his outbursts (even though his emotions are valid and his outbursts understandable, he still hurt rei and put a lot of pressure on natsu), and i also hope he sees that for all that he hates his father, his whole existence revolves around enji and it's a shitty place to be (and then he'll have ANGST abt it and that shit will be!! so good!!!)
yeah i think those were all my feelings. i had so many lol. their family situation is so difficult, i hope they all turn out okay and alive and healing.
oh i guess i also wanted to say that i kept calling enji an asshat and asshole cuz he was for sure, but i still think his redemption is valid and im glad he's taking those steps to be a better person by being a better father. i dont know if id want his family to forgive him for all that horrible shit he put them through (im personally hoping that no matter what anyone else does, natsuo will choose to to cooperate in the healing of his family as a unit but will never forgive enji) but i think it's good of people to try to be better than they were yesterday regardless of whether or not they get forgiveness. i dont personally like enji, but i dont hate that he's getting a redemption. i just hope it's a redemption that makes sense and forces him to put in the work, and isnt something like a death sacrifice for shouto or dabi. i want him to be alive and i want his redemption process to hurt like a fucking bitch while he forces himself to make better choices and be a better person, cuz redemption isnt supposed to be easy in the slightest. i GUESS all the crying he did in 302 was a good start.
anyways, if for some reason you read all the way down to the bottom--hello! and thanks for reading haha. cheers! :)))
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no-worshiped-roads · 3 years
Alright next part of mutant au
Zuke has finally arrived to eve’s district and boy does the conversation go south fast
Eve is just... so angry
She makes it clear she thinks zuke abandoned her and zuke has no idea what shes talking about
Most of this fight is dodging and talking/arguing
Thing is zuke and eve had been running away ftom horrible humans that kept them prisoner, at one point they wind up seperated
While running zuke fell down a cliff and the humans presumed him dead, he survived obviously but eve was recaptured while he was out
Some mutants from vinyl city found him and brought him back to be healed
By the time he woke again 3 days had passed and he had no idea where he was
He also found the humans were long gone with nadia from his rescuers
It took another week to heal and he’s got back problems from it
At some point, about 2 weeks later tatiana rescues nadia from the humans
She had been outside of the city making sure they were far away cause they had been close to discovering them when she found them with nadia
After rescuing her and taking her back to the city she gave her time to heal
It took nadia a long time to trust anyone again because to her, it seemed zuke abandoned her and saved himself
Especially when years passed before they had contact again (nadia learned he was in the city but zuke didnt know till after mays kidnapping given that she went by eve)
Zuke actually has to start fighting back which doesnt help especially with a particularly hard blow is landed on her head
It isnt till after eve retreats into her own dimension that theyre able to talk things out, somewhat. Eve at least understands he didn’t abandon her but she seemed really disoriented
Zuke asked her where may was and she seemed to be even more confused when he heard may shout
He left her dimension in a hurry to try and find may, since she was defeated, her other dimensions should have disappeared and dumped their contents back into reality
Unfortunately by the time he gets to where he heard may theres nothing. Just some scorch marks leading out the door
Kliff calls and tells him he needs to go and face the head of nsr, tatiana, in order to get may back and stop all of this
It later occurs to zuke as hes heading to face tatiana that kliff called him and knew what happened
Without zuke telling him
During the talk with eve tatiana had shown up. It didnt take her long to track down where may was held. After a bit of a scuffle, cause may did not go down without a fight, she was able to winnand knock may unconcious.
Thing is while may is strong she has poor control. And tatiana is stronger. I mean fire and time powers so. Yeah.
May wakes up in a chair at nsr tower on the upper floor. Before her with their back turned is tatiana.
“Awake i see.”
May finds she cant move desite not being tied down or anything.
“Dont bother. I used my time abilities to freeze your body in place. You will wait here for our meeting.”
“M-meeting?” May cant help but to feel nervous.
“You dont think i run this on my own do you? I have an individual at my side that needs to meet our newest members of nsr. And help to prepare them.”
“Im not gonna to join nsr! Zuke will bust me out of here and-“
“I plan on him coming. He’s a perfect addition as well. Since you two seem to make a good team, i’ll likely put him in your district.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To protect others.”
