#realmz moonstone writes
luckbandit · 6 years
If the prompts thing is still up then, can you do Natemare getting jealous of Phantom taking his spotlight but when Phantom learns of this he wants to make it up to his bro and reassure him that he wont be forgotten
The prompt thing is always open! ***When Phantom first found out about Mare’s jealousy, he didn’t believe it. But after thinking about it, it did make sense. Some people in Nate’s community have said that Phantom was just Mare “upgraded”. Honestly, it would make Phantom a bit bitter too.
But when Phantom found out about Mare’s fear, that he did believe. It’s been years since Mare made an appearance and now the spotlight was on Phantom. Fading did seem like a possibility and Mare was afraid. So being both Mare’s brother and the cause of this, Phantom went to go find Nate’s other ego.
He found Mare in his room, playing his guitar. Phantom walked in awkwardly and told him that he knew. He knew about his jealousy. His fear. And of course Mare denied it at first, but eventually he did admit that he felt that way.
Now this is where the brotherly love comes in. Phantom tells Mare that the community loves him and that he’ll never fade. Not on his watch. Mare appreciates the gesture but asks why Phantom cares so much. He’s not getting a soul or really anything out of it, so why bother? To which Phantom replies “Because you’re my brother”
After laughing about how corny that was, the two brothers spend the rest of day scaring kids and tricking adults into selling their souls. So, you know, a typical day for these two.
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luckbandit · 6 years
Audio File #7
“I...I honestly don’t know how to start this...”
“You’re probably expending Marvin telling you about how ‘we caught the Septic Brothers and stopped their reign of terror and that now the city is safe from its worst criminals’”
“But honestly, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.”
“They knew. Somehow they knew that we were coming. Either Jameson hacked into our files or someone told them or whatever it is, they knew and they were ready. They killed the entire squadron of officers we sent to arrest them, Marv and I were the only ones who came out alive.”
“And then...and then Marvin went missing”
“We searched everywhere, interrogated every single person we thought had a connection to his disappearance, but we got nothing. Then he appeared on our doorstep. Dead. Bruises and cuts everywhere. And there was so much blood, I could barely recognize him. Anti’s name was sewn into his neck in black yarn. Marvin’s dead...and I know I’m next.”
“That’s why I’m even recording this. The chief closed the case, at least for now. I didn’t even have to do this. But I want to. Because I know I’ll be dead soon and I just thought it would be right to let everyone know what happened..I...*sighs*”
“...This is Detective Jackie Boman sighing off for the last time. Goodbye.”
That’s the end of Audio Files! I know, not the most happiest ending, but an ending none the less. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it and until next time.
Stay Safe, Guardians
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luckbandit · 6 years
How about Wilford not quite remembering his past, but slowly remembering it in bits and pieces. Mabye, dare I say angst?
Huh…well that’s an interesting one. ***The fragments come out of nowhere. One minute Wilford is in his studio, just being his usual goofball self. The next, BAM- images and events flash before his eyes. It’s always about the same people in the same manor. Wilford didn’t know who those memories belonged to, if it even was that. But while he can push off most things as just his insanity, something inside of Wilford told him that it was not the case this time.
He told Penny about the fragments first. “I don’t know, sir”, his assistant said when he finished explaining it, “Maybe you should talk to the Host. This seems right up his ally.” It did seem right up the Host’s ally. And Wilford was actually about to go ask when he was hit with another fragment. A fragment so powerful, he blacked out.
When Wilford woke up, it was with tears in his eyes. And after Dr. Iplier confirmed that he was ok, Wilford headed not to the Host’s room, but to Dark’s.
Or should he say Damien and Celine’s?
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luckbandit · 6 years
Why Anti is More Threatening Than Dark
We all think that between Antisepticeye and Darkiplier, Darkiplier is the more threatening one, him being a manipulator and all, while Anti is just insane and psychotic.
But think about it this way.
Dark has to pretend. He has to be seen as this seductive and tame person in order to manipulate people into doing what he wants. Dark has to be someone he is not.
Anti however, doesn’t. He doesn’t lure you in or get you to trust him, Anti shows you his true intentions and we listen anyway. Sure, sometimes he disguises himself as Jack, but it’s not to use us, it’s because he’s just having some fun. We’re his puppets, wether you like it or not, and it’s not because he tricks us to trust him, it’s because Anti is insane and phychotic and we love every bit of it. Want proof? Just look at the Overnight-watch (which I missed out on).
Dark has a shell that can break. Anti’s shell can’t break because he doesn’t have a shell. And that’s what makes him truly threatening.
The fact that he doesn’t have to pretend to get us to obey him.
I rest my case.
@markiplier, @therealjacksepticeye, thoughts?
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luckbandit · 6 years
What I Owe Anti
This might be a shock. Or it might not. But the thing is, Anti is the reason I’m in this community.
It all started sometime after “Say Goodbye” was posted back in 2016. I was at a sleepover with some of my bestest friends. One of them was a huge Jacksepticeye fan and she showed me “Say Goodbye”. At first, I thought it was cool, but soon, I got obsessed with this “Antisepticeye” character. When I got home, I searched YouTube to learn more about Anti, but there wasn’t much at the time. Eventually, I started to watch Jack himself. At first, I was on and off about Subscribing, but I came to love Jack, the channel, and the community as a whole.
So, thank you, Anti. Because if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been in one of the best communities ever.
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luckbandit · 6 years
To those with a Wattpad account
I am writing an original story on there. The first two chapters are already out and third one is coming out soon. It’s called “Magic” on my account @shadowrealm82. (Yes I go by that on Wattpad too). Here’s a summary.
