#scott summers imagines
shelbgrey · 6 months
A not so White Wedding(Scott Summers)
Paring: Scott Summers x Mutant!Reader
Summary: ✨Wedding bells✨ it's time to get married to Scott summers... Well maybe
Prompt: 2.3) “I've been busy marrying you, I haven't had time to piss anyone off!”
A/n: this was a unanimous request that got lost during my editing process. I'm sorry I don't have your original ask and I hope you see this.
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Storm wanted to plan the wedding and she went all out and wanted everything to be perfect even if me and Scott just wanted a small wedding. The rest of team was in the back yard of the mansion putting chairs up and setting things up for the wedding.
“Woah” I tumbled at bit as I tried to walk and break in the heals Storm got, I hated them and never wore heals in my life. storm grabed my hand before I could fall on my ass on the back porch “you just have to break them in” Storm said to sweetly.
“Stormy, your not even gonna see my feet just let me wear Converse”
Storm playfully rolled her eyes as I wrapped my arms around her to keep my balance, I kicked the heals off and looked at Storm. “Okay... As long as they are new ones and not those blue ones you wear all the time... Honestly I don't know how they are still in one piece” Storm said playfully.
“The heels were a little much” I nodded Playfully to Storm.
“Nothing it's too much” Storm told me and looked at all the X-men that offered to set up from the wedding “the wedding is gonna be perfect” Storm said.
I took a deep breath, feeling both excited and nervous. “I just can't believe I'm actually getting married this weekend”
“and I can't be more happier for you both” Storm smiled then tunred to the yard where the rest of the team was “And we promise to make sure this weekend goes as smoothly as possible for the both of you”
“Yeah...” I sighed and crossed my arms nervously “we need to make sure nothing or no one ruins this wedding, we've been on high alert since our last mission against Magneto”
Storm placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me on the eyes. “nothing is gonna happen... Not on my watch”
I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. “thanks Storm, I love ya”
She pulled away with a bright smile. “Now... Get in the house and get plenty of rest” I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded as I picked up the painful heals off the porch. Storm took them out of my hands then turned around to check on the set up. She sighed In frustration. “Logan! Not there put it on the other side of the aisle!” she yelled, marching off the steps of the porch.
“stop yelling at me woman!” Loagn barked as he set a white bench down. I smiled and just shook my head before heading back inside of the mansion.
Scott's lips pressed against mine softly and gently pushed me down on to our bed. I sighed softly as his lips traveled down my neck. I let out a small moan as my fingers carded through his hair “you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding” I joked softly.
Scott chuckled softly against my neck “I'm not a superstitious man...and I just couldn't resist” he whispered and lifted his head to connect our lips for a soft kiss. I giggled softly against his lips as my hands traveled to his waist, pulling him closer to to me.
“I'm not waiting till the wedding to touch or kiss you” Scott mumbled against my lips, pulling my body close to his. The small moment we shared only heightened the excitement I felt for our future. Scott's left mine then smiled as he leaned up and kissed my forehead. I let out a satisfed sigh as Scott kissed down my neck to my collarbone.
Our lips met for another passionate kiss and just as his tounge brushed against mine there was a knock on the door. Scott lifted his head and opened his eyes sharply. He groaned softly. “Damn it.”
I rolled my eyes at our interruption. Scott sighed and kissed my lips softly once more and pulled away, fixing his clothes. He went over to the door and peeked through the door, waiting to see who the unwanted guest was.
I sat up in the bed and peeked through the crack Scott made between the frame and the door. Storm was at the door with her folder of all the wedding stuff. She put her hand on her hip, staring Scott down. “what are you doing? Your not supposed to see y/n until the wedding, it's bad luck!” she said sternly but also playfully.
Scott rolled his eyes at the old superstition, but he still wanted to play along with Storm “it's my room too!”
“I don't care, the last thing you guys need is bad luck” Strom rolled her eyes and gave Scott a stren look. “and you better have picked up that Tux today”
“Yes.. I did” Scott playfully stuck his tongue out at Storm. He gave a goofy grin and closed the door. Scott went back to the bed “So...want to try again?”
I smirked and pulled Scott back on top of me so we could pick up where we left off. Scott leaned, pressing himself into my body, kissing me deeply while his hands fell to my waist. As our lips moved in a rushed pace, Scott's arms moved from my waist and started moving upwards slowly, moving his way up to my chest. As his hands and began caressing my breasts there was yet another knock on the door.
My eyes locked with Scott's and we both let out a frustrated growl. He pecked me on the lips then rolled off of me. “God damn it Storm” he mumbled under his breath.
Still thinking it was storm, Scott ripped it open. It wasn't storm, it was Professor Xavier. Scott's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open to see Professor Xavier standing at the door. He tried to pull himself together as he looked at him. “good evening professor”
I sat up in our bed and quickly fixed my clothes. “Where's y/n?” I heared Xavier ask sternly.
Scott hesitated for a moment but didn't say anything. He looked straight into Professor Xavier's eyes then closed the door “what did you do?” Scott asked, turning towrds me.
“nothing, I've been busy marrying you, I haven't had time to piss anyone off”
Scott chuckled at the sarcasm. “well.. apparently you have now. The professor wants to see you”
I groaned and got out bed. I fixed my clothes one last time before opening the door. “yes Professor?” I asked sweetly and pretend like me and Scott weren't just playing a game of tonsil-hockey.
Professor Xavier eyed me and Scott both. “I need to discuss somethings with the both of you”
“is everything okay?” I asked softly then glanced at Scott.
Professor Xavier shifted in his wheelchair and sighed. “it's a private matter which is why I have called both of you here. It's quite a sensitive topic”
Me and Scott shared concerned looks before following Xavier to his office. Professor Xavier motioned for both of you to sit down infront of his desk as Scott closed the door. Xavier took a deep breath and started to speak. “I would like to inform you two that the Brotherhood have made another move in the city”
Scott walked over and sat in the chair next to mine. I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration. “how close to home are they?”
Xavier took a deep breath and looked at the two of us with a serious stare. “very close. If I were to guess...they are somewhere within a mile radius of the Institute”
“And the wedding is in two days” Scott grumbled under his breath and pushed his glasses back before they could slide of his nose.
Xavier was silent for a moment then hesitated before he spoke. “unfortunately, there has been a decision made regarding the wedding...”
“We're not putting it on hold! We've done it once already” Scott said before Xavier or I could even say anything. He knew it wasn't fair to either one of us.
Xavier nodded his head in admiration but he had an all business tone in his voice. “I understand that, but the Brotherhood is a serious threat to not only the city, but also the X-Men. We do not know what they'll do next. Unfortunately, the decision was made that our best option is to temporarily put the wedding on hold”
Professor Xavier's voice had a regretful tone but he had a strict look in his eyes. I sighed and looked down, I tired not to cry in both disappointment and frustration.
Scott immediately shot up from his seat and stormed out of Xavier's office. I gave Xavier a soft expression. “I'll talk to him”
“Scott!” I sighed, catching up with him in the hallway and grabed his hand to stop him. “Scotty...” I said softly.
Scott was hot with frustration but as he tunred to me his expression softened. “it's not fair to us! The Brotherhood are always a threat but I thought the wedding could be one day that they'd just leave us alone! I was wrong. It's always something. I just wanted one day where everything went right!”
I stepped closer to him with a soft expression and placed my hands on his cheeks, trying to calm him down. “I'm angry too, but there's nothing we can do” I said solemnly.
Scott sighed and his angry expression softened. “I'm just frustrated...I wanted this day to be perfect. He should know...he should know that after all this time, all this hard work...all this bullshit...I just wanted one thing to go right!”
My thumb stroked his cheek softly as I gave him a soft look “it's important to me too... So important, but why do I feel so selfish to even think about gooing on with the wedding even though the BrotherHood is running around?”
Scott pulled me close to his chest. There was a certain softness to him now that he had been filled with frustration previously. His hands traveled down my back, rubbing it gently as he spoke. “it's because you're the most selfless person I know. And you know what? That's what I love about you...and that's why I want this day to be for both of us”
I pressed my forehead to his and nuzzled my nose against his. “I think I'm tired of being so selfless” I sighed softly in frustration.
Scott wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close to his chest. “I know, I know...but we have to be, sweetie. This is bigger than us, no matter how we try to convince ourselves. It's okay if it's pushed back”
I sighed, hugging him back. I didn't try to speak, still trying to process everything. Scott sighed and brushed some lose strainds of hair out of my face. “Just you being by my side is enough for me...”
“That's bullshit if you ask me” Storm said suddenly, opening her dorm room. Me and Scott both jumped. “how long have you been listening?” Scott asked.
“Hard not too when you guys are squabbling outside my dorm room” Storm said. During that moment I forgot the mansion was full of X-men in their dorm rooms.
Me and Scott stayed silent, refusing to meet Storm's gaze. Storm broke the silence and spoke up again. “You guys aren't seriously considering puting off your wedding again?” Storm asked frustrated and suprised.
Scott looked at Storm with a stern look and was silent for a moment...that's when he finally spoke and his voice was low. “what are we supposed to do?”
“get out of here!” Storm said like it was the most obvious thing. “go to the corthouse in the next town over and elope, go to Vegas and get married at one of those Elvis churches, I don't care just leave for the weekend and get married”
This surprised us both. Scott paused for a moment to think. “how would we convince the others to allow us to get married in private? They'd kill us for trying to exclude everyone from the wedding” I said softly.
Storm rolled her eyes. “The X-men will understand and when every thing settles down we'll give you a real wedding”
Scott thought for a moment and looked at me then back to Storm. “So you're suggesting we runaway for the weekend and get married?”
“Elope?” I added, looking at Storm.
“People do it all the time” Storm shrugged then sighed. “Even though we put a lot of work into the wedding and the thought of you guys eloping at an Elvis Church annoys me... You guys deserve to actually get married, so yes leave for the weekend and get married”
I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of me and Scott eloping in Vegas at an Elvis Church. As much as it sounded funny, I liked the idea. Scott turned to me and smiled. “what do you think, Baby?”
“Yeah, we waited long enough... Let's get married” I then tunred back to Storm. “what about Xavier and the others?”
“I'll deal with that old geezer” Storm said in a playful way. “and if the brotherhood shows up we'll be fine”
I nodded, agreeing. Scott smiled happily. He hugged me and kissed my forehead gently. “we'll leave first thing in the morning”
Storm smiled and clapped her hands together. “have fun!” she then left us alone.
--------(the next day)--------
“they did what?!” Xavier sighed after the news was broken y/n and Scott had left early that morning for vegas.
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Why is there almost no Scott Summers x Reader content out there? Am I looking in the wrong places? I surely must be, because there is no way in hell that there is no stuff for this
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hiphopcherrrypop · 7 months
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save me bottle blond bass player
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acidkoipond · 1 month
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I’m obsessed with him wearing his visor like headphones
He looks like a fuckin DJ
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 months
Should I do X-Men 97' x Reader? Any ideas because right now I love the new show!! I can probably write for anyone !!