“No? Why are forcing them into this, taking them away if they dont want to? Why-“
“Enough. Your friend has arrived.”
Zuke manages to get up to the tower, finding that these fights are a lot harder without may. He sees may in the chair and goes to rescue her only to be stopped by tatiana. The two fight eachother, with zuke barely being able to avoid losing. Zuke gets knocked down but before tatiana can freeze him too may attacks from behind.
Zuke managed to fight her long enough that she was letting her power on may slip till may could move again. The two fight her side by side till they win. With a very disoriented tatiana on tge fround they realized that all the artists seemed confused and lost after their defeat. As they wonder that out loud, a voice interrupts them.
Kliff shows up at the end of the fight congratulating them for helping form a new nsr. And joining it as their newest members.
Theyre understandbly confused when this happens, but dumbfounded when kliff reveals who they really are
Theyre the real head as nsr as they revealed, and kliff has been controlling everyone by force
kliff is a psychic genius, but his powers arent strong enough to control so many prople, much less ones as strong as the nsr artists
So he made chips that went in heads to amplify their powers, mainly his mind control powers, and when he hot a hold of sayus team he was able to make them upgrade the chips, but had no need to use em yet
However the chips had been wearing off, and he no way to get the update into them cause they had weakened do much he was shut out unless the artists were severly weakened
Kliff tricked b2j into fighting nsr to weaken them so the chips could be reprogrammed to be stronger, while simultaneously getting the two out of hiding so they can be controlled as well
Zuke is still confused but mayday stiffens remembering the injury she woke up to in eve’s realm
“Seems one off you figured it out”
He activate the chips and while its a bit useless on tatiana given how weak she is, it works well on mayday
Zuke is frozen st first seeing mayday gets into a fighting stance at him and is blown off his feet when she attacks
Zuke mainly dodges and tries to talk to her as she attacks mercilessly
Zuke is reluctant having to fight her but when nothing he says snaps her out of it, he realizes he has no choice
The fight isnt easy as mays powers out match his easy in power
However he has one advantage over her
May is strong, but has poor control over her powers
So he uses that against her to make her powers backfire on her till he manages to win
She collapses to the ground and doesnt move and this freaks zuke out till he finds her pulse
Kliff part 2
Now zuke is beyond pissed, with may out cold by his feet
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Kliff (k): see you will be a perfect canidate. Tatiana was right, you two make a good team.
“Why are you even doing this?!”
K: humans are vile disgusting creatures that hunt torture and kill us for sport or entertainment or some bullshit holier than thou attitude, pretending they were some kind of savior for humanity!
K: I am going to build up the strongest mutants and unify them, to protect the weaker who cant fight back. And any human that dares to stumble across here? The artists will KILL them.
“Wtf kind of logic is that?! Youve taken away their will and are trying to make them into killing machines!”
K: hah. It doesnt matter if you understand, you just need to obey.
“You know for someone who hates humans so much, you sure sound like some ive met before.”
