#sage haley
sagehaleyofficial · 2 years
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If you don't get this reference, you're a prep. 🦇
Follow @sagehaleyofficial for more memes every Monday!
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roomtemperatehumor · 9 months
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Haley looking stunning today
Original creator: Kippy Sage
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these should all have one place, instead of being a whole lot of rbs and individual posts, so.
Sage, during the season break earlier this year, compiled a list of (nearly) every wacked thing (and every little thing said that was *definitely* (probably) a character thing and not a cc!sherb/irl!sherb thing) during the streams between the break! Notes in parentheses beginning with 'future sage' were written like. ten minutes ago while I was looking back at these. anyway-
everything is under the cut bc this shit *long*
[ALL FROM SHERBERT STREAM "Talking about the finale! and pirate fest!"]
- Yellow light background
- Blue Eye
- Beginnings of blood under said blue eye
- Blue eye/Blood is opposite to C!Sherbert's. (So, rather than being on the right, it's on the left)
- Faint-Faint Scar akin to C!Sherbert's one from S1
- Talking about potions/making potions IRL
- Referring to C!Sherbert's desk as "My Desk"
- Facecam border changed, Now White and Yellow
- Saying that they didn't do anything to the portal
- Trying to remember what the portal + Haley looked like
- "I'm pretty sure this is the same thing that showed up when I was at Haley's grave when I ran away, But I don't really remember."
- "I wasn't really looking at pants"
- "No idea what was going on with shoes, didn't really look."
- "I'm pretty sure you're on my screen," didn't quite exactly catch what they said, but they then asked if we could have been objects, or something along the lines- (Did conform that we *were* on the screen. And not in fact objects.)
- "What shoes were you wearing?" Sherbert to Haley, Haley then asking "Where?", Sherbert then going "When you came out if the portal?"
- Sherbert acting as though this is the first/one of the first time their hearing Syndicate ("I don't know why I know this song so well")
- Seemingly forgeting that they did a cover of Syndicate ("You did a cover of it. Oh, Yeah! I did.")
- "No I'm pretty sure that's a Q," not knowing how we got a bleeding eye from that
[ALL FROM CENTROSS' STREAM "Mermaid times!!!!!"]
- Blood is more obvious, further down their face (More akin to C!Sherbert's blood drips than they were earlier, only more faint and smaller)
- "you still have blood on your face" "Yeah it's kinda been there, not gonna lie" "it just doesn't leave" (Centross and Sherb talking about the blood. While not necessarily a wack thing - we know its bleeding - its definitely a little thing to point out)
- "I don't remember most things, actually," Centross then tells them how weird that is, and how he feels to constantly re-tell them things. ("It's weird, It's like I have to re-tell you everything")
- "I went to school, it was weird, wasn't used to that one."
- "Rae put us in box," when questioned on 'Rae' (Because Centross was on Mer, So it would've been Theo), "Yeah, Rae." (Rather set on it being Rae and not Theo.)
- (Don't know when this Happened) Chat asked about Sherbert's Blue Eye and what was up with it, and Centross then responded "What do you mean? That's their normal eye."
- During when Heyhay is showing off the burned old Ominous Bane base, Sherbert (In chat) say "yeah I burned it after everything" which. once again talking about C!Sherbert in the first person as though they *are* C!Sherbert
- When Heyhay shows off Perix's lab, Sherbert (In chat, again) says "oh so thats what those looked like," referring to the big brewing stands. this is despite the fact that Rae drew C!Sherbert a picture of them, and gave it to C!Sherbert. (Tho, Could be in reference to the materials.) [A very in character thing to say.]
- In response to a question about that (I couldn't watch the stream live, to look at chat, and heyhay doesn't put the chat up, so I don't know what the question was-), Sherbert responds, "well i never went to the alchemy lab so-" again, despite Rae drawing them a picture and givving it to them (Again, could ve in reference to material) [Also again, Very in-character thing to say. Using 'I' in reference to C!Sherbert.]
- Blood seems to have decreased since Centross' stream where it was further down. Either that or it's extra-extra faint and was just more noticeable in Centross' stream.
- The faint Scar that was there previously is no longer there
- Few Minutes In, right when they open minecaft, The Background light changes from yellow to green. (Presumably connected to the fact that Krit's not bleeding eye is Green and/or the Rave room)
- Among us are not yellow and purple, Now Orange and Green (Also corresponding to Krit's eye colors)
- Kirt acknowledging things IRL. Specifically the Among Us, and saying how 'They've always been those colors' [Put In this list because while *in* character (I think. They seemed in character) they most definitely acknowledged things IRL]
- After they leave Minecraft, Light changes back to yellow.
- Blood still really faint, but going a little further down their face that last stream (Though, it is to be noted that it is not as far down as in Centross' stream the other day)
- Among us are orange and white (? Could be light blue. very hard to tell with the lighting)
- The maniquine that holds C!Sherbert's coat, goggles, and scarf (the one that hangs on their belt) is now infront of CC!Sherbert's Non-Binary flag.
- Few Minutes In, once they open minecaft, the light in the background changes to purple. (Seems to be the usual (before the whole irl lore stuff) shade)
- "I geuss I cosplayed me a bit ago-"
- They care a lot about *this* hardcore world (Could Jist be Hardcore Lore, Could Be CCC! Lore. Don't know which one.)
- A Jack Stauber song started playing (C!Sherbert canonically only listens to Jack Stauber)
- Syndicate started playing after, They got excited about it
- *Another* Jack Stauber song. (Outside of this, Music seems to be going through its normal rotation)
- A fucking 'nother one- (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- ...Another one. We are on. #4 I do believe. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "Why do I know this music-?" (They say, lipsinking and dancing like they *know* the music)
- ....#5 now. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. Though this one was significantly shorter than the rest.)
- A soul shrine showed up in hardcore, when going to look at it, the Nether star had a message in Quixian presumably connecting to the whole IRL lore stuff going on (Tranlation - ⏁⏅ṽ⏇⏅ ⍉���⍉ ⍒⌭√ ⌭⍭, UHZKH GLG BRX RJ, (Shift 4 Backward) REWHE DID YOU OG, WHERE DID YOU GO)
- *Another* (#6) Jack Stauber song started playing (It also ran shorter)
- Another (#7) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole song plays through)
- Another (#8) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole thing plays through)
- After they close minecaft, light changes back to yellow/white
- Their Pride flags swapped (They're on the opposite sides)
- Sherbert doesn't introduce their character ('I'm Sherbert and I use They/Them pronouns' when questioned, 'Nothing else')
- Characters glitching on the couch (Haley glitching to late s2, and Chaos glitching to a ghost) [Stays that way for the rest of the stream.]
- "A bunch of you started drawing me with wing ears cause I want to be birb." (Once again referring to C!Sherbert in the first person.)
- Everytime Sherbert's answered so far, it's gone back an forth between 3rd and 1st person.
- "It's a weird memory feeling" (And then Centross going "Yeah?")
- When they said their favorite god was Quixis, their light started to change rainbow. They did go back to white/yellow after.
- "Uh. Me." (Seemed very unsure, did not elaborate.)
-Blood is still faint, but further down their face
- Maniquine (The one with C!Sherbert's fit) is gone from frame
- They open minecaft, light doesn't change
- Among Us are white and red
- Wack Music #1 (A Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #2 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #3 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "It's *my* music, nice." (The only music C!Sherbert listens to is Jack Stauber. Presumably this is why CCC!Sherbert refers to it as "My Music," once again referring to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Searching up "NETH", really quietly they went, "Netherum?"
- Wack Music #4 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I love these songs, they're my songs. I listen to them all the time."
- "Which look most like my converse?" (Refering to C!Sherbert's Yellow/Purple converse as 'my converse')
- "I can make my armor at some point" (Referring to C!Sherbert's armor in 1st person)
- Wack Music #5 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #6 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Sherbert going "Don't take this as Canon" when trying to remember their wings name. (Implying the rest of this whole bit *is*)
- Wack Music #7 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I won't lie, my favorite flower is a blue orchid, but it may change to this."
- Wack Music #8 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Song #9 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. This one ran shorter.)
- "Rae is gonna- Rae is gonna ascend." (Talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "Rae is gonna love these. I gotta make him some whenever I- whenever I see him again." (Again, talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "I've never speedrun before." "I've only been to the end once." "I have no idea what I'm doing."
- "It's been a long time since I've had to, I dunno, start over."
- "It's been about a year or so." (Season 2 of Fable went on for about a year before the finale.)
- "I don’t know I’ve never done this before"
- "I guess I killed the dragon that one time but I don’t know."
- "I am birb, I got my little wing ears and everything"
- "Yeah, I'll be used to the thunder, I'm not worried about that."
- "'Funky eyes,' I already have a funky eye, i cant handle more."
- "I am not used to being in a new world, kinda forgot this was a thing."
- "I guess if Momboo’s not here then it won’t rain, huh."
- "Always thunder is a lie. I geuss Momboos not here to do that, so I guess that's fine."
- "We gotta go to the moon again."(Refering to the time they played portal. (Portal!Sherbert))
- "'Turn yourself into a warden,' Uh, that's trauma."
- "I guess we're going to the moon again. I wasn't on the moon for a very long time last time, but i definitely was up there." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Sherbert seems a tad stressed (While trying to get to the moon.)
- "Last time I was here I was just kinda getting rid of a robot." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Well I guess the dude I left up here is doing pretty good for himself." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Honestly not the weirdest thing that has happened to me. I wont lie, I've had way weirder things happen to me. Objectively. "
- "Giant warden? But this is just going to give me trauma."
- "I got to go to the moon again." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Goes to sleep at the end, same way they end lore.
- Blood a little further down their face
- Blood around their eye a little darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's scar) is back
- When asked what crimes they commited, they listed some thing that C!Sherbert did.
- "Jerold where are you? I thought you left me too..." (..so many things. So many things about that sentence.)
- "At least this box is grey, i think I would be a lot worse if I was in another one of the black boxes." "'No obby.' Yeah, exactly."
- "How long is my sentence I’m not necessarily saying I want to get out."
- "I've spent time in boxes before."
- "Might rip up my clothes a little, but it's okay."
- "At least I have something to do in prison this time."
- "You know. This isn't - This isn't to far off from my communicatior.."
- "'Are things talking to right now?' I mean, sure, yeah. I'm in a prison, not sure how else you would be talking to me."
- "'Charles did it,' Yeah, probably."
- They sound nervous. Very akin to how C!Sherbert sounded when they got put in the prison
- Light Blue and Green/Lime Among us.
- "You don’t have to spend your money on games, I’m okay."
- "I've done this before."
- "Do I get out ever?"
- "Atleast not in the ones I've been in, isn't there supposed to be an outside area?"
- "I'd like to get out I probably have some people I'd like to see, maybe… Maybe…"
-"'You remember the prison?' Yeah I remember a lot of things."
