#raven reyes fic
vmplvr1977 · 3 months
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mors non est finis (death is not the end)
Lexa Woods has been in love with Clarke Griffin for two hundred fifty-seven years. But it wasn't until Lexa's first death that she finally admitted it.
The Altered Carbon AU. Death is never the end, when one can jump into a different body after death. But none can jump from one body to the next as seamlessly as a Commander. Lexa knew she loved Clarke from the beginning. So, when a tragedy forces them to choose between permanent death and joining the Commander Program, neither girl hesitates.
Unfortunately, their love is strictly forbidden, as Commanders aren't supposed to love or even experience emotions. But time nor death can keep Lexa and Clarke apart.
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hd-junglebook · 4 months
Part 1 : In the Shadow of Greatness
word count - 3,813
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You stand in your mother's room, the familiar surroundings offering little comfort as you contemplate your future. Your eyes roaming over the family mementos lining the shelves - relics of a simpler past.
The weight of her expectations hangs heavy in the air, a suffocating reminder of the greatness you're expected to live up to.
You're tempted to change your mind, to refuse the mission and defy your mother's wishes. But before you can voice your doubts, she interrupts your thoughts with a sharp command.
"You have no choice but to go," she declares, her voice leaving no room for argument. "Our people need you. You must do this for them."
Her words strike a chord deep within you, stirring a sense of duty that you can't ignore. Despite your reservations, you know she's right. You may have doubts, but you also have a responsibility to your mother.
You drew in a shaky breath, gathering what courage was left in your body. "I just don't know if I'm ready for this..."
Before she can respond, the door swings open, and a guard enters the room, their presence a reminder of the reality of your situation.
"It's time," they announce, their voice devoid of emotion.
With a heavy heart, you follow the guard out of the room, your mother trailing behind you. As you make your way through the corridors of the Ark, you can't help but feel a sense of finality settling over you.
Outside the drop ship, the guard motions for you to board, their expression unreadable. You hesitate for a moment, a thousand thoughts racing through your mind.
A flicker of movement catches your eye, and you turn just in time to see a curly-haired guard slip onto the drop ship in front of you, but before you can react, they vanish into the shadows of the ship's interior.
Ignoring the nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach, you push the unsettling sight to the back of your mind as you glance back at your mother, her eyes filled with determination, you know there's no turning back.
With a resigned sigh, you step onto the drop ship.
You may be Diana Sydney's daughter, but you're also so much more. You vow to make your mark on the world, to carve out a legacy of your own, one that shines as brightly as the stars themselves.
The drop ship shuddered as you and the other prisoners were herded aboard. The floor trembled beneath your feet as you were strapped into your seat, the metallic clang of restraints echoing through the cramped compartment. You were the last one to board the ship.
The hatch closing behind the guard echoing in the cramped space. You found yourself seated beside Clarke and Wells, their expressions mirroring your own mix of apprehension and determination.
Chancellor Jaha's voice boomed over the intercom, his words heavy with gravitas as he addressed the assembled prisoners.
"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself.," he declared, his tone solemn.
“We have no idea what is waiting for you down there If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."
The significance of his words hung heavy in the air as the drop ship's engines roared to life, drowning out any further explanation. With a lurch, the ship lifted off from the Ark, hurtling towards the distant planet below.
Clarke leaned in closer, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Return to Earth? But how?"
Jaha's voice swept over the group once more. " The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. But make no mistake, this is a one-way trip. There will be no return journey."
The turbulence of re-entry rattled the shuttle around you, sending a jolt of fear through your body. Shocks from the atmosphere shook through the vessel as it descended through Earth's atmosphere, jostling you and your fellow prisoners in your seats.
Clarke gripped the armrests tightly, her knuckles white with tension, while Wells tried to maintain a facade of calm despite the worry etched into his features.
Abruptly Wells broke the silence speaking to Clarke as the ship continued its descent, “Clarke, there's something I have to tell you. I'm sorry I got your father arrested.”
Just as turbulence around you reached its peak, Clarke's voice cut through the ship, sharp and accusing. "Don't you talk about my father, Wells!" she spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "If it weren't for you, my father would still be alive!"
Wells flinched at her words, his expression pained. "Please, I can't die knowing that you hate me," he shot back, his voice tinged with regret. "You know that."
Their argument filled the compartment, adding to the already palpable discomfort as the drop ship hurtled towards its destination.
Despite the chaos around you, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of the challenges you would face on Earth.
Wells reached out and squeezed your hand, his eyes locking with yours in silent reassurance. "We can do this," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos around you.
And as the drop ship hurtled towards the surface of Earth, you couldn't help but wonder what awaited you below.
With a final jolt that sent a shockwave through your body, the drop ship touched down on the planet's surface, kicking up a cloud of dirt that enveloped the vessel in the patch valley on earth.
**On the Ark**
The sterile walls of your mother's room felt suffocating as she laid out her plan, her expression grave and determined. She spoke with a fervent intensity, her eyes shining with determination as she sat in front of you.
"Our society is facing a crisis unlike any we have seen before,” she began, her voice echoing off the metal walls of the cramped quarters. "The Ark can't sustain us much longer. We need to find a solution, and we need to find it now."
You listened in silence, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to comprehend the magnitude of what she was proposing. To be sent to Earth, the very planet that had been deemed uninhabitable for generations, was a death sentence. And yet, there was a glimmer of hope in your mother's eyes,
“We have no choice," she Diana declared, her steely gaze boring into yours. "You must be the one to lead this mission. To sacrifice yourself for the greater good."
You shook your head weakly, "You're asking too much. I can't...”
“I know it's a lot to ask, but you are the only one who can do this for me. You must get arrested and be sent to Earth.”
Her words hung heavy in the air, and you felt the weight of your mother's expectations bearing down on you. To be the one to leave the safety of the Ark, to journey to Earth.
“I can't”
She gripped your shoulders firmly , her nails digging into your shoulders. “You can, and you will. Think of the legacy you will leave behind, the hero who saved humanity from extinction.”
You jerked away from her. "I don't care about glory, Mom! I care about..." you faltered, emotions choking your voice.
Her eyes darkened. “About what y/n? About your own selfish desires? This is bigger than you. This is about the future of our people, about ensuring that generations to come will have a chance to live.”
You stared at the floor, despair and frustration simmering within your body. "There must be another way..."
"There is no other way," she interjected harshly. "Either you accept this mission, or you condemn us all to oblivion."
You finally met her piercing gaze again, anger inside your chest. "And if I refuse? What then? Will you cast your only daughter out like garbage?"
“Refusal is not an option y/n.” she snapped at you, struck by your defiance.
"But why me?" you finally managed to ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Diana's expression softened, a mixture of pride and sadness crossing her features. "Because you're the bravest person I know," she replied, her voice catching in her throat.
"Because you have the strength and the intelligence to succeed where others have failed.” She lifted your chin gently. “Because... because I believe in you."
Her words stirred something deep within your soul. Despite the fear and uncertainty gnawing at your insides, you knew that your mother was right.
“You don't have a choice, my dear. You are my daughter, and you will do as I say. You will accept this mission, or you will be condemning our family to death.”
"I'll do it," you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside you. "I'll go to Earth."
Diana reached out, taking your hand in hers, her grip tight with determination. "Thank you, my child," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're the best hope we have."
Squaring your jaw, you gave her a single firm nod.
Consciousness slowly seeps back into your mind, you find yourself disoriented, the lingering effects of the drop ship's bumpy descent still echoing in your senses.
Blinking away the haze, you realize you're still strapped into your seat, the unfamiliar restraints digging into your skin.
Pushing yourself upright, you glance around the compartment, noting the absence of your fellow travelers. Panic grips your chest as you realize they must have already disembarked, leaving you behind.
With a sense of urgency, you unstrap yourself and stumble to your feet, swaying slightly as you brace yourself against the nearest surface. The drop ship is eerily quiet now, the only sound the faint hum of the engines as they slowly wind down.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you make your way to the ladder that leads down to the first floor. The sound of your rings clanging off the metal of the bars.
You jump off the ladder searching the crowd for any familiar faces when your eyes catch sight of someone unexpected—a guard stationed at the door, his gaze fixed on the approaching delinquents.
Despite the disorder unfolding around him, he remains calm and composed, a striking figure amidst the turmoil.
For a moment, time seems to stand still as you lock eyes with the guard, his presence commanding your attention in a way you can't quite explain. There's something magnetic about him, something that draws you in despite never seeing him.
You begin to push through the crowd, your eyes catch sight of the guard speaking to a raven-haired girl by the doors. Their exchange is terse, tension simmering just beneath the surface as they trade words.
Clarke's voice rang out in warning from her place in the crowd, her concern evident as she spoke. "No, we can’t just open the doors.” She continues, “stop! The air could be toxic."
The guard dismissed her concerns breezily, his confidence unwavering, “If the air is toxic, we’re all dead anyway.”
“Do you mind? I haven’t seen my brother in a year.” The raven-haired girl snaps back at Clarke, her words sharp with frustration
A ripple of dissent passes through the crowd as the delinquents anonymously challenge her claim, “No one has a brother!”
“That’s Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor," someone explained.
The pressure threatens to escalate as the delinquents continue to pitch in, but the guard intervenes, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos,
“Octavia. Octavia no. Let’s give them something else to remember you by,” he says as he smiles at his younger sister.