This pisses kliff off and the fight starts though its not much of one
Like i said kliff is a weak pyschic relies on controlling stronger mutants in order to get what he wants
So he’s easily beaten
So Kliff activates something on the satellite, it was meant to send out a beam over the city to control everyone all at once
But it wasnt ready and kliff causes it to short circuit and fall
Zuke panics cause hes the only one at ready to stop it but then tatiana and may start coming around, cause when the satellite went out of commission so did the signal that Kliff was using to amplify his powers and control over them
It mostly happens like it does with thr original game in stopping the satellite including kliff getting smacked, but with more confusion because Tatiana doesn’t really know who they are since she’s been under control for so long
They stop the satelite and kliff keeps trying to fix it so he can regain control before eventually slinking off
The end kind of has them all talking and figuring out what’s happened and where to go from there
They keep nsr around but allow others being controlled to go free once their chips are removed and actually make it a place of protection, rather than the oppresive fear it had been before
And there is a lot of aftermath stories if you all have questions about them
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
i have the text dump, it has lots of lore and will probably break the text limit-
so basically they first meet in act 1 of the main plot (tm) which is really just adventure to go stop odd thing thats happening (idk exactly what atm but thats not really important).  Jarcian is basically a knight whos working for an unknown(at the time, we'll get to it later) person, and he has been tasked with impeding the progress of the main group.  how does he plan to do this? well, despite literally having troops at his disposal (who all adore him and are 100% loyal to him, they love their goofy captain), of course he challenges the main character group to a one on one duel, because he is just a goofy villain who fights fair and lives by his honor.  Of course Taiana accepts his challenge, being a knight herself, and they proceed to have a draw.  Out of respect, and because he's lowkey thrilled that someone has taken him seriously for once, Jacian concedes and retreats for the time being, but not before he and Taiana declare each other to be rivals (with like 75% of the main group just being so done with both of them and wanting to leave).  They have a few more encounters after this, with taiana always insisting that they take up his challenge fairly rather than just like have everyone defeat his forces because she feels he's not a bad guy and actually at this point considers him a friend, and after a while Jacian begins to think that he might be developing feelings for Taiana, which he really doesnt know how to feel about so he consults his second in command, Anton (short for Anthony; this man is just a side character but he is like the best side character ever and im 100% giving him a unique design bc he's just like the most supportive dude ever-). i plan on making a short comic based off the conversation they have but basically Jacian has his suspicions confirmed, and goes full panic attack and sad mode bc oops literal forbidden love this is so sad : pensive : .  There are like 2 more encounters between the main group and Jacian's group, both of which Jacian is just like being very obvious on accident but taiana has no idea what a social cue is so she just doesnt pick up on any of it, and then major plot shit happens and we're onto part 2.
in part 2, things get kinda angsty and really can split off in 2 different directions, with one being significantly less angsty than the other. basically, shit goes down, and all 3 of the main kingdoms are all just kinda in conflict now.  Taiana ends up becoming the queen of her kingdom (called Serenia) and, despite her appearingly newfound confidence and leadership skills, she is internally in turmoil due to previous plot events (and this only gets worse with future ones) and is beginning to fall into a state of self doubt due to the pressure she puts on herself to protect everyone coupled with the fact that she cant, and failed to protect her own father and brother.  After a bit of rebuilding and strategizing, Taiana decides to lead a counterattack against the neighboring kingdom of Grysia who's king, Natalio, has basically backstabbed every other kingdom and had invaded Serenia while the main group was out doing other stuff (his son is also part of the main group, and some real shit happens there but thats another tale for another ramble-).  It turns out that Jacian serves him, and is having one hell of a moral struggle right now.  His knights honor forbids him from betraying his lord, but he's unsure if he's truely doing the right thing as he's been complacent to so many inhumane atrocities that Natalio has preformed.  But in the end he decides that he must stick to his duty to the very end, no matter what (and let me just say, once natalio shows his true colors he does some bad shit, like really damn bad. but again, another disscussion for another day).  Eventually, the main group is pretty much on the castle's doorstep, and so Natalio makes the decision to send Jacian to put a stop to them. More specifically, to their leader, who at this point is Taiana.  Jacian of course, really doesnt want to (but as he later figures out, Natalio knows of his crush and plans on having the two destroy each other, with the result of one being killed and the other being emotionally destroyed. as I said, natalio is a very bad man), but his duty commands that he must, and so he tells Anton to make sure his troops escape the conflict together, and heads off to his final duel, where he intends to head to his grave and take his secret with him.  When he confronts the main group, he is much more solemn than he normally is, and he challenges Taiana to one final duel. and despite every other duel they had resulting in a draw, this one results in a loss from Jacian.  As a final wish, Jacian begs Taiana to take his life, as he'd rather die at her hands than at Natalios.
now, since im thinking about the plot in terms of it being a game, there actually is a branch in the plot based on a choice made at this point (mainly bc the angsty one is more interesting character development wise but the not angsty one makes me happy and i want to see these 2 be happy together-). so the two choices are basically to take Jacian's life, or to spare him.  ill go over what each choice leads to in order.
