#sejuani x reader
togetherhearted · 6 months
"You can't leave without letting me hug you first" for Morgana, Kai'sa and Sejuani, please?
Of course of course!
Would be delighted to. Hope this is fine!
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Morning came too fast and soon you both would leave the bed;the warm furry covers and the body of your lover. Sejuani was the first to leave the bed, leaving a trail of cold from the moved covers. She was fast on her feet, despite the temperature. She wore her clothes and tied  her hair. You watched her for a brief moment, admiring the strong physique of the woman of your heart before leaving the bed yourself. She was ready to leave when your voice halted her step. -You can't leave without letting me hug you first- You opened your arms. -Heh, you sure are a softie- Sejuani embraced you before leaving to take care of Bristle.
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A smooth,motherly like voice stopped you from leaving the cave Morgana was resting in. The lady opened her arms with a small smile on her face. -You can't leave without letting me hug you first- Your heart melted and turned back to her. She wrapped her arms around you. Her wings followed after;not too tight around you to let you breathe. Her scent was soothing and now you didn't want to leave the hug anytime soon. -I'll be back shortly, I promise you- You begrudgingly left her arms. -Have a safe journey- You waved at her;stepping out into the morning sun.
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-You can't leave without letting me hug you first- You said to her as she looked down to a corridor opened by a void creature. -You talk like I'm about to die- Kai'sa tried to ease the tension between you too;sighing when she felt her suit react at the vicinity to the corridor. -What if you do.What if you never come back- The woman frowned. You were about to give up when she hugged you tightly;resting her head on your shoulder briefly. -It's not the first time I venture there. I'll come back to you- Your arms held her close just a little bit longer before she could step out. The two of you exchanged a last affectionate look before she let herself fall. You watched her descend with hope in your heart.
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duckchu · 7 months
Can I request Sejuani, Jinx and Zeri (all from PROJECT verse) with sniper S/O?
Sure can 🩷
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She's so hyped to have you
She may be too eager to get in everyone's faces during battle
So having a cute sniper covering her back makes her feel safe
After you're done fighting will kiss you all over your face
Loves you so much she starts short circuiting everytime you return her kisses
(there's no GIFs for PROJECT Sejuani I'm sorry)
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No matter how away you are, she's always keeping an eye on you
An enemy is too close to you?
Bristle's already trampling over them
Will protect you at all costs
After battle will check you for injuries
And let you come back to the base on Bristle if you're tired
(same with Jinx)
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You just wanna stay far away? Lameee
But she still loves you
No matter how lame you are
So will shoot anyone withing a five foot radius
Loves cuddling with you after fighting
Will say that you're a cutie
Just to make you blush
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subizer0 · 2 years
marital culture and domestice life in runeterra (a series???)
starting with freljord to celebrate udyr's rework 🎉🎉🎉 m so happy he's not looking like cubic bear anymore!! now he's got the sexy martial artist bear oathdaddy vibes just right 🤭🤭🤭
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"animals act on instinct, not choice" ok sir???? 🫣🫣🫣
+++ its has also come to my attention that many of the fans in lol community are solely arcane fans (hurts me in mah heart), so this is like my informative+headcanonish way to make my fics make more sense 🤓
marriages in freljord
freljord is a very feminist region skfjfkfıofvo different tribes are usually ruled by powerful women called "warmothers" and these women tend to have multiple relationships throughout their rule. complicated family dinamic are very common in freljord:
warmothers usually have many spouses, husband or wives, which are called oathfathers or sisters. now the idea of 'marriage' is a bit different for these ice people. they see their oath as promises to protect the person they are promised to, but having an oath with someone DOESNT UNNECESARILY MEAN HAVING SEX WITH THEM. (sex is not very, um, common for them i guess? unless its not for baby making, these people got their priorities straight 🫡)
to make is more simple, lets say this:
1. you are a warmother (again needs to be a woman, there are tribes being ruled by men but usually even those tribes bow down to bigger tribes ruled by women)
2. you need to have a marriage to secure your political position and also to gain more power. warmothers usually get oaths to either very very VEEEERY strong warriors or relatives of those strong worriers.
now here's a quick break. the main reason why people from freljord marry is to make sure they can HAVE and PROTECT babies. they are literally living in a++ smart freezer'' you can think of antartica. babies often die or are very hard to maintain. freljordians make multiple marriages to make sure there are more people to protect the warmothers children and the warmother herself.
3. you get promised to very strong warriors and now your children have multiple oathfathers. (note: this is usually the case for "noble" women of freljord, in civilian side i don't think there's much idea of a fatherhood??? its probably expected from the mother to take care of the baby. and since children are important for any and every tribe, the tribe members all look after the baby as their own)
from now on as a warmother, there are a few roads you can take. you can:
-adopt your oathhusband's children (if he has any) as your own to show how important your partner is for you as a political advantage and as a guardian figure to your biological children.
