#scorpio new moon
bxtxnx · 7 months
If you have Scorpio Sun, Venus or Rising, today's (November 13) Scorpio New Moon will cause you to take on a new beauty transformation.
New Moons are new beginnings, while Scorpio is the sign of complete transformation, so you will adopt a huge change in your style/fashion, beauty or beauty routine. You may decide that your aesthetic or the way you currently look needs to change.
The New Moon is conjunct Mars, so you will quickly act on this desired change or you will need to quickly see results for the effort you put into your transformation. Because of this conjunction with Mars, it is also highly likely that this change will be related to your body - you may decide that you need to change the way you dress to fit your body type better, or you may decide that you need to do something about your weight, whether that is to lose or gain some.
Because the Scorpio New Moon is forming a trine with Neptune, you may easily implement a change that you've been dreaming about for a while or you may actually find your dream style and aesthetic.
With the opposition the New Moon forms with Uranus, however, it's better to think things through before you implement any changes, because impulsive changes that you've thought of last minute won't bear the good results you will be hoping for. Also, your friends may not give you the best advice or opinions on your style and looks, so listening to your own head and gut may be the best way to approach this.
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turningwheeltarot · 7 months
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New Moon in Scorpio -- November 13th, 2023
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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alchemyofmaya · 7 months
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Ancestors and Masters had a message for me (and those on the path of return). I’ve been told ..
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rawhoneybliss · 7 months
Scorpio New Moon (Nov 13) Posted on my YouTube Channel ♏
Let's get into SPECIFICS of this New Moon PLUS get Channeled Messages from Spirit!!!
See you over there 💕 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE 🥰
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thedarkmaidenn · 7 months
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Shadow Work for the Scorpio New Moon cycle: Facing a feat, deep self reflection and seeing your darkness in a new light.
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manifestdestinytarot · 7 months
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new moon in scorpio ritual ✨
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xorinalocke · 7 months
Pill to Swallow
It’s an easier pill to swallow If we both know our own stories so well Reborn and reborn Again and again
I said 1000 years You said Let’s go
You reminded me of myself As you carried on in your realm
Leaving me alone
It’s a hard pill to swallow
When we both can walk through Darkness and light
Separated by things out of our control
I traverse this Earthly world Alone
Wondering if I’ll ever be able to call you Wondering when I’ll ever feel at home
For no house is a home And for no man’s body ignites my soul Like your warmth Like your soul
So I beg of you Take me home Back to the Underworld I go
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trippy-lotus · 2 years
“Security and certainty are a result of rigid attachment to the known, however the known is nothing other than the prison of past conditioning. Uncertainty on the other hand is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom. Without uncertainty and the unknown, life is just a stale repetition of outworn memories. You become the victim of the past and your tormentor today is yourself left over from yesterday.” ~ Deepak Chopra
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soospiritualjourney · 7 months
Seize the power before it seizes you
The Scorpio New Moon is a potent mix of intense emotions, unpredictable twists and turns, and dreamy imagination.
While the unpredictability can be unsettling, it also holds the potential for exciting surprises and unexpected breakthroughs. It's a time for deep introspection, personal transformation, and taking bold steps towards our goals. The key is to approach this period with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change.
The power of water can bring both calmness and emotional turbulence. Life is ever fluid, with its constant ebbs and flow of energies. By learning to navigate these currents, we can find inner peace through greater balance and integration.
With this New Moon energy, it is s a time to empower ourselves by acknowledging what we can influence and gracefully accepting what lies beyond our grasp. This newfound clarity will guide us on our next adventure. These are all powerful actions that align with the transformative spirit of this New Moon. It's an opportunity to shed old burdens, embrace new possibilities, and step into our true power.
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alchemylight · 7 months
Navigating the Depths: New Moon in Scorpio and the Cosmic Catalyst
Navigating the Depths: New Moon in Scorpio and the Cosmic Catalyst
The cosmic stage is set for a powerful celestial event: the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023. This New Moon brings with it intense energies, as it is conjunct Mars and Ceres in Scorpio while opposing Uranus in Taurus. The potential for surprising events, volatility, upheavals, and disruptions is heightened, which may have far-reaching implications in various parts of the world. In this…
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alchemyofmaya · 7 months
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Scorpio New Moon ritual — and the ancestors come to visit 👁️✨
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thinkpink212 · 7 months
Hi, what’s the vibe for this New Moon In Scorpio today? 🫣🤎
What you can expect from today’s Scorpio New Moon on Monday 13th
🦂This is a less heavy energy then the one of the eclips season, but it still holds a lot of tension and ‘she knows’ vibes. Most of us will benefit greatly from this as it has us on high alert for nonsense and bullsh*t. But for others it may make us paranoid and overly cautious
🌙 Scorpio is in its fall, meaning it doesn’t particularly like being in the moon. Unlike its exalted counterpart Taurus. This is beneficial though as it brings in the martians and Plutonian aspects of its rulers I.e lifting vails from what we may have been delusional to. Allow us to see things from less emotional place (less cancer emotional and more Scorpio emotional if that makes sense) and will come with change
🦂 Thé change this new moon brings us one that is needed for many but not necessary in a way that we would want it to occur. The harsh changes will be another clearing out of what’s doesn’t serve us, to make space for what can and will.
