#scarlet witch kin
mal-grimhilde · 1 year
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❤️‍🩹But I don't need you to tell me... Who, I am.❤️‍🩹
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kinfinders · 1 year
Hi everyone ^_^ it’s your friendly neighborhood Sokovian sweetheart and Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff. I’m looking for my brother Pietro!
Do you remember walking cobblestone streets in Sokovia trying to scrape by after the bombings, before Hydra kidnapped us? I do. We’d try to either play music for a little extra money or sometimes even pick pocket. You’d take me to little street cafés in Novi Grod, and I remember how you were so expressive. Always so energetic and so positive.
I’ve had these dreams for literally decades before my awakening.
I miss you, Pietro. If you’re out there tell me! We have a lot to catch up on!!!!
I’m 30+ so please only contact me if you are 21+
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gluttonyedits · 1 year
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“"I just want to destroy the indestructible. Especially you, who no one else can destroy! Here I come!”
requested by @/antifas: Flandre Scarlet stimboard
⚔️ 🕰️ ⚔️ • 🦇 🎁 🦇 • 🔥 🕰️ 🔥
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loggiepj · 1 year
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Part 8 | Part 9
Part 10
WANDA was still shaken to her soul. It took her a couple of hours later to finally stop her fingers from trembling. She swore any time longer, her fingernails would break the skin of her palms from the tight clutch she had with her fists.
The journey back to the camp was silent, anyone could literally hear ice cracking from a distance. The sound of footsteps crunching against the snow was all the exchanges Wanda and Y/n had given to each other. Pepper decided to stay behind.
The witch couldn't tell if the human looked sympathetic towards her, for she knew it wasn't the first time someone died in front of her. But she didn't put much thought into it for she couldn't get the words out of her head. The words she knew would haunt her forever.
Wanda was used to hearing prophecies being told from elder witches, even scribbled in scriptures or rolls, but she had never been given one before. One that was specifically for her. It was like a death sentence, but it wasn't. It wasn't, right?
The words flowed through her mind like a river during summer as she thought about what the elder witch had said to her one more time.
Be wary;
Not everyone is what they portray to be
Betrayal? Of course not. It was so vague. Who couldn't be trusted? The Avengers? The humans? Y/n? No.
To end the great war between flying foxes and soaring eagles
She was sure about this line.
Flying foxes meant bats, which symbolized the cunning witches. So the obvious thing, soaring eagles, would be the humans, the Deviants. But what if Avengers were one of them too?
Is that possible? Do Avengers stray away from their ultimate goal and go against their own kind?
A red spider lily will come after the devil's kin
She didn't know what that meant. But it didn't mean it didn't cross her mind. The Scarlet Witch could be the devil's kin. She'd read books and books about it. If she could only draw her own family tree, she was certain the devil cursed her own to generate an offspring to every generation. This time — her.
"Hey, you okay?" Y/n asked, making Wanda jump from her bed. She had no idea when Y/n appeared in her tent, although she wasn't even sure how she got there herself being preoccupied with all of her thoughts.
Wanda forced a nervous smile, avoiding the human's eyes. She learned humans could tell something was wrong by just looking at the state of the eyes. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
Y/n swallowed before taking another step inside her tent. "You just—I thought you were still shaken up about what happened earlier."
"I'm fine, Y/n. It's not the first time I saw someone died in front of me." She busied herself with the books Pepper had lent to her.
Y/n grew silent, closing and opening her mouth at times. Wanda quickly apologized for her response.
"It's okay," Y/n hurriedly added. "I was just worried about you. Pietro too. Steve said she was an elder witch. I knew rumors they give out curses or prophecies to anyone. About the future. That's why Deviants target them the most . . . Did she say something to you?"
Wanda hesitated, remembering the first line. She slowly shook her head. "She was just shaking violently and I panicked. She must have been poisoned so badly."
Y/n seemed to accept her answer. "We're still looking where the Deviants could be getting their supplies from. The poison they lace to their weapons is pretty deadly."
Wanda hummed in agreement, letting an air of silence and awkwardness passed between them.
Y/n clapped her hands together as she began to turn back. "Well, you need to get some rest. I won't be disturbing you for long."
When Y/n pulled the flap of her tent to get outside, Wanda stood. "Y/n, wait!"
They stared at each other. One's eyes showed concern and confusion. The other one portrayed fear and doubt.
Wanda could just ask Y/n. Could have just told her about the prophecy. But something inside stopped her. The trust she had for humans was still unstable, like sand that could easily be swept away by tiny waves.
"Can you . . . can you tell Pietro to meet me here in five minutes?" Wanda asked instead.
Y/n nodded after a moment. "Yeah, sure."
AFTER she sent Pietro to Wanda's tent, Y/n started to grow wary. She knew something happened. She knew the elder witch told Wanda something. And Y/n was dying to find out, no matter how torn she was between betraying the witch's trust or for the betterment of their camp.
Y/n had been sneaking behind Wanda's tent for a while now, trying to make out the whispers she could barely hear inside. She didn't notice someone approach from behind her until a hand ended up on her shoulder. It was Layla.
But the breath of relief she released from seeing the unsuspecting witch was what made her gasping for air for what said witch said next.
"Will you be my other half for Yule?" Layla asked, looking down at the ground as if shy and embarrassed.
Y/n's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about Yule, what with everything that had happened recently.
To be asked by someone to celebrate Yule was a customary during Winter Solstice. Yule was the time of feasting where the Yule log, basically a massive trunk of any tree, would be burned at the center in front of the pavilion, celebrated with your family and loved ones. If one was unmarried, it was normal to seek someone without ties to go to said event together.
Y/n would be thrilled to go with Wanda. It would be the happiest day of her life.
Except for the fact that it wasn't Wanda who asked her. But Layla.
