#reading that long-ass read more will clarify a few things
klausinamarink · 3 months
based on this hilarious video with Gianmarco Soresi whom I’ve been watching his comedy work for a few months now
read on ao3
“What do you do?” The standup of the hour - the guy had introduced himself as Eddie - points at Steve.
Flustered at the attention directing every eye in the club to his table, Steve tries not to stammer as he answers, “Well, uh, I make movies.”
“Oh!” Eddie genuinely looks interested. “So you’re a director?”
“Yeah, pretty much. At least I started out as an indie, but I have a big project that’s out and a couple more on the way.” One table nearby claps and Steve tries to wave them off to stop.
“So what was that big project? Was it something we would’ve seen?” Eddie repositions himself so he has one leg up on the stool. Steve stares at how lean they seem with the tight black jeans. He’s got them daddy long legs. His brain suddenly burps out and it nearly makes Steve lose his composure.
“Uh, ha, I did The Final Bat. It’s on Shudder.” Steve shrugs nonchalantly, perfectly hiding his internal cringe. The horror genre is way out of his league and Steve’s already seen The Final Bat being on a few critical lists damning the title as another cliche-filled mess. He only did it because he had finally caved to Dustin’s pleading to make at least one horror movie.
Eddie, on the other hand, seems ecstatic by this revelation. “No way! That’s sick, dude! So the next time you make a horror flick, you’re gonna watch Blumhouse and A24 coming in at each other with steel chairs for distribution rights.”
Everyone laughs, including Robin. She smacks on Steve’s bicep with a wide grin. He smacks her back before he turns back to Eddie and clarifies, “I don’t like horror! I’m not doing it again!”
Aghast, Eddie throws an invisible hat to the ground and stamps on his feet. “Come on! Then what’s the point of watching the studios bite each other’s dicks off when you’re slipping out to watch - I don’t know - the Barbie movie! Now they’re just fighting for the next shitty horror movie to exist!”
Steve covers his mouth but fails to hold back in the laughter. Eddie’s infectious energy is starting to get to him. It makes his chest clench with something other than the usual pains.
Eddie patiently waits for the patrons to quiet down before continuing, still attentive to Steve, “I’m just wondering actually if you ever done theater class.”
“Sure did! Two years in high school,” Steve confirms.
“Let me guess, they did Hamlet?” Eddie raises an eyebrow like it’s meant to be accusatory.
“Yep, soon after I joined.” Steve nods, the memory of that production flashing before his eyes. It had its ups and downs but it was one of the most fun things Steve had ever experienced.
“No wonder they started as soon as your handsome ass walked in the club.” Eddie says low and flirtatiously into the microphone, staring directly into Steve’s eyes. It echoes across the room and back, bringing the howling laughter with it.
Heat crawls behind his face. Steve keeps his hands on the table, forcing down the urge to hide behind them. “I-” He stops to cough, “I wasn’t supposed to play Hamlet.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide, “What do you mean?!”
Robin answers loud enough for everyone to hear, “He was the grave robber, but the other guy who did Hamlet got into a coma a week before the show and Steve knew all the lines.”
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Eddie holds his hands out, looking scandalous. He throws looks around the club. “Everyone, shut the fuck up right now! This is more important than caring about the rest of you!” Eddie drags the stool over and perches on it like a very much invested gargoyle, almost oblivious to the audience’s reaction.
“Okay, let me go through this.” He points at Steve, still holding eye contact as if Steve’s soul would provide the answer. “You weren’t Hamlet. You were meant to be the guy who gives him the skull to monologue. The OG Hamlet got into a coma for some reason-“
“Car accident.” Robin interjects.
“Yeah, no need to elaborate, ma’am. You, Steve-” Eddie breaks off for a second, holding back a laugh of his own. “You somehow knew all the Hamlet lines because you were waiting to skin OG Hamlet’s head and make his skull yours to do the monologue.”
There’s a scandalous outcry from all tables. Even when they mostly calm down, Steve uses the growing anticipation to ‘think’ about what Eddie just said before he casually shrugs and says, “Sounds about right.”
Eddie drops his face into his arm, letting everyone laugh at him. Steve lets himself break, his laughter bubbling out of him in a way that doesn’t sound so self-deprecating or hollow. If he was in a cynical mood, he would’ve thought it was pathetic that the only person who made him laugh so lightly again was some random standup.
After a moment, Eddie finally looks up, his face broken in disbelieving grin. He chuckles into the mic and looks back at Steve, “Sorry, it’s just I hear some wild stories in the crowd some nights and I think yours takes the cake.”
Steve smiles, “Thanks, man.”
Eddie stands up back, half-leaning onto the stool. “Do you still remember those lines? To be or not to be?”
The whole damn thing. “Uh… some of it?”
Eddie’s grin shifts into something more mischievous. “Let’s see who knows more.”
A collective oooh goes around the room, including Robin. She already has her phone out for recording. Steve rolls his eyes at her and takes a quick sip of his water. He clears his throat and starts, “‘To be or not to be, that is the question.’”
“‘Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune..’” Eddie says without missing a beat.
Oh, he thinks he knows it all. The sense of competition that Steve thought had died out with his future of a sports career reignites in his chest. He sits up even straighter. “‘Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.’”
“‘To die-to sleep, no more.’” Eddie slowly walks over to the edge of the stage, “‘And by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.’”
“'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.’” Steve almost shivers as he recites the line, uncertain if it’s from the club’s cooling temperatures or the intense gaze from Eddie’s eyes. “‘To die, to sleep.’”
“‘To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub,’” Eddie suggestively rubs a hand on his chest as he squats down. Steve’s eyes flicker to the hand, almost hypnotized by the motion. Nay, he shakes himself out of it. No distractions!
“‘For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil.’” It’s getting harder to remember the following lines. That hasn’t happened before. Steve has never forgotten the damn soliloquy in years, even when other people try to challenge him.
Eddie continues, “‘Must give us pause—there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely.’”
“‘The pangs-’” Steve feels his breath catching in his throat when he realizes, for the first time, what beautiful eyes Eddie has.
Eddie suddenly perks up in excitement. For a second, Steve thinks that Eddie has come to the exact same thoughts for him. But then he remembers that he hasn’t completed his line, so Steve feigns defeat.
“I win!” Eddie stands up with a triumphant cry. He spreads his arms out to embrace the cheering whoops and applause. “And I’ve only got to play Hamlet in-” He spins around and crouches down so he can look Steve in the eye again as Eddie’s voice booms into the mic, “-FOURTH GRADE, MOTHERFUCKER!” 
Steve’s not even mad. He just throws his head back, laughing and clapping along. 
Almost too soon, Eddie moves on to heckle on another table. But he keeps glancing over at Steve, his smile widening every time. And Steve smiles back, feeling a laugh slip out of his slips at every joke. He watches Eddie more closely, feeling his heart pound faster in his chest the more Eddie stays onstage. 
By the time Eddie has to depart and thank everyone for being here, Robin announces her need to go home and snuggle with her girlfriend. 
“Man, that was the most I’ve ever laughed in this place.” Steve stretches his back, groaning at the little pops. God, being in his early thirties can be a bitch sometimes.
Robin only hums, moving her eyebrows up and down suggestively. Steve pointedly makes no further comment as he pays the tab.
Outside, the crisp night air welcomes him. Steve takes in a whiff, staring up at the light-polluted sky as he bids Robin a goodbye. Then he hears his name being called. He turns around and sees Eddie hurrying out the doors.
Steve feels a smile already on his face, “Hey, Hamlet.” 
Eddie grins at him, teeth and all, “Hey, yourself.” 
They stare at each other but it lacks the competitive intensity earlier. Steve likes this. But he already has a feeling that this won’t be the first time either one of them would challenge the other.
“Sooo…” Steve says when the silence stretches a little too long. He gestures between himself and Eddie, “Wanna restart our introductions?”
Eddie’s eyes brighten, “Yeah! Right, sorry.” He clears his throat and thrusts a hand out. “My name is Eddie Munson. Self-proclaimed comedian and musician. You may recognize me as the guy who beat you in Hamlet’s famous speech.”
Steve takes his hand. Eddie feels bony and thin, but large enough to fit perfectly into Steve’s palm. He tries not to sound so eager as he says, “Steve Harrington. Film director who doesn’t like horror. Believe it or not, I actually know the whole stupid thing.”
Eddie tilts his head, narrowing his eyes, “Really? Like, no offense, but even if you remember that much-”
“‘And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.’” Steve winks with the Harrington Charm, smile and all. 
Eddie stares at him for so long that Steve feels his heart racing for a different reason. And then, Eddie turns around and muffles a loud scream into his free hand. When the man turns back to face him, he’s sporting the widest smile Steve has never seen.
“You knew the whole thing!?” Eddie’s eyes sparkle with utter adoration.
“Yep.” Steve pops the ‘p’, grinning like a little shit.
“But why did you forget that line?”
“Let’s just say,” Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand, intertwining their fingers together, “I got distracted by the pangs of love.”
Eddie bites on his lower lip as he swoons his body over so they are pressing against each other. With half-lidded eyes, Eddie whispers, “You know that part is Hamlet referring to missing his dead dad, right?”
Of course Steve couldn’t help but kiss him.
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yeosgoa · 1 month
10:11 • ғᴇ̀ᴄᴏɴᴅᴇʀ (NSFW)
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♡ assistant!Hongjoong x witch!afab!reader
♡ academia, witch, smut
♡ WC • 3845
♡ Warnings!! (tags) • Sex potion, witchcraft, swearing, kissing, praise, spit/drool, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, edging, overstimulation, handjob, titjob, blowjob, manhandling, fingering, creampie, breeding, lactation, multiple positions, anal, knotting, semi-public sex, mutation, vampirism, reader wears long nails, reader has fangs, reader is implied to be shorter than Hongjoong. (pls lmk if I missed anything.)
♡ A/N: this isn't proofread, will do sometime in the future. féconder means fertilizer/pollinate in French if I'm not mistaken. Any French speakers feel free to correct me.
♡ ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
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 The rain pattered on the window rather heavily. You and your assistant, Hongjoong were in your school’s greenhouse, while you finished up on your latest potions and he read to you.
   “It is the eve of St. George’s Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?” Hongjoong recited, pacing slowly back and forth behind you. The novel ‘Dracula’ is in his right hand while his left hand rests behind his back. His glasses perched right on his sharp pointed nose as he tilted his head to the side continuing. “She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. Finally, she went down on her knees and implored me not to go; at least to wait a day or two before starting. It was all very ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable. However, there was business to be done, and I could allow nothing to interfere with it. I th-”
   “Yes come here, business,” You interrupted right then, beckoning him over. Hongjoong placed a ribbon in between the pages before closing the ages-old novel. He walked over to you until you were side by side, and he looked down at you.
   “Yes, darling?” He raised a brow a bit, watching as you poured a yellowish iridescent liquid into a rather small goblet. “What's this?”
   You handed him the goblet, looking up into his eyes, “it’s supposed to suppress arousal.” You inform, turning back to the pot where you grabbed a bottle to store the rest in.
   “It’s supposed to make me not horny?” He clarifies, looking intently at the potion. You nod in response, “Exactly.”
   “How long is it supposed to take effect?” Hongjoong takes a smell of it, it smells of Gingko Biloba, Red Ginseng, and Yohimbe. There’s also a dollop of a poppy scent in there too. “I’m not sure, we'll just have to see.” You reply, watching the rain pour outside.
   Hongjoong takes a swig, swallowing the potion that felt rather thick in his throat. The taste itself was bitter but sweet. He could get past it.
   “It tastes like…like-” “Anti-horniness?” You turn your head a bit to notice a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Very much.” He answers, smacking his teeth. “What purpose was this for by the way?”
   You paused, thinking about it. Truth be told you actually weren’t sure why, but you could list reasons as to why. “Hmm…” You trailed off. “Maybe for uh… people who struggle to keep it in their pants? I don’t know. People who struggle with sex addiction?” Hongjoong nodded slowly, “I guess that could make sense.”
   There was a comfortable silence passing for a few minutes before Hongjoong felt his slacks tightening. Was this supposed to happen? He believed not, the potion is an arousal suppressant. He opted to keep it to himself, figuring it would go away quickly and that this was just a part of the process.
   However, more minutes passed, and Hongjoong’s breath grew heavy as his slacks suddenly felt twice as small. He let go of his novel and looked down at the floor. “...Y/n?”
   “Yeah?” You kept your eyes on your own spell book, skimming through pages without actually reading them. Your back was faced towards him, bent over the counter. His eyes fell on your ass which your long, tight godet skirt shaped perfectly. His breath hitched, his skin growing hot.
   “I… I don’t think this is a suppressant, Y/n.” He states. His cock is visibly hard, fighting against his slacks.
   “What do you mean, Joong? I-” You turn around to see the view. His cheeks flushed red, visibly sweaty under the layers he wore. His hands gripped the counter, and he gulped. “R-Read that spell again.” He stutters.
   You grab the spellbook, turning back to the page where you followed the steps to create the suppressant. Looking at the header you creased your brows. “Joong, it says aféconder, that’s a suppressant.” You say, feeling bubbling in your stomach. Hongjoong felt his stomach tighten himself, he shook his head. “No… it can’t. Let me see the book.”
   He leaned over and grabbed the book, skimming over the page with a deep sigh. “... oh Y/n…” he closes his eyes, placing the book back down. “Y/n, this is féconder. The ‘a’ was a stain.” Hongjoong pinches the bridge of his nose, turning away from you.
