#really enjoyed writing this one hehe
gentil-minou · 5 months
chapter five of once upon a time, 很久很久以前
Wangxian AU based on the show Once Upon a Time where all of jianghu has been cursed to live miserable lives in modern times without their memories and only Wei Wuxian can save them...except he doesn't remember either.
Wangxian + A-Yuan | Ch 5 | 17K | Rated M
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Transmigration, of the townwide variety, Amnesia, of the nearly everyone variety, Mystery, of the shenanigans variety, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Has Self-Esteem Issues, Single Parent Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, except a-yuan runs away to find his other dad, Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Curses, Alternate Universe - Once Upon a Time Fusion
Chapter Summary
“That still doesn't explain what I have to do with it. Why am I the only one who can help?” “I told you,” A-Yuan presses, “You’re the Yiling Laozu! If anyone knows what to do, it’s you!” Wei Wuxian scoffs, “The evil-looking dude? Yeah, you mentioned, but again, what does it have to do with me?” His face twists indignantly. “And, hey, it’s not nice to tell someone they look like an evil guy, you know.” “He’s not evil!” “He had spooky shadow tentacles and stood on literal human bones." -- Wei Wuxian gets some answers about this strange little town, only to be left with even more riddles and a desire to solve them all.
preview under the cut
Wei Wuxian slumps against the door, rattling the silver bell above. The back of his head smacks against the wood. He hardly notices the soreness radiating from his bump from yesterday.
Fingers press against his cheeks. So hot. Burning.
He hopes he didn’t sweat through his sweater, that would have been embarrassing. What would Lan Zhan have thought if he’d seen sweaty pit stains? Lan Zhan is probably the kind of Asian that just never sweats, ever.
Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan Lan Zhan Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan.
Wei Wuxian slaps his cheeks. He needs to calm down. He needs to remember how breathing works. Or what legs that aren’t jelly feel like.
A throat clears from the dining room. Popo watches him from where she stands in the doorway leading into the kitchen, hands covered in flour and brows raised so high up they disappear into her silver fringe.
“Everything alright there?” she asks in a tone that says she knows everything is not alright, thank you.
“Popo,” Wei Wuxian replies, breathless despite his chest lifting up and down like he just ran a marathon. “I did it. I fixed it.”
Somehow, her raised brows turn more unimpressed as Popo slow claps three times. Flour sifts through the air around her like falling snow, crystals catching in her hair. Wei Wuxian is starting to wonder if her hair is really grey or if she’s just always covered in a layer of flour.
“Congrats. Come help me in the kitchen when you’re making sense again,” she says. She shakes her head and returns to the kitchen, leaving Wei Wuxian heaving by the entrance.
Which is just dandy because a series of hysterical, sharp giggles burst from his mouth. It sounds a little bit like a hyena dying. Like a lot of hyenas dying.
Sweat sticks to the back of his neck, trickling under his sweater. Did Popo crank up the heat? Why does it feel like a million degrees right now?
Wei Wuxian lets out another high-pitched sound that could be either a laugh or a wail. He bolts from the entryway, up the stairs, and into his room.
Popo is right. He really needs to calm down. He just…doesn’t know if he can, yet.
read more on ao3
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sysig · 1 year
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Greetings, human! ♥ (Patreon)
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Pairing: Ash (self-insert)/Basch fon Ronsenburg
Word Count: Almost 800.
Warnings: suggestive if you squint, literally just them making out, takes place a year after the game, vague ff12 spoilers
Synopsis: Unfortunately so, not even being a married woman could save Ash from the responsibility of being the Flame of Rabanastre. And yet, in times of peace, the distance between her and her husband felt farther than ever. With enough nagging from her friends and comrades, Ash takes the journey to reunite with her husband. And clearly, her knight in shining armor missed her just as much as she missed him.
The Arcadian silks are smooth and soft against Ash's bare back as she lies down against the back, letting Basch climb on top of her with ease. Ash makes herself comfortable against the cushioned pillows. Her hair was down, a halo of black curls that Basch had been so eager to feel once again. After all, it wasn't often they had time for themselves since the war ended, so all the time they had together was savored.
