#scott mccall/rafael mccall
tamerofpickles · 2 years
Pre-Thanksgiving Cock Tales
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Looking
Prompt Filled: Nudist (Day 10 of Notsolany’s Teen Wolf Kinktober)
Ship: Agustín Lanuez/Eddie/Rafael McCall/Scott McCall
Summary: Due to one of Beacon Hills' frequent disasters, Melissa McCall has to work all of Thanksgiving weekend. Not trusting Scott enough to leave him on his own, she puts him on the train to San Francisco to spend the weekend with his dad Rafe. Once there, he discovers some things about his dad and about himself.
Tags: Father/Son Incest, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Thanksgiving, Open Relationship, Foursome - M/M/M/M
Rating: E
AO3 (2884 words)
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momentofmemory · 1 year
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inheritance      —by warsan shire.
for @scottappreciation week day 2: scott + parental figures
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Noah: Where’s Stiles? Stiles: *on the balcony, super duper excited* I’M ENGAGED!! I’M ENGAGED!! Scott: Yeah, he’s been out there for 20 minutes. I’m surprised you didn’t hear him on the way over. Raf: We thought it was a kid yelling “i’m gay! i’m gay!”
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princeescaluswords · 7 months
Let's Clear This Up
He had issues with the serial killer/con man who turned him into a werewolf against his will and then physically and mentally violated him repeatedly when Scott wouldn't do what Peter wanted.
He had issues with the broody stalker who lied, beat, and betrayed him multiple times in order to force him into a pseudo-family relationship (instead of actually earning it) and then recruiting four other teenagers into an ancient feud when Scott wouldn't do what Derek wanted.
He had issues with the werewolf hunter who tried to run him over with a car and shoved a gun in his face because he tried to date his daughter.
He had issues with the older werewolf hunter who stabbed him in the gut and tried to use Scott to cure his cancer and establish his legacy and then launched a pogrom against Scott and his kind. But Gerard is dead now.
He had issues with his absentee father who threw him down a flight of stairs when drunk and, instead of taking responsibility for his actions, vanished from Scott's life.
Scott got along just fine with his eccentric Coach, even with his outrageous behavior and pointed insults. Scott got along very well with his best friend's father, Sheriff Stilinski, even as they went through some difficult times. Scott got along with Ken Yukimura, his second girlfriend's father, even when Ken's wife was suspicious of him. Scott got along fantastically with his boss, Alan Deaton, who became his close friend and mentor.
With the exception of Rafael McCall, none of those men listed above with whom he had issues could expect to have any authority over Scott unless Scott gave it to them, and he didn't. Rafael McCall abandoned the responsibility that came with that authority. So, no Scott McCall does not have problems with male authority. THEY DID.
I'm just so tired of fandom creating non-existent obligations for characters in order to make it seem that conflicts arose because of mutual behavior. Yes, even when it's humorous because in this fandom, it hasn't stayed humor.
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
noticed something last night when i watched wolf moon trying to get the context of when stiles mentioned he had a boa (it was the last scene and jesus could've wept for how long it took me to find it).
scott versus derek's aggression towards stiles in a 1:1 comparison in season 1.
in wolf moon, in the scene in stiles's bedroom after stiles's does a research all nighter and has scott come over for the big "you're a werewolf, scottie" moment scott becomes aggressive with stiles.
now i fully acknowledge scott is still very much amidst his transformation so his control is not good but i still think it's interesting to take a look at it this moment.
not only do i think this moment changes something in their friendship i think scott becomes scared of himself in a way that doesn't necessarily have to do with being a werewolf.
in his anger and act of violence towards his best friend -- a person he values, considers family and loves very much -- he became his father.
i think it genuinely hurt scott to see stiles afraid of him.
scott's fear of becoming a monster is deeply layered but at the very root of it is scott's fear of becoming like rafael mccall.
meanwhile, derek's so-called wall slam was one, an attempt at intimidation and derek rolled a critical failure. two, stiles was more aroused during the whole thing and finally three, it was super controlled which highlights scott's lack of it.
derek didn't even really shove him and more like held him in place tbh.
i found it a really interesting comparison and i hate rafael mccall 😘
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bericas · 1 year
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scott appreciation week (day 2) → that's all i got (parental figures)
perhaps there is a monstrous origin to it, after all. — ocean vuong
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homosexualrodent · 2 years
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on parenthood and childhood in teen wolf
teen wolf, jeff davis / glory, jay-z / chemistry, weike wang / unknown source / winnie-the-pooh, a. a. milne / jennifer williamson / my father’s eyes, eric clapton / how do we forgive our fathers?, dick lourie / free-range angel produce: an idyll, joan tierney / the sunlit night, rebecca dinerstein / what my mother (a poet) might say, mary jean chan / please look after mom, kyung-sook shin, trans. chi-young kim / motion sickness, phoebe bridgers / for one more day, mitch albom / forbidden, tabitha suzama
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quillsparkle · 5 months
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Scott + relationships with adults.
