#road to kingdom ep 1
biconickyoshi · 4 months
NAtLA first impressions (eps 1 & 2)
Here are my thoughts as someone who has been a superfan of the original series since 2007 (spoiler-free first, then spoilers below)!
Honestly, I'm feeling pretty middle of the road about this adaptation so far. I like a lot of the costuming, and some of the actors are good, while others have felt a bit lackluster. There's also some characterization choices I didn't like too much for certain characters (which I will get into in the spoiler sections below). The score is definitely not as good as the original series - I don't particularly like the new elements of the score, and when themes and motifs from the original score are used, I feel like they aren't used enough. The bending, while better than the 2010 version, still feels a bit fake and clunky, as do a lot of the special effects. There's also a problem with a reliance on exposition dialogue, moreso in the first ep than the second.
Now we'll get into the spoiler section. Don't read below this if you do not wanna be spoiled.
EP 1: "Aang"
What I liked:
Getting to see a bit more of the Air Nomads (which makes the genocide feel even more devastating)
The design of the Southern Air Temple felt very warm and inviting - I liked that there were lots of trees and whatnot
The added details about the Sozin purposefully allowing news of the war to be leaked to the Earth Kingdom to throw everyone off their trail of planning to attack the Air Nomads
Making the comet a special event for the Air Nomads, which brings them all together at the Southern Air Temple for Sozin's attack to happen
I like that Wolf Cove was actually called Wolf Cove (since it's never name dropped in the actual show)
Zuko and Iroh did a good job - I think Dallas is capturing Zuko's energy pretty well, and while Paul's Iroh feels a bit different than the OG, he's still doing a good job
What I was not so keen on:
Yep... I really didn't like that Aang didn't purposefully run away, and instead went to "clear his head" after Monk Gyatso told him he was the Avatar, fully intending to return before getting caught in the storm.
They really weren't kidding about removing Sokka's sexism. Instead of Aang being released bc of Katara's anger at this, they just happen upon the iceberg, and somehow while trying to waterbend their canoe closer she waterbends the iceberg open behind her??
Exposition dump from Gran Gran... and her basically just straight up telling Aang to his face "You're the last airbender! All your people are dead! And you're probably the Avatar too!" It all felt very wooden and definitely a bad change from how Aang realizes he's in the future in the OG series.
I had high hopes for a lot of the actors, and I hate to say it (especially considering Sokka's actor is likely not even indigenous at all), but Sokka has felt like the best actor so far. His lines come across a lot more naturally than Katara's and Aang's often do. Aang is alright, and of course looks and acts the part, but the way he speaks his lines sometimes feels too quick/unnatural. Sadly, I think Katara's acting has been the worst so far - in this episode I didn't see any of the emotion in her eyes that I felt like I should've been seeing. I will say I think she got a bit better in ep 2.
Aang, Katara, and Sokka just don't feel close. They never got time to go penguin sledding, to hang out with the village kids, etc. They still feel like strangers.
Speaking of, I guess Aang went out of the Avatar State by thinking about Gyatso? Again, that distance between him and the siblings (especially Katara) is glaring. Katara in general just seems to lack the spark she has in the OG.
EP 2: "Warriors"
What I liked:
Seeing the Fire Navy port - it felt very SEA-inspired, and that street food looked delicious lol.
Kyoshi Island being run by a woman (Suki's mom). Just makes more sense to me lol.
Suki - I looooved how they portrayed her as this kind of socially awkward character who wants to talk to Sokka but doesn't know how. It makes so much sense with her being isolated her whole life. I also felt like her and Sokka had quite a bit of chemistry.
The final Kyoshi battle was pretty cool
I kinda liked Zhao and Zuko both being at Kyoshi Island
Zuko's desperation to find Aang - he really felt like a kid to me in this ep with the acting choices Dallas made.
Strangely, I don't hate them nerfing the Avatar State a bit by making it to where Aang can only enter it when he's in an Avatar shrine. I didn't even realize it at first but the reason he goes into the Avatar State in the SAT is because Gyatso's skeleton was in Yangchen's shrine. I still prefer OG series Avatar State though.
I like that Kyoshi warns Aang with the vision about the Fire Nation's attack on the Northern Water Tribe. It gives him an incentive to get there faster instead of meandering.
What I was not so keen on:
Zhao seems to be a much less arrogant character here, at least outwardly. I know he was probably a bit cartoon villain-y in the OG series, but this dude just feels like another commander. Maybe that will change as I watch more. He's definitely conniving.
The goofy ass high beam lights from the Kyoshi statue's eyes
Kyoshi's characterization... This Kyoshi feels like the caricature all the casual fans perceive her to be (i.e. violence and strength are the best way, smite my enemies type of thing). I also didn't like how she just kept berating Aang for running away (which is weird that everyone keeps accusing him of this bc this version of Aang literally didn't even run away).
Aang is very driven to master the elements and defeat the Fire Lord in this version, which isn't necessarily a bad thing... But I feel like if anything, they could have at least kept it to where he ran away the night of the genocide, even if they didn't want to show him ignoring his responsibilities to go on adventures in the bulk of the show. A major part of Aang's character arc is him learning to accept his destiny and stop running/avoiding.
Once again, no Sokka sexism arc. This ep in the OG series was very important for him, but that's nonexistent here.
Once again, Katara's acting, while better than ep 1, feels like it's lacking emotion.
Overall, it's obviously better than the 2010 movie so far, and I enjoyed the eps to a degree, but there's still a lot of things that I wasn't super fond of. The changes that they seem to have made so far aren't too extreme yet, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing how far they end up deviating from the original show.
The whole time I was watching, I just couldn't stop thinking about how much better the original show is. I just kept missing the characters I knew and loved. Also, I still firmly believe this world and story truly works best in animation.
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inspiredwriterstory · 2 months
TopDragon, ep 1, pt 1.
Qibli: Hello everyone welcome to TopDragon! I'm Qibli!
Turtle: Hi, I'm Turtle.
Winter: Prince Winter.
Qibli: This is a new series where-
Winter: Where you'll watch two idiots and one dragon of class drive the stupidest cars known to Dragon.
Qibli: Winter we talked about this off set.
Winter: Yeah well you said I'd get five silver and I decided it's not worth it.
Turtle: Well before we fall down the rabbit hole of Winter and Qibli bickering like a married couple I'd like to say this cave is huge!
Qibli: Yeah! The producers wanted to start the series with A bang!
Turtle: About that who our are producers?
Qibli: Not quite sure to be honest.
Winter: I'm sorry, your not sure!?
Qibli: I didn't question it.
Winter: I am going to throw you in a frozen lake.
Qibli: Before that I'd like to answer an age old question, which kingdom makes the best cars? So the producers told us to pick our favorite cars from a specific kingdom and take them on the ultimate road trip from the sand kingdom, to the heart of the mud kingdom.
Winter: And I hated every moment of it.
Turtle: Roll the footage!
*Fade to black*
*Fade into footage of the vast sand kingdom.*
Qibli over the footage: The sand kingdom is a vast place to explore. A vast culture filled with history, Long, fast stretches of road....
*A loud engine roars by the camera as a blur.*
Qibli as a black Dodge Charger with a supercharger roars into view: And home of the Muscle car.
Qibli in the car: The 1970 Dodge Charger is an absolute legend. Powerful, looks good anywhere you put it, and most importantly- *Shifts gears and the engine revs* loud.
*The car flies past the Camera as it cuts to Qibli rolling through a town with tons of dragons. He rolls to a stop in a parking lot outside a restaurant. And gets out of the car.*
*Suddenly a clean, white R35 Gtr rolls up and pulls up next to the Charger. Winter then gets out with a look of shock on his face.*
Winter: What on the three moons?
Qibli: You like it?
Winter: Qibli as much as it fits you, the only thing worse you could have bought was a Mustang.
Qibli: You can't talk! You bought an R35.
Winter: A car of class while yours screams Red necks and mechanical problems.
*Qibli start bickering in the background while the camera begins cutting back and fourth showing tires passing by the camera hidden behind walls and market stalls*
Turtle in the inside: I think I'm lost.
*Cut to Qibli and Winter with looks of shock on their faces*
Winter: No way.
Qibli: You can not be serious.
*The Famous Lancia Stratos HF rally edition in a dark green/blue rolls to a stop and Turtle gets out.*
Turtle: Good, I found you.
Winter: I'm sorry, but out of all the cars you could have chosen you choose that?
Qibli: Now hold on, that car is legendary.
Winter: Yeah but they had next to no safety the only thing more dangerous would be a group B car.
Turtle: In my defense, you have not driven one through the rainforest.
Winter: Great so we have a car with more horsepower than the driver has sense, a car of class, and a death machine with a dragon who's never gone over 40 in his life.
???: Qibli!
*Everyone turns to see Kinkajou dive into Qibli's arms*
Qibli: Kinkajou! What are you doing here?
Kinkajou: I heard you were recording a tv show!
Winter: You can't just jump at us on camera.
Kinkajou: Well I wanted to make an entrance. The people in charge sent me with this!
*Kinkajou hands Qibli a paper.*
Qibli: Great, our first challenge!
Qibli reading it out loud: Now that you have arrived you will drive to a remote oasis to get to know your cars before your first test.
Kinkajou: Oh don't go yet!
Winter: We can't waste time.
Kinkajou: Awww...
Qibli: We'll make sure to stop by Jade mountain academy on the way through the sky kingdom.
Kinkajou: Alright. And all of you three better make it!
Turtle: Don't worry, we will.
*Soon the three are in their cars and are rolling out.*
Kinkajou: Good luck you three!
*The cars roll off as the camera cuts to a tiny scorpion scurrying across the sand before cutting to show the sleek black paint of the Dodge Charger and cutting to the inside*
Qibli: The Dodge Charger is a iconic car. Vin Diesel drove it on The fast and the furious, it stared in Dukes of Hazard- *Quick gear shift before passing Turtle* and it is the drag racing king.
Winter over the footage of the Charger driving: While sand snorter was busy acting like a two year old, I was driving in a car of status.
*Cut to the inside of the GTR*
Winter: Now despite the long hot roads this car is smooth. Nissan knows how to make cars that nobles can use to their proper potential.
*Winter slows down and heads into the empty left lane and matches Qibli's speed.*
Winter over radio: You know what I really enjoy sand snorter? Air conditioning.
Qibli: Jokes on you, I love this heat.
*Cut to Turtle in the Lancia*
Turtle: I am becoming a boiled fish.
Winter over the footage as the cars slow to a stop: Unfortunately, Qibli decided to bring is to a stop for a ridiculous game.
