atthebell-moved · 2 years
oh cool and one of my nails came off i hope it's in the fucking muffins
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aprilmr · 3 months
I need to post my Tatev pictures too. Gorgeous, gorgeous place. Had some sort of nervous breakdown or religious awakening moment there, haven't decided on what exactly that was. Felt good crying though 👍🏻
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notabrar · 2 months
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Baat wafa ki hoti tou kabhi na haarte
بات وفاکی ہوتی تو کبھی نہ ہارتے
Baat naseeb ki thi kuch kar na sakhe
بات نصیب کی تھی کچھ کر نہ سکھے
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hebrewbyinbal · 2 months
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The month of Nissan /nee-'sen/, that starts today, holds a special place in the Hebrew calendar, marking the beginning of spring and a time of renewal and liberation. Nissan ushers in a period of profound reflection and joy, most notably through the celebration of Passover /'pe-sakh/, the festival commemorating the people of Israel exodus from Egypt and their transition from slavery to freedom.
Nissan is a month brimming with anticipation and spiritual rejuvenation. The air is filled with the promise of new beginnings as nature awakens from its winter slumber, mirroring the themes of liberation and renewal that are central to Passover. This festival, falling on the 15th day of Nissan, invites us to clear our homes and hearts of leaven, symbolizing the removal of ego and material excess to make space for growth and new possibilities.
The themes of Nissan extend beyond Passover, influencing the entire month with a sense of hope and transformation. It's a time when we are encouraged to reflect on our personal journeys, considering how we too can break free from the limitations and constraints that hold us back, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
In Nissan, we also read the Song of Songs, a biblical text that celebrates love and the blossoming of the natural world, further emphasizing the themes of renewal and connection that are so palpable during this time.
The month of Nissan challenges us to embrace change, to seek freedom in all its forms, and to renew our commitment to growth, learning, and the values we hold dear. It's a reminder that, just as the the people of Israel found their way to freedom with faith and courage, we too have the strength to overcome the challenges we face and to emerge renewed and emboldened to pursue our highest aspirations.
Sounds too relevant? I know...
As we step into Nissan, let us do so with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the lessons and opportunities this month brings. May it be a time of meaningful reflection, joyous celebration, and profound personal and communal renewal.
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gloomzies · 11 months
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My half human/mesakkah oc's. Their siblings! They live on a ship and travel all over space to collect space debris or crashed ship parts and other things they can sell for profit. Their father is a space junker who does the same thing and that's how he met their mother, a human, and then Kyukydo and Kaiza were born. 6 years later, katomi was born and was the spoiled princess everyone makes her out to be and were overbearing. Her brother came of age and left first leaving Katomi alone with her parents and their trade of work (which she was pissed about even if she loves jer parents) before she eventually went with her brothers to work with them.
Eventually, Katomi wanted to be..more and have her own things and not have her older brother and her parents breathing down the back of their only sister and daughter. She is small like her mother and took after her mother a lot. (Besidea the obvious mesakkah traits) Because of this, she was protected well from other aliens who wanted to abduct her and sell her because even in space, you have horrible people. But she wasn't all aware of that because she was kinda sheltered. Her father and brothers taught her how to defend herself and use a blaster and knives and hand-to-hand combat, but there's only so much you can do.
She saved enough of her own credits and got her first little junker ship and just..poof. left. She has learned the hard way that not everyone in space is friendly. But she's still a spoiled brat. She's currently trapped on THE Ice planet, getting "help" from one of the locals who basically dwarfs her small size. She is still learning how sakh got stuck on this cold primitive planet, their history on the planet and such.
Her brothers are looking for her and her parents (father especially) is absolutely furious with her so....she might not want ro fo home. Lol
Kyukydo is the first born and kinda a...dick. he's cocky most of the time and knows how to do things and get shit done....but he hates being called "Kyu" (which his family does all the time) because it sounds like the human english word "cute" and he thinks he's anything but.
Then you have Kaiza, born second, who is the more timid and quite sibling compared to his 2 other loud mouthed siblings. He's mellow and very very smart and loves technology and is more reserved. He's soft spoken and the calm sibling in times of distress. No one has ever seen him angry yet. Probably best if they dont.