-"I'm pretty sure I have people waiting for me on the outside."
-"'Time seems to go slower when in prison,' Yeah. Something like that."
-"Is that an eye? Ugh….Illuminati confirmed."
- "I'm sure they don't want my eye."
- "'What's you eye doing?' Bleeding like always."
- "You know, my communicatior didn't have games."
- "Me and a significant amount of objects that can speak-"
- "I've done things in the past, but I'm pretty sure in the past - 8 days, not the ones in here, i havent done anything that warrents prison." (The finale was 8 days ago.)
- "'Another almost happy ending.' Yeah."
- When Sherb closes the game, they sorta do their thing they do at the end of lore. (You know what I'm talking about-)
- Blood seems a tad darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is still there
- Among Us are Red and Orange (Differing from the last time they were on Mer - Which was Orange and Green.)
- They opened minecaft and the light changed to lime green
- "'What happened to the purple and yellow Among uss?' These are the Among Us? This is what they've always been."
- Krit finds an emerald with Quixian written on it, Translates to 'MAYBE THIS ONE?' (Ψ⦚⍔⏚⏅ ṽ⌗⌘⏄ ⍕⍔⌮ - FILTH ZAOP ULV - YBEMA STHI NEO - MAYBE THIS ONE) Presumably Quixis attempting to figure out where Sherbert went after they went through the portal. (Though, if they are in charge of the Rave-Room, presumably they do know where the portals go, and would know that they didn't go through the one to Mer after tye Fable one went out.)
- Centross walks into their room, They have a little crab-claw thingy. They click it. A lot, and Sherb goes 'It's like me, Ahhh-' (Acknowledging things IRL while also in character.)
- "'Little Itty Bitty Bell,'" Yeah, for the Bits!" (Acknowledging things IRL things in character.)
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow.
- MER SMP thumbnail for this stream - The Quixian on the thumbnail is different than what it is in the vod, it Translates to "HELP ME REACH THEM" (⍭⍹Ψ⌆ ⏇⌆ ⌗Ψ⏄⌆⍅ ⌆⏇⌭Ψ - JNFC KC AFPCY CKRF - LPHE ME CHREA EMTH - HELP ME REACH THEM)
- On Plush Shelf - Among Us swaped with purple blob, Techno and Jshlatt swapped, and Techno then swapped with Cubone
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone (Again)
- Light changed to a green-Blue, Teal, Cyan if you will. (Not the same as the Mer green)
- 'Among Us' code cover Changes, Translates to 'ARE YOU HERE?' (⍋⍱⌬ ⏚√⍹ ⍋⍉⍋⌬ - DZQ TXN DGDQ - EAR UYO EHER - ARE YOU HERE? (1/2 Right)
- 'Among Us' code cover changes back
- "It's been a while since I've just gotten to do this."
- "That's inevitable. In every world and this one."
- "Even though she's.. back. When did she back?"
- "'Your name is Sherbert, Right?' No, It's a.. Nickname that I got."
- Light changes back after they close Among us.
- The Among Us are Orange and White
- Blood is further down
- "It's gonna be a *me* CMV." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Lights changed to green when they opened minecaft
- They have to restart minecaft and light changes back to Yellow
- Lights do eventually turn back to green after they open minecaft
- They close Minecaft light goes back to Yellow
- Blood Is darker and further down
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is back
- Light does not change as they open the game
- Among us are Red and White
- "Waking up places, Going through stuff, Kinda my bit."
- "Hey Charles, you wanna talk to me in an odd dream sequence again and really show everybody why I hate you so much?" (Excuse me. What.) (okay no future sage here, i feel like we need to acknowledge this??????)
- "He has a higher kill count than me, guys. Sure my kill count is only one.."
- "I don't think he's gone."
- Charles is not in the basket, now on the desk.
- Blood Is slightly further down (A little paler than prev. stream.)
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there but extra faint
- They open Minecaft, Light change to pink (Event Skin eye is pink, this is an event. Hence the pink.)
- They IRL stretch (future sage here. what??)
- While the were drowning, They say "..here again.." really quietly. (Raft!Sherb)
- "I've spent a lot of time practicing for things like this." (GMS!Sherb???????)
- Wack Music #1
- Wack Music #2
- Wack Music #3
- "This is my first time here though.." (Refering to the Mansion. Which is a direct contradictory to canon.)
- Wack Music #4
- Wack Music #5
- "What's this music playing? This is not my fighting music."
- Wack Music #5
- "It's nice to finally win one of these for once, competing in enough anyway."
- While downing (Again) they go, "I've been here before." (Raft!Sherb)
- Near the end of their drowning, They go, "Bye ship." But they look very confused after. (Raft!Sherb)
- Wack Music #6 (Not Jack Stauber, But it is the sad lore music.)
- Wack Music #7
- After they shot and killed Haley in dodge bolt, they go, "In every world. In this one and the next."
- Wack Music #8
- "No idea where the next one of these will be, but hey."
- "Nice to win one for once."
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow
- Blood is Darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone again
- Music is not usual music (On starting screen)
- Eyes are now Purple and Yellow, but now in a C!Sherbert way, Purple eye was the blue one
- Other eye, was brown, now yellow, is also beginning to bleed
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there again
- Charles in background is now Yellow Among us
- Red and Green Among us
- Crab rave not Crab rave
- Chuck is not Chuck. He is Ralph. (Who is a Turtle. Not a Crab)
- Quixis writing on note on desk, Translates to "I THINK I GOT TO YOU" (⍉ ⍔⦚⌭Ψ⍉ ⍉ ⭗⌭⍾ ⌭⭗ ⭗⍩⍬ - G LIRFG G MRE RM MSW - I NKTHI I OTG TO OUY - I THINK I GOT TO YOU)
- Blanket on chair is Light Yellow and Light Blue (Not Normal Yellow and Purple)
- Open Minecaft, Light changes to light purple (Not usual purple)
- "I feel weird." "I feel like I'm wrong."
- "I don't feel like I'm supposed to be here."
- IRL touches purple bleeding eye, gives a weird look
- "Something's wrong. Somethings wrong today."
- "He doesn't belong here, then again-"
- They stretch for a moment, Light momentarily changes yellow.
- Song time, Lights change back to yellow
- "Guess this is where I can die, just one and done."
- They go back to playing Minecaft, Light changes back to purple
- Ears are switched around (White and Black in front, Yellow and purple in back.)
- "'Just like normal?' Yeah just like normal."
- "I have... I don't know what I've been doing."
- Wack Music probably not #1
- "I was sleeping. Maybe. When's the last time I slept?" Quieter, "It doesn't matter."
- "Ahh, My brain feel fuzzy."
- Wack Music #2 (Probably.)
- "'Well what happened before you woke up might contribute to how you feel, What is the last thing you remember before you wake up?' Um. What was- I was finishing the- I went to the- And then I- I- was like.. crying.." (Context wise, No idea, but. In Sherb's most recent C!Sherbert tiktok, They were crying. I assume this is in reference to that.) (future sage again, i think about that tiktok *often*)
- "Yo, I wanna see, I think it is neat when you are.. me.." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person)
- Wack Song #3 (Probably.)
- "This is my Music." Light changes to yellow as they say that, changes back to purple just as quickly
- "I'm doing okay. Ish. Maybe."
- "That's Ominous." They pause, light changes to yellow, once again changes right back
- They spot the DER, "..Rae.." (technically a HC!sherbert thing. Putting it here for ease. Also because sad.)
- Wack Music #4 (Probably.)
- "I see you guys cosplaying me. Is cool." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "I wanna learn a couple languages, Cause it's hard to figure out what things are saying sometimes."
- "'What languages do you wanna learn?' Well there's a lot of them I don't understand."
- Wack Music #5 (Probably)
- "'Is everything okay Sherbert? I DONT KNOW!"
- They then do a small rant about how they feel weird and not right.
- "Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.."
- "My outfit for stream tomorrow." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person, refering to C!Sherbert's outfit as their own.)
- "Every once and while we get some of my music" (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "It's doesn't feel like hardcore."
- "Is that I no longer have a Fire Res potion on my belt." (C!Sherbert has a potion belt. I don't believe HC!Sherbert does.)
- Another Music time, Light changes to Yellow
- They go back to Minecaft, Light goes back to Purple
- Wack Music #6 (Probably)
- "I should try them in a potion, that's one of the few things i haven't done."
- "They've only caused damage in the past." (Refering to the Blue Mushrooms)
- "And also what happened with the. With the. The. With the potion."
- Wack Music #7 (Probably)
- During singing to said wack music, light changed to yellow. They change back to purple after.
- Wack Music #8 (Probably)
- While dancing along to said wack music, light changes to yellow, it stays like that even after the music changes
- "'Opinions on frogs?' I had so many- I had so many... I haven't even been to a swamp." Lights change back to purple
- Wack Music #9 (Probably)
- "'We need a doctor, Oh!' but we don't have one!"
- "'I just might drive me crazy~'"
- "I think it makes sense to put the potions underneath."
- They touch both eyes, specifically the blood, pulling their hands away to give them a look. They don't acknowledge it.
- "I'm okay. I'm okay, really." Pause, before the light goes yellow. It quickly changes back.
- "I am not supposed to be here." Light changes yellow. "But I am. But I'm not supposed to be here." Light does not change back.
- Wack Music #10 (Probably)
- "I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you. I'll see you." Pause, after yhey close minecaft, "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. I think."
- "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." They do a little salute before spinning in their chair. They stare at their desk, presumably the note there, for a moment before turning back and ending stream.
[FROM SHERBERT STREAM "The Beginning of the End."]
(future sage for note - this was a noting down what happened and what was back to normal and stuff, bc it technically concluded the break, so.)
- Starting stream frame different, On of the Rave room portals, looks to me brown
- Adding to that, Music is different, similar to the music used in rave room cut scenes
- With that, The Camara is slowly zooming out from the Portal (Quixis is there???)
- Border around the facecam is back to normal (Yellow and Purple)
- Light is back to Purple
- Flags are back to normal
- Eye is not bleeding
- "But like, Everything was like way more detailed." "Things could be round."
- They've rubbed at their eye a couple times
- They've also scratched at where C!Sherbert's scar would be
- Lights are switching color between Purple and Pink (Fading. (Just noticed that.))
- Among us are Yellow and Purple
- "Haley was like there. And Centross-"
- "I do not think Centross would ever chose to live with, especially after everything we've done to each other."
- "Sever reset make me cry." (Is that why they were crying in that one Fable tiktok??) (future sage again, please i want to know what the fuck that tiktok was about i think about it way to often-)
- "'No advancements?' Because I’ve done this all already? It’s a world reset not me."
- Kitty Quake ears are back to normal
- "'Are you still in Character..' Yeah, I'm still me!"
