runaway-royals · 3 months
It didn't take long for word of the eldest Serizawa daughter's engagement to spread with the large castle, especially between the close nit staff members.
Kori began preparing the princess's favorite treats in an effort to cheer her up before hearing of a few of the young girls whisper about Nana's new suitor along with a few giggles.
"Alright, ladies, wrap it up. You don't want the royal to hear you speaking improperly about them, do you?"
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Kori said politely as the young women apologized and returned to their chores.
The handmaid added a few final touches and took the tray to Nana's quarters, saying hello to the other royal siblings along the way before knocking on the princess's door.
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abby-30 · 4 months
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fairytale romance 🌹🥀
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densitywell · 6 months
do u ever think abt how. ashton may have feelings for orym. and has almost certainly clocked that orym has feelings for dorian. and ashton barely knows what love is but they know they're unloveable, a broken, selfish asshole who deserves everything that's happened to them and more. meanwhile orym is still in love with a good, dutiful man who died a hero, and may now be in love with a fucking beautiful, kind prince. lord. noble. whatever. so orym can say he cares abt them and it might even be true, but at the end of the day it's not gonna be them. do u ever think abt that.
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shiveringfrogspawn · 1 month
It’s so fucking funny to me that Joan Jett’s ‘Bad Reputation’ is the opening credit theme for RWRB when literally 65%+ of the book is then freaking out about how the rest of the world would react to them being together
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mugentakeda · 4 months
jee and iroh currently
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leschanceux · 8 months
@fatedtruths gets this! -
they've been here before; alex lingering outside one of henry's buildings after having run away from miguel. the only difference is that this time, he'd run away from henry to go back to miguel, the journalist's barely-veiled threats having gotten to be too much to ignore ( not that he'd been doing an amazing job of ignoring them to start with ). going back to miguel had been like voluntarily getting into a tank of piranha --- naked. getting back out had been so hard, but alex had managed it for a second time, with little more than bruises ( both physical and mental ) to show for it.
the hardest part had been leaving without saying goodbye to henry.
he's been sat on the brownstone's top step for maybe an hour, shivering a little in the evening breeze as he tries to work up the courage to knock ( he'd posted his key back through the mail slot, effectively cutting off his means of return ). every time he almost manages to talk himself into standing up and announcing his return, a little voice in the back of his mind tells him that henry's not going to be pleased to see him back - not after he left so suddenly.
they'd been so close to something before, though henry had said to wait until after graduation --- has alex jeopardised that by leaving?
he doesn't really have time to worry for much longer; there's a noise behind him, the yale lock opening from the inside, and a cold wet nose presses against the bare skin of his arm as david rushes outside to greet him, tail going manically as alex reaches to rub his ears with a shaky little smile.
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ascendantking · 4 months
;; The Royal Roast
Pairing: Jaron/Tobias, Amarinda of Bultain/Imogen Words: 1045 Chapter: 1/? Summary: A modern college au set in a coffee shop between two rival universities. While the Carthyan Patriots and the Avenian Dragons clash, a quiet courtship begins between Tobias, an overworked med student, and Jaron, a young entrepreneur with a penchant for trouble.
Baggy eyes and a hunched back marked the man who came in every morning like clockwork, stealing a table hidden away in the recesses of the cafe–barely lit by the only window that wasn’t taking it upon itself to blind the patrons at this hour. His order was always the same: a coffee with way too many shots of espresso, a cream cheese bagel, and, if he was feeling daring, an eclair that they had to assume he took with him to whatever classes were breaking his back because he definitely didn’t touch it when he was here.
The red eye staff had their bets placed on if he actually ate it after it had, inevitably, been squished in his bag or if he only ordered it to prove to himself that he could order something else. Most of them were leaning towards the latter, of course, with the way he stumbled through his words whenever he did decide to vary it.
But Jaron had thrown his hat in the ring on another, more far-fetched idea–one Imogen and Roden hadn’t cared for much at all. He was of the notion that since he had happened to be the only one to convince him to try something different then it was only logical to assume that he liked him. 
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Right. That’s what this was. Imogen couldn’t let this fantasy go on any longer as she rolled her eyes. “Or you make him nervous.”
“Because he likes me,” Jaron insisted as he emphasized his teasing with a smolder.
”Or, get this,” she said, smiling as she shook her hands in front of herself, her grin immediately falling, “he may not like being put on the spot.”
Jaron laughed, stacking the cups off to the side. “I dunno, I think you’re just jealous that–” Imogen cocked her hip, putting her hand on her side, snorting herself. “Sure. If that’s the rabbit you want to chase today, just make sure it doesn’t get in the way of your job. Why don’t you help organize the back once you’re done there?”
