#rebi love said i know this is not what i think it is
ladybugsimblr · 3 months
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Rebi gave her parentals an out and they ran with it. Safe for now...
And you can thank Lyric and Legend for the government names. Rebi was content with using Babe for both, but they taught her about real names and it's been a struggle ever since.
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Hey there, if you're still up for receiving asks, what do you think it would be like caught in a poly relationship with Ratko/Varney? Preferably with a human reader (male or gn please).
Maybe with the reader playing a similar role to Saint Germaine, although more willingly? I love the two disasters.
A/N: Lol, I love the two disasters as well; one of the highlights of the last season for me for sure! I think it’d take a VERY special human to catch their attention. For one, Ratko sees humans as pigs, all beneath him. Varney recognizes humans as important simply because they have souls and therefore are afforded influences on realms he is not. For this set of headcanons, let’s assume our Reader is just THAT gd special that both Ratko and Varney admire them enough to not only let them live but ask them to join in their arrangement. 
TW: Brief Mentions of Death, and Sex (not always in that order)
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Gender Neutral Human Reader in a Poly! Relationship with Both Ratko & Varney 
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You’re a human of, shall we say, unique talents and persuasions. Perhaps you’re a doctor or mortician, or a mad-scientist combination of the two. Perhaps you, like Saint Germaine, are an alchemist or magician. 
Whatever your occupation is, it deals with biology, sciences, mathematics, and most importantly, death. 
That’s of course how you met your two current partners, through the more morbid facets of your line of work. 
Ratko and Varney were quite the amusing pair to you from the get-go. As complete and utter opposites in personality and outlook, they butted heads more often than not, but that’s one of the reasons the three of you worked out so well! You were always the neutral party coming in with the tiebreaker. 
For whatever reason, you agree with Varney that Dracula must be brought back to life. However, unlike Varney, you don’t see why he must be brought back as a Rebis, fused with his dead wife. You understand this other associate in their plan, one Saint Germaine, is rather knowledgeable himself when it comes to alchemy, but there are several ways to go about raising the dead; surely any one of them is much less complicated than a plan such as this. 
Your back-and-forth arguments act as entertainment for Ratko, who just sits back and watches as his two lovers squabble in a language that might as well be in a foreign language to him. Rebis this, necromancy that. “The two of you squawk like chicken whose head has been cut off.” Ratko frequently says to the two of you. 
That of course always gets a rise out of both you and Varney: “How can a chicken squawk if it’s already dead?” Varney asks, falling for the bait every time. “You would need necromancy to reanimate said chicken!” You exclaim, equally none-the-wiser. 
This undead vs dead squawking chicken debate goes on in circles for a while until one of you, usually Varney, starts listing off your credentials. “Don’t you know who I am? I’m VANREY!” Which is hilarious, given there’s not a single soul amongst the three of you who doesn’t know the entire backstory of the other nor is there one of you who hasn’t seen the other two naked. Speaking of naked….
You were probably the first to initiate sex, not because Ratko or Varney weren’t attracted to you, or interested in sleeping with you. But because the two morons didn’t even realize that was an option! Well, I mean sure, they had each envisioned what it’d be like to sleep with you, but their imagination made it all seem theoretical. 
So one early morning you decide to take matters into your own hands. You strip down to nothing and wait for them to come back home before the sun fully rises. You lay there, splayed out on the bed, bare as a newborn babe, casually reading a book akin to the Kamasutra, complete with very detailed illustrations, of course!  
Varney is the first to notice. He sort of freezes before smirking. Ratko sees you second, his usual indifferent demeanor giving way to shock before an expression of reverence crosses his face. “Well, fellas?” You roll over, toss the book aside, and sit with your legs spread far apart, giving them a good show of everything you have to offer before pointing to a particular illustration on the left side of the book. “I’ve always wanted to try this one.”
It’s not a surprise their bickering crosses over into sex. They argue over who gets to do what first, so more often than not, you have to pick one of them to shove back down and get started, much to the chagrin of the one left standing. (Don’t worry about them too much though, they always join in themselves soon enough lol.) 
You work well together, even if there’s a total of like, seven brain cells between the three of you, and you have five of them on any given day. 
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beevean · 2 years
Let’s start with the peak of the show:
no, don’t you touch my Berserk. But this scene is cool as hell. The rest of the season was a marked improvement over S2 and 3, but still hard to sludge through. This post is nowhere near as well structured as my previous ones (and even those were rambly) because I have just... mentally checked out. I think S3 broke me :(
One of the biggest problem of this season for me can be chalked back to one narrative choice: a time skip of six weeks. This was not a good choice, because now we see characters acting nothing like they did in previous seasons, and what should have been character development... just feels like OOCness. Some of the plots also feel rushed, probably because much more screentime is dedicated to fights now.
I’m so sorry, Trevor and Sypha, but you really got shafted in terms of story. Again.
Their subplot is the same as S3, helping a village: in this case Targoviste, the same where Lisa was executed. They extremely blatantly lampshade that all this time they did nothing but react instead of acting. Ngl, I skipped episode 7 because my god is their story boring. Yes, I shouldn’t have done that, but I really couldn’t stand it anymore. But I have to mention this scene:
It’s so dumb lmao. This is the best Ellis could come up with to explain why vampires hate crosses. They hate geometrical forms. This is Twilight levels of pseudoscience.
The “swearing rant” would be funnier if Trevor were the only one to swear like a sailor. Oh, Sypha says “shit”? I did not forget how she mused that she could make Trevor drink her pee way back in S1.
I like how Death is foreshadowed, by introducing it as a mythical figure Trevor and Sypha come across. And even better, one of Varney’s first lines: “I was one of Dracula's first loyal followers!” You sure were :D ... well, were this canon Death. It’s not.
I also was genuinely surprised that the Alchemist in the Infinite Corridor was also Death... even though I myself remarked that she looked like she could be Death! Okay, that’s on me for not putting two and two together, but that was cool.
I don’t like how both Caesar and Abraham seem to know Varney out of nowhere, though. Things happen offscreen.
Oh, wait, I of course have to post this video:
muh “at least it’s original”. Anyway, making him a superior villain using Dracula for his own means is an unnecessary change that devalues the original villain even more. But we're used to that.
Speaking of which, Jesus is their short time as the rebis hard to watch.
At least I have nothing bad to say about the Trevor vs. Death fight. Peak hype. Excellently done :>
St. Germain’s face heel turn is well foreshadowed. The Alchemist in the Infinite Corridor tells him that he can still has his morals, etics and soul left to sacrifice if he wants his wife back. And he says that he’d do anything to get her back...
I felt genuinely bad when he killed a librarian because he wouldn’t give him the information that he wanted, and he breaks down crying because he just murdered someone, and he’s starting to fall so low in his quest :(
Aaaaand he gives us this immortal line. Now this is what we call some true writing.mp4.
(I have no idea how Caesar came in contact with him though. Again, things happen offscreen.)
As a positive note, I did like how the second to last fight of the show took place in a clock tower, like in the original Castlevania :) and awww Trevor said "I love you!" to Sypha! Cuties <3 and they're going to have a child! My heart <3
Carmilla is back again! More or less. I sure didn’t miss her in S3. I’m very happy with her situation in S4, because she only appears in two episodes :)
She gives us the stupidest, pettiest villain rant she could give us, with the worst possible lead-in.
"Do you think Dracula would have kept Hector in his castle were he dangerous?"
So the villain of this #deep and #intricate show is literally nothing more than a generic supervillain who wants to conquer the world because she wants to, with a dash of good ol’ radfem. Okay. Good writing. I don’t care anymore.
And btw, Carmilla suddenly being wary of Caesar for having “a deviousness in him” and saying that “he could kill” is terribly out of nowhere. Where does this come from? She was the first one calling him puppy and all. Caesar did jackshit in S3. This is a horrible way to fix the mess that has been his portrayal.
(I do like how Caesar himself theorizes that Carmilla is now “overreaching” because being thirsty is a core trait of being a vampire, that's an interesting insight)
And then the bitch dies.
Yes, just like that. Eat shit in hell <3
But still, I’m not 100% satisfied because... she has appeared so little since S2. She did nothing in S3, and then she had her little radfem rant in S4. Why did she go insane out of the sudden? We don’t know.
And I don’t give a shit anymore. She’s dead, that’s what matters! :D
Striga and Morana get a little more focus this time, and the focus is them going like “shit, Carmilla’s plan was dumber than we thought”. Striga even, surprisingly, takes pity on all the farmers she kills in her Day Armor, and realizes that this is what she’d be doing the whole time if she followed Carmilla. Basically, they’d spend the rest of their eternal life fighting humans to keep control, since now they know that humans don’t go down without a fight. Not surprisingly, when Carmilla dies (and they think Lenore died too), they decide to run away and do their thing together without scheming. Go do your thing, girls.
Of course, I always reserve Lenore for later :)
If I had little to say about T&S, I really have nothing for Alucard.
Obvious reference to this iconic scene:
I get that you have a watersport fetish, Ellis. Cut that out.
Well, his depression lasts only the first episode, just enough for him to change into a costume that is very similar to his SoTN one, but shirtless because why not. Then we meet Greta of Danasti! Yes, completely unrelated to the one C3 character not included in the show. She’s your typical badass woman who takes no shit from no one.
Nothing to say about his subplot either. It’s boring, I can’t keep up, I skipped episode 7. I really have no more patience. Sorry, man. And the main trio gets back in S4E9, after being separated ever since S2E8! I think that weakened their otherwise touching finale.
Oh, right, and his big trauma over being raped and nearly killed is mentioned in passing conversation as a noodle incident. Greta even lowkey jokes about it.
As I said, it was nothing but fetish fuel for Ellis to masturbate to :)
Abraham was the arc I had the second most interest in. This dude is beloved, and for the life of me I can’t understand why. And... I think I cracked it :) but still, even with very limited screentime, he ends up being the best character of the season.
Abraham tells us very plainly (well, to the statue of the defeated Magician) how much he changed... as if we couldn’t tell by his sudden and unexplained care for burying the people too rotten to forge because he sees them as victims, or how he sympathizes with FlysEyes and doesn’t want to see him as a tool (interesting how it’s reserved to the only night creature who can talk like a human... does it mean that the other creatures have human sapience as well?). He reasons himself into an interesting conclusion: he has agency, and he liked the feeling of righteous justice when he killed the Magician, so he will try to change the world for the better. This is a fairly good direction to take his character in! But I can’t help but feel that it contrasts with the cackling Abraham of S3E9. Again, time skip.
“You believe you’re tools of destruction only because this is how your kind has always been used” is a very good line to associate to any Devil Forgemaster, though :) I like to imagine how Hector or Isaac would react to this.
