impermanent-art · 1 year
Works by Speker, Septerhed and Mous at The Graff Lab.
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whoxohm · 2 months
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#Coming Soon
# The Passenger Pigeon Party. (Now inc)
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todaysdocument · 9 months
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“Deborah Gannett . . . maketh oath, that she served as a private soldier, under the name of Robert Shurtliff in the war of the revolution . . .” 
Pension and Bounty Land Application of Deborah (Sampson) Gannett, September 14, 1818. 
Record Group 15: Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs Series: Case Files of Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Applications Based on Revolutionary War Service
United States-.
Massachusetts District
Deborah Gannett, of Sharon, in the county of Norfolk, and
District of Massachusetts, a resident and native of the United
States, and applicant for a pension from the United States
under an Act of Congress entitled an Act to provide to certain
persons engaged in the land and naval service of the
United States, in the revolutionary war, maketh oath, that she
served as a private soldier, under the name of Robert Shurtliff
in the war of the revolution, upwards of two years in manner
following vis - Enlisted in April 1781 in the company commanded
by Captain George Webb in the Massachusetts Regiment
commanded then by Colonel Shepherd, and afterwards by Colonel Henry
Jackson and served in said corps in Massachusetts, and
New York - until November 1783 - when she was honorably discharged
in writing. which discharge is lost. During the time of her service
she was at the capture of Lord Cornwallis, was wounded
at Tarrytown and now receives a pension from the United
States, which pension she hereby relinquishes. She is in such
reduced circumstance, as to require the aid of her country
for her support.
Deborah Gannett
Masstts. Dist. Septr. 14. 1818
Sworn to before me
Jno Davis
Dist. Judge
Mass. Dist.
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Memorial/ Mourning Brooch to Trafalgar Veteran - Rear Admiral McKerlie, 1848
Obverse: gold and of half-arch and ogee border design containing gold foliate scrollwork set against a ground of black enamel centered on an oval panel of enamel surmounted by a diamond set fouled anchor within a border of eighteen pearls.
Reverse: a glazed locket compartment containing a lock of hair, the gold border engraved ‘Rear Admiral John McKerlie’ / Died 12th Septr 1848. Aged 74 years’.
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motzerogirl · 11 months
Pour le 7ème anniversaire de The Vampair Series, je souhaiterais vous partager mes analyses de chaque épisode de la saison 1! Sûr ceux, bonne lecture !
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n°6 The Showdown:
Je n'arrive pas à déterminer les refrains des couplets (c'est encore plus galère que Zombie Prostitute et The Silent lol) tout le long de la chanson c'est presque la même chose donc je vais noter les visuels (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠;⁠)
Sur la piste:
Ils marchent avec détermination. Ils ne sont pas là pour jouer mais pour danser comme des fous ! Ceci est un concours de danse !
Ensuite ils dansent ensemble.
Et là ! Oui là ! On a Missi qui nous fait un saut de confiance ! Juste OUAW! Même Duke est surpris !
Ensuite on a un moment d'eux très proche ! On dirait presque un flirt ! (S'en est un?) Incroyable ! Puis Missi relâche tout et Duke est... Déçu ? Je- ouaw. Et ils continuent de savouré se moment.
Le Break:
Duke par chercher des boissons et verse du poisson dans le verre de Missi. Lorsqu'il arrive elle envoie valser le plateau.
Jusqu'au sang:
Et là c'est le dérapage. Duke frape Missi puis s'ensuit une bagarre violente. Duke déchire la robe de Missi avec une hanche et elle, elle s'énerve d'avantage. Est ce parce que sa lui rappelle leur première rencontre quand ils a essayé de l'avoir ? Duke arrivé à lui prendre le septre des mains et à lui crever l'oeil gauche. Et Missi, elle, elle lui prend la hache et lui coupe de pousse droit. (RIP si tu es droitier Duke) Le sang coule et tout les deux se calment et se regarde essoufflés. Qu'avaient-ils fait?