Reluctantly, the raven-haired girl nods, her defiance tempered by the realization that she has little choice but to comply. “Yeah, like what?” she bites back.
The guard's voice swelled with pride. “Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years.”
Octavia considered this for a second, the gears turning in her head as she headed to the door with a determined stride, her hand outstretched as she prepares to step onto the unknown surface below.
The crowd watches in silence, holding their breath, the girl's boots makes contact with the ground. For a moment, nothing happens, the world holding its breath in anticipation.
“We’re back bitches!” Octavia exclaims, sending a ripple of relief through the crowd.
You're greeted by the sight of your fellow delinquents racing ahead as your feet touch solid ground, their figures disappearing into the distance.
You and Wells climb down from the top of the dropship while you both discuss the concerning state of the wires atop the Ark, Clarke approaches with urgency etched into her features.
“We got problems. The communications system is dead. We went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires.” You remark, voice tinged with worry.
Clarke wastes no time in redirecting the focus to their immediate priority. "Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather," she asserts, her voice resolute as she gestures to the map spread out before them.
"See? Look. This is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive."
You exchange a glance with Wells, a knot of worry tightening in your stomach at Clarke's words.
Wells, though concerned about the malfunctioning communications system, is quick to acknowledge the urgency of Clarke's point. "Where'd you learn to do that? Your father," he muses.
Jasper, ever the optimist, interjects with a lighthearted remark, eager to lighten the mood despite the gravity of their situation. "Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer," he quips, a hint of humor in his voice.
"It's not about beers, Jasper," you say with a wry smile, trying to inject some levity into the conversation. "It's about survival." You admired his positive attitude in such unfortunate circumstances.
Wells, however, remains focused on the task at hand, his expression serious as he turns back to Clarke. "You mind?" he asks, seeking permission to take a closer look at the map and join in the planning for their journey to Mount Weather.
Before you can respond, Bellamy Blake inserts himself into the conversation with his characteristic rudeness. "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" he challenges, his tone dripping with skepticism.
Wells, undeterred by Bellamy's hostility, presses on. "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority."
Clarke, however, refuses to be drawn into their petty squabbles, ending their fight.
"Do you think we care who's in charge?" she retorts, her voice cutting through the tension. "We need to get to Mount Weather because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be."
Bellamy, ever the provocateur, offers his own suggestion with a sneer. "I got a better idea. You three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."
Without a second thought, you step forward, closing the distance between you and Bellamy until you're mere inches from his face.
"Privileged? You think we're privileged?" you shoot back, your voice sharp with indignation. "We're all in this together, Bellamy. Every single one of us has to do our part if we want to survive."
Bellamy's sneer only fuels your anger. "We're alive. That’s what matters, that not good enough for you?" he retorts, his tone dripping with disdain.
"You have a better idea, Bellamy? Or are you just too afraid to get your hands dirty?" you retort, your voice laced with equal parts anger and defiance.
The tension between you crackles like electricity, the heat of your argument fueling an unexpected and undeniable attraction.
In spite of the gravity of your situation, there's a palpable energy between you that neither of you can ignore.
Bellamy's jaw tightens, his gaze challenging. "You think you know what's necessary? You think you're the one in charge here?" he scoffs.
Before your argument can escalate further, a voice interrupts from above. "Enough!" Finn's commanding tone cuts off your voice as he jumps down from the dropship, his presence immediately shifting the dynamic.
Clarke steps in, her voice firm. "We don't have time for this, Bellamy. Finn's y/n's right. We need to focus on finding Mount Weather."
Wells nods in agreement. "Let's get moving. The longer we wait, the harder this'll be."
Jasper, ever the optimist, chimes in. "I'm with you guys. Let's find that place and get some answers."
Your group ventured deeper into the unfamiliar woods, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer vastness of nature surrounding you.
Towering trees stretched their branches towards the sky, their leaves filtering the sunlight to create dappled patterns on the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of earth and pine, and the sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves filled your ears.
Clarke led the way, her eyes scanning the underbrush for any signs of danger as finn followed closely behind. Jasper and Octavia walked side by side, their laughter and banter breaking the quiet of the forest.
"You know, I've never seen anything like this," you remark, taking in the scenery with wide eyes. "It's like something out of a storybook."
Monty nods in agreement, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's amazing, isn't it? I never thought I'd get to see something like this."
As you continue along the winding path, you stumble upon a picturesque lake nestled among the trees. Its surface glimmered in the sunlight, inviting and serene.
Octavia's eyes light up at the sight, and before anyone can stop her, she's stripping off her clothes and diving into the cool, clear water.
“Octavia what the hell are you doing?”
You watch in awe as Octavia swims gracefully through the lake, her movements fluid and effortless. She's like a mermaid, ethereal and otherworldly in her beauty.
The water around her glistened in the sunlight as she continued to glide in the Lake.
But your admiration is short-lived as a sudden commotion erupts from the water. “Oh… Octavia, get out of the water! Get out of the water now!” Jasper screams from beside you, you run towards the edge contemplating jumping in. Octavia's joyful laughter turns to screams of terror as a snake slithers out from the underbrush and strikes at her.
Without hesitation, Jasper springs into action, leaping down the rocks to reach Octavia's side. You watch in horror as he runs to save Octavia from its grasp.
"Jasper, be careful!" you shout, your heart pounding in your chest as you scramble down the rocks to join them.
Jasper focused solely on the task at hand, his face a mask of determination. With a final, desperate push, the group manages to push a boulder into the other side of the clear water, sending the serpent away from Octavia, it’s large figure slithering back into the water.
You rush to Octavia's side, helping Jasper pull her out of the lake and checking her for injuries. She's shaken but barely harmed, thanks to Jasper's quick thinking and bravery.
"Thank you, Jasper," Octavia says, her voice trembling with emotion. "You saved my life."
Jasper smiles weakly, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Just doing what anyone would do," he replies, his gaze never leaving Octavia's face.
"Note to self, next time, save the girl."
** On the Ark**
The air in your room on the Ark feels heavy with tension as you watch your mother enter. Without a word, she fixates on you with a piercing intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
Diana's expression is dark as she strides towards you, her movements calculated and precise.
There's a fire in her eyes, a dangerous spark that sends a shiver down your spine. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The daughter who thinks she knows better than her own mother."
"Mom, what's wrong? Why are you here?"
"Why am I here? Why do you think y/n? Because of you, that's why."
You recoiled at the venom in her words, the accusation hanging heavy in the air between you. "Because of me? What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's because of you that I've been removed from the council." She continues.
“It's because of your disobedience, your insolence, that I've been removed from the Council."
"Mom, please, you know I would never intentionally hurt you," you plead, your voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Her voice rises with each word, a crescendo of rage and frustration that threatens to consume you whole. You shrink back, feeling like a small, insignificant creature in the face of her wrath.
"Oh, I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. You think you're so clever, so independent, but you're nothing but a fool. A foolish child who thinks she knows better than her own mother."
You feel the sting of tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. You refuse to give her the satisfaction of seeing you break.
“You've always resented me, haven't you? Resented the fact that. I'm more powerful, more influential than you could ever hope to be." Her words cut through the silence like a knife, each syllable dripping with scorn and resentment.
"That's not true!” You feel frustration and anger bubbling up inside you. "I'm not responsible for your mistakes, Mom. You brought this upon yourself."
"Don't make me laugh. You've always been jealous of me, jealous of my success, my power. And now you've finally gotten what you wanted, haven't you? You've finally managed to bring me down. Just like your father."
The mention of your father's name sends a pang of sadness through you as Diana's jaw clenches, her fists tightening at her sides. "You've always been so quick to shift the blame onto others. "
Her accusations hung in the air, poisoning the space between you as you struggled to find the words to defend yourself.
"He would never have wanted things to end up like this," you retort, your voice tinged with sorrow.
Diana's expression softens for a moment, a flicker of regret crossing her features. But then, just as quickly, it's replaced by a steely resolve. "It doesn't matter now.”
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The 100 Masterlist
this is just a remake, all of my old Bellamy Blake x Reader are discontinued because I am making a brand-new fic, everyone has seemed to find my work overtime and it feels wrong to not make new the 100 based work.
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Diana Sydney's daughter is sent to the ground with 99 other delinquents. While her mother schemes for power and destruction aboard the Ark, y/n must navigate the harsh realities of survival on the ground. As she confronts her own trauma and struggles to define her morality in the face of chaos, she grapples with the ultimate question: Will she rise above her past and choose the path of goodness, or will her mother's influence shape her destiny and lead her down a darker path?
Season 1
Part  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6.5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
Edge Of Exile
Bellamy Blake x Reader
As the ark struggles to establish a new home on Earth, Y/N, a prisoner from flint station seems to be the only one who can save them from themselves. the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous power struggle that threatens to tear the community apart. Faced with betrayal, deceit, and factions vying for control, Y/N must navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and rivalries.
parts - prologue,  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
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In the Bunker
will come come back to finish this
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The Other Side
John Murphy x Reader
A grounder marked as a spy for the commander is tasked with the case of gathering intel on a group of survivors that fell from the sky. Falling for a member of this foreign group leads the clan into bloodshed.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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bellamysgriffin · 2 years
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CLARKE GRIFFIN WEEK 2022 ⇢ DAY 3: Favorite Friendship 
If we have a soul, yours isn’t cracked. You’re a good person. Maybe the best I know.