Ash's hands grasp at the sheets,
"Now these... These are nice."
"Aren't they?"
Basch's voice is deep and rough, and it's clear that the last thing he's focused on is the look of the damn sheets.
"You look beautiful with the red as your canvas."
Ash could never get enough of him, and she never planned to. The ring on her finger was but a physical representation of a promise that was always there, even when Basch was behind bars for two years. Still, despite it all, Ash thinks to herself that she was the luckiest woman in all of Ivalice to have such a view all to herself.
Ash humors his words with a soft smirk. Her fingers trail up from the red, silken sheets up his arm. Her touch is gently, her nails just dragging along his scarred skin and muscle to eventually rest her hand upon his cheek. She takes a moment to truly admire him.
They were older now, so much older than they were when they meet, but blue-gray eyes like a perfect storm always stayed the same. His hair was shorter now, in an attempt to look like someone who he never truly was. To the world, Basch was dead. To her, Basch was her life.
"It is rather exquisite bedding... Though I would expect nothing less from the Emperor's loyal protector."
Through the thin, white curtains blowing softly from the window, there was little but the moonlight illuminating them. Ash liked it that way—It reminded her of old times. Nothing but them and the sand beneath the stars, the sounds of quiet gasps and whispers of love the only thing either of them could care about. Archades wasn't the deserts she called home, but Basch's arms were home enough.
A flame needs a spark, and that's exactly what he was to her.
Ash leans her head back with a soft moan as her partner kisses her neck. If this is what happened whenever she got out of Rabanastre for a month, perhaps she had better become Archadia's Flame instead, always within arms reach of her loyal knight.
Basch leans in to pepper kisses along Ash's jaw, the poke of his short beard a contrast to the soft, feather-like touches of his lips.
Ash can feel him chuckle,
"I am much more than that, my lady. Allow me to show you."
They had been lovers for years, friends for even longer. It's not heated passion or lust that brought them together on that quiet night in the castle, but rather the feeling of two lovers reuniting. And Ash has no complaints.
There is nothing quick or hungry about the way Basch kisses her. Basch does not just kiss her. Basch worships Ash. Her body is one that he knows all too well. It was one that he had known when he was so much more than the man he was now, one that he had known whenever he was held in chains in Nalbina, and one that he had known in the hot, Dalmascan nights that left him red and exhausted.
Every inch of her is something that he knows so intimately, so he takes his time kissing her, feeling her as if to memorize her with his lips once more.
How could she? She had spent so many nights in Rabanastre dreaming night and day about her husband's arms only to realize that, as always, the real thing is so much better. Basch's lips trail down to her clavicle, kissing and sucking soft bruises that he knew Ash loved. The sweet melody of her breath and soft whispers of I love you only serving as motivation for him to continue. After all, it was a knight's job to serve his lady.
His hand trails to the side to meet hers, their fingers interlocking in a way that only affirmed the belief that, yes, they truly were made for each other. Ash simply closes her eyes and sighs, basking in the feeling.
Perfect in every single way is what Basch was to her.
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mold is the god of the kitchen wall
destiel fic - 1198 words - rating: G - divorce arc - read on ao3
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It’s then that Cas realizes Dean didn’t pass him a beer like he usually does. It’s more than a courtesy between the two of them, and they both know it; beer is all atoms and alcohol in such meager qualities for Cas that it’s laughable. But it’s a ritual. It’s a sign of something shared, and something mutual. Dean takes a deep sip from his bottle and Cas feels the cold desert of his hands laid flat against the table.
A Cas POV deep dive into his and Dean’s kitchen conversation from 15x08.
thanks to @faithdeans for the lovely beta!!
Adam and Michael are fighting with themselves in the other room. Cas can hear them through the wall, back and forth, in the same monotone voice. He can’t work out what they’re saying to each other, though. He’s not sure he cares enough to anyway.
