gigglecoffin · 1 year
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{SULK} pt.2
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pintoras · 1 year
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Agathe Röstel (German, 1868-1926): Children (1887) (via Freeman's)
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oldsardens · 7 months
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Agathe Rostel - Childre
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sardens · 1 year
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Agathe Rostel - Childre
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roadiesrostel · 4 months
Discover the Ultimate One Day Picnic Resort Near Ahmedabad with Price
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Get More Information Visit The Official Site: Roadies Rostel 
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pmryuu · 1 year
Limbus OC with other identities
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Mei ( owner Cindy Mei Mezu https://twitter.com/CindyMeiMezu/status/1566804842001346560 )
Roland/Cerberus ( owner Maruma Gozu https://twitter.com/FAmaruma/status/1565235535290871808 )
Campanella ( owner Rostelle https://twitter.com/ArtRostelle/status/1599468908050010112 )
and ofc Collie by me-
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444names · 1 year
game of thrones cast and characters + quenya names
Aemor Alandi Alantë Alaur Alcolië Alemno Aling Allenda Alquer Amanes Amani Amantë Amarn Ambal Anareft Andick Andose Andómë Araquan Arelmon Arerva Artilië Astir Astondi Atared Atarn Atyald Atyed Balim Baren Bellan Beritan Biancë Björn Boongs Brago Brelped Brong Bryar Bryons Caren Caris Casta Chady Chirds Chuky Clessë Clitia Coldans Correi Crahl Creen Creson Crown Danári Danáric Daranru Darómë Davan Depvand Dessë Dests Diccarë Dogam Dohnnus Donds Dords Dosts Duinórë Duiry Eagen Eassë Echor Eldandú Eldinta Eldowil Eleen Elemon Elessed Elfhe Elron Elrow Elyar Ememo Emesuss Emurn Entarë Envari Enviely Ereler Eruced Erules Erunga Eruse Evian Evincë Exantë Eyrië Eäred Eären Eäres Facard Faird Faire Faisard Faitt Falimo Fallov Fatan Fistië Fithu Fitirë Floduru Foaker Folan Foldil Foldo Folisto Forcam Formane Fornica Foron Fouted Fraca Freep Gabian Gattler Ghitya Gille Gindë Gloren Grassë Guenwer Haiser Hanórië Harmo Hassa Haught Hawom Heccur Herne Herrian Hiddan Hingin Hingwë Hinwë Hizanda Hizar Holes Holie Hostar Hought Hrerong Hrikow Hrívë Hrívëa Hróla Hröany Hughts Hyanótë Hyards Hyarin Iandóna Illiny Ilques Inaros Incedil Inyar Inórion Irienna Irmen Irreama Issons Isten Iwario Izemma Jaifer Jamair Jamitë Jaqener Joffri Johel Johity Jords Kaege Kamer Karen Karia Karida Keenel Keight Kinga Kinil Knore Krion Laimen Lalco Lamer Landë Laneht Larin Lashiel Lassë Leari Leata Lemel Lennu Leong Liancil Liarno Linnónë Loake Lobley Loccil Lorin Losking Loven Lovent Lovern Lucáno Luine Luitt Lukur Láman Lúnië Maditi Maiarme Maindór Mairi Malacil Malisto Mando Mandron Manestë Mantë Marders Maried Marley Massë Matissë McGrelk McIng McKeve Meldo Meltobb Mendor Milótë Minar Minel Minvar Minwa Minónë Mirei Mirróna Mismé Morean Morga Morildë Morman Moron Mortar Moton Msang Munce Myrinwë Míron Nafiner Nahan Naicong Nairind Naitë Namake Narryn Nersaan Nessë Neweng Ninwë Nnollad Nobor Noiden Noldar Nomern Nordel Normere Nornë Nottert Náris Návalië Nísina Nólal Nórich O'Hem Ofter Olwak Ondor Ondëa Onelórë Onnië Onórë Onótil Ormais Ormen Orolya Oroome Palloz Pattria Perindo Petward Piend Pitarró Plari Poomen Pornel Power Powers Pracen Queed Rallaur Ralmë Raman Ramba Rasta Rayner Razer Reaugh Repko Rethers Ricko Rompsi Rosma Rosse Rostedi Rostel Rostes Rómena Rómir Rúata Salall Salto Sanick Secon Secup Sefulë Selson Sephi Sielder Sight Silië Silvë Silyvar Skredge Slamani Snothan Sonsil Sophil Sougemo Sougeri Soundë Soungo Spanwë Spion Spionya Stalm Stard Steleed Stersi Stert Stevar Stobett Subley Sworyar Súlíus Tambë Tarahad Tarto Tarumba Tarvan Tater Taudge Teemo Telexar Telma Telórë Terisa Thaper Thers Thoot Thría Tighta Tildórë Toldórë Toment Topper Tords Treigha Tulives Tumar Tumor Turëa Tárim Túnanwë Túrëa Umbarro Umbars Ungolle Urulig Valarta Valda Valko Vallis Valminë Vantor Varing Vauritë Vildor Vindild Vinna Visaar Vismo Vlast Vorsted Vëars Wariam Weamant Wellónë Werie Wilia Wilwë Wlantan Worria Wunata Wylacto Wylan Wylar Wymarn Yohene Yulexar Yénon Írimo Íriárë Ñolover Ñoste Ósaronn Ṃbard
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humangods · 2 years
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CHARACTERS: Alexis Caine, Erika Rostel
You send everyone else running around in a maze of your design, getting lost in the twists and turns, long enough for you to change the end result before they realize what you’re doing. For a gamble that would cost you everything the reward is nothing.
The two of them sit there in mostly silence except for the occasional sound of shuffling paper. Alexis is perched on the edge of her couch hunched over like a giant letter C as she pores over the papers that completely conceal the glass surface of the coffee table. Erika sits, one leg folded under the other, on the armchair beside her angled to face the coffee table as well. They both know it’d be more practical to be seated at the dinner table, but neither of them are willing to move now that they’re situated where they are.
Erika's shoulders slump as she exhales her exhaustion from a sleepless night of scanning through photos and documents of recorded conversations and dredged up tidbits of information. Her arms raise in a stretch and her joints protest from the movement after too long of inaction with a loud pop.
Alexis glances up, but it's only for a second as her eyes drop back down to the content of the folder in her hands. She shifts in her seat, her own body starting to ache upon being reminded from Erika that it too hasn't moved in some time. "You should get some rest."
Erika only stares back at her in silence. Alexis seems much smaller when she's nearly folded in on herself in such a spacious room. It makes her appear out of place. Her eyes drift from Alexis to the bare walls. She remembered inquiring about it once. I don't know what to put there, was what she'd gotten in response. Decoration never did seem to be something Alexis cared much for. It makes her house feel more sterile, emptier, less lived in. Erika wonders how Alexis can ever feel comfortable here, but when she spends most of her time at the morgue perhaps it doesn't matter so much.
Her stare gravitates back to Alexis who hasn't so much as moved an inch in the silent minutes that stretched between them. She observes the crinkle in Alexis' brow from concentration and thought, the way her eyes squint slightly probably because the words are swimming on the pages in a tight grip. The only lifeline she has to clinging onto consciousness.
"You're staring."
Her attention snaps to Alexis who watches with careful attention. Rather, as careful as she can be with fatigue dulling the usual sharpness of her blue-grey eyes.
The corners of her eyes, half-lidded from fighting off sleep for too long, crinkle as she offers a soft smile in response.
