#she also rlly rlly loves . all the characters from it that annoy me a bit
woolydemon · 1 year
tf:p is popular and probably better quality media in comparison to the rest of the tf catalogue but also everybody is annoying about it and the cgi faces are kinda ugly so I don't like it
#rando thoughtz#i am petty enough to just dislike things bc the fans are annoying i am not above it <3#for example i hate tf:a blitzwing bc ppl are annoying abt him#i also have a bit of distain for megatr.on & starsc.ream for similiar reasons#(though i cant say its hate its more indifference and slight annoyance which is p good considering im a massive hater)#tf.p i will be honest i havent finished but its kinda bc i got bored at a point and fell asleep and couldnt keep up when i woke up#my sister loves the show though (i was watching it w/ her btw) so i will grant her that grace#she also rlly rlly loves . all the characters from it that annoy me a bit#bc of fandom oversaturation to be clear not bc of the character themself#like tfp starscr.m 🤢#and k0bd which ok i am indifferent towards idc. i did buy her k0bd stuff for xmas bc i know she likes them#its just. idc i dont care for the show that much its hard for me to watch#bc again their faces are so weird to me i cant get over it#tf:e got the cgi faces down a lot better like thank god for innovation#yeah i think my problem is. its not earth.spark i just like earth.spark more#OH ESPECIALLY since theres less focus on op & megs And Instead focus on a well written bee and new fun characters#plus a rlly nice plotline abt unity and solidarity between earth & cybertronians which is one of my fav parts of the franchise ok#i know this is like The Opposite of what the typical tf fan wants out of the franchise#but i think we established by now i am not the typical tf fan#so tf:e is my fucking bread and butter this is the ultimate thing i want out of the tf franchise#so yeah to summarize i am just a hater in the tf fandom and i dont like any popular takes on anything here
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catnippackets · 8 months
My sister in law and I once had a very deep chat where she told me she's a bit jealous of how I'm "capable" of obsessing over interests; I got the feeling that to her it seemed like a specific type of joy she would never really know. In turn, I told her that even though I sometimes wish it had an off switch, I rlly can't imagine a version of myself thay doesn't get joyfully hyperfixated on things, since it's so intrinsic to my personality/neuro-chemistry.
Anyways, I totally relate to that feeling of detached embarrassment, but it was eye-opening to talk abt it with her and see that A) some people really admire the capacity for such "passion" and B) some people genuinely just can't have that experience, which seems both unthinkable and obvious lol
I genuinely can't imagine a life like that for myself either. I've gone through periods of time before where I wasn't hyperfixated on something and genuinely I felt like...deeply empty the entire time. As soon as something new entered my life to fixate on I felt like myself again. I definitely have interests and hobbies that I enjoy in a very normal non-obsessive way but it feels so different and they don't feel like...sustainable. like I'm just living off of bread and milk. idk how else to phrase that. because the things I always hyperfixate on are tv shows and fictional characters I kind of just assumed it came with the territory of being an artist, cuz as a creator it's like...this is what I'm meant to do with my life, right? I know I'm supposed to be telling stories and creating characters and exploring concepts through fiction so it makes perfect sense that I'm depressed without any source of inspiration or rejuvenation. Cuz it's inspiring as hell to be hyperfixated on something!! it gives me endless energy and inspiration to create and that makes me feel amazing.
most of my friends are ND too but I know some of them aren't the same as me in this regard and they've even expressed similar jealousy that they're not someone who obsesses over things. it's both understandable and so weird to me cuz obviously you can't pick and choose what your brain is gonna latch on to but like...you haven't even had ONE time in your life where you spent years only thinking about one thing? not even once? that's unfathomable to me, that's like my entire life.
and while I definitely do not enjoy the embarrassment of having feelings and how upsetting it can be to constantly be distracted from real life tasks that take priority and also feeling self conscious and wondering if I even have a personality sometimes beyond my fave video games/shows/movies, I'm really glad that I'm someone who can experience it cuz it really does feel like I'm just sitting around and waiting if I don't have a story to think about all the time. sometimes I hear people talk about how stressful and sad it is that they feel so deeply and I'm like yeah I mean sometimes but like...what about the joy. what about all the love. there's nothing sad about it! embarrassing sometimes yeah but that's worth it if it means I get to be so deeply happy and excited! I'll complain from time to time but never in a THOUSAND years would I ever want to change this about myself. I will take all the embarrassing annoying feelings if it means I get to experience pure wild autistic joy haha
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spacehostilityy · 11 months
rewatching the OVAs (netflix s2)
low key one of my fave intros art wise (we all know howling by granrodeo is my fave intro song lol) like the suits !! are so !! cute!!!
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and this frame is adorable !!
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I love the search for hawk sm theyre all so fucking cute
Meliodas casually dropping “you are my purpose in life” to Elizabeth like a month after they met is INSANE. Bc from his side, makes sense. Fell in love when they were young from opposite sides of a war, risked everything to be together, have been finding and losing each other for 3000 years. But from her side, he is a cool guy she has a crush on (who is at least 15ish years older than her) who she might have known as a child. He also just described her as his entire life’s purpose. Like bro THATS CRAZYYY
Seeing Meliodas destroy the horn of cernunos is such a badass moment to me. The way he responds to her taunting with direct action and violence rather than his usual merciful beating around the bush. My favorite Mel moments are when he is using his silly goofy little guy façade and suddenly has to drop it. This is when we see a glimpse of who he was when leading the 10 commandments: arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage
it just so happens that arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage are my most prized qualities in any character
maybe everyone knew this and im late to the game but damn that would be so cool
im pretty sure ban switches out his red leather for the long burgundy coat is bc he keeps getting stabbed front to back and the coat has a hole in the back so the weapon wont tear it lolll😭
i feel like their faces (esp meliodas’s) look a tiny bit janky in the OVAs
once again appreciating the intro 😌
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They’re so fucking cute !!
Merlin and Ban clearly don’t rlly like each other much yet and it’s so funny to me
Like these are Meliodas’s closest friends and they just kinda annoy each other a lot
it’s like fuckin icarly
Gustav: the captain and one of his fellow sins going one on one? We might neve see something like this again!
hahahahaha nooo. i mean gustav didn’t, he’s dead. but the rest will el ol el
Gil is the biggest dork to ever live and howzer is concerned. Mans is crying at watching them fight and howzer is just like … ok ??
Bartra: where the fuck is my daughter
his daughter: literally watching a cage fight
theyre literally the cutest
bestiesss (boyfriends)
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every one of these bitches is a fucking alcoholic
ban’s whole character is that he’s a depressed, violent alcoholic and I love him
my horrible secret is that im skipping through a lot of ova 3 bc im just not a kiane girlie😔
i do love diane tho she so babygirl
nakaba’s not even thinly veiled size kink strikes again. Seriously, i can fuck with it, but its so funny that every single main ship has a significant/abnormal height difference
hendy and dreyfus are so gay for each other im genuinely surprised it’s not canon
like look at this scene and tell me something lgbt is not happening here
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omg my pfp !!
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Howzer’s dad is such a dick i love it
Meliodas using the sugar spoon to full counter is literally so fucking cute, i love when they have to use dumb weapons
but also vivian lost to a tiny spoon hehe
bet gil regrets not killing vivian after she kidnaps and permanently fucks up his son ahaha🥲
Merlin being fucking terrifying saying that vivian should have realized that she is a monster is why im gay
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Meanwhile Meliodas:
I love when his face does that he’s so baby
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anyway time to start season 2!!