Dean walks in to the kitchen, and Cas’ back stiffens: automatically, like it’s innate, like the languid animal Dean usually draws out of him has turned to protective instincts with hackles raised. Dean saunters forward towards the fridge and twists open a beer with a sharp jerk of his thumb. He’s wearing the face he makes when he doesn’t want anyone to think he has feelings about what’s happening. For all Dean calls Cas oblivious, for all Cas fails to see in other places, that’s one thing that Dean gets wrong. Cas can read Dean like a book. 
Dean speaks. “Maybe you went too far,” he says, as he settles against the counter. 
He sounds, Cas thinks, rather ironically, like a school teacher chastising a child. The ‘maybe’ is simply there to be polite. Those are the only kind of words they exchange these days: Cas lives life between a rock and a hard place, between silence and bites of criticism. 
He rolls his shoulders, burying the desire to kick back against Dean. It’s easier, all in all, to agree. 
He repeats Dean’s empty word. “Maybe.”
It’s then that Cas realizes Dean didn’t pass him a beer like he usually does. It’s more than a courtesy between the two of them, and they both know it; beer is all atoms and alcohol in such meager qualities for Cas that it’s laughable. But it’s a ritual. It’s a sign of something shared, and something mutual. Dean takes a deep sip from his bottle and Cas feels the cold desert of his hands laid flat against the table.
“I mean, he’s been in lockdown for quite a while now, you know. Maybe you just went too fast.” Dean pauses, taking a deep breath.
Cas wonders if that’s the end of this conversation. There’s something in the air, in the way that Dean’s fingernail digs restlessly under the label of the bottle, which tells him there’s something else he wants to say. What’s a confession between two friends?
Dean ducks his head, the way he does when he feels like a conversation is over. Then he rears it again, and speaks like it’s a different topic. “What’s he doing now?”
But it’s the same topic. Dean is still talking about Michael. Yet all the foot-scuffing eyes-flickering fidgeting falls back as if it was never there, like Dean is trying to unspeak entirely innocent sentences. 
The thing about reading Dean like a book is that sometimes, the pages are blank and he drops words randomly in a context which only makes sense to him in ink almost too pale to read. Maybe, then, Dean is more like the demon tablet. And Cas is the one drifting slowly closer to insanity, deciphering each coded phrase as they fall into his hands. 
So he has the vague idea that perhaps, Dean was speaking in metaphor. That he wasn’t really talking about Michael. 
Maybe you just went too fast.
Cas replies to the question Dean asked to end the pause stretching out between them like no man’s land. “No idea. He was very distraught.”
“Yeah, but what exactly did he say?” Dean doesn’t ask it nicely, but he doesn’t ask much nicely these days. He’s simply here on business. Here to fix the problem that needs fixing.
And Cas is here because… Well, because Dean needs him. 
If Cas went slower, would Dean want him again then?
“‘Leave. Get out. I want you dead’,” Cas recites. There’s an apathy in him, he realizes, as the words leave his mouth entirely hollow but not at all brittle. When you haven’t got the heart to care, there’s nothing to break. He’s heard those words many times before anyway, from brothers. From friends. 
“We didn’t bond,” Cas finishes, and he wants Dean to laugh at his words so badly. He aches for it. Apathy for all else but this; he abandoned his nest to put all his eggs in Dean’s basket. 
He keeps his eyes fixed straight ahead on the wall. It’s brown, peeling, there’s mold making its way lazily and inevitably along it. He waits for the huff of laughter from Dean, for proof of his victory. It doesn’t come. Not even reluctantly, when one time, it would have come, and gladly. What is all this space between them? Cas keeps staring, and thinks, mold is the god of the kitchen wall. 
Then he wonders, what does that make him.
Dean tilts his head back and swallows, not even beer, just probably more words. His hair glints hazel in the stainless steel green light of the kitchen. Cas gets the sudden and staggering desire to put his chin on his palm, rest himself against the table as he gazes lawlessly up at Dean, and say, I miss you.
You’re standing next to me in the same room but I’m stranded. And I miss you.
What a display of letting go of all self control that would be! What ecstasy to live in truth! What a moment when Dean would turn towards him and say thank god, you don’t know how much I missed you too, I’m sorry, I want you, please stay! 
