#rufus weller
unlockthestars · 1 year
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Learn about my muses' physical features! // Accepting
@hopeandharmonizing asked: [legs] Ghira and Yang, [face] Weller, [eyes] Ironwood
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[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what’s their gait, etc.
Ghira has very powerful legs, like the rest of him. He can use them, in addition to his claws, to climb surfaces he otherwise wouldn't be capable of. His long legs help contribute to his massive size, both height-wise and just overall presense.
Because he's so tall and very aware of the space he takes up, Ghira is usually pretty careful when he walks. He does his best not to walk into anything, and he naturally walks very quietly.
For such a big man, he's very light on his feet, and that does have to do with the fact that he's a panther faunus. And also the shoes he wears help with the walking softly part.
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[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what’s their gait, etc.
Yang has very nice legs, and she's very aware of that fact. They're muscular and toned, and she frequently shows them off in short-shorts or skirts. The skin on her legs is smooth, as well, and she always takes care of them after shaving by making sure to moisturize.
Her knees aren't anything too special; just normal knees. She carries herself with confidence, and her stride is long and proud; she walks into clubs as if she owns the place (especially Junior's), despite being too young to drink.
Even though she fights with her fists most of the time, Yang does not skip leg day, and she could absolutely crush a person with her thighs.
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[face]: what is the shape of their face, do they have pronounced cheekbones or a strong jaw, what’s the size and shape of their nose, what’s the size and shape of their ears, do they stick out, are they pointed, etc.
Dr. Weller doesn't quite have a heart-shaped face; he doesn't have the widow's peak for it, but he does have the pointed chin. His cheekbones are very pronounced, and if it wasn't covered with a beard, his jaw would be considered pretty chiseled.
His nose is pretty straight and small, and it has never been broken, as he prefers to talk his way out of any and all situations instead of fighting.
Dr. Weller's ears are nothing out of the ordinary, and if they did stick out, they're covered by his hair. Still, the help hold up his glasses, and that's the point of ears, if you ask him. They are a tiny bit pointed at the top, though again, you can't see that unless he moves his hair.
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[eyes]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they’re alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
James' eyes are narrow and a deep dark blue. He has dark lashes that unfortunately don't distract from the almost perpetual bags under his eyes, though those are definitely more pronounced after the fall of Beacon.
Despite that fact, he is almost always alert, looking out for any threat, the way a good soldier should.
Additionally, whenever Mettle activates, his eyes appear to almost lose some of their colour, going more grey than blue, which is a good way to tell if his Semblance might be part of the reason he's pushing through something that might otherwise not necessarily seem like the best idea to someone else.
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
additional tag drop because I finally got off my ass and did them
if you're still not on here I promise I'm working on it but I have four blogs to do this on and Mal coming back means I have to do so many tags
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@caeloservare​ didn’t ask for a thing but here we are
"General!" Dr. Weller greeted the other man with a pleasant smile.  "I didn't expect you to be down in my lab any time soon.  Come to check up on your pet project or have you simply dropped by to enjoy my razor sharp wit?" He knew full well that General Ironwood was likely far too busy for a social call, but it was a nice thought, wasn't it?
"Well, regardless of the reason, welcome to my humble abode.  Of course, it isn't so humble, but I suspect I spend most of my time here, which does, in fact, make it my abode.  Care for a spot of tea while you're here?"
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
@unlockthestars​ for doc weller
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"So, if'n I mind-meld wi' someone, and they've eaten but I ain't had lunch -- do they get hungry or do I get full?"
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blog4polls · 6 months
The Doctor and Crowley are excluded, sorry
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stylecouncil · 7 months
my top listened to artists of all time are apparently david bowie, robbie williams, suede, the 1975, morrissey, the kinks, oasis, inxs, noel gallagher, the jam, manic street preachers, the format, the style council, the smiths, kylie minogue, pretenders, dolly parton, lou reed, libertines, babyshambles, kim petras, rufus wainwright, the killers, bruce springsteen, against me!, paul weller, t. rex, beastie boys, take that, the last shadow puppets <- in that order
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simplyender · 3 years
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genlock concept posting hours
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
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Welcome back fans to yet another match up of the ROOSTER TEETH CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
Today we have a dynamic duo of fighters stepping into the ring who’ve been a constant thorn in our heroes rear since season three!
First up we have the temptress of fate, the illusionist supreme, the simp queen that’d make anime harem protagonists seem like hugh hefner, give it up for EMERALD! 
Next up we have her counter part, the man with the plan which involves mostly kicking, has shotguns in his legs, and was trained by an assassin father who he immediately murdered when finished, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s MERCURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let the fight begin! 