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themissinghand · 11 months
Hello! If your requests are still open, may i ask for a stanley snyder x reader? (fem, or GN) Where the reader is xeno's sibling? It's ok if not though. Just dont get pressured from the requests :) (also, if i may reccommend a manhwa, I suggest you try to read return of the mount hua sect if you like action and murim (it's rlly good trust me), or omniscient reader's viewpoint if you haven't read it already (my favourite) but if you like romance manhwa's with a medieval setting, either "your majesty please spare me this time" (unlike most romance manhwa's the mc in this one doesn't get over their hatred for the crown prince so quickly and and immediately falls in love with them. she's very conflicted and the emotions she feels are well written and she's not always "girlbossing" her way through. fantasie of a stepmother/stepmothers marchen is also a really good one.
sorry i went on a rant there, but thanks for thaking the time to read this and have a nice day/night!
Dr. Stone: "Who Did This To You?"
Requested by: Anonymous
Note: Hey! Requests are open! Thanks for your patience, I really appreciate it. I love to try and write different things so getting requests is exciting for me. This is a bit different from how I write but hopefully I did it justice. Also, thanks for your manhwa recs, I already finished the novel for ORV (literally my fav) and read the manhwa for Your Majesty Please Spare Me This Time. I read a bit of Stepmother's Marchen and Return of the Mount Hua Sect a while back but haven't caught up with it yet. Definitely down to write something for manhwa!
Summary: In which no one messes with Xeno’s sibling and gets away with it. Or there's tension between siblings and Stanley is just a puppy (or is he?).
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader!
Warnings: Will contain violence and swearing. Spoilers for the characters, but no plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
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Jealousy is a mental cancer.
(Y/N) knows it well, especially since they have such an outstanding older brother named Xeno Houston Wingfield.
Unlike their brother, (Y/N) is a troublemaker, a free spirit, and most importantly, a fighter.
Instead of lab experiments and academic competitions, (Y/N) spends their time in the gym and fights street thugs that bullies the weak.
At first, (Y/N) hated their brother, for Xeno always, always cared more about his science experiments more than them, and had the love and attention from everyone.
Also, he always had his best friend Stanley around him to keep him entertained.
Stanley Synder was chill and abnormally attractive, so much so that every time Stanley greeted them, (Y/N) was blinded by his appearance.
So what if he looks good? He was annoying.
No matter how much (Y/N) avoided Stanley, the man would find them some way somehow, and it was frustrating to have a literal man-puppy follow you around!
So (Y/N) ignored both of them out of spite.
But one day, when (Y/N) heard loud curses and the sound of painful grunts from a suspicious alleyway (that they knew gangs and thugs frequent), they rushed in without a thought.
They assumed that the person getting bullied might be the old lady that sold shoes, or the nerdy student at school, or the little boy who saw something he shouldn’t see.
People who are too nice, too vulnerable, and too trusting of their own good.
However, this wasn’t the typical thug that (Y/N) beat up often, they were men dressed in formal suits with bats and batons in their hands.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Who the fuck is this kid?” The smell of cigarettes drifted into the air.
“Get out of here kid, we’re not looking for a fight. It’s this kid our boss has beef with.”
The person they were beating up were also not what (Y/N) was thinking of at all.
They weren't nice, vulnerable, or naive.
So when the person that (Y/N) saw was their brother, slightly beaten up and wet from water, they felt another type of emotion.
But (Y/N) didn’t know why.
“What are you doing here, Xeno?!” (Y/N) clutched their hands into fists.
“Hey, you know this kid?”
“Yea, I know him damn well.” In the next instant, (Y/N) kicked a metal bat out of a thug’s hands and used it as a weapon to fight.
Panic and curses filled the air as people yelled out profanities. But (Y/N) was used to this environment, this situation of 1 vs too many.
“Hey kid. We don’t have any business with you. Just with that fake little NASA scientist behind you.”
(Jealousy is a mental cancer)
(Y/N) never back down from a fight.
“Xeno, run.”
“What? There’s a zero percentage chance that you will win, and a very low chance that I’ll escape anyway! It’s more logical that I-”
(Ignorance runs in our blood, Xeno doesn't know (Y/N))
“There’s a hidden shortcut.” (Y/N) whispered, “Ran back and then take a sharp left, there’s a narrow walkway but you’ll fit through. Then you’ll find an apartment door - knock on it and tell the uncle there that I sent you.”
“What?! How can I-”
“Don’t you always take the logical path? Then do it. Stop being so emotional. It’s not like you care anyway.”
((Y/N) couldn’t see it, but Xeno immediately frowned and a bitter expression appeared on his face for a solid second before he turned and ran.)
“Catch him!”
That was their cue.
In the middle of the all-out brawl, (Y/N) maneuvered their way around like a slippery little snake, avoiding thugs with parkour and fighting back like a wild animal. They threw punches that sent people flying and kicks that sent people tumbling to the ground.
“I know you, you’re that troublemaker!” (Y/N) looked up with an arrogant smirk, and wiped the blood off the side of their lips.
“Yea, I know.” (Y/N) dodged the swing of a bat, and kicked one of them in the balls.
Unfortunately, someone grabbed (Y/N) from behind.
“I got you now-” But little did they know, (Y/N) is not one to be captured so easily. By leaning backwards and kicking the incoming fighters, it sent both of them back from the inertia, enough for (Y/N) to break out of the hold and kick all of them to the curb.
With so many taken out, it was quiet enough for them to hear sirens in the background.
“Fuck! I’ll fucking kill you and your brother the next time I see you!” Seeing them run with their tails tucked behind their ass was satisfying.
“Ha, what a joke. There won’t be a next time.” It took everything for (Y/N) to not fall over from fatigue and explain everything to the police, then they provided the police with camera footage and recording so the police could hunt them down.
The police insisted on bringing (Y/N) to the hospital due to the various injuries they got on their body, but (Y/N) instead just said they wanted a ride home. With a little bit of convincing, the police eventually listened and did as they said.
“Another person jealous of Xeno huh? Not surprised.”
"Xeno Houston Wingfield was the one that called for help." (Y/N) didn't say anything to that but simply looked outside the window.
When (Y/N) entered the house, they immediately went to their room, disregarding the worries from Xeno, and their parents.
“Fuck.” A string of curses left their lips as they tried to treat themselves with a first aid kit. It stings like hell and it doesn’t help when they’re extremely tired.
“(Y/N), it’s me. Stanley.”
“Go away.” (Y/N) replied with annoyance, they don’t need Xeno’s pity or get blinded right now.
“It’s just me.” (Y/N) watched the door silently.
“If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it open.” With Stanley's playful tone, it sounded like something he would do out of spite.
“Fucking- alright. Happy?” Exasperated, (Y/N) opened the door and dragged the annoying prick into their room, before slamming it shut, not caring if Xeno was there at all.
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks Sherlock.” Before (Y/N) could sit back on their bed, a hand reached out and grabbed their arm. With a forceful tug, Stanley spun them around.
“What the fuck-”
Sharp, predator eyes are what shut (Y/N) up.
For the first time in a long time, (Y/N) felt…nervous.
Stanley tilted (Y/N)’s chin up to get a better look at their face and the injuries from the fight. A hiss left their lips, but no words dared to come out when being stared down by those watchful eyes.
(Y/N) was both nervous and confused, just what was happening right now? What happened to the literal man-puppy?
But nothing came out of them in this tense atmosphere.
Stanley gently wipes away the streak of blood by (Y/N)’s mouth without saying anything.
(Y/N)’s heart skips a beat as Stanley finally directly looks them dead in the eye.
Stanley’s voice quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained.
“Who did this to you?”
