#sakuras the best at it not bc shes a woman no but bc naruto and sasuke keep on
faerociousbeast · 2 years
naruto and sasuke have adopted a kid and his name is rickey
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Uraraka Ochaco
she is absolutely a victim of yaoi. let her have her crush and let her be a person BEYOND HER FEELINGS FOR ONE MAN!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS A WONDERFUL HERO! AND HAS AN INTRICATE PERSONALITY BEYOND IZUKU! 
One of Midoriya “Deku” Izuku’s first friends (the first real one, to be exact), training to be a hero alongside the rest of her class. Despite her character arc and evolution of goals, which tie in strongly with the themes of the series, fans view her as an “obstacle” because of her canonical crush on Izuku. As a result, fan works pairing Izuku with a guy minimize the positive impact she’s had on his life and diminish her role, with some even demonizing her and turning her into a jealous bitch to justify Izuku not dating her. The simple possession of a crush has lead to her being overlooked and mistreated by the fandom, such as the common take she’s had no growth since the obtainment of her crush (feelings she actively pushes to the side as to not possibly create a distraction from her goals). These takes are accompanied by claims her character solely revolves around Izuku, ignoring the fact that many other guy characters have their characters revolve around him, some even more than her. 
Shes literally so fucking cool and passionate and she has a genuinely interesting place in the setting and YET she is constantly sidelined by both the show and the fandom in favor of her canonical love interest/main character and i'm going to be mad about it forever. 90% of the time is should she date the MC, or just that shes "a queen" or "a girlboss". Bc who cares about her growing up in poverty or her relationship with her parents or interest in rescue work? All that matters is that shes not a threat to YOUR favorite MLM ship but dw! Its still feminist because she can punch people <3
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
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usuratongaychi · 2 months
On Sakura
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I hated sakura so much when watching the show, yet when you list out her achievements it DOES LOOK LIKE SHE IS USEFUL, so why when actually watching the show does all of that disappear? Why is she so hated in the fandom?
(Ignoring the fact that this is a shounen based anime, where the main fanbase is a bunch of misogynistic men)
From a writing standpoint, kishimoto doesn't have the best outlook on women. In my personal opinion, I really dislike how women are portrayed in the series. A lot of it falls under the “nagging wife” archetype, which just reminds me a lot of those old boomer jokes abt hating women or hating their wife.
Also, when i talk about disliking sakura, I’m not talking about her in the OG. I mean, she was 12-13 then, and most 12yr olds are annoying. Comparatively to Naruto and Sasuke, she lived a pretty privileged life, so I think her attitude was justified. Both Naruto and Sasuke had their…moments…as well.
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I think in a lot of the filler, they trump up her personality to the point where its annoying, similarly with naruto but bc hes male and also a mega idiot already, it isnt talked about. Filler isnt present in the manga, so manga readers tend to appreciate her more.
here is where i get a little biased..
Comparatively to naruto and sasuke’s connection (they are literally soulmates, platonically or romantically), her romance with sasuke is so flat and one dimensional. Shounen in general as a genre focuses so much on male characters development. It honestly feels like their romance was hastily thrown together at the end of the series. This makes her devotion to him seem shallow and vain.
(This next part is only really applicable to shippuden and somewhat in the OG series i dont really expect a 13yr old with no jutsu to be the best fighter)
I feel like the series intentionally makes her, and really every woman character weaker in terms of endurance (besides Tsunade). Like it feels like the writers say "thats enough fighting for a girl, make her get knocked out" 20secs into a fight. I remember watching her battle with Sasori and being so excited for her to be a badass in shippuden..only for a bunch of episodes to pass and not really getting that same feeling again. To be fair, I wonder if i would have felt the same if I skipped filler episodes. Regardless, I think she could have been more involved in combat, I would have loved to see that from her. “But she’s a healer!!” she can fight also, doesn’t she do that in Boruto? She can do both.
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I also think the studio fucks her over a LOT. Theres a few other moments of her in the anime saying some pretty outrageous things, one of them being “I wish i had parents I could respect a bit more, I’d be better off without them….Why’d you have to be here now? If it was Sasuke, I know he would understand”, to an orphan, which is wild as fuck. I can’t remember if that episode was filler or not, but some of the lines they give her are just outright insane. I can’t think of a sane character that would say that.
In conclusion to this essay of a post..
Fuck The Writers.
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h-doodles · 11 months
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
Hi anon hiiiiiiii welcome!!! u caught me at a good time, ur soooo lucky bc i just glanced at my notifs and saw this ask get sent <3 KDBDKDKK its been literal years since i checked my ask box 👉🏻👈🏻
BUT ANYWAY! top 10 of all time???? be warned that while i am currently enchanted with ONE (1) 6 ft 3 in actress, I still do consider myself a girlie with varied tastes so. my old & other fandoms are mixed in my current list!
without further ado:
#10: knowledge for knowledge's sake by tigriswolf (ao3) || quite an old piece detailing how a change in the personality of one Hermione Granger could have had a massive impact to the story— and while I don't fuck with JKTerfling, the fics I've read from the old fans in the HP fandom are still honestly, some of the BEST I have EVER read. This one in particular irrevocably changed me as a teen, and is one story that I continue to draw inspiration upon when I create dark!AUs for my SI/OCs.
#9: Zutopia by itslivybear (ao3) || the fluff, the worldbuilding, an AU where Izuku is mentored by our beloved Rat God & together, they fix the world problems? GIRLIES catch me forever LOVING this concept like you could NEVER believe <3
#8: (not so) Bad Idea by @sarahpaulsonsoftie (tumblr post) || HEE HEE ITS LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE LIKE HELP THESE BITCHES GAY!!!!!! GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!! ft a meddling plantita who really mothered; Marilyn Thornhill <3
#7: Hold my Soul by connyhascontrol (ao3) || I got into Trixie/Katya completely by one @montaguehphm introducing me to UNHhhh (HIIIIIII bestie I hope everything is going good and that ur gay keeps slay <3) and I haven't recovered ever since— reading the fics by writers on AO3 was a happy little accident, but one i will FOREVER love, nonetheless. Anyway, this particular fic was SO brilliantly original and YET so entrenched in the personalities between T&K that it ABSOLUTELY just wrecks me everytime I reread it. anyways hi @connyhascontrol pls know ur brilliant <3
#6: I think I'm gonna call him out by hellelf (ao3, users only) || again, another AU for Hermione fic, that's chockfull of world building and interesting relationships! It's been unupdated from its 5 chapters since 2021, but I still LOVE to look back at it from time to time 💖
#5: The Confectionary Chronicles series by cheshire_caroll (ao3); Into the Black series by angelholme (ao3); Hermione Granger & the Serpent's Renaissance series by epsi1on (ao3) AND New Blood by artemisgirl (ff.net) || if it's not evident, i am an absolute slut for fics ft. Hermione being badass & put into a v cool plot w/ insane amounts of world building, so yeah, def a top 5 most contender <3
#4: The Infinitely Curious Woman by chararii (ao3) || literally ALL of their fics are absolute bangers, and while I forever mourn their decision to stop all Naruto fics thanks to the great harddrive incident of 2022, I have nonetheless the GREATEST respect to their skill & talent to bring SUCH LIFE to their stories. In particular, I chose this particular fic of theirs because the premise of Sakura making her own way by shedding off her morality the more she learned & got influenced by her 2 greatest teachers was absolutely nothing short of DIVINE. It was and IS such an inspiration to read, reread & explore, and I will forever love @chararii for this brilliant piece of a fic
#3: The Endgame that never was series by @heleneplays aka me (tumblr masterlist) || ok I know this seems self-absorbed but DEAR MOTHER OF CHRISTIE i literally WENT OFF for a whole ass day and a half going feral for the Relics of the Lost Age series book 3 finale (hi @jamesshawgames pls know im still here and STILL simping even tho i am currently having a brainrot for a different thing on main sjdhdkdk i hope ur doing well dearest mr. chief author sir!!!!) and created this series from my dreams + nonstop ben&ben playlist— and honestly, I think it's VERY sexy of me <3 bc I rarely like things that I do after a while, but THIS— alongside Universal Constant (ao3) are truly my BEST work <3
#2: Across the Stars by nomisunrider (ao3) || I CAN NEVER STRESS THIS ENOUGH, HOW MUCH THIS FIC ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY LIKE. its been 4 YEARS since it was completed but HOLY. MOTHERFUCKING. GOD. The story between Michael & Philippa persisting beyond the odds, in a twist of the canon happenings in Star Trek: Discovery is FOREVER ingrained in my heart and soul and honestly once again THANK YOU @nomi--sunrider for SUCH a beautiful story 🥺🥺🥺
and drum roll please!!!