Art and oc's belong to me
Mesakkah/sakhui and the rubyverse belong to Ruby Dixon
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tasavvur-ki-duniya · 7 months
kya khabar kon tha or wo mera kya lagta tha jis se milkar mujhe harr sakhs bura lagta tha
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sambhavami · 9 months
Ehi Murare - Satyabhama (Part 3)
Satyabhama, the daughter of Satrajit; the most beautiful maiden in the three worlds stood awestruck behind a curtain of vines staring as her brothers led Krishna, the newfound Yadava prince towards the Sun temple in her father's quarters. She had heard the rumours, but never imagined he would be this handsome! As he walked up the long hallway, she ran parallelly carefully concealing herself behind the twisted vines. She felt her heart skipping a beat every time he threw back his head, laughing at a rogue joke, or carelessly adjusted the crown on his head which stubbornly kept slipping down.
She had often found herself at the centre of showers of praise, as others raved upon her unparalleled beauty. Every man who visited her father, old or young, was usually left slack-jawed upon seeing her. They would bring her expensive gifts, dresses and jewellery from faraway lands, waiting hours for even a half-hearted smile. Her father was relentlessly badgered with a never-ending stream of suitors asking for her hand. Sometimes, they would even ambush Satyabhama in a garden or at the temples. Satyabhama would smile and turn all of them down. After all, her father had promised not to marry her off without her consent.
Usually, she enjoyed all the attention she received, yet after seeing Krishna she was bewildered. "Sakhe, devis and apsaras from the heavens must be lining up to have but a glimpse of him, and here I am, being so close but could not still fall at his feet! Oh, how wasteful must be my beauty for he did not even throw a careless glance at me, and admired only the wretched Syamantaka!" She cried, back in the privacy of her personal grove. Her maids gasped at her comments, "Satye, hush your voice! That what you call the wretched gem is the source of your father's pride! You have lost yourself in your pining, for you do not know anymore what is right and what is wrong!" They admonished her.
Satyabhama knew very well of the blessings of the magical gem. Her father had been a lowly accountant in Mathura during Kamsa's reign. Only after he had found this gem on a hunt of his, had their family found their fortune. Now, her father was the richest non-royal person in the kingdom, which earned him a place in the parliament as well! Still, she couldn't help but feel jealous of it. "I don't know how but I will marry him! By hook or by crook!" She announced, as she stormed off, throwing an invaluable necklace against the wall, which promptly broke, scattering hundreds of pearls across the floor.
"Krishna! Huh, that cowherd prat! I saw the greed in his eyes when he ogled at my gem! Give it to me for safeguarding. Safeguarding, my foot! I had refused him then and there! I'm telling you he is the one who stole it!" Satrajit shouted at Krishna, the next morning. The magical gem had gone missing the previous night. Satrajit had openly accused Krishna of stealing it when the latter had come to offer support for retrieving it.
Balarama, the elder prince, roared in anger. Krishna was holding Balarama back with all his strength it seemed. Gasping, Satyabhama retraced a few steps. How could he?! What had she heard the previous night then? Behind the heavy curtains at the entrance to her father's chambers? She looked at Krishna. He looked more hurt than angry. He was shaking his head, trying wordlessly to communicate his innocence.
Making up her mind, Satyabhama wiped her tears ran towards the main exit and waited behind an elephant-shaped bush. Soon Krishna and his brother stormed out. Thinking fast, she threw a flower in his direction. Stopping in his tracks, Krishna gestured for the rest of their party to move ahead while he approached the elephant. For a moment she almost turned on her heels, but steadied her feet and steeled her heart. Pulling him close behind a pillar, she whispered, "I don't know if this will help, but my father is lying. Please don't make me speak against him, I cannot stoop any lower." Krishna was staring at her silently. Gulping, she continued, "Yesterday night my father gave the Syamantaka to my Uncle Prasena."
Krishna nodded seriously, "Where do I find him?"
"Go towards the Eastern forests. He likes to go hunting there. He must be there. And..." She dropped her head in shame.
