#saturn o'connor
girl4music · 3 months
You see something like this can look so cringey unless you’ve experienced for yourself the significance of it.
The context of every emotional beat. All the depth. That it’s not just put there for the sake of it but there’s such genuine and sincere intent and heart behind it.
This is why I refuse to allow anyone to refer to Xena and Gabrielle as queerbaiting. It’s the total opposite.
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Tiergan Alenefar Aesthetic so you can see the world through warmth and light, softness and gentle kindness, because the world is ugly, but you are beautiful to me
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To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.
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Settle down, it'll all be clear Don't pay no mind to the demons They fill you with fear The trouble, it might drag you down If you get lost, you can always be found
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Just know you're not alone 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
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This is how we rise up / Heavy as a hurricane, louder than a freight train /
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Mr. Collins was to attend them, at the request of Mr. Bennet, who was most anxious to get rid of him, and have his library to himself.
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Children know by instinct that hell is an absence of love, and they can pick out theirs without missing.
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Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog. Make sure everything you do is so completely crazy it’s unbelievable.
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Even before I met you, I was far from indifferent to you.
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I'm dedicating every day to you Domestic life was never quite my style When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart And I thought I was so smart
You will come of age with our young nation We'll bleed and fight for you We'll make it right for you If we lay a strong enough foundation We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you And you'll blow us all away
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With shortness of breath I'll try to explain the infinite And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
The Four Loves, by C. S. Lewis // Home, by Phillip Phillips // Resistance, by Skillet // Pride & Prejudice, by Jane Austen // The Habit Of Being, by Flannery O'Connor // Matilda, by Roald Dahl // The Importance Of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde // Dear Theodosia, by Lin Manuel Miranda // Saturn, by Sleeping At Last //
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waterlight · 2 years
Lorde's birth chart
This was posted on Amino on 12/05/18, now I know a lot more about astrology but I wanted to keep everything I created on one place.
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Lorde was born 7th November 1996 in New Zealand. Her real name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, she's a singer and a songwriter.
Sun in Scorpio (11th house) Moon in Virgo (9th house) Mercury in Scorpio (11th house) Venus in Libra (10th house) Mars in Virgo (9th house) Jupiter in Capricorn (1st house) Saturn in Aries (R) (4th house) Uranus in Aquarius (1st house) Neptune in Capricorn (1st house) Pluto in Sagittarius (11th house) North Node in Libra (R) Chiron in Libra Capricorn rising Virgo MC
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Her Sun is in Scorpio, many people have prejudices on this sign which aren't all true. Before starting, is it just me or "They'll talk about us and discover how we kissed and killed each other" is such a Scorpio thing to say? Scorpio Sun gives Lorde ambition which isn't like Aries one where the person wants something and grabs it but it's more calculated. This sort of ambition is based on patience, she waits and when she feels it's the right time, she tries to obtain what she wants and almost every time she succeeds. The wait isn't a lazy moment, usually Scorpios in this period work a lot. Let's make this aspect more concrete: Lorde works hard to create her music, she doesn't hurry the creative process: she's patient. When she feels it's the right time to drop her music, she does it. The process could be long but her patience and hard work will always reward her (for example, Melodrama took four years and it's a masterpiece). She's emotive, passionate and clever, we can see this in her writing (thanks to the Sun conjunct Mercury). She's clever because she doesn't stop at the surface of things, she digs until she knows the real meaning. She uses this process with her emotions too: when she broke up with her boyfriend, she started to drink a lot only to find out, she did it because she wanted to escape the problem. Her Sun sextile her ascendant and Jupiter makes her quite popular. Everybody wants to be with her, everybody hangs on her lips. How can a person be so charming? She knows how to use her words, everybody understands what she's saying and she's quite honest (she always tells her opinion on singers, music and songs, she isn't afraid of it). Sun sextile Jupiter makes her interested in writing about her community, luxury and glamour, it describes Pure Heroine, doesn't it?
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Ascendant: Her ascendant is in Capricorn, at first glance she can be seen as reserved and serious because of her thin face and the fact she usually doesn't smile in photos but she only smirks. I think her true self can be seen at concerts and when she's near the person she loves, she's fun and she smiles a lot (this traits can be due to her ascendant conjunct Jupiter). Her ascendant square Venus makes Lorde a person who seeks beauty in everything: in people, she only sees the best traits and by the end she can be easily disappointed; in art, beauty is deeply linked to arts and overall is linked to poetry; in herself, usually people with this trait seem self-confident when in reality they are not and they should try to stop being too dependent on their relationships and start believing more on themselves. Lorde has shown this aspect in Liability where she enlightens how it's difficult but important being friends with ourselves. Usually Capricorn ascendant natives look older for their appearance and for their thoughts.
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Lorde's Moon is in Virgo. I want to start by saying Moon is also linked to food and usually people with Virgo Moon are interested in reviewing food. So a Virgo Moon could be interested in reviewing Onion Rings on a secret Instagram account... Lorde works hard to reach her goals, this can be seen in her big three. Virgo Moon makes her a perfectionist, she works and works and works until what she created is, for her, almost flawless. She has a Moon trine Neptune, this aspect is very common in artists' charts because it gives to the native a innate talent. Lorde loves (obviously) music and she sees it as a way to heal herself.
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Mercury rules communication and writing. Her Mercury in Scorpio can be seen in many songs. Scorpios are sensual, deep and dark as Lorde's voice and songs. Her voice is described by many as sensual and attractive, it seems like it could take us in another world (Mercury in the 11th house). As said before, she's honest and this can be also seen in her writing: for example in Pure Heroine where she criticises our society. Scorpio Mercury uses imagination to find revenge and we see it clearly when she sings "Well, those great whites, they have gif teeth, hope they bite you."