-you can oath to your oathhusband's mother or sister to make sure your children are extra protected. if you do so, they will be called "sisters" and rise up the ranks. if something were to happen to your homeland however, you husbands' duty is to protect his oathchildren before his actual family. (which is a bit fucked up but its children what do you do 💁)
-you can rank up some of your loyal servants (male or female) to have an oath with you as well. being promised to the FUCKING WARMOTHER is a pretty big deal and not something a lot of servants can dream of.
here are some extra things:
+being married to an oathhusband doesnt unnecesarily mean the warmother herself has to have kids with him. he stills has to protect the warmother and her children, and she can still live her lesbian dream fr.
+even though the oathfathers don't unnecesarily have to have children with the warmother herself, the warmother having children with people that are not her oathhusbands are kinda frowned upon (i guess that's the right way of putting it???), if she's going to have a child, it must be with one of her oathhusbands. but the kid having one specific father doesnt change anything all the dads treat the baby like their own child.
+i dont think same-sex (especially between two women) relationships are something freljordians give a shit about, its another tuesday for them no big deal. freljordians are not relationship kinda people anyways, they probably leave a day of the week empty to try for babies and wish they never see each other again 😭😭😭
+"romance and sex is overrated." -probably all freljordians idk. living in harsh conditions made these folks crazy warriors they have much better things to do than go lingerie-shopping to spice up their bedroom time.
+all this poly craziness aside, there are cases of freljordians having only one spouse. ashe, who is literally the embodiment of idealism and peace, wanted to marry a crazy man with anger issues to show that THESE UGLY BITCHES looking for HER hand in the marriage needed a reality check. and they did 👑👑👑
(even though it was a purely political relationship, now they are kinda falling in love 🤧🤧🤧)
wedding ceremony!!! girl honestly?? not much. LITERAL crickets going crazy over here. probably like an oath ceremony attended by a high ranked shaman and thats it. you're the parent of my child now 🥰🥰🥰
note note note: this was like a warm-up for a small headcanon series where i plan to write about being spouses of villians of league of legends. so just so yall now 🫣🫣🫣 babes you wanna be oathparents to a literal bitchboss' edgy and stuck up children????? OOOO I KNOWWW😩😩😩
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
Current small but well done compilation of my writing sorted by character
Aatrox being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Aatrox romantic headcanons (SFW)
Aatrox with a touch sensitive SO (SFW)
Ahri with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Jhin as a father (SFW)
Odyssey!Kayn being a single father headcanons (SFW)
Secretly dating Kayn headcanons (SFW)
Lillia with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune’s romantic headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Dating Neeko headcanons (SFW)
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc x Fox!SO (NSFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Sett x reader; finding creative ways to kiss him (SFW + NSFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Soraka with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Thresh being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Thresh NSFW headcanons
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate’s NSFW alphabet
Varus with reader who likes to make suggestive remarks about his appearance (SFW)
Viego x Ice Queen!Reader imagine (SFW)
Machine Herold Viktor’s NSFW alphabet
Adopting Yuumi and Book headcanons (SFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
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I posted 562 times in 2022
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#kassandra of sparta - 64 posts
#kassandra - 60 posts
#people being lovely and precious and lemme give you a (consensual) smooch - 40 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Sevika would fit perfectly into a heated, toe-curling, alluringly toxic cat-and-mouse relationship between a detective and criminal, wouldn’t she? The kind of depravity everyone secretly craves, the kind that would have you crawling back into her arms again and again, a drug she loves to watch you succumb to.
302 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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i am many things, but i am not a liar
313 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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Riot may struggle with designing balanced champions but they sure as fuck know how to design women that make the lesbians go wild
Miss Fortune? come plunder me for all i'm worth. it ain’t much but i'll put in honest work ma’am. Sejuani? i'm begging you to show my coochie that winter's wrath. Camille? taking scissoring to a new extreme but like your defenses i'm adaptive, baby. Shyvana? call me donkey because i'm fucking this dragon. Vi? i'll be your punching bag. you can break my vault whenever you want. Renata? do you need a new accountant? a hole? ravage me until i need a bailout pls. Sevika? jesus fuck please wrap your claw around my neck and ragdoll me. Samira? pump me full of lead or strap, i'll thank you either way. Illaoi? break my bones please. shatter my spine. my spirit can take the tentacles i swear  
320 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Sevika x Fem!Reader - Like Fine Wine
Contains: explicit content and a recurring theme of Sevika being an older woman (love me a childless milf amirite).
Word count: 1949
AO3 link here. Minors DNI.
