#really think about it noelle coming up to her on her why doesn't anyone love me it's so SAD because aubrey does and she always has!
bratpacks-aaa · 2 years
❛                ♡            ❜                ˚        。    ·    closed    starter    for    @killforyou​   .
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love    is    cruel    .    that    much    she    knows    —    that    much    does    not    require    any    surmise    .    patriarch    determining    he    is    not    ready    for    the    responsibilities    that    a    family    ,    a    wife    who    possessed    an    adoration    to    the    point    of    willing    to    deconstruct    terra    firma    itself    for    him    &    a    saccharine    baby    girl    with    rotund    apples    of    cheeks    ,    is    cruel    (    finding    out    he    has    made    a    new    life    for    himself    on    first    born's    fifteenth    birthday    is    ,    as    well    .    she    is    not    known    for    hating    other    corporeal    animas    ,    but    there    is    a    girl    out    there    who    has    the    felicitous    family    noelle    craves    &    she    cannot    help    the    way    she    wishes    it    was    her    who    had    been    left    behind    )    cruel    is    matriarch    taking    out    the    leftover    ire    from    husband's    abandonment    on    adolescent    who    returns    home    late    one    night    ,    gripping    tow    –    headed    blonde    tresses    ,    once    delicate    (    had    mother    ever    been    delicate    with    daughter    ?    had    noelle    always    received    this    treatment    ?    she    could    not    tell    ,    proceedings    blurring    into    convoluted    chaos    )    palm    striking    countenance    so    harsh    ,    vats    of    concealer    is    applied    when    aurora    breaks    .    cruel    is    this    moment    ,    football    stadium    fluorescents    &    waxing    crescent    moon    blending    as    one    ,    fabricating    dyad    even    when    they    do    not    wish    to    be    ,    articulation    transitioning    from    somber    to    vehemence    rather    instantaneously    .    cruel    is    individual    herself    —    had    been    declared    inadequate    since    the    day    she    exited    her    primordial    pool    ,    but    that    does    not    quell    the    eroded    cardiomyctye    ,    nor    does    it    intercept    an    already    calloused    zephyr    becoming    suspended    within    pulmonary    cavity    ,    the    need    to    singe    milky    epidermis    ,    a    tradition    individual    had    adopted    when    the    melancholy    was    too    much    for    lithe    framework    too    carry    on    shoulders    .    doleful    hues    broadening    in    bewilderment    ,    congenitally    roseate    petals    are    parted    ,    encephalon    racing    with    varying    notions    —    what    did    i    do    ?    what    could    i    have    done    differently    ?    what    would    make    him    stay    ?    what    did    i    do    ?    ❛    you    —    i    wouldn't    even    be    that    upset    if    you    had    waited    !    why    did    you    have    to    tell    me    this    now    ?    ❜    it's    a    prevarication    ,    she    knows    that    it    is    —    but    when    words    do    not    descend    from    other's    brims    ,    saline    droplets    begin    to    accumulate    within    waterline    .    cranium    bobbing    from    left    to    right    ,    metacarpus    ascending    to    halt    any    further    damage    .    ❛    good    luck    on    your    game    .    ❜    timbre    is    monotone    ,    appendages    opting    to    maneuver    around    sports    field    ,    despondency    cutting    through    bones    as    linoleum    aperture    displays    a    wash    room    that    is    void    of    any    essence    ,    save    for    femme    &    meilleur    ami    .    phalanges    gripping    at    porcelain    ,    a    whimper    giving    way    to    a    sob    .
#❛    ♡   ❜    ˚  。 ・ ❪       𝐧𝐨𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞       𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤.     ❫       ░       𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐪𝐮𝐲    .#tw / abuse#tw / self harm mention#so i love the way i wrote this first of all!#like i think it was established that they're both cheerleaders and have been since they were little babies! it's something they share with#one another so that is why they're CO CAPTAINS! 🫶🏽#and i think this takes place moments before a super important game with scouts in the crowd so this could not have come at the worst time?#and i have so much i want to say about noelle because i've thought of her so much? >__< i think she will find out she is a lesbian but until#then she puts so much weight on her relationships because she is cassie howard down? she has this desire and need to be loved and the sad#part is she really only feels unconditional love when she's around aubrey and her pas boyfriends who worship the ground she walks on because#she's the sweetest girl ever really? her and zoë are so tied for best girls like she really and truly is season one cassie howard.#but then for reasons beyond her control they all break up with her and seemed so frightened by her and really and truly upset with her but#she doesn't understand why at all and it comes so fucking randomly too which is why she feels so unloved as you can tell by this starter#and her mom being abusive doesn't help at all like noelle was told she wasn't enough since the day she was born and her mom takes all her#anger out on noelle and says the most horrible things so she's probably been told that she'll never be enough or keep anyone or really be#loved and have a long lasting relationship which ellie has taken it in internalized it and really and truly fucking believes that now? >__<#when in all actuality she has someone who loves her so much and nearly kills anyone who stands in her way about her noelle which when you#really think about it noelle coming up to her on her why doesn't anyone love me it's so SAD because aubrey does and she always has!#and i feel like this is by far the worst she's kind of been over this like she was tore up about each guy *yes* but this has been happening#so much it's kind of her breaking point? and he was one of the sweetest most understanding guys she ever really dated so like listen listen.#in some ways you could say that noelle *loved* him and when she experiencing those feelings of love she doesn't shy away from it because she#knows what it is like to feel unloved and like no one on planet earth cares so when she feels that love she shows it off screams it to every#single person she knows even gets the shit tatted! so this npc boyfriend probably has the worst injuries aubrey has *ever* inflicted?#eee i'm already invested! 🤍🤍🤍 so excited for my aubelle we love you aubelle! 🥹🥹🥹
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Epic Steddie Fic Rec (March 6th-March 19th 2023)
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Hey y'all! Here's what I've read in the past two weeks. I hope you enjoy! :)
🖤 the pre-show ritual by helix_stomper (PWP, Glory Hole | 12K | Explicit): Steve wasn’t really all that surprised to find himself here. He had never seen a gloryhole before. He’d chalked them up to a horny teenager’s pot at the end of the rainbow. Fantasy, and nothing else. But here it was, a small circular hole cut into the side of two adjacent stalls, as real and as terrifying as it could be. What surprised Steve about tonight was that he wasn't sticking his dick through the hole. Instead, he found himself sitting on his heels in front of it, hands wringing anxiously in his lap as he licked his lips and waited for someone to shuffle into the other stall. (Part 1 of boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures)
🖤 service and devotion by helix_stomper (PWP, Glory Hole | 22K | Explicit): Steve and Eddie meet up regularly for anonymous sex, and Eddie gives Steve his first (official) experience as a sub. Steve fell first. Eddie falls harder. (Part 2 of boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures)
The Killing Moon by Oddree13 (Canon divergent, A/B/O, PWP | 3K | Explicit): “Hey, hey, cmon. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours. Cause something is obviously bothering you.” “You don’t touch me.” “What are you talking about? I’m touching you right now.” “And that is where it ends Eddie! It’s been what, two months, and we haven’t done more than make out and grind on each other! It’s like I went back on birth control for nothing!” (Part 3 of Six Kids and a Winnebago)
Make Me an Offer (I Cannot Refuse You) by Beachfckerblake (PWP | 7K | Explicit): Steve just needs weed for this party and Tommy sends him instead. When Eddie tries to overcharge him for it, he figures the can work something out but he ends up getting a bit more than he bargained for when he makes too much of an open ended offer
i've been having a horrible time pulling myself together by deadratz (Post S4 | 74K | Explicit): The last thing Eddie thinks as he draws his final breath is that Henderson is gonna need a shit ton of therapy. But then, Eddie wakes up, gasping for air, and miraculously, he's being rescued. Now he has to figure out how to live.
In Just Seven Days by Oddree13 (Modern AU, Fake Relationship | 1/7 | 1,6K | Mature): Steve doesn't exactly care about relationships anymore. Not after Nancy broke his heart and Billy broke his face. He's bored and just going through the motions the first time it happens. Noelle asks him on Monday if he's busy that coming Friday and Steve figures why not? He takes her to the movies on Friday, takes her to bed on Saturday, and on Sunday he lets her down gently. She takes it in stride, and the next Monday it's Jocelyn at his locker. Then Ginny. Then Cami. Soon a rumor starts that Steve Harrington will accept anyone who asks him out at the beginning of the week and end their relationship after seven days of dating. Eddie doesn't believe the rumors. After all, to say Steve Harrington would ignore the glaring asterisk of heteronormativity is just insane. But when he catches the King being tardy on a Monday he puts his theory to the test. Suddenly Eddie has a boyfriend for the next seven days. Now he just has to not fall in love.
🖤 Steve Harrington’s Radical Fun Time Babysitting Serviceby Humanities_Handbag/ @humanityinahandbag, Invader_Sam (No Upside Down AU, 90’s | 24/? | 93K | Mature): Alternatively: Steve accidentally starts a babysitting service, falls in love, panics [in bisexual], and gets himself a boyfriend. (Part 1 of 90’s Music Store AU)
no me without you by cydonic (Post S4, Kas Eddie | 1/10 | 1,7K | Mature): Eddie Munson dies, the world is still ending, and Steve Harrington doesn't know how he's supposed to keep going. That is, until he comes face to familiar face with the creature killing people in Hawkins.
🖤 Reboot by plutosrose/ @plutosrose (Modern AU, Actor Steve & Eddie | 4/10 | 14K | Explicit): In 2012, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson film a scene in the teen drama Normal Stuff that launches a popular ship on ao3. By early 2013, they aren’t speaking anymore. In 2024, Robin calls Steve with an offer to reprise his role as Andy Hartley in a reboot of their old show, with one important update–his character gets together with Eddie’s.
