#rottmnt ideas
tapakah0 · 1 year
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OKAY IT'S READY Turtle Base Plan! The best and only super-functional base of the world coverage of the great and unique conqueror. I personally don't think that they would built it in New York, but this does not affect the idea of the base itself. I tried to take into account all the little things and details for their compressed conditions, even if some places simply will not participate in the plot Yes, that's all///
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sweeneydino · 7 months
Yo, so... totally not related to my next project but like, who do you think is best fit to be the ROTTMNT Turtles' revealed lost sister as big mama's assistant?
I know Venus has some... particular problems, dont know much, but I need others' input as I haven't really watched next mutation or read the idw comics.
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I need this for actual research purposes.
Edit: Venus is out, unfortunately, rip. Well, if there are any other options, I'm always open to suggestions
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leilanising · 2 months
No offense guys, but how come with every fifth rottmnt turtle design, they all look like copies of Mikey?
Each turtle has a specific shape. Raph is a square, Leo is a triangle, Donnie is a rectangle, and Mikey is a circle. We don't need two circles. What if we used a diamond, or oval instead?
We have the big strong guy, the cute little guy, and the twins who are the same size. What if we added a long and lanky turtle. It would be different, but still go along with the theme
Like, older sister. Older than Mikey, Leo, and Donnie, but younger than Raph.
Shorter than Raph, but taller than Leo, Mikey, and Donnie.
Diamonds are her general shape, and her life color is like Yellow or light blue
I think I'm on to something here...
I should draw this...
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
Turtle noises and rottmnt
Like ok rottmnt fan works made me search on yt turtles noises cos they're precious
And I'm googling specifically why they meow and chirp and it wasn't what I thought it would be.
Only one mentioned what meowing means and said turtles cries can sound like meowing ;-;
Like these boys can be making these adorable noises while bawling their eyes out ;-;
And chirping one had alot on red eared sliders
One said "It is common for Red eared sliders to chirp. Sometimes, it can mean that your turtle is uncomfortable because of the water temperature, or because they have a respiratory illness."
Which I can now imagine leo meowing when he gets sick enough and can't smooth talk his way out like his brothers being like "You're sick"
Leo: I am *meow* not
But also said "Sometimes, Red eared sliders will chirp if they are bored"
Which I imagine is Leo's verbal stimming lol (and has probably irritated donnie w it lol)
Another one says "Other times, these turtles[red eared sliders] make chirping noises simply because they’re fatigued."
Which again goes back to leo not being able to lie and say he's fine, his chirps can't hide nothing.
Also leatherback hatchlings make noises like chirping. Which I mean none of the rise turtles are but its interesting cos it can happen BEFORE hatching.
The same one also says kinda similar to red eared sliders chirping "Most commonly, baby turtles make these chirping sounds due to stress, although changed water temperatures and sometimes even excited eating can cause turtles to chirp. These chirps can also be due to illness, so look out for any symptoms"
So basically all of them could chirp when they're little and when they're excited to eat.
The only mention of actual happy sounds when they're excited to eat lmao what a mood like no actual vocal cords yet willing to make noise for food.
"Some turtles and tortoises emit tiny squeaks, grunts, and sighs when they're eating. These noises are indicative of the turtle's excitement!"
The links below if you're interested
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yourlocalartsonist · 1 year
Headcanon I came up with based on a real interaction
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So we all know how Donnie mispronounces words right? What if it started out as a double dog dare from Leo to go a day mispronouncing his fancy smart people words and Donnie just never stopped cuz he liked the way they sound :V
And yes this is the same person who inspired my other disaster twin interaction
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Would be funny if I made a silly lil rottmnt au of the brothers as seasons
Raph - Spring
Mikey - Summer
Donnie - Autumn/Fall
Leo - Winter
(maybe I'll post designs, but that's if I'll remember to learn how to draw them first LMAO)
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Another instance of I have too many fanfiction ideas. Very niche ones. Did anyone ever watch those Alvin and the chipmunk animated movies? They had ones with classic horror monsters, one with a werewolf. Theodore gets bitten by what he thinks is a dog and starts turning into a werewolf, acting like a jerk to his brothers and everyone else. They’ve only got a limited amount of time to try to turn him back and have to deal with him turning into a werepuppy at night. I feel like the idea could work out super well with Mikey.
