#samoan language
horsemeatluvr23 · 27 days
every time someone draws bdubs white an angel dies
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ofmdtereomaori · 8 months
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Auntie is canonically Samoan! What she's saying here is "Sole!" which roughly means bro, man, dude, etc. Love how Frenchie doesn't really react but Fang's response is basically "yes, what?"
Thanks to all the guys who shouted sole at each other all the time at my high school, making this one of the few Samoan words I can recognize immediately.
Edit: since I explained this badly, Fang isn't responding in Samoan, he's just saying "oh, hm?" which is more of an acknowledgement noise than actual words in any language.
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max1461 · 4 months
Max I have a linguistics question. And I will even free your chess ask from purgatory as payment. So there's this thing that goes around saying that US English pronunciations are more similar to old English than British English. Is there any truth to this, and how would we know one way or the other?
There is some kernel of truth in it that is getting exaggerated or oversimplified.
Let me start off by answering, in a general sense, the question "how would we know one way or the other?"
The Part Where I Accidentally (on Purpose) Wrote a Brief Introduction to Historical Linguistics
Phonological change (change in the pronunciation of a language) doesn't work in the way we might naively expect it to. I think that most people imagine phonological change as basically happening by way of each word in the language taking a random walk through pronunciation-space as time goes along. Like genes in a genome, randomly mutating. This is not what happens. Rather, phonological change occurs via rewrite rules, which find-and-replace particular sequences of sounds in a systematic way across the entire lexicon. For example, such a rule might replace a [t] sound with an [s] sound whenever it precedes an [i] sound. This will occur in all words in the language at once, in a uniform way. These find-and-replace rules are called regular sound changes, and they pile up over time, constituting phonological change.
This fact—the regularity of sound change—is known as the Neogrammarian hypothesis.
The above picture is an oversimplification. There are a variety of exceptions and apparent-exceptions to the regularity of sound change, and dealing with them is one of the major challenges of historical linguistics. But as a model, the Neogrammarian hypothesis is extraordinarily powerful. It is literally what makes historical linguistics possible at all. The upshot of the Neogrammarian hypothesis is that when two languages are related, their vocabulary won't just be "kinda similar" in some nebulous sense, it will demonstrate systematic, predictable correspondences in sound between cognate vocabulary.
Here's an illustration of this, a comparative table of some cognates in Polynesian (from Wikipedia):
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If you look at any two columns of this table, you'll start to notice correspondences. Tongan and Niuean /k/ correspond to Samoan /ʔ/ (a glottal stop, written with a apostrophe). This correspondence is one-to-one. Samoan /s/ corresponds to Tongan and Niuean /h/, but the reverse is not true: some instances of Tongan and Niuean /h/ correspond to Samoan ∅ (nothing). Tongan /s/, on the other hand, corresponds to Niuean and Samoan /t/, but only before /i/. Etc. etc.
These are systematic sound correspondences, born of Neogrammarian sound change from a common ancestor.
Ok, on the left hand side you will notice a column that says "Proto-Polynesian". The words in this column are all marked with *, indicating that they are reconstructed forms. They are linguists' best guess as to what the original, ancestral form of these words would have been in the Polynesian languages' common ancestor. There are various ways linguists make these reconstructions. First of all, we can do it by sheer majority rule: if most of the languages in a family reflect a sound as X, and only one or a few reflect it as Y, then (all else being equal and assuming the tree is flat) it is more likely that the original word had X. Almost all these languages have /t/ as the first sound in "person" (row 1), whereas Marquesan has /ʔ/ and Hawaiian has /k/. Thus the ancestral sound is reconstructed as /t/.
But there are other, more sophisticated tools that can be used. For instance, we know a certain amount about what sorts of sound changes are likely to occur and what sorts are not. Thus, for instance, an /s/ is reconstructed as the first sound in "grey haired" (row 2), even though the majority of languages have /h/. This is because we already know that s -> h is a fairly common sound change (and indeed corresponds to a known phonological process found presently in many languages—debuccalization), whereas h -> s is a much rarer change (in fact, I suspect wholly unattested), and corresponds to no known phonological process or phonetic explanation.
Finally, we can rule out reconstructions when the sound change needed to create them would not be a function. Consider, for instance, that the majority of the words in row 3 have no consonant sound at all before the final /e/. But the reconstruction features a consonant /h/ there. If we posit ∅ as initial instead, we have to come up with a sound change that explains how the /h/ got there. ∅ -> h doesn't work, because that would put /h/ everywhere! How about something like "∅ -> h between two vowels" (linguists would notate this change as ∅ -> h / V_V). That would work, but we see other instances of adjacent vowels (e.g. in row 4) with no /h/ between them, so that can't be it. Maybe "∅ -> h between /a/ and /e/" (∅ -> h / a_e). We can't rule this out on the basis of this chart, but we probably could by looking at more vocabulary.
And so on, and so forth. In general, we want to posit the simplest set of sound changes possible, in which the changes themselves are as probable as possible, in order to explain the data. These putative changes can then by checked against all sorts of outside observations, such as
descriptions of pronunciations in historical texts
past loanwords into languages whose phonological histories are already known with confidence
epigraphic data from archeology (not very applicable to Polynesian, unless we decipher rongorongo)
newly collected data from modern languages in the same family
evidence from rhyme schemes or alliteration schemes used in poetry composed in the past
to see if they hold up.
The Part Where I Answer Your Question
Ok, right. American English and "British English" (I assume this means Received Pronunciation) are two related language varieties. Thus, they share systematic sound correspondences, and we can try to reconstruct their common ancestor. Also the British Isles have produced an extraordinary number of texts in the past thousand years, including poetry and actual linguistic descriptions of various dialects at various points in time, which we can check these reconstructions against.
But actually you don't need most of that to identify a few ways in which (most) American English dialects are more conservative than Received Pronunciation. For one, Received Pronunciation has dropped /r/ at the end of a syllable (in English dialectological jargon it is "non-rhotic"), whereas General American English hasn't. There are some associated vowel changes too. One way or another, the /r/ is plainly original: elision of /r/ is more common and phonetically plausible than insertion of /r/ in a bunch of specific post-vocalic positions would be, /r/ is written in the orthography, historical descriptions of the language talk about an /r/ sound, etc. etc.
In other ways RP is more conservative. For example, GenAm has deleted /j/ (the "y" sound) in a specific phonological environment ([+coronal]_u) in words such as tube, GenAm /tuːb/, RP /tjuːb/.
Is "American English more conservative than RP" overall? I don't really think so. Certainly it has preserved a number of salient features that RP has lost, such as syllable-final /r/ and (in some dialects) /hw/ in words like what, and so on. But there's other senses in which RP is more conservative. And this is not even to mention the other dialects of Britain, which are manifold and much more diverse than the dialects of America. As to the strict question of the relative phonological conservatism of GenAm and RP, I think someone with more detailed knowledge of English historical phonological would have to come in and answer. Perhaps @yeli-renrong can comment.
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illuminaryart · 2 months
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No Greater Love. 16x20 watercolor and ink. Each "I love you" was written by a native speaker or student of that language. Afrikaans, American Sign Language, Arabic, Bijabo, Burmese, Czech,  Danish, Dutch,  English, Faroese, Fijian, Finnish, French, German, Greek (koine), Greek (modern), Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Ilakano, Indonesian,  Italian, Japanese, Kinyarwanda, Korean, Kreyal, Kriol, Latin, Latvian,  Lingala, Luganda, Malay,  Malay, Mandarin,  Melpa, Mongolian, Nakui, Nepali, Papua New Guinean Pidgin (three versions), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,  Runyankore, Russian, Samoan,  Sesotho, Slovak,  Sorimi, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil,  Tedim, Thai, Tohono O’odham, Tongan, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu.