It’s four words away but it’s impossible; instead, Cas furls his arms further around himself like his body is his desire and if he just gets a hold on himself, tighter, he can keep it all at bay. But still the animal heart of him wobbles over, showing its stomach in the desperate need to feel the warmth of something, anything, underground. 
Maybe Cas didn’t put his eggs in Dean’s basket. Maybe he buried them.
“Where’s Sam?” he asks, changing the topic with a bow of his head, just like Dean did. Look, Dean, he wants to say, if he can’t say anything else. I can speak in codes too. How much do you understand me?
Dean doesn’t miss a beat with the answer, like in all the minutes this sparse conversion has spanned, he’s never thought of anything other than the case at hand. “Eileen hit a snag with a case, so. He won’t be gone long.”
But Cas knows: Dean lies. Every thought he had and didn’t say was a thought he took out back and shot. Cas wishes he could see how many thoughts laying in the cemetery of Dean’s throat tasted like him. What was it Dean had once said - about when humans want something, and badly?
Maybe you just went too fast.
When the rumbling earthquake of Michael’s fury starts, it’s mainly a relief, as it means unity. No more of two old strangers standing, stranded, in a molding kitchen. Michael is something shared, something mutual. When they’ve lost all else, at least they haven't lost this ritual: the eye contact, the thumping of feet on concrete, his hand on the door and Dean pressing in close, behind him. 
Even underground, his body is warm. 
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emjaystories · 1 month
lay down my sword and shield
5k words, T. as the stressors in trent's life pile up, he asks isaac for his once-a-season haircut and gains valuable hair care tips, as well as some life advice
(read the fic here!!)
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seiwas · 7 months
when all the ideas come to you faster than you can type but you have to get it down so the doc now looks like chunks of red paragraphs barely cohesive and without punctuation but the Thoughts are there and that’s what matters 🥲
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marymekpop · 2 years
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this heist is going to change the world
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1o1percentmilk · 10 months
“But Joseph has as long as his employment to herd Hatori into a corner; Hatori only has as long as he can last before he buckles beneath the weight of his own staggering ego. This is a game he’s certain he will win, as long as nothing else gets between them.” — After a night out, Joseph goes with Hatori to the roof of his apartment to watch the sky, and to ask a few questions.
im back on my bullshit
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lookedlikethebins · 8 months
... after ONE conversation my little moment of humoring the idea "what if my recent fic had a part ii set in the immediate hours of matty returning home?" has become a (so far) 3.5k wip with my work alarm set to go off in less than two hours
Edit: I promise I do sleep like a responsible adult. I went to school for writing so I am technically a licensed professional at the cat-and-mouse game between time/sleep and creativity (for projects that aren't for work specifically) lol. I promise!! We're functioning well here!! 💌
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chwejongho-archive · 1 year
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❄️your winter gift has arrived, @woosansang!
a series of gifts for mutuals through december!
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extravalgant · 2 years
title: river break me so i can heal
relationships: player character (the wizard) & duncan grimwater
summary: it had been some time since you had seen his face. and it had been a while since he had tried to kill you.
notes: oookay fair warning. possibly ooc for duncan? but also i sacrificed a bit of that in sake of getting the story across better. i mention this in my ao3 notes but i also think the wizard and duncan parallel each other to an extent... the context is also mentioned at the end notes for what i was thinking throughout this process. but anyways
>> READ ON A03 <<
Without another word, Duncan wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. And it is a hug, alright – just not a very good one. Your nose smashes into his shoulder painfully, and it would almost be enough to break you out of your crying spell, had you not been caught off by the sudden movement. 
This is… the first time you’ve ever gotten a hug. Actual human contact. His touch sends a soft ache spreading through your chest - a sweet warmth that your brain recognizes as affection. Security. The need to make you feel safe. 
It’s the hug of someone who has never hugged before – truly, if you were going to be honest, it was probably one of the worst hugs you have ever experienced; Duncan’s form is awkward, arms just a bit too tight and angled weirdly. 