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lunarswrld · 10 months
some good fics on ao3 about the 100
the naked truth (a bellarke fic set in a modern au where they become roommates)
devil side (another bellarke fic but this time it's a bird box au)
children of the barricade (a short and sad one shot)
the one where max is a traitor (a short series of fics that have modern bellarke fluff)
lovely orbiting (a zombie apocalypse au focused on murphy and raven)
into the anomaly (a time travel/fix it fic where the minds of the 100 get sent back to the first day they landed on earth)
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justinewt · 4 months
We Survive Together - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-Four
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: After Jasper and Clarke showed up at the cave with an unconscious Raven, literally possessed by Alie. They desperately attempt to save their friend as she cruelly taunts them, manipulated by the AI. Bellamy is the target of one of her mockings and the name of Michelle is mentionned, of course, as well as the complicated status of their relationship.
Words: 7k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (episode 11 "Nevermore"), title from a quote from Monty to Octavia in Nevermore, mention of su1c1de attempt, blood, dislocated bone, some fluff
Now that Pike had been turned in, the blockade around Arkadia could be lifted and the group returned to the cave where Sinclair and the rest of them was still waiting. As they walked back Monty had received a call from Jasper who had to flee the after Jaha took control of the camp with the keys, he was giving out to everyone and the promise of a life without pain and a ticket straight to the City of Light. The people there had turned into mindless zombies and that made Michelle lose all desire to accept the damn key. She would rather live with both mental and physical pain than lose her free will. At the cave, they tried to understand what it was all about.
“I don’t understand it, either. Something about those chips.” Monty was as puzzled as them regarding was happening in Arkadia. If it was really that unsafe, retrieving her jacket from Bellamy’s room would have to wait. She was still wearing her father’s and it wasn’t exactly her priority anyway. Arms crossed, she stood next to her peer and Sinclair.
“We’ll know soon enough. Be ready.” The latter concluded. Indeed, they had to wait for Jasper to get to them before deciding what they were going to do next. Near the fire, Octavia sprang up and started packing up her things in her little bag. Bellamy walked up to her, trying to make her slow down. He was understandably worried about her going out right now.
“You can’t just leave.”
“Watch me.”
“You heard what Jasper said on the radio.”
“What Jasper said sounds insane.” She argued, getting impatient and annoyed with all this discussion. “Pike’s gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead.”
“I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?”
“You don’t get to ask me that.”
“What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?”
“Bring Lincoln back.” He went silent and stared into the void as she walked past him. She turned around before exiting the cave. Michelle avoided looking directly at him, not wanting Octavia to drag her into their argument if she thought she was feeling bad for her brother, but Michelle saw from the corner of her eyes that he was hurting over this feud with his sister. “Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong.”
“The Grounders were starving us out.” He frowned, turning around to face her. Michelle closed her eyes, sighing quietly. There was still some work to be done to get him to see Pike was never doing the right thing.
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us.”
“That army could have attacked us at any time, and you know it.”
“But they didn’t attack. You did that. You were hurting, and you lashed out, because that’s what you do. There are consequences, Bel. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe’s dead. Lincoln is dead.” She spoke in a calmer manner but any less strong and accusatory, looking her brother straight in the eyes. On those words, she left. Seeing Bellamy go after her, Michelle pondered whether to follow him out there, but she figured Octavia wouldn’t stop to have another conversation with him. Her step was determined, and she was set on leaving on her own. At the entrance to the cave, Nate, Bryan and Harper stood guard. Bellamy and Michelle barely took a few steps when the headlights of a car dazzled them. Jasper and Clarke had reached them. Even Octavia stopped in her tracks upon hearing the engine. When Clarke got off the vehicle and walked down the path to the cave, she stopped to stare at Bellamy and Michelle. She probably wondered why he looked so beat up. Jasper then came out shouting, asking for help. He was carrying an unconscious Raven in his arms.
“We have to get her inside before she wakes up!” Bellamy rushed to them, asking if they were followed but Jasper glanced around, having no idea. The latter gave him Raven while Nate sent his boyfriend to the ridge to tell them if he spotted anyone in the area. They all walked back inside the cave and as Octavia was about to go back on her way, Clarke called her to join them, and she came.
“Clear some space.” At Clarke’s request, Sinclair put some things away near the fire and Bellamy put her down.
“I told you on the radio, Raven is not Raven anymore.” Jasper repeated. “None of them are. Jaha’s been chipping everyone.”
“Jasper’s right. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Clarke added, confirming his statements.
“I don’t need your help, all right?” He suddenly got all worked up when Clarke spoke up, supporting his statements, pointing his finger at her. Michelle frowned in confusion before remembering that she was the one that caused Maya’s death at Mount Weather after she pulled that lever, letting all the air from the outside get in, with all the radiation that it involved.
“Just take it easy and explain.” Bellamy grabbed his shoulder, making Jasper look at him.
“Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, Alie. Only, she’s not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists.” Michelle closed her eyes for a second, looking away upon hearing this, letting out a heavy but silent breath. She didn't want everyone to look at her because she got triggered. Instinctively, she brought her arms closer to her body, holding her hand. She herself had attempted to take her own life back when she was in solitary confinement. She literally had no memory of how it happened; she just had this scar for the rest of her life. Her brain had somehow blacked out the whole thing. Realizing Bellamy was looking at her, she let her arms fall to her sides and resumed her composure. She had never really told him about this and when they got intimate a few months ago, he never asked about it. “She was trying to get out of her head. I was trying to help her but—”
“Okay, so let’s help her now.” Sinclair stood up. “Did she say how?”
“She was working on building something. She needed one of her old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them.”
“Wait a second.” Clarke chimed in, pulling out something from her pocket. She had a little rectangle in between her fingers, and it shared an odd resemblance to Jaha’s key. “Does it look like this?”
“Not exactly.” While he answered, Michelle noticed Raven roll her head and open her eyes, staring at the chip.
“Guys, she’s awake.” Right as Michelle warned them, Raven jumped on her feet with a grunt and tried to make a run for it, punching Michelle in the face when she got in her way, trying to stop her. She fell to the ground, bringing a hand to her face, wincing while the others ran after her. Sinclair helped her up and they joined the others outside. All holding Raven in place while she struggled like an enraged beast.
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will Allie.” Jasper said.
As she approached, Michelle wiped some blood from the corner of her lips. Raven let out a shout when Bellamy injected her in the neck with a leftover reaper stick. This was the last dose they had but it sent her back to sleep, giving them more time to figure something out. 
“We have to go.”
“Why? Alie doesn’t know where we are.” Bellamy asked, turning his head to Clarke.
“Because I know where we can get a wristband.” All eyes were on her. They quickly got into the car, with an unconscious Raven in the back with the others, and Sinclair and Monty in the front, and drove to the little trading post in the middle of the woods where Michelle, Bellamy, and Kane had encountered this Grounder when they were looking for Clarke a few weeks ago. The very woman they had met was standing in front of the post, a machete in her hand. In the dark of the car, with only the headlights at the front shining brightly ahead of them, Michelle, Clarke, and Bellamy looked out the windshield. “I’ll talk to her.”
“We’ll go with you.” Bellamy then said and the blonde nodded at them while they followed suit. Octavia kicked the backdoor open and let them hop out of the vehicle.
“I thought you said she was a friend.”
“We’ll handle it. Just stay here.” While she went back in the car, the trio walked down the path to the trading post and the woman recognized her, warning her that Skaikru wasn’t welcomed. Michelle wondered if she knew Clarke’s name as she referred to her as Wanheda still. Her behavior seemed to confuse Clarke just as much. “Niylah, what’s wrong?”
“She’s waking up. Hurry! Let’s get her inside.” They looked back as they heard Sinclair’s voice raise in urgency. They didn’t have much time to waste if they wanted to stay away from ALIE. If Raven saw her surroundings, she would find them and they would be in great danger, with not many other places to go hide. And they couldn’t hide forever either. Their only option was for this Niylah to let them in her home for the time being and they were off a bad start. They were playing big here. Sinclair was already carrying Raven outside. Clarke turned back to the grounder.
“Is your father here?” She enquired.
“My father’s dead.” Her face tensed up and she frowned. “Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you.”
“Niylah, please.” While she tried to beg her, Michelle glanced at Bellamy from the corner of her eyes. The flames of the torches outside the post reflecting in his eyes as he looked down in shame or guilt, or maybe both, over what he and Pike had done. She was happy to see him question and doubt his previous actions. If he could open his eyes to his mistakes, he could move forward and do better next time. Her thoughts were quickly pushed in a corner of her mind when after Niylah said no to Clarke’s request, he raised his gun towards her.
“We haven’t got time for this. Move.” He made her step aside and at first, Michelle wanted to step in and make him lower his weapon but seeing Clarke do nothing, she followed her example and stayed quiet while he urged Sinclair to get Raven inside. They put her in the backroom and Clarke got something to tie her up with. They walked through the trading post to the living space. It was dark and dimly lit, with only a few rays of moonlight peeking through the blinds.