choose to take his life:  Taiana tries to take Jacian's life, but she just can't bring herself to.  She already internally feels as if she's lost or come close to losing many of the peopleshe holds dear, and she could never bring herself to kill someone she considers a friend.  Seeing this, Jacian smiles before apologizing to her for everything, and thanking her for the joy she's brought him, before telling her he loves her and taking his own life via stabbing his sword through his chest.  His intent is to save her the pain of taking his life by ding it for him, but this ends up pushing her over the edge, as she blames herself and sees it as yet another failure to protect someone she cared about.  The main group ends up defeating natalio and liberating Grysia, but Taiana is left with menatl and emotional wounds that would leave her unstable for much of the remaining plot. it doesnt help that she eventually realizes that she loved him too.  His former troops, which had deserted the war just as he asked, end up joining the Serenian military, with Anton becoming the captain of the knights.  This mainly leads to alot of character development for taiana, and how she learns to cope with and accept the fact that she cant protect everyone, no matter how much she wants to.  (there also is another really angsty part later bc main villian has some bs powers but uhh we've had enough sad i thinkand this is getting really long-)
choose to spare him:  Taiana refuses to take Jacian's life, to which Jacian retorts that she had to if she wanted to get past.  Of course, she once again refuses as she wont harm someone she cares about, especially when she's already lost people she cares about and is really close to just losing it.  She then states that if one of them had to die, the he should take he life, much to his dismay.  She stands firm on this, and he attempts, but his feelings finally overpower his sense of duty, and he just cant.  but at the same time, his honor won't let him betray his lord, and if he goes back he will just be killed.  He and taiana argue a bit, with taiana trying to convince him to join her before finally breaking down and just letting out everything she's had pent up inside since the the end of part 1 of the plot (different story for a different day)  Jacian lets out some emotional baggage of his own, including confessing his feelings for taiana,which she is completely surprised about.  They talk and mildly argue for a bit more, with Jacian eventually surrendering to his feelings, and vowing to right the wrongs made by his complacency before thanking Taiana for helping him to remember why he became a knight in the first place, and abandoning his old sense of honor to take up arms with the main group and find a new sense of honor, fighting for the people as taiana does rather than just for one corrupt man.  Natalio really isnt suprised by this, and simply says that he'll send them both to the grave by his own hands, before being defeated by the main group with the help of Jacian's troops because yknow, theyre loyal to Jacaian before theyre loyal to the king.  During the 6-year skip between part 2 and 3, Taiana and Jacian end up getting married, and similarly to the other option Anton is appointed captaianof the Serentian Knights, and remains a close friend to Jacian (along with the rest of his troops, theyre his bois).  This mainly leads to more development of Jacian and how he interacts with the other charcaters in the main group, as well as him helping taiana to cope with many of her insecurities and issues, and offering support in a way that none of the other characters in the main group can (i meant to not this earlier as well, she may be very close to other characters as well, such as xayvion, but they just dont understand certain aspects of her personality deep down as well as Jacian does. The two are just a pair of overly excessive goofy knights, and though they may be slightly different they understand each other in a way no one else does).
and uhh thats basically it, this was way more than i meant to write and i really need to go to sleep now so uh yeet- anyways i love these 2, thank you for coming to my ted talk-
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mr-mr-ontheradio · 5 years
Something changed after Jan 2014. Harry changed. Jeff more in the picture. Enter Kendall still hanging by. Minimal Larry interaction. Something happened. Harry's entire look and persona changed. I always thought it was the time that Harry matured and wasn't naive or wide eyed anymore.. More closed off before cameras. Maybe Larry also had some fights, obviously like any couple. What are your thoughts about it??
ok 2014. I've been meaning to make a masterpost about this so thanks for the question.
So 2014 was the Where We Are tour, and the boys were all severely overworked and it SHOWS. Niall lost weight, Louis and Harry both look starved, and Zayn is horrifyingly skinny.
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They look on the verge of passing out during this entire interview especially Harry and Zayn.
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Zayn was ~rumored to be~ struggling with a drug problem and anorexia during this time, and dealing with his own range of drama but I'll keep this on Harry/Larry.