Scott with Rafael, Deucalion, Noah, Alan, Derek, Melissa, Peter, Chris and Jordan.
(his relationship with Peter's not the best but he's better than Kate or Gerard. His relationships with Kate, Gerard and Victoria aren't displayedb due to image limits on my editor and because those three are terrible adults in the stories, which is why they're not in here.
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braedenhales · 1 year
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scribeoffate · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rafael McCall & Scott McCall, Melissa McCall & Scott McCall, Bobby Finstock & Scott McCall, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski, Alan Deaton & Scott McCall Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Rafael McCall, Melissa McCall, Bobby Finstock, Stiles Stilinski, Alan Deaton Additional Tags: Asthma, Family, Complicated Relationships, Canon Typical Ableism, Pre-Canon Summary:
3 times Scott lies about his asthma, +1 time he doesn't have to
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I feel like that was honestly the closest we have ever come.
Holy F*CK.
Thank GOD for Satomi.
Thank GOD for Deaton.
Thank GOD for Derek.
Thank GOD for Melissa.
Thank GOD for Rafael.
Thank GOD for Stiles.
Thank GOD for Kira.
Also I'm really freaking hoping that Malia is just storming away because she's mad that nobody told her and not mad because she's gonna leave Stiles and leave the pack, because that would be all kinds of messed up and make me all kinds of mad.
Really, I'm guessing she's just hurt that nobody told her.
But Stiles, of course, is going to assume that he lost her forever, which sucks for his mental state, ESPECIALLY after everything they just went through.
But I'm sure she'll come back.
She HAS to come back?
Order of events, because this time I can do that and STILL END with that AMAZING SCILES MOMENT!!!
Freaking Rafael ex-machina oh my GOD. That man is seriously following his redemption arc full force and as far as I'm concerned, REDEEMED. ALL THE CHECKMARKS! REDEEMED, SIR!! (Also quick aside, Satomi is a f*cking bad*ss. Anyways.)
The way that Stiles was clearly soooo terrified, but used his humor to put up that mask, solely because he would never, EVER betray his friends, no matter what.
But then the way he flinches, just slightly, as "The Chemist" (as IMDb dubs him) is about to hit three...
And okay, between the scene with Malia, and how freaking close to getting shot he really was, and then the GUNSHOT SOUND--
Yeah I was genuinely terrified that Stiles was gonna die, and I KNOW he's in future episodes, but my heart didn't care.
But THANK GOD for Rafael, because THERE HE F*CKING WAS!
And Stiles was shaking, and terrified, and clearly anxious, but he was so quick to recenter himself and focus up and hear and process what Rafael was saying (thank GOD for Melissa with that phone call we love you! <3) and he RAN SO F*CKING FAST TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS!!
The way that Stiles books it and just screams and shouts even as he runs, hoping Scott can hear him.
The way Scott is on the other side, trying to get himself to stand up, trying to get himself to hear what Stiles is saying, trying to do what he's asking him.
The way that Stiles just keeps shouting, begging for Scott to answer, banging on the door, and even though Malia's in there, and Kira's in there, the ONLY PERSON that Stiles is thinking about is SCOTT.
The way that Stiles just starts banging and screaming and pushing with EVERYTHING HE HAS because SCOTT'S NOT ANSWERING and STILES ISN'T THERE and he CAN'T GET IN and HIS BEST FRIEND IS DYING and there's NOTHING HE CAN DO.
The way he just collapses to the ground, defeated, thinking he failed, thinking he lost his best friend, thinking it's all his fault.
The way the camera pans to Scott, on the other side of the room, in the EXACT SAME POSITION on the ground, because even when they're separated, they're still in sync, and still together, and still have each other's backs—literally and figuratively.