“Tie her to the bed.” Clarke said as Sinclair lied her down. Raven had now woken up and she grunted, struggling against him. She wiggled, throwing her legs around, trying to kick them and free herself. She took off her blindfold and stopped moving, looking around her but unless she walked outside, she would never be able to tell ALIE where she was. And this was for the better.
“Where the hell am I?” She shouted, getting aggressive again so they hurried to tie her up. They were the 7 of them trying to hold her down and even then, they were somehow struggling because she was so fierce. Michelle was really disturbed by the rawness of her screams which turned into deep growls really, and it made her uneasy, but she tightens her grasp on her leg while they eventually managed to tie her up, but she still wasn’t calming down. She was dead set on getting out of there and telling their location to ALIE. She sounded and looked like she was possessed, and, in a way, she was. Once they were done, they left the room. Bellamy had stayed with Niylah near the entrance, holding her at gunpoint. Raven was being so loud, shouting at the top of her lungs, they could hear her as if they were in the bedroom with the rest of them. Even without being close to Raven, Michelle could hear her peer’s pain in the depths of her voice, behind all the mind control thing.
“How the hell do we get that thing out of her head?” Clarke wondered, frowning in concern.
“Working on it.” She nodded at Monty and stepped away along with Michelle, while they still heard Raven shouting, ordering them to untie her. The two best friends walked up to Niylah and Bellamy.
“I got this.” Letting go of his gun, the handle hanging across his shoulders, he awkwardly went from crossing his arms to putting a hand in Michelle’s back to invite her to step away with him, back to crossing his arms, as if he wasn’t sure whether he should be tactile with her. She had made it clear that even though she still cared for him, she didn’t know how to feel about him. She hated being torn over him. Her feelings for him were very much real and strong, and she wanted to forgive him, but after seeing how mad and upset Octavia was, she didn’t feel like she could forgive him just yet. She stared at him from the corner of her eyes as they walked away, closer to Sinclair and Monty but without actually joining the two of them, and they stood in silence, listening to bribes of Clarke’s conversation with Niylah, glancing at the two women every now and then. When Clarke came closer to the grounder, Michelle watched Bellamy approach a piece of furniture to hear them better.
“Trust you. After what Skaikru did?” She gritted her teeth.
“That wasn’t us.” This sparked confusion in Niylah’s eyes. “I’m sorry about your father. We all are.” As she spoke, she looked over her shoulder, peeking at Bellamy who looked away, uncomfortable. As time went on, he was becoming more aware of his mistakes, or so Michelle hoped.
“What do you want from me, Clarke?” Her tone was much more poised and less aggressive.
“Last time I was here, you had one of our wristbands. We need it now to save out friend.”
“And why should I help you?”
“Because I know you won’t let an innocent girl suffer.” And she had right here and there. Niylah glanced at Bellamy and Michelle, looking at her from behind Clarke. She told her to stay here and left through the front door to go get the wristband. Clarke turned around. “You okay?”
“Fine.” Bellamy was staring at the door as he nodded, unwilling to open about what he might be feeling at the moment. Clarke had noticed her best friend’s uneasiness since she stepped out of the bedroom. She was now arms crossed over her chest; she just gave her a nod in turn. These were some complicated times. A moment later, Niylah returned with the wristband they wanted. The group went to another room and Clarke put the object down on the table in front of them.
“Niylah said we can work in here. So how do we do this?” Monty picked it up to look at it from up closewhile Sinclair spoke. Bellamy and Michelle were both standing by Clarke, arms still crossed, quiet.
“We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant.” He scoffed, blown away by the young woman’s smartness.
“Meaning what?” At Bellamy’s enquiry, Clarke and Michelle looked over their shoulders for a second.
“A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chip’s circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven’s own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input, and attach a battery.”
“But what would that do to her?” Clarke asked.
“EMPs don’t affect our bodies. But I don’t know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain.”
“This was Raven’s plan. She wouldn’t do it if it was gonna destroy her brain.” Bellamy noted, exchanging a glance with the two young women again. Octavia came into the room.
“Depends how bad she wanted it out.”
“Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk.” Sinclair pursued.
“Where do we get one?” Michelle wondered.
“The Ark.” That was a bummer. From what Clarke and Jasper had told them at the cave, it was hell back there. “Every station had a pulsed inductive thruste for maneuvering.”
“Arkadia’s out of the question.” Bellamy stepped forward, voicing Michelle’s thoughts. “It’s too dangerous, you heard them.”
“We use the dropship.” Their eyes shifted to Monty. “It has PI thrusters like the Ark.”
“That’s good. Okay, I’ll go salvage the magnet.” Monty stopped him, urging Raven’s mentor to remain with the girl and try to figure how out how they were going to make this thing work. Octavia stepped in, offering to go with him and he agreed. Bellamy looked over at his sister but pursed his lips. When he parted them, about to say something, Octavia warned him not to and she departed from the trading post with their peer.
“Guys!” When they heard Jasper call out to them from the bedroom, all three of them came running. Raven was trying to reach for the knots of her restraint to undo them and the first thing Michelle saw was her dislocated shoulder but what made her take a step back while the others rushed to her side to stop her from hurting herself any further, was the blood dripping from her wrist, soaking her bandage. It immidietaly brought the girl back to the darkest moment of her life, back when she was still in solitary confinement, and she tried taking a deep breath. She had to look away and stumbled as her head started feeling light. She kept ignoring her friends when the urged her to stop fighting and in the midst of all her growling, still fiercely struggling against them, she glared at Michelle with a smirk, her jaw clenched and teeth showing, like an enraged animal. She didn’t have time to say anything to her, Michelle instantly walked out of the room, gathering all her strength to make it outside where she just leaned over a barrel, the flame of a torch crackling and twisting in the slight breeze. The forest around her was plunged in the dark. She couldn't see more than a few feet ahead of her, and she let her gaze wander into this immensity. The trees seemed to melt into one imposing mass, and it was frightening. Only then did she also realize that she had gone out unarmed, and if someone came now, she was screwed, but it didn't matter; she really needed some peace and fresh air. She turned back towards the building and dropped to the ground with a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment. Her heart was racing, and her head had gone from being light to spinning but as she took control of her breathing, she managed to calm down. 
She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps nearby. Bellamy was standing right there, concern on his face. She could tell he was hesitating to approach her.
“What? Are you gonna stand there forever?” She taunted, quietly. Her face was impassive as she stared at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. He eventually sat down next to her, and they stayed there in silence for a hot minute. She wasn’t looking at him, but she felt his gaze on her, especially on the nervous movements of her hands. He lifted his hand and gently went to grab her wrist. Her hand froze, as right there under the sleeve of her jacket was her scar. There was doubt that made its way in her mind, unsure if she had already even just mentioned this episode to him. Clarke knew about all this, obviously, but with everything that had happened, she couldn't remember who else she had talked about it with. Very few people most likely.
“You okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She released her wrist from his grip and only realized afterwards that her gesture had been curt. She didn't want to make him feel like she was pushing him away when he made the first step towards her. Letting out a sigh as she rubbed her hand, she tried to move the conversation away from her moment of weakness. “Are Jasper and Clarke still with Raven?”
“We’re taking turns watching her. Clarke’s in there with her right now.”
“She stopped trying to hurt herself?” The image of the latter’s wrists bleeding through her bandages flashed before her eyes and her eyelids twitched and she looked away, trying to keep it cool. He then explained to her what Alie was after. The Commander's chip that Clarke had.  But of course, if Raven died, Alie would never ever get it, so she stopped fighting them and let them help her. The whole situation was just so nerve-wracking and odd. Michelle would maybe take a turn watching her, if she didn’t try to open her wounds again because she wouldn’t be able to handle that sight again. She didn’t normally have a fear of blood, but it was because of the nature of the wounds from which the blood was dripping. It was the fact that it was bringing back this dark and painful memory. Eventually, Bellamy encouraged her to come back inside and, getting up, he gave her a hand, which she didn’t hold onto for very long once she was on her feet. She entered the trading post first. Inside, it was rather silent. It was a change from Raven's incessant screaming. Jasper was in a dark corner of the room, sulking. Michelle and Bellamy were leaning against a table when they heard Clarke shout in pain and the two bursted into the room. Raven had a trickle of blood running down her chin, staining her lips.
“You’re done, Alie, you hear me? We’re gonna fry you!” She yelled in her face, letting it all out and Bellamy wrapped his arm around her, dragging her out of there. This look in her eyes was haunting. She joined her friends in the main room and Michelle took it upon her to take care of Clarke’s bite wound. She didn’t have her medical knowledge, but it was basic care. She carefully wrapped a clean cloth around her forearm after cleaning it. Clarke’s voice was quiet but the shame that pierced through it was loud. “I let her get to me.”
“You don’t say. She got to me without even saying a word.” Clarke was looking at her, her eyebrows furrowed, perturbed, and worried, both for herself, and for Michelle as well. She had noticed that she seemed agitated earlier. The two of them could see through the other. It had always been like this between them. That was how close-knit they were since they were babies. Michelle was staring down at what she was doing, avoiding her friend’s gaze but she looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Bellamy’s.
“You two take a break. I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” Michelle let her eyes wander and cross his and he nodded to them before walking away. She stayed still, feeling Clarke staring at her.
“Please, don’t say anything.” She let out a chuckle, the corner of her lips rising despite herself. The blonde parted her lips, about to say something when Jasper’s bitterly interrupted her.
