#scheduled post bc im going . to BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azuries · 21 days
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sees!au ryoji’s winter outfit variants: courtesy of yuka-tan
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cautionwetfloor-png · 29 days
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that one draw your ship meme except its all of them . guess which one i ship ..
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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fuck it sk8 sketches from da sketchbook. get sk8ed idiot
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sundancefemme · 1 month
my ass is not powering through that annotated bibliography…
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toytulini · 10 months
i did do the things i was avoiding yesterday, for those keeping track
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axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
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> word count; 1381
> whatever this pairname is . hallatra? ramiday? fucking Raint?
> note; repairing a robot arm talk, really gay confession scene where we dont even kiss im sorry
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He's waking up on a cold morning. He groaned into his pillow for a minute until finally getting up. Cold, cold, cold. He could go for some cocoa, if he had any. He's feeling around for some slippers, until eventually he gets fed up enough to just endure it. A roll of the back made the sound of popping fill the room. Tiptoeing around the upstairs of his room while he gets something to dress, he realized that his alarm didn't even wake him up. Why is he even up, then? He snatched his phone by his desk. 
It's 4am. 
He mentally kicks himself in the face. Of course he didn't notice the light of the phone was brighter than the sky. But it kept nagging at him. What woke him up?
A knock. 
There's a knock on the door. Frantic rapping on the door downstairs. 
He's shuffling some jeans and a shirt on as he heads down to answer. The knocking shifted to a more frantic hand pounding until he opened the door. 
"It's 4 in the fucking–"
A damaged arm was in plain sight. It looked like it was hanging on by maybe two wires at most, and was now being supported by the other arm. Saint is opening his mouth to ask what even happened but the omnic pushed past him and through the door. Wordlessly he locks the door back up. He's still rubbing a bit of sleep out as he goes toward his little workshop.
Said workshop wasn't anything particularly special. If anything, he'd find that plenty of people would have probably tried to encourage him on getting a couple holo screens. He'd tell them that the holo screens aren't his own eyes. There's 3 workbenches that easily have all their drawers filled up to the brim. The only courtesy he gives himself is that they're labeled. Everything outside of the drawers however doesn't get that. If he wasn't busy, maybe he'd have a moment to care about cleaning everything. 
If he wasn't busy at this moment, he'd think of something quippy to say. But he can't even find it in himself to do that.
He's already got his dirtied up tool belt tightening his waist. The omnic was waiting patiently on the operating table that was pushed a little off to the side. He even rotated it so the mechanic would have a better time working on the broken arm. He still tried to be polite, even when his arm was almost torn off.
"...Ramattra, what happened?" Saint finally asked when he started with gently taking off the exterior. The exterior metal needed to have some scratches buffed out, but otherwise seems fine. He did a quick look up the arm. Surprisingly, the interiors seemed pretty untouched. Really he just had to connect it all back together. He was guessing ahead just what might've happened. From how it looked, it seemed like someone pulled on it, rather than there being any bullets used.
"A rough encounter with a human." He sounded tired, forcing the words out so Saint wouldn't prod any further. 
Saint nods slightly, setting back to work. The job isn't tricky by any means, but it was definitely delicate. If he messed up at any point he could easily make the situation worse. No pressure. Maybe a year ago he would've felt nervous. He's pulling out his heat gun for the wiring, and he laughs a bit to himself.
"What is it?" Ramattra asks, almost accusatory. 
"No, nothing- just. Was thinking about how you didn't like the heat gun at first." Saint finds himself laughing again, gently applying to connect the wiring from the top of the arm to the center again. 
"You never refer to it as anything else. How was I supposed to know initially it was a healing device?"
"I dunno…maybe because you definitely saw me healing other people with it."
"Other humans." He corrected. "I didn't know if it would work on omnics."
