#especially after they’re married 🤭
soullumii · 1 year
masked up | joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: joel miller x fem!afab!reader
summary: joel fucks you while wearing his gas mask
warnings/tags: 18+ content MDNI, very self indulgent smut (unprotected piv oops, mask kink 🤭, vaginal fingering, riding joel cowgirl because that is for sure his fav position, little bit of a bulge kink, oral [m receiving]) descriptions of blood and violence, established relationship (married!! whoop whoop!!), making joel call you “my wife” because i’m weak for that shit, soft!joel, protective!joel, this got sappy, pet names galore as usual, NO USE OF Y/N
word count: 4.2k
a/n: i can’t explain how i feel about joel wearing a gas mask. i swear every time he put it on while i was playing tlou pt 1 i moaned /hj. just HEAR ME OUT PLEEK. JUST WATCH THIS (it’s a tiktok edit) OK YOULL UNDERSTAND.
You don’t mean for the mask to become a thing.
But it does. It becomes a Thing™.
It all starts and ends with Joel, like good and bad things usually do. And this thing is no exception.
But it all begins with something bad.
Coming across spores nowadays is few and far between for you. You're not usually on patrol much, your job being to tend to the crops in the greenhouse and feed the livestock. 
Today, though, you’re not so lucky. With Tommy out sick, you’re filling in for him. Thankfully, though, you’re paired with Joel, your very lovely and very experienced in the art of dealing with infected, husband. So you know if you come across spores, your husband will have your back. 
Spores are annoying, but they're manageable with gas masks. When you and Joel enter an abandoned office building on a new patrol route and you catch sight of the little specks floating through the air, you immediately put yours on, Joel doing just the same. 
The floaty fungal fuckers themselves aren't scary, especially not when you have the gas masks to keep you safe. It's just what waits in the shadows that scares you, because where there are spores, there's infected. Lots of them. 
And usually interspersed in that conglomerate of stalkers and clickers are the big, meaty ones. The kind that have been sitting and festering for years. The kind that could literally rip you into pieces, regardless if you have a gas mask on or not. Bloaters, yeah, those big shits. The fucking bane of your existence.
Unfortunately, the one lazing around in this abandoned office building must somehow pick up on your undying hate for them because within minutes of you and Joel looting the place for all it’s worth, it comes clambering out of what used to be a conference room.
It's a big one. Noticeably disgusting, outrageously hideous, growling and slobbering as it slings mycotoxin at you. It's not very fast, and yet it's so fucking terrifying as it lumbers after you, because you know exactly what it’s capable of. 
You're shooting at it with whatever arrows you have left in your backpack (though they’re mostly just bouncing off it’s thick fungal exterior), and Joel's crunching out shot after shot with his shotgun, but neither of you are hardly making a dent.
God, you wish Joel had brought the flamethrower he keeps in his storage room. You’d make a Molotov cocktail, but with the other infected hot on your heels, there's no time. 
A stalker comes crawling out of the shadows behind you, knocking over an office chair in the process, and you whip around to lodge an arrow right between its eyes. Two more come swinging out of nowhere, and you're so focused on trying to get rid of them so that they can't reach you—can't reach Joel—that you don't realize you've left your back unattended until a large, gross excuse for a hand lands hard on your shoulder, lugging you backwards with inhuman strength. 
Joel shouts your name with increased panic, and you hear his gun fire off more rounds into the bloater's back, but it doesn't care, it's hands finding your head and jaw, gripping you so tight you think it might shatter your mandible.
"Joel!" You scream, eyes squeezing shut as the pain in your jaw multiplies.
This motherfucker is about to rip you clean in half—
You think this is it, I'm about to die in front of my husband by being torn from the jaw down, but, thankfully, death never comes. Instead, the bloater releases you with a pained roar as the sound of squelching fills your ears. You manage to back away enough to watch Joel tug the bloater off of you by the handle of his machete, the blade lodged in its chest. 
He pulls the machete out only to swing it down in an arc straight into its head, repeatedly. Blood splatters all over him as he bludgeons the wretched thing. Over his veiny arms, his black mask. It sinks into the fabric of his flannel.
And funnily enough, this is when it becomes a thing.
The bloater crumples to the floor with a gurgling groan as it finally dies, and Joel turns to you, chest heaving and eyes wide and panicked. They soften, relieved when he catches sight of you physically intact, though, mentally a bit checked out.
Whether that’s because you’re in shock or because your brain is rewiring as it files this new image of Joel away, who knows? Maybe it's a little bit of both. 
“Are you okay?" Joel asks, sheathing his machete to look you over. His hands catch your jaw gently, a welcome contrast to the bloater. He turns it this way and that, checking for any damage or possible bites.
A traitorous thrumming starts up between your thighs as he stares you down through the lenses of his mask. 
"I'm fine, Joel," you say, breathlessly. "Thanks."
“Thank god,” he squeezes your arm lovingly, grateful to see you in one piece. “Let’s get outta here.”
- - -
"Do you like the masks?" You ask him eventually, when you're back outside, the setting sun warming you pleasantly as the tall borders of Jackson rise in the distance.
You both took the masks off the minute you escaped the spores, but a part of you secretly hoped Joel would keep his on.
Joel scratches at his graying beard. "They keep us safe. Don't feel much for 'em at all really." He glances sidelong at you, a curious quirk to his lips. "Why?"
You shrug, "No reason."
Just trying to figure out if you'd wear it during sex if I asked you to, that's all.
“Alright, somethin's up," Joel says. "You've got the look.” 
“What look?” 
“The sex look.” 
You halt in your hike, turning to narrow your eyes at him. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
Joel fails to stifle a chuckle. “You’re horny. That’s the face you make when you want to have sex. Like you wanna eat me alive.” 
Shit. He’s found you out.
“How would you know?”
He blinks. “Honey, I’m married to ya. Of course I’m gonna know.”
Valid. Still-
"I’m not horny," you try to defend, though you've never been good at lying, and based on the self satisfied smile Joel wears, you know he sees right through you. "We almost died, Joel. Maybe this is my 'loving every minute of my life' look."
"I know that look. This ain't it."
Jesus Christ.
You sigh heavily. “Okay, yes. Maybe I am a little horny.” 
"Because…what? We almost died? That gets you goin'?" 
"No," you grit. You can’t even look at him when you say it. “It’s the mask.”
His brows knit. “The...gas mask?”
You nod tightly. 
“I don’t think I’m followin’,” Joel says. 
Is he seriously asking you to spell it out for him?
You take a deep, steadying breath. You don’t quite know how to phrase this, so you just go for it. “Watching you save my life in the gas mask just sort of woke something up in me. It was hot.” 
Yup. He definitely thinks you’re crazy.
“So, what, you want me to fuck you while wearin' the mask or somethin’?”
Heat pools heavy and thick between your thighs at his words, your heart hammering behind your ribs. “Something like that, yeah.” 
Joel straightens. “...Okay. I can do that.” 
Your head whips up. “Wait, seriously?”
“You’re my wife. If you asked me to fuck you with a damn jester’s hat on I’d do it.” 
You laugh. “Okay, let’s not go that far.”
“I’d really do it for you.”
“It sounds like you actually want to wear it.”
He chuckles, and you two resume walking back to Jackson. “Alright, so, gas mask on tonight,�� he says. “Any other requests?” 
“Since you’re asking…maybe you could wear a cowboy hat sometime…”
- - -
"Jesus, you're really lovin' this," Joel muses.
You're laid out beneath him in your shared bed, his long calloused fingers deep in your cunt, his thumb circling slowly over your clit, drawing out your pleasure, stretching it like taffy. Your jeans are still on, unbuttoned and unzipped, and your soiled underwear is pulled to the side as Joel’s hands unwind you. 
You're grasping onto his muscled forearm for dear life, moans leaking out of you in a steady stream as he fucks his fingers into you, curling up to stroke that spot that has you clenching down hard on his digits as the burning starts in your toes, climbing up your thighs. 
He looks so fucking good with that mask situated over his handsome face, his peppered hair flipping out over the straps that keep it snug on him. His eyes are dark through the lenses as they watch you unravel before him, almost black from how dilated his pupils are.
His jeans are still on, his erection straining hard against his zipper. The flannel he wore earlier is gone, giving you the perfect view of his toned chest and the dark hair that dusts it. There's still some blood stains on his mask. Every time you catch sight of them, your body ignites with something carnal and hungry.
"’Cause, you look hot," you huff between moans. 
Joel laughs, deep and rumbling, and the mask warbles it a bit, adding a distortion to his voice that for some reason makes everything happening so much hotter. “I still don’t really get it, but if it’s makin’ you this wet, I don’t care.”
You moan particularly loud at the sound of his voice muffled through the mask and cant your hips against his hand, the combination of his thumb circling your clit and his fingers fucking up into you has you dangling dangerously close to the edge.
“I-I’m close, Joel.”
His brows furrow behind his mask, and he quirks his fingers inside you even more, and you jolt against his hand. 
“C’mon then, baby. Come for me. Show me how much this pretty pussy loves this mask.”
Fucking shit. When you first met Joel, he hardly spoke a single word, and even when you got him to open up more, he was thoughtful with what he said, chose his words carefully. Unless he was angry, then he could be a bit of an ass.
In bed though? Shit, if you can get him to shut up it’s a damn miracle.
“F-fuck, Joel,” you whine, legs stiffening as your orgasm swells inside you, a match striking, lighting up your viscera as pleasure fast-releases inside your veins. 
“There you go baby, that’s it,” Joel purrs. “So pretty when you come.”
You inhale shakily as the last few shocks fizzle through you, your clit throbbing as you come down from your high.
“Fuck…” you huff, trying to catch your breath.
He strokes your thigh lovingly, and if you could see him behind the mask you’d assume he’s probably wearing that soft smile that he gets sometimes that melts you into a puddle of mushy gushy feelings.
Joel leans back on his knees. “Now it’s time to deliver on that promise,” he says, and your skin tingles at the sound of his zipper. 
“Wait,” you tell him, and he stops, looking at you in concern.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“No I just…I wanna show you how much this means to me.”
“Me wearin’ this mask? It’s not a big deal-“
You sit up and plant your hands on his chest, pushing him down until his back hits the mattress, effectively shutting him up.
You swing your leg over him, situating yourself right on his lap and peel off your tank, delighting in the way his eyes widen and his hands come down to settle warmly on your thighs. 
The muscles in his arms shift as he squeezes your flesh. The drag of the crotch of his jeans against yours has you biting your lip, a zing of pleasure shooting through you.
Joel’s eyes have darkened behind his mask, his pupils swallowing his irises whole besides the thin circle of hazel remaining at the edges as he watches you.
“I’ve never hated jeans more than I do right now,” he says lowly, his gaze dropping to the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
His strong hands slide up from your thighs to your hips to your waist, his dry, calloused skin causing goosebumps to rise in their wake. Finally, his palms cup your breasts, unrestrained by a bra because they’re too hard to come by in this day and age. 
He squeezes gently, and your nipples tighten beneath his palms. And then he rolls one between his thumb and forefinger, and your back arches, pressing you further into him. Your hips grind down automatically, and Joel releases a hazy moan. 