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Her Venus is in Libra so it's in its domicile, meaning it has the highest potency in this position. This position makes Lorde extremely fortunate in the House in which resides Venus: the 10th House; meaning she's fortunate in her career. Venus in the 10th House is also a placement which usually leads to artistic professions such as the singer. Venus Libra seeks harmony and balance, trying to avoid tension but when she can't escape from it, she uses turmoil to create her music.
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Lorde has Mars in Virgo in the 9th House: she's a perfectionist, she takes all her time to be sure every detail is correct. She finds out quickly if she or another person is wrong and will tell it if she thinks it's the right time. She critices our system. Mars in the 9th House means a person whose writing will be read by a lot of people. This aspects were already mentioned by other planets, so I won't write more.
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Jupiter rules luck! Lorde's sign is Capricorn therefore her luck is due to hard work and maturity. Being wealthy isn't important for her and she can find becoming rich tragic because she might become the person she criticised. Her Jupiter has aspect with her ascendant, Sun, Venus and Mercury. They are all characteristic of an optimistic person who'll gain a lot thanks to her morality.
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I know after Jupiter there's Saturn, but I wanted to talk about Neptune because it's an important planet for musicians. It's a slow planet and it takes 14 years (I'm not sure) to change its sign, therefore it's important its house and its relation with other planets. Neptune is in the 1st House. I've read once how people with this placement have mysterious eyes and nobody can really understand what they're thinking just by looking through them, I think this can be linked to Lorde. Music is really important for her and she can appreciate truly this art. Her Neptune trine Midheaven, she values emotions and immaterial things, she's unselfish and loves to idealise this world. Neptune trine Moon, as I said before she sees music as a way to heal her soul. She's imaginative and sensitive.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
There's a lot of products coming online and a lot of factories and people see it too we need this right now we need to fight this empire right now and we need to get going on and a lot of people are trying to figure out some of these movies don't look right and it looks like the max or imitating rebels and attacking their basis and they're going to get a text back a text back and really their orchestrated people will say hit each other now and some cases have been found out and some have not. There's a large amount of people wondering who the max are and they're finding them right next to them talking to them and related with them and they look weird sometimes cuz they have transplants and it's terrifyingly bad. We have some announcements
-evacuation is underway and it's still proceeding in Florida and we left off at 16.5% to evacuated down from 18% and right now there are 5% leaving in a steady stream and it's probably down 1.5% so far so it's at 15% and 3.5% more to go and that is fast that's a lot of people and they're hoping it and yeah the signal went out to move JC and Mary we believe it's more than one time and he died as Freddie Mercury and he died as two other characters in Brad missed it so he went to town trying to figure it out dody is one of them. He did not die and see if I did not he did and it was before 97 and you can look it up and those are the two characters one of them was here in Florida but it was a while ago and he messed with the date no. The incident in Florida was after O'Connor and everyone should look to see what the hell happened and Jenna is finally saying finally what the hell is wrong with you people and you need to know. The other is the UK with Dodie and that one needs to be looked at too. And in the video they're talking about moving him from the UK and it's all symbolic you can see the containers in the cars and that knows when it's when you're moving to the West as you always do and this article on and stuff like that in the same to move him. It's going on now
And we have secrets our son and daughter do too one of them is in black rocks desert and Mojave and silver other locations one of those off Monaco Spain it's really Morocco but they all go there to monaco. These creatures are huge and yeah we have secrets on Saturn it's not cut and dry. There's a large number of people that went out to burning Man and he said to a cork is down there just keep going so he's going to get some equipment out and try and figure out what's down there it is up there today right now and nobody is bothering him place it's burning Man more Shortly
Thor Freya
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mariepascaleremy · 9 months
1er août 2023 : Pleine Lune (PL) en Verseau 9°16
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L'opposition LION (où est le Soleil)/VERSEAU (où est la Lune) met face à face la force créatrice de l'individu et la puissance du collectif. Jupiter, principe d'expansion forme un T carré avec l'opposition Soleil/Lune, amplifiant la lutte entre ces polarités pendant cette fenêtre de PL. Vénus, le principe féminin est rétrograde et se déplace en carré avec Uranus - le grand éveilleur - qui va bientôt stationnerez et devenir rétrograde le 28 août. Vénus passera dans le premier de deux carrés exacts avec Uranus le 9 août ; le second aura lieu à la fin de septembre. Cette fenêtre de PL trouve Uranus dans un carré serré avec Lilith, le Féminin Sauvage (Sinead O'Connor nous a quitté cette semaine - une femme vraiment sauvage - alors que le film "Barbie" explose au box-office). Mercure, planète de la communication est en Vierge, en opposition à Saturne en Poissons. L'accent est mis sur le pôle yin ; l'invitation est de s'engager dans une communication attentive sur ce dont nous avons besoin comme soutien de la part de ceux qui nous entourent pour nous connecter à notre nature "sauvage" (nous en avons tous une) dans le cadre du processus créatif et de la conscience de soi. Qu'avons nous besoin de recevoir du collectif (famille, communauté, etc.) pour oser sonder ce qu'il y a de plus caché en soi et se trouve à la base de toute créativité ?
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returntosaturn271995 · 9 months
Friday, August 4th: Window of Tolerance
You can't keep a good girl down, even though I did smoke 4 cigarettes this week. Which is more than I usually have in a year, because now is not the time to be making new vices. On my run today I found myself worrying that I had the black lung, which is ridiculous given that I never worry about that when I smoke a joint.
Still, I've been in an east coast state of mind. Literally, this new job is on east coast hours because I'm quite a silly person who says yes to things without consulting future me. But fuck it! MO' MONEY. I discussed my outrageous nerves (or what should be outrageous nerves but I'm a little in denial) with my therapist, Angelita, yesterday.