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Irritation makes her skin prickle and she squints back waiting for a verbal reply that doesn't come. She can see in the way Erika analyses her that she's thinking something and Alexis grits her teeth. There are few things that Alexis truly hates, but being stared like some kind of test subject or under surveillance is one such thing.
"What?" She growls. She doesn't mean to be so harsh, but frustration from the lack of leaping bounds in progress is getting to her. That and the tiredness she won't admit to.
There's no apology other than the sound of her weary exhale through her nose accompanied by a slow blink as she shifts her focus to an invisible point beside her friend then back to her. The only acknowledgement that snapping at the very person who's helping her was out of line. Alexis is grateful that Erika has known her -- and stuck around -- long enough to know how to interpret this.
Erika shakes her head and locks of radiant, sunlight blonde hair comes loose from behind her ear and frames half her face. The smile fades and the corners of her mouth pull downwards in a frown.
"Why do you keep doing this?"
There's a pause and Alexis averts her gaze back to the documents gripped in her hand, but she can't make sense of the words while she still feels Erika's judgement upon her. It's crushing, her lungs collapsing beneath cracking ribs the more she turns the answer over in her head. But she makes no indication of how much the question bothers her. She knows what Erika is asking, but is stalling with a huff and a lazy half-shrug.
"Why do you go through all this trouble for people that don't realize how taxing it is on you? For people you don't even know?"
Her jaw clenches and aches. The papers in her hand are discarded with a toss onto the low table and she pinches the bridge of her nose.
They've had this conversation once before, but it never went anywhere. I don't know was how Alexis answered and Erika dropped the matter, but just as she forces her mouth to work around the sentence Erika cuts her off.
"Do you understand what you risk? Every time, too, with nothing to gain in return. And if you fail then what?"
The words I can't protect you are cut off the way Erika's jaw snaps such like a guillotine, trapped behind her lips, and swallowed down to be lodged in her throat. Alexis will never know this.
“It’s not a precarious situation if I know what I’m doing to not get caught,” she retorts with a scoff. “I’m not looking to get anything out of this.”
Other than being right, and being right changing the course of the entire case. She doesn’t verbalize this and surely that must be a known fact. The end result is more of a bonus, being correct is what matters most.
Erika says nothing, but the silence carries more weight of her vexation and pressure to elaborate than any words would have instead.
"I’m risking everything,” she mutters under her breath. Hushed, under her breath, almost unwilling to make that admission aloud too clearly. Loud enough and she won’t be able to turn a blind eye to it, but if she whispers it then there’s still a way to feign ignorance to this fact. It’s fallible logic, Alexis knows this, but she’s willing to let it slide.
She stiffens. “Then I fail," Alexis hisses and her lips curl back to reveal teeth.
Alexis never thinks of this outcome. She refuses to believe it a possibility when so much is on the line, not only for herself but for the person she knows to be innocent of the crime they're charged for and whose life will be left in ruin if she does nothing to try and stop it from happening. Even when it means bending the law. Even when it means she could indeed lose her career which is everything to her and all she has, and her reputation although it holds little value to her anyway.
"Should I not bother to try and work against a broken system then at all?"
Erika shakes her head again, but this time she pushes her hair back as it sways with the movement. "That's not what I'm saying. Why do you do this?"
"If you don't want to be dragged into this and fill the role of their lawyer anymore you don't have to. You can walk away from this and no one will ever know of your involvement. I’ll make sure of it." Alexis rakes a hand through her hair. Her patience is fraying. "You're dodging the question. You already know I don't mind it."
She doesn't, actually, and oftentimes when Alexis is alone she'll rattle the question in her head as to whether that's true or not.
Her frown deepens, her arms cross against her chest. "I already told you once, I don't know."
Though Erika says nothing, the tense silence she lets hang between them and the piercing glare are a defiant reply in itself that Alexis knows she ignoring her isn't going to produce any satisfactory results.
"Because." She adjusts herself in her seat and refuses to meet Erika's eye. Her fingers curl into a clenched fist beneath tightly folded arms. "Because if I don't then what's the point in having a justice system in place at all? It's already corrupted to favor the rich and powerful and ensure those who have neither suffer to consequences to the fullest extent. The people I do this for, you know as well as I do that they're not guilty of the crimes they're being charged for. You also must know that they're not in a position or going to be given the opportunity to be able to fight for themselves, not really. I can't help every one of those people, I have to pick and choose which cases I twist in their favor and let the others go, but does that mean I shouldn't make any effort at all?"
Alexis readjusts her position again and Erika remains still, waiting for more. She indulges with a heavy sigh.
"Yes, I chose this profession for my own selfish reasons: I much prefer the company of the dead than the living, I don't have to behave a specific way or give scripted responses to them because they can't speak to me in the first place, and I have no expectations imposed upon me that I will either succeed or fail in meeting. I can't disappoint them in the way I do with the living. But I also can't participate in an iniquitous system without ever doing anything to work against it."
I can't be like my parents. Alexis scowls at the unspoken thought that nips at her heels both in wakefulness and in the brief moments of sleep when she allows it to herself. It threatens to swallow her whole if she so much as lets herself slip. "I know I don't have the moral high ground here." That fell out from beneath her years ago. "But..." Her voice trails off and is followed by a groan of vexation at her own inability to articulate her thoughts any better.
"I don't know. I do it because I just do. I do fear the possibility of-" She falters at the next word. It's her most loathed one. "Failure," she spits out the word like it's something poisonous and burning the inside of her mouth. "But not what comes after. I'm fine gambling everything."
It's the most Erika has gotten her to admit to and she gives a single nod of her head in acknowledgement, but Alexis can see from the way Erika's mouth twitches around the shape of silent words that there's more to come. This is the last she's willing to tolerate.
"What will you do if you can't force the outcome you want?"
"You mean other than being arrested and losing the ability to ever work as a medical examiner, or much of anything, ever again?" There's a hollowness in her terse bark of laughter. Her shoulders rise in another shrug. "Who knows, but I'll be fine."
That's always her answer when she doesn't have a more sufficient one. I'll be fine. I'm fine. It will be fine. A few succinct replies she rotates through.
The quiet stretches between them until finally Erika breaks into a smile that’s somewhere between fondness and disappointment and wistfulness.
"You’re not the terrible person you think you are. You’re too willing to be self-sacrificing and go out of your way for others.”
The words sting her and she flinches. It feels wrong to consider that a correct assessment of her character. It’s not, it can’t be. She knows where she’s come from, the people she was surrounded by, and though it wasn’t by choice there was still nothing good about it. Her family’s rot has already seeped into her and the corrosion can’t be stopped. This, Alexis is absolutely sure of.
“I'm going to get some sleep then."
Alexis nods and the two speak nothing more of this again.
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royallyjoon · 4 years
cursed stars
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cred for the gif goes to whoever made it! 🤍
fairy au, royalty au
yandere! jung hoseok x f! reader (wind chimes: part II of II) 
warnings: yandere themes, delusions of grandeur, violent behavior, and manipulation
once hoseok “successfully” claimed you as his queen, you are introduced to a tedious life as the princess of Wysteria: etiquette lessons in the morning  with a testy crone of a duchess and tea at noon with His Highness himself. a new guest comes to the palace, introducing himself as an old friend of the prince’s. despite all your thoughts of returning home, your beloved knows there’s no force on Earth strong enough to rival his love for possessing you.