Obviously an easy explaination for the decreased Larry interaction is that they were broken up. And its very possible they are/were an on again/off again couple and 2014 could have been an "off" period but 2014 is also when
Harry got the anchor corresponding with Louis' rope (January)
Harry gets the heart (February) and Louis gets the arrow (March)
The christ-the-redeemer trip where Harry and Louis are heard kissing in the bread van and this picture is taken where they seem like theyre holding hands (May)
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Harry goes to Jay's wedding (July) and holds onto the wedding bracelet all the guests had for the rest of the year, even after it broke.
Louis gets the dagger (November).
Harry sings "Night Changes" directly at Louis during both the Graham Norton Show and the Royal Variety Show (December).
There are a lot of little things/speculation in between but these are the big things I think definitely prove they were still more or less "together" throughout the year. The months we saw virtually no Larry interaction at all were from end of May to End of October, with the major exception being Harry publicly attending Louis' mom's wedding.
It kind of seems like the wedding was a big deal to management (even though I don't think the fandom saw it as proof of anything as much as they were happy to see it happen). But it kind of seems like Louis and Harry had to pay the price for this one because there was a big eleanor presence in the month or so leading up to it whereas before she was barely seen all year apart from one publicized ski trip in February before WWA kicked off. But from the 1st of June until Jay's wedding on the 20th of July, she and Louis were papped twice in paris and once in portugal, she went to 5 or so concerts, she was spotted leaving his hotel twice, she was spotted eating lunch with Louis and Lottie, Louis attended her graduation, Louis took her out for her birthday, and *drumroll please* it was announced Eleanor would be Jay's maid of honor (she was actually just a bridesmaid so they played that one up for the media).
They also brought Paige back breifly in the days leading up to and after the wedding with her posting pics of herself in Harry's clothes on instagram, them attending a party together, them going out to lunch with jeff and the mirror reporting they were dating again.
Meanwhile apart from the stunting, the fandom as a whole was FREAKING TF OUT over the video that was "leaked" at the end of May of Louis and Zayn smoking weed (coincidendally two days after the European leg of WWA had started) and we were being bombarded with articles about bad boy Louis and Zayn, and how perfect 🥰 harry 👼🏼 was 😱 totally 😵 offended 👎🏼 and 😤 against 🙅🏻‍♂️ Louis 😖 and Zayn's 👿 drug addict 🤢 ways 😒.
This wasn't the first time we saw articles about Louis and Harry no longer being friends, but this was definitely a new angle that started to separate Harry and Louis because of an actual reason and it was the beginning of Harry's image being separated from the other boys.
As far as Kendall goes, Hendall seems to have wrapped up in Februrary and then she disappeared for the rest of the year in typical Harry-stunt fashion. Nothing strange there. And when he did hang out with her Jeff was always there. Harry's most prominent "relationship" in 2014 was actually Nadine which didn't even start until December.
Jeff and Harry were definitely attatched at the hip right from the beginning of January for sure. It's not unlike Harry to be like this with new friends though, and he was the same way with Grimmy during the years before.
Jeff is a special case too becuase he's very connected in the industry so I think Harry felt safe with him and it might have comforted Harry to have someone like that he could trust looking out for him. I think Jeff was maybe helping him navigate his way around the utter PR nightmare that was his public image too. He certainly had a lot less "womanizing" stunts in 2014. Jeff might have even been talking to him about taking a break from the band, since 2014 is supposedly when Harry suggested hiatus.
As far as Harry's "look" goes he's literally been changing it every single year. 2010-2011 was baggy pants abercrombie and jack wills. 2011-2012 was the blazers and bowties and the fetus harry hair. 2013 was take me home/fratboy harry. headscarf harry was 2013-2014 until he started wearing those fedoras, then that was his look for a while as his hair grew out and he started wearing the unbuttoned shirts and took on a more hipster/rockstar aesthetic. then he started with the floral shirts and the skin tight jeans leading up to the floral suits and it went from there. Like I said it's never been weird for Harry to completely change his look in a whim. We literally have grandpa harry now.
His persona changed too but really it's not that strange considering he was entering is 20s, 2013 had been hell for him and Louis, he was so overworked that he was probably getting burnt out on the positive side of his life (making music and performing) and starting to resent the negative side of it even more.
