nancydfan · 2 years
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Scott & Nancy Aesthetic
Somewhere under the gruff exterior and years of bitterness, Nancy found something to love.
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unblogparaloschicos · 3 years
Cine: Camp Out (2006)
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"¿Se puede ser gay y cristiano al mismo tiempo?", reza (y nunca mejor dicho), la frase del afiche de este celebrado documental de Larry Grimaldi y Kirk Marcolina. Para los organizadores del este evento muy especial en el Bay Lake Camp, sí.
Durante el verano del 2004, un grupo de chicos arriban a Minnesota para participar de un campamento para adolescentes LGBTQ, y no para torturarlos en busca de un cambio en su orientación sexual, no. Dirigido por Jay, un pastor luterano, y acompañado por varios consejeros, el objetivo principal es lograr que reconcilien su fe, con frecuencia avasallada por la incomprensión de pastores, sacerdotes y otros religiosos, con la aceptación de su sexualidad. Así, conoceremos a diez jóvenes variopintos (Allison, Chris, Christine, Jesse, Kasono, Kristi, Scancy, Spencer, Thomas y Tim), que, mediante varias actividades, simbólicas y de oración, aprenderán que, en verdad, no están solos. 
Después de todo, como dijera el Papa Francisco no mucho tiempo después: “Si un gay busca a Jesús con sinceridad, ¿quién soy yo para juzgarlo?”
Este es el sitio web de la organización detrás del campamento:
Y aquí, el vídeo, en idioma y subtítulos en inglés:
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teamdoofus · 6 years
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scancy quotes  →  ( 1 / ? )
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sparxwrites · 7 years
Scanlan and Percy are so similar, and they both know this, Percy seeing himself in Scanlan. And they have a severely fucked up relationship, where Percy will just tear Scanlan apart, until he's nothing more than a crying, whimpering mess, because he sees tearing Scanlan apart as tearing himself apart. And Scanlan goes through with this cause he thinks he deserves this, to be used and treated this way, hoping to atone for the things he's done in some way by doing this.
anon, why... why would you hurt me like this??? ;a; that’s so painfully in character for both of them, but it also hurts my heart so badly...
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thebrothershardy · 7 years
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ship aesthetics: scott/nancy
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defectivenancydrew · 4 years
Hi! For the Nancy Drew art request, I wanted to request if possible a little scene w Scott and Nancy from ToT? I just really love them. If not, I totally understand! I just thought I’d asked 🙈
Here’s your serious drawing of Nancy and Scott going on a twister hunt:
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And here’s what I imagine to be an accurate depiction of Nancy hitting on Scott:
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enderon · 7 years
Welp, I was bored at work and so I made more one-word Critical Role prompts. Note, all of these involve Scanlan, so, if you don’t want that, then don’t bother.
Feel free to use any of these if you want.
Dishonest - When it comes to Scanlan, Vox Machina aren’t entirely sure when he’s telling the truth, so they just assume he’s always lying.
Skull - Scanlan and grog share aspects of their cultures and Pike pops in to explain why remains do not make good eating utensils. (Platonic Groglan; minor team tol n smols)
Smoke - Scanlan finds himself simultaneously scared of and turned on by an angry Percy. (Perclan/Scancy)
Flirtation - Vex and Scanlan flirt so much that some people think they’re attracted to each other, but they both know better. (Platonic Vexlan)
Level - Vax gets a brand new game in and makes fun of Scanlan for being ‘old’. (Modern AU; Vaxlan)
Cows - Things might have gone to shit, but they’ll always have their memories. As Vox Mcchina climbs the tower to what might be their final fight, they each find themselves thinking back to past adventures. (VM as family)
Insect - Scanlan has some insecurities that he could never share with the others.
Small - Pike and Scanlan unite to indulge in their gnomish natures and cause mischief around Whitestone. (Platonic Pikelan)
Cell - Most members of Vox Machina are not unfamiliar with what it feels like to be locked in a cell.