Yang: *Rides in on motorcycle and jumps off* Mercury: Ready for a rematch blondie?  Yang: I’m just here to break your other leg.  Mercury: *Takes fighting stance* Aw, sounds like someone’s still upset from out last fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Draws both pistols and twirls* Carolina: Do you really think you can hurt me with those toys? Emerald: *use semblance to turn into Text* Tex: We both know I don’t need a gun to hurt you. Carolina: *Draws pistols* What the hell is going on!? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Walks in and shotgun kicks the air* Caboose: I knew one day you would come for me.  Mercury: I don’t even know you. Caboose: *Pulls out freckles* You can’t make me take tap dancing lessons again, I won’t let you take me!  ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don: *Walks in brushing off lint* Emerald: I have to fight a butler? Don: If I wanted to talk to a street rat I would have brought in Toth.  Emerald: *Draws guns* Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.  ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyoming: *Walks in stroking mustache* Mercury: Oh joy, another prick with an accent.  Wyoming: Oh goodie, another cripple with anger issues; how original. Mercury: *Kicks the air* You shut your mouth! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nemesis: *Nano tech cloud slowly forms Nemesis* Emerald: *Attempts to hide with illusions* Nemesis: *Eyes rotate towards her* I-I-I-I-I Seeee you.  Emerald: *Draws weapons* What are you?! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomad: *Walks in, wind blowing poncho* Mercury: Listen straw man; just turn around an leave. Nomad: *Shrugs and turns around* Mercury: *Shoots leg at Nomad but misses* Damn, almost worked. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling weapons* Sarge: My principles don’t allow me to hit a lady. Emerald: That’s what i thought old man. Sarge: *Cocks shotgun* And just like the end of an election my principles just changed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Leaps in kicking air* Kazu: What, do you have a thing for bruce lee?  Mercury: Who the hell is that?  Kazu: *Cracks knuckles* Someone who can beat your ass with two fingers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling guns* Cinder: I told you to stay at the base. Emerald: But I wanted to help.  Cinder: *Glows red with fire* Your wants mean nothing to me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Leaps in kicking air* Carolina: Let me guess, your daddy never loved you? Mercury: I killed my father. Carolina: *Draws pistols* Get in line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling guns* Pyrrha: I learned what you did to me at the arena.  Emerald: If you had made it any easier to trick you you’d be on our side.   Pyrrha: *twirls rifle into spear* It saddens me to know there are people like you in the world.  ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cammie: *Walks in and picks up nugget* Mercury: Kid, you better scram before you get hurt. Cammie: *hacks legs and makes mercury kick himself* Mercury: Scratch that, now I want to hurt you.  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Skout: *Walks in and drops backpack* Emerald: This isn’t afield trip kid.  Skout: I’ll have you know I was trained by the Toth herself and can handle myself. Emerald: *Draws pistols* Oh no, you’ve been trained by a failed bounty hunter; whatever will I do? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Felix: *Walks in twirling knife*  Mercury: If you’re going to tell me you don’t want to fight because of my legs you can save it. Felix: Oh no; I’d beat the ever loving crap out of you regardless if you had real legs or not.  Mercury: *Kicks the air* Finally, someone I can relate to. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling weapons* Locus: You can still turn back; find a better path.  Emerald: It’s too late for me.....I’ve come too far to turn back now! Locus: *Activates cloak* It’s never too late to do the right thing. ------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Walks in kicking air*  Cinder: I told you to wait at the hideout.  Mercury: I never was one to follow the rules. Cinder: *Lights up with fire* Then suffer the consequences.  --------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling weapons* Rufus: For all your wonderful abilities you waste them on being a petty thief.  Emerald: Fitting that someone whose never lived on the streets cold and hungry telling me what Is best for me.  Rufus: *Caliban walks in but is stopped by Rufus* Yet another victim of our worlds greed.  --------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Walks in kicking air* Dr. Grey: What fascinating prosthetics; can I study them? Mercury: Touch me and you die lady. Dr. Grey: *Pulls out scalpel* That’s okay, I’ll study them once I pry them off your lifeless body.  ----------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling weapons*  Neo: *Stares sarcastically at her* Emerald: What do you want you creepy mute? Neo: *Eyes change color and sword tip extends from umbrella.* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mercury: *Walks in kicking air* Qrow: You’re helping Salem to destroy the world, don’t you get that!? Mercury: From what I’ve seen it deserve to be burned down.  Qrow: *Draws scythe* She really knows how to pick the broken ones doesn’t she.  ----------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald: *Walks in twirling weapons* Tyrian: Aw, it must hurt loving someone who feels nothing for you? Emerald: You don’t know cinder, she cares about me! Tyrian: *Throws off coat and extends axes* Keep telling yourself that; it’ll make the moment she cuts you loose all the sweeter hehehahahahahahah!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Penny: *Hero Lands*  Mercury: Didn’t we kill you like twice now? Penny: I am fully functional and combat ready! Mercury: *Shrugs* Aw well, third times the charm.  --------------------------------------------------------------------- Grif: *Walks in scratching balls*  Emerald: hope you’re not afraid to hit a girl. Grif: bitch I will curb stomp you into the ground for waking me up from my 3pm nap.  Emerald: *Draws weapons* But it’s 8am.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Church: *Walks in with sniper rifle* Mercury: If it isn’t the sniper who can’t hit anything. Church: I’d mock you back but you’ve had such little screen time last three seasons you might as well be  Whitley. Mercury: *Kicks shotgun at Church who dodges* you take that back! 
