#they both speak french sometimes . . .
yuppievalley · 1 year
ermmm is this what they call old woman yuri or something . . .
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kurp-stuff · 12 days
Well the french in the last episode of iwtv was certainly something
#I think I needed the subtitles almost as much as someone who does not speak french. Had to re listen to some of the lines like 2 or 3 times#WHILE reading the subs to know wtf they were saying. Or am I stupid ? I'll ask friends what they think#(Not all the lines but some were hard to get for me)#Like i understand the main actors are not fluent. Not sure they even speak french cause sometimes it sounds like they dont know what the#fuck they're saying themselves. But would it kill them to hire at least french actors for background characters who have 2 lines. So that#at least the environement is believable. Like it was okay in the 1st season cause there werent big sentences in french but here..nope#also when Sam Reid speaks english with the french accent it's okay. It works honestly. I mean I think. And at least it's funny.#But in s2 having them act those big sentences wasn't a good idea. Really you can see they dont know where to put what little tonic accent w#have in french. And so it sounds fake. I mean ''ça sonne faux'' but i dont know how to translate that exactly in english. But yeah makes th#lines sound unsincere and meaningless. So the acting is downgraded. And I can see they're putting a lot of effort into it but it does#Make them sound like they're struggling hard. And we go back to the line not feeling right. Like they dont know what they're saying you kno#*I meant intonation rather that tonic accent (maybe ?) french doesnt have a lot of tonic accent(s). but both probably apply to this case)#Im only this bitchy about it cause it's a rather big production. Im pretty sure they have the resources to do better.#I know it most likely the same for any other language that was represented in the show. Or other shows for that matter. It's just that#I dont have expertise on other languages. Tho i dont remember what show i was watching where the actors spoke spanish and even i could tell#they were neither spanish nor from any latin america country. For the record i am not very good at spanish.#iwtv
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moodr1ng · 18 days
one weird and annoying effect of me spending so much time on mainly american social media and watching all these american shows and movies and reading books by american authors and having all these online friends from america etc etc is that like.. when i write i no longer feel like i can set my stories in france? like, bc i write in english it feels like i need to set my stories in an english-speaking country, and the us is the easiest one to set up (i think in a way it kinda feels like the "default setting" of western media?). i feel like if i wrote a book set in france itd be weird or confusing to people, and also im always bugged bc like.. the stuff i write in english cannot be directly translated into french, like it doesnt correspond 1:1 to french sentences, and so if i set a story in france im always bugged bc i think "but that cant be what the characters are actually saying, because theres no equivalent to this in french". so i end up setting a lot of my stuff in the us, except ive only been to the us once and not long enough to get a good impression of what living there is like (not to mention ive only been to nyc), so i also feel like when americans read my stuff theyre gonna immediately go "huh? thats not how things are here. this author is a hack who cant do research." .. so then sometimes i set my stuff in fictional countries or in an ambiguous impossible setting which mixes stuff from various english-speaking countries + france, but then that makes my story immediately less grounded. this is such a big issue that it blocks me from writing entire stories i wanna write bc i just cant even begin to put them somewhere 😔
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kidrat · 2 months
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guys I love them so much
Toby, Lou, and Tzipporah from left to right. minor characters under the cut lol this is a post for meeee
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Top row: Toby's friends Josh, Spencer, and Aisling
Middle row: Tzipporah's little sister Yael. Her love interest Sturdy
Bottom row: Toby's parents Alexei and Ruby. His girlfriend Daisy. Who is dead! That's definitely not just Lou pre-transition!
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furby-organist · 3 months
// Big fan of the Radio Demon Race Theory that goes on in this fandom but one thing I don't see talked about is how having a biracial/multiracial background -> looking racially ambiguous depending on the context and the STUPID ASS QUESTIONS & COMMENTS you get about it!! LMAO
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iggy-hands · 2 years
honestly I think Ed would melt if Stede just started casually calling him terms of endearment in different languages, and when Ed asks what they mean and Stede excitedly explains Ed would dissolve completely.
Stede is thrilled to pour over his collection of Latin poetry for inspiration, and even more excited to explain the meanings and context to someone who actually wants to listen.
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braindumpformyhead · 2 years
Am I just being ridiculous or is my best friend starting to become overwhelmingly annoying and grating to be around? Is this normal?