It took a moment for (Y/N) to collect themselves.
“It’s none of your business.” (Y/N) tries to pry the hand away, but Stanley only tightens his hold.
“Yes it is.”
“Yea?” (Y/N) challenged, glaring at the older man, “And what are you gonna do about it huh?”
For a moment, (Y/N) saw an uncharacteristic violent glint in his eyes, bringing shivers done their spine.
“No one can hurt you and get away with it.”
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yandere-daze · 2 years
not that anon but i think hearing your ideas on self aware enstars would be rlly cool! just like. any general thoughts/ideas you have — everyone has a slightly different take on self aware aus so i always think it's neat to hear about the differences. if that makes sense (also congrats on 2000 followers!!! you deserve them all and it's great to see more people enjoying your stuff!!! :D )
Ahh thank you nana for giving me the chance to write for self aware ensemble stars! This kind of AU has honestly been one of my absolute favorites since the day I discovered it and they´re just so fun to think about! Especially when you add a few yandere tendencies to the mind and now suddenly all these characters in your game actually being concious being is a hell of a lot scarier!
Also as you say, everyone has a different view on things so I´d love if you guys also shared your ideas! They can be totally different compared to mine and still really fun to read!
Self-aware Yandere! Ensemble stars AU
Let me ramble a bit below the cut!
gn reader
tw yandere, self-aware characters, obsession, possession, jealousy
Alright so for ensemble stars, what I have in mind is that we, as the player, have a possession kind of thing going on with Anzu/ the protagonist of the game. As in, Anzu is normally her own person and does all the important producer work that is only mentioned in a few stories while we are gone. Imagine if none of the idols could do any idol work until we are there, the idol industry would go up in flames ajsbdabdk
So yes, she takes on the role of producer in our stead when we are not actively playing the game. Since Anzu does have her own personality and appearance, I think she would naturally realize that she is being possessed by our spirit.
In a bunch of twst self-aware aus, Yuu is usually considered a blank slate that we take control of but I think it´s a bit different with enstars here. Just to be self-indulgent, I propse the idea that Anzu is also self-aware and obsessed with us.
The first time we possess her is naturally at the start of the main story in ensemble stars basic. She´s completely new to Yumenosaki and is easily overwhelmed but then she suddenly feels our presence as we gently lead her through the story and tell her what to do. She feels greatly comforted by the fact that we´re at her side and she doesn´t feel as lost anymore. She considers us possessing her a great blessing and she quickly becomes accustomed to it.
Anzu probably starts to feel empty whenever she feels us leave her body. Everyone is able to see that she´s in a bad mood when she desperately waits for us to come to her again.
Then it´s only natural that the main story is also how the other characters start to grow aware of our presence. They can feel that Anzu is vastly different at times and one after one, they figure out what´s happening. It doesn´t take long for everyone to grow obsessed with you.
You´re the player, a force greater than any of them could ever imagine. You hold their very world and hearts in your hands and have supported all of them for such a long time. They are eternally grateful and yet frustrated that they can´t get as close to you as they may have liked. There´s still this annoying screen seperating you from each other that they can´t seem to get away from no matter how hard they try.
Well, if you can´t be with them right now then they´ll just have to make sure that they´re your favorite in the game <3
Which is where we come to one of my favorite aspects of these self-aware AUs: How the actual gameplay has an impact on the characters. There´s quite a few things to consider for enstars!
First of all, let´s get something very juicy out of the way: Remember how at the beginning of the game you´re able to choose a unit and then you randomly get one of the cards from the selection and you can choose to reroll until you get the card you want? Yeah, that´s prime material for the characters to get jealous.
Naturally, all of them want to be your favorite! And selecting this inital card is the most direct way to determine who is your favorite at the moment. You can bet all of them are nervously holding their breath in anticipation as you make your choice.
And boy oh boy, when you do make your choice. There's going to be a lot of sadness, anger and jealousy from all the other groups that weren't chosen.
The chosen unit is of course overjoyed that you were most interested in them! There were so many to choose from and yet you picked them! That surely had to mean something!
But there was still one last thing to do. Yes, you picked them, but you hadn't gotten your actual "card" yet.
Imagine the pain the character you pull mist feel when they appear on your screen but you go back to reroll because it wasn't the one you wanted 💀
Oh btw, the gacha and the cards? It's the characters dressing up and posing in a way that they think might catch your eye or draw you in and make you pull for them. All the cards have an accompanying story so you pull their card and get it = more time to talk to you. And of course you picking them must have meant that you liked them!
Getting dias isn't all that easy after all and yet you still considered them worthy enough to pull for. You can bet they're actually trying their best to come home to you, they want to after all!
But the stupid, stupid system of the game set the chance to get a 5* as 1%. And it's not even guaranteed that you'll get their cars because everyone else is also trying to get through to you!
Picture it like this: There's a sturdy, almost completely stuck door and they're all just pounding on it, hoping it will open up so they can slip through and get to you.
That's the gacha sjsjs
Conclusion : Not only the player hates the atrocious gacha rate
Another thing : They all see it as the greatest honor if you were to put them on the home screen, that way they can always greet you whenever you open the game and they'll be the first one to see you every day! It also allows for more interaction than during lives or the likes so some might try to sneak in a few lines about how much they appreciate you when they're on the home screen.
You probably won't notice, right? Also if you're the type of person to tap the characters repeatedly then you can be happy to know that they feel that! And they ecstatic about it too! They can't believe they're actually able to feel your touch!
How they react can be very different depending on the character. Some are shy, some bask in the attention and others will *not* stop bragging about it to every person they meet
They love modeling the different outfits you've collected for you so please just don't replace them, nothing feels worse! It's like you've grown tired of them and reject them!
Okay actually, that's a lie.
You know what all of them hate? That you can set two characters on your home screen. That they'll have to share your attention. Some might get along better than others and maybe even be nice to each other, but everyone would be way happier if you just only put them on your home screen!
It's a good thing there's a lot of menuing in the app because that leaves them with a lot of time to bicker, argue, make threats or be one second away from throwing hands while you're distracted. They're all so obsessed with you that they don't want to share with anyone! They barely have any power in the game so at least let them be your favorite!
Speaking of interactions, let's talk a teeny-tiny bit about the idol raising game thingy in ensemble stars basic. Now disclaimer, I've played very few of it and barely understand anything that's going on but you pick some cards to go practice with them and you get points for three different stats during the entire time.
Hard to explain kind of but that's not the thing I want to focus on anyway.
Sometimes, there will be a random little interaction with one of the characters you chose and depending on if you choose the right answer out of three dialogue options, they get a little medal and now get more points for the entire rest of the practice thing.
Are you getting my drift? They get super motivated and excited when you say certain things to them, your praise pushes them to go above and beyond and they just can't stop replaying the scene in their head the entire time
Another thing! The office!! For you it's just a fun little decorating minigame but for the yanderes, it is actual paradise. Have you thought about what you're actually doing for a bit longer?
You're basically building your ideal shared apartment with them! You're decorating everything to your specific liking and invite them to stay in it and love there. Isn't all of this just very domestic??
Well, it's to them! Getting to live together with you is a dream!