   You felt your mind slap you right across the face, and you rested your head in your hands, propped on your elbows. Your hands ran across your face, and through your hair, as you let out a soft but low groan. “Sorry, Joong,” you whisper, and you feel his hand rake up your back. “There has to be a way to reverse it, right?” he mutters, his voice huskier than usual. 
   “There’s no spells in this book that could reverse it, I believe.” You reply, flipping through the spellbook. “But… but we could try something else…?” You suggest, turning your head to look at him.
   “Like…?” He trailed off, brows creased. You turn to fully face him, and hesitantly you reach for his trousers. “We could do this the natural way…” you whisper, not wanting to make it awkward.
   Despite Hongjoong’s obvious distress, he looks at you with an unsure look. “We’re in public, Y/n,” he says, looking around the greenhouse.
   “But no one’s around, right?” You also look around, the rain had gotten heavier, and the doors to the greenhouse were closed. It was just you, Hongjoong, and the plants, along with the dim lights inside.
   Hongjoong gulped, feeling the knot in his stomach twist more before he nearly whined. “Please help me…”
   You didn’t waste time, he looked miserable. Your hands fumbled with the button and zipper of his trousers, then unclipped his suspenders. Your long, black French almond nails raked against his stomach, making him tense up. Hongjoong looked down at you as you cupped his painfully hard bulge, his eyes then fluttering shut as you rubbed him with your palm to at least soothe him.
   He let out a sensitive whimper. His hand then grabbed your jaw, pulling you up as he swooned down for a kiss, encasing your lips in his. At that moment your hand squeezed at the wet bulge in his underwear, feeling the beads of precum against your palm.
   With your finger hooked onto the waistband of his black underwear, and with one swift motion, you tugged it down to his midthighs. Pulling away from the kiss you cupped your hand under his lips, making him spit all his excess drool into it before taking his leaking, wet cock into said hand.
   Hongjoong whimpered again softly. Hair was already sticking to his sweaty forehead due to how strong the aphrodisiac was. He felt like he could cum untouched, but at the same time, it felt as if everything was holding itself in. The tip was drooling and deep red as if irritated, and as you started to pump his cock into your hand you could feel the veins on his shaft pulsating. You looked up at him, his pretty pink spit-covered lips slightly agape. He breathed like he was making noises, but only small broken whines and deep breaths left him. Certain strokes elicited no noises at all, his chest tightening and making him freeze, breath caught in his throat.
   Your eyes visibly dilated at the sight. He’s so pretty it hurts. You’ve taken note of your long-time friend, who was also your assistant’s beauty before, but you opted to keep the relationship platonic. This… is platonic, right? Having his pretty cock in your hand as he silently begs you to take care of the problem you caused him with your stupid mistake. Your honest but dumb mistake. A part of you was lowkey grateful about your unconsciousness though, because then you wouldn’t be here so close to him, seeing the drool dribble down his chin and eyebrows creasing in pain and pleasure. You could feel heat pool at your core, slick dripping onto your panties.
   “You alright, pretty?” You cooed softly, your free hand cupping his shoulder, your thumb rubbing against the fabric of his dress shirt. He let out a subtle nod, whining like a bitch in heat. The noise made your clit throb, your hole clenching around nothing. “You’re so pretty, Joongie..”
   You picked up the pace, running your thumbpad over his slit every time your hand got to his cockhead. You made sure to let your long nails brush against his full, purple-hued balls, and occasionally you would swoop down to massage them for a few seconds before coming back up and pumping his shaft again. Hongjoong sucked in a breath, biting the inside of his cheek. Your hand that was once on his shoulder went to the back of his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
   Hongjoong slid his tongue into your mouth immediately. You could taste the bitterness from the potion when your tongue slid on his, forcing it into his mouth and running over the roof. Both moaned into each other’s mouths, and you grabbed his jaw, pulling back to spit in his mouth. Hongjoong swallowed it without hesitation, his hands trembling as his grip on the counter tightened.
   Your grip on his cock tightened. Your fingers felt every vein pulsate under your touch, and the shaft twitched. Your thighs shut against each other, and the hot slick gushed out your hole onto your panties, making a wet spot. You could feel a weighed pool, the aphrodisiac now in your system since you kissed Hongjoong.
   Eventually, you let off and unbuttoned your black Lolita-styled dress. Crossing your arms your fingers pinched at the shoulders of your sleeves, pulling them down until your breasts were exposed. Leaving a gentle kiss on his jaw you grazed your fangs down his neck, undoing his button-up and taking it off him. Hongjoong’s skin was covered in sweat, red and hot to the touch. His nipples erect under the caress of your hands, the buds feeling hard enough to hurt without any stimulation.
   Lifting your skirt you kneeled before him, making him lean against the counter for a better angle. You pulled off the rest of the top of your dress, bunching it to your waist as you unclipped your bra as well. Hongjoong’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked down at you.
   “W-What are you doing now?” he stuttered, watching you drool onto your tits. You look up at him and his lost expression, shaking your head. “Helping you, Joongie,” you mutter, rubbing your saliva over the valley of your mounds. Your hands running over your nipples make you moan, your cheeks heating to a pink flush. Hongjoong stutters out incoherent babbles, and his words are caught in his throat when your tits encase his cock between them, your mouth sealing around the cockhead. Hongjoong’s lips formed an ‘o’ shape, drool falling and directly hitting your tits. 
   You start to move, tongue swirling and gliding up and down his slit and tip, the salty, pearly beads of precum leaking into your tastebuds. Your hands hold firmly onto the sides of your boobs, guiding them up and down his shaft as your mouth goes to work on the head. Hongjoong’s shaky hands move from the counter, one raking up to move his wet hair and the other firmly seated on your head.
   “Y/n,” He moans out prettily, petting your hair. Your eyes flutter shut, focused on making him feel good while also trying to relieve him of the rather painful aphrodisiac. You moan softly around his cock, the vibrations of your hum making his balls tighten. Hongjoong whines out a pathetic “mm’ sorry-” before grabbing your head with both hands and shoving his cock down your throat. Your tits drop out of your hands and you choke a bit, taking a deep breath through your nose as he thrusts rather soppily, creaking out little ‘sorry’s and ‘please’s back to back. His voice cracked a couple of times, whimpering out your name. You grab onto his thighs, nails digging into the sides of them.
   Your chokes and gags on his cock echo throughout the greenhouse. The rather humid heat inside makes you yourself sweat as your hair sticks to your forehead and cheeks. You swallow around his cock, his head rubbing against the wet, plush oropharynx. 
   “G- I- gonna- gonna cum Y/n. m’ so close m’ gonna c-cum,” he whines, his thighs tensing up. He unintentionally pulls on your hair, making you whine out as tears sting your eyes. Your teeth nearly bite down on his cock, the slight graze making him stutter his hips.
   ‘F-Fuck do it again-” he whimpers. You suck and graze your teeth again over the veins of his cock, and without warning he spills into your mouth. You pull off, choking. His hands move to his cock, jerking desperately as his cum paints your face and hair. You squirm on your heels, your heels digging into your ass. You open your eyes and watch the last of his cum leak out, and you felt your nipples swell at the sight. Like before Hongjoong now grabbed your jaw, spitting whatever aphrodisiac he had left into your mouth. You swallowed, it was fair game.
   Getting up onto your now aching feet you let your dress pool at them, leaving you in your lace white panties. Both of you breathed heavily, your head against his chest as your arms ran down his biceps. His hands cupped your ass, pulling down your panties as he pressed his knee against your cunt.
   You whimpered, his knee rubbed against your clit before he lifted you up, sitting you down on the metal counter. The heat made you wince, sucking your teeth. 
   Hongjoong gave you no time to adjust, he hooked his arms under your knees and dragged you to the edge, opening your legs up for him. “H-have t’ fuck you,” he muttered, his cock still rock hard despite cumming seconds ago. 
   Your eyes met, irises fully taken up with dilated pupils as if you two were cats. You whimpered, and he spit on his hand, gathering your juices as he slid his hand up and down your slit. He entered a ringed finger into you, the cold silver eliciting a hiss from you. Pulling out he entered a second finger, both his ring and middle fingers curling up inside you. His fingers weren’t all that long but it felt so good. He managed to find spots inside your spongey walls that you hadn’t touched without having to go deep inside you, he was skillful in this as much as he was skillful with his large grand piano that he composed his music with.
   Hongjoong’s cock rubbed against the metal counter, the hot metal sending shivers down his spine as he felt his cock swell.
   When you had enough, you pulled off his fingers, grabbing his waist and pulling him to you. Hongjoong got the memo, slapping his wet cock onto your clit a few times before slowly inserting himself into your hole, making both of you let out loud gasps and whines. Hongjoong was average, about five and a half inches, but you could swear that when he went inside you you felt him grow to at least seven, or eight. His newfound girth stretched you out deliciously, and his manicured, painted nails raked against your thighs. Tears pricked at both your and Hongjoong’s eyes. He sniffled, his nose turning a shade of pink.
   “Fuck,” You whispered, laying against the counter. Your eyes fluttered shut, letting a couple of stray tears fall. Your gummy walls fluttered around him a few times before he started to move. His hands went to your swollen tits, fondling and massaging them. His palms were sweaty and covered in cum, fingers pinching and pulling at your nipples turning the hard buds to an irritated shade of red. 
   With every languid thrust, he hit deep inside you, balls touching the rim of your puckered asshole. The squelching noise of him moving inside you along with the soft claps of his balls against your ass made you feel lightheaded. Your assistant sniffled again above you, hand moving down to your waist as he started picking up the pace of his thrusts.
   Your hands moved to your fluid-covered face, covering your teary eyes as his cockhead hit into your cervix snuggly. You sniffled, opening your eyes to look up at the man above you, rutting into your pussy like a pup in heat.
   “You feel so good,” He sniffles, swallowing down whatever pathetic sound he may produce next. His head is thrown back, then falls forward as a babbling whine leaves his lips. “Wan m-make you feel g-good Y/n.”
   He sucks on the two fingers he used inside you before and rubs them on the rim of your ass before gently pushing inside. You gasp, moaning out loudly as he starts to move them rather languidly compared to his thrusts. The feeling of his cock hitting the right spots inside you quickly and his fingers in your ass going slow made you micro-orgasm, clenching around him as the genuine knot started to build in your tummy. “J-Joong-” You whimpered, before fluttering around his cock as you came, legs tensed up and wrapped around his waist. “Fuck it feels so good,” you sniffle again.
   Pulling his cock and fingers out you quickly sat up, shoving Hongjoong to a nearby discarded chair. You stumble off the counter, holding his shoulders as you open his legs, and hike a leg over his lap. Grabbing his face you stamp your lips against his once more, sinking down onto his cock. Despite just being connected the stretch makes both of you moan into each other's mouths, Hongjoong letting out a guttural, broken cry.
   You started to hump your clit against his pelvis, but that soon turned into bouncing heavily on his cock. The sound of wet slapping skin resonated loudly throughout the greenhouse, along with a now sobbing Hongjoong along with you. The rain attempting to drown out your sounds was almost futile, your head spinning and ears ringing. You didn’t want to stop, and neither did he. He pulled away from the kiss and grabbed your hips, guiding you up and down his shaft at his own pace.
   “Joong!” you cry out, holding the top rail with tears streaming down your flushed cheeks. His hands were firm on your hips, fingers tight enough you were sure it would cause bruising tomorrow. Your ass collided with his thighs harshly, causing red marks to appear on your plush and flushed ass cheeks.
   Lifting you and slightly hurling you over his shoulder, Hongjoong held your thighs, keeping your legs apart as he began pistoning up into you. You moaned at the sensation of being filled, physically feeling your womb protrude out from your stomach.
   Sitting you back down on him you started to bounce again, rather sloppily this time. Your lips formed in a pout as you whined, hums being produced every time his cockhead met your cum filled cervix.
   “D-Don’ wan’ stop,” you murmured, lips pressed against Hongjoong’s sweaty forehead in a sloppy forehead kiss. His black dilated eyes were glued onto you, tears also running down his cheeks. 
   You began grinding in circles, smothering his cock inside you. You both moaned out sweetly, fangs digging into your bottom lip drawing blood. Hongjoong reached upward, grasping your bottom lip with his teeth as he suckled on the blood. His tongue ran over your bottom lip before pulling away, looking up into your eyes. You started to bounce again, feeling your second orgasm impending.
   “all over y-your cock, Joongie,” you babble, your swollen lips blabbering nonsense as you clamp down onto him, the heavy bounces building up again.
   “Cum, please cum,” you whine, holding your orgasm back. “W-wan it all inside me.”
   Hongjoong started thrusting up again, syncing up in time with your bounces. It didn’t take much, as he started to spill inside your cunt once more, taking one of your breasts into his mouth. He suckled, and as you let go, milk flowed freely from your erect nipples. Hongjoong moaned at the sweet taste, lapping it all up.
   You shivered at the sensation, and Hongjoong pulled away with a pop as he flipped you over, bending you over the counter. With a smack to your ass, he entered your pussy from behind, grabbing a hold of your hair. “C-can’t stop-” he sobbed, pounding into you with no sign of slowing down any time soon. “Gonna keep cumming inside your fucking pussy.”
   “Please,” you whined, shutting your eyes. Your leaking tits raked against the metal counter, painting it a transparent white with your milk. Hongjoong’s hands sneaked from behind you, reaching around to grab your tits. Squeezing them, he pulled you up against his chest, his pelvis meeting the sore, red skin of your ass. Nonstop was he cumming again and again back to back. Your womb visibly protruded, sticking out like a sore thumb. He wrapped one arm around your tits, the other snaking down and feeling at your tummy, feeling the way his cock slid up and down inside you. 
