#seph writes
(steps onto a soap box)
More Nikolai & Rune moments, please
If you have the time & energy of course :D👍
finally got around to answering this! :D
“Rune!” Nikolai called out as they dashed across the ship to catch up with her. “You’re not on duty right now, are you?”
Rune shook their head. “Not for another couple hours,” he signed.
“Perfect,” Nik said, grinning from ear to ear as he dragged Rune along behind him, “because there is something belowdeck you have to see.”
Luckily for Nik, Rune followed without a single protestation. The pair of them descended belowdeck and wove through the small bunches of people until they reached Nik’s destination: Lynx.
Was the ship’s chief mouser doing anything out of the ordinary? Certainly not. Nik at least had seen her making biscuits in this very spot dozens of times before. But that was irrelevant, and Rune clearly agreed. In unison, Nik and Rune sat down next to Lynx to silently (or not so silently, in Nik’s case) watch her. When Lynx was finished with her extremely important task of making biscuits, she yawned widely and shifted into a more comfortable napping position, and Nik had to physically restrain himself from disturbing her with any unwanted petting.
“Antonov, Hermansen!” Andrey called from down the hall. “Are you two all right? You’ve barely moved in the past hour.”
Nik immediately shushed him, pointing to the still very sleepy Lynx.
“Ah,” he said. “I should have guessed, seeing how focused you were.”  Andrey crouched down between Nik and Rune. “Did you know I used to have a cat?” he asked.
“You did?” Nik asked, to which Andrey nodded in reply. Immediately, both Nik and Rune launched into a barrage of questions about this mysterious cat’s appearance, name, age, personality, and anything else under the sun. But chatter and sign as they might, neither could get another word out of Andrey about his cat. Unfortunately, that information would have to come another day.
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moongreenlight · 4 months
Simon Riley is the WORST dirty talker on planet earth. Like so bad you have to tell him to shut up or else you’re not going to finish. However, he fucking lays it down crazy style.
Johnny on the other hand? He should win trophies for his dirty talk. Knows just how to charm you out of your skivvies with just a few carefully chosen words. Unfortunately the best he can offer you is 3-5 minutes of astonishingly one-sided missionary with a noteworthy *barely pull out in time and finish on your stomach.*
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heraldofcrow · 10 days
Writing a little rant to my friends helped me realize what types of villains really speak to me, and I guess it’s the type I have jokingly called the “INFP” villain.
Basically this meme:
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Lmao, basically the character will be SO mentally ill and fucked up because of things they’ve endured + a very specific collapse of identity, but they refuse to even see it. They think they’re cured and on the right path, they have a brilliant purpose, a well-thought out philosophy behind their motives, but their evil actions are obviously just their overblown reaction to what preceded their mental break. EVERYTHING IS FINE AND I AM DOING THIS FOR A GOOD REASON, TRUST!
*is murdering people* I think I first started to like it when I watched this Azula scene as a kid. It was too perfect jddhdh. She was my fav for a reason.
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Even when I was small, I heard this and thought, “Girl shut the hell up, your entire life is a sob story 💀” but it’s obvious she is so blind that this doesn’t even register in her mind. It’s very human and real.
It’s not even one of those multi-layered complexes you observe in that type of toxic person with a very comfortable and positive life who will say, “I’m one of those people that smiles through the pain” but they say it so much that you start to realize they are pulling some manipulative strings with their audience.
Half the time, the characters like Azula actually believe their own lies about them not being upset about shit and preach these lies so well that other people believe them. People still think Azula was this child who was born evil and sadistic, that she doesn’t give a shit about her family issues, and that she was not shaped into a monstrous fighter that she felt she had to embrace as her image. They forget that she lies constantly, even to herself, and her saying “I really don’t care about my background” is just another falsehood she crafted in her head.
It’s this type of villain that is so high off of their own copium to the point where they can’t see how badly they need help that is most intriguing to me. They commit war crimes out of obvious rage, but noooo, there is a good reason! Look they’re even having fun and laughing about it! They’re having the time of their life!