"Bruce said single normies asked the ones they like to be their partner during Yule celebration. So, I'm asking you to be mine," Layla explained.
Y/n forgot how to think. She looked behind Layla and saw Wanda with Pietro finally coming out of her tent, looking worried as they still discussed in whispers.
"I don't know, Layla," Y/n finally answered. "I'm not really that much good of a companion."
"That's okay," Layla insisted. "You don't have to do anything. You just have to be there."
Y/n kept on looking at Wanda, torn between saying yes and asking Wanda to be hers instead. Wanda, who was set to be married, for Pete's sake, she reminded herself.
Speaking of the devil, as if perfect timing, Vision made an appearance by hugging Wanda behind the back. Wanda seemed agitated, pushing the man off her. But the man only laughed. Y/n thought if they had a fight or something, but when Vision gave her a bouquet of flowers, something inside her  hurt.
So when Y/n turned back to Layla, she nodded with a forced smile. "Yeah, sure. I mean, what's the worse that could happen, right?"
Layla was ecstatic, not expecting the normie to say yes. She giddily jumped, pressing a small kiss on Y/n's cheek before she left, surprising the latter.
MEANWHILE, Wanda couldn't seem to get away from the one man she'd wanted to disappear in her life.
"Campers here say that when you're courting someone, they have to give them flowers," Vision went on, pushing the bouquet unto Wanda's hands. "And I'm formally asking you to be my other half to the Yule, as well."
Wanda almost couldn't stomach the disgust she felt at the moment. She knew about the Yule. It was all she heard about from her peers during dinner and breakfast. "You've got to be messing with me right now."
"Wanda, I'm serious. You're single. I'm single, and the best male witch there is in town," he paused when he noticed Pietro scoff. "You've got to give me a chance."
"No, La', na, óxi, what other languages of no don't you understand?"
"I will make the night memorable—"
"It will be the night I want to forget if you're my other half—"
"So is that a yes?"
"What?! No!"
Pietro could only laugh at their interaction and the poor effort Vision was making.
Wanda had no desire to go and celebrate a normie's event, not when she wanted to know what the prophecy meant. She shared it with Pietro, of course. But even he didn't know what it meant. Althought he'd told her something that made her grow wary, that he felt like he'd been watched in the camp.
Wanda had considered it too. Was there a traitor amongst them? Or they were just letting the words from the prophecy affect them that much, making them paranoid against humans?
COME YULE night, Wanda was already buried in more books searching for more meaning about the prophecy. Pietro invited her some time earlier to give it a rest for a while, even when it's the last thing she wanted to do.
But it wouldn't hurt just to stretch her legs and take a glance on what the celebration was all about. It wasn't Wanda's first Yule. When she and her brother pretended to appear human as they lived throughout the years, they had become accustomed as to how the event was celebrated. But she'd never experienced it firsthand, always reasoning that she'd rather sleep through the feast or she had a stomachache.
A small smile formed in Wanda's face, her heart swelling at the sight. The camp looked lively filled with exuberant energy and excitement she hadn't seen since staying here. Campers danced and sang around the fire burning the hugest log she had ever seen being sacrificed to burn. It could last until the middle of the day or probably late in the afternoon the following day. Everyone, humans and witches, looked happy, as if nothing happened these past few days. Everyone just danced and sang at the top of their voice and had the time of their lives, trusting that the noise they're creating wouldn't give away the location of the camp. She even recognized the songs they were singing and dancing along to, finding her body swaying with the tunes.
Wanda felt happy, forgetting the prophecy for a moment. Maybe she was just being paranoid. A crowd like this wouldn't betray their kind.
Until her eyes landed on Y/n and Layla. Layla, who had her arms looped around Y/n's neck as they jumped and danced to the song. Y/n who was grinning wide as she laughed and danced with the other, all while her hands were placed on Layla's waist.
All the happiness inside Wanda drained in an instant, as if she was punctured a hole so big, she deflated with nothing but misery left. It didn't help when her eyes drifted to Pietro who was also having the best time of his life with someone she recognized they met from Steve's camp, Monica.
When the song finally ended, Y/n and Layla laughed at each other before the latter moved away to get some drinks. That's when Y/n's eyes met Wanda's gaze.
Wanda could tell she herself must be glaring because the smile on Y/n's face suddenly disappeared, turning into a frown.
Wanda couldn't breathe and she didn't know why. She just knew she needed to get away from there as fast as she could.
The witch just didn't expect to be followed by the one person she was avoiding.
"Wanda, hey!" Y/n called.
Damn, for someone so human, Y/n was fast.
Wanda almost slipped due to a root she didn't notice protruding from the ground. The incident made Y/n reached her deep into the woods.
"Wands, what's wrong? Did something happen?"
Wanda wanted to hurt Y/n for hurting her. It wasn't even making sense. She knew Y/n did nothing to physically hurt her, but for the pain she was feeling at the moment, she might as well be stabbed in the heart.
The concern clearly showing on the human's face made Wanda even more furious than before. "What's the matter?"
"What's the matter?" Wanda made a bitter laugh. "Clearly, you have no idea how your actions affect others."
Y/n's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Wanda let out a ragged breath, before shaking her head and stepped away. "You have to go back if you don't want Layla missing you."
Y/n scoffed as she stood her ground but she didn't make any movement to follow the witch. "I don't get why you're mad with Layla. It's not like I'm doing anything forbidden with her."
Wanda stopped as she turned back to glare at Y/n. "What? Are you kidding with me? What do you think we're doing here, Y/n? Those nights we spent together?"
Y/n licked her lips nervously, as if caught in the act. What did Wanda expect anyway? She knew Y/n was a flirt right from the start. "You're one of my close friends, second best to Yelena—"
It triggered an explosion inside Wanda's head. "So you're telling me you do all of these things with Yelena too? Hold hands and talk about the stars in the sky and whatnot?"