#1 (current): I literally cannot pick between Better than Gold + Little Cat by @lady-dimimi / @azu-zu (tumblr post for BtG | LC ao3); How to woo a Hot Principal by @softshrimpy (ao3); and Lipstick Stains by @weemssapphic (ao3) || LIKE HOLY SHIT THE FUCKING AMOUNT OF TALENT, PLOT, FLUFF, DRAMA AND UTTER GAYNESS THESE FICS BRING ME— its SOOOOO insanity inducing in the best of ways <3 also, i really count myself lucky to get into a very active (x reader) sphere LIKE ITS SOOOOO INSANE i get to consume CONTENT daily for such wonderful characters and these special morsels be like. authors, I am sending you all a MWAH from me
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cartoonrival · 11 months
ok how i actually think next gen naruto shouldve gone/who would actually have kids
shikamaru and temari- def actually would. i agree. bc of the thing with asuma and mirai, shikamaru is one of the central characters to the theme of growing up from being taught into a teacher and making a world for today's kids to grow up in thats better than the one you grew up in. he likes kids and is good with kids. temari is the type to not super like kids in a general sense and she's not THAT good with them, but she thinks her own kid is the greatest thing in the whole world and better than every other kid that exists. kids like her because of her cool air but she doesnt get why since she's not that attentive to kids that aren't hers. she'd give shikadai cool hairstyles
naruto- he really loves kids but recognizes that he's too busy to be able to give all his attention to raising one, so he settles for visiting the school a Lot and being the cool uncle to his friends' kids, which he does pretty effortlessly. unmarried, not interested in getting married, his best friend is sasuke
sasuke- NO what the fuck.... he would not. he doesn't really care for kids and by design of his JOB is on the move constantly. he knows he couldn't raise a kid and it never even crosses his mind that thats even a thing potentially on the table. unmarried, not interested in getting married, his best friend is naruto
sakura- would probably get married but not to any of her old classmates. she likes kids but her passion lies elsewhere and she doesn't want to split her attention between raising a child and being a top ranking jounin, teaching medical ninjutsu classes, etc. she really loves her friends' kids though and occasionally goes through phases where she wants a kid REAAALLY BAD before she remembers again that she actually doesn't really
hinata- would also get married but not to any of her old classmates. would have kids. sorry i dont have a lot to say on her but she is naruto's canonical wife so i can't not talk about her
rock lee- i dont know exactly how metal lee comes about in canon but i think its perfect tbh. no one really KNOWS where this kid came from he just kind of appeared. lee is not married, and he feels a little sad about it sometimes, but guy won't let him feel bad about it for long
tenten- married to a woman. has a kid
kiba- married with a kid
shino- married to a man. no kids no plans for kids. he likes teaching everyone else's kids instead
ino- not married, swings between wishing she was and being glad she isn't. really wants to the "the cool aunt" to shikadai and chocho, which she succeeds at sometimes but they mostly just think she's trying too hard
sai- i honestly don't know. sells paintings.
choji and karui- kind of left field but sure. and i think chocho is cute
gaara- he adopts 3 kids in canon, i think that works. he just wants them to have a better life than he did. not married, doesn't plan to get married but life is full of surprises
apparently orochimaru has a kid via some sort of asexual reproduction, the kid's name is mitsuki and he's obsessed (not my word choice) with boruto. funny as fuck. packs him pb&j for school with a little note. KEEP
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scarabeep · 2 years
Naruto Marching Band Headcanons
a/n: this is the first thing i’m writing ever!! this is from my perspective bc i was in color guard!! i might make an akatsuki version. enjoy <3
warnings: none
naruto: trumpet player. very loud. he’d be a drum major and he’d be a rly good leader always hyping up the band!!
sasuke: DRUMLINE!! he’d play snare and would probably end up being drumline captain
sakura: pretentious clarinet section leader. she’s rly good and she knows it. would be soooo strict on her section omg like she’d yell at them during practice if they weren’t counting loud enough. she can yell at me all she wants. drumline sasuke simp
shikamaru: gives me front ensemble vibes. he thought it’d be easier than marching because he’s ✨lazy✨but he was w r o n g. probably got forced to try out for a leadership role lol
choji: would rock it on saxophone!!! he would do jazz band as well
ino: you can’t look at me n tell me she wouldn’t be in guard n be captain. she’s one of the best dancers in the guard. feeds into the colorguard x drumline stereotype😐😐
kiba: tuba player lol. i feel like he chose band to get an art credit but ended up liking it so he stayed. goes OFF during stand tunes. another simp but only for guard girls lol
hinata: the cutest flute player😭she also has the best marching technique!!
shino: he would play either trombone or sax. he likes the lower sound ya know. he also knows a lot of band secrets/gossip because of how quiet he is👀
neji: another percussionist. has been in both drumline and front ensemble. questionable drum major #2
lee: trumpet section leader!! he’s a such a good player n section leader always supporting his section but still gives them critiques. cries when marching season ends (me too lee, me too :’)
tenten: colorguard n she’d be VERY GOOD at weapons like sabre n rifle she would have the highest tosses
kakashi: hot head band director!😩kakashi would be big on tough love w the band, he wouldn’t be against yelling at them if they were slacking. he’d be good at wide range of instruments n would conduct the highest band during concert season.
might guy: he’d be a brass director and like a dad to the band :’) would also cry during the end of the season
tsunade: COLOR. GUARD. DIRECTOR omg this woman would be the most ruthless guard director out there but it pays off because the guard would be rly good. you know that “PATRICIA!!!” vine? yea that’s her.
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smolchildlevy · 2 years
May I request Being a relationship with Sakura Haruno (sry if I spelt that wrong) fluff headcanons? If you write for Naruto fandom, that is. If not, then Thirteen fluff hcs from Obey Me? Ty and hope u have a great day/night! Also, happy pride month (forgot to say this on 1st of June)!
I don’t rlly write for Naruto, so I’ll try my best at Thirteen <3 Happy pride!!
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Thirteen fluff hcs <3
Warnings: fluff ofc, wlw
A/N: I haven’t really seen much of the newer OM! Characters so bear w/ me
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-She loves you a whole lot
-You can’t tell me she’s not protective of you ✋
-The brothers? They better beware this woman
-She doesn’t really like them being all cozy around you lmao
-She’s always coming over, and if she can’t she asks you to go with her
-Shopping dates? Absolutely
-LOVES if you two could buy a small dog together and take care of it
-Trips to the shops with sweets is a weekly thing
-She isn’t too fond of angels though, so if u want sweets from Simeon or Luke, you would have to get it
-She did explain to you that she doesn’t like her older sister, Candy
-Is aggressive towards Solomon so good luck
-Only has eyes for you
-She’s the type to hug you tightly every time
-Butterfly kisses bc she thinks you’re so cute <3
Taglist: @Polly-loves-chocolate @sinnersft @milkandcookies-post @chirikoheina @angryhope @Lolom0-com
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kawaii-angelanne · 1 year
naruto girl charas SUCK. and not the charas themselves, i LOVE LOVE LOVE sakusa, ino, tenten, temari, ya name her ! i love her, but the creator just writes them so horribly. he puts them in a light and most fans shit on women bc of their charas when really—they’d be liked if he gave a true backstory and plot for how they act they do.
sakura is known to be ‘two faced’ as she’s sweet outside but has a raging personality inside and everyone hates her for being obsessed with sasuke—but she’s a CHILD!! she gets more development once you meet her future teacher, and it makes me love her so much more bc it shows how strong she is and how CAPABLE she is. she’s more than just a girl with a silly crush // more than a girl who hides her true inner feelings. she cares for everyone around her and is seen as weak when she isn’t.
