#second selection
princetenkoo · 9 months
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Top 6 (2023)
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
The Longest Wait (Blue Lock)
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Heyo! :D Y'all knew it was Bachisagi week? (Or was- I don’t know the dates, I just saw art celebrating it) I don't keep up with those TBH- but since I've had this made up featuring our boys I figured I'd share it anyway :D (This isn't in theme with the prompt- honestly I have no idea what the prompts are I just saw Bachisagi and that's that lols)
I made this little ol' fic for a friend of mine- you know who you are ;) I decided I wanted to post it now cause why not? :D Here's some Bachisagi for the soul, folks! I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing, Spoilers for Blue Lock Second Selection
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
@cupcake-spice13 @myreygn
Summary: Bachira is in a major tickly mood and wants to play. The problem? The Top 3 aren't all that interested. And so- the longest wait for Isagi to return has begun.
“I GOTCHA!” Bachira cheered, running forward as he grabbed onto Aryu’s waist. The taller boy barely had time to react before Bachira was on him, fingers flying over his ribs, sides, stomach, hips, what he could reach he tickled. “Gotcha! Gotcha gotcha gotcha…gotcha?” He paused, confused on why he wasn’t hearing laughter.
Looking up, he found Aryu’s amused look meeting his own, lips quirked up in a smirk. “Very glam attempt, Bachira- but I’m not ticklish.”
“What? No way- you have to be! Here? Here?” He gave his knees and thigh a squeeze- nothing! “Not even your feet or armpits or neck?”
Aryu raised an arm, and Bachira scribbled under it. Not even a giggle.
“Wow. I never knew anyone who wasn’t ticklish.” Bachira blinked, amazed. Then his eyes widened when Aryu turned to look at him, a grin pulling at his lips. “Sihihihlly me~”
“Very silly.” Aryu reached out, and Bachira braced himself-
For a pat on the head. He blinked.
“Silly but glam. I respect the hustle.” Aryu nodded before returning to his original goal- leaving Bachira standing there oddly disappointed.
Tokemitsu sighed as he finished working out, sitting on the nearby bench with a towel over his head. The perfect time to strike! Bachira giggled, slowly approaching the older boy as he drank water. “Toke~MITSU!” He yelled in glee, jabbing his fingers into the buff boy’s ribs.
“PFFFT-” Water flew everywhere as Tokimitsu choked, coughing and laughing between each breath. Bachira blinked, suddenly worried he killed him, but then Tokimitsu was just giggly and he took that as a sign to keep going.
“Ahehahahhahahahhahaha! B-Bahahahahhahchirahhahahahahaha!” He cried, going stone still as he curled into himself and laughed. “Dohohoohohon’t it tihihiihhiihckles!”
“Does it now? Well come on then- fight back!” Bachira teased, drilling his fingers along the backs of Tokimitsu’s ribs, making him arch and cackle. “Make me stop, Toke~”
“Ahehahahhahhahaha! Gehahahahahahahaha! Aahah-EHEHEHEHEHHHH!” And then he was off, running for the hills and out of the gym. Bachira began to follow, but blinked when he saw Tokimitsu nowhere in sight.
That uneasy disappointment settled in his chest once more.
“Rin! Rin, Rin, Rin!” Bachira bounced up, fingers poised. “I’m gonna-”
“If you touch me, you die.” Rin growled, eyes cold and dangerous.
Bachira instantly retracted- he knew the difference between a halfhearted threat and a hard stop. Rin was clearly not in the mood. “Eh…fair enough. Well- want to practice together? We can make a bet! Loser get to…” Bachira watched as Rin faded away from the conversation- literally. Before he could even wager anything, the other boy was halfway across the soccer field, practicing drills.
“Man, and I was gonna let you win, too.” Bachira huffed, falling back against the wall and sinking into the grass. Joining the Top 3 was both a blessing and a curse. Sure- he definitely evolved as a player and his soccer improved, but he was so…lonely. He missed Team Z- at least there was someone always in the mood to play with him when he got like this.