It's not so much a dream to share the apartment with others once you unlock the option but they suppose they will somehow handle it as long as you keep making cute outfits for only them <3
I think this was about it now, this kind of just turned into a way too long word salad but I hope you liked it! As I said before, feel free to share your own ideas! I'm also more than willing to try and elaborate more on the concept ^^
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
As a 90s anime lover (nostalgia + the only one I've seen lol), here's a free coupon to rant about what about it you don't like. For funsies
Ikuhara rlly said “how about I change everything about these characters and make them completely opposites of how they’re supposed to be from the manga and make them all terrible”
I could literally complain for HOURS about how Ikuhara completely ruined Mamoru’s and Rei’s personalities esp
Like Mamoru in the manga is so nice and sweet and genuinely cares about Usagi meanwhile he’s a complete dick in the anime PLUS they made him way older than usagi which made their relationship way more creepy??
fucking Rei and Mamoru don’t even interact much in the manga so I??? Don’t understand why they did that???
It’s the only adaptation to make him like that afaik hes manga accurate even in the MUSICALS SO LIKE???
This image rlly shows the difference between both Mamorus
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And Ohohoho Rei Hino. Tell me how they made the characters who says she hates men in almost every scene boy crazy and desperate for a boyfriend (which is Mina’s character trait but whatever) and they also made her a dick too??? Like I don’t understand why they made so many characters be a dick to usagi when they weren’t supposed to be
Also for Rei specifically its so funny bc she has SO many lesbian moments with Mina in the manga, like the iconic “we don’t need men in our lives anymore” scene like???? You’re gonna make THAT Rei obsessed with men….Okay…..
And then there’s seiya,,
And like, whilst it is cool that the 90s anime made her genderfluid in a way (her being a man in her civilian form and changing into a woman for her sailor form) it was ONLY done so that her and Usagi could have more romantic tension (which you still could’ve done if she was a butch/gender ambiguous woman like in the manga? Naoko famously didn’t rlly like and was disappointed by the change which honestly fair bc they changed so much of her story I’d be mad too—)
And also the pairing is just annoying bc in the manga she KNOWS her feelings are unrequited because Usagi is already with someone, she isn’t pushy and respects Usagi a lot, (like yeah she does kiss her but honestly who HASNT kissed usagi like it’s everyone she has those kissable vibes) but in the 90s anime they forced this rlly weird rivalry between her and Mamoru and it’s like???? Stop??? And she’s way a bit more pushy “aren’t I good enough?” it’s just bleh, and what sucks is that in the 90s anime shes a lot nicer than mamoru (HER CANONICAL SOULMATE) so like yeah she would be the better choice for usagi in the 90s anime which just shows the fucking biggest problem of it!! It doesn’t understand the characters!!!
The anime had a weird obsession with making a lot of relationships way creepier
Like Helios and Chibiusa they made Helios rlly creepy and it didn’t help he was voiced by a grown ass man when he’s supposed to be like 12 like???
There’s also smaller stuff like Demande which isn’t small actually and here’s why
Now I don’t remember much of the black moon arc in the 90s anime but from what ik they tried to make him more sympathetic which like??? No???
He forcefully kissed Usagi and had this weird obsession with her (because he thought she was neo queen serenity) and didn’t actually see her past his delusion HE IS BAD
In the 90s anime they removed the forced kiss and tried to say he loved Usagi as a person which like?? Goes against his entire character?? No??? Stop???
The ONLY THING character wise the 90s gets right is Haruka and Michiru, but they fucked up everything else!!!!!!!!!
Watch crystal and read the manga PLEASE its so much better and you can read the manga for free on Miss dream (no ads dw <3)
Anyways them!!!!
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millenari · 4 months
Munkustrap for the ask game? 🥺
1. Canon I outright reject
I CANNOT find the post but there's this one Jack Rebaldi interview where he mentions something about how 'no one likes Munkustrap because he's the leader and nobody really likes the guy always giving you orders' and as much as I love Jack Rebaldi's Munk I just don't agree with that interpretation. Everybody loves Munk. To Me.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
On the flip side of Munk actor interviews, Michael Gruber saying
'[Munk is] entrusted with giving the information to the other, maybe younger cats who have not been to the Jellicle Ball before. He gets up and says exactly what they're here to do. He's also caretaker of the kittens. He wants to make sure everybody's safe; in all the Macavity scares, he's there to protect the tribe. So he is the protector'
about Munk is really fundamental for me and how I see Munk, Munk's role in the tribe, and Munk's role in the story.
3. Obscure headcanon
His owner is an old unmarried lady who lives in an apartment by herself; she calls him Felix and he feels responsible for her bc she 'has no colony'.
4. Favorite line
Michael Gruber's American-ass delivery of 'or hairier' in Pekes is my favorite comedy moment in any and all versions of Cats I've seen, it gets me every time.
5. Best personality trait
He cares, deeply and personally, about pretty much everyone, and never hesitates to put himself out there to assist if someone needs it. He's a natural leader and a quick decision maker even under pressure, but he's still patient and compassionate with everyone he meets-- even when he's stressed or angry, he still makes efforts to be kind.
6. Worst personality trait
Munk physically cannot remove himself from a situation if he thinks he's needed, even if he's actively making it worse. He also is one of those people who refuses to let people just vent at him and tries to solve everyone's problems even if they don't want a solution to their problem.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Munk is shorter than Tugger but significantly stronger than him, so he can just scoop Tugger up in a fireman's carry and remove him from a situation if he's being annoying.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Honestly I think I'm even more normie about Munk than about Tugger. I don't think I have any truly unpopular hot takes about him.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
I do love his part of Jenny's song-- the way he's singing directly to the kittens on the ground, and his section of the song has this lullaby feeling to it that's just so calming and tender. I really love how for that song it's a duet (sort of) between a young dude and an older lady, but the older lady gets the snappy upbeat part and the younger dude gets the slow & sweet part. It really just establishes Munk as this soft and nurturing figure from the beginning.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
Bway revival Macavity fight imo. It's just so damn good.
11. Faceclaim for the role
Michael Gruber is rlly my Munk, even the unique shape of his wig in 98 sticks out to me as a Fundamental Munk Thing™.
In human aus he's kind of this lighter-skinned 'racially ambiguous' kind of guy with dark hair, smile lines, a little bit of stubble, and a frequently worn sweater vest.
12. Crack headcanon
I feel like his human version would be a Beyonce fan, but like in the cringiest middle-aged-dad way possible.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Munk's always been a pretty level-headed and mature guy, even when he was young, so there isn't much that he's done that I can label as 'stupid' except perhaps jumping into dangerous situations to protect someone without considering his own safety first. My hc for how Plato joined the Junkyard starts with Munk running straight into traffic on a busy street bc he saw baby Plato abandoned between two lanes and petrified from fear.
Random ass kitten Munk had never seen before in his life, and he charged right into mortal danger without a second's thought about it. Brave, but also stupid.
14. Most heroic moment
Munk's doing heroic shit all the time. My previous answer is actually a good example, plus, you know, he's tangled with Macavity more than once.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Munkustrap Has Never Done Anything Wrong, Ever, In His Entire Life.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
I don't know if this is 'never admit to himself' levels but Munk wonders a lot if he shares some blame for how Macavity ended up. He and Mac grew up together, and while he always knew his older brother had a temper, he really and truly thought Mac was just rough around the edges, and that he really did care about Munk and the rest of the tribe deep down. But when Macavity betrayed the tribe and started doing Evil Deeds, Munk was left wondering if Macavity had always been rotten deep down, and hid it from all of them for all those years, or if he'd just.... snapped somehow, from the pressure of being Deuteronomy's heir, or something, and maybe there was something Munk could have done to help him before things got too bad.
As is, Munk may never know.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Stress & setting too-high standards for himself, probably.
19. Vices/bad habits
Never resting, for one. He basically never gets enough sleep. It's funny, in my human aus both Tugger and Mac suffer from insomnia, but Munk is oftentimes just as sleep deprived as those two despite being the only Deut bro without insomnia, just because he's always doing things. That man is responding to his work emails at 1:24AM for no goddamn reason.