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necronymie · 3 years
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magical-girl-coral · 3 years
Dr. Weller: Would you jump off a bridge if the Team pressured you into doing it?
Chase: Dr. Weller , with all due respect, my mother gave birth to a leader. An innovator. A pioneer.
Chase: I’m the first one off the fucking bridge
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unlockthestars · 1 year
Meet gen:LOCK
So I know not a ton of people know gen:LOCK, but I absolutely adore this show. We don't talk about Season 2; it doesn't exist. To help facilitate potential interaction with my GL kids, I thought I'd do a quick writeup of them. Note that they do all have RWBY verses because they honestly would fit in that whole world pretty well, but this is just a general sort of rundown.
A quick synopsis of the show itself (pulled from Wikipedia):
"It is set in a dystopian future Earth where an international coalition known as The Polity fights a hostile, autocratic invading force known as The Union. The show follows the gen:LOCK program and its members, who participate in the development and testing of an experimental technology which allows for individuals with unique mental make ups to have their minds uploaded to giant suits of mecha armor called "Holons"."
My crew consists of three of the gen:LOCK team members, the mind behind it, and one of the Vanguard (Polity) soldiers who has been fighting the Union for a while and is helping to train the GL team.
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Let's start with the mind behind the technology, Dr. Rufus Weller.
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From the gen:LOCK wiki (with some omissions): "Doctor Rufus Weller is a character in gen:LOCK who brought with him "both humor and seriousness". A scientist in the Experimental Science Unit, Weller was the eccentric yet brilliant creator and overseer of the gen:LOCK program, designed to give the Polity an edge in the war against the Union."
He's a scientific genius who created the technology that sets the story in motions, he's calm under pressure, and he can be ruthless when he needs to be.
In his RWBY-verse, he's a top Atlas scientist, working with the likes of Pietro Polendina to develop the most advanced tech in the world. He's currently working on a project that could revolutionize life as we know it, and he hopes it will make a difference in the standard of living in Remnant overall.
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Next up, we have Kazu Iida:
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From the gen:LOCK wiki: "A rough, unwieldy military operative from Japan, he arrived at the Anvil as part of the Experimental Science Unit's gen:LOCK program alongside Julian Chase and several others, having passed the "Weller Test"."
Previously part of the Japanese military, Kazu's unit was very supportive of having him transferred out to the ESU. He'd been demoted for insubordination, and he can be rough around the edges, but he cares a lot about the people he chooses.
In his RWBY-verse, Kazu grew up in Mistral, no stranger to the city’s vices and virtues.  He attended Haven Academy for a time before being kicked out. Eventually, he was recruited to go to Atlas to test the new Holon program as he was one of the people compatible with the technology.
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Our next recruit is actually one of the first: Yasamin Madrani
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Pulling from the GL wiki once again: "She's a talented and confident recruit from Iran who finds her calling in the Experimental Science Unit's gen:LOCK program. On the other hand, she has been reluctant to reveal her past involvement with the Union to her fellow comrades. [At one point,] Yaz [was] being held and questioned by military police at the Mesa Detainment Center. Meanwhile, Rufus Weller asks Raquel Marin to accept a transfer request that would put her into his custody. This makes her the second gen:LOCK recruit, after Julian Chase. Like Chase, Yaz has military experience, but unlike him and all of the other gen:LOCK pilots, she is a former member of the Union."
Yaz has a dry sense of humour, which she often displays, even while doing her duty without any issues. Because of her past with the Union, she is very sensitive to any suggestion that she might still be working for them in any way, especially given that the Union killed her parents. She is very dedicated to the gen:LOCK program, especially Dr. Weller.
In her RWBY-verse: Born in Vacuo, Yasamin Madrani joined up with a group of bandits when she was young.  Eventually, she decided that she had had enough and left, ending up in a city where testing for Dr. Weller’s program was occurring.  Without fully realizing what it was, she was selected for the program and taken to Atlas, where she learned to be a pilot and part of the Holon program.