Them: I’m not wrong! This isn’t personal! It’s for the greater good!
Narrator: It was, in fact, very personal.
That’s also why the traumatic events that shape them are important, but not key! Because in the end, it needs to be clear that this character is capable of choosing the right thing despite their background, but they are so emotionally disturbed that they end up choosing evil with a “moral justification” so that they have an excuse to lash out. They know they shouldn’t lash out, but a mix of lies, manipulation, and ultimately conscious choice lead them to feel comfortable doing it. They WANT to take out their anger on the world, but they can never admit to the obvious reason why.
This is also where the madness comes in, because crafting a new identity or purpose that allows you to feel okay to lash out practically requires a certain level of madness, instability, and delusion. If the character was ever a morally conscious person, they have to completely break off from that rationality to allow themselves to fully embrace cruelty and evil. They have to lose their minds.
This is, to me, also what Jinx does in Arcane when she accepts her “cursed name” as her new identity. She embraces the monster as a shield, which is acknowledged to be a “reborn” version of herself that is stronger than her true self….the broken inner child. She is perhaps the most honest about this choice, but she still fully believes the lie that it’s the right choice, or the superior choice. It also seems to mark the turning point for her madness. You can’t embrace a monstrous persona and not break your mind doing it. Circumstances may help, but overall it’s still something you choose.
In short, a character standing in front of their intentional arson like, “I am no longer mentally ill” is my favorite type of fucked up character lol. Ever. That will win me over every time because it’s too believable and horrible and sad and funny and entertaining all at once.
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anakinh · 7 months
in final fantasy, limit breaks are filled when you take damage. furthermore, levelling up involves combat. in sephiroth's flashback in ever crisis, hojo says "the more you endure, the greater the power that will awaken in you." to use 'gamer' terminology: hojo was power-levelling his son.
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we-ezer · 5 days
Jenova!Cloud AU
When Cloud came to, it was to screams and fire burning all around him. Not unusual for his nightmares except for the weight pressed up against his body centered on his chest. The silk of fine silver strands brushed his nose and he looked down. The Demon of Wutai himself and Cloud's own greatest nightmare was cuddled up against his chest, face set in a state of bliss.
"Mother," he purred and Cloud's heart raced with terror.
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seypia · 1 month
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"stop talking, you're only going to upset me"
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halebobgr · 1 year
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Rectify a personal piece of fanart for one of my favourite fics, by @unknown-lifeform!
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Sephiroth/Domestic Darling headcanons (Feat. Zack)
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I wanted fluff headcanons. I wanted pregnancy headcanons. So why not both? Read part two here. Feat. Platonic Zack/Darling and platonic SephZack. Mentioned Zerith. Set late Crisis Core. TW: Pregnancy and body change. Sephiroth with yandere/possessive tendencies.
Honestly, neither of you were keen about children, especially since Sephiroth had just left SOLDIER. Zack was a lifesaver, helping you two decide where to go and coming up with a clever alibi for your escape. He would've made a great travel agent in another life, with his skill in planning the best trips.
You and Sephiroth will definitely miss Zack. You guys withheld the big news, not wanting to distress the poor boy with it.
During the journey, you had to fight off your fear and stress. You didn’t want your newly formed family to spend the rest of their days pursued by Shinra.
Sephiroth promises that he'll go to any length to keep you and your unborn child safe. He appears composed about the dilemma, though you wonder if it’s him just trying to appear strong.
You remind him it’s normal to feel scared and overwhelmed by this dilemma like you.
He then softly grasps your hands, looking deeply into your eyes. His gaze sends a wave of warmth through your body.
"My love for you surpasses my fear of Shinra."
The emotion in his voice and the fire in his eyes makes you weep tears of joy as you embrace him. How could you be so worthy of his devotion?
You two settled into a secluded village in the country. The farthest city is hours off, which is perfect for you both.