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betyloca · 4 months
members of the x-men with a s/o who was in a mutant circus and his/her mutation in which she is a symbiote
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scott summers
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• heard that the new student came from a circus
• I wouldn't ask I wouldn't want to ask and make you uncomfortable
• but he didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet a new student
- Hi, I'm Scott Summers.
- Hello, I'm y/n.
- If you need to get out of here I know how to escape and take you wherever you want
• this boy had no idea what your mutation was, he thought you were very strong
• until he saw you create symbiotic tentacles
• He is impressed by your mutation and offers to help you in your training.
• worries when there are loud sounds that could hurt you
• is impressed with the amount of food you can eat
•He loves your full symbiote form and thinks you're very intimidating, which would help him scare people for fun.
• he lets you work with him so that you can be with him
jean gray
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• found out that a new student had arrived
• She knows where you come from and what your life was like in the circus because she read your mind.
• you were in the courtyard of the mansion when you met her
- Hi I am ..
- y/n I know I'm Jean Gray
- how do you know my name?
- I'm a telepath
- oh can I sit with you?
- of course, why not
• they began to be almost always with her
• One day you showed him your mutation by making claws appear and your arm turning a symbiotic black color.
• You thought you had scared her but she already knew about your mutation. You're glad she wasn't scared.
• She knows what it's like for people to fear you so she doesn't let anyone mess with you.
• He likes to have lunch with you in the mansion garden even though you always end up eating almost everything due to your voracious hunger.
• likes it when you do stunts to impress the
• He likes it when you are in your symbiotic mass form and you are lying on his bed or couch and you are on his chest sleeping while he caresses you.
• I wouldn't let you have fun with her, she's afraid that she'll hurt you with her telepathy.
• He doesn't get scared when he sees your full symbiote form because he knows you would melt at his touch.
kurt wagner
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• he was excited at the idea of making a new friend
• He heard rumors that you came from a circus. He knew what it was like to live there since he was in one.
• you were walking through the hallways lost when you ran into him
- Excuse me, do you know where the classrooms are?
- If you want I can take you
- okay thanks, I'm y/n
- I'm Kurt Wagner
• immediately became your friend
• He doesn't leave your side until he told you that he also lived in a circus
• That's how they began to share experiences of how they lived
• He likes it when you show off your stunts since you were a trapeze artist.
• One day when they were at the mall a guy started making fun of his appearance making him feel horrible.
boy: look that guy looks like a monster hahaha* laughing with his friends*
Kurt: We better go* while looking at the ground*
y/n: hey, the only monster is me, you idiot* while deforming his face making his eyes white and his mouth bigger with sharp fangs*
boy: ooh shit let's go * while he runs with his friends *
• He is impressed by your mutation and likes to ask what else you can do.
• gets worried when there are loud noises and when it happens he covers your ears
• At Christmas I give you headphones to prevent you from hearing the fireworks so they don't hurt you.
• keeps you away from anything flammable wants you to be safe
• He likes it when you are in your symbiotic dough form. He thinks you are very cute. He loves having you in his hands while he feeds you (he likes to concentrate on you).
•When this boy finds out that you can have fun with a person, he feels curious and nervous when you have fun with him.
• when he gets used to it he likes to be with you all the time talking to you while you talk to him in his head
• At first he was scared by your full symbiote form but he didn't mean to. He liked how intimidating you looked but he knows you wouldn't like him
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swanimagines · 8 months
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Kurt Wagner
Scott Summers
Alex Summers
Erik Lehnsherr
Warren Worthington III
Jean Grey
Hank McCoy
Storm (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for X-Men or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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lyomeii · 1 year
i’m here to help
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->warnings: none(?), this can be read either as platonic or romantic, male reader but with pronouns as you.
-> request by anon! Rogue, Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner with a reader who can't control his powers
-> a/n: first writing of the mutants! I am excited with this one, so let’s go~ and short because I have to take my other wisdom teeth today.
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-> she saw herself on you. scared, full of anxiety and doubts about the powers you carry. she decides to help you in control it or at least help you to not hurt more people you care about.
-> if you power is a physical one like hers, rougue gives you clothing to hide your skin to give the confidence to be closer to the others without hurting them. but if your power aren’t physical ones, she will training to control it with the help of others.
-> either ways, she is there for whatever occasion or any problem happen. rougue wants to make sure you feel comfortable around and look up to her all the time.
-> he saw many cases like yours, however, you are way stronger than mutants he met in the past. too impulse, too powerful and too scared about yourself. Scott immediately decided to help you.
-> he takes you under his wing and train you to become the best version of yourself, that process takes a slowly, but effective results on you and scott is proud of it. seeing someone like you growing up to become brave and confident is a rewarding experience for both of you.
-> her powers are powerful and dangerous, just like you, yet there is difference between you and her. Jean knows how to control it and you don’t.
-> jean become someone who you can trust to help you. her calm voice, her patience and understanding make her the perfect teacher for you to learn how to properly use your gift, surprisingly or not, didn’t took much time to you learn it.
-> many were impressed by your development and jean is the one who complimented you the most. her smile and attitude help you since the beginning, yet there is a long way to make you use your full capacity.
-> he might be considered someone important and talented to the mutants, yet kurt fears that he isn’t the best to help in this situation.
-> even after years of being part of the xmen, Kurt see himself as an immature person and isn’t take to serious most of the time. but knowing you asked for his help, he feels responsible to guide you and your powers.
-> the process takes longer than the others, making him feel useless at the beginning and often questioned you if you would like to ask for someone’s else help. however, you stood at his side and it’s seem that you won’t give up of him as your mentor.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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wolviez · 3 months
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so ive been thinking
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shelbgrey · 6 months
Dating Scott Summers:
Paring: Scott Summers x Mutant!Reader
Summary: Scott Summers falling in love with a beautiful mutant girl -NSFW content warring
A/n: this won the poll! Please send request for x-men!
❤️MasterList ❤️Dating mood board
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You were there for about 10 years before Scott was brought to the school whith bandages over his eyes. He was so scared to hurt anyone and you felt terrible.
Not to toot your own horn, but you made his first pair of ruby quartz glasses. You got help from your friend Hank McCoy in the Lab and created the red glasses he wears today.
Scott will never not be impressed with you. If you ask him he fell in love with you the moment he got to look at your through the glasses. “your Amazing”
It always bugs him that he can't see you and your natural colors, with his glasses everything is red.
Scott worked hard to win your heart. In to your adult years and your X-men years you guys wold always stare at each other with puppy eyes, but both parties were afraid to make the first move.
“your really falling for this girl, aren't you?” his brother Alex asked. “she's not just some girl”
Let me start off by saying that Scott has eyes for you and only you. Your confession had took a huge step back when Jean Grey started showing interest in Scott. She was everything you were insecure about and you often compared yourself to her in the worst way possible.
Scott never took a second glance at Jean, he wanted you. Jean knew that and it angered her, she wanted Scott to herself. Jean also knew you'd always be to shy to admit your feeling to Scott, so she used it to her advantage.
Scott wanted to tell you he loved you so bad, but he always felt you deserved better. He wanted you to have a guy that could look at you without red-tinted glasses, he wanted you to have someone who wasn't dangerous.
“you know, girls like her don't wait around forever” Xavier told him one day. “do you guys relize the affection you two share?”
Scott sighed, during that week you'd been avoiding him. He hated it and didn't know Jean had been pushing you guys apart without you realizing it. Scott looked down. “she deserves the world, Professor”
“if you want her to have the world tell her how you feel. Because to her you are the world” Xavier told him”
He will always regret telling you how he felt because of the situation you were in. It was a mission gone wrong which resulted you staying in the med-bay in the mansion. Scott never left your bed side. His heart pounded with anxiety the longer you layed in bed unresponsive.
The next morning you woke up with him holding your hand and his head on your lap. You were relived to see him and it made your heart flutter that he stayed with you. You gently ruffled his hair, waking him up.
He woke up and tears pricked his eyes as relief washed over him. He cupped your face gently and pressed his forehead to yours. He was shaking so much. “your okay... Please don't ever leave me”
He looked into your eyes and took a deep breath. You don't know how bad he wanted to see your natural eye color and not just see the red tint from his glasses. “I love you... Everything about you amazes me, your everything to me”
“I love you more” you smiled softly. You shared your first kiss that night, this kiss was so gentle but held so many years of bottled up tension and emotions. He held you carefully, like as if you were made of glass and his kisses were driven by so much relief and unconditional love.
That's what you too shared, unconditional love.
Scott's so gentle with you. Deep down he's scared you'll break or scared he'll somehow end up hurting you with his mutation, that's his worst fear. His always so gentle and loving with you.
He loves your mutation, he thinks you look badass and sexy when you use it. Your mutation is the power to conger up blue fire in your palms.
He'll only call you beautiful or gorgeous. He feel like you deserve a compliment better than sexy or hot. He always makes sure you know how beautiful you are.
He's big on hand holding too, if your walking around the city your hands will be locked together, or sometimes hell just hold your had if your setting down at a table or something.
He holds your hand whenever he can, that his way of showing off that your his girl.
He's rough in bed, but a gentle kisser. The gentlest kisses he gives out it is in the early hours of morning before you get up to teach your classes.
Yes, you both are teachers at Xavier's school. Yall never left that damn place. He's the engineering and self defense teacher while your the English and creative writing teacher.
He loves leaving red roses on your desk all the time. That's one of his love languages.
He's always afraid of hurting you, especially with his mutation. But you trust him enough to even take off his glasses to see his full face, he still get scared and keeps his eyes shut tight. “It’s okay. You’re not gonna hurt me,” you whispered. You leaned forward slowly, careful to his face. You kissed the part of his forehead, just above his left eye. Then the right.
This man need physical contact a lot. He's a big cuddler and just needs you in his arms, it's a comfort and a protection thing.
He also loves teasing you and getting you all flustered. He thinks it's the cutest thing in the world when you blush after a compliment or if he kisses you.
“I can't concentrate when you do that” you laughed. He was standing behind you while his hands moved around you. “doing what?” he said, kissing your neck.
By the way, this man is extremely protective of you. It doesn't matter if your on a mission with the rest of the X-men or just out getting groceries. Your protection and safety is his main priority.
He's so afraid of losing you, your the best thing that's ever happened to him and he doesn't want to screw it up. Of course he doesn't have to worry about that.
God, this man loves everything about you. You have a couple of tattoos, he wants to know about them. It doesn't matter what type of hair you have or if you like it or not, he loves it. He'll love your voice, body, personality... Everything.
If your in bed he'll always have his arms around you. Rather your the little spoon or your on his chest. But sometimes if his day is rough he'd want to be the little spoon. His favorite feeling in the world is your arms around him and your fingers running through his hair.