“Truth hurts, huh?” He was still mad, and understandably, over Maya’s death at Mount Weather and he blamed Clarke for it, because she triggered the opening of all doors to the facility, killing every mountain person inside. Michelle couldn’t say anything on this, she never knew his girlfriend beside talking to her over the radio when Bellamy was infiltrated in Mount Weather. And she couldn’t be mad at Clarke for causing the death of those people because, if she hadn’t done it, she would probably not have made it out of there, as the scientists were about to drill full force into her leg and other limbs until they had sucked all the marrowbone out of her.  
“I’m sorry.” She sounded distressed. “I never wanted to hurt Maya… I had to save our people.”
“I was going to save everyone.” He cried out, his voice shaking from the anger and grief. Michelle stayed where she was and watched.
“I wish you could’ve.”
“Shove your regret up your ass.” He was pursing his lips, containing his tears, and walked away, nudging her with his shoulder. Once he was gone, Michelle came closer to her friend, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Maya didn’t deserve to die, but… if you hadn’t done at the right time, they would have killed me, and every one of us, one after the other.”
“I couldn’t let them kill any of you, especially you, Michelle. You’re my sister.” She gave her a sad smile and they embraced each other. There it was the actual reunion of the two childhood best friends after months of being apart. This was the moment they needed together. They had always been each other’s ride or die, and would be until the end of time, or until death did them apart. They then went to see Sinclair as he worked on the device to help Raven, trying to comfort him in his task. The poor man only had the young mechanic left, and he was afraid to ruin her bright mind, but they had to believe it would work. They had to have some hope. The quiet was disrupted by Jasper shouting at Raven not to speak about Maya and a second later, they saw him walk out of the room after Bellamy encouraged him to do so. As Raven, or Alie, said; yes, they had all lost someone, but Jasper had been shattered by Maya’s death and had lost all hope. He wasn’t dealing with it well, but it wasn’t something to blame him for. Everyone handled grief and trauma differently, for Michelle, she had realized that she kept to herself a lot and repeatedly pushed people away to avoid facing her feelings. She had done it with her dad and Bellamy, and at some point, she had even lost the complicity she had with Clarke. And she was barely patching things up with Bellamy. Silent, she was thinking, lending an ear to Alie talking in the room next door, trying to get to Octavia’s brother as well.
“We’ve had our fun together.” Her taunting and enticing tone bothered Michelle, or maybe was it that she insinuated that they had slept together in the past. She didn’t like feeling jealousy over something that wasn’t really meant by Raven. She would never bring it up. This only reinforced in her mind the fact that she genuinely wanted to get back what she once shared with Bellamy.
“We don’t have to talk about it. Usually not much to talk about, anyway. But I do have one question. Does it bother you that you don’t get any credit for the genocide at Mount Weather? Clarke gets to be the Commander of Death, but you murdered all these people, too, and you’re just forgotten. Then again… You didn’t get any credit for the culling on the Ark, either. How many people suffocated when you threw away my radio? You know, at least Clarke was saving her own people. You were just saving your own ass. Of course, that’s nothing… compared to killing your own mom. You just had to take little sister to her first dance. You might as well have just shoved Aurora out of the airlock yourself. Do you think she would be proud of you now? For the kind of leader, you’ve become? Or would she see the truth like the rest of us do? That you’re a follower. Clarke’s been back for one day and you’re already taking orders. A good, little knight by his queen’s side. Sure, it’s not just you… There’s Michelle, the good, little soldier. Clarke’s one true follower.” Clarke and Michelle exchanged a glance, listening in silence. She wasn’t bothered by the way she was being talked about. She had always been very much aware of her role by Clarke’s side, that she would follow her through hell and back. She was a thinker and in her mom’s fashion, a strategical one. She didn’t want a decision-making role to befall her. It was up to Clarke.
“Too bad you were never as devoted to Gina as you were to Clarke, or Michelle. Ah, the soldier… Does the little knight like the good soldier?? Too bad she was still not over Murphy. You were too late to the party. She didn’t want you anymore. The only man she needed was her dear daddy.” Michelle’s heart sank as she kept talking about her to Bellamy, calling both of them out for the way their relationship had turned out until now. But she wasn’t exactly right. It wasn’t that she didn’t want him anymore. What she got right was that at the time, her romance with Murphy was still too fresh and she wasn’t over him yet when she started something with Bellamy.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bellamy said in a whisper.
“Don’t worry about Gina, she was already dead when Mount Weather blew up.” She rose the tone of her voice, talking loudly through the small property. “And you avenged her, right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us. That had nothing to do with blowing sweet Gina to bits or getting rejected by dear Michelle.” As she kept rambling, Michelle, Clarke, and Jasper saw Niylah suddenly stand up and speewalk towards the bedroom. The three of them ran after her. They came in the moment Niylah slapped Bellamy across the face. Clarke called out to her.
“Niylah. You can’t be in here.”
“It’s too late.” Jasper chimed in. “Raven’s already seen her. Alie knows we’re here.”
Michelle watched Bellamy storm out. She didn’t go with him right away and let Niylah follow him outside. From behind the door, she heard him grunt and kick one of the barrels. When he apologised for what he had participated in doing, she wasn’t phased by his excuses, but she didn’t burst out in anger. Michelle was looking through the doorway, and a faint light shone on his face. In a way, even though Niylah didn't care about his excuses, she appreciated seeing the guilt in his eyes. It means Pike's influence was gone this time, and she could help him get back on the right path. Before he could say anything else to try and help his case, they heard engines in the background, and she saw the headlights from the rover as Monty and Octavia came back. Michelle walked out with Jasper while Niylah went back inside.
“What happened?” Bellamy enquired after Monty walked straight to the trading post without stopping or looking at either of them. He was preoccupied by something. In fact, Alie was now aware of where they were, but she somehow had learned about their night trip to the dropship and there, Monty had to kill his own mother to save Octavia’s life. They all rushed inside. It was time to free Raven from Alie. Gathered around the bed, Sinclair put down his machine, giving out the instructions. As they connected her to it, she began moving her arms around, grunting. They struggled to hold her still. Michelle jumped when Raven began to violently hit her head to the metal headboard. She turned her back to her. As Bellamy then stated, their friend was once again trying to kill herself.
“Stop it! Stop. And I’ll give you this.” Clarke pulled out the small box containing the Commander’s chip. It was just enough to get her to stop fighting and Bellamy snatched the box, and they resumed connecting her to the device made by Sinclair while Raven yelled at her for lying. She tried begging them not to do it, claiming the EMP would greatly damage her brain, but they had to do it. It was their last resort to free her from Alie, whether it worked or not. They didn’t have much of a choice. Michelle watched the scene, standing still next to Clarke. Monty then activated the machine, but nothing happened.
“What’s happening?” Jasper enquired.
“Nothing. We need more power.” Sinclair declared. “The battery’s not strong enough.”
“Well, then get one that is.” Clarke asked, pressed. Michelle was frowning, kind of looking away, thinking until she got an idea, and it seemed like Monty thought of the same thing. They spoke simultaneously.
“The Rover.” Raven grunted louder and Bellamy urged Sinclair to hold the young woman as she tried to hit her head against the headboard again. Monty and Bellamy ran outside to get the car’s battery. Everyone got startled when they heard a shot ring outside and they all looked towards the door, wondering what was going on.
“Guys, we have to move!” Bellamy pushed for them to be quicker, and Sinclair proceeded to connect the machines to Raven with a bunch of cables. He then pressed the button again and the young mechanic screamed at the top of her lungs before her body suddenly relaxed and she stopped moving. They looked at each other in worry and Clarke put two fingers up to a neck to check for her pulse.
“She’s breathing.” She concluded, relieved. They tried to call out to her and wake her up, but the girl remained unconscious, quickly replacing their relief with a new wave of worry. Michelle had her arms crossed, kind of wrapped around her torso as she watched, concerned. It didn't matter if she wasn't friends with Raven, she was still hoping the latter would turn out okay. They didn’t have much time to get out of there until Alie’s zombie army would get to them now that they knew where the group had found refuge but at least, Raven was out of the woods. It was a bummer that the only thing surrounding them right now were just that, woods. And they weren’t out of it just yet.
A few minutes later, Clarke and Octavia were leaning over Raven, desperately trying to wake her up, while Jasper nonchalantly paced back and forth around the room, and Michelle was leaning against the wall, right in front of Bellamy. He knew full well that she had heard what Alie had said to him a moment before; the latter had spoken loudly on purpose, and neither he nor the pseudo-soldier dared look each other straight in the eyes, glancing sideways when the other was looking elsewhere. Michelle sighed silently, tightening her grip on her arm, still with her arms crossed. She hoped the two of them would have a moment to talk about whatever was going on between them. Maybe she should have taken the lead and taken a step towards him too when he came to see her outside. Instead, she once again kept her feelings and thoughts to herself and changed the subject. She hated that she kept doing it. Her eyes wandered and followed Jasper as he walked around the bed. She frowned slightly, wondering what he was doing as he came behind Clarke and snatched the box with the chip, along with a metal bar. This made Michelle straighten up, letting her arms fall to her sides.
“What are you doing?” Clarke spun around. Jace put down the chip on a table, ready to smash it. She took a step towards him, distressed and she tried to take it away from him. “No, you can’t. Give it back.”