Deformity - After sealing away Vecna, Scanlan notices some differences in his visage, remnants from the Simon 3 incident. He’s not a big fan of the changes until Pike & Grog reassure him. (Team tol n smols)
Pretend - Pike and Scanlan talk about how easy it is to pretend everything is okay. (Platonic Pikelan)
Poisonous - They called themselves a family, but it was Scanlan who knew the truth. They weren’t a family at all. They were poison. (Pre & post episode 85)
Famous - Scanlan looks around at all his friends and family, having a grand old time in his living room, and feels glad that he never achieved his dream of fame. (Modern AU)
Fortunate - Scanlan thinks about the very different lives he and Percy came from and comes to the conclusion that everyone ends up the same, no matter where they start.
Nude - A naked Scanlan was a sight all members of Vox Machina were used to. (Polymachina)
Freewill - Scanlan thinks about Vax’s ‘fate-touched’ situation and concludes that it’s all a load of bull.
Challenge - Scanlan brags about his amazing endurance and Percy decides to give it a test ...... for science. (Perclan/Scancy)
Smooth - Scanlan has naturally really smooth skin and something about that really frustrates Vex. (Polymachina)
Genuine - Underneath all of the smarmyness and flirtation, everything Scanlan said to Pike was completely genuine. (Pikelan)
Exorcism - Vax, Percy, and Grog visit an abandoned, ‘haunted’ hospital, and make a new friend. (Modern AU; the boys of VM (I don’t tihnk theres a ship name for that))
Artist - Percy is a tired art school student and Scanlan is the promiscuous model. (Perclan/Scancy)
Better - People ask Scanlan how he’s doing after different traumatizing events in his life. (Works backwards form adulthood to childhood)
Star - While talking about what the stars might be, Pike, Scanlan, and Grog all reveal their individual feelings on faith. (Team tol n smols)
Crush - It took all of about two seconds for Scanlan to fall head over heels for Gern. (Gernlan)
Charming - Scanlan is very charming. (Polymachina)
Abnormally - Scanlan is abnormally small for a gnome his age.
Cybernetic - Percy can’t decide if making this android was his best idea, or his worst. (Sci-Fi AU; Perclan/Scancy)
Error - Percy and Scanlan keep thinking about why they shouldn’t be doing this as they fall into bed together. (Perclan/Scancy)
Harm - Percy hurts Scanlan to hurt himself, but only because Scanlan lets him. (Perclan/Scancy)
Boulevard - Vox Machina are kind fo down so Scanlan sings Greenday. (Modern AU; VM as family)
Frisky - Scanlan was a very frisky sort of lover. (Polymachina)
Orphan - Scanlan, who has long since numbed to the pain, warns a still hurting Percy about what to expect. (Platonic Perclan/Scancy)
Artificial - If this persona he wears his fake, then surely it’s relationships are as well.
Compelling - Percy and Scanlan have a discussion about philosophy. (Modern AU; platonic Perclan/Scancy)
Esoteric - Scanlan loves Machina, he really does, but sometimes he wishes they were musicians so at least someone would laugh at his jokes.
Missing - Scanlan goes missing and Vox Machina fear he’s left them again. (VM as family)
Indecent - Tary comes to stay for the week and finds himself ...... surprised by Scanlan’s seeming lack of boundaries. (Polymachina)
Atonement - Scanlan knows he has a lot to make up for and decides it’s time to get started. (Scanlan & Sarenrae; Scanlan & Ioun; Scanlan & Sprigg; Pikelan)
Gun - The real reason Scanlan took that gun. (Platonic Perclan/Scancy)
Bloodstain - After all of the adventures and fights, Vox Machina had few clothes that weren’t stained red.