He also loves it when you curl up on his lap and a cuddle to his chest. It the best feeling to him, especially on your way home on the X-jet after a long mission.
You call him everything but Scott. Usually its Scotty, honey, or Sweetheart.
He loves calling you Baby or Angel. And he always refers to you as 'his girl'. No mater if your his wife or girlfriend, your gonna get called 'his girl'
You love listening to old rock music together. If it's just the two of you he'll sing with you and on the occasion you can convince him to dance with you.
Your Favorite singer to listen to is Meatloaf. Your song is definitely 'you took the words right out of my mouth'
You love riding on the back of his motorcycle. He loves feeling your arms wrapped around him and holding on to him while he drives.
Like I said before he's super over protective, so if your on the back of his motorcycle he's driving more careful than he ever has before. If he's by himself he'll drive at an unsafe speed and pop a couple of wheels, but if your with him he's carful as hell.
He'll also teach you how to ride one. He was so excited when you asked him to teach you.
He refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
If your cold you'll steal his leather jackets, or you'll sleep in his old dress shirts. Also if the sun is brighter than usual you'll steal his spare ruby quartz glasses and used them as sunglasses.
Hell always remind you how beautiful you are. If you feel insecure about your self he's there to kiss you and tell you how amazing you are.
NSFW headcanons:
He's the most loving person during sex, hell he is all the time. He'll also try his best to make it as romantic as possible, if not he's always holding you close and kissing you so you know how much he loves you.
But he also doesn't mind being rough with you. If you push the right buttons, you'll be under him screaming his name as the headboard of the bed bangs against the wall.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Logan shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Hank touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
Bondeg kink. Handcuffs, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
he'll bit you in the heat of the moment. He loves marking you up.
Dispite him being mostly rough in bed and pushes you to the point of screaming, he'll be so soft and gentle in the end. “you did so good for my baby, I wasn’t too rough was I? I didn't hurt you did I?”
One of his biggest kink is cumming inside you, seeing you filled up just makes him go crazy.
he loves grabbing you by the hips, literally squeezing his fingertips against your soft skin, holding you in the place or using them to help guide the pace.
If you want to take a shower and get cleaned up, Scott will lift you up in his arms and carry you to shower, he'll hold you safe and will be extremely gentle with your sensitive body.
Has a soft spot for sex in the shower, he loves holding you up against the wall, roughly while he drives his cock into you.
He love getting head. He loves the feeling of towering over you while he has you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
Loves eating you out, your legs around his head. He loves your legs and thighs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
He's a boob and ass man, He’ll push your bra up and take a nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls all around while he squeezes your ass, pulling you closer to his body. He loves it when you start moaning and tugging at his hair, He honestly can’t get enough.
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “Don't hold back baby, let me hear you”
For aftercare, He will spend an exorbitant amount of time just kissing you, slowly and deeply, as he massages your thighs and hips. It's his way to calm you down and bringing you back to reality.
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layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
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Summary: You are a mutant with the power to grow plants, flowers or roots. Basically you manipulate nature at will. You always seemed to be on your own and didn't hang out with many people, but a certain boy with silver hair caught your eye. Too much
Warning: None, just cheesy love :)
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I was in the school yard trying to find a good place to study quietly. It was supposed to be free time but I took the opportunity to review some notes in my notebook, so with my books in my arms hugging them I went downstairs and headed somewhere under the trees, but unfortunately my favorite place was taken by Jean and Scott. It was a hundred-year-old cherry tree with beautiful pink flowers that fell to the ground in a showy carpet of petals. I didn't want to bother them even though they were my friends, so I tried to look for other empty trees that are far from people, I can't concentrate if I have people around me talking loudly. Sick of not finding a good spot and inwardly cursing my bad luck, I leaned my back against the outer wall on the west side of the school and sat like a Buddha.
I was quite hidden from the other students thanks to the massive walls of the mansion. In front of me there were more trees that expanded in a forest and nobody near me. Perfect I thought, I enjoyed my solitude even though not many understood it. It's not that I don't like to be with someone, but from time to time I needed some alone time with myself.
I was reading my history notes when in the distance I heard Peter's shrill laugh. He was a few meters away from me but I had good acute hearing. Of course he couldn't see me since I was hidden behind the wall, but I could see him. Slowly I got up and stuck my head out a bit to spy on him. His back was to me and he was talking to a blonde girl, I don't know what they were talking about but it must have been something very funny because they were both laughing heartily.
I felt my cheeks burn and frowned, Peter was on his hips while that blonde played with her hair and looked at him smiling. It's been a while since I had mixed feelings with Maximoff, was it love? no, no, impossible. I pushed that silly idea out of my head. How could I like Peter? He was a hyperactive idiot who likes to run fast and can't sit still, as well as playing practical jokes. Oh but when he smiles.. It's like the day is brighter or the sun shines brighter with diamond intensity, and those cute dimples on the side of his cheeks make him look adorable...! No! Stop __! I can't fall for his charms, not now!
While trying to get those thoughts out of my head, I noticed how the girl was getting closer and closer to him. Alarmed, I slightly extended my hand towards where the two of them were and concentrated on the vibrations of the earth to extract roots from it. I slowly raised them until they reached Peter's wrist which now rested on the side of his hip. I mentally ordered them to hold on to his hand firmly but without hurting him and with a downward yank with my clenched fist I sent Maximoff sprawling to the ground.
The boy was so focused on talking and everything happened so fast that he didn't feel anything and when he wanted to realize it he was already lying on the ground with his hands resting on the grass so as not to break his jaw
"What the fu-" -He exclaimed in surprise as he looked everywhere trying to figure out what happened.
All he saw was people cracking up, including the blonde girl he was talking to, except for a brown head poking out of the corner of the school walls.
Annoyed, he jumped to his feet and said addressing Laura, the girl he was talking to
"Excuse me for a second, I have unfinished business"- He said smiling and then with a buzz he ran away and disappeared from where he was.
¡Oh no he saw me I'm sure he saw me damn! I thought. I was wondering fearfully where he had gone when I turned around and the notebooks I still had in my arms fell from fright.
"AHH PETER!! ¡Don't do that!"- I yelled closing my eyes and covering my face
The sprinter had stopped right in front of me looking at me funny and with crossed arms
"I could tell you the same. Since when do you humiliate handsome guys in front of everyone?"
I rolled my eyes in frustration, now I would have to put up with his sermons camouflaged as immature flirtations.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about"- I bent down to pick up my books but he was faster
"Don't play dumb __, I don't know any other student who can do what you do, which by the way is a very nice superpower"- He handed me the books with a sly smile, the one I knew so well and that made me blush.
"T-thank you.."
The only thing I could do was mumble a thank you, trying to hide my face with my hair so that my blushing would not show.
"Also, I know you're dying for me, or do you think I don't realize how you look at me sometimes in class? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me"- He winked
I opened my eyes in surprise and sighed annoyed to turn around, but as soon as I took a step forward, Peter came back in front of me at the speed of light, making my hair fly a little because of the speed and the wind.
I was startled a little and closed my eyes angrily
"Stop it Maximoff, you stress me out"- When I opened my eyes, he was still standing with that stupid smile that I loved and hated at the same time, it seemed that he liked to make me angry.
´"Ugh don't call me Maximoff, you sound like my mom"- then he made a disgusted face that made me laugh
"Aww see? You really love me"- and he pointed a finger towards my face touching my cheek while pouting
I quickly removed his finger while I kept smiling sideways
"Ok, enough of the talk, I need to study, so if you don't have anything else to say, go away."
"Whoa whoa ok the cat is sticking out its claws, well I won't bother you anymore if that's what you want"
"Thanks"- I slid back down the wall to sit down again while my eyes were focused on my handwriting.
Peter was already turning to leave when he quickly turns to me and yells at me.
"Jealousy!"- And he disappeared as if he had teleported away before I could hit him.
"Peter Maximoff!!"- I yelled but it was useless, I yelled into the air because he had already left
I went back to concentrating on reading as best I could but I was still upset, he always seemed to get his way. Jealous, me? yes of course.. I laughed ironically
but not even 30 seconds had passed when suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek, it was a quick soft touch as if someone had kissed me..
I couldn't help but smile tenderly at that display of affection. Damn dumbass and adorable Pet, I couldn't get mad at him. Even with a smile on my lips, I continued reading in silence.
"Hey did you see that?"
"See what? oh wait I know don't tell me let me guess, Peter and __ bothering again, right?"
"Bingo! I don't know when they're going to take the first step, it's obvious that they like each other"- Said Jean biting into an apple
"Leave them, they love each other in their own way"- Scott said as he played with a stone, throwing it into the air to catch it again.
"Oh you mean Peter talking to girls and __ getting jealous while hitting him with her magical roots?"
They both burst out laughing imagining the scene.
"Yep, so romantic"- He laughed
And so they both stayed laughing under the cherry tree and looking at the two almost lovebirds, each one in a corner of the yard.
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
i know, i know i said I wouldn't do this again but guess what? I have a lot of free time and wattpad one shots tempt me
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
More Than Anything
Plot: It's hard having feelings for someone you fear is not over their ex. It's even harder when you get the courage to tell them, only to see them giving flowers to someone else.
Pairing: Scott Summers x Gn!Reader *Reader referenced to have invisibility
Prompt: 'Thinking your crush asked someone else to be their Valentine, but then they ask you.' <didn't use this exactly, but more or less
Requested By: Anonymous
Warnings: Misunderstandings, a little angsty, talk of unrequited love. But I promise it has a good ending!
Words: 2.1k
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You let out a sigh as you stared at the small box on your bed. Was it too much? Was it too little? Is it too cheesy? Would he want them at all? What will he say when you give them to him?
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you grabbed the box and stared down at it for a second. You needed to do this. You had been agonizing over it for weeks, months even.
Fighting the urge to never confess to Scott how you felt about him. It burned you alive from the inside out. You needed to know if there was ever going to be a chance for the two of you to be more than friends. Because what you wanted more than anything, was to be with him.
There were a few moments when it almost came up naturally, but you backed out lat second, terrified he would reject you.
So when Valentines Day approached you thought you could use a gift as an excuse. Use it to confess how you felt. And if it seemed like he didn't reciprocate, tell him it's just a gift to a friend, and the fact that it was Valentines Day, is just a coincidence.
Your chest tightened at the thought. Even if he wouldn't believe that, you needed to know, even if it would break your heart.
Finally gaining some courage, you left your room and headed towards Scott's. You hoped he would be there rather than somewhere else in the school. You didn't feel like marching around the school with a gift in your hands, there are too many prying eyes. Though, you could always make yourself be unseen.
As you got closer to his room, your legs seemed to get heavier and heavier as your steps slowed and your chest tightened. You felt like you couldn't breath.
Hearing Scott's voice, your ears perked up as your heart seemed to flutter. Was he with someone? Should you come back later?
Your curiosity dragged you closer, and you felt your stomach twist when you heard Jean's voice.