You realize that he’s hugging you out of his own volition - that he wanted to let you know that he cared about you. And it’s the thought of someone comforting you, rubbing your back (which he is doing, albeit the motions feel stilted), that makes the bubble in your throat grow, chokes your own words out of your mouth, makes you cry even harder. 
Your hands clutch the back of his robes, clenching it between your fists as if he would disappear if you ever let go. You want to say something, hug him back, offer support, but you can’t. Your tongue feels like cotton, and your brain blanks out on the words needed to speak. Just the thought of someone hugging you was enough for another round of tears to leak through, and after everything you’ve been through crumbles in a matter of seconds.
“Run away with me.”
The words are flying out of his mouth before he knows it, before he even has a chance to logically think.
Run away? To where? Duncan wasn’t dumb enough to think that whatever calamity crawls out of the darkest parts of the spiral would simply stop because the Wizard wasn’t going to take care of them.
Even so, he doesn’t take back his words. They hang heavy in the crisp, muggy air of Triton Avenue. A storm rumbles above his head, and the thunder almost serves as a warning; a sign from Raven – to take back what he said or he would regret it. Regret trying to take her champion.
He knows you must feel his heart thudding fast and hard in his chest, arms still wrapped securely around your shoulders. Your face is still tucked in between the juncture of his neck and shoulder, and your hands are still clawing into his robes–it doesn’t hurt, by any means, but he’s caught off guard at how surprisingly.. clingy you are.
He wonders if you heard what he said.
“Did y—”
“I heard you.” You cut him off. Your voice is quiet and soft, but has a rough and scratchy quality to its tone that had been heightened from your crying session. 
There’s another agonizingly slow moment of silence, and in it, Duncan feels the gentle rustle of the wind brush over your figures. He never quite believed Suzie or Artur when they told him that Triton Avenue was cold, but the wind brings a chill that he can’t quite blame necromancy for. 
And when you speak, this coldness sinks further into his stomach.
“I can’t.”
“You can’t?” Duncan furrows his brows. "What do you mean you can't?"
When you pull back away from his chest, the descent is slow–like molasses. You don’t see a point in being discreet as you wipe the remaining tears away from your eyes, for he had seen it all, and sucked in a sharp breath. And when you meet his gaze, your eyes are red-rimmed and bright.
For a moment, the breath catches in his throat.
“I can’t.” You emphasize, this time. Your voice is more even than it was before. It sounded like the Wizard he recognized, and not the one that had been bawling into his robes moments ago. “I have responsibilities.” 
“Are you dumb?” Duncan says, and he can’t amend the way it comes out of his mouth–clunky and harsh, like a hammer striking iron. “It’s killing you! Look at you!”
He grabs your shoulders as he says this, and the touch is almost too much to bear with something like this. 
“I’m aware.” Your voice is bitter as you spit out the reply, but there is no denying the exhaustion in your voice. “I… don’t have a choice.” 
Duncan’s lips press into a thin line. 
“I just can’t.” You repeat, and a watery tone edges your words. “I have duties, I’m… I’m a savior now. There’s no room for what I want and my desires. They wouldn’t let me.” 
“‘They’?” Duncan quirks an eyebrow. 
He sees the way your gaze drifts over his shoulder, eyes glazing as if searching for something off in the distance. He thinks you must have found it, the way your pupils dilate, and stare for a long time.
“I used to think it was just Raven and Spider.” Your voice dips into something quieter, whispy. Like this conversation was just for him.  “There’s something else out there. I’ve never seen it, or heard it, or.. smelled it. I can only… feel it.” 
Duncan takes a chance to glance behind him, following your gaze—he expects to see a figure at least, and it only furthers his confusion about the entire thing. 
It must be his eyes playing tricks on him, because he does see it—a vague shape. A human-like figure.
He blinks and it’s gone.
“As fun as running away sounds,” Your voice brings him back to the present, back to your now neutral expression. “I don’t have a choice. Truly.” 
Really, there are more silences now than you care to admit, and it’s only when you make the decision to stand does he know your final answer. It doesn’t stop you from holding out your hand to help him up from the wet, muddy ground, and it doesn’t stop him from taking it. 
