#samantha french
justineportraits · 9 months
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Samantha French Two Archers
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vizuart · 2 years
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Breakthrough II, Samantha French,
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plasticsweets · 8 months
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My Melody collaboration bag, Samantha Vega
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Okay I’ve been thinking on it and
I don’t think coach Ben set the fire.
We see him take the matches and an axe from outside the cabin, and then we see him watch as everyone bows to Natalie. Later the cabin catches on fire, almost kills the girls, and the conclusion most of us have drawn was that coach set the fire.
I think it’s a misdirect. Earlier in the episode, we see coach hiding out in Javi’s cave area, and he’s using flint to (unsuccessfully) start a fire. He takes the matches and supplies bc this man can’t start a fire!!
What happened when Laura Lee tried to escape using the plane? Her teddy bear burst into flames, taking the plane down. We know that the wilderness can spontaneously combust things, and that fire? The cabin was covered in snow. It was wet wood, damp at the very least. We see the fire spread to completely engulf the cabin in a matter of minutes. Maybe it’s tv magic, but fire doesn’t spread that fast on wet wood.
There’s spirituality and there’s survival. Lottie taught them how to listen. The cabin taught them how to survive. They don’t need the cabin now like they used to, the same way they don’t need Lottie like they used to.
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meltycherie · 5 days
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♡ my bag!
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yuppievalley · 1 year
ermmm is this what they call old woman yuri or something . . .
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icy-book · 22 days
🪢💄 for terry?
For family: so, I like to headcanon Terry Jr as autistic, and I think for quite a few years Samantha and Terry Sr were just naturally very good at accommodating and supporting him without realising this. For example, as a baby Terry Jr would get quite overwhelmed, so Terry Sr would take him into a dark room and sing quietly to him to help him calm down. Or one time they had relatives staying up and had spent the day going to a museum or something with them before going to a restaurant. By the time they got there, it was pretty clear that Terry was really drained, so they let him quietly play games on their phones instead of making him talk.
For appearance: Terry absolutely had a goth phase that he never quite grew out of, and can rock a corset. Normally, in s2 era, he mostly just wears jumpers and pretty normal teacher clothes, even outside of work. However, if Scary had ever gotten him to take her to a concert, she would be Shook by his makeup skills some of the dresses he still has
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rootandshaw · 2 months
Fanfiction "Au delà des mots" #Shoot #RootxShaw
(Quand je demande à ChatGpt de m'écrire une courte fanfiction sur Root et Shaw dans laquelle Shaw serait celle qui ferait le premier pas!! Bordel.. il l'a fait! )
Dans l'atmosphère chargée d'électricité d'une soirée où la pluie venait de s'arrêter, laissant derrière elle l'odeur fraîche de l'asphalte mouillé, Shaw et Root se tenaient sous l'abri sommaire d'un vieux hangar désaffecté. Elles venaient de terminer une mission particulièrement éreintante, et l'adrénaline retombait lentement, laissant place à une atmosphère intime et chargée d'émotions non dites.
Shaw, habituellement si maîtresse d'elle-même, se sentait étrangement déstabilisée par la proximité de Root, par cette manière qu'elle avait de la regarder comme si elle pouvait lire en elle, percer à jour tous ses secrets.
Root : "Tu as été incroyable aujourd'hui, Sameen. Comme toujours."
Le compliment, simple en apparence, sonna aux oreilles de Shaw comme un appel à franchir le pas, à dévoiler ce cœur qu'elle gardait si farouchement protégé.
Shaw : "Root, je... je ne suis pas douée pour ce genre de choses. Les émotions, les grands discours... Ça me dépasse."
Root la regarda, un sourire tendre aux lèvres, prête à répondre, mais Shaw leva une main pour l'arrêter.
Shaw : "Mais ce que je sais, c'est que je ne veux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi. Tu es cette énigme que j'ai cessé de vouloir résoudre, parce que, d'une certaine manière, c'est... c'est mieux ainsi."
Root resta sans voix, surprise par la profondeur des sentiments que Shaw révélait. C'était un moment qu'elle n'avait jamais osé espérer.
Shaw : "Et si je continue à ne rien dire, je vais probablement exploser. Alors..."
Sans un mot de plus, Shaw franchit la distance qui les séparait et embrassa Root, une émotion brute et sincère guidant son geste. Ce n'était pas un baiser de conte de fées, mais il était réel, chargé de tout ce qu'elles avaient vécu ensemble, de tous les non-dits et des batailles partagées.
Lorsqu'elles se séparèrent enfin, le monde autour d'elles semblait avoir changé. La pluie avait cessé, laissant place à un silence réconfortant.
