countingpaperstars · 6 years
@prrrrmm reblogged your post “in celebration of fic writers appreciation day, I’ve put together a...” and added
@emeraldwaves added
MILSSSS YOU ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU!!! Thank you for including me on this list of AMAZING writers!! <3
ahhhHHHHhh thanks chellie ;; ILU TOO!!! you are incredibly supportive and have such fun ideas for your fics <33 
@ever-at-your-side-15 replied
Aweeee~~! Thanks so much for mentioning me alongside all of these other awesome writers!! I super appreciate it!! ❤❤❤ Please know that I am sending all the love right back as well!! ^_^
of course!!! thank you for all you’ve contributed to the fandom <33 and thank you!! so much love your way :D
@puddingcatbae added
thank you so much for including me!! your writing inspires me so much and i admire your writing even more, so this is such an honour <3<3
i wish the same to you and everyone working hard to share the love for our faves—here’s to good times and smooth writing!!
WOW!! honestly I am so honored myself?? I’ve really admired your writing for a long while!!! so I was so amazed to hear that you know of my stories ;; so much love to you <33 to good times and smooth writing all around!
@harmonization added
I’ve already said this in my previous post (below ↓ ), but thank you so much Mils - you’re a gem and I’m really honored and humbled at being included as part of this list!! ;__; I wish you all the best this coming year with all your writing endeavors, I can’t wait until I get some free time so I can start reading them! <3
AWWWwww harmony ;; you definitely deserve lots of love your way!! so happy to know you and I wish you all the best with your writing as well <33 lots of good thoughts your way with all the new and exciting things in your life as well!
@seladorie added
thank you for the rec!!! <3
thank you for all the wonderful stories and conversations sel! :D many good wishes your way <3
@lizibabbles added
MILS ❤❤❤❤ I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!!! Thank you so much for always being supportive and amazing!
I LOVE YOU TOO <3 <3 so many good wishes your way!!!!! thank you for all your hard work and support!! you’re amazing lizi!!
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kit-astrophy · 6 years
@seladorie here is part 3! Sorry it took so long D: Not really fluffy but part 4 will be!
Part 1: Prompto and Ignis first meeting goes badly.
Part 2: Ignis tries to fix things.
There were few things that could frazzle Ignis Scientia. He could clearly remember the last time he had panicked; it was when he was ten years old, and had learned that Noctis had been attacked and may never recover. Since then he had spent his life being trained to maintain absolute composure; to be level headed at all times to keep Noctis safe.
But getting a frantic call from Noctis at a little past one in the morning begging him to meet him at the hospital immediately, was very high up on the list of things that can make Ignis Scientia panic.
He probably had never made it from point A to point B so fast in all his life and a distant part of his mind prayed he was slow enough not earn himself a speeding ticket but right now his sole focus was on getting to the emergency room and making sure Noctis was safe.
Relief flooded his body when he found Noctis in the waiting room, seemingly okay; he was hunched over, his head held in his hands and fingers clenching the available strands of his hair tight enough to tug at his scalp. A Glaive was stood off to the side, standing sentinel and looking very uncomfortable.
“Noct-” he called, walking closer. Noctis’ head snapped up at the sound of his voice and Ignis only had a few seconds to process that he was moving before Noctis had practically thrown himself at his advisor, arms wrapping tightly around Ignis’ back.
“Noct, what happened?” He asked, carefully laying his hands on Noctis’ back to rub soothingly. Noctis was trembling in his arms.
“It’s Prom... Iggy it’s Prom...” Noctis’ voice wavered, likely on the verge of tears.
“Noct... you need to breathe, and tell me what happened,” he urged, guiding Noctis back to the chair he had been in and nudging him to sit down. It was too easy, Noctis just dropped into the chair, though his hands clenched the front of Ignis’ shirt tightly.
“We... we were at the arcade... we lost track of time and they kicked us out at closing time so we were going back to my place, because it’s closer, you know?” Noctis started, only releasing his tight grip on Ignis’ shirt when the older man sat down beside him; Ignis’ hand was soon rubbing across his shoulders again.