Life update in tags
#the problem is that they are a very negative and degrading person#lot of un alive jokes#constantly complaining about how lonely they are anytime I mention being happy with my bf#self body shaming#that and they are unnecessarily stubborn and mean in a joking way but it’s not that funny anymore#and our problems are very different cause their in a completely different tax bracket and they don’t understand some of what I go through :/#oh and they trauma dump on anybody near and like to only ever make jokes about their trauma and I know that’s a normal thing sometimes but#it’s gotten to the point where it’s like every joke and I’m worried about them but I’m tired of hearing them all the time#ugh#I don’t wanna like stop being friends with them cause I feel guilty that they don’t have a lot of good close friends but at the same time#I’m tired of being the one everyone wants to dump their problems on#this creep in my French class also dumps all his problems on me expecting me to help him and I’m on his ex’s side of the breakup so I brush#him off every time#I knew there was a reason for this account#I’d rather bleh dump here then make someone else listen to me#speaking of which#my anxiety is jumping again and I feel like I’ve become too annoying for my bf and the idea of him leaving me because of it is back lol#it’ll go away when we both aren’t as busy and I think we’re hanging out this weekend#I saw him today cause he has a tournament so he’s at the main school#literal hear palpitations just seeing him lol#hhhhh ok that’s enough life update
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yotaasuke · 2 years
Anyway does anyone else ever get the overwhelming urge to speak in another language if you immerse urself in it even if you don’t actually speak very much of the language
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fedoranon · 10 days
I just did the mission that made me rage quit this game 5 years ago and I legit took notes on paper and everything and at NO POINT DOES ANYONE MENTION THESE CHARACTERS BEING SIBLINGS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
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wariomolly · 24 days
Tu viens d'où mec ?
etats-unis mais je parle un petit peu francais !!!!
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yurinullification · 9 months
Starting to realize most of my problems and anxieties can be boiled down to some fucked up societal version of survivors guilt
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claw-deen · 1 year
with a bilingual/multilingual s/o:
suggested by: anon
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miles is a curious boy, he would constantly ask you how to pronounce a word in another language. he's eating a hamburger and he asks you how to say it in french, italian, chinese or whatever language you're speaking, then he'll realize how stupid his question was. if you start speaking spanish with his mom he might die of happiness.
gwen is probably bilingual as well. you two can have a whole conversation in another language while others are looking at you both like “what the hell are they saying”.
pavitr would love to learn a new language, especially if you are the teacher. and if you can speak hindi good luck because the boy won't shut his mouth. he would invite you to tea with his aunt and smile through the whole conversation.
hobie would ask you to speak to him in another language when he's trying to relax, it soothes him in a way. he lays back, both of his hands behind his head while you start rambling in another language. sometimes he can grasp at what you're saying, just by the tone of your voice or the way you pronounce the words.
miguel is probably fluent in several languages but he would like it if you want to teach him a language he isn't familiar with. he'd even start saying the same expressions you use in another language, like french, arabic or german swear words, for example. he would love to speak spanish with you, it reminds him of his childhood and it would make him feel really happy.
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you guys went crazy with the writing suggestions 😭 i'll take my time to write down the ones that inspire me most, they will arrive soon!
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the-offside-rule · 3 months
Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Friends?
Requested: yes
Prompt: 18) "My mom thinks we're dating."
Warnings: not really? Just fluff tbh
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Charles nervously led Y/n into his family's vacation home, where his parents and siblings eagerly awaited. "You stay here every year for the summer break and you never invited me?!" Y/n exclaimed, looking all around as Charles carried her suitcase in. "I thought you didn't like the whole glamour of Monaco." He teased. "That was before I saw your holiday home." She chuckled. Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and confusion, having been invited on this family vacation without much explanation. "We're all going to have dinner at around 8 so I will leave you to unpack. I have to go help my mum with the cooking."
