#recycle plastic bottles
ecoorganic · 1 year
10 Creative glass bottle gardening ideas
10 Creative glass bottle gardening ideas Gardening is a great way to add some beauty and life to your home. But with all the plant pots, planters, and window boxes out there, it can be difficult to find something truly unique. Have you ever considered using glass bottles for your gardening projects? Glass bottles aren’t only aesthetically pleasing—they also provide an eco-friendly way to get…
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thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
People who are worried they aren't helping with climate change or any other big world problem bc they do something like make video games or art or are a cashier at a grocery store:
You are helping. You are making the art that helps me, an environmentalist actively working to restore biodiversity and ecosystems, get through each day. You are helping those of us on the front lines enjoy living or take a well-needed break. The person loading my groceries into my car is making it so I can eat that week and have enough energy to do my work. If you want to do more, you can volunteer, donate, and boost the voices of local community leaders working to protect and restore the local ecosystems, but don't feel bad if you can't. We are all in this together.
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jakemyboy · 4 months
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Just got my waterproof and personalized 'scrunkled' Blu sticker from @stinkybrowndogs !
It looks awesome on my work bottle and now more people will see my cutie pie as I carry this around my store! 🥰
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photosofchaos · 8 months
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Balmain SS 24 flowers were made from recycled bottles
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silver-horse · 24 days
the water brand I usually buy has started to recycle their plastic bottles so I have to collect them and the stores will pay a bit of money for the empty bottles. I just handed over all my bottles to my parents so that they can take them back. But many of my collected bottles are a little uneven with dents on them because I drink directly from the bottle. So my mom tells me "I told you to stop sucking them out like a vampire" 😭 and "leave a bit of space next to your mouth for the air to go inside when you are drinking. Don't put your whole mouth around it like it's a dick." MOMMM PLEASE 😭
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afrotumble · 3 months
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8138
 To toss an empty plastic bottle in the recycling bin several meters away (and making the shot!) – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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dullahandyke · 1 day
Also I'm still looking thru articles trying to see what's what but as I was just reminded of it FUCK THE BOTTLE RETURN SCHEME SO BAD!!!!!!!!! God I fucking hate corporations
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embersalcove · 17 days
Welcome to WatchMojo.com and today we'll be looking at the Top 10 Biggest Lies in History
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scholarhect · 1 month
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i don’t even really listen to this playlist, it’s not really for listening to. it’s just for sorting a group of songs together under the heading of a playlist, conceptually, to have them sorted together. and to go and look at the songs next to each other and think, yeah, all of those are the songs that i wanted to put here. this is also why, even though i don’t really listen to this playlist, i changed the name to this when i realized it would be a good name for the playlist. it’s like a museum exhibition
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ceevee5 · 11 months
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gloriousbakeryzonkoaf · 3 months
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deathdefied · 11 months
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Finally got around to making a cabinet sink for this bathroom which means I can move on to the rest of the house 😅😥
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randomberlinchick · 2 years
Watch "Reycling Concerto: PLASTIC BOTTLE CADENZA (Perc. Vivi Vassileva / Comp. Gregor A. Mayrhofer)" on YouTube
Vivi Vassileva's performance in Friedrich Cerha's percussion concert was fucking spectacular and definitely the highlight of the evening for me. As one of her encores, she did a "recycling" piece, which I found on YouTube. 😊
Good night y'all and a good start in the new week!
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Learning about the abysmal state of plastics (and containers in general) reuse is driving me actually a little insane. It's such a stupid learned helplessness.
(Personal example/complaint) Sorry we can't wash and reuse pill bottles unless a non-profit does it for us because ????? money. Every pharmacy should have a place you can put your pill bottles so they can be reused. They already have to be clean because they have your goddamn medications in them, they're hard plastic so they're easy to clean and reuse. What's the goddamn point.
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imaginaryfriend642 · 10 months
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If I may be frank, I work in the hood. Plain & simple. The area is one of the less desirable neighborhoods in my city, I would say. Most of the homes & properties nearby have absolutely seen better days, to say the least…
However, the way one views the area is large part due to personal perception & what they choose to focus on.
Both myself & my coworkers take pride in what we do, as well as in our place of employment. We try our best to keep the area in & around our shop clean & as pleasant as an urban landscape can be.
My friend/coworker planted sunflowers along the fence line at the edge of our parking lot & they were doing amazing… until someone came along & deadheaded them. 😕 First one, then two days later, the other. Ugh.
The sunflower stalks were very healthy & stout…still standing strong. So, knowing my recent projects & constant creativeness, he enlisted my assistance with this dilemma.
We wanted to continue to do our part to try to beautify the neighborhood. So I created two new, everlasting sunflower heads for those powerful standing stalks to hold. Upcycling plastic bottles has become a lovely and rewarding challenge for me in recent years, & this project fell right in line with some of my other recent creations.
Waalaa…the most recently created ‘bottle blossoms’ have made it thru their first week in the wild. I’m hopefully they’ll be able to remain there as long as the stalks can hold them. However, should they come up missing one day, I’ve already decided to accept that action as a compliment. 🙂
Meanwhile, I love having my artwork on display in the urban wilds… 😆 I hope you like them too! Thanks for looking! 💜
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