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grandvhs · 2 years
lista de nomes masculinos que estava no meu bloco de notas e eu só lembrei agora
starting with A ;;
starting with B ;;
starting with C ;;
starting with D ;;
starting with E ;;
starting with F ;;
starting with G ;;
starting with H ;;
starting with I ;;
starting with J ;;
starting with K ;;
starting with L ;;
starting with M ;;
starting with N ;;
starting with O ;;
starting with P ;;
starting with Q ;;
starting with R ;;
starting with S ;;
starting with T ;;
starting with U ;;
starting with V ;;
starting with W ;;
starting with X ;;
starting with Y ;;
starting with Z ;;
234 notes · View notes
I think some people miss just how much of a surrogate father figure Coach Whitey was to Nathan specifically. A lot of people just view Whitey as equally a father figure to all of the Ravens... and to a certain extent that is true. But take a look at this quote that Coach Whitey said about Lucas and Uncle Keith
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Who was the man who positively effected Nathan the most. Yeah, he had a good relationship with Keith later on but Coach Whitey was the man who had that type of effect on Nathan. Both Tim and Jake left Tree Hill early. Lucas and Skills joined the Ravens late so Nathan spent the most time with Whitey as his coach. Whitey even became a college basketball coach for the sole intent of giving Nathan a chance at his dream of the NBA. When he announed that he was gonna be a father, Whitey acted like a proud papa about to become a granpapa. When Nathan and Haley were in the outs he worked to get them back together. Nathan could always depend on him for sage fatherly advice.
Nathan and Whitey had a special type of father-son relationship that he never completely had with any of the other Ravens
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sixcostumerefs · 8 months
Pulled the numbers on what colleges were most common for the US/Can actors. This is mostly taken from the Wiki. May be missing some actors/colleges. I generally tried to only count it when an actor actually got a degree in the performing arts, but it's possible that some of these still went to college for something else. I'll probably do this for the UK eventually, too.
5 University of Michigan (Bre Jackson, Storm Lever, Zan Berube, Cydney Clark, Aline Mayagoitia) AMDA (Gabbi Mack, Brittney Mack, Didi Romero, Joy N Woods, Brennyn Lark. Leandra Ellis-Gaston also attended AMDA LA, but that's a different program)
4 Cal State - Fullerton (Ellie Wyman, Abigail Sparrow, Lauren Mariasoosay, Taylor Sage Evans) Columbia College (Courtney Mack, Megan Leung, Mallory Maedke, Shantel Cribbs) Sheridan College (Julia Pulo, Elysia Cruz, Hailey Alexis Lewis, Julia McLellan)
3 Belmont (Wesley Carpenter, Sierra Fermin, Carlina Parker) Boston Conservatory at Berklee (Kennedy Monica Carsterns, Gabriela Francesca Carrillo, Aryn Bohannon. Honorary mention of Hien, from the non-replica Hungarian cast) Ithaca College (Olivia Donalson, Sydney Parra, Audrey Fisher) Montclair State University (Gianna Grosso, Amaya White, Kristina Walz) NYU (Gerianne Pérez, Princess Victomé, Guilia Marolda) Penn State (Jasmine Forsberg, Amina Faye, Jessie Davidson) TXST (Bella Coppola, Anna Uzele, Adriana Scalice)
2 Ball State University (Terica Marie, Keirsten Hodgens) Baldwin Wallace University (Keri Rene Fuller, Shelby Griswold) BYU (Emily Rose Lyons, Channing Weir) Emerson College (Kathryn Kilger, Erin Ramirez) Elon University (Ruby Gibbs, Nasia Thomas) Fullerton College (Haley Izurieta, Lauren Mariasoosay) Indiana University (Abby Mueller, Caroline Siegrist) Pace University (Aja Simone Baitey, Aubrey Matalon) Rider University (Casey Esbin, Jessie Bodner) Shenandoah University (Kelsee Kimmel, Willow Dougherty) Temple University (Alana M Robinson, Chelsea Lorraine Wargo)
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janec23 · 8 months
I found this exercise and I gave it a go ^^ Prompt: take a snippet of one of your wip and change the PoV of your OC.
I decided to go from third person to first. This excerpt is from The ritual and the protagonist is Renewa. TW: mention of death, translation errors
I didn’t kill Haley Gerther. 
I cling to this realization with all the strength left from my already fragile sanity as I bend slightly, just enough for old Madriel to reach me. I see her body tense on tiptoe as she rests a wreath of flowers on my head. Her hands tremble in an effort to keep her balance, they're furrowed with wrinkles as deep as her resentment for me, but I will not facilitate her task, as she did not facilitate mine. 
I remain impassive, trying to dominate my gaze, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing me broken, but when she whispers good luck by breathing her rancid, herbaceous-toned breath into my face, I can't stop myself from wrinkling my nose. The peppermint will never be able to hide her addiction to belligera leaves, just as the cloak they laid over my shoulders will never be able hide the tremor in my bones or the shiver of disgust I have for her.
Yet, in her milky eyes clouded by opiates, I discern no malice—only a mute plea for forgiveness. Still, I cannot forgive her for the curse she has imposed on me.
I didn’t kill Haley Gerther. It wasn’t me.
I rise to my feet with a jerk, pulling my shoulders back relieving the knot I feel forming at the base of my neck. I can’t deny that I’m tense. One of the elders begins smoothing the fabric of the cloak, the one given to me by the Garridurs. Despite the soft, light fabric it weighs on me as if I am carrying my own chains. 
I adjust it over my bare shoulders: it’ll be my only protection from the stares of the entire village.
I draw in a deep breath and reach out a hand to peel back the flap of the tent, a gust of wind blows across my face. I feel the knot between my shoulder blades descend to stop at the base of my back where a drop of sweat is forming. 
I advance slowly on the torch-lit path, long shadows thicken on either side of me, but I do not dare to turn around. I know they are all here, I know they are all staring at me, I can feel their suspended breaths, their eyes filled with silent judgment.
The air is thick, pregnant with a dampness that attacks my nostrils but fails to relieve the sweetish smell of the herbal balms sprinkled on my body. Extracts of wild sage and amadora berries, judging by the pungent smell and the thin layer of essential oils left on my skin. A waste of good resources.
I make my way to the pier one step at a time. I vaguely sense the whispers of my fellow citizens, I recognize the words of some prayer I recited with my father as a child, I don’t need their pity, for I know my soul is not damned as they would like me believe.
I did not kill Haley Gerther. She made her choice.
Something tickles my ankle as I squeeze into my cloak to make sure my half-naked body is not exposed to their gaze. Something dances before my eyes: rose petals. I know who is throwing them and my heart leaps, that idiot should be in our lab… his lab to finish the concoctions, not here wishing me to survive.
I hasten my pace as I reach the small pier in the half-light, the torches are almost at their limit, dying in the mist rising from the river. The village chief advances, looking at me with composed satisfaction. I know I’ve done nothing wrong to deserve this curse, and despite his dark eyes attempting to force mine lower, reminding me of my boldness, I stand firm, for I know I’m in the right.
He murmurs a few words that I can barely hear before letting go.
The boat beckons as I prepare to step into it, first one foot to steady my weight, then the other trying to find a balance that eludes me. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the helmsman extend a hand, his dark figure silhouetted against the dim torchlight. I decline his invitation, not because I don't need to, but I don't want to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me frail and sluggish.
I did not kill Haley Gerther. It was she who reached out her trembling hands to the nightstand beside her bed and took the belladonna extract.
I just closed the door, quietly, and left her to her fate.
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heta-micronomics · 2 days
I've meant to fill this out for a bit, but recent life events have kept me off Tumblr for a while. But, as always, I love talking about my horribly lovely boy-creature. Here y'all go!
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
I've wondered this for years, actually, and I believe it's the product of several factors. I honestly think of it less as "pick up" and more as "latch onto." I got into Hetalia when I was twelve and living in extremely bad conditions. There was a point when I didn't really think I'd get out. But little me saw Sealand and saw myself in him, I suppose. He was kind of everything I wanted to be--determined, free, and a wildcard. I needed somewhere to put everything I couldn't handle, and so he became my outlet. Now I mainly write adult Sealand because he's grown with me. I'm not a system, but I am high enough on the dissociative scale that I can tell there was some mental illness effects on my identification with him. There was at one point a bit of breakdown between "him" and "me," and it stuck.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
I don't like writing (or even reading, really) kid Sealand. By that I mean the fanon era Sea where he was almost purely written as naive, annoying, etc. It's likely because my brain has conflated him so much with my younger self, but I just can't do it. I can't write him as a young child without thinking of my younger self, which....doesn't vibe at all. Also SeaLat. Nothing against it; it's just a squick of mine since Latvia tends to be a sore subject for me.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Aside from the obvious adult Sealand, I love writing dark and gritty content. I grew up on it, and so it's stuck with me. I enjoy exploring psychology and the depths of depravity humans can harbor. One of my favorite genres is psychological horror, so I tend to incorporate a lot of those elements. I tend to think of gore and whump as my expertise.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
I don't even know. I almost always have several lore threads/timelines I work on concurrently, so ideas and pieces just kind of fall into place over time. A lot of them arise from music, though others come from quotes, people watching, or myself. I can't pull from one singular source because humans are by default an amalgamation of experiences. The same goes for characters!
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
It depends on where I am. Sometimes I'll just jot down bits and pieces in my notes app as they come to me. Other times I'll actually sit down and have something playing, be it music, a true crime podcast, or video essay.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Again, it depends on whom I'm communicating with. When I was younger, my replies were much more off the bat. I don't RP much right now because I put a lot more thought and effort into my replies. I just don't have the time nor energy to do that right now, unfortunately.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
It's one of my favorite parts of fandom! Sadly, most of my Sealand ships are unpopular, so I can't engage much with other Hetalians. Right now I'm shifting between KugSea (my main), one-sided MolSea, and HongSea. I'm also a big fan of life partner SeySea, though not really in a romantic sense. They're fun to play with!
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
On here, it's generally Blue. My Discord name is Apalone_sealand, so in servers people usually to call me some variation of that. One TMNT server I mod has taken to just calling me "Sealand" because they associate me with him.
Nineteen, though my health problems make me feel middle-aged. Last week I ran on knee braces, Motrin, and spite.
Whatever you want it to be. I don't like sharing my birthday online--that's a good way to get hacked.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Blue, space age orange, baby pink, mint green, sage green, charcoal, neon yellow, magenta, steel grey, dusty lavender.... I can't pick just one!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
It changes regularly. Right now it's "It Ends" by Eddie Haley.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
I don't watch many movies. I think it was the FNAF movie when it came out?