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Tribal Chief
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❤️❤️Author's Note: For those of you who are unaware, I am a co-author for my sister over on Wattpad so with her permission this story has been requested to post on my Tumblr as well. Oh, and this was inspired by the recent backstage segment between Roman and Nick Aldis. My boy is not playin' with the Tribal Chief. xD Anyways, Enjoy!
I do not own the pictures used in this, credit to the owner(s).
Warnings: not really, other than some vulgar language lol
Since being promoted to the general manager position on Smackdown, you must say that you have made a great impact on the show. Ratings are booming; endorsements are rolling in, and you were not only showing your powerful role as the WWE Women's World Champion but also as a top manager for the business. Sure, it meant more responsibilities, but you were more than up for the challenge, and everyone loved you.
Well, everyone except the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, who you've bumped heads with on several occasions since being drafted to Smackdown. The 6'3, tanned Samoan hated that you never acknowledged him and two, you were trying to tell him what to do....no one tells Roman Reigns what to do.
*Live Backstage Segment*
You've been summoned by the arrogant asshole Chief himself as told to you by Paul Heyman. Said that you and his Tribal Chief needed to talk business. You inwardly roll your eyes, knowing that this most likely had to do with tonight's booking. You smooth out your dress and had to admit to yourself you looked too damn good. Although you weren't a face, nor a heel either, the crowd cheered for you as the camera panned to you:
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Not bothering to knock, you barge into the Bloodline's locker room, adjusting your championship title on your shoulder. The crowd began booing loudly as the camera switched to Roman sitting on the couch, while Solo stood behind him, Jey and Jimmy sitting across from him on another couch. All conversation stopped when you walked in. You strut over to Roman, standing off to the side as you fold your arms over your slightly exposed chest.
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"Good evening gentlemen...I've been summoned." You say in a mocking tone. Roman takes his eyes off of his phone before eying you up and down; eyes roaming over your body a little longer than he'd admit.
You looked so beautiful. So sexy.
"......Leave us." He says in a smooth, yet deep tone.
All four men glance at their Tribal Chief before nodding. They exit quietly leaving you and Roman to yourselves. The tension in the room was apparent as you took your championship and placed it on the table beside you. You cross your beautiful brown leg over the other, noticing how Roman eyes them before subtly licking his lips. He can't help but be amused.
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It's been a while since you two have talked being that for about three years, you've been over on Raw. Though Raw is no stranger to random Bloodline attacks on the Raw superstars, which you've witnessed firsthand. Long story short, you used to be in a three-person faction, you being the only woman of the three. Your two members challenged the Usos for their undisputed tag team titles and the Tribal Chief did not like that. He didn't like anyone disrespecting his family and when you did, you were dealt with. Unfortunately, the Usos ambushed your members after a match and put both men on the shelf. They haven't been active for over 6 months now. Hence why WWE decided to push a storyline between you and Roman to further your hate for one another.
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"How do you know I wasn't talking to you?" He challenged.
"With all due respect, I wouldn't give a damn if you were." The crowd oh's loudly as Roman lets out a humorless laugh as you give him a coy smile. He straightens up his posture, reminding you of just how big he was compared to you.
"Ha, okay." He rests his elbows on his legs as he rubs his beard. A habit you've come to know of his. His brows furrowed and his face twisted slightly as he sat there thinking. "You booked my cousins, the Usos versus Sami & K.O.?" You sit up slightly as you nod.
"I did."
"And you booked Solo vs LA Knight?" He asks not looking at you. You eye his side profile as you again nod.
"I did." He shakes his head nodding.
"Hm........those are some pretty good ideas, but you know what would've been an even better idea? If you would've run that all by me first." You snort as you look away momentarily.
Just who the hell does he think he is? He thinks just because he and his family are the top superstars in the company, everyone has to bow down and kiss their damn feet?
"You see...I'm the Tribal Chief...the Head of the Table, everything goes through me. And I need you to understand that. Adam Pearce did." He states his voice smoother than silk and deeper than the ocean, but he still don't know who he's dealing with.
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"Is that right?" He nods.
"Well Mr. Reigns, sorry to break it to you but, I'm not the Usos, Solo Sikoa nor am I the Wiseman Paul Heyman. Or anyone else in this locker room for that matter. I'm the general manager of Smackdown. Which means...I tell you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Which also means, I'M the Head of the Table. And if I'm the Head of the Table....that means, I'm in control of who sits at the table and what you eat and when you eat. I feed you now." You say smartly as the crowd ooo's loudly.
Roman runs an annoyed hand down his face as his face twists in anger. Just who exactly did you think you were talking to? Sure stature-wise, you had nothing on him, but apparently, all that power has gone to your head.
You stand to your feet along with Roman as he is more than annoyed. The corner of his mouth twitched angrily. Oh, you got under his skin. You take your championship and place it back on your shoulder as you smirk at Roman. Damn, he looked sexy as fuck angry.
"Trust...you don't wanna be on my bad side Mr. Reigns." You say as you trace the outline of his belt that sat on his waist like the king he was.
You were both standing so close to each other, you were almost chest to chest. Damn, he smelled good. He lightly bites his lip as you do so, trying not to break character. He couldn't help but find you attractive. All of this confidence you oozed was going straight to his dick. He prayed no one could see the boner building in his pants. You keep this up, he was gonna tell them to cut the cameras, get the hell out, and fucked you silly on this damn couch.
"Wanna know why?" You ask batting your lashes up at the man.
"Why?" He says in almost a deep whisper. You smirk as you tap your manicured nail on his championship.
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"Because...I'll make it hard for you." You say as the crowd goes crazy.
You definitely meant that in more ways than one and he seemed to have caught on. You back away slowly as you smile at him innocently.
"Now! If you'll excuse me, I have a show to run. Maybe we can get to know each other a little better. Enjoy the rest of your night Mr. Reigns." The crowd cheers as you strut away.
Roman was going to learn one way or another, you were the authority...not him.
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justaz · 7 days
lance grew up in a large family that is used to so much noise that a lot of the time, lance isn't heard. it's not that his family is ignoring him but things just get lost and for someone like lance who cannot Shut The Fuck Up it happens very often. then his friends grow used to his prattle and it just becomes like white noise for them. lance is so used to being ignored that when he realized keith was actually listening to him and comprehending his babble, he is just a puddle.
keith is silent as he listens to every word lance says while lance is like barely paying attention to what he says (adhd x autism ftw) and it happens in front of the rest of the team but whatever lance just said caught one of their attentions and they interrupt to ask him to repeat what he said and lance is just like "you think i know what was coming out of my mouth?" and keith repeats what lance said perfectly. lance stares at him and is Soft but all he can manage is a smile.
it gets so much worse, lance turns his prattle to keith instead of the room in general and is so excited that someone is actually listening that his speech grows faster and faster until he's barely speaking anything intelligible (bonus hc lance speaks many languages so when he gets excited its just a combination of various different languages. it starts with spanglish then he incorporates samoan and then portuguese and italian etc etc)
i love yapper!lance x listener!keith
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mono-dot-jpeg · 7 months
tank moment - mauga
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summary; title slightly irrelevant, i wanted to be funny. iykyk
genre/extra tags; headcanons/bullet fic, i talk about mauga hcs i thought of on the fly, reader is implied to be a support character, reader is also part of talon group, fluff, i only know the bare minimum about him and that's all i need baby, is this platonic or romantic idk
[gender neutral reader] [canon typical violence mentioned]
a/n; im back on my overwatch era. it never really ended but, i want to write about him, mauga, the beloved. typing this on my phone and finishing on my computer if anything seems wonky shhh dont tell me i'll relive that mistake for days
also this is a somewhat lightly reseached- aka not fully accurate/detailed work. i briefly mention samoan culture and if it offends or if it's a mistake, please tell me and i will erase those parts asap.