Turtle out of his car and sitting in between the two other cars side by side on the road: So you two want to drag race?
Winter: More like he bigger me until we stopped.
Qibli: You are going to enjoy this and you know it.
Winter: Sure.
Qibli: Count us down Turtle!
*Dynamic camera angles showing off the revving cars as Turtle counts down*
Turtle: Go!
*Winter takes off but a loud bang suddenly brings Qibli's car to a stop off the line*
Qibli slamming the dashboard: Dang it!
*Fade black and then fade into footage to the giant cave with Qibli, Winter, and Turtle.*
Winter: I can't believe you ended it on a cliff hanger.
Turtle: Well cliffhangers can be a good tool to build suspense.
Winter: Don't start now sand snorter.
Qibli: Well join us next time as we bring on a special guest.
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immortaltaro · 1 year
media thread post 2023
going to attempt to port over my media thread from twitter and use reblogs to update it
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers The Movie: Shin Hatsukoi Hero i enjoyed it more then the revice summer movie, shame like pretty much all mid series sentai movies its basically just an ep with a bigger budget
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2. Ultraman Decker
MUCH IMPROVED OVER TRIGGER IN LIKE EVERY AREA, INCLUDING ITS USE OF KENGO. only real complaint i have is them revealing the Spheres motivations minutes before they are destroyed but thats a fairly minor thing looking at the show as a whole
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3.ultraman: mystery of ultraseven
great stuff continuing the momentum of the last mini series, i do have issues with the ultra comic verse that dont get addressed, but regardless it was a great read, interested to see ma boi ace show up in whatever is next
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4.kingdom hearts dark road
one of my fav KH stories, elevating xehanort alot, giving insight into how his beliefs formed and i absolutely need this freed from its mobile prison and given the back cover treatment
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5. Ork #オーク
really cool, indy Toku production, it very impressive that this was filmed on an Iphone and goes this hard, well worth a watch, right now its free on youtube i recomed checking this out https://youtube.com/watch?v=GcibuY
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6. ultraman decker finale journey to beyond the movie
it was pretty good, if the main series is a 10 this is like an 8, pretty fun time.
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7.Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
i was sceptical as FUCK when this was announced, and inoue and the producer were saying how they wanted to make a sentai season that was a comedy drama aimed at 20somethings, but fuck did they land it. top 3 sentai seasons for sure. taro is my boi somethings like how under written murasame is, alot of the stuff with kijino and the zenkai gears turning into avataro gears plotline that was seemingly dropped ( if the Vs movie addresses this i take back the last one) bothered me, but as a whole i really liked this season
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8.Psyren (reread)
this series goes hard. i love the cast and i think more people should read this.
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9. Agents of mayhem - dropped got about 8/27 missions thought this. ITS ASS the cars feel awful, esthetical it wants to be overwatch soo bad. in the 4hrs 40mins i played enemies became spongy as shit and the second gat mission bugged turning 3 waves into infante boring and bland AND THATS NOT MENTIONED THE 1 MAJOR BOSS I FOUGHT THAT WAS JUST * puts up shield and summon turret* 3 TIMES THEN THEN BALL JOKE SEGMENT WHERE YOU SHOT ENERGY BALLS. THE BORDERLANDS TEIR REDDIT WRITING IS SO MIND NUMMING FUCK
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10.Dandan Tenshi Fanclub
this was pretty cool for a one shot
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11.Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons
no "which ones the real one" plot is good. i screamed when they revealed the twist.
alot of the fanservice stuff i liked, like seeing that Hana opened her own detective agency in Blue birds basement was fun
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12.Dragon Ball Super: SUPER HERO
really enjoyed this,really liked all the lil toku nods what with the gammas two ultraman inspired androids thats do rider kicks. hope we can get more content thats not as goku/vegeta focused
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13.Luther: the fallen sun it was ok, i feel like it peaked with the jail brake.
the last 30mins brought it down for me
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14.Digimon Ghost game:
its pretty good when all is said and done, 90% of this show is very solid MOTW/horror mystery stories with all the cryptic build up they have been seeding since ep 1 being all burned thought in the last 3eps.defo feels like they were trying to set up a movie with that last second alien reveal too. since most of its stand alone mysteries, the humans done really feel like they grow much over the course of the show its still a very fun time like an 8/10 id say love gammamon, they baby
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15. coming out to my parents and telling them about @toni-the-oni
twas better then expected
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16. Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ ( manga volumes 1-4 )
binged all 4 volumes in a couple hrs, this is a very fun series, interesting world building and Inglis as a MC is amazing and i love her
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17.Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ (anime: season 1)
unsurprising i loved it ! i will say i liked the way the manga handled the content it covered more but this was still good,
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18. Oshi no ko (ep 1, its feature length so imma count it ) holy shit watch it. it more then earns its length. this is something you need to experience blind.
19.brooklyn 99 season 8, the final season
bout a perfect a goodbye as a series can have
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20.Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023) eh, it was ok, rough in some aspects but overall alright
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21.Oshi no ko manga (upto the current chapter 116) one of the best things ive read in a while. its going to be hard for the anime to fumble this bag.
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22.Kamen Rider Geats × Revice: Movie Battle Royale
very fun movie, seeker really is that bitch in fortnite that builds a replica tadj mahall the second a fight starts. yeah a good ass time.
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23. Kamen Rider Juuga VS Kamen Rider Orteca
it was alright, pretty fun moments with one line in particular that kinda took me out, the Drive cameos and call backs were great and honestly out of all the over demons/vail retools i think i like orteca's rider form the most out them
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24. netflix Ultraman season 3 the final:
kinda mixed on it if im honest, i dont think theres ever really been a great "shapeshifters turn the publics opinion on it" and i wasnt super impressed with aspects of how Rena was written that said the last 2 episodes really were peak.
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25. Power Antoinette ( upto the current chapter, theres only 2) the only series brave enough to ask the question what if Marie Antoinette was built like shehulk and used a guillotine like a sword
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26.The Church Play Cinematic Universe : jenny Nicholson
watched this with @toni-the-oni this was such a wild ride, of ups downs and "robin in the hood" a 10/10 experience
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26. Church of the rock 2023 production Beauty and the Beaster
watched this with @toni-the-oni Gaston sings BTS
27.Avataro Sentai DonBrothers VS Zenkaiger
extremely fun film, loved seeing everyone again, just a fun time all round and HOLY SHIT HOW CAN IT END LIKE THAT ?!
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28.Geats Extra: Kamen Rider Punkjack
its alright, felt kinda like one of the covid clipshow specials we got for zero one, rolling rolling punk king fucks, so glad they went that hard with the insert song
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Ep 1, Part 1
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Hello and welcome to my latest project -- recapping Build Up: Vocal Boy Survival from MNET. The show features some familiar faves from Boys Planet -- Jay, Wumuti, and Hwanhee -- as well as members of CIX, Just B, Up10tion, KNK, Newkidd, Ab6ix, Vanner, A.C.E. Fave1, BDC, IMFACT, M.O.N.T., WEi, and Pentagon. Don’t worry, it’s not Hui this time! I already wrote some posts in which I introduce you to the 40 participating contestants, divided up by their chosen category: Allround, Soul, Power, and Unique. Now, I’ll start actually recapping Episode One. Come join me, won’t you?  
It's tough to find a video link for the full show, and the one that seems most stable doesn't have English subtitles, so I'm going to try my best to write the recaps in such a way that even if you can't see the show yourself, or if the feed you have doesn't have subtitles, you'll be able to understand what's going on.
We begin with a woman playing with little glowing metal bricks. You know, as you do.
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Also, those ombre nails kind of slap. 
The woman is our MC, Lee Dahee, who you might recognize (or might not) as one of the hosts of Road to Kingdom. I know her because she played the female second lead in one of my top five K-dramas of all time, I Can Hear Your Voice. (It’s not about singing -- it’s a courtroom drama/noona romance about telepathy and revenge. You guys, if you need a kdrama to watch, just watch this one, ok? Ok thanks.) She’s stunningly beautiful in that show. 
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She looks… different now, I guess I’ll say. 
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I wish that there wasn’t so much plastic surgery pushed in this business, because I genuinely wouldn’t recognize her, and I’ve watched that drama all the way through at least three times. Anyway. 
She begins to speak, and we hear snippets of various singers as she does. The snippets that we’re hearing are the 40 brief performances that were uploaded to Youtube to tease the show. 
She says, “There are various voices in this world.  Unique voice: A voice that is a genre itself. Soul voice: Voice that moves people with its unique sentiment. Power voice: A voice that solidifies its presence.  All ‘round voice: A voice that can harmonize with anything. When they come together and gain chemistry, a new harmony is created.”
I can’t help but think of Exo. Baekyhun has a unique voice; D.O. has a soulful voice; Chen has a powerful voice, and Suho has a sweet all ‘round voice. Hey, what do you know - the lady is right! It does create a new harmony! 
She explains that they’ve gathered together 40 vocalists for this show, looking for the best combination. It’s a bit of a Queendom Puzzle vibe, but vocal based. And out of the 40, we’ll be picking four. 
We hear from some of these 40 vocalists, speaking over each other, their faces hidden in shadow. We’re going to have to go with these MNET subtitles, that say things like “Catharsis is created when voices are stacked, especially when there are four.” I think it is supposed to mean, “A four part harmony can really bring out the emotions of a song.” 
It’s an MNET show, so it begins with some of the contestants walking in and commenting on how big and cool the set is. They think it looks like the Colosseum, which, meh, not so much but I mean, ok. 
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We can’t know who they are yet. It’s dark in the studio and they can’t even see each other. They still bow and greet each other politely, chatting about how nervous and excited they are as they take their spots on their… I don’t know, transporter pads. Beam them up, Dahee!
They’re walking in in small groups, made up of members of the same “category”, and their name tags are color coded to their category: unique is green, soul is blue, power is purple, and allround is orange.
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Left to right: Bain, Jay, Jung Soomin 
I love this Korean thing of just shouting at each other, “You’re good looking!” Even in the dark. 
Eagle eyed (and owl-eared) Boys Planet fans probably recognize this guy:
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It’s Jay Chang, from Boys Planet! As I said in my other recaps, I love Jay's vocal color, which is clean and lovely, and though I think he could work on his technique, he's definitely a great singer. He also seems like basically a nice guy, though he gives off slight fuckboi vibes to me. Is it just me?
Hong Seongjun (former BDC), in the white jacket that makes him look like a waiter, recognizes his neighbor in the brown jacket as Seunghun from CIX. Hong Seongjun says, “excuse me… aren’t you from CIX?” Seunghun bows to acknowledge it, and Hong Seongjun says, “But you’re way too famous,” ie, to be on this show, and Seunghun says, “no, I’m not, I’m really not.” 