(a/n): hello everyone~~ all i can say is: wow!! thanks again for all the love, and for being patient with me and waiting for the next and final installment of this series haha. i have a lot more works in the drafts; please look forward to them as well** this one’s a bit of a long one; hope you enjoy! may we all bow in the final presence of the prince and princess~  :) love, ati
“The Fae of Wysteria are a majestic race, coming in all shapes, sizes, and colors. However, a distinct aspect of our people stems from our heritage—we are pure-blooded, descending from the Heavenly Crowned King and Queen, Rostel and Elisia. The information we have about their descending to Earth is mostly written in memoirs from scribes who happened to be alive at the time. The records vary in terms of what they were doing that day and where they were in Wysteria but two significant details remain consistent: One, the heavens opened and through the clouds, one could see a vast sky of night alit with stars. Two, the Heavenly Royalty flew through the clouds to descend upon our humble abode and bless us with their presence.”
You placed your elbow on the mahogany desk before which you sat, planting your head in your hands. Usually, you did not mind history lessons but the way the Duchess droned on you felt your head nodding back and forth, almost dropping on the desk multiple times.
“Our Heavenly Crowned rulers blessed certain fairies with their powers and decreed that every eight centuries, a new fairy be born with iridescent wings, for that child was to be our new ruler. Those meant to serve in that child’s palace would be born the same year with silver wings and would reside by their side until the end of the eight hundred years. We have carried on with this tradition for--(Y/N)!”
There was a harsh smack on the table in front of you and you jumped up to witness the Duchess with her pale hand on the desk. She glared at you and you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “Yes, Duchess Roxia, I was listening. Iridescent wings for the next ruler, silver wings for the servants, they rule and live in the palace for a century.”
The crone sneered. “Eight centuries, (Y/N). Eight. Never will I understand why His Highness is wasting his time with the likes of you.” She slid her hand from the desk, nails itching to scratch the polished surface. 
“In the past, I was hired to teach only the proudest of fae this generation has seen. When His Highness summoned me, I thought to myself, ‘This! This is what I’ve been waiting centuries for! To be welcomed back into the palace, to teach only the highest of fae kind! To bring honor to my family’s disgraced legacy!’ Only to find out he brought me here to educate his human plaything.”
You suffered this kind of verbal abuse on a daily basis. She would belittle and insult you to her heart’s content, then mercilessly quiz you on the material she’s taught during the hour and fifteen-minute lecture. Most of the time, you barely passed. 
“Of course, I could be out in the world doing better things with my life, but who am I to refuse a request from His Highness?” She sighs, the noise heavy and more similar to a grunt than a dispel of air.
“That is why it is my personal goal to make you the best crown princess Wysteria has seen. Politics, history, etiquette--you will know it all in three months’ time for the coronation. His Highness will be so enamored with my skill, perhaps he’ll keep me in the palace to teach the next Crown Prince or Princess! Oh, the honor!” She gazed out the window, the nicest expression you’ve ever seen written all over her face. 
And it was excitement at the thought of her selfish opportunity.
You glanced at the clock and shut your dusty textbooks. “Yes, well, thanks so much for the lesson, Duchess. But class is over and I have to meet with His Highness in about fifteen minutes. Have a good day.” You bowed to her and scrambled out the classroom with your head ducked down. 
“Lift your head, (Y/N)! Walk like royalty!” She snapped as the grand doors of the library shut.
You strolled through the corridor with Olivia in tow, taking your time to smell the flowers and feel the breeze. It was almost always sunny here now that Hoseok had you where he wanted you.
You had the finest jewels, the prettiest gowns, and the most handsome man in the kingdom laid down in front of you, yet all you wanted to do was get away from here.
He hadn’t harmed you since that awful night on the balcony, but he was in no way hesitant to do it again. You could sense it in every icy gaze he sent your way when he felt you were “misbehaving”.
The heels of your sandals clacked against the floors and you turned into the palace’s garden. Alit with soft, colored lanterns the smells from the flower petals hit you all at once. It took you back to the day you sat in that field and performed the summoning Etha so desperately wanted.
Etha...you had had no way to contact the mortal world since your capture. Hoseok had provided no comforting thought towards your friend. He simply assured you that she would be fine but she had no place here, as she was “but a mortal, and you are so much more.” 
A likely story.
His wings were the first thing to catch your eye, gleaming and reflecting their multitude of colors when they met the sun. At the sound of your footsteps, he rose and approached you with a smile.
“Good morning, my dear. How were your classes?” He took your arm, leading you to the chair opposite his at the table. Olivia gently pulled your books from your arms and bowed, exiting without a word.
He pulled the chair out as you smoothed your dress out and sat. “They went as they always do...Duchess Roxia talked about the characteristics of a ruler and their servants and the length of their reign.”
Hoseok took his place and clapped his hands. Immediately, two fairies were setting tea, cups, and delicacies onto the table.
“Ah, our Regal Doctrine. She’s already managed to teach you that much, eh? Perhaps she is worth keeping around.”
You internally rolled your eyes. Had Hoseok known how Duchess Roxia was treating you, she would probably be halfway home by now.
As awful as the crone was, she was your only excuse for spending less time with the Prince. You would pick classes over emotional and psychological torture every day.
The table had grown eerily silent. You looked up to find Hoseok looking at you, seemingly waiting for something.
“Duchess Roxia informed me she taught you table etiquette during last Friday’s lesson.”
“Oh.” You shifted uncomfortably, trying to recall the exact steps.
“I’ll give you a hint,” Hoseok leaned forwards on the table, resting his head on his palm, “it begins with how you pour the tea.”
You nodded and slowly stood up, walking over to the teapot. The Duchess had said to grasp it so that when you pour, the top would not come out of place.
“A princess must always pour the tea for her prince and any visiting guests. It is crucial in demonstrating good table manners to all.”
You picked up the teapot gently, feeling Hoseok watch your every move. “The right hand to hold, the left to stop,” you murmured to yourself.
Once you felt your hands were in the correct position you held the pot an adequate height over the teacup—not too high, not too low—and began to pour. The tea did not splash around in the cup, rather it settled very gently and you waited until it rose to just a little before the rim. Then you placed the pot down, somewhat proud of yourself. “Sugar?”
Hoseok leaned back in his seat, a grin breaking out on his face. He clapped. “Wonderful! You did it perfectly, darling. I’ll take two lumps of sugar, please.”
You grabbed the lumps with a spoon and dropped them in his cup.
“You’re doing an excellent job so far, darling. You’ll be the perfect Princess of Wysteria in no time.” He continued smiling, despite the growing chill in the air.
“When I see you doing so well in your classes, it reinforces my hopes for you.” Your wrist froze, the lumps only partly dissolved. Hoseok pried the spoon from your fingers, taking your hand in his. “To think you thought you’d be anything but mine.”
The wind chimes sounding from the city hadn’t been so loud a moment before, but now they were deafening. The wind whipped your hair and dress around as you gazed down angrily, yet terrified at Hoseok. He met your gaze, doing nothing but pressing his soft lips against your hand.
And all at once, there was silence once more.
“You must forgive me, (Y/N). Every time I think back to that night, I get a little...angry.” His brown eyes were practically glowing once more, switching back and forth between dark and purple irises.
You pulled your hand from his grasp and promptly sat away from him. Hoseok continued spinning the spoon in the tea, dissolving the rest of the sugar.
“I have exciting news.” he continued. “A dear friend of mine is coming to visit in time for our coronation.”
You tilted your head curiously. “Friend?” You weren’t aware that Hoseok communed with people outside of the palace that often.