“You don’t want my pretty face up front today?”
Imogen tilted her head at him, fluttering her eyelashes innocently. “Are you asking me if I want customers today?” She paused, putting a finger on her lip. “Hm.” She let a moment pass as if her question held any of the significance that warranted such a lengthy pause. “You know, Jaron,” she said, nodding slowly, “you should be up front. Give the door your best smile.”
He snorted, waving her off. “It’s like you have no faith in me.”
“Is it that obvious?” Imogen asked with a grin. She nudged him as she passed. “Just make sure you’re ready to go. We open in five.”
Jaron rolled his eyes. “I know, I know. It can’t be any worse than yesterday, can it?”
Imogen stopped abruptly. Her eyes flicked back to him with faux seriousness. “Do you like testing god?”
“When it suits me,” he said with a wink. Imogen took in a breath, shaking her head as she finished cleaning off one of the machines on the back wall. Jaron leaned down on the counter, crossing his legs behind him as he watched the streets slowly come to life, cars lazily drifting by as the street lights went off one by one, each one taking a bow as the morning sun took its rightful place on stage.
“Do you think he’ll be here today?” he asked barely above a whisper.
Imogen looked back at him, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. “I’m beginning to think you’re the one that likes him. Careful, wouldn’t want people thinking you can catch feelings.” She held her nose as if the concept itself stunk before snickering to herself. 
Jaron snorted, looking back out towards the door, a slight tinge of red on his face. Sure, maybe he wanted to get to know the guy, but that was all it was. He let out a sigh, pushing himself up off the counter to flip the sign to Open. He wasn’t one to pine over someone, he thought to himself as he peeked his head out to look down the sidewalk. No sign of him–oh, no, he meant anyone yet, yeah.
He closed the door again, brushing off his hands before he cracked them in front of himself. “Time to get down to business,” Jaron said to no one in particular as he hopped the counter.
Just because he had noticed that Tobias had come in almost every day for the past two weeks since he started working these early shifts meant nothing. He had a unique look to him! Wiry and tall, with perceptively kind eyes, as if he could read someone like a book but without even a crease or dog-ear on the pages as he went through their life story. It seemed silly now, Jaron realized, comparing him to an old librarian type when Jaron was the one attempting to judge a book by a cover himself. 
But he just couldn’t help it! Tobias carried himself like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders–like if he stopped for one minute, it would all collapse in a messy heap at his feet. Jaron sighed, furrowing his brows as he leaned against the counter again. It wasn’t fair for a man to carry the world alone–what a lonely thing that was, the heaviness of a responsibility only one man knows. If only he could do something to help–then maybe Tobias’ face might not wrinkle up as much as it did in the few moments Jaron saw of him a day. Jaron stood back, looking up at the ceiling with a sigh–maybe he’d get him that eclair for free today. Sure, it wasn’t much, but sometimes even little things could make a big deal, even if they seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
A nervous energy ate at him as he rocked back and forth on his heels. God, he hoped he came in today–maybe they could say more than just the usual pleasantries, maybe he could even get a how’s the weather out there started.
A guy could dream, couldn’t he?
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ussrosalind · 5 months
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@aaloniel (our DM) and I collaborated recently to make snofits/winter outfit tokens for the Runaway Royals party and some of their NPC friends. @aaloniel designed the outfits and provided the colors, the sketches and linework are my work, including our little crown frames. We've collaborated on snofits and anniversary tokens for @helloallec's Exiled campaign in the past, so it was delightful to work together for another set of characters.
Top Row:
Princess Agathe of Grad (NPC) and Coronet Indigo of Eska (meee)
Middle Row:
Princess Katina of Sura (@mcdevinpants) and Charis (NPC) and Kora (@rabbitminstrel)
Bottom Row:
Coronet Amino of the City of Smoke (NPC) and Prince Atama of the City of Smoke (@helloallec) and Coronet Wioletta of Eska (@tatianaluz)
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funshinebf · 3 months
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well. fantasy/court au for shits n giggles
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ariamjan · 2 years
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I wanted to try my hand at a sketch dump based on this fic I’ve been reading by @pickleandthequeen
I also wanted to try using the DBZ style
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runaway-royals · 3 months
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otpcompendium · 2 years
A and B met long ago, when A found B hiding in the barn one night with seemingly no memory of where they came from or who their family was. They looked foreign, their customs strange to A, but the pair grew close as B settled in to the small village, and over many years the two eventually settled down and raised a family together. They've been living a comfortable and small life in the countryside with their children and community, selling A's skilled handicrafts and needlework and working B's family farm but when the bright banners of the royal family creep closer through the surrounding towns, seeking the long-missing runaway heir to the throne, B starts to act uncharacteristically distant and uneasy.