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
I really don't watch many shows, either. It was either Trigun Stampede or Land of the Lustrous a few weeks ago when my partner and I had a watch party.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
I'm listening to Sabaton right now. "Fields of Verdun" just finished!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Anything spicy or sweet. Or a combination of the two. Also salty things. I love a good habanero mango salsa.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
The American South isn't known for its Fall, but that period between August and November down here is glorious.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
The amazing @iced-coffeebean, who has listened to my frantic rants at length. They know more about me than I'd like to admit. Plus, they're as dedicated to Molossia as I am to Sealand, so we've had some great conversations <3
Tagged by: @bates--boy ! Thank you so much for the tag, and sorry it took a bit :3
Tagging: @iced-coffeebean , @astrophilic-soul , and @addrianastarflower
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aconites · 2 years
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hello!  since i’m finally moved and settled into my new place, i have a ton of muse to write and i’m looking for new partners and friends who are interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will literally message you at 3am with random headcanons, musings and create graphics ( manips, videos, gifs manips, crackships, etc )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut friendly and love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already.
faceclaims i’d love to play!
ana de armas*
florence pugh
jessica alexander
greta onieogou
simone ashley
phoebe dynevor
adelaide kane*
casimere jollette
olivia holt
hande ercel*
melisa pamuk*
dakota johnson*
josefine frida pettersen
madelyn cline*
madison bailey
lily james*
lily collins*
sydney sweeney*
alexa demie*
gabriella wilde*
sofia carson
kristine froseth
haley lu richardson
romee strijd
candice swanepoel
anya taylor joy
laura harrier
nina dobrev*
imogen poots*
minka kelly
madelaine petsch
zoey deutch
camila queiroz*
josephine langford*
kaylee bryant
danielle rose russell
halston sage*
emily ratajkowski*
benedetta porcaroli
scarlett leithold
margot robbie*
camila mendes
josefine frida pattersen
danielle campbell*
camila morrone
maia mitchell
alycia debnam-carey
phoebe tonkin
abigail cowen*
elle fanning
dove cameron
emma mackey
kathryn newton*
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
any of the ladies above.
henry cavill**
ben barnes**
jonathan bailey*
clayton cardenas
jd pardo
rudy pankow*
felix mallard
chase stokes
rege jean-page
andrew garfield
dacre montgomery
joe keery *
david harbour
sebastian stan*
lorenzo zurzolo
alex fitzalan*
dylan o’brien*
nick robinson*
manny montana
chris evans*
jordan connor
casey deidrick *
milo ventimiglia*
tommy martinez *
dj cotrona *
charlie hunnam *
jeffrey dean morgan *
tom hardy
jason momoa
wolfga.ng novogratz*
harry styles
jacob elordi*
giuseppe maggio
ships i’d love to do!
any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f )
ben barnes & ana de armas*
ben barnes & sydney sweeney**
ben barnes & lily collins*
ben barnes & phoebe tonkin*
ben barnes & adelaide kane ( royal/bridgerton era plot )*
ben barnes & phoebe dynevor  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )**
ben barnes & bruna marquezine  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )**
ben barnes & anya chalotra  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )**
rege jean-page & simone ashley   ( royal/bridgerton era plot )**
rege jean-page  & anya taylor joy  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )
jonathan bailey & simone ashley*  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )
jonathan bailey & lily james***   ( royal/bridgerton era plot )****
henry cavill & adelaide kane**  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )****
henry cavill & jodie comer  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )
daniel charman & adelaide kane  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )*
daniel sharman & jodie comer  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )*
jd pardo & florence pugh
jd pardo & phoebe tonkin*
nick robinson & sydney sweeney
nick robinson & alexa demie
danielle campbell & casey deidrick*
casey deidrick & margot robbie
danielle rose russell & danielle campbell
danielle rose russell & kaylee bryant
clayton cardenas & lily james
clayton cardenas &  phoebe tonkin*
hande ercel & can yaman*
dylan o’brien & kristine froseth*
dylan o’brien & danielle rose russell
dylan o’brien & josephine langford
jacob elordi & sydney sweeney
jacob elordi & josephine langford*
dacre montgomery & madelaine petsch
jamie dornan & josephine langford*
henry cavill & dakota johnson*
ana de armas & dj cotrona
rudy pankow & kristine froseth*
rudy pankow & sydney sweeney*
felix mallard & kristine froseth
felix mallard & sydney sweeney*
bill skarsgard & madelaine petsch
camila mendes & dj cotrona
lily james & charlie hunnam
dakota johnson & sebastian stan*
sebastian stan & ana de armas&
chris evans & margot robbie
chris evans & ana de armas
ana de armas & manny montana
cindy kimberly & harry styles
chase stokes & madelyn cline*
madison bailey & madelyn cline
dove cameron & sofia carson
benedetta porcaroli & alice pagani*
cindy kimberly & madison beer
kathryn newton & alex fitzalan
manny montana & camila mendes*
danielle campbell & skeet ulrich
hero fiennes tiffin & alexa demie
madison davenport & dj cotrona*
sydney sweeney & charlie hunnam*
ana de armas & margot robbie & anyone.
canon ships i’d love to do!
my marissa cooper ( madelyn cline ) & ryan atwood ( choose his fc )
my serena van der woodsen ( benedetta porcaroli/tba. )  & nate archibald ( choose his fc!)
my blair waldorf ( sofia carson )  & chuck bass ( choose his fc!)
my peyton sawyer ( kathryn newton )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
my hayley james ( zoey deutch)  & nathan scott ( choose his fc! )
my brooke davis ( danielle campbell )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
plots id love to do!
bridgerton era plots**
royal plots**
g.ang/c.rime plots**
zombie apocalypse plots
mc/b.iker/sons of anarchy plots!!!!!!***
nanny/single dad**
famous plots!!
grumpy ceo/soft lil assistant**
best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angsty )
soul mate plots! i have a whole lore for this plot so ..
supernatural plots
best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend heh
age ga.p stuff?  ( both fcs over the age of 21 tho ) **
sugar b.aby / sugar d.addy plots*
bodyguard/client pls!!!!!!**
i really want a plot where a son of a dangerous and feared m.obster is put in charge of managing his father’s stri.p club and falls for one of the dancers.
someone give me “you’re my best friend’s innocent little sister and i’ve known you since you were in like 4th grade but somehow you got super f.ucking hot and you live next door and have a habit of dancing in front of your window in your un.derwear.”
um, give me a plot where she used to be this s.exy, wild girl and had a bad boy boyfriend to match but when he turned eighteen he was caught for some cr.ime and sent to pris.on for a couple years. he came out fully expecting for her to be waiting for him but when he finds her she’s this prim and proper girl who is dating some pretentious ivy league di.ck. she pretends to be happy with her vanilla, boring relationship, but soon he wraps her up in his world again.
y’all. i need an ‘i’ve got no where to live, so i went to a fancy hotel pretending i’m rich & fancy af, and pretended to be your wife in order to get the key to your room. but please don’t yell and kick me out when you see me laying in your bed with your robe on while watching pay per view on the tv and eating the mini bar snacks. but wait, this works out in your favor? now i have to actually pretend to be your wife so your crazy mother will get off your back about marriage? as long as i get to keep all the clothes you buy me’ plot.
basic plot idea where my muse is kind of cold and unaffectionate with anyone, but is friends with your muse who recently went through a bad breakup. my muse suggests or agrees to fake being in a relationship with your muse to make their ex jealous. but then my muse starts to like the fake relationship a little too much and falls for yours
*whispers* single dad ( hell maybe not so single dad ) & nanny plot. where she’s got the biggest infatuation with him and he’s trying his best to ignore how good she looks in her short skirts and dresses. her “accidentally” bumping into him in nothing but a towel. late nights completely tired after getting the baby to bed and falling asleep on the couch together. her finally showing up in his bedroom in nothing but li.ngerie ;)
but like imagine you and best friend luke are just on his bed tickling each other and play fighting and then suddenly he flips you over onto your back and pins your arms above your head and he’s all smirking because he knows you wont be able to get away and your tshirt is after riding up and he gives you this wicked grin and starts blowing raspberries on your tummy and you’re giggling and squealing telling him to stop because it tickles but he just continues, but soon his raspberries turn into kisses that trail down your stomach towards the hem of your sweatpants and he looks up at you through his eyelashes as if looking for approval and you just nod your head and he starts tugging your sweats down and let’s just say you’re not exactly just friends after**
what about a s.ugar baby plot where she used to be st.ripper/ca.ll girl that is given the opportunity to drop that job in order to be full time for her high paying client. she goes from living pay check to pay check to going on vacations in ex.otic places and drinking the finest of champagne. the lifestyle is almost addicting to her so when he asks her to be his girlfriend she doesn’t think twice?? it isn’t until other girls flirt with him that she realize that feelings might be involved :))
can i pls have a plot where the guy is like a street figh.ter but he’s rly rly good and he’s trying to make an actual career out of it and actually joins a boxing gym to train and fight professional boxers but in comes the worried ex-girlfriend who’s trying to talk him out of everything and they still have feelings for each other but he’s always trying to convince her that he’s no good for her and like pushes her away constantly but he also knows he can’t live without her and she can’t live without him so she eventually decides to support him even though she’s still lowkey against it all so she goes to his fights and stuff and makes him his breakfast and does his laundry and takes care of him but there can be like arguments and lots of crying when he comes home every night with fresh w.ounds and b.ruises!!!!! imagine the angst and tears and kissing and s.ex and yelling pls gimme gimme
someone should give me a plot with this big bad ga.ng leader and his super soft and cute girlfriend that has him wrapped around her finger. like he’s a feared man, which she doesn’t really care about. and she’s there to patch him up and while he usually tries to hide her away from the cruel world he’s in whenever he isn’t there with her, she just patiently waits for him when he’s out and about doing his business and he’s so fascinated by her and no matter how much of a bad guy he is, he’s just so soft for her and he’d do anything for her!!! and then his most precious possession gets k.dnaped and shit goes down snsnsns
an actor or musician who kno.cks up a one night s.tand/fling while he’s shooting on location/on tour and they decide to keep the baby and co-parent platonically but she wants their kid to have a normal life so they keep their baby a secret from the press. they manage this for years, him flying out to visit when he can but he starts to get more famous and people start digging into his past and they’re exposed and have to deal with the fall out and also!! possible!! feelings!! for each other!!
i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with ben.efits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their v.irginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a manwh.ore. they are completely different at college (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) but when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a real relationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a dick but he starts to give her more attention at uni to try to manipulate her to stay bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!give it to me pls
give me the cliche - good girl falls in love with bad boy/girl/non-binary, her parents despise him and fo.rbid her from seeing him/her/them ( all romeo & juliet style ), so the two run away to vegas and get married in a 24 hour chapel by an elvis impersonator. queue extra angst, s.exual tension, cheesy honeymoon suites with heart shaped beds. yes yes yes.