“Maybe,” you gasp when you roll your hips again, reveling in the delicious friction against your clit. “You should take them off.”
“Yours first.”
You don’t press him on it. You want your jeans off. So you lift yourself off of him and the bed to tug at your zipper, and Joel watches raptly as you pull your skinny jeans down your thighs, kicking them off your ankles.
And then you’re only in your underwear, and you throw your legs astride him again, the cloth of your underwear catching deliciously on the tent in his jeans. Joel’s hands find your body immediately, like a sweet tooth to a chocolate bar. His fingers dig into your flesh, and he grips your thighs, pulling them apart to set you on him fully. A shudder wracks your spine at the feeling of him pressed against your throbbing core.
“Goddamn,” he growls, eyes roving over you hungrily. “So fuckin’ perfect.”
You grind down on the hard outline of his cock, and Joel can’t help his reflexive thrust into you, and you sigh. 
“I need you in me, Joel,” you whisper, leaning forward to plant your hands on his broad chest, your fingers messing with the hair dusting his sternum. “Need your cock filling me up.”
“Christ,” he swears, eyes falling shut as he bucks again. “Need’a be in you, sweetheart.”
His hands find your hips and then your ass, squeezing the muscle cultivated there from twenty years of surviving in an apocalyptic world. 
His fingers dip beneath the waistband of your panties, warm and confident. He lightly rakes his fingernails over your skin, running his calloused fingertips reverently over the stretch marks on your hips. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispers through the mask. “Wish I could kiss you.” 
You shiver and your arms loop around his neck. His back is scarred beneath your hands, and you rub gently into the muscle of his traps, causing Joel to release a groan. 
His hand gravitates from your hips to the apex of your thighs, and your breath catches in your throat at the warmth radiating from his fingers when he positions them just below where you want him most.
He circles your clit again, smooth pleasure seeping through your nerve endings and your head falls back in a relaxed moan. You grind against the hard outline of his cock and the pads of his fingers against your clit, each slow drag of your hips causing pleasure to fizzle through you, like a flavored tab in a glass of water.
Your hands travel down his chest and stomach, outlining the thick, jagged scar there. Over his dark happy trail that starts just above his belly button and leads down to what your body is desperately craving. A little treasure map. 
You deftly undo the button and zipper and Joel makes a wrecked noise in the back of his throat when your hand brushes the hard outline of him through his briefs. 
“Wanna show you how much I like you in the mask,” you purr as you palm him. “How hot it gets me.” 
“Fuck,” his head falls back when you tug him out of his briefs, stroking his thick length to full mast. “Please, baby.”
You inch yourself down his legs so that you’re face to face with his weeping cock. Joel’s eyes widen and his hand comes up to gently stroke your hair appreciatively, tucking a lock of it behind your ear. He looks at you with adoration, and your heart swells in your chest.
“I love you, y’know that?” He says, softly. 
You can’t help but get a bit misty-eyed, always a fan of Joel when he gets soft like this. “I love you, too.” 
He smiles, and glances down at his dick, maneuvering it so that the head skates across your lips, leaving a trail of precum. His heated eyes find yours again. “Go on and show me then.”
“Yes sir.”
You keep eye contact as you lean forward to give his cock little kitten licks, and his head drops against the pillow with a groan, eyes lidded. “Shit, you can’t be lookin’ at me like that.”
You just smirk, and lick a long stripe up a prominent vein and kiss the tip of his cock sweetly before slowly taking him into your mouth. You take in as much as you can (which isn’t much, he’s pretty fucking big), and your hands find whatever you can’t fit.
You start sucking him in earnest, pressing the flat of your tongue against the ridge of his cock, delighting in the way the hand that had softly petted your hair before is now gripping it tight when you tongue that sensitive spot that always gets him reeling.
“That’s it, honey,” he groans, his hips twitching with tiny little thrusts as he tries to hold himself back. “Just like that.”
You moan against his cock, which has him bucking up reflexively, shoving his dick further into your warm mouth. Your throat spasms around the head of his cock when it hits the back of it, gagging lightly and tears forming at the edges of your eyes.
“Shit, I'm sorry, sweetheart,” he says, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumb.
You shake your head slightly in reassurance, moaning around his cock again, and he releases a heavy breath, eyes fluttering shut once more as you continue to suck and bob and lick, effectively ruining him.
“Okay, okay, baby,” he says after a little while, lightly tugging on your hair to try and get you to stop. “I’m gonna come if you keep doin’ that.” 
You release his cock with an audible pop and send him a pout, “But that’s the whole point.” 
He chuckles a bit, sliding the mask off for a second so he can pull you up to kiss you softly, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip. You moan gratefully into his mouth when he tilts his head to deepen it, opening up greedily. As attractive as you find the mask, you certainly do miss being able to kiss him. You sigh happily when he pulls back to mouth at your jaw and throat, sucking and nipping his way down. 
“I wanna be in you when I come,” he murmurs against your skin, voice rough and gruff and you don’t think you’ll ever tire of it. “How’s that sound?”
You moan softly when he bites down on your throat, his beard and mustache tickling your skin. “Sounds…sounds good.”
He gives you another kiss before tugging his mask back down over his head, and your skin ignites, pussy fluttering.
Joel laughs. “I can literally see the cogs in your brain turnin’ when I put this on. You really do like it, huh?”
You shrug with a guilty smile. “The heart wants what it wants.”
And what it wants is him. Real bad.
So you drift a hand down to pull your panties to the side and shift your hips to position yourself over him, the head of his cock catching on your entrance. You sink slowly down, his length filling you.
The two of you moan in tandem.
“There we go,” he sighs.
“Mm, so big, Joel…” you whimper, and his dick jumps inside you.
You both just hang there for a moment, suspended in time as you get used to the feeling of each other. You’ve done this so many times, know each others bodies inside and out, yet it’s still a brand new experience every time.
You always have to adjust to his thickness. 
You break the spell with an experimental roll of your hips, and Joel’s hands clamp down on your hips with a vice grip.
“Christ—“ he swears. “You’re so good, so good for me.”
He’s filling you so fully, so deeply right now, you’re practically speared on him, and each roll of your hips has your clit brushing against his pelvic bone, amplifying that white hot pressure building inside you. 
When you and Joel first started getting intimate together, he was quiet in the bedroom. Probably a bit nervous around you—he was the one that fell first, after all.
But now after years together, he lets it all out.
Grunts and moans leak out of his gritted teeth as you fuck yourself on top of him. He’s dousing you in praises, telling you what a good girl you are. How perfect you are. How lucky he is to call you his wife. 
It’s all so very adorable and very sexy and you just love him so fucking much. 
Joel plants his feet down behind you, just to get some leverage so he can thrust his hips up into you at a steady pace. Your hands find purchase on his chest, keeping you upright while he fucks you.
His large palm slides around the front of your stomach, pressing down, and you can feel the way his cock moves inside you as he does it.
“You see that, baby?” 
You haven’t really looked down, so focused on the way he looks in the mask, how his breaths are coming out heavier and rougher through it. The way he sounds wrecked. But now that he’s asking, you do. 
You look down, only to see a slight bulge in your stomach with each thrust of his hips. 
A pleasant shudder runs through you. “Oh fuck.”
“Love seein’ the way I fuck you,” he rasps.
You watch his cock disappear and reappear with a slack jaw, eyes glazed as his hands stray to your thighs, squeezing and kneading the flesh.
You’re losing strength in your arms, your nails scraping through his chest hair as you try and remain upright, but the effort of matching his thrusts with your own along with the steady ecstasy filling your marrow is enough to have you collapsing against his chest, boneless.
And now Joel can really take the reins. His big hands grip your ass, holding you still as he pounds into you, your cheek smushing against his pecs with each heavy thrust, your clit rubbing against his sweat-slicked skin.
“F-fuck, Joel. Oh my god—“
“Yeah, yeah,” he grunts. “Atta girl.” 
Within moments you’re already there, eyes squeezing shut, brows pulled together in ecstasy as your climax crashes over you in rolling waves. It ebbs and flows within you as you listen to the heated pants modulating through Joel’s mask, watching his eyes gloss over as he chases his own release. 
It’s so fucking good. So right. Your husband never fails to give you exactly what you want.
His thrusts grow sloppier as he follows soon behind you, the fluttering walls of your cunt pulling him over faster.
“I’m comin’,” he grits. And then he’s grinding his cock into your pussy, holding you still against him as he paints your insides with thick ropes of cum, releasing a long, drawn out, wrecked moan of your name.
You lay pliant on his chest, practically drooling on him as you both come down and his cock softens inside you, slick and cum running down the inside of your thighs. His heart pounds under your ear, a steady reminder that he’s alive and here and that you, thank fuck, didn’t die earlier today.
“Thanks,” you mumble against his perspirant skin.
He tugs the mask off, his hair sticking to his sweaty temple. “‘Course, darlin’. Though as hot as that was, I dunno about having sex wearin’ that again. I think I was startin’ to get light headed from the lack of air.”
You giggle, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no. I liked it. But now anytime we have to wear them again I’m just gonna be thinkin’ about this. Gonna get a damn hard-on when I’m on patrol.”
You smirk, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips. He opens up beneath you immediately, moaning softly into your mouth. 
“Maybe that was my goal all along,” you mumble, smiling into the kiss.
He pulls back with a quirked brow and crooked grin. “You are into some sick kinds of torture.”
“I mean, if it gets you coming home to me quicker…”
“Oh I’ll be comin’, alright.”
Your face scrunches. “God, you’re sick. Why did I even marry you?”
His eyes melt, one hand squeezing your ass cheek, the other stroking your jaw. “Because you love me.”
That causes tears to well in your eyes again, because despite everything, despite all the fucked up things about this world, you do love him. You’re capable of loving him. And you’re grateful that, even with the terrible way life has treated him, he’s capable of loving you too.
“Yeah, I do,” you say.
He kisses you again, sweet and passionate and filled with all the things he never knows how to say. “I love you, too.”
