#ray; head canons
musemuseum · 5 months
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Muses within the 2SLGBTQI+ community:
Pansexual 1/?
Tabitha Finnigan
Phoenix Jules
Ares Knight
Amaranthine Graves
Arlo Crawford (preference for men)
Bastian Merryweather
Beckett Marrin
Brynn Swanson
Corrine Plyth
Donovan Kole
Effie Solomon
Evan Calloway
Fievel Crowley
Ray Croft
Foster Fornell
Clancy Cleason
Jack Frost Junior
Ilsa Romanov
Lester Meeks
Lex Murphy
Dinah Crombie
Lucy Gray
Lucky Prachett
Virgo Patterson
Lyla Brooks
Flynn Flint
Morgana Rosenfield
Harold White (the white rabbit)
Chessa Felinia (the cheshire cat)
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laiamadej · 24 days
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Singer/rapper au bro so nice.
Also, rairai to me is either making song like Noah kahan or vacations. Idk man i listen to so many of them😭 RINI maybe? DJO?? Yea never mind lmao. Let's just say he makes pop song lmao
AND trying new brush AGAIN!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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your love is my curse
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andromeda-vita · 1 month
okaayyyy first on the list of designnsssss,,, rayman !! yeah incredible , ik ik just. stay with me here
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a brief rundown of it is taking that whole "guardian of this world" concept, and being an embodiment of dreams, bravery and light.. then making it into a silly forest spirit,,
some inspos are sky children of the light, over the garden wall, adventure time, and zelda . again , weird mix , i knowwww . but!!!
i would need an entire doc to list all the things i've written on him thus far but i'd love asks/questions (and perhaps suggestions!)
im gonna be real here... most of the changes have to be the fact he has a cape and, messy hair, with flowers/leaves caught in it (ever heard of a brush???)
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Teen Dad Drex?
With the new developments with Drex, I decided to go back in my notes and find an old timeline that I had of his age and how it corresponds with the story and I added in the details of Lil Dynamite as well so that we may see how his birth lines up with Drex’s age. It takes quite some work but I hope it’s insightful and that I explain every decision I made properly. If there’s anything anyone else would like to add lmk! Also warning this is a p long post
So I believe the easiest place to start is Drex’s debut in season 3 episode 6 of Henry Danger. This episode featured a 15 year old Henry and a 35 year old Ray. In this episode, Ray reveals that he had a sidekick (presumably his first) 9 years prior. Now, our next few pieces of intel must be inferred from things we know about the show. By looking at the ages of all Ray’s featured sidekicks, it is inferred that Drex would also be a teenager at the time of working with Ray. When asked about Drex, Ray says that they only worked together for some months. Though he does not specify, he adds that they never fought crime together. 
–Now, my personal headcanon is that they were together for maybe 6ish months and that time was spent training (I believe it was so much training and so little trust that contributed to Drex turning on Ray) (I also believe that the reason Drex never got a hero name is because he never fought crime and therefore was never debuted as a sidekick, [like the Danger Force kids in S1E2 of Danger Force, Say My Name], as far as I’m aware it is never even known to the public that Captain Man had a sidekick before Kid Danger)– 
Another thing we know about Drex is that his time as a sidekick ended in a huge battle between him and Captain Man, one that, according to Ray, would have resulted in his death had he not been indestructible. So for the sake of that accuracy, I will put Drex on the older teenage side, farther into puberty and more grown into his physique. As such, my belief is that Drex joined Ray in at late 16, turned 17 during their partnership, and was 17 when they fought. This is also a contributor to his story, as it is more likely for Drex to be tried as an adult in court, making it more reasonable for him to be sentenced life in prison (although I’m sure Swellview would not hesitate to incarcerate him no matter the age given their weird laws). 
Assuming Drex was 17 at the moment of incarceration, 9 years passing would make him 26 in Hour of Power, 28 in the Henry Danger finale, and 31 in season 3 of Danger force. (Each season seems to pass a year-ish, although season 5 of Henry Danger is an outlier given how many episodes it has, I will still count it as a year to save the headache.)