Krishna smiled at her kindly as he whispered, "That's enough for me, Satyabhame. I promise to keep your honour. I will take care of this; you just wait for me."
So, she waited. Krishna left for the forests with his friends and brothers. The official story was that they too were going hunting. Only she knew why they actually went into the Eastern forest. With bated breath, she lay awake the entire night, tossing and turning, pondering whether to confront her father or not. Surely, once Krishna tracked down Uncle Prasena, it'll all be good? However, after the cruel words that her father had spoken to Krishna, Satyabhama seriously doubted the possibility of her ever getting close to him. Surely he wouldn't want to do anything to do with her!
The next day, Krishna returned with the corpse of her Uncle Prasena. He had been mauled by a lion on his hunt. The gem remained lost. Either the lion had carried it off or someone had stolen it off the poor man's body. Satyabhama could barely hold in her emotions. She wasn't very close to her Uncle, but she could see this absolutely crushed her father. He was inconsolable. Krishna stood off to a corner of the salon as Satrajit screamed clutching his brother's body to his chest. Then he turned towards Krishna, "You! You killed him, didn't you? You found him in the forest and killed him, then passed on the blame to a voiceless animal!" Turning to his family he moaned, "You all see my Prasena, don't you? How can a mere animal cause so much damage to a skilled hunter? Haven't we all heard about Krishna's magic? That weapon he has, what do you call it? A chakra?! He must've killed my brother and hid my Syamantaka somewhere, and now he's come to offer his phoney condolences!"
Satyabhama felt her throat clench as her eyes met Krishna's. She felt a profound pain sear through her chest as she saw the look of pure dejection on Krishna's face. Looking around, she was horrified to see that even Krishna's own royal guards were eyeing him with suspicion. Looking back, she realized Krishna had understood the same. His expression had turned steely, as he spoke directly to her father, "I have not taken your gem, Srimanta. I am excusing this offence because I respect the grief that clouds your judgment. If this gem is so important to you, that you would attack my reputation so flippantly, then I will bring it back for you." With that, he turned and walked out of their house.
From her friends, Satyabhama learned that he had walked into the deep forest only with a select group of friends. She cursed herself when she learnt that he had refused to eat or drink anything at home till he found the gem and brought it back. What's more, he had had a huge fight with his brother, who also grew suspicious after the whole ordeal. After all, Krishna did have a reputation for thievery, even as a child, or so people said!
As the days turned into nights, Satyabhama found the urge to just go to either Krishna's brother or his wife and confess nearly irresistible. She stopped herself only with the thought that this would utterly destroy her father's reputation, and Prince Balarama would definitely murder him for maligning his little brother's reputation. Her nights were marred by spotty sleep and nightmares. Most nights, she just spent staring out into the night sky.
Every day, Satyabhama would go to the royal temple. She would spend many minutes just standing outside the main hall, staring at Princess Rukmini, Krishna's wife, and the fair Princess Revati, Balarama's wife, sitting before the Goddess's idol, both praying incessantly. Satyabhama, overcome by shame, would offer her prayers from outside the temple and return to pray in the privacy of her own room.
One day, one of the princess's attendants beckoned Satyabhama into the temple's prayer room. It was a small private chamber from where the queens and princesses preferred to attend the worship meetings during public festivals, away from the prying eyes of the citizens. Satyabhama had never been invited to this private room, though she always attended such festivals surrounded by bodyguards. She found Rukmini, wearing a flowing wine-red saree, adorning only the auspicious necklace and nose ring.
"I'm sorry-" Satyabhama started, but was stopped by Rukmini as she raised a hand to call for silence. After dismissing all her attendants, she spoke, "I see you return every day without offering your prayers inside the temple. Are you ashamed? Why, did you do this? Nevertheless, this is a public temple, you have as much a right to pray to the Mother Goddess as me." Satyabhama nodded silently.
Rukmini continued, "I have only one question for you. Did your father lie?"