While I still have some issues, Abraham reaches his peak in episode 6. He gives up his plans of revenge on Caesar, which is a shame as I would have liked to see them fight, but I understand that they wanted to confirm that Abraham holds no resentment in his heart anymore... if only that time skip didn’t happen. His fight against Carmilla is the stuff of legends <3 and then there is his long speech about the conclusion he reached from his journey: in short, he wants to live life. And I was touched, I really was. While I’m still irked by the time skip, it felt seriously cathartic, helped by the wonderful acting. Good for him :)
So, what was Abraham’s arc in the end? He’s a man who in the past went through a lot of pain and hardships, but is now peacefully living his life, until a person he deeply cares for gets killed and he’s unable to do anything to save them. Enraged and heartbroken, he sets himself on a destructive quest for revenge against the person who ruined his life, being an ultra competent, badass fighter and kicking ass left and right... but he meets kind people along the way, and he eventually learns to let go of his hatred. He also, after following Dracula for years and considering himself separate from humankind, realizes that he’s more than a tool: he has agency himself. He gains the strength to acknowledge that Dracula was wrong, leave him behind, and become his own person. He finally accepts his own humanity.
Wow, so peak, so raw, what a deep character arc! But... doesn’t it sound oddly familiar...?
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I don’t want to hear a peep about how Hector is nothing more than a generic “badass”, if you then turn around and call Abraham one of the best characters in the franchise. All of you who love Abraham? You actually love Hector and you just don’t know it.
I’m not even touching the meta cruelty of taking Hector’s compelling character arc away from him and transplanting it into an OC that pretends to be Isaac, leaving a shell to be tortured in Hector’s place.
That final Abraham monologue touched me, but Hector had by far the most organic character arc, and it deserved to be properly depicted in the show.
(I could also compare his arc to Guts’, since Hector is basically a simplified version of Guts anyway lmao.)
(I will admit, though, that Abel kicked ass here, an excellent use of a very underutilized element of CoD)
Speaking of which...
I kept reading that Caesar became a Magnificent Bastard in this season, which absolutely baffled me: him? Magnificent?? No way. I can confirm now that this season felt like a long, long apology letter to how Caesar was written, because he’s suddenly sassy, demanding, has no patience for anything anymore, and came up with a clever scheme to take down the Council. I could actually start calling him Hector now.
By the second episode he’s already seen walking around and setting special stones in cracked walls. He’s depicted, for the first time in forever, in a dignified way, even blackmailing someone to get what he wants in a deal. In episode 6, she cages Lenore and flaunts that he was not to be trusted! He even cuts off his own finger to get rid of the ring, which is a super chad move! Yep, this is a new Caesar, everyone! I should be happy, right?
No. Well, okay, I am a bit, because he is genuinely badass and witty, but... You know what this is? This is the Netflixvania equivalent of that scene in Sonic Frontiers where Tails, out of nowhere, starts crying that he’s “wildly inconsistent” because recently (as in, in games penned by Pontaff) he hasn’t been at his best self. That scene, praised by everyone, was nothing more than Flynn smugly declaring that oh, he has fixed Tails, don’t you worry guys! I managed to make his badass decay intentional! Now, under my supervision, he’ll be the good ol’ Tails you always wanted! And I’m not happy about it, it feels too self-congratulatory and meta.
Lenore, on the other hand, is a brat. She’s childish, immature, always pouting, constantly swearing like an edgy teen girl, and nothing like her clever, elegant S3 self. See, it’s her turn to angst now, that she’s not needed anymore! I wish you weren’t, you horrible piece of shit.
Same for Caesar here. The change from “good boy” Caesar to “scheming sassy boy” Caesar is too sudden, and it happened off screen. Abraham even spells it out for us (because of course he does) that he knows that Caesar had no agency back then and was manipulated, a line so meta that I could see Ellis smiling to himself, and that’s why he holds no more contempt for him; Caesar himself years to make up for him mistakes. The six week time skip! I hate it! Why can’t we see Caesar grow a spine? I would have so loved it!
And then she peaces out in the finale because whoops, turns out that she doesn't like the life that she wanted to subject Caesar to! Remember the enslavement part? I'm not sure you do. At least phrase it like "I'm all alone, I miss my sisters, I've realized that I never did anything good in my life and maybe I never will", not "oh noes I'm in a cage :(".
If I can praise Lenore’s suicide for one thing, it’s how it was foreshadowed in S3, with her talk about not missing the sun as a vampire. That was a good parallel.
And I guess it’s time to address the elephant in the room: Lenector.
This is their first interaction in S4. Lenore acting like a spoiled brat out of nowhere, and Caesar indulging her dick jokes and talking to her as if they were an old married couple already. Later on, she even vents her personal issues to him, and most baffingly, Caesar cares so much about her that he begs Abraham to spare her, and says that he wants to spend time alone with her.
What the fuck?
How can you go here when the last time we saw them, THIS happened?
You can’t jump six weeks and go from “I made you into my pet” to this equally balanced, respectful dynamic!
This is horrible. It looks like Caesar just forgot everything that happened. How con-fucking-venient.
And shut the fuck up Lenore I want to strangle you with your hair.
"You were the last problem I had to solve!"
"Yes, thanks again for that." *shows magic ring that enslaves him*
"Oh, shush. You were having fun."
"Right until the end."
I want to stab someone and then set them on fire. Great, let’s all joke about Caesar’s trauma of having a deep moment of vulnerability and weakness taken advantage of! It’s funny! One month and a half is enough to make it into a cute memory, right? Right? :’D
"I think [Carmilla] lied to me."
"Just like Dracula lied to me."
I can’t be the only one who can’t accept this no matter how well written the dialogues are (and they aren’t, Caesar has his good moments but Lenore is insufferable) because I keep screaming “YOU RAPED AND ENSLAVED HIM A MONTH AGO!!!”, right? Well... I guess I am, since Lenector is one hell of a popular ship :\
Look at this blatant attempt to connect them. I don’t know how else to convey my sheer rage.
"I'm sorry for everything you went through" oh like him being tortured by your sisters, you beating the shit out of him, and the whole raping and enslaving? :)
I have my problematic ships. I have quite a few fucked up ships, most of them involving power imbalance because I am weak for that. The thing is that, I like them because they are fucked up, and I don’t ignore that element to make the relationship cuter than it should be.
I never get the feeling that Lenector shippers acknowledge this part - in fact, I’ve seen plenty of people denounce S4 as bad because those two “deserved a happy ending”.
Uhm. No. They did not. Well, Caesar did, but Lenore sure deserved to suffer a little more. I don't buy her changing attitude from vampire enslaver to cute little girl who really cared about Caesar all along.
Oh, but apparently, Lenore never touched Caesar again after she put the ring on him! That's the general assumption, it seems. So that explains how Caesar is so buddy buddy with her :) that’s how it works, right?
So... This was season 4. I'm sorry this post feels so flaccid. While the finale was good, I'm just glad to be done. Watching the show was an utterly miserable experience, and I'm glad I had people keeping me company. At least now I have proper context for this very popular part of the franchise.
Bleah. Lenector is officially in my list of ships that squick me out. Get that away from me, my man deserves better. I'm so glad that in canon he finds two wonderful women who support him and make him realize he's worthy of love :)
As a final note, the decision to bring back Dracula and Lisa is... Why? What's the point? It nullifies their tragedy and I'm pretty sure this change fucks up the later timeline. Unless Dracula will just decide to kill humans for shit and giggles after Lisa's death? What excuse will they come up with in Nocturne to include him, if they will? This was just peak "Let's make everyone happy".
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nonbinarygerard · 2 years
sorry for my gerard and grant morrison autism rant but i need to talk about them. so the theme of gender through out gerard’s lyrics it really reminds me of grant morrison’s comics specifically doom patrol and the invisibles, some of my favorite pieces of art ever.
if you haven't read doom patrol its about a group of outsiders who are superheros and as grant said in their forward (im kind of paraphrasing but this is the vibe) this comic is for all the weird kids who relate more to robot men and people in bandages than actual people. so the autistics lmao. if you ever read doom patrol they just all read as autistic (soz but they do) and either trans coded or explicitly non cis or trans like rebis, essentially nonbinary (both male and female) god like superhero or danny the street a trans gay sentient street. im so obsessed. it has a lot of representation of the gay and transfem community. grant puts so much of themselves into their work they said if they haven't experienced they wont write about it and also gerard writes metaphorical stories but you know they are about real shit they went through. but i dont think they both realised, or maybe they did, how much their art is about not only the abstract idea of gender but their gender and using it as a space to experiment. but its not like doom patrol is about overtly the gender struggle or being nonbinary, (grant is out as nonbinary if you dont know) its about this superhero squad right but reading in 2022 god its quite obvious it is. like revenge is about a man who makes a deal with the devil to get make his female lover, but obviously its so much more about than just that.
when grant wrote a transfem character, lord fanny, into the invisibles they were like well i have to do drag now to know what its like! and the way gerard said they used their persona on stage to explore and express their femininity, perhaps not to full extent they wanted until the cheerleader outfit though i assume they would like to do more. but i just love thinking about how their art both gave them a space to explore who they were and their gender in a way they never thought they could really do in their lives before.
imagine gerard reading doom patrol and the invisibles as the issues were coming out and how much it must have meant to them as mcr means to us. i want to emphases how explicit the lgbt representation is and how its such a massive element of the comics you cant just make the characters cis and you wouldnt notice, you cant just make the gays straight by changing their pronouns. many characters are plots are about the lgbt experience, so may different experiences. i feel like no one recognizes them for the amazing lgbt fiction they are, and despite some of the language being a bit of date, the exploration of the queer themes still hold up today and honestly is better than a lot of mainstream representation we get (sorry but im kind of right).
i just have so many grant and gerard thoughts sorry i yet again could write so many essays about them i love them both so much.
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hamliet · 3 years
Chemical Weddings in RWBY
So once upon a time Hamliet said she’d write a meta about ships in RWBY, and then arrived months later without Starbucks. 
The central tenet of alchemy is solve et coagula: dissolve, and then coagulate. The process (RWBY appears to be following Ripley’s 12 Gates) repeats, rinses, and repeats again and again throughout the steps, “each time at a more refined level.” The point of a chemical wedding is to reconcile opposites, which is something I touched on in my pseudo-quick meta here. Lyndy Abraham, the author of A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, describes the chemical wedding as: 
a crucial operation in the creation of the philosopher’s stone. The alchemists were ultimately concerned with the union of substances, the reconciliation of opposites.
Basically, it unites opposites (fire and water, air and earth, sun and moon, passive and active,  etc., etc., etc.) and then the opposites start to take on each other’s qualities, creating the “Rebis,” or a person both male and female. 
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The first chemical wedding is usually somewhat violent, primitive even, whereas the second one signifies the creation of the stone. However, characters can have more than two weddings, and chemical weddings do not inherently have to be romantic--Sam and Frodo aren’t, for example--but most often are, because it’s the most obvious way to show a union between separate people (the old adage “two become one” in marriage, for example). 
If we look at George Ripley’s 12 Gates, chemical weddings tend to be focused on in the fourth stage of conjunction (which I wrote about here) and in the ninth, fermentation (which is probably going to be in volume 10--maybe a little in volume 9, but traveling between worlds seems to be a hallmark of sublimation in fiction so I’m guessing we’re stuck there for the time being). But in a lengthy series spanning eight years and counting, there is going to be overlap. 
So let’s talk about chemical wedding imagery historically. It tends to involve dissolution (via water or fire--keep in mind metal was associated with fire in olden days, so stabbing with metal was considered liquid fire, or so it was believed to be by alchemists) and then coagulation (healing/coming together). 