Another group enters, led by a mop of light colored hair that I think belongs to Geonu, also known as Lee Geonwoo from JustB, who you may have seen on I-land. 
Some more people come in, and one of the trainees -- this red haired fellow, my darling Bain -- says “oh my God! Sunbaenim!”
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That hangul there says “oh my God” phonetically. 
My darling Bain, also member of Just B , has recognized Jeon Woong from Ab6ix. I don't have any data on where they would have met, but they probably have a lot of friends in common at the very least. I think a lot of idols know a lot of other idols since they all train together at different agencies and go on these reality shows together all the time.
People are surprised that Woong and Seunghun are on the show, but not as surprised as they are to see Yeo One from Pentagon, who enters to the strains of Pentagon’s biggest hit, Shine. One of the other guys says, “It was so dark, but he was so handsome that I could see his silhouette.” I think the translation is a little wonky here, but I love the idea that if someone is really handsome, you can see them better in the dark.
My darling Bain says to Jay, “I’m shocked to see such big players.” Jay replies, in English, “Big time players make big time plays,” and do you see what I mean about the fuckboi-ness? Even if you like him, you have to admit that’s a bit cringey. Sigh. Jay, honey, why'ya gotta say things like that?
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Jung Soomin replies, in English, “I’m a small time player. I just started!” Soomin is American, specifically from Chicago, and I guess his head was cold that day. 
They’re all present now, each one standing on his own transporter pod bay. Oh, MNET. 
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They all applaud in excitement for the beginning of the show, and my darling Bain interviews, “Welcome to Survival!”
The lights come up in the studio and now the boys can see each other. So now it’s time for them to react to how handsome and famous they all are.
Yoon Inhwan in his gray suit interviews, “When I looked around, I thought I was in trouble. Everyone was too handsome.” Look at all the handsome fellas, including Kim Minseo, in blue, and a bunch of idols, including Seokhwa from WEi, and two members of Just B: my red-haired darling Bain, and pink-mop-headed Geonu.
Just FYI: I’m going to keep calling Bain my darling, because I listened to his stunning cover of Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo and now you know I still love him, baby. I talk more about it in my episode zero recap.
Hilariously, our old friend Lee Hwanhee (from Boys Planet) says he’s intimidated by the other guys. Hwanhee is always a little insecure, isn’t he? I think he’s had a lot of setbacks as an idol, and it’s wearing on him. 
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Neon, in green, tells his neighbor Hong Sungwon in the half gray, half white sweater that he feels defeated in terms of looks. Aww, you’re fine, Neon! I think you have a cute smile. 
Seokhwa from WEi voice-overs that he’ll dominate with music, not looks, and this fellow on the left…
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… says, “this is about voices, right?” He is Park Jeup, from IMFACT, who is also a solo artist. I just have to say, omg, his bow. That is a full on pussy bow, you guys. That square, lantern jaw juxtaposed against that bow is a sight to see and I am here for it. (The guy on the right, wearing the red suit, is Hyukjin, from a nugu group called Fave1.)
Everyone’s excited to hear each other’s voices. 
Sunyoul (in the pink sweater) from Up10tion, same group as Hwanhee, is looking around the room and sizing up the other people, wondering if he can tell who is or isn’t a good singer based on their looks.
Then there’s a bit where a few people notice Jay. Kim Minseo, in blue, who sang Rolling in the Deep, kicks things off. He interviews that he was wondering if Jay would be there. Guess he watched Boys Planet too! Or Under 19, perhaps.
There’s this cute moment, where Hwanhee points Jay out to his neighbor, Seunghun from CIX. 
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Hwanhee is like, “That guy over there with his hands in his pockets? He’s really good.” I bet that Hwanhee and Seunghun have met before, since they both have been in the game for several years.  Hwanhee is a year older than Seunghun and debuted around four years before him, so he's both hyung and sunbae to his nervous neighbor.
Then there’s a mini montage of them all recognizing each other -- Hyukjin noticing Jay, Hwanhee noticing Hyukjin, Bain noticing Hyukjin and pussy-bow Park Jeup. Hwanhee says that they’re “vocal monsters.” Hey, man, so are you! Where is your confidence, my friend?
But a lot of the contestants are intimidated by each other. 
Suddenly…the lights go down again! And to make it even scarier, the subtitles punk out for a few minutes! This happens at about 6 minutes into the episode. So, let me give my google translate a real workout until the subtitles come back. Here we go. 
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A fanfare of glittering light heralds the entrance of MC Lee Dahee. The boys freak out. On screen, it says, “IS THIS TRUE?” as the trainees all stare open mouthed.
The camera does a full pan up her legs to her body, and on the Bilibili site -- now sadly denied to us all -- something in Chinese scrolls across the top, which my phone translated as “The English subtitle is so tiring.” I know that’s not quite what it meant, but I love it.
As Wumuti stares, open mouthed, it says “LIke a goddess!” 
Someone says, “Is this true? Isn’t this AI?”
“She’s a celebrity!" “Wow, she’s so pretty.”
As Hyukjin -- wearing that red leather suit jacket -- looks on, it says “Angel’s Descent.”
Hwang Inhyuk in his ombre pink sweater says “It’s a good thing you came out.”
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Dahwee says, “Hello!” and they all say hello back. “I will go on this journey with all of you. I am the MC, Lee Dahwee.”  
On screen, as they all frantically bow, it says “Thank you very much <3 “
As our old friend Hwanhee gives the thumbs up, it says “Best MC-nim.”
I’ll give a sort of interpretation of the on-screen words’ translation since they don’t make a ton of sense. Basically, she’s telling them what’s going to happen next. There’s 40 of them and, through various musical missions, they’ll build a 4-member team. At the end, only one team will be selected to debut. This group will be an opportunity for the whole world to enjoy a kpop group with proven vocals.
Choi Suhwan in the black jacket over a white shirt and with parted bangs, says, “Ah… only 4…” 
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This is Bitseon (from M.O.N.T.), on the left, and Taehwan (from Vanner) on the right. One of them is voice-overing, “I’m sure there will be a big fight over the song.” 
Lim Junhyeok, wearing a white hoodie that I guess he picked off the top of his laundry pile, voice overs, “there are many people who are good at singing.” Junhyeok was kicked out of Day6 after only being in it for six months -- I talk about it in my episode zero recap.
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Donghun from A.C.E. is wondering what songs they’ll sing, I think. As I was writing these recaps, it was always so funny to me that Donghun is from ACE, because based on the way he’s dressed and his demeanor, he looks like he’s a detective in a noir movie who just got off shift and is about to order a whiskey at the bar. I hope you don't mind if I call him Detective Donghun in honor of that.
Dahee goes on that there are 40 participants, who chose what voice color represents them. 
And right around here the subtitles come back, bless ‘em!
Yoonseo in the red and black leather jacket says, “Allround voices go well with many genres,” and we see a few of the various Allrounders.
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Next, we take a look at the Soul singers:
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Then the Power singers:
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And finally, Unique.
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The weird LED stage they're standing on turns into a pie chart showing the breakdown of the categories, and that is delightful.
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Then, Dahee announces that they’re going to dive into their first major mission: Voice Check. “You’ll listen to voice files,” Dahee says, referring to the teaser songs we already heard. “If you want to build up with that voice, press the button.” 
So this is a bit like the beginning of Queendom Puzzle, when the girls each performed for the others one at a time, and they all voted on whether each girl was good or not, essentially. Here, though, the boys are deciding who they want to work with in their teams of four. They’re choosing solely by the voice -- no looks, no sympathy.  
It’s worth noting that them wanting to work with someone isn’t necessarily equivalent to thinking someone is good singer. They’ll be looking for people who they think their voices would harmonize well with. Regardless, Dahee explains that “the outcome of the evaluation will impact your first mission greatly, so make careful choices.”
The boys are nervous -- what if someone gets zero votes?!? 
We see some staff members scurrying around giving them all some really uncomfortable looking plastic stools to perch on.
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And as they’re settling in, Lim Junhyeok (former Day6) turns to his neighbor, Woong (AB6IX), and says, “Your name is Woong, right?” 
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“That’s right,” says Woong.
“I knew you when you were at JYP,” Junhyeok says, putting his hand on Woong’s shoulder. 
Woong immediately gets really excited, jumping out of his chair. “Wait, you were at JYP?! When were you a trainee?” 
“Day6,” Junhyeok says, simply. 
“HYUNG!!!” Woong says, recognizing his old friend and giving him a hug. 
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Filmed on MNET's very finest Idaho russet.
Aww! This is exactly the stuff I watch shows like this for. FRIENDSHIP IS THE BEST SHIP, you guys. 
They’re all asking each other what songs they sang, and from what we see, no one is telling anyone. Soomin, our friend from Chicago, asks Jay “Whad’ja’sing, whad’ja’sing?” They’ve got that English speaking connection. Jay, who is definitely feeling his oats, says “It’s part of the surprise.” 
Meanwhile, Hwanhee cannot take his eyes off the MC, Dahee. He’s like, this show is scary and I never do well on the 8 million survival shows I keep forcing myself to go on, but this gorgeous emcee is making it all worth it. I am going to use this as an opportunity to stare at her as much as possible before an actual bodyguard appears to drag me away. She’s 38 to his 25, but I believe in the power of love, don’t you?
They’re all nervous, especially CIX's Seunghun, who busies himself staring at the floor. Yeo One voiceovers, “How many of these people will like me just from hearing my voice?” Aww. As we'll see, that is Yeo One's major storyline -- he is used to being a good looking backup dancer in Pentagon, and wants people to actually like his singing voice.
Ma Jaekyung, in his too-big-for-him gray blazer, asks KNK's Inseong if he’s nervous. CIX’s Seunghun says his heart is beating like crazy. Taewoo wonders who the first one up will be.
The first song that plays -- at least, the first song we hear play -- is V02. Jaekyung and Inseong both recognize the song immediately and look at each other and say “Baby Baby!” in unison, almost like it was an improv exercise. 
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Everyone recognizes the song -- we even see Dahee mouthing along -- and those of us who watched Boys Planet probably recognize the voice: Jay. 
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The editors do this cute thing where they superimpose the image on the floor, but I really don’t think it was shown live.
I have to wonder if Wumuti at least recognized the voice? This is his third reality show in a row with Jay! But all we see is him saying, “well done.” 
Everyone seems to really like the performance. It is really good, naturally, though it wasn't completely perfect. (See my episode zero recaps for more info on what I thought of each performance. And please don’t get mad at me!) A lot of people are pressing the button to indicate that they’d like to perform with Jay. Can't blame them at all.