I can't control the future. This job may very well suck. But it's 21 K for 3 months, so apparently that's my going rate for corporate stooge services. Truth is: I can do a fucking LOT with that kind of money. Move to New York or Colorado. Get my hair done and my face injected just a lil to avoid looking as stressed as I can get.
Angelita suggested I be happy and celebrate, which I am and I am, but we need to remember this is my life. Going to plan isn't exactly its thing. Just ask about my love life and my career and some of my estranged best friends.
Oh to be a 20's cliche just three weeks short of 28. 2-8 baby. My return to Saturn is supposed to last until I'm 30 so we're approaching the 1/3rd mark. In this time I've dated and dumped a lot of hotties, got into the routine of cooking like a chef and running/hiking on the reg. It's the year I committed to yoga and meditation. Adjusted my relationship with alcohol and strengthened my relationships with good people. I like myself more. My hair is longer. My sense of humor is as fucked up and weird as ever.
I'm not so scared, not so stupid. I'm kinder in my own head. I smile at people on the street (Today I met the owner of the bulldog I pass on the beach, her name is Katie. And gave a dude from Seattle some cafe recommendations). From this time last year: new roommate, new job, books read, music blasted, a journal committed to. A life committed to.
I stopped wanting something to save me and just sort of slowly rolled over and started doing it myself. Now I just have to keep failing upward and remember never to take any of this shit too seriously.
Begin again. And again. And again.
It's not so bad. And neither am I.
Other things:
Tomorrow is Day 1 of 22 days straight of running challenge (allowed one rest day per week). I intend to go at least 5 minutes each day on top of my normal walking and up to 35 minutes without a break.
Angus Cloud (25, Fez on Euphoria), Sinéad O'Connor (56, Irish singer/hot bald lady who tore a photo of the pope on SNL), and PeeWee Herman (70, kinda creepy as most things associated with children's television is) all died this week.
Trump has now pleaded not guilty to almost 80 charges, state and federal. No rest for the wicked!
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How To Save Money With Lone Worker Alarms?
2/10 of a mile from home I tripped and fell resulting from uneven sidewalk. In Scotland, a lone worker fell via insecure flooring right into a storm channel and suffered life threatening and lifelong debilitating accidents. The invention Channel television present “Mythbusters” did an episode on cell telephones and airplanes. MythBusters. "Dangerous Using Phone in Thunderstorm." Discovery. O'Connor, Anahad. "The Claim: Never Talk on the phone During a Thunderstorm." The brand new York Times. Writing in 2015, New York County District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. noted "criminal defendants charged with all method of crimes, together with rape, kidnapping, robbery, promotion of youngster pornography, larceny, and presumably by those fascinated about committing acts of terrorism" appreciated the safety that the iOS eight working system provided them. Ojito, Mirta. "Danish Mother Is Reunited With her Baby." The brand new York Times. A sensible dog home could give the canine a preset amount of meals at chosen occasions of the day. Instead, most Morgans have a frame product of the wooden, which is one in every of many elements that give the automobiles a highly retro really feel. Children can be injured by automobiles in two major ways. The person household still has the foremost accountability for stopping youngster abduction. Saturn greeted the world with 4-door sedans and two-door coupes sharing a basic front-drive platform and main components. Riding a 106-inch wheelbase, these 4-door sedans and four-door wagons represented Ford's strong­est-ever declare to Detroit design management: clear, smooth, and punctiliously detailed, yet not lumpy like another low-drag "aero" vehicles. Buick's final true muscle vehicles were also 1970-72 fashions. Some models can go in reverse utilizing a simple shroud that lowers over the steering nozzle. The shroud forces the water into a U-flip, sending it beneath the boat as an alternative of behind it. The boat won't start or run with out the pin in place. The wattage score of your inverter must exceed the full wattage of all the units you plan to run concurrently. New high-stage executives came in during 1992, and though they'd GM back in the black by mid-decade, the company's total market share continued to shrink and income were down. For 1965 got here Engel's smooth, squarish bodies with fenders edged in brilliant metal, one of his signatures. Robert Conrad was working at a biological testing firm and experimenting with killing bacteria with heat when the concept for the Zeno first came to him. Does the Zeno Acne Device Really Work? This is okay for lone workers who only need to make use of their safety machine for a very brief time frame, or those that is not going to be utilizing their arms (say, if they are merely monitoring one thing). All older models and a few newer models of non-public watercraft use two-stroke engines, which may vent oil and gasoline into the water with their exhaust. Coast Guard in 2004. About 28.7 million folks rode private watercraft in U.S. If the IRS decided to publish a e book of continuously asked questions, it will rival the four million phrases of the U.S. DOJ spokesperson who requested to not be named. In fall 2013, a young man named Ross Ulbricht was arrested at a public library in San Francisco, distracted by two FBI brokers posing as a couple in the midst of a loud and passionate argument. Posing because the host of a Tv prank show or ringing a doorbell while holding a large check are prone to lure someone out of the house. If somebody your child doesn't know affords him sweet or asks him to help find a misplaced pet, he must be taught to say "No." He should ignore people who ask him for instructions or beckon him closer. Explain why your little one must by no means give out any identifying data that could lead on somebody to search out him; this consists of residence and school addresses, school actions, and journey plans. One problem is that it uses blanket terms like "cyber risk intelligence" relatively than strictly defining the sorts of knowledge that can be shared, which may potentially permit corporations to obtain and share any kind of information, including personally figuring out info (PII), non-public communications and the like. Teaching your youngster your cellphone quantity, deal with, and different important bits of data may also assist prevent abductions. As such, it doesn’t simply offer you their identified home deal with, it tells you where they are at present. If we offer you two truths and a lie, can you tease out the one that doesn't belong? The great factor in regards to the non-removable tamper-proof GPS Tracking Bracelet is that it can provide dad and mom a way to monitor their children and households with the instruments required to oversee the exercise of elderly liked ones suffering from Alzheimer’s illness.