[support me and buy a kofi]
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i've been watching and playing with/against mauga since the trial to play him came out and god i love him
but he's kind of easy to counter (im an ana main, nade is fucking broken but that's just anti heal things) and his ult is annoying
every tank needs their heal bot to keep em up
you just happen to be mauga's heal bot KDJSJSJ
(baptiste is too probably but not really)
he's a really smug guy
no one really knows that bc he sounds so upbeat and nice
but he loves to tease you, poke at you bc he knows that you will answer to him most of the time and entertain him in conversation
you and him are probably in your world even when you're both in talon tbh
he does his own thing and you just happen to join in
(he totally baits you to join his plans and you both know it)
he's a chaotic and cunning man and you're his enabler
(sounds like me and my bestie tbh)
"a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you" type beat
he's lowkey possessive but we dont talk about that
jk we do talk abt it
he's your scary guard dog privileges
like that man is tall tall ‼️‼️
idk why but i dont really imagine him being like an openly sweet person
he keeps it private even with how loud he is
you know how he's on a yacht for his origin story and there's like a bunch of people who got destroyed by him?
yeah he would totally do that shit for u if you asked.
he would give you the best home but
"thanks for the new place and all but did you have to kill someone for it?"
"i mean come on! this place is nice! let's enjoy it!"
he's very "i'll do the dirty work, just sit back and look pretty." and then you're like, "yeah i could. but i won't."
dps support vibes for you ✨️
but also he's charging in most of the time so, there's not much time to dps support KDHDJDJJD
he's like the kool aid man bursting in through the walls /j
back to the hcs here...
he's so tall and big, he would totally let you hang off his back like nunu and wilump (from league, yeah i play league dont remind me totally gonna write for heartsteel soon tm)
also he's literally the greatest heated blanket (ahead of roadhog)
he's so stronk and wowowowow im so gay i love him
when you're surrounded by some enemies, he's charging in, slamming the ground and carrying you with ease as he keeps you safe while destroying any enemies who even tried to touch you
despite his lack of pda, he's a very actions over words.
he's so silly
chivalry isn't dead when he breaks into a jewelry store for u 😍😍
if you ever have those crazy thoughts about crime, he's totally gonna enable you and let you reign havoc on god knows what.
love language is actions and gift giving. enough said.
when he gives you a hug, he's so fucking warm omg
i said it before and i'll say it again, he's the best heated blanket, literal furnace
bad for the people who sweat easily though (ahem me lowkey)
one the off-days where it's just a day off and relaxing, he's taking care of you well !!
when you're on talon missions, since he can't run around as easily unless he gets the okay but you do keep him company until then
he likes to protect but he loves destroying people
he knows you're able to care for yourself, so he can go crazy whenever, and he loves that.
he also loves watching you get mad or angrily passionate
"yes go, la'u ma’asoama!" (my rock/stone, get it? bc his name means mountain)
he is a really good hype man. even if you're the one in the wrong.
soon (tm)
someday i'll write more.
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fem-lit · 3 months
What, first, is food? Certainly, within the context of the intimate family, food is love, and memory, and language. But in the public realm, food is status and honor.
Food is the primal symbol of social worth. Whom a society values, it feeds well. The piled plate, the choicest cut, say: We think you’re worth this much of the tribe’s resources. Samoan women, who are held in high esteem, exaggerate how much they eat on feast days. Publicly apportioning food is about determining power relations, and sharing it is about cementing social equality: When men break bread together, or toast the queen, or slaughter for one another the fatted calf, they’ve become equals and then allies. The word companion comes from the Latin for “with” and “bread”—those who break bread together.
But under the beauty myth, now that all women’s eating is a public issue, our portions testify to and reinforce our sense of social inferiority. If women cannot eat the same food as men, we cannot experience equal status in the community. As long as women are asked to bring a self-denying mentality to the communal table, it will never be round, men and women seated together; but the same traditional hierarchical dais, with a folding table for women at the foot.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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spaceaces00 · 2 months
Extended Languages Headcanons!
Lance: Cuban Spanish
Hunk: Samoan & bits of Tagalog from childhood friends (helped him learn Spanish faster w Lance bc a lot of the words/roots are similar)
Pidge: some Hebrew (& binary code, Morse code, fuckin Latin, etc.)
Keith: knows simple Korean & the swears (was learning as a kid but oops #deaddad)
Shiro: knows basic Japanese (I like to think that he, like Keith, had a rebellious era so he hated learning but as an adult tries to pick it up again) also some Korean bc tween Keith was feisty
Allura: Garla, Altean (maybe some other planets bc of trade, balls, royalty things idk)
Coran: weirdly a lot?? Apparently went like planet party hopping and picked up a bunch of
I think everyone learns Altean eventually bc it’s the ship and it’s like a dead language 🧍but Lance and Pidge learn the quickest ok the concept of shit talking in another language
They definitely pick up phrases from each other (especially bc they don’t have any one to practice it with and they don’t wanna forget :(
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
The Old Guard x One piece AU got my brain going brrr and i'm gonna make it your problem now. Center of the matter is I want Zoro and Sanji to meet kind of like Nicki and Joe did (discovering their immortality by fighting on opposite sides and killing each other over and over and then becoming eternal lovers) so I went and did some research for the entire Straw hat crew. Main thing is I wanted to link them to historical events that will give them the right motivations and backgrounds! so here we GOOO
Sanji and Zoro: Because Japan has an isolationist past, the only battle I could find that would work is the Cagayan battles of 1582 in Jakarta between Spanish-Philippine forces vs Japanese pirates (a.k.a Wokou, which are basically pirate ronin) Sanji would thus be a reluctant "Rodelero" sent to South East Asia by his noble family (jokes on them he loves being in the middle of the spice trade and he hates being part of a noble family funding the conquistadores) who one day finds himself fighting a mysterious Wokou samurai Zoro. They're partly isolated from their respective camps when they first kill each other, and again, and again, until they realise they should by all means be dead but they keep healing. After a couple decades of -against all odds- running into each other everywhere, they reluctantly decide to try and figure out what the heck's happened to them together- struggling to communicate at first, then learning each others' language over the following decade, then falling in love and becoming inseparable. This makes Zoro and Sanji both over 400 years old, and they are the same age. Zoro learns about so many sword techniques and Sanji about different cuisines/ leg-centric fighting styles during this time.
all the other straw hats and their historical periods under the cut!
Robin as an Egyptian scholar who died during the burning of the Library of Alexandria in 48 BC/ was killed for researching something forbidden during the declining years of the Roman Period (early 200s) and found out she was immortal this way, making her around 2 millennia old. She spends her time recording history and traveling the world and encountering new cultures. Her long time enemy is religious obscurantism, and the Catholic church spends a lot of resources trying to kill her. (they have conspiracy boards about this immortal witch in the Vatican)
Brook: so ancient he doesn't remember much, other that he came from Kerma culture (2500 BC), loved music, and that his entire village had died from an illness, but he came back. His memory isn't great but if there's one thing he's loved in his Millennia of existence is discovering and learning how to play all the instruments that he could find. He mostly hangs in Vienna nowadays as a music teacher.
Jinbei is a Samoan chieftain from around 1000 BC who one day died during a battle with a Fijian chieftain. When he came back from death he assumed Tagaloa chose him. He loves navigating, sailing, exploring and going on voyages with his people. In more recent times (post european contact) he was forced to ally with the US Navy to protect his people.