Hong Seongjun from BDC interviews, “He has a trendy singing style. He’d make up for what I lack.”
Everyone wants to know who the voice belongs to, but first, they’re going to reveal the votes, reveal the votes, reveal the votes, reveal the votes! The guys immediately realize that this will be their fate -- to have their vote talley revealed in front of everyone! Someone says, “oh no, this is like a public execution.”
The vote is revealed: 23 people voted that they’d like to work with V02 (Jay). Those who voted for him are surprised that only 23 voted for him out of 39, when to them, the voice seemed so good. Are people just way too strict? No. 
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Kang Hayoon explains that he thought about voting for the voice, because it was amazing, but he didn’t think that it would harmonize with his. (Spoiler alert: I think he's right.) I think a few others had a similar thought. I’m pretty sure if the vote was “did you like this?” everyone would get 39 out of 39. Well... most people.
Of course, this voting criteria is a bit of a problem, because the show is using this voting system as a way to rank the contestants by quality, and yet the metric they're using isn't necessarily identical to the issue of quality. I guess it's better than voting whether the person is "better" or "worse" than you, like the girls had to do on Queendom Puzzle.
Dahee reveals that the voice belonged to Jay , and Hwanhee’s neighbor, Seunghun  from CIX, gestures as if to say, yep, you got that. Looks like Hwanhee at least recognized Jay’s voice!
Jay voiceovers that he was on an idol survival show (we see clips from Boys Planet) but didn’t get many chances to show his vocal skills. I mean, he did, but people just hated him for being foreign, mainly. Or for whatever random reason, IDK. Here at least people appreciate him -- his neighbors tell him he did a great job. 
Next up: V16, End of the Sea by Choi Baekho, as performed by musical actor Kim Seongjeong, the one in the tan jacket and striped tie. It’s a lovely performance, if not exactly to my personal taste, and everyone immediately reacts to his deep, rich tone. It’s a “real voice” that “fills the studio.” 
Seongjeong gets 25 votes, again, not an indictment one way or another on his quality. 
After that deep voice and sentimental performance, everyone is really surprised when he gets up and says he’s going to dance. He dances a bit while people clap, then unexpectedly just launches himself into the air with an amazing spinning leap. 
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When he's done, he bows and says: “Dance, physique, and song. I’m the new actor, Kim Seongjeong.”
Dahee asks him if anyone has ever told him that he looks like well known actor Kim Woobin, and I guess I kind of see it. Seongjeong interviews, “Where do I look like him, exactly? What part of my face? My eyes? Is it because I look like a dinosaur?” and he offers us a huge grin that completely transforms his face. Aww!
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What a cutey. 
Ok, in honor of his jump spin, and the fact that he said he looks like a dinosaur, I’m going to call him the “leaping lizard.” But I don’t mean that in a mean way. Like I said, I think he’s got a great smile! I like him. 😀 This is just to remember who I’m talking about. Cool? Cool.
Alright, I've used up my allotment of 30 pictures, so it's time to wrap up this segment of the recap.
And just as a note, the first 30-45 minutes of one of these shows are always really, really slow going for me as I get to know who is who. I have to do research, read Korean name tags, etc, etc, and it takes forever. I'm not going to promise to catch up to the show, but I hope to at least gain on it a little.
Thanks for following me on this ride! I'll see you in the next one!
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le-trash-prince · 21 days
thoughts while catching up on DW season 14 or 1 or whatever
Space Babies:
I'm not like, a baby person, so my enjoyment of this one was just okay because there was quite a lot of babies.
But overall it was fun, it was silly, which I think Doctor Who deserves to be fun and silly. Who doesn't love a monster made out of boogers
I think they mentioned aeolian tones in this one? In regards to the bogeyman radiating fear at the right frequency?
The Doctor leading with his backstory reveal on the first companion trip? That's growth, right?
The Devill Chord:
loved this episode a whole bunch. non-binary villain that consumes music? the world destroying itself because it loses music? I'm into it
for some reason when I started seeing promo headers for Maestro, I assumed they were a gender-neutral version of The Master dgfgf
aeolian tones again
Maestro feels like a Kingdom Hearts design and I respect that
I love seeing the Doctor lean on his life experience and all of his loss and his love as his strength, rather than just being like "Yeah I'm the smartest person in the room."
also I think there were just some really lovely visuals this ep
also Susan??? my heart?? I hope we get to see her I want to see her
yes I do love the sonic screwdriver having control over sound.
the music battle... it vibes with me okay
I do think they overhyped the Doctor's fear of Maestro a bit, when it didn't feel like it was all that difficult to defeat them, but I'm guessing these faceoffs may get more difficult as the season progresses.
unfortunately I think I will be biased against Moffat for the rest of my life, and this was far from his best DW episode.
I used to think he was good at writing kids?? But the girl in this just basically kept saying "Where's daddy?" which felt like a rehash of "Are you my mummy?", but without the creep factor. Maybe it speaks to my ignorance about kids living in war zones (extremely possible), but she felt like a prop the entire time.
I did think the background setting was interesting, but the ambulance causing all these problems also felt like a rehash of the nanobot ambulance from The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Ncuti gave a phenomal performance though, hats off to my guy.
It's funny, I felt like I recognized the ambulance lady, so I googled Susan Task, and the first thing to come up was articles on theories about her role in Doctor Who, and I was like, "I don't care about theories I just want to know what I've seen her in before," and then it turned out what I'd seen her in was three other episodes of Doctor Who. Hence the theories.
I don't have any particular theories about where Ruby is from, but I would enjoy it if she were a Time Lord (surprise Time Lord never gets old for me sorry)/came from the same universe as the Doctor.
Love how the Doctor is like "I can never take you to that night on Ruby Road because of the paradox you could create" (we know it's gonna happen) as if he couldn't simply go there by himself and just. Ask her mom who she is, but DRAMA, BUILDUP OF SUSPENSE, I GET IT.
Also goddamn Ncuti is so fit........
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chowonsang · 9 months
bias tag game
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagged by @ambivartence and @dive-in-the-blue
Biases (just whoever came to my head first):
Yanan (Pentagon)
Wonsang (Lucy)
Changmin (DKB)
Dongil (DKB)
Yeri (Red Velvet)
Hui (Pentagon)
Bang Jaemin (soloist)
Jamie (soloist)
Rena (Pristin/Hinapia)
J-us (ONF)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Yeri by quite a while! I started biasing her in 2016 (a bit before russian roulette era) and i didn't even discover jaemin until he was in top management (2018, i believe?) after that, i kept up with him and i started biasing him with his debut fairytail: lingering ep :)
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
Nooooo this is so harddddd 😭 i genuinely dont think i can chose, hui and wonsang both mean so much to me.... like if i had to chose between meeting one or the other i dont think i could chose either, i would just flip a coin and let that decide for me so... after flipping a coin i suppose i must chose wonsang (altho i still very much love hui so so so so much)
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
im sorry changmin i love you but yanan is my number 1 my babyboo the light of my life and the wind in my sails. tbqh i just want to meet yanan so i can tell him how much he means to unis no matter what happens with cube and contract renewals coming up soon we will all stand behind him :( i know how much he struggles with his own self confidence so i just want to reassure him that we love him regardless, especially since cube has always treated him so poorly. i love him so much :(
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
honestly?? i think rena's nose is very attractive. its one of the first things i noticed about her. shes very pretty in general and i like how silky her hair looks as well, but her nose is so sharp and i love the way it curves up a bit at the end :3
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
what ISNT there to love about hui's personality? hes just so.. hui.. but if i can be a bit cheesy here, it would have to be how kind he is. hes so caring of his members and protective of them (like how he said he could never just watch if one of his members got in a fight aka hes gonna beat someone up) and he always has such a fond look when talking about or just looking at them. hes also just!! such a swell guy!! for boys planet and road to kingdom he just befriended everyone!! he knows mnet is shitty and tried to make everyone happy even though he was there to win/make a name for pentagon. hes so headstrong but can be so gentle when it comes to others
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
oh jamie :(( i know youve been through a lot but seeing you grow as both a person and an artist has been the most satisfying thing. youve been able to find yourself despite everything that has been in your way and everyone holding you back. im so proud of how far youve come and i will be even more proud watching where you go. i will listen to your beautiful voice now and remember the adorable 19-year-old i found so long ago. youve matured so much since then. thank you for coming back despite the hardships and i look forward to supporting you in the furture
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
fahsBJDnalk neither i wouldnt fit into yanans or wonsangs clothes and tbh they arent really my aesthetic. hmm but if i had to chose one, maybe wonsang?? he wears a lot of sweaters and i do too when im lounging around the house :)
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
i know changmin (and all of the dakbees tbh) are more into streetwear than anything else, but i would love to see him in something a bit more alternative! especially techwear i think he would look soooo good. theres just something about a man covered head to toe in black that does something to me 😔 (but if were talking music, i would love to see him do another hype rap song with the rest of rap team a la samsung!)
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
considering yeri is like 5'2" and dongil is around 5'8", def dongil lol. im still taller than him tho 😈 (i really doubt thats his real height i was taller than him by a bit when i met them lol)
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
well pristin and hinapia both have.. a very lacking discography lol. they have about 11 songs total? i love them all dont get me wrong (i am very partial to tina and aloha) but onf have so many more songs than them i feel like it would be a disservice to NOT chose them. plus, onf has one of my fave discographies in the entirety of kpop. moscow moscow, the realist, original, asteroid, geppeto, i do, if we dream, why, we must love, yayaya-- all songs that have had a grip over me at some point or another.
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wrenmustdie · 2 years
Full list of public!Frank Iero music endeavors, listed chronologically
On Spotify:
Pencey Prep
Heartbreak in Stereo
My Chemical Romance(1)
I Brought You My Bullets,You Brought Me Your Love (Iero’s guitar playing is only in two tracks off this album, listed below, however he provides backing vocals for several songs throughout. Most notably: Skylines and Turnstiles.)
Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Life on the Murder Scene
The Black Parade
The Black Parade; The B-Sides
The Black Parade / Living With Ghosts
Reggie And The Full Effect(1)
Last Stop: Crappy Town
My Chemical Romance(2)
Conventional Weapons
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Every Snowflake is Different (Just Like You)
Reggie And The Full Effect(2)
No Country For Old Musicians
Compilation Album “Friends”; Fadeaway Records
2.5mg Just Ain’t Enough for Me
My Chemical Romance(3)
Fake Your Death
Frnkiero and the Cellabration
Low Road
Kingdoms Crumble (Featured on 1 song.)