hinata is known to be a shy girl who’s obsessed with naruto, and she’s one of the strongest characters but the creator makes her weak. tenten canonically have the strongest weapons in the series but the creator makes her weak. temari is seen as strong only for her plot and in the future she’s discarded. all these women are thrown to the side because their entire future plot is to surround who they’re marrying—men. there’s only one female chara i can think of that doesn’t exactly surround a man but she’s still heavily influenced by two bc ones in love with her and the other was her childhood friend. (really tryna not spoil HAHA)
and even female villains, which there aren’t many i can think of, ALLLL SURROUND A MAN! long story short, kishimoto is a POS and probably has never known a woman on an actual personal level. plus the series is a rip off of HXH anyways 😇 emo chara family dies and they have red eyes ? and there’s a big bad group where the person who was responsible for it is homed there ? anyways naruto was my first anime besides DBZ when i was a lil kid and i love it and will cherish it to my heart but only bc i like the charas, i hate kishimoto. he’s dumb. and probably a 50 y/o virgin. (did u kno he got married and didn’t take his wife on a honeymoon bc of he was writing naruto? I HATE HIM I HATE HIM AAAAA!!) so sorry for the long winded response, i get so heated on this topic BAHAHAHAHAHA < 3 ily
OKAY YEA THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING!! i so badly want to get to like these characters, but the way kishimoto writes them is just. so bad. SO TRUE they all revolve around a guy and its so..*chokes the air* like in the land of the waves we see that she has the best control of her chakra (which ig makes her perfect to be a medical nin; ik like tiny bits and pieces of what happens in shippuden but also not rlly LMAO), but she never uses it!! she was never involved in any fights; she j stood there because she was written to be like that!!
i was also thinking that since they are like 10-12, they're not going to be the most fun characters; like at that age, children are v annoying LMFAO but its not 100% an excuse because the guy characters aren't as intolerable ;-;;;
im intrigued to see how tsunade is going to be written because like. shes HOKAGE. and SO COOL!! so yes.
love the charas, not their creator <3 (that's so funny how he didn't even take his wife on honeymoon; like higuruma would NEVER even tho he seems to do work a lot LMFAO (pov: you have not caught up w jjk but love higuruma because of ina))
(im also super impressed how you just whipped that out af! like. not even ten mins later and bam! research paper LOL)
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obitv · 1 year
hi ^_^ sakura
Impression now: they should have let her do cool things.
Favorite moment: you KNOW i dont remember amything from naruto canon uhhh. i can only think of fics dear god. i still like her moment in the og series of cutting her hair bc it Should have meant a significant character shift away from sasuke and towards her own strength but Well shes a woman in shounen
Idea for a story: exploration of her relationship with tsunade.... i wouldve loved to see them interact more
Unpopular opinion: this isnt even unpopular but oh my god as much as i adore her like i wanted her to be my favourite character when i started eatching naruto oh my god seriously. woman in shounen. im so upset bc she had so so so much potential but barely had any ACTUAL character development beyond. being another tsunade
Favorite relationship: the mental naruto and sakura relationship in my head where he got over himself and they became best friends who people Think are dating but they would rather die. and also sakura/ino i wish theyd interavted more too. i just wish she was in the fucking show more man
Favorite headcanon: uhhhh... plural sakura maybe? think itd be neat esp w how she pretty much IS in the og series
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scarecrow-supremacy · 3 years
A/N: Oookieee, so I decided to start writing a new fic bc I have great ideas for a story line. Yet I can’t bring myself I writing an actual beginning. Like I’ve already written some random chapters, but I can’t do anything with them because they don’t really make much sense without the context of the rest of the fic/my ideas. Like this chapters is where the romance/actual x reader gets into actual action. Hopefully you get the gist of what the plot is, and aren’t confused as hell from this part. Sorry if it’s a bit long, it’s around 4.8k-ish words. Enjoy 💜
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Hatake Kakashi wasn't one to celebrate his birthday.
He simply thought that they were foolish excuses to let loose and party. To Kakashi, birthdays were no reason to be happy and celebrate. They were just reminders of how long he had endured the pain of living. Each year marked another without the people he once held close in his heart. His father, his sensei, his teammates, and (y/n)...
The day that (y/n) gone on that horrible mission was his special day. The mission he was supposed to go on, but (y/n) filled in for because she wanted him to go celebrate with Gai and the others. So much for having the day of joy...Kakashi thought to himself mournfully.
With a great sigh, he grabbed the last of his belonging, shoving them in his mission pack. He'd promised to take his students out of a group mission for the day, but it had been mostly for selfish reasons. Kakashi had hoped that this would take his mind off of the weight in his soul, yet knowing that his efforts would be futile. The loss would never leave him, it would always follow him like a darned shadow. It would forever haunt him. There was not letting go of the horrors of his past.
Slowly, Kakashi strolled to the gates of Konoha to meet his kids, shoving his hands in his pockets as he mumbled a little tune under his breath. The dark cloudy sky and drizzling rain seemed to mirror how he felt inside.
Drip, drop. Drop, drop. Drop, drop.
Each raindrop fell upon the dirt paths of the town, dampening Kakashi's Jonin uniform. If only he'd gone on that mission, if only he hadn't let (y/n) take his place. If only so many things that happened hadn't. If only he felt whole again. He could feel the heavyweight of guilt on his shoulders, spreading pain throughout his body. Sure, Team 7 filled the void, but they could only do so much. If there is one thing I wish for, it is that these kids will grow up to be happy.
A soft smile played upon Kakashi's face as he approached the three teens. "KAKASHI-SENSEI!" His hyperactive blonde student, Uzumaki Naruto, yelled at him, "YOU'RE LATE-TTEBAYO!" He raised his fist in anger. Sakura glared at both Kakashi and Naruto, slapping the boy's back to calm him down. Off to the side stood Sasuke, his hands in his pockets as he briefly kicked the dirt and pebbles around him to form his clan's symbol. "Usuratonkachi," he grumbled at the group. To be honest, Kakashi did feel a little guilty about keeping the kids waiting for him. They were being held back just because he was wallowing in self-pity. And Kakashi felt ashamed of that; ordering his mind to push his thoughts further to the back of his mind.
Kotetsu and Izumo, guards of the gates, turned to the team and smiled in greeting. "The gate opening mechanism is broken, so we have to manually open the gates," they explained. "Heading out yet again, eh?" Kotetsu chuckled. "I thought you lot just came back from a mission. Ya leaving so soon?" Izumo asked. Naruto pumped his hand into the air, "Yeah! Dattebayo! It's only a C rank, but it'll be fun-ttebayo!"
He's a lot like you, eh Obito, Kakashi's mind wandered as he looked up at the clouded sky, a drop of rain fell upon his nose and slid down his mask. If only you, Minato-sensei, and Rin were here to see us in action. You would be proud.
But what about (y/n)? Part of Kakashi was surprised that he didn't think of her immediately. Did he still believe that she could've been alive? After the Hokage had told him that he'd lost contact with (y/n), Kakashi didn't know what to think. It had been 3,650 days since she left. 3,589 since she was supposed to come back. And 3,529 days since they fully lost contact. What were the chances she'd come back, alive or injured? Kakashi wanted to believe that she was still alive. Was that realistic?
"She's gone, Kakashi! You need to understand that!" He flashed back to when Asuma, Gai, and Kurenai had tried to slap some sense into him. Well actually, Kurenai had slapped him. "Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura gently tugged his sleeve, straining her arm up so her red umbrella would also cover his head. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot lately." She whispered as she looked up at him.
"I'm fine, Rin," Kakashi weakly smiled, "It's nothing that you should worry about." Sakura flashed him a questioning look, "Rin?" Sucking the air, Kakashi's whole body tensed up, "Sorry." He looked away, turning his attention to the bickering Sasuke and Naruto. "Just a little mix-up, Sakura." He put on a fake smile, breaking up the boy's fight. "Let's go, shall we?"