Satyabhama lowered her head in shame, plucking at the hard ground with her fingernails. She was much taller than the princess but she suddenly felt so small before her. Slowly, she nodded her head up and down. Then, she looked up to meet the princess's eyes. She was surprised to see not reproach but sympathy in her eyes. Rukmini sighed, "It hurts the worst when your family lets you down, doesn't it? And you still just cannot give up on them, even though at some point you must, right?" Satyabhama was taken aback by her response. How did she know that Satyabhama was not also a part of her family's conspiracy? How did the princess say out loud the exact thing she herself was thinking?
Rukmini sniffled, "I won't make you come forward, but if you choose to do so, and in doing so lose your family, remember, I will always have a room for you in the palace." Smiling sadly, she left, leaving Satyabhama in deep thought.
After eight days, all of Krishna's friends returned. Without him. Her heart trembling, Satyabhama watched as they relayed the news of losing him there. They had waited in front of a dark cave for eight days straight, where Krishna had insisted on leaving them behind. Finally, they had lost hope and returned. She watched as her father remained torn, as his paternal instincts clicked back and he pondered what a terrible fate he had sent a young boy to suffer. Clutching onto a minuscule sliver of hope, however, she waited.
After her conversation with Rukmini, she ensured to visit the temple every day, offering her, basically begging the Goddess to keep him safe. Today, she walked into the temple, to find Rukmini seated before the idol. She wasn't praying anymore, she sat there staring into the distance. Before her, was laid a sole diya, flickering happily. Satyabhama realized with some shock that the princess was wearing the same saree as the last day. Had she not even moved from her seat since then?
She sat down beside the princess, cautiously laying a hand on her shoulder. Rukmini jolted as if waking from a dream. "Why did you send him there?" She asked, tears streaking her face. Satyabhama found herself at a loss for words. Rukmini cleared her throat, as if just realizing who she talking to, "Sorry, didn't mean to accuse you. You lot might given up on him, but I know him! I've seen him in a fight! Well," She laughed, "Good luck to his enemies! I'm just worried, you know. He is so finicky, with his food and the bedding and room decor! I wonder how he must be managing wherever he is stuck! And..." she trailed off, laying a hand longingly on her belly.
Suddenly, it hit Satybhama. The princess was expecting! "Does he know?" She whispered. Rukmini shook her head, "I thought I'd tell him, once this Syamantaka nonsense blew over. But now, who knows when his highness will brighten our doorsteps! All I can do is pray, right?"
Satyabhama nodded. She was happy for Krishna and the princess, but could also not ignore a pang of jealousy. Surely, if he was already a father, he would not want to marry again? Even if he did, would the princess allow it? Surely, she would have some sway on his decisions now, as mother of his firstborn? Shaking off these thoughts, she whispered, "But, then, princess, shouldn't you be resting, in such a delicate condition?"
Rukmini smiled, "I know. I just made this vow to the Goddess, that this diya wouldn't be extinguished till Krishna brought back the gem successfully."
Satyabhama thought for a second. Then, she smiled. "You vowed, the diya must not be extinguished. Not that you have to sit here pouring oil into it day and night!" Clasping the princess's palms, she said, "Let me: it's the least I can do!"
Rukmini peered into her eyes, finally nodding weakly.
As the princess left, Satyabhama was left alone in the temple, surrounded only by her thoughts, as she poked occasionally at the wick of the diya. Then it hit her, she had really let Krishna just walk into whatever danger lay in wait for him, instead of coming forward and clearing his name. The princess might not blame her, but how could she forgive herself? Satyabhama found herself rapidly chanting all the prayers that she knew, some to the Goddess, some to the lamp. She would never even talk to Krishna again, she wouldn't be jealous even if he had a hundred more wives, she would retire to the forest if necessary, only if the Goddess returned him to his wife safe and sound. Satyabhama imagined Rukmini telling Krishna about their unborn child. She could almost feel the tears of joy that Krishna would shed at the news! Only if he would not dally this way, causing pain to all who loved him, and return at the earliest!
After twenty and one agonizing days, the drums at the gate of Dwarika sounded again.
"He has come!"
"He is victorious at last!"