“Okay, so you were going home... must have been just around midnight, yes?” Ignis asked, urging him to continue.
“Y-yeah... yeah about that time. There were these two other guys that got kicked out too and... a-and they followed us. Iggy, I should have been more careful, I should have noticed they were there. I could have-”
“Noct, deep breath. I need to know what happened,” Ignis insisted. Noctis dropped his head back into his hands but he listened, taking in a deep breath.
“They cornered us, just around the corner from my apartment. Wanted our phones and wallets... I was going to draw my sword but Prom grabbed my wrist. Shook his head at me... I didn't know what else to do,” he explained, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“One of them grabbed me, and Prom tried to get him off and the other guy just went for him. I couldn’t get free... all that training and I just panicked, I couldn’t help him Iggy,” Noctis whimpered, his body shaking when he finally gave way to the tears that were desperate to escape.
Ignis tried to process the information. The boys had been attacked then; a mugging that ended badly. He could understand Noctis’ eagerness to draw his weapon but criminals or not, it wouldn't be a good idea. Prompto had made a good decision on that front. But if Noctis was this upset it had to be more than just a good beating. Ignis looked over to the Glaive.
“What do you know?” He asked.
“The doorman at his Highness’ apartment complex raised the alarm. Said he could hear the commotion from his post. Myself and another Glaive were the first there, soon followed by two Crownsguards. The perpetrators tried to run but were caught just down the road,” he explained.
“And Prompto’s condition?”
“...He was pretty banged up. Not gunna lie, but he wasn’t responsive to the paramedics and was bleeding from several lacerations. Looked like he might have been stabbed a few times too,” The Glaive reported hesitantly. It dragged a sob out of Noctis.
“It’s all my fault, I should have been able to do something. I’m trained to defend myself, Prom isn’t,” he whimpered.
“It’s not your fault, Noct. You did the right thing by not attacking. I know that Gladio will tell you the same thing,” Ignis assured gently. After all, Gladio had earned himself a rather bad scar not even six months ago, defending Noctis from a drunken citizen. “All we can do right now is wait for some news.”
Prompto really was a mess. He probably looked better than he had when they got him here, but by the time the doctors finally let Ignis and Noctis anywhere near him he was hooked up to three different machines to monitor him and to give him medication and a bit of oxygen. Noctis found his way into the chair by his bed.
“He’s lucky. He was stabbed three times in the chest. A little more to the left and a bit deeper, and we’d have been dealing with a punctured lung, but they were pretty shallow and fixed with stitches” the doctor explained with a light shake of his head, looking over the notes on his clipboard. “A couple of broken ribs, a fractured knee and two breaks in his right arm, but mostly it’s all bruising. Probably going to have a nasty headache when he wakes up, but all his CT scans are clear.”
Ignis sighed softly in relief. A broken arm would definitely not be good, nor the painful ribs... but the knee would be the worst. However, he was alive and safe. And most importantly... he had put his life on the line for Noctis. A job meant for his Crownsguard, not his best friend.
“We’ve been trying to get in contact with his parents, but no one is answering either of the numbers in his emergency contacts. He’s not going to be able to leave here until he can be fully supervised at home. Those casts won’t be coming off for months, and he really needs to be monitored in case his headaches get any worse,” the doctor continued.
Ignis felt anger slowly seething within him. Prompto had been attacked, stabbed and heavily wounded and his parents weren’t even answering their phones? 
“He can come with me,” Noctis said quickly, looking over his shoulder at Ignis. “There’s space in my apartment.”
“With all due respect, Highness, I have to release him to an adult... preferably family,” the doctor said with a small shake of his head. Noctis’ shoulders slumped in defeat and Ignis knew exactly why. Prompto didn’t have any family other than his parents and they weren’t available. Perhaps King Regis could overrule the doctor but...
“Then he’ll come to me,” Ignis stated, carefully adjusting his glasses. “I’m his... cousin. I’ll take responsibility for him until his parents can be contacted. I’ll arrange to have my details put on his records. I apologise for the trouble you’ve had with his parents.” No way could he just leave the boy here in hospital. Not after he had put himself in harms way for Noctis. He did his best to ignore the surprised look that Noctis was casting his way.