"They're beautiful Scott."
Unable to resist, you made yourself invisible before quickly peaking into the open doorway. You looked only for a second, even knowing he wouldn't see you.
Seeing a bouquet of beautiful flowers in Scott's hands, and Jean right in front of him, you felt your breath catch and your stomach twist. Stepping away, you let out a soft painful breath as your hand gripped the gift tightly.
Turning, you quickly left, fighting the tears that threatened to build up. You had hoped you would be able to take something like this with more grace, but you were wrong.
Making it back to your room, you leaned against your closed door as your eyes burned. Your chest was tight and your stomach was in a knot. Hitting your head softly against the door you let out a shaky breath.
At least you knew.
Tossing the gift onto your desk, you sat down on your bed, your whole body seeming to lose it's strength.
At least you knew. But why did it have to hurt so much?
--- --- ---
The next day went by with only a few run-in's with Scott. Unable to face him just yet, you avoided him, and you were sure he noticed.
You figured you would tell him you did't feel good, or you had a headache and didn't feel like talking. Would he believe you?
Even if he didn't you couldn't tell him the real reason, not now. It didn't matter if he knew or not anymore.
You tore away at the grass underneath you as you stared off into the trees. You were at the edge of campus, just out of sight of anyone on the school grounds, no one knew you were here. Or so you thought.
Scott went to your room to find you, concerned something was wrong. You seemed to be avoiding him all day and he was worried. Did he do something? Did something happen you didn't want him to know about?
He wanted to see you, to talk to you, he had plans. But now something was wrong and he didn't know what to do.
Knocking on the door, but hearing no response, Scott turned the door knob and walked in. He probably shouldn't have, but he feared you may be inside, just unwilling to answer the door.
Looking and listening around closely, making sure you hadn't gone invisible, he sighed. You were in fact, not in your room. He let out a sigh as he turned to leave. But he stopped s his eye caught on something on the desk.
A long thin box, with his name on it. Walking over to it, he pulled it closer. He shouldn't open it, you hadn't given it to him. But why would you have a gift for him? He felt his heart flutter. Was it for Valentines Day?
Taking the box, he put it into his pocket and left, having one more idea of where he might be able to find you.
Hearing someone walking closer, you made yourself invisible, not wanting to speak t anyone.
As the footsteps grew closer, you didn't bother looking back, just assuming it was a student.
The footsteps stopped, and your heart jolted when a voice called out
You looked back, seeing Scott staring right at you. You knew his glasses allowed him to see the signature of your body even if you were invisible. Something created for him when another mutant with invisibly broke into the school.
As you became fully visible again, Scott could see in your eyes that something was wrong.
Walking up to you, he let out a sigh as he sat down beside you, turning so he was facing you.
"You've been avoiding me."
You looked away from him and down at the ground again as you played with the grass. "Why would you think that?"
Scott smiled softly, but there was sadness behind it.
"Because even if something is really bothering you, you still talk to me about it. Which makes me think I'm the thing that is bothering you."
"You're not bothering me Scott." You replied, but there was an obvious sadness in your voice.
He frowned, worry filling his gut even more. Moving closer to you, his knees almost touching you, he leaned closer "What's going on Y/n?"
You forced a smile and shook your head as you looked over at him "I'm just not feeling all that well."
Scott frowned, there was truth in what you were saying, but there was something else. Something you couldn't seem to admit.
He looked down at his hands for a moment "I needed to talk to you about something, but if you're feeling bad it can wait."
You felt guilt ripple through you. He was always there when you needed someone to talk to, but now you were avoiding him. You had a feeling in your gut, a painful one, that he was going to tell you that he got back together with Jean. You didn't want to hear it, it would tear you apart, but you were his friend.
You turned to face him straight on "You can always talk to me." You said softly, though your chest ached.
He looked back up, and though he wore his glasses, you could feel his eyes burning into yours.
Reaching into his jacket, he pulled something out, and you felt your heart stop.
"I went to your room to find you earlier, and found this instead. I didn't open it, but curiosity got the best of me." He could see the surprise on your face and wondered what it meant.
"That's-" you could barely find your words "-for Valentines Day." You finished mumbling out, having been unable to find another excuse.
Scott's heart did a cartwheel as he smiled at you "You got me a gift?"
You nodded your face almost blank as you feared what would come next.
"Can I open it?"
You nodded again, your heart pumping heavy in your chest.
Scott opened the box, revealing a new pair of glasses, a similar style to his own, but they had their own uniqueness to them. His smile grew as he looked down at them.
"I had them made like your others. Yours are getting old and I know how you are about asking for new ones."
He grinned as he took them out, looking over them. You watched as he took off his glasses, eyes clenched shut before putting yours on. Looking up at you again, he smiled brightly and you couldn't resist your own smile widening.
"They look good." You complimented.
"Thank you Y/n"
He watched as you shyly looked down at the ground again, as you pulled at the weeds.
"Those aren't what you wanted to talk to me about are they?" You asked softly before looking back up at him.
You could always see through him. "Uh, no, not really."
Reaching over, he grabbed your hand, stopping you from pulling out weeds. You looked up at him as he encased your hand with his.
"I wanted to tell you how I felt-"
You felt your breath hitch in your throat, your heart was pounding so heavily you could feel it in your head. How he felt about what? About who?
"-about you." He finished slowly, and you felt as though time froze.
"...About me?" You asked softly.
You felt his fingers caress the top of your hand, and it sent shivers up your arms.
"I wasn't originally going to tell you like this. I wanted to invite you to dinner with me, and tell you then, but...I can't hold it in anymore."
You felt a wave of dizziness wash over you before you shook your head lightly "But-" Scott looked at you with a frown "What about Jean?"
"What about Jean?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"I though- well, I thought what you were going to tell me, was that you two were back together."
You saw confusion cross his face, and started to wonder if you imagined it all.
"Why would you think that?"
"Well yesterday... when I went to give you the glasses, I overheard, and I saw you give her flowers." There was confusion and doubt in your voice, as you spoke.
Realization hit Scott like a train before he lowered his head with a sigh. You watched as he shook his head and looked back up at you.
"Those flowers weren't for Jean, they were for you. She saw me taking them into my room and asked about them, that was what you saw."
He saw realization cross your own face, as you seemed to slowly grow more embarrassed.
"Wait is- is that why you were avoiding me?"
You seemed to look down in shame and Scott couldn't help the laugh that escaped. Your head shot up as you stared at him wide-eyed.
"I'm sorry." He shook his head "I just- no, no me and Jean are not back together. And I'm sorry you thought that, I hate that you thought that."
Tugging your hand closer again, he brought his other hand to your face, making you look at him.
"Let me start over. The only person in this world I have feelings for is you. I've been head over heels for you since we became friends. I've been a coward for so long, taking so long to tell you how I felt. Fearing you didn't feel the same but, but you do."
It wasn't quite a statement and not a question, but it held a desperation for reassurance. And with a subtle nod of your head, you gave it to him, and he smiled.
"I don't want to be a coward anymore Y/n. I want you to know how I feel. That I adore you, I adore everything about you, and I want to be able to see you and know that your mine. My person, my best-friend and lover, my partner, everything. I want that more than anything. "
You felt as though you couldn't breath as your eyes burned from the emotion welling up inside you.
"I want that too." You whispered out, just loud enough for him to hear.
He grinned at you as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours. You lifted your hand and placed it over his as he cupped your cheek.
Your noses pressed together briefly as his lips ghosted over yours. Your eyes fluttered closed just as his lips pressed fully against yours. A shiver ran through your body as butterflies erupted in your stomach. You wanted Scott to love you more than anything. And he did.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
Let It Out
Scott Summers x reader
Main Masterlist Requests
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(2.3k words)
“God, what the hell is wrong with you?” you yelled. You just came back from a mission with the X-Men. The mission was successful but that didn’t stop you and Scott from arguing about anything the other one did. “Was it really necessary to cover me in dirt and dust?”
“Well maybe if you were paying attention, that wouldn’t have happened,” Scott egotistically replied.
During the mission, a piece of rubble was about to fall on you, but Scott used his lasers to break it and stop it from hitting you, incinerating the rubble on top of your head. This resulted in you getting covered in the dirty debris.
Admittedly, this argument was petty and stupid. He saved you, you know it, but you were never one to miss the chance to argue.
“I was paying attention,” you indignantly argued.
Scott rolled his eyes, “Sure you did. It’s okay, I don’t mind saving a damsel in distress.”
Angered, you got into Scott’s face, “Let’s go outside and we’ll see who’s a damsel.”
“That’s enough, you two. I will not have a fist fight among my students,” the Professor got between you. “Maybe you guys should put whatever it is you two have going behind you and get along.”
“It’s impossible to get along with an egotistical jerk who thinks he’s better than you,” you huffed. “Seriously, you don’t have to tell me everytime I do something wrong. I already agonize over it enough myself.”
You walked off, done with the conversation. Anytime you did anything wrong on missions, Scott was always the first to criticize you on it. It probably wouldn’t have bothered you so much if you weren’t already insecure about your place in the X-Men. You were the newest member of the team and you had less experience than everyone else did with your mutation.
About a year ago, you were walking home from a friend's house. A couple of guys from your school had cornered you. Before they could do whatever they had planned for you, you had pushed them away with your hands and accidentally launched them into the building behind them. 
Your mutation allows you to manipulate vibrations. The Professor found you after your family had disowned you and brought you to the mansion. Since, he’s helped you control your mutation and helped you become stronger.
“You know, she’s never going to be your friend if you do that all the time,” Jean softly offered advice.
“I don’t want to be her friend,” Scott snapped at her.
“Right because you want to be more,” Peter smirked.
“I don’t want to be her anything. Same as you guys, I just don’t want her to get hurt,” Scott sighed, annoyed.
“You’re cute, when you’re in denial. I’m a mind reader, you can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me,” Jean pat his shoulder before leaving too.
Everyone except for you seemed to be privy to the way he felt about you, much to Scott’s chagrin. Eventually he made his way to his room to sulk for the rest of the night.
You on the other hand, made your way to the Danger Room to get some training in. The only way for your brain to shut up about all your insecurities was to train them away. After a few hours of training alone you felt better. All of your frustrations toward Scott washed away.
You were still in your training outfit, but didn’t care as you made your way to the kitchen for a snack before you showered. The sports bra and shorts you were wearing were more revealing than you would have liked to be seen in so you wanted to get your food and leave as quickly as possible.
You grabbed a packet of popcorn off the shelf and put it in the microwave. You turned around and was surprised to see Scott walking into the kitchen too. He was looking down so he most likely didn’t notice you.
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat, so Scott would look at you. “You almost bumped into me.”
“Shit, you scared the fuck out of me,” he jumped. He stared at you and you wished more than anything that you could see his eyes to know what he was staring at. You crossed your arms over yourself feeling insecure under his scrutinizing gaze.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, to break the silence.