See the full post
646 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Because Sigurd is a moron and Soma is Eivor’s bestie ok
716 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sevikasangel · 2 years
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Sejuani + Sexy Time [hcs]
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favorite part of herself and you
herself: her arms. She loves how strong they are and the many scars tracing her skin. Her scars are her war trophies, while her muscular arms serve as a visible symbol of strength. She loves showing them off for you.
you: your waist. Sejuani loves sliding her long and firm fingers over your waistline, she likes it even better to squeeze it as she carries you in her arms. It makes her feel in total control of your body, with the tight grip on your waist, she can guide your bouncing on her strap.
the most sensitive part of her body
Sejuani feels vulnerable when you touch her back. She has always been suspicious and cautious over everything, so naturally, her back is her weakest spot. Upon being stimulated there, Sejuani instantly needs to clench her fists to keep control of herself. However, when she loses it...She nearly begs you to ruin her back with your nails, she wants you to scratch it until you've left your mark on her skin. You are the only person she trusts enough for so much intimacy at somewhere she considers her weakest.
first time/how long you waited
Sejuani is a busy woman. It's not in her plans to dedicate herself to love. In fact, she rarely ever does. Though you nagged her so much about it during the hunts that Sejuani began desiring your proximity. It took you a long time to avert her focus from the war mother and make her look at you with different eyes.
Your first time happened a couple weeks after the first kiss since Sejuani decided to avoid you. She realized she wasn't focusing on her leadership duties as she should. However, after a few glasses of beer at a tavern with you, Sejuani seduced you after a long time of holding back.
The sex was gentle and intimate, Sejuani didn't want to be too rough with you the first time, but bear in mind: she held back.
top or bottom
Sejuani is a war mother and has an entire tribe to rule and protect, so she is always in charge. Between four walls, it wouldn't be any different, she is dominant. She desires to have this control. She desires to have you in any way she pleases and she will make you like it.
favorite positions
All fours. She loves having this submissive sight of you. She loves hearing you beg while she fucks you with her strap. She loves to cover your body with lovebites and hickeys. She will mark your skin, not caring about them becoming visible. Sejuani wants to ensure that people see that you belong to her, she doesn't care if you don't like it, she simply wants to show off that you are her property.
You are her pet. So never dare cum without her permission. If you do, she will deliciously torture you just so she can have the sadistic pleasure of controlling your orgasm.
how good is she with her hands
Just as she conducts her mount, she does the same to you in the bedroom. You are her mount and she makes you bounce on her strap with grace. She doesn't like sloppy pets. She guides you with her strong hands tightly gripping your waist. She quickens your pace according to your increasing pleasure.
However, one orgasm is never enough for her. Never. After you cum once, she will lay you in bed with your back turned to her. It will feel like heaven to have her cold lips kissing your neck while her long fingers play with your pussy. Her dirty talk will be in perfect harmony with her fingers, so you will soon reach another ecstasy.
loud or quiet in bed
Loud. Sejuani doesn't appreciate subtlety when it comes down to sex. The louder you moan, the more excited she becomes. Don't hold back, she won't like it if you do.
specific kinks
Power play
Bondage. She loves handcuffing you or using her hunting ropes. Sejuani loves tying you up with a blindfold covering your eyes and a gag in your mouth.
Pet play. She will definitely put a collar on you.
Overstimulation. She loves it. Especially when she has you all bound and gagged while playing with your pussy with a vibrator. She feels amused to watch you try to squirm away from the buzzy toy.
Orgasm denial
after sex/aftercare
After feeling satisfied, Sejuani feels the need to take care of you. She knows you are sensitive, tired, perhaps even sore. She will embrace you in your vulnerable moment. I can see her lighting up the fireplace to make the room cozier for you. She'll also let you sleep while cuddling up to her. Sejuani will wrap you up in a bearskin blanket as her hands caress your body, making you almost immediately fall asleep.
how to tell she’s horny
You know when she is horny and you also know how to tease her. She will pull you in for a deep kiss. It will be very clear that the kiss was lust-filled and laced with second intentions.
She picks you up in her strong arms and helps you wrap your legs around her waist. Then, she presses you against the closest wall she can find, so you will be aware that she wants to fuck you.
would she rather spend the night at her place or yours?
Sejuani doesn't care too much about the location. However, she prefers to have sex in her own chalet, isolated from the rest of the tribe.
activity to do with her to get her relaxed and in the mood
Her favorite activity is hunting or training her skills with Bristle. So, don't be weirded out if she calls you to hunt the biggest deer she's ever seen in the frozen forest at Frejlord.