Root : "Sameen, je..."
Shaw : "Ne dis rien. C'est tout ce dont j'avais besoin."
Dans cet instant, elles se comprenaient parfaitement, sans besoin de mots. Shaw avait fait le premier pas, brisant les barrières qu'elle s'était imposées, et dans ce geste audacieux, elle avait trouvé un nouveau terrain d'entente avec Root, un avenir plein de promesses.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
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—Samantha Rose Hill, "The Scar of Identity"
Existentialism and poststructuralism, the postwar aesthetic avant-garde, the late 20th-century variants of Marxism and feminism, and the neolib-neocon versions of liberalism—in other words, the whole political spectrum from Allan Bloom to Judith Butler and most anti-bourgeois aesthetics premised on negation and privation—all stem from a productive misreading of Hegel as more individualist than he really was. Or so says the essay above.
From this, I extrapolate, flows the left's inability to back away from identity politics, the right's unwillingness to question the market, and the counterculture's romance with its own marginality.
What to do instead? Back, yet again, to Hegel? Hill quotes and explicates Blanchot:
The literary critic Maurice Blanchot wrote: ‘One cannot “read” Hegel, except by not reading him.’ Meaning, even if you have never read Hegel, you’ve encountered his ideas recycled in the thinking of others; as impenetrable as Hegel might seem, his work has thoroughly penetrated collective consciousness.
Thus, unlike Kojève, who said he read Hegel without understanding him, I have understood Hegel without reading him. I've actually read a fair amount, as you may assess here, though not, I will concede, the whole of the Phenomenology. The lectures on aesthetics, allowing for the problem of their provenance in student notes, aren't really that hard to read, and much of what he says there is even sensible.
For example, there's a scandalous passage in the aesthetics that's probably truer than we want to deal with, where he claims that narratives of social victimization aren't tragic and aren't even very interesting. Prejudice and oppression are contingent, merely factitious; stories about them, therefore, never touch the existential dimension. This goes too far, I'm sure, but the standard it proposes does suggest why some narratives of social victimization are generally regarded as better than others: why, e.g., Invisible Man is superior to Native Son.
Anyway, Hegel himself recommended, as meditations on freedom, Antigone and Macbeth, with the implication in each case that freedom is inherently tragic, a conflict of incommensurates, the will vs. the world, though is for that reason also splendid. Perhaps predictably, I would skip the philosophers and start there.
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Top 10 current favorite books
(saw other people doing this so I'm just going to hop on since I can't keep anything to myself 🤪)
1. Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson - nothing bad to say about this book, literally the blueprint for high fantasy
2. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas - okay don't @ me 💀but no one can pry this book away from my cold dead hands. Peak problematic fave. Got me back into reading and also changed me as a person.
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - read this when I was younger and it has literally always stuck with me
4. The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang - I didn't love the rest of the series as much but this book was next level
5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - I never used to like classic books but I'm obsessed with this one. Amy March owns me now and always.
6. The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L Jensen - I don't know what it is about this book but the characters and Lara's attempt at redemption kept me awake at night
7. World War Z by Max Brooks - especially topical after the pandemic, all the different perspectives make for such a poignant story
8. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - amazing sapphic high fantasy led by an amazing cast of women
9. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - no one does it like thg
10. The Likeness by Tana French - the nostalgia and trying desperately to hold on to people is *chefs kiss*
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justineportraits · 9 months
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Samantha French untitled
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vizuart · 2 years
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triumphandloss · 2 years
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(eh oui c’est encore moi. mais ne m’en voulez pas, ces pépites sont toujours libres et à prendre. vous ne ferez que des bons choix. cliquez sur les prénoms/noms pour accéder au forum et aux scénarios associés.) 
une charade écarlate, les songes fastes et les météores enflammés. mais dans cette fantastique chevauchée, l'enfant s'effondre à ses pieds. car les ambitieux finissent brisés sur les flancs de la désillusion, les violents sur ceux de l'impuissance (...)
-- BENNY FYRE; clive standen.
-- RAQUEL ORTIZ; eva mendes.
-- FRIEDRICH WARREN; matthew mcconaughey.
-- NIGHTMARE; michael fassbender.
-- SADIE MUNROE; samantha robinson.
-- MILENA RASKOLNIKOV; stefani germanotta. 
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my-brutal-heart · 3 months
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xkillcrsx · 7 months
Head Canon | All
None of the killers should ever be hired as a camp counselor. The only person who would be remotely close to good for the job is Delia Loomis, and she'd rather not deal with a bunch of children (she already deals with her younger brothers.)
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murdrballad · 1 year
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the french pout
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