"Alright! Shanaroo!"
Kotetsu and Izumo went to open the gates but stopped to exchange worrisome glances. "Someone just knocked from the other side of the gates. Which is weird because our list says that we shouldn't be expecting anybody." Izumo knit his eyebrows together. Kotetsu, who had been looking through a glass which allowed him to see the incomer, hastily urging Izumo to help him. "ANBU!" He had barked at his partner, "Bleeding! Dying, wounds, whatever! They need medical attention!" That had caught Kakashi's attention, he got ready to act as the guards opened up the gates, heaving on the rusted hinges. Yet he was not mentally prepared for what awaited on the other side of the grand doors.
There she stood. Uniform torn, stained and ripped up. The wakizashi sword that was strapped to her hip was blunt and scratched, the sheath dented. Skin scratched and bruised, wounds dripping with blood and gore. A long x shaped cut on the inner side of her left thigh. Gasping and choking for air, she started to wobble, blood dribbling down her limbs and stomach. The rain continued to fall, now hard and heavy; burning and searing the wounds of the lady. Yet she still managed to keep her face from wavering In an instant, Kakashi recognized who the woman was based on her cracked porcelain ANBU mask. (y/n).... "Sakura! Go alert the hospital. And you two boys, clear the way for Sakura so she can get there. Quickly!" Kakashi ordered them as he took the heavily wounded woman in his arms. Anger and fear coursed through Kakashi's veins as his heart thumped erratically. He could feel (y/n)'s body twitch in pain. "Izumo, go let Hokage-sama know that Ibara-hime has returned." Kakashi let out one last demand before zipping off to follow his kids.
"Kakashi..." (y/n) mumbled out his name, "Kakashi..." she shakily rose her hands up to gently cup his masked cheeks. "What is it?" He whispered, gently rubbing her skin through a torn patch of her ripped uniform. "Happy birthday, Hatake..." She softly breathed, her tight grip of Kakashi's chest loosened as her eyes dropped closed. Please don't die, (y/n)... I've waited all the fucking years. You aren't leaving me again. A tear formed in Kakashi's eye, flying off with the rain as he bolted towards the hospital. Stay with me a bit longer, will you?
"My sensei will be here any second with an ANBU woman in need of immediate medical attention!" Kakashi heard Sakura's voice quiver as he barged into the hospital. "I'm here, kids. Go to Gai-sensei and stay with him until I'm back." He quickly barked, flashing all of the nurses who flowed into the room a nervous look. "Please, help her. I'm begging you." He pleaded with the staff uncharacteristically. I need her to live. Need. "We do what we can, sir." One of the medic-nin nodded, putting (y/n)'s unconscious body onto the stretcher. If (y/n) lives, that would be the best birthday gift ever.
Kakashi jogged after the nurses and doctors, peering into the emergency clinic room through the window. "I'm sorry, Sir, but you won't be able to visit the lady until all the major injuries have been cleaned up and treated." A male nurse out his hand in his shoulder from behind. "But..! Okay..." Kakashi let out a sigh, "Isn't there any paperwork that needs to be filled out?"
The nurse shook his head, "The Hokage has come and is speaking to one of my colleagues about it. Don't worry about it. You won't have to take care of any of that." He tried to reassure the angsty shinobi, "The woman is part of the ANBU ranks, right? Her mask is of the uniform." Kakashi nodded his head, biting his lip inside of his mask, "Yeah...she is... but it's kinda complicated." The nurse raised his eyebrow but just shrugged. "Can I speak with the Hokage?" The Hatake requested. "Come this way," the other man sighed, leading him away.
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Kakashi let out a deep and long sigh as he held (y/n)'s scraped hand in his gloved ones. He had been told by the same nurse from before that (y/n) was in a decent state to accept visitors, yet was still unconscious. He could tell that the nurse was hiding something from him, but he was too worried about (y/n) to give it a second thought. Hesitantly, he brought her hand to his masked lips, gently pressing them against the fabric. "Ya know, (y/n). After you left, I decided to give those goddamn books a try. And you're right, they are addictive. Thanks for the gift," Kakashi sadly chuckled before pausing for a moment.
"Those books, they helped me a lot. They helped me get through my days, just like you told me."
"They also helped me realize something. They helped me realize that I don't hate you. I don't want to hate, and I never should've."
"I've realized that I was such a dick to you at the beginning and that it was all my fault that our relationship became how it was. I regret it... So when you wake up again, I just want to start over again. Maybe not entirely, but just so that we can leave all the hate behind us. How does that sound?"
Kakashi stared at the sleeping (y/n), her chest heaving up and how slowly and rhythmically. It hurt him to see her like that, her skin swollen in the places of the stitches and anointed bruises. "Listen, (y/n). I'd never been able to tell this to you while you're conscious, so I might as well let it out now. I...I love you." Kakashi rightly shut his uncovered eye. "After feeling your loss, my dumbass self finally realized how much you are worth. After they pass on, you and the others were all I had left. But then you also left me, that hurt like hell." His tone started to break.
"Lord Hokage told me about the whole fake-death move, and I was relieved that you weren't gone for good. And then we lost contact, everybody assumed the mission had been finished, and your squad sacrificed your lives for it. I couldn't let the fact that you could be a dead sink in. It didn't feel right. Gai, Asuma, and Kurenai tried to get me out of another depression cycle. Kurenai even went to the lengths of quite literally slapping some sense into me." Kakashi played with a loose strand of (y/n)'s (h/c) hair.
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The muscles of (y/n)'s hand twitched ever so slightly. Kakashi's drooping head snapped up; he'd almost fallen asleep in the chair. "(y/n)?" He murmured as her eyes started to flutter, "(y/n)?"
(y/n) chapped lip parted ever so slowly, taking a big breath of air, her (e/c) eyes squinting. "Hatake..?" She shakily managed to mumbled, her voice hoarse and dry. She tried to prop herself up on the bed, but Kakashi eased her back into her resting position. "Rest, (y/n), you're not ready to stress yourself yet." Kakashi to her, "I'll be back with a nurse and some water for you, alright?" (y/n) opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She simply looked down and nodded.
Moments later, Kakashi came back with the nurse and water. "Here," he carefully put the cup to her lip, gently tipping the cup, "Good." He turned to the nurse, who seemed to be scribbling something down from the little monitor to his clipboard. Kakashi's eyes followed the cord attached to it, to the long x shaped hash in (y/n)'s inner left thigh. What worried Kakashi was the anxious look on the nurse's face.
"(l/n)-san, your vitals are doing alright, but you'll have to stay here for a night or two just so that we can keep an eye on something's that may need monitoring." He curtly nodded his head, "Lord Hokage wished to speak to you. So, sir, that means you may have to leave."
Kakashi tried to reason with the other man, but (y/n) reached to weakly squeeze his thigh. "It's okay, Hatake. You can just drop by later." (y/n) tried to smile. "Fine," Kakashi grumbled, leaving the room and letting Hiruzen in.
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After what seemed like an eternity, Hiruzen came back out. "How's (y/n)?" Kakashi asked him impatiently. The Hokage put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder as if trying to soothe him, "She'll be better soon. Don't worry, alright." The silver-haired shinobi let out a small grunt, "I know that she'll get better with time. But what about now?"
Kakashi knew that Hiruzen loved (y/n) almost like a daughter, he cared about her deeply. Hence the elaborate cover-ups to protect (y/n) and her squad on the unconventionally lengthy mission. The Hatake could see the sadness that had tried to be tucked away in the Sarutobi's eyes. "The main concern of the moment is the poison in the gash on her left thigh. The medic-nins have tried to extract as much of it as possible, and try to find something that will counteract the effects." The elderly man explained to him. "Did they find an antidote?" Kakashi questioned.
"That is where the problem lies," Hiruzen explained, "There is a certain medicinal herb that is used alongside a jutsu to nullify the effects, as the poison has traces of chakra. We have a few medics on hand who support the skill to perform the jutsu, but we don't have the plant. Even so, that won't be a permanent cure." Kakashi knit his eyebrows together, "How would it not be a perfect cure? Plus, since there are traces of chakra, could we possibly track down the person who created the poison and make them fess up on the cure?" He questioned.