“Yes, an older friend from my childhood. He and I are extremely close and he wished to visit to see me become King before he commences travel once more.”
“Oh.” You sat, sampling the delicacies at the table. “...If you’re inviting a friend, would I be able to invite Etha for the corona-”
The wind picked up again. You heard the sound of metal slicing through the air and a knife from Hoseok’s side of the table landed inches, no, centimeters, away from your hand.
You stopped short. “Never mind,” you whispered.
Hoseok glared at the table, purple eyes fierce and gleaming. “Perhaps it is time for you to go back to your lessons, (Y/N).”
Olivia appeared at the doorway and you raced towards her, forgetting proper table manners to bow towards the prince once you exit.
For some reason, you felt the need to burst into tears.
“He can bring whatever friends he wishes to, of course, yet I ask him to bring the only friend I’ve ever mentioned to him, who he knows of, and all of a sudden it’s a problem.” Soon after you left the garden, your fear and sadness dissipated into growing anger. You practically stomped down the hallway towards the room you occupied since your arrival. “He’s being hypocritical, again.”
“He may do whatever he wishes, Your Highness. He is the Prince.” Olivia mutters back to you. “If he feels as though he does not want any human presence tainting the purity of his coronation, he may ban their presence altogether.”
“Then why am I allowed there, Olivia?” You held your anger at bay, yet your lips twitched into a perceptible sneer. “Unless you have forgotten, I’m human. I don’t belong here as much as Etha-”
You doubled back in surprise as Olivia’s eyes widened and she threw herself at your feet. “Forgive me, Your Highness!” She cried out, head bowed to the floor. 
“What are you doing?” You knelt beside her and tried to pull her up but her hands stuck to your ankles with a deadly grasp. 
“Please forgive me!”
“For what?” You were exasperated at this point, but more worried. Olivia never did anything wrong; of all your handmaidens she was the strictest.
“I have wronged her Highness by insinuating an impurity with her birth! I beg of you, please!”
You kneeled in silence for a moment. With a heavy sigh, you stood. “You’re the last person to say something cruel on purpose, Olivia. You only spoke the truth. You’re forgiven; will you please stand up now?”
She pulled herself to her feet, her blue dress crumpled from the floors. To your shock, tears streamed down her face.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, gripping her by the arms.
She shook her head. “It’s nothing of importance, Your Highness. I thank you for your grace and mercy.” She curtsied, knees almost touching the floor. 
You looked around, trying to see if there were any onlookers. When your eyes found nothing, you hurriedly walked towards your room, pulling Olivia along with you.
Hoseok frowned from his column perch. The maid was a good one--too good to let go. 
But he couldn’t let her go unpunished for insulting his future Queen.
The prince smirked, flying away silently.
Olivia’s curious behavior quit after that day. It was the biggest display of emotion you had ever witnessed from her. Rattling, to say the least. 
Two weeks went by uneventfully. All too soon, you were sitting in the library as Duchess Roxia went over the history of fae and human relations.
“Humans have attempted to contact the fae realm for centuries now, and only a few have succeeded. None to your extent, of course,” she sneered sarcastically.
“They blunder about in the forest searching for fields and lakes, trying to find a place with the right amount of ‘energy’,” the Duchess laughed and it sparked annoyance in you. “The pitiful things actually believe they have control over who they summon and where.”
Her mockery of the ritual that made you end up here, that currently has you trapped under the thumb of a purple and black-haired prince, made a new level of anger arise within you. You slammed your book on the desk and began putting away your “notes”.
 “Any fairy who attempted to make contact first spelled destruction for Wys- (Y/N), where do you think you are going?”
“I’m leaving,” you snapped. “Perhaps I’ll return when I feel as though I’m being taught useful information and not racist sentiments from some bigot.”
You tucked the books into the corner of your arm and marched towards the door. Duchess Roxia’s heels clacked on the floor quickly behind you and before you could say another word, she wrapped her wrinkly fingers around your wrist, spinning you around.
The sound of your books crashing to the floor echoed in the library, but not as loudly as the crack of her hand against your cheek.
“You insufferable little bug,” she seethed. “I am not finished with my lesson, therefore you will be going nowhere. Pick up your books and take your seat, unless I must spell you to remain seated from now on.”
The flush of anger sat deep within your chest now and you threw her hands off of you. “Try me, bitch.” You resisted the urge to spit on her face and continued to head out of the library.
There was the sound of the Duchess sighing behind you but you paid no mind. Until, that is, you felt little sparks running through your hands and feet. 
“I’m sure His Highness would not be pleased to hear of your insubordination...no worries. I will punish you in his place.” You felt yourself turn around, once again not of your own volition, to face the witch. She had both arms outstretched, wrinkly hands controlling your every movement.
The next moment, you felt like there was electricity convulsing through every inch of your being. It was painful, yes, but you were not allowed to scream or call out for help.
She had you at her whim.
About five minutes later, Duchess Roxia released her hold on you. Your body dropped to the floor, fingers still twitching unknowingly.
“Need I repeat myself, (Y/N)?” She cackled. “Books. Seat. Now.”
There was nothing you could do. You picked the textbooks up off the floor, stumbling a bit, and then slammed them back on the table. She scoffed at your helplessness, lecture continuing without a hiccup.
Your cheek burned. Your entire body ached.
When the lesson did end some thirty minutes later, you waited for her to leave the library first. Olivia passed by her as she exited before gasping at your condition.
“Your Highness!” She collected your books and tried to make you rise, but you were glued to the seat. Not by spelling, as if you’d let that witch’s magic get anywhere near you twice, but by your own indignation.
The handmaiden finally managed to make you rise and helped you to your room.
Upon entering, Raina, Eliza, and Kyla gasped, leaving their cleaning to crowd around you and ask what happened. 
“Duchess Roxia slapped me,” you revealed as you placed enough foundation on your face to cover the mark. “Then she used her powers on me. I felt like I was being shocked in every part of my body.”
“How dare she lay her hands on the future queen!” Raina growled, her eyes glowing a bright hazel. “It’s high treason!”
Kyla nodded, cracking her knuckles. “We should go incapacitate her and drag her before the prince and princess to answer for her crimes.”
Those dear, four handmaidens. Your jailers who happened to be the people you have closest to friends.
You managed to earn their trust, and they managed to earn yours. They were only cruel to you when you decided to go against the prince’s wishes...which was in their best interest as they would be the ones he punished if you acted out.
“There’s no need,” you sighed, finishing up with the foundation. “In her mind, she was completely in the right. There’s no fae law that prohibits the use of magic on humans.”
Olivia sighed. “His Highness would be most displeased to find you like this,” She muttered.
“It’s none of his business,” you said. “I don’t need him to fight my battles for me. Especially not the ones he placed me in himself.”
“As you wish, Your Highness,” Eliza said, having a conversation through her eyes with Olivia that you couldn’t bear to translate at that moment.
As off-putting as your handmaidens were, they were the only ones you could freely talk to. At times, you found their presence and protectiveness comforting.
But it wasn’t as comforting as your home.
When you were finished, Olivia quickly led you back to the garden. The aftereffects of the shock were thankfully gone now; there would be nothing suspicious for the prince to question you about later on.
This time, Hoseok sat at the table with another man. He had a pale complexion for his skin tone, which was not too dark or too light. His hair was straight, hanging into his eyes. He, too, carried silver wings on his back, similar to those of your handmaiden’s, but slightly larger.