Sephiroth consistently keeps track of your every move. He usually accompanies you when possible.
He’s remarkably protective of you. He’ll scan your immediate surroundings for any signs of danger and assess your wellbeing often.
He's territorial when other villagers are around you. Although he maintains his professional and distant persona, it's easy to tell from his energy that others should say what they need to and then leave you two be.
If some hapless souls overstep boundaries and/or threaten you, they'll be begging for a speedy end to their anguish.
He needs to be reminded to take a deep breath and let go of any stress. Enjoying your new life together won’t be pleasant if you’re both constantly paranoid.
At first, he’d be reasonably naïve about maternity, but afterwards he’d research every book he can get about it. He strives to help and understand you as much as he can. He wishes to provide you with the same comfort and emotional security that you provided to him while he was in SOLDIER.
Sometimes, he'll swoop you up into his arms, just because he can. Holding you requires no effort, but he’ll treat you with utmost care, especially if you’re in your first trimester.
Since he developed a mild case of Couvade Syndrome, squabbles will occur more. He’ll become aloof after bothersome, foolish arguments (Going out by yourself at the dead of night? No way!). However, he’ll be ready for any crisis or needs you have. Nothing will be more important than you.
You’d have to forgive him for gently teasing you for your strange food cravings. He’d take a bite of the food just to put a smile on your face, though.
In your second trimester, your baby bump will show. The sight and feel of it mesmerizes Sephiroth. He absolutely worships your pregnant body. Belly rubs are customary under his watch!
If Zack miraculously encounters you two, you would happily welcome him into your home (with discretion, of course). He was the anchor that kept you both steady during the period of your separation from Sephiroth sometime ago. You feel an immense sense of gratitude towards him.
The announcement of your pregnancy was astounding to Zack initially. After the shock wears off, he is ecstatic, congratulating you both.
Before he asks to touch your belly, you and Sephiroth speak in unison.
“Permission granted.”
Despite Zack's trustworthiness, Sephiroth's arm instinctively wraps around you when he comes close to your belly. An unwavering sense of security radiates from him. Though this is not intentional.
Zack carefully lays his hand on your stomach, giving your belly a soft, singular stroke as he feels your baby kick within you.
You can't help but feel your spirits lift when you look into Zack's baby blue eyes, twinkling with joy. He merrily proclaims himself the honorary uncle of your little one.
Later on, after reflecting on the events he's gone through, Zack questions whether quitting Shinra is the right thing to do. You and Sephiroth offered him words of encouragement, pushing him to do it. You both cite your current lives as a testimony. Freedom from Shinra is the most precious gift a SOLDIER can have.
Zack grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he declares he will bring his flower girl sweetheart to meet you two if he carries out his plan.
You and Sephiroth said your goodbyes to Zack with heavy hearts as he departed. He vows to come back one day. You have faith that he'll choose to leave SOLDIER and become a hero of his own volition.
You and Sephiroth spent that night in peaceful silence near the fireplace. You sit on his lap and his head nestles into your neck. His warm hands lightly cradle your big belly. You can feel your baby kicking and squirming as you approach the end of your pregnancy. Your delivery date is almost here.
Having a lot more time with him and finally living together was a fantasy you’ve had. With the fantasy now a reality, you would never exchange it for anything. Nothing will tear you two apart.
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
An arachnophobic Zack watching in awe as Sephiroth, instead of squashing the spider he discovered in his apartment, gingerly releases it on the windowsill.
“Wow, bud…” Zack sounds almost sheepish. “I didn’t know you liked spiders.”
Sephiroth shrugs, a certain thoughtfulness in his eyes as he tosses the paper towel out. “They’re…. perfectly fine creatures.” Though he is admittedly fascinated by their webbing patterns, yes, he can’t deny that there is more motivating him than simply that. More plucking at him, reaching deeper strings.
A pensive, weary look crosses the warrior’s face, his gaze suddenly heavy with stones of the past. Somewhat faraway. Floating.