The way that we get a little bit of Scira with Kira's voice finally bringing Scott out of it and getting him to get up and try.
The way that Scott finally gets enough strength to pull out his TRUE ALPHA powers and use his werewolf sight to find the jar and knock it to the ground and SAVE THEM ALL.
The way Stiles stands up in hopeful surprise when the vault door finally opens, and then he stands there staring at Scott as if he doesn't believe it.
The way Stiles is minutes away from tears, and Scott is minutes away from death, and they just lock eyes and stare at each other, reveling in the fact that they're both OKAY, and they're both ALIVE, and they're both HERE, with EACH OTHER.
The way that Stiles just shakes his head and grabs Scott's shoulder, making sure he's really there, before moving that hand to Scott's face so gently in a "you're okay".
The way that Scott just stares at him, trying so hard to catch his breath, but so clearly grateful that he has Stiles here with him.
The way that Stiles finally shakes his head and almost rolls his eyes at how ridiculous this whole thing is, and how CLOSE they came to losing each other, brushing off the terror and horror in the only way he knows how--with sarcasm and sass.
The way that, when all is said and done, even as Scott's holding on to Kira, when Malia walks away, Scott just looks over at Stiles in the upmost concern, because he realizes that Malia knows, and he KNOWS how much her walking away hurts his best friend.
The way that these two would go to the ends of the earth and back for each other and would destroy anyone and anything they had to for each other I just...
YOU WERE RIGHT, @slice-of-magenta!!!
MY BOYS!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
God what an episode.
That is 100% going in the top five, EASILY.
Because that was SUCH an emotional ride, and it all culminated in some amazing Sciles, and I was here for it the WHOLE WAY!! <3 <3
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(I couldn't find any gifs of the reunion scene, but I did find this, and it has ALL the emotion and ALL the worry and I JUST CANNOT WITH THESE TWO THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND WOULD LITERALLY DIE WITHOUT EACH OTHER I CAN'T! :'( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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domesticated-feral · 4 months
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scott & his father i think about u two a lot...
Summary: Scott got his favourite denim jacket at 16. Bought straight from a shop, Scott had it all through it's golden ages and now it sits in his childhood home's closet for memories' sake. He gets another denim jacket for his 20th birthday and it harbours memories already. Ready for another golden age.
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momentofmemory · 1 year
scott & melissa “we talked about this.” for your ask game?
"We talked about this,” Melissa says reprovingly. “You have to tell me when your asthma’s hurting you, okay?”
Scott doesn’t look up from his dinner, the same frown he’s had since he got home from school all but etched into his face.
Melissa sighs. “How about this. How long had the inhaler been empty?”
There’s a moment of silence, then Scott shrugs, picking at his beans.
Melissa kneads at her temples. Rafe’s going to be home any minute, and she really doesn’t want to be dealing with this when he’s around.
“Scott,” she repeats, placing her hand on his knee. “It’s really important to not let that run out, okay?”
The front door slams carelessly open, the sound of Rafael’s clumsy feet following soon after.
Great. Probably at least two drinks in.
Melissa starts to remove her hand from Scott’s knee, only to find Scott’s already moved it away in her distraction.
“I don’t need another inhaler,” Scott says softly. “You don’t have to buy one.”
Melissa’s blood turns cold, then burning hot.
Scott must have overheard her arguing with Rafe on payday.
“Finish eating in your room, honey,” she murmurs. “I’m going to say hi to dad and then we can talk about this, okay?”
Scott nods, sullen, before taking his plate and slinking away from the table.
Upstairs, Rafael knocks something heavy over, and Melissa’s jaw clenches.
He’s going to break something serious if he keeps this up.
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jjsstars · 1 year
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Scott McCall Week 2023: Day 2, Scott & parental figures [melissa & rafael]
|| for @scottappreciation event
|| made the sun - posted on my ao3 | 1k+ word count
|| tags : bad parent rafael, angst, mentions of alcoholism, scott remembers what happend the night rafael left, mentions of isaac/alison, re-write of a few canon scenes from when rafael first appears, good parent melissa
Scott would never say it out loud but he remembers what happened that night Rafael got kicked out for good. He remembers his heart dropping when he started to fall down the stairs, the blur in his vision when he came to on the floor with Melissa’s hand cradling his head, he remembers the tears in his mothers eyes, the pounding in his head, the screams that ended with Rafael storming out of the house as Melissa scooped Scott up to take him to the hospital.