She loves hearing you scream on top of Bristle, complaining about the speed at which the boar runs. Your fear of falling down from the mount amuses her.
how to tell she needs comfort after or during sex
She rarely does. But she waits for you to become tired until she can show you all the comfort she can offer.
the sexual desire she is too embarrassed about to tell anyone
She enjoys romanticism but doesn't say it out loud.
how experienced is she
Sejuani acquired her sexual experience with hookers around small taverns in Frejlord. When she went to the frontiers of Demacia, she would have some fun time with her stops, even if they didn't last longer than twenty minutes.
favorite places to do the do
She specifically likes the plains in Frejlord when the ice melts from the lake. In summer, she enjoys camping and will definitely take you on her adventures.
how much she likes to tease
She is such a tease. Loves putting her hands between your thighs and caressing her fingers over your pussy. It's almost a pastime for Sejuani.
She enjoys seeing the adorable faces you make, silently begging her to stop. She won't stop, though. She keeps it up until you drag her somewhere to release some of that tension.
how to know she’s close
Sejuani shuts her eyes tightly and grunts. She holds the back of your head firmly and opens her mouth ever so slightly. Then, you know she is about to cum.
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a/n: I could not get Sejuani out of my mind.
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shurelyasreverie · 3 years
maybe a scenario with sejuani where she rescues the reader eventhough they thought she was going to hurt them and she gets super flustered around them 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
awwww that’s such a cute idea! I’ve got you 😁
Sejuani x Injured!Reader Drabble
Warning: Mentions of wounds and blood
The clan of the Frostfang was a dying breed. Whereas the Winter's Claw chose violence out of tradition, culture and for the sake of their reputation, the Frostfang chose violence out of pure anarchy. Other clans looked down on them as more animal than human, they were fools who charged into battle without second thought. Such idiocy was weakness, and the Winter's Claw did not tolerate weakness.
So when Sejuani found you unconscious in a blizzard, your ruby red blood staining the white snow around you, she should've left you there. Let your clan take its natural course as it died to their own misfortunes. Any other warrior of the Winter's Claw would've, and as leader Sejuani should set the example.
Instead, she picked you up and secured you in her arms as she rode Bristle back to shelter. She already had enough supplies to last a couple of days, there was no way she could take you back to the stronghold, the instant they see you with Sejuani the entire clan will lose faith in her.
After Sejuani patched you up once finding refuge in a cave, she sat beside you, searching your features. What brought her to save you? Perhaps it was how unconventional you looked, you looked so gentle. The tattoo of the Frostfang clan was unmistakable on your forearm, the many scars that littered your body prior to your current injuries was no mistake either, but your resting face was so calm and tranquil. Your eyebrows weren't furrowed, your breathing was slow and heavy. You didn't look like a barbarian, much like the Frostfang had a reputation for. To Sejuani, you had the face that made people think angels truly walked among the people. So honest, so innocent yet holding an inner power, it would've been a crime to leave you in the snow.
So caught up in watching your features, Sejuani almost didn't notice you awaken. She noticed how your eyes widened upon registering who she was, the fear that struck your face. You started to hurriedly sit up but any movement would reopen your wounds. But Sejuani had the solution.
She lunged forward, hands on your shoulders as she pushed you down to the floor with all her weight. Her knees on either side of you, you weren't moving anywhere. But your panic only started to grow, she could feel your muscles tensing under her grip and she started to panic if you over-exerted yourself.
“Let me go!” You rasped but Sejuani growled in response.
“You're not going anywhere.”
“I didn't mean to bother. Just let me go and forget I ever existed, I won't tell anyone about this, I swear,” you muttered quickly, still struggling astonishingly well despite your wounds. The true Frostfang spirit was kicking in, Sejuani was impressed. “Just don't kill me!”
Sejuani hesitated.
You hesitated in return.
“You thought I was going to kill you?”
“You are Sejuani, Warmother of the Winter's Claw, yes?”
“Yes, but,” Sejuani frowned. For once, she was stupefied. Impulses were only good in battle, when they helped preserve your life. But now, she acted on impulse on something else entirely, to save someone's life.
Sighing she got off of you before helping you sit up against a wall. She couldn't help but tense as she felt your gaze following her expectantly, waiting for her to speak but she couldn't find any words.
“What happened to you?” Sejuani asked simply and you grimaced in response.
“Trolls. Ambushed our tribe, shouting about how we were 'interfering with an Ice Witch',” you shrugged bitterly. “We don't back down, so we tried to fight it out, even if we were outnumbered.”
“Are there any other survivors?”
“If it's just me...” your head twitched away at the unpleasant thought. As you tried to relay through the violent memories, trying to remember if anyone was still standing as you fell, Sejuani was stuck in thoughts of her own. She watched your pondering, you were rather unique. A Frostfang that spoke so well, so sensitive. Despite your supposed gentle disposition, your ability to survive such a ruthless battle and injuries was a strength in itself, right?
“I have nowhere to go...” you whispered, so softly you could barely hear yourself.
You were stirred out of your morbid thoughts as you felt animal fur wrap around your forearm, tightened and hiding your Frostfang mark.