Zack’s sheepishness is eclipsed by concern. “Seph? You okay, pal?”
He can never hide things from Zack anymore. Not that he wishes to.
Sephiroth again shrugs, lightly huffing. “There’s countless people and monsters that have fallen by my hand. Almost all of them were in the line of duty. Against my control.” He glances at the window, where the spider has already vanished into the velvet night, free and safe and spared.
“I try to do right when that control is mine.”
Zack watches his friend for several beats, letting a swathe of silence stretch between them. And then he gets up, from the couch where he had taken cover, making his way across the room to pull his friend into a warm, proud hug.
He squeezes tight, a gentle smile pressed into the leather collar.
“…And they called you a Demon.”
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akirakirxaa · 8 months
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She could feel the blood still oozing from the wound in her throat, and she reached up to try to stem the flow with shaky fingers. There was angry snarling nearby, but she felt too far away to make out the words. She heard rapid footsteps and someone kneeling by her. “Don’t worry, we have you,” a voice had said.
— Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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browniefox · 1 month
Sephiroth stands before the metal doors of the Modeoheim laboratory. Angeal is in his arms, where he is safe. When Sephiroth had existed within the lifestream, all mako at his disposal, the need for materia was nonexistent. Now, though, no matter how much he way wish to, he does not have the ability to cast a curaga, to heal the wounds that Angeal had sustained. All the more reason, then, for Sephiroth to re-enter the cold building. Many there care for Angeal; they would tend to his injuries. If not, then Sephiroth himself would take the supplies and bandage Angeal himself. 
And yet, standing here, Sephiroth finds himself reluctant to move forwards. 
Mindlessly, Sephiroth brushes a hair out of Angeal’s face, only for the wind to push it back over. Sephiroth breaths slowly, carefully. 
He is cold. 
Sephiroth looks behind him. The snow of the blizzard makes it hard to see, and night has begun to set in, making the world only colder and darker. 
A life time ago, Sephiroth did not come here. He sent Zack Fair in his stead. Orders to kill his two friends, orders that Sephritoh knew he could not carry out. 
There is something wrong with him. 
The thought is barely allowed to exist in his own mind. Weakness is not something that can be tolerated. Shinra never allowed weakness (yet Lazard allowed Sephiroth to refuse the Modeoheim mission). With Mother, Sephiroth was above weakness. He was perfection in a way that none could understand. 
But there is something wrong with Sephiroth right now. 
Sephiroth places Angeal down right outside the metal doors. Again, he makes a futile effort to clear the hair from Angeal’s face. 
The last mission Sephiroth ever did on Shinra’s orders was the Nibelheim mission. He’d requested Zack to come with him; even then, befor ehe’d konwn his lineage, Sephiroth had known that he may not return to Shinra. What was there for him? He also knew that he would not be the one to leave someone behind. The two infantry who had come along had been unimportant. Infantry were fodder. They were disposable. 
The P0 SOLDIERs were considered disposable, too. 
Sephiroth raises his hand in a fist and brings it down on the metal door, pounding for someone to open it. He does not wait for it to be opened, however; he’s already turned around. 
Zack had pulled him off to the side after the bridge collapsed, after the raging river had carried one of the infantry away. 
“Hey, Seph,” Zack had said, “Are you feeling alright? We… We should at least look for the missing guy, right?” 
Zack’s words had meant little at the time. Sephiroth kept looking up the mountain, towards the Nibelheim Reactor. Never had a mission meant somuch to him. Yet, it was a mission he hadn’t even been sure he would finish carrying out. 
The words, the concern, now echo in Sephiroth’s head, combined with Angeal’s pleas earlier. 
There is something wrong with Sephiroth. 
And he’s not sure how long it’s been wrong.
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Tell me about Victor 👁️👁️
this one's been sitting in my inbox for... a lot of months, sorry about that!
originally, i was planning to answer this with some sort of infodump, but a little oneshot idea started bouncing around in my head, so here we are.
this one takes place in between chapters 3 and 4 of A Matter of Time. i hope you like it!