please an arranged marriage between two socilaite families/ big names in their city. but like she’s still stuck in the party stage and f.ucking up because she’s upset with her parents or unhappy with her life and he’s dealing with a lot of pressure and stress from his family to take over the family bussiness and it’s just two polar opposites but it could be super cute sometimes when she gets super d.runk and he picks her up and hold her hair back when she thro.ws up and stays up to give her a glass of water and make sure she sleeps well even though he has a huge meeting in the morning that he should be resting for. but also the angst and the fights and the ‘i didnt ask for this’ and making each other jealous and se..xual tension and fcuk pls
okay so when is someone gonna give me a ship where’s its a professional athlete (probs football) and an actress/singer and they’re dating or maybe married but they’re total goals and so supportive of each others careers and are constantly posting about each other on social media and they might not always be able to be together but she goes to his games when she’s around and looks super cute in his jersey and he’s always going to her premieres/concerts and i just need celebrity power couples
i’m craving a plot where a girl matches up with her best friends brother on t.inder and every time she sleeps over from then on she sneaks into his room to spend the night after the best friend has fallen asleep like please and thank you
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yes please *
no but gimme a plot where the girl’s a m.ob boss’s daughter, and the boy is a cop fresh outta the academy and he doesn’t realize that the girl he’s been flirting with is the daughter of the guy he’s trying to get behind bars.
plot: rich business man tries out a c.all girl (inexperienced and much younger) but they end up having a+++ s.ex (can be v rough bc he’s so stressed) so he ends up calling her up quite often and they grow attached to each other xcept there can be drama bc a) he’s married or engaged or something or b) he wants to keep them a secret or maybe even she tells him that she doesn’t date clients and ahhh yeah pls gimme
hi somebody pls give me a summer camp plot where they’re both camp counselors !!  it’d be hella cute tbh, like imagine giving each other these lil yarn bracelets they made during arts + crafts ?  also lil dates at the lake after everyone’s asleep + they’re just there getting h.igh + skin.ny dipping ??*
during a bank rob.bery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crim.e syndicate and has you placed on a “no harm” list. you decide to pay them a visit after all these years.*
muse a is in college and decides to become a stri,pper at an elite club to pay for her tuition. the club is run by this m.afia boss, muse b, who’s enchanted with her from the get-go and the feeling was mutual. so for the next year, on every friday night, muse b books a private dance from her for two hours, and muse a who has only been comfortable giving them to him and no one else, starts to look forward to it every time. she knows he’s dangerous but he doesn’t scare her like he probably should and every week the tension becomes thicker and thicker… i think it would b very cool to develop this and see what could happen when they eventually hook up. muse b doesn’t want to bring her into his world, not wanting for her to get hurt but the heart wants what it wants. 😈*
god i just got an imagine of a trophy wife who is way younger than her husband. as in she’s in her second year of college and he’s in his thirties. she is absolutely spoiled by him and she’s all too eager to please him in & out of bed. for all intends and purposes he seems like he’s in charge. he’s older. he has the money. yet he is so weak for her and wanting to give her the world. yet when they’re in the bedroom he f.ucks her like he doesn’t love her and she’s too into it. someone let me play this out. *
can i please have a precious lil broke girl who’s working herself to the bone as a waitress or something to put herself through college, meeting a wealthy older man who becomes totally smitten with her and wants to take care of her but she’s not used to not doing everything herself and he does stuff like renting out her entire restaurant on days she’s supposed to work bc he wants to see her, and taking her shopping so she has stuff to wear to his super fancy business galas, and constantly buying her fancy sparkly gifts, and there’s angst bc all the rich ladies are like ‘oh shes just his s.ugar baby/midlife crisis’ and she’s all ‘i don’t belong in your world’ and just please give me this xoxo *
okay so um i need a plot where this like young precious innocent lil cinnamon roll of a girl somehow stumbles upon some kinda se.xy chatroom thing (that may or may not be p.rison/inm.ate related) and starts chatting with this older guy who’s in prison (bc he was in a ga.ng or dr.ug ring or something, nothing too crazy ok) and they spend like months chatting pretty soon he convinces her to send him pictures and he gives her like d.irty little ‘missions’ (like wear vib,rating panti.es to college and take nud.es in public places and stuff like that) and then he eventually gets out of pri.son and they meet but she’s still a vi.rgin and he’s spent months not getting any and like can i please just have this  debauchery
a f.ucked up modern day marriage plot where a rival m.ob boss marries his daughter, muse a, off to muse b to calm the tension between the families. at first they hate each other, but once forced to live together, they start warming up to each other, too stubborn to let it show. then one night he comes back from an important deal gone wrong, his face is f.ucked up and he’s feverish and she takes care of him all night and etc etc etc…i need it?
okay so i read a fanfic with this plot and i can’t stop thinking about it and i really would love to do it with someone if anyone is interested!  basically, muse a and muse b have been best friends their entire life, they were always that duo everyone thought would end up together but things never went in a romantic route ( other than a few drunk kisses they never talked about throughout their late teens ) and now muse a has been dating his girlfriend for the last two years but was still just as close with muse b despite his girlfriend’s hidden jealousy. they’re now in their mid-twenties and muse a really wants to have a child and to start a family but his girlfriend is unable to carry them due to medical reasons. the topic of surrogates is brought up when he and muse b are hanging out one night and since she would do anything to make her best friend happy, she offers to carry his baby. after a sperm donation and a visit to the clinic, muse b finds out two weeks later that she’s pregnant and muse a couldn’t be happier and believes his girlfriend is just as over the moon as he is. unfortunately, she isn’t. it’s not until muse b is over four months pregnant that his girlfriend drops a bombshell – she doesn’t want to be a mother and she thought that she’d change her mind as things went further along but she can’t. the break up comes next and overwhelmed by the turn of events, muse b starts to panic and wonder what the hell she’s going to do. even though half of the baby’s dna is her own, she hadn’t been prepared to actually raise it but luckily muse a doesn’t bring up his expectations on the matter. he still wants to be a dad but doesn’t want to make muse b feel any pressure to be by his side when the baby is born. they don’t talk about it for the next few weeks and as time goes on, they get closer. muse a is super supportive and involved with the pregnancy, making sure to go to the doctor appointments with her and prenatal classes. he brushes off her mood swings and when she’s craving chocolate cupcakes at two in the morning, he doesn’t think twice about getting up and going to the store to get them for her. feelings start to develop and muse b comes to the conclusion that she’s inlove with him and thinks she always has been, despite wanting to push those feelings away when they were growing up. muse b also realizes that she wants to raise the baby with him and after an emotional conversation and mutual confessions come to light, they end up sleeping together and all seems like it’s falling into place. it’s not until the morning after that muse a gets a phone call from his ex, who suddenly has a change of heart and wants to get back together. to be a mother like they had originally planned… drama ensues.
when the m.ob princess meets the m.ob prince: forbi.dden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always f.orbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival ga.ng’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they ho.ok up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s he.llbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her.
i need a famous ship where they’re both insanely busy with album recordings & red carpets & tours & they’re trying to make this whole long distance relationship work but with the time differences & going months without seeing each other it’s difficult, not to mention all the rumors & shit. but then there’s all the cute things like showing up on tour to surprise each other & going to award shows together & just finally seeing each other again after going so long with only facetime dates, missed calls, & late night texts to get them by. honestly idek where i’m going with this i just know that i really want it ??? but like this or message me & we can figure everything out k cool
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whump-town · 2 years
Finger Painting 
this is my pre-season one haley and hotch fic. they're cute I think. it's v sweet (okay not entirely). hotch is painting haley a house <3
word count: 5,000
“I don’t really care what color it is but I’ve just never seen a green–”
“Sage green.”
“Sage green,” Hotch repeats, raising his hands up to show Haley he means nothing by the slip-up. Yesterday she’d cried after showing him the green she’d chosen to paint the house and he’d said, simply, huh, that’s a funny color. She’d cried for what felt like hours and Hotch had no idea what was the right or wrong thing to say. It seemed every time he opened his mouth, no matter what he said, she’d begin to cry. Hotch had no idea why she was showing him the paint strip sample before but he should have known better and he's been paying for it since. 
Today he thinks rage has replaced tears, he’s not sure he prefers either option. Hotch isn’t sure, either, that  you can have pregnancy hormones before the pregnancy but trying to get pregnant had seemed to fill Haley with a hormonal range he didn’t think he’d encounter yet. And she’d definitely hit him if he suggested taking a pregnancy test right now so he bites his tongue for now. “If you want a gree– sage green house, I’ll paint you a sage green house.”
Haley narrows her eyes at him, arms crossed tight on her chest. Hotch had never considered himself someone easily frightened but he’d never been so afraid of someone with blonde pigtails. He’s over a half a foot taller than her and she seems rather harmless in her sundress but looks can be so, so deceiving. Physically he could take her, toss her over his shoulder or pin her, but as Aaron, the man she lawfully married despite disapproval from her family, he’d pay severely. 
Hotch approaches Haley slowly, smiling when she lets him get close enough to hug. He tests the waters with a kiss to her cheek and when she doesn’t turn away Hotch wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her in against him. “I love you,” he reminds her with a squeeze, glancing down at her from the corner of his eye. “If you want a sage green house then so do I.” It takes Haley a moment, she gives a sniffle and finally her arms slide across his back. Hotch smiles when Haley leans her head against his shoulder.  “And, you know, green is my favorite color. You could have picked grass green and I’d be happy.” 
Haley huffs but he can hear that it’s just a stifled laugh. She looks up at him, eyes red and teary, “green isn’t your favorite color.”
“You’re right,” Hotch agrees with a small sigh, he’s aiming for dramatic but he’s the town’s worst pirate #3 in history for a reason. Haley laughs anyways, he’s an accidently funny man. An acquired taste. “I would’ve preferred pink but if you want sage green, I’ll paint the whole house sage green. The cabinets. The door. Do you want green windows? They got this plastic film you can stick to the glass–” Hotch looks down, cutting himself off as Haley starts to laugh. He smiles hard, lips moving to their own accord, tugged up tight. He can’t speak around it, can hardly maintain the point he’d been making at the sound of her muffled laughter. “A whole house,” he gets out, shrugging. “Whatever you want.”
She wants a sage green house, so Hotch does as he’s told. He disappears to the backyard, fumbling and crashing around for three hours, and gets exceptionally little done. Haley watches him from the kitchen, rubbing a dish towel over dry dishes so she has an excuse to keep an eye on him. She ignores the avalanche that comes down in the garage, she could hear him shouting and kicking in frustration at the mess – alive and moving. He tripped over the paint tray on the porch and got paint everywhere, so she brought him something to clean it up and some sweet tea. 
Haley has found real dishes to wash when a streak of silver falls from the sky and something large slams into the ground with a metallic clatter. 
Hotch lays on the ground, eyes pinched tight as his body cramps. His lungs feel like bruised weights inside his chest, every muscle in his body tight as he fails to convince his body to bring air into itself. He doesn’t hear Haley come running out of the house – for a moment, Hotch is convinced he’s managed to kill himself. The sun throws a dark shadow over Haley’s face when she leans over him, peaking through her hair. She looks like she’s glowing. 
