dailypearldoodles · 2 years
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Day 74
It has been brought to my attention that Pearl has this command in her twitch
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thanks dm! :D
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pepsi-maxwell · 1 month
buddy offering himself up for the chairshot and malakai telling edge to do it... corruption kink go brrr
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imorphemi · 2 years
spin :V
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
I just think. That the way Zander thinks of Cain is interesting.
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universalsatan · 2 years
Loved your queen Lizzie x reader fic lmao. I, too, am so fucking angry at the amount of improperly tagged, unblockable, long as hell, x reader fanfiction that doesn’t use readmores.
fanmail <3333
but REAL. ngl the one that made me snap Did have a readmore, but also thinking about my friend who told me (after i blazed it) that they had been blazed some very very explicit werewolf x reader fic that was NONCON??????? like GIRL-
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sapphicwitchstudio · 1 year
Ma'am... I am attempting to draw sadcowboy and his sad dog. You make it difficult.
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Bro i went from being cluster b in source to cluster c in this life, my fucking personality disorder grade went down :sadcowboy:
-Ame chan, needy streamer overload, tag as introject ><
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gravel-rotat-e · 2 years
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:SadCowboy: Jimmy. Mostly because I thought it would be funny.
I tried a cool new thing called ~texturing~
His badge is on the wrong side of his skin in his thumbnail but I had already colored it, so I was NOT changing that
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isaut · 11 months
be real will you guys be sad if i post a super long diluc fic instead of a wlw fic :pensive: :sadcowboy:
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jutsei · 2 years
Shin Watches Princess Tutu
Tomorrow I wanna watch a movie so I figured, what the Hell, I’ll finish Disc 3 of Princess Tutu today
Episode 16 - Freya is pretty, found it interesting that we got two separate Princess Tutu transformations this episode - Uzura is cute and not **too** annoying, she's actually kind of funny so I don't mind her presence (Also pretty cool Kanon made her) - I like Fakir's development because his chemistry with Duck is fun and cute - I have a feeling  I may not like the next episode bc the boy character in the preview looked annoying
Episode 17 - Mildly annoying episode due to Femio, he's occasionally funny at least - Most interesting is how Princess Kraeha failed once again to do what she tried to do, only this time it was her own fault for being disarmed and not thinking it might not work, Princess Kraeha has failed almost every single thing she's done, barring the heart shard, I just think it's itneresting - A princess who can't be loved no matter how hard she tries... compared to a princess who can't confess her love or she will vanish
Episode 18 - Getting darker again - Liked Fakir's dance number + the story of the Ghost Knight - Love how this is the second time Princess Tutu was directly attacked and could've died but still did her thing and didn't panic at all - The Raven is an asshole and a bad father - Knight's design itself was cool - Good ending with Drosselmeyer admitting pretty much everyone in the story is in some way incapable of filling their role at the moment, curious to see who the cloak guy was
Episode 19 - Cute episode to counterbalance how dark things are getting - Not a fan of love letter stuff but this was alright - Like Mytho gradually fighting back -  Curious about*why every book Fakir is reading has the ending torn out
Episode 20 - Fakir can write stories but the last time he did it his|PARENTS WERE KILLED BY RAVENS? Heavy Meta -  Was interesting with Rae being stuck between two people and her story ending not being what you expected it to be - Great sword fight between|Mytho and Fakir
- Still really like Fakir and Duck's chemistry, they don't always get along but you can tell they're really friends and want to help each other help Mytho
Episode 21 - Fakir is a descendent of Drosselmeyer, which I expected, pretty cool - Expected the glasses guy to be important but not this important - So they're ripping out the endings of Drosselmeyer stories and I wonder why? - Duck's self-doubt leading to her stagnating is a good plot point and I want her to get better - really good visuals in the tree scene
Things I forgot to say
- First time Drosselmeyer has been very dismissive of the characters with his commentary, concerning - I think it's interesting that in contrast to Duck/Princess Tutu, Rue *insists* she is Princess Kraehae and makes it her entire personality, to the point of insisting there is no Rue, while Duck feels such a disconnect between her and Princess Tutu she sometimes doesn't attempt to better herself since Tutu is just great at everything
- Both interesting and concering how bad Mytho is getting
Episode 22
- Like how Fakir is still a knight just in a different way as a writer - Mr. Cat capable of genuinely good advice now and again - Duck kind of once more selling herself short and only thinking she can do one thing :sadcowboy: - Her reaching ||the edge of town and finding that people who come close just turn into stories as a part of it is a really fucking great scene|| - Princess Tutu appearing as a giant swan again is great - GREAT reveal that Drosselmeyer was a huge piece of shit as I suspected|| - Hell of a cliffhanger to make me wanna watch episode 23. tomorrow
- Also really like how Rue had a chance to please The Raven, but ultimately chose not to, in spite of her continually saying she's Princess Kraeha, and all it took was someone saying they loved her (Which she didn't believe... but enough to not go through with ripping out someone's heart)
Tomorrow I’ll finish up
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
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Day 211
Pesky bird >:3
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chellestrash · 5 years
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i have priorities
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imorphemi · 2 years
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late night doodles
still got seahorse on the brain
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willyoulovemeh · 2 years
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Going two-steppin’ tonight, but I don’t have a boy to dance with 😒 ..which is why this concept of ‘a lonely cowboy’ came to life 📸 What do you think? Did I capture it? • • • • • #single #cowboy #singlelife #cowboys #sadcowboy #gayboy #lgbt #rodeo #gaycowboy #gayguy #gaypride #gayman #gaysingle #dating #sertanejo #bruto #gaylove #atx #pecuaria #rodeio #hoedown #twostep #gaylife #gaymen (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHZosNL7tV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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klesek · 3 years
more art
twilight in the game au
fluffy coat go brr
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he looks angy (and lowkey sus) but that’s because i can’t draw (ALSO WHAT IS HIS HAIR LIKE ACTUALLY WHAT IN THE WORLD I COULDN’T GET IT TO LOOK RIGHT)
here’s my attempt at modern wind, who doesn’t look too bad but i accidentally chose the wrong size canvas and i couldn’t come up with any modern design things for him besides changing his tunic to a shirt (i’m not creative at all and it’s 5 am cut me some slack)
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hmm those sizes are very different
that’s weird
oh well
and last but certainly not least (and not a modern design this time)- 
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cartoon! or triforce! or wisdom! whatever you want to call him :D
he babey boy
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meowhawkk · 4 years
I headcanon diego to be like 5"7' and BCUZ I want to draw him and Giorno together . I've . just checked how tall giorno is and i
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