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banquetwriter · 2 months
this flopped the first time so i’m reposting. rick grimes nsfw alphabet lmk if y’all want other characters or sfw version !!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
tbh he is very sleepy and giggly almost? if he is comfortable enough to HAVE sex he is definitely giddy afterwards. we see this at the cdc when him and Lori fuck in the shower. he is very kind to you and def cleans you up afterwards 🤭🤭 he is def filling a glass of water and getting you some food. and forget it if YOU make him food after sucking his soul out this man will go on his hands and knees and eat you instead.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on you/ partners i think it’s like your torso, not necessarily your tits (🤭) but like your hips to your collar bones. that’s where your heart and lungs are so he can see and hear you being alive, plus he would love to rub his hands up and down your body while kissing your neck. i think for himself rick would be really proud of his arms, he likes to wield an axe for so long and is a fit guy so his arms are big or at least really toned.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i think deep down he would love cream pies, just watching his seed slowley ooze out of your body. but he knows that’s not always safe to do especially in the world you live in, so a second best is your hips area. as far as your cum is concerned he wants it in his mouth asap. he would DRINK that shi 🙏🏻🙏🏻 he can’t deny your fluid flushing on his cock is hot too tho
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he really likes it when you act all innocent-housewife-bimbo (obviously he likes strong women and would prefer you to be strong 95% of the time.) but having you be all fake innocent would send him nuts, just teasing him while cooking in short clothes, or pretending to “clean” his pants by getting on your knees and rubbing. he would never outright tell you he likes it but you can def tell when you do that he loves it
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
we know canonically he has done s t u f f with other girls before from his convo with shane. he didn’t go very far with it, but i’m assuming he wasn’t a virgin when he married lori. they get married super young so i think it was just one another girl he had been with. probably somthing like in highschool or right before meeting lori. and since he did have a wife for many years before you he would know a lot about female bodies even if they aren’t all the same, i think he would have a few tricks he knows 🤭🤭 he wouldn’t care how experienced you were tho. as long as you love him and only him that’s all that mattered to him, unless your ex lover was with the group he would get hella jelly
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i’m gonna say missionary but not in a vanilla way really if that makes sense? like i think being able to see his dick just disappear in your hole (yes you can get it in the back hole in missionary) he would love to have your legs around his neck as he held them with his arms being able to fuck you even deeper. i would also see him loving holding your hands during more intimate sex. as much as he hates to admit it he IS insecure about stuff including his relationship (lori and shane stuff yk :< ) so being able to hold your hand would reaaallllyyyy heal him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i don’t think he is super goofy during sex, like i don’t think he is necessarily making jokes but if you do or something funny happens he would def laugh and crack that beautiful smile of his. i think before and def after he would make some snide jokes or somthing just bc he feels hella proud of benign able to fuck you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
carpet def match the drapes, as he gets older and grays more they def wouldn’t match as well as he ages but that doesn’t matter a lot tbh. as far as amount of hair he doesn’t have like a ton on his chest or back or anything but def has a happy trail. ofc since he is in the apocalypse he is NOT shaven a lot of the time but i think ever so once n a while he trims yk? makes sure it’s decent looking. he does not give a FUCK wether or not you shave. he is used to girls (and boys yk🤭) shaving but he will care if you choose not to bc like he is gonna go ravage on you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i can see him being kinky and intimate. i think he would def love to choke and fuck you roughly and stuff but i can also see him just needing you. to again hold your hand and take you sllloooowww. he definitely a big kisser and would love to just cum inside you as he would bassicly attach himself to your face. rick is a very loving person and that would def reflect in your sex lives.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i don’t think he has ever been the type to jack off a lot even when he was a teen it just wasn’t somthing he did allll the time. i think he def did it. I mean who doesn’t really ? especially when his and lori’s relationship starts to fall apart pre-apocalypse he would do it more since they probably weren’t too eager to give carl a sibling lol. and also until the prison he probably wouldn’t, but yk after he gets some walls and a safe place he would do it as a stress reliever.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
definitely choking, whether it was rough or more like slow and soft he needs his hands on your throat. it’s just a big display of dominance he craves to show over not only you but anyone else. he is a pretty possessive guy with his stuff (including you) and he isn’t about to let anyone take you away, not that you would let them rick is a fierce partner hehe
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
def in a house and by that i mean every surface in his house 🤭 the table, counter, couch, bed, and shower it doesn’t matter. ofc since the walkers and stuff you guys don’t have a safe place to do it half the time i think at night whenever you two could maybe do some mouth stuff would just have to do. he wasn’t willing to leave the group for privacy he cares too much but nothing is gonna get in between him and his person. i think on runs would be the only time you two could really go at it go at it and even then it was much more a quickie than a full love making session until y’all got to the prison and alexandria ofc.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
ik it sounds cheesy but just the thought of you being HIS and no one else’s does a LOT for him trust. seeing you read to baby judith or teaching carl how to do somthing really gets this man thinking. ofc seeing you being a fucking badass you are out in the world also does somthing to him. and ngl i think this man has a slight brat tamer thing so you being sassy would also give him the perfect opportunity to be dominate 😾
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
absolutely anything that had to do with bodily fluids that weren’t like cum and spit. that means i don’t think he would be into blood or anything. like i said he is rough but he isn’t violent yk? doesn’t behind some bruises from his grip or an occasional slap. and maybe the odd scratch on you (but he would much prefer scratches on his own back not yours) so anything really violent he has seen enough of that for a lifetime he doesn’t want to genuinely hurt you ever even if you asked.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
ok obviously rick would love it if you went down on him. mouth slobbering all over his cock as your head dipped down. it however was not his favortire thing ever. he would never ever say no but he would much rather his face be underneath you. or you on the counter legs spread, or underneath you when your supposed to be cooking. i would say yes for oral but prefers giving than receiving it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
so i’ve already talked a lot about this i think he would love rough sex, i think he would would prefer it slower- that definitely doesn’t mean he wouldn’t love to ram into you as fast as he can lol. i just think for the majority of the time slower is more his speed no matter how rough he is being with you. but i think his lovey side does come out more when you two have had a DAY n he just wants some good old loving from you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
it’s usually all you two can get it half the time but i think when he is younger he prefers non-quick releases. although the older he gets especially in alexandria and after even into the crm he is waaaaaay more into them. if you know each other in crm i can imagine making you suck him off in gear before training. i think rick becomes a very different person later in life and that makes him a bit meaner when it comes to stuff.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i think he is willing to take some risks but NOTHING that would ever leave his group in harm including you, i mean his kids are in the group yk? so nothing that would leave them alone or unprotected really. i also don’t think he is super into other objects either, he wouldn’t care if you liked to use toys but i think he prefers giving you pleasure than something else yk? i think silk or rope would be fine for tying you up but no paddles or anything really yk? i’m rambling but i think he would think about anything you asked but maybe not actually do most of them.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he is a really strong guy and even when he gets older i don’t think that will affect his stamina a super ton until he really starts getting up there in age yk? that being said i don’t think his sex staminism would be that big just bc i think after ljke maybe 3 rounds he wants to relax and cuddle with you <3 but he cannot resist you begging him for something which includes you asking and begging for more. he is more than comfortable to give you as many orgasms as he can physically. ik it sounds crazy but 7 and he absolutely done. he is seeing white and stars at that point and as much as he loves you, he cannot go further 😭😭
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
again like no basically 😭😭 again if you asked him he would def use them on you but probably NOT for very long and would use them as punishment tbh. ik that’s not exactly what most people wanna hear but he also like doesn’t use them either 🫡🫡
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh he LOVES being teased lemme tell you. he would love your soft “innocent” touches. bending over etc etc. he would love your teasing so fucking much, and even better what he gets to do about your teasing. now i don’t he would do it often but when he does tease you rick grimes is one cheeky mf. maybe taking his shirt off when doing some of his gardening 👀 a possible lick of his lips 👀 perhaps a little fingers up your shirt 👀 little does he know everything he does turn you on
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I think he would LOVE you making sounds of any kind. but moaning his name would drive him a new kind of crazy 😭 as far as he goes he is definitely a grunt-er a few moans when he cums but as far as noises when he finally pushes into you and finishes are the most noise he makes. as far as talking and stuff i think he would love talking you through it. i think it’s mostly for his benefit seeing your eyes go glossy and dumb as his praise.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
one time and only once he watched you change one time before you two were any sort of official. he did not mean to intrude and god did he feel awful about doing it but you had your back turned and he saw your back and ass completely naked and it turned him on more than he cares to admit. before that he had obviously noticed your beauty and skill but that’s the moment when he could no longer handle staying away from you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
rick is average sized guy on the shorter side and i think he would also have an averaged sized member as far as length would go. girth ways i think he is a little thicker than normal, no reall curve you can see even when he is hard yk? i can see his cock being darker in color than some others not from being dirty but just naturally yk? he had a lot of muscles even if he isn’t like “built” like daryl or tyrese or sum. he has a strong tummy tho which you love to kiss and it actually makes him fall so in love with you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
so since he is a full grown man he isn’t like a horny teenager he wouldn’t be like foaming 24/7 and especially since he is a leader and leads a very scary stressful life he wouldn’t be super horny a lot yk? that doesn’t mean he DOESNT get turned on by you on runs and stuff but like he isn’t thinking about it all the time. but the more you too get serious the more he wants you. i think it’s his deep primal need to have his kids protected that drives him bc like seeing you protect his family that’s now your family oh lord i hope you have a pack of condoms ready.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
so like i said he isn’t like too many rounds with you so after the normal like 3 he would def prioritize cleaning you up then himself then honk shooooo for this old man fr. i think he would def wake up in the middle of the night bc he is used to not getting sleep so he would wake up to see you in his shirt and he would just silently stroke your cheek and just admire you :)
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bleach-your-panties · 4 months
Tapping in for the v-day event…can I get tsukki for letters E, I, M and L pls🤭
For Tsukki-poo, you sure can, bby!🧡
(I love this gif of him - that's when he felt it. That's how it feels to be a winner, boy!😤)
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❥⋱Kei Tsukishima:
❥⋱E - Entice: What scents turn him on? Your perfume/cologne maybe? Does he like scented candles, incense, etc.?
Tsukki would love strawberry-scented candles because he loves strawberry shortcakes. I can see him liking any candles that smell like a bakery: vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, pumpkin spice. He likes those candles that smell exactly like cupcakes.
But on YOU, he likes only vanilla scents. 
“Smelling so damn good, making me think I should just eat you up. Maybe I will.”
He will bury his face between your neck and shoulder and kiss/lick you there to see if you taste as good as you smell. Which will then probably lead to him eating you out, claiming he needs to test his ‘theory’ in other areas of your body.
❥⋱I - I Love You: When did he first say ‘I love you?’
Now, with him, you know it took him some time because he’s a difficult bitch. Also, he didn’t really believe that someone like you could love someone like him because of his rude, snarky personality.
It’s true; when you met him in high school, you couldn’t stand him at first because of his attitude. The teacher assigned you both a group project and you both were thinking the same thing about each other: ‘they’re going to try to make me do all the work’
He didn’t like you, either, because you made him feel things other than irritation and self-doubt. That scared him.
Tsukki also had problems with trusting people due to his issues with his self-esteem and self-confidence. When you started showing interest in him, he just assumed that you were ‘trolling’ him. So, surprise surprise, when you told him that you liked him, he didn’t believe you.
After a while, once he saw that he wasn't getting rid of you anytime soon, he began to believe in the idea of someone genuinely loving him in a romantic sense.
You were the first to make the confession, to which he smirked cockily and put a hand atop your head.
"I love you, too, shrimp."
❥⋱M - Marry: How does he feel about marriage?
He wants to get married, but doesn’t feel like he’ll be good husband material; it’s difficult for him to express his emotions, okay? Tsukki knows that he loves you and you love him, but despite his aloof demeanor, he feels an immense feeling of insecurity when it comes to his love life. 
He feels that honestly you could probably do better than him, but after a while of dating you and spending nearly every waking moment together when he’s not studying or at volleyball practice, he begins to really see just how much you truly care for him.
Which is why after he scored the winning point for his end-season game as middle blocker for the Sendai Frogs, he bent down on one knee right there in the middle of the court. Everyone was already watching him anyway, so why not?
He debated waiting until after you both graduated college to ask you to marry him, but he figured why wait when you’ve remained by his side, supporting him and encouraging him for all of high school and then the majority of your college years?