Make sure that to pick out ones that fit your face well, and take a look at them on before making your buy. These small improvements can make an enormous distinction! Technically, small workplace appliances or equipment also count as office provides. Office hours were something but. This solution is straightforward to make use of, facilitates direct communication to the workplace and is available on each Android and iOS. Also, if the drive shouldn't be flushed thoroughly after every use, "exotic" species, like zebra mussels and invasive plants, can stow away inside the craft. Although it's tough to observe your kid's Internet use, you'll be able to display an interest in which Internet sites your child visits, who he contacts, and the way he makes use of the Internet. Do not buy items, corresponding to T-shirts, with your kid's title on them. Cash would develop into the only safe means to purchase issues, setting the worldwide economic system again many years. Ready to purchase? Keep reading. It’s additionally quick and easy to implement, merely download and set up to individual units and the app is ready to work immediately. It doesn't mosey alongside: It runs as fast as it might to the bottom. Any appliance that runs on electricity may be linked to the system. The Garmin Edge GPS Computer system is a high-decision system that keeps you updated on the state and site of your possession. The Zeno acne therapy machine may be that better way -- it is a zit zapper that radiates heat to destroy the bacteria chargeable for breakouts. The Zeno Acne Device is designed to shock bacteria with heat -- it reaches a temperature of 118.5 degrees Fahrenheit (forty eight degrees Celsius) and delivers a centered heat remedy to pimples forming beneath the skin. Why choose a SureSafe lone worker system? This is the reason we've focused on the non-24/7 monitoring units. Is there an expert monitoring group available 24/7? Although the tracker system is persistently rated high among know-how and gadget evaluation websites, the main complaint concerning the GPS monitoring system was that it would only work with Pc-based working methods. The ThermaClear system works in a way much like the Zeno, however it's utilized for two and a half seconds -- versus the 2 and a half minutes required for the Zeno. Installation takes seconds, and operations start in mere minutes. This is especially true in conditions the place your employees may be faced with working alone, this may solely be for a few minutes while another member of workers has to leave the room (or building), or for a full day as a result of a member of employees unexpectedly calls in sick which leads to another member of staff being on their very own for the day. Here is a listing of stuff you in all probability know you should not do in a thunderstorm: (1) fly a kite, (2) stand below a tree, (3) wrap yourself in metallic armor and play touch soccer, (4) put an antenna in your head, (5) stand on prime of the Empire State Building and taunt Mother Nature or (6) name somebody and make her sing "My Favorite Things" to calm you. Create house automation scenarios with IFTTT and join your favourite providers together. A smart fire alarm can unlock doorways, name emergency services and gentle up a path to safety. These services embody Secured by Design. These embody gear specs and ideas for the whole lot from the type of base floor to design and association of the play space. As increasingly more kids use the Internet to do homework, play games, and chat with associates, it turns into extra necessary for folks to set rules and limitations to protect their children. Teach her to play within the yard or on the sidewalk and to keep away from the road. Start by researching some fundamental questions: What do Wall Street analysts anticipate from the company's next earnings report? Children taking part in on the sidewalk could also be hit by a automotive that jumps the curb, or they could also be struck in the event that they venture into the road. Therefore, it is vital to keep tabs on what your kids are doing online and make sure they're consistently behaving well and safely -- even if they haven't hit the magic 13 threshold yet. Even if you are no handyman and you don't seek out alternatives to repair or construct things, it is best to nonetheless keep some staple items of safety tools on hand for when DIY tasks come up. No such law has been drafted, however the company is still pursuing the matter. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
United States Department of Agriculture. Well, the U.S. Department of Justice has lobbied for a regulation mandating that tech companies develop instruments that may enable law enforcement to avoid encryption and entry information on their clients' gadgets. And if there is a skeleton key to break encryption for regulation enforcement, the folks who've access to it can be millionaires many times over promoting it to hackers, and a few of them inevitably will. Today, this kind of hacking requires tricking the consumer into giving hackers access to their computer systems and web connections. GPS works greatest with an unobstructed view of the sky and can be restrained if a user is positioned in a building, surrounded by dense bushes, or if there's a closely clouded sky. Using a radio signal, a GPS device detects when a satellite tv for pc is orbiting the Earth and sends that signal to a cellphone. As an example, many no monthly fee GPS trackers work by storing information which is then later recovered when the GPS tracker machine is retrieved. Amber Alert GPS Inc. - The corporate affords private security monitoring gadgets corresponding to Active Halo. It presents actual-time connectivity and is waterproof and very durable. Voyce, a waterproof good collar, not solely displays the resting heart price and variety of calories a dog burns, but it also has a objective-setting function. Most single-perform coronary heart fee monitors include a chest-strap sensor that transmits coronary heart charge knowledge to a watch. The Omron HeartGuide Smart Watch consists of an integrated blood pressure wrist cuff. Water flows via the engine or by a closed system that features a chemical coolant. A simple lighting system is relatively low cost, whereas a wise home theater system can run into the 1000's. Since you've received all this newfound time, others will assume you can arrange the college bake sale or run the holiday get together committee. A backdoor allowing a 3rd get together to read particulars of transactions means there will likely be a constructed-in strategy to snoop on countless bank card purchases. It also could possibly be used to seize on-line banking sessions and different private information helpful for blackmail, identity and credit card fraud. Even then, using the ATM means risking having your PIN and debit card numbers swiped inside a now easily penetrable community. It can even wake you up if you're sleeping. Instinctively slowing down to avoid an accident is dangerous and can result in a whole lack of steering energy. If you must rise up and down and reposition yourself usually, kneepads work nice. Fears, Danika. "Rescue puppies get stunning stand-in mom: A capybara." Today. Now you've gotten an thought of easy methods to get started. Manufactured within the UK at our headquarters in Brackley, Northamptonshire, we have now the expertise and stability to support you and your system now and into the future. Modern inverters have some in-built security options that make them even simpler to use. And with the use of location beacons along with ground plans, visibility of entries is retained even and not using a direct GPS signal and for various floors or ranges. If they persist, he should run or yell and even battle if the particular person makes an attempt to touch him. A run within the storm, nevertheless, might. In reality, a child is much much less more likely to be abducted than to be in a automobile accident; nonetheless, media attention would lead individuals to believe that little one abduction is quite widespread. Of the children which might be abducted, 25 percent are taken by strangers; most abducted youngsters are taken by someone they know. Establish a code word for emergency use in case your youngster needs to be picked up by someone else. This can also be placed on a pre-set timer, so that in the event that they don’t press the button inside that point-frame, somebody is alerted to the scenario. For example, personal safety devices, lone worker alarms, and CCTV may help different staff members monitor the security and site of lone workers throughout a pure disaster or emergency scenario. For the GPS, it's going to observe the GPS location of the phone. You will discover funds-pleasant alarms for $5-$15, these with a few added options like a flashlight for $15-$30 and those with superior features like GPS and Bluetooth capabilities from $30-$50. Want to seek out out more about our lone worker alarms and wireless man down alarm system? The chef says that the gadget not only cuts down on prep time however he is ready to keep his space free from clutter within the kitchen. He says that almost all individuals are genuinely focused on political matters, however we have been scarred by dangerous experiences with co-workers.