Ce que j'ai compris et appris:
Il était parti sur un combat de dance et Duke a voulu empoisonné Missi.
De 1: il utilise du poisson et un prétexte pour l'approché. Il ne veut pas se battre ?
De 2: elle ne veut pas de sa boisson. Lorsqu'il lui avait proposé se concours, avait-elle accepté pour se venger et l'humilité comme dans l'épisode 3 ? C'est pour ça qu'elle a envoyé valser le plateau ?
De 3: Duke est vraiment en colère contre le fait qu'elle ai refusé son verre. On peut remarquer que depuis le début de la série il n'a jamais été violent envers elle. Juste entreprenant mais sinon il n'a jamais blessé Mélissa, et là il la gifle avec une de ces violences ! Même si ils voulaient l'empoisonner... Voulait-il fait une gage de paix?
De 4: Missi est très en colère lorsque Duke lui arrache sa robe. Est ce parce que elle a peur qu'il tente quelque chose avec elle?
De 5: Lorsque l'irréparable fut commis, ils se regardaient avec chocs et épuisement.
J'ai vue plein de petites scènes de complicité très intéressante ! Et j'ai adoré ! Ils se détestent mais ils y a un truc entre eux ! Je ne sais pas quoi mais il y a un lien! Le pouvoir vampirique ?
Je remercie grandement Daria Cohen de nous offrir cette merveille ! Joyeux anniversaire les vampires !
À tout de suite pour l'épisode de fin ! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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i-like-old-things · 2 years
*tear* Birthday Letter
“[translating the Bible] has also contributed greatly to support me in the trial I had to undergo by the Removal of Mrs. Thomson who departed this life in Septr. last after a long & gradual decline. Mr Dickinson also is gone with whom I have had a long & intimate friendship & with whom I promised myself the pleasure of spending some week in the Spring. In short I seem to be like an old tree stript [sic] of its folliage [sic] standing in a forest with very few of its own age & growth about it. However I have this to comfort me that there is a plentiful supply of thriving saplings & well grown timber trees to occupy my room & fill up my space when I fall.”
Charles Thomson to Thomas Jefferson, February 24, 1808
This letter-
I can’t-
The entire thing is philosophical but this one part in particular is the most heart-wrenching. At this time in Charles Thomson’s life, he had practically no one left. Hannah, his wife, had died in September of 1807 and John Dickinson had just died on February 14 (Valentine’s Day baby at its peak). Additionally, Thomson had no relatives (that’s a long story for another day) and most of the people he had known for quite some time were either dead or lived great distances away which, in Thomson’s condition by this point, were not worth travelling for. So, Thomson basically became isolated and stayed in his house.
Another aspect that makes this a real tear-jerker are the last 2 sentences quoted above. Thomson compares himself to an old tree and he describes new “thriving saplings & and well grown timber trees”. I see this as something I mentioned in another post: Thomson was a symbol of a past time that has little life left. With this being said, the inclusion of the new, younger trees proves to me that Charles Thomson had hope for the nation. Which just makes me even more sad because by this point, I think Charles Thomson knew he was dying.
Also, you might wonder why I call it the “Birthday Letter”. That’s because Charles Thomson decided to stab me in the heart even further by writing this on my birthday (many years before I was born but same date in the calendar year).
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Uh well folks it just wasnt a very good film....
eyes gazed over. ummmm. time travel plot. dont. dont even worry about it. magic septres.
the turtles look worse again, and the synching to the audio was too. uhh casey got to show some guys from the past hockey on tv... raph got to talk to a little kid. that was actually really cute. leo was a sword nerd...
it opened and ended in a dance break. so. that.
there was, as is necessary for bad spinoff films, a british actor villain who seemed like he was having a great time.. good for him. and his birds.
uhhhhhhh yeah its not very good. movie that makes u want to watch tmnt 1990. and even secret of the ooze. lol.