“You are no longer Frostfang,” Sejuani stated. “You are a true warrior, free to go as you please. If that is searching for your past people, so be it. If it is to join the Winter's Claw, you may.”
“Do you have a preference for where I go?”
Sejuani didn’t reply, save for a single nod.
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leagueimagine · 4 years
Hello! I really love your work and I was wondering if you could write something with Sejuani that found a dude (reader) passed out on the snow? They bond after he woke up etc-
Thank you for your support, it really means a lot <3 This is my first time writing Sejuani hope I make her justice!
Bristle was been uneasy, sniffing around the snow for some time now, Sejuani just watched him, eventually caressing his side and asking what’s going on, there only a few grunts from the boar, but eventually he let out a louder groan as his muzzle pointed out, oh, what in the world is that. 
She walked at the body, turning it slowly with her feet, eyes narrowed as she wonders if this guy is dead or not, but anyways her guard falls a little. “Let’s take him, he may have information.” 
Your wides shot open, it’s warm, different for the deadly cold you have felt when you passed away, you noticed you’re... somewhere, you sat up quickly just to meet with the view of a woman pointing at you a  True Ice flail. Not exactly what you expected but she’s surely prettier than anything you could imagine as well. 
She’s very wary at you at first, as you try to explain yourself, you’re sure she’d feed you to the boar if you make just one mistake, but as the days pass by Sejuani was starting to get used having you around her.
She’s a very strong woman and she sets a line where you can go around her, Bristle was always giving you a naughty eye to make sure of it, but you have a feeling she likes you once you noticed that by this time you’d be probably death. Maybe you have a chance with her if you can break all the ice walls she builds around herself. 
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Can I get some dating Sejuani hc ;3 I‘ll take anything that comes to your mind :D have a nice day! <3
[A/N: Hello, darling. This is my first request for Sejuani, hope you enjoy it. Also, I seldom see any content for this champion, so hopefully we can write some for her, she deserves some love. You have a nice day too! Thank you for requesting. You may ask again for more.]
Headcanons of Sejuani Dating
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Sejuani is lonely.
Give her a lot of hugs and she’ll appreciate it.
She doesn’t have the best personality so you have you be patient with her.
She’s the leader of Winter’s Claw, the Warmother of the clan. She’s a busy person.
Cook her meals, she’ll melt at the thought. Even if you can’t cook well, Sejuani will count your efforts and be thankful.
Dating Sejuani means riding Bristle, her drüvask pet.
Sejuani is a silent type, dates with her involve you doing most of the talking.
She has a collection of the best fur coats, it’s so big and perfect to sleep in.
She likes physical affection so give her lots of it.
She likes the word “I love you”, make sure to say it everyday.
Cuddling after a long day, is a go to.
Sejuani likes to be the small spoon but she can be the big spoon if you ask.
Sejuani keeps you safe. A lot of people say things about your relationship and she’s ready to break their nose.
If she’s every angry because of a matter in her clan, give her a kiss and she’ll calm down.
✨~Requests are open!~✨
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edgyspooks · 3 years
League of Legends masterlist
😳 better sooner than when i have 500 posts that i need to index somehow
It’s below cuz it made for a super long post
Aatrox NSFW alphabet - A, T, R, O, X
Ahri Adoptive mother headcanons
Akali S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Aphelios General headcanons Aphelios x Childhood Friend Reader S/O who hides in a barrel S/O captured by the Solari Aphelios x Solari NSFW Alphabet - A, P, H, E, L, I, O, S
Aurelion Sol
Darius SFW Alphabet - J Falling for a recruit NSFW Alphabet - B, K, X, Y
Dr. Mundo
Draven SFW Alphabet - J (x Tamara) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Tamara)
Ezreal S/O who hides in a barrel
Garen SFW Alphabet - J (x Katarina) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Katarina)
Jarvan IV
Jayce S/O who hides in a barrel
Katarina SFW Alphabet - J (x Garen) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Garen)
Kayn Dating Kayn headcanons
Lee Sin
Lillia Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic) Adoptive mother headcanons
Lissandra Meeting a magical being who knows how to banish the void
Lux SFW Alphabet - A Ethereal being tells her about elemental planes
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Nunu and Willump
Pyke “You’re not on the list” (Pyke x reader)
Quinn Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic)
Rakan SFW Alphabet - A (x Xayah) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Xayah)
Sett S/O who hides in a barrel S/O kicks a guy in a bar SFW Alphabet - A NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Shen Shen as a father General headcanons 3 headcanons meme - 😳
Sona Adoptive mother headcanons
Soraka Adoptive mother headcanons
Swain SFW Alphabet - J NSFW Alphabet - J, M, W
Tahm Kench
Talon S/O who hides in a barrel Blackwood!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Thresh SpiritBlossom!S/O who hides in a barrel
Twisted Fate S/O who hides in a barrel NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Vayne Vayne turned into a monster A slave to monsterkind
Viego The Endless Chase(Part 1) The Endless Chase(Part 2) Soulmate AU - Viego x Reader
Vladimir Academy!S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Warwick Where the monsters belong
Xayah SFW Alphabet - A (x Rakan) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Rakan)
Xin Zhao
Yasuo S/O who hides in a barrel
Yone S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
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could you do a to do list of the requests you are working on?