🌙Be prepared for confrontations, possible conflicts and so on, some brought forth by others vs some by us. And pls mind your tone. The Sagittarius is currently in Mercury meaning communication may be a bit more rapid and harsh then intended (or necessary) Keep this in mind if others talk to you sideways.
🦂 Protect your energy at all cost, and know what you’ve been second guessing or doubting probably isn’t meant for you if you’ve not given an enthusiastic yes due to it being the competition of a different option.
Saturn is back direct, so expect more action energies. So take now as the time to move, so why you’ve wanted to for a minute but didn’t feel it was ‘the right time’ or that energies were off! Saturn wants us to succeed (if we’ve learned our lessons of course)
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knotmycupofchai · 7 months
Don’t let people provoke you with this Scorpio new moon 20°! If you’re experiencing overstimulation, overwhelming emotions or environments, needing privacy or space/ time to yourself or to simply get rid of things physically or off your mind and shoulders— you are not alone.
I’ve been feeling like I wanna rip my ears & skin off, cuz everything has been feeling like nails on a chalkboard.
Pay attention to who’s trying to pick at you. Pay attention to slights, underhanded behavior or shady words. Whoever or whatever is causing you unnecessary stress, intentionally needs to be removed from your environment. Even if it’s not intentional, if someone constantly brings darkness & not in a good way— then there’s something wrong.
I’ve got people trying to start fights with me by delusional my claiming “I’m giving them looks” or “rolling my eyes” meanwhile I’m to busy working 2 jobs & appreciating the little things in life. Be mindful of ppl trying to unleash hidden or held in jealousy, envy or anger out in you. I’m seeing a lot of people being attacked by people who didn’t actually like them anyway or were hiding their resentment & jealousy.
Also do not engage with energy vampires or narcissists trying to get you to act out of character! Maintain composure & kill ‘em with silence or simply dismiss their bitter shenanigans.
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twinflamesandtarot · 2 years
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Scorpio Rising 🐍🦂🦅
I say this not only to refer to the ascendant, but also to acknowledge the evolution of the Scorpio. Just like the sun, the zodiac wheel is always turning on its axis. We experience the energy of each sign as the world turns. Each solar return is another year of life, each moon cycle is a month of wisdom, and each week holds the seven days of worship. These cycles work to provide enlightenment. Once we move through Aries to Virgo, the human cycle complete. Libra, the sign of marriage and balance, is the first sign that represents life situations; it is also the only sign that is symbolized by an inanimate object, the scales. Scorpio, the sign of sex death and rebirth is the zodiac sign that encompasses the cycle of reincarnation. It is evolution.
Scorpio governs the reproductive organs and the root chakra. Its colors are red and black. The root chakra is earth energy, the depths of the hearth, the heat from the core of the earth. It is the darkness. It is yin. It is our basic needs. From birth we move through many portals; the birthing canal, coming of age, travel abroad, relationships, the hall of death. We grow and evolve as we transverse these passages in life. It is Scorpio that embodies the full cycle. As the season comes to a close, the dark moon is the optimum time to shed a new skin. The last two days of the waning moon cycle are potent with magic. It is a highly private time and it affords a cloak of invisibility. Use the shapeshifter energy to revolutionize your life.
The Scorpion began as a rat that was swallowed whole by the snake. The snake 🐍 was reincarnated as the scorpion who does many deaths before it learns to fly like an eagle. The ascension process to such a high level of enlightenment allows the eagle to incarnate as the Phoenix. An ultimate rebirth
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Go to typewriter_astrology on Instagram to read your new moon in Scorpio horoscope 🖤 Link in Bio!
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etwandering · 2 years
Yes, I selfishly just want to discover more of myself through engaging with others.
No, it is not bad or dark to want that.
Yes, I must honor myself more in this life.
No, I do not want to numb my experience anymore.
Yes, I will see what I've considered to be dark for so long, in a new light.
Yes, I want more of the things I truly desire.
Yes, I will accept my desires more.
No, I will not shun myself any longer.
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