"Great thinking, but..." Hiruzen groaned, "(y/n) said that they performed a self-destruction jutsu just after striking her. He probably thought that it would be in their best interest to take their secrets to the grave with them." Kakashi cursed under his breath, "Fuck... This is terrible."
Hiruzen nodded in agreement, "No duh."
Kakashi's head shot up, "Uh?!"
The elder man's eyes widened, "Did I use the term correctly?! I'm trying to pick up on the phrases the kids are using these days..."
Kakashi gritted his teeth, "Right idea of the meaning, I guess. But the context and timing...wasn't quite fit." Looking ever so slightly dejected, "Oh...alright." Smoothening out the wrinkles in his robe and putting in his cob pipe, "Kakashi, if you are going to stay here with (y/n), could you at least pick up some good food. The food in the hospital canteen is quite bland." Kakashi nodded his head and obliged, only to be stopped in his tracks by Hiruzen.
"Kakashi, I'd like to ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"What caused your change in actions towards (y/n) change so much?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've observed you two whilst you were in the ANBU together, and you never got along that well. And suddenly you act so attached to her, Kakashi. You don't need to answer. It's just that as your leader, I want to understand what is going on in the heads of some of my most trusted people." Hiruzen explained to Kakashi, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his cob pipe.
Kakashi frowned from behind his mask, trying to figure out how to explain his change of feelings in a professional manner. "I think that after I was given the impression that she was gone, I noticed that I cared about her. It made me realize that I was wrong to not see how much she meant in my life." He tried, his voice fading off into a whisper. Hiruzen smiled and nodded, "You really are something else, Kakashi."
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Kakashi silently strolled over to Ichiraku's to grab some takeout. The paper lanterns lit the nearly empty streets of Konoha, creating a soft and soothing ambiance. The smell of the rain and moisture still clung to the air, the dirt roads had muddy dampness to them. "Yo! Kakashi, my eternal rival!" A boisterous and friendly voice greeted the said man. "Hey, Gai," Kakashi responded, he noticed his students sitting alongside each other and gave them a quick wave and smile. Naruto and Lee were arguing about who'd get Sakura. Sakura insisted that Sasuke would come around in her favor. Sasuke was quietly eating his food. And Neji and Tenten were discussing a new sword they saw in the windowsill of a weaponry shop.
"I'll take two eggplant miso soups with brown rice noodles," Kakashi leaned over the counter space between Lee and Naruto to order his meal, also effectively stopping the argument. "Thanks, Ayame," he thanked the daughter of Teuchi, owner of the quaint place. "No problem, Kakashi-san!" She chirped.
"Kakashi?" Gai raised his brushy brow, "Your kids told me about what happened this morning..." Kakashi sighed and pulled him aside so that they were at a comfortable distance, "It was (y/n)..." he told his best friend, "She's back and in the hospital because she's not in good health at the moment. I just came here to pick up a meal for her." Kakashi watched as Gai's jaw dropped, "(Y/N) IS ALIVE!" He exclaimed a touch too loud for his eternal rival's taste, "CAN I MEET HER?!" Tears of youthful joy waterfalled down the jumpsuit-clad man's cheeks. "I'll see if you can come tomorrow, alright Gai." Gai smiled broadly, "This is very...unusual. Youthful, nonetheless!" He grinned.
Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and nodded, "I'm glad she's back..." he murmured barely loud enough for Gai to hear. Knowingly, Gai patted Kakashi's back. "Oh! Yeah! Happy birthday, my youthful rival!" He gently punched his comrade's shoulder. A smile formed on Kakashi's lips, "Thanks, Gai." He flashed his eccentric friend his signature close-eyed smile.
"I'll see you later."
"Bye, Kakashi! Have a good night!"
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Knock knock, Kakashi rapt (y/n)'s door, "Can I come in?"
"Come in," (y/n) murmured, a small moan of pain escaping her lips, "Ouch..."
Kakashi quickly set the takeout on a little table, rushing to (y/n)'s side. He wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and helped her to the table. "I got us dinner because the food at the canteen isn't that good." He explained with a slight shrug. "Thanks, Hatake," a weak smile formed on her lips. The silvered-haired Jonin served them their meals. "Itadakimasu," they both mumbled.
Heavy tension filled the room as they ate in silence. (y/n) knew that Kakashi had his mask down, but didn't look up. "It's been a while..." Kakashi breathed, in hopes of hearing (y/n) speak, "Too long..." The kunoichi rested her forehead on her palm, "I- Yeah..." she mumbled, eyes growing classier by the second. So much for trying to start a conversation... Kakashi thought sadly as they resumed their meals without a word. The silence seemed to be killed him. Kami, it had been 10 goddamn years! 3650 days since he had gotten to talk to the woman. He missed her. Hell, he could even say that he missed all of their little spats. Hatake Kakashi missed everything about (y/n).
"I missed you..." was all Kakashi mumbled as he pushed his finished food away and pulled up his mask, "All these days, months, and years."
Hot tears slipped down (y/n)'s cheeks, forming a puddle on the table. "I-I came back be-because I didn't want-want to hurt you and the r-rest. Dying on passed down pain to the people who love you. I can't afford to c-carry the guilt of t-that." She mumbled shakily, "I promised to be back, a-and I held up the promise." Kakashi sadly smiled as he awkwardly reached under the table to gently caress (y/n)'s thigh.
"You care about others so much, but you should really take a moment to care about yourself, (y/n)." Kakashi scolded the injured kunoichi, "You had me scared for you; all those gashes and open wounds... You could've died," he knit his eyebrows together in worry. "Don't do that ever again."
(y/n)'s dull smile faltered as Kakashi spoke on, "Now you know how I felt when I saw you doing all those suicidal stunts back then on those missions. It was like you were in a hurry to die... I mean, I was too, but you did some seriously dumb shit," she giggled emptily. Kakashi sweat-dropped, "I see... I guess you are right..." (y/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes as the masked shinobi let out a drained sigh, "I'm always right, Hatake."
"Really, (l/n)? You've been through torturous pain, and you still act like a child." Kakashi groaned, "All these years..." (y/n) shot him a hard glare, "All these years and you still think you're in charge of me." He cast a confused look, "It's my duty to protect you, as a comrade." As a comrade... "I guess, but you're just annoying, Hatake," she huffed.
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"I'm sorry about ruining your birthday with my arrival and stuff. I probably ruined your plans with those kids." (y/n) looked down, breaking the silence that had fallen upon them, "I could hear you guys through the gate; they seemed pumped about going out. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the flaws in my whole plan." Kakashi's head snapped up from its resting position on the table, "It's fine, they don't even know it's my birthday," he paused, "But you planned to come here? As in, today in particular. With all those injuries, (l/n), you should've just tried to take care of yourself. My birthday isn't as important as your health."
The (y/n) shook her head, "I was going to stay at a small village pretty far from here before finally coming home. I planned to just heal up there and see how things went from there. I even considered settling down there. But that just didn't feel right," (y/n) face set in a frown, "Once I realized that your birthday wasn't that far off, I decided that I couldn't stay and needed to come back. I doubted I would even live to be back. But here I am..." she said with a soft wince of pain. "It was terrible, I hated every second of it," Her (s/t) fingers made their way to the raw mark on her inner thigh, “I’d already lost so much; there was nothing for me to lose at that point.” Kakashi's face softened as he understood what she meant. (y/n) wasn't put in the mission alone, she had her team. They all must've been killed with time.
"Ouch!" (y/n) yelped as she let out a moan of pain, clenching the fabric of her hospital-issued pajama pants. “Shh..." Kakashi whispered into her ear, quickly leaning in to soothe her, "What's causing all this pain?" He asked with a frown as (y/n) bit her lip. "It's the thing in your thigh, right? Lord Hokage and the nurse told me a bit about it. But I still don't fully understand it and how it can't fully be cured."