With Drex’s age out of the way, we can turn to the newest variable of our timeline: Buddy Fudgers, aka Li’l Dynomite. As far as I am aware there is no canon age for Li’l Dynomite mentioned anywhere in the show, however there is a point of interest that we can use. In the 2022 crossover between Danger Force and a number of other shows, Li’l Dynomite’s true identity is implied to be a character of the same actor named Fisher. This is later disproven, but the implication gives us the assumption that these characters are the same age. I chose to use this information rather than the actor’s age to fit in the story better (Danger Force characters are also younger than their actors). Fisher is 14 in the 2022 finale of Side Hustle, so we can assume that Li’l Dynomite would be the same age, making him 15 as of season 3. 
Doing the math, Drex was ~16 years old when Li’l Dynomite is born, meaning he was 15/16 when Li’l Dynomite is conceived. This could happen during or around the time of his partnership with Ray, and it is safe to assume so far that he did not know about this child at least until after he was sent to prison. 
I have included a visual timeline if this was too hard to follow, along with some other character’s ages that coincide. Feel free to use this information as you please, just try not to discredit the work and research it took to work it all out on paper 😭
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If you got this far, here is a sketch I did of sidekick Drex as a treat!
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best no context Ray promo image
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
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Masterlist of this series
Comments/Notes/Housekeeping: Thank you to everyone who reblogged and commented on my last of the RA Character Headcanon Series. I appreciate it very much. I know I sound like a broken record, but please do consider a reblog if you like a post, and if you wish to be added on to my tag lists, please let me know. You are also very welcome to request head canons as well, so I can continue on with this series and open it up to a lot more scenarios.
This head canon post was requested by @sunflwrnsunnieshine Thank you very much, hun. You're very welcome to request head canons with these 9 characters. Just send the request via my ask box, please. This instalment will focus on how all the characters handle jealousy, more precisely, jealousy which involves you, the reader. Enjoy!
GUY OF GISBORNE: Guy does not handle jealousy at all well when it comes to other men flirting with you. He makes his complete and utter distain known to the other man, and even becomes threatening. Most people are scared of Guy, so the men back off as soon as they see his icy glare from across a room. You know that Guy's jealousy comes from a place of insecurity, so you need to remind him regularly that you only have eyes for him.
RAY LEVINE: Ray Levine holds a lot of his emotions inward and will become distant with you if he feels there may be any kind of hint of another man sniffing around you. His answers become clipped and short, and it's up to you to question him thoroughly to see exactly why his mood has changed. However, when you reassure him that you're his, he apologises profusely.
FATHER LORENZO QUART: Father Quart is not a jealous man, but when it comes to you, jealousy is not something he is immune to. He holds it inward and tries his best to push the thoughts away as to not fall into bitterness. You notice his behaviour (of extra glances and sighs when the other man is in the room) and bring it up with him, and he admits that he did feel jealous and apologises, knowing he trusts you implicitly.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD: If Thorin sees another man making advances towards you, you immediately see a change in the Dwarf's demeanour. He becomes quite passive aggressive, giving short answers and appearing a little hostile. But when you get to the bottom of his negative feelings and reassure him with plenty of touch and love-filled words, he apologises to you. He is scared to lose you.
FRANCIS DOLARHYDE: Francis will watch you and the other man, not acting physically on his jealousy. However, he begins mentally plotting ways to harm the man, enjoying the thought of causing pain to him. Francis even admits to you that he had bad thoughts and considered violence, but then begs you to forgive him.
JOHN THORNTON: John Thornton becomes quiet and distant, backing off as soon as he feels in any way threatened by another man sniffing around you. The normally brooding man becomes even more cold toward you, hinting at his jealousy through hints in his words, mentioning the man in conversation. Eventually you sit him down and talk it through with him that nothing will ever happen between you and the other man.