“(Y/N), my dear!” Hoseok gushed as you approached the table. Olivia took her place behind your chair as you curtsied to the prince and the guest. 
“Greetings, Your Highness.” You muttered.
Hoseok could sense something off with his love, but he knew wouldn’t be able to confront it at that moment, not with his guest here.
“This is Lord Yoongi, the friend I spoke to you about.”
The man, Yoongi, stood and bowed to you as you curtsied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. Hoseok has told me much about you.”
You rose, eyebrows shooting up a little when you heard him address the prince by his first name. “All good things, I hope.” you smiled. 
“Of course.” He flashed a closed-lip smile at you and Hoseok stood, pulling out your chair. You poured the tea for Hoseok and Yoongi just as you had the day before.
“Do you take sugar with your tea?” You asked, placing two lumps in Hoseok’s cup. As much as he tried to hide it, for whatever reason, he was beaming with pride. 
“Three, please.” The answer surprised you again, but you hid with a smile.
Who exactly was this man?
You gently placed the cup before him and took your seat. Hoseok moved his chair so that he sat in between you and Yoongi, forming a triangle at the round table. 
“I can’t quite explain how amazing it is to have two of my absolute favorite people meet,” Hoseok grinned. You couldn’t help but feel a little disgruntled: he was never this smiley around you.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. You’re a bundle of emotions,” Yoongi snorted, sipping at his drink. “How are the preparations going for the coronation?”
Hoseok grabbed your hand in his and placed it on his lap. “I’ve been covering most of the duties, as (Y/N) here catches up with her studies. How was your class today, darling?”
You could feel Olivia’s glare on the back of your head and your body shook in  reminder of your lessons. “It’s difficult, but what is education if not a challenge? I'm just really excited to be learning more about Wysteria’s history and culture.”
Yoongi nodded. “It isn’t easy at all, I commend you for your dedication. I know it may take a while to get used to, but I’m sure Wysteria can become a home for you just as much as it is for any other citizen.”
“That’s very kind of you to say...thank you.” You were taken aback by his kindness. All of your other encounters were racist or harmful, but Yoongi seemed to genuinely accept your presence here.
An attendant stepped closer and whispered something in Hoseok’s ear. His grip on your hand tightened but he let go to stand up. “I’m afraid there are some manners in the ballroom I must attend to. Please, feel free to chat amongst one another.”
Hoseok leaned down and you held your breath, praying he wouldn’t comment on the makeup. 
His lips went to your ear all of a sudden, and he whispered: “Every day could be like today, you know.”
Then his lips were on your cheek, and he was walking out with all the servants.
You stared after him curiously. What could that have possibly meant?
After Hoseok left, you shifted in your chair uncomfortably. Yoongi crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat.
“So...how long ago did he take you?”
Your eyes shot up. “Did he tell yo-I mean...” your voice faltered, unsure if you should even be asking the question. Were you supposed to refute the claim? 
“I know him like the back of my hand; he’s the only fairy powerful enough to bring a human into this realm. And as smiley as you are around him, I can tell you’re not here of your own accord. So when did you get taken?”
You paused. “A month ago,” you murmured. 
Yoongi hummed, looking at the lanterns and vines behind you. 
“He’s not a bad person,” he commented. “He’s always been a bit...off, but it didn’t show as much in his youth because he had so much energy and familial support.”
“How long have you known him?” You asked.
“Since childhood,” Yoongi said. “My parents used to attend his in the palace. When he, the new set of servant fairies, and I were born, my parents took to training them and I was a sort of babysitter. I must admit, I can understand what you’re going through. He was quite possessive of me in his youth shortly after he lost his parents. He clung to me all the time, really.”
A gummy smile broke out upon Yoongi’s face, and you felt your lips twitch in response. “Really? That’s...interesting.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent listening to Yoongi dispel stories about the young prince and their escapades in the palace. 
“The old king and queen always told me that they hoped I’d be a friend of Hoseok’s for life.” He mused, eyes clouding a bit. 
You paused at the sudden mention of his parents. “...Is it alright for me to ask what happened to them?”
Yoongi was quiet for a long while, and you were afraid you had overstepped your boundaries. Yet he began speaking a few moments later.
“It was an ambush,” he muttered.
Your head snapped up.
“On his birthday, Hoseok’s parents were holding a score of festivities to celebrate their seventieth reign together. I was still fairly young in fairy years, and Hoseok was even younger.” He continued.
“There was an insurrection in the palace...a group of commoners’ used the party as their opportunity to annihilate the royal family despite their divine right to hold the throne.” Yoongi held his teacup so firmly, the ceramic began to shake in his grasp. “Hoseok only survived because he and I immediately ran to hide with the servants. So many servants sacrificed themselves for us that night...
“They never discovered the person who let them into the palace. Commoners in Wysteria don’t have wings, you see. Only servants meant to be with the royals and the royals themselves possess the ability to fly.” Yoongi drifted off, lost in his thoughts. “I have my own suspicion about who it was, but I fear starting an investigation would cost Hoseok his current mental state.”
Never would you have guessed what the prince had gone through. “I could never imagine...thank you for telling me.” Nevertheless, you couldn’t help but wonder: did his response to the loss of his parents truly excuse his actions?
 Yoongi sighed. “They were truly great parents to him but taken too soon.” He lifted himself from the chair and walked over to you. “Shall we go find him in the ballroom?”
You stood. “Sounds like a great plan.” 
Olivia's eyes widened in glee at the sight of Yoongi. “Greetings, Lord Min. It’s wonderful to see you around the palace again.”
“As it is to see you, Olivia. I remember when you were still a toddler in the palace...time goes by all too soon.”
You smiled a little at the thought of Olivia as a toddler, learning etiquette.
The three of you walked out of the garden only to bump into none other than Duchess Roxia, lurking down the corridor.
Your breath hitched in your throat as her eyes passed right over you to land on Yoongi. “Why, if it isn’t the Lord of Tierny himself! A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Duchess Roxia, royal teacher of the future que-”
Yoongi pushed right by her and kept walking without a blink. “Come, (Y/N), we have to go find the prince.”
You stood behind in shock, watching as the Duchess whipped around in surprise. Olivia gave you a little shove forward and you walked briskly lest you be caught in the aftermath of her fury, again.
When you rounded the corner, there was nothing to stop you from cackling as loudly as possible. 
Hoseok had expected a lot of things from your arrival. The anger and the confusion were a given, but your desperation to leave was the one thing he could not wrap his head around.
He saw you as his queen from the moment you shook those wind chimes on the lakeside. How regal you looked, skin draped in moonlight and eyes alight with the stars. There was nothing left that the Earth could gift you with, thus he took it as his responsibility to give you all the niceties in life. Never again would he allow another creature to pollute your natural grace and kindness. 
The night he caught you on the balcony, oh how the strength of your sobs tore at his very core. He didn’t want his love to be unhappy; he brought you here because the two of you belonged together. Couldn’t you tell?
Of course, he never questioned your love for him. Why else would you have wished for him to take you on an adventure so sweetly, so openly? 
Sure, he may have lost his temper quite a few times but it was well within reason. 
The first time you two had met, when he saw you donned in his royal garments in the library that day, he thought you couldn’t be any more beautiful.
So when he saw you walking in with Yoongi, eyes scrunched up and mouth split open by a wide grin, he knew he’d been proven wrong. 