“Well, that should be alright then. He won’t be fit to leave here perhaps until tomorrow. We want to make sure that he’s coherent and functioning well when he wakes... for now I’ll leave you here with him, but I’m afraid given the ungodly hour, you won’t be able to stay too long,” the doctor explained. Ignis merely nodded and let him leave. He walked closer, finding another chair to settle into.
“Don’t, Noctis. Please, I... I have my reasons.”
“No I just... I appreciate it... really.”
“As do I... what he did for you tonight was brave, and if I can repay him at least a little for keeping you safe, then that’s what I will do. I'm sure my absence will be forgiven, given the circumstances,” he said, looking over the blonde again. At this point he was more bandages than skin, and the casts on his arm and leg were bulky and awkward.
“You can bring him to mine, Specs. There’s more space in my apartment, and I want to help too,” Noctis insisted.
“No, with me absent you will need to step up and take care of your duties. We can’t both be missing. There is more than enough space in my apartment for his care, I assure you,” Ignis said with a shake of his head.
“Nn... argue lat’r.” Both Ignis and Noctis turned their heads at the mumble, surprised to see one of Prompto’s eyes squinting at them.
“Prom! I'm so sorry, I should have seen them following us, I’m so sorry,” Noctis said quickly, shuffling the chair closer to hold onto his friend’s good hand.
“Na, ‘s okay. You’re okay, yea?” Prompto asked. Noctis nodded a little, squeezing his hand.
“The only one you need to worry about is yourself, Prompto. Get some rest, alright?” Ignis said, laying a careful hand on Prompto’s good leg. Prompto gave a soft hum, but was asleep as quickly as he had woken.
Ignis just couldn’t believe his selflessness. Even wounded and in hospital, his concern had been Noctis. Ignis knew now that he had severely underestimated Prompto’s friendship with Noctis... perhaps these next few weeks would give him a chance to show Prompto that he was appreciated too.
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suarhnir · 6 years
Fanart - Burning
“What are you doing here, Prompto?”
“Worshiping,” Prompto says, closing his eyes, ignoring the astral watching him. “Since my other attempts haven’t worked. I’ve been disappointed for quite a while now.”
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Oyos, inspired by a fanfic by @seladorie
Was I so amused by this idea when Selador said they were gonna go for it in making this ship? Yes. Did I camp AO3 and Tumblr to read said fic so I could pinpoint a scene that I would like to draw? Yes. Do I regret the lost sleep? No, of course not.
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thenameisfame · 6 years
trophykill1991 replied to your post “ppppsssssst are there any polyship roadtrip fics or promptis fics you might reccomend?? 👀 👀“ and said:
 *squeals* You are too sweet, my dear! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
💛🌻✨ thank you for sharing your wonderful writing!
seladorie reblogged your post and added 
awww thank you for the rec boo <3 <3 <3
thank you for your lovely stories!! 🌻💛✨
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maguneedsalife · 6 years
gladio, ignis, prompto
i did not actually expect anyone to send me one of these lmao
slow burn - im gonna go with ignis, because it turns out that mutual pining because “it would be improper for me to commit myself to someone other than noctis but my heart yearns for her” and “gee whiz this guy is so far out of my league but his voice makes me swoon im just going to sit here consumed with lust for 50 chapters” sounds like something id write honestly
fake date - prompto. the bros are trying to set prompto up with people he’s really not all that interested in (because he needs to get LAID) so he decides to pretend to date me, the wallflower in his class, so the guys will leave him alone. then we discover a deep mutual love of cute birds and taking pictures of cute birds and suddenly the dates arent all that fake anymore
enemies to lovers - gladio, bc i dont think we’d actually get along all that well at first, but then slowly bonding over maybe 1 or 2 shared interests and discovering that hey, maybe he’s not as much of an oaf as i thought, and hey, maybe she’s actually kinda cute.... *ok fingers emoji*
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kickingshoes · 7 years
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Got some other thumbs out of the way (sort of).