"Can I come? I haven't seen your mum in ages!" Charles swallowed the lump in his throat, earning a concerned look from Y/n. "What did you do?" She interrogated. "What? Nothing! I've done nothing!" Charles replied in an attempt to defend himself. "So why are you suddenly being so....unlike yourself?" He shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe you've changed since she saw you last? I-"
"Y/n!" Charles stopped his talking as he heard his mother Pascale entering the room. Y/n's bright smile returned to her face as she spotted the wonderous woman walking towards her with open arms. "Oh, I've been waiting for Charles to bring you! I haven't seen you in a while!" She grinned, kissing Y/n's cheeks. "It's good to be here. I can't believe I haven't been invited sooner." Y/n and Pascale both looked over to Charles who stood by the suitcase. "Charles, it's wonderful that you brought Y/n along." She paused, looking to Charles and switching to French. "Est-ce qu'elle sait que je sais?" Charles shook his head. "Non, maman. Elle veut toujours que cela reste privé pour le moment."
"Eh bien, privé ne veut pas dire secret." Y/n looked between the pair, slightly confused as she didn't speak the language. "Mamon, s'il vous plaît-" He began, but Pscale began to walk away, waving her hands in the air. "Non, non, Charles. Je vais partir et aller cuisiner. Je m'occuperai de mes affaires et je te laisserai aider ta copine à s'installer." She turned back to Y/n. "Bisous!" She smiled, before closing the door. Charles let out a sigh of relief. "What was that about?" Y/n asked. "Just dinner. I will- Yes. I'll let you change for dinner and I'll see you at 8."
As the Leclerc family gathered around the dinner table, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and laughter. Charles Leclerc sat beside his friend Y/n, stealing glances and sharing smiles throughout the meal. Pascale, Charles' mother, couldn't help but notice the chemistry between the two. During the delicious main course, Pascale set her fork down and looked at Y/n with a twinkle in her eye. "Y/n, dear, Charles will not stop talking about you." Charles sighs as Y/n grins, highly amused. "Oh really? Isn't he just so sweet?" She teased.
"And Charles, how long did you say you two have been together?" Pascale asked, her eyes twinkling again with curiosity. Y/n's gentle expression had turned into knotted brows, confusion clouding her mind. She stole a glance at Charles, who offered her a reassuring smile before answering. "Oh, we've been together for a while now." Charles replied smoothly, his tone tinged with amusement, before reaching for Y/n's hand beside him. Y/n's mind raced as she tried to make sense of Charles' response. She had never considered him anything more than a friend, and now she found herself unwittingly caught in a web of deception.
"So, Y/n, what made you and Charles decide to start dating all of a sudden?" Pascale inquired with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Y/n nearly choked on her wine, as Charles masked a laugh. "Oh, you know Pascale, sometimes these things just happen." Y/n replied, trying to play along. Pascale's eyes sparkled as she nodded knowingly. Charles nodde too, playing along with the story Y/n had come up with. "That's wonderful! I'm so happy to hear that. I am so happy none of the journalists have found out yet. You two must be discreet." Y/n chuckled nervously, "Yes, we like to keep things private. At one stage, we were so secretive, I didn't even know we were together." The family laughed along as Y/n kicked Charles under the table. A silent wince left his lips.
"Well, I think I should go and clean these dishes. How about-"
"Charles and I will do them, Pascale. Honest." Pascale smiled approvingly of Y/n. "If you insist." Y/n nodded, grabbing Charles quite firmly to make him follow her to the kitchen with various plates. Once the door had closed, Y/n turned to Charles, frustration evident in her eyes. "What on earth was that, Charles?" Charles placed the plates into the sink. "Oh by the way, Y/n. My mum thinks we are dating." His poor attempt of a joke didn't land too well, but the tea towel Y/n had thrown at him did. Charles sighed, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Look, I didn't know how to explain why you're suddenly here, so I may have mentioned we're together." He explained. "What the hell, Charles? You didn't tell me about this plan! I thought we were just friends!" Y/n whispered, trying not to let their ruse be overheard.
Charles had stopped thinking of the plates now and had instead turned his focus to trying to stop Y/n from telling Pascale the truth. "I know, I know. My mom can be relentless with her questions about my love life. I didn't want her prying too much, so I improvised. Sorry about that." Y/n sighed, holding the bridge of her nose. "Well, it's a bit late now. We need to figure this out before it gets more complicated."