RAYMOND DE MERVILLE: Raymond will not entertain the idea of another man serenading you. In fact, he is quite happy to threaten men and even become violent. Any man who only looks at you for a few seconds too long and they're immediately found on the sharp end of Raymond's sword.
JOHN PORTER: John tries to down play his jealousy and won't talk about it, until you bring it up to him. If he notices you interacting with another man, he will distance himself a little, but you notice him still sneaking glances to see what's going on. Eventually you have to confront John and tell him that he's stupid to think you'd even consider any other man but him as you've fancied him for as long as you've known him.
LUCAS NORTH: Lucas doesn't like to show vulnerability at first, so his jealous behaviour will depend on how long you've been with him and the stage you're at in your relationship. Any initial stage, weeks to a couple of months, and Lucas will try his hardest to not think too much about it. However, the longer you are with him, then the more his jealousy will show. It becomes clipped words, the cold shoulder and icy stares at you and the other man from across a busy room.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @xxbyimm @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @luna-xial @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @asgardianhobbit98 @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @sunflwrnsunnieshine @tschrist1 @quiall321 @lemond57 @missihart23 @evenstaredits
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart
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marvelmaniac715 · 9 months
My new head canon is that the one constant amongst every Chucky variant (aside from the whole, y’know, killing thing) is that he cares about and wants the best for his kids, and each different Chucky shows his ‘love’ in a different way.
The Colonel delivers long-winded ‘motivational’ speeches to encourage them, with the topics ranging from the best/most sneaky ways to kill people to the benefits of pouring milk in the bowl before cereal, and he assigns them an extensive reading list each to expand their minds and make them ‘ready for anything’.
It’s similar with Buff Chucky because in my mind he doesn’t really get the whole touchy-feely thing, he ‘loves’ his kids the way a bird shoves their chick out the nest and hopes it’ll fly, and he makes the twins run countless laps and partake in gruelling workouts to build up their strength - he doesn’t say that he loves or even likes the twins, but they know he cares because every time they fail he’ll sigh and say something like “you need to be better”.
Nica!Chucky is pretty much like canon, vibing and having a great time, he wants Glen and Glenda to kill people and if push comes to shove he’ll force them into it but he mostly just goofs around with them.
Good Chucky is the most adorable one in regards to this head canon, because he is just a sweetheart before normal Chucky breaks through - he’s baking cookies with the twins, he’s making them friendship bracelets, he’s even drawing them little pictures (tapping into his artistic abilities as a human).
TLDR: In my head canon, Chucky genuinely cares about his kids, and each version of him showcases this affection in their own weird ways.
Edit: For this head canon I like to imagine an alternate ending to Season 2 where all the Chuckies survive and they just sort of come together and decide on a co-parenting shared custody arrangement regarding the twins (they both point out that they’re adults but the Chuckies are having none of it) so now the twins just bounce around to a different Chucky’s house every month - it’s a weird situation, but hey, what can you do when your dad is loads of people at once?
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Legend of Tomorrow friendships that mean a lot to me (in no particular order) :
Jax and Stein
Jax and Sara
Nate and Ray
Mick and Sara
Mick and Ray
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
my favourite part of tumblr is if you make a post specifically about women someone will somehow be able to twist it into their male blorbos <- said while gripping chair in rage
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exocynraku · 1 year
i think it would be cool if bristlefrost and shadowsight simultaneously looked similar and the opposite. they both have the same tabby stripes and body type and fur lengh but shadowsight has orange eyes and black fur and bristlefrost is white with blue eyes   and then rootspring is just. rootspring
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rainbowdelicgalore · 4 months
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But you're always welcome at our house Any time of the day Yes You're always welcome at our house And we hope you will stay!
Welcome to OceanBerry, New Jersey: Where an Ocean of Berries Will Lead You to Paradise!