Three Storms
Death Spells
Nothing Above, Nothing Below
Frank Iero and the Patience(1)
Compilation Album “Music for Everyone”; Collective Confusion Records, Sub City Records
Getting Into Heaven Can Be Hell
Frank Iero and the Patience(2)
Keep the Coffins Coming
Frank Iero and the Future Violents
Heaven is a Place, This is a Place
Joe Bob Briggs and the Lone Stars
Monster Mash
My Chemical Romance(4)
The Foundations of Decay
Not on Spotify, Not Listed Chronologically:
Pencey Prep
Long Walk to Forever EP
Cotton Candy
Heroine Slow
The Secret Goldfish (Acoustic)
Death of the Lionheart
Fat and Alone
Myself (Bonus Track from XO)
Kerrang! Does Green Day’s American Idiot
Extraordinary Grrl
Frankenweenie Unreleased
This Song is a Curse
For Jamia
Sector 12
Everything Falls Apart
I Am A Graveyard
Attention Reader
The Homeless Gospel Choir (ft. Frank Iero)
Frnkiero and the Cellabration
give me liberty, but give me depth
Frank Iero and the Patience
Helter Skelter
Two Minutes To Late Night(?)
This Charming Man
The Lovecats
Steve Weil and the Disco Kings
American Nightmare
My Chemical Romance (Not all of these may actually have Frank Iero guitar/vocals but I’m including them anyway)
Dreams of Stabbing and/or Being Stabbed
Like Phantoms, Forever EP
The Mad Gear and the Missile Kid EP
We Don’t Need Another Song About California
The Drugs
Sister to Sleep
Someone Out There Loves You
Zero Percent
Na Na Na (Simlish)
Not including mcr covers bc fuck trying to find all of those and figure out who’s doing what
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heartlessfujoshi · 8 months
flufftober day 15 - promnis 'no stakes'
Title: No Stakes Chapter: 3 of 6 Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Teen (Subtle Flirting - Fluff - Ep Ignis V2 - Minor Angst - First Kisses) WordCount: ~2,130 Prompt: Confession
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2
Prompto wasn’t necessarily avoiding Ignis, but he also wasn’t going out of his way to be around him. When they had gone back to the motel after being stuck up at Wiz’s place, Prompto had decided that keeping his distance was probably the wisest thing he could do. It wasn’t that he didn’t like spending the night with Ignis - there were times when he would wake up and wish that he was still in Ignis’ arms, but that wasn’t possible with the Prince and Gladio around. No, that couldn’t happen because Ignis had a job to do, and that meant that Prompto needed to stay away. 
It was difficult, the first few days, because he could sense that Ignis wanted to say something to him. Wanted to find a reason to get the two of them alone, but Prompto thwarted every attempt by saying he wanted to stay with Noctis, who had no idea what was going on, but agreed that he wanted Prompto to be with him. 
Two weeks. It took two full weeks before Prompto found himself in a position that he couldn’t get out of. He was walking back from where Noctis was fishing near their haven, and came to a stop when he saw Ignis standing directly in his path, his arms crossed over his chest, and had a look on his face that made Prompto’s stomach lurch. 
“Are you going to run away again?” Ignis asked, keeping his arms planted across his chest, giving Prompto a look with narrowed eyes. “You do know that I can chase after you if I wish to, should you decide that is your best course of action.” 
His shoulders dropped with an exasperated sigh. “Fine, Iggy!” He threw his hands up, then looked around to make sure that they were alone. “What do you want?” 
“I want to know why you’ve been avoiding me.” His arms dropped, making him look more relaxed than intimidating. “You have been avoiding me, haven’t you, Prompto?” 
Blushing, he looked down at his boots and shook his head. “N-No, I haven’t. I’ve been keeping the Prince busy, that’s all.” 
“I think you’re lying.” 
He lifted his head, and saw Ignis was looking at him with an expression that was a little confusing to Prompto. Was it sadness? That couldn’t be right, could it? He never wanted to make Ignis feel sad. Far from it. He wanted to make Ignis smile at all hours of the day, as he had such a nice smile. A smile that could make a bad day turn into a good one. 
“I….” He trailed off, not sure what to say. Because Ignis was right, he was lying, but for good reason. He didn’t know how to tell Ignis he’d been avoiding him because he was scared to be alone with him. He was afraid that those feelings he’d been having since Ignis had practically saved him at the mines were going to be waived off by him, and he really didn’t need that. 
“Prompto.” The way Ignis said his name, it sent a small shiver down his back. Looking back at Ignis, he knew that it was going to come out, whether he wanted it to or not. “Why don’t you tell me the truth?” 
There was a group of rocks nearby that Prompto walked over to, and sat down with a hard thunk. The ground was still wet from a shower that had finished a half hour ago, Prompto not caring as his clothes were already damp because of it. He stared out at the road that was nearby, the sound of passing cars few and far between. Travel was happening less and less, as more Niflheim patrols were making their rounds in the Lucian kingdom. 
“You’re right. I’ve been avoiding you.” He could see Ignis’ form moving closer to him, but kept his distance. Prompto was grateful that Ignis was giving him room to breathe, but there was a small part of him that wished they could bypass all of this bullshit and return to that glimpse of happiness they’d shared at Wiz’s together, albeit he was suffering badly from the thunderstorms that had kept them trapped there. 
He heard Ignis sit down nearby. “Why? Have I done something to make you upset? I thought that everything was going to be okay after what I did.” 
“What??” Prompto quickly turned and looked at Ignis, trying to figure out what he meant by that comment. “What do you mean, after what you did??” 
Ignis’ eyebrow rose up. “I kissed you? Without specific permission from you?” 
“Augh, what.” He shook his head. “No, Iggy. That has nothing to do with this. Okay, maybe it does a little, but that isn’t why. It’s complicated.” He had jumped up, and began pacing back and forth, as he tried to figure out the best way to approach this subject. 
“If that isn’t it, then why have you been avoiding me?” There was a trace of hurt in Ignis’ voice that was making Prompto feel awful. “You seem quite happy to spend all of your time with both Gladiolus, and with the Prince, but when it comes to me, you want nothing to do with me.” 
Prompto walked over to where Ignis was sitting, and dropped down to be on his knees. “That’s just it, Iggy! You’re right - I’ve been spending more time with them, because I’m scared.” 
“Of what?” 
Rain began to fall again, the drops pelting his skin with a soft pitter patter that was more distracting than anything else right now. “I’m scared because I really like you.” Prompto stayed on his knees, looking up at Ignis as he felt the words tumbling out of his mouth. “You are nice. You are kind. You make me feel a part of this team, even though both you and Gladio have been with the Prince for fifteen plus years.” 
“You are a part of the team, Prompto. His Highness has-” 
“No, Iggy.” Prompto reached up and put his hand against Ignis’ lips, not sure what had possessed him to act so forward with him. It got him to stop speaking though, which is what he wanted. Lowering his hand, he stared into Ignis’ eyes, ignoring the rain that was steadily falling faster. “That isn’t it. You know what I mean. And I know that my feelings for you can’t really be something because you have a job to do. And if you knew how I felt about you, and if you reciprocate those feelings, then that means that your job is now compromised.” 
Ignis’ eyes narrowed again as he stared at him. “How dare you think such a thing, Prompto.” Ignis stood up, Prompto quickly stood up with him. “Do you really think so little of me? Do you think that I’m not aware of what my duties are, and what my feelings for you mean?” 
“Feelings?” He was surprised to hear that word leave Ignis’ mouth. “What do you mean?” 
A soft sigh left Ignis’ mouth. “Oh, Prompto. What am I going to do with you?” Two strong hands touched his shoulders, Ignis turning him to look directly at him. “Do you need it spelled out? Here you are, telling me that you like me, and I’m trying to confess to you that I feel the same way, and yet you’re confused.” 
“You like me?” Prompto repeated, still staring at Ignis with a dazed look in his eyes. Is this real? That couldn’t be possible. 
“Need I remind you that I was the one to kiss you?” The hand on his left shoulder was pulled away, and brought to his face. Prompto closed his eyes as the soft touch of Ignis’ hand made his knees weak. “Prompto, Prompto, Prompto.” Ignis’ breath touched his lips, as he brought his head closer to Prompto’s. “We’re going to need to work on your self-esteem. It shouldn’t be surprising that I’ve fallen for you, as you make me feel unlike anyone has ever made me feel in my life.” 
“Iggy, I-” 
Prompto wasn’t able to finish his thought, though, as Ignis’ lips touched his, sending a spark traveling through his entire body. The hand on his face stayed where it was, as Ignis’ lips moved against his, the two of them surrendering to a feeling that both had been denying the last two weeks. Prompto softly moaned against his lips, his hands finding their way to the suspenders that Ignis wore, tugging on them as his head spun. 
He dropped back down to his feet, not realizing he’d been on his toes to kiss Ignis, his heart pounding very fast in his chest. “Iggy.” He whispered his name, unable to look away from him. “W-What does this mean?” 
“This means that you should stop avoiding me.” Ignis reached over, and pushed some of his bangs off of his face. “And, we should get out of this awful weather. This region is awful with this rain.” 
“W-What does this mean for us, though?” Prompto needed to hear what it meant. Sure, he had told Ignis he’d liked him, prostrating himself on his knees while confessing to him, but Ignis had said it so matter-of-factly that it was a tiny bit jarring on his end. “Do you like me?” 
“I have said as much.” The smirk on Ignis’ lips ignited a fire in his stomach that spread all the way up to his cheeks. “If you’re asking what this will mean while we’re with the others, I will leave that up to you.” 
“Won’t they care?” He asked, thinking about how both Gladio and Noctis were sneaking around behind their backs, engaging in a whole mess of a relationship that neither was admitting to. 
Ignis reached for his hand, which he gave freely to him. “Does it matter? We know they’re in their own little tryst.” 
“But that isn’t why this is happening, right?” His paranoia was getting the best of him. “You’re not saying you like me out of desperation, are you, Iggy?” 
“I am not, Prompto.” Ignis stopped walking, and stood in front of him. “You will need to learn to trust me-” 
“I trust you, Ignis. With my life.” Prompto needed him to know this. Because he did. He trusted Ignis more than he trusted anyone else. And that included the crowned Prince of Lucis. 
“You should.” He was pulled into his arms, and was soon the recipient of a long, satisfying hug from Ignis. “I fear how you will act when I confess my love for you. Prompto.” 
Closing his eyes tight, he clung to Ignis as he hugged him back. He couldn’t say anything though, because he knew Ignis was right. If he was having trouble right now with how Ignis felt about him, how would he ever handle something more than this? There was no way that he would be able to. 
