#self ship shingeki no kyojin
anya-ackerman · 2 years
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🍁 Day Two - Rainy Day 🍁
On rainy days, Levi and I usually curl up together and watch the rain fall with nice cups of tea. He also makes sure I’m nice and warm and comfy so blankets are a must!
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retrograde-tonic · 1 month
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I drew myself with Levi
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stoned-eren · 19 days
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request for @humanitys-strongest-bamf
kat x levi <3 sorry this took me a bit !! but i hope you like it !! :D
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iwanttobeaseme · 3 months
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I present to ya'll the commissions I made this month of February 🤲. Thank you so much to those who have commissioned me 🫶.
April comms waitlist is open w/ 5 slots (or more)! Just DM me if you're interested or have questions ^^. Ion bite hehe
Ps. Check my bio for slots update 🤗. Thanks ya'll!!!
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iwriteloveletters · 2 months
Imaginary (Eren x Reader Oneshot)
WORDS - 694
You didn't know where you were, one second you were at war and now you're outside; in front of you was a little house on the countryside.
A little girl came outisde and said her father wanted to speak to you, her father? Who was she and who was her father?
The little girl had the brightest green eyes and long brown hair, she looked just like Eren if he had been a little girl. She must have been around ten years old.
"Who are you little one?" You asked.
Her head turned to the side, "Alana? Your daughter? Are you okay?"
You gasped, when did you have a child? This must have been a dream.
You then decided to follow her into the home that must be yours to find Eren holding a second child, this one was less than a year old. According to Alana this was a baby boy named Noah.
"Hey, come upstairs with me. I want to talk to you. Alana will be alright."
You nodded and he got up and began to make his way upstairs with Noah in hand.
As you walked to the stairs there were pictures on the walls of your little family, Alana as a baby where Eren holds her proudly. His first and only girl, and then another set of photos of you three adoring Noah.
This is exactly the life you want, a boy and a girl with Eren.
You find yourselves in your shared bedroom, there you see your wedding photos showcased, these photos were in beautiful white and gold frames. You fell in love in such a special way.
"I wanted to do this for you." He broke the silence which brought you back to reality. You remembered this wasn't real. Eren did this.
"Thanks..." You held back your tears, this would be your last moments with Eren and you won't even remember them.
"I would've loved having our own Alana and Noah." He chuckled.
You nodded, you wanted to beg him to stay but you know that wasn't possible.
"C'mon, answer me. Don't be so cold."
You didn't know what to say or what to do. You wanted to hug him, kiss him goodbye, or even ask him to somehow keep you here forever. You wanted him to stay with you forever.
The false reality he made for you can become real, if you two simply stayed there.
"No, we can't stay my love. This was just for a little bit, everything is temporary." It felt like he read your mind, but he simply loved you and your mind so much that he knew the way you thought.
You balled your hands into fists, you wanted to yell about how this wasn't fair and how this wasn't fair at all for anyone.
You burst into tears, you can't hate him. You saw him grow into such a selfless and dumb man, you can't ever bring yourself to hate him.
"I love you, I've loved you so much for so long."
"I know, I gave you our dream. One of many."
You didn't want to let go, not yet. Eren had all this power, all you wanted was more time. You needed more time.
He put Noah down in his crib and walked over and held you one last time, before he disappeared this was the exact way he held you. He caressed the back of your head with one hand and used his free arm to wrap his hands tighter around your waist.
It feels the exact same way because this is how he held you before he left, now he's leaving for good.
"Please, Eren." You begged one last time.
"No, (Y/N)." He said.
You could feel your shared dream coming to end now, his grip getting lighter and the sounds of Alana giggling downstairs and Noah cooing fading out. This was it, this is the closest you'll get to having a family with him.
"Do you think we'll see each other again?"
This answer was good enough for you, you finally let yourself let go of him once and for all. But if it was up to you, you'd die in his arms with him. You'd let him sacrifice you for humanity had he asked.
"Goodbye, Eren. I'll miss you."
You were back where you once were, and from a distance there was Mikasa holding his head sobbing.
There will be no seeing each other again.
Authors note - Hi guys!! This is a super short oneshot so I hope you enjoy, I'll try to put out some headcanons later today or on tuesday! In other news, I'll be putting longer fics and oneshots on my AO3 account. The user is livelaughjaeger ! So far I have Rosemary (One shot) and my new series Without You, I have two chapters out right now! If you check it out I hope you enjoy!! - Cherub
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spicerackofblorbos · 26 days
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Here's the moodboard made for @erwinswings Fox x Erwin!! This is such an adorable aesthetic, and I had so much fun!! Thank you for being so patient and entrusting your vision with me. I hope you like it!