[cut off for possible triggering topics & longer word count]
It hadn’t come back to him till a few weeks after everything went down, and at that point telling Melissa would only make things worse. She had already picked up double shifts to cover Rafael’s half of the bills, he could hear her crying when she thought Scott was sleeping, the whispers between Stiles’ mom and dad to Melissa, how many more play dates he and Stiles had because his mom was working. Or she needed to be alone. Scott doesn’t know what the reason was, but he knows the pained look in his moms eyes each time she’d drop him off.
Scott never cared that his dad didn’t call or that they didn’t see each other much, he liked it better when it was just him and Melissa anyways. There’s not many happy memories with Rafael to hold onto, at least not many that aren’t tainted with the later realization that Rafael was drunk.
His dad never had one type of drunk, not like what people say, he wasn’t a ‘happy drunk’ or a ‘sad drunk’ or an ‘angry drunk’, he seemed to be all of them swirled together. But Scott knew what to look for to spot each type of drunk, his least favorite was ‘angry drunk’ dad. It only really came out around Scott, when mom wasn’t home, when it was too late for Scott to hop on his bike and ride to Stiles’, when dad knew Scott couldn’t hide. Or run. Or do anything but stand and listen to whatever Rafael was saying, willing tears away because his dad hated when he cried, gripping his fists tight so he didn’t scream back, just trying to keep control and stay steady.
He was never violent but he’d yell. Certain phrases still repeat in Scott’s head late at night, haunt him. “I don’t know why you’re acting like this” being the one that lingers the most. It stings each time he remembers the words, like stepping into a hot shower with a fresh scrape on his skin, the water only igniting how painful it is.
And that’s how it feels when he sees Rafael standing in the Argents apartment. He doesn’t want him to be here, in Beacon Hills, in Alison’s home, around Alison or Isaac at all. He runs when the smoke grenade Alison sets off starts to fill the room, he doesn’t stop running until Isaac grabs his shoulder because they’re miles from the apartment building and at some point Alison couldn’t keep up so Isaac had picked her up. Scott doesn’t say anything in the moment but part of him is glad that she has Isaac there to protect her, Scott doesn’t think he’ll be much of a good protector when he’s still scared of his dad.
Scared feels like such a harsh word but he isn’t sure what else to call it. Timid? His wolf feels timid, skittish, reluctant to show any of itself to Scott as he stands in the kitchen yelling back at his father. He’s saying something back, something that’s more than just ‘yes dad’ or ‘no sir’, he thinks the nerves might kill him.
“You can’t do this!” Rafael trying to take Noah’s job is not what Scott needs right now, it’s far from it actually. And just as he goes to tell Rafael to get out, for the umpteenth time: Melissa walks in.
“What the hell is going on here?” She lays her purse on the counter, Scott moving to his mothers side before his brain even connects that he’s doing it. It’s always better when she’s around, dad won’t yell as loud, won’t be as mean, he needs his mom there.
“I don’t know why he’s acting like this!” The words burn Scott’s skin in an instant, he recoils hearing his father spit them out again, as if nothing has changed since that night he left.
“He’s trying to get Noah fired!” He shouts despite how badly he wants to curl up into Melissa’s side and hide away. He grabs the back of her scrub shirt instead, gripping the material the same way he would as a kid, holding it like a lifeline.
“What?! Rafael.” Her voice drops to the same disappointment and sorrow it always held when Scott was a child. So tired, too tired for someone like Melissa, someone so bright and beautiful, Scott used to swear to Stiles that she was the one who made the sun, he still believes it. Science be damned, his mom made and hung the sun, the moon too, and the stars. All of it.
Rafael and Melissa keep arguing, a familiar buzz of angry words that Scott tunes out and instead focuses on the feel of Melissa’s shirt. It feels childish and he knows Rafael is probably shooting him a disappointed look. Melissa always “coddled” Scott, he needed to act more “mature” and stop clinging to his mother, Rafael hated it. Told his son to act like a man at the ripe age of seven.
Scott’s seventeen now. He thinks he’s grown up a lot, become a man of sorts, he’s a leader now, a true alpha. So who cares if he wants his mom to tell him everything’s okay and that his dad doesn’t mean the yells he lets out, she’s done it so many times before, yet Scott still believes her. It’s easy to hear her soft voice and not question a thing, she’s always protected him, been there for him, something he can’t say the same about Rafael.