Top is one of my favorite scenes from @robininthelabyrinth fic Eschaton, one of many more I hope to have time for :)
Below is the start of a comic set in the Taur AU with Cor putting Prompto through some Crownsguard training, but I’ll need to do some more sketches of how exactly cattaurs would fight with weapons without looking all noodley.
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
@seladorie replied to your post: I just can’t get behind any ‘sexy’ anime/JP game...
i’m not surprised but uggggggh
This time specifically it was people flipping out over the ‘sexy’ outfits on the P5 girls for the dancing game (they’re aged from 15-18) but all I could see was their fucking nazi hats
Were the nazi uniforms designed to look good? Sure. Should we uncritically consume the shit that Japan constantly pumps out using that specific aesthetic? Don’t fuckin’ think so.
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i-will-not-be-caged · 7 years
seladorie replied to your chat: Article for my grad class: why do boys think...
??? what article is this???
It was like 3 different ones. One of them honest to god listed the “devaluation of masculinity” as a reason boys don’t read.
It’s frustrating, because the article had legitimate points about brain development and the damage that the lack of play in kindergarten and early elementary has had, but like, those things don’t just negatively affect boys? And while YA is one of the publishing areas that skews female, to act like there aren’t any “boy books” is disingenuous, especially when male authors get more attention and better reviews even in YA.
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corasombrelune · 6 years
Tagged by: the talented @seladorie!! (Thanks!! ^o^)
Nicknames: Cora, sometimes Coco or Co
Gender/pronouns: she/her
Height: 5′3″ (1m63)
Time: 1:39 PM
Birthday: March 22th
Favorite bands: I would say Imagine Dragons, Green day, Cranberries, The Police, Fall Out Boy, Caravan Palace, Simon & Garfunkel and others…… but usually, I’m listening to video games/movie soundtracks…
Favorite solo artist: hum, not sure? Is Parov Stelar a “solo artist”? I’ve been listening to Regina Spektor a lot lately…? + some old French singers?
Song stuck in your head: the Castle in the Sky theme, Kimi o Nosete 
Last movie you watched: …I just  saw Batman ninja with @alliaenor…it was…something else… (Before that: Your name/ Kimi no na wa)
Last show: I started La casa de Papel last week (Money heist in English, I think?)
Why did you create your blog: Hum, I’d been checking 3 blogs daily for months, so it seemed logical/more practical to create an account? At first, I wasn’t posting anything, aaand then, I wanted to share the wonderful content with the friends I made there?... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Other blogs: None (one is enough >.<)
Do you get asks: Rarely, but yeah, sometimes ^.^
How did you get the idea for your url: …Tbh, I really didn’t give it much thought?... I took one of my irl nicknames, and just ...put words after it to be sure the url wasn’t already taken?? (when @lena221b and I first started to talk, she told me she thought it was from Teen Wolf, and I was like ??? actually, it could have been a good explanation?? But no, it was actually random, sorry… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
I follow: 243 blogs.
Followers: 183
Average hours of sleep: around 6 during the week, more like 8-9 if I’m on holidays/weekend
Instruments: none :(
What are you wearing: Yoga pants and a T-shirt with “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say… I think it’s working out, I think I’M THE ONE” written on it. (epitome of fashion, especially on Sundays xp)
Dream job: Hum, when I was younger, I wanted to be a librarian (or something to do with books?)…But now, I’m working in a development lab, and I really like it?...
Dream trip: Japan!! (if everything goes well, I should go there next year!!! I’m super excited!)
Significant other: nope, I’m (happily) single!
Last book I read: I just started “Hyperion” (Dan Simmons). Before that, I read “Call me by your name” (Andre Aciman). + fanfictions, of course! (I’m re-reading Poor Wayfaring Stranger by lithos_saeculum... also: Marvel fanctions again -I blame Infinity War... =.=)
Top 3 fictional universes: Harry Potter, Tolkien’s universe and Marvel, probably?
 tagging:  @lena221b, @alliaenor and @artemis69 (no obligation, of course! ;) ) 
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whostarlockeda03 · 3 years
I love all your thoughts on Nyx! Would you mind sharing how you started shipping PromNyx? I've mostly been into CorNyx, but I think PromNyx has a lot of potential to be really cute!