Oh, how he missed Isagi.
The boy who was so unyieldingly present- who’s playful moods seemed to align almost perfectly with his own, meaning he always had company. Even when they didn’t, Bachira could at least have a friend- here he felt strangely out of place despite being here for over a week. The Top 3- for the most part- were nice enough, but it just wasn’t the same.
He missed his blue eyed monster companion. His chest ached longingly for him.
…..Huh. When’d he start feeling that?
Silly. He chided himself. You’ve always felt that way since the beginning. It’s just even more present now that he’s not here.
Bachira sighed, bringing his knees up to his chin. He wanted Isagi back.
A ball came rolling to his feet, followed by legs. For a brief moment, Bachira wondered if he got his wish.
But when he looked up, blue eyes were teal, and soft blue hair turned green. “If you want to run drills, hurry up.” Rin scoffed, looking away. Bachira’s eyes may have been playing tricks, but he swore he saw a faint flush on his ears. “Either that or mope somewhere else.”
“Aww, worried about me?” Bachira cooed, grinning when Rin scowled, his ears reddening further. “I’m fine- but I’ll gladly take your offer.”
It wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but it would have to do.
Then Isagi was leaning against the wall when they came out, eyes only for Bachira and a challenge on his lips.
“Yo Bachira. I’ve been looking for you.”
“I can’t BELIEVE it! Luck? Ugh, what irony!” Isagi flopped backwards against his new bed, freshly washed and mildly embarrassed. He had gotten back from bothering Rin- apparently he slipped and fell on him when attempting a Yoga pose. Bachira had been giggling up a storm for the past few minutes, so much so when Rin did return he tossed his towel in his face and grumbled something about “Should have picked the lazy guy.”
“Still, you’re here!” Bachira grinned, flopping across Isagi’s prone form with bright eyes. His heart couldn’t stop beating- and he may have cried in the shower earlier. He was just booming with emotions tonight- Isagi was BACK!
That fear in his chest regarding who he’d pick if he won still hung around, but he could tuck it away. Isagi was home!
“I am!” Isagi sighed, something like relief in his eyes as he turned to look at Bachira. “I can’t believe he picked me. I was worried for a second there!” He laughed, reaching out and taking Bachira’s cheek in his hand. “But we’re together, and I won’t let you slip away from me ever again.”
That fear released some, but the question was still on his lips. “Isagi..would you have picked me? If you guys won?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation. Isagi’s eyes were dark with genuinity. “You’ve always been my pick.”
The fear vanished completely, and Bachira smiled, eyes starting to grow wet. “Thank you…”
“Ugh, you two are insufferable.” Rin groaned from his bed, earning a knowing smile from Aryu as he dried his hair. “Why the hell did we pick him again?”
“You picked him, Rin-Rin. In fact- I think your exact words after we left ego was “Now that bob-cut weirdo can be happy again.” Very glam on your end.” The older boy pulled his hair free, pausing when eyes were on him. “Was that a secret?”
“Kinda?” Tokimitsu offered, smiling sheepishly at Rin’s stunned embarrassment, face slightly flushed as he glared into the floor. Bachira and Isagi gawked, looking from Rin to Aryu to Tokimitsu to each other.
“Aw, RinRin~” Bachira began.
“That’s so-” Isagi followed up.
“Shut up! Don’t say anything- ugh, I’m showering.” Rin grumbled, standing from the bed and storming out, face on fire. No one pointed out he had just come back from it.
“Who knew he was such a softie?” Bachira asked when he was gone, earning a chorus of giggles and smiles.
“We have to pay him back sometime.” Isagi nodded.
“Later.” Bachira flopped into him, smiling. “Right now, I just want to be with you.”
It wasn’t much time later when the playful feeling returned.