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Ranile ti s-au vindecat,suspina Lexa,dand carpa umeda la o parte de pe spatele Arinei pentru a o inmuia in apa. Aceasta scanci incet,apoi apuca cu forta cearsaful patului in care dormea. Lexa ii mai tampona cu grija o taietura urata de pe umar,apoi aseza carpa intr-un bol de ceramica. -Multumesc,sopti Arina deschizandu-si cu greutate ochii incercanati. Lexa ridica usor din umeri,un zambet fugar infiripandu-i-se pe buze. -Am auzit ca totul a iesit un dezastru,sopti Lexa atat de incet,incat Arina fu nevoita sa se aplece inspre ea pentru a auzi mai bine. -Da,aproba Arina ingropandu-si fața in palme. Cred ca a fost totusi doar o neintelegere. Jasper a crezut ca paznicii pe care ii pusese Anya in copaci aveau sa o atace pe Clarke si mda.. -Arina..,murmura Lexa cu ochi tristi. Eu nu cred ca- Arina icni incet. Facuse o miscare brusca cu gâtul iar acum trebuia sa suporte durerea ce ii reverbera prin trup. -Scuze. Am uitat cat de tare ma doare gatul. Isi aduse dintr o data aminte de tatal ei,care mereu stia ce sa faca in astfel de situații. Pacat ca acum nu știa cum sa si scape din inchisoare. Tatal ei nu era un criminal. Nu avea cum sa fie si totusi.. -De ce i ati dat drumul lui Murphy?intreba Arina ridicandu-se incetisor in picioare,atenta sa nu faca vreun pas gresit. Lexa o urmari cu o privire prudenta,apoi trase adanc aer in piept. -Aflasem tot ce aveam nevoie. Oricum, Anya vrea sa iti dea drumul. Arina ramase cu gura cascata. Si o inchise stanjenita,prinzand amuzamentul de pe chipul Lexei. -P-poftim? Dar sunt o prizoniera! Pe Murphy l ati torturat! Lexa inclina din cap. -Da..dar i am dat drumul. -Ceea ce ma indoiesc ca ati facut. Fara vreun scop. Lexa ii arunca o privire indescifrabila,apoi pe fața ei se citi indiferenta si ceva distant. -Te indoiesti de cuvantul meu? Arina isi miji ochii iritata. Lexa folosise tonul de pământeana impunatoare care era. Arina dadu sa zica ceva insa se abtinu. Avea vaga impresia ca orice ar fi scos pe gura in clipa aia,ar fi fost o mare prostie. Lexa isi lasa parul castaniu sa cada in valuri incalcite pe spate,apoi zise: -In seara asta am sa plec sa imi vad poporul. Sa nu faci prostii. Arina inalta intrebatoare o spranceana,apoi se intinse peste noptiera ca sa ia carpa pe care i-o pusese Lexa sub ceafa,mai devreme. O stoarse in palme,facand apa murdara sa ii se prelinga printre degete. -Nu stiam ca conduci si tu un astfel de sat. Lexa izbucni intr un ras cristalin,de copila. Trebuia sa aiba in jur de 19-20 de ani. Arina putea sa isi dea seama de asta,dupa stralucirea ochilor ei cand spunea ceva ce o facea fericita. -Crede-ma,zise ea cu o voce un pic mai serioasa. Conduc un sat mai mare ca al Anyei. Ceea ce vezi la ea in sat..e mai nimic. Ea conduce doar un mic sat din padurea asta. Le zicem oamenii padurilor. Insa satul meu.. satul meu e urias. Arina isi încrucișa sceptica brațele la piept. Insa Lexa avea cel mai probabil dreptate. Puse de o parte carpa,apoi se aseza cu grija pe marginea patului ei. -Si atunci de ce stai cu noi? Adica cu Anya. -Anya a fost mentorul meu. I am facut o vizita din politete,acum trebuie sa ma intorc la oamenii mei. Arina isi privi mainile asezate in poala,si observa cate taieturi ii aparusera de-a lungul bratului. Cicatrici albe si hidoase,taieturi largi dar inofensive. Acum cateva saptamani,pe Arca,se temea sa nu se taie in hartie,iar acum.. -Deci asta e un adio? Lexa schita un zambet fragil pe buzele ei pline si rozalii,de culoarea primăverii. -Nu,mai degraba un "o sa ne revedem din nou". Arina din Skaikru,zise ea ridicandu-se cu seriozitate in picioare,acordandu-i acestui moment o nota de importanta. Nu esti doar o simpla prizoniera. M am bucurat placut sa vad ca nu esti ca ceilalti din natia ta. Arina ii sustinu incapatanata privirea,apoi