Hello, my lovely! Thanks for this ask, I'm glad you appreciated the Nyx ramble (I have so many thoughts about him, I could go for days) XD
So initially I found this fic while looking for Promnis to read, but the first time I came across it I think I guessed that Promnis wouldn't be the main ship, and stopped halfway through.
And then after I watched Kingsglaive, I was lamenting how two of my favourite characters never met in canon (that we know of, at least) and then wondered how they'd interact and so on, and so on, until I thought 'Hey, they'd be perfect for each other!' and typed the ship into AO3 to see what already existed.
At which point I despaired at myself for yet again choosing a rare pair to obsess over
I reread the above linked fic, and then went on a fic binge. Here are some of my all time favourites:
- Melt My Heart Like Wax by aphaire (@themusecalliope) - your face by kindly (@kindly-creatot) - Nothing Subtle Here author unknown (orphan account) - Lending a Hand by dragonbornette (@dragonbornette) - Secretly Dating by Selador (@seladorie) - range of motion by queenhomeslice - small windows by kindly - One Final Favour by TheEmcee
and last but not least, a gift from my wonderful friend @thedarkestdandelion, Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
The one that really sold it for me, though, is Notavodkashot's AU, Terms and Conditions Apply
In terms of them fitting together, there's many different takes I've come across, but for me, it kinda goes back to all that hidden depth and those masks Nyx wears that I spoke about in the ask meme.
We see in canon that Prompto has a lot of those same masks - he's always the joker, forever playing dumb and doing anything to make other people happy. Nyx is very similar, isn't he? Always smirking, always ready with a quirky one-liner, and underneath all that, he's so very haunted.
I like to think that because Nyx uses that kind of deflection himself, he can see straight through Prompto's antics. Where everyone always writes Prom off as a joker, Nyx sees the person underneath - the boy who's petrified that he won't be good enough and everyone will leave him.
Sure, they're not the same insecurities, but it's the same cover-up.
So then the fact that they have different fears and hurts and upsets works well together, too, because rather than getting bogged down together by their insecurities, they can help each other. Neither of them are the kind of person to tear someone down, so of course they'd both reach out and help, no matter what.
Nyx can see how scared Prompto is of being left alone, and he'd try to ensure that never ended up being the case. He'd introduce Prom to all his friends, encourage him on his path to stay by Noct's side, and be there for him himself whenever possible.
And the flip side of that: Prompto can see how cut up Nyx is by all the losses he's endured, he can understand the loneliness that comes with it; he can help Nyx make a home in Insomnia, and give him reasons to come home in one piece.
They understand each other, in a way few other people ever understand them. That makes for such a unique bond. So yes, to outside eyes they probably seem like a happy-go-lucky, sweet, jokey couple, and they probably mostly would just clown around and be sickeningly in love around their friends, but then in those quiet moments when they're trying to face down their worst demons and almost falling short, they've got each other to even the fight.
There are so many ways to experiment with PromNyx, and I think that's one of the main reasons I love it. It can be fluffy, it can be jokey, it can be sweet and casual, but it can also be so much more profound, too. I like having the ability to dabble in both sides of that, when I'm writing for them.