Four of the five ships--two of whom are definitely happening, one of which I think is happening and one of which I think has a good chance--reference historical alchemical artwork and symbolism in key moments. (RWBY does reference alchemical artwork; see here and here.) So let’s dive in and examine potential chemical wedding allusions in RWBY:
Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie (Renora)
Let’s start with the most obvious couple: Ren and Nora. Their first chemical wedding occurs when they are children. In alchemical art, birds are often used to show the volatility/primitiveness of a first chemical wedding:
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The raven is replicated in the Nevermore which forms a similarly threatening pose over Ren and Nora when he unlocks his semblance to protect her, thus honoring his father and mother’s legacies. 
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You can even see earth (trees), water (river), fire, and air (the bird flying) in the scene as it pans out. After this, Ren and Nora become “Ren and Nora,” as Nora herself says in Volume 8. They’re inseparable, because they’re on their way to becoming one. However, unification doesn’t mean that they’re literally the same person; in stories like these, it’s more like they become better versions of themselves through growing towards each other and adopting each other’s traits (like Nora’s courage for Ren, and Ren’s caution for Nora). 
Their second, elevated chemical wedding is in the same place as their first, when in Volume 4 they return to the village and defeat the monster they were too young to defeat last time. This time, Nora is the one who protects Ren by telling him he could not sacrifice his life by pulling Ren back, in a reversal of his running to her in their first moment years ago. 
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Like the first, there’s water involved--Ren and Nora hide next to a river, watching as the Knuckelvee advances on them. I talked previously how I thought this looked like a possible allusion to this alchemical image (look at the moon symbol on the head of the aggressor): 
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The moon symbol actually shows up quite a bit in this scene, first when Nora and Ren discover the Nuckelvee is still alive in the cave: 
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And then in the moment when they defeat it: 
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While I am certain this is a chemical wedding, I’m not certain why the moon symbol is so prominent in this, though I do think it is possibly in reference to this image and how Nora and Ren are united now: 
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Yang Xiao Long/Blake Belladonna (Bumbleby)
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Firstly, the alchemy image is somewhat of a creepy image, right? In this, Mercurius has united the two principles by beheading them (amputation is a Thing in alchemy), leaving them to putrefy and then coagulate.
Like the Nuckelvee for Nora and Ren, Blake and Yang have a somewhat antagonistic Mercurius who unites them: Adam Taurus. He doesn’t cut off their heads, but he does seriously injure Blake and cuts off Yang’s arm in a scene that is romantically charged (you have Blake’s possessive ex telling her he’ll target someone she loves and specifically chooses Yang). 
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While I have my issues with how Bumbleby is written, it’s hard to interpret that as anything other than him seeing Yang as a rival for Blake’s affection.
Their second chemical wedding also involves Adam. There’s no one direct image that seems to have inspired it, but it does take place in a place full of waterfalls (fountains and flowing water in general, like the ones in Nora and Ren’s village, are common elements of chemical weddings’ settings) and by the ocean (the “mercurial sea” is where the elements dissolve to make the Philosopher’s Stone, so it’s also a common hallmark for chemical weddings).
(To briefly address this: this is where my complaints about the writing pile in, because you can also make a damn strong case that Blake and Sun fighting on the ship to Menagerie is a chemical wedding, which it is, but I think it’s clear at this point that Bumbleby is endgame. Either both were written for a reason, like if they weren’t sure if they could do Bumbleby, or a narrative reason, in which case Black Sun should have been dealt with rather than hand-waved away, or they were just teasing, but baiting fans is never, ever good writing; it’s cheap. All that to say that while I think there’s a compelling case they were interested in pursuing Bumbleby from the start, Black Sun shippers have a right to feel tricked and not all criticism thereof is based in homophobia or a lack of narrative understanding, or even in a dislike of the ship.)
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At the beginning of this scene, Adam makes it clear that this is a redo of their previous chemical wedding by reminding them of it: 
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Blake stabs Adam with a silver weapon; Yang with red. We have earth, air (clouds), water, and weapons as a stand-in for fire.
It’s still somewhat of a violent wedding, which makes me wonder if Bumbleby will have a third (and Renora as well). But it also parallels Renora in this: returning to a pivotal scene where they were traumatized, but this time being able to overcome it because they’ve become more like each other. Blake is in many ways Yang’s trauma stretching far beyond Beacon (Blake runs away, as does Raven, Yang’s mother who abandoned her), and likewise Yang for Blake (she’s hotheaded and holds grudges, like Adam). But Blake and Yang have been working on becoming better versions of themselves. 
At the end of this scene, they even exchange quasi-wedding vows (since Blake’s promise is to not abandon Yang): 
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And the artists drive home the point by drawing Blake’s hair far bushier than normal (more like Yang’s), and Yang’s far tamer than normal (like Blake’s). 
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Jaune Arc/Weiss Schnee (White Knight)
Weiss and Jaune have had one chemical wedding thus far (possibly two but not sure) and I didn’t ship them at all until I saw this scene. Like Bumbleby and Renora, they have an antagonistic Mercurius: Cinder.  
(This one I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think it’s set up for romance as well.)
In this scene, Cinder directly compares Weiss to Pyrrha in regards to how Jaune feels about them (and we know Jaune and Pyrrha were romantic--you can also argue Cinder was an antagonistic Mercurius uniting Pyrrha and Jaune). 
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When Weiss screams, Cinder gets an idea and slides her gaze from Weiss to Jaune. 
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And then reenacts this: 
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As I also mentioned previously, Jaune then plays the role of the Prince to Weiss’s Snow White (which is an alchemical fairy tale). Like when Ren unlocks his aura to protect Nora, Jaune unlocks his to save Weiss. Weiss looks as if she is in a glass coffin that gets more and more golden, symbolic of refinement. 
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It’s also probably an allusion to this image of a chemical wedding presided over by Saturn (Mercury in this scene, since he’s there) and Death (Ruby and Qrow, who are also present in the scene with Jaune and Weiss). (For more on this image, see here.)
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Weiss and Jaune also have some oppositional imagery and arcs: Weiss starts Beacon with a deep family legacy and an inherited semblance, she chooses to go to Beacon on her own and is the favored child (at first). Jaune too has a family legacy of warriors, but instead of feeling empowered because of this, he is insecure and  literally cheats his way into the school. He doesn’t have a semblance until season 5. After this incident, Weiss and Jaune spend some time recreationally together (seeing a movie in vol 7); Jaune becomes more confident as a leader, and Weiss continues her arc in becoming more sympathetic to those from less privileged backgrounds.
Arguably, what happened at the end of volume 8 could be seen as having some symbolism of a chemical wedding for Weiss and Jaune too, but I don’t think it actually is one since they weren’t focused on as characters enough (if this was intended to be the start of one, we’ll get something next season, I’d imagine). The only reason I’m mentioning it is because it does function as an inverse of the previous one, which is the case for Renora and Bumbleby’s first and second weddings too. Cinder again almost kills Weiss (she falls in the exact same position as in vol 5), but Jaune saves Weiss when he screams after killing Penny. Instead of saving Weiss by healing, he kills. There’s also some distinctive red and white imagery. 
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And then Winter arrives with a six-pointed star and birds before telling them to run together:
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But again, I wouldn’t really call this one; it just has some imagery of one and fits a pattern, so I’m including it as a potential lead-in to an actual one in the void or later. 
Ruby Rose/Oscar Pine (Rosegarden)
Like with Weiss/Jaune, I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think this one is likely to end up romantic, too (for example, Cinder most recently in volume 8 used Oscar to taunt Ruby in a callback to using Pyrrha and Weiss to taunt Jaune).
Also: oh look, finally a wedding that isn’t violent. They just... meet. Which is also normal for a chemical wedding but less dramatic.
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Behold, the bird uniting the solar king and lunar queen: 
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(Fun fact: unless CRWBY came up with ship names which I highly, highly doubt, this is pure coincidence, but it’s a funny one: the art series this image is taken from is called Rosarium Philosophorum--which literally means “rose garden philosophy.”)
Let’s look at the scene where Ruby and Oscar meet for the first time. What makes this a chemical wedding is in part how obvious their markings are and the overall imagery is in the scene.
They are united by Qrow (who in addition to being named after a bird can literally transform into a bird):
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Oscar asks about Ruby specifically (yes, I know because Qrow’s her uncle, but the writing is telling us to focus on his relationship with her): 
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And immediately notes/is in awe that she has silver eyes (i.e. the moon): 
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Qrow seems to realize he’s done something momentous in a way that almost doesn’t entirely work within the frame of the narrative (but he is drunk, so). 
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The scenery of this room is also telling. The table is literally an Emerald Table, the legendary foundation of alchemy itself. 
Once they sit and talk, behind Oscar are the elements of earth and water, which he represents, and also the moon, which while traditionally associated with earth and water, he does not (at least not as strongly as he’s associated with the sun/gold):
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Similarly, behind Ruby we have the elements of fire and air (like, if you zoom in, they actually drew air), which she is marked as, and the sun, which again, she’s not as strongly associated with as she is with the moon:
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In Splendor Solis, which CRWBY has referenced before, the Solar King does eventually end up grounded in the moon, and likewise the Lunar Queen in the sun:
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Oscar and Ruby also do have oppositional arcs and roles: Ruby starts the series in the very first episode by being invited to Beacon two years early because of her leaping into action to stop Torchwick. She’s scolded for her recklessness, but immediately picked out as special because of her silver eyes. In contrast, Oscar is reluctant to leave his farm once Ozpin inhabits him; he refuses at first, and then once he does leave, is nervous and timid.
Anyways I wouldn’t be surprised if Qrow arrives in Vacuo with RWBYJ in tow and this time reunites Ruby with Oscar in an inverse. We’ll see. 
I do want to say that I also see potential for Emerald Sustrai/Mercury Black, in that they often act as one and share a theme song, but I haven’t seen any actual visual references to a chemical wedding for them... yet. 
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domestic-life-owa · 2 years
Chapter 7
Warning. This includes shipping of wrestlers. If you don’t like, don’t read.
An: this is shorter then most, but I wanted to give a good look at what Adam is working through emotionally.
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Adam limped through the school, cursing himself for not getting extra paper for class last Friday. The walk into the school had been painful enough, and now he had to walk to the other side to get to the teachers lounge. He just thanked God that he didn’t have to go up or down any stairs. He passed a few students on his way, but they were too occupied to really notice him.
“Damn Page. What fight did you lose?” Matt asked as soon as he walked in. The room had him, Reby, and Matt.
“You seem surprised that I’m not a fighter.” He joked, walking over to the supply closet.
“What are you even doing at work looking like that?” Reby asked, turning her eyes to Matt who put his hands up in defense.
“Don’t look at me. The guy hates staying at home.”
“If I looked like that I’d just retire.” Hardy chuckled, shaking his head.
Adam did his best to grab the stack of paper while also keeping his balance. After a moment of struggling Matt got up and went to help him, taking the paper.
“I got it.” He assured Adam. They both said goodbye to the couple before starting the walk back to Adam’s classroom. They walked in silence before Matt finally said something.
“Why don’t you have your crutches?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t start that shit.” Matt glared at him.
“Start what?”
“Cutting people off when they worry. You did it when you got injured, when you got kicked out, whenever Jeremy put his hands on you-“
“Matt, I’ve told you to stop saying he hit me. He didn’t.” Adam snapped as they walked into his room.