Saint rolled his eyes and started fitting the exterior back on. He found it was…easier. Especially now that he was relaxed. "I just thought it was funny. Things felt like they changed pretty fast. I mean- look." He's gesturing around as he pushes the arm in with a final click. "I think a bit ago I would've been having a terrifying time doing this. Thinking I might kill you by accident or something. But now…" He's fishing around for some cleaner and wipes. "Now I think I got at least a bit of an idea. Oh- did you. Want me to do a wipe down?" 
Ramattra stares at Saint for a good, long while. And laughs. 
"A bit ago you would have bickered with me." He lifts his arm up and down, twisting it around before seeming satisfied. "And you wouldn't be nearly as friendly." He didn't get up yet, instead swiveling so he was facing entirely toward the other. "Or would have offered any wipe downs." The aura of smugness could be felt like hot breath, centimeters away.
Saint finds himself flushed at that. "If you keep being a dickwad I might take that offer away." He mutters a bit, but he was already applying some cleaner to a rag. So Ramattra laughs again. "Hardy har. Why don't you keep quiet for a sec so I don't get mad…"
"Oh? Back to being mad? And here I thought you were finally being more honest." 
Ramattra's sentence was as loaded as the Junker Queen's shotgun. It caused Saint to stagger. And sputter. He was a crashing computer. It took about 5 blinks before he could even talk again, but the most he could muster out was a weak "I'm sorry?"
Ramattra's head did a back and forth tilt, a visible eye roll for the omnic who didn't have any eyes to roll. "You can't be idiotic enough to think I would keep you around for so long if I didn't know how you feel." 
Another loaded shotgun blast of a response. Saint was feeling lightheaded.  Dizzy. He had been rubbing the cloth in the same area for the past 30 or so seconds. He decided it was best to just keep up the cleaning as if that didn't happen. Yes. That would be good- but he can't look at the other's face. No no, you can't do that. Even the idea was starting to make him feel like fainting. 
The air of silence lasted perhaps a minute when Ramattra put a hand on Saint's, stopping the circles being rubbed into the arm. Warm. His hand was warm. Warm and big and he felt like everything would be okay. 
"My attention is not won over by incompetent people." He started, words slow as if he was having to steel himself. His other hand is reaching towards Saint's empty one. He keeps going. "The only reason I have tolerated your attitude this far is because of. My own attractions."
"What?" Saint could barely feel his own voice creep out. 
His hands were so warm.
He leans forward and finds himself resting his forehead against the omnic's. He could feel the quiet hums of electricity like it was breathing. Giant, hesitant hands were trying to see how best to hold his own tiny ones. Fidgeting and rubbing along the back. Nervous. Ramattra was nervous. "Please don't make me spell it out for you." He's saying, and Saint wonders if part of that was because of how nervous he was.
He likes him. Likes- loves. Just the word was getting Saint to be flustered again, but he found his face was already perfectly hot. 
Saint mumbles it out.
Ramattra whirrs out a hum. Hands moved from hands to around the mechanic's waist. 
Saint whispers it out.
"I. I love you."
"I love you." Ramattra returns in kind.
He wraps his own hands around Ramattra's head, burying his head into the other's neck. It wasn't an exchange that exploded into fireworks, or one that would set the two on fire. It was quiet. He was sure ants made bigger proclamations of love. But it was his. His love.
And as the two of them squeezed to get closer by centimeters, he figured that his love would have another time to explode. 
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orcelito · 1 year
Parmeban babel
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
nothing to post so this one from the vault
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that stage of my art where everyone is bald
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manebioniclegali · 4 months
Clearly people who say to just keep getting up at the same time each day aren't sleep deprived
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oetscop · 6 months
it just hit me that im running on like 3 hours of sleep oh god. no wonder my head and eyes hurt so bad
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frosnpls · 1 year
sitting here. have to go to work but focusing on The App
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hellsburners · 8 months
stumblin' back to bed
summary: peter's partner is very drunk and very clingy pairing: tasm!peter parker x gender neutral reader word count: 1.2k warnings: alcohol consumption, drunk reader, some kissing, mentions of sex, slight smut a/n: from another lovely request! (btw this is a scheduled post im on a semi-hiatus rn bcs life)
masterlist | more peter parker
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Peter kisses you with your back against the door. His hands cupped your face as you cling on his shirt. His lightly stubbled face pricks your cheeks while his warm lips weave into yours, tongues dipping into each other—the hallway filled with the sound of sloppy kisses, some whimpering as your centers rub. 