And if you want to read, here are my PromNyx works (that I've actually managed to finish):
- In The Small Hours - Ghosts - Keep Me Warm - It's Got to be Perfect
I hope this piques your curiousity, my dear! We need all the PromNyx shippers we can get XD
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figureofdismay · 3 years
i can’t believe S/Z and her YT friend got a group of small queer fandom blogs dogpiled for making ‘queer for queer anti-assimilationist in fandom and media’ merch, maybe realized that making fun of/mischaracterizing the queer fen for “making a pin about arguing with children” when the “children” were largely radicalized 17-22 year olds whose harassment had recently caused 2 suicides, a doxxing that lost a housebound critically disabled person their work-from-home job in a pandemic, and a doxxing that got a 17 year old trans person kicked out of her home by her parents just so far that year, and shifted to make it about ‘queer people using the Silence = Death & queer things merch reclaimed pink triangle on queer merch is appropriating holocaust imagery and antisemetic if you’re not all jewish’ refused to listen to queer elders supplying her with information, and then slid away from the mess, never calling off her thousands of followers. Then waited 5 months and made a monetized video complete with badly censored, easily identifiable screen caps to get them dogpiled Again. And to say “hmm, yes it’s all bad, harassment is bad everywhere, both sides, the messy queers who are angry after repeated, inescapable harassment since 2015 are just as bad as the violent anti-sex crypto-radfem/terf micro-cult clusters who pretend this is about ~juvenile fandom ship wars~ and not about policing anti-assimilationist/queer behavior and recruitment of vulnerable young people, no it’s the Caring About Things and the Labels that are the problem :c”
edit: this is a good reaction thread btw, it acknowledges that she had some reasonable points, but over all biased framing of the situation(s) https://twitter.com/seladorie/status/1427836580283097094
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seladorie · 7 years
dark-dark-evil-way ---> seladorie
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ifellfromtheskies · 5 years
So, Promnyx... I almost forgot about the fact that you’re also in the FFXV fandom Bc of how obsessed I am with your Shance art, tbh, BUT now I have a question: what are your biggest FFXV ships? I gotta knowwww
Ahhhh thank you! My favourite ffxv ship is Promnyx because of @seladorie. Their fics converted me and it’s my #1 fave now haha. I like most ships in the ffxv fandom though, especially if they include Prompto lol.
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maguneedsalife · 7 years
C, L, and Z!
C - A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t
MAN do i have a ton of these lmao.... as far as “fandoms i’m currently in”, my answer to this is Okita swords (Yamatonokami Yasusada and Kashuu Kiyomitsu) from Touken Ranbu. I’m just.... not a fan? I like the boys on their own well enough but their interactions in canon just don’t grab me. I wanna ship Yasusada with other swords (bc i want my swordboy to be happy and loved) but i feel like most people pair him with Kashuu lmao
Oh, and for Pokemon - I can’t ship Steven with anyone other than May. Lots of ppl pair him with Wallace or Zinnia or Cynthia or a myriad of other people and i just. May is his wife and I will die on this hill
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
This one probably depends on which fandom I know them from lmao.... like if it was an artist I found through ShuAke, I’d request that. (I know I personally prefer getting requests/commissions/suggestions that align with things I already care about, so I’d want to pay it forward lmao)
Z - What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
The good thing about staying in my own lane wrt fandom is that to my knowledge i dont rly have any ships that “everyone on tumblr” hates. Like, I know there’s a dedicated anti- group for ShuAke (and for Akechi generally) but I’ve been lucky enough never to interact with them, so i typically never shut up about ShuAke anyway.
I’m pretty public about all my ships and don’t really have any that are “guilty pleasures” anymore lmao. There was a time when i got flak for Sycamore/Serena (still ship it, btw, if ur following me and that bothers you feel free to unfollow) but that’s about all the “anti” contact i’ve had. I didn’t even get hate when i was drawing Mink/Aoba, which is also a pretty polarizing pair. Maybe I’m not “big name fan” enough to draw that kind of attention, and tbh I’m fine with that. I’ll shut up about my garbage ships when i’m dead
Now, are there ships i would talk more about, but they appeal to maybe 3 people other than me? oh, absolutely. See: Dawn/Giratina, PMD2 Protag/Dusknoir.
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kickingshoes · 7 years
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This morning vs this evening. Not quiiittte done (but perhaps expecting to color this whole thing in a day was a little presumptuous of me XD) Definitely getting done tomorrow though!
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kingsglaivezine · 5 years
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~* Writer Spotlight *~
Nearing the last of them!
notavodkashot and Seladorie!
Preorder your copy of FH&H over here!
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