As far as being more closed off in interviews, he was probably sick of them since they all ask the same questions and there wasn't much he could say that he hadn't already said. At this point if he'd been in a relationship with Louis for four years then he wouldn't have many anecdotes or side interests that didnt involve Louis or their private life on some level so he might not have had much to talk about. Try to avoid saying "my boyfriend" when you're talking about your life after you've been together for years and years, it's not easy. And he obviously learned the hard way that every thing he says on camera will follow him forever so I think he forced himself to stay quiet rather than risk letting something slip.
In my opinion, overall things weren't really that odd during most of 2014 until november/december when they started Four promo. They were touring most of the year so their lives were pretty out of the spotlight apart from the occasional stunting and Harry hanging out with Jeff in his free time. The changes we saw were typical of someone his position.
I think there were some power struggles behind the scenes based off their little rebellions during WWA ("i have a secret", refusing to deny larry twice when asked directly if there were rumors they wanted to clear up) and 2014 is when RBB started (though i think it was just for fun at the time). Jeff might have been encouraging Harry to stand up for himself against his management or at least teaching him that he didn't have to take everything lying down and he did actually have some leverage.
Jeff also might even have been priming him to go solo and if Louis and the boys suspected Harry was being eyeballed for a solo break out there might have been some tension and I'm sure Louis at least thought that's what was going on. But I don't think it's something they would have broken up over considering at the end of the day Louis has always been supportive of Harry.
I will say that 2015 was one crisis after another though and i think at the end of 2014 we saw that ball start rolling because all the boys looked strung out for the majority of Four promo and Harry was kind of being rebellious as far as maintaining his hetero image with comments like "not that important" and "dont knock it til you try it".
Anyways thats my thoughts on it. I am intoerested to know what you think changed though ?
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lovekatsukibakugo · 5 years
Okay so, in my story, my OC is a double quirked girl who made it into U.A and is in class 1-A with everyone (she took you-know-who's place). She's very taken with Bakugo from the start, though her intentions are simply friendship based. Slowly but surely, over the course of the year and events of the series, her and Kirishima end up as the two who Bakugo is decent friends with. Right around the finals, leading into the summer camp, their feelings start changing, without them really realizing
While at camp, the night before the villain attack, they share a moment when OC sneaks out to get a look at the sky (she loves stars) and Bakugo ends up joining her. She feels a little unsure of how he feels toward her and he states that he doesnt hate her, calling her by her name rather then the usual nicknames for the first time. When theyre attacked, she goes looking for him out of worry, and ends up badly injured during the fight with Moonfish.He insisted on being the one who helped her along when the “protect Bakugo” caravan happens, and her last sight before passing out is him getting kidnapped, as he was forced to drop her. She doesn’t wake up until the afternoon before Kamino, and ends up watching the entire event unfold from her hospital room. After its all over, and they’re sent to live in the dorms, she notices he’s acting off but he refuses to talk to her about whatevers bothering him, what little headway made now gone againAfter the DvK2 fight, she’s kinda upset at him for going off and getting into trouble, especially since she can tell that what ever was bothering him isn’t so much anymore. She feels hurt that he didn’t even attempt talking to her because she’d considered them closer then that. My question is, does she actually have grounds for being upset or should I go a different direction? Note, this would be their first proper bump in their relationship and it might make good angst
Firstly, this all sounds amazing! I think it’s a great build up towards angst. You’ve really set up their relationship before the shift and it shows, so I think you OC totally has the grounds to be upset! To have someone you’re close to suddenly push you away and not want to talk about it is disheartening and I definitely believe that it’s good angst material. 
However, you do as you see fit! It’s your story and I would absolutely love to read it and see what you do with it! I’m so glad I could be of some help to you with this and I hope you find this helpful! You can always ask me for advice on stuff like this, I’m happy to answer! 
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Headcannons for the Group Therapy fic thing cuz it was requested like twice that I continue this so. I might do a fic later, no promises.
This also includes stuff already mentioned in the fic ‘Group Therapy’ which I wrote :D
I know someone else made some headcannons that i kind of base some of these on ? but i read a lot of headcannons so i dont exactly know which are based and what theyre based on. Sorry.