And even when all is said and done, you’re still grasping each other’s hands. Your fingers press against the pulse of his wrist, which beats heartily underneath your touch. 
“We could go somewhere new.” Duncan says. He doesn’t want to admit that he sounds desperate. Lonely. “The spiral is big. We could find some place where they don’t need us. Where no one ever gets the chance to take advantage of us.”
You can’t help the smile that breaks across your face, bleeds into your voice. It sounds too good to be true, even for you. “Oh?” 
“We don’t have to stay wizards. We could even swallow our pride and become pirates!” 
“You love necromancy, Duncan.” You say, and he does. He does. With every bit of his mind, body, and soul. “I’ve heard rumors on the shore that they’ve outlawed all magic. It would kill you.” 
His lip curls. 
“Admittedly, it would kill me, too.” Your hand slowly slips from his. “Even throughout all these years… I’ve come to love magic far too much to let it slip out of my fingers.” 
“...Will you come back?”
Duncan’s voice is far too vulnerable for his liking–it had only been today that he expressed his feelings of ostracization, of needing to feel wanted. He had made his first, real friend and it had been you, the one he had been previously sent to get rid of.
He doesn’t want to see you go if it means there’s a chance you won’t return.
Still, a smile spreads across your face at that question.
“Of course.” You say. “Nothing’s killed me yet—I consider that sign enough that I’m on the right path.”
You pause.
“And I want you to come with me.”
He’s not sure if he heard you right. Either that, or this was your idea of a prank. 
Or you’ve finally lost it.
“Do you hear yourself?” Duncan says, because he finds himself reeling. Of course he wants to join you—but also, are you crazy? The blood is roaring loud in his ears. “This is—this isn’t even my journey to go on!” 
“Who cares?” You reply, and he both hates and loves how flippant you’re being about the entire thing. “I didn’t exactly get the wizarding book of rules when I first got here. We’ll be fine, I think.” 
“I couldn’t even beat you!” 
“To be fair,” You say, and the smile on your face is a little bit too cocky for someone like you—someone meant to uphold the pedestal of light wasn’t meant to look so smug. “No one has been able to beat me yet. I can protect you, if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
“I’m not worried about that!” He hisses out, but there is a semblance of an embarrassed flush creeping over his features. “And besides, I can take care of myself!” 
“Then we don’t have any problems.” 
There’s a long moment where he just—stares at you. Like he’s trying to figure out your goal for this, your angle. 
He feels conflicted. He feels lost. And most of all, he feels confused. Was one, heartfelt conversation all it took to get on your good side? It’s no wonder why anyone with bad intentions, but a good mask, was able to twist your promises of companionship and turn it into something else.
“...You know me the best.” You say, after a while. The sky rumbles above you once again, the final warning you receive, before a torrent of rain begins to pour down on you both. Your robes are soaked before long, bleeding into darker colors. 
The two of you don’t move. 
“Saving the world gets a bit lonely, too.” You continue on, and he recognizes that look on your face—it had been there at the beginning, when you had shown up unannounced in this field, and sat next to him without another word. 
“You’d say we could start over as friends… but I’m a very busy wizard.” Your smile is sad, this time, when it pulls at your lips. “We’d become strangers before long. A something that was there, but could never happen.” 
“...And you think taking me along a dangerous quest will fix that?” 
He hates how it, once again, comes out of his mouth wrong. He had never been good with dealing on how wonderful it felt to be wanted at someone’s side. 
“I said I’d protect you, didn’t I?” Your face tilts upward, and allows the drizzle to wash over your face. It feels almost holy in nature—your soul feels cleansed. 
“I don’t care what Ambrose thinks. I’m not his student anymore. I don’t care what the Arcanum thinks. They don’t trust me.” 
And when you open your eyes and face him, they open slowly, as if savoring this one singular moment. And the gradual motion of your hand as it reaches up from your side, before holding it out for him to take, is measured. 
You are in no rush. 
“I think I can trust you.” You say, softly. “Don’t you agree?” 