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washwashgalaxy · 2 years
QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 nee Windsor. Of all the attributes you bore there’s non shall equal bear, to those of motherhood and kind which you set wise, and fair. But then t’was fate threw in his needs of future dedication, the crown and septre of a queen to guide a fearless nation. Now proved you were of faultless aim that-gauntlet you chose to wear, to chaperone your peoples lives 70 years to lead, set…
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curtklingermanposts · 2 years
The Septre of the Kingdom of God is righteousness. We are exhorted as His children to put on the New Man which is created in righteousness and in true holiness. If we want to influence the world for His Kingdom, we have to allow that righteousness to shine through us. So fear not, and walk in the Light. www.perfectfaith.org
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loki(涂鸦练习) by 吖瓜 on Pixiv
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todaysdocument · 9 months
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Discharge certificate for Private Alexander Stevenson, U.S. Corps of Marines, who served in the Mexican War. September 10, 1848. 
Record Group 15: Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs Series: Bounty Land Warrant Application Files
[U.S. coat of arms]
This is to Certify, That Alexander Stevenson, a Private of Marines, who was enlisted the Twentieth day of August, 1847, at New York being then about Thirty-one years of age, Five feet Five inches high, having Blue eyes, Brown hair, Fair complexion; and by occupation when enlisted a Clerk, says he was born in Scotland, is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the UNITED STATES, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, in order to reduce the Corps to its legal strength. 
[illegible signature] 
Adj’t and Inspector. 
Washington, 10th Septr, 1848. 
Now at New York. 
[signature] Arch Henderson
Brvt. Brig. Genl. Comm’dt. Marine Corps 
[along left margin] 
Rrto[?] pay due from 20 Aug 1847 to 18 Aug -48. Date of las pay recorded for the P Master Jm Kim
[illegible markings in upper left corner, in pencil]
[signature sideways in upper center]
Saml[?] Miller
[in red, written across center of certificate] 
This man was attached to the Steamer Scorpion Gulf Squadr. On duty ashore at Laguna, Mexico, within the Year 1848. 
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acefeather2002 · 2 years
I. AM. IN. LOVE! With my Christmas haul this year!
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*fangirl scream*
And if I didn't express this at all, I LOVE Steven Universe! I was with the series from when episode one aired! I saw the WHOLE THING! FROM SEASON ONE EPISODE ONE TO THE MOVIE TO THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE EPILOGUE SERIES! I WAS THERE! I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!! SO FOR HIM TO GET ME A COOKIE CAT KEYCHAIN...!!??!?!?!? *fangirl screams of excitement* I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I CAN'T EXPRESS IT ENOUGH!!!
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martival000 · 4 years
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motzerogirl · 11 months
Pour le 7ème anniversaire de The Vampair Series, je souhaiterais vous partager mes analyses de chaque épisode de la saison 1! Sûr ceux, bonne lecture !
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n°5 The Silent:
Je n'arrive pas à déterminer les refrains des couplets (c'est encore plus galère que Zombie Prostitute lol) donc je vais noter les paroles (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠;⁠)
"Oh Dieu! C'est tellement calme ici." // "Oh God! It's so so quiet here." :
Donc pour commencer, elle commence à perdre la tête... Je le soupçonne à cause des petit rire sans raison. Elle aussi elle commence à être consumé par la solitude.
"Nous avons eu un bal aux monstres et ils sont tous sortis pour jouer" // "We had a monster ball and they all came out to play":
Pour monter à quelle point elle devient folle, on a le droit a des petits monstres qu'elle dit avoir invité. Est ce une métaphore du pouvoir du septre ? (Oui)
"Ils étaient tirés à quatre épingle dans leurs manières effrayantes de monstres. Nous avons eu du thé au guzzard et de la peau de lézard et des jambes de bébé et enroulées, joyeusement et renversé nos fluides. Dieu c'était tellement amusant!" // "They were dressed to the nines in their scary monster ways. We had guzzard tea and lizard skin and baby legs and rolled around, merrily and spilled our fluids. God it was so fun!":
J'ai l'impression qu'ici elle parle de Duke et de quand il l'a accueilli et quand elle l'a mis à la porte.