Charles nodded, engulfing her in a hug and resting his chin on top of her head. "Agreed." They pondered for a moment, before Charles came up with a plan. "How about we make a deal?" Y/n looked up to him, almost as if to tell him to continue. "We'll keep up the charade for a while, and I promise to come clean with my mom when the time is right. In the meantime, we can use this to our advantage somehow." Y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, but you owe me big time for this. What's the plan?"
Charles smirked. "We can use this 'relationship' to our advantage. You get to spend the summer here, and it'll keep my mom off my back for a while. Deal?" Y/n sighed again, running her hands through her hair. "Fine, deal. But this better not turn into a soap opera. We're just friends, got it?" Charles chuckled, reaching his hand out and shaking hers. "Got it. Just friends."
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Sorry for sending requests back to back lol, I keep having my brain work and it's crazy:
UR RECENT SIRIUS FIC GAVE ME AND IDEA! imagine poly!marauders where both reader and sirius speak french? And maybe reader uses it more when she sleepy (that's usually when I speak french), so she's just sleepily gushing to sirius abt him and james and remus and HOW MUCH SHE FUCKING LOVES THEM AND HOW PERFECT THEY ARE AND SHIT??? Omfggg
Sincerely, :]
Omg yes, thanks for requesting my love!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 719 words
“You’re all too nice to me,” you mumble as Sirius pulls your hair back into a loose bun, James washing your face with a moist cloth. “I love you guys. Not just for this, though. I love you in general.” 
Sirius’ lips curve as he watches bemusement find its way into James’ expression. He wonders if your decision to make your lovey-dovey declarations in French was even a conscious one, or if you’ve just defaulted to it as you sometimes do when you’re this sleepy. He decides to answer you in it regardless. “I love you in general, too, my sweetheart. And we’re not even as nice as you deserve.” 
“I don’t like it when they do this,” James says to Remus, even as he dries your face with a loving hand. “It’s exclusionary.”
“They don’t get it,” you lament to Sirius, catching his smirk in the mirror. “It’s so much nicer when you’re lazy. The words just flow.” 
“I don’t know,” Remus answers James, spitting toothpaste into the sink. “It’s kind of hot.” 
Sirius’ heartbeat picks up frighteningly quickly, but his grin is wicked as he leans his head on your shoulder. “Did you hear that, my love?” he asks, not bothering to whisper since no one but you can understand. “Remus Lupin thinks we’re hot.” 
“Even when they say your name?” James asks, gesturing to Sirius as if to emphasize his point. 
Remus gives Sirius a lingering look. It takes everything in him not to collapse onto the floor. Sirius looks down, breaking Remus’ stare, just to make sure he is indeed still wearing pants. “Especially then.” 
“But they could be saying anything!”
“He’s so pretty,” you say breathily, gazing at Remus. His brows raise at your devoted attention, a twinkle of amusement lighting his amber eyes. Your gaze slides to James, looking at you with suspicion. “They both are.” You turn your eyes last to Sirius, and it’s a different look than the one he’d just received from Remus, but it melts him just the same. “You all are. And all so good, and funny, and smart. I can’t believe my luck.” 
Sirius chuckles, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck. “Me neither. Do you think they know?” 
You hum, leaning back and letting him support some of your weight. He takes it happily. It’s going to be one of those nights where you’re asleep before the rest of them have even made it to bed, he can tell. “Not well enough.” 
“Cease looking at me like that this instant,” James demands. “Moony, why do they look like they want to eat us?” 
“Doesn’t sound like such an awful idea,” you say through a yawn, pulling out of Sirius’ arms to move towards the bed.
He follows you. “True,” he says, casting a charged look back at his boyfriends. “I could probably gnaw on a bicep, now that you mention it.” 
“It’s kind of nice that not everyone can understand,” you observe drowsily as you slip under the covers. “Makes it easier to say what we mean.” 
Sirius laughs. “Of course these are your darkest, most secret thoughts, you softie.” He sits down on the bed, brushing a strand of hair from your lovely face. “If you couldn’t understand me, I’d be saying much filthier stuff.” He cocks his head. “Actually, you don’t know what braquemard means, do you?”
Your eyebrows cinch, and there’s a gasp from the bathroom a moment before James comes barreling into the room.