“Monsieur Time Traveller…”
The phrase echoed in Victor’s head, drowning out all other thoughts he might have had. Whoever the Count was — Victor didn’t care in the slightest, he hoped he didn’t have to deal with the man very much — he had entirely upended Victor’s entire worldview with those few words.
Time Traveller…
He couldn’t help but shove the concept away in denial. There was no way Torres was a time traveller! Yes, he called himself a traveller, and yes, he was often away on some sort of “business” Victor could never weasel out an explanation for, but that certainly didn’t mean Torres was out of time rather than simply out of town.
Even if he was a time traveller — which he clearly wasn’t — why come here and now? What was so special about this time and place that made it worth the effort of visiting over and over? Obviously it couldn’t be his experiments, or else Torres would’ve been there that night. What, then, was the point of coming back time and time again, risking discovery every single moment?
Time Traveller…
Almost against his will, Victor found himself humoring the idea. Stripped of all speculation, the occupation fit the facts. Torres called himself a traveller, and so he was. His comings and goings were often unpredictable, and his absences unexplained. The more Victor considered the possibility, the more likely it seemed. Thousands of microscopic details, down to an odd remark here or there, snapped into place, until Victor could deny it no longer.
Tristan Torres was a Time Traveller.
Victor’s awe at this discovery fizzled out as a single thought nagged in the back of his mind: that night. The night he– the night it all happened. The night Victor ran out of his room in fright, the night Torres found him hours later, soaked to the bone and shaking more from fright than cold.
Why hours later?
Torres was a master of time. Why couldn’t he have been there sooner? He could have stopped Victor from going through with it? He could’ve stopped him at any point in those years leading up to that night of reanimation, and he didn’t. He let Victor work himself to the bone, let him lose himself to his foolish ambitions, let him bring that– that monster to life, all without so much as a warning.
How could he?
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
Also also I will call Queen Amangeaux, Our Lady of Bad Decisions, but it is purely affectionate. I love an impulsive, impetuous, and naive adventurer. she makes bad choices because she’s prideful and vivacious and flawed and amazing. I love a flawed character and Amangeaux is definitely flawed but I am *delighted by every fucking second of it*. She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’s angry and French and her husband died and no one respects her and she’s tired of your shit so she wants to be a little catty and a little dangerous and she wants to be involved and she wants to be part of the team and she wants to do some assassinations with the party. I. Love. Her. You cannot have a story without conflict, I write my characters to make bad decisions constantly. I love a lady who is committed to being a part of her own destiny even if it means fucking it up. I have nothing but respect for Our Lady of Bad Decisions. I love the decision to make her so flawed.
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pine-needle-shuffle · 6 months
Riptide AU Notes
Notes part 2
2000 years ago, when the Cetra summoned Meteor to stop Jenova, Meteor essentially melted the ice cap where Icicle would have been. This leads to mass flooding, so most remaining land would be where the mountains and other high ground would have been in game. Most towns still exist, their placements just aren't 1 to 1.
Closer to present day, there's the ShinRa Naval Forces, an extension of the power company, who have major control over inter-island travel and trade. They are still highly militaristic, and make a habit of stamping out "competitors" i.e. anyone who wants to do anything out on the sea independent from ShinRa. This pisses a lot of people off, compounded by the impacts of the mako reactors, which spurs into the creation of RIPTIDE, this AU's version of AVALANCHE.
With growing unrest with ShinRa's "management" of the sea, ShinRa looks to other possibilities to maintain it's choke hold on the world, in this case, the sky. Not stopping with airships, they start messing with genetic engineering, resulting in the creation of Harpies. Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth are the first successful* outcomes to the experiments, so the project moves forward.