(y/n) buried her face in her hands, "Oh..." She mumbled, "The poison can't de be removed because it's already been inside of me too long. And since it is laced with chakra, the properties of it aren't completely like normal poison." She blinked back the stinging agonizing tears in her eyes, "The herb that I need is just going to ease the effects in my body, whilst the jutsu will seal it from triggering anything that was layered in with the chakra." (y/n) explained. Kakashi could tell she was trying her hardest to keep her face straight, pushing back the pain and hurting inside. "The thing is–"
"What?" Kakashi asked the pained woman, his tone soft and soothing, "I can help if I know what's going on."
Warily, (y/n) agreed to speak on, "The place where the mission was stationed at was just underground of the nuke-nin outpost I was from. And the guy who poisonous me was one of the other kids' experiments were done on, along with me. He was a few years older than us, and his name was Hiroto Myoga. His parents were in owed debt to the rogues, they were forced into being test subjects until they died. Which left Hiroto in the nuke-nin's hands." She rubbed the temple of her head pushing away the images that sent a shiver down her spine, "Something similar had happened in the case of my parents and me. But unlike me, when the ANBU did the raid, Hiroto was snuck away just in time."
Kakashi's heart sank as he heard what she was telling him. (y/n) had never known much about her past, the damned curse seal had caused. “Since he was older than most of the other kids there, the nuke-nin's of the outpost decided that they needed to trust their information. It was all precautionary, just in case they were taken down. And that's just what happened. Hiroto was the one ordered to put memory restriction curse seals on us, the kids, before he fled to be underground, where the actual harm was being done. That meant that all this time Hiroto had been working in those old plans." (y/n) closed her eyes tightly, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
With a subtle groan, Kakashi supported (y/n) up from the chair and rested her in her cot. "Don't stress yourself, (y/n). You can just tell me later; it's getting late anyway." He told her. "It's fine, Hatake. Letting this out helps me feel better." She reassured him.
"The ANBU caught wind of suspicious activity in that area and decided to send out a squad to go check out. I overheard Danzō arguing with Lord Hokage about it, and got interested. It was really dumb, but I just wanted to go to learn more about what happened in my past. I learned, but that can with lots of twists and turns. 10 years of going undercover..." (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes met Kakashi's single uncovered black one, "It wasn't long before Hiroto became suspicious of us, slowly narrowing the group down till it was just me." (y/n) took a deep breath and continued, "After Hiroto killed himself in our final fight, my curse seal was lifted. That's how I suddenly was able to remember all of the past. All of it."
A pit formed in Kakashi's stomach as he watched (y/n) cry in silence. He wanted to help her feel better, he really did. But he was afraid that he'd make things worse; dealing with feelings just wasn't his thing. "I'm here for you, (l/n). We've been through so much together, you've helped me through it all," Kakashi tried to reassure her, "It's my turn to look after you. Please, just don't cry." He reached out his hand to brush a tear-off of her streaked cheeks.
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“Are you okay with me staying here for the night?" Kakashi asked (y/n) as they sat at the bay window, looking down upon the empty moonlit streets of Konoha. The soft light cast down by the moon seemed to make everything look beautiful, serene, and at peace. "(l/n)?" He asked again, turning to look back at her. A gentle smile played on Kakashi's lips as he saw that she'd fallen asleep. (y/n) had been through so much throughout the day, she not only deserved to rest for a long time but also needed to. "Good night, (y/n)..." he carefully lifted the sleeping beauty and placed her on the cot. Sitting back at the bay seat, Kakashi took in a deep breath. "I love you."
She's finally back.
She's finally home.
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6ubble-gum · 3 years
“i do recognize a strong female character, and it’s not mikasa, it’s historia” PREACHHH!!! up until that last chapter, historia was the best written female character. she had her own struggles and development. i don’t know if it’s just me, but as a woman, i feel like i could relate so much to her “wanting to be liked by everyone as krista, and becoming a martyr because of it.” her overcoming that in the uprising arc, and embracing her true self as historia along with the “worst girl” speech and breaking the literal chains off instantly made her one of my favs. she had an amazing arc, and we got to see so many facets of her personality. as opposed to m*kasa who i genuinely cannot name 1 single thing about her personality besides EREH. like seriously, TRY. it’s so hard. i guarantee if she didn’t have the ackerman strength genes and didn’t know how to fight, she’d get the sakura treatment from the fandom from naruto. their characters are pretty much virtually the same anyways, both obsessed with a guy which defines their whole character, the guy swerves them the whole story, and then last minute reciprocates their feelings. except even sakura has some personality traits outside of sasuke, and at least is a good mother and fighter in boruto. i always held out hope m*kasa could break her obsession w eren and would develop as a character past that, and it looked to be going that way somewhat, but then was rectonned last second :/ a shame bc she could’ve been a great character w an awesome arc like historia, but she’ll always be remembered for her obsession with a guy that treated her like shit.
HONESTLY i have tried so many times to think of something to like about m-kasa and i just. can't??? i cannot think of anything about her that i particularly like tbfh. everything that i could possibly say about her eventually boils down to "eren eren eren eren" and its just incredibly insulting frankly. she probably wouldve become one of my favored characters if she had ACTUALLY given up on eren like had been teased so fuckign many times before but that was all washed down the drain in one fell swoop and now here we are, literally back at square one lmao.
historia on the other hand is genuinely probably one of my favorite characters in any media ever. shes incredibly interesting, and her character arc is definitely my favorite in the series-no character's theme ost gets me quite as pumped as Zero Eclipse does lmao. she just has such an interesting story to her and unlike with m-kasa's, historia's story only begun to involve eren toward the end. she's interesting on her own, which is way more than i can say about m-kasa.
i really hate comparing female characters because it just feels misogynistic inherently but with people acting like m-kasa is the peak of character writing and putting historia down in the process, i just can't keep my mouth shut here-a chunk of this fandom has bad opinions and im gonna tell em as much lmao
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sasubaeuchithot · 2 years
If you had to give the rookie 9 + tenten, lee and sai relationships for a next generation series how would you go about it? And who could absolutely not see married with kids?
you are asking the wroooooonggg aromantic person lmaooooooo. in the light of Sasuke and Naruto's greatest love story ever told, everyone else's relationship statuses are soooo pale lol. but I'll put some thought into it
I think that the only character that fits for Sakura would be Lee; it would round out their character arc from part one really nicely (even though we see nothing of them in Shippuden), as the growth we saw from Sakura because of lee was perhaps the best we ever saw in her. I'm not incredibly into the ship at all, I just think that it would be kind of the only other known pairing that would actually service the narrative at all. although I do love sakuino a lot from an aesthetic standpoint- wlw flower girls and all- they just feel like they're both too straight for it in canon lmaoooo.
i think tenten, choji, and hinata all find partners that we do not know of. Hinata specifically finds a guy who is just as quiet as she is, and it's a very deep connection. shino is ace/aro and lives his best life (not as a teacher bc that feels SO out of pocket in Boruto like wtf). kiba is absolutely horrendous at relationships and cannot keep a partner longer than a year lmaoooooo
shikamaru and temari do make a bit of sense for me. basically I've always thought that temari was the exact kind of woman that shikamaru needed to cure his misandry- however I also believe temari deserves soooo much better than him lmaooooo. maybe they get a divorce lol
as we all know, sai is gay lol. but I do see him and ino having a long lasting platonic friendship where they become closer than they each are with their respective romantic partners. maybe sai's boyfriend is also super close with ino, and ino's husband is some super quiet awkward guy who they all happily include in their weekly sleepovers. however they do leave him behind with the kids everytime they do a shopping trip.
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basedsakura · 2 years
the reason why kazekage rescue arc sakura is simply The Best is bc it’s what kishimoto originally wanted her to become!!!!! that’s the arc where she showcases what kind of shinobi she’s grown into over the timesmil- a talented, skilled, hardworking, chivalrous, brave, determined “hell of a girl”. that’s sakura!!! that was supposed to be shippuden sakura!!! like how do you do that and then make her regress into a flat version of her part1 self🤨
Sometimes, I ask myself if Kishimoto really wrote Sakura in this arc bc everything is just so amazing? It's the first time he gave her the treatment she always deserved as a heroine, as a main character. Unfortunately for us, it never happened again. She was handled so poorly after this and I wish I could protect her from this shit writing.