Nami: Irish lass from around 800 who's coastal, tiny village was about to be raided by Vikings from Sweden. She made a deal with their chieftain Arlong to go with them and map out the British isles for them to help their raids be more effective and targeted, in exchange for not killing people in her village, and that she would make back the plunder they did not get from this town for them. She started to join their raids to try and make this money, but she died in battle. She came back and they believed her to be some kind of Valkyrie or Einherjer brought back to midgard. She took over the raider's leadership- also Norsemen always had women handle money, which works great here. During her time as an immortal she travels, seeks treasure, double crosses people etc.
Usopp a young double agent/CIA spy from the Cold War who died on a mission. He tragically could not return to his love Kaya because he was afraid of putting her in danger by revealing he was alive to the spies that killed him. He relocates and starts anew constantly, his entire life a web of lies. He's a great marksman/sniper.
Chopper died young of the Bubonic plague in medieval Europe. He resuscitated, tragically his father is infected as well and he's unable to save him- motivating him to get to the bottom of this disease, he decides to become a doctor. Looking like a 15 year old for centuries doesn't make this task easy and he has to hide a lot.
Franky is an American veteran of WWI who was heavily disfigured first, and died later (which is why he's not fully healed and needs prosthetics). He's heavily anti-government from having been sent to fight in such a meaningless war that sacrificed young men like cannon fodder. He learned to fix himself up and make prosthetics and masks for veterans, got into making tech stuff
Luffy is a modern, 21st century 20 something year old from Brazil's favelas. He dies in a gun violence incident (maybe linked to a drug war/gang war where he's been trying to protect his neighbourhood) and comes back, experiencing visions of others like him. He's resolute to find them and make a crew, thinking that with all of them together, maybe they can help liberate the world from opressors and inequality
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Call of Duty OC: Tiala “Shark” Toa🦈
A young female First Sergeant, who joined the U.S. Marines Corps to honor her older brother’s name. Who sadly passed away from one of the toughest missions. Working long and hard to save civilians from being captive by terrorists or any dangerous enemies. She’s the woman who would get the job done.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🦈 Name: Tiala Toa 🦈 Alias(es): Shark, Tia, Ala (by her brothers), T, Alpha 5, First Sergeant T 🦈 Gender: Female 🦈 Age: Mid 20s 🦈 Birthday: November 19th 🦈 Nationality: United State National (American Samoa) 🦈 Place of Birth: American Samoa 🦈 Home: Kahaluu, Hawaii (Moved there to where the base are at) 🦈 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan, Spanish (Learning) 🦈 Sexuality: Heterosexual 🦈 Occupation: First Sergeant in the Marine Corps, Second-in-Command of the Warriors Task Force
🦈 Eye Color: Dark Brown 🦈 Hair Color: Black and Light Brown (Light Brown is highlighted) 🦈 Height: 5’7”/170 cm 🦈 Scars: Only have burnt scars that were traced on her tattoos that were once there on her right shoulder down to her forearm. Very recognizable, so she mostly wears long sleeve shirts to cover it up. No matter what. 🦈 Face Claim: Auli’i Cravalho
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🦈 Color: Ocean Blue 🦈 Food: Shoyu Ahi Poke, Samoan Oka 🦈 Drink: Mostly Water (Refreshing) 🦈 Flower: Hibiscus 🦈 Hairstyle: Bun when she’s out of duty or at home, Loose Braid for missions (Usually asked Kanoa to braid it for her before going out)
🦈 Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ Tiala is always taking her duty very seriously when she's working. Whatever job you give her; she'll take FULL responsibility to finish it. She's honest, will always open her mind to suggest or advised about the mission. Tiala has self-control when it comes to situations that will tick her off. Choosing her words carefully. She has a very good mind of planning things ahead (You can ask her to plan your wedding or birthday parties or any special occasions!). 🦈 Strict and Caring: Just like her father, who used to be in the military, she is very strict when it comes to training. Making sure that the recruits are not just lacking or sitting around. She made sure they DO things. But she is very caring for her comrades. You can say it's call "Tough Love" (learned that from her parents). 🦈 Hardworking: Tiala is young and strong so she did most of the heavy work for her team. Always help others out with some heavy lifting. Negative Traits: 🦈 Tiala is usually a stubborn gal. She doesn’t usually ask for help. It was really concerning for others to see her working by herself very hard without any assistance. 🦈 Judgmental. She has a bad habit of judging people when in first meeting. Just like when she first looks at her older brother’s, Rangi, girlfriend. She dislikes her RIGHT there. 🦈 Tiala can be reluctant sometimes. That depends on the situations that she is in. Examples: Dealing with the enemies, no sweat. But dealing with the enemies that have families. She will hesitate. 🦈 Most of her comrades say she’s a BAD driver. She’s not TECHNICALLY a bad driver. Just don’t rush her. She’s a calm driver but when you pressure or telling or even ANNOY her to hurry up then she’ll just ZOOM-
Skills and Abilities: 🦈 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat 🦈 Weapons: Any sniping guns and any shotguns 🦈 Distinct Weapons: Ka-Bar Knife 🦈 Special Skills: Can dive down underwater about 50 meters and stay underwater for about 20 minutes with one breath. Good reflexes. Family:
Nakoa Loe Toa (Father, Alive)
Elei Toa (Mother, Alive)
Hōne Toa (1st Older Brother, Deceased)
Sami Toa (2nd Older Brother, Alive)
Serah Toa (Sister-in-Law, Samis’s Wife, Alive)
Penny Toa (Niece, Sami’s Daughter, Alive)
Dinah Toa (Niece, Sami’s Daughter, Alive)
Rangi Toa (3rd Older Brother, Alive)
Kanoa Toa (4th Older Brother, Alive)
Hemi Toa (5th Younger Brother, Alive)
Iosefa Toa (4th Younger Brother, Alive)
Tamah Toa (3rd Younger Brother, Alive)
Fetu Fetuao Toa (2nd Younger Brother, Alive)
Iona and Kiona Toa (Youngest Brothers, Twins, Alive) Trivia:
🦈 Tiala’s last name, Toa. Means ‘Warriors’ in Samoan. So you could see that these families REALLY represented their names. By joining the military. 🦈 The only time you’ll see Tiala smiling or laughing is when she’s with her brothers or family or close friends. Any strangers, she’ll just show her serious face to them. 🦈 Love Sharks and the oceans. She secretly has a shark plushie back at home and has a small shark chain hanging on vest pocket. (Kanoa got that for her) 🦈 HATES the cold. It always makes her nose runny and needs a lair of coats and scarfs to keep her warm. 🦈 Heat doesn’t bother her. Even wearing long sleeves and putting her hair down under the heated weather. 🦈 Enjoys dad jokes. Surprisingly.
Background Story:
Tiala was born and raised in the Island where most of her family lives. She was living a happy life learning about her ancestors and culture which she loves. Even spending time with her family. Her four older brothers are looking after her and six younger brothers that she will protect.
Her four older brothers are in the military while growing up. The eldest one Hōne is in the Marine Corps. Along with the other two, named Rangi and Kanoa. And the second eldest, Sami, is in the Navy. It really inspired Tiala that she wanted to join the military too.
It also pushed her to join the military after hearing the news of the death of her older brother, Hōne. Who was KIA during that one mission. And it saddens her even more that it was her 16th birthday. The day he promised to come back home. And now that promise has already been broken.
So she pushed that anger up to immediately sign up to the Marine Corps right after High School. She was 17-years-old at that time and worked long and hard to be enlisted. And after a few tries, she had finally been selected to be in the marine. Tiala had also met up with Kanoa, who was a Corporal at that time, and Rangi, who was Sergeant First Class. After 4 years of serving in the Marines. She had volunteered to pretend to be a worker for the human trafficking that is going on between Asia and the Pacific. Just to get some intel of their next locations.