Bouncing on his heels, Bachira poked his head through the door, finding Isagi plopped across one of the many yoga mats. He looked tired and happy and comfortable- all perfect attributes for Bachira’s mood.
Hopping in, he did a little tippy toe dance before dramatically sighing, falling back on his butt, then his back. He looked up at Isagi with big eyes as he stretched out across him, a smile on his lips.
Isagi, who had been half-paying attention till Bachira’s unceremonious lap attack, met his eyes with a head tilt, a grin pulling on his mouth. “Hello there. Come here often?”
“Only when you’re around.” Bachira snuggled up, poised and waiting.
Isagi snorted, shaking his head as he looked around the barely crowded gym. Chigiri and Nagi were running on the treadmills- well; Chigiri was. Nagi was all but snoozing as he walked slowly up one. Rin was stretching, surprisingly engaged as he talked  to a light blue haired boy across from him. Barou was doing weights- shirt off and drenched in sweat.
All lost in their own little worlds. He doubted any of them would notice them.
“Lucky me. And here I thought I’d be stretching alone.” Isagi gave his arms a good one, flinching and giggling when fingers prodded his ribs. “Whahat?”
Bachira’s hands went back across his belly, folded and patient. His smile never dropped as he watched Isagi, waiting.
“Oh, so that’s how it is?” The blue eyed striker grinned, raising his hands high and wiggling his fingers. “You want to play huh?”
“Yes please.” Bachira breathed out, as if he was being relieved of a consistent pain. “I’ve been wanting to forever.”
“Ah, I see.” Isagi’s playful grin grew a bit soft, eyes warm as he drew out the anticipation. Then he struck, going right for Bachira’s waist. The smaller boy let out a squeak and an arch before bursting into giggles, squirming in his lap. “Ahehahahahhahahha! Isa-Isahahhahahahgihihihihiihhi!”
“Is this what you wanted? You wanted someone to tickle you for a while now, huh?” He cooed, bringing both hands up and across Bachira’s ribs in spidery motions. “I bet you were waiting forever for this. I bet you wanted someone to tickle you the entire time I was gone, huh?”
“Ahehahahahhahha! Mhahahahhahybeheheheheehehe?” Bachira giggled out, cheeks red and eyes squeezed shut with mirth. He didn’t bring his arms down from behind his head though, keeping them tucked there as he giggled and squirmed. “Whhohohohohoho’s to shahahahhahahahy?”
Isagi chuckled, drilling his fingers into Bachira’s highest rib and earning a proper squeal. Arms shot down as Bachira tried to loosely block him out, hands curling into fists to avoid reaching out and grabbing him. “Look at you- you won’t even fight back! Something tells me you’re loving this! So, let’s ask the important question.” He paused his attack, leaning over the other. “Do you want me to keep being gentle or go right for your back?”
Bachira gasped, sucking down greedy breaths as he weighed the options. Gentle or his worst spot. It would feel nice to cut loose and cackle like a goon while Isagi scratched at his shoulder blades…
But then he remembered they were in a public space, and while that never stopped him in the past, something about right now felt special. Like going all out was their thing and he wanted to keep it that way.
“Gheehhentle, plehahahse.” He decided, worried for a second, Isagi was gonna press. Instead, the blue eyed boy above him smiled in understanding, fingers tapping over Bachira’s belly and making him squirm and giggly once more.
“I gotcha, Bumblebee.” He grinned when the other went bright red, hiding his face in his hands as he giggled and kicked. “Oh, you like that?”
“Suhuhuhhuhuuhuhush!” He giggled out, squeaking when Isagi massaged his hip. His whole body tingled happily with each wave of laughter until finally- Isagi came to a stop, brushing back his messy bangs so he could really take in Bachira’s smiling face. “Aheheheheeheh….ehheheheehellohohoho thehehehehere.”