“I heard something!” He exclaims. Sirius smirks up at him from his place on the bed. “That brack-whatever—it’s dirty, I think. I’ve heard him use it before.” You snicker into your pillow, and James looks at you in horror. “Angel, what’s he roped you into? Is he corrupting you while we can’t protect you?”
“Interesting,” Remus hums, moving slowly towards the bed. He approaches Sirius, nudging the other boy’s legs apart and fitting himself between them. Sirius’ heart pounds against his rib cage as Remus tilts his head up, fingers curled lightly around his jaw. “Gonna tell us what you’ve got to say, pretty boy?”
Sirius takes a shuddering inhale, static filling his head as Remus strokes idly at his face. 
You make an amused harrumphing sound, and speak in English so everyone can hear. “Softie.” 
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awoogayanderes · 11 months
➪ requests : “Can i request atsushi, dazai and tecchou with foreign gf?” - anonymous
“Hey, love!! Could I request Chuuya and Kunikida (separately) with a gender neutral s/o who isn't native Japanese and struggles with talking Japanese and things like chopsticks? <3 - Anon 🥂” - anonymous ( 🥂 ? )
➪ other notes : these prompts were very similar so i decided why not combine them ! this is actually the first time i get very similar prompts at the same time, but i feel as if i didn’t do this enough justice so i apologize, non edited
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Atsushi Nakajima :
- god he’s so patient with you, even if you’re not a fast japanese learner, he’ll always help you out by smiling and gently correcting you
- i feel as if his orphanage offered some type of short term class to learn english even if it was just the basics
- so while he teaches you japanese, you’re teaching him more english
- the first meal he ever introduces to you is chazuke, a comfort food to him that he hopes will also satisfy you
- if you struggle with your chopsticks, he would softly place your fingers where they’re supposed to be, with a pink blush on his face
- when both of you go to festivals, he’ll help you pick out a kimono or a yukata
- even though he thinks you look lovely in every color, his face will always soften when you wear purple, preferably iris or periwinkle
- atsushi tries his best to teach you money currency but will sometimes disregard it since he grew up with no money
- “struggling with kanji?” atsushi said with an accent as he sat next to you
- you nodded, trying to find the correct words to express your frustration in japanese
- you sigh leaning your head on his shoulder, he knows you’re mad so he soothes you
- 9/10 experience with this sweet boy, he has his mini flaws but he’s all around perfect
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Osamu Dazai :
- he’s definitely the type of guy to quiz you on japanese and when you get it right, he gives you a kiss as a “prize”
- he definitely knows english, he just chooses to act dumb at times
- he definitely makes you eat canned crab with him but there’s times where he’ll splurge on real crab for you, a purchase he doesn’t regret
- when you’re struggling with your chopsticks, he’ll come from behind you, molding himself against you to fix your hold on your chopsticks
- do not take him shopping for a kimono or a yukata, he’ll make you try on all of them
- i feel as if he’d love to see you in a saphire blue or a french blue, he’d giggle with a coy smile
- he teaches you about money but only when you spend it ( he’d definitely leech off of you and take advantage of your lack of knowledge )
- due to him knowing english, you normally don’t speak japanese with him, but when you do, he encourages you
- “here let me help you,” dazai says in english wrapping himself behind you casually
- he places both of his hand on your dominant hand, fixing its posture
- he places a kiss on your cheek from behind you, lingering onto you as you try your best to say “go away” in japanese
- 7/10 experience, despite his slight lack of care for your money, he’s a sweet guy to be with
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Tecchou Suehiro :
- honestly i can imagine him forgetting that you’re not fluent in japanese, like you can be having a conversation and you look at him perplexed and he realizes what the problem is
- i think he knows english but isn’t really fluent but he still tries his best for you
- DO NOT EAT ANYTHING HE MAKES FOR YOU !!! you will get food poisoning from his awful creations of food
- honestly you’d need to ask him to help you with your chopsticks, most of the time he wouldn’t notice it
- but he’d basically demonstrate where your fingers are supposed to go rather than move around your fingers
- due to his work, he can’t really take any time off to shop for a kimono/yukata, though if he did, he’d just follow your every move
- he likes seeing you in kinda like a maroonish color with maybe a yellow sash
- idk what you expected, he’s the weirdest guy in this list who likes random combinations including your clothing
- he doesn’t really teach you about money but if you ask, he’d explain it to the best of his ability
- “i made some food for you,” tecchou said, sounding out the words
- “thank you,” you smile back at him, knowing you weren’t about to eat the abomination of food he just made for you
- 8/10 experience, he’s all around perfect except that you might get food poisoning
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Chuuya Nakahara :