   You came again for a third time without warning, legs shaking. Your eyes rolled back to the inside of your head, and a fourth came on when he didn’t stop.
   “O-oh- oh fuck!” Hongjoong cried, stilling inside you. You fell forward, grasping the counter. You felt his cock literally knot inside you. It grew in size and locked in you like a key. Cum filled you to the brim, you felt like you could vomit from how full you were. Hongjoong was shaking behind you, and he fell forward as well, arms caging you. 
   He whimpered softly, sniffling. Heavy pants and sniffles were shared between you as the last of his cum was milked from him. He finally started to soften, and slowly pulled out of you as your minds went back to being levelheaded. His cock departed with a soft, wet pop, and loads of cum pumped out of you in what felt like gallons onto the floor below.
   “Gosh…” He breathed out, taking a deep sigh. Your legs trembled, and you, exhausted, kept yourself laying forward on the counter.
   “S-So full,” You murmured, the last of his cum spilling out before your womb felt relieved again. Your skin cooled down, the aphrodisiac starting to wear off on the both of you.
   Hongjoong gently scooped you up and sat you down into his lap, as you both regained clarity. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, closing his eyes.
   “Thank you,” He murmured softly.
   “I'll be careful next time,” you murmur back, taking deep breaths.
   “Yeah, make sure it's afèconder, not fèconder.”
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your-nanas-house · 10 months
Last time ?
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◇ Pairing: Student!Tom Riddle X Professor!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, handjob, nipple sucking, boobs, Tom Riddle, small age-gap, characters of age.
◇ Summary: Miss Y/l/n promised herself that it was the last time but Tom didn't want the same.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. This is part 2 of the fic "The Beginning". Enjoy (Part 3 here)
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Several weeks had passed of the occurrence of Tom's little plan, things had not changed much, Y/n pretended it had never happened and he continued to think about her...constantly, incessantly and with his hand around his aching member.
The young magician needed more, he needed her and was aware of it, they needed each other. Y/n just had to realize it- she would do it sooner or later.
Another problem that bothered Tom was that he didn't know how he could find another moment like that, where they were alone, undisturbed and in perfect surroundings. The last few times the boy had tried to ask her for help, she had managed to send prefects or fellow household members to help him, thus ruining the young man's plans.
However, the more time passed and the more a positive feeling came over Tom, the wizard was sure that the right moment would come. Indeed, just as he had premeditated, the moment presented itself.
It was the perfect evening, the perfect place and the perfect time, he just had to get rid of the third wheel that was the older Slytherin prefect to be able to present himself in the DADA classroom all alone.
An innocent smile was on his face as he made his way into the room and slowly closed the door to catch Y/n by surprise, who was still arranging things on her desk.
She looked stunning, the pastel green dress she had decided to wear that day brought out her Slytherin spirit, the open buttons allowed a view of her boobs- her perfect boobs.
She had taken off her shoes for some bizarre reason, her hair was no longer combed and perfect as it had been during the previous lesson but was pulled up and secured with her wand, her hands grazed the parchment paper as her eyes y/e/c moved from left to right, she was clearly reading, Tom could tell, especially since she was wearing her reading glasses.
He had been lucky enough to see her wear them only a few times and each time they created some pleasant sensation in his body.
The young wizard, still wearing his uniform, approached her quietly with his usual pace and then wrapped his strong arms around her hips, pressing her like that against his chest as he left hungry kisses on her neck.
Y/n's body stiffened immediately, her gaze moving to the hands that were holding her captive, recognising the long fingers and pale skin almost immediately. "Tom-" she said his name before letting a gasp escape as the boy's hands pushed her onto her desk, before stroking down her arms with his hands to reach hers, holding them in an iron grip.
"Tom! What are you doing?!" the young professor asked him in an alarmed tone, a blush present on her face "I've missed you" was Riddle's reply, who began to move his pelvis slowly against her ass perfectly imprisoned by the skirt of her dress that now hugged every curve, thus giving Tom another reason to jerk himself off later.
Things did not go as planned, in fact they did not continue as per the Slytherin heir's initial plan. As soon as Y/n reached for her wand she managed to free herself from his grasp and finally meet the dark eyes with dilated pupils of his favourite student.
She pointed her wand at him as a warning not daring to open her mouth again, too embarrassed by the situation he had put her in, thighs clenched in arousal and a wet patch that was growing larger and larger on her hidden underwear, even her nipples had reacted by becoming erect and hard, struggling against the soft fabric of her dress that allowed the perfect view.
"We had a pact, the thing that happened in the prefects' bathroom was supposed to be the first and last time" Y/n quickly clarified, backing away a step as Tom approached not at all startled by the wand "don't tell me you didn't think about it constantly, I did, the memories continued to haunt me" the young man revealed as he moved closer and closer, trapping her against the desk "Tom" she warned him again receiving no response, "Tom" she tried again, focusing on keeping him away from her mind and body to avoid giving in another time.
"Don't you want to help a student of yours in need?" the boy joked in an amused tone, an iconic smirk on his face, his head tilted slightly "you're not a student in need" she replayed softly.
Tom could see from the state of his teacher that she was very close to giving in to the human's more animalistic desires and he knew all too well how to break her.
His large hand grasped hers and placed it right on his boner, which was still covered by the trousers of his school uniform. His voice became deeper as he spoke to her again confirming that he was in need of help "I am very much in distress and you are the teacher of reference for my house..don't you want to help me? I don't think the headmaster would be very happy about that..a good teacher like you who doesn't want to help and provide for her students…" Tom whispered the threat in her ear in a voice that could almost be considered sweet.
Y/n knew that if Tom spoke to the headmaster he would be able to charm him with his charisma, she herself had fallen for it more than once.
Even though..She didn't really want to leave this power to her student, with her mind partially clouded by need and the slight threat, she thought that doing it one more time with Tom seemed the best option.
So her hand that was threateningly gripping the wand lowered and with a swift movement Tom's trousers opened on their own, leaving his length free and less painful.
Now that Y/n had a chance to study it better, she could honestly admit that it was definitely beautiful, long, completely straight, its red tip contrasting with his normally pale almost white skin.
The young professor had time to fantasize a little before he decided they had to speed things up. The meeting with the prefects and teachers in charge of the house would be over in less than twenty minutes, and if Tom had stayed longer things might have looked suspicious.
Y/n's hand rested on his chest as his hungry lips attacked her neck, she moved slowly tracing an imaginary path until she reached his cock, she grabbed it pumping it a couple of times, surprised to feel it stiffen even more.
Tom used to remain as composed as possible in every day life but he almost became butter in Y/n's hands for some strange reason.
The boy let out a small moan as the young woman moved her hand to grasp his wand that she had repositioned in his hair.
Tom's hot tongue made its way to her cleavage as a gelatinous liquid coated his cock causing him to jerk from the change of temperature, his pitch black eyes lowered as he watched Y/n's lube stained hand stroke him quickly.
His mouth was slightly open, his eyes half closed but fixed on her, his hips were moving on their own fucking his teacher's hand at a fast speed.
"I've seen the way you look at me in class," Y/n began, quickening her pace and squeezing her hand slightly tighter, the other free hand began to unbutton her own shirt revealing her breasts imprisoned by her black lacy bra.
Tom grunted at the sight, his cock twitched and he had to take a deep breath not to come immediately, wanting that divine sensation that was the journey to orgasm was to last longer.
Y/n couldn't deny that she was surprised by the young boy's abilities, but she certainly wasn't surprised when her tits were released and Tom Riddle's pink lips captured her erect nipple, beginning to suck it like an infant eager for milk.
It was the first time anyone had ever gotten to suck on her nipples or consider them, Y/n had been with a few men before and after becoming a teacher at Hogwarts but no one had ever considered doing so.
It was a strange but definitely pleasurable sensation, his lips pulled at a leisurely pace on her nipple while his warm tongue ran over it as if he was studying its shape, taste, temperature- everything.
The stimulation of her nipples made the hand that was still stroking Tom's length stimulate the tip of his cock with her thumb, it also urged the other to move to play with his balls and little praises continued to come out of Y/n's untouched lips while she helped her student "in need" ride his peak.
It was an intense sensation, Tom could tell for sure, and so could Y/n since all his release had managed to soil her thighs, hands and even the floor.
Before the clock struck the pre-set time for the end of the meeting, Y/n still had time to bring her hand up to her mouth, tasting Tom as she maintained eye contact, breaking the silence after a few minutes.
"Last time" was the last thing he whispered in a stern tone before snapping her fingers and making everything go back to the way it was before, just in time for Albus Dumbledore to enter the classroom after knocking twice.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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Once again, people don’t actually care about black women. Because when it comes down to it, they will do everything in their power to shift the focus onto something else in order to ignore the truth.
“Rap making you uncomfortable doesn’t mean you have to avoid it” are you fucking serious? Black women CAN’T avoid it. We have to deal with misogynoir every single day and then hear about it in the majority of rap music. And then witness black women being beaten and nobody doing a damn thing about it. wtf is this shit. What you see as “just rap music” is the reality of MANY black women.
We are constantly raped, beaten, spat at, called all kinds of slurs, killed, and you want me to NOT be uncomfortable when I hear shitty rap music reinforcing violence against black women? Fuck you and fuck everyone who agrees with you.
EDIT May 29th, 2024:
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• Wasn’t long before some FUCKIN LOSER would reblog this ignoring what I said and instead talking about how all rap music is shit and isn’t art, so let me make this perfectly fucking clear, since nuance isn’t a thing any-fucking-more.
Fuck you too and all the rest of the racist trash you’re with. As a person who writes rap music myself, I criticize rap music because rap music is something I’m very passionate about, besides metal and rock, and I enjoy finding rap artists who aren’t bigoted. I criticize shit because I care and I want to see things change. Not because I think all rap music is trash. Tf??? I also find comfort in listening to rappers who don’t think my entire existence deserves violence, but whatever.
Criticizing a genre is not the same as declaring a whole entire genre trash, and it pisses me off that I always have to clarify shit because y’all just come out of the woodwork salivating at the chance to be racist and ignorant and just all around insufferable.
But if I criticize metal for its history of racism and misogyny (there are, apparently, still so many white supremacists in black/death metal, for example.), oh no, it’s only because of the people in it, not the genre itself. Funny how nuance shows up there but not in rap.
And rap music is, in fact, art. It is poetry like every other genre of music. It’s another way to make music, and every lyric written is a form of poetry. Always has been. To not recognize that is to be blatantly ignorant for the sake of being racist. The point is to not use rap as a way to promote shitty behavior, which bleeds into real life.
If you refuse to read the OTHER FUCKING POSTS (including one I made on my alt blog about how I became alternative) that I had mentioning a few rappers that I actually liked, as well as realize that I said majority rap and not all rap music, and instead decide to take the word nuance and shove it so far up your ass you forget it even exists, then you were already lost and I’m fucking tired. Nowhere did I say all rap music was trash. But I bet you already knew that and just wanted an excuse to be racist and generalize a whole entire genre.
Barkaa (Australian Blak Indigenous Rapper) (I especially love her songs For My Tittas, Blak Matriarchy, and Bow Down)
Cinnamon Babe (Black, Metal and Rap artist) (My favorite songs from her are The Man and Bad Dog)
Raja Kumari (Indian American Rapper) (My favorite songs are NRI, The DON, Goddess, City Slums, etc)
Tkay Maidza (Zimbabwean-Australian Rapper) (Beautiful singer and rapper)
ALT BLACK ERA (Black British Rappers, also teenagers)
Delilah Bon (White British Rapper) (My favorite song from her is WITCH, as well as many other songs like Dead Men Don’t Rape)
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candywife333 · 7 months
Better Have My Money
chubby caretaker reader x CEO jungkook
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"You gold digger, how dare you seduce my grandfather with your feminine wiles? How did you do it with that fat ass? Must've blindfolded my poor grandpa".
I turned around, almost wheezing with laughter still stuck in my lungs, "Hey, don't call me a gold digger dude. That is insulting to me. They say diamonds are a girl's best friend. Why would I settle for something as cheap as gold? And why do you think I seduced your grandpa. I was just his caretaker bro, that's it."
Jungkook bit out, enraged with his eyes blazing, "Then why the hell did he write you in the fucking will you bitch? He left half of his net worth to you"?!!! The dude grabbed the collar of my starch white Ralph Lauren polo, "Do you even comprehend what you have done"?!!
I pushed the dude's hand off , "Dude stop trying to choke me. This is a premium polo, do you know that? I have to return it back to the store next week. You intend on accusing me of things I didn't do and now you want me to have the misfortune of not getting a refund". My eyes got misty as I whimpered out," What type of demon are you? Trying to make the poor poorer I see. You utter rascal".
He looked like steam was coming out of his eyes as he shouted, "How dare you call me a rascal!!! You whorish vixen"!! I thought I would get offended but I was really impressed by his vocabulary. I shook his sleeve, "Dude, do you read historical romance or something? Like the Bridgertons or Outlander. Because your vocabulary is hella impressive. You must've memorized the entire SAT vocabulary list". I waved my hands to silence him. "Forget it. Just listen to me for a second. If you want to get me off this mythical will you speak of, you will have to silence me with either the power of your pocket or the power of the P".
He stared at me quizzically, as though he were confused. I smiled placatingly, "Look, it is very simple. Either you pay me a direct cash deposit of 75 percent of whatever I was promised by your grandfather, or you pay me in sex".