Her two brothers disagreed at this when they heard about her volunteering but she convinced them and reassured them that she’ll be fine.
Oh how much she regrets saying that. The enemies had found out about her TRUE identity and captured her for interrogation. It’s been two months of torture and being used. It was traumatizing and painful. And then, Kanoa and his team that he’s leading had found her after searching for her for so long.
Seeing her being tied up on a chair in the empty room. Kanoa quickly took her back and put her in the medical bay IMMEDIATELY.
Tiala was truly scared for life. Even with the burnt scar that the enemies had given her. She was being released from the Marines until she was well again. It’s been a year for her to get her sanity back. Thankfully with her family support, she had found her confident again and went back to serving the Marine Corps.
Then later on, Kanoa had decided to create a Task Force to protect the Pacific. And Tiala was the first one he had picked. The two have been working together for 6 years in this Task Force and they have proved a LOT. Saving the hostages, stopping the human and children trafficking. They have done so well to make sure the world is safe from any creeps who dares to hurt people.
Which it got the attention of General Shepherd as he started to call Laswell to contact their General for some interesting missions. Will they take this task?
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zillasvilla · 4 days
Chapter Three: Bloodied FootPrints
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WARNINGS: It may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong language. Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. It may include prolonged scenes of intense violence and graphic sexual content. Minors Do Not Interact.
Summary: A rainy day halts the islanders' day-to-day activities; however, for Joseph and Averi, it becomes another way for them to bond. Pairing: Joseph Anoa'i x Black OC Word Count: 4.3k A/N: It would be longer, but I like leaving cliffhangers in my chapters.
Catch Up Here: ONE: TWO
Dark, ominous clouds gathered on the horizon, blotting out the sunlight as the rain fell from the sky over the island of Samuelu. The raging thunderstorm trapped the islanders in their homes for the day. To Joseph, it was a day wasted as he wouldn’t allow his people to work or train in these conditions, concerned for their safety more than his father did at the time. Who would force him, his cousins, and the fitafita (warriors) to work in harsh weather conditions? What is his reasoning? It turns them into strong warriors who can rise in the fire of adversity. This wasn’t the case. Joseph hated thunderstorms.
The rain started as a drizzle. A young boy played and danced in the water showers like sprinklers. Another set of twin boys stomped and played in the slowly forming puddles. The wet feeling, the roughness of the several dirt patches, and a muddy slush coated the bottoms of their feet.  "Let's make a mud pie!" a soft, childlike voice squeaked out. His big brown eyes looked down at the twin boys. He was bored with the rain and wanted to play with his cousins. He looked between the two as they had an unspoken conversation.  "No thanks." The stocky older twin, speaking for them both, runs off to find more puddles to play in, only to be scooped up by a gentle giant. The bulky man came over to pick up the younger, smaller twin. "Solofa, Samuel. It's time to come inside. A storm is brewin'." The twins squirm in the arms of the man, wanting to be put down. "Mama has made your favorites." Samuel's eyes went big as he looked at his father. "Pani Popo?!" (coconut bread rolls). There was a hint of excitement in his childlike wonder. The sweet rolls are a Samoan delicacy. He would swim in an ocean full of them if he could. " “Yes, Pepe tama (baby boy).” He turns to the older boy behind him. “Head home, Joseph, don’t get caught in the storm."  He watches as they disappear into his home, leaving him standing there to watch. His father is in the house, doing god knows what with the tribal council. He looks up to the sky, the once-white clouds replaced with gray clouds, casting a murky fog over the island. " “Joseph! Come in"e.” A few feet from the porch, his mother called out for him. Being the little shit he was, he refused. He ran around, picking up the makeshift ball to toss around." “Leave the boy out there; O le lima e paia le mata. (the hand strikes the eye. Of one who brings trouble on himself".)” His father joined her side, pulling her back inside with several protests. He only stayed out here to wait for his older brother, who was somewhere on the island doing warrior things to prepare to become chief. He decides that finding his brother is better than playing with this ball. Discarded in the grass, he starts his journey to see him, disappearing into the woods.
The lead was nestled between his thick fingers. His office was dimly lit with several oil lamps, a sliver of light as he jotted down several things that needed to be done. The young girl Jey found somewhere getting fed and cleaned. Averi, on the other hand, was stuck to his side. Her petite frame nestled in the small couch in the room curled up with a blanket and some sweets she nabbed from the kitchen. 
She didn’t talk much. She just watched and observed. He could feel her eyes on him or the large window behind him. The rain and wind blew within the trees as they knocked on the window. The sort of knocking lulled her to sleep, a more peaceful sound that she was used to, and the silent nights raised her anxieties. Her feet are tucked under her legs, she’s sinking into the softness of the couch, and her head is tucked into her arm. The remains of her snacks, if there were any, fell to the floor. The sudden noise gains Joseph’s attention. His eyebrows furrowed, searching for the unexpected sound. 
“Averi.” He calls out to her, but he doesn’t get a response as he looks at her. Her eyes closed as she slept, and her face looked peaceful, as if she hadn’t slept for days. He shakes his head with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair to watch her. 
The olive green tarp was an everyday occurrence. The familiar plastic feeling became her home. She wasn't sure where she was or how long she'd been here—just that she got fed if she was good. By good, she meant serving random men to their heart's content. She had no idea who they were, but they knew her. Serving them was taxing. Every man had his own needs, some more brutal than others. When they were done, they mainly left behind cuts and bruises. They took the time to clean her enough, so she didn't expect it. It's only sometimes, usually leaving her for days without food. The first time she tried to escape, she made it to the fire pit. Her feet were broken as a punishment. The deep knife cuts on the bottoms of her feet heal over time. She went weeks without eating or sleeping, constantly being used from morning to night.  Her second attempt was more successful, having noticed they were gone throughout the night more, not coming back until early in the morning with their supply of fish for the day. She waited. A lot of waiting it took, slowly building enough strength to free herself. All she could remember was leaving the olive-green space and feeling a foreign object between her feet. The once bright sky shifted to a gloomy feel, everything black and white as she heard the familiar voices yelling at her. Her feet moved slowly while she panicked, thinking they caught her. The minor healed cuts on her legs opened, gushing out blood and leaving a trail of blood. Finally, being able to run at full speed, pain shoots up her legs with each step, tears running down her face, blurring her vision. Her body gets scratched and poked at while running through bushes. The blood loss catches up with her as she trips, falling head-first to the ground. Her eyes fluttered closed at the male voices getting closer, hands all over her body, ripping the clothes. She struggles and is unable to move or protect"." “Hey.”
She jolts up, breathing heavily as large hands grab her shoulders. The soothing rubs bring her back to reality, finally focusing on the person behind the hands. Joseph. A concerned look on his face, witnessing the nightmare she was having, rushing to her side to wake her up. Hot tears streaming down her face, pushing the comforting hands away from her trembling body. 
“Hey.. hey..” He whispers, his normal raspy, stern voice replaced with soft coos. “Just a bad dream.”
His hands remained a safe distance, scanning her face so as not to fluster her more. Her big brown eyes blinked in fear. Whatever the dream was genuinely scaring her, the constant storm outside made it no better. Averi’s tears had dried, but her body was still shaking. She let him move close enough to pull her in his arms. His strong embrace was warm and inviting, soothing rubs on her back.
A deep sigh leaves her lips, her voice cracking as she speaks. “Where am I?’
He doesn’t respond right away. The first time hearing her voice shocked him. The soft raspiness from her sore throat echoed in his ears; he wondered what it would sound like cleared. 