“Let’s get in first,” he said, fumbling for his house keys. 
You stood beside him, the floor spinning around, your head confused. The alcohol had done its magic, your gait was funny, your joints loose, and you almost fell before entering his apartment. 
“Woah, those tequila shots were something—,” you slurred, Peter held onto you for stability. 
You grabbed him by his belt loops for another kiss, like your own personal bottle of liquor, you took Peter Parker’s lips like the freshest glass of tequila, bitter and addicting. You stumbled to his kitchen counter, he lifted you so you were sitting on it, your legs on his hips. 
“I need some water,” he said in between kisses. He pulls away, much to your dismay, to grab a glass. “Want some?” you shook your head, your head still spinning. 
He comes back to you, his head mounted on your neck, sucking and kissing, leaving marks. His hands roam your back, large hands warm on your cold skin. Your hands roam his torso, feeling his muscled abdomen until you reach the barrier between his skin and underwear. Later, your touch fell to his growing hardness. 
“Woah—baby,” he moaned. 
“Fuck, Peter it’s so hard,” you ached. 
“Only for you—” he whimpered, nibbling on your neck. His hands came to cup your ass, pulling you in so your crotch rubbed on his. He started to hump in between your legs, using the friction for pleasure. Your fingers trail through his soft brown hair taking in his scent, a mix of alcohol and musk. 
“The room is spinning like crazy,” you said. You felt yourself become more sensitive, the hairs on your skin erecting, his mere touch made you shudder. 
“We can stop,” he lets out. 
“No. Don’t stop—,” you gasped, his hand going underneath your underwear to touch your sex. You moaned from his fingers, moving so gracefully to pleasure you. He pulls back but you wrap your legs around him pulling him in. Your hands find his neck, pulling him from there as well. 
“Let’s take this to the couch—more comfy.”
You move on his couch, straddling him. The two of you are in the middle of a heated make-out session before you feel your stomach turn, and bile rising to your throat. You suddenly pulled back, covering your mouth. Peter sat there confused. Your body shuddered as you made a gagging sound. 
“Oh god, let’s get you to the toilet,” he said. You refused, waving your hands. 
“I’m fine.”
“Water then? Let me get you a glass,” he said. You later took the drink, downing the water alleviating some of the dizziness and the gagging. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I promise babe I’m good.”
“Let’s go to bed then,” he pleads. 
“I’m fine!” your words start to slur again. He pulls you to the bedroom, the sudden change in speed almost made you throw up. He sits you down on the bed to get you a change of clothes.
He kisses you again, “I’m not fucking you like this, too messy.” 
He hands you a cold glass of water. You chug on the liquid like a parched dog, the cooling sensation tracing down your warm throat. 
He takes the empty glass, your body swaying loosely. You look up at him, lips pouting. He looks down on you with a smile, stroking your hair before your body betrays you, eyes going dark as you fall back on the soft sheets. 
You wake up to the smell of bacon. You check to see your clothes changed to a pair of trainer shorts and a Star Wars graphic tee. Your breath reeked of alcohol as you let out a yawn. 
You check to see Peter standing near the stove, his torso bare with only his boxers on. His hands skillfully flipping bacon and eggs on a greasy pan. 
“Hey handsome,” you called out. 
He turns around, a smile plastered on his face. His arms spread wide to take you in his arms. His skin was warm against yours, your cheek flush against his chest. 
“You slept well?” he asked. “You were knocked out good.” 