“Alie did that to Raven. She’s never gonna get this!” He yelled, raising the bar above his head.
“Don’t! It’s Lexa.” She cried out, her face twisting with sadness. Everyone stood there, looking at her, not getting her meaning. “Part of her is still in there. I saw them cut it out of her head. I’m not…”
“What is it?” Bellamy queried after Clarke stopped talking.
“Both of the AIs were made by the same person. Both tap into human consciousness. They must work similarly, right?” She asked, turning to Sinclair.
“Well, there’s probably only one pathway to consciousness, so it’s possible, yeah.”
“What does this have to do with anything?” Octavia shook her head, not understanding. Clarke walked back to Raven’s side.
“I’ve seen an AI removed before. Help me get her on her side.” Bellamy approached, helping them move Raven. Clarke asked for the medkit in her bag and Michelle went to get it for her while she pushed Raven’s hair away from her neck. She went through her medical tools and pulled out a small scalpel, making a small cut at the nape of her neck. The trickle of blood becoming thicker as blood dripped from the cut. She put a cloth underneath. A second later, something started flowing out and Michelle frowned.
“What is that?” She asked, taking the words out of Bellamy's mouth.
“It must be whatever’s left of the chip.” Sinclair said. Once it was out, Raven coughed, coming back to her senses. She winced at the pain caused by the open wound. They helped her up.
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see someone in pain.” Octavia laughed. All was well, for now. Michelle saw Jasper give back the chip to Clarke, mumbling something to her and stepping away.
“I could have saved my mother.” Michelle turned to Monty who was staring into the void. She was reminded how he had had to kill his own mother to save Octavia’s life and she felt for him. She didn’t kill her mother but someone else did and that thought that she could have saved her if she hadn’t been sent to the ground, it had been haunting her ever since that one Unity Day where she had refused to talk to her mother when she had the chance. It was already too late when she felt like it, her mother was already dead in the bombing on the Ark. But Michelle blamed herself for getting arrested. If only she had known, she would have stuck by her mom’s side and, even if she couldn’t save her, she would have been able to say goodbye and be by her side as she was dying. Instead, she only learned of her death when Kane and Abby landed in that lake. She remembered how she was so overwhelmed by anger and grief, she had lashed out on Kane, blaming him for what happened. But now she could admit to herself that it wasn’t anyone’s fault, though she still felt like she somehow caused it. She was taken out of her contemplation when Monty rose his voice at Jasper, telling him to get away from him before storming out of the room.
“Alie knows we’re here. We gotta move.” Bellamy spoke, with a serious tone, very fitting given the situation. While Sinclair took care of carrying Raven, they followed Bellamy outside the trading post. The others went straight to the car and Michelle and Bellamy stood in the open. None of them really knew what to say in the moment but Michelle eventually turned to him, and they looked at each other. The tension was palpable. They both wanted to take a step towards the other, but it was as if there was an invisible force that froze them in place. She was the first one to make a move, grabbing his bandaged hand after he got hurt. He watched her do so, wrapping his fingers around her hand, both strongly and gently. This gesture makes her step closer, but she didn’t look up at him. Clarke was still inside, and they would only set off in a couple of minutes, so she took the opportunity to open up a bit.
“She was right. I mean, when Alie said that I wasn’t over Murphy. But it’s… it’s not that I didn’t want you.” She said in a sigh, as it was somehow incredibly hard to say outloud. “I’m sorry. It’s gonna take a while to patch things up, but I want you to know I don’t hate you. I can’t.”
“I know. I’m sorry too.” He spoke in a soft voice as she proceeded to take off the bandage. It wasn’t as bad of a wound as when Michelle almost got her hand sliced in half. He would be fine. That was the moment Clarke decided to show up. Michelle took a step back, letting go of Bellamy’s hand when she heard their friend. The later glanced at the wound.
“You’ll recover.”
“Will I? What do you do when you realize… you might not be the good guy?” A silence fell upon them for a moment until Clarke spoke up.
“Maybe there are no good guys.” They looked at each other. Maybe she was right. Maybe there were no good guys. Maybe they were all the villain in someone else’s story. The world wasn’t all black and white. The grey areas were the toughest ones to navigate. Clarke gazed at her best friend and Bellamy, with a sparkle in her eyes. She knew something was up and seeing Michelle literally hold his hand was a dead give away.
The Rover was maneuvered back into the direction of departure on the path and Sinclair and Octavia helped Raven into the car. The trio approached them.
“Why did Alie want you to kill yourself?” Clarke enquired.
“Because I know why she wants a second AI.”
“Why?” Her eyes shifted to Bellamy.
“It’s the only thing that can stop her.”
“Then let’s stop her.” Octavia declared. “We survive together.”
[To be continued…]  
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Published (02/02/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64 @mirellef2001
6 notes · View notes
bellarkeselection · 1 year
Can you do a John Murphy x reader like they were best friends since 6 on the ark and they have really good sense of humor and Murphy is always making the reader laugh and the reader is always making Murphy laugh and one day they go in to the woods with Octavia and they get lost from the drop ship and they see Lincoln which helps them and the the camp has a Bon fire and then Murphy confesses to like the reader who likes him back and the they date sorry that a lot
Hi I don't write for Murphy. I only write for these characters - sorry 😢
Bellamy Blake - ( female x reader only )
Marcus Kane - (father/friend only)
Clarke Griffin - (Sibling/friend only)
Abby Griffin (mother/friend/mentor only)
Octavia Blake - (Friends/siblings only)
Raven Reyes (friends only)
27 notes · View notes
grapejuiceblueshs · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rockstar Clarke Griffin AI is eating I fear
16 notes · View notes
superxkorra · 8 months
Dealing with a lot of things at the moment: the start of my third year of uni with a heavy workload, writers block, my debilitating autoimmune diseases, etc. But, I'm working on a fic that doesn't fall into any of my usual fandoms: Captain Carter and Natasha Romanoff. It's far into the works, but it's coming along slowly.
After this fic is edited and published, I will work on my Supercorp series, then I'll chip away at some of my Ranya stories.
Are there any prompts you want to see in line with my Supercorp or Ranya series? I'm open to suggestions and hearing what you want to read.
Thanks for everyone's support. - KJ
9 notes · View notes
alannacouture · 1 year
Chapter 6 is up! (I’m insanely grateful for the support everyone has been giving me, it’s really amazing. 💖)
27 notes · View notes
kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
October 13: What Happened in the Cemetery
Loooool anyway, I was working (painstakingly!) on my Troped Horror Exchange fic and then I wrote this bit of Utter Nonsense. I don't... I don't know, I literally wrote it in less than 20 minutes with no pre-planning at all.
I think it's in the same universe as Sail Away With Someone's Daughter but honestly... up to you. Whatever.
Murphy, Miller, Raven, and Kane, very minor Murven, ~800 words
For the prompt: "Until you tell me exactly what happened here, we’re not leaving this cemetery" from this list of Autumn/Halloween prompts.
“Until you tell me exactly what happened here, we’re not leaving this cemetery.”
Murphy looks to his right, to Miller, then to his left toward Raven. They each meet his eye, and dammit he's wishing they hadn't, because now the three of them look some inept teenage conspiracy.
"Well you see, Mr. Kane--" he starts, in his best check-out-how-innocent-I-am voice. Because he is who he is, it comes out more like a deadpan, sarcastic drawl. Did he have any backup plan for the inevitability that he would get caught, by Mayoral candidate Marcus Kane, in the Arcadia Cemetery at 11:30 PM on Halloween night, in any state, let alone this particular state?
No. Obviously not.
His hands are covered in charcoal and there's a collection of stolen items on the grave of a poor woman who died in 1932.
He catches sight of the chalky black film on his own palms, and belatedly, uselessly, hides them behind his back. He can practically hear the cartoon-whoosh and see the little drawn-in curls of wind, like he's in a wacky old-school Mickey Mouse short or something, the gesture is so stupidly obvious and quick.
Mr. Kane glances down, and, even later to the party than he is, Miller shoves his hands in his jacket pockets and Raven crosses her arms against her chest.
"Just a prank--" Miller says, into that drawn out blank space Murphy left for him, when his own frantic brainstorm of lies got caught in his throat, and unfortunately Raven hits the same beat as well.
Her answer is: "Fame and fortune."
They're giving future-Mayor-of-Arcadia Marcus Kane whiplash. His eyes narrow. He lets his gaze jump from one guilty wide-eyed face to the next.
A better question might be why he's traipsing through the cemetery at near midnight on the spookiest night of the year, Murphy thinks, but Kane's the one asking the questions here, young man.
"A prank for fame and fortune," he repeats, slowly. All the skepticism in the world in his voice.
"For the band," Murphy clarifies. "Fame and fortune for the band. It's a… magic spell sort of thing."
"We got it off the Internet," Raven adds.
About-to-win-by-a-landslide practically-Mayor Kane glances at the stolen goods again: some gold jewelry all tangled up with itself and a postcard of the Eiffel Tower, torn at the edge.
"Maybe you could come to one of our shows sometime," Miller says. The silence is so heavy with confusion, or maybe it's dread, or just awkwardness, and there's a crow or something cawing in one of the bare-limbed trees, it's like he's gotta say something or someone will just combust. Murphy shifts his weight between his feet and listens to the leaves crunching beneath his combat boots.