He slowly pulled away from Ignis, and rather than ruin the moment by saying something stupid, he reached for his hands, and laced his fingers together with Ignis’. “Will you sleep by me tonight, Iggy?” He asked, hoping it didn’t seem too weird of a question. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that since our stay at Wiz’s.” Ignis murmured the words into his ear, causing his brain to slowly melt as he found it difficult to breathe. “You will be in my arms tonight, Prompto. I do not care if the Prince or Gladiolus sees.” 
“Iggy.” He bit his lip, trying not to cry. 
The smile on Ignis’ face made those tears disappear, and instead brought a sunny warmth to his face, even with the rain still falling onto them. They walked back to the haven together, and saw Gladio was sitting by the fire, while it appeared that Noctis was in the tent, fast asleep. Prompto didn’t care. Ignis hadn’t let go of his hands until they began to approach Gladio, and then would glance at him every now and then, as he had a discussion with Gladio about Noctis. 
That night, they all went to bed at a reasonable hour, Prompto choosing to sleep next to both Noctis and Ignis. He waited, and waited, and after what seemed like an eternity, he felt Ignis’ arms envelop him from behind, pulling his back to be up against Ignis’ chest. A whisper of a kiss touched his cheek before Ignis settled, Prompto finding the most comfortable spot as he closed his eyes, now safely back in Ignis’ arms. A smile curled on his lips as he put his hand over Ignis’, which was resting against his stomach, and fell into the deepest sleep he’d had since that night at Wiz’s, when he’d last been in Ignis’ arms. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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strangersunghoon · 2 years
Ateez (2018-…) my bias : Yeosang
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All Mv’s
TMI news (episode 19)
We Kpop (episode 15)
Weekly idol :
* 412 & 429
KQ fellaz USA training (2018)
Code name is Ateez (2018)
Ateez log (2018)
Treasure film (2019)
Long journey (2019)
Ateez wanted (2019)
Ateez my first mama (2019) ep1 & ep2
Boatta (2019)
Ateez 82 challenge (2020)
Idol level up (2020)
Idol wonderland (2020)
Universe hipsters (2020)
Ateez fever road (2020)
Idol house (2020)
O.S.O.S , Our side of the story (2020)
The silence of idol (2020)
Kingdom : legendary war (2021) (Viki)
Imitation, kdrama (2021) (Viki)
Salary Lupin Ateez (2021)
Meat up (2021)
Ggullog.zam Ateez : Holiday (2021)
Secret friend of idols 2 (2021) ep1 & ep2 & ep3
TMI news season 2 (2021)
Pirate reboot : the five treasures (2021)
Ateez x wonderwall (2021)
Ssap-dance : Ateez (2021)
The man of Ateez (2021)
Hit village : Ateez (2021)
Parasite challenge : Ateez (2021)
Blip data lab Ateez (2021)
Ateez wanted special (2021)
Ateez’s do not disturb (2021)
Wanteez (2022)
Real now (2022)
Arcade pang
Blackpink (2016-…) my bias : Jisoo
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All Mv’s
Weekly idol ep 277 (2016) | ep 310 (2017)
Running man ep 330 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 (2016) | ep 409 & ep413 (2018) | ep 525 (2020)
Radio star ep 509 (2017)
Kpopstar 6 ep 13 (2017)
Get it beauty ep 2 & ep 23 & ep 42 & ep43 (2017)
King of the masked singer ep 103 & ep 104 & ep121 & ep 122 (2017)
My little television ep 98 & ep 99 (2017)
Section tv ep 884 (2017)
Night of real entertainment ep 26 (2017)
Style follow ep 12 & ep 13 (2017)
Knowing brothers ep 87 (2017) | ep 251 (2020)
Fantastic duo ep19 & ep20 (2017)
JYP’s party people ep4 (2017)
Wednesday food talk ep132 (2017) | ep 184 (2018)
Mixnine ep4 (2017)
Blackpink house (2018)
Idol room ep7 (2018)
Night of real entertainment ep 71 (2018)
Unexpected Q ep 11 (2018)
My ugly duckling ep 97 (2018)
Amazing Saturday ep 21 (2018) | ep 129 (2020)
Real man ep 1-6 (2018)
Michuri/village survival, the eight season 1 (2018)
Treasure box ep 4 (2018)
We will channel you ep 5 & ep 6 (2018)
24/365 ep 1-13 (2020)
Delicious rendezvous ep42-44 (2020)
1thek prison interview ep 12 (2020)
Blackpink light up the sky (2020)
Cherry bullet (2019-…) my bias : Remi
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Inside Channel Cherry Bullet (2018-2019)
Girls planet 999 (2021)
Muply? Arcade pang?
Enhypen (2020-…) my bias : Sunghoon & Jay
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Muply? Arcade pang?
Everglow (2019-…) my bias : Mia & Sihyeon
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Muply? Arcade pang?
Fromis_9 (2018-…) my bias : Chaeyoung
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Muply? Arcade pang?
(G)I-DLE (2018-…) my bias : Yuqi & Soojin
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All Mv’s
Muply? Arcade pang?
Itzy (2019-…) my bias : Ryujin
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All Mv’s
Muply? Arcade pang?
ive (2021-…) my bias : Gaeul & Leeseo
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All mv’s
Muply? Arcade pang?
Jbj (2017-2018) my bias : Donghan
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All Mv’s
Muply? Arcade pang?
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sagehaleyofficial · 2 years
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- Young Culture released an emo country song titled “Whiskey.” The band’s upcoming album, You Had to Be There, will be released on November 11. - Story of the Year announced that they are going to be releasing a new album next year. Tear Me to Pieces is going to be dropping on March 10 via SharpTone Records and the band has also released the title track. - Four Year Strong announced they will be re-releasing their classic album Enemy of the World. The new version of the record will be released on February 17, 2023 via Pure Noise Records. - Blink-182 released their new track and video for “Edging,” the first to feature all of the band’s original members in 10 years. Drummer Travis Barker produced the track. - Waterparks released a new track featuring Blackbear titled “F*ck About It.” The band recently released a new version of their track “Self-Sabotage” featuring Good Charlotte. - Green Day announced they are reissuing their classic album Nimrod. Dropping on January 27, 2023, it comes with the original album, plus 14 previously unreleased demos and a live recording of the band playing at the Electric Factory in 1997. - Zebrahead shared a new track, another piece of their new era with new vocalist/guitarist Adrian Estrella. The track is called “No Tomorrow” and follows on from their EP III, which dropped last year. - Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes returned with their first new music since their last full-length titled “The Drugs.” The song features Jamie T, who Frank previously provided guest vocals for on his track “British Hell.”
- Black Veil Brides, Ice Nine Kills and Motionless in White announced they are heading out on the road one last time on the Trinity of Terror Tour. Following their sets at When We Were Young, they’ll start up the tour again in Lubbock, Texas, on November 1. - When We Were Young revealed the lineup for next year’s festival, just weeks out from this year’s event. Green Day and Blink-182, with the newly reunited Tom DeLonge, will be headlining. - Blink-182 added 3 more United Kingdom shows to their recently announced tour dates. The band will now be playing a second date at Glasgow’s OVO Hydro on September 1, London’s O2 on October 12 and Manchester’s AO Arena on October 16, 2023. - When We Were Young announced the set times for this year’s event in Las Vegas. The event now features five stages, with two of the stages alternating.
- The Wonder Years released a documentary about their latest album The Hum Goes on Forever titled Coughing Up Embers. The film features interviews with the whole band, Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus, Will Yip, Steve Everett, Hanif Abdurraqib and more. - The MTV EMAs announced this year’s nominees, with Foo Fighters and The Killers up for Best Rock. Yungblud is also up for Best Alternative, among others, while Foo Fighters are also nominated for the Longform Video category. - Dream State introduced new vocalist Jessie Powell, bassist Jake Bowen and drummer Tom Connolly following the departure of CJ Gilpin and Rhys Wilcox earlier this year and Jamie Lee back in 2021. They also released a new song titled “Taunt Me.” - Motionless in White’s song “Masterpiece” hit the No. 1 spot on US Active Rock Radio. The song was the second track to be released from their recent album Scoring the End of the World. ___
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley”!
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obsessiveviewer · 28 days
OV428 - Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) & The Idea of You (2024)
This week, I review Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes in both a non-spoiler and spoiler feature review. Then, in this week’s secondary review, I share my thoughts on Michael Showalter’s The Idea of You, currently on Amazon Prime Video. I also talk about recent news regarding 28 Years Later, Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, Spider-Man Noir, Shogun season 2, Dune: Prophecy, and more.
Show Start - 00:28
News - 02:45
  Feature Review
Thoughts on the Reboot Trilogy - 25:39
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) - 39:04
Spoiler - 54:41
  Secondary Review
The Idea of You (2024) - 1:11:39
24: Season 8 - 1:27:50
  Closing the Ep - 1:34:15
Patreon Clip - 1:35:19
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OV429 - The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) & I Saw the TV Glow (2024)
Check out this episode!
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inspiredwriterstory · 2 months
TopDragon ep 1, part 2
*Fade to a filled cave with Wibli, Turtle, Winter, and hundreds of other dragons*
Qibli: Hello and welcome back to TopDragon!
Turtle: I have to admit I'm really enjoying this show.
Qibli: And your gonna enjoy it even more in a second because I have a surprise for you Turtle. Now before that lets just recap what's happened so far.
Turtle: Honestly I'd rather not because I felt like a red lobster in that car.
Qibli: You looked like it too.
Winter: So last time Kinkajou dive bombed Qibli, we got on the road, and the sand snorter broke his car.
Turtle: In a nutshell yes.
Qibli: Wow.
Turtle: Well before we get back to our cross continent road trip, it's time for our first car review.
Qibli: We have brought a very special guest on to drive a car around a track and report their experience.
Winter: Today's guest is classy, Very well known, and the daughter of queen Coral.
Turtle: Wait what-
Qibli: Please welcome, Prince Anemone!
*Anemone walks out onto the cave stage as the crowd cheers*
Anemone: Hello everyone! Hi Turtle.
Turtle: That's what you guys were being so sneaky about behind the scenes?
Qibli: We thought we'd surprise you.
Winter: Lets all sit down.
*Everyone sits down with Qibli, Turtle, and Winter on one while Anemone is on a couch opposite*
Turtle: Watch your tail please.
Winter: Keep that dirt away from me.
Qibli: Alright Anemone, we had you drive around the TopDragon test track and we're just gonna ask you some questions.
Winter: Is she old enough to drive?
Qibli: On private property yes.
Anemone: I have to admit, it was exciting and scary since I've never driven before.