“So you came to school bitchy and bruised for no good reason?” Matt set the paper on the counter before turning to look at Adam.
“Yes. Now let it go.”
“What is wrong with you today? Did something else happen?” Matt questioned. He may have been used to how Adam acted in school, but he had been better the past year or so. More open with people.
“Me and Kenny had a fight.” Adam mumbled.
“Couples fight, I’m sure it’s just the stress.” Matt offered, but Adam shook his head.
“I feel like I’m falling apart, Matt. Like I’m lying to everyone all the time, and it’s all about to come apart around me. The hell is wrong with me.” Adam ranted, sitting on the edge of a desk. Matt stood Awkwardly, trying to find the right words.
“I think this is something you need to tell Kenny. You both love each other, so don’t push him away.” Matt patted Adam’s shoulder lightly, giving him a small smile.
“I know.”
A few hours later
Adam’s eyes scanned over his class. He had his intro to physical art class, which was normally a quiet class. They tended to just work on their project and listen to music. He looked back at his computer, looking through some local therapist while trying to think of what he was going to say tonight when he got home. His attention was brought back to the class when a few people in the back were getting rowdy. Said people were Sammy, Marko, and Kip. They were all talking amongst themselves, slowly getting louder and louder.
“Boys, let’s quiet it down.” Adam called out, making the boys glance at him. They seemed to quiet down, so Adam went back to his computer. He opened a few emails, reading over them before he heard a chair quickly get pushed out. He looked up just in time for his student Darby to launch himself at the three boys.
“Boys!” He quickly jumped up and did his best to run over. Darby was hitting whoever he could while Sammy, Marko, and Kip were fighting back. “Someone grab another teacher!” He hollered at the other students as he grabbed Marko, trying to pull him back. This earned him a hard elbow to his ribs, causing pain to shoot through him and let go of the boy. Adam grabbed his midsection, coughing a bit as pain corded through him. He felt something snap in him.
“God fucking damn it!” His outburst actually caused the three boys to stop right as another teacher walked in. “Your four, vice principals office. Now.” He turned to look at the other teacher. “Watch the rest of my class.”
Adam practically limped to the office, keeping each of the boys in his sights. As they walked in he didn’t even ask if Cody was there, just opened the door to his office. Said man looked up surprised to see them all.
“Mr. Page’Omega, what are you doing in here?”
“These boys broke out in a fight in my room.” He snapped. Cody nodded, looking between the boys and Adam. “Ok, I will take care of this. And, I think you should go home.” Cody made eye contact with Adam, and if Adam hadn’t felt as angry as he did he might have seen the worry.
“I’ll get a sub in your room immediately, and my assistant will call Kenny.” He said, leaving no room for Adam to argue. He nodded and left the room, shouting the door so Cody could talk to them.
For what felt like the hundredth time that day, he made the walk back to his classroom. Thankfully the period had ended, and it was his prep so no one was in the room. When he walked in he looked around, just standing in the middle of the room. He felt drained, and he didn’t know what to do.
“Mr. Page?” He turned to see Kris sticking her head into the room. He forgot she normally came to his calls during his prep. “Mr. Omega is here.” She practically whispered, and Kenny walked in immediately after.
“Oh Adam…” he walked up and wrapped his arms around Adam, letting him rest his head on his shoulder.
“I’m so tired.”
“I know. Let’s go home.”
Kenny looked down at Adam who, even asleep, had a strong grip on Kenny. As soon as Kenny got a call that something had happened rushed to the school. He hated watching Adam hurt, and it seemed to be more and more often. He allowed his hand to run through Adam’s hair, feeling the soft curls.
“Ken?” He looked back at Adam’s face, seeing his eyes open.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” He mumbled, pushing his face into Kenny’s chest. He was slowly realizing they were both laying in bed. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I was an ass this morning.” He continued, ignoring what Kenny said. “I should have understood, and you're right. I need help, especially after today.”
“Adam, just calm down. You don’t need to think about that right now.” Kenny tried, but Adam pulled his head up to look at him.
“I don’t know what happened Ken. I’ve split up fights before, but it felt different. I had so much anger, and then… nothing. Like all the energy was yanked out of me.” Adam admitted.
They laid in silence for a few moments. “I logged out of your computer, and I saw you were looking at therapists. Did you find any good ones?”
“You remember dr. punk?”
“Our school counselor?”
“Ya,” Adam confirmed. “Well, he’s in the area and taking clients. I figured, if anything, he already knows my family stuff, and I know him. Might make it easier to open up.” He explained his thought process.
“If you think that would help.”
“I’m also going to try and be more honest with you.” Adam whispered, almost ashamed. “Matt pointed out that I tend to close myself off with things like this, and I want to be better about that.” He refused to look up at Kenny, afraid of what he would see. Kenny brought his hands up to cradle his face and have him look up at him, making eye contact.
“I want you to feel safe telling me things. You saying you want to share that with me lets me know you mean it. And I’ll be patient, I won’t rush you.” Kenny smiled at his husband, making Adam smile as well.
“I love you so much Kenny Page’Omega.”
“And I love you Adam Page’Omega.”
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shardclan · 5 years
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“The penny-pinching curs would let us perish if it got them another coin!”
“They’re going to need some kind of recompense unless you want them breathing down Her Majesty’s neck until this time next cycle. You have to give them something.”
The subject of the Merchant’s Guild was hot enough that even Stellaria’s persistent thralldom was pushed from the forefront of her mind. However, she was much harsher and significantly less cool-headed than usual, perhaps owing to some sort of astral-related separation anxiety.
“I will give them nothing. Let them breathe where they wish, it’s Rebis’ job to uphold what is best.”
Caress curled her violet lips. Thralldom or no, Stellaria’s coarseness was testing her patience. “And it is your job, as literal Tribune of Shade-Damned Commerce, to promote positive standing with foreign merchants and keep our economy afloat.”
Rebis tapped her focus on the marble top for silence. “I appreciate you two returning to this topic so doggedly—” Polite words, they were stubborn as horn-locked melprins. “—But reparations must first go to livelihoods in Noon Point and to the restoration of the clan’s welfare system.”
Caress and Stellaria both shifted forward in their seats, Caress with far more effect as Stellaria was still bound to her chair.
“Without the support of the merchants there will be little chance of repairing the economic damage we’ve sustained.”
“Oh now you’re for supporting them?”
“I always supported them!” Stellaria snapped. “But I don’t think it should involve compensation!”
Caress punctuated her words with heavy slams of her pebbled fists. “They. Are. Merchants! What kind of support do you expect they’re going to want after two and half eons of lost business?!”
“Ladies,” Rebis said softly but meaningfully. “Recall that I was tutored under Saber and that I cut my teeth on merchant discussions when the guild tried to cook Telos for closing Thunder’s March due to the Outsider incident that preceded my hatching. I am prioritizing Aphaster City merchants, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to leave the Guild to hang.”
“Now. I value both of your opinions, but this isn’t a discussion that can be had fruitfully without the attendance of a representative of Trader’s Walk on site. So, for the 3rd time in as many days, shelve that discussion until we can have it fruitfully.”
The two women sat back in their seats with muffled huffs.
A gentle cough interrupted the discussion from the entry. Half the table rose, a bit stiffly and wearily, to its feet to greet Hart.
In his typical fashion, he nodded to them all and waved them back into their seats. Inside the half-circle, he regarded Rebis for the first time since her return. She looked good. Calmer and a bit harder. Truly and adult, and no longer his charge.
“You look well, my Queen.” He raised a carved chest with the emblem of Lightweaver emblazoned in gold on its center. “I’ve come to deliver your ceremonial garb. The clan has missed enough celebrations. So long as you are back, I thought you might not want to let Brightshine slip by.”
Rebis raised smiled. With Samhradh enthralled and lightborn dragons at too much risk, it fell to an Arcanite to praise the Light. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.  “You thought right, that would never do. Shall we all take a break?”
The robes felt made for her. Like a gift granted to her for achieving the status of Archmage. When this was all over, she would have new clothes tailored to incorporate it as a part of her royal garb.
“At penalty of re-opening the issue,” said Flaga, as Rebis settled back into her chair. “May I request that any external reparations the clan is able to provide at all be provided to the Beastclans?”
Rebis rubs at her celestine jewelry. The centaurs have had to work by night in order to be safe in the Summerlands, and they have not been able to utilize the area near House Perihelion at all. Unless they could turn things around quickly and recover the spring-planted crops allowed to go wild it would mean another famine year come winter. The previous one had already strained their relationship to tatters, it would never survive another winter like that.
“I believe that would be a wise course of action, in addition to physical labor assistance in the farming sector.”
Stellaria said nothing, but Caress did not look particularly impressed. “If we’re discussing agreements, what about the alcohol trade from Gethsemene which was halted due to inability to use the Sundew Falls as a port area with the astral having overtaken House Perihelion?”
“You’ll forgive me my skepticism, but have a single one of your districts’ clients has gone thirsty during this problem?”
Caress smiled and crossed her massive legs. “Of course not. But that is just the trouble. With Noon Point closed, merchants that didn’t funnel over to Feldspar have been watching the situation from Bramble Step. It is an entertainment district, not designed to hold thousands of squatters on a long-term basis. While they have paid well to drink my good wine, a low stock of rare drink is not an easy stock to replace.”
Saber coughed and leaned earnestly forward. “How could a woman with your funds and influence want for anything, especially given proximity to the Tangled Wood?
Saber’s well-known mild temperament spared him her more aggressive one. She knew without thought that he wasn’t trying to accuse or challenge her and answered him just as politely as he’d asked. “Darling, you’ve been dealing with practical and straightforward money concerns on Horizon’s Landing too long. No one buys alcohol like five hundred merchant caravans trading information in the absence of ability to set up shop and go about normal business. They have been ‘investing’ quite heavily in one another and in my richer patrons and that means my most wastelessly exotic alcohols are in the red.”
“Surely some of the merchants squatting there must have what you’re begging for,” Stellaria grumbled.
Caress took a deep breath. “Stellaria, my dear, your brain has been addled by Titi you thinks those merchants aren’t trying to charge me the highest mark-up they think they can get away with without insulting me.”
“Settle down,” Rebis said absently. She nodded to Azricai, who had been busily scribing the minutes of their days-long Tribunal due to Samhradh’s sulkiness. “I’m sure Gethsemene will have a mouthful to say about being off-shored since Wavecrest with a full cargo and an unpaid crew. Make a note—“
Rubranova yanked Rebis’ chair back and Nayvadius leaped forward, sword out and shield raised to deflect a strike.
Above him, the Umbra Wolf grinned in her feverish way. “Nice to see you’re in good health!”
“Same fi you,” said Nayvadius with his own grin, pushing her back. “Nah hard feeling, yuh? Me bed ah empty space fi fit you still.”
She swung her sickle casually at the far edge of the hall and flicked her tongue. “I mean if you’re inviting me, what’s the point if there’s no hard feelings~?”
“Stop flirting!”
The words didn’t come from Rebis. She was well past trying to force those two to be court-appropriate.
It came from Titi, who stormed in with Pistis and Phi.
Caress made a strangled noise and covered her mouth. “Oh my darling--!” She bolted from her seat. Pistis stepped deftly in the way of Titi-tet, seemingly unaware that Caress was running toward her.