You could hear his friends, teammates, mother, and especially his older brother, Akiteru, in the background cheering:
“That’s my little brother! The tall one, with the glasses! My little brother is getting married!”
❥⋱L - Lotion: Massage time! What kind of lotion, how does he massage you, or you to him!
Now you know if anybody is going to be massaging anybody, you're going to be massaging him!
His excuse is that his muscles ache after practice and he's not going to let anyone other than you put your hands on him in such an intimate manner. He also refuses massages from the team's specialist, which has gotten him scolded a couple of times.
Why let a stranger touch him when his beautiful fiancee can do that? Plus, afterward, he gets to fuck you. Win-win for him.
He'll probably choose just a simple massage cream with a neutral scent or one of your vanilla-scented body lotions since he likes them so much.
While you're massaging him, he'll be smirking and making perverted little comments to make you flustered, especially when you get to his thigh/groin area.
"Getting a little close to my dick there. Is someone needy tonight?"
valentine a-z © bleach-your-panties 2024. do not steal, repost, or upload my shit to tiktok! comments appreciated. reblogs always welcome.
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Aragorn
a/n: thank you @emmaarenstarr​ for requesting this and sending me back into my Aragorn era 🤭🤭 I’ve loved this man for SO long that I basically feel like I know him at this point...so this will be LONG and hopefully okay. 😂💙 let me know how you liked it, I really treasure all of your comments, and reblogging my work is always especially appreciated!! lots of love 💖
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He is very affectionate but in a very subtle way - a hand on your back in passing, a kiss to your temple, longing gazes across the room… he is very respectful but still likes to show you that he loves you in a physical way as well. He is affectionate to his friends, let alone his romantic partner! His go-to in public is a quick kiss to the back of your hand, but in private he could kiss you on the lips for the rest of time.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Loyal to the end, protective, honest… and it would be a long lasting friendship. I imagine you’d meet either during some of his “missions” as Strider, or maybe even in Rivendell as he was growing up; definitely way before the whole One Ring adventure. Even while you drift out of and back into each other’s lives due to different circumstances, the friendship never fades away. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) He isn’t particularly inclined to cuddling because he’d always lived on-the-go and pretty independently. He doesn’t dislike cuddling, he is just pretty neutral. If you like it or suggest it, he will definitely do whatever is in his power to bring you joy; also he is very intuitive and he can guess when you need it after a particularly demanding day. In those situations he will gladly be the big spoon or, even better, lie on his back and just let you drape yourself over him in any way you please.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Eventually he does want to settle down - he’d had his fair share of wandering around and not having one set place to call home - but he’s certain that you are his home. He’s decent at cooking relatively simple stuff and he obviously does it well enough to keep himself alive and strong. Cleaning isn’t his strongest suit, I mean… it’s difficult to keep things clean when you basically live on dirt roads and forests, and then later when you become King, you don’t really need to clean… 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) only thinking about this is detrimental to my mental health… straight to the point, as rational as possible, and put together, but he feels incredibly guilty when he sees the defeated look in your eyes, and he genuinely wishes nothing but the very best for you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Aragorn is a certified slow burn king, he is very committed in a relationship and he would never entertain the thought of being with someone if he didn’t see it working in the long run. He would surely want to figure out as many things as possible before getting married and he would want to ensure that he can give you the best possible life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) For somebody who is an amazingly skilled warrior and terrifying to his enemies, privately he is a very gentle man because with you he can let go of the constant caution and he doesn’t have to be on edge all the time. It actually fascinates you how different he can be in different settings. Emotionally as well, he is very loving and wagers his words a lot; it literally seems that he always says the right thing at the right time.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) For Aragorn hugs are a way of making sure you’re there and safe and okay, and they’re a great remedy for stress and tiredness. Bone crushing hugs after a dangerous situation include him burying his face in your hair or neck and holding onto you for dear life. His hugs are very comfortable - somehow he is always warm, and there’s probably a height difference so you can tuck your head underneath his chin. Again, he’s not too big of a fan of overt displays of affection, but when he comes into your shared quarters after a long day, you can always count on at least one proper hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Slow. Burn. King. Surprisingly or not, you were the first one who hinted at those kinds of feelings between you two! After the first confession, he doesn’t say it too often in those exact words - they’re very special and sacred to him. However, he makes sure you know you’re loved in many other ways. For example, he can be very romantic and even poetic with his compliments and he will do anything for you, without you having to ask. I’d say his love languages are most likely acts of service and quality time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Aragorn is literally not jealous at all - his trust in you is unwavering and he is confident that you love him and are committed to him. Rather he gets concerned if he thinks that someone is pestering you or making you uncomfortable and then he steps in if things start to escalate. To an outsider he will seem very cool and collected when he stands up for you, but you can read him better than that.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) He is a classically romantic man and there’s nothing better to him than a full-on love-packed kiss on the lips!!! Which is mostly saved for behind four walls. His kisses are always slow and thorough, he takes his sweet time showing you love, and one of his hands always winds up in your hair to pull you in even closer. Due to a height difference it’s also very convenient for him to kiss you on the forehead or your hair, whereas public settings and occasions call for something more subtle, like a swoon-worthy kiss on the back of your hand, which is often held in his. His absolute weakness is when, during more intimate times, you kiss him right under his jaw or on the neck. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) To be fair, he hasn’t had too much experience being around kids, and he is mostly neutral - not good, not bad, he just thinks they’re okay. He’d be protective due to his nature, but that is about it. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Before you he used to be a man who’d just get up and start his day immediately (if he’d even got proper sleep at all), but after you got together that aspect of his life changed greatly. He is unbelievably cuddly in the mornings and he likes to just wrap himself around you as much as possible and relish in that skin-to-skin contact while still being half asleep. You treasure those moments a lot, because ruling a kingdom is insanely hectic, and having him all to yourself in comfortable silence, or soft whispering, is priceless.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Sometimes you must attend balls and dinners, which isn’t exactly on the list of his favorite activities, but having an arm around you and seeing you looking so royal and gorgeous and vibrant makes it much more bearable. The kinds of nights and evenings that he prefers, though, is when the two of you can just escape for a little bit from the hustle and bustle, and spend some time in nature. He can still sometimes miss the kind of life he’d had as a ranger, so you occasionally make an effort to steal him away and go exploring a forest or just camp out under the stars. He appreciates it more than he’ll ever be able to say.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Many times we’ve established that he takes things slow most of the time, and here it’s no different. Furthermore, he is very in touch with his emotions and, while he still has struggles and doubts about a plethora of things, he is really good at sorting them out on his own. Occasionally you have to push him a little bit to confess some things to you (just because he doesn’t want you to worry about anything), but other than that he has no trouble revealing anything. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) It really takes an extreme situation for him to get angry; he sometimes gets just a bit frustrated if he cannot change something for the better, and he feels like he should be able to.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) His memory is impeccable, especially when it comes to “big” things and events, but sometimes details slip his mind, such as your favorite flower or dessert, but don’t hold it against him - he needs to process too much information on the daily. Actually it is a bit funny when he gets something wrong, like the favorite color for your new cape, because he gets unusually embarrassed and flustered , which is oddly funny to see on him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) While he treasures everything and anything, if he had to pick just one moment, it would be when you first verbalized your feelings for him. The two of you had been friends for ages, secretly pining for one another, but nobody spoke up for a while. Until once he was patching up an injury of yours and you didn’t have the clearest mind and weren’t fully aware of your words and surroundings… thus, things happened. He wasn’t really sure whether he should trust your clouded judgment and slurred words, but he decided to follow his heart and finally pursue you romantically. The fact that he could have lost you that day just cemented what he thought he felt for you, and he kind of criticized himself for not acting on his feelings way earlier. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Aragorn is very very protective in any way you can think of, it’s just who he is. One of his biggest fears is something terrible happening to you, and he will act out immediately, maybe sometimes even a bit rashly, if he senses that might be the case. You know he means well and usually you let him, although he has so much respect for your independence and knows you can handle many things on your own, but it just makes him feel like he’s “doing a good job” in at least one aspect of your relationship. You have almost never needed to protect him physically, for him it’s more than enough when you hear him out about something and even advise him about what might be the healthiest option for him - basically you protect him against burnout and overworking as much as you can.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Aragorn is sort of in the middle of the spectrum - he doesn’t get you all the stars from the sky, but also he is never careless and he doesn’t take you for granted. Sometimes you give him hints about what you would like as a present or a date idea, and he’s intelligent enough to pick up on it immediately, and you’re both okay with that. Every now and then he goes out of his way, as much as circumstances permit him to, but one of your ways of showing him that you love him is when you take charge of planning an activity for the two of you, getting him a meaningful present, or just pampering him a little bit because honestly he deserves that sometimes. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He takes up entirely too many responsibilities upon himself and he tends to feel too responsible for others’ actions if he’d maybe been the one advising them or helping them in some way… and then he will feel bad if something goes wrong for somebody else because maybe he could have done something differently and the outcome would have been better.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Have you seen him - this man literally doesn’t care. Obviously it stems from way before he was King, but eventually he has to start paying more attention to it, and he appreciates your comments and input about his looks and clothes. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Not really, no. He’s fully used to being alone and is extremely self-sufficient in more ways than one. However, it’s undeniable that you bring great joy into his life and make it more rich and vibrant.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Hear me out… his morning voice is something else. That is all I’m going to say. (may the unholy thoughts begin)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) People who don’t stick to their word, break promises and things like that. He tries his hardest to honor the things he says and believes in, and that is also a personality trait that he really appreciates in other people.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) He is an incredibly light sleeper and he doesn’t need a lot of sleep to function properly. He prefers that you fall asleep first as he watches over you. However, sometimes you have to all but force him to go get some proper sleep during some extra busy and taxing days, and then you run your fingers through his hair as he drifts off to sleep.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll ​
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sugar-omi · 8 months
omg ok so I kno u busy rn w ktober but like I just had a thought and I want u to hear it 🤭
high libido!mc who is sexually frustrated because cove is away on a business trip and no matter how hard they try mc just can’t get themselves off
like hand or toys just can NOT do it for them because they’re so used to having cove around to help them and nothing can compare to him
and cove comes home from his business trip and finds them desperately masturbating on the bed, crying from frustration and they’re like
“this is ur fault I can’t cum without u” w big watery eyes and a pout and yeah cove takes them right there 🫣 he prolly moaning in their ear abt how he missed them too
help the period horny is so crazy rn ur rlly feeding me w kinktober take care don’t burn urself out trying to keep up w the numbers 🫶🏽
AWE TYSM🫶🫶 im pre-writing some stuff n a lotta stuff is already written, plus i can tell you rn the ones w multiple boys for example will be short, so i'll be okay!!! ty for thinking abt me tho thats so sweet <333 MWAH also period horny is so different... thats fueling me rn
especially after the first time they have sex, like the patreon moment or the time they go all the way especially
its so hard now that you've had a taste of cove, his fingers, tongue, his dick. even though he's not skilled he's still so cute, and the experience is so intense since he's your lover
you'd actually give him a confidence boost n yk how cove gets kinda sassy sometimes, like for example say at fond when he jokes abt marrying liz? he's like that for hoursss
sometimes he remembers seeing you so desperate on the bed, your toys abandoned at your side and your fingers making work of your sex but you're so unsatisfied, even if you finish it doesn't feel as good as when cove makes you finish
n he'll tease you when he finally fucks you, between him fingering n giving you head and now mocking you with "aw, is this what you've been waiting for~?", you're brought to tears
pls this is so good... he'd hold you from behind or lean over you, holding your hands, and tells you how pretty you are, how much he missed you, how he wished you were there to get him off after a stressful business dinner with some big client.
even if you sext or call n have phone sex, it's just not the same n makes you guys miss each other so much more...
please you unleashed my biggest brain worms
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darkestspring · 2 years
If you don't mind, could you write more Yandere husbands Aegon1 and Maegor? I can't help but say that your articles are really great. I especially love your posts about Aegon1 and Maegor.😍😻I often check if you post something new. Sorry if I'm requesting too much Aegon1 and Maegor.🤭🤗
thank you for your kind words!!! also it’s definitely okay!!! i love writing for aegon i and maegor, they’re so interesting. i hope you like it!