Averi, now gaining many of her memories back, knew this wasn’t where she came from. The guys here were too lovely. Neither of them is asking for sexual favors…yet. Women were also around. She was used to being the only woman. She wondered if they were like her, too. She pulls back from his arms to look at him. Taking in the slim features, squared jawline covered by the black scruffy beard. Unsure of answering the questions, Joseph reaches back to grab a book stuffed between the pages on a small map.
“Samuelu.” Her face read confusion as he showed her the small, worn map. “A small island off the coast of the Pacific Ocean.” His finger pointed to the brown patch. Her brows furrowed, trying to understand the words on the bottom. Her finger was next to his as she looked up at him.
”What does that say?” 
Realization sets in, as she barely knows how to read—only the basic letters and sounds. Joe hums. “Blessed is the moon; it goes, but it comes back again.” She nods, averting her attention to the wall of books. He leans back. Can you read?” He asks bluntly. 
Averi shakes her head, reaching for one of the books, the rugged leather feeling rough between her fingers. “Don’t know if or member’ if  I can.” 
He nods, watching her toy with the book's pages; slowly taking it from her, he pats the seat beside him. Averi pressed into his side and looked over his bulking arm, watching him open the cover to the first page. “I’ll teach you,” he murmurs, scanning over the handwritten words. The irony is that she picked the book written by his brother.
23 D.S (during the reign of Sika) Spring Season The clouds were mainly gray today, blocking the sun from our ever-growing crops and casting a dark fog over the island. This day was unusual, as Matai Sika was focused on training the warriors. He mentioned something like outsiders and a threat to our village. Never once have I seen those threats, but to his blind eye, he could spot the shift. On the other hand, I spent a lot of time on the fishing docks. Something about the open waters and catching our keeps soothing to the mind: if you listen long enough, the crashing waves on the beach tell several unspoken stories. I often found a lot of treasures washing up on the beach. They were primarily shells, but Ma loved it when I collected the biggest ones. I usually cleaned them and made shell necklaces out of them. Each one made for a different person and their personalities. I remember the day Leati found us after collecting more shells. “Who’s Le—ahti?” 
“Leati.” He pronounces correctly for her, looking down at her curious face, her eyes following how his lips move. “It’s my first name.” He looks back at the pages, flipping through them. Her head got nestled in the crook of his arm. Almost as if she could read, thoroughly enjoying his soothing voice as he read the words to her.
His low booming tone replaced the sounds of the storm outside, threatening to lull her back to sleep.
He was, at most, five or six. Usually, he was forced to stay behind as I traveled out on the ocean. The little stinker, always managing to stow away on the boat with us. This scared Ma to death—
Her soft snores filled his ears, glancing at her sleeping frame, clinging to his arm. As he went to move, a soft whine left her lips. Joseph sighed, remaining seated and tossing the book on the stand beside him. He doesn’t move much, stretching his legs out to lean back. A little nap wouldn’t hurt. His eyes snap open when the door slams open, startling them both. Josh is standing in front of them, holding a large box. 
“My bad Uce. Just thought you wanted to see this.” He mumbles, putting the box on the ground. Joseph, already agitated, rubs the bridge of his nose. Averi, next to him, finally curled up on the couch instead of him—a large red imprint of her face on his forearm. 
“What is it?” 
Josh pushes the box closer, opening the lid. A pungent stench of blood and dirt fills his nose. The dingy brown leather is covered in crimson-colored liquid, which is caked around the edges and forms clumps that mix with dirt. Other foreign secretions are on it.
“What am I looking at?” He dares not to touch it, unsure if it could be on or in the shoes. “They’re just shoes?” He stares at Jey, baffled that the man would waste his time on something like this. 
“The military number on them. The same number that kill-.” A raised hand stops his chattering. Joseph looks closely, the numbers resembling the ones he found next to his brother. 
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with shoes.” Joseph glared at the slightly shorter man, kicking the box at his feet.
“The girl I found had them on.” 
His head snapped towards him, and a furrowed look appeared. ‘Who’s the girl?” Finally, he remembered seeing the young girl the day before, sending Jey to find her. 
“Won’t say. Pretty beat up, but not as bad as Averi.” Josh finally notices the sleeping girl on the couch.  Joseph nods. “Where is she?” 
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Joseph took long strides behind the house towards the large rock structures, with a door placed in the center. The only lock on the outside as he undoes it. The gloomy weather was replaced with a cold, dark ambiance—a source of light peeking from the cracks.
Several names were engraved along the sides of the wall. An empty spot was saved for the girl that was found. His steps are slow, making his presence known as curly black hair comes into view. Brown eyes locked onto him in a heated stare down. He takes in her appearance. The shades of green and brown patterned clothing are messy, the small green shirt cleaning to her frame. 
“Who are you?” She asks, coming closer to the metal bars. He looked too young to be Sika. She had heard stories about the tyrant and his barbaric customs—the man before her, bearing the resemblance from his description.
“Should be asking you since you are on my territory.” He looks her over again, smirking when she crosses her arms over her chest. 
He nods, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Cute.” He steps closer, leaning down to make eye contact with her face. “I would ask why you’re here." With a slight once-over on her more petite frame, he asks while standing up. "Judging by your attire. I think I know why.” 
She scoffs. “Humor me.’
A chuckle hides behind his smile, a shrug of his shoulders. “Just like all the rest, you think you can civilize an island that refused to surrender to your people.” He knows all too well the number of men and women who got caught in the traps of his enforcers. “Come looking for our leader, hoping that killing him off will make it easy to take over.”
A knowing smirk spreads across his face, and he finally stands up to see her eyes rapidly move. “You’re not the only one and won’t be the last.”
Joseph has seen his fair share of people like her coming to his home, trying to find ways to take over. Some were successful for a few days before the nature of the island flushed them out. It’s almost hilarious as they keep trying, only providing them with new resources to use against them. He doesn’t miss the way she starts to adjust her shirt to expose her midriff and cleavage. 
He hums. “Desperate.” 
“No one's desperate.”
“No?” He gestures to her shirt. “That shirt is already tight enough.” The thin material clings to her dirt-ridden skin. “e le pa'i atu ia te oe i se pou e sefulu futu” (wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole.)
”What?” She internally swoons at his native language, leaving his lips and not understanding a word he is saying. Not a fan of repeating himself, Joseph makes his exit. Maybe by leaving her here, she would slowly die of hunger or maybe beg him for mercy.
“You’re just leavin’ me here?”
He stops at the exit, not once turning to look at her. “I don’t feel like getting blood on my clothes today.” 
The last words are spoken to her as she is left alone in the darkness. The storm only grew louder with a sigh from her mouth.