She cupped Pistis’ thin face. “Dear heart you’re a mess! That brat has done you no good.”
Pistis gave a wan smile. “You’re being so dramatic, Caress. You sound like Generous. I’ve been fine and Titi has been a delight. I wish you had come to see me, you would love her.”
“I don’t want her!” Titi hissed, shoving Pistis and trying to no avail at all to shove Caress.
Even in her glamour, Caress was not a shovable woman, and looked down her nose at the shameless but pitiful attempt. She could crush Titi beneath her heel, but that wasn’t the plan.
“Move along you little terror or I will have Carnelian beat you with your own antlers.”
Half incensed, half terrified, Titi skittered away toward Rebis muttering something quite impolite about shadow dragons. “What are you doing here?”
“Running my clan,” Rebis said, laying a staying hand on Rubranova and re-settling into her chair. “Is there something you need?”
Titi squinted. Her mouth hung slightly agape at the strange calm in the room. She barely remembered Rebis, but this was not what she recalled. The person in her memories had been rightly crying in the dirt.
“I killed you,” she sputtered.
“You tried, yes.”
Bestealcian guffawed loudly. Titi shot her a dirty look and snorted in Rebis’ direction. “You can’t just come back. You lost! You’re supposed to stay dead!”
Rebis scooted back up to the table, glanced at the next order of business, and scrunched her nose. House Xanna was interested in receiving a report on the astral. ‘Report’ for them meant sending dragons who were involved to have their memories added to the Library. She’d have told them to eat dirt on principle, but they were offering payment. Very attractive payment, in fact.
“We’re in the middle of a Tribunal meeting,” she said, pre-occupied with just what that exchange might look like. “If you want an audience, it will have to wait. What was it I was saying before…? Ah yes, Azricai make a note to arrange a meeting including Caress, Gethsemene, myself, and the managers of all the primary liquor distributors in the territory.”
“As you say, your Majesty.”
“Stop it.” Titi snarled, her body going bright with a gathering light. “Stop Ignoring Me.”
It was high noon. As predicted, Titi had come at the height of her power.
She emitted a wave of light that was almost liquid. Stellaria and Samhradh wrestled with their bonds, suddenly agitated and nearing hysterical. The Tribunes looked away, but as the light waves washed over them they struggled against a rising compunction to look Titi’s way. To know her. To worship her. To play with her.
At the far end of the table, Rebis spoke: “Envision.”
She didn’t need the words any more than she needed her focus, but she wielded both. The pink ring around her eyes was consumed by the light of her vast magical power, and the high ceiling of the Hall filled with gilded shapes. Every eye was drawn up—away from Titi and to the shape that Rebis was weaving into reality above them. The form of it was near-impossible to make out, obscured in brighter and brighter light the longer Rebis focused.
The wings of a locust wrought in gold opened and Titi cries out in horror.
The envisioning of Lightweaver uttered a sharp and silencing howl. It did not speak. It was not truly her, but it was every bit as powerful as Rebis believed Her to be. Rebis’ capacity was greater than even Lutia’s, and her power was young and vital and near-infinite with the rising of Light and the recent blessing of the true Lightweaver. At that particular moment in time, during that particular alignment of events, that belief was not misplaced.
The light drew in, focusing on the astral with searing intensity.
Titi-tet was from a plane much closer to the gods—the astrals could perhaps even become as gods given enough millennia. But Titi had not had millennia. It has had a mere 2 cycles in Sornieth’s time since the Seat was moved and the Stones had gone to seed. There was not enough Light in her entire being to out-shine the envisioning, even though it was a mere copy. As the light grew sharper and brighter she was forced to look away and her body began to burn under the radiance.
Phi stepped in the way of the light to shield her, and Titi fled into a ray of noon sun filtering from the ceiling windows.
Caress stomped down a heavy heel. “Assombrissais.”
The panes of light magic that made the windows dulled and went black, revealing Titi’s fluttering shape as they shut the sunlight out.
Titi roared with aggravation. The shadow magic was infuriatingly simple. It had to be—Caress did not have any particular magical aptitude. But she was very well versed at making it exactly as dark as she liked with only a few carefully placed runes and a whispered word.
It was why Rebis had called her.
“Kill her, KILL HER!”
Saber moved from his chair to Phi with the lithe speed of an expertly cracked whip and pinned him to the floor. Pistis glanced nervously at Caress, who pushed her gently back to protect her from Bestealcian’s wildly swung sickle.
A wildclaw’s foot clamped over the coatl’s face, dragging her back and tossing her against the far wall. The Smoke Gyre splayed his wings wide and tilted his head at his student. “Sloppy, Umbra Wolf. I hope you’re prepared to be disciplined when this is all over.”
Beastealcian’s crest rattled, revealing her where she slithered along the stone arches. “I mean I have a date already but if you threaten me with a good time like that…”
A sizzling arcane bolt bigger than she was and quick as a shooting start collided with her and she fell like pigeon downed by an expert arrow.  
Arcanus stood before the entry pillars, his glamour shed and his vast wings blotting out the light. A snort released a small gust of ozone-scented magic, and a shield raised behind him.
Unless she wanted to try bulldozing through him and the wall of his magic, Titi was trapped.
Rebis climbed light-footedly onto the surface of the table and stepped just as lightly down on the other side with Rubranova’s hand to steady her. The apparition of the Lightweaver made of her thesis spell dissipated into strands of light that encircled Titi and hauled her to the floor.
Gold tears fell from the astral’s faceted eyes like honey from a hive, but any sympathy was held at bay by the otherworldly snarl twisting her muzzle. That was not a face a dragon could make. The creature beneath was beginning to show.
“I have been told that you can stay here,” Rebis said slowly. “If you relinquish your power.”
“Why would I stay here?” Titi sniveled. “You hate me! You’ve been awful to me and I didn’t even do anything! I wanna go home!”
“You will. But even though I brought you into this world, you still have to stay and pay for your crimes.”
Rebis held a hand out to Azricai, and received the scrolls. One was Lutia’s coveted spellscroll, which radiated enough Arcane magic to make the astral squirm and wretch on the floor. Rebis, safe beneath her white celestine crown, felt nothing. “Titi-tet the 15th, Astral of the Light on High, I sever you from the noon sun and bind you to Sornieth.”
The name of the astral glowed white-hot on the scroll, and in Rebis’ other hand, an unfamiliar breed change scroll opened.
“You can’t,” she hissed, and her voice was no longer that of a hatchling. “You cannot hope to bind me to paltry dragonhood!”
“Yes, that only seems to work for the astrals who let go of their power willingly. So we decided to go with something different.”
Rebis tossed the scroll.
Titi screamed as it coile around her. She was not truly a creature of flesh, so there was no true becoming. The pain came from being given true form, one that had to come into being rather than being altered to the magic of the scroll.
Soon the task was done and silence took over the hall.
Pistis made a sickly sound and Caress held her as she wept. Phi groaned. Stellaria struggled against her bonds with fresh fervor, and Ashes rushed to free her. Though they had grown apart since he laid down Willow’s memento, she flung herself into his arms and clutched him with feeble desperation he had never seen from her before.
Titi, weak and mortal and changed to a breed that had no connection to the Light, weakly craned her head up.
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“What did…you do to me…?”
“I gave you the shape of Icewarden’s firstborn. Proto-tundras, I am to understand. What more apt prison for an extraplanar being could there be than the body of a gaoler?”
“Why…? Why not just…send me…back?”
“Because you nearly killed the queen, stole the livelihood of an entire region, and broke most if not all of our magic-related laws,” Azricai said matter-of-factually. “You have crimes to answer for.”
“...That..that’s all...?”
“It is,” Rebis said, dispelling her magic and moving to untie Samhradh, who was frothing with the need to get the story written down. “It’s simple, we know. But this is the Analemma Dominions, once Aphaster as ruled by Telos the Indomitable, who raised it from the ashes the children of Clan Shard.”
“And in this clan, even the gods will be made to abide by the law.”
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augustheart · 5 years
as someone who’s only recently gotten into comic doom patrol and is having difficulty deciphering whatever the hell cliff and jane’s relationship is supposed to be, I was wondering what you thought of the way’s run revelation of their version of cliff being from a fanfic and therefore in love with her?
i think it was a nice touch and it fits well with the weird, fucked up doom patrol timeline instead of trying to do what the 2009 run (which i haven’t read all of) did and go “yeah everything is still canon even if it fucks up the timeline.” i also read it as the fanfiction not being…okay, this is gonna be hard to explain, but when i first read it and now that i’m rereading it, it feels less like they’re talking about fanfiction as we know it and more about fanfiction the way pretty much every modern comic is fanfiction. this version of cliff was created by gerard way in an extremely literal sense, not just rescuing him and everyone else from the depths of comic book obscurity. i know that’s not what you asked, but that’s how i interpreted that scene specifically with regard to his creation. him being in love with her… felt a little bit like an afterthought, since it was barely touched on outside of that time they got attacked and he got whammied and was like “oh shit i’m in love with you” and she said “suck eggs.” but i don’t mind it. again, i think it fits well with the new universe/timeline changes and with the overall weirdness standard to the doom patrol. 
(the way i see their in-comic relationship in general is “cliff tries to support her and genuinely cares very deeply about her but is actually not that great to her some of the time (which he fully acknowledges and apologizes for in way’s run, which was nice) like when he constantly asks her about/pushes her toward integration instead of understanding that’s not what any of them want, and since he’s really the only man she’s ever been really close to who hasn’t hurt her and was definitely the first, she cares about him deeply and subsequently liza is in love with him (since the whole reason she split in the first place is because of cliff, danny, and rebis (and probably josh) caring about jane), but she isn’t.” the only way i think they could ever have a healthy romantic relationship is after way’s run, when he’s apologized sincerely for his actions and is aware of his origin/that there’s another version of him and potentially others running around, and jane has successfully achieved coexistence with everyone else-not that the two are comparable, jane and co’s mental health struggles =/= cliff owning up to being a dick, but you know what i mean.)
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imaginexwwe · 6 years
Proud Of You - JEFF HARDY
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@evelinhardy40 - Following Y|N's win at Hell in a Cell against Charlotte, she enjoys a night out with her family where husband Jeff makes sure to let her know how proud of her he is
"I don't know," I said with a giggle, thinking of the best way to answer my sister in law, Reby's question about my match from tonight. "I'm just glad it's over?" I finished, giving her more of a question than an answer, just before the entire table, kids not included broke out in a quiet laugh.
"That's a good way to describe one of the biggest matches of your career." Reby's husband, and my brother in law, Matt Hardy joked after hearing what I had to say.
I quickly shook my head, ready to try and, I guess make what is said previously better. "Matt, you know I didn't mean it like that," I replied with a playful gasp. "Tonight was a dream for sure."
Just a stressful dream that I know have lifted from my shoulders
And like I said, I'm happy it's over
A good kind of happy, if that makes a bit of sense
"I'm not buying it," Matt countered, cutting his eyes over to my husband as he sat beside me, giving more attention to our one year old daughter Spencer, than he was to the conversation going around the table. "You, Jeff?" He continued, tossing a question over to him.
"Hm?" I heard my husband, Jeff ask, his eyes giving short, clueless glances to Matt, Reby and I. "What was that?"