His jaw dropped open, so open that a few cockroaches could fly in if he let them. He seemed to choke on his own spit, coughing till he solemnly sputtered out, "Number one is not on the table. What the hell do you mean by sex"?!!!
I assessed him, with a twitch of one of my eyebrows, "It's an age old profession bro. If I really must explain it", I sat down on a bench and explained , "you must voraciously plunder my depths so to speak". He gulped as he gawked at me with something similar to disgust, "Plunder your depths? You mean that I am supposed to fuck your lardy ass to get rid of you".
I smiled , nodding enthusiastically ," I wouldn't put it in such an uncouth, uncultured manner. To put it in a more sophisticated manner, you must ravage me passionately". He continued to look more confused, so I sighed and clarified with gravity, "To put it more precisely, I want to rattle your snake, la chupa your cabra, or even better, hanky your panky". He gasped in horror, eyes widening as though he had seen a ghost. " But essentially, yes, you must tup me with your very long member for approximately a month". With an astonished face he menacingly bit out, "And how would you know that it is very long you trollop"?
My eyes glinted in the sun as I chirped out sunnily, "Those pants fit you very well Sir, if you must know. And after having consumed enough erotica for years, I can tell you one thing". I winked obnoxiously as I eyed his pants, " My estimation skills never have failed me".
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moodymisty · 1 year
Wow! Congrats on 1k followers!! Your writing is always a delight. 🥰
For your event, may I request Tech x F!reader with the prompt "You really want me?"
Thank you! I hope you have a great day. ❤️
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Awww thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing! and techtechtechtechtechtech
Relationships: Tech/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff and confessions of love
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"So, I have to ask..."
Echo's voice perks up your ears, as sits beside you. His glass is in his hands but he hasn't taken a sip yet, at least that you've noticed.
79's is relatively barren tonight, at least by the normal standards; Though it's still quite loud and packed with enough clones that traversal through the bar is for sure going to end up with you bumping into a few shoulders.
"Did you show Tech some new book or something?" He's not here tonight, having neglected coming out for drinks because of some important worked he wanted to finish, and had insisted you all go on without him. it's not incredibly unusual; This sort of scene isn't his type.
You think on Echo's question for a moment, pursing your lips as you look off in no particular direction trying to recall. Once you do, it's such a brief moment that you don't really think that it would be anything of note.
"Um, I mean I mentioned something not too long ago?" Echo leans back against the seat, an arm over the back behind your head.
"Ok, because he's not shut up about whatever it was for at least a week now. He's been researching it nonstop." That sentence makes you surprised, but also it's impossible to contain a smile at the thought of him doing something like that when you aren't around. It's, endearing. Not too often do you find someone who enjoys you enough that they try to enjoy the things you do. You love watching Tech tinker, to sometimes catch his tongue just barely poking out between his lips, but it makes your heart flutter a bit to know this new tidbit of info.
"Really? I didn't know he cared that much." Crosshair makes an amused noise.
"Cares? He's obsessed." He gets an odd look from you back, and Hunter seeks to clarify what Crosshair won't.
"The two of you really get along well," He says, and you raise your eyebrows. He can't exactly find the best way to put this so for the sake of his brother and for your own sanity, he'll be blunt.
"Look, we don't wanna shove into your business or anything," Hunter rubs the back of his neck. "But Tech really likes you." It's feels more than a little bit intense being underneath the stare of four eyes, especially considering who they are.
"But he's not gonna say it unless you do first."
Were you really so obvious in your attraction that they were all able to notice? You had hoped you were being at least somewhat subtle.
No point in denying it, you guess. They already have it all figured out.
"So, you want me to just go for it then?" You smile and laugh, expecting it to be taken as a joke. But instead, Hunter nods and agrees with you.
"Go sweep him off his feet."
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You're not drunk in the slightest; seeing the outline of the Marauder ahead of you as you walk forward towards it with purpose. It's just that your conversation with the rest of the 99's has pushed you over the edge.
You ended up leaving not long after you'd finished talking, deciding to take the opportunity of Tech being alone. It's not too often you have the chance to do so.
You'll just say how you feel, and damn the consequences. You can't stay in the limbo anymore.
But Tech is just, so hard to read.
You've gotten better at it over time, but sometimes you find yourself wondering. His brothers know him best, and hopefully their encouragement doesn't end with you making an ass of yourself.
You have the codes to unlock the Marauder, bringing down the gangplank so you can head inside. Once you do, it's only takes a quick look to the right to locate Tech, who's situated in the cockpit using Gonky as an extension to his current work table; Which is the control panel. He heard your entrance and looks over, perking up in casual surprise.
"Oh, I thought you all would be out for most of the evening." He says it with curiosity, not disappointment. You notice he's reading one of the books you'd mentioned awhile ago when you step closer, datapad sat aside whatever he's been tinkering with. He must be using it as background noise.
"Yeah, it got a little too rowdy for my liking." He's soldering two wires together, humming and adjusting his goggles with a wiggle of his nose. When he speaks he's still working, not looking as you watch over him from his side.
"I apologize for my brothers if they said or did anything particularly uncouth; Them and large amounts of alcohol are not often the best combination." Speaking from experience? You joke to only yourself. Smiling, you wave off his concerns.
"Nah, they were fine," Your sentence hangs for a bit, leaning to one side as your eyes flick over his hands and arms. "I, wanted to talk to you, actually." That admission gets Tech's interest, naturally.
Gonky takes up a good portion of the free space between the seats, so he ushers the droid away and gives you the room to sit down.
"To me?" He seems both surprised and curious, already trying to figure out what you'd possibly need to talk to him about. It could be any number of things, it's not as if the two of you have ever run out of things to talk about.
"Yeah, I," You lick your lips, finding the words and the confidence to just say them.
Gods he looks so cute right now... You think while seeing his dark brown eyes watch you from behind his goggles.
"Do you want to go out sometime? Just you and me?" He quickly counts his tools as he puts them away back in his storage box, glancing up at you.
"Do you need help with something? I see no need why to specify just you and me if you would just like to go and-"
You get out of your seat and kneel on the edge of Tech's, leaning inward and stealing a kiss from him. He certainly looks surprised the moment you pull away, but it seems to get the point across well enough.
"Oh," He says, adjusting his goggles from where you'd bumped them out of alignment. "You meant in that way." His eyes are wide, flicking around focus on a different part of your face as he thinks.
"I, failed to think this was a possible scenario." In any other situation you might've considered making a joke, but the tone would be ruined if you did so.
"Being a clone isn't a desirable trait apart from a few select scenarios, my brothers are quite overbearing, and the state of the war I-" He cuts himself off, brain thinking a mile a minute. "You really want me?"
You smile and nod, lips just barely dusting over his. You can still feel his breath on your face, before he decides to kiss you this time. His feels more assertive, as if he's quickly gaining the confidence in what he's figured out so far. His body rises from his aggressive slouch and his hands move up your thighs, from where they had laid politely on your knees.
"Do you want me to say?" You say, feeling his hands on your hips.
His brothers won't be back for most of the night anyways. He has plenty of time to figure things out and get all the answers he needs.
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trashcanfills · 2 years
So I just read your hanzo space hcs and I loved the part about hushed conversations between him and genji in Japanese and I'm sorry if this request doesn't make a lot of sense but could I ask for a reader who finds out hanzo likes them because they know Japanese and listen to the arguments between hanzo and genji? Thank you and I'm sorry if this is long or confusing.
Mam/sir no this is not confusing. I like that you elaborated on the scenario u wanted me to write cus boi it helps hehe.
This became a monster of a fic jesus so uhhh more content for you i guess pardon the wait. I might edit this later cus Im not sure if Im happy with it now but eh its been stuck in my inbox for so long with some other requests better release now.
Shimada Hanzo x Reader - Hidden Confessions
Hanzo would likely be crushing on you after spending quite some time with you as friends. It’s hard to tell though because he never really says how he feels out loud, like I doubt you even are aware he considers you as a friend unless you confident/observant as hell or sth happened that both of you had to clarify for the sake of your friendship.
But alright lets say that you both consider each other as friends and you both know that. Cus friends to lovers tropes are gucci hehehehehe.
Ok so you def have to be crushing on Hanzo at this point, which I dont blame you for btw like look at the man. There’s a reason for the loads of fanart around him.
Unfortunately as we all know with the fucking friends to lovers trope drama, you cant just admit you like Hanzo that way, cus what if he doesnt sees you that way and it ruins your friendship and makes everything btw u??? Uh yea better safe than sorry bitches. Just keep it down and appreciate that you get to hang out with the angsty ass archer anyway.
Except…some kinda weird things have been going on with Hanzo and Genji? You think you see Genji talking to Hanzo in hushed whispers abt something that, based on Hanzo’s flushed and irritated expression, Hanzo clearly doesnt want to talk abt. It HAS piqued you interest when it tends to occur more often whenever you see the Shimada bros tgt. Asking Hanzo about it however just has him to dismiss it and change the subject. Rip.
Later on those hushed conversations do end up occurring in front of you and other overwatch members, in Japanese, since not many people do really know the language and the conversation was prob meant to be abt sth private and secretive.
Except, you do know Japanese. You didn’t exactly inform Hanzo or Genji of it because it seemed really entertaining to have them have these supposedly private Japanese conversations OUT LOUD without realising there were people who understood what they were saying. I mean, if it was a really sensitive thing they should be speaking behind closed doors right? Like cmon lol.
Usually, whenever the Shimada brothers talk to each other in Japanese, they would exchange some form of wit or ridiculous reference to their past (like that time Genji tried to cajole Hanzo into joining the DDR contest during one of the weekly game night sessions, until Hanzo said he still has pictures of Genji’s 16th Birthday Party Incident in Japanese. Ngl you were a lil curious what the incident was, but its likely some form of embarrassing blackmail).
However THIS TIME, it was completely different. You were chilling with a few other overwatch members plus Hanzo and Genji in the recreation room. Cue your surprise when Genji decided to ask Hanzo in Japanese:
“Sooooo…have you confessed your feelings yet, brother?”
Im sorry HANZO?? HAS FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE????? Thank god they weren’t really focusing on you that much otherwise they would have noticed your body tense a little at that. You don’t know exactly how to feel about this because this can either spell sth great or very bad for you, but most likely bad because what are the chances…right?
Hanzo predictably flushes a little, scowling even harder. If you didn’t know any better you would probably have thought that the archer was pissed at Genji about something instead of being embarrassed (tho i mean when has hanzo never been annoyed at genji lol)
At Hanzo’s expression, Genji sighed out loud. “You do realise you can’t stew on your feelings forever-“
“I can if I want to and that is my decision to make, not yours.” Hanzo hissed back. Genji, unbothered by the interruption, continued:
“-and you have been pining for them for like almost a year.”
Hanzo scoffed. Genji kept going. “I mean they are literally just RIGHT THERE. You can ask them out on like a freaking date-“
“-and risk the potential embarrassment and fallout of our current platonic relationship?”
“Look, I doubt y/n would be the kind of person to-“ Sorry, hold the phone. Did Genji say YOUR NAME?? DOES HANZO ACTUALLY LIKE YOU BACK??? HOLY SHEET???? It was literally taking all of your concentration to not combust on the spot and give away the fact you could understand what they were saying in Japanese because HOLY FUCK HANZO RETURNS YOUR FEELINGS??
Ok ok calm down and listen back to the conversation because you were zoning out a bit from the revelation that Hanzo has a crush on you. Genji was still talking.
“-and you can’t be sure that they aren’t interested in you. Heck, from what I see, they seem very receptive to your boneheaded ass-“
“Being friendly and polite in a platonic relationship is no grounds for speculating romantic interest, you idiot. It’s only a common courtesy-“
“-dude do you NOT notice how much closer they are to you compared to anyone else here-“
“-and that means nothing, Genji. Cease this conversation.”
“No. I do not wish to discuss this any further. Regardless of what you say, I severely doubt they would even like me that way.”
“Even then, just TRY. That is all I am asking of you, Hanzo. Because I want you to be happy for once-”
“You know, you guys could just asked me yourself right now if that’s what you are worried about.” You chimed in. “And speaking of which, I do actually like you too, Hanzo, and uhhh I would be totally open for a date anytime?”
Their reactions were priceless. The moment you spoke up in Japanese had the two Shimada brother halt their conversation to look at you in shock. Hanzo in particular had a myriad of expressions too entertaining to watch.
Hanzo practically went through an entire rollercoaster of emotions when you interrupted. Shock at you speaking Japanese, horror when he realised you spoke Japanese and understood it which meant you were able to listen through their conversation this entire time, until he processed the part on you liking him back which turned into a mix of joy, relief, embarrassment…yea rip Hanzo lol.
Genji meanwhile was trying so hard not to laugh because holy sheet your timing was excellent.
He had to shake Hanzo a bit to get him out of a daze, and gestured at him to ask you out. Hanzo gets his wits back after, glares at Genji because he’s such a lil shit. He then glanced at you briefly before looking away all flustered. “So uhhh…I’ll pick you for dinner at 7pm later?”
You gave him you biggest smile and agreed. That was the start of your beautiful romance with Hanzo, albeit with a mildly embarrassing start but hey, you guys got together since then. :3
BONUS: during the date
“I wasn’t aware that you knew Japanese.”
“You didn’t exactly ask me.”
“…Fair point but still.”
BONUS BONUS: immediately after Hanzo asks you out
“Holy fuck finally!”