"What? No, that's not what I meant—"
"Then why the hell are you not seeing this thing between us?"
"There's nothing between us," Y/n said. "We're just friends. And in case you didn't notice, you were avoiding me these past few days too."
A pause. Unbearable one.
Wanda felt almost close to tears but she didn't let her emotions get to her. "Friends don't do what we do, Y/n. Friends don't hold hands for a long time or lay on the ground in the middle of the night talking about the night sky and everything else. Friends don't stare at each other's eyes and say they had never seen such beautiful ones."
"I get it now. You're really actually a flirt, a vile lecherous woman, because you think when you can finally get under my chemise, this will all be over, am I wrong, huh?"
Y/n cornered Wanda against a trunk of a tree. The distance between them made the witch harder to breathe. "How dare you—"
"What? Cause it's true?" she challenged, staring her right in the eye.
Y/n answered in a low angry voice. "You don't know how much I want you that it hurts just to see you and not being able to do the things I wanted to do with you."
Wanda's eyes widened upon the admission, yet the frustration was too much.
"Was I playing too hard to get then, Y/n? That you don't want to chase me anymore—"
"Stop making fun of my feelings—"
"Feelings? What are we? Twelve? You're a sick and proud womanizer—"
"You're a—an attention seeker!"
Wanda scoffed. "You're a whore! A whore whose needs will never be satisfied by a single woman alone!"
Y/n clutched the front of Wanda's tunic. "Take that back! You take that back!"
"Why would I when it's true?"
"I'm not a whore nor a philanderer nor whatever you think I am. You . . . you are more than a witch, you're a deceitful trickster, playing with people's feelings as if we're nothing but mere puppets."
"Ugh! You're so infuriating!"
Wanda pushed herself against Y/n as she pressed their lips together. It was chaos. Deprived mouths drank each other, thirsty for so long. Tongues fighting, teeth clashing against each other, as if proper etiquette was thrown out through the window. Hungry hands grabbing, groping, caressing skin to skin, desperate to touch one another.
Wanda had no idea it was a wonderful feeling — to be kissed by Y/n and to kiss her. Tasting her. Memorizing the softness of her lips. The touch of Y/n's hands against the bare skin between Wanda's trousers and tunic. The warmth from their bodies pressed against each other as Y/n deepened the kiss and pushed her back against the tree.
When Y/n slotted her leg between hers, Wanda couldn't stop a moan from coming out of her mouth.
This made Y/n stop and pull away, realizing what was happening. She shook her head as she muttered small Nos between them.
Wanda walked towards her, her lips swollen and red from kissing. She reached out for the human, yet the human only stepped back further away from her. "Y/n—"
"Wanda, I can't. I can't do this."
"What?" Wanda couldn't get ahold of her feelings any longer. She just wanted to turn back the time, back to finishing what they started against the tree trunk.
Y/n continued. "I can't . . . It's . . . This, whatever this is called, may be normal with you witches, but not me, Wanda. I can't. It's a common misconception too, you know. Some humans want this. I—I just don't."
Confusion settled in, overpowering the lust Wanda felt for Y/n. "What are you talking about?"
Y/n sighed. When tears started brimming in her eyes, Wanda softened. She cautiously approached the human.
"You've already got Vision, Wanda. And it pains me that I can never ever have you like that."
Wanda let out a shaky breath. Y/n quickly wiped a tear from her eyes, as if embarrassed.
"Is this what this was all about? The tension? The hesitations?" Wanda chuckled like crazy into the air.
"Hey, don't laugh at my misfortune." Y/n's strong attitude resurfaced.
Wanda then looked at Y/n, and she couldn't help but feel intense feelings more than before.
"Wanda, I . . . I want you all to myself. But I don't want to be the reason to break your marriage with him. Even when everytime I see you two together, I might have wished myself to be dead. I can't even understand what you see in him. And how you couldn't see how awful he is."
Wanda stepped towards her. "And what do you think should be the one for me?"
Y/n didn't step back. The closer they got, her heart seemed to stop beating. "Someone who looks at you like you're the moon and the stars. Someone who cares about you the way Venus selflessly cared about that hunter. Someone who loves and adores you truly."
Wanda's eyes brim with happy tears as she stopped an inch. She chuckled softly. "For someone so skilled at archery, you have got to suck at catching signs."
Wanda grabbed the collar of Y/n's tunic as she pulled her face towards her, the other hand cupping her cheek. Her thumb wiped the wetness from Y/n's tears.
Wanda looked at Y/n with her piercing green eyes, and the gaze never broke.
"I don't know where you heard that silly rumor about me and Vision," Wanda explained. "I also don't know how you could think I'd ever involve myself with that man. But Vision and I are nothing more than mere acquaintances, Y/n."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "You're not together?"
Wanda smiled as she nodded. "We're not together." Her eyes then drifted to Y/n's mouth as she leaned forward. "It's you that I want."
Then she closed the distance between them.
MONICA stepped out of Pietro's tent some time later. It was almost dawn yet the place looked dead from the late celebration last night. Monica appeared to be waiting for something as she stood behind the tent, immobile while watching the stars. But it wasn't the stars she was looking at.
A crow suddenly landed on her forearm as she smiled. She whispered something inaudible into the crow before it flew away back into the sky.