20. Scars
He's got plenty of scars, most of them not huge, but he's been in all sorts of fights and even if asked he wouldn't even be able to identify how or when he got them.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
I think he drinks wine in one scene in my human/celeb/soulmate fic, otherwise he's a real coffee man.
22. Best physical feature
I don't know what other cats would consider his best feature! By cat standards Munk is a handsome dude, but kind of in a normal, average way. Just, you know, a handsome guy you'd see on the street. Honestly I think his general vibes are his most attractive trait, though that's not physical. But nobody in all the world can look at a large muscular man being sweet and cute and patient with little kids and go 'nah 3/10 for me'.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I'm thinking like... forest or campfire or something like that.
24. Most annoying habit
Asking someone to complete a task for him and then changing his mind and completing it himself before they can get to it.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Again I need more details for this question but a book for sure regardless.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Munk I think is a pretty boring character as far as getting-stuck-in-an-elevator shenanigans go. Except for Macavity, that would probably be interesting. Anyone else would probably just be the two trying to escape together and then rock paper scissors for the next six hours.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Human Munk probably has a variety of snackies he considers guilty pleasures, like special chocolates or whatever. Cat Munk would probably say it's 'oh sometimes I go off somewhere in the Junkyard by myself and just sit for a while and enjoy the silence' and the person he's talking to is like THATS NOT A GUILTY PLEASURE THATS JUST KEEPING YOURSELF SANE
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
I headcanon Jemima as being Bomba and Macavity's daughter, though this is a fact Bomba very much keeps to herself-- she's only admitted it to two people and Munk is not one of them. However Munk.... has eyes & he's perfectly aware of who Jemima's father is, though he's never gotten Bomba to actually admit it. This kind of creates a. .. . not 'weird' relationship, but a kind-of sad one, because Munkustrap knows he's this delightful little girl's uncle but she doesn't know it in return, and her finding out will probably be more devastating than anything, because it would come with the knowledge of who her father is.
So Munk just kind of has to treat Jemima just like he does the rest of the kittens and keep the knowledge of their relationship to himself, though he's always wanted a big family.
29. Eating habits
Munk is a Deuteronomy, so in both cat and human aus he can eat for fucking forever. Human Munk likes to cook and bake as well, and he and Demeter make their dinner together every afternoon, and very rarely order takeout.
30. Sleeping habits
Whoops, I already talked about this. He doesn't sleep as much as he should, but he sleeps soundly whenever he does get around to putting his head down.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Probably politics. Plus some pictures or art or such that he finds interesting.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Kittens being cute will very easily get a smile out of him, though he doesn't laugh-laugh terribly often. One thing people don't know about him is that Tugger suffering something that he 1000% brought upon himself absolutely will get an evil grin or two out of Munk.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Just like Tugger's answer, Deuteronomy's death. Munk's not a big crier I don't think, but when he does cry he's usually pretty quiet.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
Most of these I think would result in Munk throwing himself into his work with vigor to get his mind off of the Bad Feelings. Munk's not quick to anger but he is quick to calm down after an outburst, and his excitement is usually going to be expressed through singing or dancing.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
This man will honestly be like 'yeah the perfect day would be a bunch of relaxation with my tribemates watching the kittens play and so on and so forth' and then refuse to stop working for ten minutes to make it happen.
36. Their favorite season
Late winter/early spring, the time of the Jellicle Ball and the incoming of the warm season.
37. What they really think about themselves
Munk struggles a lot wondering if he makes the right decisions as a leader and measures himself up to Deuteronomy all the time. He really wishes he could do more even though he's already always busy, and worries a lot whether the trust that the tribe places in him is justified.
38. Favorite holiday
Christmas bitch. Probably also a thanksgiving bitch as well.
39. Favorite game
He probably likes Monopoly. Like an insane person.
40. Favorite book
I imagine he likes reading but I'm not sure what I would say is his favorite book! He probably likes books about history and such a lot, and the occasional historical fiction.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Probably his mother, whom he doesn't remember well.
42. 3 comfort items
UHH for human aus: he loves the old scrapbooks from when he and his brothers were kids, his favorite flannel jacket, and uh........ does his wife count as a comfort item,,,,
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
You KNOW Munk has got to be a steak guy. Unlike Tugger he can probably enjoy a good salad, and box mac and cheese is probably one of those things he whips up every once in a while for childhood nostalgia reasons. There probably aren't a ton of foods Munk even dislikes, much less despises.
44. Their happiest memory
Like I mentioned before, this question is hard for me. I hc that he and Demeter have triplets at some point after the events of the musical, so maybe when they were born.
45. Their favorite celebrity
He seems like the type of guy to like Elvis, idk why.
46. The person they most admire
Deuteronomy. I feel like that one is easy lmao
47. Their dream job
I don't think he really had big career aspirations, more of a family man.
48. Scariest moment of their life
Probably when Macavity betrayed the tribe.
49. Favorite toy as a child
He seems like a stuffed elephant kind of guy. Or maybe his collection of the little green plastic army men.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I don't think he really has any memories he's consciously or subconsciously blocked out. There are things he tries not to think about or remember, but not on the level of fully blocking anything from his head.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
generally in the g/t community characters like hobie brown are commonly seen as giants? WELL HOVIE BROWN DOESNT BELIEVE IN STEREOTYPES!!
but serious imagine him as a tiny?? First of all, totally makes sense bc he's homeless 💀 AND HIM STEALING SHIT? TOTAL BORROWER/TINY CODED MOVES LIKE AHH he'd climb up on Miguel's shoulders and scream in his ears abt anarchy 😭😭 shdhbssha IF HE WAS BEING ESPECIALLY DISRUPTIVE HE'D TOTALLY GET DROPPED INTO A POCKET OR SMTH FOR TIME OUT AHSVSB
and him and pav omg!! if pav was tiny like you were saying in your post then just imagine the shenanigans they'd get up to AHSGA they both hit me as rlly sneaky people too so the other spidermen would never see them coming as they just swing down and cause chaos 😭 BUT HOBIE WITH MILES? he'd latch onto him like a magnet frr like immediately settling himself into miles' hands (which I'd think would be a big deal because hobie doesn't strike me as someone who'd like getting manhandled a lot)
Tiny Hobie is so amazing!
the boy goes to pocket jail a lot for shenanigans and I can absolutely see him being near his close friends constantly. As soon as he meets Miles he is all over him, on his shoulder, head, hands, etc. and he will refuse to move from his spot. He’d be like the little devil on Miles’ shoulder telling him to vandalize stuff or he’d just lay on his head and put in his two cents whenever someone’s talking to Miles. Also, I feel like if Miles got anxious and accidentally started to fidget with him, Hobie would just go limp and actually enjoy being manhandled for once because I’d be like a full body massage from one of his besties.
He would still love Mayday sm, but Peter would be a bit hesitant to leave her around him because of how small he is and how young she is. But Hobie doesn’t believe in rules so he’d sneak around to see her anyway. Queue Peter walking into the room to see Mayday giggling on the floor while Hobie braids parts of her hair and teaches her about rebellion. When he panics a bit and asks Hobie if he’s alright Hobie just tells him to stop interrupting bonding time.
OH! And Miguel would have a much harder time ignoring him when he’s messing around, especially if he’s purposefully swinging around close to him or knocking things over around the room like a cat. Miguel would definitely get fed up, picks him up by pinching the scruff of his jacket and dropping him in the nearest spider persons hands. Literally XD.