“I-Cassidy WHAT?”
“Look. I had to sit through y/n telling me that they are crushing on Hanzo, and listen to them whine about how unfairly hot and cool Hanzo is. I couldn’t do anything about it because I had to keep it secret.”
“Genji, why are you saying mood? I didn’t tell you about my crush on your brother-“
“I had to sit through Hanzo waxing poetry about you whenever he gets in this weird mood or when he gets drunk during our drinking sessions. It was funny at first but then got sad after a while when he kept making himself depressed over the idea you didn’t see him the same way.”
“You did NOT have to reveal that information-“
“You were the one who chose to confide in me, brother.”
“Hmph, then I suppose you won’t mind me showing y/n my collection of blackmail material of you, then.”
“Woah woah woah let’s not go THAT far-“
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yuikomorii · 1 year
I think it’s reasonable why some Ayato stans can’t stand Yui given that she doesn’t always treat him in the fairest way either. I’m not condoning how he acted in haunted dark bridal, they were pretty much all assholes and Yui really deserved much better than that but what bothers me is the way she started being written strictly in his routes after the first game.
Before developing my point of view, I want to mention that I did read all his routes and I will intelligibly write down why I don’t have the most positive opinion about Yui there. In more blood, she notices something changed about him. The whole route was about her crying for his love despite the fact that she did nothing other than give him blood. She knew he was struggling, but instead of trying to understand and comfort him, she only cared about her own feelings being reciprocated. There can’t be love when there’s no communication and the fence scene only proved that what she felt for him was mere obsession. He said it in an unserious way but she literally was on the verge of falling down and Ayato was shocked as she did that too. The only reason why I think he expressed his feelings after is cuz he was too afraid of how crazy about him she was to the point that she’d rather end it all than not get his love. I gotta admit that she redeemed herself in the vampire ending, I felt love there but route based she wasn’t shining.
He is seen sacrificing himself for her a lot of times, getting attacked by the wolves, jumping in flames for her, saving her from a bomb explosion, studying for her, getting into university for her, wanting to buy a house just for her, defending her from everyone that says anything negative about her wether that’s a random person or any of his brothers, mother or father.
Then we have Yui that does nothing for him in return. I better not hear ‘She is kind and cooks for him!’ because that doesn’t even come close to all the things he did for her well-being. Don’t get me started on how she tries making him face his abuser in Dark Fate and never defends him when he’s being slandered in front of others, even when they are in the wrong and harming her man. I saw some potential in her in lost eden but I took it back after she started taking such stupid decisions that only made Ayato feel even more guilty and sad rather than actually helping him. I can say the same about chaos lineage. She let his brothers make him feel like trash again, despite feeling bad for him in her thoughts, and only went to comfort him when he was starting to get depressed. Personally I would much rather prefer someone taking my side in front of others than putting honey around me in private. I swear this girl always talks but decides being quiet when she has to use her voice the most *face palm*
That is so ironic because she always expects him to save her ass and protect her all the time when she gets into troubles. At this point you should take a shot everytime Yui says ‘I know Ayato will save me. I know Ayato will protect me.’
Their relationship is not equal and will never be. You guys just like throwing the word ‘healthy’ only when the man loves the woman more but when it’s the other way around, then it’s seen as ‘toxic’.
I do think Yui is worthy of love but she’d fit better with someone that wouldn’t go to great lengths for her 24/7. Ayato is way too passionate and honestly he deserves someone more supportive and useful than her.
// Wow, that was long.
I've discussed this question with several of my friends, and while I generally agree with part of what you said, there are a few points I'd want to clarify.
Yui's actions in MB were essential to the plot of the route. When falling in love for the first time, I think a lot of teenage girls would behave similarly to her . She also acknowledged being selfish in the second last chapter, and it showed character growth when she came to terms with it and began to accept Ayato for who he is, flaws and all. I get that it's not particularly enjoyable to witness someone cry for almost the entire route, but she learnt something valuable from it, therefore I no longer see a problem. It was also confirmed in a book that Ayato was in love with her from the start. He was just confused and didn’t know how to properly explain his feelings due to the curse and trauma, therefore it’s not like he started dating her out of pity or anything like that. I developed this better here, feel free to read it if you want.
I would never consider her a bad girlfriend though. Even if she occasionally doesn't take everything as seriously as she’s supposed to, I believe she is doing her best. Yui isn't the type of person to take advantage of someone else's selflessness, and I have no doubt that she is very grateful of everything Ayato does for her.
Ayato is a bit more involved in the relationship but I don’t think he minds that…? I assume Yui's happiness is enough for him because he never complained about that matter. She still gives him blood, shows him affection and makes him laugh, even when it's not her aim to do so. It’s probably not the best comparison, since he’s putting his life in danger for her, but it’s still something.
Regarding the —not defending— part, I have witnessed several fans express the same displeasure, although I can't recall the specific situations they were referring to. Anyway, yeah, I kinda agree with that because everyone is capable of defending their S/O, so I'm not sure why they nerfed Yui on that.
It could also be the fact that Ayato is always shown as being really strong, therefore Yui probably doesn’t think he is THAT affected by those words. We don’t even know if she is very aware of how his brothers and family treated him in the past. For the players or readers, it makes sense why he gets insecure and feels threatened by their words or lashes out at them, but for someone who is unaware of the truth, it's a different story entirely.
On top of that, Ayato is the main hero. The heroine can shine in other routes but the main hero is the one who needs to show in his own one why he was chosen for the main hero position.
I wouldn’t say she’s not useful or supportive enough, she’s just softer in his routes, which I believe makes more sense to her character. Compared to other routes, she has it quite easy in his ones (except for the bad endings where they’re either both problematic or have to suffer), so I can see why Yui is more bubbly and carefree there. Besides, they both seem to be into the traditional relationship roles.
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hom3land3r · 1 month
Alright, listen.
I like to have a chill and relaxed vibe when writing. I want it to be fun for both myself and those I write with, otherwise what's the point? I'm by no means a strict roleplayer. I give most folk a shot, whether they want to interact with a canon or OC. Hell, I even encourage any and all - roleplayer or not - to interact with Homie. I love it (he will never admit that he loves the attention as well but we all know that's obvious).
I've had this account for over a year now and have been fortunate to get a pleasant experience 98% of the time. I can't complain, in all honesty. But... and there is a but coming (sadly not Homie's this time round)
I just want to clarify a few things for those that are new to writing with me or come across this blog and are interested in writing. These are a mixture of my preferences as well as what I figure is just common sense, but I'll list them anyways.
Reply speeds: I feel this is pretty much self explanatory. I work as well as enjoy doing other things besides writing. This will mean that I'm not always quick to reply. Just as I never hold a grudge against anyone I write with taking their sweet ass time, I kindly ask that you give me the same courtesy. Sometimes I sit down to get replies done and get distracted or fall asleep (those that know me can attest to this). But the way I work is that I prepare replies and queue them to post throughout the week. So if you haven't had a response, chances are that it's in transit and will be with you in 3-5 working days. I got you, alright? Also, there will be times when I'm online reblogging and not replying to things, or answering asks instead. And sometimes I only interact with the same person while online. Please don't take any of it personally. I reply when I want to and have the energy to. I will also prioritize replies for those that I've been writing with for a long time. I appreciate your patience, however if you grow impatient on waiting, I get it. I always say right off the bat that I'm not the quickest in replying. So, you are warned beforehand.
No outside interactions on closed threads: Now, again I feel this is common sense. But, I would like to kindly ask if Homie is part of a thread that is clearly either with one other person or a group, please do not reblog and interact. I'm fine with comments if you're enjoying reading the thread and want to show some love, but don't reblog joining in without asking. I'm perfectly fine with group threads (threads involving 3 or more), but the people who are to interact will be mentioned. If outsiders reblog and attempt interaction who are not part of the thread, it will be ignored. Continuous attempts will get you blocked.
Godmodding: I cannot stress enough how annoying this is. I don't even godmod with Homie, so I don't expect your character to either. Canon or OC. If you attempt to godmod, your interactions will be ignored. It's no fun for anyone if you aren't playing along. Saying that Homie is unable to cause any harm to your character is just pointless. Like, okay, so what now? You want Homie to sit and have tea with your character? Braid each other's hair? C'mon now.
Silly/Gross asks: Look, there's tons I can put up with and have patience for. I know who I'm writing here. It takes a lot to disgust me. Asks are fun, I really enjoy them. But if your ask is just straight up stupid or clearly some fettish you're trying to push on me/Homie, it's going to just get deleted. Repeatedly sending them won't get you a reply, but more than likely a block. So, proceed with caution.
Fuck, this went on wayyyy too long. I can't think of anything else to add at the moment, but I'll be updating this if that changes. Apologies if this seems like I'm on my high horse with this, but considering I haven't actually physically set out any rules for the entire time this blog has existed, I thought it was well overdue.
Nagging over, you'll all be pleased to read. And if you have read this far, here. Have a treat.
~ Mun 💙🇺🇸
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neoyi · 1 year
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Just came from theaters. Thoughts (spoiler heavy) under the "Keep Reading."
I pretty much expected the narrative to be the safest, straightest Point A-to-Point B plot. Being a ninety minute film (which my bladder thanks, because I can't watch movies past the two hour mark in theaters without rushing to the restroom nowadays), it never stays in one place or dilemma for long; this film is snappy. Everybody takes things at face value amazingly quick and advance the plot with little struggle. It's kind of odd, because normally this would bother me WAY more since the emotional impact of the protagonist's personal arc should have that gravitate (this film needed maybe like, an extra ten minutes), but I think having a paper thin plot that runs entirely in speedrun mode probably saved it more than killed. It is right to the point, says what it needs to, establishes and answers, and then moves on. I think having a laser focus goal (Mario and Luigi ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach needs to save it from Bowser, they go kick his ass) means all the little scenes that we do are crucial to the overall movie instead of pointless meandering. The action-y part of the film get to linger the most, which are spectacular to see, though I would have sacrificed a few minutes of it for some introspection. I guess I shouldn't have expected much from an Illumination film, let alone Nintendo's default flagship. When you have a brand as big as Mario (he's pretty much gaming's Mickey Mouse, after all), it makes sense this movie is just... the most Okay Thing Ever. At the very least, it does mean the movie didn't get gross out humors or Mario spouting dated catchphrases, though the pop songs playing in the background DO stick out by contrast, even if it's another thing I'd expect from a mainstream western animated movie.
Probably the biggest jaw drop is not the isekai route (I'm 36, I grew up with American Nintendo lore where Mario and Luigi were originally from Brooklyn and I'm still grateful the movie paid tribute to it because damn it, I find that aspect of Mario Lore interesting, non-canonical my ass!) , but that they have... parents. Nay, a FAMILY. Mario and Luigi have always BEEN Mario and Luigi. We see their parents from the knee down and cloaked in shadows in Yoshi's Island, but that was literally a couple of screens post-credit; we never see their faces or catch their names or anything. Even the 1993 Mario movie only had Mario and Luigi - their parents were non-essentials. Imagine my shock to see they have A Mom and Dad. What the fuck? And not just parents, they have a whole extended family living under one roof (like any true Italians, of course.) I wanna know who these other folks are. Uncles? Cousins? There's a baby there. Mario and Luigi's cousin? Is the old guy their grandpa??? Help, I don't know what to do with this information. How do I take in Mario and Luigi having an actual family?
Pauline has a brief speaking role and it looks like she's in an important position. I'm guessing she's NYC's mayor. Does she know Mario in this continuity?
I see you there, Charles Martinet, voicing a character who looks like Mario, but it isn't Mario. ;D
Speaking of family, holy SHIT, this movie also clarified whether Donkey Kong was Cranky's son or grandson. It's the first! Granted, this might be true for THIS film only, but it's nice to hear someone lay out their relationship out loud!
It is absolutely to no one's surprise that the stand-out role is Jack Black's Bowser. Every scene he's in, he nails. He delivers with so much gusto and enthusiasm - this man clearly loved playing this guy. Dude gets a piano solo in the middle of the film (a love song to his beloved Peach, of course) because Christ, man, if you're gonna use Jack Black, then you gotta use every part of that buffalo!
I've already accepted that Peach is just the oddball humanoid out in the Marioverse long before canon established Mario and Luigi as Mushroom Kingdom originators, too. But the movie does something interesting and goes out of their way to explain why she's the only human in a sea of Toads. I imagine this could be potential material for the sequel. Like Mario, it's also hinted she, too is from Earth, before accidentally wandering into the Mushroom Kingdom as a baby. I have so many questions how this kid walked into a pipe located in a very obscure part of the NYC sewers (maybe her parents were very neglectful plumbers) and even more questions on her upbringing So, the Toads decided to just one take her in, raise her, train her, and then... crown her as their princess? This brings up the question on whether the Mushroom Kingdom started as a monarchy because of her or if they were filling in a vacant seat that they felt only she was worthy. It's such a weird, eccentric thing for the Toads to just DO, especially without a feasible explanation, but also, I feel like this is something these mushroom idiots would kind of do. I mean, have you seen them? They're hopeless.
I would have been fine if Mario learned all his acrobatic parkour skills in the training montage alone, but I actually love that he's always been acrobatic just from dodging Brooklyn's many, many, maaaaany obstacles. Is it silly? Yeah, it is, but ya know what, people do parkour in real life every day, so why not?