Qibli: Alright so we sat you down in a automatic Mazda MX5 Miata. Now our track is A very flat track with a mix of wide and tight turns so how would you describe your experience?
Anemone: Well it was definitely different to swimming.
Winter: How about we watch her in action.
*Fade to black and then fade into a shot of the track which is nestled perfectly into a valley in the sky kingdom.*
*Cut to Anemone buckling up in a convertible 2024 Mazda MX5.*
Anemone: Alright, here we go.
*Another dragon soon walks out and waves a green flag.*
*Anemone makes a surprisingly slow start*
Qibli over footage: Where's the fire?
Anemone over footage: Very funny.
Turtle: There around the first turn.
*Anemone goes around a sweeping left before quickly transitioning into a hair pin turn and under steering to the outside of the track*
Winter over footage: Missed your braking point.
*Cut to Anemone inside the car*
Anemone: Come on turn!
*Anemone gets out of the turn and accelerates down the long straightaway*
Turtle over footage: Okay decently fast down the straight.
*Anemone suddenly locks her tires as she tries to break and nearly flies off the course*
Qibli over footage: Oh careful, don't wreck the car.
*Anemone makes a hard right before accelerating through a slight gradient with A zig zag in the road*
Anemone dodging a guard rail: Woah! Oh moons.
Qibli over footage: Not out of the woods yet she still has the final turn.
*Anemone glides forward and holds a right around the turn while running a bit wide.*
Qibli as she finish: And across the line!
*Fade to black and then fade back to the cave.*
Winter: I will say, not bad.
Turtle: Especially for a first time driver.
Anemone: Why thanks.
Qibli: Now here we have A leader board and since you are the first guest to ever be on it you automatically get first with A time of... Two minutes, fifty two... Point three seconds!
Anemone: You know I'm happy with that.
Turtle: Alright well, now that that's been settled, I'm sure you are all wondering what happened to Qibli's Charger. Well we're about to find out.
Qibli: I'm going to be honest, I was shocked when I found out what it was.
*Fade to black then cut to a drone shot of all three cars driving down the road with Turtle behind Winter towing Qibli's Charge.*
Winter over radio: Hate to say I told ya so-
Qibli: No you would marry I told you so and buy a burial plot right next to it for when you die.
Turtle over footage: Qibli had clearly experienced a major failure, he couldn't even get his car started. So I stepped up to the task of taking him to the Oasis.
*Cut to inside of Winter's car*
Winter over radio: You have got to be kidding me.
*Cut to Turtle pulling Qibli off the main road and onto a sandy pathway*
Winter over footage: The oasis was off the main road, and my car was not happy about it at all.
*Cut to footage of Winter's GTR struggling to climb a sand dune.*
Winter: Queen Glacier give me strength.
*Cut to the sun setting over a oasis with A lake and palm trees as the cars make their way over there before cutting to a dusty abandoned shed with tools as a scorpion races by the camera.*
Turtle: We're here!
Qibli as he gets out: Perfect! I can figure out what happened now.
Winter: My word this heat is unbearable.
Turtle: At least you have air conditioning.
Qibli: Hold on, what's this?
*Qibli begins walking away and Turtle and Winter soon follow.*
Qibli: No way!
*Camera begins showing dynamic drone shots of a drag strip made out of sandstone*
Qibli: Ha! This is the original sandwing drag strip! This is where they raced the first muscle cars!
Winter: Oh great, there's a challenge on that post.
Qibli: I got it. *Grabs challenge*
Qibli reading it out loud: You have now arrived and will spend tonight sleeping in your cars before tomorrow's race to test their comfortablity.
Turtle: I am going to be a filled seafood meal by tomorrow.
Winter over footage of the sun setting in the distance: And with that we made our way back to our cars.
Winter as Qibli pushes his car into the shed in the background: With ease I can lay the seats back and turn on the air conditioning. I am sleeping like a royal should.
*Cut to Turtle*
Turtle: In an attempt to get a good nights sleep I have parked my Lancia partly in the lake and I will sleep with my tail in the window so I can say I slept "In my car".
*Cut the the three moons rising as the sound of Qibli working on his car is heard in the background before fading to black*
*Fade to show a eagle flying high over the sand as the sun rises*
Winter: Well I slept decent, you have to say Nissan makes comfortable cars.
*Winter walks over Turtle who is tossing and turning in the water*
Winter: Okay that's cheating, you have to actually be in the car.
Turtle half asleep: I am... *snore*
*Winter picks him up and dumps him fully in the water and Turtle comes back up spitting water out of his mouth*
Turtle: Okay I'm up!
Turtle over footage of Winter and Turtle looking for Qibli: After a rude awakening we both realized we couldn't find Qibli's car. So we looked for clues.
*Both turn there heads to the shed about ten feet away.*
Turtle: Found him.
*Cut to a messy shed with tools and car parts everywhere*
Winter: My goodness, Qibli what on Phyria?
Qibli from under the car as he slides out: Winter? Oh no the sun is up.
Turtle: Did you not sleep last night?
Qibli: I had a broken crankshaft I had to replace.
Winter: Well your gonna feel it the rest of the road trip.
Qibli: I still gotta finish it up so you guys head over to the drag strip and I'll meet you there as soon as I can.
*Time lapse the sun rising over the desert until it's mid day before cutting to Turtle and Winter watching Qibli driving over.*
Qibli as he gets out: Why do you guys look so concerned?
Turtle: Look.
*Camera cuts to see a figure in a white racing suit next to a muscle car.*
Qibli: Crap, it's The Stig.
Turtle over the footage as The Stig drives all the way over rolling to a stop: The Stig is without a doubt one of the best drivers in Phyria. And now we'd have to try and beat his Pro stock drag racing division Ford Thunderbird with our cars.
Qibli: Hello Stig.
The Stig: .....
Qibli: Chatty as ever I see.
Winter: Lets stop wasting time and get to racing.
*Camera cuts to all four lined up side by side.*
*Cut to inside of Turtles car*
Turtle in the car: The only way I can win this is if they all have some sort of issue or make a mistake.
*Cut to winter into car*
Winter in car: Just gotta time my shifts perfectly, hope launch control does it's job.
*Cut to Qibli in car*
Qibli in car: Being fully honest I'm worried that my repairs won't hold. I haven't had a chance to run it in.
*Cut to The Stig in the car*
The Stig: ....
*A produce waves a flag and the roar of engines fills the air. The Stig launches forward while Qibli suddenly pulls a wheelie with his front tires high in the air.*
Turtle: Three moons!
*Qibli's front wheels slam to the ground as he pulls forward and matches Winter's speed as The Stig flies down the drag strip widening the gap by the second.*
Qibli: The Sitg is gone! It's just a race between us three now!
*Turtle is falling behind as Qibli and Winter battle to pass each other*
Turtle: Their really going!
*The Stig blasts past the finish line. The camera begins cutting back and forth between Qibli moving the shifter and Winter hitting the shifter paddles*
Winter: Come on sand snorter!
*Both thunder past the finish line side by side with Turtle coming a second later.*
*Cut to Turtle in Car*
Turtle over radio: Who won?
Qibli over radio: I have no idea.
*Camera cuts to the three rolling to a stop side by side as The Stig drives off and a producer hands Qibli a piece or paper.*
Qibli as he gets out with a piece of paper: Well I think we all know The Stig won, but the real battle was between me and Winter, which, you did very good.
Winter: You didn't do bad yourself.
Qibli: So they snapped a picture as we crossed the line and it was close.
*Qibli slowly turns the picture so they can see it. Qibli just edged out the GTR*
Qibli: Muscle wins on it's home ground!
Winter: Dang it.
Turtle: Hey good job.
*A producer walks up and hands Qibli another paper*
Qibli Reading out loud: Now that you have raced in the home of the Muscle car, you will now make your way to Jade Mountain Academy for your next challenge.
Turtle: They're sending us directly there?
Qibli: Did anyone there even approve that?
Winter: I don't know.
*Fade to black and fade back to the cave*
Qibli: Wow. That was a close race.
Turtle: I'm still surprised you could make that repair in time.
Winter: That only looks like he did he made us wait two hours in the back sun.
Turtle: I don't know what your complaining about you have air conditioning, my Lancia is like a oven!
Qibli: Well one thing we can all agree on, is The Stig had the advantage.
Turtle: Did they really think that we had any chance of beating him?
Winter: Obviously not or they're idiots.
Qibli: Now can we talk about my wheelie for a second?
Turtle: How did you even pull that off?
Qibli half laughing: I'm not even sure myself!
Turtle: If someone would do us a favor and put the footage on screen that be great.
*Footage comes onto a TV*
Turtle: Pause right there.
Qibli: Look at how high my front tires are!
Turtle: That has to be like four, maybe five feet!
Winter: I will never get why people go crazy over wheelies, it seems so impractical.
Qibli: It's nearly impossible without the proper equipment!
Turtle: Well I'm afraid that's all we have time for but next time, we'll be making the difficult journey through the mountains.
*Fade to black*
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rockzone · 3 months
These Wicked Rivers - Force Of Nature
Release Date: 1 Mar 2024
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Established in 2014, These Wicked Rivers are Derby’s entry to the new wave of rock and roll that is sweeping across the United Kingdom. 2024 kicked off in style with a hometown show that sold out in just 5 hours, and their new album 'Force of Nature' was released at the start of March.
Drawing influence from the well of rock legends and blues greats, the band have made quite an impact since their inception with their unique brand of blues-infused modern rock steadily picking up plaudits for their gutsy live performances across the UK.
The ensemble received a slew of positive reviews for their debut EP ‘The Enemy’ back in 2015, and followed it up with 2017’s ‘II’, gaining them attention within the emerging UK rock scene as well as national radio airplay. The band then released their debut album ‘Eden’ in May 2020 to huge critical acclaim.
The band embarked on their first UK headline tour last year, taking their trademark 'Grandma's Living Room' stage set to the far corners of the UK with several shows sold out.