"Nothing important, love." I spoke up before Matt could, flashing him a smile.
"It was something," Matt said, shutting down what I had told Jeff. "Reby had asked Y|N how she felt about her match tonight and the first thing she said was that she was glad it was over."
Jeff nodded a few times, his eyes drifting from me to the food the waiter had just sat down in front of us, minutes ago. "Maybe, she is," He finally replied to his brother, picking up a fork to dig in to his plate. "She's been stressing over getting her title back from Charlotte and she's done that, maybe now she can relax." He continued, with a chuckle.
See, my husband gets it
But couldn't he have tried to sound a little more interested?
"I love how you put in just enough effort into dinner tonight, Jeff," I said going up to hug him from behind, while he lowered Spencer down onto the bed. "It was oddly sexy seeing you zone in and out of reality." I added, causing him to laugh as he turned to face me.
While sliding his arms around my waist, He flashed another rare smile of the night, before replying. "I was a bit upset that it wasn't no longer just the three of us, celebrating your win tonight." He explained, while bringing up the dislike of having our plans changed at the last minute.
"I know, and I would've wanted nothing more, but you know me, and when Reby called saying she and the kids were flying out to surprise Matt and thought it was a good idea for all of us to get together," I paused, letting out a dramatic sigh. "I couldn't turn her down, knowing we barely have time to have moments like this."
"And we barely have time to have moments like this." Jeff playfully frowned, as he motioned his finger between the small space me and his had left between our bodies.
I shook my head, giggling again. "Jeff stop," I replied trying to hold back a smile. "We travel together every day and night. Don't you think we have so many moments, that sharing one with your brother, his wife, and kids wouldn't hurt?"
"I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you, in private." Jeff answered, lowering his head.
"Well, were in private now." I whispered back, before looking over at our now sleeping daughter. "Well, sorta."
Jeff's eyes followed mines as he turned his head to glance at Spencer then back at me. "I'm proud of you." He repeated himself before leaning down and giving me a kiss.
And he couldn't say that with his brother and Reby around, why?
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ladybugsimblr · 6 months
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D-Lo: Before you head out, I really need to talk to you. Bailey: Uh oh. Should I be scared? D-Lo: Ummm maybe?? It’s about Mizuki. Bailey: I don’t want to go there today. Or any day for that matter. D-Lo: I know. I hate to kill the vibe but the doc said it’s not good to keep holding shit inside. Bailey: Doctor?! Damn. Ok umm… give me a minute.
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D-Lo: I don’t know how to say this… Bailey: Deangelo, please don’t tell me you got her pregnant. D-Lo: No! Naaah! NO! Bailey: Ok it can’t be worse than that, so just say it. D-Lo: Mizuki is trying to get out early and she asked for my help. Bailey: Oh. D-Lo: Yeah…
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D-Lo: I said no at first because I didn’t want you to think I was choosing her over you. You and I are finally at a good place and I’m not trying to lose that. But Skye really wants this and you know I would do anything for her. Bailey: I know... D-Lo: And don’t think Skye doesn’t care about you either. You’re her Queen. She loves you, but that’s her mom. Bailey: D, I get it. Believe me. I hate that the kids are separated from their mother. When things started to settle down, that part was really hard for me to deal with. Especially after Rebi was born. I felt like the bad guy, worst fellow Mom ever. Bailey: I still think she deserved to be punished but I just question if I should’ve pushed so hard.
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D-Lo: I think she deserved what she got. She needed to learn a lesson. Bailey: Has she learned it? D-Lo: She says she has but I honestly don’t know. That’s another reason this has been hard. Is being out of jail really the best thing for her or my kids? Bailey: I don’t know that answer either, but don’t let my feelings and issues with Mizuki play a part in your decision. I would never hold it against you or Skye if you decide you want her home.
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D-Lo: Would you ever consider meeting with her and squashing everything? Bailey: Absolutely not. I’m cool with you and the kids but that’s it. I have no interest in talking to her, dealing with her, forgiving her, none of that. Maybe that’s still something I need to work on but not today! D-Lo: Ok I feel you. I’m not even trying to change your mind. As long as you don’t hate me because of her. Bailey: I don’t. Not anymore. D-Lo: Ha! Ok. Bailey: Do what’s best for you and the babies. We're good. I promise. D-Lo: Great.
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Bailey: Speaking of babies, I need to find mine before I go. D-Lo: Speaking of babies, I'm kinda hurt you thought I got her pregnant again. Bailey: I meannnn... It’s not that impossible. D-Lo: I’m a changed sim! Bailey: Mm-hmm. D-Lo: No faith! Sad.
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Bailey: How worried do I have to be about this doctor situation? D-Lo: (Baby mama stressing me, Wifey not wanting my kids around, Not over you, Fame dropping, Dizziot pushing my buttons, Using juice to solve all these problems) I'll be good. I think this therapy thing might actually work. Bailey: Well OK for getting your life together! I support you talking to someone about whatever is going on. And I’m here for you too. D-Lo: I appreciate that. For real.
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argentvive · 6 years
Jaime, Brienne, and Honor: Part 3, Oathkeeper
 The previous post is here: https://argentvive.tumblr.com/post/173653207295/jaime-brienne-and-honor-part-2
The last, pivotal Jaime-Brienne interaction in A Storm of Swords comes in Jaime VIII.
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The chapter opens with a scene not in the show, a meeting of Tommen’s small council.  Jaime is “bored,” and his mind wanders to a practice sword-fighting session with Sir Addam Marbrand.  (Versus with Bronn on the show.)
<If they had been fighting in earnest, Jaime would have died two dozen deaths.>
Because, in an alchemy story, you can’t have too many references to dying.  
Remembering his beating--he was disarmed by Ser Addam three times--he thinks about how “cruel” was his father’s gift of a new sword, reforged from Ice,
Jaime goes to the outer ward to say farewell to Steelshanks Walton and there he meets a “skinny, hollow-eyed girl” being sent north to pose as Arya Stark and marry newly legitimized Ramsay Bolton.  Jaime realizes almost at once that the girl is not Arya.  
When he goes back to the White Sword Tower and reaches his bedchamber, Cersei is there.  As usual, she wants something: Jaime’s support against Tywin’s plan to remove her from the council and send her back to Casterly Rock.
We have seen Jaime feel regret for some of his actions in the past, and now he expresses where he’s landed:
<I’m not ashamed of loving you, only of the things I’ve done to hide it.  That boy at Winterfell . . .”>
Yes!  When I watched the show, Jaime’s attempted murder of a child seemed unforgivable to me.  How could there be redemption after that?  But at last Jaime is saying aloud that he feels shame over what he did.  
When Jaime declines to intervene with Tywin, Cersei pulls out her trump card--sex.  But Jaime refuses, at first mildly--”No. .. . not here”--then forcefully.
<Jaime pushed her away with the stump of his right hand. “No. Not here, I said.” He forced himself to stand.>
How fitting that Jaime pushes her away with his stump; it was his maiming on the orders of Vargo Hoat that launched his slow, painful journey to the Philosopher’s Stone.  
This sets off Cersei’s “rage.”  She mocks and threatens him, they fight, and he asks her to leave.  His next thoughts suggest this may be a final break between them.
<He felt a bone-deep ache in his phantom fingers. I’ve lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I will lose a brother.>
In this moment we have an echo of the physical experience our other male protagonist has suffered--remember how long Jon Snow suffered the effects from burning his hand killing the wight attacking Lord Commander Mormont.
What does Jaime do immediately after having these thoughts of losing his entire family?  He goes downstairs to order Ser Boris Blount to tell Loras “I’m ready to see her.”  Meaning Brienne.  His family is his past; Brienne is his future.
After a delay of “several hours”--Jaime notices this--Loras brings Brienne to the “round room” in the White Sword Tower.  Again, a circle is the simplest symbol for the Philosopher’s Stone, and a round room suggests something auspicious will occur there
Remember, Brienne has been stuck in protective custody all this time.  She does not talk to Maergery, talk to Jaime, meet Cersei, as on the show.  But Jaime has not forgotten her.  We now find out that Jaime had sent Septa Donyse to her to fit her with a new dress.  Of course it is blue.
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Blue is the color of the Quintessence, the Fifth Element, and an alternative color for the Philosopher’s Stone.  On the show she wears the blue dress only at Joffrey’s wedding, NOT in this scene with Jaime in the White Sword Tower.
When Loras tells Jaime that he has more or less accepted that Brienne did not kill Renly,  Jaime dismisses him and looks over Brienne.
<The wench looked as ugly and awkward as ever....this dress fit much better than that hideous pink rag the goat had made her wear. “Blue is a good color on you, my lady,” Jaime observed. “It goes well with your eyes.” She does have astonishing eyes.>
So what is this, the fourth or fifth time Jaime recalls the pink dress Brienne wore at Harrenhal?  I’ve lost count.  But GRRM keeps having Jaime mention it because it reminds the alchemy-minded reader that Jaime and Brienne, Red and White, have already joined in a permanent Chemical Wedding.
And now Jaime notices her blue dress.  And her “astonishing” blue eyes.  Consciously he may still think she’s ugly--nobody could ever think that of Gwendoline Christie of course--but subconsciously he is looking at her as a woman, a woman with attractive eyes.  
Jaime has already decided what he’s going to do.  He tells her to “close the door and come here.”
After his compliment to her, Brienne awkwardly tries a compliment of her own, that his white cloak “becomes you.”  If you want to read REALLY deeply into this, you could say that Brienne is recognizing and approving of Jaime having reached the albedo, the WHITE stage.  On a shallow level, however, her comment gives us a clue that she finds Jaime physically attractive.  We know that, objectively speaking, Jaime is handsome.  But we won’t get a Brienne POV chapter until the next book, so her comment here provides us that insight.  
She then asks him whether he truly believes she didn’t kill Renly.
<”You said I had honor . . .”>
There’s the word that will guide their relationship going forward.  Jaime tells her the truth about the fake-Arya he saw with Steelshanks in the yard.  
<”Why would you tell me all this, if it’s true? You are betraying your father’s secrets.”>
Brienne gets the key point--Jaime is betraying his own father, to HER.  And, in his thoughts, Jaime confirms it:
<I no longer have a father. “I pay my debts like every good little lion. I did promise Lady Stark her daughters . . . and one of them is still alive.”>
Jaime is SO helpful to the alchemy reader.  He tells us that Lannisters are RED.  He identifies himself as a LION.  I’ve written about this in detail before but the Red Lion = Sulphur, the Male Principle of the Work.  
Jaime and Brienne discuss Joffrey’s murder and Tyrion’s trial.  Brienne understands what he’s saying:
<Brienne looked at him. “You do not believe he did it.”
Jaime gave her a hard smile. “See, wench? We know each other too well....”>
They argue briefly about whether Sansa might have killed Joffrey.
<”There’s the stubborn stupid wench that I remember.”
She reddened. “My name is …”
“Brienne of Tarth.” Jaime sighed. “I have a gift for you.”>
And FINALLY, we get Oathkeeper, which naturally is “wrapped in folds of crimson velvet” and has rubies mounted in the hilt.  The Philosopher’s Stone is red and the ruby is one of the more common symbols for it.  And more--”A finger of reflected light ran red along the edge.”