If you would like to request a selfship/oc x character moodboard, please refer to this post for instructions and rules!
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Tr: "Self shippers make the levi fandom intolerable. Every aot character has many meta and headcanon blogs dedicated to them but not levi because all his fans are self shippers that only view him as a sex object in their deluded fantasies. It makes me dislike the character. Levi wouldn’t love you, shut up, he’s not real."
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anya-ackerman · 2 years
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🍁 Day Fifteen - Fall Tradition 🍁
Levi and I always love going out for walks in the really wooded areas in the mountains to watch the colors as the leaves have changed! It’s beautiful, there’s nothing that compares to autumn on Paradis!
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chaotic-on-main · 2 months
I'm in between projects and working an 8 hour shift, so I've got a little down time.
If you self ship, like this and I'll send you an ask with a random ass headcanon about you and your f/o's life/relationship 🤸🏻‍♀️
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bita-bita · 8 months
I keep closing and opening tumblr
I should go sleep soon, BUT before that, I'll entertain myself
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stoned-eren · 21 days
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eren: oh yeah, i got them from the neighbor’s front yard!
me: you WHAT
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lunarwildrose · 1 month
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Commander Erwin Smith and me aka Nabi Ackerman ~ sister of Lee-vee!! @octobernocturne :3 ~ a self-indulgent illustration to mark one year (April 28th, 2023) since I first dreamt of Erwy, hehe. 🤍
That was the dream where me and him worked on a court case together, and had good rapport between one another akin to Rachel and Harvey from The Dark Knight ~ which is funny, cos we used to say, "Oh, there's the Leon guy and Connell guy" about Levi and Erwin, cos Robbie had the Leon haircut years ago, and his author avatar works in the Knight Academy in MQ the webcomic with Connell who is our expy of Harvey from The Dark Knight and a real life neighbour we had at one point, but now Micky is Levi, and Erwin stands out on his own ... unless you count Erwin being an expy of Adrian Alexander Veidt aka Ozymandias from Watchmen, and me twinning with Erwin starting with his voice actor also being born on May 4th and Adrian's name being similar to my long-lost fictional twin brother, Alexander Adrian Amaranth, in MQ the webcomic ... then there's that. ^^;
Anyways, I'm glad I got Micky's input on what colours would work best in the background, cos I ended up lifting a photograph he sent me recently from the art gallery in NYC, and Micky said he loves it! =^-^= 🤍
(And, yesh, my hair in real life does look like Rogue from The X-Men, lololol)
~ ♡ ~
{Commander Erwin Smith (who, to me, is also Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias since Erwin is an expy of Adrian) is my unofficial twin/boyfriend in dreams.}
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layenacreates · 2 years
Cherry Lips 
“Who’s going to let you,” Levi prompted with a quirked eyebrow.
You threw your head back and laughed. “Who’s going to stop me?”
Grinning you pulled out two slurpees that you fully intended on finishing no matter what the consequences were.
“Now hold up the phone,” you ordered as you prepared to shoot a video and send it to one of your best friends, Sasha. Ultimately proving that you could finish two slurpees at the same time while not getting a brain freeze. One of your many talents.
It was a hot summer afternoon when you decided to pull Levi into one of your stunts. This spontaneous adventure was one of the many Levi had to endure this week. Seeing as this was the last week before summer vacation officially ended and a new semester of undergrad began. You felt as if you had to make the most of summer vacation and forced Levi to celebrate with you. Your escapades had ranged from hosting parties with your friends to doing random tik tok trends. Although you filmed a ton of videos with Levi in frame, you were banned from posting them on any social media. He specifically stated that if he ever found any of the videos you took with him circling around on the web. It would be your head on a pike. (You made sure to send all the videos to a secret group chat with all your friends minus Levi, you know, for funnies.)
“Alright alright.” Levi lamented and held your phone in his hand. He opened up the camera app and prepared to take a video while trying to find your best lighting. If he were honest, he would say that you looked beautiful no matter the situation.
“Ready?” You held two Big Glups in your hand, each with a pink straw. The coolness of the drink made you shiver just a bit. A movement that did not go unnoticed by Levi.
“If you throw up, I’m not cleaning it.” His face morphed into an expression of disgust and his grip tightened on the phone. Okay, he probably should stop you but even Levi was interested on how this would play out. And he was also a sucker for you and your childish antics. Something he fell for at the beginning of your relationship.
When you began dating he found it endearing how you would like to take up silly challenges like this one. You tried every carnival game and took your losses and wins in stride. You accepted any offer to compete with grace and confidence. You were so full of life that Levi had no control when the floor slipped under him, and he found himself in love with you. You were opened to the world as much as he was closed off from it. You took every new opportunity to expand his horizons while he took every opportunity to hide and stay in his comfort zone.