What do you think about war arc!Sakura? I see a lot of fans saying that Kishimoto gave her justice after sidelined her so much but I feel like even though it wasn't as bad like her portray on Iron Land arc(literally her worst writting imo) it's still bad as f*ck!
i really think the kazekage arc was kishimoto’s moment of clarity when it came to writing sakura lol because it’s all very logical and organic. we had it ALL!!!!!!! sakura taking a moral stand, sakura sacrificing herself and embodying her principles to the point where sasori had to run into chiyo’s blades due to his worldview being so shaken, sakura facing an astronomically stronger oponent and overcoming her fear of him, sakura being praised BY that opponent AND her comrade (who is also a A class shinobi), sakura basically extracting valuable intel on orochimaru (to be fair that intel was offered to her by her dying enemy as the reward for beating him), she! was! the! moment! 
the war arc sakura is? okay? i mean no different from the rest of the series really :/ i liked the part where she aided obito and helped sasuke out of the desert dimension, that was cool
i didn’t like the reprise of the ‘’you can watch my back’’ it was honestly humiliating and it’s almost as if kishimoto wanted the audience to say ‘’uhhhhh no you haven’t caught up with them you silly bitch??’’ because there is still a CHASM between her and her teammate’s abilities in terms of power. like why would kishimoto even give her that copypasted, unearned power up if he was just going to let her be saved by naruto and sasuke again lol... but i mean it’s the old formula of his, a woman who’s supposed to be powerful is used to showcase how powerful some other male character is. i swear i’m not reading sexism into this and i’m not trying to hate on kishimoto, but that’s literally what happens (kurenai vs itachi, tsunade vs kabuto, konan vs obito, hinata vs pain) even sasori v sakura and chiyo, as much as i loved it, ended with sasori killing himself basically lmao
what i’m trying to say with this word vomit is that i didn’t care what sakura’s power level is. i didn’t care for her to get power ups, or even catch up to naruto and sasuke. i never wanted a girlboss sakura, i wanted a sakura who wasn’t a bump in the narrative road. she was one of the main characters, and was literally the ONLY ONE without a backstory, without a clear cut motivation (that didn’t have anything to do with either naruto or sasuke), without an arc, and without any bearing on the course of the story
her character still resonates with me and she’s still my fave tho! 
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siuilaruinofthegale · 3 years
yes hello Sirius for the directors commentary >:DD
from chapter five of melodies of the war-born (always wondered why Shisui of all Uchiha (i was VVVV excited to see him bc i LOVE HIM) and just your overall thoughts while writing these goofs :D)
“Good afternoon, Sakura-san!” Shisui says, his eyes smiling just as much as his mouth. “Isn’t it a lovely day outside? Why, it’s almost as pretty as you are!”
She chokes a little and then laughs, looking away to hide the way her cheeks flush. Over the last few weeks, she’s run into him in the streets more than once, often enough to know he flirts like he breathes: constantly. It reminds her of Genma, but something about Shisui’s flirting feels a little more honest than Genma’s does. “Good afternoon, Shisui-san,” she replies after a minute. “I hope you’re well.”
“Better now that I’m with you,” he says, joining in her aimless wandering down the sidewalk. “I don’t suppose you’d care for some donburi or udon?” She opens her mouth to answer, and her stomach answers for her with a thunderous growl. Shisui laughs, and she flushes with embarrassment. “That sounds like a yes to me!”
Sakura flushes darker. “I… my rent is due tomorrow, Shisui-san, I’m afraid I shouldn’t be going anywhere for lunch.” She swallows, trying to calculate what she can spare, and offers meekly, “If you’d like, I could make —“
“Sakura-san, I’m an idiot, but I’m not a rude idiot,” Shisui chides her, voice surprisingly foreboding for someone so genial. “I asked you. That means it’s my treat.”
“But —“ she starts. Then she spies the bright specks in the corners of her eyes, the ones she knows precede the migraines she gets if she doesn’t eat soon, and she gives in. “…only if I get to treat you to something sometime.”
“It’s a deal!” he says, grinning down at her. “Got any preferences? Given how often you take Naruto-kun into Ichiraku, I didn’t think I should put ramen on the table, but…”
She wrinkles her nose at him. “No. No ramen,” she answers. “Do you like chicken katsudon? Umehara’s stand isn’t far, and her chicken’s the best.”
(this ask is a reference to This Post, and here's a link to chapter five of melodies of the war-born; I'm tagging Shisui/Sakura because it's a tangential ship in melodies that's being discussed here, but the fic itself is Kakashi/Sakura)
Gonna put this behind a cut because it's gonna be long.
Honestly, my initial plans were completely different from how it ended up turning out... which is why I rarely outline things. They never stay the same. Initially, Shisui or Genma was going to play Kenta's role, and Kenta was going to play Shisui's role. The more I read and poked around, though, I became more and more certain that would be a disservice to both Genma and Shisui. Hence Kenta's existence.
I went with Shisui for the romance because I'd already tormented Genma in an earlier chapter, and I also.... well, I liked the path forward that a ShiSaku romance laid out, as well as a lot of the parallels between Shisui and Sakura. They're both emotional, they're talented, they care more than they should, and they (at least to me) have very staunch ideals about What's Right. Shisui's a lot more loyal to Konoha-as-a-concept, and consequently the Hokage, than my melodies!Sakura is, and I thought that'd be some really interesting conflict to explore.
For this scene in particular, it's something that I had planned by the time I finished the last scene in chapter four. It's really important to me that I write main characters (which Sakura definitely is in melodies) being wrong, and mistaken, and having conflicts that aren't just Me Right You Wrong Me Good You Bad. In chapter three and four, Shisui flirts with Sakura, and she gets an impression of him as a womanizing jerk. When Kenta hits on her, and she finds out why, her impression of Shisui changes to a womanizing jerk who doesn't care about anything, because he 'lets' Kenta do this weird rivalry thing and harass women.
Then she confronts the Hokage about Itachi in chapter four, and later, Shisui thanks her for standing up for Itachi and reveals why he's so grateful for it. I'm putting that section here, for reference:
“Believe it or not, they called me a genius once.”
“They still do,” she interjects.
He smiles a little and keeps talking. “As far as those things go, I got pretty lucky. Once I got old enough to figure things out, all I had to do was be an idiot. Then — poof! No more high expectations!” Shisui swallows. She slows her steps as she figures out where he’s going. “Itachi… he doesn’t have that option. He’s from the head family. He’s going to be heir. If he tries to do what I did, they’ll just make Sasuke heir. Itachi cares about his brother too much for that.”
He glances at her, like he’s checking to see if she follows his train of thought, and she nods. “Itachi’s never had the chance to be a kid. I don’t think I ever saw him touch a toy. Fugaku-sama pushes him so hard…” Sakura stops and nods upwards, to her balcony, and he follows her up. He keeps talking, following her into her apartment. “So… that’s why I’m saying thanks. Everyone else just looks at Itachi and sees the Uchiha genius. I don’t even know if Mikoto-sama fought against Itachi being ANBU. They’re just proud.”
That changes her impression of him to 'womanizer, not necessarily a jerk, cares about family'. It puts her perception of him off-center and takes it from "this is the truth" to "this might be true", and primes her for the events of chapter five, which further change that perception.
This scene is an intersection of events and consequences that make Sakura do things she wouldn't normally do. She's short on money because of her demotion, so she's being a lot more frugal than normal. She's shopping alone because she's prideful and doesn't want Kurenai to see her being "poor", which allows Shisui to accost her alone.
She's run into Shisui enough to know he just flirts as a way of life, so she's revised her opinion of him to 'sassy, family-loving idiot'. That being said, she's also noticed he's not much for lying, and he always gives her genuine compliments. When compliments are both genuine and unexpected, it's much harder not to accept them and enjoy them.
She hasn't eaten enough for the day, so she's both hungry and embarrassed enough to accept his invitation for food, which sets her a little farther off balance -- inviting him into her home again would've set her off balance in a different way, because it'd feel more like she had the 'power' there...