The sun might not shine another day on the camp anymore.
taglist :
@bibliophilicbi @swiftie1-0-1 @whitewidowsbite @aliherreraaa @smromanoff @wandanats-goodgirl @supaheroine @eliii1sblog @bananasplits-world @cocoyeehaw @daenerys713
Author's note:
I sincerely apologize for not being able to update regularly. I haven't been in a good place these past few weeks. But still, thank you for reading my story and for waiting too long. :)
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permanentreverie · 1 year
books read in 2023
1) get a life, chloe brown -> talia hibbert: jan 1 - 3
2) the night circus -> erin morgenstern (reread): jan 9 - 11
3) lost in the never woods -> aiden thomas: jan 6 - 15
4) on earth we're briefly gorgeous -> ocean vuong: jan 12 - 15
5) clap when you land -> elizabeth acevedo: jan 17 - 18
6) comfort me with apples -> catherynne m. valente: jan 18
7) not here to be liked -> michelle quach: jan 19 - 23
8) night sky with exit wounds -> ocean vuong (reread): jan 25
9) time is a mother -> ocean vuong: jan 27
10) anatomy: a love story -> dana schwartz: jan 28 - 30
11) babel, or the necessity of violence: an arcane history of the oxford translaters' revolution -> r.f. kuang: jan 24 - feb 2
12) next of kin -> hannah bonam-young: feb 3 - 4
13) tokyo ever after -> emiko jean: feb 5 - 6
14) once upon a broken heart -> stephanie garber (reread): feb 2 - 6
15) the ballad of never after -> stephanie garber: feb 7
16) tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow -> gabrielle zevin: feb 7 - 11
17) tokyo dreaming -> emiko jean: feb 11 - 13
18) the cruel prince -> holly black (reread): feb 15 - 16
19) the no-show -> beth o'leary: feb 17 - 20
20) time is a mother -> ocean vuong (reread): feb 20
21) sweet bean paste -> durian sukegawa: feb 22
22) before the coffee gets cold -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 24
23) the wicked king -> holly black (reread): feb 23 - 24
24) the queen of nothing -> holly black (reread): feb 25 - 26
25) tales from the café -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 26 - 27
26) daisy jones & the six -> taylor jenkins reid (reread): feb 28 - mar 2
27) before your memory fades -> toshikazu kawaguchi: feb 27 - mar 4
28) ninth house -> leigh bardugo: mar 3 - 6
29) hell bent -> leigh bardugo: mar 7 - 9
30) a good girl's guide to murder -> holly jackson: mar 10 - 11
31) portrait of a thief -> grace d. li: mar 12 - 15
32) good girl, bad blood -> holly jackson: mar 15 - 18
33) the last children of tokyo -> yōko tawada: mar 19
34) tiny pretty things -> sona charaipotra & dhonielle clayton: mar 20 - 21
35) the youthful you who was so beautiful -> jiu yue xi (reread): mar 22
36) shiny broken pieces -> sona charaipotra & dhonielle clayton: mar 23 - 24
37) the scarlet pimpernel -> emmuska orczy: mar 25
38) as good as dead -> holly jackson: mar 26 - 28
39) addicted to you -> krista ritchie & becca ritchie: mar 29 - 30
40) one of us is lying -> karen m. mcmanus: mar 30 - 31
41) kill joy -> holly jackson: apr 2
42) carrie soto is back -> taylor jenkins reid: apr 1 - 3
43) human acts -> han kang: apr 4 - 6
44) tender is the flesh -> agustina bazterrica: apr 6
45) this time it's real -> ann liang: apr 6 - 10
46) idol, burning -> rin usami: apr 11
47) i'll give you the sun -> jandy nelson: apr 12 - 14
48) the boundless -> kenneth oppel: apr 14 - 17
49) the great gatsby -> f. scott fitzgerald (reread): apr 17
50) beautiful little fools -> jillian cantor: apr 18 - 19
51) schoolgirl -> osamu dazai: apr 20
52) the witch haven -> sasha peyton smith: apr 22 - 23
53) the witch hunt -> sasha peyton smith: apr 24 - 27
54) a little life -> hanya yanagihara: apr 28 - 30
55) beach read -> emily henry (reread): may 1 - 2
56) no longer human -> osamu dazai: may 2 - 3
57) my dark vanessa -> kate elizabeth russell: may 3 - 4
58) the setting sun -> osamu dazai: may 5 - 6
59) the bridge kingdom -> danielle l. jensen: may 5 - 8
60) king of pride -> ana huang: may 8 - 10
61) happy place -> emily henry: may 11
62) the vegetarian -> han kang: may 10 - 12
63) the red palace -> june hur: may 14 - 17
64) the traitor queen -> danielle l. jensen: may 13 - 22
65) the sky is everywhere -> jandy nelson: may 22 - 23
66) beartown -> fredrik backman: may 24 - 25
67) deathless -> catherynne m. valente: may 26 - 28
68) notes on an execution -> danya kukafka: may 29 - 30
69) once upon a k-prom -> kat cho: may 24 - 30
70) almond -> sohn won-pyung: may 30
71) the white book -> han kang: may 31
72) my mechanical romance -> alexene farol follmuth: may 31
73) a room with a view -> e.m forster: jun 4
74) the poppy war -> r.f kuang: jun 5 - 6
75) the dragon republic -> r.f kuang: jun 7 - 10
76) the drowning faith -> r.f kuang: jun 11
77) the burning god -> r.f kuang: jun 11 - 15
78) emma -> jane austen: may 30 - jun 16
79) greek lessons -> han kang: jun 16 - 18
80) when marnie was there -> joan g. robinson: jun 18 - 20
81) bandstand -> richard oberacker: jun 21
82) white nights -> fyodor dostoevsky: jun 21
83) twisted love -> ana huang: jun 20 - 22
84) twisted games -> ana huang: jun 27 - 28
85) the bloody chamber -> angela carter: jun 28 - 29
86) my deepest secret -> hanza art: jun 22 - 30
87) coraline -> neil gaiman: jun 30
88) twisted hate -> ana huang: jul 1 - 3
89) sadie -> courtney summers: jul 4 - 5
90) twisted lies -> ana huang: jul 5 - 6
91) take a hint, dani brown -> talia hibbert: jul 6 - 7
92) better than the movies -> lynn painter: jul 16 - 17