Pavitr would absolutely love hanging out with him still and their roughhousing consists of Hobie climbing all over Pav while he tries to grab Hobie. He’d definitely spend time relaxing on Pav’s amazing hair and occasionally will braid it to keep his hands busy.
If Pavitr is tiny too though, it’s a different story. Pav would learn all about how to steal things much bigger than him and how to annoy people easily. Hobie loves watching Pav do the things he taught him. These two would be targeted by most of the spider people and I feel like there would be at least one time when there was a full chase scene like in the movie, accept it’s people chasing Pav and Hobie around HQ because they pulled too many pranks. They immediately run to Miles and use him as a hiding place/ human shield
I love tiny Hobie ideas! Thanks sm for the dm, I love hearing anything people wanna share! :D
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neptuniadoesstuff · 5 days
Some Goofballs I finished!
(CW/TW: Scars & Smoking. Also GUTS/GØŘƏ!)
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So yeh I finally finished drawing these 2 goobers. Now lemme just uh... introduce them to you..
On the right, we have Takashiba, also known as "The Baked One" or "Phen 420" & yes... These are, in fact, what he is called.. This is not a joke. This is literally what he is... All bcs bro looks like he was in an oven for quite a while. (& he smokes... weed... Don't do that, kids, plz.). He also has a twin brother called "The Burnt One," but man is clearly not wanting to be near any of his family... Especially his twin... Listen, the Phenirells are a strange group of individuals & he's no stranger to that, especially annoying the ever living frik out of his old man of a big brother just because he exists. (Although again, I do not condone smoking or smoking weed... Although Taka doesnt rlly listen bcs idk hes kinda ignorant about that stuff... But what can you say about him? At least he aint weird like one of his cousins.)
On the left, we have our other Phenirell member, the youngest of the siblings... Youko, also known as "Helper", she's not really like any of her siblings but loves all of them the same (Even haku/Phen 228... Even if he wants to be left alone... Haku is just a grumpy old man. Give him some time). She's a complete ball of serotonin & wants cheer everyone up + with the fact she acts as a computer pet/virtual assistant makes her pretty popular with ppl who likes cutesy things... She however... is a bit.. bugged to say.. Primarily due to the fact she has a disheveled form which makes eerily similar to... Follower in a sense.. Horribly disfigured & her horns seem to be longer & her eyes malform into goat eyes.. However this IS just a defense mechanism so you kinda don't have to worry if yur not a threat to her whatsoever.
So, what other Phenirell family members/Phen 228 variants you guys want to see from me? So far I have created the designs of Haku/Phen 228 already & a few of his relatives (But I do need to update their designs a bit so that might take awhile)
Characters belong to me. (& I created their designs)
Art: Iz mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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n3ssier · 1 year
HELLO im bacc >;)))
So I keep lookin at your introduction post and fsr I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO PICK- I just wanted to ask like, can ya write a headcanon, but it has both Crypto from Apex and Ppl from r6? Im so super grateful that you didnt mind the emount of characters I requested last time 😭😭 i hope its bot a burden if I request again cause i kinda simp for all of the. 💀
You can just tell me if u dont wanna do this, or just scratch sum characters if its too many :)))))
Can you pleease write a ff (or headcanons, ehatevs ya wnat) where female reader LOVES hugs and is a generally super chill yet chirpy friend and as soon as she gets recruited, she becomes all friendly and tries to befriedn them and after like 1st day of meeting, she alredy sees them as her bestfriend and hugs them from behind as a goodmorning the next day-
Chars: Crypto, Echo, Vigil, Kapkan, Glaz, Jäger (Ik its all the same characters but I cant help my simping, also as i said you can not include whoever you want)
Ik its confusing and as I said before, you aint gotta write this at all💀🤚
ALSO- MOOTS? Saw that you needed friends so we can be bfs >:DD
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG :( ive had a lot going on and ive also got a job now so i have been short on time but finally got round to writing again!! i hope ya dont mind me doing some hcs and also only doing 4 out of 6 sexy men, bc i worry that if i do fanfics with them all then this will be a v long post bc ill get lowkey carried away😞 (also bc im feeling lazy rn, out here getting up 4am sleeping 12pm😭best lifestyle)
∙you two first meet on your second day on the job, and he is taken aback by how talkative you are (not in a bad way tho dwdw :)
∙the other legends don’t rlly talk to him outside of the gunfights/workplace so he just doesn’t talk to them either, which is why he was so surprised when you came up to him and tried to befriend him as soon as you’d met him
∙the pride he feels when you start asking about his gadgets goes unmatched, he tries to explain them as easily as possible but gets carried away quickly, leaving you a confused mess and him an embarrassed one as he realises how distracted he got
∙the next morning he’s making breakfast in the break room when he feels you hug him from behind, and he honestly is so tempted to put his hands on yours and stay there but he wants to play it off cool ofc so he just greets you and continues preparing his food
∙this is the EXACT moment he fell for ya
∙he never expected you to be so talkative or cheery when you joined, but he was happy nonetheless
∙will intently listen to you while smiling and give you facts if he knows any on whatever you’re talking about
∙you guys end up talking for like 3 hours just about anything, he’s kinda curious about you, and ends up asking you a bit about your life in general 
∙would make a lot of effort to help and teach you things, seen as you’re new to r6
∙when you come up to him and hug him as a good morning he chuckles before turning around to hug you back quickly and loosely
∙he could get used to this tho
∙ngl he is annoyed at first when you talk to him for the first time, he finds the chat pointless, but after an hour or so he lets his guard down
∙he never realised that chatting with people was so fun until this day, or maybe it was just something about you specifically that gave him the good time, who knows !?
∙he honestly thinks ur pretty cute talking about all the random topics that peak your interest, asking him about 1000 questions aswell
∙when he feels your arms around him the next morning he freaks out
∙tries to push you off, as much as he enjoys it sadly he is too flustered and also not used to physical contact
∙he slowly stops pushing you away the more you come up to him and the more you are hanging round with him
∙when he first meets you he thinks you’re cool asf, especially when you strike a conversation with him
∙similar to crypto, he feels so much pride when you ask about his gadgets, its like a huge ego boost
∙you guys are sooooo chatty, talking about anything and everything, but make the cutest duo
∙you listen to his rambling and he will listen intently to you back
∙there is NEVER a dull moment between you two😭
∙the other gsg9 members are just happy that he has got someone to listen to him so that they don’t have to LMAO
∙when he feels you hug him from behind the next morning he is a little bit confused but happily hugs you back in return, he definitely thinks about it for the rest of the day tho
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capcavan · 9 months
7, 9, and 11 for your tag game 💜
nah love i need you to answer all of them but yeha only fair i do mine to lul
What is your favourite character in the Foxes? I don't really have favourite there i think Neil will be my favourite in future right now it's Renee
And favourite in the series aside form this one? I will let you guess
Drop your beloved head-canons about both! Renee does not in fact believe in god she participated in Christianity for sense of community it gives her, Riko is deathly allergic to peanuts and wishes he was born a girl but not in the trans way. He just know his life would be better if he wasn't a man. I also feel very strongly about him having adhd/bipolar .
Fic(s) you are always happy to recommend or fic tropes you will always read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12283962/chapters/27922614#workskin Little Boy blue , I generally can be baited into reading any fic where riko is treated with bit more nuance than flat line Disney villain. I adore extreme hurt with happy ending
Which of the books is your favourite The foxhole court i enjoyed this story much more without seeing it's full development also loved Kevin much more before he was pushed aside, my first idea of what this story would be was much different .
Opinions on AFTG audiobook release? Worth a listen juts to laugh at girls voices , but i adore Renees soft tone in it, I think it,s main reason I adore her sm actually.