Which means it wouldn't have affected her quite the same way if she'd felt like it was her bequeathing knowledge rather than sharing it, once Shisui asks for resources to help Itachi. It makes her feel more like a friend and less like an authority.
Farther on, he accosts her again, and asks questions that are both insightful and challenging -- something most people don't manage. Her perception of him changes again, and again, until she realizes near the end of the chapter that he's just as multi-faceted as her, and he seems to like her, and that they just click in a way she's not used to.
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justjstuff · 3 years
Quick question… would you ever write Genma and Tenten as a couple? I just adore the way you write Genma and GenTen is one of my favorite pairs 💖👀
Hiya, luv <3 I gotta apologise in advance if this doesn't make much sense bc my head is a mess currently but this was such an interesting question I just had to answer as soon as possible xD
I gotta admit something... I fucked up with Genma. Lol. He wasn't supposed to be the character he became, so loved and cherished by Sakura, by me and by my readers. Like, yeah I wanted to give him a proper development that he didn't get in canon but I surprised myself with how much I ended up loving him. And one of my ugliest character traits is that I'm possessive LMFAO. So a few chapters back I reached a point where I had to decide where Genma was going in my story, what kind of character development I really wanted from him and how his own story would end separate from Sakura's and I was like... fuck, this man deserves the best.
Yeah, as y'all noticed, I'm also a big goddamn softie xD
So yeah, I had to decide if he would end up with someone romantically and as I turned to my characters I came to the conclusion that not many deserved him. Which is so fucked up since I made sure my female characters were well developed as a personal middle finger to canon, right? Wrong. That has absolutely nothing to do with being a good romantic partner. Women are allowed to be well developed characters and still be shitty romantic partners and/or not fit well as a love interest. And yeah, in this fic I made sure that most characters could possible be bi bc that's personally my take on the shinobi world (this is another rant about historical accuracy, for another day) but even though Genma is a flirt with absolutely no concept of personal space, he didn't have a lot of chemistry with anyone else, be it man or woman.
Okay, so I took a step back and thought "I just have to develop something from now on, then" and my first thought was Ino bc I particularly like seeing them together in the KS fics I read. But despite this fic being ridiculously huge, it's going to end with Sakura still around the age she is nowadays and honestly... I don't think any of the Rookies are in an emotional maturity stage that would make an age gap like that feel comfortable. I love them all to bits and you'll still see them advancing in skills and growing into themselves but I just don't see clan heirs who grew up in peace growing up quite as unnecessarily fast as Sakura did in DoF. So yeah, my next idea was Shizune but y'all already know how that's going to end and in the end... Oh man, I'm sure I'll make a lot of people mad, ngl, but this came to me suddenly and the more I thought about it, the more I loved the idea of it. It's real and raw and even though I think it's going to be surprising it really isn't if you think about it. And yeah, it's not the absolute fairy tale ending some might hope for him and certainly not something he would ever think was what he truly wanted but Genma will end up the happiest motherfucker in that fic istg.
On another note, I absolutely LOVE Tenten and GenTen certainly intrigued me!! She'll also have a satisfactory trajectory in this fic <3
As I read back on you ask I realised you probably meant if I would ever write a GenTen fic as in a separate fic from DoF so I'm sorry for the absolutely unnecessary rant xD LMFAO. Unfortunately, I have absolutely zero prospects of ever writing another pairing for Naruto :( I'm not a multishipper and while I do like some other pairings that have nothing to do with Kakashi or Sakura, I never got the urge to write something for any of them.
Thank you for the ask, love <3
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
*cue sad Naruto music*
ya’ll ever think that Sasuke left the leaf village after the war not to go on an “atonement journey” but to ensure Naruto achieved his goal of being Hokage? like, it’s weird to think modern day issues like sexuality or politics would play a role in Naruto times but I think it did. I think Naruto would have gotten together with Sasuke. maybe not married, but openly dated/lived with him. and this image of a male Hokage dating another male wouldn’t have flown with the village elders, or anyone else save maybe some rare progressive thinkers ((see: Kakashi)) (((off-topic but I think Hashirama came close to this as well; he almost gave up everything to be with Madara. fuck Tobirama didn’t necessarily hate Uchihas; he hated Madara. specifically, Madara, because that guy would have messed up his big brother’s chance at the future he had been working so hard to create))) no. a male Hokage should be with a woman, and should have a traditional family. or else stay single ((again, see Kakashi)). but Sasuke being around in any capacity would not have allowed Naruto to hide his feelings or even pretend that they weren’t there. hence why he had to physically go as far away as possible, to remove that temptation. look at America; even in 2021 who would people be more likely to vote for as President? a guy and his boyfriend or a guy with a wife and two children? which is where Hinata comes in. Hinata who doesn’t want to be a ninja. Hinata who can cook, clean, raise kids and keep Naruto’s household in order. Hinata who doesn’t argue or contradict Naruto’s wishes in any way. Hinata who I don’t really think Naruto has romantic feelings for. strong friendship, maybe, and gratitude, but not romance. It’s always been my opinion that NO MATTER WHAT if you’re truly in love with somebody you make time for them above any and everything else. this includes the supposed mountain of work that Naruto faces each day as the Hokage. this would mean him coming home more often, eating with his family, sleeping under the same roof as them instead of at his desk like five nights a week — like Sasuke not calling or so much as sending a message to Sakura in, what was it, 12 years? despite having created a literal human being together? kinda feel like he “married” her and gave her a child because, like Naruto with Hinata, he felt both a sense of guilt and a strong obligation to repay Sakura’s kindness to him . I think maybe he even figured that a child was something that she could lavish that love on that would actually be returned, something to keep her occupied while sasuke had no real intention of ever coming back, or even trying to be a real, stable family with her. look not at the anime but in the manga itself. how sasuke looks to be in physical pain when he’s around his wife and daughter. then look at his facial expressions when he’s around Naruto and tell me, TELL ME the difference isn’t noticeable. and you know. people throw a lot of hatred at Sakura. but in my opinion she doesn’t really deserve that. her irrational love for sasuke aside, she’s a good mother, and she starts a freakin’ hospital to care for injured children. but she needed to grow up a little and realize that the person you love isn’t always the person that is best for you. honestly feel she would have been better off with Rock Lee ((but that’s another rant)) also in manga and anime there’s always this concept of “taking responsibility” in a romantic sense. Naruto took responsibility for Hinata’s feelings for him, the way Sasuke ((kinda, half-assedly)) “took responsibility “ for Sakura’s. but I literally think with my entire damn soul that the two of them only LOVED each other. loved each other enough to be selfless enough to stand back and let each other do what would be in each other’s best interests. honestly sasuke wasn’t coming back to Konaha after the war. why the fuck would he? after being public enemy number 1 on top of that lonely life living in a compound echoing with the memories of his slaughtered clan? Konaha with its idealism and darkness and cover-
ups? he would always have gone.
but Naruto should have gone with him.
the two should have travelled the entire ninja world, the world the both of them saved, together.
sasuke had stepped away from konaha and therefore understood the freedom of choice that comes from not being tied to the village and its (often questionable) practices ((like ordering a young boy to slaughter his entire clan, parents included, making him a criminal and outcast and casting him into an eternal pit of depression and emptiness SEE ITACHI)). but Naruto never had that benefit and therefore got snared up in it like a fly in a spider’s web.
everyone looked at sasuke like he was crazy when he said he was going to kill the five kage and start a damn revolution but fuck HE MADE DAMN GOOD SENSE. he saw how fucked up the system was and he knew it needed to be destroyed.
sasuke may not agree with it but he loves Naruto to the extent that he puts his personal feelings aside and takes these dangerous missions in order to help Naruto keep the Leaf protected, aka help him do his job.
it’s like 2:30 in the morning and I’ve tapped this entire thing out with one finger on my phone’s notepad and in the morning I’m going to look back at this and be like wtf were you talking about like this makes no sense bc I’ve never been good with successfully articulating my feelings about something all I know is I ship Sasuke and Naruto for multiple reasons ok not just for a yaoi reason but because I see two humans who have had awful and love-starved pasts that clearly love each other and would probably heal each other’s souls by being together.
also they have matching palm tattoos.
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