fața ii se facu senina. -Asta a fost unul din putinele tale complimente? Lexa ridica usor din umeri. -Se poate spune si asa. Esti ca una dintre noi Arina. Chiar daca e greu de crezut. Anya a avut dreptate cand a decis sa nu te torturam. -Adder a facut-o,sopti Arina timida ducandu-si sovaitoare o mana pe spate,acolo unde inca mai avea loviturile sfichiuitoare ale biciului,imprimate pentru totdeauna in pielea ei. Lexa inghiti in sec,apoi ofta obosita. -Stiu. Dar la noi legea este respectata. Toate chestiile astea pe care le consideri..brutale sau violente..chestiile astea ne ajuta sa supraviețuim. Arina isi ridica curioasa privirea,pierzandu-se in ochii aia albastrii-verzui. -Lexa,incepu ea. Esti o minunatie. Lexa zambi apoi isi dadu ochii peste cap. -Nu ma face sa regret ca te am complimentat. O sa iti dam drumul in curand. Nu merita sa te rapim. Nu ne esti de folos. -Asta chiar a fost un compliment? Asa flirtati voi pământenii? Lexa zambi cu jumatate de gura. -As minti daca as zice nu. -Prefer primul compliment,rase Arina frecandu-si friguroasa palmele intre ele. -Abia astept sa ma intorc la ai mei,continua ea inchizandu-si ganditoare ochii. Lexa ii zambi misterios,apoi sopti. -Si eu. ---- Arina iesi obosita din cortul Lexei,cu gandul la ziua de ieri. Clarke si ceilalti incercasera sa faca pace cu Anya si poporul ei,insa tot planul a esuat. Arina inca era prizoniera Anyei,desi incepea sa creada asta din ce in ce mai putin. Din ce auzisese de la Lexa,Anya avea sa se razbune pentru faptul ca a fost impuscata. La naiba,poate chiar avea sa declare razboi impotriva lui Clarke si a rebelilor. Arina trase adanc aer in piept. Avea nevoie de o mare pauza. Isi facu drum printre sateni ce o priveau precauti. Sari cu usurinta peste niste balti de noroi si excremente de animal,ajungand in piata centrala. Peste tot in jur se puteau auzi strigate fericite,in limba pamantenilor,mame strigandu si copii pe nume,vanzatori incercand sa isi vanda marfa care mai de care mai deosebita..iar apoi era Adder ce statea inmarmurita pe un butuc stramb. Parca toata fericirea din jur palea pe o raza de cativa kilometri in jurul acesteia. Arina se apropie cu pasi tacuti de ea. Ii placea zgomotul pe care il faceau cizmele ei cand paseau pe pamantul noroios. -Buna. Adder isi ridica surprinsa privirea,apoi fața i se destinse intr-un zambet senin dar fals. -Oh,Arina. Ce onoare! Arina ii zambi la randu-i,un zambet adevarat,apoi se aseza pe banca langa ea,avand grija sa lase ceva spatiu intre ele două. Degeaba. Adder micsora distanta dintre ele cu indiferenta. -Vrei sa imi zici..ce s-a intamplat? Adder o privi stupefiata,apoi rase. Avea un raset grosolan dar placut auzului. -Ce sa se intample? Nu s-a intamplat nimic. Vorbea engleza fluent,ceea ce era de mirare. Pentru o clipa Arina isi aduse aminte de privirea plina de nebunie a lui Adder in timp ce o biciuia fara mila,apoi se gandi la Adder cea care si-a cerut scuze si care nu a ezitat sa o salveze de cateva gloante. -Pai,suspina Arina lasandu-si mainile sa ii cada pe banca,nu pari prea fericita. Adder se uita lung la ea,apoi isi lasa parul intunecat sa ii acopere fața. -Eu te-am torturat. Te-am facut de ras. Te-am facut sa suferi. De ce ma ajuti? Esti cumva bolnava? Arina zambi ca pentru ea. Da,tot ce spusese era adevarat. Dar poate ca nu era bolnava. Poate ca..sa ierti in ziua de astazi era ceva anormal. Poate ca blandetea,generozitatea si sufletele bune devenisera un lucru atat de rar in lumea aceasta,incat daca aveai intentiile cele mai bune de pe pamant,lumea te credea un om fals. -Nu,nu sunt bolnava,sopti Arina inchizandu-si cu incetinitorul ochii incercanati. Punea pariu ca cearcanele negre, ce ii atarna sub ochi ca niste pungi intunecate,faceau acum contrast cu ochii verzi,aproape incolori. -Poate doar vreau..pace. Un loc