*there were some issues(poor Gen), this would later lead to mass desertion. Kinda what happens when you mess with monster DNA
After the desertion, ShinRa starts getting impatient, because raising these soldiers for 14ish years before setting them out to sea just to have them leave is kind of expensive. So the science department starts looking into turning already existing soldiers into harpies. This change in direction just so happened to coincide with some rather unfortunate(but different!) happenings on the islands of Nibel, giving them 2 subjects seemingly no one will miss.
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phy-be · 1 year
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“In our next life, we’ll do all of that. I’ll find you sooner. We’ll have more time.”
— Seph and Leto, from the novel i’m currently drafting
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altocat · 2 years
Not sure if you've done this, so sorry in advance. If Sephiroth had a child, but the mother didn't make it, what would a child raised by only Sephiroth act like? Lets say a daughter because that brings up more inherent mommy issues. I'm talking both sane and insane Sephiroth.
I know your headcanon for sane him is being in love with Genesis, but for the sake of the prompt, I'll assume Hojo pulled some NASTY tricks. Insane Sephiroth is trying to create a new world, and I'm 99% sure he does not want to raise a remnant after how they turned out.
Sephiroth doesn't want to be a father. The damage done to him throughout his life has made him exceedingly disturbed at the idea of repeating the cycle. He feels that he isn't emotionally equipped enough to handle it, and is terrified of the idea of his own blood being brought up in the labs the way he was.
Now, should Hojo do something particularly nasty and succeed in breeding Sephiroth...
-If there's no mother at all, Sephiroth has to make a choice. His duty to Shinra or knowing that Hojo will torture his offspring for the rest of her natural life, conditioning and corrupting her little by little.
-At first, Sephiroth spends the first few years completely detaching, ignoring his guilt, trying to remain loyal and avoiding it completely. But when he finally sees her again, now a fragile wobbly toddler behind the glass, he can't bear it. It's the first time he's genuinely, completely enraged and angry, breaking through his calm facade just to get to her, killing Hojo without hesitation, taking the child and running. If Sephiroth was ready to leave Shinra over his friends, he would have burned the place to the ground over his child.
-As a father, Sephiroth is distant and not very communicative. He doesn't like to share his emotions and he isn't good at playing or doting or doing anything a healthy father should. He is often leaving her in safe spots and will disappear for long periods, only coming back with food or when it's time for bed. He will purchase whatever is required to keep her well cared for, but he honestly has no idea how to express the traditional feelings of paternal love that most fathers provide. He WANTS to. And the feelings are there deep down. But he is completely at a loss.
-It's only after they've been together for a while that Sephiroth finally begins to learn little by little. He might not ever be a physically affectionate father, but he begins to provide her with gifts, toys. He tries to express himself when he can, and would fight to the death to keep her safe. In rare instances, his hollow mask shatters and she can see just how tired and anxious he really is. It takes many years before he is finally able to tell her that he loves her.
-By the time he's raised her to adulthood, they're much much closer. She understands him very well and he's much more relaxed by then. Sephiroth is more at peace far away from Shinra. And is low-key constantly following his daughter wherever she goes. She finds it quietly amusing. He's still so awkward, and lots of what he says around her is blisteringly aloof and stilted. But she doesn't doubt that he really does love her, and is devoted to her.
-She probably would grow up a bit more mature than other kids her age. And due to Sephiroth being Sephiroth, would probably be well versed in self-defense and reading others when they can't really verbalize. I don't think she'd be especially powerful or important or sue-ish. I like the idea of Sephiroth's child being Just Some Gal. Wise, thoughtful, pragmatic, and thankfully living a normal, boring, uneventful life with no Main Character higher purpose or trauma. Sephiroth would greatly prefer that.
-Because I'm mean, I'd like to think she very strongly resembles Lucrecia hehehehe...
-ANYWAY Insane!Sephiroth just wants to see what's in it for him. Otherwise, he'd find a nice little nook and dump her off. He'll come back once she's an adult and can be useful to Jenova's cause. Other than that, she is of little use to him.
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