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Aegon I “The Conquerer” Targaryen
Aegon often made it a point of gifting you things you hadn’t even known you wanted or needed. It was part of his charm. He wanted you to think of him when you gazed at the objects. Just as you plagued his every thought.
“My heart.” He’d whisper as he pressed kisses to your neck, his hands roaming incessantly, indecisive on where he wants them most. “My lovely wife.”
“Aegon.” You sighed in return, one hand resting at the base on his neck and then other at his back. It was times like these that you adored the most.
He was a charming person, ruthless at time and capable of great violence to defend those he loves but he was so... gentle with you. He never hesitated to show you his adoration.
So, it wasn’t a surprise that you’d soon find yourself pregnant. You had begged the maester to keep it a secret for a little longer, you wished to tell your husband all on your own.
You were lucky they had even agreed, you knew it was a bad idea for this to be kept a secret. Aegon would execute the maester if he knew, but you were also good at keep secrets.
“My love, come sit.” You invited him as he entered your shared chambers. He smelled of dragon, no doubt he had just come from going on a ride. “There is exciting news.” You smiled at him.
“Oh?” He was intrigued as he walked closer to you, his hand touched your cheek briefly as he scanned your face for any sign of what was to come. “Do tell me, my dearest.”
You smiled up at him in elation before grabbing his hand and pressing it against your stomach. “Aegon, I’m with child. Our child.”
His heart swelled, oh how he waited to hear such wonderful news. Proof of your love, a token of it. His baby. “Oh, my love.” He reached down to kiss you with such passion. “I’m so... happy. You make me so happy.”
Maegor “The Cruel” Targaryen
Life seemed to go fast with Maegor after you both married, of course his acts of violence and murder gave you migraines that led you into arguments about whether such acts were truly necessary.
You did not wish for a life filled with enemies, what kind of life would you be giving your baby.
Which is why when the maester told you the news of your pregnancy, you panicked. You barricaded yourself in your room, refusing maids and Maegor’s requests to see you.
How could this be? Of course, you were forbidden from taking moon tea, so it would have happened at some point but now? When Maegor was already hated and feared. You were well loved for your kindness and benevolence. The people adored you but they hated Maegor.
“Oh baby.” You weeped as you placed a hand on your stomach. A part of you was elated but so utterly terrified. You thought of escaping.
Of leaving and going to Essos, or Dorne. But the thought only left you with a pang of guilt. You hated his actions but you didn’t hate Maegor, you could not abandon him as his wife.
So, you finally decided to see him. Would something change when you told him of your state. “My husband.” You called out to him as you saw him.
“Mmm, my wife.” Maegor got up with calculating steps and walked closer to you with strange calmness. “My lovely, recluse wife. Have you stopped hiding finally? Have you come to express your joy over my child that grows within you?” He smiled, almost like he had won.
You were necessarily shocked or surprised that he knew, the maesters could not keep a secret from their cruel king.
“Yes, I am overjoyed.” You admitted, your hand touching your stomach. “But what danger will my child face? Can you promise that no harm will become of them?”
“With my entire heart. Whoever seeks to harm my wife and child will simply burn.” He spoke with nonchalance as he hugged you close.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 10 months
I apologize if it would be too much, but would you be willing to do a Butch Alphabet (Either SFW or NSFW)? I've recently begun to play Tale of Two Wastelands and remembered how much I love that dolt
Butch SFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.4k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic ➼ A/N » Same tho 🤭 greaser's always get me
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Butch is especially affectionate in public. He's always got his arm thrown around you, either around your shoulders or your waist, he always manages to find a way to snake it around you. He loves anything physical and is not afraid to show off your and his relationship while fucking up a group of ferals.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts rocky, with him having no boundaries on what is and isn't rude to do. You'll have to really stay committed before he loses some of his old habits, but once you do, he's the best friend anyone could ask for, always ready to jump someone if they say the wrong thing to you. He's not scared to get a little aggressive if the situation ever called for it.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He's a huge cuddler! He loves to snake his arms around you and pull you closer to his chest at night while the two of you fade deeper into sleep. He always insists on being the big spoon, he just adores pressing his face into your hair, it makes him feel safe and comforted.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
For right now, no. He's young and he still has places outside the vault he wants to visit. He doesn't want to stay cooped up in a home somewhere, he'd rather go exploring while he's still physically able. He's pretty mediocre at household chores anyway, the whole thing would end in disaster.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Rudely. He'll list off every single reason why he decided to break up with you and that'll just be the end of it.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Butch is terrified of commitment and would rather take his time before fully jumping into marriage. He's not even sure if he wants to get married. He's just going to avoid the topic entirely if he can.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's a lot more gentle than you'd think, always asking how you're doing and speaking to you in the softest tones. He might put on his big bad greaser persona most of the day, but underneath it all, he's full of affection.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He'll hug you as often as he can! His hugs are always firm and passionate, with him holding you against his body as he rests his head on your shoulder or forehead. He's always sure to flex a little as he does so just to show off some of his muscles.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Way faster than he likes to admit. He says it almost immediately after the two of you get together. This is the only long-term relationship he's ever had in his life and has no filter or idea of when he should tell you he loves you, so he just ends up doing it right off the bat.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets jealous fast and isn't shy about it. He'll cross his arms and puff out his chest as he saunters toward whoever's making him feel that way and talk down to them. Butch is very confident in himself and depending on if the guy is disrespectful toward you or not, you might have to hold him back from knocking him clean out.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Aggressive and sloppy. If he's kissing you then it'll be a full makeout session, there's no room for the slow and sensual stuff when you're 19 and in love.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Really good? The kids in Little Lamplight love him because of how easily they manage to piss him off (they think it's funny), and they seem to have slowly grown on Butch. He's always looking out for kids, especially troublemakers, they remind him of himself and he knows exactly what they need to hear.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Scavenging and exploring. He likes how all the buildings look with the sun rising behind them, and he's so excited to be able to wander through the entirety of DC with no restrictions.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He loves finding the nearest bar, sitting in a booth with you, and drinking till one of you vomits or falls asleep. It doesn't even have to be a big social event, just the two of you drunkenly giggling in a corner while you share a bottle of whiskey is good enough for him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Since you grew up with him, there isn't too much for him to open up about, but every once in a while when he's drunk, he'll confess something to you that you hadn't known before.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has a lot more patience for you than he does for other people. He'll start arguments with others if they get on his nerves, but he'll just ruffle your hair and shrug his shoulders for you.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
It's half and half with him, sometimes it'll stick, sometimes it won't. If he wants to know, he'll just ask again.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There was this one night where the two of you were in Big Town and the residents there taught you both old card games they used to play when they were younger. You and Butch spent the entire night with them trying to figure out the rules (you're both still confused, but it was still fun!)
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Butch is overly protective over you, any wrong look your way has him marching his way over and asking if there's a problem. Any issue you've got he'll take care of, don't worry you're sweet little head over it.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
None 💀. He hardly even remembers his own birthday, although, he'll give you a sweet roll on your birthday just to make up for how he acted on your 10th, but that'll be the end of it.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He snores really loudly and will sometimes just whip his thing out and pee. Nothing horrible, but it can be slightly annoying.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He takes his appearance VERY seriously. His hair's gotta be perfect, otherwise, he's not going.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yeah. The two of you grew up together, and while you might not have been friends, you were still a big aspect of his life. He'd just feel lonely without you there, it's not the same hanging out with people who haven't ever stepped foot in a vault, and he likes how familiar you are to him.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's constantly on the lookout for any snakes. He really likes them and is praying that he'll see one in the tall grass or near a river or something.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't hate many things, but he sure as hell can't stand when you get overly touchy or flirty with another person, especially another guy. It ticks him off and makes him think you don't really want to be around him in the same way he does for you.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He goes to bed at 12:00 and usually wakes up around 7:00, although, on special occasions, you might find him drinking till 4 or 5 in the morning and waking up whenever.
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thosehallowedhalls · 3 months
Home Without, Part 4
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~2000
Summary: Trystan and Emma have cut off all contact. Will they finally move on?
A/N: We've made it to the final part! I hope it does justice to the previous three. Thank you all for following Trystan and Emma on this little adventure. They only needed a little competency to unlock this AU 🤭
Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge, prompt: I never thought I'd see you again. @choicesficwriterscreations
Series masterlist
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And then she does what she should have done from the beginning: she blocks his number.
This whole debacle has made one thing abundantly clear: she can’t move on if the temptation to contact him is always there. And she thinks the same applies to him. So really, she’s doing them both a favor.
Which is not to say it doesn’t hurt like hell.
But she doesn’t cry. She won’t let herself cry. Trystan was always going to marry royalty. At the very least, an aristocrat like Juliana. Isn’t that why she ended their relationship in the first place? Still, she might as well have stayed in Drakovia for all the distance she put between them over the past two months. She only has herself to blame for where she is now.
Never too late to rectify things, she decides, ignoring the little voice in her heart that whispers it won’t be so easy as all that.
If she thought that Trystan’s name and face were everywhere upon his recoronation, it’s nothing compared to what an all but confirmed royal engagement does. A handsome prince and a beautiful princess are tabloid catnip, especially with Trystan’s storied history to spice things up. The whole world can’t seem to get enough of him.
Emma can relate.
To combat it, she devotes herself to her work with renewed zest. She doesn’t check any social media, and she avoids looking at any and all magazine stands. She lasts four days before she cracks and, in a jumbled mix of morbid curiosity and jealousy, googles Trystan’s would-be fiancée. She spends fifteen minutes reading her Wikipedia page and an assortment of articles, before embarrassment, sorrow, and self-directed anger snap her out of it.
Still, she’s seen enough.
Princess Jia is beautiful, and she has a reputation for wit and kindness that Emma finds profoundly annoying. She wonders what Trystan thinks of her. After all, he fell in love with the last woman he entered into an arranged engagement with. Perhaps history will repeat itself.
She knows she should like that idea. Trystan deserves love in his life. She wonders if it’s a moral failing that she can’t bring herself to wish for it.
She openly changes the subject every time Luke and Ruby talk about him, subtlety be damned. It isn’t hard – Ruby picks up the baton after the first few times and begins to steer Luke away from the topic of Trystan whenever his name comes up. Still, she doesn’t talk to Emma about him, for which she’s grateful.