The term biofeedback, which describes how individuals enhance their well being through the use of alerts from their own our bodies, often conjures up pictures of patients hunkered down in geeked-out hospital rooms with sensors and devices strapped to their bodies. In board rooms across the UK and particularly those of field service based mostly organisations, the proactive steps that can be taken to make sure lone worker safety is often a key merchandise on the agenda. Instead of using a key and door handle to open the door, the sensible residence reads your scanned fingerprint or a four-digit code. In 1993, Congress thought of a law mandating the use of the so-called "Clipper chip," which would retailer a duplicate of an encryption key for legislation enforcement and permit the decryption of secure information with a warrant. That's why so many individuals exit of their way to use cleansing washes and acne-combating creams to eliminate them -- or apply make-up to make them much less noticeable. It's as much as all operators and passengers to verify they use their watercraft safely and in compliance with local legal guidelines. In this text, we will explore how these craft operate, and we'll examine the security, environmental and authorized concern­s associated to their use. The reply is for a wide range of reasons, together with saving power costs, private safety, even better consolation. The smart house makes use of numerous photo voltaic vitality so that you save on electricity. While iPads aren't properly equipped for plenty of typing (until you really like touch screens), they're great if you want to do some reading, on-line shopping, shopping, taking a look at/posting photographs or even Skyping. A hatchback four-door joined the combo for 2002 for even broader market coverage. The vendor affords primary community coverage in the US, Canada, and Mexico, but can offer a distinct or international sim card, if required. As you can see, if you happen to dont modify the default SSID of your router a would-be intruder armed with a few typical SSIDs from vital makers will likely be able to find your wireless network fairly effortlessly. Some vehicles, akin to those geared up with the Ford Sync system, faucet into the Internet connection on a driver's smartphone or a wireless USB adapter. Cell telephones have had the flexibility to obtain Amber alerts since 2005 via an SMS text message based program called the Wireless Amber Alert program. If or when the senior walks exterior the virtual boundary a direct notification will be despatched by way of e mail or textual content message to upwards of 100 totally different relations or essential contacts. This software permits stalkers to learn sent and acquired text messages and listen to phone calls. With StaySafe, a GPS location is distributed with the panic alarm to ensure help may be despatched directly the lone worker. This SMS will include the Google Maps link, merely tapping the link will display the placement of the wanderer on Google Maps. Marsal, Katie. "Women need Apple's iPhone, men desire Google Android, Nielsen finds." AppleInsider. You'll also wish to take a very good look at the atmosphere around the cache to verify it is not being adversely impacted by guests. A mechanic needs to see what they're working on to verify all goes properly for the shopper. It goes straight to the point and creates driving studies, geofences, and alerts when wanted. Their tracker can be armed remotely by way of your telephone, at which level the tool begins signaling its position by connecting to the Pixie tracker community. And if you are speaking on the phone, the tip of the wiring just happens to be your ear. What's more, the injury done to your interior ear is permanent. What’s extra, if your worker is just not where you anticipated them to be, this may occasionally raise false flags. Those laws are designed to lower the danger of foodborne illnesses by setting guidelines about employee handwashing, wearing gloves when dealing with prepared-to-eat foods, maintaining minimal inside cooking temperatures for meats, amongst other standards. While this seems anodyne sufficient from a political standpoint, the lack of specificity indicates that the DOJ needs some option to decrypt information on command with a warrant, despite security consultants saying that such a approach simply doesn't exist as a result of the principles of mathematics. Follow the foundations of the street. From air site visitors to road traffic, security is turning into a more pressing difficulty, and a few individuals feel that they're being monitored extra closely than ever earlier than. Make sure she knows the right way to learn site visitors indicators. Read on to learn the way. Read about how parental supervision increases playground security subsequent.