“The last thing David Cael wanted was to find out he wasn't normal.
Unfortunately, life had other plans.
Now David has to go to The Magical Academy for Gifted Individuals aka M.A.G.I. A place where people like him go to learn and control magic of all things.
Not so normal now, is he?”
If you are interested, please go over there and give a read. But don’t worry, I will still post fanficion on here. Until next time,
Stay Safe, Guardians
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luckbandit · 6 years
ABlazingPhil Headcanons
Yes, I’m really doing this. Don’t judge me.
Goes by Blaze. Actually, he would prefer if you called him Blaze
Hates his full name. Blames Phil for it
Got fire powers
He’s rude and snarky, but never actually hurts anyone
Is not surprisingly hotheaded.
When he’s really mad, you can see flames in his eyes
Hates coffee with a passion
Likes spicy foods
Has a (not so) friendly rivalry with Dark!Daniel
Lives with Dan and Phil. He really just showed up one day and Phil let him stay
Almost burned down the flat during one of his moods (more than once)
Has a crush on Dan. (But if you say that, he’ll deny it to infinity)
Gets along pretty well with Phil and even helps him from time to time
Mostly keeps to himself in his room. Just leave him alone and everything will be great
Whenever one of Dan and Phil’s friends visit, they always tell them not to go into Blaze’s room, without actually telling them about Blaze himself
One time, Chris got too curious and entered Blaze’s room only to get minor burns due to Blaze wanting to be alone
It was very awkward afterwards to explain what exactly Blaze was
“So you’re like a demon? A spirit?” “I’m a tulpa, idiot”
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luckbandit · 6 years
Audio File #2
(By popular demand, I’m continuing the series)
“-don’t get how Marv can work these kinds of things- oh! It’s on!”
“Sup! Detective Boman here! But please, call me Jackie. Unlike my partner, I’m not one for formalities. Marv already told you this, but the chief told us to record our progress on the Septic Brothers case so that’s what I’m doing. I’d rather not since I got other stuff planned but Marv did the first one so it’s only fair that I did this one.”
“Right, the case. We arrived to the crime scene a few hours ago and were shown the body. Apparently, Dr. Schneeplestien was killed by a bullet to the head, which is quite unusual for the Septic Brothers. They usually use knives and other sharp objects, never firearms. Guess they really wanted him dead if they made it quick. But why him of all people...?”
“Anyway, there was apparently a witness. Schneeplestien’s roommate and close friend, Chase Brody. He claimed that he saw Anti shoot Schneeplestien in the head so we’re bringing him in for questioning. Hopefully, we can find out more with Brody’s help.”
“See you then.”
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luckbandit · 6 years
I just followed you and I wanted to say you're p cool so here's a lame thing to maybe make u laugh: Wilford likes Wendy's. Really really likes Wendy's. He has no clue Wendy became a meme, and he only likes their jr bacon sandwhich. None of the egos can figure out why. It's just another one of his mysteries. (Kind of like that cane he keeps in his room, the one that Dark and him refuse to acknowledge. Or kind of like his gun, which he only ever points at Dark when Dark gets a bit too violent.)
I’m so glad you like what I do on here! And I’ll have to admit, Wilford being a hardcore Wendy’s fan is pretty funny!
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luckbandit · 6 years
Thomas Sanders. Logan. Uh. Red velvet cake. Oneshot. Please
I’m too lazy to write a oneshot, so here’s a headcanon instead:
Logan loves to bake. Cookies, brownies, you name it, he probably baked it. His favorite to make though, is red velvet cake. When the others found out, Roman was a bit confused because he didn’t see Logan as a baker. Virgil didn’t really care that much, a hobby is a hobby. Patton however, got really excited. He challenged Logan to a bake-off multiple times, Roman and Virgil being the judges. Spoiler alert: Logan won every single time. It’s now one of Patton’s life goals to beat Logan at a bake-off.
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luckbandit · 6 years
Boss Week, Day 1
“Your initial reaction to Sean”
Well, the first video I saw by Sean was “Say Goodbye” (see “What I Owe Anti”), and that was more than a year ago, so I don’t really remember. However, I do remember that I thought it was awesome. And I still do till this day!
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luckbandit · 6 years
Boss Week, Day 4
“How has Sean helped or inspired you”
If I’m sad, he makes me happy. If I’m angry, he calms me down. If I’m happy, well, he just makes me happier.
As for inspiration, why not? I gotta have something to write fanfiction about.
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luckbandit · 6 years
Boss Week, Day 7
Somebody we all look up to
Each day, you bring a smile to our faces
An all around amazing guy
Never lets us feel alone
Happy birthday, Sean!
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luckbandit · 6 years
New Series!
I had this idea for awhile. This series is gonna be called “In Defense of: ______”.
How it’s gonna work is that you guys are going to send me the names of a character from any fictional universe (books, TV shows, video games, etc.) Who are villains, bullies, jerks, brats, or in general any character you just don’t like.
What I’m gonna do, is that once I get the character, I’m gonna try my hardest to get you to see the other side of the story. That will include- Why this character acts the way they do, their motives and goals, and some other things. But if you request a hated character, I need to know why people hate them.
However, if I haven’t seen the show/movie the character is from, then I won’t be doing them. That includes all anime. So sorry in advance if I don’t do the character you want.
With that said, I’m going to patiently wait for my first request.
Stay Safe, Guardians
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luckbandit · 6 years
Boss Week, Day 3
“If you can say one thing, or talk to Sean, what would it be?”
Two words.
Thank. You.
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luckbandit · 6 years
Idk m8, just me ig because that's all it actually takes to summon you
Very selfless. But honestly, you’re kinda right.
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