Until she does.
“Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you and Trystan?” She asks, lifting a hand when Emma opens her mouth. “Please don’t insult my intelligence by pretending not to know what I’m talking about.”
They’re sitting at a table in their favorite café, a hopelessly tacky place whose kitschy appearance only a true New Yorker would know to look beyond to the gem it truly is. It has the best coffee in the city, and it’s one of Emma and Ruby’s favorite places to hang out together.
“I wasn’t going to. I was just going to say I don’t want to talk about it.”
Ruby’s shoulders slump. “He really hurt you, didn’t he?”
It would be easier if she could say yes, but she shakes her head. “He didn’t hurt me. The circumstances did.”
Her friend sighs. “I really thought he would come back. He wanted to. It was obvious every time we saw him.”
“Yeah, well.” Emma sips her coffee. “It’s not about what he wants anymore.”
“Do you think he’ll be happy?”
“I don’t know. I hope so.”
“And you?”
Her smile is forced, but it’s there. “Oh, you know me. I always bounce back.”
She does at that, but it’s so hard this time. She thought she could adapt to being without Trystan again – she’s known him for all of five months, for God’s sake. Why does it feel like part of herself is missing? What kind of messed up codependency is that?
Except that she knows, deep down, it’s not about codependency. She can take care of herself without any issues; she doesn’t need Trystan. But she wants him. So much. And being without him now feels like a dagger through the heart, so consistent that she no longer remembers what it’s like to not feel its steady, piercing stab. It’s this soul-deep, unrelenting pain that drives one truth home: she loves Trystan. Perhaps she has always loved Trystan.
She tells herself she’s being an idiot. She’s known him for such a short time, and she was with him even less than that. But Emma knows love, and she knows what it's like when it’s ripped away from you. She may not have that much experience with this particular type, but she doesn’t need to understand it in order to feel it.
Six weeks to the day after she returned from Drakovia a second time, she’s not made any meaningful strides towards moving on. She’s beginning to wonder if she ever will, if Trystan will always be an open wound, hidden beneath layers of time and life.
With a sigh, she refocuses her attention on the case file she’s been examining. She’s barely reread the basic intel when her phone rings. With a frown, she accepts the call. “Uncle Tommy? Is something wrong?”
“Uh… Kid? There’s someone looking for you down here.”
“Now? What do they want?”
“You should probably come over and see,” he hedges.
She sighs. “I’ll be right there.”
Her mind is still on the file as she makes her way down the stairs and into the bar, but her mind goes blank and her heart lodges in her throat when she sees the man sitting at the counter alone, a glass of whiskey sitting untouched in front of him.
She doesn’t realize she said his name out loud until he turns to face her.
“Emma.” It’s barely more than a whisper, but she feels it down to her toes.
“W-what are you doing here? I never thought I’d see you again.”
He stands. “I had to see you.”
“So I gather. What I don’t get is why. Don’t you have a country to rule? Or a wedding to plan?”
Tommy looks between the two of them and turns to the patrons in the bar. “We’re closed, people! Drinks are on the house, now move it!” He gives Trystan one pointed glare before looking at Emma again. “Say the word and I’ll kick him out.”
“It’s fine. His Majesty here won’t be long.”
Tommy nods. “In that case I’ll just… go for a walk.”
When they’re left alone, Trystan and Emma only look at each other. He takes a tiny step forward, his hand raising as if to touch her, before he remembers that they’re not exactly on those terms anymore.
“I would’ve called, but you blocked my number.” At her skeptical look, he sighs. “And I was afraid you’d tell me not to come if I did call.”
“I would have.”
“Yes, I know. Can we talk?”
“Is that not what we’re doing?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, actually, I don’t. What’s going on, Trystan?”
He takes a deep breath. “I abdicated.”
She goes completely still. She isn’t sure she’s not hallucinating.
“What did you just say?”
“I abdicated.”
Hearing it a second time snaps her synapses back into working order. “What do you mean you abdicated?”
His lips twitch, as if he can’t help but smile with her. “I mean I gave up the throne.”
“I’m not asking for the Merriam Webster definition, and you know it,” she says impatiently. “Just… why did you do that?”
He gives her a look. An I-can’t-believe-you-just-asked-me-that look. “What do you think?”
“You don’t mean me.”
“Of course I mean you.” He takes one step closer, then another, until they’re close enough to touch. “I did it because I love you. Because I’m in love with you. And I’m done pretending you're not the most important part of my life.”
She wouldn’t be able to speak past the knot in her throat if her life depended on it.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words. It’s either enormously flattering, or a terrible sign for all my hopes and dreams.”
“What the hell happened? The last time we talked, you were adamant that staying in Drakovia was what you had to do.”
“You removed yourself from my life,” he says quietly. “Once you did, it became obvious that you’re the best part of it. I found myself hating the very country I was supposed to rule because it stood in the way of us. Hating myself for thinking there was ever any other choice but you.”
“Trystan,” she manages. “This is insane.”
“What’s insane is that it took me so long to figure out I would make a terrible king. Drakovia’s ruler ought to love her above all else. That was never going to be me, Emma. The one thing I love above all else is you.”
“You really mean it,” she whispers. “You’re sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“What about your princess?”
A smile lights up his face. “First of all, she was never my princess. Second, she’s desperately relieved. It turns out that she’s in love with her childhood best friend but doesn’t know how to tell her parents yet. There’s a not inconsiderable chance she would have jilted me at the altar.”
A surprised laugh escapes her. “That must sting.”
He takes one more step forward. They’re only inches apart now. “Not at all. The only thing that would sting – that would break my heart– is if you don’t want me anymore.”
She’s pretty sure she resembles a cartoon character right now, what with the hearts she can feel in her eyes. But she takes a stab at one last half-hearted objection. “Aren’t you worried about leaving the country in Lydea’s hands?”
“Not in the slightest. I have you to thank for finally making things right with my sister. She will make a great queen. And I… well. I know Mafalda didn’t end up hiring anyone, so I’m hoping I still have a job.”
“Oh, you do, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm. But not nearly as much as I’m hoping I still have you.” He takes a deep breath. With a mounting sense of wonder, she realizes that he’s scared she’ll say no. “What do you say?”
She can only choke out three words. Then again, they’re the only words that matter. “I love you.”
His eyes glimmer with sudden tears. “Emma.”
“Are you honestly telling me you’re surprised?”
He grins. It’s the widest, most joyous smile she’s ever seen. “Maybe a little. Say it again.”
“I love you, Trystan. Bad jokes, concerning ego, and all.”
He laughs, a purely happy sound, before he frames her face in his hands. When he kisses her, it’s slow, achingly slow, even as it grows in intensity. Their breaths mingling, their mouths melding together… they both revel in the intimacy, neither in any rush to end this moment. When they break apart, he rests his forehead on hers, eyes closed, smiling slightly. Just… relishing each other.
Reveling in what they never thought they would have.
“I love you, too." His voice grows hoarse. "You're the love of my life, Emma. I want to spend what's left of it proving it to you."
She presses a soft kiss to his jaw. "I guess I could be persuaded to let you. On one condition."
"What's that?"
"You let me do the same."
His smile is so full of joy, it makes her heart tremble. "You got yourself a deal, detective."
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buneok · 5 months
Hiya, Bunny! I hope you've been doing well! ✨️ I'm curious about how you see Jio 👀 I was wondering, do you have any headcanons about him? It can be about him as a friend, a boyfriend, a husband, or a father! ^^ Any sort is welcome!
Spicy, too, if you have some, hehe... Honestly, out of all of my favourite bachelors, he's the one I have the most sussy thoughts about 😅
I keep on reading his marriage dialogue in the files, and I really can't move on from his sweetness 😂 Oops, sorry for the long rambling! 😅
Have a good day! 🙏🏼✨️
HEYYY NIM !! 😽 i hope u have been doing good too ily
JIOOOOO omg of course i have to have some thoughts about him he is my Favorite ridgeside bachelor as of right now (i haven’t married shiro yet LOL)
jio. what a man. a sweetheart.
a complete and utter SAP !!!!
putting the cut here because it’s so long omg 😭 it’s sfw until the bottom there will be another warning !!
also gender neutral for the most part but it kinda goes into afab partner territory at the end. i try to keep my hcs gender neutral unless asked but yk,,
we already know he has a way with words. i feel like words of affirmation is this man’s love language actually.
he absolutely melts when he hears how much his partner missed him after a long day of standing patrol at the ridge forest. he whispers against their lips about how frequently he thought of them whilst he was away. how he’s devoted to the lady and the cult, but sometimes he feels like risking it all just to spend the day with his beloved. he tells them about the beautiful flowers blooming in the forest that reminded him of his most special person.
but can we talk about the PHYSICAL AFFECTION !!!
at first, he seems like he wouldn’t be the type to enjoy affection much and especially wouldn’t care for pda.
but very quickly after entering a relationship with him, that assumption gets proven WRONG !
he cannot keep his hands off his significant other when they’re around. everytime they come back from a hard day of work or vice versa, he just wants to hold them in his arms. he wants to wrap his arms around their waist and hold them close to his chest when they just enter the room during an indoor day. he doesn’t want to be overwhelming though, so with a sigh, he holds back sometimes.
don’t get me started on rainy days. he loves cuddling on the couch or in bed, especially when his partner is sleepy from barely waking up or on the verge of falling asleep for a nap. he doesn’t mind if they drift off in his embrace and he’ll soon follow. he isn’t the type to take naps during the day and he never does it alone, but he absolutely cannot resist resting with his beloved in his arms. he stays up to listen to their soft breaths and feel the slight movement of their chest rising and falling in his hold, but he eventually lets himself fall asleep holding them.
one of my other favorite things to think about is that,,
he can be quite jealous 🤭
don’t get me wrong, he’s secure in his relationship and trusts his lover completely.
but if someone, specifically a man, spends too much time talking to his partner, he’s definitely raising an eyebrow. ESPECIALLY if they’re a jokester, making his partner smile and laugh.
he doesn’t wanna cause a scene though. he keeps his body language casual and tries not to stare too hard. when he does look over, he tries not to shoot any daggers yet.
he knows it’s unreasonable and he needs to work on this bad habit, but he can’t help it. there’s a part of him that sometimes feels like his partner could find someone better than him. maybe there’s someone more experienced with love, with a better sense of humor than him, and what if they’re better looking ? is he spending enough time with his partner ? what if they’re lonely because of him going to the ridge for most of the day ?? safe to say, he’s a bit of an overthinker.
he doesn’t like to ask for reassurance or even let his jealousy be known. he sighs and just tries to keep it in. he’s not very good at that though. his significant other would always be able to tell one way or another lol. either through his demeanor change or if he makes a comment about it
“i wasn’t aware of your friendship with that man…jeric, is it ? he seems fond of you.”
his partner just rolls their eyes. they know where this is going, but they’re happy to reassure him with a simple kiss and a squeeze of his hand. even smiling at him and telling him they love him is enough to clear the air
now, father jio…
unfortunately (but maybe not ??) might have to be a separate post of its own bc i don’t want this to be too long HAHA i got plentyyyyy thoughts !!! if u want to hear them
ok nsfw ramblings below !! mdni know the drill
JIO is one of the most passionate bachelors i think. actually, i KNOW. he is.