The requirements also stress that secure playgrounds require ample supervision and maintenance, as effectively pretty much as good design. A couple of years later, Kawasaki Motors launched the JET-SKI® watercraft, which turned so well-liked that m­any folks now refer to all personal watercraft as "jet skis." Within the mid-1980s, different manufacturers developed their own models, and Bombardier re-launched its SEA-DOO design. That's the essential idea of a private watercraft. It might sound like a good suggestion but, like quite a bit issues, sounding right simply doesn't reduce it. In the event you don’t have the cash to afford your high deductible at a moment’s notice, like in the case of a automobile accident, this insurance coverage isn’t right for you. Asking particular questions about how they protect your money might assist ease many fears about how -- and how typically -- people who financial institution online lose cash. You need to address many pertinent questions when deciding what system will work greatest for you. Large inverters are used as emergency energy backup, so determine how many hours the system will run. UPS pilots additionally fly at probably the most fuel-environment friendly speeds potential to meet their delivery deadlines and run just one engine when taxiing to conserve gasoline. It is also the first iPhone with video recording, and it contains straightforward-to-use video enhancing software that permits you to tweak your clips on the fly. Try the video beneath for a rundown of its many features. Police body cameras are specialized video recorders designed to doc what frontline officers see in the line of obligation. Though it helps you feel you take steps to protect your children, it will not forestall their disappearance. I don't feel strongly. Whatever you do, don't enable yourself to really feel responsible for being a working father or mother and having a family. For a corporation, the good thing about hiring freelancers isn't having to pay them when it does not need them. Nevertheless, having a cellular phone in my car aided me improve my group. The second-technology Jaguar XJ was actually when, mostly resulting from design adjustments within the face of safety laws, the looks of the car took on features that will last into the nineteen nineties. Equipped both with one of two straight-six engines or a V12, there have been over 91,000 collection II XJs constructed, with about 14,000 being V12 units. UK Lone worker alarms The 300 dominated NASCAR in 1955-56, and might have continued to take action had the Automobile Manufacturers Association not agreed to de-emphasize racing after 1957. But it was well worth the expense, boosting model-12 months quantity to over 150,000 units and bringing look up to par with efficiency finally. Four-stroke fashions usually have 4 cylinders. The only recorded journey-associated death at Universal Studios was in 2004, when a 39-12 months-old man from Apopka, Florida died after sustaining a head damage from stepping four toes off the Revenge of the Mummy’s loading platform. Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck, is about the final days of the well-known outlaw and the man who betrayed and killed him. The third buddy is getting a flat envelope containing a pair of tickets to see the One Man Star Wars Trilogy. Select a pair with traits that are best suited on your most typical chores and projects. Intersecting runways -- Runways that cross one another are common at airports where the prevailing winds can change throughout the year. Without water from the steering nozzle, the boat can't change course. The fact of the battlefield necessitates steady change within the pursuit to remain a step ahead of the enemy. If the goggles keep on the bridge of your nose comfortably, you have received a superb match. Individuals might have assorted results with the Zeno, but if you employ it in line with its operating instructions, your odds of success are good. We, nonetheless, have excellent news for you: It’s doable to track someone’s phone with out their consciousness. Plenty of government companies have taken steps to reduce considerations about noise, security and pollution. It's necessary to grasp a few security concerns earlier than getting on a private watercraft. And the reliability of helmets has not been confirmed in personal watercraft accidents. Playground Safety Though they not often result in dying, playground accidents are the leading cause of injury to elementary college kids. This ensures that it will not transfer about and cause danger. Both rock climbing and skydiving have an element of hazard. Cons: You'll have to keep eye on privateness of your data. To keep your baby secure in the automotive, drive carefully and defensively. In the one- to four-year-old age group, two thirds of the youngsters who're killed in automotive accidents are occupants of a car, and one third are pedestrians struck by a automotive.
To make sure your child is not struck by a car, train her to respect the road and to walk defensively. Launched as the 4 seat Dino 308 GT/4, these had been Maranello’s first Ferrari-badged highway cars with out a 12-cylinder engine. As she gets older, teach her to look each ways earlier than crossing the road. It's an electronically controlled strong cover plate that works with electric coil stovetops and a mechanism installed inside the stove to routinely shut off the burner when it will get too scorching or stays on for an prolonged time period. The ignition button, normally discovered on the handlebars, sends a sign to an electric beginning motor. Mobility units vary from walking canes and walkers to subtle wheelchairs and electric scooters. The JPL has also used a Rift with a Virtuix Omni treadmill and panoramic pictures captured by the Curiosity rover to simulate walking on Mars. A slice of pizza is probably one of the best food choices in the event you plan on consuming while walking down the sidewalk. Search for and down and side to aspect. “After lunch, a gaggle of us went over to the manufacturing facility, shut down for the occasion,” Goodfellow continued. Protective goggles are larger than typical reading glasses (some fashions are designed to suit over your glasses), and so they wrap around the sides of your face. Some models are also designed to allow the operator to lean into turns as they would on a motorbike. Newer fashions use a computer to re-begin the jet drive if the operator simultaneously releases the throttle and turns the handlebars laborious in one course. If you utilize the Zeno before the pustule absolutely forms, there is a ninety p.c chance the potential pimple won't progress into a painful protrusion. Once it's charged and you have a pimple beginning to type, fireplace up the machine -- three tones will point out that the Zeno is on. But crucial precaution would not concern your driving abilities, but fairly one easy plastic and metallic device -- a automotive seat. Armstrong, Amanda. Real Simple. Birdie did its best to maintain it so simple as humanly potential. As much as we try to explain we want to keep them safe, they will see us as their daughters, not health advisors. Its lithium-ion battery lasts around 2.5 weeks earlier than needing a recharge, and Spytec sells a separate battery add-on for many who need an excellent greater battery. Mobile apps and gadgets could be carried on a worker’s person or even worn around the neck or clipped to clothing. Gives safety wherever you've got a cell phone sign, whether you’re home, in the office, or ‘out and about’. It was previously referred to because the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) or the personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN). OnStar techniques function over a digital cellular community in the United States, and its clients can contact the service 24 hours a day with the push of a button of their cars. Then, the engine takes over powering the craft. The craft's engine rotates the impeller by way of a drive shaft. The impeller is a rotor-like device that sits inside a cylindrical passageway within the physique of the craft. Among the various items contained in the shed is toolbox, at the underside of that are a dozen spare and random keys, one in every of which opens your home. Tight-fitting styles make it easier to handle items and to really feel what you are doing via the fabric. There are a great deal of types and supplies to choose from. There are even straightforward-to-comply with self-protection classes for kids. Even if the passenger is belted in, it's almost impossible to hold onto a baby in a crash. For example, to carry onto a ten-pound infant in a collision at 30 miles per hour requires the identical quantity of power as lifting 300 pounds one foot off the bottom! But more generally, a toddler is harm when a car through which she is a passenger is concerned in a collision. This retains the boat from touring very far and reduces the likelihood of a collision. This feature can help get the boat into and out of the water or get out of a tight space. However, the jargon associated to those devices can generally be difficult to know, and with three different technique of installation, it is usually a challenge to get the right balance of performance and worth. Read on to see if the Zeno is best for you. Read how kidnappings can be prevented subsequent by by no means leaving a child alone in a public place.