Scott seemed to snap out of his thoughts and smirked at you, “Taking in the view.”
The microwave beeped behind you, thankfully. You turned around to get your popcorn and to hide the blush on your face. Scott Summers did not just make you blush.
“Pervert,” you muttered. You poured your popcorn into a bowl before turning around again. Scott was staring at the floor now, seemingly deep in thought. Of what, you did not care.
You tried to walk away but Scott grabbed your arm, preventing your escape.
“What the hell do you want, Summers?” you asked aggressively. Scott has never touched you before outside of training or mission, so you were wary of him now.
Frustrated, Scott ran his hand through his hair. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the motion.
“Why do you have to be such a bitch? I was g-going to,” Scott stuttered before he snapped his mouth shut.
Scott wanted to apologize to you. He realized that you might think his criticism was always said to put you down. That you might not know that he doesn’t want to see you get hurt and that he wouldn’t be able to handle the day you stop arguing with him.
“Going to, what?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter. Nevermind.” Scott sighed, letting you go.
He’s acting weird, weirder than usual with you, and you didn’t know what to do. Concerned, you placed your hand on Scott’s arm, asking, “Are you alright?”
Scott harshly shook your arm off, tersely replying “I’m fine.”
“Well sorry for asking then,” you replied, a little offended. This whole conversation was confusing you, making you feel like you’re suffocating.
You flee from the kitchen, going back to your room for the night. Scott remains in the kitchen, cursing himself for his lack of social prowess and expressing his feelings.
For the next few days, Scott avoids you like the plague. When you join everyone on the couches, he’s the first to get up and leave. He sits as far away from you as he can during dinner. He’s even stopped criticizing you during training.
It was an odd feeling. The lack of Scott’s annoying voice should have offered you peace. It should have made you feel better that someone wasn’t analyzing your fighting technique, waiting to tell you everything wrong with it. The entire week, you waited for Scott to pay attention to anything you did, but his attention never came. It made you feel unsettled.
There was a knock at your door, Jean yelling, “Mission in 20.”
You put on your mission clothes and made your way to the jet. Taking your seat and buckling your seatbelt, you waited for the debriefing.
“It’s a fire and rescue. 12 story office building. . .” the professor rattled on. It was a simple mission. People trapped in a building that the X-Men were supposed to help rescue.
You were finishing your search of one of the floors of the building, when you heard Jean’s voice in your head, “Building is clear of civilians, everyone get out as fast as you can.”
You would have listened to her if you could, but there was concrete blocking your only exit. You tried to use your mutation to break it but you were weak and tired. The ash burned as it coated your throat and lungs, making you cough wildly.
You could feel the panic seep its way into your brain but you tried to keep a level head. Logically, at least one person from your team had to notice you didn’t make it out. You tried and failed one last time to push away the concrete blocking your way.
“Professor! Jean!” you screamed as loud as you could, hoping someone heard you, telepathically or not.
With your lungs gasping for clean air, you sunk to the floor. Before you, there was a flash of red before Scott’s face showed up in your vision.
“Y/N,” he screamed for you, the sound ripped from his throat. He looked uninjured which brought you a bit of comfort as he made his way over to you.
Before either of you could do anything, a support beam collapsed between the two of you, separating you.
You felt like you were suffocating, not enough clean air making its way to your brain. Your whole body was vibrating, “Scott, I don’t feel right.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m going to get you out of here,” he replied, panting.
Neither of you commented that this was the first time you ever called him Scott instead of Summers and the first time he gave you such an endearing nickname.
You felt like you may explode so you did the only thing you could think to do. Scream.
“Scott!” you screamed. You let your voice out, probably damaging your vocal cords with how visceral and loud you were screaming. Next thing you know, everything goes black.
Scott’s face was dirty, filled with scratches and scrapes. But he didn’t care to wash up or do anything until he knew you were okay. He explained to the professor what happened and thanked Jean for saving the both of them.
Sitting on the floor outside the clinic, this past week washed over Scott. How fucking stupid he was to ignore you all week. He wished more than anything that he just told you how he felt in the kitchen and wished he wasn’t so hard on you all the time.
The door next to him opened and closed, making Scott stand up. Hank stood in front of him, “She’s awake and okay. A little bruised and weak but that’s it. You can see her.”
“Thanks,” Scott muttered walking into the room.
You sat in a hospital bed, wincing anytime you moved. Hank filled you in on what happened. Scott had helped Jean find you and get you out of the building. It turns out your voice was a secret weapon you didn’t know you had. Manipulating vibrations with your hands was one thing, but your voice was an entirely other thing.
The door opened, stirring you from your deprecating thoughts, Scott standing in the doorway. His face is covered in scratches that he didn’t have the last time you saw him. Your bad thoughts come back in an instant, bringing silent tears to your eyes.
Scott sits on the edge of the bed next to you. Shyly he gives you a small, “Hi.”
“Did I do that?” you ask, your voice scratchy from overuse.  You bring your hands to his face but he softly takes your hand in his bringing it to his chest.
“It’s okay,” he replies instead of answering you.
Your chin wobbles as the tears in your eyes start to fall. You wipe them away with your free hand, before staring at the wall behind Scott, “Why are you here?”
“I had to make sure you were okay,” Scott replies.
“Why would you care if I’m okay? You’re probably here to tell me how stupid I am for getting trapped. Or yell at me for accidentally hurting you. You never fail to tell me what I do wrong every mission,” you let your thoughts slip past your mouth.
There was a small voice in your head that wanted Scott to be telling the truth, that he cared for you. But there was another insecure voice, asking you why would he care about you?
“God, I’m so stupid. Let me explain,” Scott begged. He continued after your silence. “I never wanted you to feel weak. The only reason I harp on you so much during training and missions is because I never want to see you get hurt. I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, especially in a fight, but you mean so much to me that I always want to know if you’re safe.”
“But you’re always arguing with me,” you whispered. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Well, you are pretty hot when you get all angry at me,” Scott smirked.
You giggled and went to softly slap Scott but he caught your hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
“If you let me, I promise I will make up every single comment and argument. I’ll even let you practice your new-found powers on me,” Scott smiled at you.
His face was pleading for you to agree and how could you tell him no.
“I’ll forgive you. On one condition,” you teased. He excitedly nodded his head. “You have to say, ‘Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to.’”
Right away, Scott recited, “Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to. They also really really want to kiss Scott Summers because he is very handsome.”
You laughed again, “Who said you were handsome?” But who are you kidding, he was to die for.
“So you’re not denying that you want to kiss me,” he smirked again. God, this man was going to drive you crazy.
Instead of answering, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Before it could get too heated, you pulled away to speak. “You are very handsome, Scott Summers.”
He did a little triumphant fist bump in the air, smiling at you. And for a moment, you weren’t worried about the X-Men, or your new powers, or anything outside of you and Scott. You felt at peace.
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burningflamescurse · 10 months
Dark Phoenix
Logan Howlett x Fem!Phoenix force!OFC
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Chapter One: Strange Visions
Chapter Summary: Layla Xavier, Xavier's daughter, was Born with The Phoenix Force Powers and Telekinetic Abilities along with some of Telepathy, But comes in contact with a Dark energy force after seeing Visions.
Synopsis: Layla Xavier becomes the Dark Phoenix after coming in contact with a strange Dark energy force, Dialing her abilities up to a Hundred, Logan Notices something is up when she runs from the Mansion.
Warnings: Nightmares, Visions, Telekinetic abilities, Dark Phoenix, Phoenix force, Military and Police, Telepathy.
Characters: Jean grey, Logan Howlett, Scott summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Hank MCcoy, Mystique, Storm.
It Started Out with Small Visions that came from Her Telepathy Abilities, Xavier was still Trying to figure them out, they first came in blurry Pictures and Images of a single dark energy force, but Neither Layla nor Xavier could figure them out.
Later on Layla started Hearing weird Voices in her head, not like normal other Mutant Voices she Usually heard along with her Telepathic abilities, but different dark voices, Like the Phoenix Personality Inside of her. Xavier started to get worried about this considering how strong The Phoenix is, But Layla Promised him that she was okay, and that she could control it.
Then a couple of weeks later her Personality and Behavior started changing, she was becoming rude to the other Mutants in the Mansion, she was even rude to one her best friends, Jean, Logan Noticed it the most though, she would get angry and cause her Telekinesis to go a bit out a control knocking things around off Tables or causing metal tables to crush or compact.
It only got worse, It was like the Phoenix itself was trying to come out, the personality side anyways, which worried All of the X-Men, Jean especially since she knew what that was Like. Jean even Tried to talk to her about it.
“Layla, I can help you..” Jean had Stopped her on her way back to her room, “I can Help you control it..”
“I don’t need your help..” Layla snapped back, Stomping away, Jean wouldn’t stop, she wanted to help Layla. “Layla, Please.. All of us our worried, you can’t let it control you.. Please let us help you fix it.”
In one moment the Phoenix Took over as she Turned around in a Fury, Souless black eyes started into Jean’s Brown ones. It was Dark then Just the Phoenix, it was dark, a Dark Phoenix, Corrupted. “I don’t want to fix it.” She hissed. “This Overwhelming power is Mine.. all mine.. I don’t want to fix it..” her Voice was Demonic.
In one flick of her wrist, Jean was Pushed back, as Layla stormed off to her room, leaving Jean in shock of what she Just saw. Xavier and the rest of the X-Men were warned about this.
Days Passed and things Seemed to get worse, Layla wasn’t sleeping, she would wonder around the X-mansion alone all night, and then Sleep all day.
One Rainy day everything hit the Ceiling, right before everyone else went to bed, in one Powerful burst Layla Broke out her window and Ran away from the Mansion, The Dark Phoenix Tainting her Decisions and her Mind.
Storm was the first to walk into her room, Gasping at the Sight, “She’s Gone..” She whispered. Xavier Sighed and Lead them all to Cerebo to Try and Locate Layla Using his Telepathic abilities.
They went Through Different places Until Xavier Located her Running in a Panic to An Old Cabin where she was Hiding Out, “What the hell is she doing there?” Logan asked, Concerned, Xavier Shrugged, “She’s owned that Cabin for years, For how we have to find her before she Destroys something with the Dark Phoenix.”
Once they arrived at the cabin, It was like she almost immediately noticed them, not in the Dark Phoenix’s Control but Within her Own. Layla Briskly walked out, “I told you to stay away Dad..” She Said. Her Eyes Showed how Unstable she felt at the moment any time Xavier tried to intervene with his words, The Phoenix got angry and Tended to harm People even if they were her friends.
“Layla Please.. we only want to help.” Jean Tried to Console her, Layla shook her head, Erik Came from behind her Cabin some how, “She Dosen’t want your help Charles.” he Intervened. Logan Rolled His eyes, “for Fuck’s Sake.” He Cursed.