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skylerskyhigh · 1 year
Music has given me an idea
You know the conflict potential in Rise? With the Hidden City and the Human World being completely seperate?
You know the potential where the turtles are stuck in the in between? Where they aren't liked or accepted in either world? Where the Human World would turn on them for being monsters? Where the Hidden City might get rid of the turtles because they pose a risk for the Hidden City?
What if both worlds tried to take the turtles and they both want to get rid of the turtles. The EPF for the Human World, and the Counsil of Heads for the Hidden City.
If neither world want the turtles, that's fine. They don't need the world. They only need each other. They only need their family.
If both worlds want to cut them down, they'll come back stronger.
If both worlds want to silence them, they'll scream louder.
If both worlds want to lock them away, they'll break free.
Both worlds will know why they should never cross the turtles. Why they should never make an enemy of them.
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solarartzz · 1 year
Hey you know those AUs where Raph still ended up killing Leo while Kraangified??? What about the after math. Think about it it's heart breaking but I need to indulge in the angst Raph's baby brother is dead and it's his fault and he is full of fucking rage and sadness and the fight against the Kraang ensues and Raph is standing alone against the kraang(dw Donnie managed to use his jetpacks to save Mikey), the ones who made him kill his brothers. He knows he isn't as witty as his brother but he knows what he has to do. He has the conversation with Casey but different as you would imagine When I get to the prison dimension, close the portal. What?! I-I can't, Raph. I can't let your brothers lose you. I can't lose you again Casey... Leo would be proud of you. So proud. Thank you for saving my family. And Raph begins to wrestle the kraang into the prison dimension, fighting with everythings he got even without his tonfa's. The portal closes behind him. Everyone is devastated, Mikey and Donnie just lost two brothers in the span of a few minutes while Raph gets the beating of his life from the kraang. Mikey still opens the portal with Donnie's help, and a little help from Leo from beyond death. They save Raph. Leo's gone but life will move on
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raphieartz · 1 year
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Phantom of the opera brain rot ideas
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random-lil-illing · 1 year
RotTMNT AU: ‘That’s My Service Turtle’
The (human) government legally registers mutants and yokais as animals, meaning they can't go to school. However, Donnie really wants to go to school.
(just as a note, in my au April often has panic attacks/mental breakdowns at school due to crowded spaces and such. Her mom got her a 504 plan but her teachers barely respect it. She also gets bullied a lot)
The solution?:
April registers Donnie as her 'Service Dog/Turtle' (bc in my au The Turts are part wolf) so that Donnie can go to school with her, which means she just drags Donnie around on a leash all day around school and just treats them like a service dog due to rules (Donnie has to sit on the floor/under her table all the time, y'know stuff like that). The government/school can't do anything to stop her because 1. Donnie is, by law, an animal and 2. Donnie faked documents to make it seem like he's a service dog. This benefits both April and Donnie because Don helps calm April down during panic attacks and such, and Donnie gets to go to school (technically)
Just a silly lil idea I had. If you plan to write a fanfic/make fanart for this etc. Please give credit and tag me/tell me!!
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mxalmighty · 9 months
Alm rambles about ROTTMNT stuff
So, uh, I don't want this one to end up in my bulk folder, lost forever... and it's ROTTMNT related so maybe someone here might like reading this unedited prattling about some ideas regarding the lost sisters mentioned for Rise. Below the cut is a mess of brainstorming that has zero editing or beta reading or any of that stuff, just take it.
This idea?? nonsensical musing??? also adds Renet and Beebop to the Rise Universe.