I will update this list as often as I can - daily or weekly. It depends a lot on my free time.
The requests that have actual ships (championxchampion) usually take longer, especially if I'm not too familiar with the subject of said requests - but they are on their way.
I also plan on improving the aesthetic and appearance of my blog in the near future - so that might be another headache for me to deal with. If you have any suggestions, feel free to send me a message!
Requests are still open and they will continue to be so for a longer period of time.
Note: The requests will not always be in chronological order. University has just started and a big chunk of my energy goes into my academics - reason why I'll focus on what I feel like writing more than any order. I will do my best to bring out every request, sooner or later - if your request takes some time, be patient.
1. Be respectful. Don't come bashing my head for the things I write or the way I write them.
2. Be patient. Don't constantly ask me if I received a request or when it will come out. I'm finishing a degree in languages and literature - a lot of my creative fuel has to go into that, unfortunately. I will try my best to write as much as I can, but I have my own separate hobbies besides the mountains of work I have to get done in a short amount of time. This blog will not be abandoned but I might take a hiatus here and there.
3. I'll usually keep my inbox open because I don't mind a constant flow of requests. After all, things will come and go as I write. I give you the freedom to request what you want at any time - but you must understand that it might take a while.
4. I do not write original characters.
5. You can be as specific as you want with the details, but don't make things difficult for me while writing. I try to apply these requests to all of my readers. I'll be more than happy to write a particular request - but don't go too over my head with a huge amount of details and aspects to be taken in consideration.
6. I'll bring out a list of champions I write for romantically. I'm open to pretty much everyone [I did start an AU for Azir, after all] - but some champions are best kept to the platonic side of things. For example, Annie. Or Skarner. Or Yuumi. You get the idea.
7. I will not write underage, dubcon, noncon or incredibly disturbing kinks [scat, watersports, etc]. For the rest of them - as long as it is consensual and not to an extreme, I'll probably be more than willing to write it.
Current requests
High priority
1. SFW and NSFW headcanons for Jhin & Sona;
2. Viktor reaction;
3. Draven & Tamara;
4. Ahri SFW and NSFW headcanons;
5. Sett & Vastaya singer;
6. Jarvan IV SFW and NSFW headcanons;
7. Dawnbringer Yone & Dawnbringer reader;
8. Darius reaction;
9. Rakan & Xayah with young, adopted reader;
10. Taric reaction;
Low priority [characters I have already written on]
1. Sett & breeding kink expanded;
2. SFW and NSFW headcanons for Unbound Tresh;
3. Ashe & Tryndamere expanded;
4. Sejuani x Sylas expanded;
Individual works
1. Spirit Blossom Yone;
2. Spirit Blossom Yasuo;
3. [Dark] Cosmic Lux & Reader & Dark Comic Jhin;
4. Pentakill Viego & Reader;
5. Pentakill Karthus & Reader;
6. Blood Moon Jhin & Reader
7. Swain & Reader [Arranged marriage];
8. Jhin & [writer] Reader;
9. Myrmidon Pantheon & Reader.
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togetherhearted · 8 months
I see. Then, how about Firecracker Sejuani, Sugar Rush Evelynn and Blackthorn Morgana with short S/O, who tends to get vey angry when someone mentions their height (yes, that definitely not give Riddle Rosehearts vibes). Also I sent that request earlier, in August, but I guess tumblr devoured it.
Tumblr being tumblr I guess. Not the first time something like this happens.
Happy you wanted to give it another try!
Hope this is fine.
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-Should I send Bristle after them?- Sejuani was eyeing you from the food stall. You were gripping the frying pan so tightly your knuckles were almost white. -No, No I'm fine...- You took a nice big breath before going back to cook;unironically, on a stool. -You sure?I'm sure my little baby would not mind going after them- Your eyes glanced at the person that insulted you walking far far away. -...Go on- -..sweet-
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Your anger was suppressed by a candy popped in your mouth by your lover. Evelynn watched you biting the sphere, your mood improving slowly. -Better? -Mh. Better- Evelynn swirled her own candy around her tongue -If they made you so mad I can take care of them~- You tried to use your lover for petty revenge, but it was a fact that Evelynn loved torturing others so you just gave her a nod. Her smile wickered.