Oh fuck, he’s killed himself on a ladder. 
“Aaron?” Haley. 
That makes so much more sense. 
Hotch pushes himself upright with one hand, pulling the other to his chest, pressing his other palm into the weight pressing up under the side of his ribs. “I’ll–” Hotch gasps at his words, still fighting air into his body, “I’ll have to– to get you a new – more paint.” 
The tray lays on it’s side in a pile of green goopy paint. Haley had followed his green footsteps through the yard and she can see on the ladder where his wet shoe had slipped on the metal rung of the ladder.
Haley gets Hotch up into a lawn chair – which surprises him, as she supports a great deal more of his weight than he thought she could. Moving makes his head throb and he doesn’t realize how wrong time is moving until Haley presses cold tea into his hand and an icepack up against his side. 
Haley knows the name of a company to call to do the painting, she knows her father would know plenty more and maybe cheaper options. But Hotch is just stubborn, simply put. And also a trouble magnet. Haley had seen Hotch masterfully work through an unexpected pinch with astonishing flexibility and ease. Trouble just seems to hunt Hotch down,  little accidents here and there. Socks on the hardwood floor. Bruises on his shins. Scratches on his hands. He seemed to never know where they came from and Haley believes him. She’d watched him once just walk right into the counter. A counter Haley felt she could navigate in the dark. Blind she would that counter was there. And yet Hotch run his hip right into it’s corner. 
Hotch goes back to painting the next day, walking a little hunched but painting. He paints for four hours until they start phoning. It’s Derek, so Haley feels a little more inclined to relay his messages. He’s nice and she tells him that Aaron is painting the house right now but he’ll be in when he can, he’ll need a shower. Derek promises to come help paint when they get back, apologizing for nabbing her husband once again on such short notice. 
Hotch cannot shower away all the paint he’s managed to get on himself in the last two days. Morgan picks on Hotch for the sage green dried into his nail beds, in the little creases on the inside of his wrists, and stuck in his hair. He’s measures cleaner than he had been when Haley went to get him. Hotch had managed to smear it across his nose, likely wiping at sweat with his hand. His hands also covered in paint – as if he’d abandoned using a brush at all and thought he’d turn his task into a finger painting project. 
Haley hears nothing from anyone on Wednesday and she starts to get scared. Aaron phones everyday, all the time. Thursday, Haley is out in the front yard when Derek Morgan’s car turns onto the road. The only thing that stops her legs from giving out beneath her is Aaron in the front seat. The sun hits the windshield just right, lighting up the inside of the car so that Haley can see that he’s fallen asleep. He’s alive. 
Haley drops the things in her hand, forgotten before they even hit the ground, as she jogs across the yard. She runs over the little flowers spread through the grass, not worried about where her barefeet might land amongst the bees pollinating. 
“Is he okay?” Haley watches Derek crouch down by the side of the car and wake Hotch up, twisting her fingers against one another as Derek goes largely unheard. She breathes for the first time when Hotch opens his eyes, it takes him a moment. Glassy eyes focus on Derek as he speaks but he says her name and Hotch looks up at Haley with a loopy smile. 
Once he’s standing, Haley can see the damage done a little better. Derek props him up on crutches, messing with his clothes so his sweatshirt isn’t bunched up and the bottom of his sweatpants are back down at his ankles. 
“Sorry,” Derek says, once his mission is complete. He gives Hotch’s back a pat and smiles when Hotch takes his cue – a slow, experimental step forward. Haley steps up to Hotch’s side, closer as he tries to walk. Derek leaves them, shutting the passenger door and going back around the side of the car. “Going to the hardware stores really wiped him out but we couldn’t find that green you wanted in the first one. So we had to go to two.” 
The rage Haley had felt for all the missed calls, no up-dates from anyone, abaits just a little. One intense emotion washed out by the confrontation of a newer, harder one. Tears spring to Haley’s eyes as Hotch glances over at her. “You went to get me more paint?” she asks Hotch, she wants to take his hand, to hold him or kiss him or maybe shake him really hard. 
Hotch’s left ankle is wrapped in a brace boot, grey from his toes to just below his knee. When he smiles at her the scab on his lip splits, “gotta paint your house.”
Haley shakes her head.
Morgan clears his throat and Haley sniffles, pulling her hands away from Hotch and wiping at her eyes. “Derek,” she says, dabbing at the bottoms of her eyes. “You can put those down anywhere.” Haley waves to the porch, motions for him follow her.
Morgan shurgs, “nah if you just point me in the direction, I can just get to painting.” 
Haley glances at Hotch and then back to Morgan. “No,” she says, “no, no, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.” Morgan repositions the weight of the paint cans in his hands with a shrug of his shoulders, flexing his fingers around the handles. He comes up beside Hotch, slipping past them both as he heads up the stairs. “Straight back, Hotch?”
It’s a nice warm day so Haley leaves Hotch out in the yard with Morgan. He’s alright up on the ladder by the time Haley gets Hotch to back yard. Hotch had left most of the paint things together, finding the ladder wasn’t that hard – it’d been abandoned against the side of the house. 
“You need some time in the sun,” Haley says. “Natural medicine and you’re starting to get startingly pale again.” Haley would have Aaron however he came, no matter what happened to him. But… at a certain point every few months, he stops going outside as much. The cold seeps in everywhere and it’s just comfortable tucked up by the fire in the living room, reading. Haley loves finding him sleeping out on the couch – it both annoys her within the depth of her soul to see him so at peace but also, it’s nice to find him sleeping, resting. That being said, without the sun, his skin begins to pale an alarming sheet white. She’d watch him undress and be shocked to silence watching his black dress pants peel back and reveal the translucent white flesh underneath. That… she would fix. 
Hotch pouts, stumbling a little in the grass, “but I’m not sick.” 
Haley leaves Hotch with two iced teas, one for Morgan, and he naps out on a lawn chair. She comes out frequently to check on them, bringing Morgan snacks as she does. He eats more fruit and sandwiches than he has in a long time. Morgan takes his snacks down in the shade, sharing slices of apple or orange as Hotch cracks his eyes open to find the source of noise. Hotch doesn’t stir much but Morgan uses his vague awareness to talk. Hotch is easy to talk to like this. His sore leg is propped up on a stool and pillow, a blanket pulled to the top of his chin. The words he says are mumbled and nonsense but Morgan doesn’t mind the company. 
Derek reaches over and taps Hotch’s knee, waiting for Hotch to start blinking himself away and make that sleep frown off to the side until he’s present enough to move his head and find Derek. “Another orange,” Derek tells him, putting half of a slice in the palm of the hand Hotch has left out of the blanket, resting on his lap. Derek hadn’t seen Hotch eat anything while they were in Wisconsin and he and Haley had the same goal of pressing the snacks on him. 
Hotch focuses on Morgan for a long second, blinking once slowly as he processes what’s been said. Orange. He likes oranges better than apples. The first piece Derek handed him was just a whole slice – a top corner of the apple Derek had cut the skin mostly off of. Hotch had held that slice in his hand for nearly an hour, taken nearly three bites of it. Stealthy, Haley had taken the hot, mushy apple from Hotch’s hand – he hadn’t realized he didn’t finish it yet. After that Derek has controlled the size of what he hands to Hotch a little more. Pieces only the size of one bite. 
After this orange, Hotch has two-fourths of an apple waiting for him. 
“What time is it?” Derek is a little surprised by the coherence of Hotch’s suddenly found voice. He’s been getting grunts for hours as yes and no but Haley had gotten the softest whispers – clearly, there was a very unfair hierarchy happening. 
Derek glances down at his watch, “five-thirty.”
Hotch grunts.
Every twenty minutes Haley comes out to tuck ice or a heating pad against Hotch’s back, and Morgan excuses himself so she can have privacy to worry over Hotch freely. It’s a good schedule, plenty of breaks for all involved. Morgan feeds Hotch two or three pieces of whatever snack Haley brought him and Haley comes out and makes him drink something, a few sips. 
At six, Haley calls them in for dinner. Hotch falls asleep again at the table but he fights a hard fight for five minutes. Haley and Derek whisper and joke, careful not to startle the sleeping bomb starting to drool on the hand propping his head up. 
Morgan stays to help Hotch up the stairs and sees himself out, leaving them to do as they need. 
Showering is first. Haley thinks her best bet is keeping Hotch standing, it’s hard to fall asleep standing. He does it, though. 
Semi-delirious on his night-meds, Hotch whispers as coherent a version of the accident as he can remember. Which isn’t much. It happened quickly, nothing that predictable. He and Derek had just come up a staircase when Hotch took a round to the chest, tripping, he’d stumbled down the stairs. After that, he knows only what Gideon told him – that Derek had carried him out the house over his shoulder to medical attention. He woke up in the hospital. 
Haley explores the bruise across his chest carefully with just the tips of her fingers. Touching the hot, swollen purple skin. “I don’t like it when you get hurt.”  
“I don’t like it either”
Haley lays her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes so that she doesn’t speak. Refraining from asking him something she knows he can’t do. 
He could be killed doing this job. 
Haley didn’t just want a child. She would raise a child. She would love a child. Haley wanted partnership, raising a child with him. A teenager with Hotch’s awkward height. A baby that babbles mama at him regardless of his repetition of dada. A child that thinks he hung the moon in the sky, that thinks there’s nothing she and Aaron can’t do. And they could not have any of that if his job killed him. It could happen at any moment and she’s certain she wouldn't find out immediately. 
Haley can’t stand the thought that Hotch might take his last breath in a state he didn’t think to tell her the name of in one of his rushes out the front door. He could leave this world in a city she’d never heard of and Haley wouldn’t know for hours after. 
She couldn’t imagine the idea of it. Couldn’t part from the horror of it. 
Hotch had become an extension of her. He walked around with her whole life in his head, tucked into his memories and actions. He was an entire part of her and Haley could not imagine the possibility of his death being so far from her, so separate from her own. 
Hotch takes a week to recover – Gideon doesn’t call once but Derek shows up early from the office to meet Hotch wherever he’s found himself trying or failing to paint. Adjusting to the world through the strain of a concussion and on crutches, Hotch works slow and Derek is covering the most ground. Hotch masters balancing on one crush and using the paint roller, working in short intervals – he’s doing his best. 
Despite hours of work, Hotch got only the side of the house done. That’s half of a house, but none of Haley’s sage green managed to come around to the front. Anyone seeing the house would only see the white paint. 
Haley has never been to Boston Massachusetts. She knows where it is on the map, every state Aaron has ever marched off to – she knows where it is, how to get there. When this had all first started, Dave would buy her a ticket anytime Aaron got hurt. No matter how bad, if Dave knew she could be on a plane to there before they would be released from the hospital, Haley would have the plane ticket out there. Aaron didn’t get smarter about running into danger but Gideon got better at knowing when and how Aaron would do it. 