“Oh god, that bad huh?” you gasped. He places a kiss on your forehead, hands through your hair again patting it over and over. 
“Yeah, you said something about how madly and deeply in love you are with me and how you wanted me to and I quote stuff you up.”
“I did not!” you hit his chest with the base of your fist. He laughs hysterically. 
Smoke started to gather behind him, and the smell of charred meat started to fill the room. The two of you checked to see the bacon starting to turn black. “Shit. shit. shit!”
Breakfast was spoiled. Peter tried to salvage it but those were the last pieces. He tried to look for anything in his cupboard to eat but he found nothing. 
“It’s alright Pete,” you coo, smoothing his back
“It was supposed to be a perfect breakfast!” 
“Well, we could have something else,” your hand traced down his spine, teasing the edge of his boxers. 
“Oh,” you pin his back on the kitchen counter, pulling his underwear after. His hard cock springs free, aching red. 
You look up at him with the same pleading gaze from last night, slowly inching your lips closer to his tip. You gave it a few licks, your wet tongue dragging on his frenulum, Peter’s body heaved from the pleasure. 
His grip on your head was getting tighter, guiding your mouth as it bobbed on his cock. The thick shaft rubbed smoothly on the flat of your tongue, the head barely hitting the roof of your mouth. 
You hollow your cheeks to create more suction, Peter lets out a groan, his head falling back. You held onto his thighs, your neck pulling back to suck up to his sensitive tip. A string of clear liquid connects your lips to his sex. 
“You’re so good, baby,” he moaned. “Taking me so well.” 
Sweat trickles down from his forehead to his toned abdomen, your fingers tracing the lines to his sparse hair near his belly leading to his crotch. 
Your other hand went to stroke the remaining length of his cock, the combined sensation led Peter to the edge. He was a panting mess, chest heaving, toes curling, his long fingers digging into your scalp.
“I’m gonna—“ he gasps, cum shooting down your throat. His body convulsed as you held your stance, tears forming in your eyes as he fucked into your mouth. 
You stood up to wipe the spit all over your lips and pecked Peter’s lips. “So what’s good food around here?” 
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winryrockbellwannabe · 2 months
🍃 Trying to get out of a rut 🍃
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new semester, new me, am i right?
last semester I realized i was getting super overworked and i wasn't getting enough rest to make up for it, even tho I was sleeping 8 hours everynight and doing the routine that usually works better for me. But i didn't work bc of the amount of stress I was in, and now that routine does not work for me at all. So, even tho i was scared to change a routine that i knew i liked, i decided to change everything. but EVERYTHING
set a decent sleep schedule. Even tho i was sleeping 8 hours everynight, those 8 hours could be from 2am to 10am or 10pm to 6am, it was a mess. So now, im trying to roughly wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday
I also changed my breakfast. Even tho it's my comfort food, it started to work too well, and now it makes me fall right back to bed with my comfort movie. So that had to change. And now my new breakfast takes a while to prepare, so i use that time to drink water and clean up around the kitchen while breakfast is getting ready.
Mandatory rest time. But like, intentional rest time. 30 min before going to sleep, i'll try to do something that makes me feel more rested. Hopefully no screens, but i can't be that strict with myself. Most days I'll just put on some soft music and prepare the next day's outfit etc, but on good days i also manage to read for a bit.
change my usual study places. Ideally change it as often as possible. Im too used to my old study places, so now I can't be as productive there.
new study playlists. i went throught too many playlists while in college. Sometimes I would study while listening to musicals, then asmr, then disney instrumentals, then brown noise. It's important for me to choose the "vibe" im going for asap, so i stay somewhat consistent until im bored of that especific playlist again.