“Can’t you see she doesn’t want to fix it, she wants to Let it go.” Erik Said, Layla Rolled her Eyes at them both, Bickering like an Old Married couple. Jean sighed, “No she needs to learn to control it, before she kills someone.” Layla caught storm’s eyes, Flowing with Sympathy for her, often Misplacing it as Pity.
“Oh please I don’t want your Pity.” Layla sad, Souless Black eyes Returning, “I don’t want to Fix it, or Control it.. I want to let it go, to let my power flow, Even if it kills someone.” her Voice was Demonic, Logan Couldn’t even See it was Layla.
“Layla, you can’t truly want that, your not a Killer.” Logan said, A Hiss Resounded from Layla. “Right now you are not speaking to Her, your are talking to the Life Incarnate, Phoenix.” Layla’s eyes returned to Normal hearing cop car sirens, Causing her to clench her fists Against her head.
“No, Stop. Stop it. No. Leave me alone!” Layla screamed, turning and with a Flick of her hand The Cop Cars were stopped flipping over, the sheer power telekinesis had on objcets. She had no control over this sheer Power, Objects Flying, the X-Men were careful, Dodging the Flying Objects.
“Layla!” Logan Called out, Using his Claws to Cut the flying Objects of wood, slicing them Effortlessly. Layla was Levitating now, the amber glow in her eyes stronger, a corrupted Version of the Phoenix force, something you did not want to let loose, Logan Tried to reach her, he wanted to at least try to calm her down. Layla floated back using her Telekinesis to Knock Logan and the other away from her.
It was Xavier's turn to reach her, "Layla, Layla Listen to me, I can help you, but you have to Listen to me, Please." Xavier Pleaded with her, Layla shook her head, "No, No I don't, Please Stay back I don't want to hurt any of you." Layla's soft voice Pleaded, Jean Stepped up, "It's okay, I understand." her soft voice Pleaded with her.
"Please, Let us help you."
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chaoticforever · 1 year
Save Me From Myself | Scott Summers x Male! Reader
Summary: You need someone to save you from the dangers of yourself, and a certain man does — and so much more.
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...Just come back to me.
You felt someone shake you, and you jerked awake with a start while panting slightly. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes before opening them, blinking two times, and gazing around the area where you had unintentionally fallen asleep at.
There was not much conversation going on at the bar you were in. Aside from the handful of people here, it was unusually empty tonight. The only occupants were a bartender — who is drying glasses — a couple counting their money at a table, a drunk man sprawled out on the couch, and a few others. The older man behind the bar is the one who had woke you up.
When the man asked if everything was fine, you assured him that you were fine.
Your gaze drifted to the window. The sky was overcast; cloudy. Light snow drifted around in the sky and occasionally flew to earth, bathing trees and the ground in a white coating as the sun hid behind a fluffy blanket of clouds. It's likely that you'll be leaving before it gets too dark.
Footsteps can be heard coming inside the bar while the TV in the background switches on, and someone sits in one of the seats near you, ordering a beer. You glanced at the individual and recognized that it was the same man who had been engaged in the previous caged wrestling battle. The guy whose quick victory over the other wrestler left you in amazement.
The Wolverine.
Since you first saw him compete in that caged wrestling contest, he piqued you for reasons that you can't quite put your finger on. He — seemed so mysterious.
It's like—
The Wolverine suddenly peered over at you and raised an eyebrow at you, which made your thoughts suddenly come to a screeching halt. Fuck. You came to the realization that you have been gazing at him the entire time and inwardly sighed. Idiot. You tore your eyes away from his and shifted your focus to the television.
There was a newscast discussing the approaching summit of world leaders in New York, where different topics like the mutant phenomena would be discussed.
Human beings born with what is known as the X-Gene, which usually expresses itself in the form of superhuman powers that manifest at puberty — or periods of heightened emotional or physical stress. As the next stage of human evolution —they are often feared by the human race.
Unfortunately, you're one of the dreaded mutants that individuals fear. You were completely shocked to realize you were one, and their initial manifestation made you feel terrified and distraught. This is why you have been looking for a place to get away from others and be protected.
When you heard additional footsteps enter the pub, you turned to see a man — the same wrestler the Wolverine had fought — approach him and demand his money, claiming that no man can take a beating like that without leaving a mark. He emerged from the fight unscathed? Does this indicate that Wolverine is a...
With a shake of the head, you dismissed that thought and continued to watch the interaction between the two men.
You watched how Wolverine refused to back down, even threatening the other guy. The bald man appeared to give up before pulling out a knife and attacking.
"Look out!" You screamed out of instinct.
Within seconds, Wolverine leaped from his chair and pushed the bald wrestler into the wall. He unleashed a pair of his metal claws toward him, their pointed tips almost touching the man's trachea.
Everyone in the room, including yourself, gasped in surprise at the realization that he is a mutant just like you are. A person who's the first mutant you've ever met.
The barman approaches Wolverine from behind, pressing the barrel of a shotgun against the mutant's skull as he orders him to leave. Nevertheless, Wolverine is not frightened by the barman and sliced the shotgun in half with his sharp claws. Wolverine glanced around at everyone in the bar — including you — before putting his claws away and leaving the building.
In a flash, you snatched up your duffel bags and suitcase before following the other mutant. Since he's a mutant too, he should be able to understand your situation and provide assistance, right?
That's what you concluded, and it's why you're hiding in Wolverine's truck's trailer as he pulls away. You were not sure how you will explain your predicament to him and why you are cowering in the back of his truck, but you'll figure it out and hope when you explain your reason, he'll help.
Guess you'll have to give your reasons shortly because when you adjusted your position, the truck came to a halt. You must've made too much noise in doing so. After hearing the truck's door open, you fervently hoped he would not look inside the trailer, but he did and yanked the thing covering your body off of you.
His lips moved. "What are you doing?"
"I sincerely apologize." Your smile was a little sheepish when you addressed the man. "It's just — I just needed a ride and figured you would be able to assist me."
"Leave right now." As he was waiting for you to exit the truck, he scooped up your luggage and dumped it on the ground.
You followed the older man's orders and stepped out of his truck, but you secretly hoped he wouldn't just drive off without you. In fact, If he can take you as far as he is willing to drive, you would be fine. "What am I supposed to do now, huh?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know or you don't care?"
Wolverine's stare was as cold as ice. "Pick one." He said, returning to his truck.
"Dude, I saved your life back there!" The least you could do is help me out here.
"No, you didn't." After those comments, you watched Wolverine slam the truck's door shut before starting his vehicle up.
You let out a sigh and placed your hands in your pockets to keep them warm as you shivered from the cold. What were you supposed to do now? You are in the middle of nowhere and it'll probably take some time before a vehicle arrives. You need to head to a nearby building before you freeze to death in this weather, but the nearest building is most likely miles away from your location. You'll most —
A few meters from you, Wolverine's truck comes to a complete halt and the engine turns off. You were perplexed as to why he did that, but then you saw him open the door of his truck for you. You hurriedly snatched up your luggage and climbed into the front passenger seat.
"I appreciate it." You mumbled, shutting the truck's door and looking over at him. Even after you thanked him, he did not respond to your generosity. Instead, he cranked the engine and started driving.
For a portion of the drive, you two were deafeningly quiet. Wolverine's attention was kept on the road with a cigar in his hands and you knew that he should not be driving while smoking. Furthermore, the man is not wearing a seatbelt, which mutant or not, was exceedingly unsafe. You stared absently out the window for some time before you broke the silence.
"I'm Y/n." When you introduced yourself, the other man remained silent. E/c eyes wandered to the area of his neck where his necklace was hanging. It resembled the type issued to soldiers in the armed forces. "Did you serve in the army? That necklace indicates you were in it, right?"
Wolverine pulled his necklace inside his shirt but didn't respond to your inquiry and you glanced down at your lap. You didn't hold it against him for not replying to your inquiries. You are a total stranger to him, and you cannot expect him to tell you his life story. But since he was nice enough to give you a ride, you thought it would be nice to talk to him on the ride.
You swiveled your head around to take a look at the remainder of the vehicle and you noticed that Wolverine had clearly been sleeping here because there were numerous articles of clothing, blankets, and personal care items in the back of it.
"Wow." You spoke, drawing his attention. "My life doesn't look too horrible now."
"Look, if you would prefer the road—"
"No, no. I'm perfectly fine where I am."
Even though you were still cold, especially your hands, being inside the truck was preferable to being outside at the moment. To keep your hands warm, you rub them together to create heat.
A glance out of the corner of your eye alerted you that Wolverine had noticed that you were still cold and activated the heater. "Put your hands on the heater."
"Thanks." Your hands felt so good over the heater when you placed them there. While on the subject of hands, e/c eyes shifted their focus to Wolverine's hands where his retractable claws had been. "Does it hurt when they come out?"
The answer Wolverine gave to the query was, "Every time." His tone of voice, however, suggested that there was more than one underlying meaning behind the word. "So, what kind of a name is Y/n?"
"What kind of name is Wolverine?" You countered, honesty in your tone of voice.
His eyes landed on you. "Name's Logan."
"M/n." You responded calmly. "You know, you should wear your seat belt."
"Look, bub, I don't need advice on ho—"
You guys crashed into a tree limb that suddenly appeared in the road, cutting off Logan's sentence midway through. Since Logan wasn't wearing a seatbelt, he was propelled through the glass and landed several meters away in the snow. You ended up striking your forehead on the window, resulting in a slight bruise.
You let out a groan, opening your eyes. The smell of fire materialized first, and a quick glance into the back of the truck revealed that the area was on fire. Panic rose inside your chest as you struggled to remove your seatbelt but were unable.
You're stuck.
This is not good, you thought, trying to get the seatbelt off. You had to get out of here before the fire spread to the rest of the truck. It will cause it to explode.
You turned to face Logan, who was now standing on his feet. He had a massive bruise above his eye and you watched in surprise as it quickly vanished. He must have a regenerative healing factor. You suppose that when he said that you did not save his life, he was being truthful.
"Are you alright?"
"No, I'm stuck!"
Logan moves toward you, but stops, as if he sensed another presence and his metal claws emerge. Out of nowhere, a man who resembled an animal suddenly appeared and hurled Logan into a tree. The unidentified individual then struck Logan with a wooden log, sending him crashing onto the truck, where the self- healing mutant became unconscious.
You turned around to see the fire getting bigger behind you. Fuck, what the hell could you do now to avoid being killed? And to help save Logan from this man?
Use your powers, something whispered.
Despite not wanting to use your abilities because of what they have caused you, you're putting your faith in them today.
You put both hands toward the flames, and a whirlpool of gold surrounded the fire. Having contained it, you attempted to disperse its impact by launching it out the broken window and into the outside. However, the only thing you succeeded in using your powers was causing fire to spread through other areas of the truck.
These abilities you have simply serve to make matters more difficult for you. You are probably about to die right now—
Unexpectedly, your door is opened by a man and woman who were dressed in some sort of uniform. Putting his hand on his visor, the man fires an optic laser at the seatbelt, freeing you from its hold.