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guideaus · 29 days
hopefully the next ep leaves this bit in bc the people still writing bad takes about shuro need it, jesus christ
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pinkpinkstarlet · 1 month
if there’s ever a cars 4 I’d want lana del rey to be in it so she can voice a chevrolet. Just as a hypothetical thought it probably wont ever happen tho
@gaystappen @champmorado
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hitman-two · 1 year
Cpl. Ray Person Smutty HCs
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Happy New Year Smutty Motherfuckers! Godfather would be proud disturbed.
▸ Ray acts like a teenage horndog… and is basically a teenage horndog 70% of the time. The rest of the time, he’s respecting you and not being a complete and utter horny teenager 24/7. Take it as a compliment though; he’s horny for you and only you. ▸ Granted, he jokes when he’s overseas. But that’s Ray just thinking he’s being funny. Having taken it upon himself to be the class platoon clown. He won’t ever act upon the stupid shit he says. ▸ Unfortunately the boys know every inch of your curves and assets. Ray’s big mouth just babbling away. Boasting about your body. Not in an objectifying sense… just more so that he’s got this hot girl waiting for him back home and he personally doesn’t think the other men have hot girlfriends compared to you. ▸ However, Ray’s not joking about things when it comes to what he intends to do to his girlfriends pussy. ▸ First thing he wants to do when he gets home is go down on you. Make you moan out his name. It’s also his favourite thing to do. ▸ As much as he’d enjoy it being returned, he also doesn’t expect it. Just for simply falling in love with him, his entire being is dedicated to you and making you feel good. ▸ He’s a kinky lil shit. Will attempt to do it semi-publicly. Walking back from a date? He’d have no problem hiking up your dress and taking you in a darkened corner in the alley, or in a deserted carpark (in the car). Unfortunately military training has taught him that laying on the deserted beach, as romantic as it seems, is not worth it with having the sand grains giving you ass-crack rash. ▸ Don’t ever bend down in the kitchen to retrieve something you’ve dropped or a utensil from the bottom drawer…it’s a literal open invitation for a certain horny little boy. ▸ But he would take you anywhere and everywhere. ▸ He never says ‘no’ to you. He’s always in the mood. You wanna do it? He’ll do it. Hell, it’s even hotter for him when you specify exactly what you want him to do. You know he’s got a shit-eating grin but will happily oblige. ▸ Unfortunately Ray forgets to stop and make love. He’s too caught up in just wanting to fuck you silly every single time. But he saves those love-making intimacy for when it really matters. He worships your body every single time but when it’s softer, more romantic… there’s just something different about it. I’m sure sometimes you’d wish he’d do this more often but at the same time…if he did… it’d lose that special intimacy. ▸ He’s generally loud and does more cussing than moaning. But it’s always your name that falls from his lips. However, in those softer moments… that’s when you’re able to hear those sweet, vulnerable gasps of pure pleasure, lust and wanton. ▸ It’s the same compliment over and over again, but you know he means it with his entire existence. You literally render him speechless that he can't seem to deliver any other words. Repeats it like a mantra. Fucking: “God you’re hot…you’re so fucking hot…” His voice just rough with lust. Love-making: “You’re so beautiful…every inch of you…you’re so fucking beautiful…” His voice much more gentler, dripping with nothing but awe and honesty. Because he only does think you’re the most hottest angel to ever grace this Earth.
|| Disclaimers: These were written specifically for a friend, but like Brad, felt it was too good not to share on my blog. It's a little less HCs than Brad's one because Ray is my comfort character when I need a laugh. That big bro. So it was kinda hard to envision him in a smutty sense. Hopefully I did him justice! Gotta try because people are requesting smut with him XD I gotta deliver, y'know... You don't have to like these, that's okay! It's just how I perceive him.
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ejzah · 3 months
Random head canon:
When Ray became Deeks’ criminal informant, Deeks felt equally dismayed and conflicted as he was grateful. He hated that his former best friend had fallen into the path of crime, and that Deeks now was using the threat of prison to his advantage. Even more so, Ray reminded Deeks of how close he had come to a similar outcome. At the same time, he couldn’t deny being grateful that Ray wasn’t in jail. Or worse.
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