🖤 better by you, better than me by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Canon Divergent, Season 1-2 | 23/? | 120K | Mature | Warning: Violence): November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realizes. / or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
Burning Love by FluffyChicken/ @tshireisonfire (Modern AU, Firefighter Steve | 10/12 | 42K | Explicit): Firefighter Steve Harrington meets one Eddie Munson and their lives change forever.
If you know anyone I haven't tagged, please tag them in the comments!
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elflock-magician · 1 year
Summary - Noelle was tired of being perfect. But she begins to get more in touch with a different side of herself after meeting her. Susie.
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Noelle was the perfect daughter. She's the perfect student. She's the perfect friend. Everyone thinks that she's just perfect.But she isn't. She so badly wants to not have to be perfect. She loves her father, but it would kill her to make him disappointed. She loves to be a helpful student, but somedays she just can't bring herself to completely focus on the lesson. And it is painful to try and comprehend what is going on. She enjoys Berdly's company...most of the time. But she doesn't want to have to be perfect anymore to keep him around. She doesn't want to be perfect. This perfection was slowly killing her. The feeling and need for perfection slowly eating her up inside. And that's why she was so drawn to her. To Susie.Susie was not perfect, and she embraced that. Susie didn't try and hold up some perfect reputation. She just did what she wanted, with no desire to try and force herself to be perfect. She was the exact opposite of what Noelle was. Susie was rough and rather crude. Also loud. Noelle was gentle and formal around most people, and she kept to herself. But Susie, Susie made her want to embrace that side of her that was not perfect. But of course, Noelle only found herself longing, occasionally glancing at Susie every few minutes. She imagined herself positioned on Susies lap as they read a book together by a warm fireplace. She longed to be able to completely be herself. But she knew she couldn't do that. That was until she had that dream… She and Berdly had ended up in some sort of "Dark World" and Kris was there, and so was Susie! It was strange. It felt so real. And honestly, She wished it was. She giggled lightly, remembering the moments with Susie on the Ferris wheel. Despite it being a dream, she could remember each part so distinctly. She continued laughing to herself, remembering the funny moments in that world. Gosh, she really hoped that the whole "Berdly crushing on Susie" thing was really not true. But she pushed the dreams from her thoughts. She had other things to be doing. The carnival-fair thing was coming up in a few days. Noelle didn't really know what it was called. Nor what it really was. She should probably go check. So, before going to class she'd check the bullet board outside the classroom. She walked through the hallway quickly, her skirt slightly swaying. She stopped and swiftly turned to the board. Then something else caught her eye. A school dance. Her eyes lit up. What a perfect chance! Well, it wasn't exactly a school dance, the school branded them as "best-friend-cool-kid-hangouts." That's what it said on the poster, but after attending one each year, they were basically just the cliche school dance setting held in the gym. Everyone dressed up nice and hung out while drinking punch.
It would be the perfect chance to get close to Susie. Kris walked into the school, saying goodbye to their mother as they walked robotically towards Noelle. "Oh! Good morning Kris!" Noelle said happily while giving a small wave. Kris was silent for a moment before offering back a small wave. Something about them had seemed off recently. They were more chatty- but also significantly less. They asked more questions and dug for details in only a few words. It was scary how they could ask so much in only a few sentences. "Did you see, the school is hosting another "Best Friend...kid.." uhh..." Her voice trailed off. "I forget what it's called." She continued, her voice picking back up. "But you know, the school dance thing." Noelle explained. "Do you think you're gonna go?" Noelle questioned. Kris stayed silent for an uncomfortable ten seconds before replying with, "Maybe." "Oh! Okay." Noelle replied before quickly looking around, examining if anyone was nearby. She took a step closer towards Kris. "Hey uh...Kris...do you know if Susie is going?" Noelle said in a whisper voice. Kris stayed silent. "She told me she wanted to go for the free fruit punch." Kris replied simply. "Oh! So that's a yes! Oh, that's great!" Noelle said happily. One she realized how she reacted she quickly started blushing and started backing away from Kris. "O-Okay! W-Well, I'll be seeing you Kris! Bye!" She called happily before quickly speed-walking into the classroom.
She found it hard to focus in class, she tried to push the thoughts of Susie and the dance from her mind so she could focus and continue her perfect grades, but she constantly found herself slipping into the thoughts of other things. But, before she knew it, the class was over and it was time to go home.
"Greetings Noelle! Would you like to accompany me to the librarby to study in preparation of next weeks geometry test?" Berdly said in his usual, mildly annoying and obnoxious manner. "O-Oh! Well..." Noelle found herself hesitant. She wanted to go and get a dress for the dance and talk with her dad about Susie or maybe to Kris. But she had to say yes, or she wouldn't be the perfect friend. They were in the hallway, being dismissed from school.
"Well Berdly, sure...I'd...love too—" she lied, Berdly smiled, but was soon interrupted. "Noelle." Kris interrupted. "Me and Susie are going to see how many sauce packets we can eat at Ice-E's P'E'zza. Wanna come?" Kris asked. "Yeah Noelle, it would be a hell of a time!" Susie said as she revealed herself, turning the corner. Her long hair covered her eyes, and her jacket was wrinkled, along with her shirt and pants.
"O-Oh! Susie!" Noelle called out a little to loudly as she blushed brightly. Susie chuckled, not only at the sight in front of her, but remembering what happened in the Dark World. Deep down, Susie wished she could tell Noelle that it wasn't a dream, and resume their friendship where it should have been. But, in order to make sure Noelle doesn't freak out about the Dark Fountains and the Knight or whatever, she bit back telling her everything. "Heya Noelle." Susie said, crossing her arms and standing next to Kris. "ACTUALLY, KRIS, Noelle and I were going to the Librarby, however, you, Susie, are welcome to join us." Berdly said, spitting practically everywhere as he shouted. "Yeah no, nerd." Susie replied quickly, her bangs slightly shifting, revealing her eyes. "Noelle, what do you want to do?" Kris asked, their voice sticking out between Berdlys loud voice and Susie's gruff and rough voice. "Well, I...I think..." she paused and began to think. She only wanted to go with Berdly to try and be polite and maintain her 'perfect' reputation.
Going with Kris and Susie actually sounded like fun. "I'd like to go with you guys!" Noelle said, Susie's face lit up in response. "Awesome." Susie said. "Then let's hit the road." Susie continued as she turned around. "Wait!" Berdly yelled. Susie, Noelle and Kris' heads snapped in direction of his voice. "Can I come with you guys?" Berdly asked rather shyly. "No." Susie answered quickly, but then Noelle perked up with a happy, "Sure!" Noelle said. "I guess." Kris answered. Susie groaned. "Great! I am grateful for your acceptance. Now let us go and travel to 'Ice-E's." Berdly said in his usual know it all voice. "Great, now look at what you've done, Kris." Susie said and glared down at first.
"It was two against one, shut the hell up." Kris replied to Susie and gestured to Noelle. Berdly had already started marching towards the exit. "Let's get going!" Noelle said with a happy but shy smile. Susie let out a long breath. "You're right, let's go." Susie said and began walking alongside Noelle, and Kris following behind, soon speeding up to be at speed with Berdly. When they arrived at Ice-E's it was fairly empty. Burgerpants was working as a janitor there and was leaning onto his broom while texting on his phone. And a wolf-girl was sitting in the corner with some food.
"Alright, let's see how many sauce packets we can eat before we die of internal bleeding." Kris stated. "Right!" Susie said before putting her arm around Noelle. Noelle retracted into her spine upon this touch from Susie. A strong red blush grew onto her face, and a giddy grin forming. "I shall reserve a table for us and the rest of our party!" Berdly said to Kris before going and sitting down at the orange table in the corner, a booth sort of table. "Hello!" Noelle greeted the cashier, who she believed to be name 'Warrior.' She had met him once before at the hospital while visiting her dad. "We come for your sauce packets." Susie said simply, her arm still around Noelle, but slamming her other onto the orange counter. After about a minute, the group at the table with a pile of sauce packets in front of them. "Hey Kris, bet I can eat more than you." Susie spat. "Okay, do it, bet to me you can." Kris replied in a monotone voice. "With the plastic still on." Susie added. Kris, instead of replying, grabbed a sauce packet and ate it. Oh, that wouldn't be good for their fleshy-human body. Noelle cringed upon seeing this. "Kris no! You're human, that's dangerous!" Noelle called. Susie removed her arm as Noelle arose from her chair in worry for her childhood friend. "Augh! You barbarians!" Berdly said and shielded his eyes as Kris and Susie chocked down the sauce packets. Soon, Noelle found herself pulling Kris away while Susie laughed with, what she assumed, was ketchup dripping from her mouth. "Do you surrender?!" Susie asked, still holding a handful of sauce packets. "I'd rather die!" Kris called back before trying to reach for more, but Noelle still holding them back.
"Bird-Brains, what's the score?!" Susie questioned loudly. "My dearest gamer girl-- the score is fifteen to ten, you are in the lead." Berdly said. Noelle glared at Berdly for the nickname, but then Susie spoke up. "Crossin' the line with that nickname Bird-for-brains." Susie said before shoving another sauce packet into her mouth. "Sixteen to ten!" Berdly corrected. "Wow Susie! You're so talented." Noelle said, her grip on Kris' arms tightening as she blushed. "Cheaters!" Kris called as they tried to reach more sauce packets. The night continued like that, happy conversations and good memories. Soon, everyone went home. They all stood outside of Ice-E's. "I gotta go, my mommy's waiting for me." Kris said before taking out their phone. "Really? Gotta get home to Mamma?" Susie taunted playfully. "Yeah you trashwad, you got something to say?" Kris said jokingly but also kind of aggressively. "No no, gotta get home in time for your bedtime story. I get it." Susie said, still joking. Kris smiled slightly.