The band will be hitting the road once again in May on their 'Peace, Love & Lampshades' tour, bringing their signature sounds to Manchester's Night & Day on Sunday May 19th.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 10.5
Armed Forces Day (Egypt, Indonesia)
Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters
Be Nice to a Lawyer Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Catherine Park Day
Checkers Appreciation Day
Chic Spy Day
Commemorating the Victims of Prohibition Day (Cannabis)
Constitution Day (Vanuatu)
Death of Prophet Mohammad (Iran)
Dirij Tereur (Elder Scrolls)
Do Something Nice Day
Education Day (Kiribati)
Engineer’s Day (Bolivia)
Feast of the Empire of Lies
Ganga River Dolphin Day (India)
Global James Bond Day
Goddard Day
International Charge Your Car Day
International Day of No Prostitution
Long Walk Day
Medicine Day (Peru)
Mignonette Day (French Republic)
Monty Python Day
Most Common Birthday Day
National Above the Bus Day
National Be Nice Day
National Caribbean Civility Day
National Dildo Trick Shot Day
National Depression Screening Day
National Family Fire Drill Day
National Get Funky Day
National Hackney Day
National Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Awareness Day
National Innovation Day (Thailand)
National Kiss a Wrestler Day
National Military Podcast Day
National Rhode Island Day
National Scissoring Day
National Storytelling Day
Nubaigai (Harvest Festival; Pagan Lithuanian)
Republic Day (Portugal)
Sea Serpent Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Stara Zagora Day (Bulgaria)
Teacher’s Day (Pakistan, Russia)
Territory Day (Christmas Island)
Unicorn Questing Season begins
Vranec World Day
Victims of Marijuana Prohibition Day
World Dyslexia Awareness Day
World Meningitis Day
World Teachers' Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewing Industry Day
National Apple Betty Day
Noisy Munching Day
Pilsner Day
Rocky Mountain Oyster Day
1st Thursday in October
Bring Your Bible to School Day [1st Thursday]
Great American Beer Festival begins [thru Saturday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
National Depression Screening Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Poetry Day (UK) [1st Thursday]
National Women-Owned Business Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Outer Space Nation of Celestia (Declared; 1949) [unrecognized]
Portugal (from Kingdom of Leon, 1143)
Feast Days
Anna Schäffer (Christian; Saint)
Baptism of the Prophet (Mali)
Bartolo Longo (Christian; Blessed)
Bigmouth Fraggle (Muppetism)
Faustina Kowalska (Christian; Saint)
Francesco Guardi (Artology)
Francis Xavier Seelos (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Galla (Christian; Saint)
Hor and Susia (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)
Hosanna Rabbah (Begins at Sundown; Judaism) [21 Tishri]
Mania Mundus (Festival to remember departed ancestors)
Mundus Patet (Ancient Rome)
Opening of the Mundus Cereris (Pagan)
Placid and Maurus (Christian; Saint)
Placidus (Christian; Martyr)
Pope Benedict IX (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rossini (Positivist; Saint)
Slightly Naughty Day (Pastafarian)
Thesmorphoria begins (3-Day Women’s Festival to Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Thraseas (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (Film; 1945)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Disney Animated Film; 1949)
Age of Empires (Computer Game; 1997)
Alpalooza, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1993)
Automatic for the People, by R.E.M. (Album; 1992)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Film; 1961)
Cats (Film; 1998)
Cleopatra (Film; 1934)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Animated Aardman Film; 2005)
Dr. No (UK Film; 1962) [James Bond #1]
The Fire Chaser or Bullwinkle Goes to Blazes (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 307; 1964)
Flaming Arrows or Bullwinkle Meets His Match (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 308; 1964)
Frankenweenie (Animated Film; 2012)
Gilmore Girls (TV Series; 2000)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh (Novel; 1963)
Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Short Story; 1961)
Henry & June (Film; 1990)
I’m the Man, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1979)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Laugh-O-Gram Studio’s Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Led Zeppelin III, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1970)
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, by the Spin Doctors (Song; 1992)
Love Me Do, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1962)
Michael Clayton (Film; 2007)
Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gág (Children’s Book; 1928)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (UK TV Series; 1969)
¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico (WB Animated Film; 2004)
Music Land (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Music Land (Disney Animated Film; 1955)
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot (Poems; 1939)
One-Punch Man (Anime; 2015)
Right Ho, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1934) [Jeeves #6]
The Saint Around the World, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1956) [Saint #32]
Skyfall, by Adele (Song; 2012)
10 (Film; 1979)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1956)
Tunnel of Love, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1987)
Venom (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Attila, Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf, Placidus (Austria)
Faustina, Mauro, Miodrag (Croatia)
Eliška (Czech Republic)
Placidus (Denmark)
Inga, Inge, Ingeborg, Inger, Ingi, Ingrid (Estonia)
Inka, Inkeri (Finland)
Camélia, Capucine, Daphné, Eglantin, Faustine, Fleur, Placide (France)
Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf (Germany)
Charitine, Charitini, Haritini (Greece)
Aurél (Hungary)
Placido (Italy)
Amālija, Male (Latvia)
Donata, Edvinas, Gilda, Palemonas, Placidas (Lithuania)
Bo, Boye, Brynjar (Norway)
Apolinary, Częstogniew, Donat, Donata, Faust, Fides, Flawia, Igor, Justyn, Konstancjusz, Konstans, Placyd (Poland)
Daniil, Haritina, Misail (România)
Viera (Slovakia)
Faustina, Froilán, María, Plácido (Spain)
Bror (Sweden)
Charita (Ukraine)
Chester, Cheston, Chet, Nia, Nyah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 278 of 2024; 87 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 40 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 21 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 20 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 8 Shù; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 22 September 2023
Moon: 61%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Rossini]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 12 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 12 of 30)
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 10.5
Armed Forces Day (Egypt, Indonesia)
Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters
Be Nice to a Lawyer Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Catherine Park Day
Checkers Appreciation Day
Chic Spy Day
Commemorating the Victims of Prohibition Day (Cannabis)
Constitution Day (Vanuatu)
Death of Prophet Mohammad (Iran)
Dirij Tereur (Elder Scrolls)
Do Something Nice Day
Education Day (Kiribati)
Engineer’s Day (Bolivia)
Feast of the Empire of Lies
Ganga River Dolphin Day (India)
Global James Bond Day
Goddard Day
International Charge Your Car Day
International Day of No Prostitution
Long Walk Day
Medicine Day (Peru)
Mignonette Day (French Republic)
Monty Python Day
Most Common Birthday Day
National Above the Bus Day
National Be Nice Day
National Caribbean Civility Day
National Dildo Trick Shot Day
National Depression Screening Day
National Family Fire Drill Day
National Get Funky Day
National Hackney Day
National Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Awareness Day
National Innovation Day (Thailand)
National Kiss a Wrestler Day
National Military Podcast Day
National Rhode Island Day
National Scissoring Day
National Storytelling Day
Nubaigai (Harvest Festival; Pagan Lithuanian)
Republic Day (Portugal)
Sea Serpent Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Stara Zagora Day (Bulgaria)
Teacher’s Day (Pakistan, Russia)
Territory Day (Christmas Island)
Unicorn Questing Season begins
Vranec World Day
Victims of Marijuana Prohibition Day
World Dyslexia Awareness Day
World Meningitis Day
World Teachers' Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewing Industry Day
National Apple Betty Day
Noisy Munching Day
Pilsner Day
Rocky Mountain Oyster Day
1st Thursday in October
Bring Your Bible to School Day [1st Thursday]
Great American Beer Festival begins [thru Saturday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
National Depression Screening Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Poetry Day (UK) [1st Thursday]
National Women-Owned Business Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Outer Space Nation of Celestia (Declared; 1949) [unrecognized]
Portugal (from Kingdom of Leon, 1143)
Feast Days
Anna Schäffer (Christian; Saint)
Baptism of the Prophet (Mali)
Bartolo Longo (Christian; Blessed)
Bigmouth Fraggle (Muppetism)
Faustina Kowalska (Christian; Saint)
Francesco Guardi (Artology)
Francis Xavier Seelos (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Galla (Christian; Saint)
Hor and Susia (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)
Hosanna Rabbah (Begins at Sundown; Judaism) [21 Tishri]
Mania Mundus (Festival to remember departed ancestors)
Mundus Patet (Ancient Rome)
Opening of the Mundus Cereris (Pagan)
Placid and Maurus (Christian; Saint)
Placidus (Christian; Martyr)
Pope Benedict IX (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rossini (Positivist; Saint)
Slightly Naughty Day (Pastafarian)
Thesmorphoria begins (3-Day Women’s Festival to Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Thraseas (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (Film; 1945)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Disney Animated Film; 1949)
Age of Empires (Computer Game; 1997)
Alpalooza, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1993)
Automatic for the People, by R.E.M. (Album; 1992)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Film; 1961)
Cats (Film; 1998)
Cleopatra (Film; 1934)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Animated Aardman Film; 2005)
Dr. No (UK Film; 1962) [James Bond #1]
The Fire Chaser or Bullwinkle Goes to Blazes (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 307; 1964)
Flaming Arrows or Bullwinkle Meets His Match (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 308; 1964)
Frankenweenie (Animated Film; 2012)
Gilmore Girls (TV Series; 2000)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh (Novel; 1963)
Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Short Story; 1961)
Henry & June (Film; 1990)
I’m the Man, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1979)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Laugh-O-Gram Studio’s Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Led Zeppelin III, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1970)
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, by the Spin Doctors (Song; 1992)
Love Me Do, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1962)
Michael Clayton (Film; 2007)
Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gág (Children’s Book; 1928)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (UK TV Series; 1969)
¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico (WB Animated Film; 2004)
Music Land (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Music Land (Disney Animated Film; 1955)
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot (Poems; 1939)
One-Punch Man (Anime; 2015)
Right Ho, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1934) [Jeeves #6]
The Saint Around the World, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1956) [Saint #32]
Skyfall, by Adele (Song; 2012)
10 (Film; 1979)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1956)
Tunnel of Love, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1987)
Venom (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Attila, Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf, Placidus (Austria)
Faustina, Mauro, Miodrag (Croatia)
Eliška (Czech Republic)
Placidus (Denmark)
Inga, Inge, Ingeborg, Inger, Ingi, Ingrid (Estonia)
Inka, Inkeri (Finland)
Camélia, Capucine, Daphné, Eglantin, Faustine, Fleur, Placide (France)
Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf (Germany)
Charitine, Charitini, Haritini (Greece)
Aurél (Hungary)
Placido (Italy)
Amālija, Male (Latvia)
Donata, Edvinas, Gilda, Palemonas, Placidas (Lithuania)
Bo, Boye, Brynjar (Norway)
Apolinary, Częstogniew, Donat, Donata, Faust, Fides, Flawia, Igor, Justyn, Konstancjusz, Konstans, Placyd (Poland)
Daniil, Haritina, Misail (România)
Viera (Slovakia)
Faustina, Froilán, María, Plácido (Spain)
Bror (Sweden)
Charita (Ukraine)
Chester, Cheston, Chet, Nia, Nyah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 278 of 2024; 87 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 40 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 21 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 20 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 8 Shù; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 22 September 2023
Moon: 61%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Rossini]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 12 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 12 of 30)
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touchstonedriv · 11 months
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