Venus and Jennika are both hatchlings at the time of their mutation, the same age as Michelangelo. The two missing sisters were mutated at the same time as their brothers but were unseen by Lou. They were presumed dead by Draxum and his staff after a search of the wreckage turned up nothing. Both were technically saved by Renet in the moment, but when they were left with a yokai foster family, Jennika snuck along with Renet and ended up along for adventures for a while. As a result, she's actually years younger than her siblings, just 15 vs Venus and Mikey's 18 when they reunite.
Map Turtle, Venus; This would be Big Mama's Henchman. Rescued as per the productive teams' reveals. Dark Green. Bog Turtle, Jennika; Rescued by Renet and raised as a time apprentice. Chooses to give it up when she finds the others. Yellow.
The boys find Venus first, as per their previous run ins with Big Mama and her staff. Venus honestly hates the implication that she has anything to do with them until on the fateful 'episode', she makes one mistake too many with Mama and gets the boot- which, with Mama of course means, sent into the Nexus as fodder or entertainment. Her mess up was probably due to the guys, and given that they're aware of there being some connection- perhaps not, it's still uncertain at this point- the guys originally return to try and make amends and help her get back on Mama's good side. They find her in the Nexus instead and cue dramatic rescue and mass destruction of Mama's property.
Venus initially resents everyone, especially Raph and Mikey who insist on trying to form a familial bond with her the moment Drax confirms she's one of the missing two- oh yeah and there were two others, not just the one, by the way, thanks for mentioning that off-hand like that, Drax. Leo and Venus get along like oil and water and loath each other's personalities for being so incredibly similar but opposite. Donnie, however, immediately becomes Vee's favorite, simply because of his emotional detachment and disinterest in such affairs. Donnie ends up being her first friend in the family and the two bond over overly complicated anime they have in common, cementing the friendship. Slowly, via this route, Venus opens up and earns her place in the family some time later by finally ending up on one of their 'missions'.
Venus is stoic and serious to a fault, but geeks out hard about anime and techno dj BeeBop (there he is!).
Jennika's bizarre. She's weird and wild and sort of just inserts herself when she finally appears with Renet. The whole point of Renet bringing Jenni there is to try and find Venus, who wants absolutely nothing to do with anything time-travel related because fuck that chaotic nonsense. This triggers a series of catastrophic events that the family and Renet work together to undo, fixing the timeline through the power of family and friendship!!!! and mystic powers and ninpo and also a time dilation sequencer that Donnie and Renet build together to actually fix everything when the rest of the family's shenanigans fail to do so in epic but predictable fashion.
In the end, Jennika chooses to stay behind, giving up her time lord shenanigans in favor of having her family back. She does so in classic Jenni fashion- by deciding without discussing it with anyone and happily inserting herself as if she never left, much to literally everybody's discomfort but Mikey who absolutely adores his baby sister and her big time chaotic energy. Leo also quickly takes a liking to Jenni and Raph has trouble not viewing and treating her like a baby for how young she is, both visibly and compared to her siblings.
Jennika ends up being a cartoon lover, referencing disney and pixar style media a lot and enjoying fantasy elements in particular- mostly because they remind her of her life as a time and dimension traveller. Jenni's knowledge and whimsy make her a sort of ex-machina for the family, though her rashness and gullibility often counter this usefulness.
Jenni uses a tanto (knife) and fukiya (blow darts) combo and tends to avoid direct combat. Her ninpo/mystic ability is speed / time manipulation, able to speed herself up relative to the world around her, making her knife work extra effective once fully trained.
Venus uses a set of Kama (sickles) with a bow as backup. Her ninpo duplicates her arrows and adds effects to them- such as explosive or ignition tips. Her preference is to not use her ninpo at all, as she struggles with it, having grown into a direct combat role all her life and while she's unmatched as an archer, she resents that this is her true specialty and rejects it for a long time- similarly to Donnie's rejection of Mystic powers in favor of tech, she rejects ranged combat in favor of direct melee.