If you write/draw/create aftg stuff, what is your favourite work of yours?
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i adore this fan art a lot bc it,s funny light hearted has clever joke that references rikos obsession with court numbers and has fox jean and riko on it + riko kind of looks like girl here and i think it's very hot look on him
welp the numbers got fucked
Favourite event/plot point in the books Foxes reaction to seths death and seth death, it set really god tone for rest of the story and was the only event that genuinely surprised me bc i did not expected anyone from hero team to drop dead
Least favourite part of canon (can include Extra content) The fact that both foxes and ravens are groups of abused individuals but one word ,, mafia" is enough to put blame for all bat things on riko only even though he was pawn to his caretaker the way she wrote jeans abuse list it feels excessively edgy for sake of begin edgy i find nothing deep or sad about this i can also write down random list of numbers and attach to it words like rape and broken bones
If you could sent Nora an ask and get answer, what would you ask about? i wouldn't ask about anything bc her giving me answer i'm not looking for would feel bad
If you could make an idea of your choice canon to aftg, what would it be? I'd have a riko make a joke about how foxes should be in prison by now considering they are dressed the part (orange) (and most of them broke the law) id also replace neils car lighter burns with something else bc they are annoying to draw
Feel free to share some random hot takes if you like Andrew "murdering" their abusive mother is creepy as fuck and her being abuser or him only teenager with not fully developed brain is not really making this any less creepy and i enjoy his character because of this I don't mind aaron being homophobic , i'm cool with those character being murderers abusers and bigots , it's fictional characters they had not hurt anyone in real life so i don't really care about their fictional flaws and enjoy interacting with their content all the same I don't like only one of the foxes and i don't think this fox should be part of this team i don't really care about story and whatever, it's my personal bias so discussing it deeper makes no sense unless you want to unpack my past and all people who lead me to feel that way rlly
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ollovae3 · 1 year
Currently in a bit of a brain-is-mushy state still, wrote most of this days ago, but thought I'd toss this at y'all who remained through my hiatus (depression and burnout followed by school is,,,, fun)?? Like I said before, I've gotten hooked on The Walking Dead—also got my mom hooked on it somehow, so I'm cackling. As usual, that means my lil OC brain is churning a mile a minute but with no ability to choose, so I'd love y'all's opinions?
No art atm since I'm still recovering from literally drawing every day w the fear of 1000 gazelles (if that makes ANY sense), but I've got some picrews and info for em!! Not all the info tho cause I straight up have about 3 pages per character, in 2-column, 10pt font format. 💀 So here's their picrews and their initial moodboards!! Appearances changed since the boards so sorry abt that. 😅 Bless Canva tho, been addicted to that damn site since HS 👌
And yes I got attached to Daryl, leave me be w my love for the grump-w/-a-golden-heart trope— 🫣💀
Warning for some TWD-typical violence below, as well as mention of addiction/withdrawal.
Halina Waldron:
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Halina Waldron essentially had the Worst Vacation of Her Life. Went on a post-grad celebration trip, only for the Outbreak to start JUST as they got to their new stop for the trip (near the Atlanta area).
Managed to find the Dixon brothers before they found the Quarry, and essentially annoyed them into letting her tag along and learn from them. She hopes to find her family back in Vermont, but her story follows mostly along the canon route with the rest of the survivors.
Admittedly am tempted though to have her end up working for (not a soldier for) the Saviors at some point, as a way to change canon/put in some interesting conflict? But we'll see 👀
Brigid Hassall
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Brigid Hassall, the Granny Witch from the Georgia portion of Appalachia! Personally designed her to be of partially Melungeon descent, as well as visibly Autistic?
Lived in the same lil town as the Dixons, with the talents of/later studying to be a medicine witch (variant of Granny Witches afaik). Was good friends with Daryl in school, and helped both brothers whenever they needed patching up or Merle needed help trying to quit whatever he was on. She turned semi-agoraphobic after losing her family, so the boys didn't see her and couldn't find her after The Outbreak. She did survive though, and kept growing things and hunting when she needed, helping travelers or defending her home from them.
Shows up around S3, during the Prison-Era. Got sought out for help w medicine and associated horticulture knowledge.
Andromeda Shaw
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Andromeda Shaw, also called Meda [mee-dah], is a bit of a harsher character? She and her family were out camping with friends to escape the nasty flu going around when things hit. They lost their friends, who Meda had to stop from biting her family or getting into their RV, which hardened her, but broke her sibling (understandable ngl-).
After that, she and the family have been wandering in the RV, hoping to find people to trade with or somewhere safe to stay. Her parents had to focus on protecting and stabilizing her sib after that camping trip, so Meda's placed herself as the defacto family shield of sorts, there to have her dad's back and to help provide when the others can't.
The Shaws end up muddling with canon a bit, but don't show until around the Post-Governor Prison-Era in late-S3/S4? Eventually become more of a staple in canon during S6, when it turns out they're runners and residents of Alexandria.
So yeah!! I'd love any opinions on which of these girls you think I should run with more? I rlly like all of em so I'm just stuck blue-screening about which to work with, and I'd appreciate anything you might have honestly 😅.
Happy to answer additional questions abt em if that helps at all!! 💖
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hurricane-heatt · 7 months
FIRSTLY i do not know how i hadn't seen your ao3 before now and i'm losing my MIND i'm about to read it all bc i just read casualty of you and now i'm SCREECHING secondly... the fic writer questions: 11, 4, 30, 49! x
FIRSTLY AWAHHHH THABK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!! i hope u enjoy <3333
secondly gonna stick these answers below the cut!!! just because i started rambling ehe
11- Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
oh absolutely pairing-wise it will always be sebmark for me… i think i am just entirely struck by the different phases of their relationship? 2009 is an entirely different vibe to 2013 who is an entirely different vibe to 2017 and that makes fic writing them sooo fun for me its never a chore to write sebmark. beyond this teammate rivalries are just absolutely compelling to me i think the dynamics and intricacies are so so interesting, especially gaining more insight on that from marks book was just eeeee i loved it (fuck u helmut marko for everything you ever do). personality wise too they both suit each other well in terms of rpf and they dynamics that i’ve always written and like writing.
character wise i love writing seb. i rlly hope i do him justice because i just love his voice and his humour and his mannerisms. he’s my love ever and i love him so any pairings with him in i am always heart eyes over.
4 - What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
i’m gonna take this as any fic i’ve written so! i think anything in good men die too verse i am hugely proud of. i did a bit of research for crush about street racing (a lack of in thoroughfare which i often get annoyed about but oh well) and so i think i got the car types right. either way it sounds professional so shrug!
an unreleased fic i have a bit of detail on is my siren!seb fic, its entirely unfinished but i did some research about mythology surrounding mermaids and sirens and think it’s pretty good in that!!!
30 - Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
oh boy most of my ot3 fest fics (i have three fulfilled hopefully! haha 3) were quite a new experience. i won’t spoil a ton but writing threesomes is hard man. lots of limbs
49 - What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
ehehehe. its a another fucking sebmark au! heir to father’s business seb nearly gets assassinated and his driver mark (annoying, gets in the way, keeps making fun of him) saves his life and thus is made his bodyguard in order to protect him. he hates mark already but this really pisses seb off, a constant shadow. also it’s called bad for business yes like the sabrina carpenter song
it’s going to be my first multi chapter and i’m anxious as balls about it and i really kind of hate the tone at the minute so it needs reworking. first chap is basically done but want three written before i post anything just for my own sanity. but here’s a little snippet of them winding each other up
Why has Britta put the medicine on the top shelf, for fuck’s sake, she knows he’s not that tall. He gets on his tiptoes, but the box is pushed further back by the tips of his fingers, rather than grabbing it.