"Then you'll see why we need the…" Raven gestures, then immediately remembers her hands, and hides them again in the pockets of her patched-up jeans. Murphy fucking loves those jeans. He'd like them better on his floor etc., etc., but Raven always fobs him off with talk of band-cest and other excuses. Then she flirts with him at practice so sometimes the signals are a little mixed.
Murphy forces himself to stop staring at her profile out of the corner of his eyes, tilts his head back to catch De Facto Mayor Kane's eye, and asks, "Do you like punk rock, Sir?"
He looks like he wants to scream.
Instead, he passes his hand over his face, heavy and exhausted--if this were that cartoon again, he'd drag his whole visage down as if his skin had the elasticity of a rubber band--then shakes his head, like he's bringing all the blood back to it. "Just get out," he says.
"Sorry, Sir?" Murphy asks, all innocence.
"I said, clean this stuff up and get out," Kane repeats. "And don't let me find you here again."
Miller salutes, and Murphy answers, "You got it, Sir."
On the way out, Raven puts her hand in his back pocket and he tells himself maybe the Internet was right about something--maybe there is magic out here and maybe all the fame and money in the world are coming for them next.
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vmplvr1977 · 3 months
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Chapter 20 is posted!! Read it here.
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hd-junglebook · 4 months
Edge of Exile
part 1
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Following episode 9 Unity Day of the 100
You were escorted from your cell. The guard fixing you with a stern look as you both walk the all-too-familiar route away from maximum security.
"Don't cause any more trouble," he warns. you simply nod, too overwhelmed with anticipation to respond.
You were led through the halls to Mecha Station. The guard ushering you toward a small but cozy room. "Home sweet home," he says gruffly before departing.
You step inside the new room, making faces at his back as he walks away. This room was so different from your drafty, sterile cell in Prison Station. This space feels lived in. The desk was the same, your photos and colorful blankets placed neatly inside the room already.
The medium sized window that adorned one of the walls adding some natural scenery, just missing your drawings and paintings, each one a reflection of your innermost thoughts and emotions.
Your first week of freedom went better than you would have imagined.
At first, you were skeptical of his offer. Everyone knew how Jaha led - with an iron fist. You had witnessed his disregard for human life firsthand when he floated most of your friends. But his deal was your only chance to get out of that cell.
The work itself felt good. Kept your hands and mind busy, and finally able to use the skills that had been useless in your cell. The engineers even valued your input, unlike the guards who had tossed you in confinement.
These full, simple days of freedom were all anyone could wish for after surviving isolation. Every morning you reminded yourself to be thankful for this second chance, even if you didn't fully trust the man who had granted it.
Kane had only visited twice your release. Your stubbornness kept you from speaking, a trait you most definitely adopted from being around him so long. But no matter how much you tried pretending he didn’t exist anymore, he had always tried to be by your side.
You found it so hard to hate him. Even now when you think about it. They had placed you in indefinite lockup instead of death, if it were anyone else you would have been floated with the rest.
A soft knock sounded from your door, vibrating through the thin walls, waking you from your deep sleep. Bleary-eyed, you approached the door to find your grandmother standing there in the dimly lit corridor.
"Vera? What are you doing here so late?” you state, head lolling to the side.
She stepped inside, a small smile appearing on her lips. "I'm sorry to wake you, y/n. I couldn’t sleep but there’s something I wanted to ask you."
A look of confusion spreads across your face as you extend your hand, gesturing for her to sit at the small table as you shook off sleep. "What is it?"
"It's about your uncle, Kane."
You sighed, "What about him?" your voice came out harsher than intended as you crossed your arms, unwilling to yield. "You don't know what he put me through."
"You're right, I don't," she conceded softly. "But I know you. And I know holding onto bitterness will destroy the bright, brave girl I love."
“I won’t be alive for long. He's still family. His burden is heavy too. Will you at least try, for your old Grandma's sake?”
You let out a long breath, feeling your heart crack open despite yourself. You nodded reluctantly. Where Kane and you would end up, only time would tell.
Sadness filled her eyes. "Resentment will only poison your spirit, child. What's done is done. But you still have a choice - let go of the anger, or let it define you."
It was Unity Day, and the entire Ark was celebrating, minus you and the few engineers working to get the last three stations fixed up.
You had gotten to work the moment you woke up, Vera’s words still circling your mind. Sinclair had been first to join you, meeting in the remnants of flint station, helping you figure out the repairs for the damage.
Together, you both had spent hours poring over the manual, checking, and rechecking each step to make sure everything was done correctly.
Both of you taking turns going on breaks and grabbing snacks you had stolen from the eating hall, but for the most part, you were both fully focused on the task at hand.
The temperature in the room rose as well, making your work even more challenging. The air conditioning had been broken for weeks in flint station as if the mounting pressure of work wasn't enough.
You and Sinclair had pushed through it, determined to see this done.
The heat was stifling as you both crawled through the tight utility space, searching for the wiring short that was causing power fluctuations in Mecha Station. Rivulets of sweat dripped down your back.
"Phew, it's boiling in here," you complained, pushing past another bundle of wires. "Couldn't they have put in some AC?"
Sinclair chuckled. "Unfortunately for you y/n, the Ark wasn't built with comfort in mind. But don't worry, we're almost there."
You grumbled good-naturedly as he shuffled forward. your toolkit banging against the metal walls, the sound echoing in the tight space.
"Watch out for that junction box," Sinclair warned over his shoulder. You looked to the side and saw the hazard just in time and pivoted awkwardly around it.
"Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn't want to get zapped in here."
You reached the problem spot - a bundle of fraying wires with melted insulation. Sinclair gave a satisfied nod. "Just needs some fresh wraps and it'll be good as new."
As you both worked, Sinclair made quiet small talk, telling stories about past repairs and close calls he had with a coworker of his, Raven Reyes.
His calm expertise putting you at ease.
After another 30 minutes, all your hard, sweaty work paid off as you finally heard the hum of the machines coming back to life.
Packing up the tools, Sinclair nervously smiled at you. "You did great work today. With some more training, you'll make an excellent mechanic."
Pride swelled in your chest at the praise as you fanned yourself off from the heat. "Does this mean I get to do the fun zero-G jobs next?" you said jokingly.
He laughed heartily. "Maybe not just yet. But you've got a bright future ahead. Now let's get out of this sauna."
Grinning, you followed him out, grateful for his patience. Both of you let out a sigh of relief as you collapsed into a chair, exhausted, still drenched in sweat, sharing a fist bump before you stood and headed to the hallway to catch your breath, the sound of music and chatter filled the air.
The hallways decorated in banners and streamers recycled from the previous Unity Day adorned the walls.
Your thoughts were interrupted as you remembered that you needed to find Kane and your grandma before getting back to work.
"fuck," you whispered to yourself, speed walking down the hall.
you turned a corner, eyes on the floor glancing at the confetti when you were jolted out of your thoughts as a blonde lady bumped into you, causing you to stumble backwards.
"Oof!" you gasped.
Quickly regaining your balance as you looked up to see who had collided with you. It was Diana Sydney.
Diana looked at you with a mix of surprise and annoyance, her mouth pinched into a thin line before quickly brushing past you and disappearing down the hall.
"Excuse me!" You called after her, irritation flaring. "You just ran right into me!"
She paused and half-turned, eyes scanning right through you with her dark eyes. "Did I?" she murmured dreamily before whisking away again.
You stood there rubbing your left shoulder where she had hit you, stunned by her complete lack of courtesy. "Unbelievable," you muttered under your breath.
You couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about her reaction.
You had never met her before, but you had heard all the stories from your uncle about their shared time on the council.
You quickly made your way through the rest of the halls, passing by Jaha speaking to the citizens on the Ark and the delinquents on the ground through a broadcast.
His voice was firm as he spoke, pausing every so often to look at the faces in the crowd, stating that the ark would be sending down reinforcements within the next 3 days.
Just when you were about to give up your search, you spotted both Kane and your grandma off to the side of the room in the middle of a conversation.
Kane brushing off his mother’s request, about to walk away leaving Vera to stand alone to watch the unity speech.
Your heart ached at the sight, you couldn't understand why Kane would leave her like that.
You walked faster, almost in front of them when all of a sudden your thoughts were drowned out by a deafening boom as an enormous explosion rocked the station.
Your body lifted off the ground, a flying piece of metal stabbing your leg as you crashed to the floor. You felt a jolt of pain as your head smacked onto the surface, and everything went black.
When you came to, a groan escaped your lips, your whole body aching in pain from the fall. You look around to find yourself lying on the cold, hard surface of the floor. The footsteps vibrating on your face and muffled voices nearby.
You tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through your head and you fell back down. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you struggled to move, your ears ringing and your vision blurry.
The feeling of wetness pooled on your thigh, a gasp escaping your lips when you looked down to examine your leg.
A gash stretched across the area above your knee. Your nose wrinkling in disgust at the sight of your thigh jaggedly cut open.
With trembling hands you ripped off your sleeves to tie around your leg. Pain shot through your body in ripples the tighter you made the knot.
Shouts and screams all around you, the smell of smoke and burning filling your nostrils, panic set in as you frantically looked around, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
It took a second for you to even understand how you ended up in this situation, how did this happen.