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pickleandthequeen · 4 months
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fatedtruths · 6 months
henry && alex
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they kept all the lights on . henry can't quite bring himself to turn them off , and he thinks it might help david too . david who kept jolting awake with a growl whenever anyone walked too close to the front door . david who was curled up at the bottom of their bed with the odd huff to let them both know that he was still there . or maybe he just wants some warning if swat are going to try and burst through the doors again . it had been nearly a week since then .
pip had come and stayed , oscar and raf had come and stayed too , and all three of them had left in time too . leaving the pair of them alone again in the brownstone that suddenly felt too big and suddenly felt unsafe . all because miguel was unable to let alex go . so they had done whatever they did when everything felt too much , they curled up in bed again .
curled together like a pair of brackets with his laptop quietly playing between them , they weren't really watching it , it was just something to fill in the background silence .
you and me, we got big reputations.
" that is putting it rather mildly."   henry hummed in agreement . looking own at where @leschanceux was playing with their fingers between them , drawing comfort from the simple touch . " you might be the closest this country has for a prince , you know . "     until now they didn't talk much about alex's family , because alex hadn't wanted to and henry never brought it up .    " i suppose you are charming enough . "
yet the news was out now . where was the president's son?  the world had been asking for years and pez assured him that twitter had been going wild now that they had an answer .
shacking up with the prince of england
pez's words , not his own , but it was at least mostly accurate . there was still the question about ellen. alex had spoken to her on the phone of course but now it was whether the president of the united states came down here or . . .    " we could go there , to the white house ---" he clarified , gaze flickering back up to watch his reaction .    " ---if you want me to come , that is , but you could go there . it's probably more private . "
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loturaweek2023 · 10 months
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Lotura Week 2023 - Day 5 (Thursday, August 17) - Runaways from Royal Nannies
It's Day 5 of Lotura Week 2023!
Interested in creating content? Please read the Rules & Guidelines.
To be reblogged, please use the hashtag loturaweek2023 and @loturaweek2023 in your post! This blog will be checked through September if you have a late submission.
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leschanceux · 5 months
@fatedtruths!! -
Ellen has been begging her son to come home on the television for four years, ignoring her opponents when they ask the country if they really think she should be running for four more years when she can't even manage her home life, asking if they think she's responsible enough to look after a country when her home life is splintered into tiny shards that stab into her heart and make her cry into her pillow or Leo's shoulder late at night when she's trying to sleep.
There's a little bit of Alex in every speech she gives, in every meeting, in every thought in every moment of her day; he's her first thought in the morning and her last thought at night, his name on her lips when she inhales and on her breath when she exhales.
He's an open wound she can't stop poking, brain and heart beating out a constant Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. lest she forget for even a second that she's missing a part of her she'd managed to keep safe for eighteen years.
( She didn't - doesn't - deserve Alex. Doesn't deserve either of her children, really. )
Alex is with her in spirit when she meets other world leaders, watches their eyes become guardedly sympathetic and their hands draw their own families closer. If the First Son of the United States can go missing from the White House, after all, aren't they also in danger, being in a foreign country?
She wishes she'd had more time for Alex when he was still around; wishes she hadn't told him he was a constant pain in her ass the last day she saw him; wishes she hadn't been so damn focused on policies to hear him out more than once in a while.
( She's taken to keeping June closer after that, knows Mike's been doing the same with Nora. It's annoying the shit out of both of them, but it's a small price to pay. )
There have been reports of sightings, of course; Austin, Houston, Dallas, New York, San Diego, L.A... None of them confirmed, nothing solid to work with, though she goes to see for herself every single time, makes an appeal with local and national news outlets. Oscar accompanies her sometimes, though the guilt and frustration that they both feel has driven the wedge that caused their divorce even further between them.
Alex is with her today, when she's visiting the new shelter for LGBTQ+ youth in L.A., the one Oscar's been helping to set up with Prince Henry of Wales' best friend. Ellen wears her presidential face, all Southern politeness and a straight spine that gives nothing away, but her pain shows in her eyes as she follows - and is followed around by the media - Henry and Percy around on their tour.
Alex would've loved this, she catches herself thinking. Alex would've wanted to be here.
( When had she started thinking about him in the past tense? )
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