"Night guys." Kris said. "Wait, Krismas! Allow me to accompany you and walk you home like the supreme gentleman I am!" Berdly said and ran to Kris' side. Kris smiled a small smile and nodded, they soon turned into nothing more than silhouettes in the distance. "Aight Noelle, thanks for hanging out." Susie said. Noelle smiled. She no longer felt awkward or panicked around Susie. Her presence made her feel comfortable and happy, and her...imperfect perfection made her...happy with herself. "You're welcome, I really enjoyed your company." Noelle replied. "You did?" Susie muttered in response. "Mhm!" Noelle hummed in response. "Noelle, can I ask you something?" Susie said, walking backwards a little and sitting down on a wooden bench, Noelle acutely following alongside her. "Sure!" Noelle replied with an enthusiastic smile as she sat down next to her. Susie paused. "Listen, just, how-- why- what--" She groaned, not able to find the words. She covered her eyes with one of her hands. Noelle put her hand on her shoulder. "Take your time." Noelle said in a warm voice. Susie removed her hand and made eye contact with Noelle.
"Don't you ever just wanna just get away?" Susie questioned. "Get away? What do you mean?" Noelle asked.
"Just get away. I'm sure you probably wouldn't get it. You're so...effortlessly perfect. But..." Susie's voiced trailed off. Noelle quickly spoke up. It's about time she admit to her flaws. "Susie, I'm not perfect. Not in the slightest. I want to get away from all my problems, and to be able to do what I want, and be able to make real choices, just like you." Noelle explained, giving a few hand gestured, every word she spoke was heartfelt and drenched in sincerity. "...You feel like that sometimes too?" Susie asked. "Of course I do. Everyone does." Noelle answered, leaning closer to Susie on the bench. Susie smiled a genuine and warm smile. "Come on, I have a place to show you." Susie said and got up from the bench, holding out her hand for Noelle to take. Noelle took her hand, mildly confused, but she didn't hesitate.
"We gotta be quick though!" Susie said and pulled Noelle along the sidewalk. "What-- Where are we going?!" Noelle called as she was pulled roughly by Susie. Susie and Noelle stood outside the school. "The school...Susie...what are we doing here?" Noelle questioned. "It wasn't a dream, Noelle. I'm taking you to Castle Town." Susie said simply, pulling Noelle to the school. The doors were, conveniently, unlocked. There was never really any crime in the city that went beyond something petty, so no one really bothered locking things.
Noelle was stunned silent.
"That dream...of that world, with you and Kris...and Queen and Berdly, it was...real?" She questioned, her voice quaking, a blush growing on her face and her eyes widening. "That's right, and it's time to go back. Queen probably misses you." Susie said and kicked the door open, holding Noelle's hand, she pulled her down the hallway towards the closet. Noelle was still stunned. "You saved me..." Noelle muttered as they reached the closet. A small blush struck across Susie's face. "Y-Yeah, I guess I did." She replied as she scratched the back of her head. Noelle was...touched. Susie cared about her. For her. Susie avoided eye contact. She wasn't sure why. Was she...flustered. It didn't matter. Noelle kept her eyes locked on Susies. "W-Whatever! Let's just go!" Susie shouted and pulled Noelle into the closet. "H-Huh?!" Noelle called as she was pulled into the darkness. She looked around the closet of pure darkness, her hand still firmly interlocked with Susie's.
She screamed as she and Susie plummeted into the darkness and into the Dark World. Into Castle Town. Noelle grabbed onto Susie, burying her face into Susie's chest, crying out in fear as she wrapped her arms around her. Susie saw the ground approaching. She held Noelle bridal style, Noelle's face still hiding in her chest, which Susie didn't object to. Susie landed in a crouching position, on one knee, but Noelle was still in her arms, unharmed. Noelle was crying. Tears of fear were falling down her face. Susie felt a little bad, but auto corrected to being sarcastic. Being sarcastic was always something that calmed Susie down when she ever panicked, which wasn't often. "Tch, don't be such a baby." Susie said, but upon seeing Noelle's state, she quickly regretted it and followed up the sentence with a apology. "Sorry Noelle, shouldn't have just dragged you down here without warning." Susie said and patted her on the back gently to get her to calm down, comforting her. Noelle's eyes opened a little, few tears falling down.
She took a deep breath, regaining her composure. Then it hit her that not only was she wearing that familiar snowy-white dress, but she was in Susie's arms. Her strong...muscular arms. And her outfit was different. It was showing...her SHOULDERS. Her jacket also had spikes. "Wow Susie...you're so strong..." Noelle said, happy with this position. But she soon went back to being flustered. "Uuuuuuuh--uhhahah!" She said, strong blush apparent on her face. Susie carefully set her down onto her feet.
"It's okay, Susie, but where are we?" She asked and looked forward at Castle Town. "A place where we can get away from..everything." Susie said with a smile. "It's late so everyone's probably asleep, but I wanted you to know...that this was all real." Susie said. "I've been waiting to tell you about all of this." Susie said. "This is a lot to take in..." Noelle muttered in response. "Thank you for being honest with me, Susie. It's something I don't get often." She answered with a smile. Susie smiled, showing off her teeth.
"Let me show you around. Maybe Ralsei and Queen are still awake. Probably past Lancer's bedtime though." Susie said, holding her hand and taking her towards Castle Town. "Ralsei! Wakey wakey!" Susie spat and busted down the door to the castle. "I have a room here." Susie added, speaking to Noelle.
"Oh! That's nice." She replied warmly.
"Susie help me unlock Ralsei's tablet, I want to play Minecraft Pocket Edition." Lancer said as he appeared behind Noelle and Susie, he was holding a tablet in his hands. "Oh! Hey Lancer!" Susie said. She and Lancer high fived. "Oooh! Whose this toothpaste girl?" Lancer questioned. "This is Noelle!" Susie said. "Yep! Hi, I'm Noelle!" Noelle added with a wave. Upon saying this, another door dramatically busted down. "Noelle! My Sweety Honey Gravey! It's great to see you again!" A loud and familiar voice called. Noelle turned to see Queen, in all her glory, strutting towards them. "Queen!" Noelle called out. A happy smile on her face. She held out her hand for a handshake, but Queen pulled her into a hug. "Ah yes, dinosaur girl. Susie, it is great to see you too!" Queen said, releasing Noelle from her grasp.
"Susie! Welcome back to your Castle Town." Ralsei said as he entered the room, wearing a long blue sleeping gown and a sleepy hat, that was dark blue with yellow stars. He bowed and gave a happy wave. "'Sup Ralsei." Susie said. "Oh! You've brought along another friend. You're Noelle, we've met before, I believe." Ralsei said and held out his hand for Noelle to take. His voice was soft and gentle. Now Noelle was feeling a little overwhelmed with all of this new information, and all of the people clustered around her. But then, she felt Susie put her arm around her, comforting her, calming her down. "Yes! And you must be Ralsei." Noelle responded, shaking her hand. "Yes yes, and this is my beloved mansion!" Queen said, holding her arms in the air. Ralsei chuckled lightly, kind of awkwardly as he said,
"Well, we were having a movie night. Would you like to join us? And is Kris with you?" Ralsei asked calmly. "No, Kris went home a little bit ago." Noelle answered. "Yeah this was more of a surprise visit. But I mean..." Susie paused. "Do you have any more cauldron cake?" Susie asked, not directly saying that she wanted to stay. "Fresh from the cauldron!" Ralsei replied with a happy smile. "Well, Noelle?" Susie asked, making sure she was comfortable.
"I'd love to stay, just for a little." Noelle replied.
Susie, Noelle, Lancer, Queen, and Ralsei all sat on the couch around a TV watching a movie. Susie soon fell asleep, extremely fast. Her arm was still wrapped around Noelle. Noelle cuddled up to her chest, her head resting on her shoulder. And before she knew it...she was asleep.
An hour or two later, Susie was shook awake by Ralsei. "Susie, it's getting late. You should probably go home." Ralsei said in a whisper. "Huh?" Susie replied. Ralsei softly shushed her, gesturing to the sleeping Noelle in her arms. Susie blushed upon seeing this, but smiled. She gently picked her up bridal-style, she was still fast asleep. "Going home. See you later, Ralsei." Susie whispered. Ralsei nodded and gave a thumbs up. Susie went back to the surface world, carefully getting out of the school quickly. She was pretty sure she knew where Noelle lived. Kris had talked about her house once or twice and had seen Noelle gone home a few times. That gate nearby was what closed off her house.
Susie walked up to the gate. Noelle's mother was standing outside the gate with her hands on her hips, glaring angrily while texting aggressively on her phone.
"Noelle!" Noelle's mother called. "Oh! Hello Mrs.Holiday!" Susie said, trying to be friendly, as to not make it look like she beat up Noelle and was delivering her corpse. "My sweet Noelle!" She called. "Who are you? What happened to my Noelle?" The mother questioned.
"...Me and Noelle...saw a movie together!" She threw the excuse, technically it wasn't a lie. "Why wouldn't she tell me, and why are you--" The mother was cut off by Susie. She was done pretending to be friendly and approachable, she'd just say what she usually would. "Noelle fell asleep at the movie, didn't have the heart to wake her up." Susie said simple, holding out her arms, offering Noelle to her. Noelle's mother quickly took her daughter from Susie's arms.