- another patient guy like atsushi when it comes to you except that when he gets annoyed, he blows up at you accidentally
- he’s another guy who knows english due to the port mafia, but he prefers not to speak it as he can’t fully show his emotions
- chuuya doesn’t particularly have a favorite meal to share with you, what he does have is expensive bottles of wine that would create the perfect late night date
- but if you don’t really like wine, then he probably provides you with any high quality food, i personally think he has a thing for rice
- if you ever ask for help with chopsticks, he either does what atsushi does and fix your fingers or he would tell you to get a fork
- he would literally order custom made kimonos/yukatas for you, he wants then to be perfect for his beloved
- you cannot tell me he’d love to see you in black, can’t really take out the mafia in this guy
- another person who doesn’t teach you about money because he insists he’ll cover all of your costs, you just need to pay with his cash or swipe his card
- “money ? nah you don’t need to learn about it, i’ll pay for anything and everything you need and want,” chuuya says taking a sip of wine
- “are you sure ? i don’t want to make you feel like i’m taking advantage of you,” you said slowly still learning japanese
- “yeah don’t worry about it,” the orange haired man said inviting you to take a sip of his wine
- 9/10 experience with chuu, he does get annoyed when you don’t understand him the first few times, but he makes up for it
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Doppo Kunikida :
- you probably learn japanese the fastest if you’re with him, he quite literally forces it down your throat so you can adapt quickly
- agree with me or not, i think he doesn’t know english BUT he would learn it so quickly to make communication with you easier
- this guy definitely cooks you home made meals, oden being his first dish he introduces you to, something you both thoroughly enjoy
- if you struggle with chopsticks, he’d give you a clear description on how to properly use them
- he also tends to give you books on japanese culture knowing that the more informed you are, the better
- if he has time, he does take you kimono/yukata shopping, often looking for good quality at a deserved expense
- he absolutely loves seeing you in green, typically emerald or basil, his face turning red as if he sees you try them on
- he’s the only man on his list who genuinely teaches you about money and living cost
- “are you sure i need all of these books,” you question as he stacks them up in front of you
- “i want you to become independent as soon as possible in the occasion i might not be here to help you,” he says, pushing his glasses up
- you deadpan but still thank him for caring about your needs more than you even do
- 10/10 experience with kunikida, he’s quite literally the ideal boyfriend in this situation, not leaving you ignorant in a new country
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taurussbabe · 10 months
NSFW alphabet
note: first time doing something like this, hope you like it warning: obviously nsfw content, smut...
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex, Charles places feather kisses all over you
He loves to hold you tight and whisper sweet nothings to you until you fall asleep
He loves to clean you and if you’re going to sleep, he brushes your hair and braids your hair because he knows you don’t like to sleep with your hair down
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Charles loves your legs
The moment he saw them, he knew he was a goner
He loves to leave a trail of kisses and hear the sounds you make when he does so
His favorite part of his body is his arms and hands
He loves how you get so excited every time you see him flexing his arms
Or how you grab onto his arms when he’s pounding into you
c = cum (anything to do with cum basically)
He loves to cum in you, that’s a fact
But also loves when you make him cum in your mouth
Seeing you lick your lips clean and swallow him, that truly turns him on again
He also adores to make you cum with your fingers and then put his fingers in your mouth so you can taste yourself
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He never told you (and doesn’t plan on) but he thinks you’re so hot when you speak French
Not being your first language, he just loves how it rolls of your tongue
He would LOVE to do it on a plane
He never did it but he loves the idea, but you’re always with people on the plane, whether it’s going to races or holidays
He hopes to one day join the mile high club
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Unlike what most people think, charles isn’t even that experienced
He had long term girlfriends so he was never really with a lot of people
But he DOES know what he’s doing
He knows exactly when and what do to in order to make you go crazy
f = favorite position (goes without saying)
Charles loves to see the faces you make when he makes you feel good
So he loves missionary
This way he can just whisper dirty things near your ears easily
Also, when he’s tired from his workouts or races, he woman on top or cowgirl
Where he can just lay down, and watch you take care of him
He enjoys watching you place your hands on his chest
This way he’s also able to grab your boobs while you’re riding him
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Sometimes he says things in English that don’t mean what he think it does, that causes a laugh between the two of you
But usually he’s more serious and calm, determined to make you feel good