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princeescaluswords · 6 months
not sure if it was meant to be done elsewhere, but my favorite fic of yours is 'Ten Things That Scott McCall Can't Say'!
Thank you!
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I wanted to point out something. In Second Chance at First Line (1x02) Scott gets angry at Stiles while riding in the Jeep because he feels Stiles is treating Scott's transformation and the danger like a quest in a video game:
Scott: I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial. Stiles: Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something, like maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like something you have to learn. Scott: I'll put it on my to - do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight. Stiles: Maybe it's different for girl werewolves. Scott: Okay! Stop it! Stiles: Stop what? Scott: Stop saying "werewolves"! Stop enjoying this so much.
Now, we're supposed to believe that Scott's agitated mental state is due to the wolfsbane rope concealed in Stiles's backpack, but this scene also marks something else, just as important. This is the last time we see Scott get angry at Stiles because of how Stiles behaves toward Scott. Scott may become exasperated at Stiles's insistence on murder as a solution when it comes to Derek, Jackson, and Liam, but that is in defense of others, and Scott does judge Stiles in Lies of Omission (5x09) when he believes that Stiles kills Donovan to protect his father, but I cannot think of another time when Scott expresses anger or even frustration at Stiles at how Stiles treats him specifically. If you've read my blog know I believe that there were plenty of opportunities for this.
Now, moving forward to the other end of Scott's character development, compare this exchange to the scene in Pressure Test (6x15), where Scott is gathering his things to leave Beacon County after his father negotiates a deal.
Rafael: Look, I know this isn't what you wanted, but it's the right decision. When Stilinski called... Scott: Can you hand me that shirt right there? Rafael: Now, you can be mad at me, but I'd rather watch you leave the state than watch you die. Scott: (SIGHS) I'm not mad. I get why you did it. Rafael: Scott, you're not the only one who gets to protect his family. I'll be downstairs.
We've seen Scott lay into his father before in Insatiable (3x23), but he doesn't in this instance. While the circumstances are different, both scenes have a character making what's happening to Scott about them instead. But now, six seasons have passed, and Scott has learned that there are things he can't say -- or, more precisely, emotions he can't express during a crisis situation.
Teen Wolf made it a point to explore the burdens of leadership. Derek was an incompetent alpha because he made decisions based on his emotional reactions to events -- anger at what had been done to him and his family -- and Scott has managed to mature into someone who can put aside his own emotions in order to do what must be done. Scott has demonstrated this growth, and he will do it again in Season 6 when -- after a harrowing night of listening to his mother struggle to live on the operating table -- he goes to Peter -- Peter! -- and asks him to join the fight against Monroe.
Personally, I literally seethe in reaction to that scene in Eichen House in Werewolves of London (6x17), but the show was relentless in its conviction that a good leader has to put their own emotional responses to the side in order to be effective. I would have loved if Scott had unloaded, verbally or physically, on Peter after that villain enabled a fanatic to point an assault rifle at his own daughter and the man trying to protect his ungrateful ass, but that wouldn't have made stopping Monroe any easier. So Scott didn't.
Fanfiction gives us what canon didn't, and the lesson Scott learn about suppressing his own reasonable emotional responses is what I explored in this story. I suspect that the movie commented on that by having Scott move to Los Angeles -- somewhere he could be free to express himself -- but I wish it had been more explicit.
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scerek · 5 months
Related to the last question:
How do you think the rest of the pack celebrated? Did Parrish breed Theo? Did Liam fuck Raf McCall? Because why not horny posting
Parrish and Derek definitely tag teaming Theo at first. Theo's a bratty bottom after all, he needs two alpha males to tame him.
Scott's off sleeping in a cumdrunk stupor after getting stuffed to the brim by all the Hales before the party (Derek, Eli, Peter, Dom back to back to back). But when he wakes up, they're gonna wanna make sure they get one more load in before the NYE Ball drops.
Liam has Papa McCall bent over the couch with Mason watching as he's pounding into that daddy like a feral beast.
As for the remaining Hales -- Peter and Dom are taking care of Eli, showing him the ropes and helping him top his dad's betas: Jackson, Isaac, and Boyd. Boyd ends up being his favorite because of that big, bouncy ass of his.
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