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Morgana had to physically stop you from knocking someone down. This stranger had to dare comment on your height, making you throw a fit. The woman stopped you and gave you a soothing caress on your face before using her binding to stop the man from running. -I hope you like suffering because if you make my lover mad I won't hesitate...- Her sweet voice betrayed her action as she ran full force towards the chained man.
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Which LoL characters are you not comfortable writing for? Just so I don't send in a request for characters you can't/don't want to do and my request can't be answered properly. Thanks! :3
I never thought of that actually, especially since I got requests even for characters like Rhaast or Galio!
But, let me think...
Urgot, Sion, Rek’Sai, Nasus, Renekton, Alistar, Udyr, Amumu, Anivia, Bard, Aurelion Sol, Blitz, Cho’Gath, Corki, Mundo, Elise, Fiddles, Fizz, Galio, Gnar, Graves, Gangplank, Hecarim, Heimer, Illaoi, Ivern, Jarvan, Jax, Karthus, Kha’Zix, Kled, Kennen, Kog’Maw, Lissandra, Lee Sin, Maokai, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Nautilus, Nocturne, Olaf, Nunu, Ornn, Pyke, Rammus, Quinn, Qiyana, Rengar, Riven, Rumble, Sejuani, Ryze, Shaco, Shyvana, Skarner, Singed, Tahm Kench, Teemo, Tristana, Poppy, Thresh, Twitch, Trundle, Veigar, Vel’koz, Lulu, Warwick, Wukong, Volibear, Xerath, Zac, Yorick, Ziggs, Zilean.
But honestly, these are just for romantic stuff, because for cutesy platonic x reader things or other reaction stuff, I’m fine with doing most of the ones I wrote above anyway.
I’d suggest just writing the request, because I don’t think the character you choose will be out of my comfort zone too much xD
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togetherhearted · 1 year
Hello. Can I request headcanons of Zyra, Elise and Sejuani (if you writing about them) from LoL having S/O, who is very good at stealing various things?
Of course I will do that!
I have to admit they may be a bit cluncky at first? I'm not used to write for LoL characters so I still have a lot to learn.
I jope it will be of your liking!
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-As someone with the idea that only the strong can survived the rigid Freljord Sejuani is pleased by this ability of yours.
-Often jokes with you behind close doors about you being able to steal anything. She Would ask you to steal Ornn's cauldron at some point. You weren't sure if she was joking or not.
-She dares you to try steal from her wich you never do out of respect and love.
-Sometimes you steal food for Bristles.
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-This malicious lady finds interesting that you can get whatever you want without people noticing.
-Is amused by the fact that you would even steal plants for her.
-She has a goal. A dream of enveloping everything in plants so she will make sure to use your skill to her advantage. She wonders if you can steal machinery or magic instruments to make her plants grow stronger and faster.
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-As an ex-Noxus noble and part of the Black Rose Elise likes this skill of yours as she was used to use her charm to "steal" people's consent and much more.
-Now that is a spider queen she still thinks this can be useful for survival so she won't stop you.
-Very happy if you get something for her. This lady likes to be lavished with nice things. She might just do the same for you.
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togetherhearted · 2 years
Machine Herald [Viktor]:
Wintery stuff
Cuddly moments
Machine Herald x vesani!reader
Viktor with an assistant who's into him headcanons
Shieda Kayn:
Kayn x fem vampire!reader
Kayn with a battle feral s/o
Kayn with a lifeless!reader
Starry night
Wintery stuff
Winter special - Scarf
Cuddly moments
Sleepy cuddles
I'm all yours,not going anywhere
You have a good heart
Debonair Zed with a Gothic Lolita S/O
How about a kiss?
SB!Aphelios x Fem!Winter blossom
Heartsteel!Aphelios x figure skater!S/O
You're stunning
Nasus with explosives specialist S/O
Superhero!Vi -Saving a life
Cheater Vi
Reader meets crime city!Akali
Reader meets crime city!Akali part 2.