“Hello to you too.” He leaned in to kiss him-
There was a sudden crash. The two looked over as Nagi tumbled off the treadmill, phone flying as he rolled backwards. “Nagi!” Chigiri yelped, staggering off his own machine and rushing to the pale boy. Barou all but dropped his weights as he ran over too. “Say something!”
“.....Zz-Huh?” Nagi blinked, eyes heavy with sleep. “Did I win the marathon?”
“Dumbass.” Barou shook his head as Chigiri collapsed across the older boy, shoulders shaking with laughter. “He’s fine.” He called out to the gym, turning back to his weights.
“Well, that happened.” Bachira giggled, reaching up and pulling Isagi’s pouting face back to his own. “Where were we?”
“Oh? Ah, right.” Isagi smiled, giving him a quick peck before standing up. Bachira blinked up at him, intrigued. Then a hand was offered and he was pulled up and into Isagi’s arm, the taller boy scooping him up with ease.
Wow…when’d Isagi get so strong?
“Come on- let’s pick this back up in our room. I have some spots I want to try.” Isagi grinned, the thumb against Bachira’s back wiggling some and making the younger boy giggle.
“Take me away, Isagirin~” He sang, arms around his neck as he swung a foot, hanging on as Isagi all but ran to their room.
It was the longest wait in history, but with Isagi back on his side, it was worth it.
Thanks for reading!
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bb-grm · 1 year
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mugiwaramochi · 1 year
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lizshaw · 7 months
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Behind the scenes of Classic Who: The Doctor and his companions (1967, 1974, 1977, 1984)
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r26yz · 3 months
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bixels · 3 months
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I've gotten a ton of asks about this, so I'll answer all of them here (can only tag @imamwolf, sorry anons).
I will be making more worldbuilding comics, especially on the topic of magic and Canterlot. Here's the short of it, though.
Anyone could become a witch or magician (not just unicorn characters), but it takes intense studying, as it's a practice not natural or innate to humans. Some humans are more naturally attuned and gifted to using magic while others find it next to impossible. For example, Trixie desperately wants to be a real magician but for whatever reason can't.
However, there are two types of magic: the studied "standard magic" (spells and hexes and whatnot) and the unorthodox "chaos magic," which are random, uncontrollable outbursts of magic only a few are capable of emitting. Most people with chaos magic don't even realize when they're "using" it. Pinkie and Trixie are unwitting users of chaos magic, which operates on the "only when it's funny" rule. It explains Pinkie Sense and their slapstick moments of surviving falling pianos. Discord is the only one who can control chaos magic.
Anyone can become a witch in practice, but recognition by Canterlot's court must be earned by incredible, selfless feats of magic. Canterlot as a whole is a complete mystery, having been debated on by scholars, scientists, monks, writers, and psychologists throughout human history. From what we know, it's a parallel world that exists on same same planet as Earth. That's why both are affected by the same sun and moon. To cross into Canterlot, one must not only be invited but know the location of specific gateways strung out across Earth. The closest gate to Ponyville is in a wheat field in Kansas.
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schneiderenjoyer · 23 days
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I always got the feeling that, from many of the images we've seen of her, Sotheby is tall for her age. And the Lawson collab further proves my point just how lanky and tall she is.
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bruciemilf · 8 months
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Bi-Han wifed up the baddest bitch in Outworld (she can't fight her way out of a lunch bag and she's God's favourite idiot)
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bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
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“what the fuck did he say??” a.k.a. blue lock as Clickhole celebrity quotes Part II (part I)
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jeffsaturism · 6 months
hello yes gmmtv? it’s me again. i have a few shirt suggestions for future projects inspired by baseball mom and fart proudly. contact me for more
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captainchilly · 7 months
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cryptocism · 21 days
i keep forgetting to record my art for speedpaint purposes so heres a progress gif instead:
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kinsagi · 2 months
All the people in reddit talking about how Hiori is "plot armor," "convenience," "buffed," "forced," etc., completely ignoring the seeds were planted as early as the 3rd selection
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mugiwaramochi · 1 year
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