it shows in the way he touches. soft and gentle, like his lover is made out of glass. he touches every inch of their body as they kiss. his touch is soft and sensual enough to cause goosebumps and he loves the way they tremble when he runs his fingers along their spine and breathes against their ear.
he’s the type to put his partner’s pleasure over his own. just seeing them come undone when he’s between their legs or touching them as they’re in his lap is enough for him. especially if they’re having a bad day.
he quietly whispers “is there anything i can do to put you in a better mood, my love ?” as he kisses from their lips down to their neck.
a big fan of any position that allows him to be face to face with his partner. he doesn’t mind any other position, but the ones that let him see their face when they moan and look at him back are the ones that realllyyy get him going. plus he can kiss them easily. he’s a romantic, what can i say ??
multiple orgasms 🫡 he’s good at what he does is all i’m gonna say !!! lovessss when he’s able to make his partner exhausted afterwards. when they’re just melting and blissed out under his touch.
the first things i like to think about characters is whether they’d be an ass or tits kinda person. the age old question. one of my absolute favorites to ponder
first of all, he wouldn’t dwell on that question too much because he thinks it’s kinda silly and unnecessary. he loves his partner the way they are and finds them beautiful as they are.
that being said,
jio loves boobs. 🥳
they’re soft. he loves resting his head on them during cuddle sessions. if his partner is laying in his lap he’ll definitely hold them in his hands under their shirt.
even if they’re small he loves them. he loves looking at them, kissing them, touching them, and is obsessed with the way they fit in his palms.
like i said, he’s a big fan of any position that allows him to see his partner’s face. mainly because he wants to see the way they react to his touch, the way their cheeks flush and sweat forms on their skin, but also because their boobs are often right in his face
he’s enamored by the way they softly bounce with every thrust whether he’s on top or he has his lover in his lap bouncing on him.
and of course there’s some marks on them. he tries to be gentle, but he gets a little carried away sometimes. he can’t help it, he’s in love and he wants his beloved to always be reminded of his love for them when they look in the mirror 😽
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f1nalboys · 1 year
reading the house of wax script and it’s shockingly interesting :3 here r the little things i’ve noticed as i read it <3 here’s part 2
wade is 22, carly is 21, paige is 20, nick and dalton are 19, and blake is ‘early twenties.’
carly doesn’t have the job at the magazine yet but is hopeful. wade is Mean about it. the script says “with a slightly biting tone — wade: she doesn’t have the job yet”
wade has a muscle car and is all about it, he gets mad at carly for putting her feet on the dash ( “….placing her feet on the dash — immediately gets an annoyed look from wade — she knows better”)
wade is generally more antagonistic towards nick (not undeserved tbh) especially when it comes to his car. after hitting a buck, nick is drinking a beer but wade will not let him him the car with it and he chugs it and tosses it on the side of the road
paige calls dalton “cute in a dirty, skinny, sort of way” 🤭
paige was fully planning on marrying blake :,) his parents bought some land and were going to build him a house and paige was just waiting for him to pop the wuestion
carly and wade we’re having MAJOR issues with her taking the job at the magazine and it’s very evident in how they talk to one another and interact
carly and nicks relationship is also interesting. def still as angsty sibling rivalry that is in the movie but instead of stealing a car, nick had a party at their parents house and trashed it and was forced to go on the trip with them. carly is also VERY vocal about her dislike of nick and him coming (“i know you don’t want to be here but guess what — no one wants you here either. so — quit being such an asshole and for once, try to make the most of something”)
nick doesn’t want carly to leave :( she said “i hope to hell i get that job” (which is interesting because in the movie they confirm she got that internship) and he goes “that makes two of us” but immediately the script says “although he says it, we’re not sure he means it” :((
they party at their little campsite and they have paige give blake a shot from her tits LMFAO
vincent cuts the fanbelt <3 love my king
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talking about the scene where lester slowly slides his hand across the mannequins (which btw. was sexy. moving on) and it says “touches it like it’s a relic — infatuated” heheh <3333
carly had a tank top under her shirt so there was no weirdo perv lester scene of him trying to see her put on nicks tank
nick does give carly his shirt regardless and she’s genuinely shocked and he’s like “i have another in the car” bc we all know he’s emotionally constipated
Ambrose is called Athelston
They’re not in Louisiana either </3
lester says “i was always warned to never pick up strangers, but you two seem okay”
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lester has so much dialogue we were robbed yall. i’m serious.
carly calls lester a freak of nature 👎👎
this <3
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i love the description of the wax house and how it’s in disarray
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The story is different from the movie. Their house burned down and their dad died in the fire and trudy killed herself after and the boys went to foster care.
sorry this is sooooo sexy of him
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carly fights like HELL in this script yall! so does wade, but ESPECIALLY carly, she cuts bo’s hand with a hacksaw
there’s a cool scene where carly runs into the community pool and it’s completely abandoned but the noises were from a pair of speakers
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bo being cunty
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dalton and bo talking
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they gave dalton a LOT more time in the movie in the script!!! bo bring him to the house of wax and leaves and he finds wade in the basement :0
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paige’s fight with vincent takes place at an old mining town nearby which is such a cool setting yall, they fight in a ban and he kills her with a pitchfork
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abliafina-18782 · 11 months
ICEMAV 38 38 38 38 38
I regret NOTHING🤭
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
…because they’re running out of time.
“Stop pacing.”
“I’m not pacing.”
“Right, you’re just working a hole in the floor then?”
Tom stopped mid-step, shooting a glare that would straighten up even the most senior officers. Pete was unfaced as usual, simply crossing his arms and returning the stare. He was the only one who dared go toe to toe with Tom, the infamous ‘Iceman’ Kazansky. Today, however, Tom didn’t feel much of what had earned him his callsign. 
His stomach had done cartwheels since breakfast, his legs felt jelly, and he continued to clench and unclench his fingers. Weddings tended to do that, especially if it was Tom’s own. 
Pete interrupted his thoughts, “Will you relax? Do you really think Sarah would bail on you after all the planning she’s done?”
Tom smiled at the mention of his fiancée, his soon-to-be wife. No, the likelihood of Sarah bailing was like Pete all of a sudden not wanting to buzz the tower. Impossible in other words. His real worry was something else. 
“What if I don’t make her happy?” Tom said, “What if… What if I’m not enough?”
He glanced over just in time to see Pete’s face crumble. The light in his green eyes disappeared a haunted look on his features. They both knew what Tom really meant.
Years spent hiding, years spent pretending, years spent never being truly happy. It hurt when their relationship ended, even though the decision was mutual. Suppose it couldn’t have gone any other way, with them wanting different things out of their careers, and if it hadn’t Tom would never have met Sarah. 
She knew all about their past relationship, just like Tom knew all about hers. He appreciated that with her, he could always be honest and she never judged him. Tom couldn’t have asked for a better partner. But, it didn’t stop the endless stream of what-ifs. 
What if DADT never happened? What if Tom kept flying? What if Pete accepted the promotion? What if they could be together?
Pete came up to him, a weak smile on his lips. They both wore their dress whites, nearly identical save for Tom’s higher rank. The uniform was almost never comfortable to wear, but today it was alright. It was familiar, like an added layer of security he could lean back on. Tom checked the time and saw it wasn't long before they had to leave for the ceremony. Pete eyed him up and down, brushing something off his shoulders that probably wasn’t there.
“Do you love her?” He said.
Tom’s immediate reaction was disbelief. What kind of a question was that? Of course, he loved Sarah, he wouldn’t marry her otherwise. Then he realized that the question wasn’t about that. Pete was asking him if he was certain, if this was what Tom wanted. 
“I do,” Tom replied, his voice small, “She’s my best friend, I- I want to spend my life with her.”
“Good, then that’s all you need,” Pete said matter of factly. “You know, Goose wasn’t nearly as worried on his wedding day. He probably would’ve had the ceremony first thing in the morning if he could.”
The image of Goose excitedly getting ready for his big day brought a smile to his lips. They both laughed and seeing Pete’s grin eased some of Tom’s nerves. Tom loved Pete’s smile, that enthusiastic beam of light he always carried with him. 
Pete would make someone happy one day, he was sure of it. 
“You have the rings?” Tom asked. He’d already checked a million times and he would probably check another hundred until they reached the venue. 
A mock look of horror painted Pete’s face, frantically pretending to search his pockets before pulling out the small square box. It felt right to ask Pete to be his best man, he already trusted the man with his life. That, and Ron was deployed on the other side of the world. 
He took the box, opening it to make sure the rings hadn’t gone missing since the last time he checked. 
“You’ll be fine, Kazansky, stop worrying,” Pete said, “Anyone who can melt your cold exterior is a keeper.”
Tom snorted, about to reply with something witty but fell silent. Through all of this, he’d never stopped to ask how Pete felt about it. He always assumed things were okay, that the past was in the past and they didn’t need to open the can of worms that was their old relationship. 
“What about you?”
Pete looked surprised at first, but then it settled. He smiled, a kind reassuring one, and he reached out to take Tom’s hand. The touch was gentle, as if Pete was afraid he’d scare Tom away. He couldn’t even if he tried. 
It happened fast, so fast Tom almost wondered if he dreamt it. Pete leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Tom’s cheek. When he spoke, his voice was nothing more than a whisper. 
“I’m happy as long as you’re happy.”
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thisismeracing · 6 months
I- I loved these new layers!!!!! Hahaha//
queen I have layers for dayzzz. I’ve spent the last 2+days hyper fixating on this couple. the lore that my silly little brain has thought up is wiiild. So forgive me if I become annoying. Just tell me to stop and I will. No hard feelings
Adding the online hate and maybe, just a tiny bity of toto not supporting their relationship at first or jugding and yup reader goes all in to keep it a secret and mick is 100% the supportive partner making sure she knows theres nothing wrong with their decision.//
oh this was something I was thinking about too. like I don’t even see this as being anything major either. like it’s wasn’t Toto issuing ultimatums or fuck smashing any headphones. he was just skeptical. He knows his child and she is a sensitive girl. wasn’t sure if Little Wolff had what it took to be in a relationship like this. I’ve kinda head cannoned that she’s not a social media person, she doesn’t like attention for attention sake, she’s almost the antithesis of your stereotypical gen z(very similar to Lance’s vibe. Happy with his safe people. Quite otherwise). So Toto is rightly concerned. He knows that dating a driver specially a Schumacher, whether they like it or not going to cause some media attention. I think in the beginning just assumed it would be a short-lived relationship and was just hoping that he didn’t have to pick sides. Or that anybody got their feelings too hurt. As soon as he realized that this was serious, his attitude completely changed. Very supportive. But. I do think that that’s stuck around in the back of little Wolff’s mind whether she realized it or not. So when all the drama happened and she found out she was pregnant, she made the choice to keep her normal routine, just hiding as long as she could physically and then to subtly drop off the face of the planet for the last couple months that she couldn’t hid it. She just kinda because a homebody. And just made sure that any video calls were chest up. Don’t think it would be too hard to hid with how crazy the end of the year schedule is and then does anyone really expect the young couple to be around during the first couple weeks of break?? The answers no. Everyone except them to be held up somewhere shagging like rabbits.