His hand as it slides into yours is cold and wet. But it still makes your heart soar nonetheless. 
“Yeah. You can.”
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Omg pleaseee write carnival attendant dabi!! I wanna hear about all the tricks he had with pretty girls so bad lol. When a carnival came to my town once most of the people that worked the rides and stuff were foreign (I live in America) and there was this one guy that was Russian that was super cute. He would use his accent and speak in Russian to flirt with/impress all the girls lol. I can so see dabi doing that with Japanese and I would eat it up lol but I'm so interested to see what you have in mind for it!! ❤
i’m glad ur interested in the idea anon!!! i think it’d be a fun lil piece to put out for october/autumn/halloween!!!
omggg hehehe that’s actually really cute??? do you remember which ride/game he operated? and i can absolutely see dabi doing that with japanese, too!!!! oh my god just the thought has me swooning <333 this carnival comes to my town once a year and the guy i’m thinking of has been with them for several years. their workers are mostly composed of white men that will leer at you and call you names like ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ etc, and the dudes who run the game stalls like to aggravate boyfriends but i believe that’s a tactic that’s used everywhere; y’know, make the boyfriend angry, make him spend money at your booth to prove that actually, he can win his girl that big stuffed bear, thank you very much.
the one attendant i remember being very cute, who was only with them for a few years, was a guy who ran the himalaya ride. he was young, maybe in his early to mid-20s and very lanky & tall. his work shirt didn’t fit him right, it was a little big and it exposed a good amount of his collarbone, and he had a lot of ear piercings. but he was very quiet and he had a sort of melancholic air around him that just made me feel ??? i don’t know, sad for him? he barely spoke to anyone at all (a lot of the other attendants are very chatty, both with coworkers and with guests), but he would bob his head to the music of the ride which i always thought was v cute haha c; it’s been over ten years since i’ve seen this man, but i still remember him so clearly, and i genuinely hope he’s doing well for himself.
i think one of the reasons why he stuck out to me so much was because he was so young compared to the rest of the workers. carnival life has always intrigued me, as it attracts people from all walks of life for various different & personal reasons, and i wondered what this man’s story was. obv it could’ve been as simple as wanting a job that travelled but idk!! he always struck me as being profoundly sad maybe i was projecting on him honest to god who knows
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sysig · 2 months
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The most fun you can have, barring the pain and torture (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Teisel#Max Vyer#Zack Fair#Vlad Masters#Weird fun fact??? The last time I posted Vlad was also in the same set as ZEX so uh????? Lol#I could not have possibly planned that so please just enjoy the serendipity - I certainly am lol#Anyway <3 Mostly leftover doodles for now! There's still more especially planned/in my notes but we're at a lull#And it's time for some silliness! :D Love silliness!#Starting with a very cute tiny ZEX ??ing at slippers - he really didn't wear footwear much - or at least it wasn't mentioned so lol#Max has barefoot energy too it's fine lol#And ZEX only wears shoes in his VUX form sometimes! Surely it's just as unnecessary for humans! Hehe#After I doodled him holding a pencil like half-properly I realized oh yeah - he wouldn't do that unless directed would he haha#Much more natural to curl - or at least as close as possible with fingers - around his writing implement :D#I do wonder what he'd think of human calligraphy brushes hmm - more natural? Less? He'd certainly enjoy watching but when doesn't he <3#Oh I loved him sitting and enjoying the rain ♥ Reminded me of Gaster :D Though this came well-first hehe <3#Just a very pleasant detail - amphibious lad loving precipitation hehe#Another simple one of hanging out with Teisel ugh he kicked his legs in the absence of his tail he's so cute weh ;;♥#Hey Max is actually here for a change!! I want to give him more attention he deserves it - especially with everyone being so mean to him :')#He just wants friends! He's barely here be nice to him while he is! At least Peter was nice to him haha#You only think he's creepy because you think he's fake and ZEX is real - they're both real don't be mean#Max's clinginess is so sad here haha :') Protect him pls <3#I love ZEX's asides with Vlad lol ♪ Man I really haven't drawn him in ages too long!#Okay but the image of ZEX in a nurse costume? Amazing he'd rock it - Max even moreso since he'd understand the context <3#Get this man in a skirt and heels stat he'll look So pretty ♫