Haley has never been to Massachusetts. 
The year they moved from Seattle to Washington D.C., Haley and Hotch spent Christmas as Dave’s. Gideon showed late with a pie and the four of them made nice small talk. Haley didn’t mind Gideon, he was sweet, but David Rossi… no, that one she didn’t trust. Because she liked him, she didn’t trust him. But by the end of the night Hotch, exhausted from moving their entire lives across the country on such short notice, fell asleep early. Sleeping or not, Hotch provided a comfortable barrier between her and them. By the end of the night she was laughing along with them, agreeing that Hotch’s doorknob confessions always had a way of being catastrophic. 
Haley gasps with Hotch pulls her around to kiss her goodbye. It’s hard, quick. 
“Going to Boston!” he says, stumbling over the strap of his go-bag as he walks. “You should–” he turns back around before he runs into the door. “I love you,” Hotch stops, looks around himself to make sure his keys are in his hands and his wallet and badge in his pockets. “Okay,” he nods at her, smiling. “I love you! If you have any tests left, you just check. If you don’t have anymore call me and I’ll bring some home!” 
Just like that. 
The front door shut behind him. 
Hotch boards last on the jet, hobbling a little awkwardly still with the rounded bottom of the boot he hasn’t yet managed to convince his doctors he doesn’t need anymore. It’s slowing him down. He’s got things to do. 
Bombs are going off. People are dying. Hotch calls Haley every few hours and she entertains them with local news. She knows they’re all listening in so she reads the article about the little league baseball team winning their game. Gideon’s voice comes in every one in a while to ask about something specific and she reads Hotch and Reid a few of the crossword prompts. 
Haley’s good morning call doesn’t come and then there’s nothing at lunch either. 
Haley promised Aaron to stay away from reports on news about cases. It would be the worse way to find out something has happened. Derek calls at three, as Haley’s patience has been thoroughly plucked. She’s sitting on the couch when he calls, the remote in her hand. 
Two identical critical patients. 
Haley’s never been to Boston before but it’s cold, freezing like she knew it’d be. 
“Gideon couldn’t tell,” Derek speaks softly, tears drying on his face. “He– He–” Derke doesn’t even know what he’s saying. He knows what he should be saying but the words just aren’t coming. He just can't say them. He can’t say them. 
“I’ll be able to tell.”
She would never mistake him. She’d know by the hitch in his breaths at night, the way his hands hold her face. She’d know him if he couldn’t make a sound at all, just by the wind that carries him in. The hair that’s fallen from his head. The shape of his back. By a patch of skin. 
All she needs is his hand. The left is mess, wrapped tight and thick with white gauze. His fingers stained with iodine and swollen. Haley isn’t sure until she holds his hand, turning herself slightly and pushing his stiff fingers back from his palm. She runs her finger up his palm, the same lines she’d traced at fifteen with a giggle and a crush. She finds the M palm line, the depth she’s always imagine carved into the bark of a tree to be preserved for a lifetime. 
Picking up his broken hand to hold it in her own, she needs to make sure her eyes weren’t betraying her. But it's her sage green on his nails, her sage green still in his hair, and dried to his skin. Through broken bones and burns, but here was her sage green. She’d never loved that silly color so much. 
Haley laughs a little and Derek steps closer to the bed, concerned by the tears pouring down Haley’s face.
“What?” he asks.
“He’s still covered in paint.”
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sagehaleyofficial · 3 months
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Long live the car crash hearts. 🚗
Follow @sagehaleyofficial for more memes every Monday!
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Doctor Who Blood Of The Daleks Part 1 + 2 Review
New year new me, some might say but as a whovian for me it's been New Year New Desires To Binge Classic Who And Big Finish. It took me only five minutes to fall in love with Paul MacGanns after watching the Camp, Bizarre and fun Doctor Who TV Movie. I wanted more and when I found out some of big finish was free on Spotify it was my lucky day. I aim to listen to 20 Big Finish stories this year and will not back down.
So get strapped in as I briefly review Blood Of The Daleks Part 1 + 2 as a whole story.
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What I Liked
As a separate individual stories I'd rate them both 4 Stars but together this is another peak Dalek Story.
I don't know what it is about Doctor Who extended media but Dalek stories just slap so much better outside of the main TV Show. They're actually scary to the point you understand The Doctors fear and caution with them. Especially when it comes to Martez's Daleks as it shows a good example of The Daleks eugenics and supremacist nature. Even with only exclusively the voice of Nicholas Briggs the Daleks are still nerve wracking. I applaud Steve Lyons for his writing here.
Next I have to praise all of the performances, Paul MacGann shines as The Doctor. Without the amnesia and post regeneration symptoms we truly get to know his Doctor. He's not the romantic dreamer in this story he's more like a Tired But Wise Old Sage. Through only a voice performance he impressively manages to show The Doctors old age but also his compassionate nature when it comes to protecting people. I really like his Doctor, his story reminds me of a Greek Tragedy and I'm really excited to listen to more of his performance. I'm do happy and glad Big Finish gave him a second chance as The Doctor. Sheridan Smith As Lucie Miller is an absolute icon. She is super expressive in her performance and brings a lot of personality to the character in so many brilliant ways. If it wasn't for Sheridan I wouldn't be sold on her sassiness and fearless courage. Anita Dobson, Kenneth Cranham and Haley Atwell also give incredible performances and round up the casting well. Nicholas Briggs as well voices The Daleks better then everyone. Everyone is at the best here and because of it the atmosphere it generally feels like visually watching an episode of the show.
The world building especially in part one is so much fun as the planet of Red Rocket Rising is brought to life incredibly despite their being no visuals which is not an easy thing to achieve at all. Through Steve Lyons writing alone I immediately became attached to the planet and routed for The Doctor to do the right thing especially when you realise who is responsible for the state of the planet.
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I do not like Lucie And The Doctors dynamic as well developed as the characters are individually their dynamic feels incredibly stale. Lucie and The Doctor are downright nasty to each other for no reason to the point even the characters in the story call it out and say their bickering is becoming unbearing.
I hope other stories are not let down by this dynamic, I infact not only hope but pray because the idea of the timelords forcing Lucie on The Doctor is interesting but not when the pair are downright brutal to each other for no good reason. It falls into tons of tropes with no substance.
Other issues including pacing and the fact that if you put the parts as individual stories they don't stand as strong.
Apart from that I did enjoy both audios though quite a lot and it was a perfect introduction to big finish as I'm now obsessed.
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Overall a fun two parter with great villians, great twists, great performances and wonderful world building. I'm really glad that these two were my first ever big finish listens as their an absolute blast.
My rating for both audios would be 4 Stars out of Five
Paul MacGann might become one of my favourite Doctors if I keep binging more of his stuff. So glad Big Finish picked up and gave him his own area.
February Listens are The Horror Of Glamrock And Immortal Beloved. Since its most like New Who I thought and heard S1 Of Lucies adventures free on Spotify would be best to start.
I'm generally excited though especially since Bernard Cribbins is apparently in Horror Of Glamrock.
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My user name on Storygraph is melsage1823 and I have a Big Finish listening challenge set up open to any fans who want to join me.
Since this is my first ever year listening to big finish I thought I'd fancy setting a challenge for myself.
Link to challenge:
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thanksforthedinosaur · 4 months
january 2024
czarface - blast off
dijahsb - how r u
masta ace & marco polo - life music
layfullstop - slow fashion
nyck caution - gunshy
wale the sage - bleue
rapsody - asteroids
kris the $pirit - tswiw
the doppelgangaz - oh my
mindsone - changeling - shapeshifter
de la soul - lovely how i let my mind float
isatta sheriff - rhyme traveller
benaddict - make time as nothing
noname - hold me down
beam - fu
earthgang - flavors of karma
roshin - technicolor
tobi - all night long
connor price - trendsetter
nas - i love this feeling
aesop rock - vititus
donutman - exhibit
soulchef - sunshine
atmosphere - don't mind me
scribe - dreaming
busta rhymes - luxury life
2 chainz - transparency
tkay maidza - love and other drugs
dizzy fae - backseat
jgrrey - theirs13
teni - ybgfa
shay lia - atterrissage
yuna - cyanide
keiynan - triggered
milkoi - skyblue poem
muroki - middle ground
tems - not an angel
arctic lake - fool
holliday howe - miss molly cuddle
saranghae - nevercameback
omniboi - marathon
she loves boon - have a good time
laura elliott - t-shirt
etta marcus - snowflake suzie
nep - fender
david am - what was isn't now
kc rae - bathroom floor
smol fish - sweet taste
packs - abalone
lydia luce - saline
babebee - butterfly 나비
katie pham & the moonbathers - stay inside
arlo parks - i'm sorry
sophie meiers - mutt
field medic - silver girl
addy - carousel
daffo - good god
allie - churning out glitter
leith ross - (you) on my arm
katy kirby - party of the century
bambina - boys who run
liza anne - thank you for your time
yot club - lauren
far caspian - own
tessa rae - someone i know
olivia barton - big sad
ethan tasch - tetherball
grace gardner - surround sound
siv jakobsen - small
haley heynderickx - how does the horse go home?
meg smith - …but i'd miss you too much! (sad girl version)
lexi jayde - worried (demo)
salem ilese - whiplash
tate mcrae - we're not alike
flowerovlove - next best exit
oston - molly.
lauren sanderson - she loves me, she loves me not
dove cameron - sand
cassie marin - could be ours
lolo zouaï - lava lamp
ayleen valentine - anesthetized
lyn lapid - cross ur mind
ko aka koala - sorry in advance (chill version)
new age doom - there is no end
eliza mclamb - mythologize me
emily yacina - nothing lasts
gabby's world - magnify
chastity belt - hollow
soft streak - cruel
wombo - slab
gulfer - clean
sweet pill - chewed up
yurufuwa gang - wash up brain
sjowgren - newrules
green day - look ma, no brains!
dolly parton - heart of glass
motel raphaël - play nice
dora jar - puppet
loony - nothing else feels the same
kimbra - la type
rina sawayama - flavour of the month
lilyisthatyou - siren
tiger darrow - nice girls
tash - lemonade
anni hung - 長大是一瞬間的事 - 電影《夢遊樂園》主題曲
leah dou - monday
linion - the shadow
chelmico - question
taeyeon - nightmare
heize - picnic of night
red velvet - knock knock (who's there?)
slow magic - acceptance
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phoenixesse · 7 months
About Post!
Hi, I'm Vienna!
I have this blog mostly to look at fandom stuff and promote my fics!
A few things about me:
-I'm Canadian
-My favourite colour is yellow
-my favourite song is Achilles Come Down by GANGOFYOUTHS
-I'm a young adult
-At the moment, my gender and sexuality is genderqueer (They/She) and Sapphic Arospec
-I have ADHD and autism (expect hyperfixations haha)
-my personality type is INFJ
-my enneagram is 4w5
-I’m a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and a Virgo Rising
-Like I said, I'm a writer! I used to be a high level English student. My favourite style to write is with a very philosophical flair. At the moment, I'm trying to incorporate that into scripts for a video essay medium!