Your silk dress slid along the floor as you leaned back in laughter, arms wrapped around your soft frame. The light entered the room at just the perfect angle and Hoseok was able to witness the star greet your skin and light it up, like a parent with arms open to welcome their child home. He grinned softly. 
“My lord! That was--that was amazing!” The older man could not understand for the life of him what you found so funny. Little did he know that dismissal of Duchess Roxia made your entire week. 
“Hoseok-ah, come get your fiance.” The man groaned but chuckled, taken aback by the force of your laughter. 
You calmed yourself as you neared the center of the ballroom and the prince approached you “Care to tell me what’s so funny?” He asked amusedly.
You shook your head, smiling at the floor. “Duchess Roxia attempted to greet Lord Yoongi but in our haste to see you, he paid her no mind...she was left ever so crestfallen in the hallway,” snorts attempted to take over your words once more but suppressed the giggling.
Hoseok looked at his oldest friend in shock. “Hyung!”
Yoongi widened his eyes and spread his arms innocently. “I had places to go!”
As the two bickered, you took in Hoseok’s work, admiring the way the ballroom gleamed. There was no doubt about it, the event would be beautiful but you still were not positive that you wanted to be a part of it. 
“Every day could be like today.”
Is that what he’d meant? No cowering in fear from the anger of your supposed fiance, no disgusting teachers or challenging examinations? Just sunlight and laughter and friendship?
Don’t be ridiculous, you chastised yourself. You’re never going to stop longing for home, and Hoseok is never going to get over that. When Yoongi leaves, you’ll be transported from one tormentor to the next. 
There would be no end. There is no method to his madness.
But...perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad place to stay...
“(Y/N)?” Hoseok waved a hand in front of your face and you violently flinched away. The action caused both men to pause, gazing at you seriously.
“Are you alright?” Yoongi asked. His face showed no great emotion, but you could see the question that lay in his eyes.
You shook your head pointedly as if to say, No.
At least, not him.
“Yes, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts for a moment there.” You smiled assuredly at Hoseok, hands twisting the fabric of the silk dress you wore. 
“I thank you both for your company today. I’m afraid I don’t feel well and will have to retire to my room for the rest of the afternoon. It’s been a pleasure, really.” You curtsied to both men.
Olivia, never far behind you, curtsied even lower to the prince and his lordship and followed you quietly out the ballroom.
The sky darkened a bit as you left and Yoongi sighed. 
Clouds formed in the previously blue skies, a storm quickly changing the atmosphere of the room.
Later that evening, you lay in bed chatting with Raina and Kyla recounting the day’s events as Olivia sat by the window, listening. You didn’t have the energy to change out of the dress but all of that socializing exhausted you.
Eliza slipped into the room. “Your Highness, the prince is calling for you. He wishes for you to meet him on the balcony.”
You stopped mid-sentence. “What balcony?” You asked dumbly.
“The same balcony you found on your first night here,” Eliza replied calmly.
You stared at her for a few moments before flopping back onto your bed. “I’ll be out shortly,” you muttered, slipping on a simple pair of flats. 
Olivia made herself ready to stand up but Eliza waved her down. “He wishes to see Her Highness alone,” she said as she rearranged the sheets you were just laying on.
Raina and Kyla pouted, disappointed that they wouldn’t hear the rest of the story. They acted as if they were even younger than you despite being considerably older. They understood, however, that the wishes of the prince came first in every situation. 
Eliza chastised them for sitting around all day rather than completing their tasks. Olivia smiled, watching them all bicker from the windowsill.
You smiled at the chaotic scene before quietly closing the door, mentally preparing yourself to go back to the balcony.
You saw the prince before he heard you. Hoseok had his head laid in his arms, peering out at the city of Wysteria. You appeared beside him and he turned, smiling at you.
You found it hard to return.
“I hope you’ve enjoyed today, (Y/N). And your time here in general.” Hoseok began, straightening.
You raised your eyebrows. “You make it sound as if you’re letting me go,” 
His eyes flashed purple and he grinned. “Never. No, I said that because I have been reflecting upon my decisions as your prince, and I admit my actions may have been a bit...hasty.”
You snorted quietly and leaned on the railing. “That’s a bit of an understatement, Your Highness.” 
He stayed quiet. 
You walked to the end of the balcony and placed your arms along the wire rim, turning your head to his. “Yoongi told me about your parents...I’m sorry for your loss.”
He inhaled sharply, turning away from you for a moment. His dangling black coattails whipped around in the wind. “I didn’t want you to know about that,” he said.
You hummed. “Why not?”
“I want you to fear for nothing here,” he said, back still turned to you. “I simply wish to fulfill your dream, our dream of being together...I want you to be happy here. With me, and me alone.”
You stared at the back of his head, wishing you could read his mind. “You hurt me here,” you stated. “All I want to do is go home, but you keep me trapped-”
“That is for your own protection,” he cut you off. “You were behaving rashly by running around the palace. I know you’re a bit of a free spirit, love, but you shouldn’t act as though you want to leave me behind. I know you care for me as much as I care for you.”
You suppressed a groan of frustration. “Hoseok, I barely knew you when you brought me here. I still hardly know you.”
He took your hands, cupping them in his. “(Y/N), you’re the only one that knows the real me.”
Your expression twisted in confusion, but Hoseok was already changing the topic. 
“Nevertheless, I invited you here because I want to apologize for any of my behavior that may have been...off-putting.” He started, leaning his back against the rail.
Ah, yes. Because nearly stabbing my hand with telekinetic powers was simply off-putting.
“Our love is not meant to be like any other, yet we have stood the test of time. I cannot wait to place a crown on your head myself, to watch you become a great ruler to my people.”
You tore your arms off the iron gate of the balcony and stood before him, locking eyes. 
“You’re delusional,” you emphasized.
His eyes flashed purple but you were determined to stand your ground. “I have never seen nor spoken to you before that night on the riverbank.”
“But couldn’t you feel our connection?” He murmured. “I know you felt how powerful my presence was, how strong we were together. What else could it have been but a sign? Who else could have had the strength to summon me to your mortal realm and interact with me?”
“Somebody!” You cried. “Literally anybody!”
“But it was you, wasn’t it?” His voice got softer and softer, like a parent talking their toddler down from a tantrum. “You were the one to speak to me first.  You were the one to make contact first, and you were the one to shake the chimes. No one forced you to participate in the ritual...you must have been searching for something to come out of it.”
“I only did it for Etha!” you protested. 
Hoseok hummed and reached a hand up to pat your head. “I think you did it for yourself,” he concluded. “And I think the only option you have left is to accept your fate.”
His other arm crept around your back until he was hugging you. You tried to push him away, but your arms were trapped between the two of you.
“Our meeting, our love, our fates, they’re all written in the stars.” He rocked you gently side to side as he gazed up into the night sky. Where clouds once dominated, stars took their place and lit the balcony.
He let you go and stepped away, walking back inside the palace. Without looking back, he said, ““We’re going to have a beautiful life here, (Y/N). I suggest you get used to it very quickly. As I said before, I have no intention of letting you leave.”
You were left on the balcony with those cursed stars, regretting every decision you’d made in the past. 
With the news of that cruel reality, you trudged down the palace corridor back to your room, slipped under the sheets, and promptly fell asleep.
Olivia prided herself on her good work for the future King and Queen of Wysteria. Ever since she was little, she dreamed of working for Lord Min and His Highness to help preserve their beautiful land and beautiful country.
She was consistently the highest ranking fairy in her lessons; perfect posture, perfect demeanor. Everything about her was groomed to perfection.