KDA akali meets reader's child
Reader Vs Akali
Reader Vs Evelynn
KDA Evelynn meets reader's child
Reader asks to touch Evelynn's "tails"
Spirit Blossom Evelynn x reader
Coven Evelynn and Siren!Reader
Evelynn with a S/O that can't feel pain
Sugar rush Evelynn with a short S/O
Sejuani with a s/o good at stealing things
Firecracker Sejuani with s short S/O
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Zyra with a s/o good at stealing things
Haunted Zyra with invisible reader
Elise with a s/o good at stealing things
Stargazing was a good idea
Elise s/o taking a hit for her
Blood Moon Elise with an invisible reader
KDA Ahri meets reader's child
Reader Vs Ahri
Reader asks to touch Ahri's tails
Spirit Blossom Ahri and Siren!Reader
Ahri with a S/O that can't feel pain
SG Ahri enemies to lovers
Ahri s/o taking a hit for her
Arcade Ahri with an invisible reader
KDA Kai'sa meet reader's child
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Karthus S/O taking a hit for him
Hwei x fem!piltovian reader
Hwei with a lifeless!reader
Jhin S/O taking a hit for him
Project Jhin with a Gothic Lolita S/O
KDA Seraphine meets reader's child
KDA Seraphine and Siren!Reader
Reader wants to sing with Seraphine
Viego x unicorn princess!reader
Viego S/O taking a hit for him
Viego with a battle feral s/o
Viego with a lifeless!reader
General Vex headcanons as a partner
Vex headcanons as a wife
Big bro Sett
Sett with explosive specialist S/O
Thresh with explosive specialist S/O
Lissandra with a S/O that can't feel pain
Miss Fortune:
SG Miss fortune enemies to lovers
Miss fortune s/o taking a hit for her
SG Jinx enemies to lovers
Hecarim meeting his S/O
Hecarim with a battle feral s/o
Blackthorne Morgana with a short S/O
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Tahm kench:
High noon Tahm Kench with a Gothic Lolita S/O
Yone and his daughter
Kda girls married to one lucky man
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shurelyasreverie · 3 years
League of Legends Masterlist (Updated 16/07/2021)
Welcome to the masterlist post! This post is in alphabetical order by how champions are known in game.
Please read the rules before requesting and check the request status on my blog/ask page.
Valorant Masterlist
Key (for Drabbles/Oneshots):
 💧 - Angst
☀️ - Fluff
⚡️ - Drama
⭐️ - Personal Fave
🥰 - Fan Fave
📔 - Scenario/Oneshot (1000+ Words)
Aatrox x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Blood Moon!Aatrox x Reader Headcanons
Saving His Kidnapped S/O Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
K/DA!Ahri Relationship Headcanons
K/DA!Ahri with S/O Being a Fan of Another Group
Sprit Blossom!Ahri with S/O Returning to the Spirit Realm
📔⚡️ [K/DA!Ahri] Attention Please (ft. Seraphine)
📔⚡️ True Feelings
💧Akali x Reader Drabble
Aphelios x Deity!Reader Headcanons
🥰⭐️📔⚡️ Faith in the Traitor
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol x Deity!Reader Headcanons
Spirit Blossom!Cassopeia with S/O Returning to the Spirit Realm
Darius x Cute!Reader Headcanons
K/DA!Evelynn x Chubby!Reader Headcanons
K/DA!Evelynn x Shy!Clumsy!Reader Headcanons
Reverse AU Headcanons
Fiora x Shy!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Confession Drabble
Gwen x Game Designer!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Dark Cosmic!Jhin x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Jhin with S/O Involved with the Arts
🥰⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble | [Part 2]
Reverse AU Headcanons
☀️ Cuddle Drabble
🥰⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble | [Part 2]
Lee Sin
📔☀️ Distraction
Relationship Headcanons
Battle Academia!Lux Relationship Headcanons
Battle Academia!Lux Introducing Her S/O to Garen
Lux x Shuriman!Reader Headcanons
Miss Fortune
Arcade!Miss Fortune x Shy!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
💧 Nami x Lunari!Reader Drabble
Pantheon x Deity!Reader Headcanons
📔⭐️⚡️ To the Depths
True Damage!Qiyana with S/O Being a Fan of Another Group
☀️ Battle Queen!Qiyana x Reader Drabble
Quinn x Demacian!Reader Drabble
Relationship Headcanons
Rhaast x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Saving His Kidnapped S/O Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
⚡️ Fickle
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Sejuani x Injured!Reader Drabble
📔⚡️ [K/DA! Seraphine] Attention Please (ft. Ahri)
Big Brother!Sett Headcanons
Sett x Mage!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
🥰☀️ Sett x Healer!Reader Drabble
☀️ Valentines’ Day Drabble
📔☀️ Love is the Best Medicine
Relationship Headcanons
Shen x Reader x Zed Polyamorous Relationship Headcanons
Skarner x Crystal Maker!Reader Platonic Headcanons
☀️ Break Time
Sylas x Deity of Magic!Reader Headcanons
Sylas x Noxian!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Spirit Blossom!Thresh x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Twisted Fate
⭐️📔☀️ Wanna Bet? | [Part 2]
Varus x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
☀️ ⚡️ Injured!Varus x Healer!Reader Drabble
📔⚡️ Humanity (Soulmate AU)
⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble
☀️ Viego x Sick!Reader Drabble
📔 ⚡️ You Will Stay
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Yasuo x Empath!Reader Drabble
📔☀️ Meditation (ft. Yone)
Reverse AU Headcanons
📔☀️ Meditation (ft. Yasuo)
📔 ⚡️ Spirit Fighter
Zed x Reader x Shen Polyamorous Relationship Headcanons
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