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homoeroticvillain · 1 year
i love making a billion aitsf crossovers that will probably only ever exist in my brain
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i finished the event story n. oh my god sorry for the spam but i personally enjoyed it so much 😭😭
#🌙.rambles#[ gbf. ]#grimnir has always been one of my favorites but now. oh my god he's like. really more special to me now#i still have assignments due hfkdasjf chem due in an hour or so 🥹 n then some few stuff n there's smth i really hate to do#i'll make my way through that though ;w;; i feel so much better after reading that#i'm rlly happy oh gosh i really really enjoyed that#grimnir's one of my comfort charas fr he cheers me up so much ehe#i feel like there's. personally for me i wna read more still T_T#n honestly the whole thing was pretty predictable for me but. i still very much enjoyed it. it means a lot to me personally#wait thinking abt grimnir n genuinely his character puts me at so much peace#he's a lil weird/cringe? not that i really think of him that way but hmmm#that said that adds to making him especially more endearing for me#& then he's just so kind n goddamn i admire him so much n#i've always also loved the winds so much.#i mean water is my fav but!! the winds r just so special to me in a way#freedom too. really yeah i really really love freedom n i value it so much#i unfortunately do not have his summon but i have both of his ssrs!#if i remember correctly he was one of the first characters that stood out to me so much. i think.. the valentines card..#he's also just. so so pretty. he's rather androgynous..? idk rlly how to say it but yk he really just looks SO pretty n his voice too hehe#WAIT THERE'S SO MUCH MORE I HAVE TO DO. SCHOOL N UH I WANTED TO FINISH WRITING SEVERAL STUFF TODAY N#OH. OH NO IT'S GETTING LATE IT'S NEARLY 9 PM I HAVE TO WORK NOW BCS THE SCHOOL STUFF R DUE 10 PM#then. then i'll do more stuff after hehe hdkfjaslkfjdk oh my god ><#that said though. oh dear i love grimnir so much 🥹🫶🏼#thinking about his regrets n his mistakes n goddamn i'm really drawn to characters like that huh
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I’m going to be sappy for a moment since I stumbled on old posts and I just have to be sappy okay? It’s my purpose.
It’s interesting to see how I was using tumblr to see other blogs (before I posted) and see their content and make sure they knew I loved them and their work (writings or art or anything) years ago, and how I am now. I post a lot, write a lot, talk to friends a lot, show my support a lot, and use tumblr as my safe space. I talk about my issues or something that crosses my mind (on my main blog and my other blogs), or about what’s happening in my life, and I get to talk to friends! I talk to people happily and actually connect about our interests, and I don’t just stay in the background.
It’s so funny to look back at my old posts and see how I was SOOO excited to get 19 followers and said how I believed my blog was just gonna be a random one no one would follow. I reblogged it YEARS ago (like 2018) and said how I had 300+ then.
Guys. I was that excited and I wrote PARAGRAPHS.
And now I have 1,262. Me in 2018 would’ve been so excited and freaking out about how many I have, and writing even more paragraphs about how thankful I am…so I’m going to. I never expected to ever hit 1k, or anywhere near it. I use tumblr to screech about the things I love and I’m so grateful that out of these 1,262 people, I have found friends and though we don’t know each other irl, it still makes my day when I see your name come up in my notifications. It adds a boost to my day, and I know I’m making someone else’s day better too. I love posting about my interest and learning that someone else likes my opinion and likes my own work, too. And seeing their little add-on’s too! It’s so great! It’s nice to have people to talk to and have them listen and then add on to the things we love. I love being able to show my appreciation even if I’m just another number to another blog.
Anyways, mutuals I love you all and I’m happy you’re following me and I hope you’re happy to follow me as well :)💙.
And even if we aren’t friends/mutuals but you’re part of the 1,262, I love you very much as well and seeing your name pop up makes me happy, and I hope I make you happy, random scroller on my blog.
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