"Je lève mes couvertures et je ferme mes petits yeux et j'écoute la nuit zvec ses cris et ses cris silencieux."// "I lift my covers up and I close my little eyes and I listen to the night with its silent screams and cries.":
Elle est encore hanté par Duke (ou ses pouvoirs ?)
"Ce sont les silencieux qui te tuent. C'est les petits qui font rage. Les grands te pourchasseront. Les plus bruyants te martèleront. Mais les germes entrent en toi. Et te manger à l'envers. De l'intérieur, de l'intérieur. Ils vont te manger de l'intérieur. Ce qui ne serait pas si mal. Sauf qu'ils te mangent de l'intérieur. De l'intérieur, de l'intérieur. Ils vont te manger de l'intérieur. Ce qui ne serait pas si mal. Sauf qu'ils te mangent de l'intérieur. Ce qui ne serait pas si mal. Sauf qu'ils ne demandent pas la permission. Ils pénètrent juste en toi! Et mis sur leur mission! Ou mieux que ça! Ils entreront dans tes veines et s'infiltrer dans ta circulation sanguine! Ce qui fait un mal de chien! Ou mieux que ça! Ils te rendront fou ces petits cons visqueux atteint votre cerveau! Ou mieux que ça! Dans ton âme ils se cacheront! Un lieu de culte! Tu es devenu leur église!" // "Its the silent ones that kill you. Its the little ones that rage.The big ones will hound you. The loud ones will pound you. But the germs get in you. And eat you inside out. Inside out, inside out. They'll eat you inside out. Which wouldn't be so bad. Except they eat you Inside out. Inside out, inside out. They'll eat you inside out. Which wouldn't be so bad. Except they eat you Inside out. Which wouldn't be so bad. Except they don't ask for permission. They just get inside you. And set upon their mission! Or better than that! They'll get into your veins! And seep into your bloodstream! Which causes lots of pain! Or better than that! They'll make you go insane if the little bugger slimes reach into your brain! Or better than that! In your soul they'll lurk! A place to worship! You've become their church!":
Ok là. Le pouvoir du septre l'a réellement rendu folle.
"Alléluia" // "Hallelujah":
Sumerger par la force du septre et la folie, elle finit par le lâcher et commence par partire. Mais elle vit Duke par la fenêtre.
Le paroles de fin:
Elle reprend le septre et récupère ses pouvoirs ! C'est officiel ! Elle est vampire. On frappe à la porte. Il y a une papier.
Ce que j'ai compris et appris:
Je pense que Missi est devenu folle à cause la peur des pouvoirs du septre et la solitude. Mais à la fin, elle finit par ne plus en avoir peur (la colère qu'elle ressent envers Duke tu connais) et le possède totalement.
Je remercie grandement Daria Cohen de nous offrir cette merveille ! Joyeux anniversaire les vampires !
À tout de suite pour l'épisode 6 ! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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jamiesonwolf · 2 years
Captain Maven and the Shadow Man - Chapter Four
Captain Maven and the Shadow Man – Chapter Four
Chapter Four The morning came. Maven fully expected that the shadow man would find him sometime at night, stretching out of the walls to grab hold of him. He was mildly surprised to wake to another grey and cold morning. Of course, he would have known if someone had broken into his apartment, shadow or not. Still, he wondered if the shadow man would come for him as Tara had said he might. It…
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ltwilliammowett · 3 years
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Two rare memento whaler scrimshaws on what are believed to be cattle bones, made by Sailors on board of the affected ships
Left - Nathan Pierce killed by a Whale Septr 8th 1877  and Right - Captain of the Jenny who froze to death 1823
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