"What is your name..?" Noelle's mother asked, her glare softened now that her daughter was carefully in her arms. "Susie." Susie said and turned  away, walking away, back home. It was a long night. She was going to bed.
Noelle awoke early that morning. She had a good rest. She yawned, got out of bed and then made her bed. She got a cup of water and then went to brush her teeth. Then, the memory of what happened the night prior hit her like a train, causing her to spit out the tooth paste and start coughing. She also realized she was still in her school clothes.
"Noelle honey, are you okay?" Noelle's mother called. "Y-Yep, I'm fine!" She called, her voice was giddy with happiness. That dream was real! It couldn't have been fake, she was still in her school clothes. She was so happy!
"Woo!!" She called out happily. "Someone's happy." Noelle's mother commented. "Does this have something to do with that Susie girl?" Noelle's mother asked as she looked to her daughter. Noelle blushed and played with her fingers. "Well...yeah...I guess you could say that." Noelle admitted. Noelle's mother chuckled. "School starts in a few hours, are you okay with walking? I have to get to work." Noelle's mother asked. "Yeah, I can do that! I might go see dad early if the visiting hours allow it." Noelle said, in a good move. Noelle's mother nodded. "I best be off then. Have a good day honey, love you." Noelle's mother stated before walking to the door. "You too, love you mom!" Noelle responded with enthusiasm, waving her mother goodbye.
So, after her mother left she quickly got changed into some new clothes, brushed her hair, and then rushed to the hospital to see if she could visit her father. The receptionist said that she could go through to her father, and upon hearing that, Noelle burst through the door. "Dad! Dad, Dad, Dad!!" Noelle called out, her father flinched at the sudden loud noise. "Oh-ho-ho, good morning, someone's happy." Rudy, Noelle's father said as his daughter rushed towards him.
And so, Noelle spent the rest of the before-school hours ranting about how happy she was. Of course, she didn't get into the specifics about the Dark Worlds and Castle Town, but she did mention the movie, playing it off like she went to the movie theater with friends. She also brought up Ralsei, Lancer, and Queen. Telling her father all about them, her father listening to her words with a happy smile. "Hey, isn't that best-friends-dance thing tonight?" Rudy asked, changing the subject from what Noelle was talking about. The idea of the dance crossed her mind. "Oh! I kind of forgot about that." Noelle said with her adorable smile. Noelle and Susie had both become far more happy since they started talking more. Noelle was rubbing off on Susie, and Susie was rubbing off on Noelle. Noelle no longer felt that desire, that need to be perfect all of the time. It was okay to be imperfect. And Susie felt more positive, more motivated since talking with Noelle.
"Are you gonna take Susie for a little dance?" Rudy asked in a joking manner. "Daaaad!" Noelle replied in embarrassment.
Noelle then went to school not long later, being one of the first in class. Berdly and Kris were there. Berdly was sitting at his desk, while Kris leaned onto the desk, leaning towards Berdly. Really close to him. Noelle decided to not question why. She sat down at her desk, greeting Mrs.Alphys kindly. "Morning Berdly, Kris." Noelle said with a wave. "Ah yes, Noelle, tell this...u-uncultured dork to stop making bad word play flirts at me!" Berdly shouted. Noelle hesitated before answering.
"I'm not going to get involved with that..." Noelle answered. Then the door burst open. Susie was on time! "O-Oh! Good m-morning Susie!" Alphys stuttered out, "You're on t-time today! Lovely!" She added. Susie glared at Alphys with a small smile. She didn't reply. But she waved kindly at Noelle before sitting down at her desk, and class began. Class ended sooner than later. "O-Okay, that's the end of class, everyone! And d-don't forget about the 'Best-Friends-Cool-Kid-Hangout' this afternoon!" Alphys was able to stutter out.
The students got up to leave. "Yo, Kris, Birdboy, Snowflake, we meeting up at the dance?" Susie asked. Noelle, Kris, and Berdly looked at her. "Birdboy?!" He shouted as he put his books in his bag. Noelle was lost in blush. "S-Snowflake..?" She blushed at the pet name. "I think I'm going, depends on what my mommy says." Kris said and took out their phone to text their mom. "I'm going. What about the two of you?" Susie replied and spoke to Noelle and Berdly. "Well, if you must know, I will be attending!" Berdly replied and threw his bag over his shoulder. "I-I'm gonna go." Noelle answered. "Nice, so lets meet by the fruit punch table." Kris said in their monotone voice.
So, they continued to talk a little more before leaving, and, as leaving the school, Noelle and Susie found themselves unconsciously holding hands. And they didn't get to flustered about it. They seemed to be comfortable with it. But they weren't official...yet.
And then...the dance had finally arrived. Berdly was the first person there. The room was dark and music was playing off a radio and speaker, and there was the stereotypical disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Berdly was wearing a black suit with a white collared shirt and black bow tie.
The second to arrive was Kris. They were wearing a black sweater and white collared shirt, along with a black overcoat. They were also wearing shorts. The two of them talked over punch, they seemed to be on good terms. Really good terms. But there wasn't any time to address the 'specific' tension between them. Then, Susie arrived. Her hair was still down but she was wearing a black blazer along with a white and black T-shirt and black jeans. "Aye, you know where Noelle is?" Susie questioned. "She hasn't arrived yet." Berdly answered. But, as if saying that tempted the gods, Noelle arrived through the doors. And she was absolutely stunning. Noelle was wearing a red and green turtleneck. Along with that she was wearing a red skirt with candycane designed stalkings, and purple boots. Susie was swept right off her feet by Noelle's beauty.
"Susie! Hey!" Noelle called out happily. "Sorry if I'm late." She added, noticing how the gym, where the dance was held, was a little crowded. "Nah, don't worry about it." Susie replied. "So, you want to go dance with me?" Noelle asked. Susie shrugged. "Well...if you insist." She said, making comfortable eye contact. The dance was crowded and it made it hard for Noelle and Susie to interact, and they couldn't really hear each other. So, they found themselves sitting together on the bleachers, away from the crowd. They could hear each other now. "Yeesh, it's way to crowded. Could hardly hear you out there." Susie said. Noelle chuckled.
"Yeah." She replied. She took out her phone, opening a mobile game. "You ever play Legend of Yelda Mobile?" Susie asked. "Huh? No, I haven't. Is it a game?" Noelle answered. "Yeah, mobile game. It's like League of Legends but not a pile of garbage." Susie explained. "Here, let me show you how to play." Susie said as the music blared in the background.
Noelle scooted closer to Susie to lean over her shoulder, and Susie did the same. Noelle's head then was buried in Susie's shoulder her hand on her chest, while Susie had her hands out on her phone, one around Noelle. Noelle was still capable of seeing the phone as Susie played the game.
"Hey Susie..." Noelle began. Noelle thought Susie would be the one to make the first move, that she would be the one to start the first date. But here she was. She loved her so much, that she was willing to risk everything to try and be with her.
"Can we...be girlfriends?" Noelle asked, leaning towards Susie. "Girlfriends?" She muttered, blush glowing on her face. "O-Oh! That was too blunt, w-wasn't it??" Noelle called out. Susie scoffed a little, lowering her phone. She faced Noelle directly. In all of their imperfect perfection. "You know me too well." Susie replied.
- A/N - This fic is so old and bad but it was one of my first Deltarune fics and was a big part of me coming to terms with my identity so it's pretty important to me lol
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noelleai · 2 years
"No, I don't have any friends," Susie said as she leaned back in her chair while looking down at the table, "I'm a loner." She then looked up to meet Noelle's gaze, who was sitting across from them both on another one of their usual lunch dates together.
"That's not true!" Noelle exclaimed, "You're my friend, Susie!" she added before quickly averting her attention back to her food.
"Oh yeah?" Susie shot back sarcastically, "Well how 'bout you get some real friends, huh? Like a decent person!"
Noelle didn't say anything. Instead, she simply stared at her food silently, her hands folded atop her tray in front of her. Susie continued to talk, although she did so more quietly this time, "A nice girl like you could do a lot better than a little weirdo like me, Noelle. You deserve someone good, someone great, someone—anyone! But no, you've got to keep hanging out with this loser."
Noelle remained silent. She stared blankly ahead as she sat there, listening to her best friend talk about herself like that. After a short pause, Susie spoke again. "Hey, are you even listening to me?"
She sighed loudly and closed her eyes, wishing she'd never started this conversation in the first place. She wasn't going to argue with Susie. She knew arguing wouldn't change a thing, not really. Maybe it would make her feel better, maybe it would make her feel worse, but it wouldn't actually accomplish anything. So instead she just sat there, and listened quietly as Susie rambled on.
"Look...I'm sorry, Noelle. I didn't mean to go off on you like that. It's just..."
It was clear that Susie was feeling guilty about what she'd said. No doubt she felt bad. That's why she was saying all these things now. She wasn't trying to hurt Noelle. Or maybe she was, but it was obvious that she didn't really want to.
"It's okay, Susie," Noelle said after a brief pause. She opened her eyes and looked up at Susie. "I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings. And I know you're just worried about me."
Susie nodded sadly and let out a small sigh, "...Yeah, I am. About you and everything. You're a really special person, Noelle. A really great girl. I know it's hard for you right now, with your dad sick and all, but don't worry. Your dad's gonna be okay. He'll make it through."
"Thanks, Susie," Noelle replied as she smiled and rubbed her eyes. The two girls sat in silence for a few moments, staring into each other's eyes.