Ripples of Jaya-dhhwani tore apart the grief in the sky of the city as laughter and happiness cascaded down the ether and down Satyabhama's cheeks. He had returned at last. Glorious, the Syamantaka bouncing off his chest, tied in a flowery garland, his new wife in his arms. Strangely opposed to her daydreams, Satyabhama did not feel even a hint of jealousy. Instead, she joined Rukmini, the crown princess, as they shed tears of overwhelming joy together and rushed in unison to witness this triumph of the man that they had both accepted as their Lord.
In a special parliament meeting, Krishna explained his delay and relayed the full account of his adventures. They had ventured into the Eastern forest to find Prasena. Instead, they had found his mangled, lifeless body. A lion had attacked him mid-hunt, killed him and ripped his right arm off along with a jewel clenched in it. A few miles further, they had found the carcass of a lion, and following strange foot-marks had found the entrance to the land of Jambavan, the king of the Bears. Krishna had left his companions at this gate and ventured in alone. Satyabhama sat close to her father, listening enraptured to this fascinating tale. Slightly amused, she noticed, Balarama had an arm around Krishna's waist. He still seemed pretty shaken from the ordeal. It seemed as though he did not want to let him go out of his sight again.
He continued his story. Inside the cave, he had been challenged to a duel by King Jambavan and after a furious battle of twenty-nine days, he had finally defeated the bear-king and returned with the gem and princess Jambavati. His friends had returned after only eight days, thinking him to be a lost cause. Satyabhama was mildly annoyed at this but decided to stay quiet so as to not draw any further attention to her already guilty father.
Right as the sabha broke up, her father took Satyabhama's hand and led her to Krishna and requested his attention. Krishna smiled back at them with not even the slightest hint of anger or gripe.
"Please my son, Krishna," said Satrajit, "Accept this gem. I do not deserve to be the owner of this. Not after all I put you through!"
Krishna shook his head, laughing shyly. "Please, Sir. You keep it. I have no interest in keeping it. I just asked to take it to safeguard it in the royal treasury. But I have understood now, nobody can take it from your home unless you yourself are willing."
Satrajit folded his hands, "Taunt me as much as you like. I deserve it but please let me do something! Yes! Accept my daughter's hand in marriage then?!" Satyabhama was stunned. She had all but given up on the idea by now. "Please, my child. I will not consider myself forgiven unless you accept her!"
Krishna turned to her with an incredulous expression as she felt herself go beet red. In shame, she hid her face in her palms. "You too, Satyabhama?!" He cooed, laughing a little. "Guess you truly are the better gem in your father's house! Mind coming to mine?" Blushing she vigorously nodded her head as her father enclosed her hands in his.
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Dwalin X Reader - Arguement
This is based on a 'Sickeningly Sweet Relationship Bingo Card' that I found and forgot to save. So if I find that post, I'll add it here!
I'm a bit rusty since I haven't written since 2019, so please feel free to send requests or comments on anything I need to change! Thank you and much love! <3
✿ Words: 1,037
✿ Themes: Kinda(?) Angst, Fluff
✿ Prompt: From bickering to makeouts
✿ Posted: 2/12/23
Something had been off with Dwalin the last few days and you had yet to find out why. He first had asked you to find him a sack. When you questioned him, he said something about needing to tote some things around. Then he asked you to pull out his winter cloak, saying it was for the upcoming cold season. Then on top of that, you could hear him late at night, sharpening his once dusty axe’s. He was up to something.
You tried and tried again to approach him about the subject, but he just kissed your forehead gently and told you the same excuses.
That same morning, he had asked you to back his bag for a few-day hunting trip that he hurriedly planned in a few days. Questioning him again, Dwalin dipped down and placed a loving kiss on your lips and left you standing in the doorway. You dumbly obliged to his wishes and reluctantly let him go through the door. 
You packed up his bag with dried meats, loaves of bread, and other goods. Once you were finished, you decided to make use of the rest of your day and head to the markets. Maybe you could persuade him with his favorite dinner? You scoured the stalls for hours, trying to find the key ingredients. You had spent quite the coin at the end of the day, but you wanted to make Dwalin something special to boost his mood and maybe convince him to tell you what was happening.
Once you arrived home from the markets though, your heart dropped. His bag and axes were gone, along with a few other key items. You threw your basket on the ground and slammed the door behind you, quickly running towards the gate leading out of town.