The seb part!! Gosh. That golden boy menace has my heart. Always has always will. But there just something about him being beekeeper age that just hits different 😝
and like they’re not married! Micks just been calling her that especially in the hospital b/c everyone’s just assumed. But in his mind. Like that’s his WIFE. She will not be disappointed after giving him this magical gift. Mick doesn’t give a fuck if Toto is technically his boss. Muck doesn’t care if he has to go full NEPO baby. He’s a Schumacher, he’ll challenge all of his father’s BDE/psychological warfare to keep that woman happy.
Alright, you got me into the secret baby train choo choo //
Aw but see the great thing about the secret baby train is if it’s done well it’s not the main plot point. Like just a stop. There’s already so much going on it’s just kinda swept away.
I won't ever get annoyed with thots, you can keep them coming as long as you want <3
wasn’t sure if Little Wolff had what it took to be in a relationship like this. // I think papa wolff is protective enough to have a hard time picturing his girl in any relationship, ti doesn't matter if its with a driver or a regular dude, toto just doesn't really vibe with this idea. he's used to be the one who protects her, and he's used to be the one she runs to hide behind, he won't admit it but he's jealous of sharing this duty with someone else.
Mick doesn’t give a fuck if Toto is technically his boss. // they blurred the lines the second he started dating wolff!reader so at this point he doesn't even try to be the nicest, he's honest, and he's clear about his priority and who she wants to please and that is wolff!reader and nobody else, she's the only wolff he'll get shit from (and jackie because jackie absolutely adores mick -cue to baby fever and all- although toto tried making his youngest pick the wolff family side, jack loves the schumachers way too much).
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lightaflme · 2 years
— ☆ neulshua being svt’s soulmates (youtube compilation)
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˖࣪ ∗‪‪ ˖ going seventeen: insomnia zero
haneul is “sleeping”
joshua starts talking first
js: you guys know how haneul is usually avoiding affection on camera??
sc: especially with me he’s always grossed out and tries to get away from me when i hug him 🙄
js: well he’s always hugging me and he gets sulky when i leave him
the members go :O and haneul rolls onto his side and smiles
dk, to hn: U HAVE FAVORITES!!!!! even though dk is one of haneul’s favs hehe
js: one time i tried to get up and grab a snack, but haneul just pulled me back and hugged me even tighter lololol
sk: you two are GROSS you’re like a married couple 🙄
js: shhhhh anyways 🤭 he literally acts cute to me and doesn’t talk to me if i ignore him, he’s like a kid
then the timer goes off
hn: all of it is true. *does a handshake with joshua*
then haneul proceeds to make fun of and roast the shit out of joshua. shua was Not happy
js: i let the members and fans know that you also have a cute side and this is the treatment i get back 🙄 we are breaking up 🙄🙄
hn: wow okay 🙄 it’s my way of showing love 🙄
wz: you two were together?? 😭
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˖࣪ ∗‪‪ ˖ going seventeen: best friends
joshua’s character was like a cool kid
and then haneul’s character was kinda like an athlete/jock
sk: woahhh sebong high’s best athlete going up against sebong high’s future rapper!
hn: you’re gonna get absolutely destroyed, hong!
js: think you’re talking about yourself, kang!
seokmin starts doing that hiphop thing he was doing in the best friends goses 😭
it was a close game though. like a point off but joshua won
always targeting each other in the dongaseu game 😭
haneul is always mocking shua and sticking his tongue out at him like a kid LMAO
hs: HAHA look at haneul hyung!!
hn, to js: >:P
but then they ended up sitting next to each other after joshua betrays seokmin 😔
*who do you want to sit next to?*
hn: hm. the hong jisoo kid.
js: i like the kang haneul guy, cool vibe
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˖࣪ ∗‪‪ ˖ neulshua on running man (svt pls go on running man more i had to make this up)
went on running man together during fear era
doing introductions together obviously!
mcs: they’re both so handsome! the song is so good!
mcs: is there anything else you would like to show us?
js: haneul is actually very good at sexy dances, i say he does the choreography the best out of all of us
everyone gasps!! like “woooahhh!!“ and of course everyone is curious because haneul is a very charming man indeed!
hn: i’m mostly in charge of sexiness 🤭 *running man cast is excited for haneul’s sexiness!*
haneul goes to the front and immedietly gets into the mood once the music starts playing
you can see joshua smiling in the corner 😭
and of course. being haneul, and just like every sexy dance, he does the typical body rolling + pushing his hair back LMFAOOOO and you can hear joshua laughing in the background
the captions, repeated scenes, and sound effects make it so funny too 😭
then he goes up to joshua and even joshua joins in and everyone starts screaming HAHA
two very handsome men doing a sexy dance together and they are INTO IT.
they even went viral the day it aired because of it. literally two pretty best friends
and the fact that it was during fear era, a darkteen era, didn’t help
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˖࣪ ∗‪‪ ˖ “that one neulshua live” (this one is a bit longer but i made this one up :P)
haneul went live during hot era and this live has gone down in svt vlive history
basically to set the mood here 😁 haneul and joshua were bored in haneul’s room so haneul was just like “wanna go on vlive” and shua was like “sure” so here they are! barefaced and looking a little bit too good… promoting hot just by their looks bc they are HOT 😩
js: “hello carats!”
and ofc comments were going absolutely insane and losing their minds
“oh my god i want both of them” “MY BOYFRIENDS” “NEULSHUA LIVE I AM ASCENDING”
finding funny comments and laughing, asking carats how they are and how they like the album, etc
joshua starts reading the comments and carats notice haneul staring at him a bit too intensely andhesslightlysmirking 😳 HE’S LIKE “damn… shua”
and of course carats notice
“haneul is just like me i would be staring at shua like that too” “oh my god KANG HANEUL JUST TELL HIM HES HOT”
and shua notices and looks back at him
haneul is stronger than me if barefaced black mullet hot era shua looked at me i would’ve died
they meet eyes and haneul being the flirt he is when he’s with shua, he obviously winks 🙄
and joshua gets flustered and goes back to reading comments LMFAOOO AND NOW HANEUL’S CACKLING FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES
hn: *winks*
js, flustered: “anyways…”
js, now with a hand over his face: “NO….”
hn, smug: “it’s just my charms 🤷‍♂️”
that was just one example of neulshua’s flirting throughout this whole vlive 🙄 haneul’s pickup lines, calling each other pet names, etc.
one word. tension
one funny part that became an iconic neulshua moment was when they read a specific comment and just start laughing super hard for no reason
js: “a comment just asked if we were dating”
hn & js, in unison: “no!”
then they just start absolutely CACKLING. FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT AGAIN.
the amount of edits that were made bc of this vlive…
they aren’t beating the dispatch allegations. they’re fighting them. they are teasing them.
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a/n neulshua bestest boys 😔
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30tdl · 2 years
Rank your favorite boys 👀 I’m curious to see
ohh boy okay so this took me some time but here we go~ *cracks knuckles*
1) Euntae Cha - aka ‘Husband Material.’
I’ve always been a sucker for the ‘cold and distant type’ opening up to reveal they’re a total dork. Hes so caring and silly has a lot surprising things to him too (easily jealous?? really competitive?? not to mention that whole thing about being ‘scared’ of horror movies 🤭)
To be fair though, sometimes I do feel like the game favored him most since they knew he’d be the most popular. Especially when comparing his route to Doha’s—there just seemed like more text message opportunities with him than all the others, especially after dates or during the retreat. I could honestly be just me though
but if he were real I’d marry him SO fast
2) Jooyul Won - the next door neighbor type you’ve probably imagined kissing more than once
He comes SO close to first, and if it weren’t for the sake of properly ranking this, he’d probably be tied with euntae. He’s! So! Cute!! So cute!! I just wanna squish his face and kiss him on the nose dhdjjd
I love how accepting Jooyul is, and constantly makes me smile. He’d also probably let you borrow his hoodie and give the most amazing hugs too aaaaaa
and everything mentioned about his childhood as well :’)) really pulled at the heartstrings
3) Doha Seo - the MAN type man pulled right out of a movie
OKAY LISTEN if a guy EVER pushed my sleeves and hair back out of the way so that food didn’t get on them I’d probably fall for him on the SPOT. he’s such a gentleman
He’s also so funny in this weird way?? like not even purposely but his method of texting is hilarious, and I love how straightforward he is
But the reason why he’s placed third for me is because the chemistry just wasn’t really there between him and yeonwoo. Not when compared to the others anyway
like I mentioned earlier, ig I just sensed that there was something missing in his route? it’s impossible to get his best ending w/o buying it, but it also felt like the texts were so limited with him too. We didn’t quite get to see his relationship blossom the way euntae’s did, or learn more about him on a deeper level like with jooyul
I really really like him but he just felt like a side character the entire time :’)
4) Chunsung Ki - the little brother type
okay so ig I placed chunsung last cause I really did see him as like a little brother by the end (even though he’s technically older than me???) tbh I was interested with him at first because I thought that it was really cool that he owned a cafe, but that ended fairly quickly, especially since he was really hard to talk to
And his route was very depressing too can’t forget that :’)
I still think he’s pretty adorable, but only in a ‘it’s-so-fun-to-bother-you’ kind of way
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rolloollor · 6 months
yesss I agree that it would work better after they’re already married as well. I love your idea of rollo ranting how repulsive the lingerie is to malleus but in reality he’s just trying to shoo away the thought of himself in said clothing, and malleus being well aware of it and just playing dumb is gold. As much as malleus knows that rollo might cave in I think he’d still be floored looking at his wife in vulgar clothing perched upon their shared bed 🤭
Oh yeah, Malleus would be almost in awe of Rollo if he wore lingerie for him, especially if it was essentially his idea, even if he denied it. It's so intimate and Rollo wouldn't do it for anyone else... only he gets to see him like that. The likes of Valentin can only ever dream of such a privilege! Yeah, Malleus would definitely savor any instances of Rollo wearing lingerie and treasure the memory forever~
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
currently thinking about how enchanted by taylor swift would be SUCH a juke song like omfg because even the locker scene gives off speak now vibes with the purple..
but ugh just ✨imagine✨ julie writing enchanted about luke but he doesn’t find out about until a couple of years later and he nearly cries
ESPECIALLY the last quarter of the song with “i’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home…i’ll spend forever wondering if you knew”
but also bonus: they record it and it’s nominated for a grammy, and when it wins song of the year they play that specific part of the song as they’re walking up to the stage and alex goes to the mic and is just like “so, luke, i think the question we’re all wondering is…did you know?” knowing damn well that it’s public knowledge that they’re married 🤭🤭
i don’t know the song but!!! very cute idea
esp the last bit - very canon of alex and just the band in general to still tease juke even years after they’ve been married. it’s the wholesome love they all have for each other for me
it’s the found fam for me (with bonus soupmates) (soulmates, autocorrect is still a fan of soupmates)
(also the line ‘Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"’ is giving serious soulmates vibes)
everything about juke is magical- from the way they met to how they chose to love even with the difficulties they’d have to deal with considering their situation so ya
enchanting indeed ✨
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