Joseph followed a small trail in the forest, using what he learned from his brother to find their campsite. Pitch-black skies made it hard to see where he was going—his slight, guiding him through the small stone rocks.  “Tapu!” He yells out. His child-like shouts barely sounded by the loud trees. He gets no response. He had heavy sighs that were too big to let out, leaving his body and a hand coming up to scratch at the crown of his head. The journey starts again, and the nights get longer. By now, the rain is falling harder, blurring his vision slightly and tearing down branches and bushes in his path. Not far behind, a trail of men following the young boy.  ”That’s a kid.”  “A dangerous kid. Been watching long enough; that's their leader.” “A what.” The man looks closer. “Six-year-old?” He laughs. “Davies was right, you’re batshit crazy.”              “Shut up.”  Twigs snapping and a child screaming have the men rushing to the source. The large branches and vines were being cut out of the way. The small black-haired child was dangling upside down from a tree branch. The blood rushed to his head as his face flushed red. “He’s smaller than I expected.” He steps closer, poking the kid, jumping back when the minor child tries to bite him. “Careful, Brooks, no telling what disease he has or can give.” “What now?” “We kill him.” He shrugs as if he wasn’t suggesting they kill an innocent child. “John, I’m all for taking out any threats, but this kid–” “Is a savage. Who’s to say he won’t run and expose us to be killed? You have kids, right?” Brooks was torn, and both looked at each other, not Joseph. The young child used the tree and trap to his advantage. His upper body strength matched a man's as he pulled himself up to latch onto the branches he was connected to. He found a seating position to look down at the older men.  “We’re supposed to find the factory they took over and report back, not lure them into traps and kill them,” Brooks argues, focusing on their mission. John, however, thought they could do both at once. Joseph could make out certain words they were saying; he knew these people weren’t friendly. He sniffs as if he smells something burning. Following the scent of his nose, he can make out the faint smell of burning coconut and ackee fish. His mouth waters at the strong scent, knowing he found his brother. First, he had to deal with the two men standing beneath him.  Tucked deep into his pockets, a small makeshift knife was in his fist. The jagged edges were rough against his fingers. The scrap pieces of fabric are wrapped around it for easier grip. Brooks and John, still oblivious to the child freeing himself, only face another surprise when Joseph jumps on the shorter man’s back. It all happened so fast, the dark clouds lighting in the sky as the storm washed over the island. The quick movements of Brooks trying to grab him. The loud scream from John when the knife pierced the skin on his neck. It was all a blur to Joseph. Almost as if he blacked out from his actions. His small, childish hands gripped the knife as he continued his assault on John-jabbing the object into his neck repeatedly. Brooks struggles to get the boy off even though it’s too late as the kid moves at the speed of light. John’s lifeless body drops to the ground as the taller man can grab the young man, only it serves as his inevitable demise. The now bloodied item pierced his skin. The child’s laughter is the last thing he hears as his life flashes before his eyes. Joseph braced himself for the incoming impact of the body falling to the ground. The warm-turned-cold body cushions his fall. The two joyous men are now lying in a pool of their blood. He tucks the knife back into his pockets. The crimson-colored liquid staining his hands and feet as he followed the smell of fish. His feet left a bloodied trail of prints. 
Averi enjoyed Valentina and Trinity's attention. The two showed her how to do things around the house: cleaning, cooking, and using the old radio. They usually found themselves sitting outside while Valentina did her hair. Tiana, however, was on edge around her. She did not like that her Solo–her husband—catered to this girl more than her.
Averi sat next to Valentina as she showed her how to prepare a Samoan dish for dinner tonight. After waking from her nap and not seeing Joseph while in search of him, she ran into the older woman. Who encouraged her to join her. Trinity and Tiana are at the table preparing several vegetables for said dish,
“Has anyone seen the guys?” Tiana asks, finally breaking the comfortable silence. 
Trinity shrugs while chopping the sweet potatoes, tossing them into a small wooden bowl. “Last I saw Jon and Jey; they headed towards Town Hall with Solo.”
“They’re out working in this weather?” Tiana goes to the large window and watches the rain come down. 
“Something about some of the townspeople being in an uproar over the death of Sevia and Rafi, once living village doctors.” Valentina guides Averi’s hands along the bottom of the fish, cutting it open. “They had it coming. No telling how often I had to self-heal cause they refused to.”
“Still can’t believe he went through with it.” Tiana rejoins Trin at the table, now chopping the fresh fruit she picked for a salad.  
“Anything Joe says he’s going to do, I believe it.” Joseph was a man of his word, and the girls saw it firsthand several times before his ascension as chief.
“Does he want to start his reign with a death on his hands, though?” Tiana questions.
Averi feels a confident presence. She smiles as she turns to see him standing in the doorway. His tall, muscular build is listening in on the conversation, a finger pressed to his lips. She turns back to Valentina. 
“I’m not biting the hand that feeds me and mine. You should do the same, Tiana.” Trinity throws her hands up. Having been stranded on the island with her and Valentina, Joseph welcomed them with open arms, only after making sure they weren’t a threat to the livelihood of his people. 
“Just saying,” She mumbles. 
“Oh, Hey, Joe.”  Valentina notices him standing in the doorway, his eyes watching them move around the kitchen. Averi, able to acknowledge him, makes her way over to his side. Tiana notices the way Averi sticks to his side now.
“Hey ladies, let’s put dinner on hold… town hall meeting.” He pushes off the frame, looking down at a sleepy Averi. “It’ll be quick.” 
The beige-colored building held the entirety of the village, chatters amongst each other. The twins and Solo are standing in the center, arms folded over their chests as they wait for Joe to join them. They do their best to avoid all the angry elders, wild children, and frustrated warriors. 
The news of Joseph ordering the death of their beloved healers sent the village into an uproar.
“Why’d he kill them!” a female cries.
“Matai Sika would have never resorted to death!” a voice shouts from somewhere in the hall. 
“Who’s going to heal us now !”
“They didn’t have children !”
Joseph’s voice bellowed into the room, commanding the silence and attention of everyone in it. Even the happy children rushed to sit beside their parents, afraid to anger the man more.  
The warriors stand facing him as he makes his way to the center. Averi is close to his side, avoiding several women and elders' disgusting glances. “Afio mai lau afioga, Matai Joseph.”(your word comes, Chief Joseph). Although they may disagree with him now, he is still their chief and is owed his respect regardless of his actions.
“I understand that a new Matai is scary for everyone, even myself.” He starts, scanning the room. A mixture of curiosity, confusion, and anger was etched on the faces of his people. “When I took that oath to be chief in their absence, I swore to uphold our values and traditions.”
The room was silent as he spoke, no one daring to speak until he was down. “However, no matter their appearance, I will not tolerate disrespect towards anyone.” The soft murmurs filled his ears. Behind him, Jey stood, keeping an arm around Valentina, with Averi on his other side, watching him address the elephant in the room.
“Rafi and Sevia refuse to uphold those values and traditions and help those in need because of history, and if anyone has a problem with how I handled it, then speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
It was an open challenge. No one had ever dared question the chief’s authority. His word was law. When no one dares speak up, he faces his cousins, ready to end the meeting. A voice rings through his ears.
“Only a coward wouldn’t give them a fair hearing.”
Joseph’s eyes closed as his shoulders squared out. The twins shake their heads at the brave soul. It was one thing to disagree with him; it was another to try to demean him and his character. A soft tick of his tongue against his cheek, his hand rubbing his beard as he rubbed the irritation off his face.
“What did you call me?”
Little Sunflowers:
@justazzi @yana3sworld @wrestlingprincess80 @abadbitchblogs @paigereeder @kill-the-artiste @destinio1 @reci1996 @mindairy @jatriciablog @alichesmi @jstarr86 @minsheyaish @wonderingfashion @whatdoeseverybodywant @jeysbvck @jeysbaby @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @keyaho @chaneajoyyy @empressdede @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @pimptressss @rose-bliss @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @reignsangel444 @romansglow @adoreesun @mimisims4goddess @tallulahchanel @bookuce @harmshake @caramelcleopatraa @venusesworld @shes2real @sheydnni @thesamoanqueen
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blubushie · 3 months
Just found out Mavis has an "Aboriginal Australian" OC which is very fucking enraging given how racist she was toward MY MARRKIDJBU, A LITERAL ABORIGINAL CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS ELDER but you know what's even worse than that?