did I already post multiple times similar things? Yes, i did. But i needed to write and post this all over again bc i tend to forget about my own routines
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hii can i request pierre gasly drabble where he gets jealous/upset after a race because it didn’t go well for him and max who won got congratulated by reader before checking on pierre. he feels like insecure bc max is a “better” driver etc can you make it like comforting where reader tells him he’s the only one she loves 💗
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
a/n: hi my lovely!! thank you for requesting, i hope you liked it :) also
general psa to everyone: ive still got a few requests lined up to work on, so please dont worry!! im definitely gonna post your request soon enough hehe ily thank you for understanding 💘
Imola Grand Prix 2022. Pierre was disappointed with how the race turned out for him. He was sulking over the fact that he got P12 when it could’ve been better. The previous weekends after Bahrain scored him some points, why were the odds not in his favor for this one?
It was safe to say that he was upset. In all honesty, he was glad your schedule was free so you could come along for this race weekend. He just wanted to hold you in his arms, so he could feel a little bit better.
As Pierre got out of his car, Yuki jogged up to him as they walked back to the garage together.
“Hey, congratulations, Yuki,” Pierre smiled as he placed an arm around his younger teammate, “P7’s a fantastic comeback.”
“Thank you, Pierre,” Yuki smiled back at him, “You drove good though. You’ll get those points next weekend.”
“You better watch out then,” Pierre chuckled as he ruffled up Yuki’s hair, squinting his eyes at the sight before him, “Wanna catch dinner with me and Y/N tonight?”
Yuki shrugged as he chugged down his water, “I don’t want to intrude.”
Pierre rolled his eyes and patted Yuki’s shoulder, “You know we love your company. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Nodding in response, Yuki waved as he walked back to his driver’s room to change his clothes before going back to the hotel.
Pierre frowned upon approaching what was not pleasing to his ego after the race.
“Congratulations, Max!” You smiled as you stopped walking to greet your boyfriend’s fellow driver, “Great race.”
“Oh, thank you, Y/N,” Max smiled as he put his towel around his neck, “A fun race after all. It’s nice to see you around the paddock again.”
Nodding in response as you put your hands in your pockets, “Mhm, I got some time off work, so I wanted to support Pierre. Hard to miss the previous races so I’m making it up to him.”
Max noticed Pierre walking up behind you, so he smiled at you, “You two are lucky to have each other. I gotta go, hope to see you at the next race, Y/N.”
“See you, Max!” You smiled as you waved goodbye to the Dutch driver.
Turning around, you spotted your boyfriend a few steps away. You smiled softly as you walked up to meet him in the middle, hugging his waist, “Pierre, congratulations, my love.”
“Yeah, P12. Not a great result,” He mumbled nonchalantly as he patted your back softly, “Max did great though, hm?”
“Uh…yeah. It was a tough race,” You said as you held onto his hand, walking back to his driver’s room, “You fought hard, baby.”
“Not hard enough,” He scoffed as he pulled his hand away before entering the room and sitting on the bed, “Stupid weekend.”
“Hey…” You frowned as you stood in the doorway, not wanting to further invade his space, “What’s wrong?”
“Max is a better driver, isn’t he?”
“What are you talking about, Pierre?”
“I saw you talking to him earlier,” He mumbled as he sat down and patted the towel on his face before setting it beside him, “Like salt rubbing on the wound, Y/N.”
Looking at him in disbelief, you frowned as you crossed your arms, “What? Am I not allowed to talk to other people now? You know that I’m faithful to you!”
“It’s not that,” Pierre replied as he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, “Just feels like shit. I don’t do well in the race then I see you talking to the guy who took the win.”
“What am I supposed to do? Ignore him?” You replied as confusion was written all over your face, “Baby, I didn’t want to be rude. I couldn’t just walk past the guy without greeting him!”
“You’re supposed to be there for me!” He huffed as he leaned back against the wall, fumbling with his fingers, “I just- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
“Can you please calm down first?” You sighed as you stepped closer to him, taking both his hands in yours, “Deep breaths, baby.”