Susie glanced away as she cleared her throat awkwardly, "...So anyway...What about you? How was your summer vacation?"
"It was fine, thanks." Noelle said as she looked down at her food, "My family went camping a lot. We go every year, we do. It's always fun."
"Sounds like a lot of fun." Susie said, "Camping is cool. I wish my family would do stuff like that."
Noelle chuckled, "You can come with us next year if you want."
"Really?" Susie asked as she turned her head to look at Noelle, "But wouldn't you rather go with your mom and dad? It's not like they're gonna take me with them, I guess."
"They won't mind," Noelle said as she shrugged, "We're family, after all. They'd love it if you came along."
Susie thought for a moment, then responded, "Okay. Yeah, I think I would really like that, Noelle. Thank you. I owe you one."
"No problem," Noelle said as she smiled happily.
Susie smiled too, "Hey, did you hear about what happened at the Fall Festival yesterday? Some jerk set off the fireworks display, and it ended up setting fire to the whole area! There was lots of smoke and stuff, and some people got hurt. Luckily nobody was killed, but still..."
"Yeah, I heard," Noelle replied as she shook her head. "I wonder who it was."
"Probably some idiot kid. I mean, what else could it be? Nobody's gonna do something like that for fun, right?"
Noelle laughed, "Of course not. Why would anyone want to hurt other people and cause trouble? It doesn't make sense."
Susie shrugged, "Well, I dunno. But it's pretty messed up. And now they've gotta clean up all the mess that stupid kid left behind."
"Yeah." Noelle agreed as she took a drink of her orange juice, "It'll probably take them days to fix everything up. Maybe even weeks. Anyway, let's change the subject. What'd you do over the break?"
"Me? Nothing much. Just hung out and relaxed, mostly. I wish I could've gone somewhere exotic or something. You know, like a tropical island or something."
"That sounds nice," Noelle replied as she nodded, "but it's okay that you didn't get to go anywhere exotic. At least you got a chance to relax, right? I bet you needed that."
Susie grinned, "You're right, Noelle. Thanks for reminding me."
The two girls went silent for awhile. They listened to the conversations going on around them as they ate their lunches. As Noelle finished eating her food, Susie began to pick at hers.
"Want to hang out after school today?" Susie asked after a minute.
Noelle paused for a moment before replying, "Um...yeah? Okay. I don't have any plans after school, anyway."
"Cool. See ya later!" Susie said as she stood up.
"Goodbye!" Noelle replied as she stood up herself.
As the bell rang, everyone began to file out of the cafeteria. Noelle followed Susie out of the room and the two girls walked down the hallways together. { TYPE: Long-form story * M2 }
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farplxms · 2 years
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story time - little talks
"I called my mom today, she doesn't know if she'll make it to the wedding." Kit sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Why?" Noelle raises an eyebrow, "Because of the falling out we had, she's always been this way Elle. She puts work before everything else and sad to say that even means her own son."
Noelle has to bite her tongue to remain from saying something she'll regret. She barely knows Kit's mother, met her a scattered few times but never sat down and really talked. This was supposed to be her mother-in-law after all. But it's not surprising she wont take off work for her sons big day and ever since Kit was young his mother has been this way and him and his brother we're never nurtured by her. "Are you sure though, it's such a big mile stone for anyone's child... maybe I can talk to her, make some sense?"
Kit just shakes his head, no use.
"It's fine Elle, I'm used to this. As long as you're there that's all that matters right?" Kit looks at his fiancé and Noelle smiles.
"You're so corny Kitty."
"I know. Come here, lets not think about that anymore we have our answer."
Kit scoops Noelle up into his arms and embraces her. She loved him so much, and she knows that this hurts him even if he wont admit it. Maybe she will go talk to his mother, even though Kit already said no. "I love you Noelle Harvey." She giggles, "I'm not your wife yet!" He kisses her forehead, "Yes, but you will be soon." Noelle relaxes and smiles. "I love you too Kit."
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recappers-delight · 4 years
But not for the reasons you think.
How many of you watched the She-Ra panel tonight? ACTUALLY WATCHED IT?! Because I did and here's what I saw:
1. "_____ called someone the D slur"
He DID NOT call anyone that word. He used it in the context of announcing a panelist to the show. The word is IN THE TITLE of her podcast. He was literally just stating the title. That's it.
2. "Noelle said Double Trouble would be creepy around kids."
What Noelle said was that to get the inspiration for Flutterina, Double Trouble would have gone to a coffee shop, found a girl to imitate, and stare at her until they got her mannerisms down. Because of the implications here irt trans people and the stereotypes of "creeping on children", this could have been worded better. BUT this whole headcanon was in response to Noelle DEFENDING Double Trouble against the rest of the crew thinking they straight up murdered the real Flutterina. And again, problematic because of larger implications, but on the show Double Trouble IS A VILLAIN. Just because we think they're awesome doesn't mean they're not capable of shady shit. I saw very few people having a problem with this before. Other things they said about DT?
They specifically searched for a non-binary trans activist to voice the role.
Double Trouble was the whole cast's favorite character.
Everyone had a crush on them.
They support DT x Peekablue headcanon and think they should date.
3. "Noelle said Entrapta and Hordak are great representation."
Literally just did not say this. This comment was made by a fan writing in. A fan who, by the way, IS DISABLED THEMSELVES, and was writing in to thank the crew for the rep THEY saw in these characters. Noelle didn't agree or disagree at all. She goes on to give a character analysis about them both, and that's it.
4. "They made Bow's brothers slaves."
No. They didn't. It's a crew inside joke that all of Bow's brother's have pun names that rhyme with "Bow". The brother in question came from one of the other male creators making the joke "which one of Bow's brothers tills the field? Sow." Here's a pic from Noelle about the rest of the brothers.
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Because of the complicated history between black people and "farm work" it's best to not make any joke at all like this. It was tasteless and misguided, but hardly a reason to grab pitchforks. Black people have the phrase "whites gonna white" for a REASON. We know there's no such thing as an unproblematic person. Creator or otherwise. Is it still wrong? Yes. Should people strive to do and be better? Absolutely. Should allies listen when POC talk about things that make us uncomfortable, and support us when WE call it out? Please, for the love of God!!! But I do not think the level of backlash the crew-ra is getting is at all warranted.
I understand I do not speak for all black people or lesbians, and I don't speak for ANY of those other groups mentioned and possibly offended, because I am not one of them. However, I felt the need to speak for myself. I am SO SICK of everyone knee-jerk reacting to every little thing that could possibly offend someone. Noelle is not perfect, but she has done a SHIT TON of work for representation and the progression of normalizing queer, inclusive stories to younger audiences. She also went to bat for a diverse cast of characters to be voiced by a diverse cast of VA.
The truly fucked up thing? There was a question someone wrote in about how a cis, straight, white person can respectfully tell the stories of underrepresented and marginalized communities. Noelle then goes on for 5 minutes about how it's difficult, and how it's more important to hold doors open for creators who actually come from those communities to be able to have their own voices heard. And this is the woman you throw flames at? Ridiculous. Our true enemies are able to so easily conquer us, because we so easily divide ourselves.
No one owes allegiance to any one fandom or creator. But we have got to start picking our battles more carefully. If we don't, people will become desensitized to our cries when REAL threats and offenses happen. And white people? PLEASE stop being so outraged at every little "off-color" remark someone makes YOU think might offend ME. I appreciate you wanting to be an ally, but you are drowning out our voices over things that really matter. That's why we get shit like musicians and sports teams changing their "racially insensitive" names, while police are STILL killing unarmed black peple in the streets without repercussions. It shouldn't be an either/or thing, but it often is, so please focus your attention on "canceling" THAT.
TL;DR: Don't just retweet and reblog everything you see without doing your own research and forming your own opinion. Speak out against bigotry, but understand when it's time attack, and when it's time to educate. Stop holding people on so high a pedestal they have no room to grow, and can only fall. Do not speak for, or louder, than the people you say you are standing up for. We can speak for ourselves. Help amplify our voices; DO NOT BECOME OUR VOICES. And finally, because we really do just have so much bigger fish to fry:
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eudevie · 2 years
Counter Theory: Asgore is protecting Dess and is why he got thrown off the force.
Edit: 9-18-22: it was good, but in light of the DR event this theory feels debunked, since Dess' page is a 404. I feel it is not something as mundane as this, sadly.
Okay, I’m making this theory as an alternative to the ones that say “Asgore killed Dess” or “Asgore failed to find Dess” so he got kicked off the force because that makes no sense, the rest of the town would hate him along with Rudy. DR Asgore is a dumbass, but means well.
So, what we know of Mayor Holiday so far does not make her out to be a very nice person. Dialogue dump is here for anyone wondering: https://hushbugger.github.io/drdia/#
Quotes and analysis under the cut:
Rudy says this in regards to his wife:
   * (Look, Kris. Can't say much, but...)
   * (Noelle... might look like she has it all.)
   * (But her mother. Her mother, you know?)
   * (Love her, but... she's... tough on her.)
   * (Normally, I balance it all out.)
   * (But...)
   * (I can't... do much. When I'm not there.)
   * (But I'm gonna get better.)
   * (I have to.)  
Noelle when you ask her about the key:
   * ... huh? Why don't I ask my mom for the key?
   * I... I mean, um... I... you know,
   * She doesn't like it when I bother her when she's working.
She seems afraid of the thought of asking her mom.
Dog burglars, if this incident is referring to Mayor Holiday herself:
   * We're the infamous dog-burgulars, The Wet-Nose Bandits.