The chaos around you seemed to intensify as you looked around, noticing the number of people panicking, some of them injured and bleeding. The ground was littered with debris and shattered glass, and the walls were crumbling from the force of the explosion.
You spotted your grandmother lying on the floor impaled by a jagged piece of metal, your heart began to race, eyes widening at the sight of her blood pooling beneath her. The sight of Kane leaning over her, his voice trembling as he recited the Travelers Blessing.
"In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next,” he whispered, his eyes filled with tears. “Safe passage on your travels until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again," Kane said, spending his mother’s last moment comforting her.
Pushing down the swirling panic in your stomach, you focused only on putting one foot in front of the other. You couldn’t look at her anymore. The adrenaline dulling the pain coming from your gash slightly.
You limped forward slowly, the bodies of council members greeting you as they lay motionless on the ground. There were four of them, all of them unconscious.
Jaha approached from your side, concern etched on his face.
"Y/n! Are you alright?" he asked urgently.
"I - I think so," you stammered back, disoriented.
Kane stood from his place on the ground, closing vera’s eyes and coming over to where you stood with Jaha.
“You need to get out of here, they tried to kill you,” Kane said to him, voice shaking with fear and adrenaline.
“Do you realize it was Diana who tried to kill you, she’s the only one not here.” Jaha looked at you with a grave expression.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, looking to both you and Kane with urgency, “First priority is getting survivors to safety. Then we stop them before they cause any more harm” he said. “We have to lock down the ark.”
“Kane find Diana.”
The adrenaline was pumping through your veins as you and Kane walked down the dimly lit hallways, the sound of your footsteps echoing off the metal walls. The air was thick with smoke, making it difficult to see and breathe.
Four skilled ark guards following in the rear behind Jaha, their weapons at the ready. Diana’s followers were not to be underestimated, they were fighting for their cause and would do anything to escape.
After what felt like an eternity, you reached the end of the hallway where the exodus ship was docked.
The doors were sealed shut, the guards and Kane charged towards the door, using all their strength to break it down. To no avail, the door didn’t budge. Jaha begged Diana not to do this.
You spotted a long metal pry bar lying nearby and snatched it up.
"Use this!" You called, passing the bar to the nearest guard. He wedged it into the seam between the doors, the muscles in his arms bulging as he heaved with all his strength.  They worked together, pushing with everything they had but it wasn’t enough.
Jaha persisted attempting to talk Diana down, “Diana, please! You don't want to be remembered like this!” The desperation clear in his voice.
“I won't be because you brought this on yourself, Jaha. You promised the people truth, and all you gave them were lies!”
Jaha paled in response, “You had me shot! You detonated a bomb in a public meeting, killing six innocent people, and now you want to kill everyone on this space station to satisfy your ego?”
Diana smirked, looking back to her followers “He is still lying to your face. There aren't enough dropships to get everyone to the ground.”
The men shared a look, Red deciding to break the ranks and save himself and sprinted forward, before anyone could react. Just out of your grasp, he had slipped through the open doors and seized the controls.
With a grinding screech, the massive doors began sliding closed, causing the dropship to begin its launch.
Sinclair began pleading with Jaha, his breathing heavy. “ Sir, we have to go right now! Everybody out! Get back behind the containment doors. Go, go, go! Please, sir.”
The ship was pitch black and the air was thick and heavy, causing sweat to bead on your skin despite the cool air lightly blowing around the halls. In the distance, a shuffling noise came from behind you.
Your heart rate quickened as you turned around, but there was no one there. But then, you heard it again, this time, it was closer. You strained your eyes, trying to make out any movement in the shadows.
The sound of footsteps bounced off the walls, slow and deliberate, as if whoever was making them was trying to be quiet. You tried to tell yourself that it was just your imagination, but the footsteps grew louder and closer.
Just as you were about to scream, a hand landed on your shoulder. You jumped and let out a gasp, as a familiar voice started to speak. “It's just me, Kane,” he said, his voice low and calm.
You let out a sigh of relief and turned to face him, thankful to see he was okay. In the faint light, you could see his tall figure looming over you on the floor.
“Can you stand up?' Kane asked, concern written on his face, the blood from your soaking the white fabric of your sleeves. You nodded yes and grabbed Kane's hand to stand up.
“We should look for everyone else,” he said, breaking the eerie silence. “We have to find Jaha.”
You nodded in agreement, relieved to have a goal in this unknown darkness.
Kane kept a steady hand under your arm while you slowly made your way down the hallway, leg throbbing with every step you took.
You both rounded a corner, stopping in the middle of the hallway as you stifled a groan when a spike of pain shot through your leg. Kane paused, his brow creased in concern. "Just a little farther," he encouraged.
You nodded, biting your lip as he continued walking you forward. The hall was eerily silent, a sudden clanging rang out, followed by a loud curse. You jumped abruptly, exchanging startled glances with Kane, heading forward to investigate the noise.
There on the floor was Wick, his arm caught in a doorway, tools scattered at his feet. He looked up at you in dismay. He was in a state of panic, his eyes wild with fear as he struggled to free himself.
"A little help here?" Wick pleaded, still trying in vain to free himself.
Kane sighed and moved to examine Wick's predicament. "What happened?"
"I was trying to override the door panel when it decided to eat my arm!" Wick explained in exasperation.
"What the hell happened, anyway?" wick said distracting himself while you and Kane use an axe to try and open the door.
Kane had a somber look on his face when he replied, "We were betrayed. Councilor Sydney... she took the Exodus ship by force. The damage to the Ark was catastrophic."
Wicks face turned in disgust, "What a bitch! You know, my mom voted for her."
You bit back an amused smile at the absurd situation despite the pain you were in. Only Wick could get into such a mess.
Once freed, Wick shook our hands gratefully. "I owe you both. Let’s look for everyone else."
With your leg burning in pain, you decided to separate and venture back to the med bay, you knew that they would be able to handle themselves and you were useless until you patched up your leg.
You could feel the warmth of the dark blood soaking through your pants, and you knew that you needed to find a safe place to tend to your wounds.
You hobbled through the wreckage of the ship, pushing the doors to the infirmary open.
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just started reading a princess mechanic fic about them falling in love on the ground before they came to earth and it was soooooo good but i finished chapter 4 and it was done. and i was like okay, hasn't been updated, maybe it's recent???
nine years ago
it was so good 😭😭😭😭
(every time this happens, my sould dies)
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ofsinnersandsaints · 3 months
return the favor
rating: E word count: 3654 one shot - part of the "till you came (along)" series long summary short: Raven goes to Murphy's office to give him a blow job, which turns into face fucking
Murphy was stressed, and he didn’t handle stress well.
As the clock ticked closer to lunch – which he was probably going to have to work through - he was already mentally picking out an expensive restaurant for his assistant Harper and her husband to go to. His version of an apology after he’d already snapped at her half a dozen times.
She was a good person, and for some reason she had yet to throw something at him and quit, so the least he could do was make up for being an asshole.
He bought the gift card and emailed it to Harper and then pulled up the motion he needed to finish in the next hour. After a moment he found where he’d left off, then his office phone rang, as did his cellphone. And as if he needed to be kicked while he was down, his computer dinged with a new email.
“For fuck’s sake.”
Maybe he should quit his job and become a bank robber, he’d be a great bank robber.
The knock at his door lit a fuse he knew had been sparking for the last hour.
“What?” he barked.
But instead of an answer, the door opened, and Raven walked in.
He just stared at her as she closed the door behind her, seemingly unaffected by what Harper called his King of the Assholes tone. “Bad day?” she asked as she dropped her purse on the couch.
It had been two weeks since he’d fucked them both senseless on his kitchen table. He was torn between bronzing the furniture and throwing it out because every time he walked past it he got hard as steel. They had texted here and there, he liked to suggest new ways he could fuck her, and she liked to pretend she was unaffected.
He’d called her once after a shit day where he had to make sure crappy parents didn’t get custody of their kid back, and she’d been just as angry as he had been about the whole thing.
Now she was standing in his office, wearing what he figured was her work clothes – a tank top and loose jeans – with her hair down. “Raven?” he asked, like a fucking moron because they both knew it was her.
“You never told me what time your lunch was,” she pointed out as she walked towards him. “But I figured noon was as good a time as any.”
He’d been so stressed, and so surprised at her sudden presence, it took a moment for everything to click into place for him.
His cock immediately perked up at the idea, but he wasn’t about to assume anything. “If you’re not here to give me a blow job, I should warn you I’m in a shit mood and I’m not likely to respond nicely.”
Her lips broadened in a smile, fresh red lipstick slick on her lips, and the fact she had put that on before coming to him was a weird turn on.
“It’s a good thing I came by to make your day better.”
“Fuck yeah, it is.” Murphy’s eyes watched her as she walked towards his desk, and the moment she came around to his side her gaze dropped to his crotch where he was already palming his erection through his pants. She had turned his mood around so quickly he had a little bit of whiplash, “You’re about to make my entire week.”
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frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
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Bellamy Blake doesn’t consider himself an important man, but he’s always had a destiny: to marry the glamorous beauty Echo de Winter, and take over his father’s business. And that’s fine. It’s not his passion, but it’s…fine.
Until down-to-earth artist Clarke moves in across the hall from him, and turns his entire life upside down.
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