Slowly, however, you started to overshadow the fear that governed his heart. He slowly started hanging out with people more, finding comfort in Mikasa’s silent deposition and humor in Eren’s brashness. He even let you take him to new tea spots around town. Slowly, he was changing, and it felt good.
“Hey, did I lose you,” came your startled voice. Levi’s eyes flicked up to meet your own when he realized he was staring at the phone.
“I’m fine.” Levi’s voice came out clipped, but he maintained his composure. Although you could tell something was weighing in his mind, you knew not to press. Levi would open up to you when he was ready and how he so wanted to treasure you for your silent acceptance. But just like his actions, he was careful. Afraid that once he fully embraced you, you would run away and leave his life like so many others had done before. His mom, Isabel, Farlan. Just thinking about them made his heart ache, the pain ever still stabbing at his heart.
The wind shifted suddenly causing Levi to snap back into reality and away from the black hole in his mind that he narrowly escaped from. Glancing at you he saw that your hair had moved across you face, leaving you temporary blinded.
Setting down your phone, Levi moved to fix your hair. One hand gently carried your face as the other attempted to push back the strands of hair that covered it. His hand begun to nestle into your hair as he looked at you. Marveling in the fact that you were his. You were sweet, tender, and his.
Emotion overflowed his heart, and he did what only felt natural to him. He bent down and captured your lips with his. Your lips tasted like cherry, as he expected, he saw you had stolen a quick sip before your little photoshoot at the gas station earlier. His tongue begged for entrance as it trailed a line across the bottom of your lips.
Hesitantly, you extend an invitation into your mouth by parting your lips just an inch. Slowly, Levi entered your mouth, savoring the taste of it. You could feel the emotion behind the way he kissed you and you indulged in it for as long as you could while he roamed your inner chasm.
When you two broke a part, you each mirrored each other. Breathless but full of life.
“What was that for?” You breathed.
“Just wanted a taste.” Levi smiled down at you. A real smile sat on his lips. It was gentle but it was there.
You made him feel whole. Like he deserved to experience everything life had to offer him. He felt like he didn’t have to shy away from the happiness that you offered him every day. That he could be happy. With you.
“Now let’s finish this video.” Levi let go of your face and moved to stand opposite of you.
Needless to say, although you didn’t get a brain freeze, you most certainly got a stomachache that resulted in you puking your guts out on the bathroom floor. What made it all okay though was that your boyfriend was there holding you and comforting you.
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sugar-and-pearls · 2 months
Eren's playlist- songs that remind me of him for some reason
Nickelback - Lullaby
"So just give it one more try to a lullaby And turn this up on the radio If you can hear me now, I'm reaching out To let you know that you're not alone And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell 'Cause I can't get you on the telephone So just close your eyes (close your eyes) Oh, honey, here comes a lullaby Your very own lullaby"
Camilo's Interlude - Laureli Amadeus
"I'm just saying this 'cause there's more to you than you think Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't know who I see
Well, I see a nice boy who makes people smile A nice boy who takes care of our mama A nice boy who can't accept compliments I'm just saying it's different
Is it?"
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
"You could have a steam train If you'd just lay down your tracks You could have an aeroplane flying If you bring your blue sky back All you do is call me I'll be anything you need"
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spicerackofblorbos · 3 months
Hiiii, I hope I make the deadline for your March 14th event. 😊 so here’s my blorbo:
An exciting date with Connie Springer. 🩶 He takes me to a Dave and Busters type place where we play laser tag and bowl. After, we hit up some food trucks downtown for dinner. He’s very flirty and makes me laugh a lot. Of course he doesn’t forget to kiss me goodnight when he takes me back home.
Thank you so much!
Xoxo, Maggie 💖
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Tr: "I love Levi and self shipping is valid, no judgment there, ignore that other anon, kings/queens… But I have to say I do find Levi fans some of the most insufferable among all the character fandoms. They have some persecution fetish over non existent haters. He’s literally consistently the most popular character. He has so very few real haters at all and yet they focus so much on them so they can feel like they’re “pwotecting wevi”, it’s like they love the negative attention more. Like I want to follow for Levi content not some other ish. Yet they also shit on other characters and belittle other characters freely and happily to make Levi look better. THIS ISNT THE MAJORITY, but still a loud enough minority that I have to stop following these people so I can like Levi again because it’s hard not to associate him with them. Sis, you do not have “enemies” and no one is “praying for his downfall” this is a fictional character 💀"
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