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rainthenobody · 1 year
I’ve got another brain teaser for the TMNT fans out there.
Of course we have a… What if? Plenty of people want to think of what could happen if Leo wasn’t saved. How the gang responds to this pain. This loss.
Many of the fandom created AUs with each member being separated. Either individually or all 4.
But I bring you - What if Raph wasn’t saved? What if even with Leo humbled himself. Apologizing for all he had done. What if, Raph had truly fallen… What hope would they have then?
Each of the turtles have their own part to play in the team. (This will play in later. Promise ^^)
Mikey is the youngest. Being the youngest he finds it his obligation to keep the team together. He’s the reason his family ever sits down and talk. He allows them to communicate to one another their ailments. He’s often then one to help break up fights. Ergo Dr. delegate touch feels nothing. And Dr. feelings.
Leo is the face guy, creating strategy and bringing laughs. Much to the others displeasure. He showboats yes. But he also is the reason the team begins to shift and change. Allowing each of them to grow. After the movie, he helps to understand everyone. Trusting one another.
Donnie? Of course he’s the group’s resident genius. His low empathy giving him a sharper edge. Allowing to him to tell his brothers when they’ve (lack of a better word) fucked up. He’s not as empathetic as Mikey most days. But he still has some to a degree. Not only does he play his part in leveling the playing field. But he also provides his brothers with gadgets and gizmos. Anything that would be seen as helpful.
Now finally for Raph. Raphael is sturdy. As the oldest, he has to be. He (hypothetically) raised his brothers. In retaliation to that, he’s extremely protective and proud of them. Yes, he’s mother hen quite often. But it’s in good reason. These chaos children get themselves into so many situations and problems. That Raph being raph, wants to protect them from it. Mikey Leo and Donnie often use him as a shield, or a platform. This is because they feel safe with him. He is supposed to protect them.
So, I ask once more. What would happen when the foundation that helped to hold each one of them up, were to be lost.. Permanently. (Or until further notice. >;])
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shopoe · 2 years
A lot of times I find myself wanting to draw the Mad Dogs with conversations my family has had? Gives me ideas and more excuses to draw them 🤔
Ive had so many too but I can only remember one 😩 ima use this post to keep track of what conversations me and the fam have had uwu
I'll figure out who says what later but at least the first one is self explanatory
> publicly waiting in a restaurant for our to-go order. Oldest sibling and father figure arguing if birds sweat. Older brother and I sitting down drinking lemonade and swinging my legs.
O.S: *Google search* "birds don't have sweat glands and instead have evolved in a variety of other ways to keep cool, such as pantin-"
F.F: "NO 😏"
*everyone losing it*
>Oldest sibling playing fortnite
O.S: "FUCK they killed me!"
ME: *stops drawing* "find em. Kill em! RIP EM TO SHREDDS!! EAAAT THEEEEM!!!"
>oldest sibling and I giving each other scratchies
>coworker: *roles up plastic ball* "KOBY"
ME: *Ball hits my face* 😐
>older sibling and I giving each other scratchies. Sibling giving me head scratchies.
O.S: *says something idk what*
Me: who are you talking to- *whips my head around so their hand is cuffing my mouth*
O.S: *smacks my mouth* HA HA whoops sorry instinct 😶
Me: 😢
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yourlocalartsonist · 1 year
So random headcannon I thought of
If the turtles went to school I think Leo would be surprisingly good at tests. Homework I can see the boi struggling to focus on and I don’t think he’d study much either but in the show Leo’s shown to have a scary good memory, probably photographic memory. Since highschool tests are mostly just memorize and regurgitate, Leo would probably ace them since he could memorize things with ease
Also can someone teach me how to do bullet points on this app. I’m on my phone and struggling rn TT
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baskeigh-ball · 6 months
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i figured, if i was gonna get back into tumblr, i might as well do it by posting an entirely new thing that's unrelated to literally anything else i've been working on
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