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For the last, but certainly not the least of my GL recruits, Val/entina Romanyszyn (listed like this because they are genderfluid and use both "Val" and "Valentina," depending on presentation):
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From the wiki again: "They are a retired Russian special forces operator who thought that they were finished fighting. Valentina was involved in special operations in the Eastern European theater before being recruited into the Experimental Science Unit's gen:LOCK program."
Val/entina can be pretty cynical, as expressed when she states that she likes battles she's sure to win. They also believe that the Union will follow its enemies, no matter how far they run. Which is one of the reasons she didn't want to fight on the front line any longer; she only agreed to join the gen:LOCK program because she thought it was a purely scientific endeavour. However, once things really get going, she's deeply loyal to the people she cares about, especially the way they care about the rest of the GL team.
In their RWBY-verse, Val/entina Romanyszyn grew up in Atlas, where they were able to use the region’s advanced tech to enable their transitions as needed.  They also chose to attend Atlas Academy, where they quickly proved their prowess as a sniper.  Now they’re working occasionally in tandem with the Ace Ops, doing what they can to protect the city and Remnant.
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Our last case study for the day is Leon August, voiced by Gray Haddock (who also voiced Roman Torchwick initially):
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Once more with feeling, from the wiki, "Lieutenant Leon August is a character in Rooster Teeth's gen:LOCK. He's a Strider pilot and Vanguard squad leader" and also gen:LOCK compatible, though he's too old for the technology to be safe for him.
Leon is able to stay calm and retain his sense of humour in both combat and downtime situations, though he's full capable of relaxing and joking with his friends. However, when he's in the field, he tends to be no-nonsense and very focused on getting the job done, while also making sure to watch out for his allies.
While his RWBY-verse is under construction, it's highly likely that he'll be stationed in Atlas as part of the military, potentially having attended Atlas Academy previously.
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So there we have it! A quick and dirty rundown of the non-RWBY characters on this blog. Hopefully this helps!
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The look that dad and (mom? Auntie?) give you when they dont want your sarcasm.
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(I have put off posting this for far too long)
Following Salem's defeat in Atlas, Ruby is presumed dead. Yasamin Madrani and Julian Chase (my RWBY versions of the gen:LOCK characters) find her later that night and are shocked to find her, life signal faint but alive. She lost her left arm, spine was fractured from being shot in the back by Emerald (for killing Cinder), broken right leg and the area around her right eye was bloodied.
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They bring Ruby to Dr.Rufus Weller (my RWBY version) in Vale and he saves her life using resources from Project:Phoenix, an Atlesian project that involves cybernetically enhancing crippled and/or comatose Huntsmen and Huntresses.
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Over the next several weeks, Ruby has been helping Glynda Goodwitch and the other Huntsmen in ridding Vale of the Grimm that remained in the city, Yas and Chase making sure that she is safe as her message to the world made her the most talked about person in Remant.
It wasn't long until someone from Atlas caught wind of their operation and nearly captured Ruby damaging her neural interface chip in the process. Yas and Chase take her out of Vale and hid in Vacuo until Weller and Cammie (RWBY version) were able to fix her neural chip. It was from there that Weller has announced they will no longer be hiding.
When it came around a month later, Ruby's friends and family arrive in Patch to lay low while Ironwood is under investigation for what he had done prior to Salem's defeat before they head to Vacuo. Ruby will be reunited with them soon.
RWBY: Phoenix
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callsigntrixx · 1 year
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@unlockthestars: “ can’t sleep? ” [from Dad-ter Weller]
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She hadn't expected to see anyone else at this hour, wandering around the barracks as she was. It was well past lights out, the mess and commissary both shut tight, so it was surprising to bump into Weller out in the hallway.
Cammie's immediate reaction is to use sarcasm to cover up her thoughts, but she's a bit too tired to muster it up. Instead, what comes out is: "...It's too quiet, an' mah mind's just... so loud. I keep runnin' over everythin': missions, Holon specs, code and memories that ain't really mine."
misc. starters
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polandspringz · 3 years
Season two is upon us!!! I've been sitting on so many gL ideas even after all this time, I'm so sorry I haven't gotten to them sooner, but I wanted to get this one written before S2 releases in case this idea gets completely destroyed. Important: This is a three chapter story, with the first being the prologue, and then it is split between two endings. Please enjoy!
(Also much credit to @babiebaldie for giving me this idea in October 2020. This fic is dedicated to you!!!)
The Polity has won. War ends. The team waits for their next order, but receives a surprise instead.
They may have one as well.
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nitw · 4 years
me n sydney were talking about how doctor weller would be a gen z kid, and i did the math considering the show takes place in 2072 and that he's likely in his 50s or 60s at best, WHICH WOULD MEAN DOCTOR WELLER WAS BORN AROUND 2020
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