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Jaime gives us a very clear explanation of why he is giving the sword to Brienne.
<”There was a time that I would have given my right hand to wield a sword like that.  Now it appears I have, so the blade is wasted on me. Take it.” Before she could think to refuse, he went on. “A sword so fine must bear a name. It would please me if you would call this one Oathkeeper. The blade comes with a price.”>
Cersei wants Sansa dead, and Jaime is done with doing Cersei’s bidding.
<…”I want you to find Sansa first, and get her somewhere safe. How else are the two of us going to make good our stupid vows to your precious dead Lady Catelyn?”>
Stubbornly, Brienne insists on knowing why Jaime wants to protect Sansa.
<Because Joff was no more to me than a squirt of seed in Cersei’s cunt. And because he deserved to die. “I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor.”
Brienne finally takes the sword.
A common representation of the couple who have joined in the final, permanent Chemical Wedding is the rebis.  Here’s the version that fits this scene--a man and a woman, sharing a body, and one sword.
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(Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit, c. 1410).
Brienne fully recognizes the significance of Jaime’s gift.  
<...I will find the girl and keep her safe. For her lady mother’s sake. And for yours.”>
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In this venture, Jaime and Brienne are one person.  What she does, in saving Sansa, is done in his stead.  Her actions redeem Jaime’s vow and reclaim his honor.  
In the book Jaime names the sword; on the show Brienne does.  But it doesn’t really matter.  Both of them understand that Brienne is keeping Jaime’s oath.  
There is no scene with Podrick. Brienne leaves alone.  After she leaves Jaime writes a short, poignant entry into the White Book.
<Held captive at Riverrun and ransomed for a promise unfulfilled....Returned safely to King’s Landing by Brienne, the Maid of Tarth.>
Jaime feels so deeply about his promise to Catelyn that he writes it into the permanent record of the Kingsguard, as a reproach to himself.  And he gives Brienne the credit for his return to King’s Landing, when it was Steelshanks who brought him the final way home.  
Jaime has made a choice.  Honor--and Brienne--over family.
<Ser Gerold Hightower had begun his history, and Ser Barristan Selmy had continued it, but the rest Jaime Lannister would need to write for himself.  He could write whatever he chose, henceforth.
Whatever he chose. . .>
Jaime has seized control of his life, at last.  He will stay in the Kingsguard, as he had sworn to do, and protect Tommen as best he can, but he has severed himself from the schemes of his father and his sister.
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sesame-ejc · 3 years
3.25.2021 (christina)
aH sorry this is very late
this past week was kinda crazy lmao
but alright i’ll break it down to how I’m doing physically, emotionally, spiritually
physically - been working out pretty consistently, which actually feels amazing. i love that the weather’s been nicer so i’ve been going outside more. however, i’ve been losing sleep for several nights because of some new things going on.. more on this later. and i didn’t have much of an appetite last week. it was a mixture of excitement but also fear of these new feelings that caused these things lmao
emotionally - i’ve been pretty happy hanging out with people and catching up with some people that i hadn’t seen in a while - an older brother and pastor rebi. i had some really encouraging conversations with them and i think i’m just still in this period of insane thankfulness for the amazing people around me. but yes, there’s a uhh relationship that i’ve been praying about. and it’s just crazy because from sophomore year till last semester, I just really internalized this idea that mental energy spent on guys is not worth it and just a distraction from growing to know God more, ministry, career ambitions, school, etc. And I don’t regret having that mindset because I think God really knew that there was a lot of internal work that needed to be done but I think I took it too far, so now that I’ve been thinking about this new person, it feels wrong lol. but I talked with pastor rebi about it, which tbh i wasn’t planning to bring up in conversation but i was talking with him about tc recommitment and then it just transitioned into me thinking about all the things i’ll be juggling next semester. i mean right now, i’m really not factoring him into my decision, but point is - p.rebi was really reassuring when he said that it’s okay to get giddy and excited because of course there’s a fear of things not working out and getting hurt but no matter what, God’s gonna be there with me and whether or not i’m gonna let myself feel these feelings, they’re still there so it’s healthier to just feel them rather than suppress them, making myself lose sleep and my appetite haha
spiritually - my main prayer these days is that this new relationship would be centered on God - like our times of calling/texting/getting to know each other. and that ultimately, that we’re continuing to point each other to God and not one another. been reading through romans and honestly, it’s been raising some interesting questions to think through - like i realize passages definitely speak to me differently depending on if i’m reading it when i’m hardcore struggling in life versus doing alright. and then after this, i wanna read genesis because i realized that a lot of the origin stories, i’ve just heard about but haven’t really read each chapter from beginning to end.
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devittsthrone · 7 years
//So, I literally just woke up and caught up on what happen on the dash. From the bottom of my heart, I feel for each and every one of you. I know that I didn’t really get raw dogged too much by this because the only impact it has on me was the fact Matt and Reby were the same person, and for that, I feel even worse for those of you that got royally fucked. Much like Marty mun said, I am horrible at this whole listening thing/consoling thing, but I will be available for anybody that wishes to plot/talk/needs a laugh. I love you all, and I might not be the most loved in the rp, but I will always be here for anybody that needs to vent.
I’ve been in this role play for several months now, I’ve seen many people come and go, and in the seven years I have been on tumblr, I have seen some fucked up shit, but honestly, this takes the cake. This role play has become something I like to call home, even if I feel like I’m not all that welcome at times, and a lot of that is due to my anxiety/depression/mental illnesses. Please, never feel like you are in a situation like this alone because times like this, we come together as a family.
To @favouritegirlfriend, we might not have always been on the best of terms since our thing ended IC a few months back, but never think you are any less amazing than you actually are. You’ve taken on the responsibility of running this role play completely by yourself without any help, just so that we would have a place to continue role playing. You’re a beautiful human being who deserves nothing but the utmost respect. Thank you for being you.
@itsblakebvtch, I already messaged you to check on you, but I want you to know you are an amazing person as well. I’ve always enjoyed seeing you on my dash because you and Blake are always sights for sore eyes and I hope you continue to be that way and keep Blake around for us. I’m here should you ever need to vent.
To everybody else effected by this, please do not think that what happen is your fault. You’re all wonderful and beautiful writers who deserve the world. I hope things get better for everybody.
Peace, Hope, Love.
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rawmemalek · 7 years
Payback. /Jeff Hardy imagine
Summary: You get revenge on your boyfriend, Jeff, for dumping water on you. Then he gets revenge on you for getting revenge on him.
Rating: PG-13
Authors note: Perhaps a part 2 depending on how this one goes? Anyways, request are open!! I write for any superstar or diva of your choosing. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit.” I kept repeating to myself as I ran down the hotel hallway, a can of silly string in my hand. I really don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in my life. I did a quick glance behind me, and seen my loving boyfriend of 3 years, running to kill me. He was covered from head to toe in bright blue silly string. Usually he wouldn’t be upset, but since he just got out of the shower and was getting dressed for a fan meet and greet, he was pretty pissed. You know what, let me go back to this morning and tell you how all of this came to play.
-Earlier today-
“Y/N!! Wake up! We have to be downstairs and meet up with Dean and Renee in an hour!” Jeff said, shaking me awake. “Baaaaaby, let me sleep. You kept me up all night.” I whined, turning my back towards him and burying my face deeper into the pillow. “If you’re not up in 5 minutes, a bucket of ice cold water is going to rain down upon you.” Jeff warned, crossing his arms. “I’m sure it will, babe.” I said sarcastically, knowing he wouldn’t dare do anything like that. Jeff just shrugged his shoulders, walking to get the ice bucket.
He opened the door, and made his way to the ice machine. “Whatcha doing, dude?” A familiar voice said behind him. He turned around and was faced with one of his close friends, Roman. “Y/N is refusing to wake up, so I’m going to pour some ice water on her.” Jeff replied, pushing the button on the ice machine. He looked down at the ice bucket as it filled about halfway up. Roman just laughed, shaking his head at the crazy man. “Dude, she’s going to absolutely kill you.” Jeff nodded at his response, and picked up the ice bucket. “I gave her a warning.” He implied, lifting his free hand up in defense. “Well it was really nice knowing you, man.” Roman joked, patting Jeff on the shoulder before turning around and walking away, leaving Jeff to his awaiting murder.
Jeff slide his key card into the door, and quietly opened in. He glanced at the bed, and seen that I was still sound asleep. Closing the door quietly, wincing when it made a loud creak, causing me to slightly shift in the bed. He made his way over to the sink, and filled the remaining space of the ice bucket with water. “I know I’m gonna die, but at least I lived a somewhat okay life.” He silently thought in his head. As he approached the bed, he gently pulled the blanket off of my torso, leaving me in just a black tank top. He took a deep breath, and turned the bucket upset down. The freezing cold water landed all over my chest, causing me to wake up rather quickly.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I screamed loudly, kicking the rest of the covers off of my legs. “I told you to get up, my love.” He said nonchalantly, as if he didn’t do anything wrong. I jumped out of the bed, and stopped angrily to the bathroom. “You will rue this day, Hardy! Rue it! I will get you back!” I shouted at him as I slammed the bathroom door shut, and turned on the hot shower. Just then, there were two bangs on the wall in the hotel room beside ours. “Told ya, buddy!” Roman said through the wall, sending Jeff into a fit of laughter.
-Present time-
Understand now? He deserved it. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t see this coming considering Renee helped me pick out the color when we went to Target earlier today. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, running for my life. I quickly ran up to the elevator, frantically pushing the ‘up’ button. I kept and kept and kept slamming my finger into the button, and looking behind me for Jeff. He was just behind me, but all of a sudden, he was gone. That made me more scared than anything. The elevator door finally opened, and I quickly darted inside of it, pushing the ‘8th’ floor button. I was going to go hideout in Matt and Reby’s room. “Fuck, I hope Jeff didn’t take the stairs.” I said to myself, tapping my foot against the elevator floor impatiently.
The elevator dinged, signaling I was on the 8th floor. I darted out of the elevator, and went running down the hallway, almost tripping on my own two feet. “Reby! Matt! Reby! Matt!” I kept repeating as my hands were banging on the door. I continued to look from side to side for Jeff, but there was no sight of him. After what seemed like 45 minutes, I heard someone on the other side of the door twist the lock on the door to unlock it. A sense of relief washed through me as I thought I was safe. The door opened slowly, and can you guess who was standing there?
It was Jeff. It looked like he cleaned up a bit, which was good. There wasn’t as much silly string on him as before. He was standing there smiling, knowing he finally caught me. My eyes went wide, and I dropped the can of silly string. I turned around to try and make a run for it, but he pulled my arm and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. “Oh no no no, little missy. You’re not going anywhere.” He said, shutting the door to his traitor of a brothers room. “You’re fucked!” I heard Matt yell as the door closed, sighing because I knew he was right.
Jeff began walking down the hallway to the elevator, his right arm was wrapped around my hips as I was still on his shoulder. After all that running, I’m way to lazy to try and get out of it. He won, and that was that. “So princess, you do know that you’re so in for it when we get back to the room, right?” Jeff finally broke the silence as he stood there waiting for the elevator to come up. I nodded my head, “Actually we have a meet and greet, so ha!” Jeff chucked slightly, stepping into the elevator and finally putting me back on my own two feet.