You nearly tripped as you ran through the busy part of the settlements to find your betrothed. Your brain was running wild with many conflicting thoughts of anger and fear.
How long had he been gone? Too long. He’s probably too far by now.
Maybe he’s just going hunting? With his axes? No.
Did he plan on leaving you? He wouldn’t! He couldn’t. 
Once I find him I’m going to tear him a new one.
By the good grace of Mahal, you finally caught him as he was just passing through the gates to leave.  
Rage blinded you as you shoved his shoulder to get his attention. He didn’t even falter, “When were you going to tell me you were leaving? Once you came back?” Your voice was filled with venom, but there was a small shake of despair to your words. 
His body did a half-turn in your direction, a sorrowful but stern look on his face as he gazed over everything but your own eyes. He turned back towards the forest with a shake of his head and continued walking. “Aye, go back home. This is no business of a woman.” His tone was calm but commanding. 
You blinked a few times, your heart felt frozen with how cold he was acting toward you. "You thick-headed oaf! Don't you dare talk to me that way! I know this isn’t because of me being a woman." You hissed, following after him.
“I can’t keep ye safe outside of these walls, (Y/N).” He began, slowing his walk to a complete stop. He still wouldn’t face you, “I cannot promise yer protection.”
“I am not useless, Dwalin. I can help! You know I can handle myself in a fight!” Your voice betrayed you, you couldn’t help as the sadness overpowered your fury.
“No!” He puffed out his chest as he turned towards you now. “You will not follow me.” He demanded. If you hadn’t known Dwalin, you probably would have backed down there. But you knew him well, too well.
“Kakhafu durh 'umalul sakh mi mê!” You seethed the words through your teeth. He let out a large sarcastic laugh at you. (The back side of a troll is a more pleasing sight than you.)
“Like yer one to talk!” Dwalin scoffed and crossed his arms, eyes blazing down at you. ”Me asnân tada Mahal duhû kansu tah.”  (You are proof that Mahal has a sense of humor.)
You took a step up to him now. “Sigin'adadmêzu kasat gairurukhs.” You said in a matter-of-fact tone. To the outside eye, it would almost seem as though you both were about to kill each other. But no one dared to step in if they saw you both. (Your grandfather was a goblin.)
He lowered his arms to his sides again, taking the last step between the both of you and pressing your chests together. Challenging him, you continued to glare into his eyes as he glowered down at you. “Adadmêzu duhû bintarg.” A hint of a smirk was dancing on his lips now. (Your father has no beard.)
As you went to open your mouth for another rebuttal, his hands grasped the sides of your face pulling your lips together in a rough heated kiss. The kind of kiss where your teeth clashed together and lips grew numb. You growled in surprise, but it wasn’t completely unwelcome. His lips were rough and calculated, his mustache tickling your cheeks and jaw. Your once rigid body slowly became limp in his arms as your lips melted together. Your teeth clashing simmered down to a soft interlocking of your lips. His hands slid down to your waist, hoisting you up as your legs hooked on his hips. You dragged your fingers into his beard, giving him a light tug. As you finally pulled away, he softly bit onto your bottom lip. Your rage was no longer as he held you so lovingly in his arms.
You unfurled your fingers from his beard, instead bringing your hands ups to caress his cheeks. "I'm going." You said in a much softer tone, thumbs rubbing in soothing lines. You searched his eyes for any sign of disappointment, but he just let out a muted sigh and held you closer.
"If you must," He huffed in agreement before adding a quick, “But if I say hide ye will!”  You smiled and pressed your forehead to his.
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The Zoomer Phaerons are getting creative with their capital ship names now a days.
'Brother a ship approaches called Sakh-Awn'
'What's Sakh-Awn?!'