93) act your age, eve brown -> talia hibbert: jul 18 - 20
94) beyond the story: 10 - year record of bts -> kang myeong-seok & bts: jul 17 - 20
95) love and other words -> christina lauren: jul 19 - 22
96) diary of a void -> emi yagi: jul 23
97) in five years -> rebecca serle: jul 24
98) us against you -> fredrik backman: jul 24 - 25
99) sirena -> donna jo napoli: jul 26
100) small things like these -> claire keegan: jul 26 - 28
101) exit, pursued by bear -> e.k. johnston: jul 28
102) red, white, & royal blue -> casey mcquiston (reread): jul 29 - 31
103) conveniance store woman -> sayaka murata: jul 31
104) the hurting kind -> ada limon: aug 2
105) one true loves -> taylor jenkins reid: aug 2 - 3
106) the deep -> rivers solomon: aug 6 - 7
107) all the lovers in the night -> mieko kawakami: aug 9
108) caraval -> stephanie garber: aug 6 - 10
109) we hunt the flame -> hafsah faizal: aug 16 - 18
110) we free the stars -> hafsah faizal: aug 18 - 19
111) i'm glad my mom died -> jennette mccurdy: aug 20
112) the ballad of songbirds and snakes -> suzanne collins: aug 21 - 22
113) kim jiyoung, born 1982 -> cho nam-joo: aug 22
114) legendary -> stephanie garber: aug 11 - 24
115) king of wrath -> ana huang: aug 23 - 24
116) the sisterhood of the traveling pants -> ann brashares: aug 27
117) out on a limb -> hannah bonam-young: aug 29 - 31
118) the winners -> fredrick backman: aug 1 - 31
119) the second summer of sisterhood -> ann brashares: aug 28 - 31
120) girls in pants: the third summer of the sisterhood -> ann brashares: sep 4 - 5
121) forever in blue: the fourth summer of the sisterhood -> ann brashares: sep 5
122) strange the dreamer -> laini taylor: sep 3 - 9
123) crying in h mart -> michelle zauner: sep 9 - 10
124) sisterhood everlasting -> ann brashares: sep 7 - 11
125) finale -> stephanie garber: sep 13 - 14
126) little thieves -> margaret owen: sep 11 - 16
127) les misérables -> victor hugo (reread): apr 3 - sep 18
128) business or pleasure -> rachel lynn solomon: sep 17 - 19
129) out there -> kate folk: sep 23 - 24
130) wuthering heights -> emily brontë: sep 18 - 24
131) painted devils -> margaret owen: sep 20 - 27
132) the foxhole court -> nora sakavic: sep 24 - 27
133) the raven king -> nora sakavic: sep 27 - 29
134) the hate u give -> angie thomas: sep 29 - oct 2
135) the king’s men -> nora sakavic: sep 30 - oct 3
136) the dead romantics -> ashley poston: oct 4 - 5
137) a discovery of witches -> deborah harkness: oct 6 - 12
138) mexican gothic -> silvia moreno-garcia: oct 13 - 14
139) the haunting of hill house -> shirley jackson: oct 15 - 18
140) the girl from the other side (vol. 1 - 11) -> nagabe: oct 19
151) fourth wing -> rebecca yarros: oct 22 - 26
152) king of greed -> ana huang: oct 26 - 29
153) yellowface -> r.f. kuang: oct 30 - 31
154) a curse for true love -> stephanie garber: nov 1 - 3
155) a study in charlotte -> brittany cavallaro: nov 5 - 7
156) dracula -> bram stoker: may 5 - nov 8
157) the joy luck club -> amy tan: sep 9 - nov 9
158) the murder of roger ackroyd -> agatha christie: nov 9 - 10
159) the last of august -> brittany cavallaro: nov 10 - 12
160) kamila knows best -> farah heron: nov 12 - 13
161) the case for jamie -> brittany cavallaro: nov 14 - 15
162) a question for holmes -> brittany cavallaro: nov 16 - 17
163) howl’s moving castle -> diana wynne jones (reread): nov 17 - 18
164) if we were villains -> m. l. rio (reread): nov 18 - 19
165) masters of death -> olivie blake: nov 20 - 22
166) jane eyre -> charlotte brontë (reread): nov 22 - 29
167) the name drop -> susan lee: dec 2 - 3
168) divine rivals -> rebecca ross: dec 6 - 7
169) the lightning thief -> rick riordan (reread): dec 9 - 11
170) the sea of monsters -> rick riordan (reread): dec 12 - 13
171) the titan’s curse -> rick riordan (reread): dec 14
172) the battle of the labyrinth -> rick riordan (reread): dec 16 - 18
173) the last olympian -> rick riordan (reread): dec 18 - 19
174) a study in drowning -> ava reid: dec 23 - 29
175) little women -> louisa may alcott (reread): dec 21 - 29
176) shadow of night -> deborah harkness: nov 1 - dec 30
177) the upside of falling -> alex light: dec 30
178) slade house -> david mitchell: dec 31
179) much ado about nothing -> william shakespeare: dec 31
180) romeo and juliet -> william shakespeare (reread): dec 31
132 notes · View notes
cartoonyfangirl · 11 months
So I've stated a few days ago that I wanted to do a list of my Comfort Characters that have been with me from when I was a child to now.
Well I've decided to make one now, because I want to see who also Kins them as well!
I have 19 in total, each from a branch of media
🧡Marlin and Dory💙 (Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
🩵Ami/Sailor Mercury🩵 (Sailor Moon)
💚Goofy💚 (A Goofy Movie)
🧡Bonkers D Bobcat🧡 (Bonkers)
❤️Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maxinoff❤️ (Wandavision)
💙Gonzo💜 (The Muppets/Muppets From Space)
🩷Sheeta and Pazu🤎 (Castle In The Sky)
💜Luz and Amity💜 (The Owl House)
🖤Yakko, Wakko, and Dot🤍 (Animaniacs)
💜Top Cat💛 (Top Cat)
🩵Rocky and Bullwinkle🤎 (The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show)
❤️Mario and Luigi💚 (The Super Mario Bros Movie)
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moonykore · 1 year
THIS IS THE LIST OF GAMES THAT I OWN. They are tagged with:
[completed, played on stream, VOD unavailable] indicates exactly what it says. The VOD is unavailable for any reason. I can play it again.