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sheep-goat-child · 7 years
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some doodles i’ve done so far
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Saturn, Oil Pastel on Black Chalk Paper
(NASA live)
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“The type of mind that can understand good fiction is not necessarily the educated mind, but it is at all times the kind of mind that is willing to have its sense of mystery deepened by contact with reality, and its sense of reality deepened by contact with mystery.”
― Flannery O'Connor, Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose
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abnerkrill · 2 years
💥Joy List - Musical Edition💥
tagged by my beloved @salzundhonig to make a list of musical things that make me happy!!! i love music and honestly could not survive without it so here we go, in no particular order <3
-the entirety of Handel's Messiah is just, literally, the sound of a cozy, safe, warm Advent season with my family. my mother (a complete music nerd!!) used to host a Messiah singalong every year, and I was in a youth orchestra that played songs from it so I still have all the Violin 1 parts etched into my muscle memory, especially perhaps For unto us a child is born
-my favorite violin concerto of all time, the Butterfly Lovers by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang, + my favorite violinist of all time, Gil Shaham = !!!!!!!!!
-the Au fond du temple saint duet by Bizet... pro tip: I am one of the violinists in this performance ;) you can spot me being somewhat unsure of the bowings lmao don't tell my conductor
-and the Flower Duet from Lakme by Delibes. (I'm not in this performance but my orchestra did play it!!) GOD when the harmonization at 1:05 hits...
-gotta have my girl Hilary Hahn on here, performing my other favorite violin concerto, the Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan Williams. I played this age... 12? 13? and reveled, at least for a few years, in the fact that I was a violin prodigy. Now I'm 24 and I can't play it anymore. sigh. hashtag gifted kid jkdfsjkfdskjds
-the theme from Pacific Rim by Ramin Djawadi + guitar solo by Tom Morello, obviously. (I have... also played this in my youth orchestra. because I arranged it. that was a wild time.)
-speaking of my man Djawadi, the Clash of the Titans soundtrack SLAPS, especially freaking Scorpiox. Ramin can do no wrong!!! doesn't it make you wanna rampage through the desert with a sword killing giant scorpions sent by the gods to destroy you??
-because I am a basic violin bitch, as all prev. classical pieces prove, this piece I giorni by Ludovico Einaudi performed by Daniel Hope........ gets me every time. there is nothing like a good violin solo, babey!!
-speaking of violin solos, the version of Sleeping At Last's Saturn with a violin solo by Tim Fain??? took a literally perfect song and made it absolutely, breathtakingly transcendent.
-SPEAKING OF VIOLIN SOLOS, all the violin parts from the 2011 Jane Eyre............ phenomenal. but especially this piece, Awaken by Dario Marianelli, with violin solo by Jack Liebeck. and yes. I have performed it, on orchestra tour in Hungary. (this is a common theme here!! i love a song, i learn it, i play it, i never forget it.) start at 3:06 for the sexiest part.
-i got hooked on Celtic Woman at a young age, for some reason, but honestlyyyy their stuff goes so hard. like. tell me this doesn't make you want to go perform a pagan ritual in the woods under the full moon?? or that this doesn't unearth an ache of homesickness you never could hope to articulate?? excuse the general 2010s aesthetic and hairstyles but like. the music is GOOD.
-as much as I love and adore Marina's music, my favorite song with her is actually... a Gryffin song she just features on?? anyway i listened to this over and over and over and I still adore it. there's also an orchestral version that slaps!
-in this house we are aware that mumford & sons politics are real bad :((( but below my feet still slaps. i have (re?)claimed it to be about my faith deconstruction journey :)
-phildel's whole melodramatic tragic witchy thing is on point but i especially love glorious and union stone. to be entirely, embarrassingly honest, along with phildel, i collect part-asian singers whose work really speaks to me, so see also moon and moon by bat for lashes, this far by kina grannis, first love / late spring by mitski. something about seeing myself/hearing myself through other mixed-race women with theatrical, dramatic, self-expressive tendencies, and a deep unresolveable yearning to be seen and understood..........
-i do not, generally, listen to sinead o'connor—nothing against her, just generally don't vibe with her music—but inexplicably she has written exactly two (2) songs that appeared in the end credits of otherwise unremarkable (maybe even bad!) films. only you from the young victoria, and i'll be singing from wild mountain thyme. they are both perfect, beautiful, extremely ~me~ songs, but nothing else i've ever heard from sinead really appealed to me?? idk why this has happened! (if i had a dime for every time a sinead o'connor song that appeared in the end credits of a mediocre-to-bad emily blunt movie became a favorite song of mine, i'd have two dimes, etc.)