in care sa traim cu totii in armonie. Adder zambi trista la auzul acestor cuvinte,apoi o sfredeli amuzata cu privirea. -Esti o ciudata. Oamenii tai sunt la fel de ciudati? Arina ii intoarse zambetul. -Nu cred. Imi place sa cred ca sunt speciala. -Stiu unde ai putea fi si mai speciala,toarse Adder cu un ranjet necurat inflorindu-i pe buzele subtiri si uscate. Arina isi dadu ochii exasperata peste cap. -Tu tot vrei sa schimbi subiectul. Esti suparata pe cineva? Adder se intuneca oarecum la fața apoi fericirea din ochi ii pali de parca nici nu existase vreodata. -Da. Fu un raspuns extrem de evaziv si de simplu astfel incat Arina se hotari sa nu mai puna intrebari. Adder simti o mana blanda pe umărul ei. Deschizandu-si ochii,o vazu pe Arina îngenunchind langa ea. -Orice ar fi,nu te lasa doborata. Esti Adder. Esti nebuna. Esti puternica. Adder se ridica oftand in picioare,scuturandu-si pantalonii mulati de praf si noroi. Isi trase mai bine corsetul auriu pe piept,apoi isi duse mainile inzorzonate de bratari aurite la colierul stralucitor pe care il purta la piept. -Multumesc,Arina din Skaikru. Arina inclina respectuoasa din cap,apoi o urmari cu privirea pe Adder strecurandu-se agila prin multime ca un sarpe alunecos.
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nancydfan · 25 days
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teamdoofus · 7 years
Two, four, and fourteen for Neirdre! And literally chefs choice from the nsfw questions for Scancy. Just want to hear your thoughts for them lol!
I just decided to answer them all............ whoops......... HOPE THAT’S OKAY.........
2. Who reminds the other to take care of themselves?
deirdre alllllways has to remind ned. ofc she does this chidingly while teasing the shit out of him, but ned always knows she means well, especially when he stumbles across a sweet little note in the lunch she packed for him (even if she later claims to have ~no idea~ what he's talking about
4. Do they like to go in the hot tub together?
YES OMG deirdre is a hot tub sex FIEND. if they made it an olympic sport, she would compete and win! she loves the slightly exhibitionist nature that comes with hot tubs, just a bunch of people relaxing whilst wearing almost nothing... and if you add in pda, what's there NOT to like! (ned is less sure, but he loves her and loves how relaxing those jets are to sit up against-- plus sore muscles on his part always lead to deirdre massages, and those are obviously the best thing ever, especially when there are other people around, it borders on inappropriate, and ned is sweating)
14. What is their go to fast food place?
anyplace, honestly. sure, deirdre might try to pretend that she's super into foodie-esque nancy drew diets, but in all actuality, you give that girl a burger and fries and she is happy (not that she would ever be caught dead in one of those establishments, oh no. ned either goes to get their food from inside and brings it out to the car, or it's drive-through only. although eating in the car together is something that has practically become tradition at this point)
Who is louder?
nancy, but only because a) scott is naturally quiet in bed, and b) he insists on being able to make his woman scream. it helps to soothe his ego, which is basically permanently bruised and in need of stroking
Who is more experimental?
definitely scott. he's older, has more experience, and has been single and involuntarily chaste for years now. yeah, he's getting everything in here just in case this is the last time he's going to see a woman naked outside of his computer screen
Who takes more risks?
they're not really risks to scott, per se, but these things are fairly new to nancy, and yet she adapts like a fucking champ for his sake (and for the sake of great sex). so yeah, nancy for sure.