[completed off stream] this one indicates that even if I already played it I'm willing to play it again on stream.
[video here] which means that there is a video or more on my channel
[completed on stream, video/vod soon] which means that the vod or video will be uploaded soon.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆.──────
Little Misfortune [completed, played on stream, VOD unavailable]
3 O'clock Horror
Disco Elysium [completed off stream]
Life is Strange 2
The Outcast Lovers
A Raven Monologue
Tell Me Why
The Walking Dead [completed off stream]
What Never Was
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
The Backroom - Lost and Found
Champ's nightmare
Classified Stories: Color out of space
Escape Room - The Sick Colleague
I'm on observation duty
It's dark
Our elusive suffering
Poppy Playtime
Samsara Room
Scarlet Hollow - Episode 1
SCP: Nukalypse
Solitude Underwater
Video Horror Society
Among Us [videos here]
Stardew Valley [videos here]
Dead By Daylight
Payday 2
The Timeless Child
We Were Here
Annie and the Art Gallery
Skyrim [completed off stream]
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Moon hunters
Princess remedy in a world of hurt
The Rabbit's Scroll
To the Moon
Tower Princess: Knight's Trial
Wicked Games
Without End
You Will (Not) Remain
Yume Nikki
911 Operator
Cult of the lamb
My child lebensborn
Swallow the Sea
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Ballads At Midnight
Find Love or Die Trying
My Therapy
one night, hot springs
A Taste of the Past
Who is The Red Queen?
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Dark Deception
Despotism 3k
The Doll Beneath
The Night Fisherman
Dungeon of the ENDLESS
The End of it All
Eragon's tale
The Good Time Garden
Grimm's Hollow
Gun Witch
Hollow Knight
Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy
Little Nightmares
The Looker
Mansions of Madness
Marie's Room
Martial Law
missed messages.
NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE [completed on stream, vod unavailable]
Ori and the Blind Forest.
Outbreak Island
A Plague Tale: Innocence [completed off stream]
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alien: Isolation [completed off stream]
Amnesia: Rebirth
Ancient Enemy
Bioshock Trilogy
City of Brass
Fallout 3
Evil Dead: the game
Gods Will Fall
Hell is other demons
Hundred Days
Path of Exile
Ring of Pain
Tomb Raider: Anniversary [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider: Legend [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider: Underworld [completed off stream]
Tomb Raider 2013 [completed off stream]
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rising Hell
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Runaway Trilogy [completed off stream]
Secret Files: Tunguska [completed off stream]
Secret Files: Puritas Cordis [completed off stream]
King of Seas
Fallout: new vegas
Coffee Noir
The Darkest Tales
Beyond Good and Evil [completed off stream]
Against the Moon
A Space for the Unbound
Lucifer within us [completed on stream, video/vod soon]
Cafe in the Clouds
7 days in the fire mountain
Butterfly Soup
Winterlore I
Winterlore II
Latide's Plane
Me and My Eldritch Parasite
6 Feet Behind
Nameless - The Departed Cycle
Hampton Court
Doll House
Dear Mom
False Protagonists: A Queer Magical Story About The Rest Of Us
We are bonded kin
Bales of Amber
In your wiggly eyes
Zeitz Mach
Not Alone
Pillars on Poppy Hills
Boiling Over
Finding Felicia
National Park Girls
To Kill a Black Swan
Song of the hunt
Make it Last
Good Morning Hun
Inverness Nights
Lucah: Born of a Dream
Ciao Nonna
Brassica: A Marry Tale
Snow Angel
Apartmen No.9
Pinewood Island
We should talk
All in Love and War.
A Normal Lost Phone.
The Morning Star.
My Alien Roomate.
What's your gender?
Dark Sheep.
Redd's Runaway.
The Lost Cave of the Ozarks.
Project Mallow
Knight Bewitched
Lost dreams
Back to bed
Meta Form
Prison of the magi
Murder at the cat Show.
Wonderland Nights: White Rabbit's Diary
The Tower: The Order of XIII
Without Escape
Roll for Confidence.
RB: Axolotl
Planet Driver
Wheels of Aurelia
No Think
The Light at the End of the Ocean
MMM: Murder Most Unfortunate
Self-Checkout Unlimited
Four Horsemen
Tales From Windy Meadow.
Glittermitten Grove
Homunculus Hotel
Pendula Swing
Midnight Scenes
Hero Hours Contact
Reminiscence in the Night
The Lost Night
Pixel Fireplace
Pumpkin Eater
Pale Cachexia
Be Not Afraid
Old Man's Journey
Bard Harder
The Black Iris
Democratic Socialism Simulator
Death and Taxes
Highway Blossoms
Midnight Scenes Ep. 1 & 2
Long Gone Days
Arcade Spirits
A Mortician's Tale
They Bleed Pixels
TowerFall Dar World Expansion
Shattered Planet
Bury me, my love
A Short Hike
Sundered: Eldritch Edition
Fatum Betula
Cloud Gardens
5 notes · View notes
pyonzzz · 2 years
somebody mention touhou? *slaps on a newsboy cap* basically it's an old bullet-hell style game (literally the first games were developed for like, Windows 95, i think?) that is actually pretty damn difficult but suuuper fun. there's a bunch of spin-off medias and stuff, but mostly it centers around Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden, who has to keep Yokai from causing problems for the humans and trying to destroy the world and stuff! it takes place in an alternate world called "Gensokyo"! there's a lot of lore and stuff and basically every single character is a cute girl with badass powers. Reimu, Marisa Kirisame (who is a human witch), Remilia Scarlet (a vampire), Flandre Scarlet (also a vampire and Remilia's younger sister), and Sakuya Izayoi (a maid for Remilia who can control time and is badass) are probably the most well-known characters?