-Eddie has social anxiety and is a huge germaphobe
-He and Stan bond over cleaning things and how neat things should be.
-Eddie is very nurturing and will disregard his germaphobia if it means he can comfort someone
-also very badass ??? Eddie will use all of his first aid kit for his friends and he’ll punch people in the face if they mess with them
-Eddie is the only one that Stan will touch him bc Stan knows that this kid washes his hands more than Richie makes crude jokes and he basically bathes in hand sanitizer so he’s the cleanest
-Eddie is so good at handling emotional episodes and panic attacks that the others go through ?
-Like he’s internally freaking tf out but in the outside he’s so cool and collected that it’s hard to feel threatened around him
-has like friend crushes on everyone ? Like he only wants to date Richie but he loves he others so much that he hates being apart from them
-Stan has OCD and is obsessed with the number three.
-He prefers Stan over Stanley because Stan Uris is three syllables.
-Everything in his room is sorted in three; pants, shorts, and underwear. Polos, button ups, and t shirts. Etc.
-Everything he does is in sets of three and he’s constantly bullied bc of the panic attacks he’ll get during class or when he helps the teacher clean up and ends up sort everything in the classroom into threes.
-Stan’s dad took him birdwatching in an attempt to get Stan out of the house but at the same time keep him in a calm environment and he loved it so much so now they regularly go birdwatching for exactly three hours
-Stan goes to school two hours early so he can arrive at six and he is allowed to leave three minutes before everyone else so he doesn’t have to come in contact with people
-for the first week of school, they forced Stan to try and be like everyone else and it didn’t work ??
-like he doesn’t know what they expected but he couldn’t do anything bc if he wasn’t having a panic attack, he was compulsively tapping his desk or the wall in threes in an attempt to calm himself down
-Stan wakes up at five thirty am every morning
-he goes to bed at nine pm
-it’s like fucking clockwork and if he’s even a minute off, he’ll be hella upset and no one wants to see Stan upset
-Mike has insomnia and stays awake for days on end.
-He survives purely on coffee from the coffee shop located down the street from the school where the rest of the losers go to
-he’s really good at hiding the bags under his eyes by keeping his head tilted forward so the bags look like shadows and no one looks close enough to tell the difference.
-if it gets bad, he uses make up to cover up the bags under his eyes
-he loves talking to people so much ? Especially kids his age bc he isn’t really exposed to anything back at the farm
-he was actually the only one who was really excited to do the group activity
-Bev and Richie were okay with it bc they knew they’d see each other but Mike was excited !!
-new people to meet and talk to ??? Hell yes !
-he and Ben hang out pretty regularly at the library to find history books and discuss them
-they’ve gotten into some pretty awesome debates that would end abruptly bc they’d get really heated and the two boys would start laughing bc they can’t take each other seriously
-Mike likes to draw and he does it mostly when he can’t sleep
-One time Richie had spilled some water on a picture that Mike was drawing and Mike didn’t talk to Richie for a week and a half
-Ben had to convince him that Richie didn’t mean it and that Richie was probably sorry
-of course Eddie made Richie apologize
-it wasn’t very sincere bc Richie + an apology is just a mess
-but Mike accepted it and forgave him nonetheless
-Bill has mild depression and can see and hear a clown (Pennywise) talk about his brother
-no one else can see this thing so Bill feels like he’s tripping balls 90% of the time
-he can see Georgie too which is why he’s so adamant about finding him alive bc he can’t be seeing Georgie’s dead ghost ?? That’s not allowed ??
-Bills stutter had gotten so much worse after Georgie’s disappearance and at this point he just doesn’t talk in public
-Bev steals money from her father for cigs and weed that she buys from Richie because he charges her a lot less then most of the dealers she’s encountered
-she has like three outfits that she wears but that’s it. Don’t even try to buy her clothes bc she just won’t accept it.
-she smokes her sadness and fear away. That’s how she copes and it’s really not a good habit but she doesn’t really care
-Beverly and Richie smoke up on the rooftops during gym class and sometimes whenever Richie needs a break during whatever class bc the boy gets very overwhelmed very easily ??