-hadestown in its entirety but especially the original cast wait for me and wedding song. damon daunno orpheus and nabiyah be eurydice, my beloveds!!
tagging @stillshewanders @writingwanderlust @hergnomieness @quillonalark @mythcas and anyone who would like to do this esp my beloved mutuals!! i want to know what music you love <3
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coffeecatfilms · 5 years
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Toys (1992) dir. Barry Levinson
Toys was a beloved pet project of director Barry Levinson’s; it was originially intended to be his directorial debut, and it took 10 years to develop. The whimsical, often absurd film tells the story of a famous toymaker’s carefree son (Robin Williams) rising to the occasion to take down the tyrannical rule of his uncle (Michael Gambon). While the film was praised for it’s art design, art direction, and costuming, it was virtually panned in every other area, and was nominated for several satirical film awards, such as the Razzie Awards. The film did, however, receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Art Direction and Costume Design, and many more nominations at the Saturn Awards. Recent reviews have been more favorable towards the film, with one reviewer stating the film was “ahead of it’s time”. 
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astrologybyolga · 5 years
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg born March 15, 1933. is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ginsburg was appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of office on August 10, 1993. She is the second female justice (after Sandra Day O'Connor) Following O'Connor's retirement, and until Sotomayor joined the court, Ginsburg was the only female justice on the Supreme Court.
She’s a Pisces Sun - the highest form of the sign , highly intelligent and very understanding, fair and really good natured !
Her mercury in Aries and in the 1st house is in a beneficial aspect to Saturn ( this gives structure , endurance, focus and determination and high intelligence) she earned her bachelor's degree at Cornell University and started law school at Harvard, where she was one of the few women in her class. Ginsburg transferred to Columbia Law School, where she graduated tied for first in her class. Following law school, Ginsburg turned to academia. She was a professor at Rutgers Law School and Columbia Law School, teaching civil procedure as one of the few women in her field.
Plus it’s also linked to Mars♍️ +Neptune ♍️in the 6th which is her work ! ♍️ is a mental sign and shows that she spent a considerable part of her legal career as an advocate for the advancement of gender equality and women's rights, winning multiple victories arguing before the Supreme Court. 💫💫💫
Moon in Scorpio makes her fearless , and tough she did have a honourable reputation , unfortunately it’s in the 8 th and square to Saturn in Aquarius ♒️ which bought some loss especially via the death of her older sister when she was a baby and her beloved mother just before she graduated high school .
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dahliaborne · 6 years
check your birth chart and add 3 famous people who have that same placements like you tagged by astonishing @sirenoirs thank you 💕
tagging: @miumiugirl, @etherealfaeri, @mudvvitch, @sacredsister, @diamonds-are-for-dinner, @vladadoll, @unknown--martyrs, @morethanprinceofcats, @tulletruffle, @sweetstarbeam
aquarius sun: clarke gable, tom hiddleston, christian dior
aries moon: cate blanchet, lauren bacall, anton chekhov
capricorn mercury: faye dunaway, david lynch, sienna miller
aquarius venus: florence lawrence, kate moss, james joyce
libra mars: kirsten dunst, alfred hitchcock, sinead o'connor
pisces jupiter: orson welles, chloë sevigny, clint mansell
aries saturn: nicole kidman, anne brontë, jean seberg
aquarius uranus: betty grable, vivien leigh, lorde
aquarius neptune: tchaikovsky, edgar degas, elle fanning
sagittarius pluto: william blake, marie antoinette, maisie williams
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
There's a huge number of people here who are mystery and some kind and they are kind of lowlifes he's heading out right now but I wanted to mention that
-we have a large number of things to do a large number of announcements there are a few things happening here that are pretty important one of them is their characters are coming out that are politicians and they're talking about what's happening and they're saying that they're getting beaten to a pump Pope and they're getting beaten to a pulp and then they're not getting a break and people are passing them by and not helping and they're not trying to help and they're saying that they have things to do and it's ridiculous they need actual power and they are kind of blowing the whole thing and sayings right like the whole time they're dancing around him farting and barfing and puking threatening and being huge assholes and taking away any support we might get and it's gross and they want their stuff back and money back because they're taking stuff and it's not working out with them they're not really valid people anymore in there ruining the situation for those who are willing to try there's a lot of politicians who have quit. There's a big list I'm told it's about 35% of who is in there but they only have probably about now they have about 20% of the political positions and they started out with probably 45% last year and it was not that great then but now it's down okay there down to 20% and that's globally that's all the more luck including the pseudo empire they are losing everybody's interest this area here is full of them the population is probably 80% more lock but they're fighting and if fighting is going to intensify did that have that to say it's very important it says it was happening and we're talking about it but people should know because it will impact everything and yeah Trump is going to be gone and he's going to have replacements Terry cheesman as well and his character looks like the guy from O'Connor that's who he is until Lund is Trump there's a different look there it's not too much different but it is and he's in a movie shortly and it doesn't look good and he knows which one it is and people are wondering how this isn't a movie and my husband says it can be fake in the movie but the max are making it happen okay it's called CGI it's called a plan like the Bible and it makes sense because it's all starting to fit with Saturn and the demons and that kind of stuff so they're starting to get it
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thedoteaters · 7 years
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Sinead O'Connor for #Sega Saturn. (1995) #bitstory
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sheep-goat-child · 7 years
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a remake of my old ref of her
name: Bolivia Emily O'Connor nickname(s): Bobo gender: demigirl pronouns: she/her or they/them species: American Akita Inu birth date: 6/9/1978 zodiac(normal): gemini zodiac(Chinese): rat zodiac(Burmese): guinea pig sexual orientation: lesbian relationship status: single likes: her sisters (plus her little brother, Leo), her helpers/kids (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Mars, and Pluto), witchcraft, Seamus (her good boy), cute things, day offs dislikes: bad things(smoking, drinking for example), Berlin-Aspen (sometimes; mostly Berlin), junk food personality: chill, short-tempered, tomboyish, helpful, polite, almost always tired favorite color: pastel colors favorite food: anything healthy favorite wanna try food: salads random fact: she used to dress up as a boy, and now rarely dresses like a boy
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