We don't tie our hair like that (it's wrapped like leather dread wraps?? Some mobs have locked hair but they don't wrap/tie it with the Native American leather wrap/tie style or the traditional Jamaican dread wrap style)
He looks like Johnny Depp in POTC I'm not even joking (but I do wish I was). Aboriginal facial structure does not look like that. He looks Afro-Caribbean with that skintone, or MAYBE Persian off his skintone and nose shape. Not Australian Aboriginal. Tell me you didn't even bother to GOOGLE WHAT A BLACKFELLA LOOKS LIKE without telling me
He has TATTOOS when culturally we don't get tattoos, just scarification. We never developed tattoos because the skin is too dark and the ink won't show up, so scarification is traditionally done instead
The tattoo pattern she gave this bloke is--get this-- Samoan/Polynesian herringbone. AND HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL
So y'know nice confirmation that to Mavis every fucking brown person and culture is the same. Racist. This bloke is a mix of at least 2 different races/cultures NONE OF WHICH ARE ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN
Also he's supposedly "fluent in 19 languages" which. Lol no this chick has no idea how long it takes to even grasp language let alone become fluent in them
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tropic-havens · 15 days
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Maosi Tuitele (left) poses for a portrait with his wife, Uesa Tuitele, at his family’s home in Aiea. Tuitele is of Samoan and Portuguese descent but was adopted by a Marshallese family in his teens. “My great Aunt Tauamalo Su’a and her husband Filo initially moved to Hawaiʻi from Samoa and her home was the meeting point for all family who would come after,” Maosi says. “It is a place of history for my family—a place of comfort and a piece of Samoa where our cultural practices are still alive and our language still spoken. When my wife and I first arrived from Samoa, she remarked how it reminded her of home because of the way of life they lead.” Even though Maosi finds comfort in Pacific Islander communities, he has experienced racism elsewhere. “Anxiety at work has been a huge issue,” he says. “Our economy is shouldered on the backs of island people. We as Pacific islanders are forced to apologize for being alive because of the anxiety our stereotypes cause others. We sell our souls every day in this service industry for the good of no one. There is no true aloha in this business.”
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ofmdtereomaori · 8 months
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Fun fact: the English word tattoo comes from tatau in Samoan and other Polynesian languages.
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rainchyna · 2 years
dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns dating roman reigns datin-
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⌗ ˚ ͙◌˖ ࣪ . ִֶָ 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒 ˖ ࣪ .ִֶָ
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warnings! [none rly, fluff, language, slightly smutty]
‒ it was seth who introduced you to roman, you and seth had been bestfriends since trainee days. you were really close and you were even considered when the shield was being put together. roman would always see you around but never thought of interacting with you.
‒ you were quite popular with the wwe universe and the roster back stage and you were known for being at total sweetheart and a loyal friend. all he's heard about you was nothing but praise and good words, also, judging by the way seth always seemed to be so happy when you would hang out, you just sounded like a dream boat.
‒ "so this friend of yours, y/n? right? ... do you think we could be friends?" he asked seth, "yeah, like totally. she really, really likes your hair by the way, she always tells me to tell you but i forget" maybe that'd be a good start.
‒ he saw you walking down the hallway and decided this is where your friendship will start, "a little birdie told me someone really likes my hair" he'd say with a sly smirk, "are you kidding?? it's literally prettier than i'll ever be" and the conversation sparked from there, it seemed like you were standing there for about ten minutes when you were literally standing there for almost an hour.
‒ and it all began from there.
‒ you and roman would hang out all the time backstage and outside work, you'd play video games all the time, even breaking a record that seth had made which pissed him off lol. your obsession with his hair grew and when he let you play with it for the first time, you immediately placed his head into your lap, and as soon as your fingers began massaging his scalp, he fell asleep almost instantly and looked absolutely adorable.
‒ he'd always take you to the gym with him so you could work out together, and even if you didn't want to work out, your company was everything he could ask for.
‒ you'd always ask him for advice and he found it endearing how you'd listen to him so carefully and actually follow what he was saying. it made him realize that you really cared.
‒ even seth started complaining about how roman stole was hanging out with you more than him.
‒ sometimes you'd go over to him and just sleep next him while he does whatever it is that he's doing because he made you feel so safe.
‒ you have the stupidest photos of each other on your phones, you're sure if your phone was ever stolen, the thief would bring it back because out of context, they can be a little scary.
‒ "i'm thinking of shaving my beard-" "you shave your beard and i'll shave your eyebrows off"
‒ he realized that he began falling for you when he saw you at a party the usos were throwing. you looked like an angel in your pretty little dress, your make-up was complimenting your features more than ever and your smile had him turning into a puddle on the spot. he hugged you, and you smelled so fucking good he didn't want to let go of you at first but a quick 'ahem' from seth made you both pull away from each other.
‒ the whole night, roman couldn't take his eyes off of you, the way your smiled was so bright when you'd laugh, the way your eyes sparkled whenever they'd catch his, the way you looked so genuinely happy, if only he could make you happier ...
‒ you couldn't help but notice the way he kept staring at you. you weren't going to deny that you had harboured some feelings for the tall samoan. roman was one of the sweetest men you've ever met, he made the silliest jokes that always made you laugh and the way he'd wrap his arm around you made you feel protected from anything.
‒ the whole night was spent with you two exchanging shy smiles, and seth noticed, so why not set his friends up. he left early and sent roman a text.
'bro, i was supposed to drop y/n off but i had to leave. mind if you drive her? :)'
- roman had no issues with dropping you off, matter of fact he was more than happy to. at some point the party began to quite down and people began passing out on couches. “hey ro, where’s seth? he’s supposed to drop me off” “he actually had to go, but i’ll drop you off”
- the ride was pretty chill with you and roman listen to some slow music and making small talk every now and then. until you passed by your favorite ice cream shop. roman saw you see it, and you knew he saw you see it.
“ice cream”
“it’s two in the morn-”
“ice cream”
- you both got waffle cones and sat outside the store on a bench. roman listened to you ramble about how your parents would bring you here everyday after school when you were younger, and the stars in your eyes made his heart do a little something. he didn’t even notice that he was staring at you until you pointed to his lower lip.
“you have some- never mind”
you swiped your thumb on his bottom, removing the molten cream that was just sitting there, and without a thought behind your eyes, you licked your finger. and you continued talking as if you didn’t just do what you did. roman, how ever wanted to burst, he could feel his neck and face getting hot.
“i have a crush on you, by the way”
- now, he wanted to burst.
“did i bring that up too casually?”
“n-no, i just … wow that was brave. i have a crush on you too”
“oh yeah, seth told me”
“nah he’s getting decked in the face”
“oh well”
“… so… can i … you know… please be your boyfriend?”
“i’d love that :)”
- when i say he’s the sweetest ?? i mean it fr fr
- flowers for no reason, dates out of the blue, surprise trips, you name it.
- obsessed with comparing his hands with yours
- forehead and cheek kisses (and that’s the hill i will die on).
- very, very protective. if someone just looks at you weird, he’s ready to square up. “can you relax?? how do you know he’s staring at me specifically? there could be someone behind me” “there’s a wall behind you.” “…valid.”
- he gets jealous so easily. literally. “why was he talking to you?” “who?? randy??” “hm” “he was asking what’s on catering today… chill” doesn’t even like it when another man is breathing near you. not a toxic ‘are you cheating’ type jealous but ‘i don’t like seeing them near you because the thought of another person making you happier upsets me because i want that to be me’ yk
- holds you prisoner until you do his hair
- matching tattoos because fuck my sanity apparently
- you’re always sitting on his lap. always.
- very calm and patient, never yells or raises his voice at you. is always willing to listen to you vent about anything.
- you’re his first opinion on everything
- “what if i cut my hair?” “what if i off myself, huh?” “okay”
- high stamina (you know damn well what i’m talking about)
- forever in the honeymoon phase, hands on you all the time, kisses all the time, doesn’t want to get away from you, is constantly texting and facetiming you, etc
- cuddles with this big boy are an experience. loves holding you in his arms, and playing with your hair, making you feel safe. but also, laying on you with his whole weight to the point where you can’t breathe?? why the fuck not 😀
- kisses before match are a must.
- let him choke you, call him daddy ♡
- yeah def 492/10, highly recommended.
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