my friend kin assigned me remilia i love vampires
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robin coded
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mxristwilight · 6 months
the last supper (acomaf x oc)
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How I infiltrated the Night Court is a saga to rival all tales; however, that's a narrative for another epoch. As the adopted sibling of Azriel, I was beckoned to their clandestine sanctuary eons before Feyre graced its sacred halls. She ensnared the attention of my kin, my dearest comrades, and the man I cherished with my entire soul—Cassian. A shameless flirt he became, entwining his charm with hers, though I perceived her covetous gaze fixated on Rhys (a man I mistakenly shared a night of passion with and fervently wished I could retract).
Presently, I find myself "relishing" in a feast where they interrogate Feyre with relentless queries. I toy with the once exquisite, now insipid fare, biting my lip to suppress tears. Cursing my hypersensitivity, despite being a formidable being—an immortal witch, the scarlet.
"I'm going to bathe," I declared abruptly, before contemplating the rest. "And after, I'll retreat to my chambers, so don't bother seeking me." I added, yearning for solitude to engulf me for the remainder of the night.
"Sure thing," Azriel chuckled, diverting his attention to something Feyre uttered. Amren, I reckoned, was the sole observer of my distress. "Wait, are you okay?" she inquired, genuinely concerned, yet her tone lacked fervor. Damn it, I thought, promptly erecting a mental barrier to thwart Rhys and Feyre's intrusion into my thoughts. "Yeah, just fatigued; it's been a hellish day for all of us."
Astoundingly, that's all it took for their collective gaze to fixate on me. Amren, sensing my disquiet, was the catalyst. Unbeknownst to me, my subsequent giggle was a fabricated facade. Abandoning my utensils, I withdrew my chair, disentangling my napkin from my lap.
"I reckon I might return home momentarily. I could use a respite from this bedlam. And if war looms, my focus ought to be on grimoires, not sirloin," I attempted to jest, sporting a forced, awkward grin. They understood, and even Feyre, a recent addition to our coterie, comprehended the subtext.
"Well, time to skedaddle—" I began my teleportation endeavor, only to encounter an unforeseen impediment. "A moment, please," Rhysand commanded. I emitted a giggle before veiling my visage. "No, and if you prolong my stay, I'll transfigure you into a swine, you insolent cur," I retorted at him. Oh yes, they were cognizant now.
"I don't think you should address your High Lord thus, Anastasia," he sneered, brandishing the High Lord card. "Our previous encounter painted a divergent tableau." A below-the-belt jab, even for me, escalating the discomfort at the table.
"That's enough!" Azriel's tone turned glacial. "Cease this juvenile charade and assume the mantle of womanhood. What afflicts you? You disparage our High Lord and sabotage everyone's repast. Though my blood courses through your veins, I disavow such conduct," Azriel reproached. The tears, obstinate in their flow, could no longer be restrained.
"She's the predicament," I pointed accusatorily at Feyre. "Why jeopardize ourselves for her merely because she's Rhysand's mate? His sole contribution to my existence is to torment me, and you should all be abashed. You permitted her entrance into our domicile, cognizant of her connections with Tamlin. She's accorded more familial regard in a single day than I have throughout my existence. I devote myself to you, shield you, defy my kin to safeguard the fae, and yet, this is the recompense. This isn't the life I was destined for. When war descends, I'll shield the humans, but I refuse to play checkers when you're all engaged in chess around me." I finally erupted.
"You're merely distraught because Cassian hasn't sired you yet. A cup of wine, and you'll be reinvigorated by morn," Rhysand callously remarked. I had reached my limit, a crimson tempest engulfing the room, pinning everyone to their seats. I inundated his lungs with smoke. "Repeat it, Rhys. Utter those words once more," I taunted. He grunted, and I released him.
"You've razed every bridge between us. I desire never to lay eyes on any of you again. It would delight me if you perished in the impending war. If your entire kind faced obliteration, I would revel. I harbor no respect for any of you. You lack a spine, and you..." I pointed accusingly at Rhys. "You exploited me after our liaison. How dare you! And you, of all people..." I pointed at Azriel. "I've known you since infancy. I'm gratified to learn that family holds no significance for you." I averted my gaze, vanishing into the aether, teleporting back to my abode.
"Well, that was the most imbecilic act anyone in this room could have committed," Amren asserted. "Why's that?" Feyre queried. "Because these two have just jeopardized the sole individual capable of challenging me," she replied. Feyre, comprehending Amren's prowess, gazed downward sorrowfully.
"I believe it's my fault; she proclaimed not to fancy me since my arrival," Azriel defended. "She dislikes everyone; you can't burden yourself with blame," I interjected. "Indeed, she can," Mor added. "She bears sole responsibility. Perhaps Ana is correct; perhaps we shouldn't defend her. What if she's a spy? And even if she's not, why do we champion her over someone we've known for centuries? It's unjust, and I won't stand by it, cousin of the highland or not."
Cassian remained silent, grappling internally with the remorse of letting the woman he loved depart in a tumultuous frenzy. He alone bore responsibility, a realization that cut him to the core.
"I won't assert she's incapable of defending herself, but what if she faces an onslaught without aid? What then? We forfeit a comrade, an ally, and a potent weapon due to a disparaging jest and a girl. It's a tragedy to think you've changed," Mor proclaimed, storming out the door.