Mario and Luigi taking off their gloves to reveal their... hands, is weirdly off-putting to me. Like these are just CGi cartoon hands, but they have like nails and creases and stuff. And it sticks out so badly that all I wanted was for them to put the gloves back ON. Which is funny to me because official Mario renders do this all the time. Like look at a recent 3D model of Mario and see the visible strewn of hairs sticking out from his hat. I don't know why the hands don't work for me. Maybe I'm just so used to them wearing gloves 24/7. Kind of like Mario's nipples.
I suspected Luigi wasn't going to do much from the trailers I've seen, and that proved correct in the final film. He does get to use the super star with Mario to beat Bowser, but I feel it went a bit unearned. Look, if there's a choice between Peach getting kidnapped or Luigi, than I'd rather it be the latter. Peach here is leagues better than what she's originally stuck with, and it really was for the better. I just kind of wished Luigi had maybe a moment prior to the final fight where he, I don't know, gain some courage, and try to free himself and all the other prisoners. I mean, the film already squeezed in Donkey Kong's daddy issues for all the five minutes it had, I don't see why they couldn't do the same for Luigi. I feel then his team-up with Mario (which isn't thoroughly unjustified - they are the Mario Bros) would have felt like a gradual step forward with his character. Ahh well, maybe in the sequel. Which probably will happen. It'll be good news for Yoshi fans if it does, if the post-credit tease is anything to go by.
tl;dr: This is a very safe movie, though I expected it as much. It's like, there are all-age films designed for their target audience, but thoroughly enjoyable for older folks, too. And then there are kid's movie which are... just for kids. This movie is the latter. It's either that or designed for longtime/dedicated Mario fans, which I am also the latter.
I'm not entirely sure if I would consider it a fun movie, but it's not bad. Shallow, but not bad. I have no genuine grievance or high praises for it. But I enjoyed my time regardless and didn't feel like it was a waste. And hey, that's fine with me.
I will absolutely be getting this on bluray, are you kidding me? (Funny little ancedote: A kid sitting next to me in theaters was thoroughly disappointed with the movie. Like straight up groaning, because Bowser did not win. It put a smile on my face. You're gonna conquer the world, kid!)
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canmom · 1 year
the big thing in large language models at the moment seems to be a technique called "chain of thought prompting". this is where you ask the AI to solve a problem and tell it to "think step by step" or something like that.
(as an aside, it is so fucking weird to me that we can suddenly give computers instructions in natural language. not even a constrained subset of natural language like Inform 7, you just write instructions like you would to a human. that's fucked up.)
with this method, the models are able to solve problems that they couldn't otherwise (instead of just cheerfully bullshitting an answer). of course "solve problems" should be clarified, they can produce a sequence of words that a human can recognise as a solution to a problem. this chain of words really is a chain in that if the AI makes a mistake early on, it propagates forwards, and if the mistake is fixed and the chain regenerated, it corrects the 'reasoning'.
what really gets me about this is... that's also how I think. when I try to explain a problem, or write down my process, that helps me get to answers that i couldn't, and think about things more clearly than if I just let it sit in my head. all the long-ass essays I write on this website - this one included - are essentially a means of doing that.
language is a technology. not just for communication, though it is that, but for thinking as well. having something formulated in words (or equations on a page) is a scaffolding to store more information than short term memory can hold, and reformulate it in different ways. writing a draft and editing it. this is why students are prompted to 'show their working' in subjects like maths, it's trying to introduce them to a technique which can be extended.
is something analogous happening for AI language models? a common objection to the idea that AI can 'reason' is that it's just generating the most likely next word according to its corpus. having been fed various examples where humans reason step by step, it generates something that looks similar. the objection to this objection would be to claim, in the process of boiling down the corpus into neural network weights, it has managed to capture something analogous to the structure of 'reasoning' performed by humans. is this actually true?
'generating the most likely next word' could be rephrased as 'generating a "good" sequence of words', based on the training examples. older predictive text models were trained to try to guess what the human would type next, and repeatedly taking the prediction would rapidly become nonsense bc it only keeps track of the last few words. but now they're trying to train much more complex AIs to generate original strings of words that interpolate/extrapolate the patterns in the corpus.
the thing I'm stuck on now is how alike/unalike is that to how humans think?
introspectively, thoughts appear in my head as a sequence of words, the so called 'stream of consciousness'. when i was a kid i would apparently move my mouth while reading as if mouthing the words, but i stopped doing this when someone pointed it out; nevertheless I tend to think 'verbally'. I don't know if everyone does this. but my brain generates sentences, somehow, which come to my conscious mind a word at a time.
so just like 'AI learns just like human artists', you could make the argument that I trained my inner neural network on a corpus - words spoken around me, books (lots of them), etc etc., to learn to generate strings of words that follow the patterns in that corpus, generating attempts at it, and being told whether they were good or bad. there is at least a superficial structural similarity in how that process played out.
i have no memories of how I learned language as a kid (beyond that i was good at spelling lmao), but to try to learn a second language today, two of the most effective tools are spaced repetition systems and immersion. the former involves exposing my brain to repeated queries that test if it's internalised some item or pattern, and then telling it 'right' or 'wrong'. the latter involves piling on as much stimuli as possible until it can start to discern patterns. (of course this isn't the whole story, reading verbal explanations of grammar points or creating mnemonics can help shortcut the process considerably by laying the necessary structure.)
eventually, I might reach a level of fluency where I could 'think in Japanese' - have an inner monologue entirely in Japanese instead of coming up with concepts in English and then mapping them to a Japanese equivalent. the first inklings of that are coming in set phrases like ただいま or (yes, sigh) 仕方がない which come unbidden into my head, acting as loanwords. (i expect the process would come a lot faster if I was in a context where people mostly spoke Japanese.)
that side of learning at least seems pretty similar to the training process used a large language model, right? you display a prompt, generate an answer, and then the brain 'updates' based on whether you're right or wrong.
on the other hand, one of the most effective ways that I have for learning something is to pursue a project that demands that I learn something new. the last few months, I've taught myself C#, Unity's DOTS, shaders etc. to a pretty decent level. this couldn't have happened if I wasn't trying to make a game that led me to constantly have to ask 'how can I do..., what is the best way to...' and experiment. though that gets into the murky question of motivation, desire etc, which isn't a factor at all in these non-agentic AI systems.
but to do this sort of thing I've got certain meta techniques. breaking down a problem into smaller chunks, creating smaller test cases, writing out what I'm trying to do and what the possible approaches are. you can see it in action in all those devlog posts for THRUST//DOLL, which are in effect a slightly cleaned up record of how I go about solving each problem that comes up while programming a game.
this is a sort of 'agentic' form of learning. I have a goal and I look up information (e.g. documentation, blog posts) that will help me achieve it. being able to do this is absolutely vital for humans now - the so-called 'extended cognition'. being good at looking things up might be better that just knowing a lot.
if you ask a GPTx AI to generate a plan, it isn't actually going to attempt to carry it out. but people have already started wiring together components so that the AI generates a string that says 'I will do this' and then another program generates an API call to match and feeds it back into the AI, e.g. looking up a piece of information it needs. I've also seen talk of using AI as a kind of 'glue' that creates effectively a universal natural language API between programs.
right now the AI's 'goal' is just to generate a good response to whatever the prompt is, according to the rewards applied during training (rewards in the sense of, increasing/ decreasing weights to encourage/discourage certain patterns).
but if it can generate a string of text that accurately encodes a chain of reasoning (as discernible by a human) and reliably figures out a way to an appropriate answer to a query posed... that seems to suggest that something closely analogous to 'reasoning' is happening in the computation that it's performing right? (unless it's regurgitating a specific chain of thought to a matching prompt that happened to be in the corpus... but a lot of these seem to be 'few-shot' or 'no-shot' tunings.)
what's wild is that this behaviour can be prompted just by writing 'think step by step'. like it's almost more a feature of human languages that the AI has gained access to. a behaviour that was latent in the trained model but had to be activated with the right prompt.
if programming felt like magic before... then giving commands to a black box AI where it's all based on trial and error discovery of what sentence evokes what behaviour seems even more so.
anyway idk. i have generally been pretty sceptical about AI claims but these last few months have really challenged that feeling, which puts me at variance to my friends whose general attitude is like lol techbros. I don't actually think The Singularity(TM) is upon us, but it is true that AI programs have suddenly blown past a lot of what had been hard limits, and making proclamations about what AI can't do seems like a great way to be laughably wrong. (they just solved hands!). a lot of things that were very difficult, like passing law exams, can suddenly be automated (allegedly). we've already seen Clarkesworld have to shut their doors to the flood of crappy AI generated submissions. I'm sure people will be eagerly trying to find ways to get AIs to act in an 'agentic' way, and close the feedback loop. what seems likely is a flood of janky AIs running wild on the internet at some point pretty soon. they don't have to be good, just cheaper than the human equivalent and sort of functional. whether the tendency to hallucinate will make it so the AIs just kind of implode before long if running in this mode... I guess we'll see. the 'danger' right now generally seems to be less a single AI doing a 'hard takeoff' and more that just about anyone can spin up an AI, and that means all sorts of assumptions of scarcity and bandwidth built into all our infrastructure will get invalidated. more effective spam, less novelty when there's 100 things generated with the same AI for every one from a uniquely 'trained' human.
idk, maybe I'm just buying the hype in a hypeful moment. there's plenty of reasons to be sceptical, 'AI will take over' has been a fantastic grift that's been shilled for decades, the people who are going most wild about this are often the same cunts who bought into obvious-scam NFTs last year, and it's obviously very easy to vaguely say 'this changes everything' and concoct some wild scifi scenario. alongside the genuine advances there will be a whole lot of bullshit, and it's very much in AI companies' interest to make out that their product is scarily powerful and maybe on the verge of becoming God, or at least as socially impactful as the internet.
but this feels like the low end of a logistic curve of capability, and while I'm sure it will taper off sooner or later, I have no idea what the other end looks like, how many 'low hanging fruit' have just come into reach of our ladder, and what the practical use for this tech will be once the hype bubble pops.
personally... i still haven't used an AI chatbot and AI image generators feel distasteful. I just write these long posts, which I'm sure Roko's Basilisk will read back mockingly to my simulated clone while saying 'how could you be such a dweeb' as it dissolves my toes in virtual acid.
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
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Renaissance Masterlist
Words: 943
Summary: A marriage façade leads to a destination honeymoon in Florence, Italy. Vacationing in the Tuscan hills shows Feyre there's more to Rhys than meets the eye—maybe even a man she could come to love.
Chapter I: Forming a Façade
“You are so screwed.”
“He wouldn’t shut up about it, Mor!” Rhys moaned.
“You couldn’t have said you had a long-distance girlfriend or something? You told your father you eloped?”
Feyre stifled her snicker as his head thumped against the wood. As annoying as Rhys was, she felt bad for him. Cool, composed, Rhysand Stern was so sick of his father trying to match him with some socialite, he blurted the first lie he could think of to escape the conversation. Apparently it was better to be grilled about eloping than let his ass of a father pair him off.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Feyre. I was half-tempted to give him your name.”
She scowled, but wisely kept quiet. Before she was fully brought into the fold she had been Mor’s college friend, later the recipient of a glowing endorsement from a wealthy benefactor her best friend happened to be loosely related to. He then put his money where his mouth was. Honestly, one internet search and his mother would likely believe her son fell for the young upstart he only meant to help along from a business standpoint.
“Now there’s an idea.”
She snapped her eyes to Mor’s. “No.”
“So what if you two go buy a pretty ring, play the happy couple, and then get “divorced” in a few months.”
“I don’t give a shit about my father, but I won’t lie to my mother again. I’m going to call her and explain—” His phone pinged. After taking a few seconds to read the message, he let out a heavy sigh, running a hand over his face. “Speak of the devil. My wife and I are to meet her for lunch on Saturday before promptly leaving for a surprise honeymoon destination. Back just in time for the charity event.”
Mor wiggled her brows. “You are not roping me into this, Morrigan. You or your fool of a cousin.”
“Uh oh,” she heard as the front door slammed shut. “What did Rhysie do this time to get you wound up, Feyre darling?”
She and Rhys both shot a glare at Cassian, leaving Az to put away the evening’s groceries as the former brought Feyre into a bear hug. “He was going on and on,” Rhys groaned.
“He told his father he had eloped last week when he tried to play matchmaker on their call,” she clarified. “Now Mor is proposing to me for him. The answer is N-O, my friend.”
“Even if I told you that destination honeymoon is likely the Stern family villa in Florence, Italy?”
Any artist’s dream destination, of course. Where the fine arts, education, philosophy, and many other elements of the world were reborn.
“Are you trying to bribe me with the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance?”
“Shamelessly,” Rhys said, shaking his head at the fiendish blonde seated across from him.
Feyre glared at her old friend. “I hope you realize I know there was more to how we met than your maneuverings of your cousin’s interest in art. Is this your second shot at shameless matchmaking, Mor?”
“Yes.” Mor was brutally honest, if nothing else. “Come on, Feyre. Let Rhysie try to woo you under the Tuscan sun.”
She scoffed. “Unbelievable. He has no interest in wooing me.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
Startled, Feyre looked back to the dark-haired subject. He held her gaze, absently swirling his half glass of wine—one of the few cheap red blends the three of them could agree on. You could have heard a pin drop. “Pardon?”
She expected that little half-smirk and some witty comment to follow. Instead, “Am I supposed to deny I’m attracted to you? I thought the flirting these months would have made that clear enough.”
“Flirting and wooing are very different things.”