When His Highness assigned her and her friends to the princess, she’d been ecstatic. Sure, she was a bit of a challenge in the beginning, but (Y/N) has improved from her initial hysterical behavior.
Olivia is proud to work for such a determined, self-aware mistress. If only she would put all of that anger and energy to escape towards her lessons and the kingdom’s future.
She knew her insult to Her Highnesses’ birth would not go unnoticed. Sooner or later, the prince would drag her before him and demand answers.
Olivia closed the door to your room with one hand, the other arm occupied by a basket of clothes. She had changed you out of your day gown, as she was sure you’d complain about it in the morning. As her sandals quietly clacked down the corridor, she saw shadows approaching her. 
Two royal guards stepped out of the darkness directly into her path. “Miss Olivia, His Highness requests your presence at his personal library immediately.”
Olivia’s breathing began to increase just slightly. She nodded and clung to the basket a little harder.
They led her to the dreaded library and she gulped, seeing only a sliver of moonlight from underneath the door. One of the guards checked her for weapons and the other took the basket, gently placing it on the floor. With a deep breath, she knocked twice and turned the handle.
“I have arrived at your request, Your Highness.” She curtsied, keeping her eyes glued to the carpet.
The library was dark but moving. In a moment, he appeared.
 “My dear, you know I value your service. You are of the most competent in your generation...I remember how my mother simply adored you and your friends...” 
The prince placed his hand around Olivia’s throat.
“...yet, you have insulted my queen. Your mistress.” He pressed a little tighter and Olivia gasped. “This cannot go unpunished. Do you have anything you wish to say for yourself?”
Olivia could barely get anything out. "Yes, Your Highness. I just want to thank you for your benevolence and generosity.”
He hummed. “Anything else?”
She felt that she shouldn’t, as her mistress felt sure she could handle it, but this was her life at stake. She broke. “Before Your Highness ends my pitiful life, I have something extremely important to tell you.”
The prince continued staring at her, pressing a little harder. “It’s..about..the princess...” Olivia tried to speak, but he had managed to squeeze all the oxygen out of her throat. 
Hoseok’s eyes narrowed the slightest and he released her. Olivia coughed, dropping to her knees.
“Go on.”
Olivia rubbed her neck. “Duchess Roxia is well-known for her knowledge on fae history, and although she has been teaching my mistress everything she needs to know, she has been expressing a variety of anti-human sentiments. She ridicules my mistress nearly every lesson, and for the past couple of weeks, has even ventured so far as to...” 
She faltered. 
“May I remind you that if you obstruct the truth, I will not hesitate to hang you from the gallows.” The prince’s words were as sharp as the knife slowly rising from his desk.
“Duchess Roxia has been physically abusing the princess. She slapped her when she tried to leave a lesson and subdued her with magic. She almost electrocuted my mistress.”
The prince’s eyes danced purple in fury. Olivia knew he was going to erupt, but before he did, she wanted to make sure she was in the clear.
“I’m afraid that’s not all about the Duchess, Your Highness...”
The next morning, you were shaken awake by your handmaidens. You tried to insist that you didn’t have classes and didn’t need to get up, but the grim look on their faces told you otherwise. 
Kyla and Raina did their best to keep appearances sunny, giving you breakfast while Olivia and Eliza chose your outfit. They bathed you and dressed you in a silk, royal purple gown. It wasn’t until the dress was on you that you realized it was the exact same shade Hoseok’s eyes turned when he was infuriated.
And for whatever reason, Olivia kept wincing and touching her neck. You tried to ask her if she was okay, or if she wanted a massage, but she turned you down, joking that she was supposed to be the one to offer you such services.
Once you were dressed, your handmaidens led you to the balcony. To your surprise, there was a palanquin resting there, adorned with swirls of black, gold, and silver, with multiple royal guardsmen outside. 
 Not a chime could be heard from below the palace. The city of Wysteria was silent, and it made you shiver.
“What’s going on?” You asked Raina, hoping she would spill. 
She shook her head and gestured towards the palanquin. “Please get in, Your Highness.” 
You gasped. “That thing? It’s tiny!”
After that comment, the expression you saw on Eliza’s face couldn’t have had you rushing to the palanquin sooner. You picked up your skirts and stuffed yourself inside, trying not to feel cramped. The guardsmen pulled the door down and you could feel them lift the palanquin up. 
You gasped, hand scrabbling against the wall. Your knuckle hit something sharp, and you pressed your fingers against a tiny knob. You slid the knob across the wall and it opened a window.
To your shock, you were being carried in midair. You could see Olivia and Eliza flying next to your side of the box, the swirls on their silver wings glistening in the sunlight.
If you peeked your head out a little further, you could see the borders of the city getting closer and closer.
So this is how people have to leave the palace, you noted.
You closed the window and stayed deathly still in the palanquin, afraid that the slightest motion would make you tip over.
About fifteen minutes later, the palanquin landed and the door opened. You hiked up your skirts, hoping the silk was not wrinkled. 
“My first time in the city...is this a gift from the prince or something?” You asked Olivia. Before she could respond, Eliza intervened once more. 
“This way, Your Highness. We are meant to go to the Wysterian Amphitheater.”
The handmaiden’s voice was even chillier than normal. You walked the streets of the city, head craning around the guards to get a view.
The city was gorgeous, filled with apartment buildings and shops. The blocks were lined with trees whose leaves had varying colors; some had red and orange, others had pink and purple, or silver.
 Every tree had a wind chime tied to its branch. They would have been tinkling wonderfully had there been a sort of breeze.
Yet there was no breeze. In fact, there were hardly any citizens, either. The shops were closed, and doors were shut everywhere. The city was empty. 
Everything remained deathly still.
You had so many questions, but you knew that you would get no answers, so you continued to keep quiet.
 Your party had been walking for quite a while when you all approached a large building in the center of the city. It reminded you of the government buildings in the capitol back home; all marble columns and golden plaques with sprawling greenery surrounding the entrance. The main difference is that, behind those doors, you could hear people cheering and yelling. Thus, you were heading into the belly of the amphitheater.
The handmaidens paused before the doors. Eliza gracefully spread her wings and flew upwards, disappearing over the walls of the building. 
“This is the first time the citizens of Wysteria shall see you, Your Highness.” Kyla whispered. “We know how amazing you are, but they do not yet.”
“Just hold your head high!” Raina added.
“Things are about to get ugly,” Olivia muttered.
Eliza returned, landing with both feet on the floor. She turned to you, brushing out your dress and fixing any stray hairs. When she felt satisfied with your appearance, she nodded at the guards.
Two of them stepped forward to open the doors of the amphitheater. You kept Kyla and Raina’s advice in mind, raising your head and squaring back your shoulders.
On the outside, you looked like someone important. Someone composed and dignified. Someone royal.
On the inside, however, you were resisting the urge to scream from nervousness.
As you passed through the doorway, you made yourself acquainted with the citizens of Wysteria. They were, quite literally, every shape, size, and color, just as the Duchess had told you only a few weeks ago.
They were beautiful.
You found yourself forgetting your instructions, looking around in wonder at the fae community. The cries you heard exploding from the arena silenced as your visage became clearer and clearer to the citizens. 
While the outside has resembled a sort of official government building, the inside was most similar to a sports arena back on Earth. There were seats, which the citizens filled, and then there was a separate section.
In the silence, you searched for Hoseok. Your eyes took their time, drinking in every sense they could interpret, before landing on the prince in a sort of skybox, set in the middle of the spectator’s part of the theater. 