He also likes to think of himself as a romantic, so he doesn’t want to ruin the atmosphere between the two of you
h = hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Charles is well groomed, he likes to be trimmed but not completely bald
He also loves to make sure you’re comfortable with the length of his hairs and takes your suggestions into consideration
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Charles is a romantic
He absolutely loves to kiss you, always
There isn’t one single time you have sex where he doesn’t kiss all of you
One time, he was trying to be so romantic he filled the room with roses and candles and even played soft romantic music in the background
That was definitely the best sex you two ever had
It was just so intimate and romantic
He loves to stop and look into your eyes, brushing a stray of hair behind your hear
j = jack off (masturbation)
When he’s away for too long and you cant join him in races he masturbates
But when he’s at home, you both satisfy each other pretty much, so he doesn’t need it
Sometimes you end up facetiming when he’s away, and you both get at it together
k= kink (one or more of their kinks)
C’mon, the man talks about having kids all the damn time, he obviously has a breeding kink
He loves to cum in you
And fuck his cum back into you with his fingers, obviously with your permission
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves the bedroom, it’s basic, but he loves it
There no one will interrupt you guys and he loves to know that
Also loves the car
Like, it’s so impractical but he loves it
Going for a midnight drive and stop where no one can see you
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lingerie, RED lingerie
He absolutely loses his mind, seeing him in ‘his’ color
And when you say you bought it just for him, because it’s his color
Also, seeing you wear a Ferrari shirt to sleep, and noting underneath, except but some panties
After seeing you spend an afternoon with kids, whether it’s his cousins or yours
When you get home that night, he’s definitely gonna make love to you until the sun rises, whispering how much you would be a good mom, and that you would look so good pregnant
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that would hurt you or leave bruises.
He just isn’t into that.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He goes down on you a lot and he’s extremely good at that.
He prides himself in knowing he can make you cum from just his tongue.
He also likes when you go down on him, but prefers to be inside you so he prefers to go down on you
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood.
Sometimes after a bad race, you tell him to take it out on you and he’s rougher and fast
But on those days where he’s all romantic he slow and sensual and wants to make it last as long as he can
Also, depending on your mood as well, if you had a bad day, you might want it fast but if you’re feeling emotional he’ll be super soft and slow with you
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Likes them but doesn’t want to make a habit out of it
Like sometimes in the middle of the night if he wakes up hard, you’ll have a quickie.
Or after a race, just before interviews
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Depends if you ask for something, he’ll think about it
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He HAS stamina
A bunch of it, don’t know if it’s from training or anything like that
But he can go on and on and ON
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He knows you own a little toy for when he’s away
He’s ok with it, but he doesn’t like that you use it when he’s home
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
He LOVES to tease, he can do it for hours
But after he does it, you make sure to punish him, teasing him as well
And you like to tease him on your own as well, wearing a backless dress with a huge slit on your leg and then beg him to let him come
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can get loud
But he loves to make you go crazy at the point you nearly have to yell
He groans loudly a lot
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You were laying in bed in the middle of the night, peacefully sleeping when charles wrapped his arm around you and woke you up with soft kisses on your neck
“I need you” he said “like physically need you”
He pressed his body onto you and you could feel his hard cock against you
“ok, love” you said and within seconds felt him push himself inside of you
“let’s just stay like this” you nodded and drifted off to sleep again and so he did
And in the morning, you did it properly but for that night, you just stayed like that the whole time
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s definitely large, bit in girth and length
But more in girth than length
The first time you gave him a blow job you were scared you couldn’t do well because of his size
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
You had sex a few times a week, not every day but certainly not a low sex drive
There was one time where you went on a holiday week just the two of you and had sex every single night until the sunrise
z = zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he loves aftercare so he makes sure you feel loved and valued before he’s ready to fall asleep, but he usually likes to watch you fall asleep first
But you drift off pretty quickly so it’s okay
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