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[*SLEDUJ*] Bod obnovy 2023 Celý Filmy Online a Zdarma
Bod obnovy (2023) film online cz | Bod obnovy celý film cz online HD kvalita zdarma i titulky.
UPDATE-FILMU!! Bod obnovy Celý filmy online a Zdarma český dabing i titulky. Filmy online zdarma sledujte Bod obnovy na getroku.xyz
Sledujte se na film Bod obnovy online CZ v HD, Bod obnovy film s titulky nebo CZ dabingem si můžete vychutnat online zdarma a bez registrace jediným kliknutím.
➤ Klikněte sem Bod obnovy v CZ dabingu
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Bod obnovy, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Bod obnovy
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Bod obnovy vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Bod obnovy. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Bod obnovy.
Bod obnovy bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Bod obnovy je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
Nezapomeňte nahlásit případné odkazy a nezapomeňte nás sdílet a sledovat na našich sociálních sítích.
Přeji hezký den “Děkuji”
Klíčová slova pro vyhledávání Google:
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film Dobrá kvalita
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Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film zadarma
Bod obnovy 2023 2023 cely film cz
0 notes
sleduj-bodobnovy-ceko · 9 months
[SLEDUJ] Bod obnovy 2023 Celý Filmy Online a Zdarma
Bod obnovy (2023) film online cz | Bod obnovy celý film cz online HD kvalita zdarma i titulky.
UPDATE-FILMU!! Bod obnovy Celý filmy online a Zdarma český dabing i titulky. Filmy online zdarma sledujte Bod obnovy na getroku.xyz
Sledujte se na film Bod obnovy online CZ v HD, Bod obnovy film s titulky nebo CZ dabingem si můžete vychutnat online zdarma a bez registrace jediným kliknutím.
➤ Klikněte sem Bod obnovy v CZ dabingu
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Bod obnovy, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Bod obnovy
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Bod obnovy vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Bod obnovy. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Bod obnovy.
Bod obnovy bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Bod obnovy je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
Nezapomeňte nahlásit případné odkazy a nezapomeňte nás sdílet a sledovat na našich sociálních sítích.
Přeji hezký den "Děkuji"
Klíčová slova pro vyhledávání Google:
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film Dobrá kvalita
Bod obnovy 2023 cz online
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film, kde je možné streamovat zadarmo
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý filmový tok online
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film
Bod obnovy 2023 Celý film zadarma
Bod obnovy 2023 2023 cely film cz
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mal-grimhilde · 1 year
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Local Wanda kin looks fab, more at 11
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Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti Celý Film Online Cz Dabingem i Titulky
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) film online cz | Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti celý film cz online HD kvalita zdarma i titulky.
Kde se dívat na Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online cz celý film prostřednictvím streamování? Pokud je to přesně to, co hledáte a nemůžete se dočkat, až se dozvíte více, nezbývá než strávit pět minut volného času čtením následujících řádků.
Jak se dívat na Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ. Hledáte místo, kde byste mohli sledovat film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ ve vysokém rozlišení a HD kvalitě? Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v angličtině nebo online CZ na getroku.xyz
Tímto vás ujišťuji, že budete moci identifikovat službu ke sledování Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 zdarma, o které si myslíte, že nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. Příjemné čtení a hlavně dobré sledování!
➤ Klikněte sem Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti v CZ dabingu
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
Pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, kde mohu sledovat Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online a zdarma, kdykoli budu chtít? Zde je streamovací stránka, která obsahuje více než sto filmů a seriálů. Všechny kategorie jsou zde zastoupeny, aby vás uspokojily, bez ohledu na váš filmový vkus. Chcete-li snadněji najít požadovaný film, můžete také použít vyhledávací panel dostupný na webu a také možnosti filtrování.
Chcete-li sledovat film Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti (2023) online s českými titulky v HD, stačí přejít na výše uvedený odkaz. Je to tak jednoduché, že?
Nezapomeňte nahlásit případné odkazy a nezapomeňte nás sdílet a sledovat na našich sociálních sítích.
Přeji hezký den "Děkuji"
Klíčová slova pro vyhledávání Google:
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 Celý film Dobrá kvalita
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 cz online
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 Celý film, kde je možné streamovat zadarmo
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 Celý filmový tok online
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 Celý film
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 Celý film zadarma
Resident Evil: Ostrov smrti 2023 2023 cely film cz
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"explain it all to me. now."
"So, I went to S.W.OR.D and found out that they're experimenting on Vision's body and they wouldn't release it to me as his next of kin so I can bury him and that caused me to have a mental breakdown where I created a fictional world where Vision was alive and we had two sons, but there was this witch who was trying to steal my powers for herself. She told me that I also was a witch and that I was something called The Scarlet Witch, which is some witchcraft legend. Anyway I defeated her, and dismantled the magical world, including Vision and our sons. The witch had this book that she claimed had information on the Scarlet Witch so I took it with me and came here, but the book keeps whispering to me and I'm not sure I like it. And that's the present day."
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"Anyway, that's me. What's been up with you?"
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kinmusics · 2 years
could i get a playlist for wanda maximoff, specifically from the mcu ?? maybe with vibes of so below / caravan palace's music :0 thank you so much !! <3
Here you go, I hope you like this!! Both mod Faolán and I worked together on this :D - Mod Sundrop 
I really enjoyed working on this one!! Electric dance/swing groups are so good, and this has been a great way for me to find more songs I like in that genre! - Mod Faolán
[YouTube] [Spotify]
1. Wake Me Up - Avicii
2. Lose Control - Hedley
3. Wonderland - Caravan Palace
4. The Queen Of Swing - Swingrowers, Gypsy Hill
5.  All For U - Aceyalone & RJD2
6. Don’t Rock The Boat - Skeewif
7. To The Sea - Katzenjammer
8. Fear - So Below
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fairytalefragments · 3 years
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with themes of independence and missing Vision and Pietro in red
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