Booming through their communication channels they hear
"SAKH-AWN DEEZ NUTS!" Said as these marines are obliterated from orbit
Imotekh reading through names of ships in his dynastic fleet and pausing like
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neesh-ipb-art · 1 year
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what was the first sakhui resonance like?? I want to imagine it went like this
I have a whole fanfic in my head about the original crash landed sakh people, but alas i can art but i can't write </3
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All my life, I dealt with a lot of rude and obnoxious people, people who treated me badly, kareeb ke, bahar ke, Ghar ke ... Mujhse jaisa bhi sulook Kiya Maine kabhi kisi ke saath un jaisa behave nahi kiya, i forgave everyone, I still treated everyone with kindness. Even animals and insects.... I never harmed anyone or tried never to hurt anyone even by mistake. Bas badle mein main Allah se yahi mangti thi, ya Allah, mujhse koi kaise bhi rahe, I don't care, bas us insaan ke dil mein mere liye muhabbat daal do.... Uska Dil mere liye narm kar do.
Lekin wakht ke saath mere dusman bhi mere kayal ho gaye ,bas woh ek sakhs mujhse raazi na hua. Muhabbat to dur... Mujhe sabse zyada zaleel bhi using ne Kiya....
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apexulansis · 1 year
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❝Favorite what. Kun sat sû mi koltar wissu sakh.❞
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bollywoodirect · 6 months
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45 years of #Shalimar (15/12/1978)
Hum bewafa hargiz na the, Par hum wafa kar na sakhe Humko mili uski sazaa, Hum jo khata kar na sakhe
Shalimar, also known as "Raiders of the Sacred Stone," is a 1978 film in both Hindi and English. Krishna Shah directed and wrote the movie. The cast includes #Dharmendra, #ZeenatAman, #ShammiKapoor, Aruna Irani, Premnath, Sreeram Lagoo, British actor Sir Rex Harrison, American actors John Saxon, and Sylvia Miles. This movie marks the only Bollywood appearance for Rex Harrison, John Saxon, and Sylvia Miles.
A special dance performance by Jayamalini is featured, and it's notable for being the last film where Mohammed Rafi sang for Shammi Kapoor. The English version, "Raiders of the Sacred Stone," was released in the USA. Kader Khan dubbed for Rex Harrison. The storyline draws inspiration from James Hadley Chase's novel "The Vulture is a Patient Bird," and the script was turned into a novel by Manohar Malagaonkar. Shalimar holds the record for being the most lavishly funded film in India at the time.
The film's production team includes Suresh Shah as the producer, Harvey Genkins as the cinematographer, Amit Bose as the editor, and the musical duo of R. D. Burman and lyricist Anand Bakshi.
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ucaism · 1 year
~Hal-hal terkonyol pas kita kecil.
Ada gak sih hal-hal gak masuk akal yang kefikiran untuk dilakuin pas masih kecil atau mungkin dihindarin karena takur pas kita liat orang dewasa tumbuh di sekeliling kita?
Salah satunya yang kuingat adalah sepertinya aku ingin bisa terbang dan memiliki sayap terbang kemanapun aku suka. Seperti halnya film kartun fiksi doraemon. Dia memiliki pintu kemana saja, time travel bisa banget pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat laen dan dari satu waktu ke waktu.
Saat itu yang terlintas adalah bagaimana aku di masa depan. Imajinasiku menjadi seorang dewasa dengan terbentuk dari film-film Andy Lau, Jacky Chan serta Sakh Rukh Khan dan film bolywood lainnya. Mungkin kala itu, aku suka sekali tokoh-tokoh itu. Sehingga dari mulai koleksi majalah, artikel dan kaset-kaset serta vcd serta album lainnya.
Hal yang kufikir sangat menakutkan adalah, aku sangat takut disentuh sama laki-laki. Kufikir, kalau anak kecil disentuh laki-laki akan hamil dan punya anak. Membayangkan kala itu sewaktu kecil membuat boundaries tersendiri ketika berhadapan dengan teman-teman laki-laki. Namun setelah belajar tentang ilmunya dan pendidikan di sekolah. Oh, ternyata laen cerita 😅.
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meforeverz · 2 years
Been OBSESSED with E/ddie M/unson recently (even though I’ve actually only watched volume 4 of ST and not the other ones and I watched 4 for him lol) so here’s a drabble of him! Allergic DM sneezing during his narration :) Enjoy!
“hhh’IGNk! IhNK! H’nXKt! Jesus, sorry. You press on into the dungeon and find two diverging paths. Which one do you choose?” Eddie said, quickly swiping his ringed knuckles across his nose.