He smirked and she turned around to help Az cook dinner for the group. Mercifully, there was no further mention of Rhys’ family or flirting that night, though the light in Mor’s eyes told her it was far from forgotten. As soon as the two of them left the apartment she was going to push this.
Feyre felt her pocket buzz with a text notification just as she stepped out of the living room and into the privacy of the kitchen. She reached to check the message. Her eyes scanned the message once. Then again, her chest tightening with every word.
It’s me, Tamlin.
No more running, Feyre. Let’s talk about this.
Graduating with her art degree had also meant leaving her controlling boyfriend behind, changing her phone number as quick as she left the city. Apparently he wasn’t fond of being ghosted. Feyre had graduated nearly two years ago. She thought she was in the clear. Either her number had been hard to find, or he had been biding his time.
“Feyre.” She hadn’t even noticed Rhys approach as the panic began setting in. “What’s wrong? Who texted you?” Wordlessly, she passed him her phone and he skimmed the messages himself, jaw clenching. Feyre knew Mor had mentioned her history in passing, especially since she was trying to get them to hook up at the gallery event. Still, seeing impulsive, genuine concern for her well-being from him was odd. It left a strangely warm feeling inside of her, despite not having any bond beyond his casual flirting. “We’ll get eyes on your apartment. You can have the guest room tonight.”
She took a sip of her water, trying to settle her nerves. “Feyre, I know things were difficult with him. History won’t repeat itself, I swear.”
“I moved to another city to get away from him. I really hope this is just a matter of a new number.”
He cocked his head. “And what if it’s a matter of a vacation?”
AN: So, I'm make the shift of writing in first person to writing in third. Pardon any awkwardness until I find my rhythm.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 6 months
Anyone remember this WIPpet? It got scrapped with the last attempt at the self-insert shenanigans, but I liked it so much I wanted to keep it. Thankfully, I found a way to rework it into the new version :) Plus some fun digs at myself because I am very much not a combatant and yet I'm throwing my SI into combat, lol
765 words of me-the-author having fun under the cut :D
"It's a good thing she had Knell to hold her together," Cuff said, caught somewhere between sneer and laughter. "She could never have survived long enough to get to Cipal otherwise."
"Should we step in?" Frey asked, trying not to wince when the zombie swiped Bobbi across the face with its claws.
"Are you joking? This is prime entertainment!"
"You don't think this is any funnier than I do," Frey retorted, and grabbed Bobbi's bow and quiver. She stayed crouched, torn between letting Bobbi prove herself, and not wanting to watch her new friend get torn apart by zombies.
"It's like watching a puppy tumble down a flight of stairs. Repeatedly." The delight in Cuff's voice made Frey grind her teeth. Asshole.
It didn't get better the longer they watched, either. At least Bobbi had the sense to lure the one zombie away from the group so she didn't pull aggro on the whole horde. And she got a little more confident over time. Still missed more often than she hit, and the few hits she did get in were paper cuts at best. 
"Do you know what I find fascinating?" Cuff asked a few minutes after Frey settled down cross-legged on the edge of the bluff to watch. 
"Hm?" Frey asked, only about halfway paying attention to him.
If Frey was a cat her ears would've perked up. "What about her?"
"She is in full control of that bond. There's nothing at all stopping her from stepping in."
Frey grit her teeth, thoughts running around in her head and colliding with each other. "Kinda glad she doesn't, though."
"You're not scared, are you? Not the mighty Tanta Frey?"
"Shouldn't I be? She's another Rheddig weapon. Like you."
"Oh, no, nothing like me," Cuff scoffed. "Nowhere near as powerful, for one thing. Considerably freer, for another. Your new friend is in over her head, and I don't think she knows it yet."
Bobbi slipped and fell on her ass trying to dodge the zombie. Happy accident that it worked; the zombie bowled right past her, and Bobbi scrambled to her feet again. 
"...I meant in regards to Knell," Cuff clarified, almost sheepish.
"What do you mean she's in over her head?" Frey asked, ignoring that last comment. She'd figured as much. 
"Knell is in full control of their bond," Cuff repeated, back on solid ground and sure of his words. "She wasn't cursed into that form like I was. She took it willingly. I've no idea why, of course, but I do find it very odd."
"How can you tell?"
"When you're as old as I am, Frey, you learn how to read and understand the power of those around you," Cuff said, affecting a wise and venerable air. Frey snorted. 
"You're only four years older than me," she reminded him.
"You go ahead and keep believing that." He had that smug tone that made her want to punch him again. "But I'm quite serious, I can tell by the way Knell has bound herself to your new friend that she is the one who set it. Not Bobbi, not a third party. It's quite similar to how I bound myself to you back in Newark."
"New York," Frey corrected, absently. Mostly on reflex at this point. "But weren't you already cursed by the other Tantas?"
"I was. That's why I said it's similar. I was cursed into that vambrace form, yes, but I chose to bind myself to you, Frey. Just as our Rheddig friend has chosen to bind herself to Bobbi."
Interesting. Frey put that information away for later. 
"What's that got to do with..." She gestured to the pantomime of a fight happening below her.
"Simply that I'm surprised Knell does nothing to protect her bearer. She certainly could with no ill-effect to Bobbi. Either how I protect you or by revealing her true form. I wonder why she doesn't."
"Huh." Frey clicked her tongue, now wondering the same thing. "Maybe—"
The zombie raked its claws down Bobbi's back, and Frey spotted a glimmer of light reflected off of something too small to see clearly from where she sat. Bobbi turned, a cry of pain filtered through gritted teeth, and the tip of her sword passed through that glimmer. 
Silver wire erupted from the contact point, pierced through the zombie and shredded it to ribbons that disintegrated on the wind. 
"Oh," Frey and Cuff said at the same time. Bobbi sheathed her sword and shook out her hands, which set Knell jingling enough Frey could hear it.
"...mine's better," Cuff grumbled.
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byrdiboo · 3 months
There is no sexism in Ba Sing Se
By now I think everyone has their opinions formed about the live action ATLA remake but as a non-fan I figured I'd offer my two cents to anyone still on the fence or who might be interested in a slightly less biased opinion. To clarify, I don't hate the show, I actually like hearing my friends talk about the fan theories and how they thought the various heavy subjects are handled, I just never got into it myself. Because my partner is one of those people who did get into it, I've at least seen up to the point of Kyoshi Village in both shows (ep2 Netflix, ep4 original). One of the things I've seen most people excited about is the special effects, especially the bending. I will say, it looks...fine. I'm not up on my fighting styles but the choreography seems decent. The effects are nothing groundbreaking - we've had these water and fire sims for at least 10 years - but it's definitely not awful to look at...when you can see it. Way too much of the show (ie more than 0%) utilizes the inexplicably popular "someone forgot to turn the lights on when filming" lighting technique and "shakeycam meets too-many-cuts" editing with motionblur out the ass for good measure (some of the opening scenes are on youtube, judge for yourself). At least all two of the creatures we get to actually look at look awesome. Perhaps the biggest thing I've seen talked about is the changes to the characters themselves. I will start by saying the actors deserve no ill will, they're clearly doing their best with a subject they love and a script written by people who thought ATLA should read like GoT. Aang and the others have a few goofy moments thrown in to keep people happy but for the most part he plays the part of Main Character Boy while the others are The Support Characters, rather than three children in extraordinary times doing what they think makes sense. This is where my knowledge of Aang and Katara is lacking, but I do want to talk about Sokka cuz his changes (rightly) had a lot of people worried (and a lot of his character arc is pretty obvious from ep 1, rather than revealed past the point I've seen). They didn't just tone down his sexism, they removed it entirely, taking him from an obnoxious but teachable idiot to a generic annoying dudebro. Maybe this is just me, but I was endlessly annoyed that they took away his sexism without addressing the things that made him sexist in the first place. After being told by the leaderly elderly matriarch character about the fire nation attacks wiping out most of the village, we are told Sokka is how he is because he was appointed the village leader at 13 for...reasons. So the village is still sexist enough to declare a 13 year old boy leader over the woman everyone already looks up to, but this didn't affect his character in any meaningful way, I guess? And for those looking forward to the Kyoshi warriors, you can go ahead and put those hopes down. The warriors themselves get minimal action time before Deus Ex Kyoshi-ghost-possession (yes, really) deals with the fire nation attackers for them. As for the love interest, they took what was a solid moment of "sexist gets ass beat by woman, begs woman for training, learns woman can do stuff too, ends up liking and respecting woman so hard she reciprocates" into the most bland "popular girl falls for cute boy at school" complete with eyelash fluttering, shy-can't-look-at-yous, and the most vomit-inducing "training" scene I've seen in a long time. No lessons learned, no character growth achieved, but hey they got rid of sexism or whatever. All this to say, I'm willing to give live action some passes, but personally I don't think this one's even worth a hate watch. I won't tell you to hate it, it does have a few moments of brilliance, but they're the glitter on a turd imo and Netflix doesn't deserve to be rewarded with your watch time. Despite my misgivings, the show is (supposedly) still getting at least mixed reviews from fans and non fans alike, so if you've bothered to see it I'm curious what you thought the remake (or my impression) got right or wrong.
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shirtlesssammy · 2 years
The Winchesters 1x01: Pilot
*Quick disclaimer: We’re writing this recap in October of 2022. From all that we’re seen and read online, Carlos uses he/him pronouns, though the actor who plays him is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. If things change for the character, we’ll adjust accordingly. Just wanted to note this for future readers!*
Dean died, Cas died, Sam got a bad wig. 
Even More Then:
New Orleans
March 1972
Indiana Jones Samuel Campbell finds the secret entrance to the catacombs through the mausoleum entrance adorned with the Men of Letters symbol.
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He performs the blood ritual to open the door to doom, unleashing a creature that sends him running back through the cemetery like he’s being chased by a giant stone boulder. He trips, his flashlight skittering across the broken walkway, and the monster attacks. 
Welcome to Lawrence, everyone! Our intrepid hero John Winchester misses the sign for home because he’s busy having war flashbacks on the bus. (we’renotgoingtohavesympathyforthisman, we’renotgoingtohavesympathyforthisman, we’renotgoingtohavesympathyforthisman) He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself and then pulls out an envelope with his name on it AND the Men of Letters symbol! 
Ten Years After’s “I’d Love to Change the World” starts playing, and ALL our Jackles longcon spidey-senses kick into overdrive. 
“March 23rd, 1972, the day Dad came home from the war.” 
Well, in voiceover for now. We watch John walk through Lawrence while Dean tells us he’s going to tell us his parents’ story in a way “that just might surprise [us].” The camera shows us Mary staring quite intently at a movie poster for THX 1138 (“The Future is Here”) before walking away and bumping into John. He’s smitten the moment they meet (So she knocks him flat on his metaphorical ass, I guess.) They talk about candy (GOD, future John, do you care SO little for Dean that you can’t even tell your candy loving son about the most important part of the meeting –THE CANDY?)
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They have cute banter and Mary calls him Soldier Boy, which is a delightful wink to the world outside this one.
John walks to Winchester’s Garage, and has a heartfelt reunion with his mother. John grabs himself a beer. (“What? I’m legal now.”) Oh John, this is a path you don’t want to go down. They address the whole John wasn’t old enough to join the Marines situation. (He forged his long lost father’s signature.) And they clarify that he enlisted chasing after said long lost father. (Sidenote: Drake Rodger really has the Sam puppy face down cold!) 
That night, John takes the note and an accompanying key to a mysterious address. 
***DEMON alert!***
Well, John doesn’t know that yet, but once the eyes flash black and he gets picked up by his neck, he knows the guy isn’t Mr. Rogers. 
With a sweep of the leg and a swish of the hair, Mary Campbell saves the day!
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Or, she would if John wouldn’t keep getting in the way. He is truly the worst. She eventually dropkicks the demon into a vat of holy water so she can interrogate it in regards to the whereabouts of her father. The demon taunts her over a “Maggie” before Mary exorcises the smoke. I felt a pang of nostalgia hearing those words again. 
“Hey, what was that? No, no, no. His eyes were black and then smoke –smoke just came out of his mouth.” Guys, John is NOT DEALING. 
Mary and John play a game of “what are you doing here?” chicken, and Mary wins (because she’s already a badass). John fills Mary in on his mysterious Biff Tannen encounter. (WHO IS MESSING WITH THE TIMELINE??) This note was the first he’s heard from his father in 15 years (Spoiler John: He’s in the future, and dead.)
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Mary leads John to a building labeled with another Men of Letters symbol and guarded with a devil’s trap. Mary needs John to use his key to open the door so she can keep searching for her father. Once inside, they head down a flight of winding stairs. Mary tells John she’s been a hunter of demons (and monsters) since she was a kid. John asks if she knew of Henry Winchester. “No, sorry.” “Maybe he was one of these paranormal freemasons.” “There’s no such thing.” The flirty, combative vibe is strong with these two. This whole episode is a rollercoaster of reconciling past emotions with current ones. 
They stop flirting long enough to look around and see that they’re in a long abandoned room (a bunker, if you will). They start rooting around and John finds Henry’s locker. It’s been preserved in time. John tells the VERY DEPRESSING story about how when he was a kid, he thought there was a monster under his bed, and Henry told him not to worry, he knew how to trap it. (I AM NOT curled up in a ball crying over Sam’s own monster in the closet story. *crying noise**crying noise*) John grabs a bunch of Henry’s things and Mary miraculously finds the file she needs on her first try. Magic.
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John keeps pestering Mary about what all of this means. They’re outside the movie theater again, and he asks for her name. She tells him that “you don’t want any part of this life.” She starts walking away and he tells her his name. She tells her soldier boy to go home, the camera panning up to show Slaughterhouse 5 on the marquee. 