   * (We were getting ready to sneak into that big house over the holidays...)
   * When we were attacked from the shadows, by something MERCILESS!
   * (Fearing for our lives, we all ran right into Officer Undyne's warm, loving arms...)
   * And she suplexed us all into the snow with our tails hanging in the air.
   * (Now we're in jail, but at least we're alive...)
I mean, holy shit if you consider Undyne not scary in comparison...
Politics bear in regards to Mayor Holiday:
   * The mayor's charisma is about zero.
   * No, it's negative.
   * But she works hard and has a good track record, so she runs unopposed.
   * Thaaaaaat's politics.
   * Rarely.
talk to him again:
   * Not only does she act icy, she always keeps her office's AC on full blast.
   * That chill I feel... is...
   * Is this what politics feels like?  
This got me thinking about something strange Noelle does...
   * Sometimes the hoofed girl comes here,
   * Opens the freezer door...
   * Then stands in front of it, lost in thought.
   * Guess she really likes the cold. Or waffles.
Considering what we know about Mayor Holiday so far, this feels like a negative response, possibly to her mother’s office. Rudy even says this is a fear response for her:
   * She's a sweetheart, isn't she, Kris?
   * Smart, kind, sweet... couldn't ask for a better daughter.
   * I just wish she wasn't so... defenseless.
   * Scary movies, bugs, Santa Claus... everything scares her.
   * And when it happens, she freezes like a deer in headlights.  
Even though seeking out triggers like this seems weird, Noelle will seek things she deems scary out sometimes , like having a crush on Susie, or clicking on stuff like “creepy game glitch compilations!” or “Hot Female Santas In Your Area!”, but she also has linked being scared...to being cared for. Maybe it also reminds her of Dess?
   * Gosh, remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard?
   * Ha, I know we never found anything interesting back there...
   * I mostly remember... Crying because I was scared.
   * But for some reason I feel... nostalgic thinking about it.
   * Dess wiping away my tears with Azzy's jacket...
   * With warm sleeves that smelled like cinnamon.
   * I guess I didn't mind being scared if it meant...
   * Someone would comfort me.
And on the Ferris wheel with Susie:
   Noelle:* Well, um, maybe, I'm a little scared, but... I...
   Noelle:* To be honest, I... I actually like... scary things.
   Susie:* ... what do you mean?
   Noelle:* When we were little, me and my sister would stay up...
   Noelle:* And go past our bedtime watching horror movies.
   Noelle:* At first I cried, but now... it's like... watching them...
   Noelle:* Makes me feel... comforted...?
But there is still the fact that she is scared of her mother. After all, it’s people that are scary:
   Noelle:* It's scary, but I can just turn it off, right?
   Noelle:* Now it's mostly... people, that are scary. Haha.
   Susie:* You can just say you mean me.
   Noelle:* Haha... umm... well... I guess y-you too, but...
   Noelle:* But that's... what's... NICE about you, y'know?
   Susie:* Nice!? The hell does that mean???
   Noelle:* You're the... good kind of scary.
   Noelle:* You aren't afraid to... break the rules, y'know?  
Maybe she feels someone scarier then her mother, someone who would not be afraid to stand up to her, can protect her like Dess and her Dad used to?
In regards to the “Queen is a representation of Noelle’s Mother” fantheory, I think it is partially true. I think Queen was a bit of wish fulfillment for Noelle. While Queen is controlling, she genuinely tries to make Noelle happy in her own way, and actually listens when Noelle stands up for herself. Mayor Holiday is described as “Icy”... Although robot-like, Queen is a fun wine mom, and while some stuff she does would be considered evil... “I'm Just A Computer LMAO I Don't Know Everything  “ She’s a computer, she is trying Her Best.
I’d imagine having a controlling parent realize they were wrong, and actually acknowledge it AND MEAN IT, would be very cathartic. I know this bit made me fucking cry:
   * ... Noelle...
   * Perhaps My Computations Were
   * Miscalibrated
   * Noelle
   * Disregard... Me... And...
   * With Your Own Power
   * Choose The World... That Makes You Happy  
(Also, If we’re going off the “King and Queen are Susie and Noelle’s parents” fantheory, then the wish fulfillment of having a friend as a young child (projecting onto Lancer, perhaps?), and someone to kick their dad’s ass, could still fit Susie.)
“Now wait E, How does this relate to Asgore protecting Dess?”
Well... Noelle talks about Dess as if she is still alive. We can infer to this as Dess going missing, not dead.
But what if she isn’t truly missing? If a missing person who ISN’T a minor is found by police, and DOES NOT WANT anyone to know their location, all the police have to do is say they are found and not tell the person who reported the person missing their location. Rudy and Asgore are very good friends, and Rudy has probably told Asgore how his wife is with the kids. I think they are close enough that they consider each other’s kids as their niblings in a way. Rudy even has a nickname for Kris!
With Mayor Holiday being controlling and cold, and Dess isn’t one to take stuff lying down from what Noelle tells of her:
   * Gosh, you're lucky Dess isn't here!
   * Otherwise YOU'D be facedown in a mousepile!
   * Wait! You're teasing me, aren't you, Kris?
   * L-like when you told me ICE-E was real and eats kids...
   * So Dess smacked you with a wiffle bat 'til you stopped lying.  
I can see Dess GTFOing as soon as she turned of age. Maybe even working on a way to get Noelle out.
Mayor Holiday may not like that she no longer has control over her eldest daughter. Since she is the mayor, and also very intimidating, she could have contacts harass Dess to “get her back in line.”
So may be none too pleased when Asgore REFUSES to tell her were Dess went, or refuses to search for her. (Maybe Dess even asked him before she left to NOT tell her mom or look for her. Asgore would be like an uncle to her, so would want to protect her.)
The Divorce:
Toriel may have felt that Mayor Holiday and Rudy have a RIGHT to know were their kid is. Asgore may have tried to tell Toriel that Mayor Holiday is not that great of a parent or overly strict and controlling, or Dess does not want to be found, but Toriel is a parent who flipped her shit over Asriel kissing Catty, so may not understand how bad Mayor Holiday actually is in regards to being a strict parent since she may consider herself one.
Toriel and Asgore’s marriage was on the rocks already for some reason (I have a feeling it was due to Asgore being Irresponsible with finances, not through cheating or anything like that. Like I said, Asgore is a well meaning dumbass. see:”No rent received. Again. Stop giving away flowers. Start Selling Them.”) and this would have been the final straw.
Alphys may even be hinting to this:
   * Kris, it's no secret the, er, police in this town are...
   * Err... how do I put this... Just... um...
   * Eye candy, I guess?
   * W-wait, th-that came out wrong!
   * I mean they're s-symbolic! They barely do anything!
   * It's because of the mayor, there... there...
   * There isn't any crime.
   * Makes me wonder if she even needs the police...
   * Or if they're just... g... getting in her way?
   * ... eheh sorry. I'm just saying what you already know.
   * After all, she's...
   * Your neighbor, right?  
Noelle, being likely to bend to her mother’s will if she asked, would have to be kept out of the loop or out of contact in case Mayor Holiday tries to get to Dess through Noelle. So kept googling for her anyway, to see if anything new is happening with her sister.
I know I waffled a bit on this theory, but what are y’alls thoughts?
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ellitx · 3 years
I know this is mostly a venti blog but will you write for albedo again? would love to see more of him with your writing.. oh also I hope this doesn't come off as pushy haha I was just wondering
I did made a snippet of another albedo x reader and the draft is sitting here for months now ajskks
It has 1.7k words and albedo still hasnt appeared yet orz so uhm, here ya go even tho its not yet finished im sorryy
This looks like aether x reader at the start
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            The soft clouds of Mondstadt were a wonderful sight to see. Hues of white and blues scattered across the horizon, making it seem like a smudge of a paintbrush, beautifully painted on the canvas. 
            You were wandering at the town square of Mond, mindlessly checking the shops that will ever catch your interest. You passed by Marjorie’s souvenir shop, boring. Checking Timaeus’s alchemy, yeah you’ve already learned a lot, no need to go back there. 
            Unfortunately, there was none at all.
            A tired sigh slipped from your lips and furrowed your brows. There was nothing to do and you’ve already done all your tasks. Klee was still stuck in her confinement, so you can’t play with her today.
            What a bummer…
            Another sigh came and your stomach released a sound hungry grumbling. You squirmed and wrapped your arms around your waist to silence the noise. Walking around the town made you starve for sure. 
            You noticed a lot of people have been crowding at Sara’s restaurant. Was there an event or something? You shrugged your shoulders to brush those thoughts off, more focused on getting food than the commotion that is happening in front of you.
            “Excuse me—“
            “Please, traveler!! I’ll give you a meal for free!”
            Your brows raised in surprise seeing the Honorary Knight was here. “Ooh, free meal?! Traveler, say yes! Say yes!!” His floating companion, Paimon, exclaimed whilst floating around and wiggled her little legs in excitement. “F-fine… we can’t say no to a free food.”
            Aether placed his hand on his hair and ruffled it with a sigh of defeat. From the corner of his eyes, he saw you waving at him.
           “[Name]!” You approached them and gave a big grin. “Hey! Didn’t know you’re already back here in Mondstadt.”
            He chuckled and rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, we just recently arrived.” Before you could respond, Sara called out your name. “[Name]! Perfect timing, I also need your help.” 
            You tipped your head and hummed. “Sure. Is it another delivery?” The waitress shook her head and jutted her thumb behind her. “Lots of customers are coming and we need you two to give these orders on their table.”
            Your eye twitched and squinted at her in wariness. “I don’t mind but please don’t tell me I still have to wear that uniform.” 