Pierre nodded, following what you asked him to do, before he sat up and pulled you closer as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I’m sorry,” He mumbled as his cheek was pressed against your stomach, “It’s frustrating when I don’t get points…I should’ve not been jealous or taken it out on you, mon ange.”
Running your fingers through his hair as you hummed, “It’s okay. I understand your frustrations, baby. I’m always going to be here for you, through ups and downs, remember?”
“Through ups and downs.”
“I love you. With all that I am, Pierre.”
“Je t'aime, mon ange.” I love you, my angel.
bonus scene!
“You invited Yuki to our dinner tonight?”
Pierre smiled as he got inside his side of the car and nodded, “I couldn’t help it. I don’t want him to be alone inside his hotel room in this beautiful country.”
You turned to him and raised an eyebrow, “I’m starting to wonder whether I’m your girlfriend or your beard.”
“What the hell is a beard?” Pierre asked, confusion lacing his tone, “Obviously, you’re my girlfriend.”
“For me to know and for you to find out,” You smiled teasingly at him as you pinched his cheek, “Now go drive, my best friend’s waiting for us.”
“Best friend?” He scoffed as he shook his head and drove to the restaurant, “I’m his best friend.”
Rolling your eyes, you shoved the phone to his hand, showing a text from Yuki that read: ‘Ok bestie! Have a safe drive :)’
“Pfsh, that’s just it.”
Laughing, you shook your head as you leaned your head back on the car seat, “Jealousy looks good on you, Pierre.”
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enden-k · 6 months
Your sleep schedule is really fucked up huh
i hope you're resting enough 🥺
stop checking time stamps on my posts 😭😭
but yea it kinda is, ever since i slept half of the day bc fever and then played through the archon story in one go its all messed up. honestly dont know how im supposed to fix it for work....if im allowed to go back to work soon even 💀
(i rlly do nothing but rest tho ugghhh i sit at my desk and do stuff for like an hour and then i get tired and crawl back to bed.........thanks tho for the concern 😔)
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uhardite · 6 months
a kind of success story??
okay, this is NOT a guide, but feel free to use it if you wish <3
so basically, last year, on my birthday, i was gifted a lot of money by my family, and i wanted to spend all of it on getting clothes that sutied my aesthetic/staple pieces that i can use to create varied looks, so i made a very detailed list of what exactly im going to buy with the money, price, number of them (for ex: 3 tank tops, 2 jeans) at the start of this year. and then i kind of forgot about the list, that is, i uninstalled the app for more storage space (lmao) and never opened it again.
fast forward to november, i wanted to make a schedule for my 70 day glowup challenge, so i logged into the app again, and noticed my list. and guess what? not only did i have every single thing on that list, i could also buy things THAT I DIDNT WRITE DOWN but wanted in my mind. with the SAME amount of money that i had in the start of the year. and not just this, there have been several instances where i have wanted something and thought about it everyday before going to bed, and it came true, completely and irrevocably. this is why i do believe in the power of manifesting and affirming. i used to think it was just daydreaming, but i realised that it isnt, because i was imagining myself in particular situations that i wanted for myself, and later that year or a few days later, i would find myself in that situation (for ex, i manifested a guy crushing on me, and it came true, very powerfully, in fact, in just a matter of days. at that time i didnt see the connection, but now i do)
also, a note about void state. i literally opened tumblr first thing in the morning today and read a post on someone who got into the void state/was trying to get into it, and i was like, what???? because, i have been experiencing that often when i go to sleep at night, ever since i was a CHILD. i dont have much of an idea of what the void state feels like, but while laying in bed, i would often have this feeling of spinning, sinking into a pitch black tunnel. and quite obviously, i didnt know what it was, but over time, i learned to relax into it. again, since i didnt know this was the void state, i never used it to manifest or imagine the reality i want, but now that im aware, i will start using it.
again, im not sure if i did reach the void state, bc im not well-informed and until today i didnt even believe in it, so leave me a comment if thats not the void state, it would be really helpful xx
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