Lubbock, Texas
Ada Monroe, Samuel Campbell’s mysterious contact, looks over a document in her rare bookstore. The lights flicker. She grabs her anti-possession charm and runs, but trips and doesn’t have enough time to grab the charm again before she’s possessed! Sam and Dean getting tattoos was the smartest thing they ever did. 
The next morning, John has a case! He wants to find Ada, the only woman who might have a lead on both their dads.
***Library Alert***
Mary takes John to their local library for research. “I need some iron and buckshot,” she tells the library worker behind the desk. They appear to know each other since Mary easily slides behind the desk. Latika meets John and we meet Latika (Lata to her friends.) Mary catches Lata up on Samuel’s recent shenanigans. 
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She tells her they’re heading to Lubbock to find out more. Lata wants to come but Mary vetoes her interest. She suggests having another hunter join –Carlos. Mary is VERY against that (Tupelo, and all.)  
On the road, Mary’s driving and John has more war flashbacks. He remembers a moment when he tried saving his friend Murph’s life. Murph steps on a landmine anyway. John sees Murph sitting in the backseat of the car. Mary breaks up his PTSD attack and asks about it. He thinks he’s haunted, but she reassures him, with her EMF reader, that he is just suffering some good old fashioned serious war fatigue. Mary tells him she still sees all the people she couldn’t save. BONDING. 
John and Mary make it to the bookshop, papers and the smell of sulfur everywhere, but no Ada. They hear someone call for Mary and they run outside to find a demon waiting. 
Hello, Carlos! He hits the demon with his van and enters the scene like a boss.
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Mary reluctantly introduces John to Carlos while Carlos grabs John for some serious hunter work. He shoots the demon with a water gun filled with holy water, sprinkles salt around the incapacitated demon, and tells John to recited the description of one delicious sandwich, oh wait, the exorcism script. 
“Jimmi, Janice, Jim Morrison, Amen.” And with that, John(athon) performed his first exorcism. 
They head back inside where John and Mary exchange not-quite-longing-stares. Ooh, la, la. (Ugh, I can’t, they’re really cute but the future weighs so heavy on them.) Mary is confused over how long her dad has been hunting alone. 
Lata and Carlos look for clues and talk about Lata’s relative newness to hunting. We establish that Carlos is a free-wheeling bisexual man who shares Mary’s taste in men. (Eyeballs emoji) Lata finds a book open to a VERY IMPORTANT page. It illustrates the box Samuel was after and shows exactly how it works. So convenient!
The box is a ghostbusters backpack monster trap that sucks monsters in and kills them.
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Carlos finds a slip of paper tucked into the book. Mary quickly realizes that her father scrawled coordinates that direct them to New Orleans. Mary demands the keys to Carlos’ van - and I feel emotions about John Winchester’s later first choice of vehicle being a minibus. 
Lata pages through the book in the van, and explains how it works to Mary. She also establishes that Mary is protective about her friends. Lata is determined to search for Samuel out of a sense of obligation - Samuel saved her life. Mary wants Lata to just walk away and save herself. The ghost of Mary’s dead cousin rises between them (metaphorically).
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In the back of the van, Carlos and John bond. Carlos quickly peels back his carefree exterior by revealing that his whole family was killed by ghouls - thus, his introduction into hunting. 
For I’m in Love with Him Your Honor Science:
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John bats his great big innocent eyes and asks if all hunters start out in tragedy. “The only thing worse than how it starts for a hunter is how it ends,” Carlos tells him. Fucking TRUTH, man. 
The denizens of the Mystery Machine survey the cemetery.
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Lata tries to soothe John’s (her) nerves. First hunts go GREAT. Being an amateur is the most effective armor you can find! John comforts her, and they bond while Mary looks on and tries to repress her emotions (#relatable). 
John reveals that this is his second cemetery visit of the week. I question why he isn’t going to a cemetery EVERY day because cemeteries are cool. Er, anyway. We learn the story of Maggie - she was Mary’s cousin and a vampire killed her just as her life was starting. Mary didn’t sign up for the war hunt, but John sure did. (Natasha: I know that people are concerned about sweet little innocent baby John becoming beloved by audiences despite his later blatant child abuse and neglect. To them I say, the seeds of John’s destructive obsession have already been planted in this first episode, and we can love him and hurt for him and also very much hate him because the story exists real-time across all these timelines we’ve watched.)
Mary finds traces of her dad by a strange well cap, marked by Men of Letters symbology. They haul it open and drop a flaming torch down, down, down. “Is no one else weirded out by the fact that there’s a giant hole in the ground of an above ground cemetery?” Lata asks. I’d personally like to know about the MoL magical hydrology.
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John and Mary hurl themselves down the pit. They definitely seem matched in recklessness! John picks up the torch from the wet stone floor, astoundingly still lit, and they try to pinpoint the alarming growl that echoes through the caverns. 
Upstairs, Carlos reads symbols on the side of the well and then disappears on Lata. Er, oops.
John and Mary discover the mystical monster-eating box in the extremely elaborately crafted caverns. A monster - a loup garou - greets them with snarly drooly fangs. While John and Mary flee from it, Mary drops a little bit of “silver blade” lore - that’s how to kill it. John whips out a knife (NOT a silver blade) and cuts his friend’s necklace fragment from his skin while Mary looks on in astonishment, horror, etc.
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John’s going to buy Mary time. He races off with his little bit of silver necklace, and Mary tears away for the mouth of the well. 
Lata gets confronted by a demon-possessed Ada, but Carlos shows up just in time to squirt her with his never-fail water gun. Unfortunately, his water gun doesn’t fully de-mojo the demon and he gets magically chucked across the room. Mary hauls herself up the well, having passed her gym class rope course with flying colors.
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John’s facing his end in front of the loup garou when Mary throws the knife down into a puddle of water down in the pit. Mary gets Lata to open the box. John finds the silver blade. And both baddies are quickly disposed of. John slices off the head of the loup garou without hesitation. Meanwhile, the demon gets magically sucked into the box. Yum yum!
Back at the garage, John’s mom goes through Henry’s things. John’s accusatory - he’s mad that his mom kept Henry’s secrets from her. She defends herself - she was just trying to build a good home for herself and her family. “I knew I would do anything to keep you safe,” she says. “Maybe one day when you have kids you’ll understand.” OUCH. ouch. John thinks his dad was trying to keep him safe, and clearly leans towards Henry’s mission. John hands his mom Henry’s letter and apologizes for not showing her HER HUSBAND’S last missive sooner. Yeah, that seems like some pretty typical John Winchester secrets shit.
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John loves the mission - good versus evil. “Saving people, hunting things. I was born to do this.”
John’s all in on the hunting gig, and he joins Mary’s merry band. Lata and Carlos show up. Mary commends their work on the recent hunt. Mary Campbell hands out coffees to each of them like final roses. (She’s prepared their coffee in the way each of them likes it because she’s a magical sunflower.)
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They meet with Ada, who tells them that Henry last visited her to find something to kill the Akrida. The Akrida are from another dimension (tentacle joke) and want to destroy everything in the world and take it for themselves. Samuel intended to use the box to stop the Akrida’s invasion. Mary takes the box, and her new group of hunters, and heads out across the country to fulfill her father’s mission. 
Cut to Dean’s narration (third rewatch and I still get chills) telling us that the Akrida are a threat to all of existence. Dean’s investigating, taking notes, and being a VERY GOOD BEAN WHO I LOVE VERY MUCH. “There’s gonna be some surprises. Hell, I’m still trying to find all the puzzle pieces myself. But I’ll explain everything. And until then, I’ll keep picking the music.”
For I’ve Got Him, He’s Right Here Science:
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(Boris: He's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy.)
Everybody, thank Dean Winchester for picking the music as we get played out of this episode by “I’d love to change the world,” by Ten Years After. YES. GOOD.
I’d Love to Quote the World:
I know this story might sound familiar. But I’m gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you. And in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning.
Is it too late to ask for my licorice back? 
Biiiiig freemason vibes
When I was a kid I thought there was a monster under my bed. My dad used to say, “Don’t worry, son. I know how to trap it.”
There’s no secrets in our family
She’s really a lot meaner when you get to know her
The only thing worse than how it starts for a hunter is how it ends
Is no one else weirded out by the fact that there’s a giant hole in the ground of an above ground cemetery? 
Saving people, hunting things. I was born to do this
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this come out of nowhere really, I just can't get myself to sleep without sharing this but why in all time travel fanfic. sephiroth seems to be extra aware of his status of " experiment " ??? it just, I don't know. I don't say that sephiroth or even genesis and angeal are stupid but it's strange to me that they seem extremely aware about it in those fanfic. when in crisis core, that piece of Informations seems to be new to them. i mean, do I just see the wrong issue? the way they learn that they are experiment choked them to the core. none of them reacted well? sephiroth just thought that he was special he said it himself.
maybe he lied to himself or the company and hojo did not treat him like we thought they did , at least outside of those experiment. so I find it weird when I read fanfiction that the big 3 already knows and acknowledged it, when that information was one of the big reveal and issues of crisis core.
also sephiroth not technically being 100 % aware of his experiment status means that most of us write hojo extremely wrong when he interacted with sephiroth. I mean, I don't know he seems to snob every one but sephiroth. in ff7, he was just weird, extremely fixed on sephiroth.
or maybe I interpreted it the wrong way ? maybe I am just stupid I don't know. I don't want to say something stupid.
I don’t think this is stupid at all and you are definitely not stupid, lovely! No one is stupid for expressing their opinions, even and especially when those opinions go against the crowd. And nothing’s wrong with a little critique lol, keeps me humble
(long text as always, but main points highlighted red lovelies)
Truth is, most fanfic around Sane!Sephiroth is heavy headcanon, and I am no better. We know (somewhat) that Sephiroth was raised in Nibelheim for some time but obviously didn’t see the townspeople as he has no memory of them, so it’s easier to conclude he was raised in a lab or some other isolated Shinra area. Sephiroth doesn’t actually know much about his origins, neither in canon nor in my fic. He doesn’t even believe he has parents, which he doesn’t cause they’re both ass or dead, but that’s beside the point lol. Sephiroth’s backstory just gives a lot of room for headcanons and the fandom sort of mutually agreed “Yup he’s traumatized as shit” and rolled with it
Now what I definitely took creative liberties with is his confiding in Genesis and Angeal about this childhood trauma. This is a much bigger stretch and more than likely not directly canon, but since I have them in a romantic relationship, there definitely had to be some opening up about what the fuck Hojo was calling Sephiroth into a lab for once a week (back when things were *bad* bad). I think in canon, Genesis and Angeal undoubtedly spotted some things that helped them see that Seph wasn’t completely normal, but they took it in stride because they’re good friends like that.
I would like to clarify one thing: the Firsts are aware that *Sephiroth* was treated badly during his childhood, but only as a SOLDIER child. They don’t have a clue about Jenova and the extent of what Hojo/Hollander/Gast did. Sephiroth doesn’t even know the full extent of what was done to him because as far as he’s aware, he’s a mako SOLDIER with a few gimmicks wired in. Traumatizing? Yes. Inherently monstrous? In his own eyes occasionally, but he’s got other people similar enough to him he can be talked away from it
The introduction of Jenova was nerve wracking and brand new and horrible and gut wrenching. They didn’t ask to be implanted with literal alien cells before their births, doomed to unstable and insane deaths before they’d taken their first steps. Sephiroth grew up a child SOLDIER, but monsters? Artificially made ones perhaps. A little gene splicing, even breeding, like how humanity helped the Liger happen (lion-tiger breed). But monsters that used to be *people*? That was new, and that terrified him. And that’s what sent him into the spiral. So I mean, you’re right. Jenova’s existence does shock them to their core, but Sephiroth’s entire childhood did not revolve around Jenova. Even if his purpose was to be a ‘mock Ancient,’ his developmental years revolved around being a weapon for war.
While I’m on that nofe, I’ve seen some comments on Sephiroth’s “alien cells” comment when he speaks to Zack on things for the first time and I want to clarify: when Sephiroth says alien cells, he meant foreign to the human body, not the fucking earth. None of them have a right clue what Jenova is, just like in canon
Also Everybody Hates Hojo so honestly I don’t think people are concerned? This is a man who was definitely not above experimenting on children, manipulated, nearly killed, and then experimented on a former friend, took advantage of a life/scientific partner for the advancement of an experiment and admitted to having seen her as nothing more than a tool, referred to Aerith as her species rather than a person and planned to literally breed her with another species (facilitated rape, basically), and in the OG game, helps fuel a major mental breakdown of Cloud’s for basically…no fucking reason? Not to mention DoG where he just…decides the planet’s fucking moving lmao. Literally goes “Ah yes, let me follow in my son’s footsteps and genocide the whole population so we can sail the stars :D”
the man is fucking mental regardless. just a personal opinion, but any rendition of Hojo is somewhat accurate if his cruelty is kept. I will admit that my Hojo is more reminiscent of an abusive parent because…that’s sort of what he is, and there’s some projection of my own personal experiences happening
And that’s an aspect of all fiction ofc, and especially fanfiction. Renditions change with authors because authors have different experiences. I can’t begin to tell you all the things I’ve accidentally or purposefully projected into this story.
Honestly I could write more but my eyes keep crossing and I should go to bed myself lol. Your ask really made me think so thanks for submitting! Hope I actually answered you amidst all my nonsense babble, and I hope you get some sleep!!!
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