The prince stood, and you could see his outfit was meant to match yours in that he wore an all black suit with a purple tie. His coattails still dragged on behind him and his highlights were shimmering in the light of day.
Hoseok unfurled his wings and you had to squint when they caught the light, blasting every color of the rainbow out at the audience.
Even with your eyes partly closed, they were probably the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. 
He didn’t land before you, no. He extended a hand to you as he floated above ground, waiting for you to take it.
“I’m afraid of heights,” you whispered.
Hoseok grinned and placed his hand in yours. In one fell spin, he had you wrapped in his arms, bridal style, as you let out a shriek.
The cheers erupted from the citizens, even louder than before, as Hoseok flew you to the Royals’ seating station. The guards disbanded and went to stand at their respective part of the stadium while Olivia, Eliza, Kyla, and Raina followed you and the prince.
You clung to Hoseok as the two of you flew. “So this is your idea of a first impression? Me cowering in front of the citizens?”
Hoseok smiled, but for some reason, the moment felt sinister. The earlier unease you sensed in front of the amphitheater returned full force. 
It wasn’t until the prince set you down in the skybox that you realized why. 
In the center of the stadium, Duchess Roxia stood on a raised wooden podium. Her usually stoic and professional appearance was in tatters, as she had nothing but a ripped nightgown on to face the crowd. Her dark hair curled down her shoulders. 
You gasped, looking to Hoseok and Yoongi for an explanation. “What’s happening...?”
Yoongi, already a man of few words, said nothing, as he gazed forward with no emotion. 
Hoseok held you like he did in the library that first day, arms around your waist with his chin tucked into your neck. “She’s receiving due punishment, my love. Long overdue, but just.” 
You were sure he meant for his words to be warm but his voice made you freeze out of fear, and you hadn’t even done anything wrong.
The prince held you like that for a few moments more before gently leading you to your seat. As you were placed between him and Yoongi, the situation dawned upon you.
When the prince sat down, a screen appeared, broadcasting the skybox to the citizens. It only showed Hoseok’s face, thank everything, as he motioned for them to quiet down. Then, he began to speak.
“Centuries ago, my parents ruled Wysteria with generosity, clarity, and grace in a manner which I am currently preparing to do so for you, my beloved subjects.” Hoseok spoke, the epitome of cool and composed.
“Nevertheless, as we all know, a rebellion that had been forming in the city chose to execute their diabolical plan to rid the land of its royalty.”
“This insurrection was carried out with the assistance of an insider from the palace...thus it was at the tender age of seventy years that I lost my parents, and so many children here in the city lost theirs as well.”
“While we as a nation have moved on from this horrid tragedy, I, as your prince, kept this traitorous act in mind for years. And along my journey...I fell in love.”
The fae cheered once more, and your face was broadcasted alongside Hoseok’s. You smiled a little, hoping it didn’t look too much like a cringe.
You sat as he spun your abduction into a fantastic tale of love, danger, and triumph. He claimed you were in a precarious situation back on Earth; surrounded by people who posed physical and emotional threats to your safety.
You had just managed to steal a wind chime, as well as directions for communication with other beings, and pledged yourself to Hoseok, who appeared underneath the moonlight on the riverbank, grabbed your hand, and saved you.
As you watched him spout utter lies, you found it harder and harder to smile, the false expression of joy slipping off your face. 
This must have been what he told himself in order to justify his actions.
What a pretty tale he’d woven.
And the fae were eating it out of his hand.
“I introduce to you, citizens of Wysteria, your future queen, (Y/N) (L/N)!”
The crowds clapped for you, shouting and chanting your name. Your face was being broadcasted all over the stadium, but you couldn’t even pretend to smile. 
“I fear my princess has not has it easy,” Hoseok continued and the audience hushed themselves, placing all of their attention on him once more.
 “Ever since her arrival, I hired our dear Duchess Roxia to instruct the princess on our history. (Y/N), completely unfamiliar with our ways, jumped into her lessons wholeheartedly and retained a lot of knowledge.”
“But while under my roof, in my kingdom, in my palace, Duchess Roxia had the gall to mistreat the princess.” The smile was completely gone from the prince’s face now. Warm, brown orbs turned purple and hardened, like gems. 
 “She abused her by constantly expressing anti-human sentiments and using illegal spells on her!”
The crowd roared in disapproval. Your stomach dropped and you whipped around to face Olivia. The handmaiden shrunk in shame. 
“I had no choice,” she mouthed.
“I brought my beloved into my home with the intentions of keeping her safe,” Hoseok growled, glaring at the pathetic figure of Duchess Roxia on the podium, “and someone thought she could harm my princess and get away with it.”
“Someone thought she would be above the law for the second time.”
“It was she, the very traitor I scoured the kingdom for, disrupting the peace once again. Threatening the safety and well-being of those that I care for, again.”
You looked at Yoongi, recalling his suspicions from the day before. The dismissal that had brought you so much joy...was because he suspected the Duchess of allowing the insurrection into the palace.
“When His Highness summoned me, I thought to myself, ‘This! This is what I’ve been waiting centuries for! To be welcomed back into the palace-’”
“Thus, it is today, for my parents’ honor, that I bring this criminal before you all to witness the capitol punishment she deserves.” He sat down once more, practically breathing in the violent energy the crowd was emitting.
“Execution.” Yoongi muttered.
You sat back in your seat, gazing at Hoseok’s side profile in shock. You had no idea whether she was guilty or not, but who were you to advocate for your abuser?
Stubborn. Clearly.
“Hoseok,” you murmured, barely audible beneath the crowd’s chanting, “I understand that she killed your parents, but murder? ...Why not imprisonment?”
The prince turned to you, purple irises glowing brightly in the shade of the skybox. “And let the maggot live thinking she can get away with her crimes? For not only touching what’s mine, but punishing you? Not in this century, my love. Nor the next.”
He leaned closer to whisper in your ear, “As a matter of fact, we will be having a very serious discussion about how you kept this from me once we return to the palace.”
You gulped, glaring at Olivia. She looked down in shame.
“The stars have spoken for us all, (Y/N).” He said. “You will not be leaving. They have decreed your fate.”
A manic grin spread across his face. He rose, unfurling his wings to fly out to the center of the arena. 
“The citizens have decided!” He yelled above their clamor. “And so have I.”
Hoseok didn’t even spare Duchess Roxia a glance as he lifted his little finger and flicked it, causing the duchess’ head to roll off her shoulders. 
You screamed, volume matching that of the faes, and buried your head into Yoongi’s shoulder as the citizens grew louder and louder. He and Olivia gently pat your back while your eyes were pried together, replaying the horrid image.
The Wysterian prince, eyes mad in victory, drunk off of the power that rolled in waves from the crowd’s cheers, bowed before his citizens. 
“My queen and I, after our coronation, will rule this country anew. Any threat against us shall meet the same fate as the duchess. I hope you will all walk forwards with us into an era of great prosperity, wealth, and glory!”
The duchess’ body collapsed to the floor of the wooden podium.
Shouts rang in your ears. You lifted your head from Yoongi’s shoulder. He, Eliza, and Olivia were nodding along with Hoseok’s energetic cries of rage.
The audience stamped their feet in carnal joy.
Kyla and Raina had stars in their eyes, glued to Hoseok’s visage.
And you knew all at once, without a doubt, that he had won.
And why wouldn’t he? After all, your fate was written in the stars.
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