The woman extends her hand toward you, and you take it without hesitation. The man snatches Logan off the truck and you all run away seconds before it exploded, tearing the vehicle into bits.
I can't believe what happened today.
There you were, perched on the head of a king-sized bed. You were brought here by the man who fired an optic blast from his eyes (and you were still taken aback when you realized he was a mutant just like you). This is the second mutant you have come across now. After promising to return shortly, the man left the room.
You sighed and placed your hands over your face. You couldn't believe you were almost killed by an explosion today. An explosion that you caused to spread to other portions of the truck. You need to go before you cause harm to someone with your abilities that you can't control.
As soon as the man who assisted in the rescue returns and you've thanked both him and Logan, you will leave this place.
How long you sat on the bed waiting for the man who saved your life to enter is a mystery waiting to be solved. Eventually, however, you heard the door open and turned to see him. As he walked into the room, he gave you a tiny, genuine smile.
"Hi." He extended his hand. "I'm Scott."
"So nice to meet you, Scott. I'm Y/n." You shook his hand, and the heat from it was a welcoming surprise. A dazzling source of incredible warmth, his touch warmed your palm. It made you a little reluctant to release your grip at that moment, but you did so in order to avoid creating any unnecessary awkwardness. "Thank you for saving my life." Scott simply nodded. "The man that was with me, is he okay?"
"Logan's here and he's fine. My friend is currently caring for him." Scott answered as he sat down on the bed. "What about you? Are you okay after everything?"
"I'm fine, thank you." Those words were said with sincerity; you were relieved to be alive but still reeling from the events of the previous moments. "Once again, thanks for saving me, but I must leave."
Before leaving, you wanted to see Logan and express your gratitude towards him, but you also knew that you had to leave now before your powers got out of hand and caused chaos like they tend to do.
Scott stood up from the bed and raised an eyebrow at you. "You want to leave?"
The question was answered with a nod from you. "Yeah. You're aware that I'm a mutant; however, I'm someone who can't control my abilities. One reason Logan's truck exploded was due to the usage of my powers, which made the fire spread throughout it. I — I do not want anyone to be harmed as a result of my abilities."
Hurting someone with your powers is the last thing you want to do and will attempt to avoid doing so at all costs.
"If you have trouble keeping your powers under control, this is where you belong." The brown-haired male strolled over to the window, pulled the curtains open, and peered outside before looking back at you. "Just come and see for yourself." With his right hand, he made a motion for you to go over and stand next to him.
Not understanding what he was getting at, you walked over to stand next to him and glanced blankly out the window. So, what are you supposed to be looking at?
The answer to your query can be found in the sight of eight children engaged in a game of four-on-four basketball on the court. One of the guys threw the ball and then teleported to the opposite side to catch it; he continued doing this until he successfully shot the ball in the hoop.
Astounded, your jaw dropped because —in addition to the child being a mutant — he teleported in front of other people in broad daylight. Were all of those people mutants, too? What is this place?
"What is this place?" You looked at Scott with lifted eyebrows and asked him your inquiry out of genuine interest; curiosity.
Scott gave you a friendly smile, placing a hand on your shoulder. "A place where mutants are accepted — not feared. Are you interested in a tour of this school?"
"...Lead the way."
Scott took you on a tour of the school while giving you a detailed history of the institution. He decided to take you to the outdoor area where people were utilizing their powers, the training room where individuals were learning to master their abilities, the lower levels of the building where a machine called Cerebro was kept, and finally the hangar where the X-Men kept their uniforms and their super jet.
When the tour ended, Scott immediately began attempting to persuade you that this was the right location for you to be. Although after today, he probably didn't have to try hard. Everything about this place was amazing and the people here were all just like you. You can't help but wish you'd known about this place when you were a teen. It could have prevented certain things from happening in the past.
A missed opportunity.
You've chosen to remain here in order to master your abilities and eliminate any potential threat you may pose to others or yourself. More importantly, you'll be immersed in a community of people that share similar experiences to your own.
A little while later, the brown-haired male brought you to Professor Charles Xavier, a telepath who assessed your mind and uncovered your deep-seated powers, too.
Knowing so little about your abilities, you were relieved that the professor was taking the time to discover them. All you knew was that you were telekinetic and whenever you tried to move something, a vortex of gold would encircle around it.
"You are more powerful than you realize, Y/n. The key question is whether you'll control that power, or let it control you."
You will give it your all to master them.
"Y/n... he is... quite mysterious, isn't he?"
After Scott escorted you back to the room you were in earlier today, he and Charles went to the underground part of the place where they had a conversation concerning you and Charles' discoveries.
"More than you know." The telepath said. "There's more to him than meets the eye and... he is notably reminiscent of Jean."
Scott's eyebrows ascended. "How so?"
"Just like Jean was before, Y/n has very limited control over his telekinetic and telepathic abilities, and he is not aware that he has any telepathic abilities at all. Y/n is quite powerful, too. Furthermore, you look at him the same way that you looked at Jean when y'all first met. You seem to have a strong attraction to him."
Because of what Charles said, the other man's entire face reddened considerably, a rosy hue spreading across his cheeks.
The moment Scott laid eyes on you, he knew you were unlike any man he had ever seen. You were the most stunningly handsome man he had ever seen in his life. Your breathtaking good looks were highlighted by the way the light reflected off your e/c eyes and your flawless skin. And he discovered that he had a desire to not only get to know you, but also to assist you in developing your abilities.
Scott could see a lot of his younger self in you. A young man who felt like he was helpless in the face of his overwhelming abilities and a threat to everyone around.
He'll give it his all to help you master your powers to their fullest potential.
...He'll help you with anything you want.
"How can you tell?"
"Well, I am psychic."
Charles and Scott continued conversing about you when an odd occurrence took place. The mansion began to shake. At first, Scott thought an earthquake was occurring as the entire mansion began trembling uncontrollably around him — but the lights flickered on and off, too.  
"Stop it now." Scott somehow heard your voice inside his head. "No. Just stop it!"
"Get to Y/n's room, Scott." The professor ordered and Scott hurried from the room he was in into your current room. Scott was alarmed by the sheer apprehension audible in Charles' voice. What the hell is going on? He was not sure, but he knew that it had something to do with you —which caused him to quicken his pace.
When the brown-haired man came close to your room, he realized that there was a swarm of people standing outside, so he forced his way through the crowd to enter. When Scott turned on the light, he found Logan leaning over you, with Jean and Storm standing nearby. Your face was drenched in sweat as you said 'stop it' repeatedly under your breath.
"Wake up, Y/n."
"Stop it, dammit!" Your eyes flashed a brilliant gold, and you unleashed a gold tidal wave of telekinetic force that swept the area, knocking everyone who was in the room back. The impact smashed the windows and destroyed the entire room, sending debris clattering to the ground.
When you saw how much damage you'd done, your eyes widened and you looked around the room. Besides destroying the room you were given inadvertently, your telekinetic energy caused physical harm to some of the people inside this place.
This is precisely what you feared would happen if you stayed here, and your fear has come true. It was a constant worry of yours that your abilities would spiral and cause harm to those around you.
And they just did.
It hasn't even been a full day and already you have caused harm to other people.
Again, that is.
"I'm... I'm so sorry." You apologized to everyone in the room before rushing out. You knew deep down that you needed to leave here now before any bad incidents like this one happened again to people. You were unsure of your destination, but you just knew that you needed to leave.
Footsteps could be heard coming from behind you and a hand clamped around your shoulder before you could exit the mansion. You didn't have to turn around to know that it was Scott behind you. It's almost as if you could sense who was behind you without even turning around.
"Y/n, wait!" Please stay.
Please stay. Strangely, you did not hear Scott say those words aloud, but rather, it was as if you heard his voice inside of your head. You chose to ignore that now.
As you whirled around to face Scott, you were horrified to see that he had a gash on his cheek. Seeing the pain you just caused this man only added fuel to the growing fire of guilt you felt, making you more determined than ever to leave now.
You gave a headshake. "I can't stay here, Scott. You saw what happened up there because of me. I cannot have a situation like that happen to people here again."
"It was an accident."
"Whether it was an accident or not, I still caused them harm. I — I do not want to continue hurting others with my powers, but I simply can't control them, and I do not think I ever will. It always seems like they make things worse, causing chaos."
Scott's mind seemed to make some sort of sudden connection. A lightbulb went off. "You've hurt someone before with your powers, haven't you? Someone close to you?" The inquiries were gentle.
The brown-haired male could read the sadness in your expression and hear it in your tone. From the way you spoke, Scott gathered that this was not the first time your powers had harmed someone. Your past experiences and the pain you felt afterward had made you determined to never repeat a mistake like that again.
"Yeah..." You nodded. "I hurt my brother."
You did more than just hurt him.
"I am so sorry." You sniffled, holding your brother close to you, his head resting on your thighs. "I'm sorry." As tears flowed down your face from your unintentional actions, you moved two fingers over to close his eyelids. What have you done?
"What happened?" Scott shifted himself so that he was closer to you. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
You weren't sure what compelled you to tell Scott about what had happened, but you could tell he was a caring man even without knowing him, so you decided to confide in him about parts of your past.
"In my case, my parents happened. After they discovered that I was a mutant, the abuse started, first verbally and at times physically. It made me the target of their animosity and I had no one in my corner. No one except for my brother. Brandon was the only person who loved me no matter what; he was the only one who accepted the fact that I was a mutant."
With your nose, you inhaled and exhaled.
"My parents invited some guys over one day, and I spent the day being their punching bag. As soon as Brandon saw me get hit, he rushed in to help. This led to both of us getting hit." You exhaled a sigh. "All I wanted was for them to stop hitting us. Then — without meaning to — I unleashed a surge of telekinetic waves that caused an explosion to occur.
"Everyone was killed, Brandon included." You felt the tears fall down your face. "I didn't mean to kill anyone, that was not my intention. I just wanted those men to stop... hitting me and Brandon. And now, because of me, the one person who ever truly loved and accepted me is no longer here. I don't want anyone to be injured or killed because of my abilities ever again."
I don't want more blood on my hands.
Cyclops put a hand on your chin and made you look at him. "It won't." He said, looking you in the eyes as he brushed your tears away with his thumb. "I'm so sorry for what happened in the past, but staying here and mastering your abilities will help to avoid a reoccurrence of that."
"Why do you want to help me so badly?" You popped the inquiry out of nowhere. Why would Scott, who didn't even know you, feel so compelled to help you? If it was so glaringly evident that you should leave, why did he not want you to do so?
"Because I know what it's like to have no control over your powers to the point where other people get hurt as a result of them." He kept his gaze fixed on you while moving his hand from your chin to your shoulder. "Please allow me — allow us — time to help you in mastering your abilities as we have done so for others. I assure you that I can and will help you."
You stood there, thinking.