“Bless you dude. Are you sure you’re okay?” Dustin asked. His sentiment was echoe’d by the other members of the Hellfire club and Steve, who’d finally been dragged to one of Eddie’s D&D nights.
Eddie sniffed before responding, already fighting against the next triple of sneezes he could feel. “Yeah, like Ihh- I said, fall just rea- fuck- H’NKKch! eh’Gnnk! I’XKkt! Fall just really gets to me.” his nose had been continuously been bothering him for the past few weeks. He was used to it by now, but that didn’t make it less annoying sometimes “So, left or right, which one?” he continued. While his players discussed he took the chance to quickly blow his nose. He barely had the chance to hear Steve advocate for splitting the party (and Dustin and Mike’s strong disagreements) before having to duck back down into another stifled small fit. “h-hHINKk! H’NGGk’uw! Ih’KTch’Ew! Ugh.” the last two sneezes got away from him a little and he was forced to blow his nose again. Feeling slightly embarrassed from the repeated interruption he looked back up at the party. “Made your decision yet?” he asked.
“We’re going right.” Steve said, clearly slightly displeased with the result of the discussion.
Eddie nodded, rubbing his nose again and quickly fluttering through his notes. “Okay. So you all turn right into the dimly lit corridor. As you whh- oh for fucks sakh- hGKt! ihKTT! nnTKkew! Sorry, as you walk for around ten minutes the corridor slowly starts to turn less cave like and more like someone excavated it. Walking more it turns into a full man made corridor almost seemlessly. I need,” he quickly glanced back at his notes and at the marching order on the map, “Steve and Dustin to roll for something.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the disappointment in Steve’s voice at the tragically low roll. 
“So while you, Dustin, stop in time, you Steve walk straight into a trap. The floor beneath you opens up and I need you to roll another time for reflexes.” he said.
“Come on man! You can do it!” Dustin said, patting Steve on the back.
“15?” Steve asked, a hint of hesitation in his voice.
“Just enough. You manage to grab onto the ledge and haul yourself back onto the floor.” the players let out a sigh of relief. Eddie also let out a sigh, but it was one that immediately transitioned into hitching breaths. “Hu’INK! nN’KK’chu! hGnK! Jesus Christ!” he sighed, sinking back into his chair and non verbally acknowledging the blessings of the group.
“It might be time we wrap up guys. I still need to get you kids home in time.” Steve suddely piped up.
While the kids heavily protested Eddie couldn’t help but shoot Steve a grateful look. While the stubborn part of him wanted to continue, his more logical side acknowledged that it was time for him to wrap up. All the sneezing was beginning to exhaust him.
“Look. If you kids go without complaining now I’ll be back next week, okay?” Steve relented. Under now happy cheering the kids filed out of the room, leaving Eddie and Steve alone for a second.
“Thanks man.” Eddie said genuinly, rubbing his nose again.
“No worries, though,” Steve chuckled, “maybe take some benadryl next time?”
Eddie chucked too. “Might be a good idea yeah.”
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aescheretalks · 11 months
כ׳האָב אַזוי פֿיל מענטשן, אַזוי פֿיל שיפֿן אין דײַנע ברייטע האַפֿנס געזען,
און בײַ דײַנע פֿעלקער פֿון לשונותֿ זיך געלערנט זײַן אין דער פֿרעמד
און שטאַרבט אַ מענטש אויף דײַן גרויסער, ברייטער ערד, אַמעריקע,
איז ווי ר׳וואָלט דאָ געשטאָרבן אין אַ סך לענדער מיט אַ מאָל!
khihob azoy fil mentshn, azoy fil shifn in dayne breyte hafns gezen, aun bay dayne felker fun lshunus zikh gelernt zayn in der fremd
aun shtarbt a mentsh aoyf dayn groyser, breyter erd, amerike, iz vi rivolt do geshtorbn in a sakh lender mit a mol!
So many people, so many ships I saw in your broad harbors,
And from the tongues of all your peoples learned how to be with strangers
For the man who dies upon your great wide soil, America,
It is as though he'd died in many countries at once.
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