            “Even though it’s a must, there's no need to. There's not enough time to change. Just give these meals to their respective tables.” She clasped her hands in front in a begging manner. Breathing in relief, you went to the counter to take the plates and set off to serve them.
            “You owe me a free Flaming Red Bolognese!” The outlander chuckled at your words and mimicked your action, ready to do the task.
            The duty actually went smoothly than you thought it would be. With Aether helping you out, it was fast and steady but with a few slips here and there. Just as you were already done, another pack of customers came rushing in.
            “Woah!! [Name] really is the waitress again in Good Hunter~!” 
            “Hey! First come, first serve!! And no skipping lines!”
            You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned your head. This is bad. Really bad.
            Your throat bobbed seeing lots of customers gathering in the diner. Then you slapped both sides of your to shake off the nervousness. Paimon glanced at you and floated over. “Woah, lots of people came. Shouldn’t you two handle it?”
            Aether seemed like he was about to pass out from exhaustion and hunger. “I…I just want something to eat…” Head clouded and hazy, he unknowingly grabbed the emergency ration by her legs and opened his mouth ready to take a bite to get rid of his starvation. It surprised her as she wriggled out from his grasp and stomped her foot in the air.
            “Get a hold of yourself! Sticky Honey Roast is almost there waiting for you!”
            “Huh?! Says the one who just floats around and does nothing to help!”
           This is going to be a long day.
             “Good work, everyone!” Sara clapped and wiped her head to remove the sweat that was slipping on the side of her head. The waitress then put out a meat dish coated with sweet honey sauce. The fragrant of the freshly cooked dish wafted through their noses making them drool.
            “Finally!!” Aether cried and took a big munch of Good Hunter’s beloved dish. 
            “And here’s your Flaming Red Bolognese, [Name]. They’re freshly cooked, so eat it while it’s still hot.” She winked and gave you a fork. You thanked Sara and twirled the spaghetti with your fork, letting its long noodles snake around it.
            “Ah, by the way, I have another request for you.” You quirked a brow at her as you chew your food, signing her to continue. “A client asked me to prepare a banquet and since we’re currently low on staff, do you mind if you do the baking?”
            You grabbed a napkin and wiped the red stains on your lips. Her request made you raise a question though. Why you and not someone who’s good at baking? Well, you can bake too but at an approaching proficiency level only. 
            The first person who came to your mind was Noelle. She can do everything perfectly well with ease. However, she seems so busy lately, so asking her to do it will make you feel bad and you don’t want to add another task to her hands.
            And the other one is…
             I-I don’t know anyone else who can bake…! 
             You can also ask Aether but you don’t want to trouble him any further especially since he just arrived here. You've already lost count of how many sighs escaped from you. Well, it’s better to help a friend who’s in trouble than just leaving them there struggling.
            “Sure, but why me?” You asked. Her lips curved and grinned at you as her eyes gleamed like the stars at night. “Your Moon Pie was so heavenly! When I took a bite of it, all the taste came to me at once. And the meringue was perfect! Not too sweet and not too bland.”
            “I would do anything to have another plate of it…” She placed her hands on her cheeks as she whined, drooling just thinking about the said pastry. 
            “So what kind of pastries am I going to bake? I hope it’s not too many.”  Sara propped her elbows on the counter and leaned forward. “Just a cake that’s all.” She then waved her hand, motioning you to come closer.
            Aether looked at them who are whispering to each other. He saw your face turned beet red and before puffing up your cheeks and playfully slapping her arms. Whatever their chat was, he shouldn’t bother wanting to know it.
            Food is here. Food is free, must eat it. Yes, only these thoughts must be inside his head. He continued relishing the delicious meal with Paimon across gnawing the plate clean.
             “Flour, check. Eggs, check. Milk, check. Now all I need is… strawberries!” You were currently shopping for ingredients in Blanche’s shop. Your eyes scanned the racks, looking for a pack of that delicate pink fruit. With the continuous search for the red fruit up and down the shop, you're starting to lose hope at no signs of sight of that sweet berry.
            Did they run out of stock?
            You went towards the shop owner and asked. Sadly, she said yes, much to your dismay. 
            “There might be fresh strawberries in Springvale. You should ask there. Or—” Blanche suddenly smirked, making you feel unease about what’s behind that mischievous smile of hers.
            “You could ask Albedo to grow one for you. He can easily grow out those with just his alchemic powers or something.” Huh, it can be. You closed your eyes and give a thought about it. 
            “Albedo? I mean yeah, but he’s busy right now.”
            “Eh? But he’s right behind you.”
            The mention of the said male standing behind you made you immediately whirled your head in excitement. You feel delighted knowing about it, but rather expecting to see his figure there, you see nothing. No one and not a thing was there. Only air greeted you. 
            The shopkeeper snorted and covered her mouth to hold her laughter as small tears started to create from the edge of her eyes. You can’t believe she just did that. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment that Blanche just tricked you into thinking the Chief Alchemist was really there.
            “S-sorry sorry.” She said in between her giggles and shook her hand. You grumbled and took out a pouch of mora to pay for the ingredients and shoving it into her hands.
            “Keep the change.”
            And with that, you marched your way off to Springvale with your face still flushed. Blanche looked over to the waitress of Good Hunter and gave her a thumbs up with that impish grin still glued to her face.
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i have to cut it off here since its not finished yet. It’s just klee and reader are baking. idk what happened to my motivation in writing for albedo ;; but if you read the snippet you can get the whole idea of this oneshot
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kaidas-daydreams · 4 years
how would the golden dawn and the black bulls act going through a haunted house?
well here's what i think would happen
i love haunted houses and i'm so bummed i didn't get to go this year so i had to make this
not a fan of how tumblr ruins the quality of my pictures
happy halloween
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before heading inside the haunted house he reminds everyone to stick together once they're all inside and that the monsters aren't real and can't hurt them
once inside he takes the lead, yes he's terrified but he's the golden dawn captain and must show no fear, he screams at the first pop up running towards the middle of the group
before heading in he was not into it, he didn't understand the point of scaring yourself he thought it was stupid but he had no choice but to go
once inside he was annoyed at bell, klaus and mimosa clinging onto him and he kept explaining to them how they made the special effects, he was the last one of the group and someone caught him by surprise which startled him, resulting in him to use his wind magic
before heading in he acted as if it was child's play, he was nervously laughing the entire time he was talking to yuno and mimosa about how ridiculous this was but he couldn't go against captain vangeance
once inside he immediately stuck himself in between everyone, he'd cling onto anyone that was near but it was mostly yuno and letoile, he gets scared at every pop up screaming into yuno's ear most of the time
before heading in she was so excited, she was mostly happy over being able to spend time with the entire squad, she thought this was going to be fun
once inside she stood in between yuno and klaus, everytime a pop would scared her, she'd grab yuno or klaus and she'd laugh it off afterwards, "i'm enjoying this"
before heading in, he like yuno saw no point in scaring yourself, he thought it was childish and a waste of time, he wasn't scared of anything and didn't expect to get scared of any of these mediocre pop ups
once inside he stood closer to the front wanting to get this over with as soon as possible, the first pop up that came up he used his magic destroying half the house, "sneak attack me again and see what happens"
before heading in he made sure to let everyone know to protect william at all times and to not let their gaurd down even if it was for fun, he wasn't scared he was more focused on protecting william
once inside he stood right behind william to keep a close eye on him, anytime a pop up would come he'd run in front of william and attack the pop up, "don't you dare touch the captain"
before heading in she didn't really understand the point of doing this activity, she wouldn't admit it but she was a tad frighten over the haunted house and the eerie music didn't help
once inside she stood by klaus towards the back, she'd get scared here and there but when she would get scared she'd hang on to klaus or david
before heading in he thought this was easy, he talked a big game over how easy this would be but deep inside he was scared and he really didn't want to go in
once inside he wedged himself in the middle of everyone even pushing klaus out of the way. when he felt someone grab his shoulder, he screamed turning around ready to fight whatever touched him, "i'm ready to go, come on i'm not scared"
before heading in he openly admitted that he was a tad frightend, he just continued to eat for comfort but his stomach still felt empty
once inside he just pleaded to everyone to not knock his food over, when a pop up would come up he'd pay no mind to it since he was to distracted with eating
before heading in he would just hang around hamon, not knowing how to feel about this activity but he of cohrse had to follow william's orders
once inside he stayed towards the front with hamon, he kept his emotionless face everytime something tried to scare him, he doesn't scare easily
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before heading in he thought this was stupidest idea ever, he had no idea how everyone convinced him to come along, he just told everyone to not die and if they do he'd kill them
once inside he had a blast watching everyone get scared at the poorly made pop ups, one person did make the mistake on trying to scare him because yami drew his katana out ready to attack, he stayed in the back
before heading in he admitted to being scared but he also saw it as a type of training and was pumped to get inside the haunted house
once inside seeing as he was so excited, yami put him as the very first person to go in, he didn't even get through the first pop up without screaming and grabbing onto noelle to which she used her magic on him
before heading in she played it off as if this was nothing, but on the inside she was shaking with fear and she really didn't want to go in, "i'm royalty nothing scares me"