As the elevator door closed, Jeff pushed me to the elevator wall. Grabbing both of my hands and pinning them above me. Oh god, it’s rough Jeff tonight. I absolutely love rough Jeff, but lord knows I won’t be walking tomorrow. He leaned down, and whispered into my ear, “Meet and greet isn’t until 7. I have plenty of time to do what I want with you.” He pressed his body closer to mine, as he began to place sloppy wet kisses on my neck. A few seconds later, the elevator dinged once more. Jeff pulled me out of the elevator and lead me down to our hotel room. I knew I was about to be punished for what I did, but damn. I couldn’t wait.
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captainlillybear · 7 years
51 with Jeff Hardy?
Prompt: “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
The light shone through your thin curtains waking you up. Letting your eyes flutter open you stretch felling the arm round your waist grip tighter and a nose nuzzle into the back of your neck. Giggling you lace your fingers through Jeffs’ and gently run your finger along his tattooed knuckles. He starts peppering kisses along your shoulder, turning onto your back you place a loving kiss to his lips causing the both of you to smile.
“God I almost forgot how nice it to wake up next to you.” Smiling down at you Jeff untangled your fingers and ran his hand up and down your side.
“Mmmmm. Bed is to cold without you.” You turn and bury yourself into Jeff’s embrace, placing a few kisses to his bare chest, loving how warm he was and how his natural scent made you relax. Chuckling at your actions Jeff placed a kiss to the top of your head pulling you tighter into his embrace and the two of you lay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Soon you could hear soft snores coming from Jeff signaling he’d gone back to sleep, he had a busy schedule at WWE so when he was home you always wanted him to rest. Jeff being Jeff would have none of that. Always insisting on making up for lost time by taking you on day trips and shopping sprees even though he was exhausted. So today no matter what he said you two were going to relax and he was going to be the one who was spoiled. Carefully you lift the arm that was around your waist up and slid out of his grasp, placing his arm gently back on the bed and pull the covers up over him. Grabbing one of his shirts you pull it over your body loving how soft it felt against your skin and the smell making it seem like Jeff was constantly with you. Heading downstairs you turn on some TV deciding to leave breakfast for a little while longer. Looking down at your phone see a message from Reby.
R - Morning sweetie ;) How are you this morning?
Y - Great! How are you guys?
R - We’re great thnx ^_^  Glad to have your man back? ;) Any plans for today? Matt and I were wondering if you too lovebirds wanted to go to the movies with us :3
Y - I think we’re gonna pass :( just spend the day in. Jeff seems pretty knackered :/
R - Oh I see “spend the day in“ ;) no problem sweetie, we are going at 7 to see the film incase you change your mind :)
Y - I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Reb! :)
You place your phone down on the couch next to you starting to get engrossed in the current episode of the trashy show that was playing on TV. About half way through your stomach started to rumble.
“All right, Geeze I’ll make breakfast.” Picking up your phone you play some music while you get some things for breakfast. Grabbing some mushrooms, bacon and eggs you decide to cook an omlette. You were to busy dancing and singing into the spatula to notice Jeff stood in the door way, grinning like an idiot, he was so in love in love with you and you’d been together for nearly 10 years. Matt and Reby always teased him about when he was going to ask you to marry him, the truth was he wanted to marry you more than anything in the world but he was terrified of loosing you. Of course Jeff was married before you but after Jeff left the WWE shit hit the fan, he was injured and arrested so it’s no suprise when his marriage broke down, the divorce almost killed him and his ex-wife and he didn’t want that to happen to you. To him still being with you but not actually getting married would somehow be better if things did go wrong, however you lived together and as mentioned before you’d been dating for nearly 10 years, Jeff had even spoke to you about maybe having kids in the future. Of course he had explained to you why he didn’t want marriage and you fully understood that, yes it hurt a little that you wouldn’t get to have the wedding most girls dream of but at least you had Jeff and that was good enough for you.
As you spin round singing a particulary high note you see Jeff stood in the doorway, sweatpants hung low on his hips and deep in thought. Walking over to him he perks his head up and smiles at you. Wrapping your arms around his neck he snakes his arms up under the shirt to rest on your waist.
“Sorry. Did I wake you.” You ask, gently rubbing his shoulders, seeing him relax at your touch.
“No you didn’t love. Don’t worry. I did get lonley without you though.” He smiles, moving his hands to your back to pull you closer, leaning in for a kiss when your chest reaches his.
“What were ya thinking about just now?”
Jeff sighs dropping his head onto your shoulder. “Just stuff, us, the future.”
Shifting slightly you pull away looking at him concerned, bringing your hands down to rest on his chest you feel his heart racing. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Marry me?” Jeff looks up with so much hope and love in his eyes. Your heart practially stops and you feel your breath hitch in your throat.
“What?” You manage to choke out, not sure if you heard him correctly.
“Will you marry me? I know I don’t have a ring or anything but we can go pick one out together and at least you’d get one you liked. And yes I know I said I didn’t want marriage but that was before and this is now and I want you to be my wife. I want to wake up everyday and tell people ‘hey this amazing, beautiful, caring woman is my wife’. I think we should start a family together and I don’t want our kids to grow up with mom and dad not being married. I was scared of loosing you but I mean you’ve stuck with me this long and I’m scared by not marrying you I’m gonna push you away. I can’t picture a future with us together, without us being married. I’m just so in fucking love with you that I can’t keep fighting it anymore.” You practically couldn’t see Jeff throught the tears that were welling up in your eyes, it was hard to process what he had just said.
“Jeff….why now…. where are you going with this?”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”Jeff nervously chuckled scratching the back of neck looking hopefully at you.
“Yes.” You manage to breath out, wiping away your tears. “Yes. I’ll marry you. Yes I’ll go crazy with you……..Yes.” His face erupted into the biggest grin you’d ever seen and it takes one long stride for him to reach you, picking you up you wrap your legs tightly around his waist as he supports your thighs with his hands. Connecting your lips you tangle your hands in his hair,  the kiss was passionate yet soft, your tounges exploring each others as if it was the first time. Pulling apart with slightly swollen lips, Jeff nuzzled his nose with yours before letting you down onto your feet, arms still wrapped around you. “I love you.” he muttered against your lips, smiled you pecked his lips once more.
“I love you too.”
“So, wanna go ring shopping today?” Jeff smilled, winking cheekily at you.
“Can we at least have breakfast first?”  Chuckling when you hear your stomach growl again.
“Sure thing princess.” Kissing the top of your head he moves past you to resume breakfast.
“Wait till Reby and Matt hear about this, they’re gonna freak.” You chuckle grabbing your phone to call them. Jeff just laughed as you come up behind him dialing Reby for a facetime.
“Hey you two! You both look aweful cheerful for this time in the moring!” she chuckled to herself getting comfy on her couch.
“Look we don’t have time for your sass Reb, go get Matt.” Jeff comments finishing off the breakfast.
“Okaayyy……. MAATTTTTTT!!!” Moving the phone slightly you shake your head at her antics. After a few minutes Matt finally appears in the frame.
“Sup guys?” You glance at Jeff as Jeff glances back at you, both of you with massive smiles plastered on your faces.
“Do you wanna tell them or me?” You ask Jeff as plates your finished breakfast and moves it to the side so he can move to stand behind you, head on your shoulder and arms wrapped around your waist.
“You can.” He smiles kissing your shoulder.
“We’re kinda getting married.” You grin at the camera, watching their faces light up.
“Oh my gosh really?!” Jeff noded his head rubbing your stomach with his thumbs.
“Congrats you two! Took you long enough buddy. What did it take? like 3 years planning?” Matt joked to his brother causing you and Reby to giggle. “I think you owe me $20 babe.” Matt spoke to Reby this time.
“Damn it!” She huffed handing the phone to Matt so she could presumably get her purse.
“You were betting on this?” Chuckling at the pair as Reby returns with the $20.
“She thought you’d be married with in 5 years, I said  you’d be married by year 10.” 
“I’m gonna kill the both of you for betting on this.” Jeff shook his head reaching for the phone. “Right guys thank you for the congrats and reminding us what terrible people you are. But we need to have breakfast and go ring shopping byyyeeeee!” Jeff didn’t give them time to answer as he hung up the call, placing your phone on the counter. Jeff grabbed you food and set the plates down on the table turnning round to see you smirking at him.
“3 years planning huh?” You walk towards him as Jeff looks at the floor rubbing the back of his neck again.
“Well sort of…..I may or may not have said to Matt that becasue of you I was kinda reconsidering the whole marriage thing. It still terrified me but I was definatly thinking about it more and more.” Smiling at him you gently cup his jaw and pull his gaze to yours.
“Well don’t be scared love, I’m going to be with you every step of the way.” Smiling sweetly at him you pulled him in for another kiss.
“Thank you for being patient with me and for putting up with all my shit.”
“I’d do it all over again if it meant I still got you at the end.” Jeff pulled you into him and the breakfast on the table was soon forgotten about.
Prompt from this list.
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
Decorated war veteran from Truro passes away at 98
A well-known veteran of the Second World War has passed away.
Herb Peppard was originally from Truro and had an accomplished military career.
On Thursday, the flag outside the Royal Canadian Legion in Truro flew at half-mast, in memory of the well-loved veteran.
“I’m gonna miss him,” said Reby Stewart, who works with veterans.
Peppard passed away Wednesday; he was 98 years old.
“Herb was a phenomenal human being,” said Truro town Coun. Cathy Hinton. “I don't think anyone could ever say a bad word about Herb. He was an inspiration to so many.”
Peppard was a veteran of the Second World War and a member of an elite unit, comprised of both Canadian and American soldiers, known as The Devil's Brigade.
He was also a well-known public speaker and author. In an interview two years ago, he reflected on his time in the war.
“I was mighty scared, hearing the explosions and when you're alone it seems to be worse,” Peppard said. “You're trying to put on a big front when you're with somebody. When you're alone, you don't have to do that, so, I was very frightened. Once it hit me really hard. I was thinking, if, I got killed and blown to pieces, nobody would know.”
Among his many accomplishments, Peppard was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the United States government.
Peppard's family say he died peacefully, with family by his side. They say they are devastated by his death and call him a great man, not just for what he did in the war, but, how he lived his life.
In addition to his military honours, those who knew Peppard say his family was of utmost importance.
“He is a remarkable man,” Stewart said. “A very family man. I've never seen such a close family as herb and his children.”
Hinton says Peppard was a war hero that inspired her every day.
Three years ago, the Herb Peppard Park was opened in the town. It sits across the street from where Peppard grew up.
“Herb told me that of all the accolades that he received in his life time, and there were many, that having this park named after him was the greatest honour he'd ever received,” Hinton said.
Hinton is now pushing to finish the park in herb's memory. The space still needs to fundraise, so, they can complete the fencing around one side of the space.
“If Herb touched your life, or, you were inspired by Herb's story and his bravery and his commitment to community, the best way is to keep this park in perpetuity, to keep it going and keep it beautiful (is to) make a donation through the town, or, you could contact me & I'll make sure you get your tax receipt,” Hinton said.
Peppard's family say they plan to have a celebration in his hometown at some point down the road.
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Natasha Pace.
from CTV News - Atlantic http://bit.ly/2KhJuLc
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