“Let me, Mr Vettel.”
And then, the lean body of Sebastian’s driver against the back of him, reaching up to the shelf with zero effort. His fingers dash against Sebastian’s, and it’s a much more successful retrieval, bringing down the box of pills to his height.
Sebastian turns, putting his back to the countertop, the bare skin under his hoodie just brushing the cool marble. He’s close enough that he can smell Webber’s cologne - sharp. Masculine. Like the rest of him, ever predictable.
Webber takes a short step back, probably assessing how abnormally close they were. He puts the box into Sebastian’s open palm. The pills shake inside upon impact. He’s pleased, but through gritted teeth, like a dog finally being allowed a treat.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
so yeah!!!! i rlly hope i do finish it and get it out because the idea has been brewing for months.
thank u so much for all the questions and ofc the love for casualty of you <33
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candyredterezii · 2 years
you just said you dont care for hs but goddamn I still think about terezi and how nothing for her has gone right. Andrew hussie completely lost the ball with her. like what the fuck. this isnt girl bossing you've given the patron saint of weirdgirls clinical depression and a horrible ass girlfriend to make up for it. god! my fucking god!!!
Like tbf Terezi's depression has been something that definitely existed for a long while but the fact that they play it as 'she needs and wants Vriska to feel complete and happy' and everyone painting it as omg girlboss love wins!! is just like. unnerving and sad.
Like honestly I was thinking about this last night but the whole retcon REALLY was a cop out. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was obvious to me Hussie just wanted this thing done already and just didn't have the passion they used to and possibly even grew a bit cynical.
Like narratively it makes NO SENSE for Terezi to tell herself to basically abandon her feelings for Karkat after they had a few moments of reconcile and growing closure.
And also, this is what I was thinking on last night, it genuinely pisses me off that Vriska is the thing that 'saves' Terezi from her abuse with Gamzee. Like Vriska being there is the one thing that stops her from going into an abusive relationship.
And It upsets me like, how Vriska is THE SOLE THING TO FIX EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE'S PROBLEMS AND WOW SHE IS SO GREAT !!! but it rlly pisses me off with like.. Just that Terezi is one of these people that needed that.
And also like. Side tangent, really annoying how it seems Vriska stopping Roses alcoholism with just public shaming/embarassment and like that's all that needed to happen like IT REALLY FELT LIKE ALL BAND AID QUICK FIXES.
Like. If anything, I just wish the comic in the end explored more on how Terezi really was in an unhealthy relationship with Vriska, who was very controlling and demeaning to Terezi.
I remember I was the only one pointing out "hey Terezi is VERY QUIET and subdued and EASILY SHUT DOWN with Vriska that's not normal" but everyone was too excited that Vris/rezi is finally canon to really notice or care.
Like. Ghost Terezi and Ghost Vriska are fine, because Vriska had her character arc and learned and grew from her past mistakes and is a better person because of it, yk?
This Vriska isn't and is instead now entirely #girlboss #godcomplex queen.
and I remember we barely saw Terezi AT ALL at the end flash, and she wasn't even with anyone either. Everyone was paired up together in their cliques and happy and Terezi is just faded into the background
Terezi got fucking Aradia'd - KSDFJG
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
not a ship ask but i’m still very very curious… what’s your fave book you’ve read so far this year? and your least favorite book of this year? any recommendations? :3 (i’ve been back in a slump and it sucks 😭 last book i read was like, september?? of 2022??? i wanna get back into it so bad but it seems like nowadays almost everything is a series and i simply cannot commit to all that right now 💔)
i was saving this ask for last because it’s such a treat to answer asks abt books… like omg, you guys want to hear my dumbass book thoughts??? i’ve got them!!!
i think my favorite book i’ve read this year might’ve been revelator by daryl gregory or horns by joe hill. i started out the year with some good horror novels… but for the more supernatural romance, i have to say that i rlly enjoyed the orphan of cemetery hill by hester fox! ((made a lullaby for witches that more disappointing when i read it… what happened to the great romantic chemistry, hester? what did you do with it? how are you going to fuck up a story about haunting and possession that bad?)
oh god, i read your next question and 💀 i think i already answered, lol, it was a lullaby for witches. it was uninspired the whole way through, which… is shocking, since it’s literally about a witch’s ghost haunting her descendant and slowly possessing her. but it was super shallow and none of the character choices really felt all that interesting. they felt like real people in the most bland way. and the reveals we’re all extremely telegraphed + told to me rather than… revealed, you know? it jst annoyed me that i spent the first fifty pages getting excited for it to get good… and then it kept that plateau of energy the whole time. i rlly didn’t care. it was boring :///
(don’t feel bad about not reading for a bit! series are everywhere and it sucks when i don’t want to get into *gestures vaguely at it* all of that. so i get where you’re coming from. i can rec some good one-offs i’ve enjoyed though!!
like the orphan of cemetery hill by hester fox, as aforementioned—it’s a paranormal romance between a girl that can see ghosts and a high-society boy during the spiritualism craze in boston. to top it all off, there’s been bodies stolen from the cemetery that the girl works at and she’s being tracked down by people that want to study her ability to see ghosts… it’s a vv fun read + the male love interest is literally a flouncing peacock. i cant stand him. i love him.
also, curses by lish mcbride was one i enjoyed last year! it’s a fun reimagining of beauty and the beast, where the main girl got cursed by her mother for not wanting to married off at the age of 14. now that some time’s passed, she decides that she needs to break the curse to make her mom happy, so she hires a boy known for scamming rich people so that she can convince someone to marry her and break the curse. it’s a little sillyridiculous and it’s honestly one of the very, very few batb retelling where i’m like “alright. you’re allowed to have fun <333” :3
i’ve also been reading persuasion by jane austen lately and i mean. i meannnnnn. i’m not far enough to feel i can give a good summary, but it’s jane austen! it’s a fun little time :)
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xherry7816 · 1 year
nothing is new but u drew series and movie ! NYA, i dont actually like these that much but i decided 2 post them anyways. ik i already shared image of NYA before but i just think hes so pretty and id want her 2 be my gf so badd if i wasnt gay. btw he/she pronouns NYA i hope people have picked up on that from my posts. in mc hcs she keeps the rlly cute short hair throughout the series bc i love women with short hair. also i havent actually stared at NYA 4 a while now,, which side is the beauty mark ???
btw i have no idea how collars work so ignore the raggedy jacked collar she has on her jacket, i also messes up the little flying hair strand on movieverseNYA idk what its supposed to look like really but i definitely know its not that.
the PUSS IN BOOTS movie is not avaliavle in my county yet and im a bit annoyed abt that but i think it comes out after one of my exams and i wsnt 2 watch it with my siblings, that was highly irrelevant but i just remebered a funny story in my head that msde me remeber about the movie.
i dont know why i wrote this much, all i had 2 say was hi heres NYA but idk. i crossed out my notes this time bc i realise i write neater 4 character notes than i do for school work.
i actually have drawn aZANE but im still mulling my feelings over it so maybe he'll be posted tomorrow or never see the light of day, i think idraw too much KAI in my spare time i should really draw more JAY and COLE bc ive only ever drasn their heads.
i havent actually watched CRYSTALISED yet bc i havent found somewhere i can watch it, i know its on amazon bc my dad has an account but you have to pay for it and id feel reslly awkward asking bc my parents have been more lenient with me because of recent events so maybe ill ask if im feeling brave enough (har har like a pirate sound)
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