Do they fuck or make love?
oh good luck getting these two to ~make love. no. they most definitely fuck. if they do make love, it's an accident that they later feel super awkward about
Lights on or off?
eh, there's always a time for lights off (like lbr scott isn't about to go turn a light on just because he starts getting frisky in the middle of the night), but in general he likes the lights to be on, and nancy learns to adapt to just how kinky her boyfriend is
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
hahahaha scott for suuuuuure. I'm pretty sure this is something that happened way more often than expected even at the farm house. that man is probably so used to jerking off to porn given the sad state of his love life prior to nancy's introduction that it feels a little bit like coming home to an old friend when it's just him, his hand, and his computer
Who comes first?
scott usually tries to go down on nancy before they start, but sometimes he just ends up fucking her up against a wall in the heat of the moment and he just doesn't get around to it, in which case, considering how much he loves to make her come at his hands, he just helps her out after to get her to come, too (which ofc also means that if they ever tried to get pregnant, he would insist that, just in case that whole thing about female orgasms helping the sperm out was true, he'd better make her come at least half a dozen times with each fuck session (or at least until nancy begged him to stop)
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
nancy has never struck me as someone who enjoyed giving head (or was particularly good at it, for that matter, sorry nan........), but scott, given his need to prove himself, looooooooves eating nancy out. there's something so exhilarating about hearing her scream, whether it's expletives or his name. so as good as it looks to watch her with his cock in her mouth (his hand tangled in her hair so he can guide her up and down his length), he just prefers making her feel good
Who is more submissive?
even if nancy wasn't, scott has a way of... making sure he gets his way in bed. he's an obviously dominant person in the sack, loves giving orders only for them to be followed, and he loves feeling in control in at least this one area of his life, which ofc means that, the more unstable his life feels, the more dominant he becomes. add in the dirty talking, and yeah. it's basically nancy by default
Who usually initiates things?
ohhh I think it actually depends. when he's working, scott doesn't really think about sex, son Nancy tends to try and pry him away from the computer once she's deemed that he's been working for over twelve hours and this is just ridiculous (sometimes this requires lingerie and/or teasing him until he snaps and feels the need to possessively reclaim her by fucking her up against a wall, hard, but nancy is willing to make such a noble sacrifice for the good of all)
Who is more sensitive?
heh. nancy. and they both know it. which ofc leads to scott trying his damnedest to get her to crack at the most awkward of times, like the chase team is eating dinner and suddenly scott's hand is in her lap and under her skirt and suddenly this is deemed the best time to ask nancy about her life back home while she's just trying so hard to hold it together because scott is an asshole :p
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thebrothershardy · 6 years
So I’m sure your Scott/Nancy piece is a hundred years old (no clue how I missed it cause I ship them so hard!) but I just wanted to tell you how much I love it!! I’ve always meant to make one because my ship has none and your work is so beautiful.
aaaah thank you so much! it’s actually one of my favorite ship aesthetic posts because i love how the colors/pictures all turned out! i had no idea that anybody shipped scancy aside from teamdoofus and i so it’s LOVELY to get a message like this!
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comeherebob · 7 years
More ND fanfic!! Please tag me in some stuff clue crew! Also... if anyone is down to write some Thancy/scancy/ I'm so down!!
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tulip-heroin crystal-acid
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nancydfan · 2 years
As a storm passes through, Scott and Nancy pass the time together in a storm shelter.
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nancydfan · 2 years
do people still make this? LMAO I forgot I had this scheduled on my youtube acct. 
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nancydfan · 3 years
“He may look grumpy on the outside, but make no mistake, he’s grumpy on the inside too.”
- Nancy Drew about Scott Varnell probably
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