-Bev is the only person who can tell when he’s getting overwhelmed and since they had every class except for Spanish and geography, she’ll always pull him aside and go for a smoke whenever he looks tense.
-Beverly is such a fucking babe ? Like she does literally nothing and she’s so pretty ? But she hates compliments with a passion.
-only Richie can compliment her without getting slapped
-I’m living for the Bev and Richie friendship tbh they’re like siblings and will die for each other.
-one time Henry Bowers was hitting on Bev and wouldn’t leave her alone and Richie fucking decked him
-Richie left with a black eye, busted lip, some cuts, and some burn marks (curtsy to Patrick) but it was fucking worth it
-Bev is like 10/10 great at making deals. Patrick and her are actually acquaintances bc Bev gives him new lighters when his run out of fuel from terrorizing people and his weed goes missing all the time so she give him some of hers so he’ll leave her alone
-Ben is so fucking soft ?? I love him so much
-he is literally the embodiment of a book, flower, and warm aesthetic
-Ben cares about people so much ? Like he will fuss about his friends eating but then he will forget (or sometimes purposely) to eat
-he’ll be so into writing poetry for someone cough Bev cough that he’ll just not do his homework or remind himself to stay hydrated
-but what’s weird is that when he reads, he’ll be brought back down. Like the self image problems and the forgetfulness temporarily go away
-he’ll be reading a history book that he borrowed from Mike and suddenly he’ll remember that he hadn’t eaten all day and he’ll ask his mom for something to snack on as he reads
-or maybe he’ll be reading a book for school and then he’ll think “shit when was the last time I had some water ?”
-And he spends most of his free time in the library reading or writing so he knows the librarian personally and uses her first name
-he even has his own little place to go with a mini fridge so he has something to eat whenever it hits him that he needs to do shit to s u r v i v e
-Richie doesn’t even want to go to therapy but it’s helping him so he just deals with it
-Eddie and Bev being there is also a plus
-Richie is broke asf so he basically makes Bev pay for his sessions in exchange for weed
-He steals the weed from Patrick and whenever the school decides to have drug dogs come, he just slips that shit right back into Patrick’s locker
-Richie really likes Eddie ?? And he sees Stan as like a little brother that’s easy to annoy
-he’s indifferent towards Ben and Mike bc like he doesn’t interact with them very much but when he does, they’re okay
-Bill is a fifty fifty. Sometimes Richie respects him bc the dudes brother is dead and here he is getting help that’s pretty fucking cool but other times it’s like shit does this kid ever take less then ten minutes to say something ?? And who tf does he think he is telling Richie what he can and cannot say
-Richie has little to no sexual experience so everything he jokes about is purely based off of what he’s read online
-the little experience that Richie does have is making out with Bev while they’re high
-Richie is always the second to arrive (Stans first, he arrives three hours early) and he’s always the last to leave with Eddie.
-he does the same with school, even if he does skip a lot
-he’s really fucking smart tho so skipping class never fucks with his grades
-he tries to stay out for as long as possible bc the boy doesn’t like staying home alone or with his drunk mom
-he has some anger issues
-he and Bev have a thing where every night they go out and break shit
-he really cares about these idiots in his group therapy
-like he could get extremely annoyed with them sometimes but he will fight for them
-Stan was once trapped in a locker by the Bowers gang and Richie was the one who found him
-Stan was freaking out bc he was in an unsanitary locker and he was supposed to have left two hours ago
-Richie calmed him down and took him home
-now Stan allows both Richie and Eddie to touch him
-Stan is basically Reddie’s son at this point
-Richie steals everyone’s clothes all the time and he just walks into they’re house, except for Bev.
-Knocking is not a concept to this kid and it pisses everyone off
-Richie once walked in on Bev and Ben making out in Bens room. He simply smiled and said “wow the new kids on the block poster must be a real turn on for this sex fest, eh ?” and left
-Richie now has a burn mark on his collarbone from Bevs cigarette
-Richie has to take like three different medications and when they were trying to figure out the dosage, it was a rough couple of weeks
-basically these kids are all fucking messed but we love them anyways
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