On the face of the coin, you were able to sense that Scott is someone who could help you. This man seemed to truly want to help you and looked really concerned about your well-being, which is unusual for mutants like you. Besides, mastering self-control is the only way to guarantee that nobody is harmed by your powers.
The bottom side of this coin is that your abilities were erratic and unstable. Your presence poses a risk to others and you should leave immediately (you just hurt some people already). Given the choice between leaving and hurting people, you would rather play it safe and depart now.
Which side of the coin should you pick?
Heads or tails?
It's clear which option would be most advantageous to you. Moreover, it was commonly believed that the front side of the coin is associated with good fortune.
"...Okay, I'll stay here with you." Honestly, there wasn't anything else you could say.
As a whole, training wasn't terrible for the most part but it was tough at first.
Because your abilities are so intrinsically linked to your emotions, any time you let loose of the pent-up wrath inside of you, chaos happens. Therefore, this exercise is meant to help you calm down and to help you achieve a tranquil state of mind to help your powers manifest peacefully. The thirty-minute meditation exercises seem to have a profound effect on you.
After a week of mindfulness practices, it was time to shift your guys' attention to energy blasts. You presumably have the ability to project psionic and telekinetic energy in the form of blasts. There were three mannequins in the room, and The Professor and Scott told you to aim for the one in the middle with energy blasts.
"It's probably not the best idea for you two to wait inside here." You mentioned.
"Don't be ridiculous, Y/n. We're stayin—"
"Y/n's right, Scott." Charles interrupted him with a quick agreement. "He should be left alone to complete this task. Y/n," The man swiveled around to look at you. "We'll be waiting outside if you need us."
A nod came from your head.
You gave Scott the okay to leave, and he hesitated, looking unsure. But he then gave a nod and placed his hand on your shoulder. "We'll be right outside, okay?"
Both Scott and Charles have left, leaving you here alone. There was a whirlpool of gold that trickled forth from your hands as you concentrated on the mannequin standing in the middle. I can do this.
You took a deep breath in and let it out, sending a gold energy blast flying at the central mannequin. However, you used too much telekinetic force, as the other two mannequins were ruined, triggering an explosion due to the sizable pressure.
Just fucking great.
Following this failed attempt, you had to fire a blast at yet another center-staged dummy. This time, though, there was a twist. Scott and Jean would instead be placed on each side of the mannequin, leaving you with some cause of concern.
"Are you guys serious about this?"
"We're very serious." The telepath spoke. "Another reason why you can't manage your powers is that you don't believe in yourself to control them because of the agony you've endured in the past," The older one continued to speak. "Everyone here has total and absolute faith in you, and you need to feel that same level of confidence to rein in your abilities, Y/n."
Additionally, Jean is present in the event of an emergency. Since your powers and Jean's are so similar, she would be able to restrain your ability and shield Scott from harm, due to her limitless powers. When Jean sets her mind to something, there's nothing that can get in her way.
You turned to gaze at Scott and Jean when Charles left, then looked at the X- marked mannequin in the middle of the room. Was it possible for you to aim for the mannequin and miss the two by it?
You didn't know.
Trust in yourself the way I trust in you. Scott's voice just erupted in your head. What if you hurt them though? That is one thing you really don't want to occur.
Then don't, was whispered in your head.
As you channeled your power from your mind, tendrils of gold oozed out of your fingers and condensed into a vaporous gold mist. Then don't. Using your hand, you fired an energy blast at the dummy.
This time, you managed to succeed in only hitting the central mannequin. This made you smile from ear to ear, feeling proud of yourself for throwing the blast with just the proper amount of pressure and sparing Jean and Scott from harm.
"I did it!" You continued to smile proudly.
"Of course. You can do anything."
For a brief second, your cheeks felt like they were on fire. The searing heat was not only from Scott's words but from the way Scott was looking at you. You could feel your stomach do a little flip from the way he was looking at you like you were the most intriguing thing in the world. It feels like you're a teenager all over again.
So, for the time being, you will disregard that insignificant sensation because it is meaningless. Scott is just a good friend.
A further two weeks were devoted to honing your telekinetic abilities. Initially, you used your powers to perform things such as levitate a table and chair across the room, move and pull apart wooden blocks around while suspending them in the air and avoid being hit by paint that was blasting out the paintball machine.
After mastering fundamental telekinetic exercises, it's time for you to move on to the Danger Room, where you'd put your abilities to the test in complex situations to practice your defensive and offensive maneuvers in holographic simulations.
You had to complete the first simulation training segment entirely on your own. The first scenario had you battling off a number of guards in order to reach the kids being held in a containment cell.
The second phase of the simulation was completed as a group. In this scenario, everyone had to fight against a sentinel. The simulation was a success, and your abilities were invaluable in this situation. You were making tremendous progress in regulating and mastering your powers from the training you've accomplished.
Your telepathic abilities were an ability that you were going to have to focus on another week since that requires intense focus and deep concentration to master.
And as soon as your training was done, an epiphany hit you. The realization that you had a big crush on Scott Summers.
It was a little difficult for you not to fall for someone so captivating. The mutant was one of the few people who believed in you when you didn't have the courage to believe in yourself. You witnessed the terrified looks and outright pleas for you to go from other people; nonetheless, he insisted that you stay. Furthermore, he delivered on his promise in helping you master your abilities to their potential.
Scott was your guiding beacon, the one who led you back to the light whenever darkness attempted to consume you.
You were bound to develop feelings for him because he embodied three of the best attributes someone could possess: good looks, kindness, and generosity. Unfortunately, you're certain he doesn't feel the same way about you, and that's okay. You were fine with being his friend.
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"
Scott was the one to make the comment as you gazed up at the magnificent sky. You and Scott went out for ice cream to celebrate your achievement in properly mastering your abilities. The two of you were exploring the X-Mansion when you both came upon the fountain with water flowing down as easily as it felt, unfazed by the height of the massive drop. It was tier-like and descended into a turquoise pool of paradisiacal bliss at this view.
The star-studded sky. That which lies beyond the horizon of human vision — a universe that is immense, unending, and filled with mystery. Numerous stars dot its surface as if it was inviting guests to a grand party. The moon's light made it resemble a silvery claw and It was a ray of light in the night sky. The vastness is to instill modesty, an eternity to inspire thankfulness for the comforts of home.
It was a beautiful sight; you were in awe.
Trees rustled peacefully in the light air, and crickets chirped softly in the night.
"Absolutely stunning." You couldn't help but agree with the brown-haired male, turning your eyes from the sky to Scott. "Oh, I love nights like this. They help me to feel at ease and at peace with myself."
"I wholeheartedly agree." Scott has his gaze fixed on you, his look impenetrable as he gazes intently at you with a look painted across his face that you cannot decipher. "Uh, you got a little something on your face there." With his index finger, he raises it and points it at your features.
You wiped your face with your sleeve. "Did I get it off? Or is it still on my face?"
He carelessly shook his head. Before you could ask him where it was on your face, his hand had already gone to it, and his thumb wiped the ice cream off your lips. Your face felt very hot because of this.
Did he really just do that?
Scott, struggling to make sense of what just happened, thought, 'I cannot believe I did that.' His thumb touched your lips. Scott was unsure of what prompted him to do it, but at that moment he felt bold enough to figure out how those lips felt.
And they felt amazing against his finger.
Scott felt compelled to kiss your lips since they were so smooth and kissable. He desired to feel your lips on his, your hands in his own, and your body on his.
"I apologize. I didn't mean to do that."
Your fingers trailed over the area where Scott's thumb had touched you, shaking your head, "Don't worry, it's alright. And thanks for wiping the ice cream off."
It was my pleasure.
They locked eyes, and the brown-haired mutant took a risk to find out if you feel the same way about him. He knew that you cared for him, but Scott questioned whether or not you liked him the way he liked you. He licked his lips and his eyes saw how your eyes slid down to watch. Scott's self-assurance shot through the roof at the speed of light after receiving even that minimal amount of attention.
"Y/n, there's something I want us to do."
You hummed. "And what might that be?"
In the second that followed, Scott gently pulled you closer to him with one hand. He leaned in close, pressing his soft lips to yours, trapping you in a tender kiss. You may have uttered a small gasp of surprise at first, but you quickly gave in to the kiss, and your arms soon found themselves wrapping around his neck. Scott felt like he just died and went to Heaven. Your lips tasted better than he could have imagined, so he dominated them with his own while rocking his hips softly into yours and grabbing your ass.
Much to his dismay, Scott broke the kiss. Heat of arousal was radiating directly to his groin; he was at major risk of nutting right outdoors if they continued kissing.
"That's what I wanted to do for a while." Scott breathed heavily. "I like you, Y/n. I just didn't think you liked me that way."
"I like you too, Scott." Scott felt his chest constrict with undeniable happiness as you gently confessed to him, your arms still around his neck. "You protected me — not only from the explosion — but also from the dangers I posed to myself. You showed me how to properly master my powers — something I struggled with — and that I cannot live in the past or let it dictate my future. You're the one person that believed in me; I'm grateful for you."
The mutant cracked a smile. "And I am grateful for you. You're magnificent, Y/n." Scott planted a passionate kiss on your cheek. "You're handsome. You are kind. You are glorious. And you possess the most beautiful e/c eyes I've ever seen."
You smiled at the compliments being given to you, fingers scratching Scott's hair. You unwrapped your arms from his neck and reached up to remove Scott's glasses. However, Scott had seized your wrists before you had the chance to take them off and gave you a perplexed look.
"I want to see what your eyes look like."
The mutant immediately shook his head at that unreasonable request. "No, I — I don't want to hurt you, Y/n." I love—
"Just relax, you're not going to hurt me." An air of self-assurance permeated your voice as you assured the mutant across from you, confidence dripping from your words. "Trust me. I'm able to control it. Please allow me to show you what the world looks like without your spectacles."
Scott debated whether or not he should remove his glasses. He was completely confident in your abilities and knew how much more adept you were at mastering them, but he still didn't want to put you in danger. However, he didn't stop you when you took off his glasses, your eyes gleaming gold. He ensured that his eyes were closed before you removed them.
"Please open your eyes. You're not going to hurt me." Scott heard your voice in his eardrums before he heard it in his mind. "Have trust in me as I have trust in you."
I trust you, Y/n.
Two pairs of eyes opened gradually, and, to Scott's surprise, not one of them shot off an optic blast. The red hue in his eyes dispersed, showing his natural eye color.
Beautiful blue eyes. The color of the sea.
You re-encircled his neck with your arms as he encircled your body with his arms. "You have the most stunningly gorgeous ocean-blue eyes I've ever laid eyes on."
Scott smiled, his thumb gently caressing your jawline. You were significantly more attractive without his glasses. He pulled you closer, giving you a passionate kiss.
You and Scott didn't need to say a word; the intensity of your second kiss spoke volumes about your love for each other.
A non-verbal confession of love.
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x-mensirens · 28 days
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