-I love understanding the human condition and the ways that people feel about living. That trait definitely rubs off into my work
-I LOVE space and using space themed literary analysis. Whether that be the planets and stars themselves, or celestial idea like tarot or horoscopes, I think it’s all really cool to think about
-I'm a competitive curler! (the sport). It is a very left field and niche interest but I love talking about it
-I love indie RPG's, but my favourite would have to be OneShot
Things you'll probably expect on this blog (in order of interest):
(Mostly special interests, please talk to me about these anytime)
-Pokemon (any canon, especially pokespe)
-Splatoon (I LOVE Splatoon lore)
-The Legend of Zelda (mostly ALBW, BotW, and TotK)
-Five Nights at Freddy's (I love lore)
(Things I have been interested in and will occasionally talk about, you can definitely still ask about these things!)
-Stardew Valley
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (no spoilers past part 7, please!)
-Fairy Tail
-The Good Place
(Things I have been interested in, but don't engage with at all anymore. I don't mind talking about them though)
-Assassination Classroom
-Dream SMP
Favourite characters and ships (/p included) for said fandoms:
-Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Black, Y, Rika, Volo, Cogita, Cynthia, N, Bede, Nemona
-Originalshipping, namelessshipping, jadeshipping, preciousmetalshipping, entourageshipping, moonlillie
-Shadow, Blaze, Sonic, Surge, Rouge, Amy, Sage
-sonadow, blazamy, whispangle, wavouge, surgamy, tekamy, roupaz, kittails (/r or /p, THEY'RE KIDS), strobotnik, sonamy (/p)
-Agent 3, Agent 8, DJ Octavio, Frye
-agent 24, cuttletavio, pearlina, shivrye
The Legend of Zelda:
-Link, Zelda, Hilda, Ravio, Tulin, Revali, Riju, Urbosa
-Zelink (/qpr), Tulin and Link (/p)
Five Nights At Freddy's:
-Michael, William, Charlie, Henry, Crying Child, Elizabeth, Cassie, Gregory, Glamrock Freddy, Roxy
-Michael and Crying Child (/p), Gregory and Glamrock Freddy (/p), Gregory and Cassie (/p), Cassie and Roxy (/p)
-Alula, Niko, The World Machine, Silver, Kip, Rue
-Alula and Niko (/p), Niko and The World Machine (/p)
-The Batter, The Queen, The Judge, Zacharie
-The Batter and The Queen (/p)
Stardew Valley:
-Krobus, Haley, Abigail, Sandy, The Wizard
-The Player and Haley, The Player and Krobus (/p)
-Chara, Kris, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Queen, Susie, Flowey
-Alphyne, Suselle
-Oikawa, Hinata, Yachi, Kiyoko
-iwaoi, kiyoyachi, kagehina, bokuaka, matsuhana
-Dirk, Jake, Aradia, Jade, Roxy, John, Rose, Terezi
-Dirkjake, Rosemary, Johndave, Karezi
-Marcy, Anne, Sasha
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:
-Gyro, Young Joseph, Caesar, Jolyne, Lisa Lisa, Johnny, Kakyoin
-Gyjo, Caejose, Jolymes, Jotakak
Fairy Tail:
-Lucy, Cana, Natsu, Erza, Mavis, Yukino, Irene
-NaLu, LuCana, Zeravis, Zervis
The Good Place:
-Eleanor, Tahani, Chidi, Michael, Janet
-Cheleanor, Teleanor (/p or /r)
Assasination Classroom:
-Karma, Nagisa, Nakamura, Koro Sensei
-Ophelia, Hamlet, Horatio
-Tragic Danish Boyfriends
-Yato, Hiyori, Bishamon
-Yatori (the age gap makes me feel weird. I like their dynamic though)
-Victor, Henry, Elizabeth
-Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade, Ranboo, Philza, Niki
-Sleepy Bois Inc (/p), Benchtrio (/p)
Other things! :
-I love getting asks! Please send me just about anything, I love responding
-If you want to draw fanart of my fic, please, please do!! It would absolutely make basically my whole year
-I accept writing requests, but they'll only be done when I get around to them/if I want to write for them
-Reblog/like spam is totally alright
-I may post nsfw, but if I do, it will be very rare
-If you are a bigot of any type, please get off my blog right now. I don't support any of that kind of shit. (Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc). Please be nice to everyone!
That's all! I'll leave a couple of links to my other media below, but otherwise, thanks for checking my blog out!
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helpersofindie · 8 months
hello <3 im looking for an fc with phoebe buffay vibes - they’re 28+, clumsy flaky erratic charismatic bold passionate expressive - could u possibly help pls 🥹
hello again ! i forgot to add she’s 28-40, kinda messy chaotic traveller vibes if this helps 🥹
haley lu richardson (28)
victoria pedretti (28)
christina nadin (28)
khadijha red thunder (29)
dua lipa (28)
simone ashley (28)
zoey deutch (28)
aisha dee (29)
dylan gelula (29)
phoebe bridgers (29)
halston sage (30)
amrit kaur (30)
mishti rahman (30)
maia mitchell (30)
billie lourd (31)
medalion rahimi (31) uses she/they pronouns
vanessa morgan (31)
maisie richardson-sellers (31)
emily osment (31)
danielle macdonald (32)
iskra lawrence (32)
sarah hyland (32)
meghann fahy (33)
danielle brooks (33)
brianne howey (34)
sharon rooney (34)
chloe fineman (35)
candice patton (35)
nicola coughlan (36)
aidy bryant (36)
shay mitchell (36)
dianna agron (37)
nicole byer (37)
vella lovell (37)
natalie morales (38)
tala ashe (39)
i hope this helps!
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espeonology · 6 months
1:  An Introduction to The Vampire Academy Universe and Its Characters.
The first instalment of what would be known as a game changer within the genre of vampire fiction, Vampire Academy was released on 16 August 2007 and received good reviews, even being placed on the New York Times best sellers top ten in the children's division and placed along the likes of Stephenie Meyer’s Eclipse, the Harry Potter series in ALA’s teen top ten.  It features a  later 5 books and another 6 book series, Bloodlines, as well as a movie adaptation in 2014  featuring faces like Zoey Deutch (Harper in ‘Set it Up’ or Danni Sanders in ‘Not Okay’), Sarah Hyland (Haley Dunphy in ‘Modern Family’) and Dominic Sherwood (Jace Wayland in ‘Shadowhunters’). More recently a TV adaptation was released in 2022 featuring Sisi Stringer, Kieron Moore and Daniella Nieves as our main three.
The first book in the series introduces us to the main cast of characters: Rosemarie ‘Rose’ Hathaway and Vasilissa ‘ Lissa’ Dragomir, a pair of best friends who have been on the run for two years after running away from their prestigious european-esque highschool, St Vladimir’s; Dimitri Belikov, a stoic Siberian guardian who is placed in charge of Lissa upon her return he is also Rose’s love interest; and Christian Ozera, a traumatised bad boy with parental trauma and fighting spirit who serves as Lissa’s love interest. In the later books we are introduced to new characters such as: Adrian Ivashkov, a rebellious spoilt prince with a slight substance abuse problem; Sydney Sage, a vampire hating alchemist with a strong moral compass; finally, we also get familiar with a pre known character. Mia Rinaldi, a spoiled little girl turned fighter.
The book primarily take place in St Vladimir’s Academy, a school for the two main vampire species in this universe: the Moroi supposedly represent all that is good, they are vampires with elemental powers and their own running society where they are in full control; 
“There are also good vampires walking the world. They’re called Moroi.
They’re alive, and they possess the incredibly cool power to wield magic in
each of the four elements— earth, air, water, and fire. [...]  but the Moroi strongly believe magic should only be used peacefully. It’s one of the biggest rules in their society. Moroi are also usually tall and slim, and they can’t handle a lot of sunlight. But they do have superhuman senses that make up for it: sight, smell, and hearing.”
Frostbite, Prologue, page 1.
The Dhampirs are half-vampires with superish human strength and speed, they serve as guardians for the Moroi as they can only procreate with Moroi meaning they are crucial to the survival of the Dhampir race;
That’s what I am. Dhampirs are half-human, half-Moroi. I like to think
We got the best traits of both races. I’m strong and sturdy, like humans are. I
can also go out in the sun as much as I want. But, like the Moroi, I have
really good senses and fast reflexes. The result is that dhampirs make the
ultimate bodyguards—which is what most of us are. We’re called
“Dhampirs can’t have children with other dhampirs. [...] Humans and Moroi
getting together will always make more dhampirs; that’s where we came
from the first place. [...] Through another weird genetic fluke,
however, Moroi and dhampirs mixing will create dhampir children. [...] You’d think you’d get a baby that’s three-quarters vampire, right? Nope. Half human, half Moroi.”
Frostbite, Prologue, page 2.
St Vladimir’s teaches both young Moroi on how to use their elemental abilities and trains novice  Dhampir in both physical and theory lessons spread across a day opposite to a regular (at night instead of day, 6pm = 6am). 
The third and final vampire race are the Strigoi, a race of blood hungry, moral-less monsters who hunt mainly Moroi and can turn any other race into Strigoi. Turning Strigoi of your own free will is considered one of the greatest crimes in their society;
“There’s a race of vampires on this earth who are literally the walking
dead. They’re called Strigoi, and if you’re not already having nightmares
about them, you should be. They’re strong, they’re fast, and they kill
without mercy or hesitation. They’re immortal, too—which kind of makes
them a bitch to destroy. There are only three ways to do it: a silver stake
through the heart, decapitation, and setting them on fire. None of those is
easy to pull off, but it’s better than having no options at all.”
Frostbite, Prologue, page 1.
The Royal Court of Moroi order is the official government of the vampire races. The courts themselves are located in a secluded area of Pennsylvania. The Royal Court is where all laws are passed and where the King or Queen resides. Whilst the courts do run on a monarchical system, it is a rotating circle of 12 royal families who nominate somebody to be put through a series of trials in order to be made King or Queen ending in a final vote by the families. The family which just ruled cannot rule again and in order to be nominated you must have at least one other family member, this isn’t a problem for most families due to them generally being very large with a central ‘main’ family such as the Zeklos family but there are other much smaller ones like the Dragomirs where this becomes a problem. It is known that Court, although intended for many serious purposes, is also a great recreational location, housing many residential areas, shops, restaurants, and much more. It is more of a central city for Moroi who generally live on the outskirts of human society, a capital city if you will. 
The next instalment will be about the 2014 movie: The Movie; Good as an Individual and an Adaptation?
Thank you so much for reading this,
~ Annie <3 
(word count: 983)
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