once inside she immediately clung onto asta's shoulder still claiming to not be scared but to comforting asta, but the second she felt something brush against her she used her magic but quickly apologizing
before heading in he laughed at how scared everyone claiming there's nothing to be worried about because he was there making yami push him up fron with asta, heis legs were uncontrollably shaking while he cried on the inside, "don't worry ladies if you get scared just hang onto me"
once inside he tried to put a brave face on while he was still shaking, the first pop he ran to the back to hide behind yami, "i want to go home"
before heading in she tried to comfort everyone about how fun this will be and how much she was ready to see magna cry from being scared, she was buzzed
once inside she stood by yami pretending to get frighten just to be able to hold onto him, she would also laugh at how everyone got scared
before heading in he would tease magna about how scared he was going to get but to not worry because he'd be there protect him from the monsters, they made a bet to see who'd get scared first
once inside he was in the middle next to magna, he tried to fight every monster or pop up that would come up but yami would yell at him to stop, he would also push magna into the monsters to scare him
before heading in he would be constantly fighting with luck and vanessa about their teasing and was acting really macho about not getting scared
once inside he stayed in the middle claiming there was no more room up front, he was terrified and would scream everytime there would be a pop up, "i only screamed because everyone else did, i'm not scared"
before heading in he was expressing his enjoyment over how they get to do this activity as a squad but of course no one listened and being from the agrippa family nothing scared him
once inside he stay towards the back with gauche and grey, everytime a monster would appear he'd try to befriend them but they'd get scared of him rather than gordon getting scared of them
before heading in she had already latched herself onto gauche, she kept mummbling to him about how much she really didn't want to go in
once inside she stayed in the back with gauche and gordon, she would get scared at every single pop up and monster making her hang tighter onto gauche
before going in he was very vocal about not wanting to go and how much of a waste of time it was and he could be seeing marie instead of doing this
once inside he stayed in the back not caring that grey clung onto him, he was bored and wanted to get through the haunted house as quickly as possible, nothing scared him inside
before heading in he stayed far from the rest of the bulls but like always he was still happy to be around them, he didn't feel scared at all
once inside he still stayed far from the group but everytime a pop up or monster would scare him he'd scream in very slow tone making no one want to interact with him anymore
before heading he tried to get out of going but yami wasn't letting that happen so instead he decided to take a nap before it was their turn
once inside he didn't find anything scary so to entertain himself he would occasionally scare asta and throw stink bugs towards the pop ups
before heading in she went around the bulls sharing her food to relax their nervous stomachs, she honestly had no idea why they were so scared
once inside she was completely oblivious to her surroundings, she would just try to share her food with the pop ups and monsters even though some of them weren't real but once she realizes where she is she screams at everything before stuffing her face again
before heading in she didn't know what was going on, she never heard of a haunted house before and wondered if lumiere would like it or not
once inside she stayed in her bird form and stayed on asta's head, she was unfazed by everything and everytime asta would get scared she'd peck him on the head
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
(same genshin anon from yesterday) yes keqing! my first 5 star character. got her from xiao's banner. she's super fun to play. her skill is quite handy to use. im trying to get mona up - i think she'll fit into a team i want to try. plus her personality is fun. THOSE MUSHROOMS. AWFUL. sucrose is fun. her skill and burst are nice but idk she just doesn't ever fit *right* so i don't use her much. yes, your love of zhongli is so fun to me (1/4 oopsies)
1/4 oopsies LMAOO
(2/4) i wasn't playing genshin back when his banner was out, but it was so fun watching you talk about him all the time. hope they rerun his banner sometime soon (but i doubt it since it wasn't too long ago). I AM SO SICK OF ALL THE XIANGLINGS. i just want xingqui and chongyun from the banner ugh. yeah i would recommend the spiral abyss. you get a nice chunk of primos and if you haven't done it in a while i'm sure you can sweep the first few floors. xiao = win win win
(3/4) i do try to have decent stats. just shove together the characters i like and find decent artifacts and make it work lol. AH the friendships.. that takes so long lol. ive got xiao, keqing, and barbara at 5 and the rest are much lower. and thanks! i am so loving hu tao so far! she's... not quite up to level with anyone else i use yet but we're getting there. she does decent enough that i keep her on my team lol. ooo a claymore team sounds fun!
(4/4) i do quite enjoy the claymores. i think i prefer the polearms a bit better though (rip we need more polearm users). and yeah ): wish there was a bit better way to farm exp. idk the resin system is... alright... wish it was a bit better though. i feel like i can never get done what i want. like i constantly have to choose if i want to farm like weapon materials or talent materials or whatever. and like same diona and xinyan are my only decent shields :/ and yeah the oceanid is.. something..
LMAO those mushrooms really were a pain i remember just going back and forth between mondtstadt, that other nearby town i’m forgetting the name of, and the dawn winery just scaling every fucking wall possible it was truly annoying and coupled with the fact that she’s hydro so you have to fight the oceanid to level her up really makes mona a true pain to level up jfaldkjfds
tbh idk a lot about sucrose i think most people use her as like an anemo battery? and she’s useful with characters like xiao who do better when all the enemies are centralized which is why i kinda want her lmao. but yeah her never “fitting right” is mona for me lmaooo
yeah i think it’ll be a while until we get zhongli back :( the only other character i really wanna pull is scaramouche IF he’s even playable lmao he’s gonna be so far fucking out. i think rosaria is coming out soon but it looks like she’s only a 4-star so idk who our next 5-star is looking to be. and xingqiu x chongyun really the dream team LMAO frozen smashing for days
hahaha xiao = win win win is so true... i think i’m like at stage 5 or 6 or whatever but with xiao i definitely feel like i can get further fjkldaj the main problem was like i never had a good second team but i’ve leveled up enough other characters i can probably tackle it now
the friendships really do take FOREVER lmao like fischl was literally the FIRST character i pulled so the fact she only recently got all the way up to 10 friendship ajfdklafj and yayay glad to hear you’re enjoying hu tao!!
yeah and along with lack of polearm users there also doesn’t seem to be many good polearm weapons?? idk i feel like i have so many claymores jfadlkjfdas. also i just looked up there are literally only 4 polearm characters right now holy shit that’s so sad ;___;
and same about the experience, you barely get shit from battling so you can really only level up with those book/note things idr what they’re actually called and they’re SO hard to mine. and then there’s all the talents and shit.... sigh lmao. genshin really makes you schedule and portion your resin lmao
i think my only kind of okay shield is noelle because i used her really early on but i ditched her pretty early when i get new characters jkaldsf
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thespiralgrimoire · 4 years
Cake and Clover 36-39
Licht @Gauche: I'm sorry... I never should have hurt you
Gauche: wat
Yami, Finral, and Asta:
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Me: No. No they will not.
Cuzzo: No wonder this kingdom is so messed up!
Thanks to @gayrhya I love Raia in solidarity and I wasn't prepared for that until he appeared and I lost my shit
This is my FAVORITE part of Licht's horseshit he's like "Friendship is DUMB anyway here are my three best friends to kick your ass"
Fana: Loathesome. Abhorant. You must die
Cuzzo: ...I like her.
The captains burst in to save Yami at the last minute and Jack is like "Stronger than a Magic Knights captain, eh? We'll see about that!" Which DEFINITELY means that these three assholes were standing there waiting for the absolute most dramatic moment to enter the frey
While on break Cuzzo helps solve a hole in our fic. Three cheers for Cuzzo!
Alright onto 37
New theory: everyone in the Green Mantises has to have a verbal quirk. It is the #1 prerequisite for entry
Cuzzo: Jesus Christ all these magic knight captains want to kill each other!
Me: Oh yeah they are so tightly wound
Sis: Yeah, it's GREAT
Nozel: Hmph. You think these flames could harm me?
Nozel as Fuegoleon's silhouette appearing dramatically in the background: You have no idea what I had to do to get where I am!
Sis: You have no idea how many cocks I had to suck to get where I am!
Cuzzo thinks that Nozel's declaration to avenge Fuegoleon is "Not subtext" and that there are "intimate tones in the read of the lines."
Cuzzo, flexing his giant brain once again: Everyone takes care of Noelle except Noelle and Noelle's family
Our thoughts on Klaus: Definitely gay, but only mom friending Asta and Yuno
Yami: I see what you're doing, Finral! Stop teleporting food into Luck's stomach!
Cuzzo: HE WHAT
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Me: Marx is a good fella
Cuzzo: Yeah but he's got a bowl haircut
What if when Asta used his magic on Katherine, because she had been keeping herself alive with magic, she just turned to dust and Marx and Julius were like "........Welp. Good thing we got two"
WHO DOES THE SEATING CHARTS? Seating comes up every time the captains get together!?
William: Sorry I'm late. I had some business to attend to.
Cuzzo: It's him. It's so obvious. It's so obvious! How do they not see it? Why doesn't Yami know?
I'd like to pay myself on the back because I haven't scoffed or grumbled at William ONCE. Cuzzo, however, is mcfreaking losing it
Me: I love that Dorothy sleeps through the interrogation
Sis: Actually Fuegoleon slept through it too 😏
Cuzzo: Yeah maybe Fuegoleon's the traitor
Katherine and other guy: The traitor is the Purple Orca's captain
Cuzzo: They're lying
Sis: They can't lie
Cuzzo: Then their memories have been altered
Me: No, they're true
Cuzzo: They're not true. Their memories have been altered
Me: But everyone is saying things that prove he would do this. He did it
Cuzzo: You know who hasn't spoken yet? Vangeance!
Me: Oh my god
Sis: Julius is like "I would have obliterated him, so..."
Sis: Just so you know, the next arc is all about Noelle
Cuzzo: Really!?
Me: Yup. Babygirl gets a glo up.
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We are wrapping it up for the day but closing notes from Cuzzo:
The Clover Kingdom is fascist could very easily fall into fascism if Julius wanted to take over
Gueldre did nothing wrong
Noelle is Best Girl
That's all for now! I need to get some dinner
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